The main character of Naruto has this Special Jutsu of him the RASENGAN! That everyone knows.
In today's video I will cite the most epic Rasengan used by either him or another character in Anime.
And the order I chose was according to my personal opinion, if you think otherwise "Comment!"
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The Honorable mention goes to Konohamaru.
It was interesting to see the growth of this character
No one expected him to bite Pain and still did a pretty SWAN rasengan
This scene was epic, at the time of the clash of both the techniques of Sidoru's Shidori vs. the naruto rasengan,
Sasuke hoped his technique was stronger but then he actually looks at the damage the rasengan did,
Which makes him even more pissed and I know it with envy of Naruto.
Rasengan> Chidori
It was very epic to see this Fucking Jutsu being used for the first time,
And by none other than Jiraiya one of the legendary sannis.
Good to use also a scenes of the films, I chose this one of Boruto
Where Naruto helps his son create the rasengan was fuck too.
This Rasengan was epic because Naruto with the help of Kakashi managed to unmask the TOBI,
Breaking his mask and revealing his true identity.
Well this was very epic, see just how FUCK Jiraiya was,
To the point of making a Rasengan of those proportions, much more powerful,
A pity he was fighting right against Pain that absorbed jutsu, but it was worth seeing this scene.
When Naruto uses against Pain,
In the epic battle where the disciple wants to avenge the master and save the village of konoha.
This was sad to see Jiraiya was already well weakened from the battle against the pain,
He can separate one of Pain's bodies and attack it inside the frog's stomach
Remembering that we know that there are several forms of Rasengan variations like Rasenshuriken,
But we focus only on the same rasengans, I hope they understand, and we are going to our podium.
This was the first rasengan that Naruto succeeds,
And at a critical moment in the battle between the sannis where he manages to protect the tsunade in a Shattering scene.
Another very epic moment where we saw Naruto's father showing why he is so FUCK,
For being able to quickly unravel the kamui technique of the object and against attacking,
With a mighty Rasengan this scene was very crazy.
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Ultimo Rasengan of the anime so to speak that finalized this beautiful day of Naruto.
Sure deserved to be in the first place, what do you think?
"Use Game Scenes to avoid FLAG"
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For more infomation >> Naruto: TOP Anime EPIC RASENGAN | TOP 10 channel 🙌 - Duration: 7:03.-------------------------------------------
Volvo C30 2.0 R-EDITION - Duration: 1:01.
אתאיסטים על המסך - You Don't Know Jack - Duration: 0:46.
Top 15 Most Dangerous Fidget Spinner Toys - Duration: 14:20.
For the past few months, a strangely fascinating trend has been growing popular.
"Dangerous fidget toys" are exactly what you think.
Normal fidget spinner toys are modified to be dangerous.
Many of these toys can even cause injury if misused.
While some of the mods look like medieval, hand crafted weapons.
Others are as simple razorblades glued into place.
Here are the 15 most dangerous fidget spinner toys, so far.
It should go without saying that you shouldn't try this at home.
Spinner Vs. Finger This video takes a similar route as some others,
but this is one of few cases where someone was actually hurt on camera as a result of
playing with the dangerously made spinners.
Scrubzah uploaded this video on April 14th.
He uses hot glue and tape to construct two spinners.
One which has wide razor blades on each end, and another which appears to have full length
box cutter blades in place.
After the weapons are constructed, he removes the finger pads to attach them to the end
of a screwdriver.
This is done so that the spinners won't cut the inside of his hand.
Especially since the full-length blade spinner is very long.
Scrubzah explains that he doesn't have an air compressor so he bought "compressed
air" in the form of spray bottles, often used for dusting electronics.
After several moments of trial and error and simply having a good time with the fatal trinkets,
he decides to get the spinner going and then he sticks his finger in the rotating blades.
He immediately drops the spinner, screams and holds his finger.
Another great example of how painful these Knicks can be.
Fidget Spinner featuring Matches This is a spinner vlog made by Stephen Sharer
and his right hand man, Carter.
This video was posted April 12th, shortly after the first.
The same spinner and air compressor is used for the experiment.
Instead of rockets, though, matches are glued to the edges of the spinner.
Probably 50 or more matches are used.
First the adjust the spinner by removing the finger pads, screwing it into place and getting
it started with the air compressor.
Then a giant torch is used to light the matches.
