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For more infomation >> Pop Latino Mix 2017 - Pop En Español Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee, CNCO, Zinon & Lennox, Yandel, Nacho - Duration: 1:02:32.-------------------------------------------
Latino Rommantico - Latin Love Hits - Bachatas 2017 - Baladas Romanticas - Duration: 1:00:54.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Fiesta 2017 - Luis Fonsi, CNCO, Wisin, Daddy Yankee - Estrenos 2017 Reggaeton Mix - Duration: 1:04:19.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
JaloconH & Pálido - Hoy no hay rave - Duration: 4:24.
『Toeto』- Megurine luka (cover) - Duration: 3:31.
MMD |Yandere Simulator Vine Compilation 3#| (Ft Gasai Yuno and Hatsune Miku) - Duration: 4:06.
Seat Arosa 1.0i - Duration: 1:00.
Steuertipps: Steuerlicher Erfassungsbogen - Personengesellschaft Teil3 - Duration: 15:34.
MABAR Lost Saga Bersama Ahox #1 - Duration: 1:00:00.
Tax Savings From An Education Loan - Duration: 8:11.
Education loans help you bridge the shortfall in your savings for higher education. You get tax benefits too
When you raise a loan to get admission for your higher studies i.e any study after the 12th is considered higher studies.
You get a tax deduction for the interest payment you make on this loan. It doesn't give you any benefit for return of principal
The relevant section is Section 80E
There is no upper limit for the tax deduction. There are upper limit to education loans
Distinction between higher studies in India and abroad
Interest for that loan for studies is eligible for tax deduction
You get tax deduction on the actual repayment of the interest.
Loan must be obtained from a bank or a financial institution or a charitable trust. Loans from relatives doesn't qualify
It is the student who should be paying since he will earning by the end of the moratorium and can start paying from his income
After the moratorium, the student typically starts earning and can get a tax deduction from his or her income
In most cases, it is better from the tax planning point of view that the children repay the loan
Cười không nhặt được mồm ║ Những pha chơi ngu hài hước bá đạo nhất - P6 - Duration: 14:24.
How to Get 1000 Followers on Twitter For Free Instantly!! Get Twitter Followers Fast - Duration: 3:03.
Hello Friends
how to increase Followers on Twitter
So lets Start
This is my Twitter Account
Now i have zero followers
First you have to go to google play store
And download app
Link is in the description
Volkswagen Golf 1.6 Sportline / Automaat - Duration: 1:03.
How to download full version Bandicam May 2017[no virus] Jak pobrać pełną wersje Bandicam Maj 2017 - Duration: 2:01.
Hello :) today i show u how to download and install full version of bandicam. Do what i do / Czesc dzis zobaczysz jak pobrac pełna wersje bandicam. Rob to co ja :)
U must download winrar to unpack folder with bandicam. Choose the right version for your computer and install it. LINK TO DOWNLOAD IN THE DESCRIPTION / Musisz pobrac program winrar. Wybierz własciwą wersje odpowiadającą twojemu komputerowi pobierz i zainstaluj. LINK W OPISIE
Next step is download program. LINK TO DOWNLOAD IN THE DESCRIPTION / Nastepnym krokiem bedzie pobranie programu. LINK W OPISIE
Next open the download folder and unpack on deskop / Następnie otwieramy pobrany folder w programie winrar i wypakujemy wszystkie pliki na pulpit.
How to Download Bully Anniversary edition on Android - Duration: 4:56.
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Hey what's up guys welcome back to the
Gamers PowerHouse Youtube channel in this
video we will see how to download and
install bully anniversary edition in our
Android device and if you are new on
this channel please hit down the
Subscribe button and let's start so I
have given links in the video
description to download this game files
so you have to go through that link and
you will be redirected on this page
you have to scroll down click on the
download and you have to download the
latest version and for now here the
latest version is v1.1 7 so
download this apk file which is of 41 MB
and now scroll down download this game
cache file of the same version so I
have already downloaded this apk and
game cache file so let's back to the
home screen and now you have to install
the Zarchiver from Play Store and it's
free you can install it from there and
now open the Zarchiver go through your
downloaded files where you have
downloaded first install the apk
and now click on the zip file click on
extract from here select the device
memory and Android OBB and click on
extract here and wait for the process to
okay guys our extraction process is
complete let's back to the home screen
and open the game
BEING HONEST WITH YOU : I FEEL LOST. - KOREAN MOM'S CONFESSION | Family vlog ep. 107. - Duration: 23:14.
