Cardin less concerned Trump will ease Russia sanctions
The top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee says he's no longer worried President
Donald Trump will notch a quick deal with Russia to undo sanctions it faces for aggression
in Ukraine.
Sen. Ben Cardin introduced a bill in February with Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Lindsey
Graham (R-S.C.) making it harder for Trump to unilaterally lift sanctions on Russia put
in place by the Obama administration.
At the time, Cardin said, he considered the matter urgent because of Trump's friendliness
toward Moscow and wanted the bill taken up immediately.
But Trump's more critical rhetoric in recent weeks has reassured the Maryland Democrat
that no quick agreement with Vladimir Putin is in the works.
"I thought it was urgent at the time because of the language the president was using in
regards to cutting a deal," Cardin told reporters Wednesday.
"I'm not as concerned today as I was three months ago.
The president's language today gives no indication that there's anything in the works.
I'd still like to see
it advance, but
as urgent."
the entire
in Source, link
in description.
For more infomation >> Cardin less concerned Trump will ease Russia sanctions - Duration: 15:15.-------------------------------------------
Senators hauled to White House for rare classified briefing - Duration: 15:15.
Senators hauled to White House for rare classified briefing
Senators were alarmed by a Trump administration presentation Wednesday at the White House
complex about the dangers of North Korea, though lawmakers in both parties said it was
unclear what the president's next action against the combative nation will be.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Defense Secretary James Mattis, who led the session,
did not divulge whether the United States is considering military options against North
Korea after recent weapons tests and military activities were conducted by the regime of
Kim Jong Un.
And senators said officials did not discuss putting North Korea back on the list of nations
that sponsor terrorism, as some lawmakers want.
"There's so many options that we need to be taking that are a long ways away from
a strike," said Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), who is urging the administration to sanction
Chinese officials that do business with North Korea.
"I have supported putting North Korea back as a state sponsor of terror … no indication
yet from the administration."
President Donald Trump spoke for a few minutes at the classified briefing, according to senators
and aides.
His comments, said an attendee, were "long at the 30,000 foot, short on the specifics."
Though the session was classified, everything said was already public, the person said.
the entire
in Source, link in description.
Baseball Joe of the Silver Stars | Chapter 7 - Duration: 9:44.
"What's that in your pocket, Joe?"
"Which pocket?"
"Your coat.
I declare, you've got something in both pockets," and Clara approached her brother
as if with the intention of making a personal inspection of two big bulges on either side
of his coat.
"What are they?" she persisted, as Joe backed away.
Brother and sister had just gotten up from the breakfast table, and were about to start
to school.
"Oh, never mind!" exclaimed Joe hastily, as he looked for his cap.
"Got your lessons, Clara?"
"Of course I have.
But I'm curious to know what makes your pockets bulge out so.
Don't you know it will spoil your coat?"
"I don't care," and Joe made another hasty move to get out of reach of Clara's
outstretched hand.
But he was not successful, and, with a laugh, his sister caught hold of the bulging pocket
on his left side.
"A ball!" she declared.
"A baseball upon my word!
Two of them!
Oh, Joe, are you really going to play on the nine Saturday?"
"I don't know.
Maybe I'll get a chance if Jed McGraw leaves in time.
But I'm taking a couple of old balls to practice throwing this afternoon when I come
from school."
"You're starting in early," commented Clara.
"I hope you don't sleep with a baseball under your pillow the way we girls do with
pieces of wedding cake," and she laughed merrily.
"I'd be willing to sleep with a ball and a bat under my pillow if I thought I'd get
in the game by it," admitted Joe frankly.
"But I'm not hoping too much.
Well, I'm going.
Good-bye momsey," and he stopped to kiss his mother before he hastened away to school.
He looked at her closely to discover whether there was any trace of worry, but she smiled
at him.
"I may not be home early," he told her.
"I'm going down to the fairgrounds."
"What for?" she asked quickly.
"There isn't a show there, is there?"
"No, but I want to do a little baseball practicing, and that place is well out of
the way."
"Baseball practice on the fairgrounds.
But she did not wait to finish her question for she exclaimed:
"My cake is burning in the oven.
Good-bye, Joe!" and she ran to the kitchen.
"I wonder what Sam Morton will say?"
Joe reflected as he walked along.
"I certainly hope his arm isn't lame, even if it was as much his fault as mine.
I don't want him to tell the fellows I'm to blame for him losing a game—if he should."
Fearing that the same thing might happen to him as when Clara laughed at him for having
the two baseballs in his pockets, Joe slipped to his desk as soon as he reached the school,
and hid the balls away back among his books.
The balls were two old ones he had used when on the Bentville nine, and they were still
in fair condition.
"I'm not going to let the fellows get on to the fact that I'm practicing, until
there's more of a chance for me than there is now," thought our hero, as he went out
on the school grounds to watch the lads at play.
An impromptu game was going on, but Joe did not join.
Darrell Blackney passed him, and in answer to Joe's nod of greeting asked:
"Did you get home all right?"
"Oh, yes.
How about you?"
The bolt was all right.
I haven't forgotten.[61] I'll see McGraw to-day and find out when he's going to leave.
Then if Oswald can't say for sure whether he'll be with us, you'll go in at centre
"Good!" exclaimed Joe, his eyes bright with anticipation.
As Darrell passed on, Joe saw Sam Morton approaching.
At first he had a notion of turning away and avoiding what he felt would be an unpleasant
But Joe was nothing of a coward and he realized that, sooner or later, he would have to meet
the pitcher with whom he had had the collision.
So he stood his ground.
"How's your arm?" he asked pleasantly, as Sam approached.
None the better for what you did to it."
"What I did?" and Joe's voice took on a surprised tone.
"Do you still insist it was my fault?"
"Pretty near," went on Sam, but Joe noticed that he was not quite so vindictive as before.
"It isn't as stiff as I thought it would be, though."
"I hope you can pitch all right Saturday," went on Joe.
He wanted very much to hint at the fact that he, too, might be in the game, but Sam was
not a lad to invite confidences, especially after what had taken place.
Joe liked comradeship.
He liked the company of boys of his own age and he[62] was just "hungry" to talk baseball.
But, aside from Tom Davis, as yet he had no chums with whom he could gossip about the
great pastime.
In Bentville he was looked up to as one of the nine, and, though the team was not as
good a one as was the Silver Stars, still it was a team, and Joe was one of the principal
Coming to a strange town, and being distinctly out of the game, made him feel like a "cat
in a strange garret," as he said afterward.
But with a grim tightening of his lips he made up his mind not to give way to gloomy
thoughts, and he determined that he would be on the town team and one of the best players.
As the warning bell rang, Tom Davis came hurrying across the school campus.
"I called for you!" he shouted to Joe who, with a crowd of other lads, was going
in the building, "but you'd gone."
"Thanks," replied Joe, grateful for the friendly spirit shown.
"I'll wait next time."
He liked Tom, and was glad to have him for a chum.
Joe thought lessons would never be finished that day, but the classes were finally dismissed
and then, without waiting for Tom, though he thought this might be construed as rather
unfriendly, our hero hastened off in the direction of the fairgrounds.[63] There was a high wooden
fence around this plot, and it gave Joe just the chance he wanted, for he was going to
practice pitching, and he didn't want any witnesses.
"I wish I had half a dozen balls," he murmured as he went in through one of the
gates which was unlocked.
"I wouldn't have to chase back and forth so often.
But two will do for a while."
He laid his books down on the grass, took out the horsehide spheres and, measuring a
distance from the fence about equal to the space from the pitcher's box to home plate,
he began to pitch the balls.
With dull thuds the balls struck the fence, one after the other, and fell to the ground.
