Indra's Net
Welcome to Word of Psychology.
In this video I would like to talk about a concept that is part of Buddhist philosophy: the Indra's Net.
I don't want to sell you Buddhist religion or philosophy,
anyway I find this concept very interesting in order to understand the importance, the value and the meaning of the human relationships.
I could simply say that Indra's Net is a way to conceptualize our society
as a fabric made of interlaced threads and each node is one of us, every node is a person.
Here's why you cannot move one of these nodes without modifying the shape of the net and leaving the other nodes in place.
Let's imagine doing this thing with a fabric and it will happen exactly in that way.
Why is this metaphor, this mental image interesting?
Because, in fact, we can psychologically imagine ourselves as signal repeaters:
we are connected to each other through received and transmitted signals of information.
The human relationship is basically information.
"I say to you, you tell me something, I transmit to another person that info" and so on.
This also gives the measure of the fact that you can get the best human relationships practice
remaining within the network and not standing alone, a thing, this last one, that, by virtue of this metaphor, is just impossible.
It is impossible to isolate ourselves from the network, indeed;
it's impossible to get out of it.
We are always inside of it.
In the case of a psychopathology, and also of a physical pathology, it's possible that the repeaters cease to function or they begin to malfunction.
The message that we refer is not what we received, it is incorrect, it is a corrupted message.
Or we receive signals and we do not transmit them,
starting to function as a black hole that absorbs energy from the surrounding environment and does not reissue it.
Easy to see it when you are near a disturbed or even ill person who needs care, which demands a lot attention
- some even in a particularly selfish form -
and they give us so little.
This to give you an idea of the importance of the relationship, a network of listening, reporting, and so on.
On the other hand, it also gives us the measure of the importance that other people have for us.
We often read on the social like Facebook, quotes like:
"Be yourself don't matter what" "Don't give a f*** about what they saying…" "Others must accept you as you are" and more.
It's right and wrong in the same time.
This pop psychology also creates a great malaise as I can see among my patients, because it's linked to the feeling of being slaves of the others' will,
as if we were fashion slaves who did not express ourselves but we dress like others say.
I'm talking about social conditioning, social pressure, something that surely exists.
However, as Aristotle had pointed out saying: "We are by nature social animals",
it is beyond doubt that our personality, what we are, what we think we are, is a social conditioning that comes from millennia of social evolution anyway.
For example, an atheist born and grown in our society, build through 2000 years of religious history, cannot totally disregard this assumption, even if he thinks he does.
In fact, we are embedded in society and we bring its values forward, even those in which we don't believe or we don't want to bring.
The peaceful psychological message behind this topic is the following: we must not feel so victimized by the others' eyes
because, in fact, we build ourselves on that basis.
As usual: the right position is ... in the middle!
You can absolutely be yourself and, at the same time, to listen what others say about you, so you can "adjust" yourself.
It's a feedback that governs us.
The idea of us as hermits on the mountaintop uncaring what the others think about us,
is an idea of great psychological rebellion probably made up by people who have had some difficulties in their life about relationships.
Psychotherapy, in fact, is a human relationship:
problems in human relationships are healed through a "cleaned" human relationship with a therapist,
anyway, in its core, it is still a human relationship after which you come back in society;
better to remember that, in any case, you are always inside the society.
So we have to accept with serenity the fact that we are part of this network and that people's judgment is something that matters,
we haven't to be slave of it, of course.
but clearly the others' judgment has a value and should not be discarded on principle.
For example, about fashion: everyday we find ourselves less rebellious and original than we think we are about fashion,
because we love to recognize ourselves even in the clothes that others wear, I don't find it so unkind!
it's nice to feel part of a group also.
It is clear that that feeling of belonging to a group mustn't overpower you,
otherwise you stop being an individual and you become the infamous sheep of the flock.
Let's remember, however, that we are part of a large group that has its own history, its own rules, its values,
and we share them with our own originality, somewhat with a certain degree of conformism.
We must accept this condition without perceiving it as pathological and strongly negative,
as long as it does not create any problems with our work and our relational and social well-being.
Ciao and see you on my next video.
For more infomation >> Indra's Net - Duration: 8:24.-------------------------------------------
campanha TOP PODEROSA - LEGENDADO - Duration: 14:09.
Problems that happen when you marry before you're ready - Duration: 3:26.
The Secret Life of Allama Iqbal by Islam - History - Duration: 5:42.
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MBOT PLUS: IMPROVING OUR ROBOT! Installing the Matrix LED screen to mBot - Duration: 3:56.
Today we go to do him some modifications to our robot mbot putting him a screen
led and progrmando some proofs with her.
If you do not know this robot leave you in the description and in a tarjetita the initial setting of east
robot sencillito so that you know it before seeing this video.
I call Me Rafael Cruz and this is Mundodron, begin!
you Know our new podcast?
