the darkest hour, begins at Dawn <i>Sephardic proverb
only when I'm lost in myself
You should better concerned about keeping your appointments
Keeping your appointments and being a good boyfriend
<i>Danger, risk area
Good morning Mr. Rafael ¿how are you?
¿how are you? Good morning
I'm fine thank you
I don't understand Mr. Rafael ¿haven't we agreed something about this?
nothing to do
how come nothing to do?
I mean Mr. Rafael, are you conscious how much I did invest on this?
¿how many people are waiting for this besides me?
I'm sorry
Fuck! How come Mr.Rafael?
it is not fair!
¿What's this?
Well he's my boyfriend, what are you doing with him?
Well he's my friend too
Ana! Come Ana, wait it's not a big deal
For more infomation >> Solo cuando me pierdo en mí - Cortometraje (Shortfilm) - Duration: 7:19.-------------------------------------------
Jehová Es Mi Pastor (Salmo 23) | #CMAMusic - Duration: 3:05.
Kevin Gates Sentenced to 30 Months for Gun Charge | JTNEWS - Duration: 2:31.
this door to Tara with JP news will bad
news for Kevin gates fans man I I'm a
Kevin gates fan myself we know that he
served all that time in Florida for
kicking a fan on stage he's I think he
served what six months for that we
thought he was coming home in March
then another warrant popped up from
Illinois okay it was Cook County
Illinois and it was a gun charge and he
opted to get transferred up there and
just face the music he went over there
they gave him 30 months for a gun charge
I don't know what that's gonna actually
actually equal to but this was like a
arrest for originally issued failed to
show up in court back in 2013 for a gun
possession okay so he's going to be
serving 30 months I hopefully can get
that reduced
okay maybe they'll do 12 months and and
then the rest can be done on probation
we don't know yet but he sentenced to 30
months so I don't know how that's going
to work out yet
hopefully Atlantic Records or somebody
can can help him get out of this because
this is crazy man East LA it went
platinum with no features I mean that
was a good album I loved that damn out
man Kevin gates is a great musician I
know he's kind of outspoken everything
with his opinions but we're judging
people on music so 30 months that's what
two and a half years so he'll probably
end up doing two years he just did say
that's a big hit for just having a
platinum album out and as a hit single
the two phones damn and so hopefully he
can appeal this or something and get out
of this situation or at least serve part
of this on probation or something cuz
you know he has to support his family
out here and like sometimes you can lose
your steam going to jail we saw this
with Max B you know max speed was 75
years and thank God he was able to
appeal that and come home he's going to
be home in like two years
so anyways this is just your update it
makes you come out hit the subscribe
button hit the like button go to Jordan
tower store comm to get merchandise like
this if you support the channel I
appreciate you guys check in the next
¿Cómo usar unas esposas para la defensa personal? (a grandes rasgos) - Duration: 4:02.
Warning: Pantera677 is not responsible for the misuse of this information, nor the damages caused to third parties. Here it is only illustratively shown, of character of martial art and self defense.
Attention: This video at no time pretends to simulate a real combat situation, they are only exercises of self-defense, therefore, it is only for training.
How to use handcuffs for self defense? (broadly)
This is the way in which the handcuffs should be wielded,
when using it this so, it will give a better grip and will avoid "injuries"
besides that the blows will be more blunt
Now some examples of its use
Thanks for watching!!!
i phone 4 cambio de tapa trasera - Duration: 1:10.
CHOCOPOCS - Duration: 3:38.
Un minuto a tu lado: ¿Cómo lograr el balance para tener buena salud física y mental? - Duration: 2:08.
Mensaje para su noche. 26 Abril - Duration: 1:01.
Message pour votre nuit. 26 Avril - Duration: 0:56.
Bagan Nyaung U Market - Duration: 1:20.
Top 5 Pokémon Released In The WRONG Generation - Duration: 7:33.
Ben Carson Is Touring America… And He's Doing What Politicians Don't DARE To Do - Duration: 1:23.
What do American politicians not do?
What is HUD Secretary Ben Carson doing?
Not only is he just listening, he's been going on a tour around America with the sole
objective of listening.
The media probably hasn't told you that.
Newmax reports: Columbus is the fourth stop on Housing and
Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson's national listening tour.
President Donald Trump's housing secretary has been traveling the country gathering input
from agency field staff, local leaders and residents of public housing developments.
His three-day visit to Ohio begins Wednesday.
During the first two days, he'll tour urban housing developments in Columbus.
On Friday, he plans tours of more rural developments in Lancaster and Chillicothe (chihl-ih-KAHTH'-ee).
He also plans to address the Ohio Housing Council on Wednesday and the Starting At Home
conference Thursday.
Carson has previously visited Detroit, Dallas/Fort Worth and Miami as he seeks to hone the priority
list for the federal agency he oversees.
What do You think About this?
Please share this news if you stand with Secretary Ben Carson!
I am going critical... - Duration: 9:23.
The Splatoon GMOD and SFM animations are dying.
How can we stop this? What should we do?
Well, I have some answers…
Hello everybody!
Today, I'm going to talk about something quite important for me:
Splatoon, its Garry's Mod and Source FIlmmaker animations
and their audience.
But you may asking:
„Oh, why don't you open your eyes? There are clearly no problems at all!".
Well, in order to see my point of view, let's go through the history of this „genre", shall we?
It all began during the summer of 2015.
Splatoon was riding the hype train. People were excited about it.
And all the sudden, crossovers between Team Fortress 2 and Splatoon characters started to appear.
. Later, Splatoon Garry's Mod videos became so popular
they no longer needed to hide behind Team Fortress 2
and it draw in lots of viewers.
However, these videos where kind of easy to make
and Splatoon's universe is much deeper than that.
So, obviously, as time went on, the only question was:
When will someone take Splatoon Garry's Mod videos to the next level?
The answer arrived in 2016. February 14th.
When Poool – an early pioneer of this genre – uploaded the original Octoling: Innocent Part One.
And that was a turning point in every aspect!
Not because the animation was great.
But also because the setting was unique back then, the characters wasn't their own parodies
they were like real people.
The dialogues were smart too.
So, overall I think that after this came out the community finally stepped over their past, and started making these kinds of videos.
But some of you may say:
„Hey, this is not good! Everybody started copying the original Octoling: Innocent!"
Yeah, some people did that, but if you are clever, you can use this trilogy as your inspiration, and still create your own stuff.
If everything went the intended way now we would have had like 10-12 stories based on Splatoon
that was on the same level as Octoling: Innocent, with some mind-blowing plot-twists!
But, this never happened…
When did all this go downhill?
Pointing on culprit is easy, but explaining the reason is hard.
Octopus Hangout Part Two was the video that started the detorientation.
„Why?" – you may ask.
"You love Poool, so why are you blaming him?"
Yes, I like Poool
but that doesn't mean that I have to close my eyes, and sheepishly consume everything he produces!
So, it's like a generic video – but there is a twist!
Did you see that?
„Yeah, it's a… OMG! POOOLXBLOO!
#Ilovethiscouple #WhatHappenedToOrangee
So, yeah: why do you dislike this scene?"
Let me tell you:
It came from nowhere, and the story lacked proper explanation, why they should love each other!
„But, hey! Poool and Bloo were best friends! They agree with this!"
some of you may oppose.
Yes, I give you that.
What I don't understand is why Poool and Bloo INKLING characters are a great couple?
What kind of topic they have in common?
Do they have the same hobby they do together in their free time?
Or anything that links them together?
We never knew the reason
the reason, why these characters are attracted to each other.
And just like with Innocent, everybody started imitate Poool without a second thought.
You can say that, it's hard to write a complex romance.
I agree.
But there is a difference between a well-developed romance and forced love interest.
Look for an example: here is The Yellowist: The Opposites Part 2.
In this video, Julia and Julian are ship each other.
But this is a different type of ship than the one seen with Poool and Bloo.