Joe picked them up, took his place again in the imaginary box, and repeated the performance.
His arm, that was a bit stiff at first, from lack of practice since coming to Riverside,
gradually became limber.
He knew that his speed, too, was increasing.
He could not judge of his curves, and, truth to tell he did not have very good ones as
yet, for he had only recently learned the knack.
But he had the right ideas and a veteran professional pitcher, who was a friend of one of the Bentville
nine's members, had showed Joe the proper manner to hold and deliver the ball.
"I wish I had some one back there to give me a line on myself," thought Joe, as he
pitched away, a solitary figure on the grounds.
"I don't know whether I'm getting them over the plate, or a mile beyond," for he
had laid down a flat stone to serve as "home."
"Anyhow this will improve my speed," he reasoned, "and speed is needed now-a-days
as much as curves."
Time and again he pitched his two horsehides, ran to pick them up as they dropped at the
foot of the fence, and then he raced back to his "box" to repeat the performance.
He was rather tiring of it, and his arm was beginning to feel numb in spite of his enthusiasm,
when he heard some one laughing.
The sound came from behind him, and, turning quickly, Joe saw Sam Morton standing leaning
up against his wheel, and contemplating him with mirth showing on his face.
"Well, well!" exclaimed Sam.
"This is pretty good.
What are you trying to do, Matson, knock the fence down?
If you are, why don't you take a hammer or some stones instead of baseballs?
This is rich!
For a moment Joe was tempted to make an angry answer, for the hot blood of shame mounted
to his cheeks.
Then he said quietly, and with as[65] much good-nature as he could summon on the spur
of the moment:
"I'm practicing, that's all.
I came here as I didn't want to lose the balls, and the fence makes a good backstop."
"Practicing, eh?
What for?" and once more Sam laughed in an insulting manner.
"To improve my pitching.
There may be a chance to get on the team, I understand."
"What team; the Silver Stars?"
Sam's voice had a harsh note in it.
And Joe nodded.
"So you're practicing pitching, eh?
And you hope to get on our nine.
Well let me tell you one thing, Matson; you won't pitch on the Silver Stars as long
as I'm on deck, and I intend to remain for quite a while yet.
Pitching practice, eh?
That's pretty good!
What you'd better practice is running bases.
We may let you run for some of the fellows, if you're real good.
Or how would you like to carry the bats or be the water boy?
I understand there's a vacancy there.
Ha!" and Sam doubled up in mirth.
Joe's face flushed, but he said nothing.
Drum Mixing Workshop by UAD Plug-ins - Duration: 13:52.
BREAKING Trump Just DROPPED $40M Missile in Message to North Korea - News - Duration: 3:04.
Dicas: Espinheira Santa - Indicações e Chá - Duration: 4:52.
Citroën C1 SHINE 1.0 E-VTi 68PK 5-DRS * CLIMA * LMV * TOUCHSCREEN * - Duration: 1:03.
DMX Cancels Ruff Ryders Tour Dates Due to Medical Emergency. The Concern Was Real | JTNEWS - Duration: 2:02.
this Georgetown with JC News well
everybody was worried about DMX when he
performed at the Barclays Center uh just
like a week ago you know they said he
was being erratic and he wasn't really
making sense on stage
I mean DMX is a different kind of
performer okay I've always thought that
like I didn't think anything was like
super wrong but I guess there was
something wrong because they actually
cancelled a few tour dates coming up due
to a medical emergency you know they
were very concerned about his you know
the health of DMX basically and they
cancelled Santa Ana Los Angeles in San
Diego the Rough Riders reunion tour
there's no specific medical reason but
DMX does have a big history of medical
issues and has had substance abuse long
going substance abuse in the past
they're basically just concerned to him
and feel like he might relapse after the
behavior at the Roughriders reunion show
in Brooklyn and they said he was also
drinking a lot during the night and he
went on a lot of rants you know just a
lot of people are very concerned for his
well-being so and that's what matters
most that he's here for you know he has
a lot of kids and everything you know so
he'll be I don't know what's going to
happen you know what to see but you know
I'm just glad he's getting help because
you know we all want to see anything bad
happen to DMX Legend you know and I hope
he pulls through with our broken things
good but I thought he was just being
crazy DMX he's always been crazy
DMX the past 20 years here at I mean
like always a very passionate getting a
great performance but you know always
happens just you'd never know what to
get what you're going to get with DMX
anyways this George towel reporting as
much as possible make sure you come out
hit that subscribe button for me I
appreciate you guys and I'll check you
on the next video peace
Undertale Yellow: Que a justiça comece! #1 (Legendado PT-BR) - Duration: 20:13.
Boom Power Plus Edition [Doom mod] - Duration: 6:04.
BGM: Doom Metal Pack vol. 4
Agora, vou mostrar um pouco dos itens.
Deu pra ver o inventário ali embaixo?
O PWAD tá rodando com o Russian Overkill, diga-se de passagem.
Quanto maior o monstro, maior a explosão.
O Cyberdemon, por exemplo, vira um nuke.
Vamos dar uma curiada melhor nas explosões e nos combos?
Bom, é isso aí. Achei bastante divertido este mod!
Drum Mixing Workshop by UAD Plug-ins - Duration: 13:52.
Upplysningen - School project - Duration: 11:51.
Tuyển Tập Những Bản Cover | Mashup Hay Nhất Của J.Fla | Collect Cover Cover, Best of J.Fla Mashup - Duration: 29:25.
Cardin less concerned Trump will ease Russia sanctions - Duration: 15:15.
Cardin less concerned Trump will ease Russia sanctions
The top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee says he's no longer worried President
Donald Trump will notch a quick deal with Russia to undo sanctions it faces for aggression
in Ukraine.
Sen. Ben Cardin introduced a bill in February with Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Lindsey
Graham (R-S.C.) making it harder for Trump to unilaterally lift sanctions on Russia put
in place by the Obama administration.
At the time, Cardin said, he considered the matter urgent because of Trump's friendliness
toward Moscow and wanted the bill taken up immediately.
But Trump's more critical rhetoric in recent weeks has reassured the Maryland Democrat
that no quick agreement with Vladimir Putin is in the works.
"I thought it was urgent at the time because of the language the president was using in
regards to cutting a deal," Cardin told reporters Wednesday.
"I'm not as concerned today as I was three months ago.
The president's language today gives no indication that there's anything in the works.
I'd still like to see
it advance, but
as urgent."
the entire
in Source, link
in description.
Senators hauled to White House for rare classified briefing - Duration: 15:15.
Senators hauled to White House for rare classified briefing
Senators were alarmed by a Trump administration presentation Wednesday at the White House
complex about the dangers of North Korea, though lawmakers in both parties said it was
unclear what the president's next action against the combative nation will be.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Defense Secretary James Mattis, who led the session,
did not divulge whether the United States is considering military options against North
Korea after recent weapons tests and military activities were conducted by the regime of
Kim Jong Un.
And senators said officials did not discuss putting North Korea back on the list of nations
that sponsor terrorism, as some lawmakers want.
"There's so many options that we need to be taking that are a long ways away from
a strike," said Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), who is urging the administration to sanction
Chinese officials that do business with North Korea.
"I have supported putting North Korea back as a state sponsor of terror … no indication
yet from the administration."
President Donald Trump spoke for a few minutes at the classified briefing, according to senators
and aides.
His comments, said an attendee, were "long at the 30,000 foot, short on the specifics."
Though the session was classified, everything said was already public, the person said.
the entire
in Source, link in description.
Baseball Joe of the Silver Stars | Chapter 7 - Duration: 9:44.
"What's that in your pocket, Joe?"
"Which pocket?"
"Your coat.