At first the viewer is left watching the screen for several seconds wondering if this plan
will work.
Then all the matches ignite at once and the spinning flames run wild.
Nothing goes horribly wrong in this video, fortunately, and the spinning demon spinner
puts on a captivating show. and they warn the audience not to try this at home.
Fireworks This video is a lot like the rocket experiment
done by Stephen Sharer; but, it takes a different route with the use of fireworks.
Mathias Moslund uploaded this video on April 16th and it has quickly gained over 70,000
The first half of the video shows the process used to create the firecracker spinner.
Several small firecrackers were used, of course.
In addition, small washers, tape, cardboard, some type of tube and hot glue was used to
create the standing spinner.
The first attempt didn't work out very well.
Only two of the firecrackers were successfully lit before the spinner started taking off.
As a result, it quickly died down without giving much of a show.
The second attempt, though, was a success and an entertaining display.
All firecrackers were lit and the spinner moved at amazing speeds while showing an array
of fire and smoke.
That wasn't enough for Mathias though, as he took it a step further and delivered an
awe-inspiring performance to his viewers.
He purchased and attached much larger firecrackers in the next display.
This gave off an even more brilliant display of flames and smoke.
This looked like something you might actually purchase to celebrate New Year's.
Duct Tape Spinner
This video was uploaded by PaulVid in March.
This spinner is a low budget homemade example of just how dangerous these little trinkets
can be.
Paul duct taped several short and long razors to the ends of two spinners.
He and his friend then spin the toys as fast as possible to see what damage they can do.
While with most objects, the spinners stop and don't do much damage you can imagine
that had they used a leaf blower like others have, or held the spinners in their hand much
more damage would have been done.
Furthermore, it goes to show just how easy it is to make a dangerous spinner, or ninja
star, with the use of cheap products found around the house.
Luckily, neither of these boys were hurt in the process, which is something we can't
say for some entries to come.
World's Most Dangerous Spinners In this video, Wolfie and his friend sit down
to have a competitive game of "who can make the most dangerous spinner using only deadly
sharp razorblades and hot glue".
Wolfie creates a spinner which is literally nothing but blade.
He aligns the razors so that no space is left uncovered by a sharp edge that can easily
cut someone.
He also makes a smaller spinner with three sharp and pointed blades on each end, which
he compares to "an attack by Wolverine".
His friend uses her skill to create a combo of danger.
Her spinner combines the wide and pointed blades to assure cuts and pain of all varieties.
In a follow-up vlog, Wolfie uses these blades, with the help of a leaf blower, to successfully
tear through a cantaloupe and other fruit.
Fidget Spinner on Water The funk bros uploaded this video in March
and it has already racked up 5 million views.
In the video, Corey and Capron play with their proclaimed 1000mph spinner Their first challenge
is seeing if the spinner will skip or spin on top of water.
The use an electric air pump to get the spinner going at it's full speed before throwing
it on top of their backyard pool.
Unfortunately, the spinner doesn't really skip although it does seem to spin on the
water for a split second before sinking down.
After this the challenge is to see if the spinner will cut a Peace Tea can.
Again this attempt fails.
Something important in this video does happen, though, and is why it's featured on the
When the electric pump is used to fuel the spinner, it moves so fast that you can actually
hear the whirring of the spinner, like the blades of a helicopter.
The spinner used here doesn't have blades attached to it, but that sounds is pretty
horrifying when you consider others have placed razor blades, rockets, flames, exacto knifes
and the like to the edges of their spinners.
Exacto Spinner This spinner is available on and
it's truly a perilous find.
The spinner is weighted in the middle and covered with what's known as finger pads
on either side.
The only two ends to the spinner are made to look like exacto knifes and are just as
sharp as the real thing.
It's got to be quite the challenge holding this and avoiding a deep cut.
Exacto knifes are specifically made for precision cutting so these edges are literally dangerously
But with a release date of February 31, 2018, this spinner won't be released.
More Razors This video was uploaded by Dalton's Garage
on April 15th.
There is some pretty hilarious, yet unrelated arguing going on in the background of this
However, the most fascinating part is the spinner on display.
The oval shaped spinner has two wide razors attached with what appears to be a special
kind of metal glue.
The wide razors provide a sharp edge and point for a possible cut from any angle.
This video is also a perfect example for how easy these toys are to make.
