hey guys welcome back to my channel
today I'm going to show you 10 5-minute
craft ideas inspired by emojis if you
like emojis click that like button and
comment down below your favorite emoji
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you'd like to see more fun DIY videos
please click that subscribe button
the first DIY will be an emoji Orbeez light
for this one you will need some sort of
container I'm going to use one of these
glass containers and if you can find
these little sports bottles those would
work great for this also
i drew a face on the container and then colored it in
with some sharpies
I'm going to use one of these party
lights I will leave a link down below
for these make sure that the light you
use is okay for use in water I'm just
going to use some hot glue to glue the light to the cap
I found these yellow
Orbeez online I will also leave a link
down below to these I poured some of the
Orbeez into the container
you can twist the light on and off and
then just place the cap into the
container and there you have your Orbeez light
the second project will be some
super fun emoji slime to start I'm going
to use a ping pong ball and with a pin
I'm going to poke a hole in the center
then I placed it on a wooden skewer and I painted it yellow
once the paint had
dried with some sharpies I drew on a face
here is what my ping pong ball
looks like at this point the next thing
I'm going to do is I'm going to take an
exacto knife and I'm going to cut by a
ping-pong ball in half
and here is mine once it was cut in half
now to make the slime I'm going to use
some white Elmer's glue I'm going to add
some yellow acrylic paint to the glue
and stir it together
to that I'm going to add some liquid starch and I'm just
going to slowly add it until it starts forming slime
here is how my slime
turned out now you can add your slime to
the ping pong ball and you have a fun
way to play with your slime
the next DIY will be emoji lip balm
for this one I'm going to use one of these
clear plastic portion cups the next
thing that you will need is some Epsom
salt in a ziploc bag I place some Epsom
salt along with a few drops of yellow
food coloring I shook it up until it was
all mixed together
I went online and printed out an emoji face that I wanted
to use and I cut it out so it would fit
inside the cup and I taped it down
I drew on the face with some sharpies and
colored it in
to fill in the white I'm going to use a
white painters pen if you don't have one
you can also use some acrylic paint
you will need a lip balm or bead container
that fits into the cup I found these at
I poured the yellow sand into the cup
and then I took the lip balm container
and I placed hot glue around the cap and
then placed that into the cup
once the glue cooled down I turned it over
to make the lip balm for this one I'm
going to use one tablespoon of beeswax
along with one tablespoon of coconut oil
I'm going to melt that in the microwave
on ten second increments until it is
fully melted to tint this one I'm just
going to use a piece of lipstick I put
that in mixture and stirred it until it
was melted
and that's all there is to this easy emoji lip-balm
the next two DIYs will be
different versions of this one one will
be a liquid emoji and the other one will
be an Orbeez one and I will show you
different lip balm recipes for those
for the Orbeez one I just did the same thing
as the prior one I went online printed
out an image and colored it in with some
I'm going to use some of the same Orbeez
as I use in the first DIY and I just
poured some of those in the cup almost
to the top I added a little bit of water
to the Orbeez I'm also going to use the
same type of lip balm container as
before and hot glue that the same way
for this lip balm recipe I'm going to
use some kool-aid I added a little bit
of kool-aid to a cup along with a couple
drips of water I'm going to add some
vaseline to the kool-aid and mix that together
I placed the lip balm mixture
into the lip balm container and that is
how you make this Orbeez emoji lip balm
and the other lip-balm will be the emoji liquid lip balm
it did the same thing I
printed out an emoji face and I colored
that in with sharpies and the white
paint pen
I filled the cup up about 3/4 of the way
with water and then I added some yellow
acrylic paint and stir that together
I then poured the mixture into the emoji
cup obviously you can do it in the emoji
cup I just chose to do it as a separate cup
I hot-glued around the lip balm
container and secured it to the cup just
like in the last 2 - to make the lip balm
for this one I'm going to melt down a
chapstick and I just place that into a
microwave safe container and microwaved it on
ten second increments until it was fully melted
to tint this one I'm going to use
a piece of lipstick and I just mix that
in until it was all melted pour it into
the lip balm container let it set for a
few minutes and that is how you make
this liquid emoji lip balm
the six DIY will be emoji glow-in-the-dark room decor
for this one I started by cutting
out circles that were about two inches
in diameter I will be using some
glow-in-the-dark puffy paint and I just
went around the entire circle with the
yellow glow-in-the-dark puffy paint
the face on this one I'm going to use
some red glow-in-the-dark puffy paint to
make the heart eyes
and to make the mouth I'm going to use
some gray glow-in-the-dark puffy paint
you can use a toothpick to help shape the puffy paint
and depending on how many
you want to make just cut out a enough
circles and repeat the same process with
the yellow and then the different colors
of glow-in-the-dark paint to make the faces
and here are mine as they are
glowing in the dark
now to turn these into room decor you can use some yellow
ribbon or thread and place each of the
emojis on there what I'm going to use is
I'm going to use the little mini clothes
pins and I'm going to glue the emojis to those
and that's all there is to there's easy
emoji glow l in the dark room decor idea
the seventh DIY will be an emoji pen for
this one I'm going to use these little
mini styrofoam balls I just started
placing those on a wooden skewer
after all five of them were on there I just painted them
and here are mine after they were painted
I used some puffy
paint to create the faces
I'm going to use the ink from one of these ballpoint pens
I placed each of the
emojis onto the ink and hot glue the
bottom to secure it in place
and now you have a fun emoji pen
the 8th DIY will be a super easy emoji keychain
I'm going to use a lid from a
bottle and trace around that then I'm
going to take a piece of parchment paper
set that over the top and tape it down
using the circle as my guide underneath
the parchment paper I'm going to hot
glue all in the circle
once the glue had cooled down I removed
it from the parchment paper
I colored the front and back with a yellow sharpie
I drew want a face with some sharpies
and colored it in
I'm going to use a needle to poke a hole
in the top
where I just made the hole I'm going to
put a jump ring through that hole
I'm going to add a key chain to the jump
ring and close it up
and there is a fun new way to make an emoji keychain
the 9th DIY will be a super easy mini notebook
for this one I
just went online and print it out an
emoji that I wanted to use and I cut it out
now I'm going to make the notebook
for this I place each of the emoji
images side by side leaving a little gap
in the middle and I traced around each
of the emojis
I drew two lines on the side that look
like this then I cut those out and this
is what you should have once they're cut out
I used a stapler to staple in the middle
glue the emoji images to the front and
the back of the notebook
and there is the super-easy mini emoji notebook
the last DIY is mini edible emojis
for this one you are going to need some yellow gum balls
to make the faces I'm going to use these candy decorating pens
I just used the candy
pens to start drawing on the faces and I
did have to go over them a couple of
times so they were fully colored in
once the faces are drawn on that's all there
is to these easy mini edible emojis I
hope you guys enjoyed all ten of these
DIYs I would love it if you gave this
video a thumbs up leave me a comment let
me know which one was your favorite also
if you have any future video suggestions
leave those in the comments until next
time I hope you guys all have an amazing
For more infomation >> 5-Minute Crafts To Do When You're BORED! 10 DIY Emoji Projects You NEED To Try! Life Hacks & DIYs! - Duration: 18:05.-------------------------------------------
9 meses en Hormonas ¡Cambie mi registro civil! - Hombre a Mujer - Duration: 12:53.
Mi adorable maldición | Brígida le dijo a Rodrigo que Aurora le quitó a su novio - Duration: 1:12.
Amor bravío | Capítulo 134- Resumen - Duration: 4:12.
FAVORITOS ABRIL 2017 || Hermanas Cardi - Duration: 9:48.
Mensaje para su noche. 27 Abril - Duration: 0:36.
Depression and Alcohol Abuse - Duration: 15:25.
