Some time ago I did a video on Doom, which was probably my personal favorite game of
last year, and showed you some tweaks and things to keep in mind to play this game if
you have a Vulkan compatible low end computer.
But what if you are trying to play this on something as low as the IntelHD that comes
on this Intel Celeron?
Well, turns out there are a couple of small, but important things that I missed that will
give you a significant boost in performance and might just help you play this game on
a low end computer.
Welcome to the LowSpecGamer, the show where we explore ways of boosting performance on
modern games running on low end computers, so let's get this game running.
Thank you to Akemi for sending me the commands that got me started on this video.
Doom is a 2016 game running on the 6th generation of the id Tech engine that requires an i5
2400 and a Geforce GTX 670, although it can be played on a slower Vulkan capable GPU.
So, running it on a dual core Intel Celeron G1840 and its integrated IntelHD seems a bit
of an impossibility, even when the IntelHD is overclocked and yes…
IntelHDs can be overclocked with the correct setup.
In fact, this system is so slow that sometimes the levels would not even load properly.
It's a little bit unexpected.
However there are actually a couple of things that can help in getting more performance.
It will not help load levels better tough, you are simply going to have to restart for
First I am going to assume you watched my old Doom video that explains how to open the
console, how to change variables or how r_modes are mapped to resolutions.
Let's start with the first interesting thing, I mentioned in the past that there a couple
of commands you can use to pretty much set almost any game resolution on windowed mode.
Now if you want to use a custom low resolution like 960x540 on full screen, you can add it
on your GPUs control panel.
For intelHD this is often directly on the panel or sometimes it is on customMode app
located on Windows, system32.
Once you add the custom resolution it should show up in games options, but if it does not
it should be on the list of r_modes which you can check by typing r_mode in the console
and pressing tab.
You can then specify that r_mode number in the console.
Now, the other more interesting thing you can try has to do with shadows.
There are 3 commands that seem to control shadows, but changing shadowAtlasTileSize
or Height just seems to crash the game.
However, changing r_shadowAtlasWidth seems to significantly reduce a lot of the game's
The bad news is that there does not seem a way to save this setting.
Adding it as a launch command is ignored and adding it on the configuration file crashed
the game for me, so if you need a quick FPS boost you have to open the console every time
you play and apply it.
The good news is that the change in performance is really notorious, pushing this game from
the mid 20s to 40 FPS while being idle and providing an unexpectedly smooth experience
while fighting.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, let's get this party started!
You know this is the only game where all the things that I usually criticize of other games
makes sense.
You want to clear hordes of demons?
You want to reset the system and save humanity and destroy argent energy?
Violence is the- f***!
Violence is the main medium of expression of this game and it does it beautifully.
C'mon, c'mon, come all to me, I'll take you all, I'll take you all!
I want it to come to me. This is so fantastic. Oh no. Nope
Oh god look at this performance, this is fantastic.
Oh, oh, what's the chaingun, what's the chaingun, what's the chaingun?
Yeah, yeah!
I got it, that's not what I wanted, this is what I wanted.
Oh go so much violence! Well that was immensely therapeutic
So keep this in mind if you are trying to enjoy this fantastic game on your low end
Thank you to all these wonderful people on Patreon, who help me pay for these videos.
See you on the next one.
I really, really like this game.
For more infomation >> Doom (2016) on IntelHD, performance tips - Duration: 5:06.-------------------------------------------
Dead Rising 3 / Adrian-Valera / Muestras / 2D - Duration: 5:07.
Dead Rising 3 / Adrian-Valera / Muestras / 3D - Duration: 5:07.
TYZON - TUS LABIOS - Duration: 0:36.
Mountain Biking the Suicide Trail - Parva | ENDURO MTB + Crash | Vlog8 - Duration: 11:27.
Such friends, como estan?
today !! It is a day to celebrate.
we go for a walk with friends !!
we are on track to curve 14 to 01
single drop! Today touches us
It was time !! biking
Nothing san cristobal, no Chillan
let's see what comes out !! Join us
we will accompany a friend!
Well, let the first downhill of the day!
with Pascal and Noel
forward this Paul and his wife
we're going to get something good today !!
I hope Pascal, I went by a line nothing to do !!
pretty bad first downhill !! we are on the second descent with better recognition
泽哥highlight:单挑藍buff - Duration: 0:09.
Toyota RAV4 4WD 2.0 VVT-i Style + Trekhaak 2000kg - Duration: 0:54.
2300° with Davide Salvadore and Afrobeta - Duration: 3:42.
[en Espanol]
My name is Davide Salvadore.
I am from Italy, Venice, Murano.
I am 64 and I started when I was 9.
In my time, when I was young, it was very common to start work very young.
And in this way I have more time for work.
More time for experiments something with the glass.
My family worked the glass since 1650
I tried to do to work wood, bartender, but in the
end I came back to the furnace.
Every time.
It's a family passion.
I try to make one of my pieces I call CoCoe
CoCoe it's a sort of harp
I start with a roll-up, with a murrina, pick up murrina,
and then I put an encalmo, aqua aquamarine color on
the back and then I change and put another encalmo in the front
and then I change the axis
and then I start to make the shape.
