Hi I'm Minho and Sooah
Today we will learn how to say siblings
Women say OPPA
to older brothers and male friends
And Unnie to older sisters and female friends
What ?
UNNIE ! - What ?
Men say "HYUNG" to older brothers
and "NOONA" to older sisters
What ?
What ?
For younger siblings we say
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For more infomation >> HERMANOS en coreano || SIBLINGS in korean - Duration: 0:44.-------------------------------------------
Con acrobacia aérea para enmarcar, Juninho puso el 3-0 de Tigres a Tijuana - Duration: 0:53.
True King Subterror Deck Profile + Combos (VFD + Nat Beast/R4NK) - Subterror Weekend! - Duration: 16:03.
What's up Guys, TopTierYugioh here, and welcome to the second day of Subterror weekend where
I'm going to be uploading a brand new Subterror deck, so in case you missed it yesterday
So in case you missed it, yesterday I uploaded a Pure Subterror deck
I uploaded a peer sub tarot deck profile that focused a lot more on defense and an out grinding opponents in a late-game
Well today's deck is going to be the complete opposite as it focuses on making strong
unbreakable turn one boards and the best way to do that right [now] is with the true king so this is going to be a
True King [Subterra] deck profile, so we're going to kick things off with three sub tears nemesis archers
so archer is the main nemesis monster that you're going to be playing in this deck because [it] allows you to submit all of your
Vehemence by destroying it with either aleppo statham or a diagram and that effects really useful because it allows you to build your board while
Summoning other monsters as well
And in although the spec does depend on making strong turn one boards
having a monster like archer that floats and works really well with your engine does allow you to have strong late games as
well as survive long enough to draw into your combo card because you're not going to always draw your combo pieces and having something like
Arthur is good to have in depth just in case
Although there are enough combo pieces in this deck that you should draw a couple of them every single hand
Next we have three [Subterra] nemesis warriors still extremely important part of this deck as it does allow you to summon your behemoths
famous archer
But the best thing about Nemesis while you're in this deck
is that it keeps coming back from the graveyard and so it really helps you set up a lot more of your players such as
your rank [fours] and your synchro plays of course we have to play [three] [fiends] if it helps you summon your monsters as well as
being a good defensive card
This is a three of an every single sub serie that regardless of what other engines are type of deck that you're playing
You've got to play three seen this you're just extremely valuable in every turn one board that you make that you can back up with
a theme this it just makes you that harder to beat and then even if you survive you can use feeding this to extend your
[plays] in the next turn so it's a lot different than other traps to where like you use that tracks
And if you don't use a trap it just sits there
being this is a trap [that] if you don't use you can use it proactively on the next turn and so it's either going to
Protect your board on that turn or it's going to help you kill your opponent on the next one
So let's move on to the behemoths first [to] play one [Ultra] [Mathis]
Ultra office is actually really good in this build because you get someone in pretty easily with all the archers
But then because you do have archer you can really take advantage of electrum offices effect
And then shuffle back your opponent's monsters with archer and that's on top of you know they [already] just good
Ol term opposite effects like having a book of eclipse is really really strong. So next we have two stalagmites
Which is still a really really strong, Behemoth?
But I cut it down [to] [two] in this [build] because [a] lot [of] times you have to destroy one card in your [hand] with
Little Satan's effect
So it makes it hard sometimes to some
Say Jim button also has something to discard first alag [moe] and vice versa
And so [you] might discard a car first alag [moe] that might have been the only earth that you had and then you drawn to
to spell cards or Thordan to a car that you don't destroy such as like a
hand trap or something or a maxI and so there's sort of a slight contradiction between [let's] of [stadium] and
Stalagmites, I wanted to cut that to just a sort of cut down to that contradiction next we play one Volta Lord
This is actually really important in this build because it does allow you to go into your rank 9 please
But then also having [3,000] [defenses] relevant as well
And if you can set your opponent's monsters with ultra officer than summit volta Lord you can do some pretty cool combos
One Fox Robles here which I really think is standard at this point because being able to sing cards like Globe old
Nemesis warrior than other cars that you just want to send to the graveyard is really really valuable. [there's] one game. I remember us
It's a hand trap to the graveyard an instant fusion did back to go into a synchro [monster] and like just making little plays like
That on
Top of the already obvious plays like sending global bolt for nat beasts and other synchros are sending nemesis warriors
They can get it back and there are so many different plays you can do sending something [to] [bring] her back
We've seen this you just again you have so many different options
Definitely think that it's necessary in these decks now and then again
it does contribute to your strong turn one boards because it does help you make nat beasts and
Again me and a chair your visas really really hard for [decks] tile and the last two behemoths that we play are [to] [loomis] tricks
So now for the name stick that that we play [two] little [stadiums] the Earth true king and a little stadiums really good in this
deck because it allows you to destroy your archers and
So you can either get archer like just by hard drawing it or you can start to its hidden City
but either way
Just destroying it allows you to summon your other behemoths from the deck and the easiest play to do is just to someone a volta
Lark and then go into a wreck 9 so that could be either [vSD] or enter blast near either one of them is really good
Generally VSD is going to be your main choice, but there's so many other plays that enables as well
So for example if you have hidden city, let's go say gem Brilliant [fusions] and [then] either archer [or] warrior
It's going to allow you to go [through] [camp] calamities and that beast and nominee dex can deal with that board
Then also attacks your opponent's extra dragon, so when you summon it using its own effect
It's going [to] allow you to banish three cards from your employments extra [jack] that's really huge right now because you can banish your opponent's
VsDs. You could banish their Norden's or synchros or whatever they might need
I mean it also gives you information as well as if you're going first you know they're playing
Seeing direct Rick is going to give you a lot of clues
and then really help you build your attorney or strategies around that so gives you the advantage of
Information as well as hurting their strategies as well, okay?
So I'm gonna go ahead and show you some of the combos that you can do it little stadium into the most basic one is
If you have hidden city, let's go [stadium] and in any other monster that you can destroy with let's this agent effect
I mean, it's nice if it's earth or if it's a trick clown, but if it's not that's okay as well
[I] suddenly go ahead and show you guys that one right now
And so the next combo which is a much more advanced version of a previous one is if you have hidden city with no stadium
Infusion and an either [archer] or nemesis warrior now this one's really crazy because it's going to allow you to summon a true [tank] calamities
And [innate] [area] beasts and like outside of Kaijus
I don't think there's any out to that board and then you're gonna need kaijus and other plays
Because [a] Kaiju is only going to be able to deal with one of them then there's even another combo
I'm gonna let you guys figure out that's really similar
But there's a lot of other ways that you can make similar voids as well
just having Hitman City Blippo stadium and then
Archer and in like some way to like get an emesis warrior really lets you do some awesome plays and then backing any of them
Up with a theme this to send it over the top okay?
So there are two more combos that you can do actually but I'm gonna put them at the end of the video because I want
to move on with the rest of the step profile right now and
So be sure to stay on to the end of the video to watch the last two combos alright
So next we play three [tear] tops one take Tom borg these are just more starter cards
They give [you] something to attribute with nemesis warrior
They help you make totem bird which contributes to your strong turn ones boards or you can go into an invoker and then special summon
The missus warrior so gives you a lot of different options that [are] next we play one garnet and one trick clown for the brunette
Fusion engine and after the hand shots you play two ghost ogres
[to] ghost ashes and at one Maxie one thing that I'm actually considering is going up to three ghost ogres
[I] don't want to completely take out [ghosts] - But I
Probably take out one ghost - or go silver because one thing that I've noticed
Consistently is that when my opponent has a gigantic diagram. [I] don't want to just negate the searching effects
[I] want to destroy the diagram because the hardest thing about the true Draco matchup
Is that once they saw the masterpiece you can't get rid of it with your monster effects?
Which is that focuses around a lot?
But you also can't destroy it by battle because they have the at the diagram abortion sort of a battle twice
So something to monsters but over 30 to 50 attack is really really hard to do like you can make one
And get one monster that high that's not a problem
but [two]
That makes it really difficult to do and so I really want to destroy die grand most of the time with the ghosts over
rather than just negating the effect for a turn with ghosts -
But then the final monster that we play is 1 glow-up bulb and this is for the materia beast [place] as well as the other
Synchro place for the spell so not many surprises here three hidden cities [3] terraforming
We got the final battle for the hidden city going on here
So we got a you got to have as many hidden cities as possible, then only one dragonic diagram
This is because you don't want to see multiples
And you only need to see it [1] - generally and then you do have terraforming [they'll] search [it] as well
So next we have [3] brewery infusions really important for the combos
I just showed you guys earlier
Being able to summon extra monsters and getting an extra normal summon is really really helpful because you do have a lot of normal [some]
[ones] that you do have 3 archers 3 nemesis warriors 3 seen this and a bunch of tribute monsters
So having an extra normal summon is really really nice [next] [we] have three instant fusions
which is a staple in any sub tarot deck to just come in and
You can summon invoked right in to set itself to someone your behemoth or you get some ignore it in to extend your place
That's pretty obvious and the only traps you play are two
Final battles because again this code focuses a lot more on your monsters and not your traps
But also because that does have so many cards that you don't necessarily want to draw such as global garnet red clown
I didn't want to add to [that] list by playing a lot of traps because those aren't really good going second
You're not always going to win your dive rules
but [playing] but hand traps over regular traps
Allows me to go second
Disrupt my opponents, and then on my turn be able to you know build a really strong board or even [odk] them sometimes
So I'm saving the regular traps for the side back for when I know that I can go first in this bill
I really don't think there's space for traps hand traps and all your combo pieces
For the extra deck when [you] start with the fusions we play one Sarasu [light]
One in both right in and then one Lordan for the synchro monsters who play one cloud castle?
Cloud castle is actually really good because we do go into a lot of level 9 monsters. We have volt elorg
cloud castle and bring back volatile orc and then go into a second req 9 after you make your first initial flavor right 9 so
One thing that'll happen really often is that you're going to your first [ranked] [nile] with archer lugosi a gem
But [after] that you're going to at some [point] if you really want to be able to go into glacier and Saint glow-up bulb
And then with [that] that's going to allow you to make another level 9 synchro monster you can just summon the cloud castle
bring back to both alert that's already in your graveyard or even [the] [lipless] a gem and
That's going to let you go into another rank 9 so cloud castle is really useful. I wanted to play [trishula]
Which is another level 9 synchro, and you can go in the tricia?
