Hi, I'm Congressman Jim Renacci and I represent the 16th of Ohio including parts of Cleveland
and Canton.
Last weekend I completed my annual pilgrimage to Pennsylvania to assist my 90 year old mother
with her taxes.
As a practicing CPA and a member of the Ways & Means Committee, I am qualified to help
her; however, a single woman with fixed income and no dependents should not need my help
completing her taxes.
Americans spend far too many hours and dollars just to comply with our complex and obsolete
tax law.
It doesn't have to be this way.
We should start eliminating the maze of special interest tax provisions that add confusion
and keep rates artificially high for everyone.
From there, consolidate income tax brackets and lower income tax rates.
Finally, we can find important provisions to support families, higher education, and
charitable giving.
For more infomation >> Main Street Tax Reform: Rep. James Renacci - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
`iLidhu baa thaayi..' - R. Srinath Live Programme - Duration: 5:49.
`iLidhu baa thaayi iLidhu baa..'
Film : ARISINA KUMKUMA Starring : Kalpana, B.V.Radha, Gangadhar, Srinath, Ashwath
Director : K.S.L. Swamee (Ravee)
Lyrix : Dr.Da.Ra. Bendre Music : Vijayabhaskar
Original Singer : Dr.P.B.Srinivos & Chorus
Singer in this Video : R.Srinath & Chorus
Please subscribe this Channel : SINGER SRINATH
Nightcore - Forget Me [Lyrics & Spectrum] Saviour - Duration: 3:01.
Take me to incredible places Where I can be faceless
I want to regret everything I do I want to neglect everyone but you
Teach me to care less Teach me I'm careless
Now that you've met me Don't you forget me
Don't you forget me Now that you know me
Do you regret me?
Do you regret me?
Don't you forget me
Maybe I don't, maybe I don't care You should forget about me
Maybe I don't, maybe I don't care You should forget about me
You keep pretending like it doesn't affect you
Take my mind away from these places Leaving no traces of me
I want to resent everything I do I want to replace everyone but you
Tell me to careless I want to be careless
Now that you've met me Don't you forget me
Don't you forget me Now that you know me
Do you regret me?
Do you regret me?
Maybe I don't, maybe I don't care You should forget about me
Maybe I don't, maybe I don't care Enough about today
Enough about this world Enough about myself
Make me more like you Make me less like me
Why Don't Sheep Shrink In The Rain? - Duration: 2:08.
If you put a wool sweater through the laundry, it shrinks.
So why don't sheep, which are, you know, basically made of wool, why don't they shrink
in the rain?
The answer comes down to friction.
Like all mammal hair, wool fibers are covered in overlapping scales that run the length
of each fiber.
These scales make it easier for the fiber to slide in one direction than the other,
which is why, if you grab a strand of your hair and pull it through your fingers, you'll
find it moves more smoothly going toward the tip than toward the root end.
When a wool - or human hair - sweater gets thrown into the washing machine and tossed
around, this one-way resistance becomes a problem, because, as each fiber rubs against
its neighbors, its scales act like little ratchets, only allowing it/the fiber to move
in one direction.
The water makes things worse, both by causing the fibers to swell, which brings them into
closer contact, and by softening the scales, which makes them floppy enough to get caught
on neighboring fibers more easily, but not so floppy that they can give way and allow
the fibers to move past each other.
Heat also exacerbates the ratchet effect, probably by making the hairs more bendy, which
brings them into greater contact, the same way cooked spaghetti noodles touch in more
places than hard, uncooked ones.
Throughout the course of the wash and dry cycle, the millions of tiny ratchets on the
thousands of individual fibers in the wool sweater draw the fabric into a tighter and
and tighter configuration, shrinking the overall size of the sweater.
When sheep get caught in the rain, the fibers in their thick coats swell and their scales
soften too, but their wool doesn't get tossed around enough for the ratchet effect to cause
it to tighten...unless those sheep get really RAMbunctious.
Thanks for watching!
The idea for this video actually came from a viewer - thanks Rebecca!
We love hearing from you, and one of the best ways to weigh in on what we do is to join
the MinuteEarth Patreon community, where you can let us know what you're curious about,
and ensure that we're able to keep making videos.
Don't be sheepish: come join us at Patreon.com/MinuteEarth.
learn colors Wrong Heads spidman Learning Colors for Kids Fun Zone - Duration: 3:27.
learn colors Wrong Heads spidman Learning Colors for Kids Fun Zone
Okay guys, I really want to ask Simeon Panda for 2 tips for success in the fitness industry
so lets hear what he will say
Stay consistent! Once you start don't stop, don't take breaks for no reason!