We have at least ONE explanation
why they love their partner.
And this is a key:
for a simple video, what's not meant to be serious
you still need to show emotions to express your character's love
especially if this video has a much deeper tone.
Thus even the creators can make a misstep every now and then.
But, hey! This is why we have comments, didn't we?
Well, technically yes.
But nobody criticizes, or at least adds a helpful, non-violent insight.
Nobody say that:
This is a vital part, because balanced feedback is the key to improve ourselves.
However, the comment section in these videos is only concerned about the animation quality.
I know how hard is to bring up the negativity of a video
especially if you otherwise really like it.
But this is the only way to improve our media.
So, overall: What should we do?
I believe we need two big changes in the future.
First, we need a new channel, where we share the videos of talented, but not that famous creators.
„Why? Is that really necessary?" – asks some of you.
Yes, definitely for many reasons.
Show the newcomers that they're not only a particle in the sand.
If they see their work respected, they will enjoy it, and create much more videos.
Then they'll carry on the tradition of inspiring others
and the cycle will never end.
This idea also helps widen your horizon, by introducing new faces
and because this channel should have some criteria, it won't drag down the quality, but instead
they'll find new favorites!
Doing so can also help motivate the veteran animators
who need to stay relevant against the newcomer pioneers by continuously improving their quality.
My second suggestion is for the audience:
They should stand out for themselves, and write some important notes, or reviews.
As I said earlier
gentle criticism can help a lot.
Currently, everyone talks only about the animation.
So, the creators think that this is the only thing THAT matters.
But animation is quite hard and time consuming, not to mention it's much harder to impress the public.
And this can lead to creative burnout.
For example: Bloo is cancelled his Rose project, because he lost his motivation.
I won't judge anybody
but in my opinion, the video wasn't appreciated enough.
He worked a lot on the script, the MUSIC was just amazing, the dialogues were well written, and et cetera.
But everybody talked about the smooth animation
like there is nothing else.
So, I think that Bloo is forced to work on the animation to impress his audience
and this is the root of all the problems.
I mean, I'm not a naive
not everyone is interested writing reviews or suggestive comments.
But, if at least after this video
20-30 person will be active
it's enough for a start
it can provide a much mature support for animator
so they can make much better content in the future.
And I think, this is what a fan wants:
bigger, better videos in a long run.
If the animator react to your suggestions, or he/she accept it
then you'll make you feel proactive and helpful
and this is a great feeling!
So, this is what I not just think, but feel about this topic.
And what do you think about this subject?
Feel free write a long comment if you want.
Or you want to say this out, but not in public?
Just let me know – I'll pin my Steam profile, you can add me friend, and then we can discuss it.
. I hope after this video, there will be big changes
because this is my favorite community
and I know we are that strong enough to change.
Szabolcs out!
Hatchimals Colleggtibles Surprise Egg 4 Pack Opening Limited Edition Found- Izzy Report - Duration: 14:21.
Hi everyone, welcome to the Izzy Report.
Today I am doing hatchimals colleggtibles and there
is a lot to collect.
And they are the baby Egg Ones!
It's season one.
Let's get Started!
"Welcome to the Izzy Report!"
I have to use this.
Now I have to RIP IT!!
MOM: Do You Want me to do it?
Izzy: I can do it!
Izzy: See told you!
And I'm really excited to do this
Somehow these were suppose to be coming
on a different day but they came today
I wonder whats in here.
This is how it looks on the front and this is the back.
I'm going to just put this magazine over here. Okay!
Ahh, put that down there and that under there.
So I'm going to get out the Egg Ones.
Can you get them they are pretty tight?
So my mom is going
open them cuz it'll very tight.
This is from the desert
and it's also a bear and it's common.
What do with these put in your hand?
Mom: Yeah.
Mom: {Laughs} I don't know I've never done it before.
Mom: I think you squeeze it a little bit.
Izabel: {Squeezes and then Laughs}
.. can you do it?
This is our first time doing these, so we dont even know.
MOM: You should be able to put them in your hand.
.. lets make sure they can see my hand.
MOM: Laughing
MOM: Oh squeeze it like an egg.
IZZY: Oh so you just break it?
Mom: Like a baby, Chick would break it.
Izzy: I told her they all have silver wings
then we got a little baby.
It's from Lilac Lake and its a Common.
So I'm going to open all of these eggs.
AHHH {Giggling}
I still can't open it.
MOM: Use your muscles!
Izzy: I think my mom has to open these eggs.
I can't really open them.
MOM: Just squeeze the top.
Izzy: AWWW, We got this...
Its from Lilac Lake and its a common.
AWE, it looks cute!
You can even keep the Eggs if you want.
I am.
This baby, oh.. there he is.
This is how cute he looks.
So this is a little bear and its from the Garden and its common.
Awe, its so cute!
I want my mommy to feel it.
See how the other ones don't look like this.
FEEL IT. It's so soft!
MOM: It is, that's so neat!
So this is from Cloud Cove and its a Limited Edition.
So this is it for the first pack. Now
let's go on the next pack.
So they all have different ones they all
just have different animal because um
Daddy didn't want to get all of the same animals.
So he just got
me different, um, the different types.
Uhh, how did we open this?
First, let me get...
MOM: Here just let me pop them out.
IZZY: It even comes with a little baby.
So this one's a Green Bear.
So this guy is from the garden and he's common.
So this one's yellow
ohh, it looks cute, this is so cute.
And its a little Zebra
funny-looking hair. So this one from the
Savanna and its a common.
This one is the green egg. Let me crack it open.
This one is so cute!!
It looks so pretty too.
Awwwe, ohhhhh... It's a little squirrel.
So this Squirrel is from the forest and he's a common.
And here's the red egg. Let me punch.. the top open.
This one is the little Piggy!!!
I was really hoping for the little piggy.
I have two piggies!!! One in that box!
I have twinsies!
See theres one little one.
And another one in this box.
This one is.. awwe, its tail is so soft.
So this is a farm piggy.
So this one is from the farm and its a common. And its a little Piggy.
And here is the purple Egg.
MOM: That's fine you want it to crack, right?
A Little Hedgehog!!!
Mom: Oh, my gosh thats so cute!
So the Hedgehog is from the Meadow and he's a rare.
And now lets go onto the next pack.
Time to open bag number three!
So here's the little piggy and he's from the farm.
So the pig is from the farm. I
already know it because I have another
one like this.
Lets open the blue one.
So we have two blue ones, one purple and one green.
So I'm going to open the blue first.
I got another, I got two soft ones now!
And I think this one is a little horse.
Yes, it is a little horse, awe!
If I can get him out!
You might like this one mom!
I'm hiding it from my mom
she might love this one.
I told you I wanted to hide it from you! MOM: AWWE!
So and now I have a little horse!
So this is a horse and it's from
cloud cove and its a limited edition.
Lets open the next blue egg.
OHHH, I'm going to hide this one you might like this one very much.
My mom is going to close her eyes
she might like this one very much.
Almost there!
Done Mommy!
MOMMY: AWWE, its a hippopotamus!
So this is a hippopotamus.
This little hippo is from the River and this is a common.
Now lets open the purple heart egg.
I wonder who I get.
I'm really hoping for a little giraffe.
If there is a giraffe.
Is there mommy?
MOMMY: hmm.........
Please tell me....*excited noise*
Close your eyes, close your eyes mommy. This one is going to be so cute!
MOMMY: My eyes are closed!
IZZY: You mean your eyes are open?
MOMMY: AWWE!!! It's a little whale!
Izzy: So this one is a little whale.
So this cute little whale is from Lilac Lake
and its rare.
Now, let open the green egg!
I wonder who I get!
I'm really hoping for the giraffe.
If there is one.
MOMMY: There is....
There is a giraffe.
AWWE! I really want the giraffe!
But I didn't get the giraffe though!
I think we got another Zebra.
Looks like I got another one.
