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For more infomation >> Crazy! Hungry shark eating Superhero DINOSAURS's eggs! weird + funny superhero animation for kids - Duration: 10:14.-------------------------------------------
Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:09.
Peugeot 508 SW 1.6 E-HDI BLUE LEASE EXECUTIVE - Duration: 0:54.
Citroën C4 Cactus E-VTI FEEL - AUTOMAAT - NAV - P.CAMERA - Duration: 0:55.
L'integrazione dei rom a Mantova, Italia - Duration: 5:55.
In 2016 in Mantua, 20 Sinti families were living on private land or in flats,
while between 25 and 30 families were currently living in the area of Via Learco Guerra, a Sinti camp.
In recent years, Mantua has perceived the local Sinti camp as a place of segregation and ghettoization.
Through intercultural mediation, also supported by local institutions,
some processes to achieve independence outside the camp have been developed.
Nevertheless, the camp is still a reference point and a meeting place for the whole community.
The Municipality of Mantua is looking into ways to promote long-term solution
that will enable Sinti families to leave the camp and find private accommodations.
Looking at this gradual process that could lead to the closure of the area,
it is clear that the community will need a focal point where Sinti people may gather and express their cultural identity.
Currently, Mantua has no public space that can act as a point of reference for Sinti people,
nor any place where Sinti and non-Sinti can gather and share their cultures.
Therefore, in Mantua the FRA's Local Engagement for Roma Inclusion (LERI) project
supported the creation of an Institute for the Sinti Culture to become as a point of reference for Sinti people,
where Sinti and non-Sinti can gather and share their cultures.
We are in the premises that will accommodate the Sinti Cultural Institute,
where cultural projects will take place, such as book presentations, exhibitions and also training work.
There will also be activities specially devoted to Sinti and Roma culture in Mantua,
for example, Sinti and Roma music courses for Sinti and Roma children
or Sinti and Roma language courses.
There will also be meetings between young Sinti and Roma people
from the province of Mantua as well as elderly people,
so that historical knowledge can be handed down from generation to generation.
For us this centre is extremely important, firstly because it is in the city.
For our Sinti community, coming here with our kids
to study our language in a specially dedicated place
that we did not have in the past,
coming here in the city and leaving our camp...
is really important for informing people about our culture and language.
It allows us to show people who we are,
and we are no longer forced to hide away all the time.
This will be our own place where people from Mantua can come and see us whenever they want.
This is a great thing we are doing so that people can get to know us better here in Mantua.
Mantua City Council plans to work alongside the Sinti community to try and tackle,
together with families living here, the most urgent problems,
such as housing, investment in education and training
and also the possibility of finding job opportunities,
because the priority is, of course, to create working conditions that will provide people with an income,
which, in turn, will offer a way out from the current state of marginalisation.
The Sinti Cultural Institute could definitely be a means and opportunity
to promote and enhance interaction between cultures in a year like 2016,
which is a special year for Mantua that has been chosen as the Italian capital of culture.
We believe that this Institute could open up new horizons,
so that our city can really become a place
where cultures interact and get to know each other,
which would inevitably lead to better dialogue and greater mutual understanding and respect.
The LERI project has helped to identify some of these key challenges in the social inclusion process
and has helped support Sinti in designing activities to work towards overcoming those barriers.
Thanks to the LERI's support the Institute for the Sinti Culture in Mantua
will move a step beyond, fostering Sinti social inclusion.
The Institute will promote Sinti participation,
will foster the acknowledgment of their rights by the society
and will raise the general awareness on their history and culture.
A society able to manage its own diversities is a more equal society.
Messaggio per la vostra notte. 26 Aprile - Duration: 1:03.
Dinosaurs Vs Elephant Real Fight Dinosaurs Vs King Kong Full Movie Dinosaur Cartoon Dinosaurs Movie - Duration: 57:42.
Dinosaurs Vs Elephant Real Fight Dinosaurs Vs King Kong Full Movie Dinosaur Cartoon Dinosaurs Movie Kong skull island scene 1080p
How to disassemble 📱 Highscreen Omega Prime XL Take apart Tutorial - Duration: 3:16.
Hello and welcome!
Dear subscribers, and viewers of our channel,
we glad to offer you a new video
in which we look at how to disassemble
📱 Highscreen Omega Prime XL
First release !! Narin & Darin morning life !! V-log - [RabbitPlay] - Duration: 10:06.
