I have a second question.
Do you always do that (check yourself) before going on stage?
Let me see your nose!
Do you still do that? Shall we do it?
Really? You won't do it?
What is the weirdest question you've been asked in an interview?
I think it actually was a French interview. I got asked if I would uh, if I would pee in a sink.
Why, indeed, that is weird!
It was the first question as well!
Well, it sets the mood!
And what question do you never want to hear again? Did I ask it?
Fans: Girls!
Fans: Girls!
Ok, good. I haven't asked that. Phew.
Do you know that at a young French writer has just published a novel about you?
It's called "Styles", it's published by Jean-Claude Lattès.
It is a novel about the writer's obsession with you.
It's in French so well.... you can translate it.
Is that true?
I'm giving it to you
It is true. He dedicated it to you.
Jean-Claude Lattès is a very serious publishing house. It is called "Styles". So read it.
Thank you very much Harry styles for coming on our show. His first self-titled album comes out on May 12th.
Thank you very much, have a good trip back
For more infomation >> Harry Styles - Interview in Quotidien ( France TV ) part 2 English Subtitles - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
Animal Sounds Video For Kids To Learn Wild Animals Names Learn Domestic Animals Sounds For Children - Duration: 1:02:44.
Animal Sounds Video For Kids To Learn Wild Animals Names Learn Domestic Animals Sounds For Children dinosaurs dog lion
Around The Block with Luca Fucile - YAHNA - Duration: 6:13.
Around The Block presents
ATB with Luca Fucile - Sound Searching
My name is Luca Fucile and I -
I go by the name, YAHNA,
the music producer
DJ, sometimes...
and yeah, I just make sound design-y,
vibe-y, beat stuff.
I started playing the guitar when I was, like, 11
but before that my mom-
my mom, she's been trying to -
before I even got into guitar she was trying to get me into music through
different instruments.
She's a classical musician and she tried teaching me the violin but
it didn't really stick.
Didn't really stick.
Also didn't really stick.
And then when I was, like, 15, my friend,
my old drummer,
he had like a two track - no -
a four-track
digital recorder. So, like, I could plug in
instruments or microphones, record, and I
could bounce them together and it was
the first time that I recorded anything.
That was really cool.
So, in terms of, like, technical musical note
reading and stuff like that - I lack -
I definitely lack but it's just something
that's very natural to me - like, when it
came to deciding what I wanted to do for
an extended period of time. I kind of
just assessed what has stuck with me throughout time.
You know, when you're a kid -
so many things stick and others don't.
Like, you pick up loads of stuff and you drop it
but the one thing that's kind of stuck
with me all throughout was music.
So then I was, like, maybe I should just just focus on that.
Music interests me and makes me really,
really, really curious because I don't
feel like it's too mysterious, you know?
Like, when you think about it, it doesn't make
sense that you organise certain sounds in
a certain way and then they can trigger
an emotion with you without saying any
words or without -
or how certain pieces of sounds put together can make
four different people feel very similarly and
trigger cues that are from parts of
their lives that they feel similarly about.
Something that maybe they could
talk about - I don't know, but it's just...
and sometimes it's just one sound - the tone of
one sound can do that to somebody, you know?
And that's something that
interested me for a while and, like,
in a way, why it makes me curious and it's
also like -
just like how it is for a lot of people with escapism.
When you're writing stuff -
you're just in the mood -
what you feel is nice in that mood,
I feel it will, kind of, dictate the direction of the song.
So, sometimes, you won't even know like
if you're going to write a serene song
or an angsty song.
Sometimes, I'd be writing something and I'll be like -
"Oh, actually, I'm really angsty right now. Whoops!"
Then you realise later on because what
you think is nice in that state of mind
is going to -
you make these decisions and
when you put it all together in the
state of mind you're, like, "okay this is nice"
and then when you go to sleep, you
wake up the next day you're in a different state of mind.
That's when you're actually
perceiving it and that's that's the cool part.
I feel like you don't really get to
consciously dictate that kind of stuff.
Perfection is like a made-up human thing.
There's no such thing as perfection, you know?
There's just like one side or another side
but there's never like anything
that has ever been "perfect."
It was beaten and then it was modified to be better
you know like getting your drums to sound
perfect and constantly comparing
yourself to other people -
something I did for a very, very, very long time but one
thing that has been working for me, in terms of, like, finishing stuff
is to try to not artistically compare it so much.
Try your best to see it for what it is and
work with it for what it is.
[Around The Block with Luca Fucile - Sound Searching]
How to draw Awesome Moving Stick Man with Whiteboard Marker Pen - BOOWHOWOO Art & Science - Duration: 5:04.
Hello everyone! I'm BOOWHOWOO
Today, I'm going to move a graffiti on the desk
like this
Isn' it funny?
You need only two things
a cup of water and a dry erase pen (Whiteboard Marker Pen)
OK, here we go!
Draw anything you want
Then pour water over the graffiti
The face has scattered
Seems like it is swimming
Hello! Mr. Stick man
The table won't get dirty
※ Please be careful if the table is made of timber
Let's do it once again
What is she doing?
What is the girl doing?
It became so small
"BOOWHOWOO" has been scattered
How was the video
I hope
you like it
It is very funny to see
the stick man floats and moves around
Please give it a try
Well, see you next video!
Subscribe and Thumb up!
L'archéologie préventive, un sport de combat - Duration: 6:41.
Full - Couchefert, Gorge et JAAJ - Duration: 4:12.
Curso Online Aplicaciones Informáticas de Tratamiento de Textos Homologado | Aula 10 - Duration: 1:39.
PlayVOD - Top 10 des actrices aux plus belles fesses - Duration: 1:35.
FLIRT with other MEN?【BOYS play games for GIRLS #4】 - Duration: 7:21.
Let me say it more like "Misato"
"It has nothing to do with you, Yokoyama"
Doesn't really sound like her
I would say no.1, if you think normally
Ok, let's go safe
Secret Relationship
Let's go safe
It was better than safe
So that means Yokoyama is... Yes
If we just tell him the truth,
Whether it's the truth, or cheer him up may be the answer
"I just got a baseball ticket from our client Mr. Matsugaya. Do you want to go?"
I'll go with you!
Too quick
"I'll think about it"
That's probably not good
1) I was startled that it might be a date
2) I'm so happy. I was a manager of the baseball team in high school
Not safe to say it?
If she says she was a manager, doesn't that reveal what type of person she is?
Oh he will find it out
3) Quite different from your usual self
What is that reply?
Let's just be happy about it
But that'll mean...she is only happy because she likes baseball
I don't think so. She's just happy she got invited
And just as an explanation, "I was a manager of baseball team" is added
Japanese girls are so complicated -They sure are!
This is what girls are thinking? Yes
Great learning experience Is it so?
If she say "Whoops, that's surprising", that means the ticket is just there?
She was happy before since the heart mark came out last time
So we choose..."I'm happy" Yes
Ok, no.2
Let's see what happens...
You kept the 100% and yet the heart comes out
I don't really understand why the hearts appear
Carlos, if an answer like this came back, would you be this pleased?
He read it
He read it...
I think I will
You won't be happy, Nihongi Gamer?
Well, she is says she is happy at first,
so I guess she's happy but..
but sounds like I'm only happy because I was a Baseball manager
That would be disappointing right?
Anything is ok
I see, I see For now
Can we...just wait here for his reply?
We are not waiting. NOT WAITING
"As long as you are not committing adultery"
What a hassle
Bothersome yeah
1) Stop worrying about me
2) You don't have a say in this. We're just friends
That is a...NO
3) You are worried about me. I should be....
It's probably not "Stop worrying about me"
Now no.3
Oh ok ok ok
Going back and forth
Will he ever go over 50%?
Pretty hard, but I guess 50% is ok Whaaaaat?
Ok I get it, I get it
Why Takahashi san again!
The game understands me. if I keep clicking it will reply faster
no no no no no
Then, Shogo
" The only person I invited to class is you"
Oh, that's a good sign
The only one invited was....Misato
Only Misato
What in the world is this?
Came back
A spell that you should never fall in for...
The name is...love
That is...love
What is this?
This is so weird
Top ranking Apps...?
This one is so boring
Wait a minute, you're doing top ranking Apps in another video!
Oh yeah...true
Ok, the reply
1) You're doing bike deliveries but recruiting for your dance studio
Some recruiting work there
Not going anywhere
2) I didn't know you were a professional dancer
Everyone will be surprised when they find out..
That will...raise his motivation?
She called him a Pro
"Everyone will be surprised" means..
if others find out, they will be surprised
She may be worried it won't be her secret anymore
The title of the game is "Secret Relationship" so...
Maybe not...