I leave You in the description the chapter number 2.
Today we bring of uevo the robot mBot of Makeblocks to the channel, a robot that know that it loved me
by his possibilities in a previous video and that today want to add him one of the things
more interesting that came you in the edition mBot Plus, the one who comes with an endless of
Down in the description have the link of this product.
In concrete, the accessory that go him to add is the screen led, with which will be able to put
our texts, small drawings, games of lights... We go, this is the of always:
the imagination and our expertise programming by scratch in the application of Mblok will be
our only enemy.
The first that we have to know is that the current disposal of our mbot is not
suitable, so we go to have to change of place the sensor of vicinity.
we remove Him his screws and will be able to remove it easily.
we Leave the wire of connection for the moment, since it does not bother us for the moment.
Now cojemos the transparent signpost that came us in the box and remove the stickers
of protection. This will serve us for difuminar the lights leds that go him to install to the
robot and see it tudo much better.
Now already we can fit the signpost led behind this plate with some simple screws
that came in the pack.
Traqnuilos by the materials, remember you that all the tornillería and tools come
included in the package.
Once put as we will have to put up the sensor of vicinity.
we Use some nuts and screws and smart.
we Connect the wires, so much of the conectaor of vicinity in case you removed it and the one of the
new screen with the wire that see in screen.
we try It hide a poquito and , we, will connect the screen in the port 4.
Important, since afterwards to the hour to program it will have to know where this.
And smart, already have installed our signpost of lights led in the mbot, but... And that do
with this ? well, I teach you a small proof, although the his is to go trasteando with all
the options and sensors that have to combine them and do things a lot but fun.
The first that we have to do is to open the program mBlocks.
If you do not have it, I leave you in the description the official link to install it.
it Is simple, no you preocupeis.
Once opened connect the usb that venia in the package to the computer and afterwards to ours
robot by the port that see in screen.
Despues in the program go us up, and select the port where has connected
our robot and already would be connected.
Now we go to do a small proof.
Ours intention is that while presionamos a key of the computer go out a text in
the screen and when presionemos another as it go out another.
When despresionamos the key as it will have to turn off the screen.
As you see, it is really simple.
In events look for the option presionar and see that it leaves us the opcion to put a key.
we drag It twice to have two options.
And afterwards we will put him in the options of robots as what want that it show.
Once done this will have to say him to the robot that when the key no pressures
(that is to say, that was freed) as that turn off.
So we do the same that before but putting the opcion to free the key and leaving the
text vacio.
we give Him to the banderita to command the new program to the robot and already it tendriamos.
As you see, while presionamos the keys assigned works perfectly, borrandose
the text in each moment that free each key.
Of course this is only a proof and the options that has this are a lot of, being able to
program quite a lot of games if you throw him imagination.
And at all, I expect that it have liked you this small improvement to our robot using one of the
sensors that us venia in the pack of the mbot plus and see us in a new video!
Charging my EV With Solar And Changes to my Bill/Charging Habits - Duration: 16:56.
by this point most of you already know
that I have a 5.9 kilowatt hour solar
system on the roof of my house
scratch that not kilowatt hour kilowatt
it generates kilowatt hours worth of
electricity I am actually just hit my
first megawatt a couple days ago awesome
so the question I have been getting from
a lot of my viewers after posting my
first solar system tour video which was
filmed when it was really freaking cold
out wise have my electric car charging
habits changed at all
well yes considerably let's first go
back to what most people will have if
they have electric cars and that would
be time-of-use metering plans
that's where on peak during the daytime
on weekdays your rates are going to be
higher but then off-peak when electric
demand is at its lowest and also which
would also cover nights or be nights and
yeah when there's overproduction of
power which would otherwise be wasted
utility gives you a cheaper rate which
is basically an incentive to use the
power that would otherwise have been
well the utility is pretty much shooting
themselves in the foot at the moment at
least in my case now I do have time of
use power and because of what they're
doing I have actually considerably
changed my charging habits I am no
longer charging off-peak I'll get that
to that in the moment of course there's
also a flat rate billing for electrical
service as well if you have a smaller
solar setup that does not meet quite
meet your full power needs or and or you
do not create enough power to over
produce chances are you'd actually need
better off on a flat rate generation or
consumption rate plan you will probably
not get as much power if you do happen
to over produce or excuse me you will
not get paid as much if you do happen to
over produce but if your can
assuming more than you produce in the
end you might be a little bit better off
if you can manage your power wisely in
my case here's what we're going to do
we're going to plug the car in right now
today is a Friday during the daytime it
is 2:35 p.m. and in the past I would not
even fathom plugging the car in before
7:00 p.m. or letting it charge after
7:00 a.m. on a weekday but now I don't