This shape in particular is 3 years
3-4 years I make but everytime I change something
you know it's not always the same.
Why the instrument?
Because the instrument, the music is my second passion - my first one is, of course, glass.
And the second one is music.
I play the drums for many years in the salsa orchestra. And I think for that I put together
my passion - both passions, and I make the instrument.
The glass is a sort of music thing, if you see the people at work, there is a team and
everybody have their part.
Glass is a rhythm because if you don't have rhythm, the glass don't wait for you.
I come here because I like to come here
because after 50 years at work
I want to try something new, you know?
And the place is wonderful because
I can make everything I want
because the facilities is incredible!
Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I Aspiration 7-pers. Cruise control-Parkeersensoren voor + achter - Duration: 1:03.
Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Mot Comf Clima/Cruise - Duration: 0:59.
Volvo S40 2.0 I 16V AUTOMAAT Luxery - Duration: 0:59.
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I IDOLS Airco | 5-Deurs | Trekhaak | 66.000 km !!! - Duration: 0:57.
My Awakening from the Matrix, Accepting the Unbearable Truth An - Duration: 23:58.
My Awakening from the Matrix, Accepting the Unbearable Truth (Anunnaki, Reptilians & Archons)
and Becoming the Change
How it All Started: Aliens & UFO�s
It all started around October 2013 when I became interested in Ancient Aliens and then
Alien Files Unsealed.
I watched these programs thinking �what on Earth is going on?� The feats supposedly
accomplished in Ancient Aliens by human beings, years ago, well it didn�t make sense, and
we just aren�t strong enough now even with modern day equipment never mind then, so many
unexplainable buildings, there had to be more to it.
I then started watching Alien Files Unsealed and it suddenly dawned on me that the people,
whose stories were being covered in the program, were normal people; they didn�t want notoriety,
fame or fortune, they just wanted their stories to be heard and made sense of.
Something very strange had happened to them and they needed to make sense of it as best
they could.
Of course, anyone trying to talk about this subject is instantly ridiculed and made to
feel silly and stupid.
Have you ever wondered why?
Why aren�t we all flabbergasted and inspired by such stories?
Why aren�t we out there doing research ourselves trying to find out the truth?
What is holding us back?
Where has our curiosity gone � the curiosity we had as children?
We need to get it back, and we need to keep an open mind and question everything.
If we get ridiculed for it, it doesn�t matter because it will all be out in the open eventually.
We will all find out what is going on in the end, but I want to know now, not in the future.
The Truth?
I now have a driving desire to find out the truth about what is going on in our world.
Let�s face it, the world is in a mess and we are all carrying on as normal, expecting
someone else to sort it all out.
We are far too busy earning money and surviving, � yes, surviving does take up all our time
� so we can�t see beyond that and that is why we are in this mess at present.
We have all been manipulated and played, we have all been mesmerized, hypnotized and turned
into consumer driven slaves.
We are making money for the large corporations and the 0.1% rich of the world.
Each day they get richer and richer, finding new ways to get us to part with our hard earned
money; they are very clever at it.
They know how to manipulate the human mind, they know how to get us to spend our money
and we don�t even realize it is happening.
After watching Ancient Aliens and Alien Files Unsealed I started reading books about aliens
and UFO�s; I was obsessed for months and couldn�t stop reading and finding new information.
I couldn�t understand why no-one was revealing anything about aliens.
Why aren�t we being told the truth?
Why aren�t the governments of the world revealing what they know on the subject?
Why have they decided to keep the information a secret?
I had touched the tip of the iceberg, and there was a lot more to find out and the iceberg
was enormous � way bigger than I could ever have imagined and it touched every aspect
of human life on our planet today.
It took me a while to realise this, though, and I got lost on the way � but that�s
another story.
There was one alternative media website that I subscribed to called ��
This site had a wide variety of articles covering different subjects and seemed like a good
starting point, so I received daily emails and continued to learn more each day.
New World Order
Well, everything I read seemed to lead to the New World Order.
I had seen this mentioned before but I didn�t believe it.
I thought it was just a load of old rubbish.
There is apparently a group of people who want a one world government.
They want to control the whole of humanity.
Apparently they have been working towards this goal for a very long time.
They come from the richest families in the world and the plan for this global takeover
has been passed down the generations.
They are so rich that they can buy, bribe or kill anyone they want.
They are in charge of the USA�s Federal Reserve.
The government of America does not own the money of America � they have to borrow from
the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve print money whenever the government needs more.
These rich families are the ones behind the vaccines, the fluoride, the GMO�s and the
They are using these methods to cull the population.
They have managed to control us so far, through different ingenious methods: they control
the mainstream media, so that all stories are the same.
The truth never gets out, unless by error.
They control us with TV programs (why do you think they�re called programs?), violent
computer games, violent Movies and violent News.
They guide themselves by the old saying �you reap what you sow�.
For example, they have integrated patriotism (the very idea that we are better than someone
else based on the country we were born into is plain ridiculous), war and sufferance into
our subconscious minds from a very young age, and now most people go about their daily lives
without being revolted of the harm caused by our governments overseas.