3) I'm so hooked onto it now. I'm terrible at it, though
She starts talking about herself
Maybe? It sounds friendly as well
Nothing happened
I thought it was pretty good move...
This is so hard!
I'm not sure but....
Hello again
You get so energized when you talk to Takahashi-san
It's not really my thing but, you like baseball, right?
See, I told you so
Baseball, baseball
Baseball, baseball
Baseball, baseball
I should say I'm not happy because I like baseball
1) I love baseball
That's not good
You shouldn't say you're going to baseball because you like baseball
So that is it!
That must be it!
I see
As expected of Takahashi-san Mania
We should confirm it to see how Takahashi-san feels
This is too much
Takahashi-san Mania
2) I'll be happy to join you. Thank you very much
Thank you very much
The third
3) Sounds like half work
So difficult
The no.2 is on the run so it's continuing of "Thank you", "I'm happy"...
but saying "Sounds like half work" seems to go back to the very beginning
She's making fun of him
2) I'll be happy to join you....must be the one
Up to Takahashi-san Mania
Yes, Yes!
Such accuracy to hit the heart
Scary how much you love Takahashi-san
It has never gone down
That's true
I have never gone down. Not even once
Climbing...and going up and up and up
If I were interested in my boss, I could probably do quite well
When interested in Takahashi-san?
since I practiced on this game
Not your boss. Takahashi-san
If you meet Takahashi-san, it's perfect Yes, yes
Well, he's read our message but what happens now?
No idea - Let's see the answer next time
That's right
Let's do other guys besides Yokoyama and Takahashi-san!
I've been seeing too much of these guys
Well, the other guys aren't that interesting...
You don't know that yet!
I'm not interested in the dancer
You really really are not interested in him
I do think it's a nice job, though
but as a person...
It's not about the job!
Well, it's half work
Oh yes
Where did I hear that before...?
$OULVOID X LIVIDAE - Silhouette (Official Music Video) - Duration: 2:26.
Now, what to say first on the beat
Everyone expresses emotions on paper
But I take the whole tree
John Doe temple At least it knows every branch
Fuck the king, when in Rome first kill Gianna
I want to dream lucidly Fall into a coma
And be conscious of my unconsciousness
That the infinity in the mirror is looking forward to the break
To finally transport Sadako into glass
Stranger, I have a bag for you
Look in the backpack, but it doesn't contain happiness
I spend time thinking about how times fly
My thoughts fly away until I light a candle
Don't live in the dark
Don't live in the dark
In the attic my best friend is the ceiling
I haven't touched the constellation on it
The TV and radio emit me static
I hear their movement, but I haven't moved
I dream that Ta-Ha is hanging out next to me in my home, but no
It tears me piece by piece, and I drown more, look at me
Night flights fill my thoughts I make conversions arbitrarily
My ambitions and wishes are all lying now
It's harder to walk with anything broken
Secrets leak from the gutter forever
Trust like a PGP message
Destiny lies in lake Toluca
I hope this is a good decision
How to do EXPLOSIVE Push Ups - Duration: 3:54.
Push ups are the greatest bodyweight chest exercise.
They're quite simple and straightforward
and they don't require any equipment, so you can do them anywhere.
But there comes a time when regular push ups are not a challenge anymore
or you just got bored of doing them.
The solution to this issue are explosive push ups.
Explosive push ups are the whole group of exercises
where the push up part of it is supposed to lift your body off the ground.
The simplest of them is the regular explosive push up,
where you just need to lift the bottom part of your hand above the floor.
This can be achieved by simply pushing off the ground very dynamically.
Keep in mind that in this variation
the body forms a straight line throughout the whole movement, just like in regular push ups.
Harder variation of the regular explosive push up is the clapping push up.
Here, you need to clap your hands during the air phase of the exercise.
This requires more time than just lifting your palms,
so you have to push up your body even higher and even more dynamically.
A good way to pracitce those push ups is to put your hands on an elevation.
The higher your hands are, the bigger part of your bodyweight is supported by your feet
and the push up gets easier.
After each push up you land on your wirsts,
so be sure to warm them up beforehand.
It's easy to get injured doing dynamic exercises without a proper preparation.
I also recommend doing them on a soft ground like grass or dirt,
to limit the impact that the wirsts have to take after each landing.
Another kind of explosive push ups are all the types
where your whole body is acutally above the ground at some point of the exercise
like superman push up.
Here, you can't just push up with your arms, you need to use proper technique.
The trick here is to shoot up with your hips very dynamically.
That's what gets you in the air.
Of course you need to be straightening your arms simultaneously.
When your arms are straight, your hips should be much higher than your shoulders.
You should practice this move by doing reps like this,
trying to jump up high enough, so your hands and feet don't touch the ground.
After you get significant height and air time, you can start doing different things with your body while being in the air.
What you do there, determines the type of the push up.
In the superman push ups you put your arms over your head and lift your legs,
until your body forms a straight line.
In hands to toes push ups you don't bring your feet up,
but to the front and touch them with you hands.
There are various types of the explosive push ups
and you are limited only by your creativity.
Coming up with new moves and trying to do them is all the fun,
so I'm gonna leave you with this thought.
Go and create some new awsome explosive push ups!
Ey, Victim!
Hi. -Hi.
Today is
Thursday. No, yes. Thursday
We are in Amsterdam.
We took a plane at seven.
There was no time to be anxious because I was so tired.
And I did'nt manage to drink a coffee this morning. But ...
I got one.
It looks stupid. Look.
I have to say, if you think I have a little coffee: These are three espresso shots with milk froth.
I win.
We landet savely. We have an incomprehensible place to stay.
Such a nice apartement.
Which costs probably a million euros rent a month.
Although it is relatively cheap, for uns to stay there. -Yes.
The price was fine. -Absolutely.
I would describe it with ... Hipster.
Very open living space.
A little bit industrial look.
These Vitra chairs everybody loves.
Static lamp.
Really pretty and we feel at home. -Nice kitchen.
And our room ist sweet. Small but really sweet.
And at the stairs you are glad to have no artificial hip.
Someone who with a shoe size over 45, does not even fit with the feet on the steps. They are so narrow.
I walked like this. - Yes. Like a child.
We had breakfast.
I had Poffertjes.
He was like: "Minipancakes?" And in my head i thought: "I kow how they are called.
But I don't know how to pronounce them. But they were delicious
We need someone to explain the pronounciation to us. - They're a bit like minipancakes, but there's butter and sugar on it.
So nice. Oh, now I'm confused again, which way to go next.
Me too.
Let's take this way. -Check.
We both got up quarter to five. So we need more than a little cup of espresso.
And we got it from the coffee company.
I got one with almond milk and i love it.
We have no plan for today. We just want to walk around.
I want to see the park. - Yes, me too.
The one with "Vondel" in the name, which i can't pronounce.
My bag annoys me.
Your bag is pretty.
I knwo, but i want to wear it crossbody, so...
I got that. Can I help you?
You can't without your hands beeing free.
Now, the bag is on the wrong side. This feels wrong.
I always try look into the camera a certain way so that I know quite as bad.
We look stupid.
Oh god.
I look like I smoked something.
Ey, victim.
The most soulless steak in the whole of Amsterdam. (because redheads have no soul)
I mumbled.
We found a park. - I think it is only the biggest park in the whole of Amsterdam.
Of Europe. Of the whole world.
Of Earth. - The Universe.
Have you ever been on Mars? There should be a larger park. It is also super beautifull.
We're talking bullshit. Is the lack of coffee -The lack of coffee?
If I were still at home, I would have had coffee number four by now.
Today I only had one and a half.
The first one wasn't a real one. -True.
This park is beautiful. -Really beautiful.
There are trees. -And people who do sports and look very funny. What is he doing?
Oh, he streches his artificial hip. Why do I constantly talk about artificial hips today?
I dont know. A minute ago you talked about dicks.
äh no. -We talked about dicknoses.
If you have seen the latest Instalivestream of Ella, you understand this insider.
You should follow me on ... oh.
Now he kicks air.
If you want to know if your skin is oily
Take a blottingpaper
put it on your nose. If it stays there, your skin is oily.
Hi. I have beans under my arm. I'm a ... Lena.
We ate good food at SNCKBR. -So goof.
I don't know the streetname where you can find it.
Neither do I. - It was a ... main street.
It was nice and we are stuffed. - You are not in frame right now.
I am still well stuffed, even if I do not fill the picture yet.
I think we will sleep well tonight.
It was a nice day and I am excited for our tour tomorrow.
We go on a free walking tour. - Then we finally learn how things are called.
How you pronouce them.
Now I look forward to go to bed and take my make-up off and brush my theeth. Desperately want to brush my theeth.
Good night loves. See you tomorrow.
Oh hi.
Today is Friday and we have already seen a lot, but we have'nt talked to you yet.