This is a heaven for me!
I need to confess to James.
How come these barbies dolls don't look like me?
I checked some dolls in Korea.
Don't look, ok?
It's a surprise.
We came to our hotel room.
Yeah. We came back from Orlando.
I didn't vlog at all.
It was just too much.
You know, me with two kids...
and.... (sigh)
Lots of stuff was happening. so..
In room delivery...
I wanna go to Korean restaurant or something.
I feel like eating some Kimbap.
or Bibimbap.
So, I will show you. This is our hotel room.
Yeah... TV, Closet? What's in there?
OK. Mirror.
Another mirror.
Bathroom.../ Yeah.
So, so... tonight.
We are gonna take a bath here.
and sleep here, ok?
I felt like eating some Korean snacks so we came to...
some Asian market.
This is a heaven for me!
Hmmm... maybe they might have
the ramen noodle that is super super spicy.
look at this, I found it.
핵 불닭볶음면 (Hot Chicken Floavored Ramen)
So, you know...
This one is the one that people have been challenging.
This one is basically
Twi... 2 times spicy. Twice spicy
And limited edition
Let's... Let's try!
And 핵 means nuclear. So, nuclear spicy.
I have been actually looking for this in my area.
And, they are not selling it.
In Washington DC, I found this.
This room is where we are gonna stay tonight.
James was supposed to come this morning.
but James called me saying that
he missed his connecting flight.
He's gonna come tomorrow morning.
So... we decided to come to our friends' house
and stay tonight rather than staying at the hotel.
Here is the butter.
I can do butter.../ You can get one of those out for us? / Yes.
OK. Just a minute. You can... I will give you a job, too. OK?
Oh! Good! Good. Now put
They are about to make some cookies.
Show mommy your measuring cups.
Good job!
Good job! Yes!
Very nice. OK. You can get the other kind of sugar.
Yay! / That's a big one.
That's a big one. Good work.
It goes super fast!
Yeah. It does!
We are just gonna wait for it to mix and mix and mix.
Making cookies.
OK. 11 will be next, huh?
Yes. And 12. / And 12 after that.
Here is 11.
I think the oven is probably ready.
Yeah. I'm ready, too. / OK
Hot. / It is hot.
It was so fun./ Hello! / Hello!
Our friend, Kyle and Marry
We're gonna have dinner!
Daddy came!
Did you miss Daddy? / Yeah./ I missed you guys.
This morning, we couldn't wake up to
go pick James up. So, James came.
One bathroom./ Came here!
How was the flight, honey? / Oh.. it was terrible. So long.
Did you guys have fun? / Yes.
I brought you some nice presents, ok?
Where is it?
It's in my bag. / in your bag? / Yeah. /OK
I will show you to you when we get home. OK? / OK.
I brought you some presents, too. OK?
We came back home finally. and...
Yuri went back to school.
Yeah. Actually, right now, she's at school.
And today is a little cloudy.
There was one thing that I didn't tell you guys about
And I kept it as a secret
even from James.
and I had to make a confession to him
when he came back. And that's....
I had an accident.
before I left for Orlando.
It was me scratching my car against
a wall of a parking lot.
I was freaking out.
So, a lot of paints came off from my car.
It looked pretty ugly, and I didn't tell James right away because
I knew that he's on a business trip and
I didn't want to disturb him, so..
After he came back, I had to tell him
OK so.. we are on our way home.
Yeah. This is not our house.
We are gonna have some lunch!
It's a Mexican restaurant.
OK. I need to...
confess to James
Honey, I have a confession to make.
Look at the car.
Look at the car.
Look at the car.
What happened?
How did you scratch it?
I was parking..
I am sorry, honey.
I'm sorry./ You don't need to be sorry.
Is it repairable?
We have to get it painted again./ Fixable?
You have to paint it again?
James and Yuri went to the restroom and
while they are their now.
We got our food!
shrimp fajita.
Lunch special.
Burrito Popeye.
He didn't really get mad. I kinda thought that he might get mad, but
he didn't.
I mean, it was an accident, what can you do, right?
And then, I uploaded a video yesterday.
and Oh My Gosh.
After I uploaded the video
The incident that Yuri said she doesn't want to be a brown girl
I sort of realized that
Maybe what I have been doing was wrong.
