Everybody Jump!
[Electronic Music]
...in Saudi Arabia...
So you're saying, we are protecting the one country that is not only spreading the fundamental,
radical version of Islam, but also financing terrorism to a great degree... and we are
protecting, ignoring and pretty much letting them run roughshod over the area because of...
Because they are useful.
And why are they useful?
They are useful in a very old school sort of Imperialist way...
So you still don't think it's to access their resources...
Oh, of course, of course, but actually this gets back... so you had mentioned that like
Saudi Arabia had the... had the resources, had the...
The Resource! In the region that matters...
There's... but...
Can I ask you a question, can I ask both of you a question?
If there was no deposits of oil, under any country in the Middle East, do you even think
it would even rank and register on the global scale on which it does, for the number of
wars, number of conflicts, and the amount of time that we invest in this region of the
Absolutely not. I think we'd just let them simply be in the desert doing whatever they
want, practicing whatever they want...
I think, I think a good comparison is any sort of Northern Africa, or these other regions
where you have
Resource rich regions...
Where you have a vast rural population, not as educated, large unemployment, conflicts
that are happening over territory
And then a diamond mine pops up...
...between tribes, just a resource poor nation that nobody wants to deal with. Is that the
There's the concept of the "oil curse" and it's uh... if you look at some of the healthiest
countries in the Middle East, it's uh.. I would still include Turkey in that number,
and I think Jordan is... with very little in the way of resources... I mean they've
got the... they've got Petra, they've got the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade place.
I still want to go there. But, so these countries that do not have significant oil resources
are in better shape than the rest of the Middle East.
I think that actually Oil, derailed Middle East development in very serious ways.
Yeah, because when they went from just another kid on the block to the most baddest kid on
the block, then you're saying, that's when they started to spread the radical ideology.
Exactly! And it's a very... it's a controversial thing to say, but I do think it's fair to
say that it is a kind of... OK I won't use the term Medieval... It's a pre-Modern context,
the way that Saudi Arabia governs itself. Because it is a, it's an absolute monarch,
with a relationship with a religious hierarchy, that is troubled and that's how they control
the country.
How much is it that the religious hierarchy controls that country?
Well that's, that goes back and forth. It depends on how powerful the king is. So the,
the first kind of modern Saudi Arabia, in the...I guess he... it was sort of a long
rise, they took Mecca and Medina I believe in the 1920's and he ended up having a very
long reign, didn't die until the early 1950's. He was powerful, he could pretty much dictate
to the religious hierarchy. But actually it was a very ISIS like group that helped him
come to power, and then they came into a dispute... I think over British subsidies, but don't
quote me on that, and he was able to crush them, because he was a more powerful Saudi
It's a give and take...
So recently you're saying the religious component has been taking over the country.
The relationship between the Saudi family and the religious hierarchy actually goes
back almost 300 years.
So currently what is it at? Well currently it's the same give and take... in that the
Saudi kings, and there are elements of the Saudi royal family that are very interested
in modernization, further industrialization.. they're going to build innovation cities and
theme parks and yadda, yadda, yadda, but they can't go... they can never go too far. They
can never go to the point where they are ... where they are offending the religious hierarchy.
And the problem... especially since the late 1970s the kings have been in a weaker position,
because they have needed US power. They needed the Western... the evil Western infidel powers
to protect them from actors like Iran and Saudi Arabia. So they've already been in a
weaker position, and also the... the oil, since the beginning of the modern oil industry
in Saudi Arabia, in the 1930s there's been a ton of money coming in, but it's also involved
like Western engineers, and like subdivisions, like cloistered subdivisions of Westerners
living on holy Saudi land, so they have to spin a lot of money towards that religious
So we've talked about how this came to be. And there's certainly, there's no doubt that
the relationship with Saudi Arabia was useful in the late 1970's against the Soviets in
Afghanistan, and everybody knows that story. And we've talked about how it's become dysfunctional
because of oil, and we've talked about where it's at and with the Saudis involvement in
9/11. So let's move forward now. Past today and let's say this. Let's say President Trump
did follow through with his promise to normalize relationships in the Middle East and go after
ISIS like we should...
So Let's say we de-emphasize the relationship with Saudi Arabia, and by virtue of that we
stop our support of what's going on in Yemen, and we pull out of Syria to an extent that,
I don't even know what to do there, but either way we get the hell out, then what happens?
What does that world look like, is that the right move? Like, is that what we should be
doing right now?
I would argue, I would argue it is, because especially from... would it be, short term
great for the region? Possibly not. Would it be long term great for the region? Absolutely.
Because less western involvement would be...
Who should control?
The actual countries there, the actual... throughout he history of the Middle East,
post-independence, like since the 1950s and 1960s, there have been very serious ideologies
and approaches towards development and what not, and they've all sort of gotten derailed
by the cold war and also by Saudi Arabia. Which I
So if it's not them, it's someone. It's never going to be just a complete even playing field
in this region of the world.
Of course not.
Who is going to take the lead. From what you're saying, and if I'm to believe everything that
you've put down in video and in writing, that Saudi Arabia is our puppet essentially, and
we're not going to spank them, we're not going to take away their money, we're not gonna...
We should.
Sure we should, we're not, we haven't, we're not doing that, and as a result you're saying
that that has helped spread fundamental terrorism through their extreme religious beliefs...
Who should run the show? Who should be getting the support?
Someone in that region has to take a
For, for...
I think it should be the same people who organized Coachella, because they did a hell of a job.
That's a good point. That's a good point.
Out in the desert, they know how to throw a party...
Open up a a dew lab right in the middle of it.
Yeah, dude! That'd be sick!
That is a good point.
Lady Gaga would break all their fucking feminist issues wide open.
There you are.
Fuck yeah dude.
Get a little nipple slip by Janet, those fucking guys would be going crazy.
I mean, who knows, could be that simple...
But there are clearly cultural differences between what goes on in here, and what goes
on in Saudi Arabia, and that's... they're a sovereign country, and that's like... we
might disagree, and we might think that their social order is backwards and their women's
rights are near the bottom in the world. While many of those things are and are probably
true, those reasons aren't necessarily enough for us to keep involved and try to shape who
they are as a country.
Yeah, I agree.
That's my opinion, just like I think State's should have rights in the US, over their own
decisions on social policy, I think sovereign countries should too, and that seems like
a no-brainer to me.
Well, Ray asked a very interesting question about who would be the power in the MIddle
East, and I think it'll be powers for... 500 to 1000 years depending on who you are talking
about, certainly since the 1500s...
Iran Israel?
Well... Not Israel! But...
Those two can't even fucking talk to each other! How are they going to run shit?
But it was Iran and Turkey. Iran and Turkey ran the Middle East for 500 ... I mean, Iran
has been present in some form some way for thousands of years. As Persia or what have
you, and the Turks have been very serious powers in the Middle East since about the
1510s... I do think that they would come back, and I think traditionally Egypt was sort of
the seat of Arab power, and Arab ideology and culture what have you. I would love for
more of that to come to the fore again. I mean Egypt currently is a big mess, but that...
I think Egypt, Iran, and Turkey would be the people who would control the region.
Ok What about Russia?
I was just going to say, because with each one of those countries there's a problem...
They have a large Muslim population, they've got borders on there, they, I haven't looked
into this, but my guess would be that they have issues with immigration now, and people
fleeing the Middle East. Particularly into Georgia, Chechnya etc. Do you think they have
enough of a vested interest to become a large regional player.
No. I absolutely don't. And that gets to something that I talk about a lot, I think that the
threat and power of Russia is dramatically over-sold. I think why they are going so hard
for Assad is because that was the sort of thing they liked. He was reliable... He let's
them use a naval base, He was one of what two or three countries that Russia can seriously
rely on in the world. But as far as taking a more serious control... It's....
They're not into nation building is what you're saying.
No. They don't have the.... You need a lot of resources to go in...
Because Vladimir needs his 20% off the top...
Their economics are tied to the same economics that... Saudi Arabia's economics are tied
to the same economics as the Russians.
As much as of you know... I think any problem in the world can be solved by more education,
but I think in this region of the world, I think the two problems at play here, most
likely won't get solved. One is religious rights, and religious freedom, and the other
is money, resources, oil money, basically the power associated with that resource.
You have two things here that started pretty much every war that's ever been waged in this
world. Religion, and power and money.
Yes, power and money, power and money.
Give me another example! Of course, they're the same things. We equate Basically they're
interchangeable at this point. So my point is, you're never going to solve, like I said,
with the like Iran and Israel... it's a religious... at base it's a religious problem. In the Middle
East this is a... Sunnis, Shi'ites, certain sects of Muslims, you're not going to tell
someone who believes something their entire life, for entire generations... no, no, no,
you can't believe that anymore, this is the same issue we have in this country with religious
issues, is that we think we can dictate to other people what they believe religiously,
in our laws. You can't do that, this is not going to be solved. By any one entity.