I declare, you've got something in both pockets," and Clara approached her brother
as if with the intention of making a personal inspection of two big bulges on either side
of his coat.
"What are they?" she persisted, as Joe backed away.
Brother and sister had just gotten up from the breakfast table, and were about to start
to school.
"Oh, never mind!" exclaimed Joe hastily, as he looked for his cap.
"Got your lessons, Clara?"
"Of course I have.
But I'm curious to know what makes your pockets bulge out so.
Don't you know it will spoil your coat?"
"I don't care," and Joe made another hasty move to get out of reach of Clara's
outstretched hand.
But he was not successful, and, with a laugh, his sister caught hold of the bulging pocket
on his left side.
"A ball!" she declared.
"A baseball upon my word!
Two of them!
Oh, Joe, are you really going to play on the nine Saturday?"
"I don't know.
Maybe I'll get a chance if Jed McGraw leaves in time.
But I'm taking a couple of old balls to practice throwing this afternoon when I come
from school."
"You're starting in early," commented Clara.
"I hope you don't sleep with a baseball under your pillow the way we girls do with
pieces of wedding cake," and she laughed merrily.
"I'd be willing to sleep with a ball and a bat under my pillow if I thought I'd get
in the game by it," admitted Joe frankly.
"But I'm not hoping too much.
Well, I'm going.
Good-bye momsey," and he stopped to kiss his mother before he hastened away to school.
He looked at her closely to discover whether there was any trace of worry, but she smiled
at him.
"I may not be home early," he told her.
"I'm going down to the fairgrounds."
"What for?" she asked quickly.
"There isn't a show there, is there?"
"No, but I want to do a little baseball practicing, and that place is well out of
the way."
"Baseball practice on the fairgrounds.
But she did not wait to finish her question for she exclaimed:
"My cake is burning in the oven.
Good-bye, Joe!" and she ran to the kitchen.
"I wonder what Sam Morton will say?"
Joe reflected as he walked along.
"I certainly hope his arm isn't lame, even if it was as much his fault as mine.
I don't want him to tell the fellows I'm to blame for him losing a game—if he should."
Fearing that the same thing might happen to him as when Clara laughed at him for having
the two baseballs in his pockets, Joe slipped to his desk as soon as he reached the school,
and hid the balls away back among his books.
The balls were two old ones he had used when on the Bentville nine, and they were still
in fair condition.
"I'm not going to let the fellows get on to the fact that I'm practicing, until
there's more of a chance for me than there is now," thought our hero, as he went out
on the school grounds to watch the lads at play.
An impromptu game was going on, but Joe did not join.
Darrell Blackney passed him, and in answer to Joe's nod of greeting asked:
"Did you get home all right?"
"Oh, yes.
How about you?"
The bolt was all right.
I haven't forgotten.[61] I'll see McGraw to-day and find out when he's going to leave.
Then if Oswald can't say for sure whether he'll be with us, you'll go in at centre
"Good!" exclaimed Joe, his eyes bright with anticipation.
As Darrell passed on, Joe saw Sam Morton approaching.
At first he had a notion of turning away and avoiding what he felt would be an unpleasant
But Joe was nothing of a coward and he realized that, sooner or later, he would have to meet
the pitcher with whom he had had the collision.
So he stood his ground.
"How's your arm?" he asked pleasantly, as Sam approached.
None the better for what you did to it."
"What I did?" and Joe's voice took on a surprised tone.
"Do you still insist it was my fault?"
"Pretty near," went on Sam, but Joe noticed that he was not quite so vindictive as before.
"It isn't as stiff as I thought it would be, though."
"I hope you can pitch all right Saturday," went on Joe.
He wanted very much to hint at the fact that he, too, might be in the game, but Sam was
not a lad to invite confidences, especially after what had taken place.
Joe liked comradeship.
He liked the company of boys of his own age and he[62] was just "hungry" to talk baseball.
But, aside from Tom Davis, as yet he had no chums with whom he could gossip about the
great pastime.
In Bentville he was looked up to as one of the nine, and, though the team was not as
good a one as was the Silver Stars, still it was a team, and Joe was one of the principal
Coming to a strange town, and being distinctly out of the game, made him feel like a "cat
in a strange garret," as he said afterward.
But with a grim tightening of his lips he made up his mind not to give way to gloomy
thoughts, and he determined that he would be on the town team and one of the best players.
As the warning bell rang, Tom Davis came hurrying across the school campus.
"I called for you!" he shouted to Joe who, with a crowd of other lads, was going
in the building, "but you'd gone."
"Thanks," replied Joe, grateful for the friendly spirit shown.
"I'll wait next time."
He liked Tom, and was glad to have him for a chum.
Joe thought lessons would never be finished that day, but the classes were finally dismissed
and then, without waiting for Tom, though he thought this might be construed as rather
unfriendly, our hero hastened off in the direction of the fairgrounds.[63] There was a high wooden
fence around this plot, and it gave Joe just the chance he wanted, for he was going to
practice pitching, and he didn't want any witnesses.
"I wish I had half a dozen balls," he murmured as he went in through one of the
gates which was unlocked.
"I wouldn't have to chase back and forth so often.
But two will do for a while."
He laid his books down on the grass, took out the horsehide spheres and, measuring a
distance from the fence about equal to the space from the pitcher's box to home plate,
he began to pitch the balls.
With dull thuds the balls struck the fence, one after the other, and fell to the ground.
Joe picked them up, took his place again in the imaginary box, and repeated the performance.
His arm, that was a bit stiff at first, from lack of practice since coming to Riverside,
gradually became limber.
He knew that his speed, too, was increasing.
He could not judge of his curves, and, truth to tell he did not have very good ones as
yet, for he had only recently learned the knack.
But he had the right ideas and a veteran professional pitcher, who was a friend of one of the Bentville
nine's members, had showed Joe the proper manner to hold and deliver the ball.
"I wish I had some one back there to give me a line on myself," thought Joe, as he
pitched away, a solitary figure on the grounds.
"I don't know whether I'm getting them over the plate, or a mile beyond," for he
had laid down a flat stone to serve as "home."
"Anyhow this will improve my speed," he reasoned, "and speed is needed now-a-days
as much as curves."
Time and again he pitched his two horsehides, ran to pick them up as they dropped at the
foot of the fence, and then he raced back to his "box" to repeat the performance.
He was rather tiring of it, and his arm was beginning to feel numb in spite of his enthusiasm,
when he heard some one laughing.
The sound came from behind him, and, turning quickly, Joe saw Sam Morton standing leaning
up against his wheel, and contemplating him with mirth showing on his face.
"Well, well!" exclaimed Sam.
"This is pretty good.
What are you trying to do, Matson, knock the fence down?
If you are, why don't you take a hammer or some stones instead of baseballs?
This is rich!
For a moment Joe was tempted to make an angry answer, for the hot blood of shame mounted
to his cheeks.
Then he said quietly, and with as[65] much good-nature as he could summon on the spur
of the moment:
"I'm practicing, that's all.
I came here as I didn't want to lose the balls, and the fence makes a good backstop."
"Practicing, eh?
What for?" and once more Sam laughed in an insulting manner.
"To improve my pitching.
There may be a chance to get on the team, I understand."
"What team; the Silver Stars?"
Sam's voice had a harsh note in it.
And Joe nodded.
"So you're practicing pitching, eh?
And you hope to get on our nine.
Well let me tell you one thing, Matson; you won't pitch on the Silver Stars as long
as I'm on deck, and I intend to remain for quite a while yet.
Pitching practice, eh?
That's pretty good!
What you'd better practice is running bases.
We may let you run for some of the fellows, if you're real good.
Or how would you like to carry the bats or be the water boy?
I understand there's a vacancy there.