{excited squeaky girl noises}
So this is from the giggle grove and its a zebra and its a common.
Lets go onto the next pack!
Now, lets open the fourth pack!
There sure is alot of egg pealing.
First I thought I couldn't open it but now I know.
So this little Kitty is from the meadow
and its a common. So this little kitty is from the
meadow and it Common.
I'm going to do the yellow egg and it matches this.
So let me tell you a little trick
So squeeze at the top but not the bottom.
MOMMY: Oh, so I'm suppose to look away there?
IZZY: Yeah, because you
might die because this one is really cute.
IZZY: This one is so adorable.
That's how it looks
So thats how it looks when its in the egg.
IZZY: Open your eyes!! MOMMY: AWWWE!
MOMMY: Is that a little elephant? IZZY: Yeah!
So this is a little Elephant
So Cute!
So this little elephant is from the Savanna
and its a common.
Now, I'm opening the
white egg my first white egg.
So remember squeeze at the top
and not the bottom.
This one light!
You might love this one
Close it, Close your eyes!
MOMMY: I can't close my eyes if I'm breaking open the other eggs!
I'll just look down!
IZZY: I'm about to scream!
I'm about to scream in a minute mommy.
It's so cute!
MOMMY: Is that a little bear?
IZZY: No, its a little birdie! AWWEE!
So this little bird is from Polar Paradise and it is a Rare.
Now, I'm opening my red egg.
And don't forget you squeeze at the top
I think this one's is a horse!
I think its a horse
AWWEE!! I have one this is the third... this is the second horse I have.
MOMMY: But it's different right?
IZZY: Yeah.
So this one is from the farm and its common.
And its a little horse!
Now let me go on my next yellow egg.
And it matches just like this one.
Let me open and don't forget
squeeze at the top not the bottom.
I might scream!
I might scream!
I might scream!
And here I go screaming again.
*muffled scream*
MOMMY: You Dropped it!
Mommy: It's a little Lion!
So this is a lion from the Savanah and its a rare.
May 1st the BIG HUGE EGG Shipments are coming.
Yep, May 1st.
These are all the ones I got. And they are all freaking adorable!
So I like the Zebra to label the most and that one's cute
and that ones very cute!
And this is so cute!
My mom likes all of these!
I'll see you next time! BYE
Brandon Jonak & Pep.B - Where Do I Go (feat. Ezra James) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:43.
I used to walk these roads with you, can't remember the last time I went without you.
Where do I go, where do I do.
How will I know, how will I know.
I used to walk these roads with you, can't remember the last time I went without you.
Chorus: Where do I go?
Where do I go from here.
Where do I go?
Where do I go from here.
I used to walk these roads with you, can't remember the last time I went without you.
Where do I go, where do I do.
How will I know, how will I know.
I used to walk these roads with you, can't remember the last time I went without you.
Chorus: Where do I go?
Where do I go from here.
Where do I go?
Where do I go from here.
Tamil Girls be Like ....(With English Subtitles) - Duration: 3:38.
Two minutes please wait
I am ready
Please wait two minutes
I am ready
Maa where is my towel
Where is my black leggings?
Where is my red salwar?
Maa...where is my towel??
Did you just like Shweta's photo?
What is going on between you two?
What is this?
Father .... where is mother?
Karti....this is not working out.
Let's be friends?
I swear I didn't study anything
I am definitely going to fail.
I didn't touch that chapter, I skipped it completely.
I saw Shyam by Satyam cinema's.
He was on his brand new red Pulsar bike.
He was so freaking hot
He has a girlfriend?
Who is that chick???
Who the hell is that chick????
I don't want her name.
Just tell me her colleague
MOP or Stella?
Why does she look like this model??`
I don't stand a chance.
She is not all that great actually.
My darling
Please recharge my phone.
I will by you dairy milk silk.
Don't talk to me
Don't irritate me.
You first say you're sorry
It is your fault.
Drop me this one time please.
I swear there is nothing going on between us.
We are just friends.
Maa I just booked my cab
I am on my way.
Bro...where are you?
Maa I am coming.
Don't sent Appa.
Bro where are you (desperate cry).
Maa I don't have battery on my phone.
Please stop calling.
Bro I am waiting for you.
Woman I am coming.
*Deals with autodriver*
Bro, settle for 40 bucks please
Maaa, don't torture me !
Don't you dare talk about my friend.
Sheetal is my best friend.
Yes...sometimes...she is.....
I am starving.
I won't / can't eat Biriyani.
I am on a diet.
Alright....I will take one spoon.
Don't make my eyebrow to thin please.
Please cut two millimeters.
I don't apply anything on my face.
This dress is from America.
This nail polish is manufactured in Jamaica.
Shipped to Brazil.
And I purchased it in New Zealand.
That bag is from Bangkok
My type of a guy?
Other girls will want tall and fair.
But my guy should buy me Biriyani once a week.
Chicken Biriyani from Anjappar.
Hi everyone!
Today I will be telling you guys about how I got into BTS
I know I made a video like this before...
But I wanted to combine this video with my experience in the BTS fan meeting in Jakarta
that I went to in 2015!
So... let's start!
It all began in 2013
I used to always check this channel called Loen
Now known as 1theK
I used to always just check the channel and click on the videos that seemed interesting to me
And then one day
exactly on the 6th of May, 2013
I saw a video called BTS (bangtan sonyeondan) debut trailer
I don't know, maybe the name BTS struck me or the thumbnail was very interesting to me,
I clicked it and then I watched it
and then, I was instantly attracted because wow, it was all rap
because during that time, I was liking B.A.P
I was also liking EXO and every...body... else
But yes, I was into B.A.P and B.A.P had a lot of rap
But this, trailer
everything was rap!
So I was so intrigued?
On June 6, 2013,
The teaser of their No More Dream music video came out
I clicked it, and I watched it
and, well, um
I remember watching it on my phone
To be honest, my first thoughts were
wowww, the names
because like, in that teaser
they showed each member with their names, like their stage names
I mean when the name Jungkook came out, I was like okay Jungkook is like a Korean name, it's normal
and V was also okay
because, you know Infinite has L
Vixx has N
V was normal to me
But, um, when the name J-Hope came out
and Rap Monster I was like what, what, what kind of group is this
when their music video came out, I didn't watch it
because maybe during that day I didn't check Loen's channel?
I also didn't check BigHit's channel because I didn't know BTS was from BigHit
One day, my sister was watching a rerun of Music Bank on KBS
And then, she was like, CHA
my nickname is Cha Cha (lmao)
CHA, this is the group, that people said had a really hard dance move
and where like a person would always lift up his shirt
and fans would always go crazy if they don't post a selca
on twitter
I sat on the couch with her and I saw the performance
It was, of course, it was BTS
They were performing No More Dream
and because this was a rerun of Music Bank, they also had like the english lyrics on it
and then so, I watched it
I remember paying a lot of attention to the lyrics and the beat
Power Money Sex | Great Fragrances For Take Charge Men - Duration: 12:43.
Do you smell like a boss, if not these fragrances will do the trick.
Bond No. 9 Signature
Jo Malone Dark Amber Ginger Lily
Jo Malone Velvet Rose & Oud
Parfums de Marly Herod
Creed Royal Oud
Bond No. 9 Riverside Dr. to order OFFICE20 for 20%off
Parfums de Marly Habdan
Creed Aventus
Personal Power Mix Bond No. 9 New York Oud & Molecule 01
Herod, New York Oud, Signature all contain Iso-E (Molecule 01)
I am going critical... - Duration: 9:23.
The Splatoon GMOD and SFM animations are dying.
How can we stop this? What should we do?
Well, I have some answers…
Hello everybody!
Today, I'm going to talk about something quite important for me:
Splatoon, its Garry's Mod and Source FIlmmaker animations
and their audience.
But you may asking:
„Oh, why don't you open your eyes? There are clearly no problems at all!".