You really really want to but sometimes it just takes a lot of work
And you don't really go into it as often because it does require three materials next we play one [yazzie]
Evil of the yang zing [jaws] is really good because it lets you clear your opponent's [boards]
But then also once you use Yossi's effect to Destroy itself. It's going to let you summon
let's go say jump from your deck again aiding to your rank 9 plays one ancient Fairy Dragon because it lets you cycle through your
field spells
what are we going from Hidden City to the next hidden city or going from diagram to Hidden City or vice versa or even the
[showing] your opponent's field supposed to search your own
Ancient for your dragon is extremely useful
[any], and you can even use it to special summon your [monster] from your hand such as your are curing your nemesis warrior
So [int] your fairy Dragon is really useful [sin] the last synchro monster is one neytiri beast and you guys already know why we play?
That let's go ahead and move on to the [exists] monsters. We're going to start with the rank 9 and then move on down
We play 1 through 10 calamities
And then once tandem fortress answer blasts near and I'm on the fence about playing [anther] blast near or a second kruky and calamities
But both are really good and both have their purposes and right now [I] kind of felt that the utility of having both
Sort of trumps the consistency of having just two to kane calamities
But I'm going to put a poll on the top right corner of the screen
Let me know which one you think would be best remember the rank force
We have one cast though which I think is standard and also tear that
You're going to be able to flip itself face down to some of your behemoths, but also
It helps you clear your opponents boards as well once I go still emeral don't be shuffled back your resources one thing
I really like to do as a shuffle back garnet and trick clown or especially just a garnet that's going to help you reuse your
Variant Fusion you can go on the rent force pretty easily, too
So you can do this on command you can also shuffle back your hand traps if you want to draw them again
or even some of your behemoths if you need them in depth to summon off of a and archer then we have one broad but
One dragnet a strong defensive rank force these are just really good in my opinion
So I think they should go in any decks
I can make rank for words really because sometimes even if you can't make the full light true key and calamities [plus]
Naturia bees if you can make [naturey] abuse flush dryden that's really strong or fruity no calamities [plus] trident
That's really good even totem bird plus dragons really good
And so you have a lot of access to very many really really strong defensive monsters
And which is why you don't need so many traps in the main deck in my opinion
But I finally we played to rank threes one two little bird
And then one invoker set aside that you're gonna notice this is very [similar], so I'm not gonna explain it too much
But we have one psycho kraken which I really like when you're playing against trap heavy decks
Because you can do sort of like an in-Phase MSP with [Mrs.]. Warrior
You can just some [spy] [go] cracking on your opponent's turn
Flip it with final battle hit one back [arrow] going to your turn pull the back face down and back face up and hit some
More back row so psycho kraken is really good against the back projection my opinion and next we play a kaiju engine
We have to give seo
[1ku] mungus into one of the level 9 the level 9 is really good because you can summon it off of a
slumber or also if you just draw in another Kaiju and again
it helps you make your rank 9 please and then because game seo is level 8 and
then we also have level 7 [news] x I also really want to play a
Level of ranked 8th in the rank 7 but again the extra. Deck space is actually pretty tight
I don't think there's enough space for it
You don't go into them often [enough] because you do pretty much only do this out the side deck
But having a level 9 Kaiju is useful because you already make prank knives within the main deck
But also something important to note [that] I forgot to [mention] in yesterday's deck
Is that you can actually search your [pages] because you can send slumber to the graveyard the [phosphorous] here?
I don't want your next turn you can banish the slumber to start to tide you that's really really important in the true Draco matchup
And then also because we do play triple archer
Having [there] explore [birds] and a dark hole health as well because they're going to help you start [there] plays
So then for the side deck trap cards
It's very similar to yesterday's we play two quaking Mayor force two barrier [two] strikes in a warning
I really like the mirror forces striking warning against rooting dinosaurs
I really like the warning versus a true Draco's and then again zodiacs
I really like very your strikes and warnings and so I sort of mix and match the traps that fit that [matchup] better
But then you're going to notice against true drake goes not really studying many traps at all
That's because they can just summon a masterpiece that
Abuse and trap cards and so you don't really want to saw regular attacks for that except for the warning that can negate the summon?
Against that matchup I'm usually sighting in the kaijus, but they give me answers to Masterpiece
which is really really hard for this deck out and
Again you have searchable outs because you can send lumber to the graveyard and you can also make [mat] beasts as well which helps
Okay, so I almost forgot to include these combos
But they're both three-card combos you need hidden City Likto stage and institution
And then you also need one other card to the store with lipless a gem
Doesn't really matter what it is. It just has to be any sort of monster in your deck. It's cool
If it's an Earth, but if it's not [an] earth or the trick pound that's fine, too
It doesn't really matter and so the first of the two combos is going to end you with nate area [be]
[spooky] and calamities which again is really really hard for a lot of decks to out the second combo starts with the same car
But you can end [it] a little differently and so you can end with true King [of] calamities
Dryden and then archer, so this combo is actually really good if you have a penis in your hand that we have another negation
but also if you're planning of the [death] bet
That make sure you'll be sitting that good again
And now another advantage of the second combo is that it really keeps your [subterra] engine going?
and so the first combo your ending with a true [ten] calamities and a trivia beast not any subtalar cards you have no way to
Get back to your [subterra] cards
But in the second combo there anyone in the archer and so you can always [use] [dryden] to pop archer
Coming any or any of your other subterra monster from your deck [then] get your engine back going again
And so both combos are really really strong turn one the second combo is usually better if you're playing it with dk your point that?
Next turn because you can summon
Because you can destroy archer
Something like us to lacma or something this card draw a few more cards
And they also bring back that nemesis warrior
And then if you can add any other monster on [top] of that you're going to have game so both combos are really good both
Have their pros [and] cons the [first] one obviously has [gnat] beast which is a wind condition against a lot of decks
Plus [VSD]
Which is when conditioning into other decks whereas the second combo doesn't have a naturia beast?
But it still allows you to play within your [subterra] engine, and it's almost just as hard to play through [alright] guys
That's it for the true King Subterra deck profile if you have any
Suggestions let me know in the comments section below any other questions comments or concerns
I'd be extremely happy to answer them so again
Leave them down in the comment section [below] or also contact [me] by any sort of social media all of that in the description
but also
I just want to thank you guys for watching this video and a lot of my other content recently
I say this all the time but my goal here is just to build a strong community of Yugioh players
But then also to improve my content
Improve my own plate and help you guys improve as well and the best way for me to do that is through online video
So you guys watching these videos really means a lot to me because I think that these can help you guys all improve
Both [as] players and [especially] as subterra players and in being able to share our ideas
different ways to play the deck and then just our general mindset both on sub tears and in the game in General down in the
Comments section is a really good way [for] us to grow and so if you haven't already
Subscribed to the channel as I really think it'll be beneficial to both of us because [I] do have a lot more content coming soon
And so don't forget to come [back] tomorrow at 7 p.m.
Eastern time for the final day of Subterra weekend where I'm going to be uploading a thirat sub tarot deck
But don't be fooled. I have a lot [more] than three sub tarot decks stored up
It's just the final day of the week and so even though the weekends ending eventually I will be able to get to the other
Sub tear-filled so be sure to stick around so [you] can see those when they do come
But as always guys thanks for [watching] and I'll see you guys tomorrow
super sonic spanish cringe story (contains chilean swearing) - Duration: 1:33.
suck a dick
suck sonic's dong
my sonic is really cool fucker
sonicis fucking awesome and he kicks mario]'sass 1000 times
im i(n)mortaaaaaaaaaaal
you don't compare to me you fucking faggot
stfu motherfucker
did someone say my name?
shut up whore
i wanna have gay sex with sonic
sonic is dead you son of a bitch
and thus tails killed himself because sonic is not in this world anymore the end
my mom says im cool if u didnt like my video then go fuck yourself mofo and suck a dick
and im not rad kid u bitch
【AVANNA & SONiKA & GUMI】Brainwashed Love【Sub español】 - Duration: 4:53.
[中文字幕CC] 你真的需要我嗎?Do u really need me? - Duration: 2:50.
Volkswagen Tiguan 2.0 TSI Sport & Style R-line / Stof/ RNS 315 Navigatie/ Trekhaak/ 19 Inch Lichtmet - Duration: 1:02.
Signs and Symptoms of Mesothelioma You Should Know - Duration: 10:21.
Hi, I'm Julie. on this occasion i will talk about the Signs and Symptoms of Mesothelioma.
Please note: The content provided below and elsewhere on this video is not intended nor should it be construed as providing professional medical or nutritional advice.
Do not rely on information provided on this video for your health problems. instead, consult a qualified or mesothelioma doctorl for cure mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma, a rare and deadly cancer caused by asbestos, can prove difficult for physicians to diagnose.
This is because early symptoms of the disease are sometimes mild and can easily go unnoticed. If you know or suspect you may have been exposed to asbestos,
it's important to understand the subtle ways in which mesothelioma can first present itself.
Mentioning a history of exposure to asbestos to your physician, along with presenting your symptoms, is your best chance for receiving an accurate early diagnosis.
Remember, symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear for 20-50 years after asbestos exposure.
Knowing the early symptoms of mesothelioma is the first step to receiving early diagnosis.
1. Pleural Effusions
The most common early sign of mesothelioma is the presence of pleural effusions. malignant mesothelioma of pleura
What's an "effusion"? This is a build-up of excess fluid around the lungs that can be found in 90 percent of patients.
However, like all of the early symptoms of mesothelioma, pleural effusions can be representative of other illnesses such as heart failure and embolisms.
2. Fever or Excessive Sweating
At first, a fever may seem to indicate a passing condition.
However, if this fever does not accompany other expected signs of a cold, it is worth questioning, especially if other symptoms such as those listed above are present.
Excessive sweating, such as night sweats, is also a warning sign.
3. Unexplained Weight Loss
Weight loss that occurs unintentionally is worrisome. 30 percent of mesothelioma patients experience weight loss.
If you notice weight loss in either yourself or a loved one, ask yourself if there are valid, explicable reasons for it.
Unexplained weight loss of more than a few pounds can be attributed to a wide variety of illnesses. It is important to see your doctor to determine the cause.