I will show you all the dolls that they have.
So, these are the dolls that they have.
So, these stuffed animals are very famous cartoon characters in Korea.
and this one is Pororo.
and then, his friends.
They are basically boys.
These two are still in Pororo cartoon.
They are girls.
and so...
Dasomi likes them.
and her favorite is this pink one.
and what's her name?
What's.... what's her name?
Loopy? / Yeah.
and Petty? / And Petty.
So.../ And...
Her name is Gyagya?
So, yeah. They named her Gyagya.
It's just... 아기... It's a baby.
when I had a baby,
church members brought us some gifts.
and I got this baby doll
from anonymous person
from church
We never had any
White dolls except for that baby doll
They didn't have any barbie dolls or this type of plastic dolls
until last year
Christmas, around Christmas
They got this
And then this
And this.
So, they had these three dolls
Yeah. And then, on Christmas, we got this doll from again
a church member
that we don't really know about
you know, brought some gifts so..
We never really had any... we didn't buy them
Well, because I want them to
be comfortable with their skin.
We have been talking about how she wants to have Ariel.
So... I was like... hmm..
I don't know if I should buy her Ariel.
But I mean.. You know
it wouldn't really hurt them having different kind of, different color, basically
barbie dolls
So, I bought this. When I was shopping for this,
Dasomi wanted this Rapunzel doll
So, I kinda didn't want to buy it.
Because then there are like
2 white barbie dolls and plus Tinkerbell, now there are three!
So, I didn't really comfortable about
You know, I don't wanna just say no
Just because it is a different skin color.
I'm not gonna say "Hey! I am not gonna buy this for you even though you really like it."
"Because this barbie doll is white."
So, I am like, Yeah. You know...
They can play with a lot of different
colored barbie dolls
and it's fine.
But you know... in Orlando
You guys obviously saw, Yuri was saying
She doesn't want to be a Brown girl or somthing
So, it was really shocking to me.
and I was like, "OK.... what have I done?"
Maybe it was a big mistake
that I let them have some white dolls.
At first, I was like, you know.. not that many
we have plenty of colored dolls as well.
The problem here is
not just dolls
The problem is
what they watch
Youtube and movies
So, when you watch Youtube
You know, there are a lot of kids. They are opening gift and stuff like that.
Barbie dolls and stuff
and all the Barbie dolls that they play with
are white
and also, they watch a lot of Korean cartoons
and Korean animations
and Korean kids channel as well.
and all the dolls there
are either Korean...
You know Asian...
or White
And they don't really use colored dolls.
Because they watch those things
They think that those dolls are prettier
That's how I feel. That's what I think.
Maybe I might be wrong.
But, I think that's pretty much what it is.
I don't think playing with one or two white dolls
affected them much.
I think it's more of like the whole environment.
that I put them in.
and I let them watch
why am I so light? anyway
let me be a little bit closer.
OK. so, let me be honest with you.
I also grew up playing with White dolls.
White barbie dolls
and... interestingly
I grew up in Korea.
and all the barbie dolls were white.
Why? I don't know.
but, that's what it was.
and I think I remember you know, I kinda questioned
How come these barbies don't look like me?
But... quickly I started thinking like
maybe because you know, these hair colors are prettier.
So, it's more colorful.
So, it's why these barbie dolls have this.
So, I probably started to think that
This type of skin color
eye color
or hair color
are prettier than me.
and I'm I'm also
sort of a victim of those barbie dolls
and all I knew was that.
and when I first came here.
I realized that we got to... we can have like,
these black barbie dolls
and it really amazed me
and I was happy, but
at the same time
because I grew up playing with these kind of stuff
I grew up watching Disney movies and
Ariel and Beauty and the beast
and I love them, and they are like
one of my
I like Tinker Bell. / Yeah.
Because I grew up watching those movies
and liking those characters
Obviously I influenced them
I let them watch those movies
I let them like them.
Now, I think about it
Maybe that wasn't so much a good idea.
and I am lost
I feel lost.
but, I do know that
things can still turn around
and at the end of the video that I uploaded
if you guys watched to the end
Yuri said she likes her skin color
and she told me that she wants me to have brown color as well.
So, I kinda figured that
Yuri just wanted to have the same skin color as mine.
not necessarily it's brown or yellow or whatever
I think she just wanted to have
the same skin color as mine
or maybe she wants me to have the same skin color as hers.
