Are you looking for a golf training aid to eliminate slice?
Look no further: Golf Straight with GOLFSTR!
You get 6 swing fixes in 1 product to lower your score in every part of your game.
Train with GOLFSTR to develop a more consistent swing for your driver, fairway clubs, wedges
and putter.
No other Golf Training Aid gives you 6 swing fixes.
Easy to assemble for left and right handed golfers, GOLFSTR teaches you to keep your
leading arm or wrist straight in the full backswing and for putting and chipping.
It's also great for lag training in your backswing for longer drives.
To assemble your GOLFSTR to learn a straight arm backswing, keep the long strip of Velcro
facing out, form a loop, slide the ends through the 2 slots and fold the ends over to fit
your forearm.
For the 5 other uses, flip the formed plastic plate with the tip pointing away from the
loop and snug it on your wrist or arm.
Golf professionals everywhere are recommending GOLFSTR.
100 testers from the GOLF Partners Club found that GOLFSTR improved their game.
Best of all, you can wear it for 18 holes as a Straight Arm Brain Trainer to build muscle
memory for more consistent hits.
That's Golf S T R like the first 3 letters in the word STRAIGHT.
GOLFSTR is the Golf Training Aid you want?
Check it out on
For more infomation >> Golf Training Aid - Improve Your Golf Swing - Golf Training Aid - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
English Vocabulary Words With Meaning: the Oxford 3000: Letter D: Episode 05- Free English Lesson - Duration: 3:10.
Make a decision! - Duration: 0:34.
(piano music)
But who wants to live here?
If we are talking about living fully
and reigniting your life and living life to the fullest
we only get one kick at the can.
Why do we want to live there?
Time to do something, time to take action,
time to make a decision.
But how do you do that?
How do you go from here to what you really want?
So my role here is just to tie this all together for you.
TESOURO DIRETO: Entenda como FUNCIONA e como INVESTIR! - Duration: 3:54.
Be Curious About What Can Go Right! - Duration: 1:13.
(inspirational music)
I'm identifying that if this is what
you say you want, right, and most people
can get really clear about what they want,
and then I'll ask em why don't you have that now?
What's preventing you from having that now,
and when we dig down, it always comes down to fear,
and it's not the fear of I'm gonna die.
You know, not the mortal fears.
It's those little nagging fears that we hear every day
that keep us stuck, right?
Judgment, too old, too fat, too skinny, too young,
too, too, too, too and not enough.
There's either the too much, or the too,
or and the not enough.
So, how do you fix this?
(marker scraping)
This has been a revolution for some of the
women that I've been working with recently.
If you go in going I know, I know, I know, I know,
that's where that fear can come back,
because we create the story of what can happen.
Instead, I'd like you to go into curiosity,
and say what could go right?
Audit Your Life to Create Your Living Fully Vision - Duration: 1:13.
(upbeat piano)
So, a vision has to be related to what you want
and what you need and if you're not even sure,
do an audit of your life of what you don't want.
Start auditing your life about what you don't want,
what doesn't make you happy, what doesn't make you
feel joy, what's keeping you stuck,
what's giving you all those things that tolerations
bring you.
And then you can start making a list
of all the things that you don't want on one side
of the page.
On the other side of the page is, "This is what I want.
"This is my living fully, want vision.
"And this is my basic need too."
Some of those things are just gonna be what do I need?
Does that make sense?
It sounds simple, doesn't it?
I see some of you lookin' at me like,
"(sigh) That's so simple."
But how many of you are doing it?
How many know exactly what you want
in a year from now?
How many of you made a resolution in January
that you are no longer following.
You thought that's what you wanted but in fact, it's not.
Holding On To Stuff for All The Wrong Reasons - Duration: 1:28.
I've got to tell you this story.
One of the first years I was doing home transitions
I was working by myself at that time I did not
have a team yet.
A young mom called me in to do some de-cluttering
of her basement,
she was pregnant with her second child,
she had a three-year-old,
and she wanted to make the basement part of the playroom
she had a beautiful space,
to make this a playroom for her children.
As I was walking down to the basement,
there was a full wall, of boxes.
There were 42 boxes and they were all dated,
and I think I might get this date wrong,
they were dated 2020.
Her father packed up,
all of his mothers stuff after she died,
saying this will be for my grandkids,
when they are 18.
She did not know how to open those boxes,
she did not know what was in those boxes,
she was afraid to look in those boxes,
she asked me would you come and help me
go through those boxes.
Sure I would.
We probably had a small table of things that she kept.
Without Vision You Will Add Too Much - Duration: 1:12.
When I ask people what do you want,
most people go, "Well I want some more money.
I want money.
And I wanna have a good relationship."
But, if you don't know what you want,
you won't know what you're going after.
So, a lot of my work is let's create a vision.
So, let's say we're working in their closet.
We're working through a space.
I'll say, "What do you want for the vision of this room?
What do you want it to look like?
What do you want it to feel like?
Get out of your head.
What do you want it to feel like?
What do you want for this space?"
And then, the person will get a vision.
If not, we'll go online.
We'll find some things.
We're dealing with the physical stuff.
And, through the vision, we can create that.
But, if you don't know what you want,
everything stays in your life.
And then we just keep adding and adding
and maybe that fits with what I want.
Maybe that's gonna make me feel good.
Maybe that's exactly what's gonna make me feel
like the person I know I can be.
When, in fact, if you don't get
clear about what you want,
you're gonna just keep accumulating stuff.
What Fear Is Keeping You Stuck? - Duration: 0:54.
(inspirational music)
When I do this exercise with clients,
we write out everything that they want
in all areas of their life.
Health and wellness, money and finances,
family and relationships, fun and adventure,
community and philanthropy, business and career.
Create this big vision.
They're really excited.
Like woo, this is awesome.
This is what I want.
And, I say well why don't you have it?
There's a fear.
There's a fear, a fear of being judged,
a fear of not doing it right, a fear of being too old,
a fear of being too young, a fear of what could go wrong,
a fear of what could go right, a fear that
it's too much work, the fear.
It's a big fear.
We all have fears, and they keep us stuck.
The Story of the Blue Dress - Duration: 2:29.
(gentle music)
So a couple of years ago, I decided to record myself
decluttering my closet, our kitchen cupboards,
the basement storage area and the garage.
And the reason I do that is because not too many people
want a camera in their house,
going through their stuff, right?
So I said, "I'll do it."
First day of shooting, so I have my camera on my tripod,
start the camera, go through all the housecoats,
I had a housecoat from when the kids were born.
Not wearing it, keeping it, time to let it go.
Then I pull up this dress, not this one, another one.
I like this one.
So pull out this dress,
beautiful blue dress, gorgeous blue dress.
I loved wearing that dress,
kinda like how much I love wearing this dress.
I loved wearing that dress
and the last time I wore that dress was so good,
I was doing a presentation in front of 500 people,
I got a standing ovation, it was so cool.
They were all my peers so they all stood anyway,
so it was nice, felt good.
Anchored happiness in that dress.
I hadn't worn that dress in,
I would say, five to seven years.
I had outgrown that dress, it was a size six.
I was no longer a size six.
So every time I walked past that dress
it would remind me of the size I no longer was.