ashkirwan.com.au and in this video i want
to talk about depression and alcohol abuse
within our society up until the moment
this moment in time we've gone from not
having the opportunity to share
information to being able to share a
wealth of information and knowledge
through the information era and the
technology era into the era of wisdom
and so this video is very much sharing
the development of the age of wisdom and
how we start to move and understand our
depression and how alcohol abuse is
related to that because through our
schooling education through our
political momentum and through our
community development up until today in
today's world we haven't been taught how
to understand our emotional state or to
evolve from negative emotions in our
life so experiences in our relationship
development is very much been tainted
base on our worldview or the way we see
our world that's been handed to us from
our parents and from our family and from
our environments and what we've
witnessed growing up as to how other
people started to evolve and to step
into their true self and their true
identity because we all identify and
start to believe in certain role models
and certain stereotypes of people that
we see in the mainstream media in our
life and in the world around us and
whether we like it or not or whether we
think those people are good or
constructive or how we perceive them
we very much I influenced by the world
around us and so our experiences going
through life if we cannot start to
effectively evolve and resolve through
issues as they show up and develop our
relationships and develop our own unique
identities our understanding our values
and our place in life in our connection
to others at a constructive fundamental
level ultimately we start to move into
the dark of perceptions and more
negative aspects of our own traits and
values within ourself because of that
disconnection from society ostracization
in any regard whether it be from our
parents from our family from our peers
or from our personal relationship
ultimately is one of the greatest
fundamentals the breakdown of our own
identity our own ability to get our
needs met over time which has us numb
out from the pain of who we see
ourselves in the role that we play in
our life I mean do you remember when
your kids will wanted to play together
we didn't have discrimination and we can
you judge one another for our
shortcomings or faults or any I seek
receive and we wanted to personally
connect we just want to have fun and we
want to go out and save the world I'm
not sure what you wanted to do but I
wanted to be an astronaut I want to go
out to space and explore the whole outer
depths of the realms of Earth and yet in
growing up the more books I want to buy
on space the more judgmental and
ridiculed I felt by my father because I
was so excited about all this stuff and
every time I'd stop and try to
communicate with him talk to him I I
couldn't get my words out correctly I
couldn't speak to do properly and I
fumble on everything I'm saying he
couldn't understand me I remember so
many times and growling and forcing me
to slow down and to express myself
properly which caused many issues for me
growing up in retrospect looking at my
father in his situation his family he
was young very young man in having
children there my brother and was forced
by the hands or opinion of his own
family to deal with the fact that he
made that he needs liner and so the
judgment and judgmentalism accompany to
his world be his need to step up and
provide a house and the food for his
family very much put a lot of stress
into my father's life and so that
affected his ability to be able to slow
down to have the time and space for me
as a little kid and growing into my
adolescence to really move beyond those
issues that resolved those communication
issues and into the fun stuff
which ultimately had many ramifications
of my identity but also his relationship
my mother and his ratio himself in many
since my right before my father left my
mother he admitted that he was almost
ready to commit suicide a mum started to
smash a result down left and stay in bed
for three months and so through my
journey through being substitute from
that very young age I had a lot of
identity issues that crisis show up
especially going into my adolescence
season my desire to express myself fully
very much become tainted with the issues
and situations between mum and dad and
their relationship with themselves with
themselves between them in their great
family and depression and alcohol has
many ramifications because all three of
them are disconnected from our identity
and our values we start to look for
other ways to get our needs met
often it comes from numbing the pain of
that disconnection and that
miscommunication that misunderstanding
or that inability to feel connected
excuse me while we have a plane like
overhead on the McConnell Isuzu
howling through there that is super
close but in the flight of our own
unique identity and taking flight
sometimes if we don't gain the traction
under our wings than gain that
connection that contribution to make us
feel like we're contributing make us
feel like we have a place in our life
will start to witness others taking
flight around us in that sonic and sound
of the boom coming through the tunnel of
our existence in that darkness of our
epitome of our self-worth will start to
drown out our emotional resilience in
our ability to emotionally raise our
intellectual development and have us
sink into the cluster bottom of the lost
environment and darkness of depression
and so the ramifications of alcohol
abuse in that because often we lead to
alcohol because it numbs the emotional
situation or the burden or where we're
at and allows us to disconnect from that
emotional safety as us allows us to
disconnect from that low self-worth or
that inability to effectively get our
needs met and into that elation of
momentary self gratification through
alcoholism through getting drunk and yet
if we start to continue to dive down and
track and not open up those
conversations or not move beyond those
issues and the parameters that are
keeping us combined
over time that depression and that
numbing of that alcohol
and numbing of that pain through our
whole will start to have ramifications
because the evolution of unresolved
issues will slowly start to dwindle our
neurology and alter our perceptions of
the role we play in our life and so when
we don't have the ability to effectively
maintain our diet and our equilibrium to
remove the toxins of those alcohol of
that Oprah over out in our life our body
starts to adjust to dealing with the
toxins we're putting in it in those ways
and fundamentally a lot of people as the
more they step into that alcoholic fun
vibrant self other areas their life
starts break down and Windell and we
start to become removed from who we are
as unique identity and unless we start
to move away from that alcoholic binge
drinking and situation a life we never
really get to resolve those issues and
that's where the fundamentals of that
darkness start to become even further
and more elusively away from the light
that we truly seek in connection to the
people now life
the ramifications of excess alcohol and
a lot of alcoholics are spoken about
when they dry out they start to see the
the cloud that they were living in and
unresolved because it's all it was their
life is all about going up and coming
down and so the numb the numbing of that
momentary pain has become an evolution
of their identity which had never really
stepped into the truth of what was going
on and you know that cloud and that
smoke and mirrors of the alcoholic haze
of immediate gratification has us react
and respond in a certain type of way
that is all we can see in our ability to
solve our problems and effectively get
our needs met and yet it's only when we
start to step away from that alcoholic
binge drinking that we can start to find
new ways of reacting or responding in
order to not only get our own needs met
and to be understood by others but to
understand others and to help others get
their needs met that's the importance of
understanding the effects of alcohol on
the human psyche over time because as a
celebration alcohol can be quite fun and
it can be quite liberating we can open
up parts of our self and our psyche and
our identity that we never allow the
student can remove our inhibitions to
express their self in certain ways or it
can overtime and binge drinking start to
open up our inner thoughts and the
expressions in fundamentally destructive
ways and that's the importance of
understanding the effects of alcohol
and even substance abuse on our
depression because until we start to
open up the cloud and to move through
the cloud and beyond the smoke and
mirrors we only ever really see a slow
transformation of how we deal with our
issues and problems and most people move
into alcohol abuse because they don't
actually see the warning signs that are
showing up for them as they as they move
along we haven't been taught how to
understand our emotions in society and
we haven't been taught how to understand
a month the fundamental warning signs in
our relationships of when our
relationships breaks down and especially
as men that women as well we're not
being taught how to evolve through our
negative emotions our negative emotional
state and to move to a greater positive
level of connection with one another and
so therefore it just makes for greater
ability especially where there's bottle
shops on every corner and especially
when there is alcohol is a legal
substance makes it okay for people to
abuse those situations and to get stuck
in the rut of that lifestyle of drinking
to excess it's when we start to want to
step out of that cloud step out of that
smoke and mirrors in that haze that we
can start to understand how alcohol
abuse has really affected us because we
can numb me the pain of the depression
and the miscommunication and the cluster
bomb of
our relationships now lifestyle through
alcohol time and time again and yet we
only ever get deeper and deeper into the
darkness and into the tunnel of torment
the way we evolved from alcohol abuse
and depression is to start to not just
get off the booze and dry out but start
to open up emotionally start to open up
new communication new conversations of
the alcoholics in our life a guy that I
live with at the moment is very much 15
years after his marriage breakup just
stayed to face the emotional turmoil
that showed up in when his wife left him
for another man
and in supporting him on seeing all the
ramifications and outcomes of that
alcohol abusers and starts to evolve in
art which is frustrating because how
that person acts on alcohol and
substance abuse when they start to open
up about that stuff and that shame and
guilt of what showed up for them really
has them acting some really obnoxious
behaviors which are the outcomes of that
depression and outcomes of that low
self-worth that person's trying to get
their needs met by being funny by trying
to be abrasively connecting and yet the
more we start to judge those people and
people such as him for the shortcomings
and short failings of their life and
their lifestyle the further into the
darkness and the tunnel of depression
that they move so sometimes
understanding alcohol alcohol abuse and
depression is very much about they are
love people for weather app and accept
them for weather as frustrating us and
as confronting and obnoxious and
you know skunky as it can be because
it's only through holding that space and
holding that support and allowing that
person to evolve in their situation that
they're in and the feelings they have
that they'll start to understand their
emotional state they'll start to
understand what had them desire to
escape and to create a fundamental
momentary self gratification and we give
them permission to step out of that
space through non judgment and so we're
not having judgment on those people we
start to give them permission to have
that desire to open up a new part of
themselves to express to be part of the
self to understand that alcohol abuse
and what is causing them emotionally and
physically and mentally and spiritually
to do those activities and to gratify
themselves in such a way and that is
that is how I believe we can start to
evolve the mental health situation in
the greater community is to start to
raise their levels of effective
communication and to hold the space but
also to evolve our own emotional
situation our own emotional
understanding of our own communication
issues to communicate more effectively
with those people who are dealing with
our alcohol abuse and dealing with
substance abuse and dealing with the
more negative aspects and emotions of
their human nature and when we help them
and allow them to evolve what we do is
start to raise their own level of
self-worth that our own values on
interpersonal synergy we start to raise
their own ability to develop our
relationships and get our needs met and
greater fundamental ways which sees our
personal relationships evolving them in
and of themselves raised our ability to
be a greater leader and to build more
love and connection into our greatest
energy of the community abroad but it's
only through the non judgement and the
opening up of new conversations and the
evolution of our own interpersonal self
that through leadership we will start to
evolve as the community and step out of
the tunnel of darkness into a greater
I hope you liked this video and if you
have any comments or questions remember
to put them in the box below I'd love to
connect with you guys through my own
personal social media with the links are
below and if you know of anyone who
could use help and understanding of
integrating these tools and techniques
and ideologies and selloff click the
button below for Paul cash for coaching
let's open up a new conversation about
how we can help you evolve beyond the
clutches of alcohol abuse and depression
to bring about a whole new level of
happiness factor and constructive living
in lifestyle into your life in your
alright bye for now much love and
sincere peace see ya
Message pour votre nuit. 27 Avril - Duration: 0:32.
How to create the perfect top bun from a stunning high ponytail - Duration: 7:14.