Millions of innocent civilians (such as yourself or your loved ones) killed by bombs paid with
our tax money are not something we worry about, even though we should be outraged.
We have all been hypnotized and mesmerized.
We have all forgotten who we are and why we are here.
We don�t care for each other because we don�t know how similar we are.
The average people all over the world have more in common with each other, than we have
with our �elite� politicians � and politicians have more in common to each other than they
have with us.
False Flags and the Fear Agenda
They are also controlling us by staging false flag events, hence inducing a perpetual state
of fear and insecurity around the world.
Their message is: �you are safe nowhere and you need us to protect you.�
Fear can make a person vulnerable and insecure.
Scared people are only interested in their immediate security, so they will gladly give
away more of their freedoms, just to feel safer.
Hence fear is an important control tool, and they abuse it in order to implement more Orwellian
laws with each passing year.
Roman historian Tacitus once stated: �The more corrupt the state, the more numerous
the laws.�
And Western countries pass hundreds of new laws every year.
They can use the false flag events to initiate more rules and regulations.
Slowly, with each passing day, we lose more of our freedoms because of this.
They say it is to control terrorism, but who knows who will be classed as a terrorist in
the future?
It could be anyone who doesn�t agree with the governments of the world � it could
even be you.
War criminal and globalist Henry Kissinger has stated not so long ago: 'Terrorists are
people that reject the international system.'
How absurd and anti-freedom is this claim?
And where do you think terrorists receive their funding, intelligence, training and
weaponry from?
Terrorism is just a scheme to create never-ending wars, sufferance and destruction.
War is profitable to our human controllers and it's keeping the Earth's frequency low
enough to feed and accommodate our Archon controllers, as you will see later on.
Money, Money, Money
Is global warming really man made or is it because of normal cyclical events that occur
over long periods of time?
It's just another way of getting extra money from us through taxation, and make the rich
even richer.
I feel that the governments take far too much money off us all, and we use almost all of
our time on Earth working for those money.
They leave every family with a small amount to spare, when the really wealthy manage to
avoid paying their taxes through carefully engineered loopholes.
We are all slaves to the system!
The people at the bottom are paying for the people at the top to keep their lavish life
We pay our taxes and any money that is left over is sought after by major corporations.
We are bombarded with adverts continuously, telling us we need more stuff.
We are encouraged to spend, spend and then spend some more.
We replace everything, even when it doesn�t need replacing.
We need to get out of this mentality.
I admit to have been brainwashed myself.
I have been on this treadmill most of my life, and I saw first-hand just how hard it is to
get off and rethink your life and your values.
People around you will think you have gone mad.
In fact, you�ll feel like you have gone mad yourself.
It�s like the �Emperor�s New Clothes� � eventually, you wake up and realize he
is naked and he has been all along.
It�s all been smoke and mirrors, mind games played out on the world�s stage, trying
to keep us all in a state of awe and fear.
Humans are good, caring and loving.
We are just so wrapped up with our own survival and worried of our own safety, that we forgot
how to care for one another.
We have lost touch with reality and each other.
Our subconscious minds have been conditioned to see only what differentiate us, rather
the things that make us alike.
Believe it or not, we�re extremely similar in all aspects.
We may come from different backgrounds or different cultures, but we all have the same
values in life.
We all want to be free, healthy, educated, to live in a peaceful society and to have
access to the basic necessities for survival.
That�s about it.
Wherever we may be around the world, that�s basically all we need to be happy.
Instead we have wars, hunger, insecurity, homelessness, and many around the world don�t
have access to clean water and food.
And it's all by design because, as I said before, people who are constantly "on the
edge" don't have time for self-education, introspection and � eventually � spiritual
Even in the Western societies, which were once regarded as role models for developing
countries, people are now facing the problems listed above.
Women can no longer stay at home and look after their children if they want to without
feeling guilty.
It is getting harder and harder to survive on one wage.
This is not good for society; it is being driven by our need for more and more stuff.
So we work harder to get it.
We need to stop and be happy with what we have.
We need less stuff, we need to work less, we need to think more, and we need to spend
more time with our families and friends.
These things are more important than material stuff.
We fill our houses with more and more stuff, until we have to throw things out to make
more room, for even more stuff.
All this is making the large corporations richer and is making us all poorer.
And this is precisely what they want; this is the plan, their agenda.
They just keep getting richer at our expense.
They want every last penny that we.
We are all the victims of mass propaganda and brainwashing.
It has reached the point whereby families choose to believe the media and the governments
of the world, rather than their own families and friends who are waking up to the truth.
I do not blame the brainwashed public.
I was just the same until recently.
The truth can be frightening and I can see why people want to avoid it.
Once you know the truth, you can never go back, even if you want to.
The truth cannot be unseen � once you see it, the truth stays with you forever.
And trust me, the truth will come out in the end � it always does.
Elite, Cabal, Illuminati, Archons, New World Order
A brief history of the rich of the world, also known as the elite, the 1%, the cabal,
the illuminati, or whatever you want to call them.
The ancestors of these �elite� bloodlines were aliens that visited our planet eons ago
and decided to enslave us all.