So that we can be same
and she likes anything same
like, when they are eating something, they have to eat the same thing
when they are eating popsicle, they have to eat the same color
They just love to do everything same
and so, I was thinking
maybe she wants us to have the same skin color.
For her, that makes sense because
she likes to do everything together.
So, why not to have the same skin color?
It's gonna be ongoing struggles for us
I know a lot of biracial kids
or multiracial kids
she will have identity crisis
and it's normal and
We can't avoid that.
but I know
I... as their mom
I really need to
make them not thinking that
they are not close... they are not beautiful or anything like that
They are beautiful and
There are some people that... they took advantage of
the time
when I uploaded the video, they were saying like
You know, they are not really that pretty actually
or dark color is not pretty.
but you know what?
I don't care about what they think.
and I think they are most beautiful kids.
to me.
and they are the most precious
things that happened in my life.
and I know I am inedequate
I'm not...
I'm not perfect.
I'm trying.
and I will probably start...
buy more black dolls
and brown dolls
for them
I'll probably just
stop buying white dolls for them and
you know, monitor what they watch on Youtube
I'll try to look for all the kids
channel that feature more of brown and black girls.
and I am gonna keep telling them they are beautiful.
Some people contacted me and they want to send something.
and I am kinda thinking that maybe I should open a p.o. box.
for maybe about a month.
so that if anybody want to
I don't know... help me out
by sending
some Black dolls or
sort of mixed hair product or whatever
that maybe can help this
this mom who...
still is struggling.
with her kids.
so, if I open p.o. box, I will let you guys know.
I might open. I might not open.
maybe... let me know if I should open
a p.o. box in the comment section.
Yeah. but it's only gonna be a temporary thing...
Probably I only open a p.o. box for about a month or so.
basically I grew up playing with white barbie dolls.
and we didn't really have Asian barbie dolls.
Also. a lot of cartoons that I watch
one of my favorite is candy.
This Candy character was
made by Japanese actually
but all the characters were Europeans
and this Candy also has Blonde curly hair.
and white skin.
That is how I grew up.
There were not many things that I could relate to...
when it comes to cartoon characters
or dolls
and I think Korean people need to change that.
Hmm... That' how I feel.
Not necessarily they should brown or black characters
I'm talking about us!
making characters
and barbie dolls
that look like Koreans
and also that would be nice
if I see more of diversity
and see more of brown and black in Korean characters and dolls as well.
but first of all, we need to make our Asian barbie dolls in Korea
and I think it's really really important.
so, I checked some dolls
that are being sold in Korea.
This is supposed to be Korean baby.
from Kongsooni which is a Korean girl cartoon
It's her sister, but I mean
as you can see. Do you think this is Korean baby?
Not at all.
The hair doesn't look Korean at all.
See.... also. There is some stuff like this.
This is Korean. This looks Korean, right? But
You see this
the hair is definitely blonde.
The hair color purple. That's fine.
Let's see.
different hair colors.
This is a Korean character. This is a Korean character as well.
but she has red hair.
and then, you see this.
Totally just white, right?
You see white dolls here as a model.
Yeah. So, as you can see
You know. Not so much a variety.
Or you don't even see much of Korean characters.
You know what I'm saying?
Mostly very pale and
has very different color hair.
which is alright. Colored hair, but
I'm talking about you know, there is no
like Asian beauty type
for little Korean girls.
So, that's what I want to say.
This one can pass as Korean.
This one.
but again, what is it? What is this?
anyway, so..
Let me wrap this up.
You know. it's hard for me actually because
They are different from me.
but at the same time.
I know I should know how to raise them right.
and I am.. I AM going to
raise them to be beautiful women
inside and out. and I want them to love themselves.
and that's my goal and I really need to do that.
and so... I know I'm going to start today
monitoring what they watch
surround them with more of colorful
colored people.
colored characters.
If you know any colored kids channel
and I want it to be very educational as well.
Yeah. Please comment down below.
and I need help.
a lot. So, I'm going to
keep updating you guys on
what I'm trying to do. what I have done
stuff like that.
Don't see. OK?
Close your eyes like this.
Don't look, ok?
It's a surprise.
Don't look.
Dasomi, are you looking?
Don't open your eyes, ok?
It's a surprise.
OK. Open your eyes.
Oh. So cu.../ Ah!!!!
It's a very special day, today.