And then I would feel like a shlump dump.
And then I would start going through this,
Oh, well maybe one day I'll lose the weight.
Or maybe one day I'll fit back in it, maybe...
Anybody else have something in their closet like that?
(audience mutter and laugh)
So here I am right, I pull out this dress
and I'm like (I'm going say the S word okay?)
I'm like, "Shit, the camera is on."
I can turn it off because I am not live,
we didn't have Facebook Live then.
Turn it off and just not tell anybody
the story of this dress.
And then I thought, that would be lying.
This is the stuff you do with people every day,
you are teaching them how to let go of their stuff.
You have to be honest.
So I kept the camera rolling,
told them the story I just told you and on camera said,
"Okay, Dress for Success is getting this dress,
because there is another lovely size six woman
who is going to love this dress as much as I love it,
and she could be gifted that dress."
And I just let it go.
(gentle music)
Come funzionano le cannucce? Capillarità e Depressione - Duration: 4:56.
Crashing With An F1 Driver! What's On Robin Frijns's Phone? - Formula E - Duration: 1:39.
My friends with two girls I don't know.
They went out yesterday, I think.
If I'm in a different country, like today, which is hours different,
you will wake up and you will suddenly have 25 pics on your
phone which you didn't see before, which is quite normal.
As soon as I want to take a picture of my food,
it's already gone!
That was back in the day, when we were go-karting,
it was a French championship and we were battling for the win
and it was the last lap. I was second and he was third - Stoffel -
and first was Benedetti, I think it was.
And I was just waiting for the last lap, same as Stoffel,
so I went for the gap on the last lap,
and Stoffel tried to do the same thing and he rolled over me.
Famous person on my phone?
TESOURO DIRETO: Entenda como FUNCIONA e como INVESTIR! - Duration: 3:54.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 350 CDI Limousine "Designo" AMG Styling Automaat Panoramadak - Duration: 0:44.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 300 BLUETEC HYBRID LEASE EDITION AVANTGARDE. - Duration: 1:02.
Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Selection - Airco - Bluetooth - Reservewiel - Duration: 1:05.
Patriarca de Moscou e toda a Rússia: A globalização é uma ameaça - Duration: 5:27.
Peugeot 108 Active 1.0 e-VTi 68 PK 5-DEURS - Duration: 0:58.
⚽ MAN CITY vs MAN UTD | 27.4.17 | Premier League 2016/17 - Duration: 6:00.
Diriliş Ertuğrul 86.Bölüm | Kayı Boyu Tarihi - Duration: 2:01.
Welcome to the "withouthistory"
Ottomans changed the course of world history were members of the longitudinal recording, the beeches who is?
Nesebar Oguzhan - Bozoklar - Days Inn - shaped Kay
Kaşgarlı first book that mentions the Court of Mahmud Un-i Lugati't is Kayi Turks.
Kayi in the Rashiddin work between 24 oðuz size gives first
The advent of the Anatolian Kayılar has been with the 1071 war
After that it was becoming a major contribution in the Turkish Anatolian homeland
Indeed, in the 14th century, we find the record of 94 place names in Anatolia
Ottoman sultans were also emphasizes what the record is
Example II. Murad was shot coins minted by the registration stamp
Grandchildren also to give their names indicate it Oğuz han and fear
It is also possible to see many weapons on this stamp.
different interpretations as to what is meant by the registration stamp available
Hünername two arrows and a letter to mean that stamp consisting of a spring hawk
Another source is the author aka sungur
power as the meaning of the word, is said to express the power and strength
karakeçilil while claiming to be a particularly good record. Abdulhamid period saw great reverence
Sultan Abdulhamid Protection unity choose from these tribes have to show them attention
Today Ertugrul still visit the shrines in tribal ceremony willow.
Finally, while not paying Anatolia migrated to Turkmenistan together with the other arm Kayi known as the nation skies today
Today we tell the history of the registration of the short neck
Do not forget to subscribe for more
Goodbye, to remain dateless
Do not forget to subscribe!
Procrastinação Criativa Existe Realmente? | Eduardo Amaral | Fatores da Produtividade - Duration: 4:31.
Forge of Empires - 5.º Aniversário - Duration: 1:41.
Famous lesbian singers and popstars - Duration: 3:58.
Music is one of the most touching and sublime of human manifestations.
Throughout history, we see how great musicians composed masterpieces, and to this day, musical
geniuses continue to create new concepts and sounds.
Nevertheless, the musical field of modernity is now part of showbiz and consumerism; The
elegance and fineness that characterized the composers of yesteryear has been replaced
by the freedom to be, dress and act as one pleases, suppressing the taboos of society
and several moral precepts.
Next we will see: "Famous lesbian musicians".
Chavela Vargas She has been one of the "most influential
Mexican singers in the world".
She published her first record in 1961 and her career remained active until the day of
her death in 2012.
She made public her sexual condition at age 81, in the middle of a live interview.
Janis Joplin The mythical singer of American origin was
one of the most influential personalities in the 60's.
She had a somewhat disordered lifestyle and throughout her existence, she had to face
several amorous disappointments and some biographers consider that perhaps for that reason she
was inclined towards people of the same gender.
Debbie Harry The vocalist of the popular band Blondie was
born on the first of July 1945, and during her youth, she was desired by many men and
also women.
Despite having maintained several affective relations with men, she has assured that she
prefers people of her same sex.
Joan Jett She is an American singer, songwriter and
producer, an icon of female punk and "one of the most important women in rock history".
She belonged to many bands and had a love affair with her stage partner, Cherie Currie,
with whom they formed a band called "The Runaways".
She is an American singer, actress and businesswoman.
She is one of female music stars who's sold the most records ever; It is estimated that
more than 300 million, throughout her entire career.
In the 90's, she had a relationship with model Jenny Shimizu.
From that time she exposed her sexual orientation, as she likes both women and men.
Linda Perry Born on April 15th, 1965, in Massachusetts.
She is a singer, producer and composer; In 1990 she was part of the band "4 Non Blondes"
and in 1996, she ventured to launch herself as a soloist and was very successful.
She became involved in various relationships with different women and in 2014, she married
actress Sara Gilbert.
Fergie Despite being married and having a child,
this singer and businesswoman of American origin has made public the attraction she
feels for women.
She made it clear in several appearances, in which she has been seen flirting with several
Vanessa Carlton She is an American singer, pianist and songwriter.
She made her debut in 2002 and is acclaimed by many critics who appreciate her unusual
style of piano playing.
She has been accompanied by several women and although she has tried to be discreet,
she has not been able to hide her orientation.
Lady Gaga The controversial singer does not go unnoticed.
Her wardrobe is one of the biggest attractions and she is always on the front page of tabloids.
She is one of the "most influential and famous activists in the world" and has represented
and supported the LGBT community in all aspects.
Geld in ETFs ist dummes Geld - wirklich? - Duration: 12:10.
Make a decision! - Duration: 0:34.
(piano music)
But who wants to live here?
If we are talking about living fully
and reigniting your life and living life to the fullest
we only get one kick at the can.
Why do we want to live there?
Time to do something, time to take action,
time to make a decision.
But how do you do that?
How do you go from here to what you really want?
So my role here is just to tie this all together for you.