Hey guys So today I'm going to show you 2 quick and
easy hairstyles that you can do with the Irresistible Me clip-in extensions
These are my favorite hairstyles Lately I've been all about manageability and
really time management because I want to do something quick with my hair and have it look
really nice and put together so I'm going to show you how I do this top
knot and also a really cute high ponytail so I'm really excited to show you guys these
looks I do them literally all the time and they
take the shortest amount of time so let's go ahead and get started
All right so we're starting with my little baby short bun and we're going to start with
our Irresistible Me clip-ins of course, some hair brushes, some bobby pins and some hairspray
and a hair clip and I'll be showing you other things that you need throughout the video
So first I'm going to take all my hair and comb it straight forward and then secure that
with a clip and I'm just going to show you guys what it's going to look like when you
clip the extensions in like how I clip mine in
so I'm going to take one of the wefts with 2 clips on it and I'm going to be clipping
it kind of upside down you see that instead of the hair going the
other way it's going be kind of flipping forward so I'm just going to ho ahead and start parting
my hair and I just decided to show you guys this from the side instead of the back so
you can see what it will look like and I use all of the wefts with the 2 clips
on them and one with 3 clips so I'm just going to start by clipping that
in and then flip it back and I move pretty fast through this cause I've been doing this
for a while and it doesn't really take that long for me to clip them in
I just kind of throw them in there so I'm just going to do that again
same thing, and flip it back and you want to make sure that they're kind of close together
since it is a lot that I'll be clipping in because we want our ponytails and our buns
to look really nice and thick so just go ahead and make sure that they're
not too far apart but not like bunched up on top of each other either because we want
them to look really flat and by starting at the back of your hair like
this it ensures that the ponytail or bun will be really nice and flat and undetectable that
you have clip-ins in there so this is the number 3 weft with the 3 clips
on it and now I'm going to go ahead and speed it
up since we've seen me do this a couple of times
so in all I think that there's about 5 pieces with 2 clips and one that I use with the 3
clips so it's about 6 pieces in your hair and that
might seem like a lot but these are really lightweight and they're thick but they're
not heavy so it's really easy to wear all day long without feeling like you have a headache
and I'm slowing this clip down right here so that I can show you guys that the very
top clip is a 2-clip but I'm flipping it the right way, straight back instead of upside
down because as you can see when you slide all of your hair back when you sleek it all
back that's the top part and you want it to lay correctly and lay flat
so I'm going to go ahead and smooth my hair up into a ponytail and as you can see it looks
super flat you can't even tell that there's clips in
there so you want to just go ahead and go through
and make sure that it's flat if you feel any clips anywhere make sure that
you smooth down over those with your hands and a brush if you want to and go ahead and
grab an elastic I made sure that mine is really tight or I
grab 2 of them if it's not tight enough because I want to make sure that it's really nice
and secure so now that it's in we can see that we can
definitely see a distinct line between my real hair and my clip-ins
so I'm sorry that you can't see this very much, I hadn't realized how far up my ponytail
was but you want to make sure that you hide it if your real hair is shorter than the clip-ins
so what I'm going to do is just take my real hair and just wrap it around the base of my
ponytail so that you can't tell and it looks really nice and stylish this way and then
all I do is just go ahead and grab a bobby pin and just pin that right in the back
and that is it for this ponytail it's really really simple
you can go ahead and use any hairspray if you want to, bobby pins, make sure that it's
nice and smooth, whatever you want to make it look nice and make it your own
Next we're going to go ahead and do the top knot
and this is the most simple thing ever! so what I do is take all of the extensions
and literally just twist them around in one hand and then twist them around the base of
the ponytail in the other hand and secure that with an elastic
and that's literally it! and that's the step that I always take for
my top knot I do it just like I'm going to do a ponytail
I take my real hair and tie it around the base of the ponytail and bobby pin it just
to make sure that it's nice and smooth, then nothing's poking out of the top knot
it just makes it look really nice and sleek that way so this is the exact step that I
take to do my top knot and it literally takes just 2 second
sometimes it will take me a little bit longer to make sure that it looks exactly how I want
to but thankfully this time I got it on the first try so I'm just going to go ahead and
bobby pin around I use the bobby pins that are a little bit
longer than the original size and I just pin on the right side of it, on the left side,
the front side and the back side to make sure it's nice and secure
then I grab some hairspray and just spray all around the bun and all around my hair
just to make sure that it stays all day long and it doesn't get any frizzy or flyways
and that's it for this top knot guys it was really really simple
This is the final look I really hope that you guys enjoy this video
Let me know in the comments below what you guys think of it and if you like these hairstyles
then what you do to achieve them, what are some tips and techniques that you use
so I hope that you guys learned something new from me today and I always want to learn
from you guys so I would love to hear your thoughts down below in the comments so go
ahead and leave me some! as always I hope you guys feel beautiful inside
and outside because you are!
Thank you so much for watching!
The Young and The Restless - I Do - Duration: 0:56.
>> Cane: I can't take this anymore.
I can't take this.
I'm not doing it.
>> Juliet: Okay. You are freaking out about nothing.
Nobody knows that camisole is mine.
>> Cane: I do.
I do, and I feel so guilty about what happened.
All right, I can't do it.
I'm gonna tell her.
>> Juliet: No. You were drunk.
You were drunk.
We were drunk, and it meant -- it meant nothing.
Why in God's name would you tell your wife?
She'd be devastated, and for what?
You want to lose your marriage?
Do you?
>> Cane: That's the last thing I want, but every time I see you,
all I think about is what happened that night.
I'm going to go and tell her.
>> Juliet: Okay. No. So, what?
So, I'm supposed to quit a job that I moved thousands of miles
for because you can't handle your emotions?
Get it together, Cane.
You're the one who says that you want to forget this, but you're
the one who keeps bringing it up.
>> Lily: Bringing what up?
The Bold and The Beautiful - I Will Expose Your Secrets - Duration: 2:17.
>> Ridge: Hey.
Give me one more chance.
Just one more.
Don't marry Spencer.
>> Bill: Well, what do we have here?
Oh, I know, the biggest screw-up on the planet.
And the beat goes on.
I mean, look at you.
You're begging my fiancée not to marry me?
Well, beg all you want, Fido.
My engagement ring's on her finger.
>> Ridge: The ugliest ring I've ever seen, by the way.
No offense.
>> Bill: None taken.
I've seen your dress designs.
Do you have any self-respect at all?
I mean, look at you.
What did you do?
I mean, what did you do?
Brooke was gonna marry you one day and not the next.
I find that very interesting.
>> Ridge: It's not your concern, is it?
>> Bill: I warned Brooke.
I told her you were gonna screw her over.
Hell, I told you the same thing.
It must have been something huge, and I'm gonna find out
what it is.
>> Brooke: Bill, stop.
>> Bill: He hurt you!
He did something, and I'm going to expose him for it.
So, how about you save us all the trouble and just tell me
what you did right now?
>> Ridge: I'm not telling you anything.
>> Bill: Look at you.
At the pinnacle of your existence, on the verge of
marrying your "destiny"...
Instead, you're begging and pleading on your knees for her
to take you back.
She must have been horrified.
>> Brooke: All right, that's enough.
Now, I have a very important business phone call that I need
to make right now.
Is it okay if I leave the two of you alone together?
Actually, Ridge, you better just go.
>> Bill: No, no, no.
We'll be fine. Won't we, slick?
>> Ridge: You got some nerve.
>> Bill: Me?
>> Ridge: What happened between Brooke and me is none of your
>> Bill: None of my business?
She's my fiancée.
>> Ridge: She's your fiancée, but you're not gonna be married
to her.
>> Bill: Listen, I'm gonna find out what you did, all right?
I am going to dig and dig until I get to the bottom of it.
>> Ridge: You want to waste your time, go ahead.
>> Bill: Make no mistake.
I will find out, and I will expose your dirty secret.
5-Minute Crafts To Do When You're BORED! 10 DIY Emoji Projects You NEED To Try! Life Hacks & DIYs! - Duration: 18:05.