I would argue that religious conflict to a degree is a given, yes people are not going
to agree on certain things, but I really don't like the well it's been centuries of conflict
and millennia of yadda yadda and there's nothing we can do, because that's simply not true.
As far as the current
Sure there's something we could do...
The current like tempo of Sunni shia anger is something we have not seen in that region
for quite some time, well actually since the foundation of Saudi Arabia.
But it's these tensions always exist, like in Yugoslavia, you had these tensions, but
it's all about the politics, and the money and the power, of that moment. It's about
the politics of a given moment, that can make these things become bad.
But aren't politicians religious and represent religions when they run? I, mean...
What I'm saying is it's like, if the political control isn't invested in that sort of politics,
in religious politics, then things will be OK, like Yugoslavia fell apart in a horrible
ethno-religious thing in the 1990s, but for the 40 50 years before that, Serbs and Croats
were getting married. And I think in the MIddle East you have, it depends on the region, it
depends on the country, it's a tremendously diverse area, but the Sunni, Shia issue was
nothing compared to what it is today. If we hadn't gone into Iraq, Sunni and Shia would
not be killing each other... I think that is.. It's the politics.
I disagree dude. Saddam Hussein as a Sunni, and they were a minority in that country,
and they ruled with an Iron Fist over another section of that religion, Shi'ites. And the
Kurds, they were killing, it was bad, for a long time. So of course, as soon as he gets
de-throned, the Shi'ites are like, oh it's our time now, to lay down the fucking noise,
to lay down the rain. This isn't something that like... This is in every government and
institution, it is completely to the core of an individual what your religious beliefs
are... right now, in the middle east you have tons of conflicting religious dynamics. And
how is this...
But they wouldn't. I would contend, I don't want to minimize the conflicting religious
dynamics, that they simply would not be expressed on this level, with this violence, with this
anger... if it weren't for politics, if it weren't for Bush's invasion of Iraq, if it
weren't for Saudi Arabia, which puts a shit ton of money into enforcing and driving diversity
out of Islam. I think that is a very real problem. Islam...
What's their benefit? What's the benefit for the people of Saudi Arabia to spread this
fundamentalist extreme view of being a Muslim. I would say extremely limited, and they are
victims of this. The benefit is to the royal family. The Saudi royal family gets its legitimacy
by being the defenders of the faith, and by being the...
This extreme version of the faith.
So who checks them on their version of the faith?
Well they check the religious establishment. So the religious establishment... This is
a deal that goes back, as I said, 250 to 300 years between... you've heard the term Wahabi?
It actually comes from a guy named Wahab. And the great, great, great grandfather of
the Saudi king.
I thought that was something you ate with Sushi?
No that's Wasabi...
Ooooh. Sorry.
That's a deal that they made, and in a tribal society, it was actually a very powerful deal
to make. And it was intermittently very effective. It was effective for about a 50 year period
in the 1700s to the 1800s, and then more developed countries like Egypt and Ottoman Turkey smacked
them around. And they spent 100 years in the wilderness. And then it was the British, and
the Americans that brought them back.
Once we discovered they had a super important resource.
I think, well, with the British, it predated that...
British Petroleum?
Ah, that's an important.... but actually it was actually Standard Oil of California that
tapped that first well in 1938.
Sons of bitches!
I'm fucking looking at you Standard Oil. Alright, so I think we've probably, I don't know if
the camera's about to run out, but anybody got any final...
Yeah, let me throw this out there. There's some news stories being thrown out about Saudi
Arabia maybe developing some alternative energy sources, and they're on board for the big
green win. Ray, any impact there, do you think it's a...
I do, I think you just mentioned 2014 as being a time period where you saw them lose some
of their power, I think that's not a coincidence, that as a country, not only the United States,
but Europe is ahead of us, by like 20 or 30 years, we're seeing a shift dramatically from
fossil fuels to renewable sources of fuel, trying to create a more stable, sustainable
society. There's no question that's going to help. If you take the influence of their
money and their power away from them? People are going to start caring much less about
their religious wars, and what they feel and what the relationships are with warring countries
around them. At the end of the day I fear that what's going to happen is we're just
going to leave. All the foreign interests are going to be like, oh no more oil? Good
luck. And they're going to take off, and they're going to be back in the wilderness, and fending
for themselves.
I would be OK with that.
See, I like to see all humanity move forward. I don't want to see anybody be put into that
situation. And if it's so important to us now to spend billions and billions of dollars
waging war and installing dictators and doing this, and wanting to protect their the women
in those countries, and giving them the ability to go to school to be educated and have rights,
and all of a sudden, when there's no more money, and no more ATM, we don't care anymore?
Well I think that, look at Latin America...
I think it's too late, we're vested, we have to continue to support and try to figure out...
The great thing about Latin America is... if you, if you picture Latin America in the
1980s, it was the Middle East but worse. Because you had, you had the exact same dynamic. In
that case it was great powers, it was the Soviet Union, the United States, competing
different you know competing dictators, we're going to support this guy, you're going to
support that guy yadda yadda, and now that's over. With the end of the war in Columbia,
I believe that the entire Western hemisphere is completely free of war, which is extraordinary
to a child of the 1980s
Well there's still a war on Drugs...
Oh yes...
The most fucking, the most pointless, bullshit war ever.
Sounds like a good talk for another video.
How about South America as a talk for another video, because I can't co-sign that statement,
but I'll let...
So, Rob, thanks for having us out, Ray...
Thank you guys...
Coachella 2018, see you there baby,
Be there or be square.
Indeed. Thank you for watching, please subscribe. I hope you'll watch the rest of this series.
This discussion, I think did a great job of illuminating some of these issues. And please,
give my essay "Everybody's Lying About Islam" a look. It's available now on the Amazon Kindle,
and I think it does a pretty good job of laying out these issues in a way that you won't get
anywhere else.
It does do that.
Thank you travis.
All right.
More Freedom Foundation. The Straight Dope.
Michigan, Ray...
Go Blue!
There we go... I was waiting for that. Go Blue, Go Blue...
For more infomation >> Saudi Arabia Vs. Coachella pt 2 | Everybody's Lying About Islam 6 [Rob & Ray React] - Duration: 19:32.-------------------------------------------
라이즈 오브 더 툼레이더 #END(리부트된 라라가 다시 돌아왔다!)[Rise Of The Tomb Raider][도살장] - Duration: 29:19.
Bento-Box aus Zedernholz - Duration: 1:20.
Aviso/Spolier/¡¡¿Nueva Historia?!! - Duration: 3:38.
라이즈 오브 더 툼레이더 #19화(리부트된 라라가 다시 돌아왔다!)[Rise Of The Tomb Raider][도살장] - Duration: 29:29.
Peugeot 208 ENVY 1.2 VTI 5-deurs 82 PK - Duration: 0:41.
Jaguar F-Pace 2.0d R-Sport Automaat AWD - Duration: 1:01.
Volvo XC60 T5 245pk Start/Stop Geartronic R-Design - Duration: 1:08.
Второй Репортаж с The Kiev Major - Duration: 9:39.
Peugeot 206 1.4 GENTRY 5 DRS AIRCO - Duration: 1:04.
Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T 170pk TCT Limited Edition Sport 2 1/2leder/ Navi/ Panodak/ ECC/ PDC - Duration: 1:00.
My Awakening from the Matrix, Accepting the Unbearable Truth An - Duration: 23:58.
My Awakening from the Matrix, Accepting the Unbearable Truth (Anunnaki, Reptilians & Archons)
and Becoming the Change
How it All Started: Aliens & UFO�s
It all started around October 2013 when I became interested in Ancient Aliens and then
Alien Files Unsealed.
I watched these programs thinking �what on Earth is going on?� The feats supposedly
accomplished in Ancient Aliens by human beings, years ago, well it didn�t make sense, and
we just aren�t strong enough now even with modern day equipment never mind then, so many
unexplainable buildings, there had to be more to it.
I then started watching Alien Files Unsealed and it suddenly dawned on me that the people,
whose stories were being covered in the program, were normal people; they didn�t want notoriety,
fame or fortune, they just wanted their stories to be heard and made sense of.
Something very strange had happened to them and they needed to make sense of it as best
they could.
Of course, anyone trying to talk about this subject is instantly ridiculed and made to
feel silly and stupid.
Have you ever wondered why?
Why aren�t we all flabbergasted and inspired by such stories?
Why aren�t we out there doing research ourselves trying to find out the truth?
What is holding us back?
Where has our curiosity gone � the curiosity we had as children?
We need to get it back, and we need to keep an open mind and question everything.
If we get ridiculed for it, it doesn�t matter because it will all be out in the open eventually.
We will all find out what is going on in the end, but I want to know now, not in the future.
The Truth?
I now have a driving desire to find out the truth about what is going on in our world.
Let�s face it, the world is in a mess and we are all carrying on as normal, expecting
someone else to sort it all out.
We are far too busy earning money and surviving, � yes, surviving does take up all our time
� so we can�t see beyond that and that is why we are in this mess at present.
We have all been manipulated and played, we have all been mesmerized, hypnotized and turned
into consumer driven slaves.