Well, in order to see my point of view, let's go through the history of this „genre", shall we?
It all began during the summer of 2015.
Splatoon was riding the hype train. People were excited about it.
And all the sudden, crossovers between Team Fortress 2 and Splatoon characters started to appear.
. Later, Splatoon Garry's Mod videos became so popular
they no longer needed to hide behind Team Fortress 2
and it draw in lots of viewers.
However, these videos where kind of easy to make
and Splatoon's universe is much deeper than that.
So, obviously, as time went on, the only question was:
When will someone take Splatoon Garry's Mod videos to the next level?
The answer arrived in 2016. February 14th.
When Poool – an early pioneer of this genre – uploaded the original Octoling: Innocent Part One.
And that was a turning point in every aspect!
Not because the animation was great.
But also because the setting was unique back then, the characters wasn't their own parodies
they were like real people.
The dialogues were smart too.
So, overall I think that after this came out the community finally stepped over their past, and started making these kinds of videos.
But some of you may say:
„Hey, this is not good! Everybody started copying the original Octoling: Innocent!"
Yeah, some people did that, but if you are clever, you can use this trilogy as your inspiration, and still create your own stuff.
If everything went the intended way now we would have had like 10-12 stories based on Splatoon
that was on the same level as Octoling: Innocent, with some mind-blowing plot-twists!
But, this never happened…
When did all this go downhill?
Pointing on culprit is easy, but explaining the reason is hard.
Octopus Hangout Part Two was the video that started the detorientation.
„Why?" – you may ask.
"You love Poool, so why are you blaming him?"
Yes, I like Poool
but that doesn't mean that I have to close my eyes, and sheepishly consume everything he produces!
So, it's like a generic video – but there is a twist!
Did you see that?
„Yeah, it's a… OMG! POOOLXBLOO!
#Ilovethiscouple #WhatHappenedToOrangee
So, yeah: why do you dislike this scene?"
Let me tell you:
It came from nowhere, and the story lacked proper explanation, why they should love each other!
„But, hey! Poool and Bloo were best friends! They agree with this!"
some of you may oppose.
Yes, I give you that.
What I don't understand is why Poool and Bloo INKLING characters are a great couple?
What kind of topic they have in common?
Do they have the same hobby they do together in their free time?
Or anything that links them together?
We never knew the reason
the reason, why these characters are attracted to each other.
And just like with Innocent, everybody started imitate Poool without a second thought.
You can say that, it's hard to write a complex romance.
I agree.
But there is a difference between a well-developed romance and forced love interest.
Look for an example: here is The Yellowist: The Opposites Part 2.
In this video, Julia and Julian are ship each other.
But this is a different type of ship than the one seen with Poool and Bloo.
We have at least ONE explanation
why they love their partner.
And this is a key:
for a simple video, what's not meant to be serious
you still need to show emotions to express your character's love
especially if this video has a much deeper tone.
Thus even the creators can make a misstep every now and then.
But, hey! This is why we have comments, didn't we?
Well, technically yes.
But nobody criticizes, or at least adds a helpful, non-violent insight.
Nobody say that:
This is a vital part, because balanced feedback is the key to improve ourselves.
However, the comment section in these videos is only concerned about the animation quality.
I know how hard is to bring up the negativity of a video
especially if you otherwise really like it.
But this is the only way to improve our media.
So, overall: What should we do?
I believe we need two big changes in the future.
First, we need a new channel, where we share the videos of talented, but not that famous creators.
„Why? Is that really necessary?" – asks some of you.
Yes, definitely for many reasons.
Show the newcomers that they're not only a particle in the sand.
If they see their work respected, they will enjoy it, and create much more videos.
Then they'll carry on the tradition of inspiring others
and the cycle will never end.
This idea also helps widen your horizon, by introducing new faces
and because this channel should have some criteria, it won't drag down the quality, but instead
they'll find new favorites!
Doing so can also help motivate the veteran animators
who need to stay relevant against the newcomer pioneers by continuously improving their quality.
My second suggestion is for the audience:
They should stand out for themselves, and write some important notes, or reviews.
As I said earlier
gentle criticism can help a lot.
Currently, everyone talks only about the animation.
So, the creators think that this is the only thing THAT matters.
But animation is quite hard and time consuming, not to mention it's much harder to impress the public.
And this can lead to creative burnout.
For example: Bloo is cancelled his Rose project, because he lost his motivation.
I won't judge anybody
but in my opinion, the video wasn't appreciated enough.
He worked a lot on the script, the MUSIC was just amazing, the dialogues were well written, and et cetera.
But everybody talked about the smooth animation
like there is nothing else.
So, I think that Bloo is forced to work on the animation to impress his audience
and this is the root of all the problems.
I mean, I'm not a naive
not everyone is interested writing reviews or suggestive comments.
But, if at least after this video
20-30 person will be active
it's enough for a start
it can provide a much mature support for animator
so they can make much better content in the future.
And I think, this is what a fan wants:
bigger, better videos in a long run.
If the animator react to your suggestions, or he/she accept it
then you'll make you feel proactive and helpful
and this is a great feeling!
So, this is what I not just think, but feel about this topic.
And what do you think about this subject?
Feel free write a long comment if you want.
Or you want to say this out, but not in public?
Just let me know – I'll pin my Steam profile, you can add me friend, and then we can discuss it.
. I hope after this video, there will be big changes
because this is my favorite community
and I know we are that strong enough to change.
Szabolcs out!
Volvo V50 1.8 125pk Edition I ECC/LMV/Dakrailing/Trekhaak - Duration: 0:56.
BMW X5 4.8I High Executive M-Pakket,Leder,Panoramadak,Head-up - Duration: 1:01.
Hyundai ix20 1.4i i-Catcher *RIJKLAARPRIJS!* - Duration: 0:54.
Opel Corsa 1.2I-16V ONYX - Duration: 0:44.
Opel Corsa !!weinig KM !! 1.2i-16V Sport Cool - Duration: 1:03.
i phone 4 cambio de tapa trasera - Duration: 1:10.
Hyundai Matrix 1.6i Style *AIRCO/LMV* *RIJKLAAR PRIJS* - Duration: 0:56.
How to Negotiate Ukulele Prices for Your Program! - Duration: 5:42.
In this video I'm going to talk about how to negotiate getting ukuleles for your program.
So the disclaimer here is that I did have twenty-five hundred dollars to work with,
but I also wanted to get twenty four ukuleles out of it, replacement strings, and clip-on
tuners for my students.
So I had to jumble all of that (and consider taxes) in my order.
So what I did was that I communicated with the supply staff at our school because they're
in charge of managing all of the orders and I told them, like, why this is so important
for the program, why this is so important for the kids.
I also told the kids, and I don't recommend to everyone, but I told my kids, like, "hey,
I'm going to be putting in this order and your principal and vice principal have to
approve it, so let them know you're so excited to play the ukuleles!"
So, of course, the principal and vice principal told me, "Did you tell the kids you're buying
"Did you tell them to tell me?"
And I was like, "Yes, I did!"
So I added a little bit of cute pressure, because it's one thing for me to ask for something,
but when the kids are active in their education asking for something, it's totally different,
So what I is I went to a local music shop, woo!
I went to a local music shop and I asked to speak with the owner.
Once I was face to face with they owner, I introduced myself, I let them know I was a
music teacher, and I let them know how many students I had because I wanted her to know
what my buying power was.
I had an army of four hundred kids who could potentially become new customers.
I also let her know that my budget was -actually, my real budget was three thousand, but I didn't
tell her.
I told her my budget was twenty-five hundred because I wanted to stay under.
I knew that if I made a request that was under budget, it would more be more likely approved.
It would be more how do you say that?
Well, anyway, it had a higher likelihood of getting approved.
So I wanted to stay under budget.