This is... you know, never happened.
We got pretty dress.
Hey guys
welcome to part two of the Bono review
today I'll be talking about the bono and reviewing it in relation to having sex with a partner
if you're more interested in the bono as in relation to having sex with yourself or like masturbating or solo play...whatever..
you can take a look at part one, I'll put the link in the description below
trust wanna go see that video first, because I explain the unboxing of the bono
and I show in detail what comes in the package
but... just a little recap if you don't feel like watching that video
but please do it, because trust me, I give a lot of good information that will be usefull for this video as well
you get the bono
you get a vibe
you get an attachment that goes with the vibe
the vibe is rechargeable and you get the charger with it get a syringe
and I feel like "why would you get a syringe?"
please...dear lord...please...go watch part one
Solo play is all fun and games. And I had to do that for months
because I had no one to sleep with
So! Just a little disclaimer: I am talking about sex.
I am talking about sex that I have had
I'm talking about my body, my genitals
and all that fun stuff.
So if you're not interested in that, please click off right now
but, if you want to keep looking (dick facial) and watching
because I usually put the peen all over my face, and you're here for entertainment
then, lets go.
So I've been using the Bono, by myself for a couple of months now
since I got it, and I was like how am I going to review it?
with a partner, if I don't have a partner.
WELL, I now have somebody, that I am having sex with (chuckle)
and not to be too graphic, but I'm gonna explain to you what I do
and how we do it and how everything is done
so what's really great about me, is that I am okay with penetrative sex
which means I will be talking about somebody who is wearing the Bono
and penetrating their partner
and then the partner penetrating me with the Bono
so I think that that's really great cause if you're thinking about buying
this, you wanna know what your partner's gonna feel
and if you're partner's trying to buy this, cause they're going to wanna know how you're gonna feel
and how they're gonna feel
so it's a really great experience. So I'm glad I'm here
making and doing and trying doing the secc
all for you today
so, I will tell you
that you do not need to be on testosterone
and have any type of growth in your area, peen area,
to use this product,
if you do not have growth
I will tell you that the person, that I, was sleeping with
uh-has the same parts as me
but not-growth
I'm being very descriptive
but I don't, like I don't- that's as much as I'm going to give you
So for a fact I know it would work if you are not on T
lets just leave it at that! and lets go into it
ok, so I'm about to get real personal lets all sit on down
grab a little coffee, sit by the fireplace. Are you ready for this?
The first time I used it with this person
I cried.
so much.
and it was, weird because you're not supposed to cry during sex
but it was
one of the best cries I've ever had in my entire life. I am getting teary eyed
thinking about it
Why, Chase? Why
did you cry?
oo.. Give me a second. (laugh)
I cried
because it felt like.. my body.
was penetrating this person
I could FEEL their insides
Don't ask me how, I don't know.
it's a mental thing
and I think that I am finally connecting with a toy
so much on a level that I can FEEL
when it is inside a person (sniff)
other toys that I have used, even some that have a vibe
I don't feel it. I'm like, am I in you? Did it come out? I have no idea
I can Feel It when it's inside the person. And I...
It was
Honestly. Like as-as
It shouldn't be like the best day of your life is related to sex
and it shouldn't be like the best sex of your life. I don't know how to explain this
feeling but it is on my top three
of the best moments of my life because I realized that
ALL of the bottom dysphoria that I have
because I.have. A lot. And I feel like I need
to have a weiner
that is big. "big" I mean not like my peen like bigger than what I have
I have a lot of that dysphoria and I am thinking about bottom surgery
In the future, I dont have time right now
This took that away
and I promise you I'm not joking, I'm not making - doing this for views or money or anything
don't have any bottom dysphoria
at all when I am using this product. I can have fun, I can let go of everything
all of the walls that I have built over the years because I feel so insecure about my body
and.. and it's more like not like what the other person thinks cause whatever think what you want
it's more about me and what I think and how I feel about my own body
and having this on me
has completely, completely changed the way that I feel about sex
and I am excited about sex now
and I am excited to use this product
and to have this product used on me
and to incorporate other toys with it
but also incorporate this because this makes it
amazing and sex isn't about penetration all the time and I am very aware of that and I have been doing that for a long time
but the fact that my bottom dysphoria
is like completely gone- related to sex
when I am using this toy is something I never would've thought I would experienced
Even if I got bottom surgery
So if you don't know why it's so good, I did explain a lot of the features in the first video
so again, if you didn't watch that actually please go watch that, uhm.