If you've got a spinner, some glue, and razors then you've got a weapon that spins.
Of course, that's not to say you should go out and make one.
Dalton himself said in the description of his video "Do not try this at home as it's
for entertainment ONLY.
It's safe to say that no one out there is encouraging the use of these unsafe novelty's.
NINJA Genji Overwatch Shuriken Hand Spinner This sleek and stylish spinner is actually
up for sale online.
The dangerous yet flawless spinner is made with zinc alloy and the ends are sharpened
for a risky touch.
Of course, the ends are pointed but not razor sharp as to avoid injury.
It's possible to have the metal sharpened, if you're looking for a little more danger,
This spinner is modeled after the shuriken star from Overwatch's character Genji.
While the main purpose of this toy is for novelty and fidgeting.
The pointed ends and easy to sharpen edges means you must be careful.
Especially if you take the extra step to make the toy more dangerous.
Once again, this toy takes a very artistic route compared to other "dangerous spinners".
Detail was certainly put into the design process.
There's engraving and carving in some parts of the spinner, the blades are shined brilliantly
and there are several spots of green detail to truly mimic the shuriken star.
Rocket Spinner Though this one could be considered more of
an experiment than an actual functioning spinner, the idea does make room for disaster which
is always dangerous.
YouTuber, Stephen Sharer, uploaded this 15-minute vlog on April 4th.
The vlog follows his adventure in making a rocket powered spinner, which he claims will
go up to 1000 miles per hour.
Using small firecrackers, fuses, tape, foam, plastic and hot glue, Carter and Stephen create
From here they glue the homemade rockets to the outside of the spinner.
They take their creations to an outside area setup for filming.
Of course, they wear protective masks and gloves.
In addition, they warn the audience to not try this at home.
Finally, they light the rockets up.
The spinner does move at amazing speeds for a few seconds, but then one rocket breaks
off and the entire set up crumbles.
Admittedly, though, for the few seconds that the spinner gained momentum, it was a fascinating
Naruto Shuriken Metal Weapon This spinner is among the few that look artistic.
Immense detail was clearly put into creating this small spinning toy.
From the dragon-like claws on the inner circle, to the carved wings on the blades, this is
a work of art.
This 17 second video, uploaded by Origami Tourist 2010, demonstrates just how fascinating
these little toys are.
This particular spinner was purchased on Ebay and is crafted to resemble the weapon style
from the anima Naruto.
The toy starts out in a circle shape with gold-like metals and dark metals.
As the toy spins, though, the wing shaped blades expand outward.
OrigamiTourist explains that he had to slightly modify the toy so that the wings would expand
automatically when the toy is spun.
The comments are filled with questions about how dangerous the toy really is, to which
Origami responds "the points could cut your fingers or hand" The sharp edges and points
of the toy could really slice up your hand if you're not being careful while spinning
or even modifying it.
Razors 2.0 David V Tv, posted this video on March 28th
to showcase a seriously superb homemade spinner.
The spinner has 6 razorblades, 6 sharp and thin thumbtacks, and 3 longer sharp nails.
David explains "I'm nervous to even spin it because it's so close to cutting me no
matter how I do it."
Thankfully nothing horrible happens in this video, but as David plays with the spinner
he clearly terrified of cutting himself because of just how close the blades come to the inside
of his hand and his fingers.
David has the right idea by being careful and putting the spinner down after a few rounds.
World's Largest Spinner This video was posted by Medicated Minds.
The description reads "DISCLAIMER: Please do not attempt to perform or replicate any
stunts performed in the making of this video.
... We are not responsible for any injuries occurred recreating these stunts.
I actually did cut my finger though believe it or not."
Ry creates several dangerous spinners with blades ranging from short and wide to long
and thin.
Every blade is hazardously sharp, though.
In the process of testing out these spinners Ry accidentally cuts himself several times
and does puncture a few objects.
The star of this video, though, is a giant spinner which he designed himself.
He describes it as "the world's largest spinner".
He purchased sharp gears from a repair shop and took the four parts to a welder who neatly
created the fully functioning spinner, which given the right power would probably break
Fire Spinner This vlog style video explores several types
of spinners.
From the more artistically made spinners, to your run of the mill razor blade homemade
spinners, Marcus plays with them all.
The last spinner, of course, is the most magnificent of all.
Marcus takes a spinner and attaches three full-length kitchen knife blades to them.