First release !! Narin & Darin morning life !! V-log - [RabbitPlay]
【MUKBANG】[MOS] 6 Cream Cheese Teriyaki Burgers..etc & 10 Onion Rings [22Item] 7282kcal[CC Available] - Duration: 8:00.
Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subtitles by ~Aphexx~)
So, Today! tadaa I'd like to show you my Mos Burger Haul of their new limited release seasonal items
the limited seasonal items are: Cream cheese teriyaki burger, I bought 3 of those guys
and 3 of the Double Cream cheese teriyaki burgers
and I kind of went all out today I went and ordered 10 of my Faves.... Onion Rings!!
to keep it 100% I kind of like Onion Rings more than I do French fries.
I would often find myself making them in the middle of the night
you can make a surprising amount of onion rings from a single onion ~Well that's gettin' off topic lol ~
and the drink I picked out today is orange ju~
today's drink is orange juice
and Mos' Vanilla shake ~ 50 sake's of ~
Mos' shake of~ omg what's up with me? I can't pronounce anything
1 of Mos' coffee shakes 1 of Mos' strawberry shakes and some of their seasonal treats
soy milk strawberry treat, and a brown rice milkshake ?X? berry flavor
all these total a 22 combined items this gonna be yummy
I piled up all the onion rings onto a single plate
itadakimasu I'll start off with this cream cheese teriyaki burger
this cost Y390 (bout 4 buck)
this is what it looks like Mos always has such smooth and shiny buns
and filled with such fresh looking veg is this white stuff the cream cheese?
the cream cheese sauce is so rich tasting and its packed of flavor
they say its made with butter and that is why its got such a depth of flavor
and that blends with this teriyaki sauce so nicely
the lettuce is so crunchy fresh the cream cheese sauce is so rich but
is not overpowering at all.... its so tasty
I'll start on this mountain of rings
so delish a tasty batter surrounding a sweet tasting onion
I've only had Mos' coffee shakes to be able to enjoy a lovely cafe au lait flavored
drink from your fav fast food joint is just so lovely
and here's a double cream cheese teriyaki burger costing Y510 (bout $5 buck)
its got 2 burger patties in it
the burger patties are so juicy with 2 layers its a very significant mouthful you get
and that teryaki sauce is so delish its made with miso I think
ahhh I think my fav shake would have to be this vanila shake
the strawberry has that lovely strawberry flavor and aroma which is delish but
I just love that sweet vanilla flavor
it might be the one that takes the longest to melt as well
dipping your rings into the leftover cream and teriyaki sauce is so tasty
the onion rings are starting to get cold so I'll go and warm them up
I've come back from warming them up
they taste better when warm.. ~too hot~
I put the brown rice shake in the freezer since it was about to melt
there's quite a lot of cream cheese sauce in here it goes so perfectly with this teriyaki sauce
last cream cheese teriyaki burger its a double as well
with 2 stacks of meat its so filling
the cheese is so RICH tasting delish
and now all that is left is the dessert and I also have that shake in the fridge so I'll go get them
K, I've got them all I also brought a warm cup of coffee
and I'll start with this strawberry ?roll? looks delish
a roll cake topped with cream and strawberries look at how wriggly it is
~well its me that is shaking it and making them jiggle like that~
so soft ahh the cake looks so delish
the strawberries taste so good and the sponge cake is so fluffy and delish
this soy milk whipped cream and strawberries go so nicely together
next is a brown rice flake shake in a Medium size
gotta love the crunchy bits of brown rice in here
the shake and tasty brown rice bits go so nicely
its not overly sweet tasting its a very refreshing flavor
last mouthful itadakimasu
Mos' limited release seasonal items like the cream cheese burger etc were all so delish
the cream cheese sauce and teriyaki sauces went so nicely together
I love how that sweet and salty teriyaki sauce was mellowed out by the cream cheese sauce
I also love mayo and teriyaki sauce but I really enjoyed the cream and teriyaki sauces today
I totally loved eating a mountain of onion rings today as an onion ring lover like myself I thought that I could
have eaten only onion rings today but as I was eating them I started craving french fries
I think a perfect ratio would be to have 8 orders of rings with 2 orders of fries ~prolly just me though lol~
all the deserts today were so delish I always love the brown rice shake but
today's jelly shake was so delish the cream on top was so yummy it had jellied coffee
with a bit of milky sauce on it
the cream cheese teriyaki burgers are only around for a limited time so please try them while they're here
and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and sub buttons BAI BAI
Coin sorting machine .. !! Funny Science HOWTO of a strange video and life honey tips [HOWTO] - Duration: 5:28.