because I do talk about how the first time I used it by myself when I was jacking it off
I cried
and the reason for that is that this guy
has a reservoir inside
where if you put something inside - by the way this is water and cornstarch
uhm because I like when it looks white because it looks like cum
and you have the peen here and you just squeeze it and it comes up
it just went all over me.. Fantastic
EH - anyways. I don't cum in the person because it's cornstarch and water, I don't wanna do that
but, when we're done, and I've cum, and they've cum
I can take off the condom, I use a condom cause it's just like way easier to clean
and I remove it, and then what do I do? I just go
and I squeeze it and it just goes on them
and that
visual. It's a visual that I never thought I could have
and feel so real that it's coming out of me
It was amazing. Anyways this is literally the best review i've given in my entire life
and it feels like the best review I will EVER give in my entire life so that's why I want you guys to make sure
that you know all of the details of this toy before you decide to buy it
and I feel like because I have experience with a lot of toys a lot of people come to me and they really wanna know
if the toys are worth it if-
some of these toys are very expensive, alright and a lot of people dont have money
but, I am gonna say this, this toy is worth every single penny
that it costs to buy this
and to ship it and to ship it to a different country
in my opinion. It's not gonna work for everyone, I can't promise that, ok I can't the EZP doesn't work for everyone
some of the things that I love, they dont work for everyone
I think that
The visual and the vibration and the looking like a Penis
and it sitting in an area that looks really great
all of those things combined just make it
the best overall experience
I will say this for me, this is not because I want a cis looking penis, I don't want to be cis, I like being trans, this is me, only me
my experience
and when I wear this I don't feel cis I don't feel like that but I understand a 100% how some people could feel that way
it makes 100% sense to me
to me it just feels like I have just found something that completes me
and it feels like the
the missing puzzle piece that would make my sex life real, and
enjoyable 100% of the time
I found it
When you get emotional because of a peen. Oh my god, me when it me
so I know I didnt explain how it works and
why it looks like this how does it even work in a harness
i'll tell you right now but like i said it's in part one
there is underwear you can buy by Transthetics
alright and they look like this and there is also a boxer version of them
these underwear have a little loop
right over here that you put your um vibe in
once the vibe is in, you put the underwear on
Now, to have sex
you just have to put this down, and you put it under here
ok and i'm telling you this is different than in the soloplay cause in the soloplay you put it over here
but when you're having sex you put it over here
Now I was VERY skeptical
that underwear would make me feel okay while I'm having sex
it doesnt even feel like I'm wearing underwear
and, the control is actually very good
um the underwear that I use here are a little too big for me they're a large I should be a medium
so what he recommends is - the owner of the company
is that you can make your own underwear and I would actually recommend doing that as well if you like.
You can buy those underwear too because they're good packing underwear for the EZP. But
if you'd like to save some money or do it your own, I would recommend doing that
I have made my own and I am very glad. I wear H&M underwear all the time, I don't like the white ones
So what I did, is I converted this underwear, here.
So you just have to sew an elastic
now, my sewing job isn't really good and I need to like redo this because
you have the secc it kind of loosens up because i'm not very good at sewing
but I will tell you you can go very hard you can go very fast
you can go slow, you can go hard and slow and fast and hard
fast and slow, hard and soft
you can do everything with this okay and even if somebody is sitting on you, that's just the one tricky part
somebody is sitting on you, you need to close your legs so that this part is between your legs
or else it's not going to work around, but that's okay
because Ifeel like that gives you a lil more UMPH
That's me thrusting by the way UMPH, to go inside. So it does work
It works when you're standing up, it works in the shower, it works doggy style, it works sideways, it works frontways
it works if you're on top it works if you're on bottom
And I do feel like I have more control with the underwear I have made because they are my size so they're a little bit smaller and
you should make them a little bit smaller because they will stretch over time, and you should wash them
um but I did use them I think three times without washing, like the actual transthetics one and they kinda
they stetched a little bit which is normal because it's fiber it's the cotton it's whatever
and that stretches
So I would recommend getting a size that maybe a little bit, like if you're in between sizes get the smaller one
Um because it will stretch. So, I asked the person for details about how it felt and if it felt "cis" and if it felt
Um, Good to have a vibe, because this vibrator is on you and it feels really good on you. Does it feel good for the person getting it?