hey guys welcome back to my channel
today I'm going to show you 10 5-minute
craft ideas inspired by emojis if you
like emojis click that like button and
comment down below your favorite emoji
if you're not already subscribed and
you'd like to see more fun DIY videos
please click that subscribe button
the first DIY will be an emoji Orbeez light
for this one you will need some sort of
container I'm going to use one of these
glass containers and if you can find
these little sports bottles those would
work great for this also
i drew a face on the container and then colored it in
with some sharpies
I'm going to use one of these party
lights I will leave a link down below
for these make sure that the light you
use is okay for use in water I'm just
going to use some hot glue to glue the light to the cap
I found these yellow
Orbeez online I will also leave a link
down below to these I poured some of the
Orbeez into the container
you can twist the light on and off and
then just place the cap into the
container and there you have your Orbeez light
the second project will be some
super fun emoji slime to start I'm going
to use a ping pong ball and with a pin
I'm going to poke a hole in the center
then I placed it on a wooden skewer and I painted it yellow
once the paint had
dried with some sharpies I drew on a face
here is what my ping pong ball
looks like at this point the next thing
I'm going to do is I'm going to take an
exacto knife and I'm going to cut by a
ping-pong ball in half
and here is mine once it was cut in half
now to make the slime I'm going to use
some white Elmer's glue I'm going to add
some yellow acrylic paint to the glue
and stir it together
to that I'm going to add some liquid starch and I'm just
going to slowly add it until it starts forming slime
here is how my slime
turned out now you can add your slime to
the ping pong ball and you have a fun
way to play with your slime
the next DIY will be emoji lip balm
for this one I'm going to use one of these
clear plastic portion cups the next
thing that you will need is some Epsom
salt in a ziploc bag I place some Epsom
salt along with a few drops of yellow
food coloring I shook it up until it was
all mixed together
I went online and printed out an emoji face that I wanted
to use and I cut it out so it would fit
inside the cup and I taped it down
I drew on the face with some sharpies and
colored it in
to fill in the white I'm going to use a
white painters pen if you don't have one
you can also use some acrylic paint
you will need a lip balm or bead container
that fits into the cup I found these at
I poured the yellow sand into the cup
and then I took the lip balm container
and I placed hot glue around the cap and
then placed that into the cup
once the glue cooled down I turned it over
to make the lip balm for this one I'm
going to use one tablespoon of beeswax
along with one tablespoon of coconut oil
I'm going to melt that in the microwave
on ten second increments until it is
fully melted to tint this one I'm just
going to use a piece of lipstick I put
that in mixture and stirred it until it
was melted
and that's all there is to this easy emoji lip-balm
the next two DIYs will be
different versions of this one one will
be a liquid emoji and the other one will
be an Orbeez one and I will show you
different lip balm recipes for those
for the Orbeez one I just did the same thing
as the prior one I went online printed
out an image and colored it in with some
I'm going to use some of the same Orbeez
as I use in the first DIY and I just
poured some of those in the cup almost
to the top I added a little bit of water
to the Orbeez I'm also going to use the
same type of lip balm container as
before and hot glue that the same way
for this lip balm recipe I'm going to
use some kool-aid I added a little bit
of kool-aid to a cup along with a couple
drips of water I'm going to add some
vaseline to the kool-aid and mix that together
I placed the lip balm mixture
into the lip balm container and that is
how you make this Orbeez emoji lip balm
and the other lip-balm will be the emoji liquid lip balm
it did the same thing I
printed out an emoji face and I colored
that in with sharpies and the white
paint pen
I filled the cup up about 3/4 of the way
with water and then I added some yellow
acrylic paint and stir that together
I then poured the mixture into the emoji
cup obviously you can do it in the emoji
cup I just chose to do it as a separate cup
I hot-glued around the lip balm
container and secured it to the cup just
like in the last 2 - to make the lip balm
for this one I'm going to melt down a
chapstick and I just place that into a
microwave safe container and microwaved it on
ten second increments until it was fully melted
to tint this one I'm going to use
a piece of lipstick and I just mix that
in until it was all melted pour it into
the lip balm container let it set for a
few minutes and that is how you make
this liquid emoji lip balm
the six DIY will be emoji glow-in-the-dark room decor
for this one I started by cutting
out circles that were about two inches
in diameter I will be using some
glow-in-the-dark puffy paint and I just
went around the entire circle with the
yellow glow-in-the-dark puffy paint
the face on this one I'm going to use
some red glow-in-the-dark puffy paint to
make the heart eyes
and to make the mouth I'm going to use
some gray glow-in-the-dark puffy paint
you can use a toothpick to help shape the puffy paint
and depending on how many
you want to make just cut out a enough
circles and repeat the same process with
the yellow and then the different colors
of glow-in-the-dark paint to make the faces
and here are mine as they are
glowing in the dark
now to turn these into room decor you can use some yellow
ribbon or thread and place each of the
emojis on there what I'm going to use is
I'm going to use the little mini clothes
pins and I'm going to glue the emojis to those
and that's all there is to there's easy
emoji glow l in the dark room decor idea
the seventh DIY will be an emoji pen for
this one I'm going to use these little
mini styrofoam balls I just started
placing those on a wooden skewer
after all five of them were on there I just painted them
and here are mine after they were painted
I used some puffy
paint to create the faces
I'm going to use the ink from one of these ballpoint pens
I placed each of the
emojis onto the ink and hot glue the
bottom to secure it in place
and now you have a fun emoji pen
the 8th DIY will be a super easy emoji keychain
I'm going to use a lid from a
bottle and trace around that then I'm
going to take a piece of parchment paper
set that over the top and tape it down
using the circle as my guide underneath
the parchment paper I'm going to hot
glue all in the circle
once the glue had cooled down I removed
it from the parchment paper
I colored the front and back with a yellow sharpie
I drew want a face with some sharpies
and colored it in
I'm going to use a needle to poke a hole
in the top
where I just made the hole I'm going to
put a jump ring through that hole
I'm going to add a key chain to the jump
ring and close it up
and there is a fun new way to make an emoji keychain
the 9th DIY will be a super easy mini notebook
for this one I
just went online and print it out an
emoji that I wanted to use and I cut it out
now I'm going to make the notebook
for this I place each of the emoji
images side by side leaving a little gap
in the middle and I traced around each
of the emojis
I drew two lines on the side that look
like this then I cut those out and this
is what you should have once they're cut out
I used a stapler to staple in the middle
glue the emoji images to the front and
the back of the notebook
and there is the super-easy mini emoji notebook
the last DIY is mini edible emojis
for this one you are going to need some yellow gum balls
to make the faces I'm going to use these candy decorating pens
I just used the candy
pens to start drawing on the faces and I
did have to go over them a couple of
times so they were fully colored in
once the faces are drawn on that's all there
is to these easy mini edible emojis I
hope you guys enjoyed all ten of these
DIYs I would love it if you gave this
video a thumbs up leave me a comment let
me know which one was your favorite also
if you have any future video suggestions
leave those in the comments until next
time I hope you guys all have an amazing
So guys I'm sorry to interrupt your
regularly scheduled broadcasting.
Hi everyone welcome back to my channel. So
hi everyone I am Kim I am a Registered
Dietitian welcome to my channel. So today
I am in South Florida and I'm going to
share with you guys what I eat when I'm
on the go. So of course my eating will be
restaurant style dining. So I'm actually
just here in the parking lot of my hotel
waiting on my friend to arrive so that
we can go get some brunch.
It is about 10:30 in the morning and I'm
um hungry! I actually did not eat anything
for breakfast, I intentionally did that
when I am traveling I don't like to eat
anything in the morning. I do get a
little lethargic after I do eat. You know
the blood from my brain is going to my
digestive system to help with the
digestion. So I didn't eat anything all
I've been drinking this morning is water
and I haven't drank much water reason
being also I don't want to stop. I don't,
I don't like to stop on the road. So I'm
just waiting on my friend and I'm going
to show you guys my first meal of the
day see you soon.
Amy-Oh snap Kim I didn't
record none of that before. *Laughing * I always forget
to do the record button.
It just dawned on me "Ooh red dot duh record". My bad!
Alright guys so we actually ended up
going to Green bar & Kitchen in Fort
Lauderdale Beach and this setup was
actually very cute. I like this ceiling
lamp that they have here with the piece
of wood I thought that was very artistic.
As well they had writings on the walls
but, let's get to the food. I ordered
macaroni and cheese, you guys will see it
soon, and they stated it was going to
have bacon on it. I thought it was going
to be like coconut shreds but, instead it
was mushrooms and it was burnt mushrooms
in my opinion. I really wasn't a fan of
it, just giving you guys my honest
opinion. The food had good flavor but, I
just wasn't a fan of the mushrooms and
my friend ordered the fries. So after we
ate this, this was our appetizer we had
our main entree which was a burger. The
yellow sauce was the cheese, the orange
sauce was tangy and the red sauce was a
little spicy. So I wasn't a fan of the
spicy that day so I just stuck with the
cheese sauce and the tangy sauce and my
friend wasn't a fan of the cheese sauce
is a little jiggly (for her) so this is what we
had for brunch.
So that I'm starting to interrupt your
regularly scheduled broadcasting. I
actually forgot to film my whole entire
trip to South Florida which is okay
because that wasn't the point of this
video anyway. The point one of this video was
to show you what I do eat in a day. So my
friend and I decided not to go out for
dinner that night; so breakfast was
around 11:00 or brunch I would say was
around 11:30; so we actually didn't eat
again until about 8 o'clock that night
and instead of going out and getting
something to eat, because we were up and
down the entire day we actually decided
to go to a friend's house and have what
she had prepared for us. So this is the
meal that she prepared for us. As you can
see there are some kale, there is a
cassava dumpling and I don't know if you
guys know what dumplings are but, they're
like a Caribbean-type of food. I guess
maybe you know what they are they're
little firmer than the American
dumplings; like you know the dish chicken
and dumplings a little firmer than that
but, this one was made from cassava and
oats because my friend is gluten free as
well as soy free. And she also made this
macaroni dish for us. She tried to have
it come out as a vegan macaroni
and cheese but, I didn't quite come out
like that but it tasted good nonetheless.
It was rich in flavor; I actually do
prefer homestyle cooking than the
restaurant cooking but, as I stated the
Green Bar & Kitchen wasn't too bad and
this meal that I had hair wasn't too bad
as well. So I didn't show you guys the
amount of water that I drank that day.
I actually didn't drink much because we
were up and down, up and down the place.
So this is the way that I ate on the go.
I typically try to find myself not
on the go too often and try to plan out
my meals appropriately to ensure that
I'm getting the proper amount of produce
but, it just didn't work out like that
this day. You know things happen and I
wanted to be realistic with you guys.
Sorry if you guys didn't see more
or more raw but, that's life!! But anyway
thank you guys for watching. Please
remember to like and subscribe to this
channel. Let me know what are some
options that you guys do to eat on the
go. Do you have a good day, thanks for
watching byeee!
I come to work because ... - Duration: 2:35.
[Groovy music]
The reason why I come to work is because ... I come to work every day ... Bob, you're one of the main reasons I come to work every day.
You are the reason I come to work in the morning.
[more groovy music]
The reason why I come to work is because you inspire me.
Your memory, your smarts, your wit awes me every day.
Shannon is a yes girl and a go for it girl.
[even more groovy music]
One of my favorite qualities about Bob is that he is so literal.
Just like his answer there, we compliment him and he says, well, some people have said
that and some people have said the opposite.
Or, man it's hot out there.
He's like, well, it's going to continue to be hot.
It is summer.
For our writing class, I look forward to hearing your creative ideas.
Shannon gives me strength every day because I can see her courage, and how hard she works.
She is one of the most willful people I know.
I've never once ever heard her say no.
I don't even think no is a part of her vocabulary.
It has been so cool to see how you helped your brother when he came here, how you helped
him feel at home and get along here in a new place.
You do, you inspire me.
I tell you that [laughs].
You wow me every day.
You can tell me every World Series Champion from the beginning of time until this year.
You can tell me every Super Bowl MVP, all these statistics that I would need Google
or an encyclopedia to find out.