Long story short, after a great cataclysm they got rid of most humans and started clean.
(If you want to learn more about mankind's enslavement, please follow this link).
They�ve genetically engineered humans and made us in their image, then they interbred
with some of the human females creating the bloodlines of the so called "demigods", the
"royals", the "elites".
The aliens that have enslaved our souls and created the human species are:
The Anunnaki � in whose image our human vehicles have been made;
The Reptilians � an empathy-less species of warriors who came in this dimension from
a parallel universe that has achieved completions;
The Greys � geneticists working for the Reptilians and responsible for most of the
human and animal abductions, in their attempt to improve their species and create various
hybrids (they are the lesser evil of the four and their main motivation is their species�
survival, even though that means colluding with the Reptilians and causing harm to us);
The Archons � non-physical parasites that can consciously control any organic vehicle
(i.e. body) that has no soul attached to it, including Anunnaki, Reptilian, Grey or Human
They can also partially or fully control organic vehicles with souls attached to their bodies,
through various physical or energetic implants.
None of the above care about the human species.
They have enslaved us in a similar fashion to how we have enslaved animals.
As a matter of fact, the Anunnaki taught us how to �domesticate� animals, basically
enslaving them for life and taking benefits from their hard work, only to kill and eat
them when they were of no further use to us.
The Anunnaki are basically Galactic �plantation owners�, who benefit from the physical labour
of their slaves.
They came here for gold and other minerals and they have engineered us in order to do
the hard work for them.
The truth is, the Anunnaki have never truly left our planet and they�ve stopped shipping
gold to their home planets.
They are solely interested in the benefits of slave work and they take their share of
raw materials and minerals from all over the Universe.
They are at the top of the power structure on Earth, and that�s as far as we will probably
ever get to see � and that if we�ll be lucky enough to realize that the puppet governments
are controlled by a shadow government, which in turn is subordinated to their Anunnaki
This is the exact modus operandi of the Reptilians and they are at the top of the Universal pyramidal
enslavement system, together with their Archon masters.
Their collaboration is extremely beneficial for both species and together they are almost
The Reptilians are physical warriors, whilst the Archons are non-physical parasites who
feed off of negative energy.
Together, they can enslave any young species and parasitize it both physically and energetically.
The Reptilians are meat eaters and operate on a primitive set of emotions, compared even
to ours.
They can only experience negative emotions and that brings them great pleasure.
The Archons are driven by a similar goal, except they actually need negative energy
to survive:
� Human flesh from children is appealing to them, just as human meat eaters enjoy piglets
or calves.
The Reptilians have turned the Anunnaki into meat eaters, which, in turn, have converted
� The human blood filled with adrenaline is like a powerful drug to them and they can�t
have enough of it.
So they keep entire farms of young human beings, just to torture, rape and then sacrifice them,
in order to get a kick from it.
Whilst the Reptilians torture, rape and kill human beings, the Archons feed on the energy
released in the process.
� The energy released during orgasm is negative unless it stems from love, in which case the
energetic bodies of the male and female can convert the energy to be positive.
Reptilians only enjoy negative energy, so they violently rape young humans and even
animals in sex orgies, in order to make generate extreme levels of negative energy for their
Archon masters, who need this negative energy to survive.
Then, they kill the partner and feed off of it.
Remember all of the ancient sacrificial rituals?
That�s what they were all about.
� Wars between human beings only benefit the Reptilians and the Anunnaki from a logistical
point of view.
As long as we fight each other, they are safe in the shadows.
But those who benefit immensely from the negative energy of wars, are the Archons.
Imagine what feasts they�ve been having since we are at war with each other for thousands
of years.
Just imagine the amounts of negative energy released by our sufferance over the thousands
of years!
So, in conclusion, the Anunnaki have only enslaved us in order to benefit from our physical
labour, the Reptilians are interested in human meat farms for food and pleasure, whilst the
Archons need negative energy generated by us in order to survive.
Similarly to how their Anunnaki masters are using us as physical labour slaves, their
demigods descendants (i.e. the �royal� families, the �elites�) have turned us
into currency slaves.
And thus, our enslavement is complete.
Not only that we physically work for the benefit of their masters, now we also work to generate
�currency�, so that we can survive.
They see us as slaves, here just to make them money, so that they can follow their master
We have bred well and are now overrunning the planet, so now they want to cull a big
chunk of us.
Hence GMO�s, fluoride, chemtrails and vaccinations � all these things lower our immunity for
whatever they have planned for us.
They want us to remain asleep and most of us have unwittingly complied with their wishes.
We are more powerful than them and they know it, which is why they have been so patient.
Humanity is waking up though, slowly but surely.
One of the reasons humanity cannot grasp what is going on, is because these creatures are
so evil, that it�s hard to believe just how vile they are.
And they are actually right: human beings cannot be this cruel!
It is not humans that are behind all this, it is the Reptilian agenda, and Reptilians
cannot experience positive emotions.
They are simply unable to care for others or to experience noble emotions, such as love
or empathy.
They are driven by fear, hate, rivalry and competition.