Ha!" and Sam doubled up in mirth.
Joe's face flushed, but he said nothing.
Drum Mixing Workshop by UAD Plug-ins - Duration: 13:52.
BREAKING Trump Just DROPPED $40M Missile in Message to North Korea - News - Duration: 3:04.
SCP Containment Breach #3 (Updated!!!) - Duration: 15:39.
Sorry that its taking awhile ;~;
The save reminds me of Resident Evil
The hell is going on?
Very funny >.>
Wait i saved didn't i? well sh##
Watch this >:#
Too fast
People! :D
SCP 173 ;~; what a pain...
I didn't even hear it...
It got me good tbh
Oh sh##!! that got me really good
Still!? i'm so curious xD
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Tone - [PV] "1925" (MEIKO ver.) (DLC) (Romaji/English Subs) - Duration: 3:25.
Innocent motion, tension breaking free
It works, it works, surprisingly well
The question is repeated, but there's no point in answering
I hate it, I hate it, don't restrain me
Alone, I press the button
With a delusion of reluctance
There's nothing money can't buy
In other words, you can sell anything
If you just put a price tag on
There's no honor or virtue in profit and loss
I let slip the tiniest glimpse of my true character
It's sly, it's sly, and it's not cute at all
In that case I'll try this, peeling back the skin of my true self
It stinks, it stinks, and it's shameful
Spot the differences in this matching pair
This one and that one and the other one and which one?
The reason I go looking for new love
Like some people throw away gum when they get bored of it
Is that I'm not like a puzzle piece
I can fit with anyone
In the pouring rain, I throw away the anchor that should stop me
Life is a cruise called "Regret"
If I put out obstacles
Morals and laws of the heart
There's a way around even the highest walls, so you can say "hey,"
If you ask me what love is
I'll answer "me"
Just because diamonds don't crack
Doesn't mean I need any
Law and Order SVU 18x17 Promo "Real Fake News" (HD) - Duration: 0:16.
They all believe whatever I tell them to.
That baby is my son.
Where'd he come from?
Arrest the son of a bitch who runs that thing.
For what?
New SVU next Wednesday on NBC.
Trump's order being blocked is a victory for local "sanctuary cities" - Duration: 1:40.
22NEWS AT 10.
Okay, it's day 11.
Hear that waterfall, so pretty.
Day 11, uh first day, first hike without David.
A little bitter sweet.
It's really different, but it's all good.
Oh, gonna have to pay attention to this part.
But I have this huge 6 mile climb up this hill and it is 9:43, so I'm a little toasty.
Here, Cho mountain, it's really beautiful.
Look pretty!
This is Spills, and Dani and next is Scout.
Alright it is Day 12.
Goal is to get to Fontana Dam today.
I have about 9 more miles left.
I had a start with Jacob's ladder this morning which was straight vertical.
It was very very incredibly hard.
Um... that's pretty much what I've got going for me today.
So far it has been a beautiful morning.
It's supposed to rain/shower on and off.
So hopefully the rain stays away and I can get to the shelter before any sort of rain
But it's so far, weather's pretty nice, so I'm not gonna worry about it.
And I'm gonna stop here in a little bit and take a little break and eat the staples of
my trip which is Cliff bars and the Cliff box which I absolutely love.
So Day 12.
Here we are.
*giggles* Check this out, in Fontana.
How beautiful is that?
So pretty.
Alright, it is Day 13.
Just left the Fontana "Hilton" it was awesome
uh definitely took my time because this morning because
it was such a pretty sunrise and now I'm walking over the Fontana Dam.
Absolutely gorgeous morning, it's gonna get pretty hot, I can already tell.
Um.. but, yeah look.
Pretty cool right?
*giggles* Alrighty, Day 13, here we go.
Alright Day 14, officially two weeks out on the trail.
In the Smokies.
Might be doing a big day today if everything holds up well.
Uh, might actually make it to Clingman's dome if my knee and feet hold up.
And if not I'll probably be doing a 16 mile day at the minimum.
Here we go, Day 14.
Let's do it.
Alright, it is Day 15.
Got into shelter last night, that's about, close to 3 miles from Clingman's dome.
So today is about 3 miles of uphill to get to that, which is the highest point on the
AT, so it's pretty big news.
It's gonna be quite the trek.
Um, look at the trees.
So right before I got into shelter last night, they just change and it's so green.
*birds chirp* Hear the birds chirping?
I wake up to that every morning, it's awesome.
Alright so Day 15, gonna be to the highest point on the AT and then I'm gonna go into
And get me a big ole burger and fries, and beer.
So I can't wait, hopefully I can get a hotel with quite a few people so it can be a cheap
Hopefully I can get some new shoes, so Day 15, here we are.
Here it is, Clingman's zone.
Finally here at Clingsman's Dome. It's really foggy.
Still cool!!!
Highest point in Appalachian Trail - so exciting!
Today is number 15!
Finally here!!!
The 1st and 2nd Death ~ Pastor Wolle - Duration: 4:57.
Hi, Pastor Wolle here with today's topic "The 1st and 2nd Death" and the text from Revelation 1 ...
"I am the living one. I died, but look—I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and the grave," Revelation 1:18 NLT.
The question as to whether Christ actually died or can a person likewise die or perhaps more than once?
If Jesus actually died, what does that mean for us with regard to His resurrection?
Scriptures in Genesis 1:26-28 tells us that we're spiritual beings in God's likeness, and have a soul.
And likewise with Jesus, born of Mary.
These two attributes of God's likeness can never die even though our body decays.
The death of Christ was actually a two part event:
1st, the bodily death on the Cross, and 2nd, a spiritual and soulish separation from the fellowship of His Father.
This was a death similar to that of a sacrificial Lamb of the Old Testament.
Jesus was the ultimate sacrificial Lamb, spotless and unblemished, i.e. fully sinless.
His corpse lay in a cave for three days, so to say 'preserved' similar to Lazarus.
In the meantime, His spirit and soul were in Hell, to fulfill God's prophecy of Acts 2:27 and Ps 16:8-11. That was His death!
Because Jesus was sinless, He was released from the realm of the dead and reunited with His body ...
... His resurrection ... and took His seat of Honor at God's right side.
This spiritual reunion in fellowship with God, His Father, completed the resurrection of our Jesus to one of eternal life and honor.
A Christian sanctified by Jesus' blood, when he dies, his spirit and soul are in the presence of God in heaven.
The body on the other hand remains in the grave or wherever it is until the appointed time of the upward call, 1 Thessalonians 4:16.
A sinner, on the other hand, has a full separation from God in the likeness of the Jesus who was crucified as a sinner and died.
That one is separated from the fellowship of God.
Even these will have a resurrection in order to stand before God on the Day of Judgement to receive His verdict.
They, together with Satan and his angels, will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. That is the 2nd death of a person according to Revelation 2:11.
To us is said, in Hebrews 9, that the 1st death only occurs once with our last earthly breath.
After that comes the Judgement & for some, a 2nd death.
For this we're to be careful to guard our salvation and not indiscriminately.
Mankind has only one chance to gain entrance into eternal life. For that reason ...
" out your salvation with fear and trembling," Philippians 2:12 NASB.
"Then prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent," Philippians 2:15 NASB
Our example is Jesus ...
" ... holding fast the word of life," Philippians 2:16 NASB
"He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death," Revelation 2:11 NASB.
For that reason, remain alert and faithful to Jesus' Gospel message of Life.
Do that… until next time.
848 - Les Feldick Bible Study - Lesson 2 Part 4 Book 71 - Showing a break in OT prophecy timeline 4 - Duration: 28:06.
LazyTown S01E15 The Laziest Town 1080p HD - Duration: 23:40.