Be Curious About What Can Go Right! - Duration: 1:13.
(inspirational music)
I'm identifying that if this is what
you say you want, right, and most people
can get really clear about what they want,
and then I'll ask em why don't you have that now?
What's preventing you from having that now,
and when we dig down, it always comes down to fear,
and it's not the fear of I'm gonna die.
You know, not the mortal fears.
It's those little nagging fears that we hear every day
that keep us stuck, right?
Judgment, too old, too fat, too skinny, too young,
too, too, too, too and not enough.
There's either the too much, or the too,
or and the not enough.
So, how do you fix this?
(marker scraping)
This has been a revolution for some of the
women that I've been working with recently.
If you go in going I know, I know, I know, I know,
that's where that fear can come back,
because we create the story of what can happen.
Instead, I'd like you to go into curiosity,
and say what could go right?
Audit Your Life to Create Your Living Fully Vision - Duration: 1:13.
(upbeat piano)
So, a vision has to be related to what you want
and what you need and if you're not even sure,
do an audit of your life of what you don't want.
Start auditing your life about what you don't want,
what doesn't make you happy, what doesn't make you
feel joy, what's keeping you stuck,
what's giving you all those things that tolerations
bring you.
And then you can start making a list
of all the things that you don't want on one side
of the page.
On the other side of the page is, "This is what I want.
"This is my living fully, want vision.
"And this is my basic need too."
Some of those things are just gonna be what do I need?
Does that make sense?
It sounds simple, doesn't it?
I see some of you lookin' at me like,
"(sigh) That's so simple."
But how many of you are doing it?
How many know exactly what you want
in a year from now?
How many of you made a resolution in January
that you are no longer following.
You thought that's what you wanted but in fact, it's not.
Tutkalsız boraksız slime yapımı, canlı yayında tutkalsız boraksız gariban slime, çekiliş sonuçları - Duration: 25:51.
Holding On To Stuff for All The Wrong Reasons - Duration: 1:28.
I've got to tell you this story.
One of the first years I was doing home transitions
I was working by myself at that time I did not
have a team yet.
A young mom called me in to do some de-cluttering
of her basement,
she was pregnant with her second child,
she had a three-year-old,
and she wanted to make the basement part of the playroom
she had a beautiful space,
to make this a playroom for her children.
As I was walking down to the basement,
there was a full wall, of boxes.
There were 42 boxes and they were all dated,
and I think I might get this date wrong,
they were dated 2020.
Her father packed up,
all of his mothers stuff after she died,
saying this will be for my grandkids,
when they are 18.
She did not know how to open those boxes,
she did not know what was in those boxes,
she was afraid to look in those boxes,
she asked me would you come and help me
go through those boxes.
Sure I would.
We probably had a small table of things that she kept.
Renault Captur 90 PK TCe Dynamique | Camera | R-Link Navigatie | Climate Controle | 17"lm velgen | 1 - Duration: 1:02.
Volvo XC60 T5 240PK R-Design Automaat - Duration: 0:59.
Volkswagen Tiguan 2.0 TSI AUT.7 4MOTION R-LINE EDITION - Duration: 1:03.
Golf Training Aid - Improve Your Golf Swing - Golf Training Aid - Duration: 1:14.
Are you looking for a golf training aid to eliminate slice?
Look no further: Golf Straight with GOLFSTR!
You get 6 swing fixes in 1 product to lower your score in every part of your game.
Train with GOLFSTR to develop a more consistent swing for your driver, fairway clubs, wedges
and putter.
No other Golf Training Aid gives you 6 swing fixes.
Easy to assemble for left and right handed golfers, GOLFSTR teaches you to keep your
leading arm or wrist straight in the full backswing and for putting and chipping.
It's also great for lag training in your backswing for longer drives.
To assemble your GOLFSTR to learn a straight arm backswing, keep the long strip of Velcro
facing out, form a loop, slide the ends through the 2 slots and fold the ends over to fit
your forearm.
For the 5 other uses, flip the formed plastic plate with the tip pointing away from the
loop and snug it on your wrist or arm.
Golf professionals everywhere are recommending GOLFSTR.
100 testers from the GOLF Partners Club found that GOLFSTR improved their game.
Best of all, you can wear it for 18 holes as a Straight Arm Brain Trainer to build muscle
memory for more consistent hits.
That's Golf S T R like the first 3 letters in the word STRAIGHT.
GOLFSTR is the Golf Training Aid you want?
Check it out on
English Vocabulary Words With Meaning: the Oxford 3000: Letter D: Episode 05- Free English Lesson - Duration: 3:10.
Make a decision! - Duration: 0:34.
(piano music)
But who wants to live here?
If we are talking about living fully
and reigniting your life and living life to the fullest
we only get one kick at the can.
Why do we want to live there?
Time to do something, time to take action,
time to make a decision.
But how do you do that?
How do you go from here to what you really want?
So my role here is just to tie this all together for you.
TESOURO DIRETO: Entenda como FUNCIONA e como INVESTIR! - Duration: 3:54.
Be Curious About What Can Go Right! - Duration: 1:13.
(inspirational music)
I'm identifying that if this is what
you say you want, right, and most people
can get really clear about what they want,
and then I'll ask em why don't you have that now?
What's preventing you from having that now,
and when we dig down, it always comes down to fear,
and it's not the fear of I'm gonna die.
You know, not the mortal fears.
It's those little nagging fears that we hear every day
that keep us stuck, right?
Judgment, too old, too fat, too skinny, too young,
too, too, too, too and not enough.
There's either the too much, or the too,
or and the not enough.
So, how do you fix this?
(marker scraping)
This has been a revolution for some of the
women that I've been working with recently.
If you go in going I know, I know, I know, I know,
that's where that fear can come back,
because we create the story of what can happen.
Instead, I'd like you to go into curiosity,
and say what could go right?
Audit Your Life to Create Your Living Fully Vision - Duration: 1:13.
(upbeat piano)
So, a vision has to be related to what you want
and what you need and if you're not even sure,
do an audit of your life of what you don't want.
Start auditing your life about what you don't want,
what doesn't make you happy, what doesn't make you
feel joy, what's keeping you stuck,
what's giving you all those things that tolerations
bring you.
And then you can start making a list
of all the things that you don't want on one side
of the page.
On the other side of the page is, "This is what I want.
"This is my living fully, want vision.
"And this is my basic need too."
Some of those things are just gonna be what do I need?
Does that make sense?
It sounds simple, doesn't it?
I see some of you lookin' at me like,
"(sigh) That's so simple."
But how many of you are doing it?
How many know exactly what you want
in a year from now?
How many of you made a resolution in January
that you are no longer following.
You thought that's what you wanted but in fact, it's not.
Holding On To Stuff for All The Wrong Reasons - Duration: 1:28.
I've got to tell you this story.
One of the first years I was doing home transitions
I was working by myself at that time I did not
have a team yet.
A young mom called me in to do some de-cluttering
of her basement,
she was pregnant with her second child,
she had a three-year-old,
and she wanted to make the basement part of the playroom
she had a beautiful space,
to make this a playroom for her children.
As I was walking down to the basement,
there was a full wall, of boxes.