4. Difficulty Swallowing (What Doctors Call "Dysphagia")
If swallowing food becomes difficult, or if you or a loved one is experiencing pain upon swallowing, this is a cause for concern.
As an early symptom of mesothelioma, difficulty swallowing may be accompanied by hoarseness, reflux, or the sensation of food being stuck in the back of one's throat.
Difficulty swallowing is not normal and is not something you should ignore.
5. Fatigue
Fatigue is another early sign of mesothelioma. It's common to overlook or discredit certain symptoms such as fatigue, especially if one is overworked or tired in general.
Fatigue associated with cancer, however, is the type that does not resolve itself with sleep. This type of fatigue may also be sporadic.
Because fatigue can result from many different medical conditions, recognizing additional symptoms is meaningful here in helping guide proper diagnosis.
6. Chronic Cough
A chronic cough – just like the presence of chest or abdominal pain – is something to pay attention to.
If this cough is accompanied by pain in the lungs or shortness of breath, make sure you seek medical attention.
36 percent of mesothelioma patients develop a chronic cough, but an even greater percentage – 79 percent – experience shortness of breath.
7. Chest or Abdominal Pain and Swelling
Mesothelioma most typically affects the tissue around the lungs. An early sign of mesothelioma is chest pain, especially if this pain is felt under the ribcage.
Like many early symptoms of mesothelioma, however, chest pain can be attributed to a wide variety of conditions and diseases.
In addition to affecting the lungs, mesothelioma can also affect tissue in the abdomen. This is called peritoneal mesothelioma.
An early sign of this is abdominal pain and swelling. Just as with chest pain, abdominal pain is a symptom attributable to a wide variety of illnesses.
If you are experiencing chest or abdominal pain, you should seek medical attention. Pain is your body signaling to you that something is wrong.
Be Smart about Your Symptoms, Know When It's Time to See a Doctor. Each of the symptoms listed here could, at first, result in an incorrect diagnosis.
For instance, chest pain could be attributed to heart conditions such as angina.
In addition, certain symptoms such as abdominal pain and fatigue often remain undiagnosed.
If you or a loved one is experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention.
If you believe you may have been exposed to asbestos, be sure to mention this to your doctor right away.
The more information you are able to provide, the sooner your doctor will know the best course of action.
Symptoms are the body's way of communicating with us and with others. Listen to this communication. No matter what their cause, it is always important.
DJ Khaled - I'm the One ft. Justin Bieber MY REACTION - Duration: 1:32.
hello as most of you know I absolutely
love current pop music so I decided
to review the new dj khaled song I'm the
one feat Justin Bieber Quavo chance
the rapper and lil wayne two seconds
i'll go have a listen honestly what has
modern music got to what is that with the
crappy generic beat Justin Bieber's
voice for one is awful his childish
singing that we heard on baby etc has
turned into this really annoying pre-pubescent
i'm the one i'm the one chance I love chance the
rapper but he's really let himself down on
this and Lil Wayne Lil Wayne Lil Wayne
just the name the music video is awful
though purporting this hedonistic
lifestyle talk about unrealistic body
standards being forced on women just look
at the women in this video they're like
90% silicon the lyrics just generic
chorus that will stick in your ear and won't
ever come out for the next month or so and I
and I can't help but criticize this for one
because they're walking around these
mansions talk about how they are the one
how self-important can you get whilst
this will go out to a mass audience I'm
better than you so buy my song and yet
people do honestly how thick is the human
I love popular music
MG F 1.8I Leer Lmv ABS Airbags 103dkm - Duration: 0:57.
T-Buster - Episode 113 - I Love Captain GONG - Duration: 12:05.
"T-BUSTER" by Synergy Media Inc.
EP113 - I Love Captain GONG
What kind of a man can't even do that?
Let me show you how to do it. Hold 'em.
Why should I...? / What?
Nope. One more.
Why doesn't it break?
Hold 'em tight.
Please don't.
I'm so embarrassed!
You look like you're feeling good.
NAMI ruins my life!
Ah! That ugly girl?
Is there any way I can make her nicer?
There is.
What did you say?
There is a way.
Tell me how I do it!
You need to pay me triple first.
OK! I will! Only if you can make her nicer.
Hey, SUZI.
What's this?
It's a brain controller!
You just have to pin it to NAMI's hair, and it will start working!
Can you give this to NAMI?
You know the meaning of a hairclip gift is "commited love".
I'll be sure to give it to her.
That's not what I meant...
What? DAEJANG's giving it to me?
Yes. He said, it's his commited love to you.
Well. You've got some good taste.
NAMI, it looks great!
Really? / Yes!
I wanna see it myself.
Thanks, dude.
What's wrong with me?
Hey! The clip doesn't work at all!
Hm, it should work. I am sure.
Then... / Then..?
Let's use two.
How many did you make?
Another one?
He told me that he wanna see you wear both of them.
Well. I can only blame myself being too beautiful.
All right. I will listen to him. Just this time.
Go away! Go away!
See you after school.
What are you doing?
What am I doing?
It's sad to hear that.
You are mine!
No, no!
Phew... It was a dream.
Whare am I?
ASSAULT! Help me!
Hey, hey. What's up?
I think I'm kidnapped.
Is it urgent?
We are having a dinner outside.
Come here and save me right now!
Extra missions cost 3 Buster Coins, Captain.
Okay, okay! Just come quickly. I don't know when NAMI will be back.
So the coins are ready?
Hurry up.
Hold on a few more minutes.
NAMI became strange! She's got enormous power,
she's just not normal!
What was it?
What are you?!
DAEJANG is mine!
Don't touch him!
Don't shoot!
NAMI's amazing! She doesn't fall behind SNIPER's skills!
This won't solve the situation.
We are right here for you!
Right to the left. That's right, babe!
Shut up!
SNIPER... We won't let your sacrifce die away.
Everyone! Advance!
I... I think we can be good friends...
Oh, it's a good punch.
We don't have other choice but to combine, Captain!
Okay, okay!
Buster Coin!
Buster Hellfire!
How's that?
Is it over?
I'm scared!
It's an amazing power! It's what I made!
Don't make things on your own.
Please don't!
The hairclips! Get rid of the the hairclips!
We have no choice but to use it.
You mean... "the thing"?
Are you serious?
We haven't used it for 8 years.
The enemy is strong.
We need to show respect by using our most powerful skill.
What is this about?
The power of love!
Please! Don't fire up like that!
Are you okay?
Who told you to hug me?
Did I hit a rock?
New Lego Creator Mighty Dinosaurs Pterodactyl Vs Indominus Rex Jurassic World Speed Build Unboxing - Duration: 12:28.
okay guys so here is for awesome Lego
it's actually three awesome Lego Dino
sets and one also a red creatures dragon
New Lego Creator Mighty Dinosaurs Pterodactyl Vs Indominus Rex Jurassic World Speed Build Unboxing
okay guys so this is going to be the
third one of the Lego creator mighty
dinosaurs set this I'm going to be while
you already seen the speed build of the
pterodactyl I also did a speed build of
the t-rex and a speed build of the
Triceratops using stop-motion dragon
frame software there is the three dinos
let's open it up and if you watch my
other videos the inside is the same
you're going to get two bags of Legos
you'll get three actually three bags in
logos sorry
and three instruction books one for the
t-rex one for the Triceratops and one
for the turd actual awesome let's check
out the pterodactyl then I will show you
guys the other two okay guys so here is
the turn act we'll all put together this
one's really cool too
I actually added a few blocks onto the
bottom of him so I could get him to
stand up here anyways
cool pterodactyl head 360 degree
movement here cuz this on a ball joint
so it could also go up and down orange
ice here the wings are really cool too
all the whole wings 360 degree movement
and then 360 degree movement on the
middle here and the aw and pizza fold up
and down so you could get if you do
stop-motion or something you could get
some realistic flocking looking up if
you looked at what I had at the
beginning that was just like a small
part of what you could do it this guy so
that is cool a nice long wingspan
but my favorite is still the t-rex which
I will have shown you in
it but ah once again its legs its legs
are really cool too
you've got movement up and down but
that's pretty much it you got two big
claws in the front two smaller claws in
the back of it so uh you could have like
if it's flying it would pull it those
put its legs back like that to take off
and when it's landing they're swooping
down to grab something it would put its
legs forward and scoot down let me
remove these so we could take a look at
the bottom of this guy and here is a
good look at the bottom of so I mean
it's possible you could get it okay you
could get him to stand pretty good
actually right there so just put his
head forward if he's standing like a
person that is pretty cool I like that
hahaha okay well anyways let's go ahead
and check this guy out on the spinner
and then we'll go check out the other
two okay so here is this guy on a
spinner you could like I said you can
see it's got a pretty good wingspan
we're going to just start and take a
look at all of this guy so like I said I
really like these Lego Dino sets I'll
put a link below the video where you
could buy it I am actually affiliated
with Amazon so what that means is I get
a small sales commission if you guys buy
using my link and it cost you the exact
same price so you are getting an awesome
toy and helping out my channel and then
ah in one minute we'll take a look at
all three of these because like I said I
liked it enough to buy three of the same
set so I could build all three dinos and
put them
together so uh from this set from this
one set you can build all three of these
but I bought three sets so I could have
all three of them because they are so
you seem that speed builds of all three
of them at the beginning of this video
so if you do want to take forward views
of the other two go to the end of this
video and check out my lego playlist but
anyways here is like the red dragon
there is the Triceratops there is the
two rack and there is the pterodactyl so
uh like I said we we also Lego toys guys
and these go really good with the
full-size indominus rex and the full
size t-rex so uh these two I have right
here are the off-brand ones you could
actually buy these from China they also
have them on on Amazon if you are check
out the Jurassic world Lego if you put
that in there you could see
so I actually have four indominus rex
seeds and three of the big t-rex's so
like I said size-wise they are very
comparable so if you take like this this
Lego a t-rex one and compare it to like
the indominus it's about the same size
and you could have some really cool
battles if you do stop-motion video
these are great because you could have
like one attack the other one like rip
its head off or something it's just a
lot of fun it's fun
cool fun because uh that's what Lego is
Lego is all about fun I mean it's not
just looking cool block there's awesome
playability lots of fun aspects to it
and I really like this red creature is
dragon one you could also find this set
on Amazon it's Lego all red creatures
just go ahead type that in this is an
awesome set with this set you could also
build a scorpion and a snake so let me
know which one of these lego dinos is
your favorite out of the three I have
the t-rex the Triceratops and the
pterodactyl so that once again these are
the three that you could build from the
same set new awesome triceratops really
awesome t-rex and awesome pterodactyl
you can't build off three of them with
the same you could with the same set
well you won't have all three creatures
they only give enough Legos to build one
of each I built all three of these
because I bought three sets so if you do
want to have all three of them which I
would recommend if you could afford it I
would recommend getting all three
because they are totally
and I really liked the red dragon back
there well guys thanks for viewing
you guys are awesome audience give
yourself a pat on the back I thank you
and I will see you guys wow that was a
lot of fun and if you enjoyed the video
make sure you click Subscribe and the
thumbs up button down below the video in
today's secret word is the word go ahead
and put that in the comment section down
below the video those you remember my
club go to the video ends there's an
awesome and card lot more fun videos
below for a lot more fun videos and if
you want to see even more go ahead and
click the subscribe button
Q&A: Ask Me Questions! (With Girlfriend?!) - Duration: 0:33.