Coin fractionator .. !! Fun Science howto videos and miraculous life kkultip [HOWTO]
Heidi Canta in Trentino feat Francesco Pinter- Serenada a Castel Toblin (Rock ) - Duration: 6:27.
"Felice" (Happy)
Tighten the teeth, like this
That's it!
I've just found the best way to teach
the Trentino way of pronuncing "Z"
I've found a way to teach it to the whole world!
Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:09.
Alba in Castello, Cariadeghe e via Valsorda - Duration: 5:52.
Amazing Lumberjack Army - Duration: 5:47.
Hey, how are you? Welcome to the channel
I'm Cesar, if you liked the video click on like and subscribe to the channel, share and comment
Crazy! Hungry shark eating Superhero DINOSAURS's eggs! weird + funny superhero animation for kids - Duration: 10:14.
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Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:09.
Mike Paterson You Can't Be Serious Essays In Wonder kiwiconnexion - Duration: 41:39.
Fishing with THUNDERSTORM - Pesca com TROVÕES - Duration: 5:51.
Hello guys, welcome do another video
yesterday a friend called me and said
Hugo I'm fishing for carps and I saw
and I saw a perch jumping out of the water in panic
running from a predator, probably a zander
today we decided join him, after work
this is my friend Pedro Fonseca
let's go
nothing at all
first fish
a zander
that striked
as soon was hitting the bottom
look at this, it's not very big but..
look how he ate
it was a nice strike
let's release him
I'm full of bugs because of the light leds
the fish wasn't so active as we expected
tomorrow we will be back after work
days are not always the same
today caught a small one, tomorrow can catch a record
it's about not giving up
tomorrow we will be here again
good morning, change of plans
I'm alone and with my kayak .. let's go
thank you so much
for the more than 400 subscribers in the past two weeks
I know that must of you don't even fish
and just enjoy the videos because, like the views, the edition or the music
and that means a lot to me
a person that don't like fishing watching my videos is...
thank you
it was a superb fish
good fish
hooked right in the corner of the mouth
with the Herakles crawfish
almost got hitted by the jig in the head
this weight 28grams (1oz)
if this hitted me in the head, I Passed out
well, it's missing only one week and a half
to go to Paris fishing for 4 days
with a subscriber that I met
fishing with him in Sena river in Paris
it's almost arriving the moment
until there
stay cool
be happy !
Professor Kal Penn Isn't Chill About Grading - Duration: 2:19.
>> James: RIGHT.
>> James: IN WHAT WAY?
>> I'M SO -- >> James: WITH THOSE EYES, YOU
【MUKBANG】[MOS] 6 Cream Cheese Teriyaki Burgers..etc & 10 Onion Rings [22Item] 7282kcal[CC Available] - Duration: 8:00.
Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subtitles by ~Aphexx~)
So, Today! tadaa I'd like to show you my Mos Burger Haul of their new limited release seasonal items
the limited seasonal items are: Cream cheese teriyaki burger, I bought 3 of those guys
and 3 of the Double Cream cheese teriyaki burgers
and I kind of went all out today I went and ordered 10 of my Faves.... Onion Rings!!
to keep it 100% I kind of like Onion Rings more than I do French fries.
I would often find myself making them in the middle of the night
you can make a surprising amount of onion rings from a single onion ~Well that's gettin' off topic lol ~
and the drink I picked out today is orange ju~
today's drink is orange juice
and Mos' Vanilla shake ~ 50 sake's of ~
Mos' shake of~ omg what's up with me? I can't pronounce anything
1 of Mos' coffee shakes 1 of Mos' strawberry shakes and some of their seasonal treats
soy milk strawberry treat, and a brown rice milkshake ?X? berry flavor
all these total a 22 combined items this gonna be yummy
I piled up all the onion rings onto a single plate
itadakimasu I'll start off with this cream cheese teriyaki burger
this cost Y390 (bout 4 buck)
this is what it looks like Mos always has such smooth and shiny buns
and filled with such fresh looking veg is this white stuff the cream cheese?