I told her what I wanted, what I needed and, very important, I told her that I was going
to shop around at different music stores, so that added a little bit more pressure,
Like, "oh, I could lose this client if someone else does negotiate with her."
So I looked around the store, I played with the ukuleles that she had.
She didn't have any like Kalas, or, what are the other brands?
I like Oshcar Schmidt. Os-car Schmidt!
um, I like I do like the Elvis ukuleles as well
and the Kaka ukuleles
but, she didn't have those.
We're in Okinawa, Japan
so, I do have to be reasonable
with, like, the selection that I have
available to me
So! Um,
these are the ukuleles
she had in her store. She had
the dark wood color
and the light wood
I got both of them.
I thought it would be cute to mix it up.
But they all have a similar design here
on the soundhole
They're all under the same brand
and they're all concert and tenor sized.
I think that if you have a smaller budget,
but you still want that many ukuleles,
um, going to a soprano size, you can definitely get that.
So, I ended up getting those 24 ukuleles,
10 packets of replacement strings,
5 clip-on tuners
for $2,500
and, um, the price marked on the box is $214
so, if you do the math, there is NO WAY
that I would have been able to, like,
get all those ukuleles
had I paid the retail price.
So, the tuners that I ended up getting
are the Cherub tuners
they had a price of $30-something on the store
but when I went on Amazon, they were only $9
I did do a review on this tuner if you want to see it.
In a nutshell,
if the string is flat
the screen turns orange
if it's sharp
Monster Burger Challenge in Germany! - Duration: 8:11.
Hi everyone! Today I'm in Bremerhaven, Germany, which is in the northwest of Germany near Bremen.
I'm going to eat a 3kg burger at the restaurant XXL Essen & Trinken.
I have 2 hours to finish this burger, and if I win I get a free meal and €100 cash.
My friend Randy beat this challenge just before my attempt as the first person in 30 minutes!
So let's go!
3, 2, 1, go!
Monsta X - Beautiful Album Unboxing // ft. Monbebe Tag // Yumii - Duration: 10:24.
It came with 14, but half of them are not shown here (put up half of them on my wall)
if you want to see the other half, check out my room tour video :) on my channel!
BRAWLHALLA FOR PS4 IS HAPPENING! Sign up for beta + Q & A - Duration: 5:16.
That was part of the official Brawlhalla trailer for the PS4 Closed Beta and part of the playstation
Gameplay Trailer for Brawlhalla.
It's finally happening Brawlers.
Brawlhalla is finally going to be officially released for everyone on the PS4, they're
saying it will be out this summer so there's not a solid date but it's probably going
to happen this time.
I say this time because, If you've played Brawlhalla early last year in 2016 and payed
attention, they did estimate it to release summer of last year and found out that they
couldn't do it.
But this time, they've already showed off a working version of brawlhalla on PS4 earlier
this year, so it looks like it will happen this summer.
And if you can't wait that long then make sure you sign up for the closed beta.
The official playstation twitter tweeted out that the closed beta for brawlhalla is kicking
off soon.
Again I will have the link in my description.
The link leads to an article saying Brawlhalla Out This Summer, Sign Up for the Closed Beta.
On the first paragraph, it has a link that says Sign up and reserve your spot in the
closed beta which is starting soon.
So make sure you sign up as soon as possible because it sounds like it will be a limited
number of people that can join.
And Brawlhalla tweeted that they plan to start the beta in may which is very soon.
Now let's answer some popular questions that I see a lot.
Will Brawlhalla be crossplay between ps4 and steam?
Possibly, they say that they had to delay the release from last summer because they
didn't know making crossplay work would be so hard, thats why they had to delay it all
the way up til now, because they really wanted to make sure crossplay works so that ps4 players
can play with pc players.
But as you see in this tweet, they said, "We'd love crossplay but there's challenges.
We'll have more info during the beta".
So it looks like they're trying to make it work and are using the closed beta to test
it out.
Hopefully it will happen because I would love to have more people to play against instead
of having two different playerbase for brawlhalla.
Can you share the progress between your steam account and your ps4 account?
Unfortunately, you can't that, they will be seperate but if you want to permanantly
use ps4 then you can transfer your account to ps4 once, all your progress and purchases
will move over.
. Here is someone from the community answering this question on the first bullet point and
Tyveris, the co-founder of Blue Mammoth Games which created Brawlhalla, backing him up on
that answer.
Will it be on Xbox?
They said that it's hard enough to get their game to ps4 already so they can't just get
it on xbox just because they want to.
Although they are not ruling it out, they want to get the ps4 out before anything.
They haven't said anything about trying to get it on any other platforms like the xbox
or Nintendo switch but I think they would love to since they pretty much designed the
game so that it works for any kind of controllers.
Unfortunately I can't find any post of them saying these things but I remember hearing
it on the dev stream and there's a lot of those to look through so you're just gonna
have to trust me on this one.
Will this game be pay to win, it's f2p so it's gotta be pay to win right?
Nope, they clearly stated on their website @ that it will never be pay
to win.
They will keep all microtransactions purely cosmetic.
After playing this game for over a year, I can back this up.
I didn't spend any money on this game for the first 300 hours and I still got top 50
in the world at that point.
There's also no grinding for good weapons or legends either.
Levels just gives you colors and gold that you can spend on any legend and colors, no
level lock except for white and black color which again is just for cosmetics.
I personally will not be getting it on the ps4 just because I don't have a ps4 and don't
plan on getting a ps4 but I am still excited because it being released on ps4 means that
Brawlhalla will grow and have bigger tournament prize pools and my guides will be more relevant.
Speaking of which, I've made a playlist for newer players to this game since there will
probably be a huge amount of new players during the ps4 release just like how the playbase
increased from hundreds to thousands of concurrent players on it's pc open beta release.
There's videos on tips and tricks, movement, priority, improving, new player weapons, keyboard
settings and basic combos.
Keep in mind that this game makes a lot of balance changes so not everything I say will
be accurate in all my guides anymore.
But as of right now, the guides I currently have in this playlist are all at least 80%
Most of the combos I show are true, if not are at least strings which means enemies can
dodge them.
I hope you find this video useful, please leave a like and subscribe.
Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time.
How to use Cute Cut Pro | Tech videos | Kayla's World - Duration: 11:22.