We are making money for the large corporations and the 0.1% rich of the world.
Each day they get richer and richer, finding new ways to get us to part with our hard earned
money; they are very clever at it.
They know how to manipulate the human mind, they know how to get us to spend our money
and we don�t even realize it is happening.
After watching Ancient Aliens and Alien Files Unsealed I started reading books about aliens
and UFO�s; I was obsessed for months and couldn�t stop reading and finding new information.
I couldn�t understand why no-one was revealing anything about aliens.
Why aren�t we being told the truth?
Why aren�t the governments of the world revealing what they know on the subject?
Why have they decided to keep the information a secret?
I had touched the tip of the iceberg, and there was a lot more to find out and the iceberg
was enormous � way bigger than I could ever have imagined and it touched every aspect
of human life on our planet today.
It took me a while to realise this, though, and I got lost on the way � but that�s
another story.
There was one alternative media website that I subscribed to called �HumansAreFree.com.�
This site had a wide variety of articles covering different subjects and seemed like a good
starting point, so I received daily emails and continued to learn more each day.
New World Order
Well, everything I read seemed to lead to the New World Order.
I had seen this mentioned before but I didn�t believe it.
I thought it was just a load of old rubbish.
There is apparently a group of people who want a one world government.
They want to control the whole of humanity.
Apparently they have been working towards this goal for a very long time.
They come from the richest families in the world and the plan for this global takeover
has been passed down the generations.
They are so rich that they can buy, bribe or kill anyone they want.
They are in charge of the USA�s Federal Reserve.
The government of America does not own the money of America � they have to borrow from
the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve print money whenever the government needs more.
These rich families are the ones behind the vaccines, the fluoride, the GMO�s and the
They are using these methods to cull the population.
They have managed to control us so far, through different ingenious methods: they control
the mainstream media, so that all stories are the same.
The truth never gets out, unless by error.
They control us with TV programs (why do you think they�re called programs?), violent
computer games, violent Movies and violent News.
They guide themselves by the old saying �you reap what you sow�.
For example, they have integrated patriotism (the very idea that we are better than someone
else based on the country we were born into is plain ridiculous), war and sufferance into
our subconscious minds from a very young age, and now most people go about their daily lives
without being revolted of the harm caused by our governments overseas.
Millions of innocent civilians (such as yourself or your loved ones) killed by bombs paid with
our tax money are not something we worry about, even though we should be outraged.
We have all been hypnotized and mesmerized.
We have all forgotten who we are and why we are here.
We don�t care for each other because we don�t know how similar we are.
The average people all over the world have more in common with each other, than we have
with our �elite� politicians � and politicians have more in common to each other than they
have with us.
False Flags and the Fear Agenda
They are also controlling us by staging false flag events, hence inducing a perpetual state
of fear and insecurity around the world.
Their message is: �you are safe nowhere and you need us to protect you.�
Fear can make a person vulnerable and insecure.
Scared people are only interested in their immediate security, so they will gladly give
away more of their freedoms, just to feel safer.
Hence fear is an important control tool, and they abuse it in order to implement more Orwellian
laws with each passing year.
Roman historian Tacitus once stated: �The more corrupt the state, the more numerous
the laws.�
And Western countries pass hundreds of new laws every year.
They can use the false flag events to initiate more rules and regulations.
Slowly, with each passing day, we lose more of our freedoms because of this.
They say it is to control terrorism, but who knows who will be classed as a terrorist in
the future?
It could be anyone who doesn�t agree with the governments of the world � it could
even be you.
War criminal and globalist Henry Kissinger has stated not so long ago: 'Terrorists are
people that reject the international system.'
How absurd and anti-freedom is this claim?
And where do you think terrorists receive their funding, intelligence, training and
weaponry from?
Terrorism is just a scheme to create never-ending wars, sufferance and destruction.
War is profitable to our human controllers and it's keeping the Earth's frequency low
enough to feed and accommodate our Archon controllers, as you will see later on.
Money, Money, Money
Is global warming really man made or is it because of normal cyclical events that occur
over long periods of time?
It's just another way of getting extra money from us through taxation, and make the rich
even richer.
I feel that the governments take far too much money off us all, and we use almost all of
our time on Earth working for those money.
They leave every family with a small amount to spare, when the really wealthy manage to
avoid paying their taxes through carefully engineered loopholes.
We are all slaves to the system!
The people at the bottom are paying for the people at the top to keep their lavish life
We pay our taxes and any money that is left over is sought after by major corporations.
We are bombarded with adverts continuously, telling us we need more stuff.
We are encouraged to spend, spend and then spend some more.
We replace everything, even when it doesn�t need replacing.
We need to get out of this mentality.
I admit to have been brainwashed myself.
I have been on this treadmill most of my life, and I saw first-hand just how hard it is to
get off and rethink your life and your values.
People around you will think you have gone mad.
In fact, you�ll feel like you have gone mad yourself.
It�s like the �Emperor�s New Clothes� � eventually, you wake up and realize he
is naked and he has been all along.
It�s all been smoke and mirrors, mind games played out on the world�s stage, trying
to keep us all in a state of awe and fear.
Humans are good, caring and loving.
We are just so wrapped up with our own survival and worried of our own safety, that we forgot
how to care for one another.
We have lost touch with reality and each other.
Our subconscious minds have been conditioned to see only what differentiate us, rather
the things that make us alike.
Believe it or not, we�re extremely similar in all aspects.
We may come from different backgrounds or different cultures, but we all have the same
values in life.
We all want to be free, healthy, educated, to live in a peaceful society and to have
access to the basic necessities for survival.
That�s about it.
Wherever we may be around the world, that�s basically all we need to be happy.
Instead we have wars, hunger, insecurity, homelessness, and many around the world don�t
have access to clean water and food.
And it's all by design because, as I said before, people who are constantly "on the
edge" don't have time for self-education, introspection and � eventually � spiritual
Even in the Western societies, which were once regarded as role models for developing
countries, people are now facing the problems listed above.
Women can no longer stay at home and look after their children if they want to without
feeling guilty.
It is getting harder and harder to survive on one wage.
This is not good for society; it is being driven by our need for more and more stuff.
So we work harder to get it.
We need to stop and be happy with what we have.
We need less stuff, we need to work less, we need to think more, and we need to spend
more time with our families and friends.
These things are more important than material stuff.
We fill our houses with more and more stuff, until we have to throw things out to make
more room, for even more stuff.
All this is making the large corporations richer and is making us all poorer.
And this is precisely what they want; this is the plan, their agenda.
They just keep getting richer at our expense.
They want every last penny that we.
We are all the victims of mass propaganda and brainwashing.
It has reached the point whereby families choose to believe the media and the governments
of the world, rather than their own families and friends who are waking up to the truth.
I do not blame the brainwashed public.
I was just the same until recently.
The truth can be frightening and I can see why people want to avoid it.
Once you know the truth, you can never go back, even if you want to.
The truth cannot be unseen � once you see it, the truth stays with you forever.
And trust me, the truth will come out in the end � it always does.
Elite, Cabal, Illuminati, Archons, New World Order
A brief history of the rich of the world, also known as the elite, the 1%, the cabal,
the illuminati, or whatever you want to call them.
The ancestors of these �elite� bloodlines were aliens that visited our planet eons ago
and decided to enslave us all.
Long story short, after a great cataclysm they got rid of most humans and started clean.
(If you want to learn more about mankind's enslavement, please follow this link).
They�ve genetically engineered humans and made us in their image, then they interbred
with some of the human females creating the bloodlines of the so called "demigods", the
"royals", the "elites".
The aliens that have enslaved our souls and created the human species are:
The Anunnaki � in whose image our human vehicles have been made;
The Reptilians � an empathy-less species of warriors who came in this dimension from
a parallel universe that has achieved completions;
The Greys � geneticists working for the Reptilians and responsible for most of the
human and animal abductions, in their attempt to improve their species and create various
hybrids (they are the lesser evil of the four and their main motivation is their species�
survival, even though that means colluding with the Reptilians and causing harm to us);
The Archons � non-physical parasites that can consciously control any organic vehicle
(i.e. body) that has no soul attached to it, including Anunnaki, Reptilian, Grey or Human
They can also partially or fully control organic vehicles with souls attached to their bodies,
through various physical or energetic implants.
None of the above care about the human species.
They have enslaved us in a similar fashion to how we have enslaved animals.
As a matter of fact, the Anunnaki taught us how to �domesticate� animals, basically
enslaving them for life and taking benefits from their hard work, only to kill and eat
them when they were of no further use to us.
The Anunnaki are basically Galactic �plantation owners�, who benefit from the physical labour
of their slaves.
They came here for gold and other minerals and they have engineered us in order to do
the hard work for them.
The truth is, the Anunnaki have never truly left our planet and they�ve stopped shipping
gold to their home planets.
They are solely interested in the benefits of slave work and they take their share of
raw materials and minerals from all over the Universe.