She goes through every obstacle in front of her like it's not even there.
Shannon gives me strength, and courage and willpower, and if she can do it, anyone can
do it, with a smile.
I like that [laughs].
[groovy music]
OK, how did I look?
You look like you.
[music- louder]
Kate Middleton Tells Queen Elizabeth "I'm Having Another Baby" Pregnant? - Duration: 1:36.
We have been hearing for quite awhile now that Queen Elizabeth�s health is deteriorating
on a daily basis and one of the brightest spots for her this last year has been the
birth of little Prince George who is being christened today. This child has provided
Elizabeth with a real sense of comfort and it helped to solidify her decision to put
Prince William on the throne with Kate Middleton as his Queen. While Prince Charles should
be the next king according to his birthright, Elizabeth knows that in recent years her son
has been reduced to the position of a bubbling idiot while his wife, Camilla Parker Bowles
is a scheming wretch. Not the duo that Elizabeth wants to run her beloved country and she has
taken several steps to ensure that it won�t happen. Kate is very close to the Queen and
according to the 4th print edition of GLOBE magazine she recently promised the monarch
that a second baby will be on the way ASAP. Kate wants to bring joy to the queen and she
realizes how important it was for her to meet Prince George so she would like to give her
the opportunity to meet her second child as well. Obviously Kate knows that there isn�t
a lot of time on her side and so she and William are rumored to be trying for another child
already. tell us your thoughts in comments below. thanks for watching. please subscribe
my channel.
Three More Ideas to Change Your Life - Duration: 5:34.
First concept for today is little important things that you can do in order to build a
career, most of the things that you can do in order to build a network marketing business
are easy to do.
It's easy to find somebody to talk to.
It's easy to call them.
It's easy to tell somebody your story.
It's easy to show somebody your product.
It's easy to attend an event.
It's easy to show up.
It's pretty easy.
But here's the thing, It's also easy not to.
It's easy to blow it off, it's easy to not do it, it's easy to not show up, it's easy
to not share the product.
It's easy to hide, inside of network marketing.
And one of the things that Jim Rhone really taught me is Eric the things that are easy
to do are also easy not to do.
And you have the choice of one of two pains, the pain of discipline in the short term to
do the easy thing, or the pain of regret in the long term to not do the easy thing.
And he said, "Eric the pain of discipline weighs ounces, but the pain of regret weighs
I would wish that you don't go through the pain of regret by not doing the little things
that you could do to lead a big life.
Don't play small, play big by doing the easy things that other people choose not to do.
That is what will separate you from the rest of the people in the world.
The average.
That's what makes a pro, the easy things and being willing to give the discipline up in
order to be able to do it.
Second thing is, he used to say have you ever thought in network marketing, "Gosh I wish
this was easier.
You know this is hard, this is hard.
People say no to me.
People have biases against network marketing, people are too busy.
And people get distracted.
And this is hard.
This is heavy.
This is emotional."
And sometimes don't you wish it was a little easier.
Don't you wish more people would just join.
Don't you wish people would just step into it instead of running away from it.
And one of the things he taught me through all of his programs and in person was this,
he would say, "Eric don't wish it was easier.
Wish you were better.
Get better.
Don't wish for it to be easier."
That's not the secret, life is hard sometimes for the whole world.
But if you use that opportunity to get better instead of wishing for it to be easier.
It's not out there it's in here.
Wish you were better.
Get better.
Get stronger.
Get Wiser.
Get more powerful.
Get more influential.
And that's what I used in order to be able to go where I am today, and so many other
people have gone where they are in the world because they said you know what I am not gonna
blame I am just gonna get better.
So that was point number two.
First one, things that are easy to do are also easy not to do.
Do the easy things that you can do.
Point number two, don't wish things were easier, wish you were better.
Point number three, life does not respond to need.
Well you say I need money.
I need a job.
I need attention.
I need training.
Life doesn't respond to need.
Life responds to deserve.
If you deserve it, you'll get it.
If you need it life doesn't care.
If you need it.
Life cares if you deserve it.
So work hard to deserve, somebody else's attention, work hard to deserve those commissions.
Work hard to deserve that rank advancement.
Work hard to earn your place on that stage, work hard to deserve the things that this
profession can give you, instead of going to the world and saying I need, I need, I
Go to the world, and it will be obvious, you won't even need to tell them.
You'll deserve it.
So get better, get stronger, do the easy things.
So what's the recap for today, one the easy things are also easy not to do.
Do the easy things, today, instead of postponing til tomorrow.
Number two don't wish things were easier, wish you were better.
Get better, get stronger.
Number three, life doesn't respond to need.
Life responds to deserve.
Earn it, deserve it, it's better to be good than lucky.
You know what I am saying.
And ladies and gentlemen my wish for all of you is that you decide to become a network
marketing professional, that you decide to GoPro, because it is a stone cold fact that
we do have a better way.
Now let's go tell the world.
Everybody have a great day, see you next time.Hey my name is Eric Worre and if you are involved
in the network marketing profession, I want to invite you to come to the Network Marketing
Pro YouTube Channel.
Every week we put out content on how you can become a network marketing professional.
We have tips, ideas, strategies, interviews with million dollar earners in the profession,
interviews with global icons like Tony Robbins or Sir Richard Branson.
Lots of different things that we provide, they are absolutely free.
Do yourself a favor, click on the link, subscribe to the YouTube Channel, tell your friends
to do the same, and I can't wait to see you there.
Jakub Ungert i Patrycja Koziej SP nr 5 taniec to mój nałóg - Duration: 2:54.
Michela Brambilla con i tre piccoli porcellin - Duration: 3:00.
Minimer larm i hjemmet med et korkgulv - Duration: 0:43.
I Metodi di Pulizia di Joe Vitale #2 - Mettere In Discussione Le Proprie Convinzioni - Duration: 6:23.
This Beauty - Duration: 0:36.
Wow, it's a beauty!
Wow, it's a beauty!
Ooh, look at this beauty!
Ooh, look at this beauty!
It's a beauty.
What a beautiful beaty!
I love a beauty like this.
What an interesting beauty.
What a beauty.
What a beauty!
President Clinton's Letter to a Pakistani Shoemaker - 4K video - Duration: 7:42.
The Adventures of Serena Berg | Episode 74 - Duration: 6:36.
Roxanne: [hums to herself] 'Kay. Hi, Brett!
Serena: [chuckles] God, I can't stop smiling. It's disgusting.
Roxanne: [snorts] It's called happiness.
Serena: Right. I could get used to this.
Roxanne: Oh, you definitely will.
Serena: [to camera] Hey, Brett. I don't know what's going on either. She won't tell me anything.
Roxanne: [in sing song voice] It's a surprise!
Serena: You're a surprise. [Roxanne hums amusedly]
Serena: Please, give me a hint. Roxanne: Nope! Now close your eyes.
Roxanne: Do it. Do it, close your eyes.
[Roxanne makes an excited noise and gets off the bed]
[the door opens]
Roxanne: [whispering] Yesss.
[the door shuts]
Luke: [hushed] Hey!
[Roxanne cackles]
Serena: Wait. Who is that?
Roxanne: Oh, be patient already.
Serena: Wait, someone's here. Roxanne: Okay, okay-
Roxanne: Now open.
Serena: [to Luke] What are you-? Roxanne: [to Luke] Ready?
Luke: Mm hmm.
Roxanne: [to Serena] This is for you. I hope you like it.
[to the camera] You too, Brett. [laughs nervously]
Roxanne: [to Luke] Yeah, okay.
[Roxanne takes a deep breath]
Roxanne: [singing] This is the story of us, that's you and me.
So where do we begin?
As two little kids running on a playground
or the time I fell down and skinned my knee
and all you told me was, "you're stuck with me"
you're stuck with me
Growing up, we played pretend
Ruled several kingdoms and made countless friends,
Now we're grown up, Serena
So let's go to the moon,
Let's go to the moon.
Maybe we don't become rockstars,
Serena the Fearless with Roxanne on guitar,
or whatever we do, wherever we go, oh Serena, I'm stuck with you.
I wanna be stuck with you.
Middle school, I tutored you in chemistry,
and you taught me to be cool.
I did your homework, we pranked the math teacher.
You steered me clear of those kids by the bleachers.
Since then, we've always been together,
And I promise you, Serena, it will always be forever.
We're in college now, old stuffy adults
No longer fighting battles in boats
No playing pirates or practicing ballet
But my dear Serena
I won't ever stray
Growing up, we played pretend
Ruled several kingdoms, made countless friends
Now we're grown up, Serena
So let's go to the moon
Let's kiss until high noon
I've fallen in love
And now we're stuck, just me and you.
Serena: You wrote a song for me?
Roxanne: [in normal voice] Yeah! Luke: And I helped.
Roxanne: [laughing] He did. I couldn't have done it without him. [to Luke] Thanks.
Serena: [still in shock] I can't believe- Roxanne: Well, believe it.
[Serena snorts]
Serena: That's not fair. I was in the middle of writing you a poem.
Roxanne: [laughs] Oh, you are such a cheeseball!
Roxanne: [to camera] So, surprise! Serena and I are official.
Serena: Brett already knows. He was the first person I told, actually.
Roxanne: [snorts] Of course he was.
Serena: Hey, I'm sure he still thought this was a nice surprise.
Luke: It's not a surprise if you're expecting it.
Serena: Oh come on, Luke.
Roxanne: [to camera] Anyway, Brett. We just wanted to tell you in a kind of fun way, so hopefully you liked that.
Luke: I know Serena did.
Serena: Brett, they're teasing me mercilessly.
Can't you see how cruel this is?
Luke: [to camera] Don't listen to her.