There were 42 boxes and they were all dated,
and I think I might get this date wrong,
they were dated 2020.
Her father packed up,
all of his mothers stuff after she died,
saying this will be for my grandkids,
when they are 18.
She did not know how to open those boxes,
she did not know what was in those boxes,
she was afraid to look in those boxes,
she asked me would you come and help me
go through those boxes.
Sure I would.
We probably had a small table of things that she kept.
Without Vision You Will Add Too Much - Duration: 1:12.
When I ask people what do you want,
most people go, "Well I want some more money.
I want money.
And I wanna have a good relationship."
But, if you don't know what you want,
you won't know what you're going after.
So, a lot of my work is let's create a vision.
So, let's say we're working in their closet.
We're working through a space.
I'll say, "What do you want for the vision of this room?
What do you want it to look like?
What do you want it to feel like?
Get out of your head.
What do you want it to feel like?
What do you want for this space?"
And then, the person will get a vision.
If not, we'll go online.
We'll find some things.
We're dealing with the physical stuff.
And, through the vision, we can create that.
But, if you don't know what you want,
everything stays in your life.
And then we just keep adding and adding
and maybe that fits with what I want.
Maybe that's gonna make me feel good.
Maybe that's exactly what's gonna make me feel
like the person I know I can be.
When, in fact, if you don't get
clear about what you want,
you're gonna just keep accumulating stuff.
What Fear Is Keeping You Stuck? - Duration: 0:54.
(inspirational music)
When I do this exercise with clients,
we write out everything that they want
in all areas of their life.
Health and wellness, money and finances,
family and relationships, fun and adventure,
community and philanthropy, business and career.
Create this big vision.
They're really excited.
Like woo, this is awesome.
This is what I want.
And, I say well why don't you have it?
There's a fear.
There's a fear, a fear of being judged,
a fear of not doing it right, a fear of being too old,
a fear of being too young, a fear of what could go wrong,
a fear of what could go right, a fear that
it's too much work, the fear.
It's a big fear.
We all have fears, and they keep us stuck.
The Story of the Blue Dress - Duration: 2:29.
(gentle music)
So a couple of years ago, I decided to record myself
decluttering my closet, our kitchen cupboards,
the basement storage area and the garage.
And the reason I do that is because not too many people
want a camera in their house,
going through their stuff, right?
So I said, "I'll do it."
First day of shooting, so I have my camera on my tripod,
start the camera, go through all the housecoats,
I had a housecoat from when the kids were born.
Not wearing it, keeping it, time to let it go.
Then I pull up this dress, not this one, another one.
I like this one.
So pull out this dress,
beautiful blue dress, gorgeous blue dress.
I loved wearing that dress,
kinda like how much I love wearing this dress.
I loved wearing that dress
and the last time I wore that dress was so good,
I was doing a presentation in front of 500 people,
I got a standing ovation, it was so cool.
They were all my peers so they all stood anyway,
so it was nice, felt good.
Anchored happiness in that dress.
I hadn't worn that dress in,
I would say, five to seven years.
I had outgrown that dress, it was a size six.
I was no longer a size six.
So every time I walked past that dress
it would remind me of the size I no longer was.
And then I would feel like a shlump dump.
And then I would start going through this,
Oh, well maybe one day I'll lose the weight.
Or maybe one day I'll fit back in it, maybe...
Anybody else have something in their closet like that?
(audience mutter and laugh)
So here I am right, I pull out this dress
and I'm like (I'm going say the S word okay?)
I'm like, "Shit, the camera is on."
I can turn it off because I am not live,
we didn't have Facebook Live then.
Turn it off and just not tell anybody
the story of this dress.
And then I thought, that would be lying.
This is the stuff you do with people every day,
you are teaching them how to let go of their stuff.
You have to be honest.
So I kept the camera rolling,
told them the story I just told you and on camera said,
"Okay, Dress for Success is getting this dress,
because there is another lovely size six woman
who is going to love this dress as much as I love it,
and she could be gifted that dress."
And I just let it go.
(gentle music)
Why Successful People Don't Have Multiple Streams of Active Income — T. Harv Eker - Duration: 4:30.
I went through 12 different businesses..
What I didn't mention was that I
actually had four businesses at one time.
I had a line of novelty t-shirts that
was actually going pretty well and
then a friend of mine he showed me
these very unusual hats. They actually had
stuffed animals on them and they were
very very cool. They were fun and he said,
"Hey Harv you know you're already going
out there. You're already visiting all
these shops. Why not carry this line of
hats and and show them this line too.
You can then pass by some schools and
the university's you know and clubs
and you're gonna double your income!" You
know what I said? Sounds good! And what did I do? I
got into the hats business as well.
Short while later, I discovered this
really really cool line of jewelry. I
said to myself, "Hey I'm already out there
on the road. Maybe I can stop in to some
jewelry stores and sell them this line
and I could earn even more money." A
few weeks after that another friend
shows up and and he shows me he's doing.
He have these coupon books, coupon books.
And these coupon books gave people
discounts on all sorts of things. You've
probably seen them. You can actually save
thousands and thousands of dollars if
you use them and they only cost
thirty bucks. So what do you think I said?!
You know what, I'm already on the road
and I'm meeting all these people. I'll
just show them the coupon books and now
I'll REALLY be making a fortune! And
besides, you know what's going on in my
mind? I also thought in the back of my
mind. That if I had more than one
business, it would be safer. It would take
the risk out of it. You know and it would
assure me of some kind of success
because I always had a backup in case
something else didn't work. So what was
the result of all this? Well I went from
doing pretty decent to completely broke
again!! I couldn't understand it. How could
more be less? And that's because, at the
time, I didn't understand something
called energy. Bottom line. It takes an
enormous amount of energy to get
something going especially at the
beginning. Let me give you an example.
Imagine a rocket launching.
okay? And imagine all the power that
it takes to get this thing off the
ground. Obviously all the thrusters have
to be facing in the same direction the
same direction. Especially at the
beginning, for the rocket to escape
earth's gravity. Yes or yes? Now imagine
for just a moment, one of the thrusters
let's say it's got three thrusters
facing down boom. Right? One of the
thrusters was facing outward
instead of directly down? Those facing
outward. Let me ask a question. What would
happen? Simple, that rocket would go BOOM!
Crash and burn. Why? Because it takes
massive energy! A thousand! A thousand
percent focus in one, ONE direction for
the rocket to launch successfully! You know
what? Same in your business! It takes
everything you've got! Every resource.
Every ounce of energy at your disposal,
to launch successfully. And what did broke
Harv do? I dissipated my energies. I
scattered my resources. I did not focus
and I crashed. "But Harv, if you notice,
most rich people including yourself have
all kinds of things going on. They got
several businesses. They got real estate
holdings. Stocks! They're diversified. Okay
I get it. Let me say this loud and clear.
Please. Yes it's true. Rich people well
they're usually diversified.. ONCE they
are rich! But you do not. I repeat do NOT
get rich by being diversified. You get
rich by being focused! Laser focused.
The Real Reason Why Hollywood Dumped Megan Fox - Duration: 5:25.
Michael Bay's first Transformers movie turned Megan Fox into an instant star.