Sorry. -We got up. Half an hour too early.
Ups. I accidentally set the alarm clock half an hour early and when the alarm went off I said "I hate myself."
We got ready and went to the Free Walking Tour, which I would highly recommend if you are in Amsterdam
The guy (Marius) was great and in the end, everybody gave him a little bit of money. I think it was OK that way.
He was really charming. I put the link for you in the infobox.
And it is easy to to join. Do not die.
You simply sign in with a a google doc and then you get an email: Yeahy. Happy you'll us ... bla bla english words.
Höhö, english words.
Highly recommend that and then we went for lunch.
Lena made a better choice than me. Mine wasn't as nice.
And now we want to look at the Anne Frank house from the outside, because we do not have a ticket.
And maybe in the evening, we'll come back to get in. - And at least we can say that we have seen it.
It is still so beautiful. - It's so nice that I think, "That's not real."
And tomorrow it will not be real, because we will be in a hall full of youtubers.
without a window. - and oxygen.
And you know. Lot's of youtubers farts in one room.
That will be fun.
You're already looking forward to it.
I am tired!
Lena, come on.
Be a good girl.
Lena, stop it.
You go to bed without dinner.
And you are banned from playing and using the ipad for a week.
I am still able to. Mommy a still knew how it works.
We have just looked at where the exhibition hall is.
and now we are on our way back.
And I realised that I forgot my dress at home, which I wanted to wear tomorrow.
So, you have to naked.
Boobs. Boobs.
Put on your pyjamas. There are pretty.
They are a bit see through.
You do it. I take your outfit and you can wear my pyjamas.
No. -I knew it.
I have two of those striped tops but I don't see you wearing them.
I have bellystripes myself.
Here they are.
You are mean. - I know, but I don't mean to.
You stroked my arm. Since when are you so nice? Who are you? - I am tired.
We go home now and then we go to the supermarket and buy something to eat.
Chocolate and something to play. -Are you a good girl, Lena?
No. -Is it OK for you then to eat chocolate?
If you are a good girl now, until we are home, you can eat chocolate. - No.
Ok, thats it. -OK.
Hi. Today is Saturday and we are at Vidcon, in the large exibition hall.
and now we are in the creator .. space ... launch ..
It looks cute. Lena was like: Look, it looks like a nail salon.
Madame Grün is busy. -Yes I am posting an instagrampicture.
We eat nuts and I think, we go now and eat lunch, beacause later there will be no time to do so.
We could eat fries. - Where? Behind me? Oh, I thought you see fries now.
We are taking a small break. I just ... My trousers were open.
That will become our new running gag.
I just saw a russian Youtuber again, whom I met in SanFrancisco. He is the Youtube Ambassador for Moscow.
It is funny, that we meet again here in Amsterdam. So cool.
Now we wait for Karin and then we go and eat.
Hi friends.
I am so tiered. - It is a bit exhausting.
It is really interesting here. - Wow!
And now we are actually looking for the next room, but we are so tired. -We prefer to sit here.
You can't see anything. -We are in a hallway, I would say.
betweeen two buildings.
I have to say the convention center is very pretty. Not pretty from the outside. But from the inside it is functional and so bright.
Yes. - It is very pleasant. - I'm glad you're talking, because I can't talk anymore.
Do you know what? Everybody is going down, even if they are a Creator. - So we should probably go down.
Yes please. But can we take a break for 5 more minutes?
That is my nose you are filmimg there.
Did you hear the sounds in my throat?
Yes. For two days now. - I can't help it.
Lena without the sounds in her throat is not a healthy Lena.
Just like you would check the nose of a dog, whether it is still wet and cold, you look at Lena whether she still has sounds in her throat.
Mummy, why is that? I want a refund. I want my money back.
What did you pay for beeing born? -Au. Thanks.
What did you pay for beeing born? - Nothing. - So be quiet and thankful for your head.
How are you guys doing. We are dying out here.
I was like: oh wow.
So there you go.
Thats like the gravitas. Everybodys like: Yes, put it in a video.
I made really funny homevideos with my friends. We recreated commercials and stuff and movies.
The views came but it wans't what i wanted.
It disapears. It's like puff. It's gone. So it gives a little sense of anonymity which is really important for what I do.
This is going better.
If you don't know the story of "Up". It is this fascinating story
I consinder this to be actually my favorite pixar movie
Your are a fan of it, if you love france or rats or food. Are we getting there?
Still going.
Also ... oh yeah we try again.
Everybody hold your breath.
Hey! OK, guys. Pretend the last 17 minutes did not happen.
But they continuted to. So continuted to say yes.
But Anna and Elsa would not be genetically related if you run their genes through a punnett square.
... well thought out to talk to you about today. But I wrote down some notes.
My brand is very homemade so this is very on brand for that.
Following your fear. Lot's of thinks in the creative world can seam totally scary but I think fear is a sign that you care.
Are you vlogging?
I have her jacket. OK? I have to give it back to her.
We had a great day at Vidcon. It was very long.
Just now we laughed a lot and now we will go home.
Super! Super? Right? - Soup?
Maybe soup. -I don't know which language to use right now. - Neither do I. We spoke English for the last three hours.
Are you sure we're heading in the right direction? -No. -Ah, yes there. -This is the way. -I do not know.
I'm very satisfied. I am a bit annoyed that I have ... oh god, I am so tired. - Me too.
My eyes hurt. - My hair hurts. -What?
I do not know. - So there are some creators ... I say Creator a lot .. Youtubers, with whom I would have liked to talk. Just because I like to watch them.
And I wanted to tell them: I like your shit.
The workshops we perfect, just one wasn't what we expected. Otherwise everything we went to was great.
I was very happy about the Vlogbrothers QnA. That was great.
That confirmed for me that they are simply super nice.
And in the end, there were motivational lectures by larger youtbers only for the creators.
Could you hold my camera for a moment, because I'm just wondering if I have my phone still in my jacket.
That would be like me.
No, it is here. Everything is fine. Typical Ella.
The lectures were only for creators, so they were a bit more honest.
It felt that way. There were still a lot of people in the room. -You simply could address things that can not be addressed otherwise.
That was great.
Do we want to press the button? I'm not sure.
It was special. I am now in high spirits.
I'm so tired and I do not know how to make it home. - I'm tired and in high spirits.
It's like beeing on drugs. Green!
And cut.
Are you scared? You don't have to be.
You are a big girl. - I am trying.
Off we go to Berlin, again. -I am tired. -Me too.
Draw a cat sitting on a tree - Uncle Multiknik / Multiknik TV / - Duration: 14:23.
Draw a cat sitting on a tree - Uncle Multiknik / Multiknik TV /
Draw a cat sitting on a tree - Uncle Multiknik / Multiknik TV /
Draw a cat sitting on a tree - Uncle Multiknik / Multiknik TV /
Draw a cat sitting on a tree - Uncle Multiknik / Multiknik TV /
দেখে নিন আযানকে কীভাবে সম্মান প্রদর্শন করল নরেন্দ্র মোদি এবং সালমান খান ✔ Star Life ✔ - Duration: 3:53.
Full - Couchefert, Gorge et JAAJ - Duration: 4:12.
How to draw Awesome Moving Stick Man with Whiteboard Marker Pen - BOOWHOWOO Art & Science - Duration: 5:04.
Hello everyone! I'm BOOWHOWOO
Today, I'm going to move a graffiti on the desk
like this
Isn' it funny?
You need only two things
a cup of water and a dry erase pen (Whiteboard Marker Pen)
OK, here we go!
Draw anything you want
Then pour water over the graffiti
The face has scattered
Seems like it is swimming
Hello! Mr. Stick man
The table won't get dirty
※ Please be careful if the table is made of timber
Let's do it once again
What is she doing?
What is the girl doing?
It became so small
"BOOWHOWOO" has been scattered
How was the video
I hope
you like it
It is very funny to see
the stick man floats and moves around
Please give it a try
Well, see you next video!
Subscribe and Thumb up!
Amazon Seller Central.AÑADE IDIOMAS - Duration: 3:38.
เพลงแดนซ์ฟังสบายๆ - NONSTOP 2017 เพลงไทย (Dj Sinh Remix) - Duration: 30:01.
Double U-Turn Ahead - Duration: 43:30.
How to Install unity - Duration: 3:32.
Curso Online Aplicaciones Informáticas de Tratamiento de Textos Homologado | Aula 10 - Duration: 1:39.
Ey, Victim!
Hi. -Hi.
Today is
Thursday. No, yes. Thursday
We are in Amsterdam.
We took a plane at seven.
There was no time to be anxious because I was so tired.
And I did'nt manage to drink a coffee this morning. But ...
I got one.
It looks stupid. Look.