They are at the top of the power structure on Earth, and that�s as far as we will probably
ever get to see � and that if we�ll be lucky enough to realize that the puppet governments
are controlled by a shadow government, which in turn is subordinated to their Anunnaki
This is the exact modus operandi of the Reptilians and they are at the top of the Universal pyramidal
enslavement system, together with their Archon masters.
Their collaboration is extremely beneficial for both species and together they are almost
The Reptilians are physical warriors, whilst the Archons are non-physical parasites who
feed off of negative energy.
Together, they can enslave any young species and parasitize it both physically and energetically.
The Reptilians are meat eaters and operate on a primitive set of emotions, compared even
to ours.
They can only experience negative emotions and that brings them great pleasure.
The Archons are driven by a similar goal, except they actually need negative energy
to survive:
� Human flesh from children is appealing to them, just as human meat eaters enjoy piglets
or calves.
The Reptilians have turned the Anunnaki into meat eaters, which, in turn, have converted
� The human blood filled with adrenaline is like a powerful drug to them and they can�t
have enough of it.
So they keep entire farms of young human beings, just to torture, rape and then sacrifice them,
in order to get a kick from it.
Whilst the Reptilians torture, rape and kill human beings, the Archons feed on the energy
released in the process.
� The energy released during orgasm is negative unless it stems from love, in which case the
energetic bodies of the male and female can convert the energy to be positive.
Reptilians only enjoy negative energy, so they violently rape young humans and even
animals in sex orgies, in order to make generate extreme levels of negative energy for their
Archon masters, who need this negative energy to survive.
Then, they kill the partner and feed off of it.
Remember all of the ancient sacrificial rituals?
That�s what they were all about.
� Wars between human beings only benefit the Reptilians and the Anunnaki from a logistical
point of view.
As long as we fight each other, they are safe in the shadows.
But those who benefit immensely from the negative energy of wars, are the Archons.
Imagine what feasts they�ve been having since we are at war with each other for thousands
of years.
Just imagine the amounts of negative energy released by our sufferance over the thousands
of years!
So, in conclusion, the Anunnaki have only enslaved us in order to benefit from our physical
labour, the Reptilians are interested in human meat farms for food and pleasure, whilst the
Archons need negative energy generated by us in order to survive.
Similarly to how their Anunnaki masters are using us as physical labour slaves, their
demigods descendants (i.e. the �royal� families, the �elites�) have turned us
into currency slaves.
And thus, our enslavement is complete.
Not only that we physically work for the benefit of their masters, now we also work to generate
�currency�, so that we can survive.
They see us as slaves, here just to make them money, so that they can follow their master
We have bred well and are now overrunning the planet, so now they want to cull a big
chunk of us.
Hence GMO�s, fluoride, chemtrails and vaccinations � all these things lower our immunity for
whatever they have planned for us.
They want us to remain asleep and most of us have unwittingly complied with their wishes.
We are more powerful than them and they know it, which is why they have been so patient.
Humanity is waking up though, slowly but surely.
One of the reasons humanity cannot grasp what is going on, is because these creatures are
so evil, that it�s hard to believe just how vile they are.
And they are actually right: human beings cannot be this cruel!
It is not humans that are behind all this, it is the Reptilian agenda, and Reptilians
cannot experience positive emotions.
They are simply unable to care for others or to experience noble emotions, such as love
or empathy.
They are driven by fear, hate, rivalry and competition.
Secret Space Programs
Now we have secret space programs run by different groups, made up of both human and alien beings.
These groups have existed since the 1940�s and have reverse engineered Alien technology.
This is the reason that so many new technological advances have arrived into our everyday lives
in recent years.
This alien technology has been slowly released into the mainstream.
The only problem is that the technology that has been released so far is actually decades
behind what the secret groups are using themselves at the moment.
The groups have all been started by different factions.
None of these groups seem to be aware of the other groups.
The powers that shouldn�t be are so secretive that their right hand doesn�t know what
their left hand is doing and that�s the way they like it.
We have all this information thanks to Whistle-blowers like Corey Goode but even he says the truth
is way more incredible than we can imagine.
We cannot view all this madness from a place of fear; this will just make us angry and
aggressive, which in turn will lead to violence and a perpetuation of this crazy situations.
I know it is hard to remain calm when faced with the hard truth, but it�s what we must
do, though, in order to safely to get through this.
Anger, hatred and aggression are the sort of emotions that have led to this madness
and it is the food source of the Archons.
We need to stop feeding them.
We have to switch our world view completely to change everything for the better by changing
our way of thinking.
Quantum physics is based on creating our own reality and this is what we have to focus
on: creating a better reality.
We must forgive ourselves and our enslavers and move forward with love in our hearts.
The Archons cannot accommodate the frequency of Love, so it is basically useless to them.
And that it is the only way forward.
We need to visualise in our minds a better world for us all, one full of love, peace
and harmony, where we are our only masters.
This is what I am focused on now.
I have gone through all of the shock and anguish of it all and I have realised that the only
way we can change this ghastly Earthly scenario, is to wake up those around us to the truth
and start creating a better world, together!
You probably aren�t familiar with the name Jason T. Wright, but you�re probably familiar
with his work.
He�s the Penn State astronomer who put out the theory that there may be an alien megastructure
being built around a star that is 1,500 light years away.
That strange star must have given him a few ideas, because Wright has just published a
paper that suggests there could have been an advanced civilization in our solar system
before humans emerged.
He believes that �A prior indigenous technological species might have arisen on ancient Earth
or another body, such as a pre-greenhouse Venus or a wet Mars.� However, the real
crux of his paper is not just if there was an advanced race here before humans emerged,
but how we would go about finding evidence of this hypothetical species.
That�s because in all likelihood, any trace of an advanced civilization from millions,
or even billions of years ago, would be long gone.
If there were a civilization on Venus; a planet that used to be far more habitable than it
is now, a resurfacing event that occurred between 300-500 million years ago would have
utterly destroyed all evidence of that civilization.
On Earth, the gradual shift of our planet�s tectonic plates would have also destroyed
any evidence.
So where would we find any of what Wright calls �technosignatures� from millions
of years ago?
He argues that there may be some underground structures in certain locations that would
be protected from periodic asteroid strikes.
�Remaining indigenous technosignatures might be expected to be extremely old, limiting
the places they might still be found to beneath the surfaces of Mars and the moon, or in the
outer solar system.�
He added that �Such structures would be expected to fall into disrepair, especially
if its creators are absent,� but their technological nature would still be recognizable.
He also believes that we should be looking into the asteroid belt, where we might find
space probes, mining facilities, or even ancient settlements.
Though most scientists probably don�t think that an advanced species existed in this solar
system before we emerged here, Wright makes a pretty good case for looking in our own
After all, if one advanced species evolved here, then it�s much more likely that other
advanced species lived here
the past.
Witch Arrives to the City of Vigrid (Bayonetta 1 | PC Steam) - Duration: 11:59.
So, I asked around, and some whale in Europe
is trying to fence a huge rock on the black market.
He calls it the "Right Eye",
saying it's part of some set called "The Eyes of the World".
Fits the bill of what you're after, don't it?
Now here's the funny bit.
The stone passes around the halls of power for hundreds of years,
and then the black market goes white hot for the thing.
But the seller wanted an arm and a leg for it,
to the point no one could stomach the price.
So back goes the stone.
But not before everyone figures out where the guy is!
You're gonna enjoy doing this one I bet.
I love stickin' it to the rich.
Of course, when you do,
don't forget your old buddy Enzo stuck his neck out on this one.
slide me a few fazoles out of the rich guy's pocket for my troubles,
you better get going before the trail gets cold.
Off to the middle-of-nowhere.
Paradise of Europe.
Welcome to Vigrid,
out final stop.
Entry Visas are required of all travelers.
Please submit your Vigrid issued Entry Visa for inspection upon disembarking.
Please make sure you take all your valuable belongings with you.
Repeating this message...
So, you have arrived at last, my dear.
The time has come
to awaken The Eyes of the World.
Fear not, my dear child.
Such a beautiful young lady you've become.
I'll always see to it no harm comes to you.
This is supposed to be paradise?
*Thanks for watching Youtube/CJake3*
Spiderman Construction Trucks Thru Prank w/ Spiderman Flirt Spidergirls Trucks Diggers for Children - Duration: 10:50.
