dis georgia with JT news well Kendrick
Lamar has been accused of the same thing
Drake was accused of okay
Kendrick Lamar has a song called DNA
he's been accused of biting the song
from a rapper named D period Z IGN
design this the same thing Drake was
accused of by xxx plantation for the
look-at-me song and it's the Drake song
featuring Giggs KMT on more life see
they're accused of stealing the flow and
on this case Kendrick was is accused of
stealing kind of partial lyrics because
this other guy has a song called I got
he's got I got this I got that and you
know Kendrick Lamar's like saying I got
this and in my DNA
so it's like no idea is truly original
period okay we're all influenced arm by
somebody else for an idea something
influences our ideas out here okay now
Kenda Lamar didn't know what makes the
word Drake's
in X X X's whole thing is X X X had like
40 million plays when Drake's came out
okay he already had a following 40
million places a good chance to drink it
heard it with this guy design okay and
only had like a thousand 1,500 plays
it's getting more plays now because
people were picking up the story um you
know it's similar yeah it is it is
similar but I don't think that you know
T DS combing through SoundCloud looking
for ideas okay I think they both were
inspired somewhere else for this song
something I got some somewhere they were
inspired by the same place obviously for
this song that's all I could say man I I
don't think Kendrick Lamar for one bit
when they found this guy's song decided
to bite it
and even with Drake and Exorcist
temptation Drake was using that flow on
the future album just a year and a half
ago so I don't know you know it's all
saying someone did or didn't do
something I'm just saying I don't know
I'm very doubtful with all the surface
you know a lot of songs sound similar
I'ma be honest you know but uh what do
you guys think in the comments that come
out and hit subscribe for me and that's
it man I'll check in the next video
joining sure toward any book our pound
or dot down you pick up a t-shirt a hat
or something to support channel I preach
you guys appreciate you guys very much
Jordan Jordan
For more infomation >> Kendrick Lamar Accused Of Biting Rapper D.Zign On "DNA" | JTNEWS - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
Las polémicas y promesas incumplidas que marcan los primeros 100 días de Trump - Duration: 3:48.
Los logros y fracasos de Donald Trump en 100 días - Duration: 1:46.
''Está protegiendo al país. No está siendo racista'': latina que apoya a Trump - Duration: 2:21.
''Ya no estamos dormidos...estamos dispuestos a pelear por nuestros derechos'', dice una manifestant - Duration: 1:41.
REFERÊNCIAS - Zuera anime #10 - Duration: 3:10.
Backstage at WaterWorld on The Home & Family Show - Universal Studios Hollywood - Duration: 6:56.
Well I have some fun here a couple weeks
ago at Universal. You know it's a big
playground here and we get to do all the
things that a lot of you don't get to do.
You get to see behind the scenes with us
here, I went behind the scenes at
WaterWorld and saw what happens just
before you see it in the park. But we're
behind the scenes and they were nice
enough to let me come
of course I bring the cameras wherever I
go. Tomorrow I'm going to the market, I'll
bring the camera with me there. Here's a
WaterWorld behind the scenes, watch.
Alrighty, over here.
Well here I am at WaterWorld,
with my two favorite tour guides
this is James this is Michael, we're going to
show you behind the scenes side of WaterWorld.
What? James: We were loading house we got to go.
okay, Michael: 12:15. Better go now? Michael: This is a fast-paced show
we gotta hurry. Wanna race?
(music) "Chariots of Fire theme music"
Alright, so here we are behind the scenes at
WaterWorld. What do we have here? James: We got this first big
effect of the show. This is the jet ski launch.
A Kawasaki 550 jet ski up there, he's
going to pull that water skier 45 miles
an hour right through that hole. Michael Burger: Oh my
god! James: Taking him about 35 feet in the air.
That's another one of our jet skis that's other
550. He's going to take that down that
ramp that's about a 65 degree angle (Michael Burger: Oh my god!)
full throttle into that water. (MB: really?)