mind let's plug into the I am down to my
last 15 miles on the car a writed range
Shazam and you know what I still haven't
changed my charge timer so I'm going to
go change that and hopefully the radio
doesn't start playing and we're going to
reach right here start charging
scheduled charging is Mable for this
location yes start charging anyways I
still have it set for 7:00 p.m. charge
start but that is no longer needed now
the reason I want Savin doing this in
the past is in the past I would be
paying 19 cents per kilowatt hour to
charge my car but in the off-peak I
would have only been paying about nine
cents right actually there's eight point
nine something something something
something something they have on the
bill so I'm going to explain why we're
going to go in the garage I have a piece
of cardboard I'm going to draw it out
for you and show you guys the map and a
copy of one of my bills now I this month
this is end of April this month bill
doesn't generate until tomorrow but I
will not be able to do this video quite
a while and I'm just getting too many
people asking me so I'm actually over
produced in the daytime and the
nighttime on this last bill and that's
due to being able to see my first bill
on solar and
my charging habits and energy usage
accordingly so let's go take a look here
is a copy of my We Energies bill now it
is a very poorly laid out and completely
confusing in terms of solar because
they're trying to confuse you in terms
of solar production how much use how
much you're getting credit for now what
you're getting paid it is so confusing
that before I even had my solar
activated I tried finding out exactly
how the payback works and the Consensus
foot from the energies and the answer I
got was just wait for your first bill
and it will be so much easier because we
actually have no Philip and clue how our
own billing works for solar so that's
what I did I waited for my first bill
and realized almost instantly I am
getting screwed now the most important
thing to take from this bill is I over
produced on the daytime so I have a zero
day time charges I did not print over
produce enough off-peak to cover all my
off-peak usage so I have a off-peak use
that I did not over produce of 342
kilowatt hours so that is what I'm
getting charged for I'm getting charged
30 dollars in 66 cents with the 342
kilowatt hour of power that I used that
I did not over produce although I did
over produce in general for the 196
kilowatt hours of peak on peak over
production yes this is sounding
confusing here's the deal if you didn't
watch my last video talking about how
the utility is screwing over customers
and this is not just Wisconsin this is
all over I'll get to that in a moment so
the important number is 342 kilowatt
hours of off-peak power that I did not
over produce enough to eliminate so
we'll take that 342 kilowatt hour which
cost me I'm being charged $30 in 66
cents for now for the 196 30.6 6 Sigma
for the hundred ninety-six kilowatt hour
that I over produced during the day time
I am getting paid or another word in
this case credited only nine dollars and
three cents credit and I pay okay now
this is how the utility used some
billing trickery now my original
understanding and the best that the
utility was able to explain to me is
that before I would get billed for
anything I would first get all the power
subtracted from my production so that
means I shouldn't have even gotten paid
yet or given or credited for the hundred
ninety six kilowatt hour nine hundred
ninety six should have been subtracted
from the three hundred and forty two
kilowatt hour because remember payback
I'm only getting this is off this is
winter season so for payback I am
getting four point six zero eight cents
a kilowatt hour but for off-peak
consumption I have to pay eight point
nine six four zero cents a kilowatt hour
so I am getting credited on peak
production half of what I have to pay
for off-peak so obviously that kind of
sucks so what I should what my
understanding was was that I would get
credited or all my power would be
deducted off of my production before I
would have to get billed so my
understanding would be three hundred and
eighty four kilowatt hours minus 196 of
over-production what a meant I only
would have had 188 kilowatt hours of
off-peak to be billed if that was the
case times eight point nine six four
cents a kilowatt hour so 188 times eight
point nine six four cents would mean my
math sucks
3:42 I screwed up somewhere here 42
minus 196 146 146 okay I'm sorry
one know how 146 must hit a wrong button
146 would have been what I did not
produce enough to cover so hundred forty
six times eight point nine six four
cents what a mint there we go
what a mint my bill should have been
thirteen dollars and nine times because
of this x87 four forty we'll just round
up so this is what I thought what would
happen I would have gotten I would have
only had to pay $13.98 66 cents you see
what they did is they separated off peak
and on peak production and consumption
so instead instead of me having to pay
this there's this I had to pay this and
that means 30 dollars and 66 cents and
then they paid me for the overproduction
at a four point six zero eight cents per
kilowatt-hour rate so that means I ended
up having to pay out of pocket 20
dollars in 63 cents does that make sense
does that make sense so far you guys are
you guys following me so they used
billing trickery and very confusing
billing tactics to get an extra twenty
dollars and 63 cents out of me no to get
what am i screwing up here okay here we
oh god this is so frustrating you kissed
me confused okay 36 - six - thirteen
point zero nine means they got 1757
$17.50 more out of me by billing me in
this fashion instead of subtracting all
my usage out of the production first but
now on the other hand now because my
system is just enough to basically
eliminate my my usage at least during
the summer season I'm definitely going
to be producing a ton during the winter
season I'll probably still be using a