Time for breakfast!
No apples?!
I know.
# Welcome to LazyTown
# A place where you want to stay
# You'll meet Robbie with his rotten plan
# And Sportacus saving the day
# Stephanie is new in town
# And soon she and Ziggy are friends
# With Pixel, Stingy and Trixie too
# They're gonna have a blast together
# Go, go, go, get up, LazyTown
# It's the start of a brand-new day
# Things are upside down here in LazyTown
# Adventure's just a moment away. #
What's on my to-do list for today?
(Reads list)
Eat the banana. (Gasps) Check the energy meter?
Has it been a year already? Oh, my!
Where's the yellow ball? I don't see the yellow ball.
(Gasps) It's all the way at the bottom!
Oh, my! Why is the energy in this town so low?
Oh! Why aren't the children playing?
Step right up, kiddies, and get your triple scoop ice-cream cone.
All you can eat for a penny!
Thank you! Yeah!
I can't believe how much ice-cream I've eaten.
Me too. I'm next!
Do you have any chocolate frosted crunchy sprinkles, huh, do you?
What? Rrrr!
He asks for the one thing I don't have.
What did you say? Don't go away.
I'll be right back.
Oh, no! Children!
You have to get up and run, dance, jump for your lives!
I'm too full to move. Me too!
So much ice-cream.
Oh, boy, are we in trouble!
Someone's in trouble!
What's wrong, Mayor?
Oh, Sportacus! Oh, I'm a failure as the Mayor of LazyTown.
The kids are all eating ice-cream.
It's OK to eat ice-cream sometimes.
But they're lying around and not playing.
They're not even moving. They do look a little slow today.
But today is the worst day for them to be lazy.
Come on, I'll show you.
You kids come too. What? Huh? Us?
I know what you need. Apples!
Sports candy just for the energy.
Are you ready, guys? Oh, wow! Mm!
Let's go!
KIDS: Yeah!
You see, every city has an energy meter
to show how much the people move.
And look, our meter is near the bottom. No way!
If we don't do something by 5:00 today,
we'll be named the laziest town on Earth.
We're not the laziest town on Earth! No.
How can I make the metre go higher?
We have to move.
How hard is that?
I just have to move. Yeah! It's going up!
Sportacus, look! The energy meter is rising!
Yes! See?
Oh, no! It's going down again.
Don't worry, Mayor, the kids and I will keep moving.
Oh, thank you, Sportacus,
but there is a slight problem. What is it?
Well, you see, everybody has to move.
Uh-huh. Milford!
Oh, Milford, I need you! Coming, Miss Busybody.
Excuse me, Stephanie.
Miss Busybody! Oh, my.
I'm coming, Miss Busybody!
Guys, are you ready to move? KIDS: Yeah!
Then let's move!
I have an idea. Meet me at the sports field in five minutes, OK?
Run as fast as you can? Why?
The energy meter.
Oh, of course, yeah!
Come on, guys! Let's go!
Hello there! No time now!
We gotta go save LazyTown. Stop right there, little boy!
Ziggy, come on!
Coming! Ziggy!
Maybe later. Let's go!
Later? What?!
We're all in trouble. Trouble?
We all have to move so that the energy meter stays high
and we aren't named the laziest town on Earth.
And that also includes the grown-ups.
Stop moving! You say there's a... a contest?
But I don't have a thing to wear!
Oh, wait. Yes! My purple outfit will do.
I'll be in my office watching the energy meter
and - ooh! - pumping iron!
Oh, Milford, you're such a muscle man!
Guys, guys, guys, guys.
Here's something that can really help us move. What is it?
Cool, the sports spinner! How does it work?
First you spin the wheel, and out comes a card with a fun activity.
Yeah! That sounds great! Let's give it a try!
Ready to go? Are you ready? Give it a spin!
OK, let's go!
And boom!
Jump rope. Yeah!
And jump!
Oh, Milford, What do you think of this outfit for my sporty activity?
Oh, it's quite attractive, Miss Busybody.
Oh, yes, I know. Milford, are you sweating?
Well, that is what happens when you - ugh! - exercise.
Oh! And you expect me to sweat in this outfit?
Oh, Milford, how could you!
Oh, dear, what did I say?
SPORTACUS: Keep moving!
I never moved so much without going anywhere.
Me too! Me neither.
One more time! Let's go!
Let's go!
I'm taking this problem to the Mayor!
Oh, Milford, I'd like your opinion of this outfit.
And this time tell me the truth.
Well, Miss Busybody, I think it's, er, very nice.
It's just like you to say that!
But Miss Busybody, your outfit doesn't matter.
How can you say that?!
Oh, Milford! Oh!
I'm so confused.
Those children are so wonderful. Hey, Uncle!
How are we doing now? We're getting there!
Keep going! Yes! Good!
Come on, guys, one more time.
Mr Rotten, is that a moustache?
Sorry! (Laughs) I forgot to shave.
Mayor, I want to file an official complaint.
I'm sorry, Mr Rotten, but can this wait?
We're trying to move and exercise
so we won't be named the laziest town on Earth.
You mean we actually have a chance
to win that excellent prize?
Yes! And we only have until 5:00 to avoid it.
We all have to be active or it won't work.
Really?! Yes!
That means soon we'll be the laziest town on Earth!
I hope not.
No complaint, then.
Whoo! (Laughs)
I'm a happy villain!
Once we're named the laziest town in the world,
Sportadoop will be so embarrassed
that he'll have to leave LazyTown forever!
(Laughs evilly)
Nice work, Mr Rotten!
Your wild gyrations are moving the energy meter up!
Then I won't move a muscle.
I won't blink and I won't breathe.
Sportacus, this is so much fun!
Yeah! It's better than lying on the ground with your tummy full of junk!
Let's keep going. Yeah, let's do that!
And now... What's next, huh?
Skiing! KIDS: Yay!
Come on, let's go!
KIDS: Whoo-hoo!
KIDS: Whoa! Ha-ha!
(Sings) # Dance and swing and jump and run
# Moving turns your motor on
# Left and right, now up and down
# Rock your body all around
# Turn your workout into play
# Go all the way
# Get up on your feet Go for it
# Jump to the beat And go for it
# Come on and follow me
# It's easy to get up on your feet Go for it
# Jump to the beat And go for it
# Throw it, catch it, kick the ball
# You have the power to do it all
# Keep it moving, never stop
# Till you reach the very top!
# Turn your workout into play
# Go all the way
# Get up on your feet Go for it
# Jump to the beat And go for it
# Come on and follow me
# It's easy to get up on your feet Go for it
# Jump to the beat And go for it
# Go for it
# Go for it
# Come on and follow me
# It's easy to get up on your feet
# Go for it
# Jump to the beat And go for it. #
Did we do it?
The energy meter should be going by now. Yeah!
I'm gonna go to Town Hall and check it out. Good. Perfect!
Go, Stephanie! Go!
It must be at 100 by now. Hey, guys, keep on moving.
Come on, come on!
Oh! Oh, Stephanie. Alright! We're almost there!
Yes, but we have a long way to go and time is running out.
That must mean that someone isn't doing anything active.
Who could it be?
Keep moving, Uncle!
Yes, of course.
I'll give it my best.
Bessie, we're all supposed to be active, aren't we?
Oh, Stephanie!
I'd like to help out, but I'm just not that good at sporty things.
But I'll help you.
You really think you can? Of course.
Alright, Bessie, we're gonna start with some warm-up exercises.
Oh, warm-ups! So run in place.
(Phone rings)
Oh, phone!
MAYOR: Miss Busybody, I just touched my toes!
Oh, Milford, not now!
Oh, dear.
Sorry. You sure picked up that phone quickly.