the cream cheese sauce is so rich tasting and its packed of flavor
they say its made with butter and that is why its got such a depth of flavor
and that blends with this teriyaki sauce so nicely
the lettuce is so crunchy fresh the cream cheese sauce is so rich but
is not overpowering at all.... its so tasty
I'll start on this mountain of rings
so delish a tasty batter surrounding a sweet tasting onion
I've only had Mos' coffee shakes to be able to enjoy a lovely cafe au lait flavored
drink from your fav fast food joint is just so lovely
and here's a double cream cheese teriyaki burger costing Y510 (bout $5 buck)
its got 2 burger patties in it
the burger patties are so juicy with 2 layers its a very significant mouthful you get
and that teryaki sauce is so delish its made with miso I think
ahhh I think my fav shake would have to be this vanila shake
the strawberry has that lovely strawberry flavor and aroma which is delish but
I just love that sweet vanilla flavor
it might be the one that takes the longest to melt as well
dipping your rings into the leftover cream and teriyaki sauce is so tasty
the onion rings are starting to get cold so I'll go and warm them up
I've come back from warming them up
they taste better when warm.. ~too hot~
I put the brown rice shake in the freezer since it was about to melt
there's quite a lot of cream cheese sauce in here it goes so perfectly with this teriyaki sauce
last cream cheese teriyaki burger its a double as well
with 2 stacks of meat its so filling
the cheese is so RICH tasting delish
and now all that is left is the dessert and I also have that shake in the fridge so I'll go get them
K, I've got them all I also brought a warm cup of coffee
and I'll start with this strawberry ?roll? looks delish
a roll cake topped with cream and strawberries look at how wriggly it is
~well its me that is shaking it and making them jiggle like that~
so soft ahh the cake looks so delish
the strawberries taste so good and the sponge cake is so fluffy and delish
this soy milk whipped cream and strawberries go so nicely together
next is a brown rice flake shake in a Medium size
gotta love the crunchy bits of brown rice in here
the shake and tasty brown rice bits go so nicely
its not overly sweet tasting its a very refreshing flavor
last mouthful itadakimasu
Mos' limited release seasonal items like the cream cheese burger etc were all so delish
the cream cheese sauce and teriyaki sauces went so nicely together
I love how that sweet and salty teriyaki sauce was mellowed out by the cream cheese sauce
I also love mayo and teriyaki sauce but I really enjoyed the cream and teriyaki sauces today
I totally loved eating a mountain of onion rings today as an onion ring lover like myself I thought that I could
have eaten only onion rings today but as I was eating them I started craving french fries
I think a perfect ratio would be to have 8 orders of rings with 2 orders of fries ~prolly just me though lol~
all the deserts today were so delish I always love the brown rice shake but
today's jelly shake was so delish the cream on top was so yummy it had jellied coffee
with a bit of milky sauce on it
the cream cheese teriyaki burgers are only around for a limited time so please try them while they're here
and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and sub buttons BAI BAI
Crazy! Hungry shark eating Superhero DINOSAURS's eggs! weird + funny superhero animation for kids - Duration: 10:14.
Subscribe Super color for kids
Spidergirl Surprise Birthday Party w/ Happy Meal Spiderman Batman Hulk Joker and Masha in Real Life - Duration: 11:14.
Kotiavauksen videoennakko: Äänessä Tommi Ijäs ja Vesa Virtanen - Duration: 4:05.
India New Flag 2017 - Officially approved by indian parliament - Duration: 0:06.
kulbhushan yadav pakistan
newshour debate
zee news
taal thok ke
dr shahid masood
How to disassemble 📱 Highscreen Omega Prime XL Take apart Tutorial - Duration: 3:16.
Hello and welcome!
Dear subscribers, and viewers of our channel,
we glad to offer you a new video
in which we look at how to disassemble
📱 Highscreen Omega Prime XL
How to make a hookah at home cheap and easy| how to make it - Duration: 8:16.
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Welcome back ladies and gentleman,
returning to the structure K24.
Okay, so how do we see K24 in its pattern form?
I will draw it here, look at it carefully.
We will start from here, one.
It will go to one different part.
one portion to two, another one portion to two, and another one portion of two.
These are like one, one, one, one.
It means one divided into 4.
When we look at from this side.
It has already created a region over here.
Not this region.
It is here.
Means one here there is another one here.
How is there one more here?
It is from the other side, the right side.