I have to say, if you think I have a little coffee: These are three espresso shots with milk froth.
I win.
We landet savely. We have an incomprehensible place to stay.
Such a nice apartement.
Which costs probably a million euros rent a month.
Although it is relatively cheap, for uns to stay there. -Yes.
The price was fine. -Absolutely.
I would describe it with ... Hipster.
Very open living space.
A little bit industrial look.
These Vitra chairs everybody loves.
Static lamp.
Really pretty and we feel at home. -Nice kitchen.
And our room ist sweet. Small but really sweet.
And at the stairs you are glad to have no artificial hip.
Someone who with a shoe size over 45, does not even fit with the feet on the steps. They are so narrow.
I walked like this. - Yes. Like a child.
We had breakfast.
I had Poffertjes.
He was like: "Minipancakes?" And in my head i thought: "I kow how they are called.
But I don't know how to pronounce them. But they were delicious
We need someone to explain the pronounciation to us. - They're a bit like minipancakes, but there's butter and sugar on it.
So nice. Oh, now I'm confused again, which way to go next.
Me too.
Let's take this way. -Check.
We both got up quarter to five. So we need more than a little cup of espresso.
And we got it from the coffee company.
I got one with almond milk and i love it.
We have no plan for today. We just want to walk around.
I want to see the park. - Yes, me too.
The one with "Vondel" in the name, which i can't pronounce.
My bag annoys me.
Your bag is pretty.
I knwo, but i want to wear it crossbody, so...
I got that. Can I help you?
You can't without your hands beeing free.
Now, the bag is on the wrong side. This feels wrong.
I always try look into the camera a certain way so that I know quite as bad.
We look stupid.
Oh god.
I look like I smoked something.
Ey, victim.
The most soulless steak in the whole of Amsterdam. (because redheads have no soul)
I mumbled.
We found a park. - I think it is only the biggest park in the whole of Amsterdam.
Of Europe. Of the whole world.
Of Earth. - The Universe.
Have you ever been on Mars? There should be a larger park. It is also super beautifull.
We're talking bullshit. Is the lack of coffee -The lack of coffee?
If I were still at home, I would have had coffee number four by now.
Today I only had one and a half.
The first one wasn't a real one. -True.
This park is beautiful. -Really beautiful.
There are trees. -And people who do sports and look very funny. What is he doing?
Oh, he streches his artificial hip. Why do I constantly talk about artificial hips today?
I dont know. A minute ago you talked about dicks.
äh no. -We talked about dicknoses.
If you have seen the latest Instalivestream of Ella, you understand this insider.
You should follow me on ... oh.
Now he kicks air.
If you want to know if your skin is oily
Take a blottingpaper
put it on your nose. If it stays there, your skin is oily.
Hi. I have beans under my arm. I'm a ... Lena.
We ate good food at SNCKBR. -So goof.
I don't know the streetname where you can find it.
Neither do I. - It was a ... main street.
It was nice and we are stuffed. - You are not in frame right now.
I am still well stuffed, even if I do not fill the picture yet.
I think we will sleep well tonight.
It was a nice day and I am excited for our tour tomorrow.
We go on a free walking tour. - Then we finally learn how things are called.
How you pronouce them.
Now I look forward to go to bed and take my make-up off and brush my theeth. Desperately want to brush my theeth.
Good night loves. See you tomorrow.
Oh hi.
Today is Friday and we have already seen a lot, but we have'nt talked to you yet.
Sorry. -We got up. Half an hour too early.
Ups. I accidentally set the alarm clock half an hour early and when the alarm went off I said "I hate myself."
We got ready and went to the Free Walking Tour, which I would highly recommend if you are in Amsterdam
The guy (Marius) was great and in the end, everybody gave him a little bit of money. I think it was OK that way.
He was really charming. I put the link for you in the infobox.
And it is easy to to join. Do not die.
You simply sign in with a a google doc and then you get an email: Yeahy. Happy you'll us ... bla bla english words.
Höhö, english words.
Highly recommend that and then we went for lunch.
Lena made a better choice than me. Mine wasn't as nice.
And now we want to look at the Anne Frank house from the outside, because we do not have a ticket.
And maybe in the evening, we'll come back to get in. - And at least we can say that we have seen it.
It is still so beautiful. - It's so nice that I think, "That's not real."
And tomorrow it will not be real, because we will be in a hall full of youtubers.
without a window. - and oxygen.
And you know. Lot's of youtubers farts in one room.
That will be fun.
You're already looking forward to it.
I am tired!
Lena, come on.
Be a good girl.
Lena, stop it.
You go to bed without dinner.
And you are banned from playing and using the ipad for a week.
I am still able to. Mommy a still knew how it works.
We have just looked at where the exhibition hall is.
and now we are on our way back.
And I realised that I forgot my dress at home, which I wanted to wear tomorrow.
So, you have to naked.
Boobs. Boobs.
Put on your pyjamas. There are pretty.
They are a bit see through.
You do it. I take your outfit and you can wear my pyjamas.
No. -I knew it.
I have two of those striped tops but I don't see you wearing them.
I have bellystripes myself.
Here they are.
You are mean. - I know, but I don't mean to.
You stroked my arm. Since when are you so nice? Who are you? - I am tired.
We go home now and then we go to the supermarket and buy something to eat.
Chocolate and something to play. -Are you a good girl, Lena?
No. -Is it OK for you then to eat chocolate?
If you are a good girl now, until we are home, you can eat chocolate. - No.
Ok, thats it. -OK.
Hi. Today is Saturday and we are at Vidcon, in the large exibition hall.
and now we are in the creator .. space ... launch ..
It looks cute. Lena was like: Look, it looks like a nail salon.
Madame Grün is busy. -Yes I am posting an instagrampicture.
We eat nuts and I think, we go now and eat lunch, beacause later there will be no time to do so.
We could eat fries. - Where? Behind me? Oh, I thought you see fries now.
We are taking a small break. I just ... My trousers were open.
That will become our new running gag.
I just saw a russian Youtuber again, whom I met in SanFrancisco. He is the Youtube Ambassador for Moscow.
It is funny, that we meet again here in Amsterdam. So cool.
Now we wait for Karin and then we go and eat.
Hi friends.
I am so tiered. - It is a bit exhausting.
It is really interesting here. - Wow!
And now we are actually looking for the next room, but we are so tired. -We prefer to sit here.
You can't see anything. -We are in a hallway, I would say.
betweeen two buildings.
I have to say the convention center is very pretty. Not pretty from the outside. But from the inside it is functional and so bright.
Yes. - It is very pleasant. - I'm glad you're talking, because I can't talk anymore.
Do you know what? Everybody is going down, even if they are a Creator. - So we should probably go down.
Yes please. But can we take a break for 5 more minutes?
That is my nose you are filmimg there.
Did you hear the sounds in my throat?
Yes. For two days now. - I can't help it.
Lena without the sounds in her throat is not a healthy Lena.
Just like you would check the nose of a dog, whether it is still wet and cold, you look at Lena whether she still has sounds in her throat.
Mummy, why is that? I want a refund. I want my money back.
What did you pay for beeing born? -Au. Thanks.
What did you pay for beeing born? - Nothing. - So be quiet and thankful for your head.
How are you guys doing. We are dying out here.
I was like: oh wow.
So there you go.
Thats like the gravitas. Everybodys like: Yes, put it in a video.
I made really funny homevideos with my friends. We recreated commercials and stuff and movies.
The views came but it wans't what i wanted.
It disapears. It's like puff. It's gone. So it gives a little sense of anonymity which is really important for what I do.
This is going better.
If you don't know the story of "Up". It is this fascinating story
I consinder this to be actually my favorite pixar movie
Your are a fan of it, if you love france or rats or food. Are we getting there?
Still going.
Also ... oh yeah we try again.
Everybody hold your breath.
Hey! OK, guys. Pretend the last 17 minutes did not happen.
But they continuted to. So continuted to say yes.
But Anna and Elsa would not be genetically related if you run their genes through a punnett square.
... well thought out to talk to you about today. But I wrote down some notes.
My brand is very homemade so this is very on brand for that.
Following your fear. Lot's of thinks in the creative world can seam totally scary but I think fear is a sign that you care.
Are you vlogging?
I have her jacket. OK? I have to give it back to her.
We had a great day at Vidcon. It was very long.
Just now we laughed a lot and now we will go home.
Super! Super? Right? - Soup?
Maybe soup. -I don't know which language to use right now. - Neither do I. We spoke English for the last three hours.
Are you sure we're heading in the right direction? -No. -Ah, yes there. -This is the way. -I do not know.
I'm very satisfied. I am a bit annoyed that I have ... oh god, I am so tired. - Me too.
My eyes hurt. - My hair hurts. -What?