Be consistent and be patient
Second tip will be to make sure when you go to the gym you have plan
Don't just train any body parts that feels good
Have a plan, structure, and choose what to train for every specific muscle group?
Honestly... I think that just that being yourself man
You see a lot of these fitness guys selling bullshits
and they are different person on camera than they are in real life
and I really think that when you show who you truly are
People appreciate you for who you are
Being fake may give you success in the beginning but it won't be sustainable for life
and you will not have that much followers
I think that having fun, being completely transparent, being real
and having willingnes to help people instead of thinking about how can I become more successful
you gotta think how other people can become more successful
because when the other people become more successful (because of you) you get more successful as well
-Like the snowball effect thaty you were talking about
First you just help, help, help... You give, give, give to the people
and one day you will get it back
Yooo, we just met Rob Lipsett
2 tips for success in the fitness industry
Be real, be yourself and put your own unique twist on? (Not sure about the last)
Keep it real!?
In your opinion... what are the two most important things?
For me is to be humble and honest!
and to be yourself
not trying to be someone you know
It's always about working hard. This industry is very though industry to break
and it's very popular now
obviously you can get a lot of setbacks but it's about overcoming these setbacks and keep focusing on what you wanna do
For me... I love competing, I love to talk about fitness
so for me that's what I love to do
and you start your own youtube channel, you start competing and things like that in order to have following
and yeah, all the success in the world for that
- Do you think that in order to succeed in this industry you have to compete?
- Is it neccessary?
I would have said that 3-4 years ago
because in this industry was like all about what title you got
but now it's all about youtube and other social media following
and yeah, I don't think that you have to compete nowadays
sorry for the translation but I really couldn't hear much
Como os EUA ajudam inventores e empreendedores? - Duration: 1:45.
Densenho trator para criançinhas/Trator escavadeira e caminhão/caminhão e brinquedo/video infantil - Duration: 13:53.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 350 e Automaat Lease Edition - Duration: 0:57.
Por que adoramos os gatos? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 3:14.
J2026 - EP 04 - BR-280 e o túnel - Duration: 5:15.
Citroën DS3 1.6 E-HDI SO CHIC Groot NAVI Luxe uitv. - Duration: 1:03.
Citroën C1 1.0 E-VTI 5-DRS FEEL AIRCO - Duration: 1:04.
Even those who do not like, will eat: know the benefits of purple onion - Duration: 1:29.
Even those who do not, will eat: meet the benefits of red onion
The red onion, although little consumed It has many medicinal properties.
The ideal is to eat raw onion, for both cooking, as the heat withdrew its benefits.
See now 7 reasons to consume onion Purple: - Prevents the growth of cancer cells
The onion contains large amounts of sulfur prevents the development of tumors and
various types of cancer.
- Control Diabetes Raw red onion, stimulates production
- Relief Constipation Rich in fiber it also helps when
subject is: constipation.
- Improves sore throat A red onion juice helps in cases of
sore throat and colds.
- Bleeding nose Just smell a freshly cut onion, which
bleeding should stop.
- Protects and strengthens the heart Consumption of red onion, protects against diseases
coronary artery and regulates blood pressure.
- Normalizes cholesterol
Its consumption is able to balance levels cholesterol and lower LDL, bad cholesterol.
Enjoy this video?
If you like the video, short, sign the channel and share with your friends.
Injustice 2 - Super de Darkseid + Diálogos de Vários Personagens - LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 6:42.
biggie diehl - PRBLMS (Remix) - Duration: 2:21.
Compex Tecnologia - Coletor de Dados 9700 - Duration: 3:36.
RRSP Withdrawals: Lifelong Learning Plan | Your Money, Your Choices by Susan Daley - Duration: 3:59.
Withdrawals from the RRSP are included in your income for tax purposes, so you're
taxed at your marginal rate.
If you pull $10,000 from an RRSP, and are already earning a $50,000 income, then you'd
owe almost $3000 in taxes on that withdrawal.
There are two exceptions to this: The first is if you are using the RRSP to fund the down
payment on your first home.
The second is if you are pulling money out of your RRSP to pay for educational expenses.
My last video was on the Home Buyers Plan, today I'll focus on the Lifelong Learning
I'm Susan Daley and this is Your Money, Your Choices.