If this is four, thus the bottom part also has 4,
1, 2, 3, and 4.
It is one, two,
three and four.
They are on the value 1.
Then they merge again,
to create 1 and 1.
Thus, this is the result that we could see,
it carried the pattern of pyramid.
Have a careful look everyone, I only showed you the basis to how we make calculations.
if we could understand about properties, elements,
which are the strongest are shaped in a diamond pattern.
The basic pattern of diamond is like this.
Now, I would like to show again.
We view this from a flat view.
But, if we see from the non-flat view
we would be able to see this.
4 sides
that represents each one of this.
These 4 sides
will then go up to different region.
This is the one.
Thus what pattern can be seen now?
Ladies and gentlemen, It is the pyramid structure.
It is like a representation of element.
If carbon is the representative here,
here is carbon 1, carbon 2, carbon 3 and carbon 4 merge together to the master carbon.
In this concept, we could call this as the macro while this is the micro.
Therefore, one macro, 1 M and there are 4 Micro M.
This is the pyramid pattern.
This is how we position the process to navigate how the formula could be used.
Every basis development is referred to the pattern I drew.
We will continue this topic later.
Mare Watan Ye Aqeedatain l Pak Song l Cover By Hammad Ali - Duration: 4:24.
Thanks For Watching ......
Roma integration in Bologna, Italy - Duration: 4:42.
The Roma population living in Bologna is composed of Italian Sinti and Roma-Italian and non-Italian citizens.
Both communities are affected by spatial segregation,
low levels of education, limited access to formal employment,
lack of cultural recognition, low income, general vulnerability and discrimination.
They also have in common a lack of representatives and spokespeople
formally recognised by the various stakeholders working on Roma/Sinti issues at the local level.
In Bologna, the project "Local Engagement for Roma Inclusion" (LERI)
of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights increases the right to participation.
To support the need expressed by members of the Roma/Sinti communities
the LERI project has joined forces
with the Bologna municipality's Don Paolo Serra Zanetti Istitute for social inclusion,
the social cooperative Open Group and two others ongoing projects
to build a team of Roma and Sinti prospective mediators.
Through the participation of the internships
ten Roma and Sinti people have aquired theoretical competences and practical knowledge
choosing one area between housing, communication and education.
The municipality's participation in the LERI project falls within a wider scheme of EU projects,
which has led to the elaboration of a Local Action Plan, concerning the Roma and Sinti communities,
discussed and designed with members of these communities living in Bologna.
Open Group social cooperative has decided to take part in this project
because it believes that direct involvement of Roma and Sinti people
is the only means to combat discrimination
and to grant fundamental rights.
We expect the interns working on housing to be able to support us in
facilitating Sinti people's shift from municipal camps, which will soon be closed, to micro areas.
From the interns working on communication we expect that they will be able
to convey a positive image of their community,
and as far as the area of education is concerned,
we expect that they will actively take part in projects promoting inclusion in this field.
I work with the social operator of the cooperative.
One of the municipal camps where Sinti people live will be closed.
And I am working to help them move to a micro areas.
I think that this internship has helped me understand
how media tools like television and the press work
and how they are used against us.
I have decided to apply for this internship because I have realised
the importance of communication to explain who the Sinti actually are.
So far, we have worked on cooperative learning,
a technique aimed at teaching children cooperation and respectful interaction.
Without discriminating or excluding anyone.
After all, education is key to everything, isn't it?
The LERI project helped and supported the Roma/Sinti community members.
The internships helped training spokespeople that in the future
will be able to shape policies concerning their lives
and their right to education, employment and appropriate housing.
Roma integration in Matraverebely, Hungary - Duration: 5:12.
There are many hard-hit municipalities like Mátraverebély in the country.
We would like to develop a network of contacts among these communities based on professional interests.
The LERI Project will provide assistance at the start.
If I remember correctly, this really started last Spring.
Judit approached me then suggesting this opportunity....
and one of the municipalities in Hungary, one chosen municipality is Mátraverebély.
Our response was very positive.
We said we should look into this to see what we could do and what experiences we might gain from this project.
Tomorrow, as they have seen me walking with these people, they will ask me what happened, who these people were.
We went to communities where there was a large Roma population.
It was interesting to hear the mayor talk about their attitudes and how they could be motivated.
For us, this was all new, as if we had been living in different countries
where people behaved totally differently from us.