Its almost 7pm
And i just wanne tell you guys what i wanne do in my next video
im now with some sheeps
if you can the sheeps here
i wanne do a q&a with you guys so
comment your question below and i gonne answer it
but if you like sheeps
THANK YOU FOR 100 SUBSCRIBERS!! | HaileyGrace - Duration: 1:21.
This is a bottle of wine
this is from my favorite winery in california
This is from one of my favorite humans.
and this is a bottle of wine I told myself I would drink on a very special occasion.
When I reached my 100 subscriber mark.
and today.
Today is that day.
so thank you to each and every one of you
It may not be a lot to some,
but to me it means the world.
and I can't wait for what's to come.
2003 NFL Primetime week 16 - Duration: 37:17.
A few weeks ago, one of my subscribers suggested that I attempt to consume boiled Mountain Dew. So thank you very much to Cason...
...Seilenos, apologies if I mispronounced your name just then
For suggesting today's challenge, much appreciated. So without further ado, this challenge is called, consuming boiled Mountain Dew
The challenge is going to be even more difficult because I don't actually
Really like Mountain Dew, but as you can tell I've already helped myself to about half the bottle! Let's go and boil some soda!
Alright, so we have our pot, we have our Dew
I also have a timer to time how long it takes because I think from memory the Dr Pepper took about half an hour
So it should be interesting just to see if there's any difference
between the Dew and Dr Pepper. Also have our special extendable fork. I don't know why
Alright, so let's check our urine sample here and boil it on the stove
Still nowhere near, ah, [CENSOR BEEP] still nowhere near where I want it to be but uh it's getting there
And here I present the result of 23 minutes of boiling Mountain Dew. As you can see it's just turned all brown
It's gone really gluggy. They're really is one more thing to do and that is to try and uh...
...yeah taste test stuff, so let's go back to the desk
And I'll see you there in a minute. All right ladies and gentlemen here
We have the result
of boiled Mountain Dew! When it was boiling in the last couple of minutes it sort of turned to like a gelatin sort of
Texture I don't know why that would be, probably due to the high sugar content or something, it started off yellow now it's brown
Basically sugar burns, and they that is what has happened, and I'm going to try it. So let's give it a shot!
It appears that I've made Mountain Dew toffee
I can't actually scoop any of the Dew out
This might take a while
Hey hey! One piece!
After hacking away at Mountain Dew for quite some time I've managed to retrieve two small samples. It's going to have to be good enough
Unfortunately, I cannot get any more out of that. So we're going to chuck this aside. This is Boiled Mountain Dew! Cheers
Hmm, tastes so weird!
Definitely better than the boiled Dr Pepper that's for sure, um, the boiled
Dr Pepper was sort of I think it didn't have any taste about it at all
but this sort of has like a
like it's still sweet, but it's sort of a bitter and sour at the same time but really it's difficult to explain but
like you can still
Sort of taste like a little hint of the Mountain Dew. The aftertaste is just yeah, just ash
So I definitely don't suggest you include this as menu item, but really interesting experience that's for sure!
I think on that note it is time to end the video
So thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed
please leave a like, feel free to leave
challenge suggestions in the comments section. As I said earlier, this video was actually suggested by one of my followers. If you're new here
Please check out some of my previous videos and if you like what you see, please subscribe and next week
I have a special product review video where I'm going to be trying
these special
Doritos Super Nova corn chips, and basically they're green corn chips! So stay tuned for that next weekend
And I'll see you then
Chris Martin of Coldplay (Captioned) 'Sky Full of Stars' Alt Nation SiriusXM - Duration: 3:48.
'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
I'm gonna give you my heart
'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
'Cause you light up the path
I don't care, go on and tear me apart
I don't care if you do, ooohoo ooh
'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars
I think I saw you
'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
I wanna die in your arms
Ahh ahh ahh arms
You get lighter the more it gets dark
I'm gonna give you my heart
I don't care, go on and tear me apart
I don't care if you do, oohoo oooh
'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars
I think I saw you
I think I saw you
ooh oh ooh
You're a sky, you're a sky full of stars
A heavenly view
You're such a heavenly view
Yeah Yeah Yeah Oooh
Yeah thank you
I've never done that before
rip - Duration: 0:05.
We Will always Love You Minion
love you
Haircuts for men at Michaels the Barber - Duration: 16:02.
Right there is the blue steel ha ha
I'm going to get me haircut
because this is getting really on my
wick it's all this all this fluff is
driving me crazy
I've got to get rid of it it's either
that or going to go I'm going to get a
number two anyway
off to the barbers this is a different
barber this is my old barber Mike I
used two barbers I try keep the pair of
them in business you know with my
luxurious locks but I'm going down to
see Michael in St.Ives and then
I'll take you with
okay so this is
Michael's Barber shop. Hope he's open
What would you like? short back and sides same as
usual oh yeah I dyed this
Yeah my nephew came a
couple weeks and went uncle Mike your
white you know I've always been white
so what's different there. He said your hair!
I actually quite liked but I thought you know what
I don't know
I'm just gonna do a colour
It'll be better when it's cut
because there won't be so much of it
That'll be the end of it they're been going on it's
This stuff Mike is called it's like a new shampoo
I've never dyed my hair before
I did it years ago
for a laugh and just for a giggle
This stuff is like shampoo you just shampoo it in like
you're just using instead of a shampoo
Yeah but does it come off does it work its way
out slowly
yeah is it just it's not it's not
permanent no no no
You just use it instead of shampoo
you get it to the
color if you want yeah
and then you. O it's just getting in my
wick. I was you know, gonna have
a number two Okay give me a
number two but I thought, no don't want a number 2
scare scare the kids yeah
But yeah it's weird
It's a thing called controlGX
no I don't really know it but I know what your talking about
you know that means no I know you're
talking about yeah. They used to have a thing years
ago didn't they called Grecian 2000
remember that yeah that was same
kind of deal you just sprayed that on
and there was another one years ago called Morgan's right
and that used to dark color your hair
it was a gel but it had a color in it
right and they stopped doing it but that
was called Morgan's okay but that would give
you a color by just using the material
okay so just like a lotion you put on
yeah yes that was a as I said cool
Morgan's yeah what irritates me Mike
is all this fluff I've gotta get rid of that fluff
I know I've got not much up there It's going a bit
thin on the old er, but you know what the weird
I saw a thing on TV the other day
It was about
male pattern baldness
okay male pattern baldness
it's so common isn't it later but you know
that you're not actually bald but the
hairs are just very very small
what an idea
you've still got hair but then
it doesn't grow in the same way you've
still got the same amount of follicles
oh yeah that's the word yeah yeah oh you
mean you still the same amount of follicles but I
just don't do much yeah
well they do but they're tiny but is that so I
was watching this scene there's some guy
he's to figure it out that it can their
turn these back on these follicles is
say that people groaning I'm into this a
weird thing isn't it oh yeah
it's all vanity
I did this for a stunt when I was in Cape Town.
When I was living in Cape Town I went to a do
like a dinner you know I've been white haired
since I was in my thirties so it's
nothing new. I went to this do that I
went to this restaurant thing and I
said to me wife. Dye me hair. Just for a
laugh to see what happens and then because at that
time I had a number two so I didn't
have anything there anyway more I've been over
and she tipping like strands to
get the edges like anyway so I walked in there
and it shows you about guys I sat
down with everyone all the fellers were
in the bar
and I sat there like for over an
hour and they're all going to me. You've been to
the gym? I went no. Played a bit of golf
You on a diet right or something?
and like all these different questions. You're looking
really well. Well Okay
and no one spotted it and
then the women came in
all the wives came in and they say O Mike
you're hair looks great and
they've saw straight away because they dye
their hair all the time. It just shows you
Men just don't just see that kind of thing do they?
I've sat there over an hour and they're all
going you been working out? No one mentioned hair dye
I said well I dyed it
And then one of the guys said. "Man I'm
going to do I'm going and dye my hair
because he got a gift token you
know one of these chemist gift tokens
And he said he kept going in there for about 6 months
Loitering around the hair dye counter
loitering around the hair dye section when
you look at men with dark hair yeah
its not natural
well I went grey very young I
mean I must have been only about 30
something like that
already look my hair went through
swimming you're not swimming right into
the chlorine yeah terrible thing chlorine
you don't know how nasty chlorine is especially
if you go to like the IVO school
because you get a lot of children
yeah I think they pour a lot in
to kill all the bugs
I used to chlorinate my pool
you did
yeah hectic I mean I came back I was away
for over a year I came back to the Pool
was like obviously the pumps hadn't been
running and it's like a swamp
I'm expecting to see a hippo come out of there
yes but It was like
black black green dark and I just got two
cups of chlorine yes really put it in
two hours later it's it was clear so it
kills everything
It could kill you
It can be dangerous
because I I am i
if I go to the school one at the center we have
to test to see if we can go in.
If it is a certain strength remember you have
to get out
yeah just once on test it was a little high
there was too much in there you know
Over 7 I think pH seven is
neutral and above
that it becomes acidic so burn you right
yeah so I got it all going to Tommy
Bourgas yeah yeah
I'll have to go swimming in the summer
down at Fenland Fisheries
I went down there with a drone you know those quadcopter things
yes taking some film
Wheres that?