Besides, if she hung out with us more, we would definitely tone down the teasing.
Serena: [snorts] Sure, Luke. Sure.
Besides, I much prefer hanging out with Roxanne.
Luke: You two are disgusting. Get a room.
[the girls make sounds of protest] Serena: You're IN my room. Roxanne: Dude.
Luke: I'm okay! Roxanne: Good.
Serena: So on a more serious note,
I guess I just want to thank you for sticking with me through this.
For watching these ridiculous videos.
When I started making them, I wasn't really in a good place.
But now I am.
And...so...[chuckles] I dunno, thank you for dealing with my shit.
For being my voice of reason.
Thanks for listening to my depressing personal life.
I know you'll miss seeing this gorgeous face on your computer screen, but
if all goes as planned, maybe you'll see it soon. In person.
Anyway, I'm done being sappy.
Roxanne: I like it when you're sappy.
Anyway, I'd like to chime in and say thank you, Brett,
for keeping her sane this whole time and listening to her.
I'll try to do a better job at it from now on.
Serena: Expect us in the Big Apple soon! Cuz we're gonna take it by storm.
Luke: Yeah, I'm coming too, right?
Roxanne: Obviously. Luke: Okay, good.
Serena: Okay. I think it's time to sign off.
You guys know what to do?
Luke: Later, Brett! Roxanne: See you soon.
Serena: 'til next time, on The Adventures of Serena Berg.
Roxanne: [cheery] And Roxanne Roberts!
Serena: [mildly annoyed] Okay, no, I'm cutting that out
cuz that totally ruins the flow of the thing.
Roxanne: It's true, though! Remember? We're a team now.
You're stuck with me.
Serena: Yeah, but it's the style of the thing.
Roxanne: Would you rather be alone signing off?
Serena: Okay, you're taking this way too personally.
Roxanne: I'm just saying, it's symbolic of me being in your life.
Serena: You were always in my life.
Roxanne: Yeah, but it's different now. I'm your girlfriend.
I'm your life partner, your main squeeze, your precious snookums.
Serena: Ew. No, you're just annoying. [Roxanne giggles]
But I love you anyway.
Roxanne: I am a delight, and you know it. [Luke sighs]
Roxanne: That is what's happening-
[text rolling upwards: "Thank you for watching!"]
26 - Salzburg x Hallstatt - Our little journey in Austria [Eng Subtitled] - Duration: 4:25.
SFM Poster Time Lapse | WarmUp - Duration: 1:59.
SFM Poster Time Lapse
SFM Poster Time Lapse
Raven & Luna | Carry You - Duration: 1:33.
R: I know how you feel okay?
L: Nyko!
R: I get it.
R: But it won't always be like this.
R: You'll just have to keep fighting.
L: What if the fight is all we are?
Nyko: Your fight is over.
L: We torture,
L: we pretend we're more than that just to make us feel better.
R: Luna!
R: It's not your blood that defines you.
R: it's your heart.
L: Don't worry.
L: It'll all be over soon.
L: Raven!
L: Raven! Please...
R: I can't let you leave!
R: I need you!
R: Luna, please!
R: I hate you!
L: Raven!
R: Get off me!
R: Get off me!
L: I give myself...
L: to the miracle...
R: ...of the sea.
L: I know the darkness.
Tips for visiting volcano Teide, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain - Duration: 4:44.
Hi everybody
We just returned from an amazing canary island Tenerife
and I'd like to share some information
how to get to the highest spanish volcano El Teide
*welcome to tenerife*
We rented a car and drove through the island to the cable car station
I would recommend you to go earlier to not have time pressure
and spend more time on the top of volcano
It took us about 2 hours
to get there with several stops for taking pictures
the cable car station is located
at 2536m above the sea level
The station has a free parking area
so do not worry about where to leave your car
A single return ticket costed us 27 euro
The way to the top will take you only 8 min with a cable car
which is super convenient
Be prepared to the weather change
take a hat, gloves and jacket it's quite cold up there
The day we travelled
The weather on top was +4 degrees C and it was very very sunny
When you get to the upper station
you can choose several routes
and each of them has marvelous views
If you want to reach the highest peak of the volcano
you should choose the route number 10
the name of which is Telesforo Bravo
important to know
that the access to this peak
is controlled by government
due to environmental reasons
but you can easily apply
for a permit for free online
you can check the link below
it's better to plan it at least one month in advance
if you want to get a date
which will fit your trip
we reached the highest peak
after about half an hour of hike
and we could finally enjoy the great view
on the whole island
I would also suggest you
to plan your time better
the last cable car goes down at 5 pm
and we almost missed it
Thanks everybody for watching
and hope to see you soon
Tech Check - Duration: 2:20.
Stevens Crack Adventures S1E3 "Crackhandler Suitcase" - Duration: 8:55.
STEVEN: I'm singing my mailman song, I'm singing my mailman song,
- I wait, wait for the mailman to come!
- *GASP*
- OH, HI!
JAMIE: no, wrong.
- i do have this,, sandwich
STEVEN: I don't want that!
JAMIE: eat it, bitch
STEVEN: I said I don't want it!
JAMIE: well, fine,, then, i'll get some more mail
- ohp, here it is, heres a box
JAMIE: eat it,
- please
STEVEN: I'm not gonna eat it! It's a backpack, ya dingus!
- I mean, besides! It's used for storing shit
JAMIE: oh, okay!
STEVEN: Okay, so like, can i have it now?
JAMIE: no,
- sign
JAMIE: happy hanukkah, bitch
STEVEN: I don't celebrate Hanukkah!
JAMIE: oh my god,
PEARL: ???? AMETHYST: ugH, i was thinking of ur mom naked, PEARL
PEARL: So, Steven, what do you have? We went and retrieved this dildo from a museum,
- It's very old, and people liked to.. Shove it up their butts!
- so hot...
- ah...
AMETHYST: it hasnt even been washed,
PEARL: Oh, look at that, there's this-
- That's heaven. Don't go there, Steven, It's a bad place.
GARNET: that's lame
PEARL: what is that-
STEVEN: It's not lame!
- so like,
- It has pockets, and it's made out of a cheeseburger, and it also stores my meth!
- OH YEAH BABY! I'm so cool - I got, like, this weed, and, uh-
PEARL: Uh, Steven, that's nice and all, but-
STEVEN: Uh, what? But I need to go!
AMETHYST: to the bathroom?
PEARL: Steven-
AMETHYST: uh, does it have- does it came- come with the drugs?
PEARL: Hm. Well, if it comes with drugs, then i suppose you can bring it.
STEVEN: You guys won't regret this! I promise, I promise, (I promise)
STEVEN: Oh, stop it!
- Why do you always gotta nag at me!
PEARL: Because um,, I don't know.
AMETHYST: Uh, Pearl's lame.
PEARL: Fuck yourself, Amethyst.
PEARL: Do you remember how to do this?!
STEVEN: Wow, this looks old!
AMETHYST: I'm 100% sure you have diabetes,
GARNET: i like this rock
STEVEN: Oh, it doesn't look that bad!
STEVEN: Why are you screaming-
GARNET: wow ur such a fuckin dumbass
STEVEN: Oh, you made it alive! GARNET: im questioning wether this is worth my time or not
MR QUEASY: UUUGH, STOP SHAKING ME, GARNET: i feel like i should kill myself
- ??
GARNET: c'mon- ok, we're leaving, oh- stop
- UH, one night stand, everybody????
GARNET: uh,uhuh, no
GARNET: i-its water. watersports, anybody?
- nope, ok
STEVEN: Oh, I got an idea!
AMETHYST: oh, what the fuck
STEVEN: I was gonna save these for like, when we were gonna fuck, but, I guess this is okay.
GARNET: but we might need those
GARNET: goodbye
AMETHYST: uaaagh
STEVEN: Bitch, I'm the main character, I don't die! WOOHOOHOOHOO!
AMETHYST: Here's my girlfriends, I'm bringing my girlfriends.
STEVEN: Sure, whatever. O-
PEARL: Ah, as long as you got some crack, it's okay.
PEARL: Oh god, our hotel is a mess! Who- Who- Who- Someone fucked it too hard
- Oh..
STEVEN: Pearl! You need to calm the fuck down!
PEARL: It wasn't worth it anyway...
GARNET: i dont feel like seafood right now
STEVEN: I want that one!
GARNET: i feel like i need a bagel right now
PEARL: So, obviously, Amethyst, you go fuck these ones over here,
- and whip 'em, whip their assholes.
- Garnet, you stand up in the building, and fuck(?) 'em, while i-
GARNET AND AMETHYST: *complain noises*
GARNET: they were too fat anyways
STEVEN: I ???? do it! I dunno about you, but I ????.
GARNET: cmon, lets g- cmon amethyst, lets go do lesbian things
GARNET: cmon, lets g- cmon amethyst, lets go do lesbian things AMETHYST: Ugh, these assholes are lame
AMETHYST: Yeah, Lets just- Lets touch each other
GARNET: oh yeya
PEARL: Someone just came.
AMETHYST: Wow, thats wet
*everyone looks at steven*
STEVEN: Why the fuck are you lookin' at me??
GARNET: goodbye
- hiyah
- hiyah
- aYO
GARNET: hack
GARNET: i m i n
GARNET: aaaaa-
GARNET: oh hello~
GARNET: goodbye
GARNET: we, are the crystal gems
STEVEN: I'm bad! I'm stupid! ..I suck.
PEARL: Yes, yes you are, Steven. This is all your fault, It wouldn't have sunken if you hadn't brought that useless toy.
- AH..
STEVEN: ..Okay, I guess that makes sense! Okay, so, how are we gonna get home?-
GARNET: ahh,,
STEVEN: Who wants a wet bagel?