The Lifelong Learning Plan allows you to use funds currently within your RRSP for education
You can withdraw money from your RRSP to pay for you or your spouse or common-law partner
to pursue a qualifying education program on a full-time basis at a designated educational
institution- As long as you're a resident of Canada.
I've included a link in the description below that outlines the plan, including qualifying
education and designated educational institutions.
But in essence, any institution that allows you to currently claim the education amount
on your taxes will count as a designated educational institution.
Qualifying education is a post-secondary school level program offered by one of these designated
institutions that lasts at least 3 consecutive months and requires you to spend 10 hours
or more per week on courses, not including study time.
You can withdraw $10,000 per school year, up to a maximum total of $20,000 under the plan
You can keep withdrawing amounts from your RRSP's until 4 years after the first withdrawal,
as long as you still meet the conditions and the repayment period has not begun.
For example, if you made withdrawals in 2013 and 2014, the last withdrawal you could make
would be in 2017.
You can participate multiple times, but you have to pay back the full Lifelong Learning
Plan balance first before you can participate again.
If you withdraw more than the $10,000 yearly limit, or more than the $20,000 maximum, the
excess will be included in your income and you'll owe taxes on this amount.
Like the Home Buyers Plan, contributions need to be held within the RRSP for 90 days before
you can withdraw them.
With this plan, you have 10 years to repay the balance, again split evenly each year,
so the maximum amount would be $2,000 per year.
There are various times when the repayment period starts, depending on your situation,
which are outlined in the link in the description below.
If you contribute less than the amount you have to repay, the difference is included
in your tax return for the year.
Like the Home Buyers Plan, the Lifelong Learning Plan is essentially an interest-free loan
to yourself, with a specified repayment schedule.
If you are pulling money that is earmarked for retirement, this could leave you with
less money in retirement since you forgo the compound returns that could be earned in the account
Whether or you should use your RRSP for the Lifelong Learning Plan or if you should use
other means for funding your education will depend on your situation, and you should talk
to an advisor to see what's right for you.
In my next video I'll outline the consequences of pulling from your RRSP if you're not
using the Home Buyers Plan or the Lifelong Learning Plan, so subscribe to make sure you
don't miss it.
I'm Susan Daley and this has been Your Money, Your Choices.
[한국어 ASMR] 日本語字幕 / 망상대리인 시리즈 2 / 스트레스 풀리는 강한 소리들 / 악플근절연구소 / Cereals Eating / Ear cleaning / Slime - Duration: 32:10.
第一次見到MaoMaoTV的觀眾❤️|出席CoolJapanTV開幕典禮 |黃明志&Michiyo&四葉草都在❤️ - Duration: 10:44.
LEGO City Undercover - Secret Shields - Trophy/Achievement (CZ) - Duration: 10:03.
Your task to get this reward is
Find and build the 5 hidden Police Shields
These shields are hidden and will appear on the map only when you are in Their proximity.
In the video, you can see all 5 locations and the way to get the shields.
I will be very glad if you start subscribing to the channel.
This will support me in translation trophies, achievements and turning these video tutorials.
If you can not get the reward, let me know in the comments. I will gladly help you.
If you guide a little help, or have already earned a reward, surely leave a LIKE!
I wish you luck, to gain additional rewards!
LEGO City Undercover - Skullpture Vulture - Trophy/Achievement (CZ) - Duration: 3:03.
Your task to get this reward is
Find and destroy the 5 hidden Rex Graffiti Skullptures
These skulls are hidden and will only appear on the map when you are in Their proximity.
In the video you can see all 5 locations and the way to get to the skull.
I will be very glad if you start subscribing to the channel.
This will support me in translation trophies, achievements and turning these video tutorials.
If you can not get the reward, let me know in the comments. I will gladly help you.
If you guide a little help, or have already earned a reward, surely leave a LIKE!
I wish you luck, to gain additional rewards!
आपकी भूमि की डीएलसी दर की जाँच करें ऑनलाइन android phone par | Check DLC Rate Online - Duration: 4:27.
Subscribe MI Tech Now
open web browser in android phone
Search igrs.rajasthan.gov.in
Select one option either download pdf or check dlc rate
select Dist in the Map
Select Tehsil in Map
Select one of them in option
Select one of them in option
See what you want.
Click on videos for More
O Gabinete das Figuras de Cera (1924) - legendado - Duration: 1:23:42.
Main Street Tax Reform: Rep. James Renacci - Duration: 1:08.