Just north of Earith
It was about a month ago so is March still cold
I was getting some aerial shots
The wind took it straight in the
Sell a lot of fish there. What Carp?
The thing went in the drink and the
bloke said to me Max I think he was said
You're more than welcome to jump in people if you want strip off
a jump in. I thought yeah right I went no
come back in the summer with me wetsuit
Is it still there?
what the drone? yeah yeah we see it
sunk like a stone
It was funny
It wasn't a great thing cheap cheap one it wasn't
an expensive one. If you have a drone over your land
are you allowed to shoot it down? you know in
i was just wondering you know
Usually you are going to ask
the obvious thing to do is ask for permission
If the farmer shoots you down
You can't fly it anywhere near
children yeah livestock yeah you can't
fly within 100 meters of a house. It's the law.
yeah most people don't realize that we
know it may just probably speed up means
we can't really get one out of fashion
it tells you on the manor when they
bring it across this way a bit yeah like
I can't either so if someone for you got
shotgun and shot me down there's nothing
that person to fill as you say what I
know is that if the law is below yeah
well I think I don't know what the moon
is on wouldn't just change it it's
really a while ago but the thing is it
only applies to drones over eight
kilograms so that you know like they've
got me quite happy beneath your
beautiful quadcopters earth like that
exuberant camera but they're still
covered by the law you can't fly them
anywhere near anywhere near the public
you can't climb in public places
if you wanna fly inside of town has
their pilots licence all look
like if there's someone you should be
qualified by the CAA to fly over public
places so I can't understand why the
police don't use them helicopters
our fun and safety they can go out in
the van you want important put it on the
bag and just you're doing it I'm gonna
thing is heat says that
heat infrared camera yes that detects
heat doesn't it yeah that would be a
great use of it just one of them ah me
yeah you looking for someone someone's
gone missing or like that you
want to search a big area quick well um
I think one of them on I'm just thinking
there cheaper than a helicopter gotta
able to put one up because like they
reckon the the police they were a big
search and then they use a dog and
helicopter they can tell dog people where the
persons gone and they can follow the
How's your daughter getting on with that
yeah two years old now Jesus
blimey time flies it's quite friendly
dog yeah till you get on the wrong side of it
another thing it is friendly dog but
he's got to work on command otherwise they wouldn't
keep it okay so She's giving it
commands and the dogs got to do all that
better because I mean the trainings all
the time and continuous yeah
she's finished training school but
she has one day a month nearly every
every month help training with it - to
make sure it's up to scratch yeah
I said to my daughter
if there is a
higher up officer you know commander
and he says put the dog in. Can you say no?
she says yeah she said if I don't think
it safe - there you go
it's not his - it's mine I'm responsible for it
I wanted
oh okay then she said she but no he has
no say over if he says put the dog in and
she says no it's too dangerous or there's
children about or something
how are you going to go this?
Her word is final.
That's interesting
yeah her decision is final she is licensed
She is the one
who shall be responsible for it yeah it
remember he's not responsible for it
she's responsible. Something goes wrong
It's down to her. Because they're licensed by the home office not the police
It's still the police but through the home office
okay look at that bald head
now that's a hell of a lot better
because your colors
toned down here yeah it's not so mad you
should have seen the photograph I took of it
oh my god I looked like Einstein you know with the hair all over the place
stick out in all directions
okay thanks Mike
that looks great it's Michael over
that's brilliant
but that was great I feel
a full 100% better all that stuff
will floating around my neck I hate that
that just really gets on my wick and I'm
going off that meet Linda I'm of to
meet Linda and then we're gonna do
something else. Don't know what?
The Best Foundation Ever? Dior Skin Star Foundation Review - Duration: 5:16.
GIVE ATTENTION TO NU'EST - Duration: 7:11.
hey sweeties it's your lovely daddy xD
Snoopy I meant what is up bitches -_-
Snoopy here in today's video I will be...
showing you all how to take furniture to
public motherfucking places OMG! I already
made a video but I didn't explain how to
do it :( sooo in this video am going to try
my best hopefully you all understand me
so let's get right into the tutorial
okay the first thing you will need and
will do go to any apartment you have in
which you can put wall hangings I
recommend you to do it in the first
apartment you get when you start playing
the game but it's your choice what you
have to do afterwards is to put a wall
hanging after that decide what you want
to take it to public rooms and you place
it somewhere in the room note it will
not work on the first try so what you're
going to do is to go back to wall
hangings and put another wall hanging
that is different than the one you put
before when you're done you are going to
go ahead and place another furniture
like a bed sofa or whatever you want but
listen to this when you place it do not
again do not move the item and just hold
it for like three seconds in the same
spot and if you have done everything
correctly a lock icon will appear in the
left side of your screen and all you
will have to do next is to press the
icon and Connor boom now you can go fuck
around have fun troll people or whatever
the fuck you want by the way a quick
reminder is that this glitch doesn't
work on some places like Star style and
some more so yeah guys hope you liked
the video if you did make sure to leave
a thumbs up and if you didn't understood
me keep trying and you will get it also
make sure to comment down below share
the video with your mom and daddy and
the most important make sure to
subscribe and press on the bell icon so
you can never ever miss a video from me
and be the first person to watch my boy
videos this has been Snoopy thanks for
watching and peace out
PS only six days away from my birthday
hope my owner gives me dick!!
ECHO(Subs) - Duration: 3:45.
The clock stopped ticking forever ago
How long have I been up? I don't know..
I can't get a grip, but I can't let go
There wasn't anything to hold on to, though
Why can't I see? Why can't I see?
All the colors that you see?
Please, can I be, please, can I be
What the hell's going on?! Can someone tell me please--
Why am I switching faster than the channels on TV?
My enemy's invisible, I don't know how to fight
When I'm up against the Echo in the mirror
I'm gonna burn my house down into an ugly black
I'm gonna run away now and never look back
I'm gonna burn my house down into an ugly black, I'm gonna run away now and never look back
And never look back, and never look back, AND NEVER LOOK BACK
What the hell's going on?! Can someone tell me please--
Why am I switching faster than the channels on TV?
My enemy's invisible, I don't know how to fight
I'M black THEN I'M white, NO!!! SOMETHING ISN'T RIGHT!!!
[ENG SUB] Buang Ruk Salak Kaen 13.1 - Duration: 14:33.
Although I know I shouldn't have feelings for you,
I know I shouldn't see you, I prohibit myself from thinking, prohibit myself from being negligent
But I don't know why I must think of you endlessly
The more I want to restrain myself, it's like the more it expands,
No matter who warns me, I don't listen, I don't care
I still am concerned and am possessive of you, I don't see you, but I still worry without reason
Between the two of us, there's no way for things to be like I dream
The more days this path of love continues, the gloomier it seems
But this heart of mine commands me that you're everything
And that no reason is required
Just let me be able to love you, Just let me be able to see you,
Just to be able to love you, even though I must encounter difficult situations
Just let me be able to know, Just let me be able to stay beside you,
Just let me do this, I'll exchange my life
Just to be able to love you
~Review Ep.12~
You're back?
I went to go get money.
There's not any money left.
I came back when
you were talking with Daorai.
There's nothing.
She was passing by so she stop and talked to me.
I don't care about that.
I am more interested in what you two talked about.
About the special medicine.
I thought about the problem that happened
20 years ago
and now I understand
why P'Bpong changed.
He refused me
even when I was pregnant with his child.
I got hit by a car and miscarried
and he never visited me.
And he married Daorai instead.
All of this,
was because of you.
You found the special medicine and give it to Daorai for P'Bpong.
At that time,
you hurt everything in my life.
Do you know?
I'm sorry.
I did it
because I love you.
Just that much?
That's not true. You did everything because you only thought of yourself.
You are selfish.
That's right.
I am selfish.
But believe me,
he doesn't love you as much as I did.
-What are you saying? How did you know? -I know!
Because even though he had you,
he was still interested in Daorai.
I know his heart.
But you've never know about my heart.
Why didn't you let me choose?
Because I know
that you won't choose me.
Was that all true?
That special medicine.
-You heard? -How could you done that to the person my mother loved?
Because I loved your mother.
I can't lose her to someone else.
Love is very _____
What does that mean?
I just want you to understand
P'Chon and my feelings.
Whenever we love someone,
we will have these ____ feelings.
-You don't need to teach me. -I don't dare to teach you.
But I also don't dare to hate you for the thing you did.
Because if there is no you,
there probably won't me me also.
have you done anything else?
So I can prepare myself.
And do you know yet who it is?
Oh really? And...
how long will it be until you'll know?
Yes, I understand.
Yes, thank you.
Who did you talk to?
The police.
I called to ask how was the case about Malai's daughter getting harmed.
And how are you involved in this?
Of course it does.
She's Malai's child, not ours.
Pat went to help her, is that not right?
I'm afraid that he might have remembered Pat's face. And if he did, he might come back and hurt Pat.
And why would he come back?
He might think that our child remembered his face.
He won't come back.
How do you know?
His whereabouts are unknown so why would he come back to get arrested?
The police said that he must be from around here,
he can't go anywhere far. Anyway, he will come back.
The police said that it will take them 2 weeks and they will catch him and imprison him.
2 weeks?
Or it might just be one week.
Enough, no need to be so happy.
What is it?
A bad person is about to get imprison, how can I not be happy?
We also have two daughters.
If there are bad people out there and they hurt our daughters,
wouldn't it be harder than this?
You are strange.
Mala, you're here.
I want to talk.
I'm sorry.
I was wrong.
Mala, please talk.
I don't like it.
You being silent like this.
Every problem,
was started by Dad.
How could I have done that to you?
If a woman that you fight with,
and she have conditions like Nong Parn, it means she have feelings for you.
Why did you come?
I want to see you.
But I don't.
[ENG SUB] Buang Ruk Salak Kaen 13.6 - Duration: 10:51.
Of course.
I'll give it as special ___
Don't worry about anything, I'll talk care of it.
Yes, like how we talked about it.
Good bye. Por.
Where are you going?
The home stay.
Parn went in the morning, you don't need to rush there.
Go get something to eat first.
I have to go to the homemakers also.
So I have to hurry.
There's no markets.
You're going to see him, right?
It's about work.
Don't let your mom know.
About you and Chalakarn,
I'm accepting it.