He calls it the "windmill ninja star".
When the spinner is exposed to compressed air it's already a terrifying show.
The blades are so long and heavy you can almost feel the pain of being hit by one.
That isn't the end of the danger, though.
Steel wool is attached to the blades on the windmill spinner and then a torch is used
to ignite the wool.
Compressed air is quickly used to the get the fire windmill whirling.
Sparks fly everywhere as the wool burns and the spinner picks up speed.
At some point the flames become so hot they turn white or light blue.
Thankfully no one is hurt during the glowing performance.
Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills and I hope you're enjoying the video so
If you've ever been curious as to what I look like in real life, then follow me on Instagram
@dylan_is_chillin_yt, with underscores instead of spaces.
I also have Twitter @YT_Chills where I post video updates.
I'd really appreciate it if you followed me and feel free to send me a DM if you have
a questions or suggestions.
If you'd like to see more of these videos in the future, then hit that subscribe button
because we upload new countdowns every Tuesday and Saturday.
This video was uploaded by Jake Dufner on April 18th and be warned things go very bad
toward the end of the 15 minute vlog.
In the video, Jake and his friends construct a razor spinner and use an air compressor
to get it revolving.
A third friend is talked into being the victim of the experiment by sticking his hand in
the way of the blades.
The first time no cut occurs, the second time a small cut, about the size of a papercut
is inflicted.
The last time, though, the blade slices through the side of his hand going quite deep.
The next portion of the vlog shows the trio driving to the ER as they give water to the
victim and assure him he's going to need stitches.
Once at the hospital the friends are laughing over the wound as a nurse puts in stitches.
This is a perfect example of what you shouldn't do with these toys.
In this case there was a dangerously deep cut, a few stitches but it could have easily
taken a much more worse path had the blade hit an artery.
Thanks for checking out this video.
Be sure to subscribe because we upload new countdowns every Tuesday and Saturday.
Or if you're still not convinced, here are some of our other videos that I think you'd
Couple-ish || Season 2 Ep 1 || "Interview Pt. 2" - Duration: 7:02.
[ Music is playing ]
[ I don't know what to type for subtitles of two people furiously making out ]
[ This is some gay shit ]
I'm so happy we got married, babe.
[ Alarm clock ringing ]
[ Dee is snoring like a blowfish ]
[ Don't quote me on that, I don't know what blowfishes sound like ]
- How does one person make so much noise even when they're sleeping?
Also would it kill you to put on some trousers?
-Okay, first, I'm wearing a sweater so
Also, you can sleep on the couch.
-That one?
-You see, it's still in the room so I can't really escape your snoring there either.
-You know, as the one of us whose art got us this place, I don't think you can really
[ Large gay sigh ]
-She'll get over it.
-It's been months, Dee.
-Yeah, okay.
So one time, she didn't speak to me for four months because I ate one of her animal crackers.
Girl can hold a grudge, but she always comes around, yeah?
-So domestic!
I'll make the coffee.
[ Fancy outside shot of the apartment.
Ooooo ]
-I need a job.
-In my dearly missed sister's words, "I think you need the internet."
[ Upbeat music starts playing, and continues playing through the montage ]
-Recently moved, downsized to, uh...
start saving.
That was just my arrangement.
[ If looks could kill, Dee would be 6 feet under ]
Hello? Yes, this is Rachel.
Yes, sorry could you hold on just one second?
Thank you.
(shouting) Dee for the love of god could you turn down the music?
[ Dee actively trying to be a better human ]
-Hey, Mom?
Thank you so much for talking to me today.
-(interrupted by a voice) Hey hey!
You're that girl from those videos right?
You're that girl from those videos.
-You're that girl from those videos who, like, makes out with her partner on camera and stuff
like that.
Oh yeah, I love those videos.
-Yep, yeah that's me.
-Those are such good videos.
-I don't know who that is, no.
-You're the best!
Very big fan of your work, I just want to let you know that I think you're very good
at what you do and I think it's wonderful.
Your sexuality is beautiful.
-Yeah, okay.
Mhm thank you.
-I fucking love it.
- Dee: I think Rachel's home.
Hey babe!
Want some coffee?
-Are you okay?
-I'm having an aneurysm, it's all good.
-What is she doing here?
-You owe me one.
It's so good to see you looking so healthy and happy.