bit more than what I'm producing but at
the same time I'm still going to be
producing more during the daytime so how
is this hurting utility well here is
what's what's happening and why is
hurting the utility yes there's some gas
candle there no there's not gas in them
they're filled with waste motor oil
the idea is to help the utility they
should really want me to charge off-peak
even though my solar system is
generating you know I could be
generating a megawatt of power during
them during the day time of it during
the month but if I'm charging at a
higher rate I mean the car can charge it
up to 20 kilowatt whereas my solar
system it's absolute max output at any
one moment is going to be 5.9 well of
course a little fluctuation but I'll
never be able to output more at the same
time using it in the car so that means
it's basically like a peak demand kind
of thing the utility wants to avoid peak
demands they want to avoid high spikes
in their usage because they're going to
have to ramp up additional emergency
generation if that peak gets too high
such as in the summertime when you got
all these air conditioners going and
their generation facilities are maxed
out and then here comes you know and
then down the line a little bit a ton of
electric car owners plugging in the
middle of the day and charging at full
power they're going they might have a
brownout blackout it seems to me what
what might be going on a little bit in
California with all the brownouts it
should be their incentive to have me
dump 90 kilowatts of power into my car
at night not during the day it's that
demand that spice of power draw so
because of this billing trickery it's
actually going to cost me less or in
this case well on that last bill cost me
less because I ended up having to pay
$20 in 63 cents for that power usage
instead of $13.99 off-peak then I could
have wiped that out or if I switch my
billing for the time being to flat rate
then it doesn't matter if I generate it
at night and use it generate it in the
day use it at night since I'm on a flat
bill there is no antique and off-peak
they're shooting themselves in the foot
right now yeah they're getting a few
extra cents out of me now but in the
long run it's going to really hurt them
because now I'm going to switch all my
heavy loads to daytime yeah and use up
as much as my over production and I can
now in the case of once I have my rough
maxed out now all my off-peak generation
for solar
pretty much going to be done on weekends
and holidays because that's the only
time the sun's going to be out on the
off-peak and I guess I get a little bit
in the morning but extremely little
before 7 a.m.
I only generate maybe two or three
hundred watt hours after 7 p.m.
I might generate 3 or 400 watt hours
it's just not enough sunshine here in
Wisconsin at those times and off-peak so
it's going to be weekends but if I have
a bigger system then yeah
this is going to work out just fine
because I'll be producing enough in my
own off-peak to cover all the usage but
it really makes no difference just use
it during the day
now once Tesla finally delivers my
founders Edition powerwall 2 then things
are going to change again because now I
can have that power walk to generate or
recharge during the daytime and then
dump that power back into the house at
night so I'll basically be using my
stored daytime solar power for
everything off-peak and once I got that
set up it I can basically forget about
time of use altogether
I'll keep it because when I over produce
I'll get paid more or yeah I will get
paid more accredited more if I'm cutting
it very close on my usage and I can
pretty much use the power any time of
the day I want so I can run that air
conditioners full blast during the day
if I feel like it don't have to worry
about having an insane bill so I hope
you're able to follow this a bit and
learn a little bit about how tricky
these utilities are getting and it used
to be much better but they lobbied for a
6% increase in rates and they snuck a
whole bunch of stuff into their bills at
least here in Wisconsin back in 2014
which went into effect January 1st 2015
a lot of people were caught off guard on
that and it really really hurts and for
those that managed to get locked into
contracts before that change took place
or they're raking in a lot of money
they're getting as much as 27 cents per
kilowatt hour on peak payment because
they have to get paid whenever
back-to-back then before the change they
would get paid whatever the retail rate
was that the customer would have to pay
the utility so at the moment utilities
are kind of double dipping and but it's
still great in that last bill my bill is
still like a hundred bucks but that was
still a lot of winter you gas usage for
heating the house
and now that I have have this figured
out I'm actually charging during the
daytime and I even put the timer off I
have a deep chest freezer in my
downstairs and that was always on the
timer maximum max the coldest possible
temperature kickin at 7:00 p.m.
run all night and on weekends and then
just shut off during the daytime and
powers that peak so I got rid of the
so basically care less want to use my
power now it's actually giving me more
freedom I have in the solar being able
to charge whenever I want not being
stuck to a time use plan so if you have
any questions post in the description
box below and if you didn't watch it yet
here's the other side of the cardboard
showing yesterday's video which if you
haven't watched it the link is coming up
let's put the link right here and you
can click on that and I'll take it to
the other video the prologue of this bin
Learn2Hack: Sniffing ENABLE CAPTIONS! (Get Passwords, Credit Card & Account Info) - Duration: 7:30.
I added subs to this video, because the sound cuts at different points.
I'm going to show you how to monitor network traffic and obtain the username, passwords and other confidential info of people who use unsecure connections, to/from websites.