I do not know. - So there are some creators ... I say Creator a lot .. Youtubers, with whom I would have liked to talk. Just because I like to watch them.
And I wanted to tell them: I like your shit.
The workshops we perfect, just one wasn't what we expected. Otherwise everything we went to was great.
I was very happy about the Vlogbrothers QnA. That was great.
That confirmed for me that they are simply super nice.
And in the end, there were motivational lectures by larger youtbers only for the creators.
Could you hold my camera for a moment, because I'm just wondering if I have my phone still in my jacket.
That would be like me.
No, it is here. Everything is fine. Typical Ella.
The lectures were only for creators, so they were a bit more honest.
It felt that way. There were still a lot of people in the room. -You simply could address things that can not be addressed otherwise.
That was great.
Do we want to press the button? I'm not sure.
It was special. I am now in high spirits.
I'm so tired and I do not know how to make it home. - I'm tired and in high spirits.
It's like beeing on drugs. Green!
And cut.
Are you scared? You don't have to be.
You are a big girl. - I am trying.
Off we go to Berlin, again. -I am tired. -Me too.
''I thought you'd never ask...'' Miraculous Ladybug Comic / Çizgi Roman - Duration: 0:31.
Salt Painting Technique - Duration: 5:38.
Hello nice to see you
Today I have a super beautiful painting technique for you.
The salt technique
For this you need your watercolor paper
Clear water to dilute the colors
and to clean the brushes
A paint tray or an old plate for mixing the colours
Watercolor or acrylic-color
A wide and a fine brush
Salt and crepe paper tape
With the crepe paper tape I attach the paper on the table so that it does not curl so much
Now I wish you a lot of fun with the video. If you have any questions, let me know with a comment.
I hope you enjoyed watching the video.
If you give it a try I would love to see pictures of your works at Facebook or Instagram.
Lorena Gómez Charity Sweepstake Report: PART I - Duration: 2:36.
Well, what I'll remember forever is that morning at the hotel, we had breakfast,
a breakfast with Lorena, the situation was really cool because
Lorena is such a nice person, and we thought she would leave soon because she
had to rehearse, but she spent a long time with us, and well, we talked about
deaf people, we had a great time, in fact we talked about
many things. And yes, we I would like to say thanks to Lorena
because this experience will remain in our memories forever because, it's true, she
she was very very nice with us, super-natural, commenting things of our everyday lives,
we also talked about the finale, how she was preparing her song. And it is true, as Noe says, it was
a long time, well, I also felt that time went so fast, because I was comfortable, but
being there talking face to face with her, it was like an hour and a half or two hours but
super good, a wonderful breakfast, to be honest, the company and the staff
of the hotel treated us great. So, I think overall we will never forget
about this, because it was quite an experience that we never really thought that we could
win. When I saw my name there, announcing I had won, well, you change your mind,
these things really happen and you have to enjoy them, we were thinking about it when
we went back to Madrid, a little tired because at the end with all this we hardly slept
but hey, it does not matter, so well, on the train on our way to Madrid,
resting and recalling, saying "oh my god, how many things we've done"
round trip to Barcelona, breakfast, live show, an amazing experience to be honest
it was great, many thanks to BidAway and Lorena, for letting us enjoy and share
that time with us, thank you very much. Thank you.
My pleasure, thank you, honestly, it has been a pleasure to meet you, thank you, Like this? Thanks, this means difficult, right?
Difficult, thanks and beautiful, gorgeous, very good, good luck, okay , kisses
see you later.
You're Welcome Bloopers! Maui and Moana Behind the Scenes in real life with Working with Lemons - Duration: 5:14.
Hi Maui, are you nervous?
Not any more
Earlier you were, but you were doing great
So far so good
Are you having fun?
Something different than I regularly do
At this part grab her hand
You're going to spin her this way
Go chase after her
Moana / Vaiana fails and falls
Are you ok?
Let's try it again
You're Welcome
You're Welcome
Sing it out to the world
sing it out here
look out and above
yes it's really me - breath it in
I know it's a lot - the hair - the bod
when you're staring at a demi god
What can I say but You're Welcome
from the tides, the sun, the sky
let's try that - let's go from that point
Dance Party
Do a kick line
Thanks everyone for watching
Honda Civic 1.3I IMA Climate control | Hybride - Duration: 0:41.
WHY I MAY HAVE TO QUIT - Duration: 4:35.
guys i'm
not really sure what to say here
this is to
not just my subscribers but to anybody
who watches my videos
there is a chance
that i may have to quit my youtube channel
and pretty much anything else i have online
like my website and
social accounts and stuff like that
don't get me wrong, i love doin this stuff
and i love bringing you guys the information that i bring you
but i am actually scared right now
and i'm
not sure what i need to do
and i think the only safe way
take care of it is to just go completely offline
and that's gonna really hard for me because
last year
i had to kinda change the way i lived
and i had to stop going outside
and lining like i nromally do
so basically the only thing i had left is
staying in the house and
my youtube channel and my website
kinda became
really important to me because it was something i could do that i loved and i felt safe
but i have kind of a
over the last few weeks
i have aquired
what they call an internet stalker
and i thought to start with it was just a big joke
and that it would
you know
but it kinda got real serious real fast
and he is just
he's good at what he does
he is sneaking around
following me all over the internet
and he's finding out where i have accounts
and he is
reports to those places and
those places are shutting me down.
he has managed to shut down more than one of my sites
and when my website went down
the other day, i thought it was just technicl issues, but
the company emailed me that i have my website through
and they told me that it was them
that they had shut my site down because
because the'd had a report
against me
about abuse on my site
and they apologized they, were really nice about it. hey apologized in the letter and they said that
they had check and that there was no abuse so they put my site back up
but this guy is just
harassing the hell out of me
and i'm not handling it real well, as you can see
and if he's willing to go this far
and i havn't even done anything to him
what else is he willing to do, you know
so, i don't even feel safe being online right now
i do want to try
to keep bringing you guys videos but
please understand that, if i can't do it as much
it's because i don't feel safe anymore
i love every one of you guys
and i really appreciate your support
and i wanna keep doin this
but i have to know
that i can feel safe in doing it
i mean if this guys is
gonna just stalk me all over the internet, and i haven't done anything to him
i haven't said anything to him
i haven't been mean to him in any way
what else is he willing to do, you know
i mean there's no reason or
logic behind what he's doing
just please understand
if i can't bring you
as many videos and as musch material
it's because i don't feel safe doing it online anymore
i love you guys
and thank you
for watching my videos
and subscribing
thank you
Hyundai i30 1.6i CVVT 126pk blue i-Catcher Leer Navi Camerahulp Climate Bleu - Duration: 1:02.
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration Airco 5 DRS Parkeer Camera Nieuwstaat !! 49.500 km '12 - Duration: 1:02.
Smygpremiär i skidtunneln 1 maj - Duration: 0:44.
Hair Makeover - SMARTBOND by L'Oreal Professionel - Duration: 3:43.
Hi semua, so hari ini aku mau ngevlog
I just arrived Jakarta and it's sooo early now (ain't a morning person!)
And I'm gonna dye my hair with L'Oreal again
This one's for their SMARTBOND Campaign
I'm very excited!
But I'm not sure what color should I choose
Probably a bright colored one! HEHE
Menurut kalian gimana??
Liat nanti deh, bye!
Waaa there's @aiiness
We're both ugleh nowwww
Yeah look i know rightttt
I'm so sad
We're already at the event
He's parting my hair so it's easier to bleach
Just a bit more!
Gak sabar nunggu hasilnya!
Then we are going to rinse it
Then toning, then dying the hair rose gold-ish
You only bleached once?
Would the color come out though?
I can guarantee you it will!
Rinsing my hair nowwwww
Then we're toning it afterwards
How strong is the bleaching intensity usually?
There's like 6%, 9% and 12%
This one's 9%
So highest is 12%?
Does SMARTBOND works for styling too?
Oh yes of course!
So basically SMARTBOND strengthens the hair ya?
Aku belajar hal baru!
What colour is this? Silver
Kalian bisa liat IG dy - @iphann
Your pics are so cool!
So are we done dying now?!
Yeah we did!
This is the 2nd step of SMARTBOND
What does this one do?
This is to bond all the fragile texture of your hair
So it will be stonger
So it won't be fragile and become dry
So first you mixed SMARTBOND with the bleach
Oh so you can mix it in while rebonding and perming too
So SMARTBOND protects your hair during chemical processes
The third step is? Conditioner?
You use it after shampooing right?
Once a week ya
I'm shyyyyy
What kind of Youtuber would be shyyy?!
Liat yg punya @aiiness!!!!
CRAY What is this?! UNICORN!
Such hardwork for how many hours?!
What time did we start?