Men's magazines couldn't get enough of her, and her future in Hollywood seemed all but
Who knew that a mere decade later, Fox would still be playing second fiddle to CGI creations?
Outside of the running-on-fumes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, her box office prospects
have been pretty dire of late.
"I am still socially relevant."
Here's why Hollywood won't cast Megan Fox anymore.
Transformer trouble
You'd think an actress would stay faithful to the franchise that launched her stardom,
but there's been some bad blood between Megan Fox and the crew of Transformers.
When Michael Bay cast Megan Fox in 2007's toy-centric blockbuster, she was still mostly
unknown outside of a few small TV roles.
By the time Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen rolled out in 2009, Fox was a mega-star...who
had a few mega problems with her starring vehicle.
Fox took shots at the effects-heavy Revenge, telling Entertainment Weekly, "People are
well aware that this is not a movie about acting."
But even that comment was tame compared to the way she described Michael Bay: "He wants
to be like Hitler on his sets, and he is."
Comparing your boss to history's most infamous genocidal dictator isn't going to fly in most
Bay told GQ that while Fox was part of the rehearsal process for Transformers: Dark of
the Moon early on, she was dropped before filming began.
Bay recalled, "[Fox] was in a different world, on her BlackBerry.
You gotta stay focused.
And you know, the Hitler thing.
Steven [Spielberg] said, 'Fire her right now.'"
Dark of the Moon screenwriter Ehren Kruger echoed that sentiment, saying that Fox "seemed
like an actress who didn't want to be a part of it.
She was saying she wanted to, but she wasn't acting like it."
Flop fest
Transformers may have raked in truckloads of cash, but Megan Fox's three follow-up films
crashed and burned spectacularly.
First was 2009's Jennifer's Body, a low budget horror thriller that attempted to build off
Fox's growing star power by putting her front and center in the marketing campaign.
But reviews were mixed, and the R-rated film earned a mere $6.8 million on its opening
Then, Fox appeared in 2010's Jonah Hex, a critical and box office disaster.
She now openly admits that Jonah Hex was a turkey, saying in 2016 that "no one should
ever see that movie."
The same year, Fox made a stab for indie cred with Passion Play, a 2010 drama starring Mickey
Rourke, Bill Murray, and Rhys Ifans.
Despite the all-star cast, the film was critically reviled and only played in a handful of theaters
before being dumped to DVD.
Even Mickey Rourke slammed it, dubbing it "another terrible movie" on his resume.
And Mickey Rourke knows a few things about terrible movies.
Around the time of the one-two career sucker punch of Revenge of the Fallen and Jennifer's
Body, the Megan Fox backlash began.
The combination of the massive marketing for her movies and her appearance on every late
night talk show, magazine, and online photo gallery caused serious Fox fatigue.
"Megan Fox Media Oversaturation syndrome is a neurobiological disorder stemming from oversaturation
of Megan Fox related media"
It got so bad, several men's websites actually called for "A Day Without Megan Fox" boycott.
When even is tired of seeing Fox in various states of undress, something is
definitely off.
"This would be a perfect moment, except you landed on my testicles."
False starts
Fox has been linked to a number of would-be franchises over the years, including a film
version of the '90s "bad girl" comic Fathom, which revolves around aquatic heroine Aspen.
But the project stalled, with Fox admitting in 2014 that she may be getting too old to
play the twenty-something character.
And with so much of the film set underwater, "unless James Cameron is going to direct it
I don't know how we're going to make it happen."
And seriously, if you're looking to get past your sex icon typecasting, this probably isn't
the role to make it happen.
Jane Eyre, maybe.
Or Lady Wolfman.
But...not Aspen.
Fox did return to blockbuster filmmaking as April O'Neil in the 2014 Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles reboot.
But after the sequel, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows, grossed half
of what its predecessor made, the third installment may never make it out of its shell, marking
yet another failed franchise in the Fox filmography.
A comedic return
Fox has found success in recent years by taking supporting roles in comedies where she can
tweak her aloof, glamorous image.
She showed off her comedic side with turns in This Is 40 and The Dictator, and joined
New Girl as a regular cast member in 2016 while star Zooey Deschanel was on maternity
Meanwhile, her role in the James Franco period comedy Zeroville proves that there's life
after Bay for Megan Fox.
If she keeps working in roles like these, Megan Fox may still have a long career in
Hollywood ahead of her.
And hey!
If acting jobs dry up, Fox can always try working as a studio executive:
"I am going to eat your soul."
She's a natural!
Thanks for watching!
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Opel Astra INNOVATION 1.4T 150PK S/S -NAVI - CAMERA - CLIMATE - INNOVATION+ - Duration: 0:59.
Opel Astra ONLINE EDITION 1.4T 150PK - NAVI - EDITION+ - CAMERA - CLIMATE - Duration: 0:59.
Opel Astra ONLINE EDITION 1.4T 150PK - NAVI - EDITION+ - CAMERA - CLIMATE - Duration: 0:57.
Kia cee'd SW 1.0 T-GDI GT-LINE 120PK - GARANTIE 2023 - Duration: 1:02.
[ENG SUB] Episode 3 - RBW Trainees CUT (PD101) - Duration: 5:16.
[ Lee Gun Min, early at dawn ]
[Re-evalution test results]
HW: I want to make it into A
[Trainees entering F class]
Yeo Hwan Woong [B -> B] Choi Jae Woo [C -> B]
Lee Gun Hee [D -> D]
Dongmyeong [D -> F] Lee Gunmin [D -> F]
[ Backup group - F Trainees stand at the bottom]
DM: I need to warm up
Until the top 11, 101 fighting!
[8 cover songs for the trainees to choose from]
[Random pick for who gets to choose the team]
DM: It'll really be fair.
GH: Just make I.O.I with that team [Avengers]
[Teams complete]
HW: Definitely grab "Replay" first
[16 teams, 8 songs All have been decided]
[Trainees gathered after the songs were finalized]
[Shinee's Replay - Team 1 Hwan Woong & Gun Hee]
[Why are they so happy?]
HW: I think it's best for us to go for 'Replay' first
GH: "Replay", fighting!
GH: I hope we get "Replay"
1, 2, 3- FIGHTING!
[Cute & Sweet, Shinee's Replay
Choi Minki (Pledis): It fits the team atmosphere perfectly
A group that would say "Noona you're so pretty"? (Korean name of the song)
Hwan Woong: Have the boyish, soft look
Have the feeling that makes you want them to call you "Noona"?
[Picking their opponents]
Jung Jung (Yuehua): I pick...
He's looking this way
I pick Kim Jaehan's team
[ Flower Boys vs Tough Guys : Who will capture your heart?]
GH: All 101 trainees want center position
[Infinite's Be Mine Team 1 with Choi Jaewoo]
[Beast's Shock Team 1 with Son Dong Myeong]
[Two trainees battling for rapper position]
Kim Dohyun (Gini Stars): I'll do one more
Seo Sunghyuk (WH Creative): Again?
We need to decide this quickly.
DM: Like class president elections,
SH: No, no, no
DM: Let's give them a chance to say why they need to have that part
SH: No...
DM: Alright then, shall we drink a cup of water to clear our minds?
SH: No no let's decide this quickly
DM: Let's think about it a little
SH: But we're taking too long...