Hi, I'm Congressman Jim Renacci and I represent the 16th of Ohio including parts of Cleveland
and Canton.
Last weekend I completed my annual pilgrimage to Pennsylvania to assist my 90 year old mother
with her taxes.
As a practicing CPA and a member of the Ways & Means Committee, I am qualified to help
her; however, a single woman with fixed income and no dependents should not need my help
completing her taxes.
Americans spend far too many hours and dollars just to comply with our complex and obsolete
tax law.
It doesn't have to be this way.
We should start eliminating the maze of special interest tax provisions that add confusion
and keep rates artificially high for everyone.
From there, consolidate income tax brackets and lower income tax rates.
Finally, we can find important provisions to support families, higher education, and
charitable giving.
`iLidhu baa thaayi..' - R. Srinath Live Programme - Duration: 5:49.
`iLidhu baa thaayi iLidhu baa..'
Film : ARISINA KUMKUMA Starring : Kalpana, B.V.Radha, Gangadhar, Srinath, Ashwath
Director : K.S.L. Swamee (Ravee)
Lyrix : Dr.Da.Ra. Bendre Music : Vijayabhaskar
Original Singer : Dr.P.B.Srinivos & Chorus
Singer in this Video : R.Srinath & Chorus
Please subscribe this Channel : SINGER SRINATH
Nightcore - Forget Me [Lyrics & Spectrum] Saviour - Duration: 3:01.
Take me to incredible places Where I can be faceless
I want to regret everything I do I want to neglect everyone but you
Teach me to care less Teach me I'm careless
Now that you've met me Don't you forget me
Don't you forget me Now that you know me
Do you regret me?
Do you regret me?
Don't you forget me
Maybe I don't, maybe I don't care You should forget about me
Maybe I don't, maybe I don't care You should forget about me
You keep pretending like it doesn't affect you
Take my mind away from these places Leaving no traces of me
I want to resent everything I do I want to replace everyone but you
Tell me to careless I want to be careless
Now that you've met me Don't you forget me
Don't you forget me Now that you know me
Do you regret me?
Do you regret me?
Maybe I don't, maybe I don't care You should forget about me
Maybe I don't, maybe I don't care Enough about today
Enough about this world Enough about myself
Make me more like you Make me less like me
Why Don't Sheep Shrink In The Rain? - Duration: 2:08.
If you put a wool sweater through the laundry, it shrinks.
So why don't sheep, which are, you know, basically made of wool, why don't they shrink
in the rain?
The answer comes down to friction.
Like all mammal hair, wool fibers are covered in overlapping scales that run the length
of each fiber.
These scales make it easier for the fiber to slide in one direction than the other,
which is why, if you grab a strand of your hair and pull it through your fingers, you'll
find it moves more smoothly going toward the tip than toward the root end.
When a wool - or human hair - sweater gets thrown into the washing machine and tossed
around, this one-way resistance becomes a problem, because, as each fiber rubs against
its neighbors, its scales act like little ratchets, only allowing it/the fiber to move
in one direction.
The water makes things worse, both by causing the fibers to swell, which brings them into
closer contact, and by softening the scales, which makes them floppy enough to get caught
on neighboring fibers more easily, but not so floppy that they can give way and allow
the fibers to move past each other.
Heat also exacerbates the ratchet effect, probably by making the hairs more bendy, which
brings them into greater contact, the same way cooked spaghetti noodles touch in more
places than hard, uncooked ones.
Throughout the course of the wash and dry cycle, the millions of tiny ratchets on the
thousands of individual fibers in the wool sweater draw the fabric into a tighter and
and tighter configuration, shrinking the overall size of the sweater.
When sheep get caught in the rain, the fibers in their thick coats swell and their scales
soften too, but their wool doesn't get tossed around enough for the ratchet effect to cause
it to tighten...unless those sheep get really RAMbunctious.
Thanks for watching!
The idea for this video actually came from a viewer - thanks Rebecca!
We love hearing from you, and one of the best ways to weigh in on what we do is to join
the MinuteEarth Patreon community, where you can let us know what you're curious about,
and ensure that we're able to keep making videos.
Don't be sheepish: come join us at Patreon.com/MinuteEarth.
learn colors Wrong Heads spidman Learning Colors for Kids Fun Zone - Duration: 3:27.
learn colors Wrong Heads spidman Learning Colors for Kids Fun Zone
Okay guys, I really want to ask Simeon Panda for 2 tips for success in the fitness industry
so lets hear what he will say
Stay consistent! Once you start don't stop, don't take breaks for no reason!