10 am
Almost 12 hours lol
Cantik itu sakitttt
Program Pierwszy (Jedynka) - 2 bloki reklamowe i zapowiedzi z 29 września 2016 roku - Duration: 13:51.
[CC] UNIT BLACK - (ASMR) Steal Your Heart - Duration: 4:18.
[Can't understand what YD said, sorry]
/weird noises/
YH: Okay, let's go! YD: Ahhhhh, ah oh?
YD: Ahhhhh, ah oh?
YD: Oh yes, yes.
DH: Yahhh.
DH: 3, 2, 1
All: ACTION! Hello, we are UNIT BLACK!
DH: [I don't understand what he said, sorry guys! ㅜㅜ]
JS: Steal your heart.
DH: Let's go.
[Inho already losing it lol]
[Now Doha and Youngdoo too kaaaa]
YD: What's the problem? [Youngdoo what's wrong? lol]
All: You say
YD: You love him but why are you crying?
All: Baby
YT: If you're upset, just come to me
If things are complicated, just come to me
You just need to come into my arms
Just be mine
JS: So what?
What's wrong with that guy?
He says he loves you but why is he making you cry?
DH: I can't see you crying
Don't go to him, come to me girl
YH: So what's the problem
I can lend you my shoulders but
DH: I can't this anymore
YH: Baby I can't take it no more
YH: Baby I can't take it no more [Jinseok being extra loud lol]
YD: Let me love you my girl
Let me be your man, girl
DH:You're too good for him
DH: I'm gonna steal your heart
JS: Say
[Wait for it... here it comes!!!]
[Hyunuk's ooh? Or burp? lol]
YT: Let me let me be your love girl [Youngdoo trying hard not to laugh at Hyunuk and Sunghyun bearly holding it in ㅋㅋㅋ]
DH: //sound effects// [Youngdoo still geeking out while Hyunuk, Yeontae and Sunghyun joins him lol]
JS: //sound effects//
[Yeontae joins Jinseok in making sound effects]
JS &YT: //sound effects//
JS &YT: //sound effects// [the boys are so extra lmbo]
JS &YT: //sound effects//
JS: I have my limits with my patience [The boys laughing at Jinseok's missed beat lol he was having too much fun doing the sound effects]
JS: He treats you worst than just an accessory
SH: you can ignore me, saying I'm talking nonsense
But I'm sorry this is a fact
[I don't know who sings this part, it might be Inho or someone else]
DH: If he makes you cry one more time
Then I don't now what'll happen to him [He sounds so aggressive, like damn boy]
IH: Because when it comes to protecting you
I can do anything~
JS: So what?
JS: You know but why are you keeping this up?
You know he's not the one [Members can't handle his extra-ness]
You know he's not the one [This is my bias guys lol what a dork]
HU: I can't see you crying
Don't go to him, come to me girl
JH: So what's the problem [Hyunuk is still going lol]
I can wait for you until whenever
I can wait for you until whenever [Doha, Yeontae and Sunghyun just jamming out bro]
DH: I can't take this anymore
YH: Baby I can't take it no more
YH: Baby I can't take it no more [Jinseok being extra EXTRA loud lol I thought this was suppose to be ASMR]
YD: Let me love you my girl [Yonghyun, Jinseok and Inho just geeking out]
Let me be your man, girl~~~
DH: You're too good for him [Doha laughing is too cute]
I'm gonna steal your heart
[Yunghyun's voice slip and Jinseok not being able to handle it]
[More voice slips and Doha, Youngdoo, Yunghyun and Jinseok are just crackin up]
YD: Let me let me be your love girl
YD: Don't cry don't cry don't cry
YT, IH, DH, & JS: Anymore [Jinseok's voice slip though lmao someone stop this boy.]
YD: Anymore
YT, IT, DH, & JS: Anymore [Leader-nim trying to stop this child from being too extra]
[Everyone's laughing except for Hyunuk lol he just looks confused]
IH: I'll hold you now
IH: I'll hold you now [Jinseok's just can't anymore ㅋㅋㅋ]
I'll wipe away those tears [Jinseok-ah, you can do it! the song's almost over just one more minute]
Be mine [Doha is just all over Inho today <3]
[Jinseok can you not please? I can't handle your beautiful smile]
IH: Be mine woo oo yeah~~~
SH: Girl let me let me love ya
Girl just let me let me love ya
JS: I'll give you the love you always wanted [Someone needs to stop him asap, leader-nim can't take it no more]
Before it's too late, pick me, you're my destiny
SH: Girl let me let me love ya [Yeontae can't take Sunghyun's deep voice aha]
Girl just let me let me love ya [Hyunuk finally LAUGHED!]
IH: So no one will get hurt
Until you die, I'll protect you
JS Everybody say "woo~~ ooh~~"
IH: I'm your man~~~
YH: Let me let me love ya girl
Let me love ya girl
JS: One more time say
YD: Let me let me be your love girl
[Sunghyun's not so subtle cough cough]
JS: Ah~ my voice
YT & YH: What's wrong with your voice?
YH: [Youngdoo] your "don't cry don't cry don't cry".
DH: [Jinseok] what's wrong with you?
JS: It's not that~ ( and something that I couldn't understand)
[I don't understand this last part]
Hope yall's like the sub(ish) lol. I am very sorry if I got anything wrong or incorrect since Korean is not my first language. Hope yall's enjoyed this as much as me and please show the boys a lot of support.
Animal Sounds Video For Kids To Learn Wild Animals Names Learn Domestic Animals Sounds For Children - Duration: 1:02:44.
Animal Sounds Video For Kids To Learn Wild Animals Names Learn Domestic Animals Sounds For Children dinosaurs dog lion
Summer Mix 2017 🌴 Best Of Deep & Tropical House Music 2017 Chill Out Mix 🌴 Kygo Mix 2017 - Duration: 57:23.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
DENNÉ ZVYKY ÚSPEŠNÝCH ĽUDÍ | Brian Tracy - Duration: 5:17.
New Film in the MCU (Parody Song) - Duration: 3:15.
I can see what's happening.
It happens every year.
We work so hard to make something that's new,
It feels me up with fear.
Their perfect flawless formula
Is one we can't defeat
Cause every time a Marvel movie comes
The fan girls/boys lose their shit
New film in the MCU
Excitement in the air
The wait was long
I feel the buzz tonight
It's more than I can bare
So many things could happen
Phase 3 is where it's at
We'll finally know what that glove is all about
I'm certain about that
My all time favorite characters
Can always make me smile
And maybe just for once they'll introduce
A villain worth our while
New film in the MCU
Excitement in the air
The wait was long
I feel the buzz tonight
It's more than I can bare
New film in the MCU
The best we've ever seen
Let's go again, so we can analyze
Each and every scene
With every new film coming out
We're getting more consumed
The glory days of us are history
In short, DC-
is doomed.
Bruno Mars "Count On Me" (karaoke+chords) - Duration: 3:34.
Bruno Mars "Count On Me" (karaoke+chords)
[En sub] #3 Coco's Adventure (dinosaurs movie for kids) my name is yuto!ㅣCoCosToy - Duration: 5:30.
Dinosaurs village is very dangerous
I need to pick someone up on the Earth
We can't protect our village by ourselves
We should collect 8 bones,
I will choose one who like bones a lot!
yes, you are right!
But most of all you have to know that
the one must have liver inside body
when we are in danger, we need that liver!
you are not supposed to dead!!
you are not supposed to dead!!
It's weird here! everything looks different!
Roles are distorted!
Sometimes meat-eating dinosaurs are defeated
to herbivorous dinosaurs
By the way! what is your name?
My name is CoCo!
It sound fabulous!
Oh! dinosaurs are fighting each other!
Don't afraid!
weird things will happen quite soon!
now happened!
wow that's surprised!
wow banana!!
I'm so in luck!!
So tasty~ Yummy
Dinosaurs village was peacefull but
but because of spell,
There are no more peace!
Do you think CoCo and friend can recover the village?
$OULVOID X LIVIDAE - Silhouette (Official Music Video) - Duration: 2:26.
Now, what to say first on the beat
Everyone expresses emotions on paper
But I take the whole tree
John Doe temple At least it knows every branch
Fuck the king, when in Rome first kill Gianna
I want to dream lucidly Fall into a coma
And be conscious of my unconsciousness
That the infinity in the mirror is looking forward to the break
To finally transport Sadako into glass
Stranger, I have a bag for you
Look in the backpack, but it doesn't contain happiness
I spend time thinking about how times fly
My thoughts fly away until I light a candle
Don't live in the dark
Don't live in the dark
In the attic my best friend is the ceiling
I haven't touched the constellation on it
The TV and radio emit me static
I hear their movement, but I haven't moved
I dream that Ta-Ha is hanging out next to me in my home, but no
It tears me piece by piece, and I drown more, look at me
Night flights fill my thoughts I make conversions arbitrarily
My ambitions and wishes are all lying now
It's harder to walk with anything broken
Secrets leak from the gutter forever
Trust like a PGP message
Destiny lies in lake Toluca
I hope this is a good decision
Animal Sounds Video For Kids To Learn Wild Animals Names Learn Domestic Animals Sounds For Children - Duration: 1:02:44.