[Team 2 started their dance practice]
DM: Keeps the blood flowing and wakes you up
[Innocent] DM: Your body warm up
SH: What is this?
It's good for blood circulation
[ Will they be able to finish in time? ]
Other team: Weren't we the 'Avengers'?
[BTS Boy In Luv Team 2 with Lee Gun Min]
Kim Sangbin: They don't match the song GM: Physically...
There will be battle stages with 8 songs today
After seeing the stage
You'll be voting for 1 of the 2 groups
DM: Dongbinnie~!
Group battle evaluation
This group's stages are receiving love all over the world
That's BTS
Next stage is BTS's Boy In Luv
[Kim Sangbin - Lee Gunmin - Lai Gualin - Lee Insoo - Kim YoungKook - Kang Dongho]
Please take care of us!
Lai Gualin?
Do you confidence to beat Team 1?
Yes, I'm confident.
Because we practiced hard
Looking forward to it
[ To Be Continued ]
[Ep 3 vote ranking]
(+14) 80. Choi Jae Woo (-2) 83. Lee Gun Min
(-8) 69. Son Dong Myeong
(-7) 39. Yeo Hwan Woong
(-3) 27. Lee Gun Hee
Who Really Controls Federal Reserve? - Duration: 6:27.
How To Get Faster Every Time You Ride Your MTB | Mountain Bike Skills - Duration: 4:03.
- When it comes to gettin' better on the bike,
there really is no replacement for gettin' out and riding
as often as you can.
But here are a few other things to think about as
you're tryin' to improve,
every time you ride.
(intense music)
- Pushing yourself.
If you're not constantly pushing yourself
when you're out on the trail,
you're gonna find yourself in a little glass box
and it's gonna be hard to break out of it.
It doesn't have to be huge steps.
Small steps.
A corner, for instance.
Perfecting that, getting better.
Even jumps.
Hitting jumps can help you progress
and get more
creative and sick at riding bikes.
- Timing yourself out there on the trail
is a great way of pushing your skills.
- Yeah, you can get a mate with a stopwatch
or use something like Strava.
I used to use that quite a lot as a carrot,
try and get fit and steal one of my mate's KLMs.
- (blows out breath) Well.
Right, I'm your mate and I've got a timer.
- Right. - Are you ready?
- I'm ready. - Are you steady?
- I'm steady.
- Go! (grunt of exertion)
(intense music)
- Gah.
How did you get there?
Fast or not?
- Very.
Look at that.
- Oh, nice.
- Very fast.
- Try to really concentrate and think about what you're
doing when you're riding.
Maybe that section that you've ridden
a hundred times on your local trail.
Is there a better line through there?
Could you be a smoother rider?
Then maybe think about learning to pump a bit better,
or even in corners, does it feel like your front
wheel could wash out?
Maybe think about bike set up and practising
your cornering skills.
Thinking about what's going on also
makes a big difference with bike set up.
As an ex-pro, I used to test components
and suspension, often doing repeated runs
on a downhill course against the clock.
But sometimes it's just thinking about how it felt,
and then recording the differences.
So it's actually surprising how quickly
you can coach yourself to set your bike up better,
when you really start to think about it.
- So yeah, take your time to mess
around with all those settings on your bike.
This is a great one.
These spaces under your stem.
I just moved mine
up and it's made a hell of a difference.
Tyre pressures is a good one to mess around with.
Also, don't be scared
to mess around with those settings on your
shocks, your front and your rear.
That can make a big difference; can make you faster
and smoother at the same time.
- Ride with others.
It's great to have a bit of friendly rivalry
to push yourselves on, but also it's great
to have a safety net of having a buddy there
in case you do fall off.
- Exactly.
Following someone that's a little bit quicker
than you, or you're quicker than him,
or egging each other on is great fun.
And it helps you progress.
(grunts in effort)
- Try to empty the tank, physically.
So maybe hit one more climb and descent
than your usual ride,
or maybe just push a slightly harder gear
than is comfortable on that big last climb.
It's just gonna give you a little bit more fitness,
while ultimately, make you a faster rider.
(sharp exhale)
So there you go, there's a few ways
to get faster
every time you ride.
- Exactly.
If you wanna subscribe,
click this little globe right here
and you won't miss another video.
- Click down here for How to Ride Corners Fast.
- Click down here for Five Basic Jump Skills.
- Give us a thumb up like if you
want to get faster on your bike.
$15,000 DIY Serenity Tiny House on Wheels - Duration: 2:23.
$15,000 DIY Serenity Tiny House on Wheels
Diversity, Respect and Inclusion - Duration: 3:20.
Moonkin Festival Micro-Holiday 7.2.5 PTR Preview! - Duration: 2:24.
I'm Hazel, and this is a quick look at the Moonkin Festival Micro-Holiday on the 7.2.5
It's a week-long event in Moonglade that's currently in testing on the PTR until May
the 1st.
Even though it lasts a week it's still a micro-holiday so you can safely skip it if you're \ busy.
There are no achievements, mounts, titles, toys or permanent pets to be had so it's just
a cute little thing for fun.
If you are a baby moonkin enthusiast though, you won't want to miss it.
To start, you head out to Moonglade and pick up a quest from Maccaw, just north-west of
the southern flight path.
He wants you to observe the baby moonkins as they undergo their education.
Stand nearby while they learn how to dance, how to moonfire and watch them all take a
They don't exactly close their eyes so the napping thing is more than a little bit spooky.
Once you turn in the quest you get your own baby moonkin to follow you around for a day.
Next, go find a Moonkin Stone so you can understand your new little buddy.
As it turns out, the little guy's hungry so it's time to go find him some berries.
Over near the barrow dens in the east you can loot Moonberries.
Feed your dude 5 moonberries another little moonkin will spawn!
After doing that at least once, they let on that they're worried about their friend Clookle.
To save Clookle, you'll need to create a Moonkissed Antidote so go kill the Jadefire satyr to
collect a Brilliant Vial, a Constellas Corruption and a Moonglow Water.
Clookle will be hidden away in the Barrow Dens, and there's the Satyr boss Xavinox to
beat after that.
Beating Xavinox will get you a Beanie Boomie, which summons more Moonkin babies to follow
you around!
You can stack a squad of up to 5 moonkin for 5 days, which is quite the crew.
If you're heartbroken at the thought of losing your Moonkin babies, there's always the Moonkin
Hatchling pet available in the cash shop for $10.
One WoW token purchase would cover that, so you can technically get it with gold if you
It's actually two pets that you level separately- one color each for Horde and Alliance.
So that's the Moonkin Festival!
I like micro-holidays like this that last a little bit longer than a day, but still
aren't mandatory by any means.
Thanks for watching!
Let me know what you think, and have a wonderful, wonderful day.
Demonstrators gather at Yale, protest lack of union contract negotiations - Duration: 1:57.
((NATS: 7262 -- "YALE DON'T
Is that the Soldier God, himself?! - Duration: 0:19.
Dank Photography | Leading Lines - Duration: 2:15.
Try Not To Laugh Funny School Fails Compilation 2017 (Part 1) | Best Funny Fails Video 2017 - Duration: 4:29.
Thanks for watching
Hope you have a great time
Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!