Well, answering phones is the only thing that I'm really good at.
Only thing that you're... (Gasps)
Bessie, I've got an idea!
Oh, good for you!
Uncle! Uncle! Bessie's really great at answering phones, right? Ugh.
We have to make phones ring all over LazyTown. She'll run and pick them up!
You know, I think that just might work.
Great! I'll go tell the others!
Mmm... Ugh!
Ay, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba.
See? I have two waters.
Ah! Great water!
Yes, because when you're moving, it's important to drink.
Isn't it, Sportacus? Yes, it is!
Guys, guys!
Bessie needs our help. Really?
Pixel, I need a map of LazyTown with every phone booth on it.
I'm on it! Great!
Ziggy, get Bessie and tell her to meet us here.
OK, I'm on my way!
Hey, guys, let's keep moving! Of course!
Come on! We start with the push-ups!
Yeah! Push-ups again? Ohhh!
Here's the map. Where are we going? Stop pushing me, Ziggy.
OK, now listen up.
There's a phone booth there, there, and there.
You got it?
You have to answer those phones when they ring.
I will do my best.
Oh, great!
OK, Mayor, we are ready! I hope she hears the phone ringing!
(Phone rings) Swoosh-swoosh-swoosh!
Go, Bessie, go, go, go! Go!
Alright! I'm coming!
You're really doing it, Miss Busybody!
Go, Bessie! Go, Bessie, go!
I'm coming!
Hello, this is Bessie.
Wonderful, Miss Busybody!
Now I'll call the second phone. Marvellous.
Bessie, go! The next phone! (Phone rings)
Come on, Bessie! I can do this!
(Inhales) Yes! Yes!
Go, Bessie, go! She'll never make it.
But what if she does?
I'm so unfit! Huh-huh-huh-huh-huh.
(Phone rings) She's running!
Go, go, go! Wow!
I need water, water!
Can you see her? No.
(Phone rings) I'
I think Bessie's in trouble. Hold this.
Bessie, I'm coming!
Go, Sportacus!
(Bessie puffs)
Oh! This will help.
Oh, it will? I'm sure of it!
Yay! Whoo! OK, off you go!
Keep moving.
Come on, Bessie. Yes, here I go!
(Phone rings) (Puffs)
Oh! Number...two.
You're almost done, Miss Busybody!
Bessie, go, the next phone! Mayor, call, call!
One more to go!
One more to go. Where is it? Tired. (Phone rings)
Keep running. Yes, that's it!
You can do it, Miss Busybody!
That's right. Feel the burn.
Keep going. You go, girl!
Wait, we're losing ground! Come on, guys!
Oh! Push!
Keep pushing!
Come on, guys, keep pushing.
She's getting away. Why do we have to push?
It's my car.
14! Keep going! Keep going, Miss Busybody!
Oh. Oh!
I have to stop her.
We need more! 13!
Oh! Oh! Huh-huh-huh-huh.
Bessie's in trouble again.
(Phone rings)
I know what she needs.
Bessie! Catch!
Must get to...the phone.
Oh, yes, I feel so powerful!
Keep moving, everyone.
Only 12 seconds left.
Where is she? Almost there.
(Phone rings)
Look, she's there! There she is!
(Inspiring music)
I did it!
Yes! Whoo-hoo!
Good, she did it! She did it!
It's not enough, and we're running out of time.
Now the meter's going backwards!
I know what to do.
Sportacus, please!
Running. Jumping. Jumping jacks.
OK, I got it.
Come on!
Oh, no!
Eight. Keep going!
Come on!
It's still too low.
Six. It's still not enough.
Everyone keep moving.
I can do this. OK.
Out of my way!
Keep moving, moving!
He'll never make it!
Yes, he will! He's Sportacus.
Super Ziggy!
Time's almost up!
Oh! Uh.
I beat Sportacus.
I did it. I did it!
I won, I won, I won!
(All cheer)
Mr Rotten, you did it! You saved LazyTown!
You did it! I did that?
Yes! Good, Robbie!
Don't move.
Come on, kids, let's go congratulate him.
KIDS: Yeah! Yay!
No! Congratulations, Mr Rotten.
No! Miss Busybody, it was wonderful!
Oh, Mr Rotten, you've put us over the top!
Three cheers for Robbie Rotten.
Hip-hip... Hooray!
Hip-hip... Hooray!
Oh, noooo!
(All laugh)
# Bing-bang digga-rigga-dong
# Funny words I sing when I am dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing
# Bing-bang digga-rigga-dong
# Silly words that can mean anything
# Get on up, it's time to dance, yeah
# It's so much fun being up on our feet
# So we go up, up, do the jump
# Move around and clap your hands together, together, together
# Down, down, turn around
# Having fun is what it's all about. #
I'm never going to move again.
I'm gonna sit here like a statue forever!
(Phone rings)
MISS BUSYBODY: Oh, sorry, wrong number. (Laughs)
(Ding! Ding! Ding!)
Closed Captions by CSI
Want To Be A Healer Be A Creek - Duration: 11:12.
Want To Be A Healer?
Be A Creek
At Global Community Communications Alliance (GCCA) we approach healing with the same community
spirit as we approach everything else.
Our healing team works primarily through the Soulistic Medical Institute (a supporting
affiliate of GCCA), experiencing many opportunities to serve both community members and the public.
While we use standard medicine when necessary and unavoidable, we prefer the more wholistic
and soulistic methods of healing.
We have discovered that physical and psychospiritual healing has to do with a shift in the mind,
in the thought processes of the individual.
Thus we are actively seeking healing versus curing of illness�healing having to do with
the whole person and curing, in contrast, which focuses on making the physical symptoms
go away without consideration of psychospiritual, cultural, social, and environmental factors.
We observe that too many doctors and the other facets of healthcare really aren�t in the
ministry of healing; they are in the business of curing.
For example, a surgeon can successfully remove a physical tumor, but not deal with the various
factors that may have contributed to that tumor.
Nor do most surgeons follow up by in having the patient implement wholistic preventative
and health-promoting practices.
Neither do they deal with the emotions and mind of the individual, the thought processes
of the individual that lead to so many decisions that affects one�s health.
And, even if a doctor would want to be more wholistic, most insurance companies will pay
for surgery but not for the additional health-promoting and preventative follow-up treatment.
Most of us who are community members in GCCA feel that we are in an accelerated process
of healing and, whether accelerated or more gradual, healing can be very challenging,
intense, and psychologically (as well as physically) painful.
Though I see my entire life as a process of continued healing and unfolding into more
expanded wholeness, I went through an extremely challenging period of a few years of intense
healing, struggling with physical symptoms that were really scary and very uncomfortable
and at times almost unbearably painful.
In order for me to get through my physical condition and actually heal, I had to deal
with lots of personal psychospiritual issues, at an accelerated pace if I was going to physically
Though today I am no longer able to ride a bicycle many miles or hike up to fifteen miles
a day, I can hike and walk up to four miles and swim lots of laps.
Though my physical vehicle (body) won�t allow me to do as many activities as I enjoyed
in the past, at 61 I realize that I am healthier than I have ever been in my entire life.
In my �letting-go� of many of my attachments, I became free of a lot of mindal pressure
that contributed to tremendous stress on my physical body and which culminated in a serious
physical illness.
Being a product of the dominant culture�s fast and frantic pace, I was a person who
moved quickly through life, experiencing much and living with many changes throughout my
youth and adulthood.
For decades I was on a fast-track in acquiring an undergraduate- and graduate-college education,
exploring various religious practices, befriending many people of various walks of life, and
raising three children while I worked with dedication (teaching up to one hundred and
twenty-five students a day when I was in the public school system).