Jack Ma: Is This War World 3? (motivation 2017) - Duration: 28:26.
it's so easy to launch a wall but it's
so difficult almost impossible sometimes
the Terminator war the Iraq war
Afghanistan war is that finished no
trade war I believe one thing when trade
stops the world starts trade is
something that people start to
communicate trade is something people
exchange culture and valley and I will
be happy if China USA agree on something
and Alibaba business business model
destroyed I would destroy other power
model by stopping the war fitting
because how can you imagine the first
largest economy of the world second
largest economy of the world have a
tradable it's going to be a disaster for
two countries and for the world if we
can anybody can do something to stop it
do anything to stop it.
let me start with it which is to say
that you just spent some time inside
Trump Tower in and when to go visit with
Donald yeah our president-elect in the
United States tell us about that meeting
that's very productive meeting
much better than I thought than I
expected what did you expect
well I heard a lot and a watch like
anybody i watch all the news and heard a
lot about him so when I go inside us all
hmm anything that but he's very sort of
open minded listened what I talk so I
think I'm very happy about results and
filed when he he said he offered so Jack
let me walk you down they seem he's very
happy by the results we had can I ask
how does a meeting like that happen do
you call him does she call you well how
does this take place well that's that's
the question I'm asking myself because
some some day I got some requests from
people say Jack do you want a meeting
the president-elect I say is that true
or not cuz I'm not ready for that
because I don't know what to talk about
and then few days later I got another
request I got a several requests and
then I saw one email which were friend
and it's very sort of specific I thought
I thought about it I think yes maybe I
should go and have a talk and at least I
think president-elect on the Trump would
be happy to hear what I want to talk
about so I went and what did you tell
them about the small business talk about
agricultural products talk about the
trade between China and the USA we
especially focused on Todd telling about
how can we bring this small business in
America sell them to China to age it
through our network which can create a
lot of jobs for them and you committed
to create what you say is we're going to
be 1 million jobs in the United States
yeah over in that five years yeah now
that's not a million jobs that I will
evolve it's
but you're not hiring a million people
no we are all totally Alibaba employed
put together it's like a forty five
thousand people we cannot hire one
Miller I cannot imagine I can manage 1
million people now explain to us how you
think about the us-china relationship
given some of the comments that Donald
Trump has made about China being a
manipulative manipulated that did that
come up there in your meeting well I
think first the in America there's a
freedom of speech right so he can see
whatever he want and I respect I
understand but of course I have my views
we did not debate about the china-us a
trade or manipulation with in a debate
with another we actually agreed on
something small business developed in
the Midwest America helping the farmers
their small business there to exporting
to China so we all agree but something
that we do not discuss about the you
know the American did job losing the
China and Mexico and this can I share
with you my ideas please yeah first I
think 30 years ago when i justá--
graduate from the universities I heard
America and a wonderful strategy they
also the manufactured job service jobs
they also manufactured to Mexico and
China also the service jobs to Indian
there's a book called the world is flat
Tom Friedman yeah a league at the near
time and I think it's a perfect strategy
know that the American said we just want
to conclude the IP we just want to
technology we just want a brand to leave
that the law and a job for the world
grace strategy and second is that the
American international companies made
millions millions of dollars from
globalization the top 10 top 100
companies in America amazing I remember
when I graduate from university I try to
buy a paper the Motorola paper cost me
$250 my pay at that
times ten dollars a month as a teacher
and the cost of making that beeper is
only eight dollars for a chip so past a
thirty years
IBM Cisco Microsoft they made a ton of
woman the money the profited made a much
more than the four largest banks in
China put together the moat china mobile
phone china unicom in or whatever you
name it put together still these
multinational companies made more money
so the a market cap grew more than 100
times in past 30 years
but where'd the money go this is what I
would care as a business people I always
care about the balance of shit where the
money coming when money go past of 30
years the American had 13 wars spanning
fourteen point two trillion dollars the
money going there what if there's been a
part of them money on building of the
infrastructure helping the white cause
did the white colors and blue colors no
matter how strategy good it is you're
supposed to spend money on your own
people right only not everybody can pass
Harvard like me we got gotta main our
Chris education right we should spend
money on those people who are not a good
at schooling and the other money which I
curious about is that when I was young I
heard America's bat fold fold and Boeing
those big manufactured companies last 10
20 years I heard about his Silicon
Valley and Wall Street the money go to
the Wall Street and what happened year
2008 the financial crisis wipe it out
nineteen point two trillion dollars usal
off then wipe it all of the white colors
and destroyed 34 million jobs globally
so what if the money is not a Wall
Street what if the money spent on the
Middle East middle wealth of the United
States developing the industry there
that could be changed a lot so it's not
the other countries still jobs from you
it is your strategy okay but you do not
distribute the money get the money and
things in a proper way this is what I
and now we were having a backlash and
that backlash is a rebuke of
globalization and so much of the
conversation frankly that we have here
and that backlash is happening in the
United States but I will say President
Xi was here yesterday you had lunch with
him and he was quoting Abraham Lincoln
what did you make of that well I would
say that globalization is a great stuff
it's it's the US developer countries to
teach us how to do globalization I
remember 2002 or one would people trying
to join the WTO everybody in China
wasn't worried with me I was worried
because what if all the international
products come to China destroy our
industry and we have to lose a job so
convince the China after 20 years then
you guys are telling say this is a
terrible thing
I believe globalization is good but
globalization need to be improved
this is Donald Trump presently liked
want to solve it the problems that
globalization I think should be
inclusive globalization in the past of
30 years the globalization was
controlled by 60,000 big companies a
hundred years ago globalization was
controlled by several kings and emperors
what is next to 30 years we can support
six million business doing business
across the board what if in next 30
years we can help support 20 minute
small business can do business across
the board so this is something which I
believe globalization should be
inclusive and do you think that the
words of President Xi will happen in
reality which is to say now that China
has largely acted on its own behalf for
many many years and now is effectively
saying that the US needs to continue
acting on everybody else's behalf
yeah I think you know the world does
need some Assad being such a mr. Xie
yesterday said it's a wonderful time
it's a best time or the worst time the
world need a new leadership but the new
leadership is about working together
this is what I understand we do not
necessarily need one specific leader to
teach us what to do what not to do but
the world had to partner together this
is what I think and I think I like as a
Chinese as a business people I like I
feel proud for what President Xi said
yesterday as a business person I want
the world to share the prosperity
together to join the force together as a
Chinese I'm happy about what he
committed yesterday he said you know he
speaks like us takes the responsibility
of the second largest economy as the
China's second largest economy he has to
take some responsibility this is the
first time I heard a Chinese leader make
number commitment he said next 10 years
we are going to import 8 a US dollars
this if you live you make me feel
excited because China is transforming
from exporting to importing if there's a
concrete number if we can fulfill it
this going to be a huge change to China
and to the world which i think is it's
easier today for China to be interested
in globalization because of the benefits
that accrue that can accrue to China
because you're continuing to develop
then it is for countries that are quote
unquote developed well first the WTO
rule is not designed by China it's not
night by China I will say there's
something that I want to change the WTO
is designed a lot longer rules designed
for big companies and pastors and only
big companies can do it and China
definitely benefit a lot from opening I
think China shall learn one thing that
we grow in the past of the years it's
because we open to the world
we'll continue to open our way not fully
American business that wants to affect
we go into business and China has a very
difficult time has to partner
effectively with a company that's there
already this is why I said China has the
problems too the world has problem and
China has definitely a lot of problems
China should open we should have been
more confidence this is what I feel
yesterday a fear the confidence of mr.