There are methods to secure your computer/website against people using this network sniffing technique. SSL (HTTPS) connections is just one, VPN is another, but I will not be getting into that.
I will be using wireshark for this example.It is a free network sniffing tool, and you can find a download link by simply googling wireshark. It is very popular.
I'll show you how to open it up.I don't know why I did this, but in Windows 10, you can simply find wireshark after its been installed in your start menu as I soon show you.
I clicked on my wifi connection. This is the connection I wanted to use as a demo.However, you can also monitor traffic over usb, ethernet, and other mediums for which network traffic passes through.
I applied a filter on the traffic, since there was a lot of packets and requests if I didn't. I used command prompt and ipconfig to get my computer's current IP address. Then I also filtered for packets comming from port 80, and utilising the HTTP protocol. This reduced the noise I saw.
I am describing what a Network packet is. To put things simply, it is a unit of information sent over a network. It is how computers communicate with each other. Wireshark has the ability to monitor networks and display all these packets to whoever wants to see them.
This is a website I built. There is a security flaw in this website. It doesn't protect your username and password when you are sending it to the website. Thus, if a person is watching your computer's traffic ...
They'll be able to see everything you are doing, and all information you send to that website, if you connection isn't secure. I didn't implement SSL, because I didn't want to pay for it (which I'd have to do since I am renting out a host company to keep my website on).
I show you some examples of the data contained within the packets.
Each packet is structured very similarly.
Each record/line is a different packet.
Now I'll show you me actually getting the credentials based on network traffic of the user I enter into this website.
Chrome tells you if you are using an insecure form, but many browsers do not. But even though Chrome does this, I still wonder about it, because I've seen it passing more data than necessary if I've kept it open compared to other browsers. Google is pulling something I suspect.
I enter in a username and password and will now be showing you how I'll grab it.
I intentionally entered an incorrect password. I'm not going to show you my real passwords XD
By looking at the header information, I was able to isolate which packet was sending my password information.
Within the HTML Form URL Body Section of the packet, I was able to see the username and password, because it hadn't been encrypted/hashed. It was there for anyone who wanted, to use for themselves to access the website.
Using this method, you can get all information of other people without them knowing. It is becoming easier and easier since even newbs like me can easily do it.
I hope you had fun. Remember, more security is better. Now a kid can pull tricks like this. Up your knowledge so that you wont be taken advantage of.
LOST || Oats In The Water - Duration: 2:11.
But this place...
Is different.
What if everything that happened here happened for a reason?
Don't mistake coincidence for fate.
Everyone dies sometime, kiddo.
I love you, Sun.
I love you.
Some of them before you, some long after you.
Were not supposed to leave.
Yes we were.
Come on, Charlie, come on!
You might wanna save your bullets.
I saved you a bullet.
I have to say goodbye to my daughter, John.
So if you wanna kill her, go ahead and do it...
Don't you leave me!
I'll see you in another life, brother.
I'll see you in another life, brother.
Goodbye, John.
We're not alone!
I hope you're happy now, Jacob.
Bye, Ben.
I'm trying to help you
You can't help me!
The most important part of your life...
Was the time that you've spent with these people.
You needed all of them...
And they needed you.
WHAT ARE THESE TYPES!?! | Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver Extreme Randomizer Soul Link Part 2! - Duration: 25:31.
What is up guys
Self Care Vs. Escapism - Duration: 3:51.
So, I'm having a bit of writers block.
I'm out of stories to tell.
Could it be because i don't like, do things?
Or have experiences?
So instead we're gonna go to the park and we're gonna catch some cyndaquils.
Here's the thing.
I still play pokemon go.
Some might say...obsessively?
There are 233 pokemons that are catchable in the region(s) i have been to since it came
I have 230 of them.
Three pokemon left.
Today we're gonna make it two.
You might be saying to yourself Why?
You didn't even play pokemon as a child this isn't like, a nostalgia thing.
And you're right.
I did not.
But I'm an obsessive completionist and I desire to win.
I guess while we're up to this, i wanna talk about escapism.
I have very conflicted feels because a lot of the kinda popular tumblr or buzzfeed style
self care advice that's like hey, it's okay, just shirk all your responsibilities
and stay inside and eat cupcakes and paint your toenails is actually one of the worst
things i can do for myself.
Giving in to my desire to be lazy and not get out of bed and not move my body and not
do work and isolate myself makes me feel more depressed.
And then when i feel more depressed, it's even harder to do the thing the next day.
And so it gets worse and worse and worse.
So I try to resist that escapist kind of form of self care.
I try to just like will myself into doing the things i don't want to do because i
know that doing them will make me feel better.
And then the next day it'll feel a little less smaller of a thing to conquer.
On the other hand, it isn't possible to just stop being burned out or stop being depressed
out of sheer force of will.