I'm very glad Dee is taking such good care of you.
[ Various noises of "hahah yeah okay" ]
-Listen, she tells me that-
They, I-
They tell me that you are having trouble finding work.
I did.
-I, it's- really no trouble.
-Mrs. W: Well, listen.
I think I have a solution.
See, as you know, I have a flower shop and uh, well, it has been very very busy lately
-Rachel: Okay?
I was thinking of hiring another person.
-The position's yours!
-Mrs. Warson you really don't have to do this.
-It's the least I can do.
And, um, Rachel call me Rita.
Well, um, you start work tomorrow so you better get some rest!
Um, yeah!
Okay, bye.
[ Awkward ]
[ Super awkward ]
Okay, uhm, bye Rachel.
Bye Dee!
-Bye mom.
-Working with your mum.
- At least you don't have to do anymore interviews...
Nightcore - Key To My Heart - Duration: 3:03.
When you smiled at me today,
My heart rushed inside away
When you walked down my way,
I found we were meant to be
This time it feels just right,
This time we feel the same
We can touch the clouds..
My heart can't wait, till we meet again
I never, thought I could feel this way
I'll give you, the key to my heart
When you smiled at me today,
My heart rushed inside away
When you walked down my way,
I found we were meant to be
This time it feels just right,
This time we feel the same
We can touch the clouds..
My heart can't wait, till we meet again
I'll miss you, when you're not around
I'll need you, I'm safer in your arms
I never, thought I could feel this way
I'll give you, the key to my heart
The key to my heart..
Ohh, give you the key,
Give you the key to my heart!
They key to my heart,
Ohh, the key to my heart!
5 Crucial Things To Do To Assist In The Shift To The New Earth - Duration: 7:19.
5 Crucial Things To Do To Assist In The Shift To The New Earth
by Michelle Walling
Many people are seeing the evidence that we are undergoing the shift to a New Earth right
Since we have never done it this way before in awakened consciousness, it may not seem
like you expected it to.
In order to bring the final shift closer into our reality, there are some important steps
you can take to assist in blending the two realities for Earth and humanity.
As the old matrix crumbles and we bring in the New Earth energies in to merge with our
reality, we want to focus on:
Ground in the new energies with your body
Being in nature and doing conscious grounding techniques are essential to the process of
merging the two realities.
THIS is what many of us came here to do!
Be aware of your thoughts and actions
There is a whole new layer here that hasn�t been brought to light before.
The dark forces are playing our old song over and over to us like a broken record in the
Most of the time at the point we are at right now, it doesn�t mean you haven�t dealt
with it.
It is more like a groundhog day illusion and if you can recognize that, you can move those
thoughts out of your head easier.
Be in love as much as possible
This means doing things that you love, being around people that you love, and staying in
a high vibration.
Integrate parts and pieces of you
This includes �frozen� aspects of yourself that may have jumped outside of yourself with
traumatic experiences in this lifetime and others.
Because of the help of the quantum energy fields that we are being bathed with at this
time, the intention and action to clear that energy and integrate it back into our hearts
is all it takes.
Continue to do this ritual until you feel like there are no more parts of you that are
not integrated.
Activate your DNA
You have the power to bring the white light from the center of the cosmos into your cells
to activate your DNA.
You also have the ability to talk to you cells and tell them that you want all of your 12
strands of DNA to be healed and turned on.
You can make this a part of your daily meditation and/or forgiveness and self love ceremony.
This shift from one reality to another has been a slow process but is showing signs of
culminating right now, as evidenced by many things.
The Mandela Effect has shown that our timelines are shifting.
Many �seers� are able to report that the new reality is here, and the Earth they have
seen has a whole different look to it.
Akashic record readers are able to look outside of linear time to report what is unfolding
on a Universal scale.
There are also many reports about the �honey trap� that was laid for the darkness on
Earth has been a successful plan.
There is no escaping this shift and this is the �back up plan� for a Universe completely
out of balance.
The new reality is sandwiched over this one and we are connected to it.
Many people have moved through the membrane between the two and have brought all of their
pieces and parts through, and feel like they are more whole and light at the same time.
It is shocking how seamless it is happening for some people, as they are still �here�
but they are vibrating at a different frequency.
Others are absolutely struggling to even exist one day to the next because they do not know
how to put all of their pieces back together again.
As the New Creation template is integrated, the next big step will be a separation of
the old reality.