Secret Space Programs
Now we have secret space programs run by different groups, made up of both human and alien beings.
These groups have existed since the 1940�s and have reverse engineered Alien technology.
This is the reason that so many new technological advances have arrived into our everyday lives
in recent years.
This alien technology has been slowly released into the mainstream.
The only problem is that the technology that has been released so far is actually decades
behind what the secret groups are using themselves at the moment.
The groups have all been started by different factions.
None of these groups seem to be aware of the other groups.
The powers that shouldn�t be are so secretive that their right hand doesn�t know what
their left hand is doing and that�s the way they like it.
We have all this information thanks to Whistle-blowers like Corey Goode but even he says the truth
is way more incredible than we can imagine.
We cannot view all this madness from a place of fear; this will just make us angry and
aggressive, which in turn will lead to violence and a perpetuation of this crazy situations.
I know it is hard to remain calm when faced with the hard truth, but it�s what we must
do, though, in order to safely to get through this.
Anger, hatred and aggression are the sort of emotions that have led to this madness
and it is the food source of the Archons.
We need to stop feeding them.
We have to switch our world view completely to change everything for the better by changing
our way of thinking.
Quantum physics is based on creating our own reality and this is what we have to focus
on: creating a better reality.
We must forgive ourselves and our enslavers and move forward with love in our hearts.
The Archons cannot accommodate the frequency of Love, so it is basically useless to them.
And that it is the only way forward.
We need to visualise in our minds a better world for us all, one full of love, peace
and harmony, where we are our only masters.
This is what I am focused on now.
I have gone through all of the shock and anguish of it all and I have realised that the only
way we can change this ghastly Earthly scenario, is to wake up those around us to the truth
and start creating a better world, together!
OneRepublic - Let's Hurt Tonight (BUNT. Remix) - Duration: 3:53.
OneRepublic Lets Hurt Tonight
lets hurt tonight bunt remix
Doctor Who AU | The Dream - Duration: 1:14.
My name is Amy Pond
I had an imaginary friend
He was real
So all of time and all of space
is sitting out there.
A big blue box
Come and see
Your choice
Wherever, whenever
Anywhere in time and space
This is where it gets complicated
the human superpower: forgetting
When you wake up, you will have forgotten me
I remember!
Time can be rewritten
With precision
Sometimes the only choices you have are bad ones.
But you still have to choose.
Trust nothing
It's a dream
to heaven
I can save you!
You're my best friend
You're leaving, aren't you?
'Cause I've got a duty of care.
This is somebody's game
We're dying
Don't be alone, Doctor
Tell me
Am I a good man?
I don't know
The one with the Goodbye Party - Alles good in the hood of Stuttgart - Trip to Germany Stuttgart - Duration: 5:59.
Always man! Remeber, Always!
Alles good in the hood of Stuttgart
Heey! Whats up?
Yo! It is Jonathan!
here I work here just about to finish
I have been here for nine to four
It feels good I'm a bit tired today though but
I'm going to throw a party today
I'm going to throw a party for my friends and for
me to, like get together before I leave to
Germany on my exchange study so
i'm so pumped for this day and I rented
a super, like, super deluxe place costs
around seven hundred euros for one night
but usually it is a like time limit
they said it's usually going to be like
from eight to twelve but they said to me
that it's fine we can be there for
as long as we want for this day and this
this coming night so I'm super pumped
about this! So crazy good!
it's gonna be so fun to see my friends
you know so there you know hang out
have a beer go to the sauna relax
play games talk have an amazing day
yeah i'm going to show you more right
stay tuned we're gonna see this place UP
Hello! so here we are at the roof
before the party i'll show you guys how
this looks i'm going to show you the
place in place champagne
Big big big
table solid Place! Here is the sauna
bathrooms sauna, so i'm making a party
for all my friends to celebrate and to
have one moment together here is the sauna
by the way look at this shit oh god with
a view and everything that's harbour
from the view so it's great I can't see it right now
Yeah so that we can have one
night and just chill it together and
then I'll leave Germany and if I die we
had a good time you know that's the point
Yo yo! Here we are ( Finnish )
And here! How did the game go?
We won the both of the games
Panu: Haha, no you didn't!
We won 2 matches!
Beer pong!
Yeah! God damn!
The chamange is still untouched
It will be drinked today!
And here we have smokers!
I come and say hello to you guys!
So we celebrate
That when i'm going on a trip, everyone have a great feeling
Panu: We are here friends and remebering June
So people came and say hello!
Panu is teaching June how to pop a bottle
There they go!
And then cheers and a friendsdrink!
Panu: There you go!
No worries, maybe there came some footage
*Camera falls down*
Lets keep this to ourselfs
Lets imitate Sjöbä!
They were some great looking chicks!
Great day!
Well, I liked it!
Yeah, so, this is fu*king great! *Finnish/Sweadish accent*
June in the background: What a party!
Panu: What a party!
Have a nice trip Sjöbä! Keep yourself a man!
Panu: I hope you know June that you are always welcome to our summerplace!