Hey guys what is up it'sKayla so in
today's video I'm going to be showing
guys how to use Cute Cut Pro to edit your
videos on your phone and this is a video
editor and it's very very helpful
so the full version is called Cute Cut Pro
and that's about six dollars on the App
Store and you get a free version called
Cute Cut but it has a watermark so if that
doesn't bother you you can just use the
free version but I don't like having
watermarks on my videos so I decided to
go with the full version so I'm going to
go in depth and show you guys everything
this app can do and this very handy
since it's a good editor they give you
on your iPhone if you didn't have a Mac with
like iMovie on the laptop and you do get
a movie on your phone obviously but this
just has a few more features that iMovie
doesn't and I think very helpful I've
use this for a couple of weeks now and I
really really like it and I'm excited to
share it how it works and I know this
can help you guys and again if you don't
care for the watermark go ahead for the
free version it still has awesome things
you can do with it so without further
adieu let's get into the video so here
you see my home screen and I'm going to
go into this folder called YouTube which
has all my editing and things like that
I'm going to go into the app and here
you see this blank page and this is
where all your projects will be stored
that you have edited so just click on
that plus on in the corner and that will
create a new project so you can just
name that whatever you feel like what
kind of video you are making I'm just
going to name this as cCute Cut Pro since
this video is about how it works and
things like that click create and then
you have settings think you can just
like a definition if it should remains
great or portrait the background colour
and I like to make that white I don't
know it's just a personal preference but
you can add the frame rate or the fixed
cover image but after you've done that
you will have this blank canvas and just
click on the plus button to add a video
or photo whichever you'd like I'm just
going to add this the bank video that I
created on iMovie and it's going to
process and then it's going to import
into your project as you can see here so
this is what the editing screen looks
like you can double tap to edit that and
that's like moving it around
which every place you want it to be as
you can see you can enlarge the video or
just make it smaller whichever you feel
like doing but I liked it the way it was
originally and then we can do a bunch of
things as you can see with all these
tools here at the bottom so you can cut
it you can delete some files you can add
transitions and if you want to know what
that it's basically like how your video
is going to come into the screen and you
can just click on that plus sign over
there and just you can add a bunch of
transitions or you can make a custom
transition by just choose this one and
this is what it looks like when it comes
in see it's just slides across the
screen like that but that's all for
transition now next up you can adjust
the volume of your videos a video is too
loud or to soft you can adjust the
volume you can adjust the transparency
of the video so you don't want it to
make that harsh color you can just like
make it transparent a bit you can adjust
the speed of your video and that's like
making a video in slow motion or
speeding up a video if you really need
to do that you can also crop your video
if that's something you'd like to do it
gives that option next thing you can do
is adjust like the colors like color
corrects the video which i think is also
pretty cool like saturation brightness
all that things can add a border and you
can adjust the size of the border that's
what my video has they're the wide
corners over there you can also like
round the edges of the video since you
now it looks a little more like a circle
and and you can also add a shadow and that's for
like overlay if you want to pop out a
little more and look a little 3d you can
also rotate or flip your videos which i
think is also a very helpful feature
that everyone always needs you can also
like take a screenshot almost of your
screen which is again very helpful the
next thing we're going to do is add in
overlay and you can just click that on
the plus sign and add a video or a photo
overlay whichever you'd like so I
decided to go with this iPhone overlay
since I always wondered how people edit
their what's on my iPhone videos with
that phone as it over this screen and
this is basically how you do you just
add an overlay of iPhone PNG that I got
from the internet okay so as you can see
you can rotate this around you can move
it around however you'd like you can
make it bigger or smaller
or you can really edit this however
you'd like so that it is to your liking
you have all those tools available to
you that you had about that first video
that we import it into our project and
as you can see here at the bottom you have all
those tools which you can use to edit
this and make it to your liking now I'm
going to add another video which is the
screen recording that I took and I did a
whole video on how to record your iPhone
screen a few days ago if you want to go
check that out I will have that link in
the description box below as well so as
you can see here I'm just editing it to
my liking so it looks like it's actually
screen inside an iPhone and you can make
this however you like bigger or smaller
just make sure it doesn't have any weird
black lines around the corners or
shadows so it looks a little realistic
and it just feel like when you put it in
an iPhone PNG it just looks a little
more professional but that's just my
preference now I'm going to add text and
you can do that by clicking the plus on
again and you can tipe whatever you like
obviously so I'm just going to type in
iPhone cuz it's a PNG of an iPhone as
you can see and it does look a little
stylish think that's the last style I
use on text from my previous projects
that I made so you can also edit this
however you'd like you can adjust like
the transitions again custom transitions
or the transitions they give you so here
I just made a simple one which goes from
up to down as you can see here and you
can obviously again make your own custom
transitions if you'd like you can adjust
the size and the color of it takes
however you'd like it to be as you can
see here with that a and you see me
adjust the size of the font and things
like that and then I just changed the
color to something a little more neutral
on that pink background so I'll just
make it a black and it's pretty simple
to do nothing too hard to understand
there then you can do a lot of things
like adjust the font I'm going to show
you guys how to import a different fonts
and they give a bunch of uploaded fonts
already but it's always nice to have the
fonts that you like on your phone so
I'm going to show you that in a while
you can also adjust like the outline of
the text like if you want that white
background that I have
they're on the text or you can have none
whichever you like again also at that
shadow that I said previously but it
does stand out a little more on
different colors of overlays like the
black doesn't make the shadow stand out
too much and you have all these tools
given to you that you can use to edit
the text to your liking as you can see
this is what the project looks like so
far nothing too special about it but this
is just the basics so you can also add
music and they do upload a bunch of
sound effects onto the app itself which
is always helpful to have like applause
or swoosh or whatever you like using you
can use that or you can use the songs
that you already have on your phone
that's always very helpful if you want
your songs they also upload a bunch of
music already but I prefer IMovies
music that already upload as background
music next thing he can do is add a
voiceover and then video itself goes a
little slow so you get time to talk and
say whatever you want to say and I think
that is pretty helpful if you don't want
to be mumbling if the video is too fast
you can also add a self draw and that's
where you draw over your video I guess I
could say and you can just like the
brush size or if you just want to make a
certain shape you can do that and can
adjust the color I'm just going to make
go with a plain white and then I'm just
going to make a random drawing over it
you can see here I over lined the iPhone
I wouldn't say I'm going to use this a
lot since I don't like drawing over my
projects but it's there if the
opportunity arises that I really want to
use that so it's good that it's there I
guess at the top right corner you will
see all these things like export you can
export to different things you can
adjust the settings again like change
the background color or whatever you'd
like to do you can undo something if you
accidentally did something wrong and
when you export you can export to your album,
Email, YouTube, FaceBook, all those things
and you can adjust the quality of the
exportation I would recommend 1080p
since that is the highest resolution now I'm
going to show you how to upload a font
onto Cute Cut Pro so just search the font
what you want I'm just going to say
ButterCup and behind that I'm going to
say dafont and that is a website that
you get a bunch of fonts that you can
download and not all fonts are like full
but it's very helpful if you want like a
specific font just click on the first
search result that you get on there and
just click on the download button as you
can see right there you just click on
that and it will start downloading onto
your device and then you will get this
pop-up and then just click on open in
and more and then you go into documents
and that's the app that you get on the
App Store if you want to go download
that this is what it looks like and this
is where you can download a bunch of
music or things like that onto your
device this is a bunch of the other
downloads that I have made on my phone the
font will be in a yellow zip file to just
click on that then a blue folder will
pop out that says Buttercup just click
on that and then you just click on edit
and click on the TTF then just click on
more and then open in and then last step
is import into Cute Cut Pro and that's
easier if the font is installed onto Cute
Cut Pro I'm just going to show you here
when I add a text I'm just going to say
normal hi I guess it's just the easy
thing to say then just go to the F that
stands for font if you'd like and then
click on the font that you just install
and that is Buttercup that I just
installed but whichever one you'd like
and this is what it looks like that's
what the font looks like if you were
wondering and it's very easy to import a
font into Cute Cut Pro I really thought
would be more difficult but super easy
so I went to the liberty to install Cute
Cut which is the free version of Cute Cut
Pro and it gives you a bunch of sample
projects and then you can just name it
whatever you want all those settings
that we went through previously and then
you can see when I import a video any
video that you'd like again I'm just
going to use this one that I use in the
previous project and it gives you an
attention thing then you can see there
is a watermark that says Made With Cute
Cut by iPhone so it's just a watermark
sometimes it gets annoying so I don't
like it but if it really doesn't bother
you go ahead and use this one it has all
those tools that you can use from Cute Cut
Pro but just the watermark
so hope you guys enjoy that video and I
hope you found it very helpful if it was
please give this video a big thumbs up
definitely comment down below if you
have this app and what do you think of
it I really want to hear you guys
feedback and again if it was helpful
I really hope I can help you guys and
then I subscribe I would really really
appreciate that so I will see you guys
in my next video be weird and be proud
of it
love you guys so much bye
Student Portraits: Rebeccah Bekele '17 - Duration: 1:26.
Breaker Edit Ft InfectedCatz - Duration: 0:24.
stop putting on captions and watch my terrible video made by a two year old..
Xenoverse 2 - Requested match: Black Super Saiyan Rosé/Zamasu/Bojack vs Goku/Vegeta/Trunks - Duration: 3:06.
Desbravador Parte 2: Desbloqueando o voo em Legion - Duration: 0:52.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE - Duration: 7:05.