Our goal was for the people living here to decide for themselves what was important to them.
And one of their ideas was a calendar (periodic publication).
Well, we thought we did not have any funding for this, but then came LERI...
and it's so great that we can build this together like little building blocks,
so let's make the calendar.
We made this calendar as a group.
The names of the editors are actually in the calendar.
We all decided together what we should or should not put into it.
We formed an editorial board including Roma and non-Roma members,
and we decided every step together: what should be in it and how, and what should happen...
It is also important that we received help from Eötvös Lóránd University.
Students who are learning to be community organizers will be coming,
and they have helped us record and prepare thirty-six interviews here in the village.
The young people also make socio-photo projects, and they make short films about their own lives and various events as well,
and then we post these on YouTube and share them.
I have to be accepted by the people who work in the public works program, 90 percent of whom are Roma.
And I have to be able to work together with the municipal officials like the mayor, deputy mayor, and administrators.
These are different kinds of people, different segments of society.
It is not so easy to work with different people.
The most important goal is that the Roma and non-Roma people are together here.
This is the main objective of the whole project
that we could be together here, and I hope we are succeeding.
Roma integration in Jyväskylä, Finland - Duration: 4:07.
Everyone has the right to get an education.
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights contributed to support that right for Finnish Roma through the LERI project.
The Local Engagement for Roma Integration in Jyväskylä, Finland
The contribution of LERI is to provide opportunities, to develop services which are meeting the needs and demands
of specific user groups.
For example, it's important that we're learning how to use the language that is common
for the young people, but also for the practitioners.
All of them speak Finnish. It's not the question that they don't understand Finnish.
But the level of their language is something that the guidance counsellors and the social workers
need to gear their language to what they understand.
Through years of working with Roma youth, I have many times realized
how deeply they feel inadequate to complete their studies
and to move on to working life and having a family and having what they see is a successful life.
Within the LERI project it has been important that with the help of guidance, we can widen options
to young people who are coming from different cultural or family backgrounds.
My name is Anthony, I'm in school and I want to be a policeman.
My name is Katarina. I'm six years old, and I want to be a dancer.
My name is Daniel, I'm nine years old, and I want to be a fireman.
As a Roma youth myself and my work with Roma I don't think we have a long history
with school and education.
They need support and other Romas to speak with them
and support them and discuss about the problems maybe in the school.
And when there's Roma youth who educate themselves and go to university and get a job,
they can be an example for the younger ones.
At the core of all this is the individual Roma youths' understanding of themselves, their own identity,
and seeing themselves as capable. And this through the LERI process, through the LERI research
we've been working on this, trying to change this at every level.
so that they can really see themselves, the value that they are, and what they have to contribute to society.
Roma integration in Medway, United Kingdom - Duration: 5:09.
The focus of the project is empowering Roma through language learning, mediation and communication.
Roma migrants have been arriving in Medway since 2003, the population could be as high as 5,000.
Key challenges include poor housing conditions and overcrowding, low levels of engagement with services
and poor job prospects due to a lack of skills and language barriers.
The FRA's Local Engagement for Roma Inclusion project (LERI) is seeking to empower and activate Roma and other migrants
and improve their social, labour market and community inclusion, through various activities
which have been selected and designed together with the local community.
The main actions include language training based on a 'family learning' model.
Children and other family members are provided with extra-academic support
and involved in community engagement activities to build the capacity of future Roma spokespersons and mediators,
so that they can better represent their community and contribute to the fulfilment of fundamental rights,
such as access to education and employment opportunities and good living conditions.
A key barrier to accessing adult education especially for women that was identified
were issues around childcare and the difficulty of finding people to mind the children.
To overcome this we decided to adopt a 'family learning' model.
While the parents are learning English in small classes, their children are involved in cultural activities.
These, take place in the children's home language, Czech or Slovak
as this will help improve their communication with parents.
Right now, the children are making the final preparations for their
performance on the occasion of International Children's Day.
Everyone is excited and a bit nervous.
I always wanted to improve my English,
but it was so difficult to follow training,
while I also had to take care of the children.
Now that my children are also doing something they like
and learn from at the same time
it is much easier to go to school and I feel like I can focus better.
We are preparing a song and dance.
The next section we have is work experience. Work experience is really important especially if
your education isn't very high, because sometimes work experience is more important than education.
In England they work all the time until they go home in the evening.