It's impossible to go in at 100% all the time, especially when you're an activist.
A very brilliant former colleague of mine Zerlina Maxwell, i'm linking her newsletter
below, wrote about the resistance, and she said It's not a sprint, and it's not even
a marathon.
It's a relay.
Which means sometimes it's your turn to run and sometimes it's your turn to pass
the baton and catch your breath.
I ran for a long ass time.
But the past maybe 5 months, 6 months, I haven't been.
So i've been trying to figure out what level of escapism is okay or what's healthy for
And that's why I've been doing this.
This, being like, moving back to my parents house and working on my brain health, and
pushing myself to do the work it takes to get better.
Mixed with a little bit of escapism.
I'm almost ready for another lap.
So now I'm gonna evolve this typhlosion.
2 pokemon left.
And I'm gonna go home and get to work.
So in comments, tell me how you feel about escapism.
What do you use to escape?
Do you think that's healthy or unhealthy or somewhere in between?
If you liked this video you can subscribe, you can also find me anywhere on the internet
in the links below and I will see you next week.
How to Win A Man Over In 4 Seconds (Mind. Blown.) - Duration: 3:09.
Have you ever noticed how some women can win men over in seconds flat?
Do you want to learn how to do the same?
Hey ladies, my name is Amy North and I'm a relationship coach from Vancouver, BC.
Today I want to share with you one extremely simple thing you can do to melt a man's
heart and make him want to be yours.
Before I do so, I just want to quickly ask that if you enjoy this video then please take
a quick moment to click the subscribe button below.
That will give you full access to my YouTube channel where you'll find loads of other
dating advice videos.
Plus it'll allow me to keep coming out with new content for you!
It's a win-win!
Now enough YouTube talk, how can you win over a man in four seconds flat?
Well, the key is to show him what an amazing and full life you have.
When you do, he'll want to be a part of it.
To do so keep these three simple tips in mind.
Be positive.
Just as you wouldn't want to be with someone who was constantly down, angry or bored with
life, neither do guys.
That's why when you radiate positivity, men notice.
More importantly, they're drawn to it.
To win over a man it's crucial that you show him that you have a full and cheerful
Even if that isn't necessarily the case, by simply making a point to seem like you
have a lot going on in your life, he'll be drawn to you.
Another easy way to show this type of positivity is to flash him your zeal and enthusiasm by
smiling whenever you're around him.
A genuine toothy grin can send him over the edge with desire for you.
For more tips on how to win a man over with positivity visit my website,
and watch the free video presentation.
Make him laugh.
Similar to my previous point, being able to make a man laugh is a quick way to win him
Since men want to be with women who make them feel good, being the reason he's able to
forget about life's everyday worries and let loose and laugh… well, when you can
do that, he'll be hooked.
And my third and final tip for winning him over in seconds is…
To show him you're confident.
There isn't anything sexy about a woman who is blatantly insecure.
Whether she shows it through bad talking others or putting down herself, being that sort of
unsure or apprehensive woman isn't going to make him want you.
Instead, it'll do the opposite.
Now, to show him that you're confident there are many things you can do.
Some of these take practice, whereas others can be done quickly to capture his heart.
For example, you can work on your body language, look him in the eyes when you speak to him,
and focus on your posture.
Or, you can perfect your wardrobe so that you are always dressed to kill.
These may seem like small, insignificant things you can do but you'd be surprised how much
of a powerful impact they have when it coming to winning over men.
Well that's all the time I have for this video, thanks so much for watching.
If you have any questions about what I've covered here, or tips of your own to share
then please post those in the comments below.
I always love hearing from you and will do my best to reply as soon as possible.
And again, if you liked what you learned then check out my other dating advice videos by
clicking the subscribe button below.
Until next time, take care and good luck!
AutoSmith Wireless Headset with Car Charger USB Port - Duration: 9:55.
Experiment - Fluent in Spanish within 3 months part-05 - Duration: 5:22.
Hi guys!
i'm sorry
for last two weeks, no video
a little ... poc... ca...forget
yes, i'm a little bit forgetful
and also a little
a little... lazy
and not much time
a sister?
a very busy man
yes... a lot of party and work
Last week
It is kingsday
In Holland, it is a...
good party, yes...
All people (todo gente)
From holland are orange
and a lot of beers
always good
but, now...
My Spanish
not super good [it sucks]
i have an idea
i can
create a schedule
what do you....with ??
with... i talk Spanish my friend
from Mexico, from iTalki
almost, almost every day of the week
i talk with her
in the evening
and one day in the morning
i talk spanish
we talk spanish
also in the morning
i learn .. with my..