This video is going to be really quick
because today I've come here to talk to you about "motivation"
Yes. Maybe you've seen many motivational videos on the Internet...
but this video is going to be a little different
because today I'm going to be very serious
Yes, you know the funny Rodger...The crazy Rodger...
but today you're going to see the serious Rodger
Yes, it's possible. I'm serious now. Look at my face
Are you looking?
See? I'm not smiling!
Now I am
But I'm not now
Has anybody told you...
Oh, you're not going to learn a different language. It's very difficult.
Oh, you'll just learn English if you live abroad
Oh. You have to go to another country in order to learn a different language
Yes, some people say that to you, right?
Maybe you say that to yourself
Stop it, because it's not true
I know may people who have never left Brazil, but they speak English perfectly
Yes, it's possible, because nothing is impossible. You just have to do it.
You know, it sounds funny and everything
but it's true.
You just have to go and do it, it's very simple.
The secret for success?
It's simple, it's in your hand.
The only thing you have to do is do it!
Yes I'm serious about this, you know.
Is there anything that you have to do it today and the you say: "Oh, I'm gonna do that tomorrow"
I'm so tired today, I'm gonna do that tomorrow
I need to do the dishes but, yeah, I'm gonna do that later.
I have to read this book for college, oh I have time, I'm gonna do that tomorrow.
Yeah, for sure, I'm gonna do that tomorrow.
Oh I'm getting fat, I'm gonna start a diet on Monday.
No, don't leave it to Monday, don't do it tomorrow, do it today! It's simple
Do you wanna be rich and famous?
Do it today!
Okay, you are not gonna get rich and famous today, you are not gonna get thin today.
You are not gonna get fit, but you have to start.
You can't leave it for tomorrow, it's simple.
I'm gonna study English, but I'm gonna do it later for sure.
No, do it now!
Do you have time today?
Get the books, start studying, watch a movie in English.
Watch my videos, all of them, hit the like button, you know.
Leave a nice comment.
Share my channel with your friends.
Just do it, you know.
The guy who created Facebook, do you think he left it for the next day?
No, he did it.
When you have an idea, when you have something that you need to do
just go and do it, it's very simple people.
It's very simple.
It's so simple that...
It's so simple but
I know what happens, you know.
I know what happens.
It happens to me too.
Sometimes we have to do something but we think: "Oh, it's so boring, I'm gonna do this.
But I'll do this later.
You know, I have time, I am young.
No, you are not young.
Think about that.
Yesterday, in the morning I was ten years old, I remember.
I was walking in the park with my friend Ted.
Yes, we were walking and then I started running, then I thought to myself: "I am ten years old, I'm so young.
and I was running
I was running then I started to riding my bike.
I was riding my bike with Ted "I am ten years old.
I'm ten years old.
And then I went to bed
Today, I am 25 years old.
But yesterday I was ten.
It was like this.
And tomorrow, I'll wake up and I will be 65 years old.
If I don't start doing what I wanna do today
it may be too late.
I don't have time.
Life goes by really quickly.
It's not phylosophy, it's true, it's a fact.
Think about that.
Yesterday you were fifteen years old.
Yesterday you were fifteen years old.
How old are you now?
We don't have time.
It's never too late to learn a language.
I had students that started studying English when they were 64, believe me.
I had a student who was 64 yeard old, three years ago.
She's an advanced student.
You just have to do it, don't procrastinate.
Do it today, whatever you have to do.
Do it today.
I have to study for college.
Don't do this tomorrow, do this today.
Life is quick.
I'm sorry that I sounded a little bit aggressive today, or something
But, no, it's just because this matter, this subject is urgent.
You have to do it.
You know, think about this as a war
Life is a war and you are a warrior.
You have to fight, you know. There's no time to rest.
We have to fight to be happy, to achieve our goals.
To conquer territory.
To be rich and famous.
Or just to learn a language.
Learn a language.
Your dreams might be big
Your dreams might not be so big
Some people just dream about having a job
A simple job
But you are not gonna find the job if you don't leave your house.
You gotta go around to look for it.
Of course you can use the Internet.
But you are not gonna find the job if you don't turn the computer on.
to go to the Internet and look for it.
Things don't come to you, you have to go to things.
It's beautiful.
Things don't come to you, you have to go to things.
So my advice for you is, don't wait.
Do it!
Make your dreams come true.
Just do it.
Yesterday you said: "Tomorrow"
just do it.
Make your dreams come true.
DO it!
And the thing is, learning English only depends on you.
You have to do it.
Your best friend is not gonna learn English for you.
You are gonna learn English for yourself.
Just remember, we are warriors.
And we can win this fight!
And we can win this war!
We can do it.
Thank you very much for watching this video.
Subscribe to the channel.
I offer free English course for you on Wednesday,
so every Wednesday come to my channel.
There will be an episode of the English course.
I provide my subscribers with a PDF for the classes.
Check in the description of the video how to get the PDF for the classes.
Just remember, you are a warrior.
If your dream is to learn English don't worry about that
you are not gonna do that by yourself, you are not gonna do that alone.
I'm with you, I'm gonna help you.
I'm gonna help you achieve this dream.
I'm gonna help you make your dream come true.
You can win.
You can win this war.
You just have to do it.
Don't leave it for tomorrow.
This is the message today, thank you very much for watching.
Hit the like button.
Share this video with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and everywhere.
Thank you very much for watching and I'll see you tomorrow.
RASTROS FÓSSEIS nos PIRINEUS - Duration: 1:31.
Cê é burro, cara! Que loucura! 【Legendado】 - Duration: 0:21.
Technical Difficulties! - Duration: 5:55.
Nice Nienke - Duration: 2:35.
One nice day I saw your video and I confess that I was so crazy
About to fall from laughing
And I kept asking myself:
How can you be so funny?
I've never seen so much beauty open on any other face
I've never heard such a beautiful voice
Even though I say the opposite
Beautiful girl, you have the gift!
Charisma and perfect tone.
Something done by the hands of God!
Your smile is a dream!
Your gaze makes me imagine an angel!
Even their shrill cries turn into songs in my ears
Your smile is a dream!
Your gaze makes me imagine an angel!
Even their shrill cries turn into songs in my ears
Who knows, one day I may have the chance to meet you
Maybe one day I have the chance to be able to take a selfie with you
" Who knows, one day I'll pay you a Big Mac "
And we sit around for hours and talk
Who knows, one day of those in which sun fulfills it's role
You agree to meet baby your number 1 fan
My smile will connect my country to yours
And your smile will brighten my day!
Your smile is a dream!
Your gaze makes me imagine an angel!
Even their shrill cries turn into songs in my ears
Your smile is a dream!
Your gaze makes me imagine an angel!
Even their shrill cries turn into songs in my ears!
DFB Pokal Halbfinale 2017 FC Bayern - BVB Dortmund - Letzte Minute - Duration: 4:02.
Ben Carson Is Touring America… And He's Doing What Politicians Don't DARE To Do - Duration: 1:23.
What do American politicians not do?
What is HUD Secretary Ben Carson doing?
Not only is he just listening, he's been going on a tour around America with the sole
objective of listening.
The media probably hasn't told you that.
Newmax reports: Columbus is the fourth stop on Housing and
Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson's national listening tour.
President Donald Trump's housing secretary has been traveling the country gathering input
from agency field staff, local leaders and residents of public housing developments.
His three-day visit to Ohio begins Wednesday.
During the first two days, he'll tour urban housing developments in Columbus.
On Friday, he plans tours of more rural developments in Lancaster and Chillicothe (chihl-ih-KAHTH'-ee).
He also plans to address the Ohio Housing Council on Wednesday and the Starting At Home
conference Thursday.
Carson has previously visited Detroit, Dallas/Fort Worth and Miami as he seeks to hone the priority
list for the federal agency he oversees.
What do You think About this?
Please share this news if you stand with Secretary Ben Carson!