Your grandparents also don't want you all to misunderstand
that they're still angry at them.
I also agree. I think that it's time that both our families can be together.
Thank you, Dad.
But about this,
This is only between us. That is the best way.
Yes, I won't let Mom know.
I have something else to tell you.
I'm not only meeting Chon.
But I'm also seeing his mom.
You're going to see Mala also?
Chon said that she wanted to see me.
She is a very good person.
I believe that
her child will also be a good person also.
Chon is a good person.
Send my thoughts to Mala also.
-I'll get going. -Yes.
Your house is very comfy.
It will be even more comfy if you come live here.
Then dream on.
Just dreaming, I'm happy.
You're here.
Por, this is my mom.
You're P'Bpong's child?
Why don't you look like him?
My mom said I looked like her.
You're like Daorai
your nose is similar to Chon's.
They say that people with similar faces are couples.
What did you buy?
She wants to make something delicious for you.
(Sorry idk the food)
I guarantee that you'll be happy.
Thank you.
I was about to go cook, why don't you come help?
Where did you getting your cooking skills?
The homemakers from Asanson taught me.
Their store is at the floating market?
I'm a volunteer there.
I say she's the manager.
She does everything.
No, everyone helps.
That's good, you know house chores
Your parents must be proud.
They're not.
Mom is not happy but Dad helps.
How's your dad?
Is your father well?
Yes he is.
He have us children take care of the business
and goes to have fun with his friends.
And what about his health?
He is still good and strong.
He has a bit of ___
He likes to forget taking medicine.
Tell your dad not to forget.
So he can get better.
And he needs to eat food also.
Yes, he doesn't really care about himself.
He said that if something happens, it's probably his time.
How can he say that?
He doesn't know how sad the ones living will be.
That's right.
What's wrong, Chon?
It probably got into my eyes.
What are you doing? Go and wash your face.
Parn, this is Por.
I still look and see you, you've never disappear away,
I still have your image in my heart,
every day that passes by, there are still tears
I still hear your voice, your farewell,
the many memories all came back
That moment that we broke up, it's still imprinted in my heart
I look at the truth that still leaves me the memories,
I look at the clock that still reminds my heart
I want to go back and fix it, but's too late
There are moments that I miss you.
I still daydream that you'll come back to me.
I still have flashbacks that make me remember
Why is my brother this bad?
I'll take him to jail.
What's up, P'Chon?
Why did you hit me?
How could you do this to Nong Parn?
She had feelings for you,
you screwed up everything.
Why are you this easy?
You can't do this to me.
You're mean.
I still look and see you, you've never disappear away,
I still have your image in my heart,
every day that passes by, there are still tears
I still hear your voice, your farewell,
the many memories all came back
That moment that we broke up, it's still imprinted in my heart
[ENG SUB] Buang Ruk Salak Kaen 13.4 - Duration: 9:22.
What happened? Why was there a loud noise?
I was teaching Chon a lesson for speaking badly.
Speaking badly about what?
Chon, how are you?
I'm alright, Mom.
Your Dad punched you this hard?
Does it hurt?
Just a bit.
What did you do that made your father do this to you?
It's the same problem.
Dad told me to stop bothering with Por.
So I asked him that it started with him so why is he bothering me.
Just that much?
And I also told him that
he should fix his own problems before
Before what?
Before you go back to your ex-boyfriend.
Why did you say that?
You said it.
Say what?
You speak as if you still have feelings for Uncle Bpok Bpong.
You don't need to know my heart.
It's because you said this that he's this angry.
I know that
Dad loves you a lot.
But he got you already
so he has no reasons to hate Uncle Bpok Bpong's children.
But before, you've never challenged him.
Is it because of that woman that you dare challenged him?
I really want to know
what's good about that woman to have you change this much.
If you see Por,
you will get to know that she's a very amazing woman.
bring her.
For real?
Who called?
It was wrong number.
You haven't answer, how did you know?
The number is not familiar.
It might be a customer.
It's not.
I don't keep customer's number.
I'm going to go to the home stay.
It's the filming crew.
Dut speaking.
Oh, it's you.
Yes, I'm still hurt.
My face still hurts.
Really? I'm happy for you.
I want to go but then I can't.
If I do get the reward, please get it for me instead.
Yes, what a regret.
But thank you for calling to ask.
Yes, maybe next week I will be able to go to work.
Yes, thank you. Good bye.
What were you happy for?
The lakorn that I take care of
got nominated for an award.
You're getting a reward?
Just nominated it, I don't know yet.
Just this, you're talented enough. I'm happy for you.
But I probably can't go.
That's good. In your condition, how can you go?
Think it thoroughly. If you go to work and get the reward,
and when you go on stage and they take your pictures,
your pictures will be seen worldwide.
That won't happen because I won't be going.
Is that true?
Your mom wants to see me?
My mom was curious why I challenged my dad.
So I told her about you.
Oh my, Chon,
like this I'm considerate.
No need to be considerate, I speak the truth of what you really are.
I don't believe it.
And if she sees the real me, she will be disappointed.
I'll also be there, if there's anything, I'll___
Like this, I'm going to be afraid.
No need to be afraid.
If she really gets to know you,
our problem will become easier.
When are you coming? Tomorrow?
Tomorrow is okay.
Tomorrow, I'll wait for you at Na Basoi Market.
So we can buy things for lunch.
See you then.
Why did you come?
Don't you understand? I said that I was busy.
I tried calling you.
But you don't answer.
If it was another, they would have known.
Please give me a bit of time.
I know what I did wasn't correct.
Go back.
Let me explain first, okay?
Let go.
I won't let go
until we get to talk.
I have nothing to talk to you.
Let go of me.
I don't believe it.
If I apologize
for the thing I did to you?
Even when you're doing such a lowly thing to me.
And what do you say is high?
Like this?
You abandon Aunt Mala and got married to Mom
even when she was pregnant with your child, right?
If she gets pregnant,
it will even be more satisfying.
If she gets pregnant,
I want the child to have a complete family.
[ENG SUB] Buang Ruk Salak Kaen 13.3 - Duration: 13:13.
Hello Dad and Mom.
How did you come?
We brought fruits for you.
Thank you very much.
Truthfully, you don't need to burden yourselves.
Just call me and I'll come pick you up.
Are you two well?
We were about to leave.
But your dad wants to talk to you.
What is it, Dad?
It's about what you told your children that
that we hate Bua Pan and Thep's family.
And you forbid them from meeting.
You saying like this, it damages me.
Yes, that's right.
The problem has passed for 20+ years already.
Why are you making it a sin for us? We've forgotten about it.
My children have a problem.
likes Malai's daughter.
And both of my daughters
are getting court by both of Mala's sons.
What's the problem with that?
They are still young.
What young?
They are old enough to work and graduate from school, they can do whatever they want.
Was it your idea
to not have me and your mom
see oour grandchildren?
Are you going to wait until we're old and die?
It's not like that.
When I know about Por and Pat's situation,
I was happy.
I thought that if grandchildren from both sides
are able to be together,
the things that happened in the past can be stopped.
Thinking about it, I still feel bad
For blaming them for your brother's death.
Stop interfering with them.
And don't cause sin for us also.
Is there another problem?
Before, you wanted to marry Mala
but you didn't get to.
So let your children do it.
And you should be happy about it.
Hello, Mom.
You're home early.
It's looks very appetizing.
Eat if you're hungry.
And you?
I'm not that hungry.
And have Dad ate yet?
I don't know. He's not here.
Our Dad really did that?
Last evening when I returned,
I heard them arguing about a special medicine.
I was going to tell you.
But the problem about Wanda and Parn came first.
I don't want to believe it.
Is it the truth?
If not, Mom will not have married Dad.
But do you know what I'm angry about?
The whole time that Dad said they caused the problem,
bothered us and making us hate them,
but actually, it was our father that was the cause.
He started everything.
It's in everyone's nature.
No one wants to think that it's their fault.
How's Mom?
She's really angry at him.
I've never seen her like that before.
Today she is silent and unwilling to eat.
When I asked about Dad,
she went to her room.
Dad hasn't return even now.
If we love someone,
and having that person abandon us,
we won't like it also.
Pol said that you had an argument with Dad.
He heard it?
Did he say what it was about?
About the special medicine (spells).
Your father
found the special medicine/spells for Daorai
to use to for Bpok Bpong.
For him to fall for Daorai and
break up with me.
At that time, you must have felt very bad, right?
It's like you're not human anymore
Sometimes, it's like you don't know
who you are
and what should you do
and what you should think
That's call depression.
It happens when you're really sad.
That's right.
I was probably like that.
But fortunately,
that I have your grandparents and aunties for encouragements.
So I was able to go through it.
But when you know what he did,
you thought about that day once again, right?
I thought that
if on that day,
your dad didn't do that,
I would have gotten married to Bpok Bpong.
My life would have
been very different from now.
Would it have been better than this?
At the least,
I would have got to spend my life with the one I loved.
Do you still love him?
What about Dad?
Do you think that
I should hate your father
for doing this to me?
I also can't answer to that.
He's still my father.
For me,
at times, I can't do what I want.
I want you to know
that whatever you're going to do
I will be beside you.
Thank you.
Dad, where do you find my backpack? I was looking for it.
Thank you. I'm going to go out.
Aren't you forgetting this?
Why does this magazine have pictures of Pan Wat?
She is our presenter.
But it says here that you were the photographer.
It's my work.
It;s just not work.
Didn't you tell me that you've stop bothering her?
So what is this?!
You're still seeing each other, right?
You lied to me, right?
Yes, I lied to you.
Just like how you lied to Mom.
It's doesn't connect together.
Why not?
You separate me and Por,
and said their family is not good
but truthfully,
you started the problems.
Stop it!
Love is a beautiful thing, isn't it?
You also
was willing to do the wrong thing to get Mom.
So why are you messing with Por and my problem?
You two
can't love each other.
I don't care about your commands.
I love Por
and will always love her.
You should stop messing with me
and care about your problem.
Do you know
how much pain you caused Mom?
You should go ask for her forgiveness instead.
I feel that she might go back to her ex-boyfriend.
How can you say that?
You speak like you still have feelings for Uncle Bpok Bpong.__
If I apologize to you,
for what I did to you?
Even when you're doing such lowly thing with me?
Like this?