I didn't like being hot all the time.
As part of the LERI project, we are receiving training which will help us to
represent our people, to act as a bridge between them and local authorities and other institutions.
With this training, I also feel better prepared to act on behalf of my community.
It is important that Roma and non-Roma keep communicating, as this will increase trust and take care of Roma interests.
The LERI Project helped me with my English, I am speaking better.
Because in my work, my supervisor tells me "your English is much better than before."
The group has been very motivated. We have even organised some first meetings
with local officials, during which they could practice their skills.
It is great to see that most were able to directly apply the learning in practice.
I am confident that they will become excellent mediators.
Roma integration in Megara, Greece - Duration: 4:38.
The LERI project in Megara was developed through the interaction of the research team
with members of the Roma community.
The small scale interventions addressed discrimination, stereotypes and prejudices.
Mobilizing and engaging the Roma community
The project supported the Roma association to establish a mediation office
and engaged the Roma community in the upcoming census that will be implemented
by the municipal authorities of Megara.
The municipal administrator has set the objective of the harmonic coexistence
between Roma and non-Roma.
This census at Vlychos will indentify the problems of the Roma community.
To solve a problem, you need to be aware of it.
You, the Roma people, are the protagonists.
Claim your rights, fight for these and we will support you.
Local communities can cooperate together with local authorities, with other members of their communities.
So we've just returned from a visit to Vlychos settlement in Megara
And it was really great because a lot of the Roma community members also participated in this meeting.
When the European Agency's representative and the LERI project team visited Vlychos settlement,
the local people realised that something positive was taking place.
We earned the Deputy Regional Governor's trust, the municipal authorities' trust,
as well the trust of the residents of Vlychos.
We also gained the mediation office.
I came to Vlychos to help the Roma people as much as I can.
The LERI project supported me in the process of bringing together Roma and non-Roma people.
The main problem of Roma people is registration of their children.
Roma marriages are not declared to the Greek authorities.
The mediation office brought together the Roma community with the local authorities.
The mediation office brought together the Roma community with the local authorities.
Together they explored the most effective social inclusion interventions
to improve the living conditions of the Roma community.
This European project helped us in many ways.
We opened our office...
We organized events to motivate more Roma parents to send their children to school.
Education has to be our strength.
Personally I am pleasantly surprised that 110 children attend school daily.
If we all try hard in the future we'll have Roma scientists in Megara.
The Roma association is supporting you. To better accomplishments.
Through this project, and the support we receive, I realized that there are people who want to help us.
Effective operation of the Roma Association is the key to achieve even more.
We want the support of the European Agency and the local authorities,
and we are ready to collaborate with them.
Roma integration in Mantua, Italy - Duration: 5:50.
In 2016 in Mantua, 20 Sinti families were living on private land or in flats,
while between 25 and 30 families were currently living in the area of Via Learco Guerra, a Sinti camp.
In recent years, Mantua has perceived the local Sinti camp as a place of segregation and ghettoization.
Through intercultural mediation, also supported by local institutions,
some processes to achieve independence outside the camp have been developed.
Nevertheless, the camp is still a reference point and a meeting place for the whole community.
The Municipality of Mantua is looking into ways to promote long-term solution
that will enable Sinti families to leave the camp and find private accommodations.
Looking at this gradual process that could lead to the closure of the area,
it is clear that the community will need a focal point where Sinti people may gather and express their cultural identity.
Currently, Mantua has no public space that can act as a point of reference for Sinti people,
nor any place where Sinti and non-Sinti can gather and share their cultures.
Therefore, in Mantua the FRA's Local Engagement for Roma Inclusion (LERI) project
supported the creation of an Institute for the Sinti Culture to become as a point of reference for Sinti people,
where Sinti and non-Sinti can gather and share their cultures.
We are in the premises that will accommodate the Sinti Cultural Institute,
where cultural projects will take place, such as book presentations, exhibitions and also training work.
There will also be activities specially devoted to Sinti and Roma culture in Mantua,
for example, Sinti and Roma music courses for Sinti and Roma children
or Sinti and Roma language courses.
There will also be meetings between young Sinti and Roma people
from the province of Mantua as well as elderly people,
so that historical knowledge can be handed down from generation to generation.
For us this centre is extremely important, firstly because it is in the city.