Animal Sounds Video For Kids To Learn Wild Animals Names Learn Domestic Animals Sounds For Children dinosaurs dog lion
Hair Makeover - SMARTBOND by L'Oreal Professionel - Duration: 3:43.
Hi semua, so hari ini aku mau ngevlog
I just arrived Jakarta and it's sooo early now (ain't a morning person!)
And I'm gonna dye my hair with L'Oreal again
This one's for their SMARTBOND Campaign
I'm very excited!
But I'm not sure what color should I choose
Probably a bright colored one! HEHE
Menurut kalian gimana??
Liat nanti deh, bye!
Waaa there's @aiiness
We're both ugleh nowwww
Yeah look i know rightttt
I'm so sad
We're already at the event
He's parting my hair so it's easier to bleach
Just a bit more!
Gak sabar nunggu hasilnya!
Then we are going to rinse it
Then toning, then dying the hair rose gold-ish
You only bleached once?
Would the color come out though?
I can guarantee you it will!
Rinsing my hair nowwwww
Then we're toning it afterwards
How strong is the bleaching intensity usually?
There's like 6%, 9% and 12%
This one's 9%
So highest is 12%?
Does SMARTBOND works for styling too?
Oh yes of course!
So basically SMARTBOND strengthens the hair ya?
Aku belajar hal baru!
What colour is this? Silver
Kalian bisa liat IG dy - @iphann
Your pics are so cool!
So are we done dying now?!
Yeah we did!
This is the 2nd step of SMARTBOND
What does this one do?
This is to bond all the fragile texture of your hair
So it will be stonger
So it won't be fragile and become dry
So first you mixed SMARTBOND with the bleach
Oh so you can mix it in while rebonding and perming too
So SMARTBOND protects your hair during chemical processes
The third step is? Conditioner?
You use it after shampooing right?
Once a week ya
I'm shyyyyy
What kind of Youtuber would be shyyy?!
Liat yg punya @aiiness!!!!
CRAY What is this?! UNICORN!
Such hardwork for how many hours?!
What time did we start?
10 am
Almost 12 hours lol
Cantik itu sakitttt
This Has Gone Too Far.. - Duration: 8:21.
eexclusive breaking news update in that
case of a threat against the plane at
Sky Harbor yeah we just talked to us the
people who were taken off the plane to
recap police say somebody called in a
threat against the plane which flew from
Los Angeles to Phoenix tonight new right
now an online personality somebody who
streamed video online says it was a bomb
threat and it was a prank he says he was
the target so this was the man who was
taken off the plane Paulding neo ABC 15s
John Erickson talked to him over the
phone just in the last 15 minutes like I
felt really bad for gonna have a plane
because they just had to sit there
because of this guy who called like that
he called in and said that I had a bomb
on the plane that's what he said that he
was pretending to be me oh so someone
pretended to be you called in and said I
have a bomb yeah he says he was swatted
that's when somebody gets the SWAT team
to go to something as a prank we're on
our way to an in-person interview with
him right now you're going to see that
on nbc15 mornings now I'm pretty sure a
lot of you are sitting there taking a
look at this clip and telling yourself
that Wow
I suppose item fans have really took
stream sniping to a whole nother level
here I'm here to tell you that this is
just the beginning of it because stuff
gets worse
so before we talk about what we're going
to talk about today I believe we should
review what exactly has happened to ice
in just this month some of you may be
frustrated that ice has nothing to do
with the runescape community so why am I
talking about him well he is a former
Marine skate player and a lot of crazy
stuff has happened to him so I would
like to talk about that there is a lot
more news or runescape related stuff we
will talk about later but I want to
focus on this because I believe just two
weeks ago ice beside him was sitting
down eating a meal and a fan came up to
him and sprayed him with a fire
extinguisher I'm pretty sure all of us
are familiar with that clip also I
believe just a few days ago I decided
went into a restaurant in which the
owner came in grabbed the camera and
smashed it because ice designer Franz
was sending this guy death threats now
ice beside in has literally been swatted
at the airport he was I believe taking a
plane somewhere I don't know where he
was going but a fan called in stating
that ice was gonna do bad things to the
plane and they had to escort him off I
believe with the SWAT team tends to soon
swatted well stuff has gotten in my
opinion out of hand because in the case
in which the store owner came in and
smashed ice Poseidon's camera allegedly
people are saying that this guy was a
gang member and the gang was called like
the grape gang or the fruit gang or
something like that I don't know but a
fan literally I believe this fan is
trying to kill ice or something
a fan cents one of the gang members at
threat saying that ice was gonna come to
the hood or something and shoot them up
and allegedly this gang member is now
after ice trying to literally kill him
like this gang member that the prank
caller or prankster pissed off is
literally asking as to where ice
President lives like this gang member
wants to know where ice lives maybe to
shoot them up who knows maybe to check
them I don't know but yeah I mean ice is
probably gonna die soon anyway next up
for those of you who haven't seen it the
old school team has released how the Obi
armor is going to look and it does look
really cool also there seems to be quite
a bit of people complaining about emblem
farming still which is kind of weird
because jagex has really
updates including the wilderness Slayer
update and a lot of people dot that this
would kill emblem farming because
emblems wouldn't be valued as much and
emblem farmers wouldn't be making enough
money to want to do it however
apparently this is not the case if you
take a look at this clip this guy is
complaining that emblem farmers are even
more active than they were before
according to him so I don't know what
you guys should think of it but that's
kind of interesting also something new
I'm going to start doing is finding
talent in the runescape community and
letting you guys know of the existence
because I know how it felt to be a
small-time youtuber getting subscribers
and I literally see channels that have
like under a hundred subs in which they
need like thousands there's no way you
can provide content like this and only
have a hundred subs and that basically
happens because people don't know about
their existence since I have like 50k
subs I'm not saying that's like the
biggest in the world it's something but
I really do recommend you check this guy
I mean some of you're going to be like
wow this is probably going to be like
your average pk and no I must say this
guy is pretty good you're gonna see what
I make some shown clips of empty canines
the full uncut video will be down below
and his channel will be down below now
I'm not telling you guys to go and swarm
and sub to him but now that you guys
know of his existence some of you might
get tips because as you can see what
he's doing is he's pretty good guys
that's all I'm saying also I message mod
infinity over on D Twitter about account
security and he told me about some ideas
they have over there and some ideas
players have suggested which I believe
are really really cool now guys I must
emphasize that these are just ideas
there is no guarantee of any of these
being implemented into the game but they
are really really interesting to think
about so one really interesting thing
that mod infinity mentioned was
government-issued IDs and I believe what
he means by this is that players will be
able to literally scan off the
government IDs or any you know maybe a
car license or something give it to
Jagex so if anything happens to the
account they can always get in by just
proving that they are them if that makes
sense I believe that's how it's gonna
work however I can see a lot of issues
with that I personally like this I would
love to see that but I also know deep
down that I can see jagex having a lot
of issues with this and it might
complicate things in a way so that's
really interesting to think about next
up watch out for this stupid
motherfucker okay this guy is basically
trying to scam under the name senpai oh
and for some reason he's at the GE and
he's trying to pull off like an item
scam I'm just letting you guys know if
anybody that claims to be me is asking
you for money and you give him money I'm
sorry but you're pretty stupid like with
the money I have I will never ever ever
be fuckin asking anybody for money so if
someone says hey I'm old I skin me some
money you would be stupid to give him
money because why on earth would I be
asking for money I'm just saying so
watch out for this guy next up we're
going to be talking about something that
is pretty much whoever's the first to
see it may make a lot of money because
apparently this guy has found a way to
make 650 K by simply smithing silver
jewelry or however you say I would
because as we know silver girlie is
still new to the game and maybe this is
a method a lot of people knew about I
don't know I'm just going to link the
video down below if anyone is interested
to watch it and maybe find out how to
make 600 K an hour that is what this guy
is claiming now before you do this I
advise you do research before you do
this to make sure you actually make
money I'm gonna link it down below in
case it helps anybody out and oh by the
way before we end this video and before
you guys go home remember I host a ton
of giveaways on a daily basis if you're
interested in wanting to answer be sure
to comment something down below because
that's how I cook the winners and - like
this video give it a thumbs up you know
that'll be cool so the winners from
yesterday one one at D train the other
winner won an onyx scam and yet that's
it now that being said let me go ahead
and pick a winner so we can all go away
here and I'm gonna be sometimes I
randomly pick the comment with a comment
generator robot or sometimes I picked
the comment manually today I picked a
winning common man relief and it's
coming from a guy who says do robot will
pick me so this guy is familiar with the
random robot I use but little did he
know I literally picked it manually and
not the robot hahahahaha I'll message
you on YouTube and we'll get that sorted
having said go home guys see ya
【MUKBANG】 Kyushu's Flavor [5Umakachan Noodles]+ Cod Roe Mayo Rice Bowl, 4.5Kg 5323kcal[CC Available] - Duration: 8:07.
Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subtitles by ~Aphexx~) (Subtitles optimized to be viewed on PC)
So, Today! tadaa I made 5 packs of 'Umanachan' noodles and a bowl of mustard green and fish egg on rice
and here's the packaging of the 'Umakachan' I was sent this by a viewer ~thank you very much~
I grew up in Fukuoka and I used to eat this a lot back in the day
seeing this is so nostalgic and it totally made my day
I hear that this store called 'Don Quixote' sells these but I don't often go there so its been a while since
I've seen this noodle these Umakachan are so delish
I also went all out on these toppings today alrighty lets see how its made
tadaa here's the umakachan what we'll be using today these are so very popular in my home town of Fukuoka
I ate so much of these growing up
I'll chop up some leek and thinly slice some char siu
since you often see pork ramen shops serve these mustard greens I'll copy them by making them with rice
fry the greens with sesame oil
add sesame seeds to taste and prep the rice I'll be using 3 cups today
then top with the greens we prepared earlier
the rice is totally covered up
hollow out the middle and add our 'onsen tamago' (soft boiled egg)
tadaa this is fish egg mayo I'll be using it on this dish today
there was a big pocket of air there
then sprinkle sesame seeds.... and add out leek
and in the ramen pack there is noodles, soup and an oil packet
boil up 5 packs worth of noodles I used this pot to fry our mustard greens so thats what
is floating in here and since we will be adding extra mustard greens to your noodles it won't affect anything
they call for 3 minutes of boiling but if you prefer chewier noodles adjust cook time accordingly
once its boiled turn off the heat and add our soup packet
ahh this umakachan powder..... it brings back so many memories
once you're done adding the soup transfer to a bowl
add char siu, wood ear mushroom, bamboo, ginger, and the remaining greens
then add our oil packet top with leeks and sesame
and its tadaa done!
and over here is our mustard green with fish egg mayo
I also added a few pieces of char siu with so many of these toppings it looks so delish
itadakimasu this milky white soup brings back so many memories
ahh good ol' umakachan noodle soup but it doesn't taste as strong as what you'd get
at their shops though... but then again that's what makes the home made
version so good the noodles look like this
they're on the thin side
gotta love that pork broth soup the soup is not too thin at all but it is
on the light and watery side not thick at all
the pork broth sticks to the noodles so nicely ... delish
and here's a piece of char siu
so good... This char siu is like something you'd find in a chinese noodle bowl
white ?noodles? you'd find in a pork broth ramen
you always see ginger and bamboo in a pork broth ramen
its these toppings that make part of the unmistakable pork broth ramen experience
mmm so good
you don't find wood ear mushrooms or ginger or mustard greens in any other types of ramen
they are perfect in these pork broth ramen
I love that crunchy mouthfeel of these woood ear mushrooms so much
time for our mustard green fish egg mayo bowl
I'll now break up the soft eggs
soo good. these soft boiled eggs mix together with the
fish egg mayo and then cover all the greens ~ its gonna taste so good ~
~ I haven't tasted it yet though ~
they look like this ~it looks a bit messy though~
the mustard greens have such a strong forward taste and the egg serves to perfectly mellow out that
strong flavor... the fish egg mayo is so wonderful its perfect with rice
so good
these mustard greens taste so great with all this and broth tastes so awesome with this rice as well
I've pretty well finished all the noodles so now I will put the rice and broth together
look at this will 'ya its full of greens, bamboo and all sorts of things
the color of the soup looks so magnificent you know this soup is gonna taste so good
so strong
mustard greens and fish eggs go so nicely together
these greens are so delish they are so flavorful that they go perfectly in
almost any dish
in a video I made earlier with a simmered pork broth ramen and I made a porridge with the remaining
broth with rice.... remember I added some mustard greens to that as well.... it was so darn tasty
all done final mouthful itadakimasu
this bowl is also done gochisosamadeshita
the umakachan noodles and the fish egg mayo with greens on rice were so delish
its been forever since I had 'Umakachan' noodles out of all the instant noodles these Umakachan would
have to be my most favourite ones out there when I was living in Fukuoka
these noodles were the 'go to' noodles all the time and when you shop for these instant noodles
I always thought these were the best engineered ones around
as I discovered noodles from all around I was surprised to find how good other makes of noodles were
these noodles will always have a special place in my heart this packaging brings back so many memories as well
it shows ?hakata don tate? or does it? I dunno lol
the picture on their packaging hasn't changed a bit from when I was a kid
~ lol I'm getting all charged up all of a sudden ~
these brough back so many memories and they're so tasty as well
in my life I've eaten a tonne of these umakachan noodles that's why I wanted to go all out with toppings today
~ suddenly I feel so grown up ~ back in the day I would make just these umakachan
noodles along with some rice
this was my first time making this mustard green and fish egg mayo bowl
I kinda just threw together a few things that I felt would taste good together
and it turned out to tasty these soft boiled eggs are so wonderful as well
you can get away with using just normal mayo in it as well but the fish egg mayo tasted great as well
I had some of this special mayo lying around today so that is why we used it today
it tasted great in the dish everything tasted so great won't you all give it a try?
and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe button BAI BAI
Migliori Giochi Alternativi x Nintendo DS: Top 10 Rari e Sottovalutati (Hidden Gems) - Duration: 20:39.
Princess Coloring Page l Coloring Book Learn Colors For Children - Duration: 3:14.
Hi Kids
My Other Games
Eat Rice While Boiling With Oil - Lose Your Weight Very Fast - Duration: 2:51.
how to cook rice with coconut oil to
burn calories and fat most starches
including rice are very digestible and
quickly converted to glucose in the
blood while most of this start gets
stored in the liver and muscles as
glycogen the excess glucose gets stored
as fat and becomes a major contributor
to obesity and a host of other health
issues resistant starches passed through
these small intestines and become food
for the good microbes in the large
intestines all the while reducing the
risk of excess glucose lingering in the
blood and supporting healthy colon cells
resistant starches can also help with
healthy elimination unnatural side
coconut oil the secret ingredient to
increase the resistant starch content of
white rice the technique is incredibly
simple take a pan add some water and
boil add 1 TSP of coconut oil to boiling
water once the oil dissolved still in
1/2 a cup of rice simmer for 40 minutes
or until the rice is fully cooked
the research is note that one could boil
it for 20 to 25 minutes and strength
then refrigerate it for 12 hours before
consuming yes this is technically a
leftover but you have blood sugar or
weight issues this can be a very helpful
strategy this procedure increases the
resistant starch content by 10 times for
traditional non fortified rice the
coconut oil enters the starch granules
during the cooking process which makes
the sugar resistant to the digestive
engines so it won't break down and be
digested the cooling of the rice for 12
hours binds the starch to molecules on
the outside of the rice turning the rice
sugar into a resistant starch reheating
the rice does not affect its RS levels
rice is not the most nutrient rich food
and overeating
it may be disruptive to your blood sugar
levels look for fiber rich nutrient rich
foods such as sweet potatoes barley
leafy green vegetables cauliflower
mushrooms and squash thanks for watching
this video a like and subscribe for more
MALE PROSTITUTE-ASHAWO HUSBAND/ Latest 2017 Nigerian Nollywood Ghallywood Full Movie - Duration: 7:24.
How to draw Awesome Moving Stick Man with Whiteboard Marker Pen - BOOWHOWOO Art & Science - Duration: 5:04.
Hello everyone! I'm BOOWHOWOO
Today, I'm going to move a graffiti on the desk
like this
Isn' it funny?
You need only two things
a cup of water and a dry erase pen (Whiteboard Marker Pen)
OK, here we go!
Draw anything you want
Then pour water over the graffiti
The face has scattered
Seems like it is swimming
Hello! Mr. Stick man
The table won't get dirty
※ Please be careful if the table is made of timber
Let's do it once again
What is she doing?
What is the girl doing?
It became so small
"BOOWHOWOO" has been scattered
How was the video
I hope
you like it
It is very funny to see
the stick man floats and moves around
Please give it a try
Well, see you next video!
Subscribe and Thumb up!
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