[ENG SUB] Buang Ruk Salak Kaen 13.5 - Duration: 9:54.
What is high?
Like this?
Can't we just talk nicely?
Or do you want me to do more than this?
A person like you,
can't run from something like this.
Go ahead.
Do what you want.
I don't care.
Soon, I will get marry to P'Pakee.
As for you,
I'll just regard as practice.
You really thinking like that?
You don't care?
As for you and what you did,
it doesn't have any value to me.
That's good.
To hear that from you.
I was wrong for feeling pity for you.
You actually deserve it.
What does that mean?
Your father has done a lot to my mother.
He made her fall in love with him
and then abandoned her
even when she was pregnant with his child.
I'm going to tell you
ever since the first day I was kind to you,
I did it to avenge for my mom.
I was a bit confused.
And thought of the thing I did, if it was right.
But right now, I'm very certain.
That it was not wrong.
And that it was too little.
You are like your father.
A person who has no heart.
You're back?
I was worrying about you.
I'm going to ask you something.
What is it?
Please tell the truth.
You and Aunt Mala...
have loved before, right?
That was a long time ago,
before I got married to your mom.
You abandon Aunt Mala and married Mom
even when she was
pregnant with your child, right?
About that, it's...
there's no proof.
You're saying she was pregnant with someone else
when she only loved you?
How can you say that?
You are right.
The child Mala was pregnant with
was my child.
And I'll have to answer that
I also did not understand why at that time
I abandon her
even when I
even when I loved her the most.
To this day,
I still felt wrong.
Then it's not wrong
for them to hate and be angry at us, right?
Is it right to have me receive the karma my father created?
Pol, we haven't seen each other in a while.
How are you?
Hello, Aunt Malai.
I called to talk about Parn Dao.
Nang Daorai's daughter?
How is it? Did you deal with it yet?
She's mine now.
Good job, my beloved nephew.
Since when? Has it been 2 months yet?
Not yet.
I called to tell you that
Then we don't know yet if she's pregnant or not.
if you're not sure if she's pregnant, you can't stop.
You have to make it so the child will be fatherless.
Make it so they'll be embarrassed like your mom.
Thank you very much.
For avenging Nang Daorai for your mom and me.
If her daughter gets pregnant,
it will be more satisfying.
As for me right now,
it's not about satisfaction.
What do you mean?
If she gets pregnant,
I want the child to have a complete family.
I want the child to have a father.
Pol, why are you saying this?
Don't pity her at all.
Nang Daorai can find a husband for her.
Okay, don't soften your heart.
Don't forget, you have to get her pregnant.
Sorry for being late. I had a problem.
What problem?
A woman living near me committed suicide.
About money?
She got abandoned by a man.
Very stupid, she died because of a man.
If it's regarding money, it's a better reason to die.
Why do you think it's stupid?
There's men all over the world.
But if that person is the only one she loves,
trust and want to spend their life with.
Getting abandoned means having nothing left.
Sometimes, when one don't have anyone,
dying from this world is better.
What are you saying, Khun Parn?
What a Foreiger thinks about Brazil and Portuguese? Do you want to learn German? - Duration: 3:50.
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True King Subterror Deck Profile + Combos (VFD + Nat Beast/R4NK) - Subterror Weekend! - Duration: 16:03.
What's up Guys, TopTierYugioh here, and welcome to the second day of Subterror weekend where
I'm going to be uploading a brand new Subterror deck, so in case you missed it yesterday
So in case you missed it, yesterday I uploaded a Pure Subterror deck
I uploaded a peer sub tarot deck profile that focused a lot more on defense and an out grinding opponents in a late-game
Well today's deck is going to be the complete opposite as it focuses on making strong
unbreakable turn one boards and the best way to do that right [now] is with the true king so this is going to be a
True King [Subterra] deck profile, so we're going to kick things off with three sub tears nemesis archers
so archer is the main nemesis monster that you're going to be playing in this deck because [it] allows you to submit all of your
Vehemence by destroying it with either aleppo statham or a diagram and that effects really useful because it allows you to build your board while
Summoning other monsters as well
And in although the spec does depend on making strong turn one boards
having a monster like archer that floats and works really well with your engine does allow you to have strong late games as
well as survive long enough to draw into your combo card because you're not going to always draw your combo pieces and having something like
Arthur is good to have in depth just in case
Although there are enough combo pieces in this deck that you should draw a couple of them every single hand
Next we have three [Subterra] nemesis warriors still extremely important part of this deck as it does allow you to summon your behemoths
famous archer
But the best thing about Nemesis while you're in this deck
is that it keeps coming back from the graveyard and so it really helps you set up a lot more of your players such as
your rank [fours] and your synchro plays of course we have to play [three] [fiends] if it helps you summon your monsters as well as
being a good defensive card
This is a three of an every single sub serie that regardless of what other engines are type of deck that you're playing
You've got to play three seen this you're just extremely valuable in every turn one board that you make that you can back up with
a theme this it just makes you that harder to beat and then even if you survive you can use feeding this to extend your
[plays] in the next turn so it's a lot different than other traps to where like you use that tracks
And if you don't use a trap it just sits there
being this is a trap [that] if you don't use you can use it proactively on the next turn and so it's either going to
Protect your board on that turn or it's going to help you kill your opponent on the next one
So let's move on to the behemoths first [to] play one [Ultra] [Mathis]
Ultra office is actually really good in this build because you get someone in pretty easily with all the archers
But then because you do have archer you can really take advantage of electrum offices effect
And then shuffle back your opponent's monsters with archer and that's on top of you know they [already] just good
Ol term opposite effects like having a book of eclipse is really really strong. So next we have two stalagmites
Which is still a really really strong, Behemoth?
But I cut it down [to] [two] in this [build] because [a] lot [of] times you have to destroy one card in your [hand] with
Little Satan's effect
So it makes it hard sometimes to some
Say Jim button also has something to discard first alag [moe] and vice versa
And so [you] might discard a car first alag [moe] that might have been the only earth that you had and then you drawn to
to spell cards or Thordan to a car that you don't destroy such as like a
hand trap or something or a maxI and so there's sort of a slight contradiction between [let's] of [stadium] and
Stalagmites, I wanted to cut that to just a sort of cut down to that contradiction next we play one Volta Lord
This is actually really important in this build because it does allow you to go into your rank 9 please
But then also having [3,000] [defenses] relevant as well
And if you can set your opponent's monsters with ultra officer than summit volta Lord you can do some pretty cool combos
One Fox Robles here which I really think is standard at this point because being able to sing cards like Globe old
Nemesis warrior than other cars that you just want to send to the graveyard is really really valuable. [there's] one game. I remember us
It's a hand trap to the graveyard an instant fusion did back to go into a synchro [monster] and like just making little plays like
That on
Top of the already obvious plays like sending global bolt for nat beasts and other synchros are sending nemesis warriors
They can get it back and there are so many different plays you can do sending something [to] [bring] her back
We've seen this you just again you have so many different options
Definitely think that it's necessary in these decks now and then again
it does contribute to your strong turn one boards because it does help you make nat beasts and
Again me and a chair your visas really really hard for [decks] tile and the last two behemoths that we play are [to] [loomis] tricks
So now for the name stick that that we play [two] little [stadiums] the Earth true king and a little stadiums really good in this
deck because it allows you to destroy your archers and
So you can either get archer like just by hard drawing it or you can start to its hidden City
but either way
Just destroying it allows you to summon your other behemoths from the deck and the easiest play to do is just to someone a volta
Lark and then go into a wreck 9 so that could be either [vSD] or enter blast near either one of them is really good
Generally VSD is going to be your main choice, but there's so many other plays that enables as well
So for example if you have hidden city, let's go say gem Brilliant [fusions] and [then] either archer [or] warrior
It's going to allow you to go [through] [camp] calamities and that beast and nominee dex can deal with that board
Then also attacks your opponent's extra dragon, so when you summon it using its own effect
It's going [to] allow you to banish three cards from your employments extra [jack] that's really huge right now because you can banish your opponent's
VsDs. You could banish their Norden's or synchros or whatever they might need
I mean it also gives you information as well as if you're going first you know they're playing
Seeing direct Rick is going to give you a lot of clues
and then really help you build your attorney or strategies around that so gives you the advantage of
Information as well as hurting their strategies as well, okay?
So I'm gonna go ahead and show you some of the combos that you can do it little stadium into the most basic one is
If you have hidden city, let's go [stadium] and in any other monster that you can destroy with let's this agent effect
I mean, it's nice if it's earth or if it's a trick clown, but if it's not that's okay as well
[I] suddenly go ahead and show you guys that one right now
And so the next combo which is a much more advanced version of a previous one is if you have hidden city with no stadium
Infusion and an either [archer] or nemesis warrior now this one's really crazy because it's going to allow you to summon a true [tank] calamities
And [innate] [area] beasts and like outside of Kaijus
I don't think there's any out to that board and then you're gonna need kaijus and other plays
Because [a] Kaiju is only going to be able to deal with one of them then there's even another combo
I'm gonna let you guys figure out that's really similar
But there's a lot of other ways that you can make similar voids as well
just having Hitman City Blippo stadium and then
Archer and in like some way to like get an emesis warrior really lets you do some awesome plays and then backing any of them
Up with a theme this to send it over the top okay?
So there are two more combos that you can do actually but I'm gonna put them at the end of the video because I want
to move on with the rest of the step profile right now and
So be sure to stay on to the end of the video to watch the last two combos alright
So next we play three [tear] tops one take Tom borg these are just more starter cards
They give [you] something to attribute with nemesis warrior
They help you make totem bird which contributes to your strong turn ones boards or you can go into an invoker and then special summon
The missus warrior so gives you a lot of different options that [are] next we play one garnet and one trick clown for the brunette
Fusion engine and after the hand shots you play two ghost ogres
[to] ghost ashes and at one Maxie one thing that I'm actually considering is going up to three ghost ogres
[I] don't want to completely take out [ghosts] - But I
Probably take out one ghost - or go silver because one thing that I've noticed
Consistently is that when my opponent has a gigantic diagram. [I] don't want to just negate the searching effects
[I] want to destroy the diagram because the hardest thing about the true Draco matchup
Is that once they saw the masterpiece you can't get rid of it with your monster effects?
Which is that focuses around a lot?