[PimsLeur AudioBook]
how do you say that?
i dont know
no thanks
also... in the train to work
i'm leaving.... no
i'm going to learn
words [in the] memrise [app]
no only memrise
dualingo also yes
week.... last week
this week
i remember .... or .... with a video...No
grabbar - record
[i will record .... all moments]
every moment
my video
every moment.... when
i learn spanish
every moment.... and together
the end of the week
I do a video
a video.. yes
what is a very long time
i learn [????]
it is important when
you know
[in my video next week you will see what a busy man]....
i am
[no it did not]
Concierge Collection Inflatable EZ Bed Twin - Duration: 19:01.
Brothers On A Hotel Bed (Death Cab) - Circuit synth cover | Deerful - Duration: 3:44.
You may tire of me As our December sun is setting
Cus I'm not who I used to be No longer easy on the eyes
But these wrinkles masterfully disguise The youthful boy below
Who turned your way and saw Something he was not looking for
Both a beginning and an end But now he lives inside someone he does not
recognise When he catches his reflection on accident
On the back of a motorbike With your arms outstretched trying to take
flight Leaving everything behind
But even at our swiftest speed We couldn't break from the concrete
In the city where we still reside And I have learned
That even landlocked lovers yearn For the sea like navy men
Cus now we say goodnight From our own separate sides
Like brothers on a hotel bed Like brothers on a hotel bed
Like brothers on a hotel bed Like brothers on a hotel bed
You may tire of me As our December sun is setting
Cus I'm not who I used to be
Minecraft Survival Lets Play: Episode 28 - Medieval Settlement (Minecraft 1.12 Survival) - Duration: 14:45.
and gentlemen welcome back to another wonderful episode a Minecraft single player survival anyways today we are back at
the I guess spawn location of the area
and today we're going to begin tearing down houses so this house is going to go this little dock over here is going to
go to a real fishing hut
and we're going to replace it with buildings that kind of fit the style that we have going on over here so the supposed
to we're also going to be building I guess partially built houses
and maybe one house so that is fully done that way we have something to actually live in over here too
and I just figured it's probably best to do so so while we're at it let's get started in start digging down these
houses Anyways everyone we have tore down the buildings I mean I previously stated that they were both houses
and this one was not a house I mean I guess it could end up being one if we wanted to but no
and that was not going to happen so we're going to get started now
and that is going to be us building a few the houses aka the settlement now these houses are supposed to be fully
complete I don't intend on building any of these houses be like a full house now they're maybe one later down the road
that ends up being a actually finished house
but ideas for this to be like a new settlement that's why we kind of had the way in slush card up there
or it's transporting new materials to bring to the area and it's kind of starting like a whole new life down here
and just showing that things are changing
and we will probably end up switching up what we're going on here the wheat field is just a temporary thing so it
shouldn't be that too big of a deal
and I think we should get started now if I can get the right blocks going we do not need those most definitely as we're
going to be building so why not now we are still going with the with the typical design that we have been going with
for quite a while now witches I use the very key builds that we've been doing
and that's been fine in my opinion I don't think anybody really has a problem with that everybody's been liking it from
my knowledge so we're just going to keep at it while I mean I also did cut down a bunch of trees I'm pretty sure yes
we're able to really tell like we're really came from
but I did cut down a bunch of trees because I wanted to make sure that we're going to have enough logs for this as
we've been using a lot I mean a lot for all the builds that we have been doing
and I've just wanted to make sure that we're going to be doing well
and I think like all the wood that we have in my inventory right now is what I got from cutting down trees just in that
one little patch over there which was really neat Now I do need.
To expand on what we're going to be doing over there so we need to plan something out from that area
and I think we'll end up being fined in the end for that.
In our break you not used to having my inventory arranged like that with the few we can do that yes I mean does not
look that bad and we should watch that out was something else that way we're not really wasting our inventory slots
and yeah so I think for this fire of the build We're just going to get a good bit of it done so like we're going to get
like maybe the second floor start in there we're going to call it that part on the spill
and it should be fine I think in my opinion at least.
In other areas all I also intend on not not this episode
but maybe next episode we might look into making a mind over there I'm not too sure how it would look if it is going to
be a medieval mind so it should be fine in my opinion.
At sea
but I do have a lot of ideas for that as we do need a my that's something I've been a whiny because I want to go more
mining and I do have a ton of minerals
and I can use to make it pretty as he has already saw where is that at this show C.S.O.
All that's what I've been collecting for that area over there because I feel like it would be nice to have more of a
custom mind than what we've been all what you see on You Tube which scandal laid out a grid
and I think it would look better that way Oh no that's just me though and let's see are we doing this correctly yes
and then I believe we're going to end up placing a law great here in that should be right
and then we can have this run
or run across not run around because why would it run around that's just odd in what see I think next episode
or during a stream we're going to go to the end so there should be.