yes it does. And this peen feels very realistic. And as somebody who has actually
been penetrated with it, so the person
used this toy, they used the underwear on me, but they also used a harness
So what's really great about this toy, is that it's very versatile. Like I am (chase noise)
You can use a harness, so this is the harness that I recommend for like any toy that you have that has a flared base
This is the spareparts Jock harness over here, I did a review on this product please take a look at the link in the
description below
you can actually put the Bono in here because the Bono does have a flare over here and keep the vibe in
because this has a little curtain over here and when
it can actually be positioned to be on you, so when the person
had sex with me
and penetrated me with the harness it worked really great and it was good stability
and they also used the underwear and that was good for them too. How did it feel for me?
hoo, so I was on top, and it felt very, very very realistic
and that's not something that i'm looking for something that's like 100% realistic but it was very
nice, because I have a lot of problems with some of these toys that are too
dense and hard like they actually hurt me in the inside. This is actually squishy
So it actually felt really good inside me
Um I've
been done when the person was on top of me, that was really good too
and I've also been done in the butt, with this
and that is - very good as well
but if you wanna know about all of my anal stuff like watch my other videos cause that's not a video for here
(sick dick flip)
So. This will work if you are having sex with ANY type of person
if they are male if they are female
if they are nonbinary if they are squiggly line
Anyone with any type of genital, that has a hole, you can stick this in them
and just letting you know this actually also feels really good when you're wearing it and kind of rubbing it on the other person's genitals
like, I FEEL IT. I don't know how to explain it I don't understand it feels like
there's something in here that's connected to my brain that's telling me that "this is your dick"
So please, like I said take a look at part one of the review it's so worth it to see because I actually demonstrate
more of the um actual squirting part of this
I show the vibe um the vibe has a lot of different settings
please dear god if you end up buying this
please try it out and let me know how you feel
like I said it's not going to work for everyone, it's not - it can't it's impossible. But I do feel like this is
I can't praise this toy enough and I know that I seem very biased maybe because
like I got to try this toy and
I didn't have sex with this one or two times, I've tried this like nine times. And every single time there's never been a disappointment ever
and it just makes me excited for sex, it makes me excited to have my body shown
I will say that if you don't shave down there and you have more hair
then you definitely don't see
the disconnect between this and your body
and I think that that's the thing that messes me up a little bit cause I trim so I do see the difference BUT
I've got a little bit of a belly and I have never been happier in my entire life to have that
because when i'm having sex with someone and if i'm like
standing up or something or like upright like that
I don't see that it's not connected to me
because I'm leaned back a little bit I lean back a little bit and my stomach hides the disconnect
so because this color is so close to my color it feels like it's me
anyways, that is all I have to say for this product. Please let me know what you think of it, and let me know what you think of this review
I feel like I need to go cry now cause I just remembered the first time that I used it and it was just such a special moment
and I
can't really have sex with people I dont connect with and this is more of a personal thing I feel like maybe I need to
have romantic feelings for someone I don't know what it is. I can have sex with someone it's just not going to be good
but i feel like
because I had such a deep connection with the person that I was sleeping with the first time I tried this
that it helped
made me feel more comfortable and more connected to the person and maybe that's why this felt like it was me
although, before I even slept with this person this did feel like it was me when jacking it off by myself
but anyways, watch part one for that. Thank you so much for watching. Please take a look at the link in the description below
if you would like to purchase this, or if you would like more information about this product
sorry there's like cum on my face now. And - uh I love you guys so much. Alright, have a great week bye
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Dynamic Panoramic Automaat - Duration: 1:06.
Πως καλύπτω την ακμή μου|How I cover my acne(English subtitles)|Elena Merry - Duration: 11:31.