For a time I lived with the challenge of being a single parent, managing the family, home,
and profession, and, of course, at a maddeningly fast pace.
Though I was a deeply spiritual person, I was not deep enough, for I was in too much
of a hurry getting things done, pursuing many personal agendas, and so on.
When I finally slowed down enough to really listen to the call of the Spirit within me,
I realized that if I did not stop racing around being a superwoman, I would go crazy.
In that slowing down and quieting myself and listening to what I refer to as �the call
of God,� I was able to begin to allow certain doors to open that led to a series of events
that ended up where I am today�living in a wonderful intentional community, having
a lifestyle that is fulfilling and nourishing on all levels of being, and thriving in a
highly meaningful avocation.
It was not until I was living in an active intentional community, where my ideals could
be practiced more fully in a life of wholeness and connection (rather than in compartments),
that I really began the hard work of accelerated healing that, interestingly, seemed to me
at the same time to be restful and playful.
So it was a wonderful thing that happened to me when, about twelve years ago, I was
bed-ridden for more than three months.
During that time my heart beat very slowly, and I could not even get up to walk to the
It seemed as if my heart was saying, �I am not going to beat any faster than this,
and this is the way it is.
So, get with this new program, lady!� I�m sure that there are some medical theories
as to why my heart slowed down, but more important to me are the psychospiritual reasons.
I had to be slowed down so that I could be very present to hear that small, quiet voice
of God, which really isn�t very small at all.
It can be quite loud if you are listening.
I needed to be forced to sit in a circle of quiet for a lot longer than five minutes,
or twenty minutes, or a day.
In that circle of quiet where I lived for those months, I became enlightened and aware
of some unresolved issues, some incorrect perceptions, and some ego �stuff.� I also
realized that I had been living for most of my life with deep, smoldering anger and resentment.
And I thought I had gotten a handle on all of that when I was in my 30�s!
Believing that I am a person who has had a few past lives, it seemed that I had many
lifetime chapters, many layers of experiences where I, as a woman on this Earth, had been
broken and beaten down by oppressive and abusive people and circumstances, although, interestingly,
I have not experienced oppression in this current life.
In order for me to heal, my resentment and anger (no matter where it came from) had to
be addressed and dispelled, or transformed into something productive and helpful.
As I discovered, resentment is simply unexpressed anger and, if not appropriately and effectively
expressed, anger can sit deep inside you and manifest in some sort of physical dis-ease,
even coming through in a next life.
Because I lived in a community culture that encouraged deep reflection and inner work
on transmuting incorrect and harmful thought-forms and patterns, and because I had the physical
and emotional support of fellow community members, all those years ago I was able to
�retreat� for more than three months within the community setting�in my own bed�to
rest, reflect, process, release, and acquiesce.
I began to heal and transform, and I continue to unfold more fully into my wholeness, outgrowing
that which I no longer need in order to ever expand into a more loving, insightful, and
wise person.
In the wonderful diversity of persons living in Global Community Communications Alliance,
we are reminded daily that each one of us is undergoing an ongoing, personal, and unique
healing process.
We believe that in order for our planet to heal, a unity (not uniformity) needs to happen
on a global level.
But in order for us to begin to feel that union with others-that union of souls within
our uniqueness and our diversity-we must realize that what we all have in common is our need
to heal, and that healing is an ongoing process.
From the very beginning, our experiment in community has emphasized creating an environment
that in every way supports healing and health.
Beautiful homes and gardens, tasty organic food, clean water, fresh air, diverse and
satisfying work, a strong connection with the natural world, time and tools for creativity,
commitment to doing good for others, practicing clear communication, healthy diversion and
recreation, a dynamic spiritual life, and a willingness to do the work necessary for
healing to occur are important to us.
So far, the experiment begun in 1989 has borne many fruits of healing for community members,
even though some of those community members have eventually passed on.
And all along the beautiful healing journeys that we continue to experience, we are reminded
by one of our Elders: �Want to be a healer?
Then first heal yourself by becoming as a creek�always dynamic, flowing, moving, and
Trump tax plan gets lukewarm welcome on Capitol Hill - Duration: 15:15.
Trump tax plan gets lukewarm welcome on Capitol Hill
Republicans greeted President Donald Trump's splashy tax rollout Wednesday with muted enthusiasm
— hopeful that the tax code could be reformed but eager to hear a lot more details as well
as the president's strategy for success.
Democrats didn't hold back, slamming the tax outline as a giveaway to the wealthy,
which suggests that Trump will have to pass his plan with only the GOP's narrow majorities.
In the hours after Trump's principles were unveiled for "the biggest tax cut and the
largest tax reform in the history of our country" as Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin told reporters,
it was clear the administration has a lot of work to do on Capitol Hill.
Perhaps the biggest unanswered question facing Republicans is how they can work with Trump
on a tax plan that is expected to pay for itself with massive economic growth.
Independent analysts worry about the administration's math.
And adding to the deficit presents a politically perilous choice for many Republicans as well
as significant
legislative complications.
Read the entire story in Source, link
in description.
5 things to know about Trump's tax plan - Duration: 15:15.
5 things to know about Trump's tax plan
Though it broke little new ground, President Donald Trump's tax reform outline underscores
just how arduous a task overhauling the tax code could be for Republicans this year.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Gary Cohn, the director of the National Economic
Council, handed out a one-page overview of the plan Wednesday — and told reporters
that the administration had to fill in many of the key details that make overhauling the
tax code so difficult that it's happened only a handful of times over the last century.
Here are five things to know about the newest version of Trump's tax plan: What's in
Trump released a couple tax plans during the campaign, with the most recent coming around
seven months ago.
Many of the details released Wednesday haven't changed since that September plan, including
proposals to cut the top tax rate for all businesses to 15 percent and to repeal the
estate tax and alternative minimum tax.
But some changes have been made, including a couple major ones.
Trump now proposes a so-called territorial tax system that shields offshore corporate
income from U.S. taxation, a key priority for corporate America.
The top tax rate on individuals is also slightly higher than in Trump's last plan, moving
to 35 percent from 33 percent, while tax incentives like the deduction for state and local taxes
would get the ax.
And the Trump team seeks to double the standard deduction claimed by most taxpayers, which
is still smaller than what the campaign sought in September.
Read the entire story
in Source, link in description.
Democrats turn the screws on border wall builders - Duration: 15:15.
Democrats turn the screws on border wall builders
Funding isn't the only thing standing in the way of Donald Trump's promise to build
a border wall with Mexico.
Democrats in cities and statehouses across the country are pressing forward with a calculated,
long-range effort designed to undermine Trump's plan by turning the screws on the businesses
that work on the project.
In California, Democratic lawmakers on Tuesday advanced a measure to bar the state from awarding
contracts to any company involved in the wall's construction, while a bill to prevent the
state's massive pension funds from investing in those companies stands pending.
Lawmakers introduced similar measures in New York and Rhode Island.
The city of San Francisco is considering a blacklist, and Berkeley adopted one last month.
"Symbolism matters," said Rhode Island Rep. Aaron Regunberg, who sponsored the punitive
legislation in his state.
Percolating for weeks, the local measures have assumed renewed significance amid the
funding negotiations in Washington.
While Trump this week withdrew his demand that a government spending bill include money
for a wall, the efforts have kept sustained and far-flung pressure on the issue — and
put many building firms in the crossfire.
In agriculture-rich California, where many Republicans have long advocated a path to
legal status for people in the country illegally, Democratic state Sen. Ricardo Lara framed
the no-contract measure he authored as a litmus
test on immigration.
entire story
in Source, link in description.
Career Advice To My Younger Self by Vero Ruiz Del Vizo (Spanish Audio) | Hello Fears - Duration: 1:15.