But you also can't destroy it by battle because they have the at the diagram abortion sort of a battle twice
So something to monsters but over 30 to 50 attack is really really hard to do like you can make one
And get one monster that high that's not a problem
but [two]
That makes it really difficult to do and so I really want to destroy die grand most of the time with the ghosts over
rather than just negating the effect for a turn with ghosts -
But then the final monster that we play is 1 glow-up bulb and this is for the materia beast [place] as well as the other
Synchro place for the spell so not many surprises here three hidden cities [3] terraforming
We got the final battle for the hidden city going on here
So we got a you got to have as many hidden cities as possible, then only one dragonic diagram
This is because you don't want to see multiples
And you only need to see it [1] - generally and then you do have terraforming [they'll] search [it] as well
So next we have [3] brewery infusions really important for the combos
I just showed you guys earlier
Being able to summon extra monsters and getting an extra normal summon is really really helpful because you do have a lot of normal [some]
[ones] that you do have 3 archers 3 nemesis warriors 3 seen this and a bunch of tribute monsters
So having an extra normal summon is really really nice [next] [we] have three instant fusions
which is a staple in any sub tarot deck to just come in and
You can summon invoked right in to set itself to someone your behemoth or you get some ignore it in to extend your place
That's pretty obvious and the only traps you play are two
Final battles because again this code focuses a lot more on your monsters and not your traps
But also because that does have so many cards that you don't necessarily want to draw such as global garnet red clown
I didn't want to add to [that] list by playing a lot of traps because those aren't really good going second
You're not always going to win your dive rules
but [playing] but hand traps over regular traps
Allows me to go second
Disrupt my opponents, and then on my turn be able to you know build a really strong board or even [odk] them sometimes
So I'm saving the regular traps for the side back for when I know that I can go first in this bill
I really don't think there's space for traps hand traps and all your combo pieces
For the extra deck when [you] start with the fusions we play one Sarasu [light]
One in both right in and then one Lordan for the synchro monsters who play one cloud castle?
Cloud castle is actually really good because we do go into a lot of level 9 monsters. We have volt elorg
cloud castle and bring back volatile orc and then go into a second req 9 after you make your first initial flavor right 9 so
One thing that'll happen really often is that you're going to your first [ranked] [nile] with archer lugosi a gem
But [after] that you're going to at some [point] if you really want to be able to go into glacier and Saint glow-up bulb
And then with [that] that's going to allow you to make another level 9 synchro monster you can just summon the cloud castle
bring back to both alert that's already in your graveyard or even [the] [lipless] a gem and
That's going to let you go into another rank 9 so cloud castle is really useful. I wanted to play [trishula]
Which is another level 9 synchro, and you can go in the tricia?
You really really want to but sometimes it just takes a lot of work
And you don't really go into it as often because it does require three materials next we play one [yazzie]
Evil of the yang zing [jaws] is really good because it lets you clear your opponent's [boards]
But then also once you use Yossi's effect to Destroy itself. It's going to let you summon
let's go say jump from your deck again aiding to your rank 9 plays one ancient Fairy Dragon because it lets you cycle through your
field spells
what are we going from Hidden City to the next hidden city or going from diagram to Hidden City or vice versa or even the
[showing] your opponent's field supposed to search your own
Ancient for your dragon is extremely useful
[any], and you can even use it to special summon your [monster] from your hand such as your are curing your nemesis warrior
So [int] your fairy Dragon is really useful [sin] the last synchro monster is one neytiri beast and you guys already know why we play?
That let's go ahead and move on to the [exists] monsters. We're going to start with the rank 9 and then move on down
We play 1 through 10 calamities
And then once tandem fortress answer blasts near and I'm on the fence about playing [anther] blast near or a second kruky and calamities
But both are really good and both have their purposes and right now [I] kind of felt that the utility of having both
Sort of trumps the consistency of having just two to kane calamities
But I'm going to put a poll on the top right corner of the screen
Let me know which one you think would be best remember the rank force
We have one cast though which I think is standard and also tear that
You're going to be able to flip itself face down to some of your behemoths, but also
It helps you clear your opponents boards as well once I go still emeral don't be shuffled back your resources one thing
I really like to do as a shuffle back garnet and trick clown or especially just a garnet that's going to help you reuse your
Variant Fusion you can go on the rent force pretty easily, too
So you can do this on command you can also shuffle back your hand traps if you want to draw them again
or even some of your behemoths if you need them in depth to summon off of a and archer then we have one broad but
One dragnet a strong defensive rank force these are just really good in my opinion
So I think they should go in any decks
I can make rank for words really because sometimes even if you can't make the full light true key and calamities [plus]
Naturia bees if you can make [naturey] abuse flush dryden that's really strong or fruity no calamities [plus] trident
That's really good even totem bird plus dragons really good
And so you have a lot of access to very many really really strong defensive monsters
And which is why you don't need so many traps in the main deck in my opinion
But I finally we played to rank threes one two little bird
And then one invoker set aside that you're gonna notice this is very [similar], so I'm not gonna explain it too much
But we have one psycho kraken which I really like when you're playing against trap heavy decks
Because you can do sort of like an in-Phase MSP with [Mrs.]. Warrior
You can just some [spy] [go] cracking on your opponent's turn
Flip it with final battle hit one back [arrow] going to your turn pull the back face down and back face up and hit some
More back row so psycho kraken is really good against the back projection my opinion and next we play a kaiju engine
We have to give seo
[1ku] mungus into one of the level 9 the level 9 is really good because you can summon it off of a
slumber or also if you just draw in another Kaiju and again
it helps you make your rank 9 please and then because game seo is level 8 and
then we also have level 7 [news] x I also really want to play a
Level of ranked 8th in the rank 7 but again the extra. Deck space is actually pretty tight
I don't think there's enough space for it
You don't go into them often [enough] because you do pretty much only do this out the side deck
But having a level 9 Kaiju is useful because you already make prank knives within the main deck
But also something important to note [that] I forgot to [mention] in yesterday's deck
Is that you can actually search your [pages] because you can send slumber to the graveyard the [phosphorous] here?
I don't want your next turn you can banish the slumber to start to tide you that's really really important in the true Draco matchup
And then also because we do play triple archer
Having [there] explore [birds] and a dark hole health as well because they're going to help you start [there] plays
So then for the side deck trap cards
It's very similar to yesterday's we play two quaking Mayor force two barrier [two] strikes in a warning
I really like the mirror forces striking warning against rooting dinosaurs
I really like the warning versus a true Draco's and then again zodiacs
I really like very your strikes and warnings and so I sort of mix and match the traps that fit that [matchup] better
But then you're going to notice against true drake goes not really studying many traps at all
That's because they can just summon a masterpiece that
Abuse and trap cards and so you don't really want to saw regular attacks for that except for the warning that can negate the summon?
Against that matchup I'm usually sighting in the kaijus, but they give me answers to Masterpiece
which is really really hard for this deck out and
Again you have searchable outs because you can send lumber to the graveyard and you can also make [mat] beasts as well which helps
Okay, so I almost forgot to include these combos
But they're both three-card combos you need hidden City Likto stage and institution
And then you also need one other card to the store with lipless a gem
Doesn't really matter what it is. It just has to be any sort of monster in your deck. It's cool
If it's an Earth, but if it's not [an] earth or the trick pound that's fine, too
It doesn't really matter and so the first of the two combos is going to end you with nate area [be]
[spooky] and calamities which again is really really hard for a lot of decks to out the second combo starts with the same car
But you can end [it] a little differently and so you can end with true King [of] calamities
Dryden and then archer, so this combo is actually really good if you have a penis in your hand that we have another negation
but also if you're planning of the [death] bet
That make sure you'll be sitting that good again
And now another advantage of the second combo is that it really keeps your [subterra] engine going?
and so the first combo your ending with a true [ten] calamities and a trivia beast not any subtalar cards you have no way to
Get back to your [subterra] cards
But in the second combo there anyone in the archer and so you can always [use] [dryden] to pop archer
Coming any or any of your other subterra monster from your deck [then] get your engine back going again
And so both combos are really really strong turn one the second combo is usually better if you're playing it with dk your point that?
Next turn because you can summon
Because you can destroy archer
Something like us to lacma or something this card draw a few more cards
And they also bring back that nemesis warrior
And then if you can add any other monster on [top] of that you're going to have game so both combos are really good both
Have their pros [and] cons the [first] one obviously has [gnat] beast which is a wind condition against a lot of decks
Plus [VSD]
Which is when conditioning into other decks whereas the second combo doesn't have a naturia beast?
But it still allows you to play within your [subterra] engine, and it's almost just as hard to play through [alright] guys
That's it for the true King Subterra deck profile if you have any
Suggestions let me know in the comments section below any other questions comments or concerns
I'd be extremely happy to answer them so again
Leave them down in the comment section [below] or also contact [me] by any sort of social media all of that in the description
but also
I just want to thank you guys for watching this video and a lot of my other content recently
I say this all the time but my goal here is just to build a strong community of Yugioh players
But then also to improve my content
Improve my own plate and help you guys improve as well and the best way for me to do that is through online video
So you guys watching these videos really means a lot to me because I think that these can help you guys all improve
Both [as] players and [especially] as subterra players and in being able to share our ideas
different ways to play the deck and then just our general mindset both on sub tears and in the game in General down in the
Comments section is a really good way [for] us to grow and so if you haven't already
Subscribed to the channel as I really think it'll be beneficial to both of us because [I] do have a lot more content coming soon
And so don't forget to come [back] tomorrow at 7 p.m.
Eastern time for the final day of Subterra weekend where I'm going to be uploading a thirat sub tarot deck
But don't be fooled. I have a lot [more] than three sub tarot decks stored up
It's just the final day of the week and so even though the weekends ending eventually I will be able to get to the other
Sub tear-filled so be sure to stick around so [you] can see those when they do come
But as always guys thanks for [watching] and I'll see you guys tomorrow
Kamen Rider EX-AID Episode 29 PREVIEW! English Sub Full HD - Duration: 0:29.
So, the ending is finally getting close!
A way to inhibit the virus?
I will get back Emu's smile!
That Gashat is too dangerous...
I'm gonna clear this operation...
The result of this battle will see one of our fates be realized!
This is the greatest ultimate battle ever!
I will change the fate of humanity!
I will change the fate of the Bugsters!
Kamen Rider Genmu...
...Level 0!
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