My name is Elena
And today I am going to show you
how I cover my acne
Before I start this video
I would like to say that I don't believe that everybody should wear makeup
and to cover their acne
It's just something that I do
and I don't do it every single day
I do it when I want my skin to look even let's say when I have to go on a night out
If you do it every single day it's your choice
And for me it's my choice to wear makeup
Because I like makeup
But I don't think everybody
has to cover their acne
It's a personal choice
I have had acne since I was 13 and I am almost 17
It's have been almost 4 years
I use special face wash and creams that my dermatologist succested
They have helped a lot but
They said it's an age thing
They also said that I will have acne for a quite some time
I am going to show you how I cover my acne what I do before
I cover my acne
and all the process
so let's start
Let's start
My face is very well washed
I used a scrub because I wanted to clean my pores very well and to remove the dead skin
I have also moisturize my skin with a moisturizer
The moisturizer that I used I got it especially for my skin from the pharmacy
And it's from Frezyderm
And it's the acne norm
It's very light on the skin
and I believe it's very good for problematic skin
because when you have acne you tend to have oily skin and you need
and you need a moisturizer that's very light on the skin
Now I am going to put primer on
I am going to use from Nyx the Angel Veil
primer is very important because it helps your makeup stay on all night
because it fills your pores and the makeup has something to stick on
I put on the size of a pea
and I apply on the T area
where our skin produces more oil and breaks down your makeup
I am also applying on my cheeks where my pores are big
and very gentle I work the primer in to my skin
before I put on the foundation I put concealer
on my very problematic areas
like my nose
because it's very red
because I have sensitive skin
and on some other areas and under my eyes
so I want need to but a lot of foundation
so I put concealer where I need to
For concealer I am taking from NYX the HD studio photogenic
in the colour porcelain
and I put everywhere I need to
now that I look crazy I am going to blend it
using a damp beauty blender from H&M it cost 2,99 eur
now I am going to apply my foundation
and I am using from Loreal the True Match foundation
In the colour golden ivory
I put it on the back of my hand
and I apply with a foundation brush
I like to work in sections and then blend in
now I am going back to my concealer and apply anywhere I think I need more coverage
If you want you can leave it like that but I want some extra coverage
and I am going to put on my nose, my cheeks and under my eyes
now I am going to set my face
using the matte maker by Maybelline
with a brush like this
I am not rabbing I am doing a dabbing motion with the brush so I will not move the foundation
I am also setting my neck since I applied foundation there so my face and my neck match
before I set under my eyes,over my eyes and around my nose
I make sure my concealer didn't crease
I take my beauty blender and go over and under my eyes
and then I set
I do the same and around my nose
I am going to take a kabuki brush and blend my skin so I can take off the extra powder
now I am going to do my eyebrows I have a video on how I do them I am going to leave it down below
because my face looks flat I am going to contour
so I can bring back some natural shades in my face
I am going to take from Maybelline the master sculpt
and an angled brush
and I am going to contour under my cheekbones ,my jaw,on the sides of my nose
on my temples and my forehead
because we applied makeup we lost the natural tan we have from the sun and the pink on our cheeks
I am going to use a bronzer to bring back the natural tan I have from the sun
with a simple brush and
and form the number 3
now I am going to take the powder that I used to set and the brush that I used and clean under my contour
to bring back the pink in my cheeks I am going to take a blush from Golder Rose in the colour 204
and I am going to apply it with a fluffy brush
I will apply it on cheeks going outwards
now to blend everything together
I am going to take the matte maker by Maybelline and a kabuki brush and blend
before I apply highlighter I am going to do a simple look on my eyes
so my eyes don't get lost on my face
I am not going to go on detail on what I am doing because the reason behind this video is to show you how I cover my acne
I am just going to use a small eyeshadow palette from Bell with 4 matte eyeshadows
and my eyeshadow palette from NYX the adorable
when we lost the natural tan from the sun we also lost the glow from are skin
to brink back the glow I am going to use a highlighter stick from H&M
and Iam going to apply it using my fingers
my hands are clean
and I am going to apply it on the high points of my face
over me cheekbones
on my nose
over and under my eyebrows
and on my cupid's bone
If you like you can leave it like that
but I like some extra glow
so I am also going to apply a powder highlighter
It's from NYX in the colour ritualistic
and before I apply it I am going to use a NYX setting spray
it helps when you have applied powders because it makes them melt in your skin and look more natural
I am going to apply the highlighter with a fan brush
over my cream highlighter
the reason that I applied the highlighter after I set my face is that
I wanted my skin to be damp
so the highlighter would be more intense
because I want to brighten my eyes I am going to apply cream highlighter on my inner corners
now I am going to do my mascara and lips
for mascara I am going to use from Maybelline the lash sensational
and for lips I am going to use from Sleek Makeup the matte me in the colour Shabby chic
this was the video I hope you liked it
if you liked it don't forget to give it a thumps up
and comment down below want you would like to see from me
and subscribe to my channel so you can be notified when I upload and to support me
until the next time
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