O Salto de Rakan E Xayah -REMIX- Méqui Huê ft. Thickey e FalaJogada - Duration: 4:18.
O que é um diodo? - Duration: 6:20.
Hello guys! Welcome to Mundo da Elétrica!
In today's video I will explain to you what is a diode!
Let's get started!
I'm sure you've already seen a diode!
If you are watchin this video on a LED monitor or in a mobile phone with OLED screen, you
You are literally looking to millions of diodes!
Each little light that illuminates the electronics that you have in your home is a light emitting diode ...
better known as an LED!
A diode is an electronic component that allows the passage of electric current only
in one direction.
A simple analogy is to compare a diode to a valve that only allows water to flow
in one direction.
The diode does the same with the electric current.
A diode is a component with two terminals and its own schematic symbol indicates
its polarity.
If you look at the diode symbol you can see a small arrow. That arrow indicates
the direction to where electricity can flow!
The current flows from anode to cathode.
This little white line at the cathode of the diode It is also represented by the vertical line
that appears in the diode symbol, which helps memorizing polarity.
A diode has several applications.
One is to act as a rectifier, converting AC to DC voltage.
But a diode is not a perfec electric valve!
It spends some energy to work.
When current flows through a diode, some energy is lost as
This is realized through a voltage drop of approximately 0.7V.
The higher the current, the more the diode heats up.
And the voltage drop can also vary according to the current, the temperature and
also with the type of diode!
But let us consider the voltage drop of 0.7V for the rest of this video.
In other words, to make a diode conduct electricity you need to put at least
0.7V from anode to cathode.
With less than that, the silicon diode will not conduct electricity.
So if you put 5V between anode and cathode of a diode, there will be current flowing
through the diode and the voltage on the diode will be 0.7V, left 4.3V for the rest of the circuit!
This 0.7V voltage drop can be a issue in some circuits, which is why
there are diodes with different characteristics, including a much lower voltage drop.
Well ... and what else is important to know when choosing a diode?
As I said the diode dissipates a little heat ... so know the maximum power
it supports is important.
The power over the diode is calculated by multiplying the voltage drop by the current flowing
through the diode.
Suppose a 500mA current is passing for a silicon diode.
The usual voltage drop is 0.7V, so the power loss will be
of 0.5A * 0.7V = 0.35W.
Or 350 mW.
It may not seem like much, but it's a power that will make the diode heat a little and
can be significant depending on the circuit.
Therefore it is important to know the maximum current a diode can support and that you find
on its manual or datasheet.
And you can not connect two diodes in parallel to support more current.
If you do that, one of them will be faster to drain energy
and will end up heating more than the other.
The current will not be divided proportionally between the diodes as with resistors.
And this reminds me of another diodes very important feature: switching speed!
Each diode takes some time to close and open the ""valve"" which allows current
to flow.
There are diodes to be used in low frequency as those used in bridge
rectifies on AC line.
These easily support the 50 Hz or 60 Hz from AC line.
There are fastest diodes for other applications that support
much higher frequencies.
Another important feature of the diodes is the maximum reverse voltage or, in other words,
what is the maximum voltage at which the diode can prevent the passage of electric current.
Also in analogy with the water valve, as would be the maximum pressure that the valve
can withstand to without letting water leak!
The best way to learn about diodes is search for datasheets of various models
and see which of them can be used in each application.
and there are dozens of types and ratings o fdiodes.
In addition to the general purpose diodes, the most common are LEDs, the Zener diodes, the signal diodes
the power diodes, photo diodes, the laser diode, varicap diode, rectifier diode ...
The list is huge!
Now I will give a simple example of using a diode.
By connecting an AC voltage on a diode, the positive cycle of the wave will pass
though the diode and the negative cycle will be blocked.
This connection is the basic principle of voltage rectifiers!
I spoke specifically about voltage rectifier in another video.
See it here in the card that appears to you!
And if you want to fix any electronic device it is important to know how to test a diode!
A multimeter can be used to test a diode!
You put the multimeter the continuity scale or selects the diode symbol that some
multimeters have.
Now put the positive terminal of the diode on the positive terminal and the negative of the diode
in the negative of the multimeter.
By doing this you should hear a beep indicating that the diode is conducting in this direction.
Reverse polarity now and the beep must stop.
This means that the diode is conducting in one direction and is not conducting,
on another. Exactly as it should be!
If the diode conduct in both directions or do not conduct in any of them, means that it
is defective!
Well ... that's it folks!
I hope you enjoyed this video!
Give it a like, ok?
If you have any questions let it in the comments section below! Subscribe to
the channel to be notified of new videos!
Also visit the site MundoDaEletrica.com.br and sign up for our VIP mailing list!
Follow us on social networks and send your question!
That's it folks and I see you on the next video!
Fundo Long and Short , Direcional e Neutro #Multimercado - Duration: 4:30.
BOA | #NoBoteco | Trailer - Duration: 0:46.
Como hacer hidroimpresion - Duration: 16:49.
hello what such friends and fellow
welcome again already am here one
time more with all you to bring you
another new tutorial in which this time
I go you to teach to do you
same what is an impression
hydrographic any of you you
will be asking what is one
well this go it to explain
thoroughly a bit more advance
now the first that I want to do is
as always greet to all the
subscribers of the channel that thanks to
you finish to surpass the barrier
of the 10.000 subscribers that is not
at all badly to be a channel of this type
also as I always want to greet to
our sponsor that is here day
to day supporting us and especially
remember you they people that are
interested in receiving notifications of
new tutoriales leave questions
comments of the current with another subject
arias as at all that they do not doubt in
subscribe to the channel
very as as it was commenting east
tutorial go it to base in teaching us
how do you same what is
an impression is grafica clearly
this work could do with
professional tools as it can
be an engine of air compressed his
gun of of professional painting
the clear here go it to do of
way that arrive as I say always to
more people
here what go to do is to use
aerosols that is to say sprays of all the
this already see it well a poquito more
advance now what want to comment already
it is of the tutorial because of the long that
it goes to do because it carries a lot of many
processes and eva a lot of lukoki comment
a lot of points that stand out as we have
digirido in doing it two halves no that
it was the first part and in which I am
seeing right now and afterwards had the
second part that give it a poquito
more advance in this first part I
I go you to dictate the points go to be
necessary and afterwards also is to teach
and do the processes to direct
imprimación basic colour afterwards second
basic colour if necessary and afterwards already
as we would happen to the second part that
it is in which I go them to teach and go
to do the process of what is the
container of water but well if already it
we will see in the second part
well now already I go to begin to amit
rings the fruits that go us to do
fault to put to this type of
well the first and the main would be
achieve the
the film or the vinyl escaped with what
it called me it is pro can find it or
can buy it very simple from the
web page of our sponsor mo
I seated here up the upper corner
right see is a species of dibujito
that indicates that it press and if the symbol
of information if you press here as
go in directly to the web page of
our sponsor and can locate
east any type of cinema and think that
have or if they are a 50 or 60 models
when you go to choose a film of
these try with to begin tries
buy what are a drawing would not say
york distorted that is to say that it was not to
that have one some curves some lines
very grata very detailed why because
if you are we say beginners is normal
that do not do and well the process and him them
it can remain the say and this supposing
that that have an image of one
species a face
if you do not know to do it very very put
vaginal lengthened or deformed by the
so much try buy what are films
that have post type of skin of
snake camuflaje things so they are
we say that the habitat of the drawing
it can distort then bases stops
create a lot of more dissembled this
it would be one of the very important tricks
have the film the second would be the
activador the activador see it in
against of January only also to granel
agranden goes out a lot of cheaper the
only that go to remove it a
pulverizador will buy it 100200 300.