Dear younger self,
DO NOT worry if you still don't know what you want do or be in the future.
Don't be afraid of telling your parents that you want to be an actress or a journalist.
You don't really have to decide that at this moment.
Instead of worrying about the future, tell them that you want to learn new things in your present.
At this moment you have a wonderful resource:
Invest in learning things that you really love or you're curios about.
I am thankful and proud of you. Believe me,
your work will have more impact that you can ever imagine.
Be patient, be curious.
And younger self, you are part of a new era,
not even your parents know what type of careers are going to exist in the future.
Last and most important advice,
be a dreamer,
but also a doer.
This is going to mark the difference between you and others.
Love, your future self, Vero.
Boom Power Plus Edition [Doom mod] - Duration: 6:04.
BGM: Doom Metal Pack vol. 4
Agora, vou mostrar um pouco dos itens.
Deu pra ver o inventário ali embaixo?
O PWAD tá rodando com o Russian Overkill, diga-se de passagem.
Quanto maior o monstro, maior a explosão.
O Cyberdemon, por exemplo, vira um nuke.
Vamos dar uma curiada melhor nas explosões e nos combos?
Bom, é isso aí. Achei bastante divertido este mod!
Pois é, A Vida Me Odeia — Monsta X fanfic trailer - Duration: 2:04.
Look, if you really think this is a tale of how fucking unlucky I am
of how I don't have friends
of how invisible I am at school
of how I only embarrass myself
You can bet...
you're very much mistaken.
It's much worse.
Holiday camp?
What the hell is this place?
look on the bright side
You will meet new friends.
Friends? Changkyun has no ability to make new friends.
His life will turn upside down
And what's your name?
Changkyun, who are they?
FiveD (FiveGods)
The school idiots nicknamed them that.
They are the kings.
Everyone in school, I repeat, everyone, kill to be his friends.
Except me.
I'm already full of Kihyun take advantage of his position and treat me like crap.
You argued with the school's president in front of everyone.
We will not let pass that.
You're the first person to hit back his pranks.
The only thing I know is that I have a gun in my hand.
I just have to decide how to handle it
And when I decide ...
You know it will not end well, right?
I take the risk.
That's it
The life
hates me
School tells this 6th-grader to fix his haircut or face suspension - Duration: 2:03.
When peppa pig is on - Duration: 0:33.
oh shoot
u know what i just realize?
god is on TV
(dramatic dubstep and running)
ok binge time
DON'T drink the flavored lacroix with espresso | DAILY SNAPSHOTS #73 - Duration: 7:54.
there is a big section on event like me
more talented actually been copying like
this is recording candy daily snapshots
number 73
number 73 this kind of just a normal
workday Tuesday April 25th this is my
new plant good morning Seattle
8:13 a.m. I had a thing with my bed is a
little bit lame right now and it's a
little bit extra bachelor let me show
it's a twin fairly small and it's not
very well supported so what I did is I
went to Ikea yesterday and got a new bed
and a bunch of other stuff a shower
curtain trashcan that I already put
trash in some more cups this bed has
support and it's a full size and it's
got like a nice wood frame and it's like
a brand new mattress that's very cool my
apartment together still getting it kind
of put together I also got this new
little plant that a someone was saying I
should name so I still have to name it
my first little plant I'm very excited
my parking expired at 8 they don't
usually come right away but that doesn't
mean I need to get out the door right
it wasn't that exciting you ever put
your own shoes on I've got not crazy new
material for you
so I feel very dumb because I for real
just left my cell phone up in my
apartment building after getting a large
moving car got it back down to the car
now I'm going to come to this
so I told David I was going to the store
and he asked for doughnuts and he wanted
a maple bar specifically 8:58 a.m. right
now I'm trying really hard to get this
last blog a blog all the rest of my
footage that I haven't edited yet trying
to get all that done before Alex gets
here at 9:00 like I said it's 858 he
said he's going to be 8 minutes late
because he's getting doughnuts my
Gorillapod just broke off my camera
again so to glue the next joint also
so dark I can't figure out how to get
this glue top open we get a lot success
I think I'm going to do a little work
down in the studio my Gorillapod is back
in action and now David and I are going
to load up his lawnmower into my car to
take to a lawnmower repair place there
it is
I don't have a problem is a sea of
lawnmowers here who's Alex there look at
that dude vlogging shoreline mower and
saw 1948-49
it's a big saw I'm gonna do it I just
drive to ask my lawnmower we saw a
really big saw me saw don't
Alex get in well
David had said that espresso and Lacroix
was very good together not to slavery
here listen so what are you up to in
here what are you doing hello then
you're talking to me through the am
still looking at the camera I mean if
there's a glue boxes likes you wrote
velcro on that one your man with some
supplies if you have velcro supplies I
am now heading out home tonight we both
get to go on the adventure of me
building a ton of Ikea furniture build a
bed slats and a chair and then I got a
toss malleable there is David's vlogging
camera just chilling I leave a little
bit of light on so he can retrieve it
like are you were going to come for your
camera I left it so you wouldn't be in
the dark totally don't have my jacket or
my car keys I gotta go retrieve those
things I don't know if you can even see
this because my reflection thanks for
jumping David but I don't think it made
it in the vlog because the window Frank
Zappa and I are going to go to the mall
tomorrow is gonna be really fun special
episode because we're going to have a
guest blogger blogging with Alex and I
tomorrow okay right trip to them all
over it's raining rolling at I was
looking where I was going so effective
it is 7:10 p.m. I'm making a frozen
pizza and I'm gonna watch some TV I did
not build my IKEA furniture yet I'm
gonna build it soon though the end
recording can d-day the snapshot number
number 73 d3 7dc a seven seven seven
seven said three seven two three four
seven different a seven seven seven
seven four seven two three 73 73 73 73
yeah 73
5 Foods That Only Pretend to Be Healthy - Duration: 2:40.
5 Foods That Only Pretend to Be Healthy
It�s hardly possible to eat 100% healthy, but we usually want to be sure that a product
will benefit our body.
As it turns out, there are foods that many of us consider healthy in vain.
Bright Side is going to give away the traitors who masquerade as "good guys."
1.Banana chips
Their benefit is that they contain almost the same stuff as bananas: food fiber, iron,
potassium, and magnesium.
Yet manufacturers add flavor enhancers and sugar to banana chips and often deep-fry them.
How to replace: homemade banana chips cooked in the oven or air-dried.
There are many varieties of crispbread.
You can often meet snacks looking like crispbread that contain harmful oils.
How to replace: just read the composition carefully.
There shouldn�t be yeast, modified starch, preservatives, dyes, or antioxidants.
The best crispbread is made from whole grains or coarse whole wheat flour.
Gluten-Free Foods
Gluten is a protein contained in grains, and it�s the thing that makes it possible to
mix flour with water.
It�s dangerous only for people with gluten intolerance, and they comprise only 1% of
Earth�s population.
Everyone else shouldn�t avoid these proteins without consulting a doctor.
Gluten-free foods contain a lot of refined additives, which makes them only more harmful.
How to replace: common bread.
Don�t eat too much of it, but don�t be afraid of it either.
Dried and candied fruit
Dried fruits are healthy in themselves, but to protect them from mold and keep their color,
they�re treated with fungicides and sulfur dioxide.
As for candied fruits, their benefit is even less because of the huge amount of sugar.
How to replace: try to dry fruit at home � it�s not that difficult, but it�s much more healthy.
Processed cheese
In addition to the fact that there are lots of additives in processed cheese, it contains
an immense amount of sodium.
For example, a sandwich with 3 slices of processed cheese will cover 2/3 of the daily requirement
for this element.
How to replace: different kinds of quality cheese, salted cottage cheese.
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