Be consistent and be patient
Second tip will be to make sure when you go to the gym you have plan
Don't just train any body parts that feels good
Have a plan, structure, and choose what to train for every specific muscle group?
Honestly... I think that just that being yourself man
You see a lot of these fitness guys selling bullshits
and they are different person on camera than they are in real life
and I really think that when you show who you truly are
People appreciate you for who you are
Being fake may give you success in the beginning but it won't be sustainable for life
and you will not have that much followers
I think that having fun, being completely transparent, being real
and having willingnes to help people instead of thinking about how can I become more successful
you gotta think how other people can become more successful
because when the other people become more successful (because of you) you get more successful as well
-Like the snowball effect thaty you were talking about
First you just help, help, help... You give, give, give to the people
and one day you will get it back
Yooo, we just met Rob Lipsett
2 tips for success in the fitness industry
Be real, be yourself and put your own unique twist on? (Not sure about the last)
Keep it real!?
In your opinion... what are the two most important things?
For me is to be humble and honest!
and to be yourself
not trying to be someone you know
It's always about working hard. This industry is very though industry to break
and it's very popular now
obviously you can get a lot of setbacks but it's about overcoming these setbacks and keep focusing on what you wanna do
For me... I love competing, I love to talk about fitness
so for me that's what I love to do
and you start your own youtube channel, you start competing and things like that in order to have following
and yeah, all the success in the world for that
- Do you think that in order to succeed in this industry you have to compete?
- Is it neccessary?
I would have said that 3-4 years ago
because in this industry was like all about what title you got
but now it's all about youtube and other social media following
and yeah, I don't think that you have to compete nowadays
sorry for the translation but I really couldn't hear much
Why Don't Sheep Shrink In The Rain? - Duration: 2:08.
If you put a wool sweater through the laundry, it shrinks.
So why don't sheep, which are, you know, basically made of wool, why don't they shrink
in the rain?
The answer comes down to friction.
Like all mammal hair, wool fibers are covered in overlapping scales that run the length
of each fiber.
These scales make it easier for the fiber to slide in one direction than the other,
which is why, if you grab a strand of your hair and pull it through your fingers, you'll
find it moves more smoothly going toward the tip than toward the root end.
When a wool - or human hair - sweater gets thrown into the washing machine and tossed
around, this one-way resistance becomes a problem, because, as each fiber rubs against
its neighbors, its scales act like little ratchets, only allowing it/the fiber to move
in one direction.
The water makes things worse, both by causing the fibers to swell, which brings them into
closer contact, and by softening the scales, which makes them floppy enough to get caught
on neighboring fibers more easily, but not so floppy that they can give way and allow
the fibers to move past each other.
Heat also exacerbates the ratchet effect, probably by making the hairs more bendy, which
brings them into greater contact, the same way cooked spaghetti noodles touch in more
places than hard, uncooked ones.
Throughout the course of the wash and dry cycle, the millions of tiny ratchets on the
thousands of individual fibers in the wool sweater draw the fabric into a tighter and
and tighter configuration, shrinking the overall size of the sweater.
When sheep get caught in the rain, the fibers in their thick coats swell and their scales
soften too, but their wool doesn't get tossed around enough for the ratchet effect to cause
it to tighten...unless those sheep get really RAMbunctious.
Thanks for watching!
The idea for this video actually came from a viewer - thanks Rebecca!
We love hearing from you, and one of the best ways to weigh in on what we do is to join
the MinuteEarth Patreon community, where you can let us know what you're curious about,
and ensure that we're able to keep making videos.
Don't be sheepish: come join us at Patreon.com/MinuteEarth.
FASHION SHOW GET FASHION cartoon games for children fun adventure cartoon hero Roblox Games T - Duration: 16:54.
Saab 9-3 Cabrio 1.8T VECTOR - Duration: 1:06.
Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDI SW 120PK FIRST EDITION Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 1:03.
Opel Astra ONLINE EDITION 1.4T 150PK - NAVI - EDITION+ - CAMERA - CLIMATE - Duration: 0:58.
Opel Mokka 1.4T 103KW EDITION 4X4 AUT6 - Duration: 1:01.
Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 4WD AUT, NAP, Navi, Clima, Cruise - Duration: 1:04.
Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI First Edition, Nu €19.580,- Rijklaar - Duration: 1:02.
Fiat 500L 1.4-T-JET 120 pk TREKKING (Bluetooth / Airco / Lichtmetaal) - Duration: 0:50.