Kasbo - Found You (Lyrics / Lyric Video) feat. Chelsea Cutler - Duration: 3:17.
I didn't have to but I'm so glad I found you
Take all that's mine to take
Pulling home me's okay
I didn't have to but I'm so glad I found you
Never thought I'd find more
So much we're dying for
Too high to ever come off of you
Move with the water I move to
Live fast and die hard together
So loud, I want this forever
didn't have to
I didn't have to but I'm so glad I found you
Take all that's mine to take
Pulling home me's okay
I didn't have to but I'm so glad I found you
Never thought I'd find more
So much we're dying for
Been this but I never been so free
High rides, never felt so me
Too lost to not be together
Late nights, I want this forever
Be Curious About What Can Go Right! - Duration: 1:13.
(inspirational music)
I'm identifying that if this is what
you say you want, right, and most people
can get really clear about what they want,
and then I'll ask em why don't you have that now?
What's preventing you from having that now,
and when we dig down, it always comes down to fear,
and it's not the fear of I'm gonna die.
You know, not the mortal fears.
It's those little nagging fears that we hear every day
that keep us stuck, right?
Judgment, too old, too fat, too skinny, too young,
too, too, too, too and not enough.
There's either the too much, or the too,
or and the not enough.
So, how do you fix this?
(marker scraping)
This has been a revolution for some of the
women that I've been working with recently.
If you go in going I know, I know, I know, I know,
that's where that fear can come back,
because we create the story of what can happen.
Instead, I'd like you to go into curiosity,
and say what could go right?
Bad Customer Service with Progressive Auto, Hautelook & Juvia's Place, Plus Makeup Police Rant - Duration: 14:05.
Hey guys, welcome back.
I've got a rant video for you today.
First up, I'm going to rant at you about Progressive Insurance.
I just had the worst experience with them.
I mean, completely over the top.
I've got all the receipts.
So, let me go ahead and share that with you.
A little back story, one of my good friends is an insurance broker so anytime I can give
him my business, I do.
I've already switched my homeowners insurance to him, and I've done other things with him.
He told me he thought he could save me money on car insurance by switching me from State
Farm to Progressive.
I've been with State Farm for like 16 or 18 years.
I've been with them for a really long time, so I didn't think anybody could touch the
rates that I had with State Farm.
But I said, "Sure, okay, let's go ahead and look at what we can do."
He's like, "Okay, here, I'm able to save you this amount of money so let's go ahead and
switch you."
So, I'm like, "Alright."
I didn't cancel my State Farm, but I did go ahead and give him my credit card over the
phone to pay for the Progressive plan, which was $940 for six months for two cars.
I got the documentation from him and started looking over everything and I'm like, "Wait
a minute.
It's not the same coverage.
My husband is very specific about what coverage he wants on the cars."
I said, "Look, it has to have these features or I can't use you."
He tried to work it out, but he's like, "I can't actually give you what you need.
You're going to have to stay with State Farm."
I'm like, "Okay, no problem.
Just go ahead and refund my credit card."
He's like, "Okay, sure."
He reached out to Progressive to go ahead and get that done and they refused.
Now, this happened on March 6th.
We canceled the same day, March 6th, but unfortunately Progressive is like this big machine and I
don't want to say they're too big to fail because they obviously failed in this case,
but they have like a million departments and none of their departments talk to each other.
This is what caused the problem.
Even though this happened on March 6th and I canceled on March 9th ... I'm going to have
to ... I have all my notes so I don't want to screw this up, so I'll read it to you.
On March 6th I received a bunch of emails from Progressive saying, "Welcome to the Progressive
Make your account.
Blah, blah, blah."
I'm like emailing my broker saying, "Hey, I canceled.
Why am i getting these?"
He's like, "Just ignore them.
It's just their system.
They have this whole email drip thing that comes out so it's going to send you a million
I'm like, "Okay, no problem."
Then on March 9th, this is like three days after I canceled I received an email from
Progressive saying that they were sending me out two snapshot devices for both of my
I'm like, okay.
I reach out to my broker and I say, "Hey, this is happening."
He's like, "Oh, just ignore them.
That's not gonna happen."
So, I went ahead and ignored that and then on March 10th I received an email from Progressive
stating that they would refund me, but they wouldn't refund my credit card, they would
send a check, and that they were really sad to lose my business.
I don't really think anything of it because I'm like, "Alright, well this is gonna get
worked out."
Then on March 11th I received an email from Progressive stating that my policy was canceled
on March 6th.
They also acknowledged again that they needed to refund me the $940.
I've got two emails stating this.
I don't remember the exact date that the snapshot devices arrived, but immediately when I got
them from my mailbox I wrote return to sender on them, I gave them to my mail person and
she took them back to USPS.
They went back immediately.
I didn't keep them, they didn't come in my house, they didn't stay overnight, they just
immediately went back.
I had called my broker to let him know, "Hey, I got the boxes, I wrote return to sender
on them, I gave them to my mail lady.
They went back."
He's like, "Okay.
No problem."
For the next several weeks I kept contacting my broker saying, "Hey, I don't have my refund.
Where's my money?"
He kept calling Progressive and they kept saying, "Oh, it'll come soon.
It's gonna come in a day.
It's gonna come in a day."
They were basically feeding him a line of bullshit.
Finally, on March 21st, and keep in mind this all started on March 6th, Progressive said,
"Oh, we just now mailed out your refund check."
I'm like, "Alright."
A little irritated at this point.
On March 28th, I finally got the check in the mail.
I gave it to my husband to deposit and so on March 30th I got an email from Progressive
stating that I owed them $100 for the snapshot devices.
I immediately contacted my broker and said, "Hey, now they're telling me I owe them money
for the snapshot devices and I didn't keep them.
I mailed them back."
He's like, "Oh, just disregard that.
That's just their system."
Later on the day of March 30th I received an email from Progressive stating, "Thank
you for returning your devices."
And that they'd removed any device charges.
I was like, okay, so they said they got the devices, they removed the charges.
No big deal.
On March 31st, so three days after I deposited my check for $940 for my money, which they
should have never had for as long as they did, Progressive did a stop payment on that
That caused my bank, which is Chase Bank, to charge me an additional fee of $12 for
a bounced check.
Even though it shouldn't have happened.
I obviously called my broker, was furious, and said, "This just happened.
We need to fix this.
I want my money now."
He was furious because he's like, "There's no reason they should have done that."
When I hadn't heard anything back and I was really angry, I finally started tweeting at
Progressive on April 3rd because I wasn't getting the response that I wanted from my
broker, I wasn't able to get any sort of resolution and at this point it had been almost a month
that they'd had my money, which they shouldn't have had in the first place.
In between all of this I had to pay to renew my State Farm car insurance, so I was already
out money twice.
I was very frustrated at this point.
On April 3rd somebody from Progressive named Shannon said that they would refund my $940
back to my credit card.
They also said they would reimburse me for the $12 for the bounced check fee, and to
disregard any check that came in the mail.
I said, "Okay, sure.
I can do that."
On April 6th I received a bill in the mail from Progressive stating that, "Hey, you need
to pay for the snapshot devices."
I'm like, "What the fuck?
For one, I returned them.