XI that he is ready to open more to the
child to the world this is what I
suggest that we should solve the problem
by business community by negotiation WTO
China joined WTO for suit for 20 years
or 70 years I have done the number but
the past years that I think we as a
business we as a country with the world
we have to review something right but
not because imbalance the things we
stopped it you've been calling for
something called ewt P yeah what is that
this is what I would talk about is that
the WTO was great but they mainly
designed for developer countries big
companies there's no opportunity for
small business we want to build up a W
electronic world trade platform to
support young people small business
thanks through mobile phones internet
they can sell buy across the board and
the other thing is that the other two is
is a very interesting organization when
you put the Doha round we put 200
government offices in a word room asked
them to agree on something it's
impossible I can never imagine that they
can agree on something together business
should be designed about business people
so we believe II W TP should be
something that the business people sit
down together agree on something
negotiate or something and get
endorsement from the government or talk
a little bit about Alibaba and the model
itself because I think for many in the
West if you will they don't necessarily
understand it and to the extent and I to
Natalie that the extent that I could try
to compare it to
Amazon which I know you think is an
unfair comparison one of the things
that's so fascinating to me is that
Amazon and Jeff Bezos have pursued what
might be described as a very asset heavy
business model they're buying airplanes
they want only entire supply chain from
beginning to end
and Alibaba has effectively an asset
like business it is very much in terms
of the retail piece of this the opposite
you don't want to own the warehouses you
don't want to own the logistics
companies how do you think about that is
Jeff Bezos right or you right and is
there is there going to be a meeting in
the middle I hope those are right and
because the world can never have a one
bottle if the world has only one correct
a model there was too boring right we
need to have all kinds of models and the
people who do the bottle should believe
in the models and I believe what I do
right the difference between Amazon and
us anything is more like an empire
everything they should control
themselves buy and sell and our
philosophy is that we want a bigger
ecosystem our philosophy is to empower
others to sell empower others to sit to
service empower make sure the other
people are more powerful than us making
sure with our technology our innovation
our partners our 10 very small business
sellers they can compete with Microsoft
IBM our philosophy is that we we think
using Internet technology we can make
every company become Amazon remember one
thing today for ourselves our GME last a
year is more than 550 billion US dollars
to high people deliver for us we need a
five million people so how can we
high-five minute people deliver things
for us to deliver the things we thought
the only way we do is empower the
service company not just companies
making sure they are efficient making
sure that they make the money and making
sure that they can hire more people
without only in the whole chain can you
do it as effectively the idea that
you're having watching Amazon
being able to deliver things now within
hours literally we made a hundred twenty
five cities deliver within one day last
year in London ten years ago deliver one
thing from Beijing to hounds or ticks by
the eighty days
now you can deliver things from the Han
from Beijing to minimum glory or some
city within 12 hours it's improving you
can never expect these things happening
within 24 hours we have patience so I
think can you imagine that we doing the
1111 singles day we sold 17 billion
trillion billion dollars and by
delivering more than 600 million
packages within three days this is
happening and this is what we feel proud
of it's not how much money we make is
not how powerful we are we think because
of the technology we can make the
technology very inclusive that every
small companies can use it this is my
dream because I said my first business
1992 in China as a small business in
order to borrow money
five thousand US dollars from bank took
me three months to acquire to fail so
difficult to be a small business today
with the technology we can empower them
this is something I want to do one of
the critiques as you know and it
continues to linger around Alibaba is
the piracy issue this is an AI there's
an IP issue and it's an issue all over
China but if you take the brunt of a lot
of it now how much progress have you
made in your mind and how do you think
about some of the regulatory bodies in
other countries including the US that
continue to criticize Alibaba for these
issues first when we start do this
business at the business like this size
you have to take all the criticism you
have to listen what is right what is
wrong and the second is ecommerce when
you put 10 minutes small business
empower them to sell we do not like MS
and buy we cannot even you buy we buy
55 trillion dollars of 55 550 billion
dollars you cannot check every products
so the model itself and the e-commerce
or the self may have a lot of this
clause and third I would say in the past
17 years we are the leader of this empty
privacy this is the IP protect IP but
the second that we are Internet
companies we do not have the law
enforcement we find this guy is selling
product cheaper you know fake products
we delete them we cannot arrest them but
we have huge progress last year alone we
put 400 people into jails we delete a
370 million fake product listing on our
site I want to say we are the leaders
and we are using the big data to check
who's buying who's manufacturing who's
selling what is that dress so now I'm
happy about the whole world especially
China all the government organization
start to realize the issues so I would
tell you a good thing is that today when
you go to those criminal group which I
call them criminals those fake products
manufacturers sellers you praise the
quality though of some of these I will
talk about it later
right those criminals that they can go
anywhere but not not help on team or
because using our data we trace where
they are who they are what's address
what they mount I will deliver this to
the PlayStation and working with that to
arrest the quality issues is something I
want to share with people it's not by
praising the fake products I want to say
that for so many years those branded
companies you have to be very careful
because the fake products their quality
improving is scary
that is the difference between us
because when you finally guys the thing
that people said this is fake and you
have to find people you have found a
third party institution to check it as a
fake or not we find sometimes the
quality is better and I tell you another
thing is that even scary
a lot of there's a one brand company he
said we are selling fake products we
check everything it's nothing wrong so
what is Ross would buy the product from
his flagship and delivered to that this
is a fake you know thing we buy shop buy
things from the Flex shop of this brand
and deliver back it's the fake products
they say it's a bit confusing
this is fighting against the fake
products is the war against the greeting
human greediness it's not easy you
cannot have finish it but you have to
continue to fight and I want to say we
put two thousand people 1 billion I'd be
every year fighting again bet it can
never finish the role within two years
but I'm happy
whether people criticize me criticize us
the most important is that we are happy
about the progress we made but if people
praise me so you know when people say
Jack you're wonderful I know I'm not
wonderful right all about the great we
are not great we're just a seventeen
year old company but when people say
you're doing nothing no we're doing a
lot of things be that the argue you guys
the debate you do what you believe one
of the things you mentioned was using
big data on the piracy side but the
other thing that you're using a lot of
that big data to do is provide credit
and effectively banking the unbanked and
what's so fascinating to me and I hope
you'll share it is we've talked about
the sesame credit you know how how you
are able to use big data effectively to
figure out who deserves credit and who
doesn't in a marketplace where some of
these people had no credit history
before okay well before we do that we
had a system co-teach computers
learn how to empty fake products teach
the computers to learn how to because we
have a leap a lot of people try to use
all the ways to cheating so we teach the
computer how to do that the cheating
things so we've been doing that for ten
years until now there is called
artificial intelligence because we've
been doing that we are a data company
eight years ago we said to ourselves
Alibaba should not be an e-commerce
company we should be a data company
because we have the data from consumers
we have data from the the manufacturer
updaters from the logistic companies and
transactions but we think how we can
make a data really beneficiary to the
society what China need is that we have
a lot of great people all the small
business they are very they're very
credible but the other we don't have a
credit system for that so how can we
using a credit rating system based on
the data so we have put it giving
everybody a sesame a rating system that
is so powerful in the past four years
because every individual every small
business if they have been using our
services we give no rating system so
we're giving loans in the past five
years with giving five million business
loans the only about borrow $5,000 three
minutes we can decide whether we should
give you money how much you want to get
with ins it one second the money will
being account and zero people touch so
we called three one zero either today
the sesame rating system become people
baking the mother-in-law want to say hey
you want to date you which my daughter
show me a rating system of the fascinate
card so it's so funny we go to the
people want to rent a car people want to
rent a bicycle they will say show me
your sesame carts good because if they
do not have pay back if they do not
fulfill the radius is going to blow down
and they can never rent a house right
this is what we want to build up the
system that if you sell or buy fake
assessing the cars we're sure I'm going
to open up to questions but a final one
for me there's been a lot of speculation
that you're going to get into the
business of Hollywood your name has
appeared a highway Baba group at the
beginning of a couple of big films
what is the ambition for Alibaba in the
entertainment world
um the beginning were like this several
years we every five years we have a
review for our strategy now our strategy
is always look at the thirty years and
ten years every strategic decisions we
make we have to ask one question the
disposition we make solve society
problem because we believe the biggest
social property assault the most
successful you are so if we do it this
cannot solve any social problems we
don't do it second is this project is
going to be successful in ten years if
it's going to be successful in ten years
let's do it if it's going to be
successful in one year or one month not
what I say forget about it because why
you can be successful in one year or one
mouth so we all have to put term and
five years ago we had a big debate about
ten years later 20 years what are the
things this China society the world
leave want so we say happiness and
health to H strategy so happiness and
health we believe hollow you know the
movie industry bring people happy
because today nobody is happy
rich people are happy poor people not
happy and you know at least when I watch
movie out you're happy but right so I
think we should partner with the
Hollywood especially like a lot of you
know we have a different way of living
and in China the movie we have a lot of
heroes but China movies heroes always
dead the American Dream over here will
never dies
if all the heroes die who want to be the
hero so my movie I want to make the hero
live right so this is this is I think we
should learn a lot and it's only about
two years so we have another eight years
ago I want to make our company that it's
not ecommerce it's something that giving
people inspirations given people because
I learned a lot for example I will say
that my favorite movie forest the gum
you know life stuff
this is I learned and that inspired me
that is why when people call me crazy
skipping past the 70 years you're
crazier doing something that will work
your stupid how can do that model admins
in this model evening this model why
elbaba this model I told myself force
the gum set go ahead I would care about
what the other people and the other
thing first gun said nobody make money
out of the caption whales people make
money by catching shrinks so we serve
small business fair enough
How I made a STANDING DESK using K'NEX (CHEAP & EASY) - Duration: 2:30.
Alright so there are these crazy things out now called standing desks, so essentially
it is a desk that elevates so you can just stand um I am working with a desk that is
a sitting desk so what I am going to try and do is to build a contraption for a standing
desk when I use my laptop as a little adjustment barrier because I don't like sitting all
day at a desk.
It'll be raised about 10 inches from the wood and I'm going to be using knex, knex
is a little snappy part thing so you have your knex piece you can snap it off and disconnect
it and snap it back on.
I built several things out of knex before when I was alot younger and I thought hey
why not do this now because I already have the pieces and I don't have to buy anything
or go to the store.
*knex sounds* So I just did this along the edge here and I'm using this other part
to hold the laptop in place, so on we are going to get some blues go from here to here
middle and I'll do this about 2 or 3 times to get more height, so I have some criss cross
patterns and I have the same thing going throughout the design I have a second variant here and
then the third side.
I haven't tried this out yet so I'm going to put my laptop on here *pop-rock ish music*
alright guys so I got the standing desk finished I can stand and type now which is good I can
stand and type do my thing.
So that's the end of the video!
If you have any questions about this standing knex desk let me know in the comments section
down below.
Give it a big thumbs up and till next time I'll see ya when I see ya!
This might not be common knowledge, but fast radio bursts (FRB) were first discovered more
than 10 years ago. Their place of origin, however, has been a complete mystery since
their discovery. A new paper by Harvard researchers, published in the journal Astrophysical Journal
Letters, outlines how the possibility that these may actually be artificial hasn�t
really been investigated, despite the fact that it is one of the most plausible hypotheses.