Yeah we have only drinked beer today
Soon it will start to kick in the head
There's More Than 1 Way To Reach Your Destination - Duration: 0:57.
hi everyone its Natasha here and here is
another inspired moment from the wonderful
Costa Rica and today I am at La Fortuna
waterfall and well this is amazing and
we are able to get so close to it so I'm
just sharing a quick video of that I'm
about to go in for a swim and get some
of that fresh I expect quite cold water
on me and but I just wanted to share that
with you so hope you enjoyed that and I'll
see you a little bit later with some
more inspired moments and maybe a few
other scenes from Costa Rica
take care bye
DRAGON QUEST HEROES II Gameplay Part 13 - Duration: 1:00:01.
You may proceed to Part 14. The remaining of this vid is just me afk-ing :D
Now Jesse Watters Is OUT - Duration: 2:06.
Now Jesse Watters Is OUT
It is NOT a good time to be a male host on Fox News.
Leftists managed to get rid of Bill O'Reilly.
Sean Hannity might have been next if his accuser didn't immediately walk back her claims.
And now…Jesse Waters?
On Tuesday, as part of his commentary on the new prime time "The Five," Watters was
discussing Ivanka Trump's appearance in Berlin at a women's conference during which
she was audibly booed for saying her father supported families.
As he closed his commentary, he said "I don't really know what's going on there,
but I really liked how she was speaking into that microphone" with a hand gesture ostensibly
holding a microphone.
Of course, liberals immediately jumped to the conclusion that he was making a rude sexual
Watters then refuted the claim:
Whether it's coincidence or not, BizPac Review notes, the Fox host announced Wednesday
that he would be taking the next two days off from "The Five."
His weekend show, "Watters' World," will be guest-hosted by Fox News colleague
Kimberly Guilfoyle.
Watters said he's taking a short vacation to be with family and plans to be back on
During the week before Bill O'Reilly's dismissal, he was also reported to have been
on vacation.
People really need to chill out.
How Animals Eat Their Food | MisterEpicMann [REACTION] - Duration: 2:16.
[Music Playing]
Hey Guys! My Name is DESTROYERFIRE!
And today im going to watch this video called...
How Animals Eat Their Food!
It has,127 Million views and 1 million likes
So, it must be good, clearly
But, Lets watch it , lets see!
Ok, why are they drinking out of baby Bottles?
This is already Funny!
Yes Please!
He is looking at him like 'Really?'
[Laughing Hard]
[Laughing Again]
[Clap], [Clap], [Clap]
What is This!?
[More Laughter]
[Weird Laughing]
He is like dunping, he is like...
[Crazy Laughing]
What in the?
Omg, That was soo funny!
Alright well, I hope you guys enjoyed
That was really funny! XD
If you whant me to do more of these 'Reaction' Videos
Give this video a BIG thumbs up!
But Yeah...
Thank you guys for Whatching!
See you guys next time!
Dont forget to leave a like and Subscribe!
Lets see if we can hit 5 like!
Good Bye! :)
2.5GB call of duty ww2 reveal Download direct 1 link mediafire & torrent - Duration: 0:48.
the new call of duty game for pc ww2 reveal
the direct link from torrent and mediafire
download now call of duty ww2 reveal for pc one link
R3E FR - Preview - FRX-17 - Duration: 6:41.
What's Up guys it's Depielo Gaming and we're here today for
a world exclusive
I'm really proud and happy to present you the FRX-17
from the game RaceRoom Racing Experience
As you can see, this single-seater has a 3.0L V10 engine
developing 950 bhp at 19000 RPM
It's been a long time that we didn't hear that!
620 Kg, driver included, an insane weight-power ratio
They put a 7 speed paddle shift and a 150L fuel tank
So yeah, this car is ridiculously insane!
The version on screen is still work in progress
and the developers will bring some finishing touches
but 95% of the car is there.
This car lokks like a lot of the current 2017 Formula One cars
It shares also their aerodynamic specs
and allows you to push beyond the limit in quick corners
The limits are so far that I couldn't make the perfect lap, yet.
But the faster you are, the more precise you should be
The Formula RaceRoom Us was "easy" to put into a quick corner
this one will ask you to be very precise
It will make you push your limits beyond if you want to drive it at the maximum
The developers also add a Traction Control, which you can set up from 0 to 100%
and it reminds you a certain time where, horsepower were stopped with a "Grrrrrrr"
But you want to drive it without the TC, beleive me
It is harder to feel the ground effect compare to the Formula RaceRoom US
But even when you think you got it, it could reminds you that the wall is close
The sound
I agree. You don't know what to think first. You wait for the vacuum cleaner right?
But then, we come back to the golden age. In my point of view.
It's a strategic bias from the developers
It is not a Formula One car
It's a Formula RaceRoom "X-trem".
From there, the developers had carte blanche
to build an insane car.
we are in a virtual world where everything is possible
and where reproducing reality is a standard
and honestly, wasn't it your dream to have an F1 car sound like this?
There was a video with the V12 engine sound on the 2017 cars during winter testing
that was the dream,
It's done, thanks RaceRoom
For the 3D model, nothing to had, choices were made, no shark fin
"Red Bull" steering wheel (or Williams)
So the circle comes back around
the Formula RaceRoom Junior, the Taatus F4,
the FR3, the FR2 V8,
the Formula RaceRoom US V6 turbo, we only miss a queen with a great engine.