Why are you telling me I need to pay when I also already have an email from you stating
that you got them back and that you removed the fee.
What is going on?"
This is a case of their multiple different departments not talking to each other.
On April 6th, also the time that I received the bill for the snapshot devices, I tweeted
at Progressive again and said, "What is wrong with you people?
Give me my money.
It has been a month.
I also just got a bill for these devices.
I have all the receipts saying that you guys got the devices back from me.
What is going on?"
I told them that you guys are being ridiculous.
They're like, "Oh, you should disregard the bill you got in the mail.
That's just from the snapshot devices.
You don't actually owe that money because we did get them back.
Alright, fine, well what the fuck?
I keep checking my bank everyday while this is going on because they said they were going
to refund my credit card.
Refund never came through.
Finally, on April 7th, which was a Friday, the refund showed up on my credit card.
I'm like, "Yay."
Alright, so when am I actually going to get the refund for the $12?"
I didn't get that until April 13th.
The entire time this was going on basically the only way I got help was by bitching at
Progressive on Twitter.
My broker basically kept getting the runaround from people inside Progressive, I couldn't
get anybody to get me any help via email, so I thought the whole thing was ridiculous
and crazy and I couldn't believe there are people who actually love Progressive and recommend
I would not recommend Progressive to anyone because I feel like what I went through was
a nightmare.
They should never had held on to my $940 for over a month.
That is my rant about Progressive Insurance.
People kept asking me to review Juvia's Place.
I kept looking online and I saw lots, and lots, and lots of bad reviews for their customer
One of my good friends, Aranza, had a really bad problem with their customer service because
she ordered from them and she told them, "Hey, I have an extra long address.
When you print out the shipping label for my order you need to make sure you don't cut
off part of my address or I won't get my package."
They never really acknowledged her about this.
No, they did acknowledge her about this, but they said, "Well, if you put in the right
address it should be fine."
She's like, "Okay."
Well, she never ended up getting her package because they didn't print out the order.
It basically got lost for awhile and when it finally got somewhere close to here USPS
post office, because she happens to know somebody who works in the post office they happened
to see the package and it was for her, that's the only way that she got it.
The label was cut off her address so she would not have been able to get it through her normal
mail carrier.
Totally crazy.
Especially considering that when she reached out to Juvia's Palace they're like, "We can't
do anything to help you."
I wasn't really wanting to order from this company because of this experience.
Then, back in February I saw that they were going to be in HauteLook, so on February 21st
I placed an order on HauteLook for the Masquerade Palette.
On March 6th I received a UPS shipping notification that Juvia's Place had shipped out my palette.
The palette never shipped.
When I went and checked the UPS label it said that the label was created on March 2nd, but
then it didn't do anything.
It just sat there and didn't update for weeks and weeks.
On March 16th, I called HauteLook and said, "Hey, this isn't updating at all, where's
my palette?
My friends who ordered from the sale have already received their palette."
A lot of people I knew received their palette between March 6th and March 10th.
When I spoke to the people at HauteLook they told me, "Well, it's not considered late until
March 26th, so call back then."
I set a note in my calendar so I would call back.
I called them on March 28th and they told me that everybody else's palette had shipped,
but they didn't know why mine hasn't shipped.
I said, "Well, it's never updated.
It still says March 2nd in UPS."
Juvia's Place chose not to ship it.
I don't know why, but there was something going on.
I basically sat on the phone until I could get a manager.
The manager took pity on me and said, "Okay, I'm going to escalate your case.
We're going to try to get ahold of Juvia's Place to find out what's going on."
They told me they'd be back in touch in three to five business days, which kinda made me
roll my eyes because at this point it'd been over a month.
I originally ordered on February 21st, it was now March 28th.
On March 29th I called back and I asked for a manager and this person said that they would
reach out to the brand and see if they could get a response.
They tried multiple times to reach out to the brand and get a response and they couldn't
get a response.
On April 1st HauteLook offered to issue me a refund and said they were going to keep
trying to get the palette for me, but they didn't know if it would actually ever come
or not.
I said, "That's fine.
Go ahead and give me a refund.
Let's just call it done.
It's my mistake for ordering from you.
I don't want to order from you again."
At that point, the manager for HauteLook apologized to me and issued me a full refund for the
price of the palette.
I thought that would be the end of it.
On April 4th a manager from HauteLook reached out to me and said, "Hey, we're going to ship
you a new palette."
I'm like, "Alright, I'll believe it when I see it.
But, thank you."
Around April 10th the palette showed up.
The palette arrive and it actually looked like a brand new palette like nobody had touched
it, which is great.
I thought, "Okay, at that point this is going to be done."
Then, late last week the original palette, I think, showed up at my house.
It showed up in this box that had obviously been ripped open and re taped multiple times.
The palette was outside of the cardboard packaging that it was supposed to come in.
When I opened it up every single color had been swatched and it looked disgusting.
I was like, "Okay, so whoever had my original palette must have been playing with it, giving
it to other people to play with, and then finally stuck it in a box and sent it to me."
It's absolutely disgusting.
I did sanitize the palette and wiped it down.
I don't know if I'm going to throw it ... I don't really know what to do with it.
I sanitized it because I'm like, "Well, I have alcohol here, I can sanitize it."
But I'm like, "Why do they even bother to send the second palette?"
Basically, after this whole experience I decided I'm never going to order from Juvia's Place
I'm not even sure I'm going to order from HauteLook again.
I've had a lot of problems with HauteLook.
Typically the problems I've had with HauteLook is that they don't package things well, so
things arrive broken.
Then when they arrive broken they can't replace them because it's a final sale thing so all
they can do is refund you.
Then I just sit there and I'm irritated because I spent money on something and I didn't get
it, or I got it and it's completely broken.
It's happened with me with some Illamasqua blushes so I'm just like, "It's not worth
it for me."
I was actually really irritated with HauteLook because I felt like they should have done
more to make the situation right immediately rather than brush me off for several weeks.
They should have fixed it right then and there, but they brushed me off and I had to basically
call repeatedly to get a manager to get anybody to help me.
Yeah, I'm not really a fan of Juvia's Place, and I'm really not happy with HauteLook.
While I'm ranting, I want to rant about makeup too.
I'm really fucking tired of people who say that you don't have a complete makeup look
unless you're wearing winged eyeliner, thick eyeliner, false lashes, all of this stuff.
I feel like if you're happy with how your makeup looks and your eyes shadow looks, that's
a complete makeup look.
If that's what makes you happy, that's fine.
I'm so sick of seeing people tell me that if you're not piling on the foundation and
the contour and the false lashes and everything else that you don't have a real makeup look
and you're not talented.
It's just bullshit.
I feel like if you want to wear no foundation, that's awesome.
If you want to wear minimal foundation that's great too.
If I didn't have rosacea I would probably not wear foundation.
Because I do, I put it on.
However, I try to go for as ... Right now, I'm trying to do as minimal foundation as
So basically, just enough to cover up my redness to make my skin look god, but not cake on
a ton of foundation.
I find it really irritating that there's all these makeup police out there who want to
tell you how you're doing it wrong when you're wearing it in the way that makes you happy.
Fuck those people.
Alright, anyway, that's enough of me ranting for one day.
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