In the paper, they examine the possibility that these FBRs are artificial beams that
have been set up as beacons for the purpose of driving light sails, which would be used
to propel spaceships:
The idea that extraterrestrial civilizations may be using radio beams (manifested as dispersed
pulses) is certainly not a new one, as it dates back to the pioneering paper by Cocconi
& Morrison (1959). This idea was extended by researchers engaged in the Search for Extraterrestrial
Intelligence (SETI), accounts of which can be found in Drake & Sobel (1992) and Tarter
(2001); also Siemion et al. (2012). In addition to traditional, radio-based SETI, many other
approaches have been advanced for detecting alien civilizations (e.g., Dyson 1960; Schwartz
& Townes 1961; Howard et al. 2004; Benford et al. 2010; Wright et al. 2014; Lingam & Loeb
The study goes on to demonstrate how FRB parameters were consistent with their hypothesis, and
showed how the emitter of the FBR was twice the diameter of our planet. In the conclusion,
the authors also state:
We illustrated that the frequency needed to power the light sail was consistent with those
observed for FRBs, lending further credence to our hypothesis. Our analysis gave rise
to many interesting consequences. It was shown that the payload of the light sail and the
beam's characteristic period should be approximately 106 tons and 7 days, respectively. Moreover,
under certain simplifying assumptions, we derived an upper bound on the total number
of intelligent civilizations in a galaxy (akin to the Milky Way). We also suggested that
smaller light sails may be widely prevalent, which are presently undetectable as their
spectral flux densities are too low. Using the all-sky cosmological rate of FRBs, we
argued that an FRB might originate within the Milky Way once every several centuries.
Although the possibility that FRBs are produced by extragalactic civilizations is more speculative
than an astrophysical origin, quantifying the requirements necessary for an artificial
origin serves, at the very least, the important purpose of enabling astronomers to rule it
out with future data.
You can access the full study here.
Strange radio wave flashes from far outside of our Milky Way galaxy (or in it) have scientists
completely confused. Since 2001, telescopes have been picking up these fast radio bursts
(FRBs). Only a total of ten have ever been detected. The bursts last just a few milliseconds
and then explode with just as much energy as our Sun releases in a month, which is massive.
One of the most recent bursts occurred in 2014, and it was the first one in history
to be caught in action, thanks to the Parkes Telescope in New South Wales, Australia. The
others were found by examining data after the bursts had already arrived on Earth.
�The weird part is that they all fit a pattern that doesn�t match what we know about cosmic
Michael Hippke from the Institute for Data Analysis In Neukrichen-Vluyn, Germany, and
John Learned from the University of Hawaii in Manoa, have not ruled out the possibility
that these bursts come from somewhere within our galaxy. They determined this by calculating
how far the bursts have travelled, a technique known as �the dispersion measure.�
The Harvard paper hypothesizes, based on their evidence, that they do originate from within
the Milky Way Galaxy.
It�s also interesting to note that all 10 of the detected bursts have dispersion measures
that are multiples of 187.5. This is both fascinating and unexplainable, and they are
suggesting that this line-up of the dispersion implies five sources for the bursts that are
all at regularly spaced distances from Earth.
According to their research, there is a 5 in 10,000 probability that this type of line-up
is a coincidence, and that it is �very, very hard to explain.�
What could the sources of these signals heading towards Earth be? Are they unidentified cosmic
objects? Is it human technology? Or is the question not what are they, but from whom?
If the natural explanations don�t seem to fit, the researchers have concluded in their
paper that �an artificial source (human or non-human) must be considered.�
Jill Tarter, the former director of the SETI Institute in California, says �These have
been intriguing as an engineered signal, or evidence of extraterrestrial technology, since
the first was discovered.�
Just this year, scientists discovered six more bursts of radio signals, this time coming
from a place in deep space outside of our galaxy. A total of 17 such radio signals have
been received from this location in space, and given their nature, many people believe
they are extraterrestrial in origin. These signals were detected at the Green Bank Telescope
in the U.S. and the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico.
Related CE Article: In 1974 Carl Sagan Sent This Message Into Space, in 2001 We Received
This Response
The sheer power of these signals, as well as their having been detected coming from
deep space, is leading to speculation that there may be an advanced extraterrestrial
civilization behind them.
We Already Know That We Are Not Alone
A big theme here at CE is creating awareness about the fact that there is near undeniable
evidence showing that �we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people
from outer space, from other civilizations.� (source)
That�s just one high ranking military officer, but there are hundreds, if not thousands,
who have now officially come forward testifying either to the reality of UFOs, or that some
of these UFOs are indeed extraterrestrial in origin.
The fact that we are not alone is a strong general scientific consensus, but whether
or not we are being visited remains a hot topic of debate.
�Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. . . . We are not alone in
the universe, they have been coming here for a long time. . . . I happen to be privileged
enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon
is real.�
� Doctor Edgar Mitchell, 6th man to walk on the moon
What�s more, UFOs have been verified by dozens of governments, but the extraterrestrial
question has not been.
Not only that, video footage is popping up everywhere that is raising even more questions.
You can see a couple of examples in an article we recently published here.
The question of extraterrestrial contact opens up a pandora�s box of questions and concerns,
and it�s no coincidence, I believe, that all of this is happening at a critical time
on our planet. This is part of the major consciousness shift that�s happening on the planet right
now, as we step into the world that�s been hidden from us for years. Extraterrestrial
disclosure has the potential to completely change the way we think about multiple aspects
of human life, as it is and would be the biggest story in human history to date. That being
said, in the black budget world, we�ve heard that it�s just the tip of the iceberg.
Below is a video we�ve shared countless times, but it�s a powerful one because what
he says is true. There really is �abundant evidence.�
We�ve presented this evidence in hundreds of articles that deal with this topic. To
see some of those, you can visit the exopolitics section of our website here.
I�d also like to mention that, whenever we discuss this topic, and move on from asking
whether they are here to why they are here, we will always end up with labels of gods,
demons, angels, and more. Human beings love to categorize and judge things they do not
understand, but if we take a step back and look at the evidence objectively, we�ll
see that the most common theme in contact stories is care for our planet, as well as
a spiritual understanding of ourselves and the nature of the universe. This becomes even
more acceptable to those of us who research quantum physics and neuroscience, as many
aspects of these subjects are catching up to ancient Eastern spiritual philosophies.
It�s quite interesting, to say the least.
This is why, for me personally, I take great interest in the spiritual nature of things,
and, when it comes to extraterrestrial contact, there is no better place to realize the spiritual
connection from a mainstream perspective than by studying the beliefs of indigenous cultures.
Related CE Article: The Star People: �Extraterrestrials� From A Native American & First Nations Perspective
Lockheed Exec Says This Is Already Happening Via Quantum Entanglement
It�s called quantum entanglement, it�s extremely fascinating and counter to what
we believe to be the known scientific laws of the universe, so much so that Einstein
himself could not wrap his head around it. Although it�s called �quantum entanglement,�
though Einstein referred to it as �spooky action at a distance.�
Recent research has taken quantum entanglement out of the theoretical realm of physics, and
placed into the one of verified phenomena. An experiment devised by the Griffith University�s
Centre for Quantum Dynamics, led by Professor Howard Wiseman and his team of researchers
at the university of Tokyo, recently published a paper in the journal Nature Communications
confirming what Einstein did not believe to be real: the non-local collapse of a particle�s
wave function. (source)(source), and this is just one example of many.
They did this by splitting a single photon between two laboratories, and testing whether
measurement of it in one laboratory would actually cause a change in the local quantum
state in the other laboratory. In doing so, researchers were able to verify the entanglement
of the split single photon.
Researchers have since replicated this experiment over and over again, with results of entanglement
seen at kilometres of distance. Below is a great visual depiction of what quantum entanglement
from the film, �What The Bleep Do We Know.�
�Space is just the construct that gives the illusion that there are separate objects�
� Dr. Quantum
Sure, there are a lot of philosophies regarding what all of this stuff actually means, but,
as Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher puts it, it�s a pre-curser to realizing that everything
is connected, and that everything in the universe is one. What happens in what we call reality,
is effecting something else in that same reality, it�s all �touching.�
What�s happening here is that, either we are witnessing the transfer of �information�
at a speed far greater than the speed of light, or even better, something completely instantaneous.
If all points in space are connected, that means vast distances between places are simply
an illusion. Furthermore, quantum entanglement challenges Einsteins theory of relativity,
but theories are developed to be tweaked and changed. Unfortunately, our world is plagued
with secrecy, and you can learn more about that in an article about the black budget
linked at the bottom of this article.
The Lockheed Executives Comments On Space Travel
Rich was the second director of Lockheed Skunkwork�s from 1975-1991. He�s been called the Father
of Stealth, having overseen the development of the stealth fighter, the F-117A nighthawk.
Before his death, Rich made several shocking open statements about the reality of UFOs
and extraterrestrials.