With the very new WTCC e-sport championship,
and the last big update,
R3E is surely on the road for a long time.
We need now an international championship like the famous PLM (France & Belgium) with
opening series with the FR2 and FR3 or the Audi TT cup for exemple
I won't talk about the AI, there is some work to do
but it is quite similar to the FR US
a bit agressive for single-seater...
As a conclusion? FAF (Fast as F***)
FYI, the car is driven with a basic set-up
and a Fanatec CSL Elite Wheel Base with the Formula Rim
I didn't tested it with the pad yet
Great work from RaceRoom and Sector3 Studio
in my opnion they realised one of my dream (V10 engines!!!!)
Hope to see some championship with this bad boy
like PLM (Pit Lane Motorsport)
with their WTCS series (Link in description below)
Thanks for watching!
Do not hesitate to correct the english substitles (I made it myself...)
Thanks again, take care! Bye Bye!
Do a backflip! What?
I'm not doing a backflip.
Come on!
There's no diving. What do I do? Just jump in?
You could of done a backflip
or a front-flip.
I could've... not.
I'm thirsty.
A few inches later
just so you know he didn't even get over
that he walked around
He tapped out. Boo!
You win.
Couldn't even finish two of the obstacles.
dad failed miserably
nice form
not so good of form
I can feel my heartbeat in my waist
Pretty impressive huh?
Alright guys we are done jumping. We did an hour that was
I am exhausted but before I even got
here my left knee hurt and now look at
my legs. it's all red. I scraped down
there. I am just all scraped up and
everything hurts, but that's alright.
How do you feel about that?
I'm impressed.
The fact that they're flipping so much better than you...
I'm impressed.
we're hot so we're going to do the
hurricane simulator
If it starts. She's restarting it cause
it just ate the money.
It didn't work.
all I wanted was some air and now I
just have to sit here
Hot. Waiting for
my mother to come pick us up because she
is our only ride.
Should i vlog from this angle? This is
really flattering right? See this is
me trying to get the sign and myself in
the viewfinder or in the shot and I can't
really do it ah there we go let's just
stick with this all right we're leaving
Get Air now it was fun even though my
legs are in burning pain but yeah
It was tons of fun also we saw some peoples in
there that asked if I was a youtuber and
we put them in so you know you probably
already saw them or I'll show them now
here let's do both you get to be in
there twice
all right we're leaving now I'll talk to
you later goodbye.
hey guys thank you so
much for watching um that was the last
video I have from Arizona we went to
that trampoline park it was awesome
alright now let's get down to the chase we
have 68 subscribers yeah which means
we're only two away from 70 and that is
almost to 100 I mean we're getting there
almost 3/4 of the way so everyone please
share on Facebook tweet it out on
do everything you can to get people
to come to video so you have a chance to
win the giveaway um hopefully we can
have it sooner rather than later but it
is all up to you guys I need your help
so again thank you so much for watching
please leave a like if you liked it
comment down below telling me what I
should do next that would be absolutely
amazing alright see you later bye
Love Shack!
It's a little old place where we can get together!
Love Shack baby!
BLAST! There Will Finally Be Justice, The White House Plan Will Infuriate Hillary Clinton … - Duration: 3:07.
There Will Finally Be Justice, The White House Plan Will Infuriate Hillary Clinton …
At the point when Donald Trump was running for president, he promised that he would hold
Hillary Clinton accountable for her different criminal exercises in the event that he won
the decision.
Presently, it shows up he is completing that guarantee bigly.
The Daily Caller detailed a House Committee is looking for charges against the IT organization
that dealt with Clinton's private email server, alluding the matter to the Justice
Department for the impediment of equity and putting forth false expressions.
The referral for Treve Suazo, the CEO of Platte River Networks, was issued by Texas Rep. Lamar
Smith, the director of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee.
"With a new administration in place, I am hopeful that the Department of Justice will
appropriately respond to the referral.
We can not allow companies with valuable information to stonewall us in our oversight efforts,
"Smith said in a statement.
Platte River started dealing with Clinton's email server in June of 2013, months after
she exited the State Department.
House associates said for the current week that Platte River "flatly refused" to
respect two subpoenas for records identified with its work on Clinton's server.
They included that a Platte River specialist, Paul Combetta, gotten no less than 50 cautions
about hacking endeavors on Clinton's server beginning from Korea, Germany, France and
the U.S.
His lone reaction to these messages was making a request to be expelled from the ready system.
Combetta later argued the Fifth amid a House hearing last September alongside Bill Thornton,
another professional.
"Failure to comply with duly issued subpoenas and obstruction of a congressional investigation
will not be tolerated," Smith said in a statement.
"As a result, the Committee is referring Mr. Treve Suazo, CEO of Platte River Networks,
to the Department of Justice for prosecution under federal laws pertaining to failing to
produce subpoenaed documents, making false statements to Congress regarding possession
of documents, and obstructing Congress.
What do you think about this?
Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comments section below.
Share the truth, be patriots!
Thanks for reading.