Everything that no longer matches up with the new template will dissolve away.
Beings that do not match on a vibrational frequency will get a one way ticket back to
Source to be reformed into something that will once again be harmonic with the Universe.
Everything is happening on a fractal level, with a person�s mind/body/soul template
representing the Universe.
Not all of the soul fractals will be able to do the level of work that is described
in this article, but the more people that do this work, the more it will compensate
for those who do not know anything about the work.
Eventually there will be a tipping point that will finalize the integration and then split
the two realities apart once again.
Please do not limit yourself with linear terms and numbers and details of what dimension
we are in, what dimension we are going to, or what level we are at right now.
Many people are holding energies from the 12th dimension and higher, however some people
are holding the 4th and 5th dimensional Earth energies for those who have been stuck in
the 3rd dimension for far too long as a bridge to the higher dimensional realities.
For some people, baby steps is going to be the best way to make the shift.
5d is almost beyond most people�s imaginations, however where we end up will be connected
all the way up to 12d.
People have different needs and jobs and will experience this shift differently because
of that.
SIMPLE SPRING LOOK💐🌷🌹🌻🌼🌸🌺🍀 - Duration: 7:59.
Ok guys, this is the final look.
It is very soft and pink spring makeup look.
I hope you enjoy this video.
If you do like this video, dont forget to leave a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel
I'll see you in my next video.
What Happens If A Plane Gets Struck By Lightning? - Duration: 2:51.
Here's a statistic for you: the average plane gets struck by lightning about once a year.
Because people really need another reason to be afraid of flying...
But lightning almost never causes plane crashes— at least, not anymore.
So what makes planes so safe in thunderstorms?
Well, a lot of it has to do with what they're made of.
Planes are usually made of metals like aluminum, and the ones with parts that aren't,
usually have metal frames or fibers in their shells.
And metals tend to be good conductors of electricity.
When conductors without any big gaps in them—like the outsides of planes—get hit by rapid
bursts of charges like lightning bolts,
the atoms in the conductor push all those incoming charges out onto the conductor's
surface instead of letting them flow inside.
In other words, lightning never makes it to the inside, where passengers and crew and jet fuel are.
It gets stopped by the plane's surface.
The process is known as the skin effect, and it's also the reason you're safe from lightning in a car.
A lot of people think it's the tires, but the tires have nothing to do with it.
It's all thanks to the metal shell of the car, which pushes the lightning to the outside
instead of letting it get to the inside where you are.
The skin effect is so effective that you'd be completely safe inside a shell of aluminum
just a few millimeters thick, even while lightning hit the outside.
But even though the metal shell should mean that planes are safe,
lightning did used to cause plane crashes.
Back in 1963, for example, lightning went through a plane's fuel tank and caused an
explosion that killed all 81 people on board.
So things can still go wrong—even with the skin effect helping out.
Lightning can be powerful enough to punch holes straight through the thinner parts of
planes, like their wings or noses.
But small holes aren't the main concern when it comes to lightning.
Planes have lots of wires and electrical instruments—and as you can probably imagine, sensitive electronics
tend to go haywire if lightning goes through them.
But engineers have learned from their mistakes.
Today's fuel tanks are rigorously tested to make sure they have no problem withstanding
lightning bolts.
And the fuel itself has been changed over the last few decades so that it doesn't
produce as many explosive gases while in the tank.
All the instruments on board are also grounded by connecting them to something like the plane's
metal surface, which gets rid of extra current coming in from the lightning.
There are even little strips or conductive sticks near especially sensitive equipment
like radar that act like lightning rods and make sure that the radar doesn't get struck directly.
Storms are still dangerous places to fly for lots of reasons,
from wind and rain to air turbulence.
But at least lightning isn't really one of them anymore.
Thanks for asking, and if you want to learn more about in-flight safety, check out this
episode where we explain the truth about the radiation you're exposed to on a plane.
27 - SUPER AWESOME day at Königssee! - 國王湖真係靚到無得彈 - Duration: 5:04.
I think we would see many stars in the sky if we were here at night
We just got off the boat
Now we are walking in the Königssee National Park
The water here is extremely clear
We just read from a pamphlet
that this is the clearest lake in Germany
Therefore you can see that the water is very clear
We're now walking in a forest near the Königssee
this forest
Well, according to Connie
Hey what did you say about this forest?