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDi GT-Line NIEUW! - Duration: 1:03.
Renault Mégane Coupe RS 2.0 T RENAULT SPORT 265PK / AIRCO-ECC / PDC / LM-VELGEN / CRUISE CTR. / *AP - Duration: 0:58.
Renault Laguna Grand Tour 2.0-16V T INITIALE / NAVI / AIRCO-ECC / LEDER / AUDIO AF FABR. / PDC / LMV - Duration: 1:02.
Volvo V70 2.4 T COMFORT LINE 200 PK Airco ECC Cruise control Licht metaal Leder Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 1:03.
Nightcore - Forget Me [Lyrics & Spectrum] Saviour - Duration: 3:01.
Take me to incredible places Where I can be faceless
I want to regret everything I do I want to neglect everyone but you
Teach me to care less Teach me I'm careless
Now that you've met me Don't you forget me
Don't you forget me Now that you know me
Do you regret me?
Do you regret me?
Don't you forget me
Maybe I don't, maybe I don't care You should forget about me
Maybe I don't, maybe I don't care You should forget about me
You keep pretending like it doesn't affect you
Take my mind away from these places Leaving no traces of me
I want to resent everything I do I want to replace everyone but you
Tell me to careless I want to be careless
Now that you've met me Don't you forget me
Don't you forget me Now that you know me
Do you regret me?
Do you regret me?
Maybe I don't, maybe I don't care You should forget about me
Maybe I don't, maybe I don't care Enough about today
Enough about this world Enough about myself
Make me more like you Make me less like me
Henry Danger | Jace Norman & Riele Downs' Nick Stars BFF Challenge | Nick - Duration: 1:54.
NARRATOR: It's time for the Nick Stars BFF Challenge,
with Jace and Riele.
NARRATOR: What's Riele's favorite food?
Even I have to think of this one.
3, 2, 1.
Party, eh?
Poutine, eh?
It's Canadian.
Poutine, eh?
It was a joke.
NARRATOR: What's Jace's middle name?
RIELE: Show me.
Should I just write the wrong name?
Jace Lee Norman.
NARRATOR: What's Riele's biggest pet peeve?
Like, I have many, and I can't think of all of them
right now, so--
3, 2, 1.
What did you say?
Just that-- when people tap slash nag me constantly.
What does yours say?
Well, yeah.
NARRATOR: What's Riele's favorite ice cream flavor?
I'm not.
What did you put?
I'm ready.
Yeah. - Yeah.
OK, good. Right, we got one.
Right? Two.
- Two. - We got Lee and chocolate.
NARRATOR: Who is Jace's ultimate celebrity crush?
All right, ready?
3, 2, 1.
Ha ha!
NARRATOR: What makes Riele laugh super hard?
Like, random stuff.
We both think this guy's funny.
I would have the ability to turn myself,
whenever I wanted, into a grilled cheese sandwich.
What is the one thing Jace can't live without?
- Same thing. - The dog.
The dog.
Not the character.
We know each other well.
High five.
ENERGY UPDATE – The Masks Have Fallen Off - Duration: 5:45.
ENERGY UPDATE � The Masks Have Fallen Off!
The masks have now �fallen off� well and truly in Spirit energetically and so in linking
with the human, this will no longer suffice to cope and manage!
This is so very huge!
I am talking energetically in the last 24hours and from recent energies leading up to this,
please refer past posts � Pts 1-4.
The message is: �Just be you, your energy power and strength is enough..no need to over
exert your energy anymore.
As it is not sufficing energetically now�.
A lot has happened since the last BB post, so much so that sharing about this has not
happened as I usually do, as each of us has needed to be in our own spaces going through
all we have/are needing to.
So much is going on with self and family or those close with us and our connections and
our own connection.
So while I am still in my own �zone� going through all I need to, here is a brief outline
further of what is occurring that I am going through and working through with others close
to me:
We are Creating a *NEW* Light path and like �stepping off the old black tar sticky path�.
A path of the old we knew so well and this new light path is being formed/created bit
by bit as we shift and change from the old to the new
This is very new in all senses and many ways
The new �unknown� territory that we are creating moment by moment in each new situation
with all we have gone through (remember previous BB posts are a time-line leading up to this
So much of the Ancient/Ancestry energy is being healed and with this is the human experience
and then also our Spirits experience and then linking the two with a connection to the Divine
and Gaia as well.