For our Sinti community, coming here with our kids
to study our language in a specially dedicated place
that we did not have in the past,
coming here in the city and leaving our camp...
is really important for informing people about our culture and language.
It allows us to show people who we are,
and we are no longer forced to hide away all the time.
This will be our own place where people from Mantua can come and see us whenever they want.
This is a great thing we are doing so that people can get to know us better here in Mantua.
Mantua City Council plans to work alongside the Sinti community to try and tackle,
together with families living here, the most urgent problems,
such as housing, investment in education and training
and also the possibility of finding job opportunities,
because the priority is, of course, to create working conditions that will provide people with an income,
which, in turn, will offer a way out from the current state of marginalisation.
The Sinti Cultural Institute could definitely be a means and opportunity
to promote and enhance interaction between cultures in a year like 2016,
which is a special year for Mantua that has been chosen as the Italian capital of culture.
We believe that this Institute could open up new horizons,
so that our city can really become a place
where cultures interact and get to know each other,
which would inevitably lead to better dialogue and greater mutual understanding and respect.
The LERI project has helped to identify some of these key challenges in the social inclusion process
and has helped support Sinti in designing activities to work towards overcoming those barriers.
Thanks to the LERI's support the Institute for the Sinti Culture in Mantua
will move a step beyond, fostering Sinti social inclusion.
The Institute will promote Sinti participation,
will foster the acknowledgment of their rights by the society
and will raise the general awareness on their history and culture.
A society able to manage its own diversities is a more equal society.
Roma integration in Cluj-Napoca, Romania - Duration: 4:18.
In 2015, LERI supported 135 families from disadvantaged areas
to prepare and submit social housing applications.
This programme, LERI, has been initiated because...
and we - from Coastei, Cantonului, and Dallas we worked together,
all four communities,
to change the criteria and the score for municipal social housing.
In 2000 we moved from the Avram Iancu area to some bunkers in Manastur
and from there they moved us to Cantonului street in some railway wagons given to us as social housing.
Over time, the people from Ecce Homo, together with the City Hall,
made several 16 square meters modules in which about 7 to 8 persons live per unit.
Also over time, with the LERI project
we managed to submit our applications for social housing,
something we had not done until then.
Firstly, considering the relatively reduced administrative capacity of the local administrations to deal
with the housing problems for disadvantaged people,
any initiative from the area of civil society
that complements the local administrative activities
is welcomed and gratifying.
That is why I am glad that the Group for Housing Inclusion,
managed to identify new criteria, and submit this criteria for adoption
to the Cluj-Napoca Local Council, in a very short time.
The Council approved that people with temporary identity cards
and fixed-term employed persons are eligible for social housing.
But people who work in the informal economy, or who have only the guaranteed minimum income
for which they work on the behalf of the city, are still ineligible.
Precarious and insecure housing is still not taken into account by the new criteria for allotment to social housing.
Roma integration in Strasbourg, France - Duration: 3:55.
FRA's Local Engagement for Roma Inclusion (LERI) project
aims at facilitating the involvement of all local stakeholders, including Roma, in joint efforts.
LERI wants to improve in Strasbourg the right to education, employment and decent housing.
About 250 Roma primarily from Romania reside in "temporary integration spaces".
These families need to learn French, find work and access housing.
Implemented by the City of Strasbourg and managed by the Red Cross,
the Espace Hoche shelters 30 Roma families from Romania.
They are accompanied on their way towards integration in the French society.
Some residents participate in a theatre workshop to improve their French language skills.
And what's my name?
And yours?
I have been in France for 4 months.
To learn French, I like to act,
for a job, to speak, for everything.
We are going to say a word, ok ?
A sentence, and then the answer.
It is the same as with Emeline: are you angry?
And she answers: No.
Does everybody understand: are you angry ?
The idea is to bring them to a theatrical form which is based on the choir.
During each rehearsal we try to add some new element to this collective work,
to see how people listen more to each other,
how they respond better collectively,
and also how long they are able to act.
We take part in this theater workshop,
all together for entertainment.
That's the reason.
To learn French better,
for us it's like a game!
I like theater. It is not my first time.
I come with my friend,
we act, we speak.
It is better for me to speak regularly, in order to speak better.
Are you angry? No.
Where are you going?
To war!
Stay! Please, stay!
Goodbye... Goodbye...
This workshop contributes to expression and self-confidence.
It should help Roma people of Strasbourg to become full citizens.
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