Did I say anything?
She didn't say anything actually LOL
So, we will follow this little path
and walk into the woods
See what we're going to find inside
Actually we didn't get off the boat at the final stop
(final stop)
However the boat couldn't reach the final stop
(where we got off)
since it's the beginning of April right now
(starting point)
Nevertheless the final stop won't be open until the end of April
It's where Obersee located
But we can't get inside this time
Obersee should be a wonderful place
but sadly we can't get inside this time
Well nevermind,
I think it's already very beautiful here
We are going to walk inside
on our foot
We have strong legs
No problem
We'll walk until around 3:30pm, then we turn back
We're walking to the lakeside now
to see how brilliant is Königssee
Do you think the water is drinkable?
Try it and you'll know
Where are we going now?
Going back to the pier
Then we're going to Munich
Are you looking forward to that?
Yea sure
It rained suddenly when we were on our way back
Then it stopped after just a few minutes
The weather here changes rapidly
We just left Königssee
Before we take our train to Munich
we come to Burger King to eat something
as we're extremely hungry
Well we have ordered these
Firstly, chicken wings
but they look burnt
we have onion rings
they look fine
Then we have this hamburger
Guess what's in there
Chicken nuggets burger
We're going to Munich with our exhausted bodies
My voice sounds foolish, right?
We are now
going to Munich
with our exhausted bodies
Let's Go
🈸 Technotronic - Pump Up The Jam (Remix Alterior Motive) 🈸 - Duration: 4:55.
My Nighttime Skincare Routine [ENG SUB]|私の夜のスキンケア - Duration: 8:53.
Hi everyone!
This is Emiri from Beautiform New York.
Today, I am going to show you my nighttime skincare items.
I will show them to you as I use it. So I hope you find it helpful.
Let's start!
I've already washed my face so I just show you what I use to wash my face.
This is a facial cleansing soap from Cosme Proud.
This soap contains 24K gold as well as good nutrients for the skin.
This is called Cosme Proud Golden Jade Savon.
You just foam the soap with a foaming sponge, massage your face, and then rinse off.
Then, I am going to show you my bi-week special skincare as using it.
This is also from Cosme Proud.
I like many of their products .
This is Gold Revitalizer that takes off dead skin.
So much 24K gold in this product.
I heard that gold emits minus-ion, and it removes dead skin harmlessly.
Without rubbing your skin, dead skin comes off so this is very gentle to your skin.
So I am taking some products from here.
I use this much for one use.
And I'm going to massage my skin without applying any pressure.
Make sure you avoid the eye area.
No need to rub. Just sliding fingers on top of the skin.
Gold starts to melt away.
And the texture starts to change.
The texture is now watery and very smooth.
After this process if you have dead skin, it starts to come off.
I feel it now.
Can you see?
It's kinda gross, but dead skin comes off like this.
But when I don't have any dead skin, I see nothing so it's quite interesting.
So this is it.
Looks like I've had quite much dead skin this time.
And I'm going to rinse it off.
Ok, I've rinsed my face.
My skin feels so fresh now that the dead skin is gone.
I hope my skin absorbs what I'm going to apply next well.
So after rinsing my face, I'm putting on some toning water.
This toning water is the same one as you've seen in my last video.
I still have some left so still using it.
I use MUJI Toning Water Sensitive Skin High Moisture.
I just take some like so.
And I apply it with my palms.
Never rub. Like just pressing your face.
I also apply it on my neck like so.
Now toning water is done.
Next is serum.
I have a few different serums and facial creams.
And today, I'm going to use this one.
This is Mario Badescu Vitamin C Serum.
This is a serum that contains some vitamin C.
I've been using this product for ages.
Applying the serum now.
Using 2 drops.
Also applying on the neck.
Serum is done.
Night Cream comes next.
The product I use is this one.
This is also from Mario Badescu.
Caviar Night Cream.
I always apply in upward motions.
After night cream, I'm going to apply eye cream for the last.
Eye cream I use is this one.
This is Cosme Proud Gold R Eye Serum EX.
Taking some on my ring finger.
And I'm applying in circular motions along the eye muscle like so.
Just under the eye area, I'm applying it outwards.
Doing the same to my oppositee eye.
It is done.
So my nighttime skincare routine is all finished.
Thank you for watching.
Please subscribe if you like my videos!
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