�We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked
up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit
humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it.�
�We now have technology to take ET home. No it won�t take someone�s lifetime to
do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability
to travel to the stars.�
�There are two types of UFOs � the ones we build and the ones �they� build.�
Where Quantum Entaglement Comes In
When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said, �Let me ask you. How does ESP work?�
The questioner responded with, �All points in time and space are connected?� Rich then
said, �That�s how it works!�
Interesting to think about, isn�t it? Perhaps the vast distances that exist between planets,
solar systems and more isn�t really as much of a barrier as we thought it was.
What Are The Sources For These Quotes?
One of the sources is aerospace journalist, James Goodall, who wrote for publications
such as Jane�s Defense Weekly, Aviation Week and Space Technology, and Interavia.
He is an accomplished speaker specializing in the history, development, and operations
of the world�s only Mach 3 capable, manned air breathing aircraft, the SR-71 family of
He is also an author, as well as the Associate Curator at the Pacific Aviation Meseum, HI.
He was also the restoration manager at the Museum of Flight in Paine Field, Everett,
Goodall interviewed many from the classified black budget world (read more about that world
here.) He claimed that some of his contacts told him that �we have things out there
that are literally out of this world, better than Star Trek or what you see in the movies.�
From his work alone, James Goodall knew Ben Rich well. In a video interview, Goodall stated
that he spoke to Rich approximately 10 days before he died:
�About ten days before he died, I was speaking to Ben on the telephone at the USC Medical
Center in LA. And he said, �Jim, we have things out in the desert that are fifty years
beyond what you can comprehend. They have about forty five hundred people at the Lockheed
Skunk works. What have they been doing for the last eighteen or twenty years? They�re
building something.��
Another source comes from John Andrews, who was a legendary Lockheed engineer. He had
written to Rich, stating his own belief in UFOs, both manmade and extraterrestrial. Andrews
has asked Rich if his own beliefs covered extraterrestrial as well as manmade UFOs.
Rich�s reply was as follows:
�Yes, I�m a believer in both categories. I feel everything is possible. Many of our
man-made UFOs are Un-Funded Opportunities. There are two types of UFOs, the ones we build,
and the ones they build.�
In Rich�s reply, he underlined the U, F, and O in �unfunded opportunities.�
Thirdly, Jan Harzan, a senior executive with IBM, along with Tom Keller, an aerospace engineer
who has worked as a computer systems analyst for NASA�s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, discusses
a talk Ben gave some time ago. On March 23rd, 1993 at a UCLA School of Engineering talk
where he was presenting a general history of Sunk Works, he said this:
�We now know how to travel to the stars. There is an error in the equations, and we
have figured it out, and now know how to travel to the stars and it won�t take a lifetime
to do it. It is time to end all the secrecy on this, as it no longer poses a national
security threat, and make the technology available for use in the private sector. There are many
in the intelligence community who would like to see this stay in the black and not see
the light of day. We now have the technology to take ET home.�
Here is a video of Jan telling the story:
Want to Learn More About The Secret Space Program?
Below is a great lecture given by researcher Richard Dolan. A great place to start. I apologize
if you�ve seen this content before, but we always have new readers visiting our site,
so it�s important to constantly put this information out there
for those new eyes.
Responding to Jesse Wellens: What Actually Makes YouTube Great - Duration: 7:58.
Hello YouTube. It's Chase here
Today I wanted to do a video response to Jesse's newest video on PrankvsPrank.
Hi guys.
Sitting here in my car, in a parking lot over at Menchie's, the frozen yogurt chain, here in town.
Going there with some of my friends
They followed me here, but they're dropping someone off at their house who lives really close by.
So, they're going to be back here in a few minutes. But, I'm here just waiting for them. Chilling in my car.
I had planned to film parts of today's video at the college. I was going to have some people help me
But, I'm just going to be doing it on my own this weekend. I'll probably have to have some of them help me with future videos
But for this video, just gonna be a one man team again. So
Just waitin for my friends and then we'll get frozen yogurt.
Hello YouTube. It's Chase here. Today I wanted to do a video response to Jesse's newest video on PrankvsPrank.
I was one of the first people to watch his new video on YouTube as soon as it was uploaded.
I got the notification on my desktop and I immediately clicked on it.
And of course, he used a clickbait title called "Quitting YouTube."
Now, even before I clicked on the video, I knew that he probably wouldn't actually quit YouTube and there'd be some reason he uploaded this video.
So, I clicked on it. And, of course, after a few minutes of watching, he is pretty serious about wanting to quit YouTube
if his views on his channel don't improve.
So, I mean, you can go watch his video if you haven't watched it already.
But basically, he says that like the views on his channel are down, you know, and why spend so much time
making these great videos? He's such a talented creator. Why make these huge videos on YouTube when people who used to watch his videos aren't watching them?
because it's not being pushed out to people through YouTube.
That's what many large YouTubers have been saying lately. Is that, their videos are not getting viewed by their existing audience.
because of the changes in the YouTube algorithm.
I also feel like it's possible that these big YouTubers have lost touch with their fans. They've lost touch with how they actually became popular.
and, they need to, kind of, remember why they became famous on YouTube. Why people started watching them.
After two years of wanting to make videos on YouTube, I decided to invest in my passion for creating.
I've come to realize and understand that it doesn't matter how many people are watching my videos.
What matters is that I'm experiencing, I'm learning, and I'm always creating,
isn't that what YouTube's really about? Creating content that you're proud of in that very moment?
I've really come to love and appreciate Jesse's videos. I've been watching his channel for a long time.
I've been watching his channel longer than I've been watching any other channel on YouTube.
I wouldn't say that he inspired me through BFvsGF and PrankvsPrank, when those two channels were very popular.
I'm not saying that he inspired me to do YouTube, but he definitely gave me that final nudge
during the year that I started uploading videos
His editing style, his filmmaking style is so unique. It's so different. it's such a breath of fresh air.
If you watched like his Burning Man video, there's something so unique and so cool about them, especially now that he's kind of been losing
that Casey Neistat influence now that he stopped vlogging. He's been making these big production things in his goal to become a filmmaker.
And it's really great stuff. However, Jesse's complaining in his newest video about not getting very many views and potentially leaving YouTube shows that
he has forgotten the essence of what actually made YouTube great. It's about the product, not the views. There's so many videos that
we would call "trash content" get millions of views. And, I'm guilty of watching them. I love watching videos like that.
However, there's so many of them out there and quality videos are no longer being made. The essence of YouTube is making videos that you're proud of
Views shouldn't affect that. I'm not slamming Jesse. I still look up to him as a creator. I still think he's one of the greatest YouTubers.
I will follow him whether he stays on YouTube or not. I will always follow whatever he makes.
And I'm not saying that I have all of the answers. I'm not saying that I'm great at making YouTube videos. However, I'm driven to make better content.
Every time I make a video, I try to make it the best that I can in that particular moment.
Yeah, you'll hear me admit that it wasn't that good or I might've done this differently or that differently, but in the end
I made the best video that I could in that moment in time when I hit the upload button.
Trying to always make my best video yet is what keeps me going on YouTube. Not the views. Not the subscribers. And not the money.
I've spent more money on camera equipment for this channel than I'll ever get back from it.
And that's because I love what I do
I'm doing this because I want to be a good filmmaker. I want to make the best content that I can
So the number of views, the number of subscribers is great. I celebrate that when I reach these milestones.
it really makes my work feel recognized and appreciated and it does give me a boost to keep going
However, the main reason that I upload videos is to always make better content. I am continuously trying to improve the videos that I make
and I will not stop making videos until I am satisfied with where I'm at. I know where I want to be, but I don't know how to get there.
and the only way I can think of getting there is to continue making videos and continue practicing what I'm doing.
So, putting your YouTube career in the balance because you're not getting enough views and claiming that you want YouTube to be great again
it just doesn't add up. Views is not what made YouTube great.
It's the creators who put their soul into their work and don't expect anything in return.
Thanks for watching. I hope you all have a fantastic day or night, whenever you are watching this
As always, continue to follow your dreams and don't let anyone stop you
As always, I'm Chase Charaba and I'm exploring life through moving pictures.
فيلم كرتون مينيونز بالعربي Minions Full Movie Game من عالم اخر HD كامل - Duration: 14:30.
KWERTY : 2D Mentions [Music Video] - Duration: 3:27.
A fight broke out on the jetway in the Atlanta Airport, and the Delta pilot got involved!! - Duration: 1:02.
A Delta pilot smacked a passenger who was fighting with another passenger at the Atlanta
airport ... and it was caught on video.
We're told the incident went down Sunday or Monday.
The plane had just landed and the passengers were leaving the jetway when 2 women started
The pilot appears and tries separating the women.
He then grabs one of them by the arm and hits her.
The pilot walks away as the women are still on the ground.We're told a Delta employee
gave a supervisor the video almost immediately after the incident.We're also told some Delta
employees were upset because security wasn't called.We reached out to Delta, and a rep
tells us the airline is investigating and "taking this very seriously."
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