Fear of stepping into one�s own Power or Self-Empowerment in the human as well as spirit
and linking the two is so very BIG right now.
As so many have detached or drifted off into the upper realms, I know I did for many years,
stemming from childhood.
To cope and manage and at a time where there was no understanding of energies and who I
was and all I needed to endure through personal experiences to bring me to who and where I
am right now.
As just like you too�with all you have endured and experienced up until right now, this very
As we detached and/or put a �mask� on to cope.
Well those �masks� have energetically fallen off in Spirit and the truth is being
revealed as to what is going on within and deeper within ourselves!
We are now facing our Inner Fear of owning our own Power!
Gregg Prescott wrote of this not long ago: �What we�re going to see are people losing
it and it wouldn�t surprise me to see some people in the spiritual community lose it
who haven�t done their work and/or are not grounding themselves�.
The inner truth of coming home to our power.
Where we do not over ride others energies�as a lot is to do with past �wars� where
we needed to �fight for our survival�.
This is about bringing our strength, confidence and belief in ourselves.
And very very importantly GROUNDING ONESELF IN OVER AND OVER is VITAL with this.
Thank you Gregg for your �heads up� with this :-). As this post follows on deeper/higher
energetically with this in our Spirit and the human, and our link with the Divine and
There is so much more to this for each of us for we we are each at�and I will share
more on this soon as it comes.
Much Unconditional love, truth
and honesty
Do I Need To Speak English Fluently To Work Abroad? - Duration: 6:14.
Hey, what's up?
John Sonmez here from simpleprogrammer.com.
I got a question about do you need to speak English language fluently in order to work
abroad as a junior programmer.
This is from Arthur and he says, "I'd like to apply for a junior programmer/developer
position in the UK, but I'm a foreigner and I'm afraid that my spoken English language
may not be enough.
I learn it every day, but obviously most of my time I use my native language.
I know that if I'd start to work with English people daily, then I'll become better.
I have only problems with speaking and listening to British accent, which is much harder than
American, but I do not have problems reading or writing.
What is your opinion, John?"
I'll be totally honest with you.
I think that when you work in an English speaking environment and you don't speak English very
fluently that it is a big disadvantage for you and it's probably a disadvantage in getting
a job.
I mean this should be common sense.
A lot of people don't like to say it, but it's true, communication is really big.
I think that today in software development field more so than anything else, communication
is so, so important.
That's why I made this channel, that's why I encourage you to write a blog post and to
develop your communication skills because I think that is really, really important.
I know in my career myself that the biggest thing that helped my career more than anything
else was developing my communication skills meaning able to communicate with people.
that's the asset that helped me more than my technical skills.
Does that mean that if you have an accent or you can't speak perfect fluent English
that you can't get a job as a developer in the US or the UK or somewhere where it's English
There are plenty of developers that do, but just realize that it's going to be somewhat
of a disadvantage to you and realize that the more fluent that you are in English and
the easier it is to understand you and the better your communication skills are the better
off that you're going to be.
That's going to be something that is going to be useful and helpful to you.
Now, as a junior programmer, does that make a difference.
I don't think that matters as much.
I think that you 're going to have to—as a junior programmer it's already a little
bit more difficult to get a job than it is as a senior programmer.
Take that into account.
I would say this though that I think you're making a false assumption by assuming that
you're going to better develop your English skills to speak fluently by working in an
environment where you have English speaking coworkers.
It might improve to some degree, but I have worked with enough people that had English
as a second language that I know that that their skills did not improve very much that
they still spoke with a very hard to understand accent and that their phraseology was still
a little bit odd.
If you can read and write that's going to help you, but I would definitely, if you're
really serious about this, maybe you go through some language coaching.
It might be worth it to either try to go through voice coaching to help reduce accents and
help you to understand English and American accents and some language courses to be able
to help you to speak a little bit more fluently and to speak with more of the—speaking more
of the way that Americans or people from UK speak as well.
That's just something to think about.
Again, these are things that are not critical.
I don't think that it's going to prevent you from getting a job.
I don't think it's going to prevent you from advancing your career, but if you want to—if
you're thinking about this, if you really want to have the best shot, these are the
things that I would do in your situation.
I would be going and I would try to get someone to coach me on trying to reduce my accent
and I would try to be going to—be trying to go to an English course that I could take
that was going to help me to speak a little bit more fluently.
I'd be doing a lot of reading and a lot of writing, which it sounds like you're already
doing, but do more of that and get someone to correct your writing.