Nice too as we are in dire need of sugar boxes in my opinion as I'm kind of making it were my end just as kind of the
storage system for everything
and that would be nice so I have no clue as we don't really have a house either so that kind of prevents a storage
system from really happening in my opinion at least so I think it would be good
but that is just me I don't know because I mean I've seen a lot of where the convert or will
or they use shorter boxes as their main like storage system though like all the hermit crap memories I think for a good
part use a
and are just as their main storage so like Exuma I believe mumbo I know white stealing it I mean he's not a part hermit
crack though
but he's doing it I started using it for a good part of afterlife I mean not to the great extent that hermit craft is
doing with it but at some point I think I'm going to try to push for that
but maybe not with the way that they've done it worse just like all of their stuff
but like really important stuff I think I should do YOU IN see when to hear.
Oh that's nice in there and we're just going with our typical pattern once again so it should be Isa's.
And let's see police that across if I can do that correctly I think we're going to add another house right next to it
and that one's probably going to be a little bit closer to the road that way it's kind of staggered in a way in C.
Go back to place in this because that's what we need to do.
And we've got to
and we need to make some more series I should really just make a bunch just convert all of these into steers that still
probably not be enough but for the build I think it will be enough and place them all across like that
and then we can police our. Walks and steers you that.
If I can place correctly and that way we have the first floor basically done
and I think for the little bit that we're going to do for the second floor we're just going to place like another two
blocks higher that way just sort of completely and then sort of not complete.
Even then that doesn't really make sense right there what I just said
but we're going to make it that way looks like it's more done because if we just leave it like this it doesn't look
like we really did much well for the build anyways
and I feel like if we add like a partially done second floor it kind of makes it look like there was an attempt by the
side of the settlers to do so on that's just me. That I really need to add mending to that X.
Right there because right now we've been letting it just slowly die
and it's probably going to get to the point where it's really costly to do so so I need to do something for that and
and I'd do that.
But I also still need to find a cheaper mending beleaguer because right now we still have a pretty expensive one
and it's not really that good for me because I think it's like thirty emeralds for are like twenty ish I think
and that's still quite a bit of money and I would rather save some money
and not go bankrupt because yeah I need that money or emeralds I guess
and we'll break you that way we can easily play some of this.
See a place you correctly yes I did and then we'll place that
and we sort of partially done place you here at the center of a window and then we can place you like that.
And then we can place the log back in.
I cannot speak I was about the say black I mean there's nothing wrong with that but still that's just really we.
See you in a place one race you're two
and we're out here I really want to make another crafting table no I do not because I already have like five a rear
there's like one in here.
Nine in here see I just have several all around so that's why I don't want to do so as we're getting it at a hanger
with their workbenches. Let's go over here it is about the turn one time so we may want to get a hand on that.
Break that rule quickly. Plea Well he says you won't break that real quickly that way we can place it.
In there and I believe we place you upside down place to class and then we place the log back
and then for this should be really simple. Wrong ready. Mike.
Lee you you're there in there with
and that that's what we're up what we're going to do for the build so far we may play some like scaffolding so I'm
going to figure out a neat design for that because I don't really know how to do scaffolding Minecraft I mean I know
mobs have like some cool way of doing so but for minecraft i really don't know so I think we may use like.
Won't one of us are going to say fences and maybe slabs to do it because right now I have no clue
and right now I'm going to quickly get started building the other house which is going to be a more wider version in as
the build like this one so it should be fine that way it doesn't really intrude on the land over here
and yeah so I'll be right back when I get a good bit of it done.
This is what we have come up with do you guys hopefully goes do like what we've done so far I figured this is probably
for the best in my opinion while I think this one turned out way better than this one because in my opinion this one is
too perfect I feel like builders who are not allow a build to that they're not done with to end that perfectly I just
feel like it's not right and I think I liked what I did better with this this house anyways or
or whatever it's going to end up being I feel like it turned out a lot better than this one I just feel like the rain
and this kind of adds more to the me in just makes it a bit more in the area than what that does so I think off camera
playing on foot only with that way kind of fits the area looks more like he did it is that it isn't fully finished in
yeah so I think that's really it also the plane is probably the complete the spilled in lead that build not complete so
I think the idea before completing the spilled though will be to add more buildings around the area that way it kind of
fits in because if you have one complete build
and one that isn't complete I don't know to me that is just kind of seems weird in my opinion
and I think that wouldn't work so we probably need to add a few more smaller buildings that are like of what we have
over there in the docks last harbor that way things will fit in we need to add me being like a fishing of that
equipment to this part right here the fill that spot
and yeah so I think that's pretty much it well as you enjoy the so don't forget that some in the comments section below
and yeah that's pretty much it thank you for watching and as always I shall see you guys next time we bore you.
We're together. Capoeira street dance. Original Performed music. By Darren Burch - Duration: 3:20.
The Most Satisfying Video in the World Amazing Cake Decorating 2017 - Duration: 11:55.
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Hope you have a great time
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