millilitres what want new go to
add and helped us pulverizador afterwards
the following would be a list of grain
this goes to use in very few
occasions but if the surface is of
colour shine that has is a lot of
more kvasina as it is recommended
hit him a small
now what is the zone so that like this
he an imprimación take them a lot
better the following step would be the
imprimación imprimación there are people that
it uses it
there are other people that did not come it with
the basic colour the basic colours
again they have to be of clear colour
then we will add and the basic colour of
white and afterwards clear to is the colour
white as we put a colour of colours
of this like this striking type was
resaltado a lot of more could
do directly also in what it is
the imprimación and advances imagine it
goal basic colour of striking like his
better day but why do first
imprimación logo white and there was another
colour because what more layers of colour
genial and is the piece deny the layer goes
to be much finer in severe
a lot of more sensual therefore
I recommend that you use
imprimación first basic colour in east
white case and new and that afterwards is
another striking colour like judges
east could be no only this and good
already apur last already would be the barneys
join go it to do already when have
the impression put in our gto the
brilliant remains very beautiful but say
sincerely it is very well between comillas
a very guarro why because any
in what we touch it it notices a lot the
footprints dactilares the sweat of the hands
therefore I recommend more atinado
that it is an intermediate thing between the
brilliant and the Tuesday and notices a lot
less the society and afterwards the matt is
quite well because it leaves a
a protective layer ceferesos the barneys
but we do not touch it it does not notice so much it
that it is the ages the sweat of the
baldosas effective
lugo also goes us to do fault it
that it is a finca of this type also
called strip of carrocero this go it
to use as to do him the frame to
what is anyway so that it do not crease
it do not shrink because this when
we enter in the water tends to
shrink or do crease then this
what goes to do is to avoid that
it shrink the less possible as it will do us
fault as I say strip of carrocero the
width will be more or less cuidar the half
neither it does fault that was very wide in
lugo also a product desengrasante
as the dissolvent can be alcohol
isopropílico or alcohol to cure the
the dissolvent sincerely depending
of the surface that go to treat as
it can be quite scorching then to
me it likes me more to what is the alcohol
isopropílico what is this of here if
it did not go it and locate does not happen
absolutely at all because as it said lal
gul to cure the wounds also
it would cost way and the downpipe and well already
finally as already do us with a
measurer of temperature
this go it to use especially stops
measure the temperature of the water because
depending on the station of the year in
the one who are summer spring and
winter all what was as the
temperature is used to to vary the degrees
the most recommended is that it was between 25
to 30 maximum degrees if it does not arrive to 25
degrees as it will be necessary to put him water
current and if this of poor's water and
the sweet this comes very very stops
arrive to the exact point of temperature
by an inheritance has commented the listing
of all the necessary remember very
important where achieved the
articles so much of the film that is to say the
vinyl and the activated can it
achieve in the web page of ours
sponsor against and anchors up
the right upper corner in the
symbol of information using here
can licitar what is the web page and
the rest of products related with
all the painting is to go and pure base evan
go is imprimación even the product
it is a felt no as the dissolvent
all this point can find in
any house of paintings are and no
have any problem in cooks in
said this by at all now go to
teach the objects that have sesionado
to do the impression
we have selected the upper house of
a control of playstation 4 of the house
upper of a control of x by juan
because the carcasa upper as very
simple because they are much easier
to do
like everything in this first life that
begin by the easy by the simple and
afterwards when already the one who dare in trick to
the top or if we want to try
the inferior as we do it also you
I say antemano useful to the inferior part
of the carcasa of the manna dt and four eat
the team uat is a lot of more
complicated because because has a lot of
more founded line recurdos points
blind say is much more complicated and
it is simpler that it do not go out rooney
to what is the intimación but good
I am to the beautiful that it is the flower now eat
I say the carcasa upper and even juan
and bc4 go to shelve of monitur
the one of kiss the subject of the carcasa
upper of the ps4 as although we attain
all the equal controls there is varied
models have is that that could not
of injured
has something of shine what is all
carcasa therefore here yes that
it would be recommended to give him a small
happened with the list afterwards finish by
example this model that can see that
it is a poquito more matt and have it
practically all in colour matt
atony would not be necessary the asylum and
afterwards we had another third carcasa that
it would be the intermediate between this and this
it would be all what estimate this part
down the empuñadura of matt colour and
afterwards we would have these two circles of
colour shine therefore it is one
we had to alijar this zone and
but well this already sees it is now eat
I say we go to take a poquito of níjar
and this as we can see as has
quite shine because we were the list
fast by all the sides see this
already we have now we go to do it with the
producer is a laxante
in this case I like said to me me
it likes more the alcohol isopropílico
have a paper in have a poquito
and we remove him all the residue that have
ocasionado with
of this form what will do will be to that
the lame image a lot of off
norbert that has remained quite ugly but
well this is normal this is of my daughter
the more and that now very this have it
ready and like the commented by
example in the carcasa of the modelismo one
as it is not necessary rifarla because the
we look the finishing of the ine is enough
rugoso then is not necessary to give him
any moved away so neither encestó already
it is prepared the following was would be
to spend the day to so we will see what
unemployed person to do the imprimación and
tones process difficult to these rare
here it can not do and first because
it was without smoke neither this is very reduced
sum a workshop have the camera that
up that is to say there are a lot of things that
they can see affected with this type of
costs or because the intimación live
place results a lot of been and especially
in the air in networks no only to mark
all what there is around so you
I recommend first to protect you you
with some type of of mask of gas already
it is as as this type or if no as already
something cheaper like this and afterwards
also as it does not go to be this type of
work in a ready place for east
type of work some place that was
open two masters that run quite air
or if no as that did not arrive something
prepared that there is some bomb of
extraction of gases or something like this but
well this already leave it to your election
so we go to happen to what is the
bank and here what go to do will be
imprimación first will give him 2 happen
of two happened of imprimación afterwards him
we will do a basic colour matt white and
afterwards we will do it a basic colour colour
striking as I say I no
and already with this will have it tested like this
that go to the bank and see it
one as once it have finalised what
it is the process of imprimación and painting
as see the result that is enough
well and now as already it could be that
we are arriving at the end of the first
part of what is the tutorial here me
I put commented the necessary to be able to
like this this process attains - taught to
prepare what is this case the carcasa
so much of playstation 4 as of teams
cual now as also I go you to
teach some small examples that
have here so that you see and the
final result that would have an one
house of one wanted to guano afterwards
we finish like this the one of the prison four
that this think that luis ayllón of
workshop and afterwards to see what adding and
it has finished here you can see what
addend with his pressure I was born here and
the another the the modifications that
vadócz or was can see that it is a
quite professional control and well as
now already it touches to go sacking already eat
I say always if it liked you I remove side
it served of help already know to give us
silais in looking for that it does not cost his so
bent also share these
tutoriales with the social networks because
as it said in so much learn eat
right signals of all the people
so at all we will go back in in the
second part the tunal
a greeting and until prompt
Rogério Skylab - 02 Bengala de Cego (Legendado) - Duration: 4:20.
My problems with Photoshop: Colors (Color mode) - Duration: 1:56.
09 verdades & 1 mentira de uma GRINGA no Brasil! This video is in ENGLISH! :) - Duration: 6:49.
Hello and welcome.
Today's video is going to be a little bit different because I'm going to do the entire video in English.
So if you want to watch this video with subtitles
Make sure to turn on your subtitles in your YouTube configurations.
So last week I posted 10 sentences with some information about me.
Nine of these sentences were true and one was a lie.
So today I'm going to tell the story behind these 10 sentences.
So, the first sentence that I posted was
And this story is true! Can you believe it?
When I came to Brazil, for the second time, I went to the Federal Police to ask for an extension
on my tourist visa
But, I got there one day late.
And they stamped my passport that I was illegal and I needed to leave immediately
Well, I had already bought my plane ticket back
So I decided, ya know, I'm gonna stay.
And when I went to the airport to actually leave, about 3 months later
When I went to check in, the woman looked at my passport full of stamps
saying that I was illegal and needed to leave
and she sent me upstairs to the Federal Police where they did a spontaneous deportation
And then I had a police escort to the airplane
I knew that I had done something wrong.
I knew I overstayed the allotted time
So, I was never upset about being deported.
It was a very fair thing that happened to me.
So, yes. I was deported from Brazil while 8 months pregnant.
This is also true.
I did an exchange program in Spain while I was in college.
And a very, very good friend of mine and I decided to get a little tattoo as a souvenir, a permanent souvenir
of our time in Spain.
So, it's just a little symbol of Sevilla, the city that I lived in.
This one is false.
I never lived in the same building as Michael Jordan.
I did, however, see his kids at the swimming pool.
And I did live in a building with a lot of baseball players.
The building that I lived in was very close to Wrigley Field, where the Chicago Cubs play.
So there were a lot of baseball players living in my building.
This is true.
Not exactly cheerleaders, we called it the Pom Pom squad, but for those of you in Brazil, it's pretty much the same thing.
It's like a dance team with these pom pons.
But I know the idea of being a cheerleader and playing football and things like that is something very American.
So, I thought it would be something funny for you guys.
This is also true.
I am a naturalized citizen of Switzerland.
My mother's family is Swiss
I have a Swiss passport
So if I ever want to go to Switzerland, I guess I can.
I think this is true.
But maybe it's something that I think I know how to do, but I really don't.
I will let you guys judge.
But be honest with me.
This is also true.
I think I was like 15 or 16
Maybe even a little bit younger
But there was one day and we were looking for some funny things to do
and I decided to ride the horse through the McDonald's drive-thru
But they wouldn't serve me. Can you believe it?
So, again this is also true.
So, my father...he had a farm with lots of exotic animals.
Buffalo, elk, rheas, emus,
different kids of parrots, fish, lizards, horses, cows, goats,
snakes, mice, chickens... I don't even know.
It was really, really fun...a great, great childhood
This is also true. We are...
There are some really cool things coming your way. So stay tuned.
That is it, you guys!
I hope you liked this video of telling some funny stories.
And remember, if you have any questions, you can always Ask Jackie
Excel snadno - ZÍSKATKONTDATA/GetPivotData - Duration: 4:59.
Excel snadno / Easy Excel
Hello, welcome to the Easy Excel Video.
Let's look at the function "GetPivotData".
This function is related to the PivotTable
So you are able to take the values from the pivot.
It is useful and interesting function.
First example
Fill the yellow cells using getpivotdata function.
from the top PivotTable.
Click into the pivot.
Now, you can see the function with predefined values.
We want to have dynamic function.
So, instead of fix values we use referencies.
So we need values in detail of quarters and branches.
It means
We can delete categories and toys.
Branch "Plzeň"
We can delete months as well.
We refer the quarter to the cell "C18".
Copy to all cells.
2nd example
= + click to the pivot table
The function appears.
We are going to correct it.
We have 3 months, branches and categories.
Refer all values.
Delete quarter.
Copy formula to all yellow cells.
Let's go on 3rd example.
Click to the pivot table.
We need branches, categories and months.
Refer branch,
Select months.
Delete quarters.
Copy to all yellow cells.
Add quarter Q1
Here Q2
Write the "month" here.
And quarter here.
Refer the word "month" as well.
Function is finnished now.
Check: 1.331 is a sum of these 3 cells.
Check: 1.127 is a sum of these 3 cells.
Change branch to "Brno"
and category to toy.
For example: month 7
Values are recalculated.
Thanks for your attention
I will be pleasure for your "like" on my YouTube pages.
Thanks for your attention, bye.
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