In fact, one thing that might actually help you as well is just doing writing a lot since
you're already writing and having someone not just correct your writing as far as the
words, but the grammar of it and the structure of it.
Tell them to read it and then to give you feedback and to mark it and up and to say,
"Look, this is what you should say.
This phrase sounds awkward."
So that you get that kind of feedback.
Once you get that kind of feedback I think that will help you a lot.
Because just communicating the message, yeah, you can get it across, but there are certain
things that you might say that are going to be flags that are—or communication—it
doesn't translate as well.
Just for example, I know that a lot of Indian developers say, "I have doubts about."
That's sort of—I understand what you're saying when you—well, I do now because I've
worked with enough Indian developers to know that I have doubts about this, what that means.
When I first heard that I didn't understand.
That just means I have a question.
I didn't get that.
When you say that that might be harmful to understand it, communication, but it would
be real simple if you understand that when Americans hear that that they don't understand
what you mean then instead of saying, "I have doubts" you might start saying, "I have a
Little things like that are going to help a lot, I think, in the communication.
All right, if you found that question useful and the answer and you'd like me to answer
one of your questions, you can email me at john@simpleprogrammer.com.
Don't forget to click that Subscribe button.
I'll talk to you next time.
Take care.
Top 5 Ways Not To Grow | IFBB Pro Evan Centopani - Duration: 2:05.
What's going on, guys?
Evan Centopani here,
Animal athlete and IFBB pro
bodybuilder, and here are the
top five ways to not grow.
Number one: overtraining
and not getting enough rest.
Now, it's not enough just to
give 100 percent in the gym:
You need enough rest.
If you're busting ass in the
gym and then you're going to go
out and party all night,
there's no way you're going to
Growth happens when your body
is at rest. You need rest to
Number two: not enough training
Keep in mind there's a
difference between working out
and training.
Working out is what your
grandma does.
Training is what Rocky did in
Rocky 4. People who go
to the gym will look the exact
same way five years from now as
they do right now.
That's not you.
You need to go where you
haven't gone before.
Number three: trying to stay
too lean.
You all want to maintain a six
pack and a beach body all
year-round and get bigger.
Everyone wants to get bigger
and leaner at the same time.
If you're going to get bigger,
thicker, stronger,
there needs to be a surplus of
In order to grow,
you need to eat.
Eat to grow;
cut down later.
Number four: listen to your
your girlfriend,
your bros.
Okay, they're all going to tell
you how great you are,
how handsome you are,
how big you are,
how you should be Mr.
how you should have won that
show... blah,
blah, blah.
No good bodybuilder ever looked
at himself and liked what he
Your standards for yourself,
they should be high and if
they're not, keep people around
who are going to be honest with
And the fifth way to not grow,
and this is a guarantee,
is keep doing what you've
always done.
In order to get where you
haven't gone before, you need
to do something different.
That's a given, alright?
To keep doing the same shit
over and over and over,
you know you're going to get
So do what you need to do,
make the appropriate changes,
and put in the work.
My name is Evan Centopani and
this has been 5 Ways to Not
Grow. For those of you who are
interested in growing,
keep coming back to
Warner defends Russia investigation amid rising criticism - Duration: 11:38.
Warner defends Russia investigation amid rising criticism
Sen. Mark Warner has a simple message for critics who say his Russia probe is in shambles:
It just isn't so.
The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee said in an interview Tuesday that
he always wants to move faster in investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election.
But real progress is taking place, he said, including scrutiny of ties between Moscow
and President Donald Trump's aides.
"People who think we're not looking at that now have not received an update," Warner
told Politico.
The Virginia Democrat rejected criticism over the fact that the panel has yet to issue subpoenas
or interview high-profile witnesses like former Trump advisers Roger Stone, Carter Page and
Michael Flynn.
It would be "very irresponsible," he said, to bring in those witnesses "before you
have all your information."
Warner added that the panel has conducted 27 interviews with intelligence analysts involved
in the U.S. determination that Russia sought to tilt the presidential election toward Trump.
The committee is also hiring two more staffers for the investigation, bringing the total
to nine.
Warner's remarks come as Democratic senators on the Intelligence Committee grow increasingly
dissatisfied with the pace of the investigation, which is being led by Chairman Richard Burr
and Warner.
the entire story in Source, link
in description.
The Thornberry Family Braves Through a Monsoon | The Wild Thornberrys | The Splat - Duration: 2:18.
Marianne: WELL, SO MUCH
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