Kevin Gates Sentenced to 30 Months for Gun Charge | JTNEWS - Duration: 2:31.
this door to Tara with JP news will bad
news for Kevin gates fans man I I'm a
Kevin gates fan myself we know that he
served all that time in Florida for
kicking a fan on stage he's I think he
served what six months for that we
thought he was coming home in March
then another warrant popped up from
Illinois okay it was Cook County
Illinois and it was a gun charge and he
opted to get transferred up there and
just face the music he went over there
they gave him 30 months for a gun charge
I don't know what that's gonna actually
actually equal to but this was like a
arrest for originally issued failed to
show up in court back in 2013 for a gun
possession okay so he's going to be
serving 30 months I hopefully can get
that reduced
okay maybe they'll do 12 months and and
then the rest can be done on probation
we don't know yet but he sentenced to 30
months so I don't know how that's going
to work out yet
hopefully Atlantic Records or somebody
can can help him get out of this because
this is crazy man East LA it went
platinum with no features I mean that
was a good album I loved that damn out
man Kevin gates is a great musician I
know he's kind of outspoken everything
with his opinions but we're judging
people on music so 30 months that's what
two and a half years so he'll probably
end up doing two years he just did say
that's a big hit for just having a
platinum album out and as a hit single
the two phones damn and so hopefully he
can appeal this or something and get out
of this situation or at least serve part
of this on probation or something cuz
you know he has to support his family
out here and like sometimes you can lose
your steam going to jail we saw this
with Max B you know max speed was 75
years and thank God he was able to
appeal that and come home he's going to
be home in like two years
so anyways this is just your update it
makes you come out hit the subscribe
button hit the like button go to Jordan
tower store comm to get merchandise like
this if you support the channel I
appreciate you guys check in the next
DuplexAPTO CRÉDITO CAHUELO - Duration: 1:06.
Narcisismo - Hoovering - Duration: 6:46.
Honda CR-V 2.0 Elegance Navigatie/Camera/PDC - Duration: 0:54.
Who are the Thanksgivers? - Duration: 4:29.
The Devic Kingdom is bound by
the Law of Karma.
They are forced to manipulate,
by Law, the energy
that we generate.
So if there's enough hate and
war... I mean just look at the
world situation.
That's going to have its karmic
ramifications sooner or later.
And that energy – that hate
energy – will go into the mind
belt and that'll be
and it
could result in a devastating
storm or flood somewhere
The Thanksgivers,
as you were saying Darren,
is not the Devic Kingdom.
The Thanksgivers are the people
who recognize the Devic
who send their love and their
blessings to the devas
to help the correct function
of this Devic Kingdom.
And it's helping all
of us, because it's putting a
balancing energy into the mind
built – into the ethers
– and that will help to
counteract all the negative
energy that's floating around
and flying around our planet.
How would you characterize the
type of energy that they're
sending out – what
they're really doing?
They're sending Love.
They're invoking a higher
quality of energy.
And as soon as you invoke this
energy it opens up the heart
And if you send this out in
a concentrated beam
this will definitely be picked
up by the devas and
they'll use it according to
And you could help the weather
conditions. You could help the
plants to grow.
I mean – it's a known fact – I
mean, tests have been done,
that if you show how much you
love your plant,
it'll grow.
And if you ignore it
and you hate it – send hate
energy – it'll wither and die.
And the devas are picking up
this energy and manipulating
So we're talking about those
people who are
said to have green fingers and
can really bring whole gardens
to wonderful vitality.
Absolutely. And they'll attract
all sorts of beings and
That's why I think it's good to
have plants
and minerals in your home
because I think it'll enhance
the atmosphere it'll make
you more in tune with this
Kingdom and
there'll be like a real
It's a wonderful feeling and
experience to have.
And we, in turn, can
become the Thanksgivers
by sending our love and
blessings to the devas.
We then are the Thanksgivers.
And the Master Jesus considers
it to be important enough to
have it as one of the
The Master Saint Goo-Ling who
is a leading member
of the Spiritual Hierarchy of
Earth said that it's the
energy of
the atom bomb that
would have caused severe
flooding in Great Britain,
and had it not been for the
delivering of the Blessings
our island would have been
looking very different.
I'll read what Saint Goo-Ling
had to say.
"The Blessing today will be
very important,
in view of the vandalism of
men, who defy the basic
Laws of Metaphysics
by their devastating journey
into the perfection of the tiny
Universe – the Atom.
"As a result of this,
much of a part of your country
lies beneath water.
Had it not been for the Energy
released by these Blessings up
to now,
most of your fertile country
would be flooded.
"There will come a day when the
vandals will have to swallow
this bitter pill, for it is
written that the mills grind
slowly – but with great
"This is the Law of
Inevitability – which is a
descriptive name for KARMA.
"Pay attention all – with your
This is that tool – this is
that magic that
whoever they are,
from around the world,
can tune in together
with other like-minded people
through in
order to send out spiritual
energy, healing and upliftment
into our world.
Helena&Mustafa | Everything Has Changed - Duration: 4:01.
Solo cuando me pierdo en mí - Cortometraje (Shortfilm) - Duration: 7:19.
the darkest hour, begins at Dawn <i>Sephardic proverb
only when I'm lost in myself
You should better concerned about keeping your appointments
Keeping your appointments and being a good boyfriend
<i>Danger, risk area
Good morning Mr. Rafael ¿how are you?
¿how are you? Good morning
I'm fine thank you
I don't understand Mr. Rafael ¿haven't we agreed something about this?
nothing to do
how come nothing to do?
I mean Mr. Rafael, are you conscious how much I did invest on this?
¿how many people are waiting for this besides me?
I'm sorry
Fuck! How come Mr.Rafael?
it is not fair!
¿What's this?
Well he's my boyfriend, what are you doing with him?
Well he's my friend too
Ana! Come Ana, wait it's not a big deal
Opinione su Frank Merenda di Adriano Iseppi - [Focacceria Sestese] - Duration: 6:04.
Mesaj pentru seara 26 Aprilie - Duration: 1:03.
JiJ #11 – Almost back in the game - Duration: 4:13.
Almost back in the game
Hi everyone and welcome to the new episode of my journal.
Today is Wednesday, the 26th of April and my portfolio's value is at 10,800 euros.
So Monday morning, I bought back the shares I sold few days ago to secure my gains before
the French election.
I acquired 150 shares of SRP Groupe at 22.5 euros and 165 shares of Figeac aero at 20.2
Yet, I did not rebuild my position in SOL Spa.
So as a relief, the second round of the French election will oppose the centrist Emmanuel
Macron to the populist Marine Le Pen.
The communist Melenchon has not succeeded to qualify and Marine Le Pen has no chance
to win in final.
Also the next French president will be Macron and he is pro-business.
The French stock market has strongly rebound to the news and should continue to perform
well compare in comparison to the other markets.
During the period when I went full cash, the stock market has consolidated and the shares
I am watching went significantly down.
So, despite the rebound of Monday, I have succeeded to buy-back more shares than initially
at a lower price.
I have still 150 shares of SRP Groupe but I have gained 2% on my back and forth trading.
Similarly I have bought 10 shares more of Figeac Aero than initially.
I bought back shares of SRP Group and Figeac Aero but I did not rebuild my line in SOL
The main reason is that I made a capital gain of 25% in less than 3 months and there is
less potential now.
I still believe the company has a 20% re-rating potential, but it could take more than a year
before it materializes.
As I have not reinvested in SOL Spa, I have almost
4,000 euros of cash to invest.
So I have started to search for a new investment.
I will remain cautious, as the stock market remains high but I still believe there are
I will look at in particular to few names in Europe: Paysafe in the UK, Stabilus in
Germany, Agfa in Belgium, Salini in Italy and Marie Brizard in France.
That's it for today.
If you want to exchange with me on this subject, you can leave a comment.
If you want to follow my journey and do not want to miss one episode, subscribe to my
channel of my blog.
Thank you very much and see you soon
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