10 fights on football - Duration: 6:44.
O Monge Zen - Duration: 9:24.
Until Dawn - O' Death [Türkçe] - Duration: 2:20.
10 fights on football - Duration: 6:44.
Mas Qual é a Minha Missão, Jesus? Como Eu Sei? As ovelhas e os bodes pt.1/2 - Duration: 15:04.
Doom (2016) on IntelHD, performance tips - Duration: 5:06.
Some time ago I did a video on Doom, which was probably my personal favorite game of
last year, and showed you some tweaks and things to keep in mind to play this game if
you have a Vulkan compatible low end computer.
But what if you are trying to play this on something as low as the IntelHD that comes
on this Intel Celeron?
Well, turns out there are a couple of small, but important things that I missed that will
give you a significant boost in performance and might just help you play this game on
a low end computer.
Welcome to the LowSpecGamer, the show where we explore ways of boosting performance on
modern games running on low end computers, so let's get this game running.
Thank you to Akemi for sending me the commands that got me started on this video.
Doom is a 2016 game running on the 6th generation of the id Tech engine that requires an i5
2400 and a Geforce GTX 670, although it can be played on a slower Vulkan capable GPU.
So, running it on a dual core Intel Celeron G1840 and its integrated IntelHD seems a bit
of an impossibility, even when the IntelHD is overclocked and yes…
IntelHDs can be overclocked with the correct setup.
In fact, this system is so slow that sometimes the levels would not even load properly.
It's a little bit unexpected.
However there are actually a couple of things that can help in getting more performance.
It will not help load levels better tough, you are simply going to have to restart for
First I am going to assume you watched my old Doom video that explains how to open the
console, how to change variables or how r_modes are mapped to resolutions.
Let's start with the first interesting thing, I mentioned in the past that there a couple
of commands you can use to pretty much set almost any game resolution on windowed mode.
Now if you want to use a custom low resolution like 960x540 on full screen, you can add it
on your GPUs control panel.
For intelHD this is often directly on the panel or sometimes it is on customMode app
located on Windows, system32.
Once you add the custom resolution it should show up in games options, but if it does not
it should be on the list of r_modes which you can check by typing r_mode in the console
and pressing tab.
You can then specify that r_mode number in the console.
Now, the other more interesting thing you can try has to do with shadows.
There are 3 commands that seem to control shadows, but changing shadowAtlasTileSize
or Height just seems to crash the game.
However, changing r_shadowAtlasWidth seems to significantly reduce a lot of the game's
The bad news is that there does not seem a way to save this setting.
Adding it as a launch command is ignored and adding it on the configuration file crashed
the game for me, so if you need a quick FPS boost you have to open the console every time
you play and apply it.
The good news is that the change in performance is really notorious, pushing this game from
the mid 20s to 40 FPS while being idle and providing an unexpectedly smooth experience
while fighting.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, let's get this party started!
You know this is the only game where all the things that I usually criticize of other games
makes sense.
You want to clear hordes of demons?
You want to reset the system and save humanity and destroy argent energy?
Violence is the- f***!
Violence is the main medium of expression of this game and it does it beautifully.
C'mon, c'mon, come all to me, I'll take you all, I'll take you all!
I want it to come to me. This is so fantastic. Oh no. Nope
Oh god look at this performance, this is fantastic.
Oh, oh, what's the chaingun, what's the chaingun, what's the chaingun?
Yeah, yeah!
I got it, that's not what I wanted, this is what I wanted.
Oh go so much violence! Well that was immensely therapeutic
So keep this in mind if you are trying to enjoy this fantastic game on your low end
Thank you to all these wonderful people on Patreon, who help me pay for these videos.
See you on the next one.
I really, really like this game.
Cologne for Success and Protection - Duration: 8:49.
Dead Rising 3 / Adrian-Valera / Muestras / 2D - Duration: 5:07.
Dead Rising 3 / Adrian-Valera / Muestras / 3D - Duration: 5:07.
Now Jesse Watters Is OUT - Duration: 2:06.
Now Jesse Watters Is OUT
It is NOT a good time to be a male host on Fox News.
Leftists managed to get rid of Bill O'Reilly.
Sean Hannity might have been next if his accuser didn't immediately walk back her claims.
And now…Jesse Waters?
On Tuesday, as part of his commentary on the new prime time "The Five," Watters was
discussing Ivanka Trump's appearance in Berlin at a women's conference during which
she was audibly booed for saying her father supported families.
As he closed his commentary, he said "I don't really know what's going on there,
but I really liked how she was speaking into that microphone" with a hand gesture ostensibly
holding a microphone.
Of course, liberals immediately jumped to the conclusion that he was making a rude sexual
Watters then refuted the claim:
Whether it's coincidence or not, BizPac Review notes, the Fox host announced Wednesday
that he would be taking the next two days off from "The Five."
His weekend show, "Watters' World," will be guest-hosted by Fox News colleague
Kimberly Guilfoyle.
Watters said he's taking a short vacation to be with family and plans to be back on
During the week before Bill O'Reilly's dismissal, he was also reported to have been
on vacation.
People really need to chill out.
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