Michael Hinchliffe: yeah well we what we do for them after
we drop it as we blow bubbles in the
water actually softens the water up so
they can go underwater about six eight
feet it's rare coming up on the other
side of the wall makes me yuzurenai face
back all right now let's see doing here
Mariners location on jet ski now it's
he's not I don't know he knows that he's
not alright James where are we now
okay Roberts is he playing effect right
this is we're going to launch this a
three-quarter scale sea plane into that
arena untether that's a three thousand
pound airplane do about thirty miles an
hour over that wall as it's going to be
loud oh yeah there will be a lot of
explosion windmill wall blows out dead
right I don't know if he put his feet in
the upright position or Easter
I don't watch television well we've
taken you behind the scenes Mike that's
great but now we'd like to take you
above the scenes good fifty feet up on
that dick and dive there in the hundred
cars about 100 feet Jimmy hundred fifty
feet not necessary I can I can
appreciate that from here it's just fine
no make that look fair that's all I've
been doing is running around you guys
today we go up another all the time yeah
but anyway we don't we don't wholly
usually there's we're special effects
guys we can get you up there in a second
no stairs with no stairs all we got to
do is snap our fingers we're up there
snap I learned that from Christina I
could run a finger sheriff's right yeah
on three three okay well do three it's
great what if you huh the Nestene house
right here that how about the little
room over there what's that how do you
need booth right there they run the
whole show
oh let's go where they run the whole
show and I can do that when I get down
we get down you guys are all the other
way so here we are the nerve center of
the operation yes this is TV boo for
Waterworld these buttons here everything
you saw backstage mind is controlled by
these buttons right here look at flash a
lot of a lot of flashing buttons here
let me let me buy you some would you
like to open the gates there cargo bay
doors Hal sure yeah how do I do that you
want to show them or be a hit the button
yep and hold that guy right there the
blue one
I'll go ahead check it out I am the
almighty odds oh I could have some fun
at this board just straight hey you know
what the Mike listen we've got to go
another show 3:30 children talking and I
say here's a great date just play around
oh yeah you can play with all these
buttons just don't touch the big green
don't touch this one dogs don't eat
whatever you like that one don't touch
okay the green I'm up okay
thanks Michael thank you very much all
right nice to need you again
I've always wanted to control an empire
like this I could touch anything but
there's three one any of these but like
I said that is that just not touch that
one but anything else that's the green
I am
all connected through Candace's
hairdryer very and it's a ground-floor -
sir look who's here it's Michael and
James are special effects guys special
effects guys - James how are you it was
good money so we hop in yeah what do you
bring with you well we brought you some
some of our effects from Waterworld
these are actually used in the movie and
then we're using over there at the show
what are they what are you some kind of
a gardening tool is a Costner's back
scratch Romania yeah there's using the
movie we use it for our set we're
bringing it here since you weren't able
to come over and dancing is that James
yes when we spoke a couple of days ago I
know your wife was just about to deliver
right she's in a holding pattern till
after this show
I hope good luck there are guides
whenever we go behind the scenes
anywhere Waterworld you couldn't be
nicer when we get all access with you so
I really appreciate all the all the XS
together okay yeah thank you for being
my husband all right okay good luck okay
coming up next we're gonna use lots and
Michael Bryan is next to take a break he
like that thanks guys
a little bit family show
Drink the spirit of the skin is self-stretching white skin U40 as young as 18, young forever not old - Duration: 3:35.
[̲̅G̲̅я̲̅α̲̅v̲̅α̲̅ ̲̅є̲̅ร̲̅ร̲̅α̲̅ ̲̅I̲̅d̲̅é̲̅i̲̅α̲̅]-кσvυXкiαrα - Duration: 0:29.
Yeah, could fate may want to hide you?
Everytime try to make me forget you
But the feeling has already marked In Us
This Passion
Yeah, Record this Idea inside of you
Leave it in the background, for nobody see
How's beautiful our relationship
🔥 [FREE DL] Playboi Carti x Lil Uzi Vert Type Beat - Faster (@BeatsBySeismic) - Duration: 3:01.
Project 4 Giving - BLUE Entry #31 - April 19th 2017 - Duration: 2:17.
This is a vinyl of the album "Follow The Reaper", by the band Children of Bodom.
It's a gift I received long ago and is now mostly treated as a collectors' item, since vinyl players are no longer all that common.
I visited The Station, a bar where they were playing metal music that night, in search of someone who would like to have it.
Here's who I found:
"I'm kinda baffled because some guy..."
"Basically I was inside (the bar) and some guy came and gave me this."
"It's a band that, even though I'm not a huge fan, offered a lot to the music scene, and so I hold them in high regard."
"And he said to me 'Do you want it' and I replied 'How much is it?'..."
"...and he said 'Nothing (free)'. And I asked 'What do you mean nothing? This is quite valuable'. "
"And he explained that he is promoting the idea of, when he has things he doesn't need anymore, someone else may have a greater need and appreciation for them."
"So, he told me he began this (project), where they exchange unwanted things with people who might use them." *note in description*
"So, wanting to support this example, I accept the gift he gave me, and I'll give something back."
"And I want to say to whoever may be watching and listening: It'd be good if you could do this too."
"Give away things you don't need, that someone else might want. Don't just keep them."
by stevew
Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it
comprises and develops the germ of every other.
War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes� known instruments for bringing
the many under the domination of the few� No nation could preserve its freedom in the
midst of continual warfare. � James Madison
Waging endless wars abroad (in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and now Syria) isn�t making America
� or the rest of the world � any safer, it�s certainly not making America great
again, and it�s undeniably digging the U.S. deeper into debt.
In fact, it�s a wonder the economy hasn�t collapsed yet.
Indeed, even if we were to put an end to all of the government�s military meddling and
bring all of the troops home today, it would take decades to pay down the price of these
wars and get the government�s creditors off our backs. Even then, government spending
would have to be slashed dramatically and taxes raised.
You do the math.
The government is $19 trillion in debt: War spending has ratcheted up the nation�s debt.
The debt has now exceeded a staggering $19 trillion and is growing at an alarming rate
of $35 million/hour and $2 billion every 24 hours.
Yet while defense contractors are getting richer than their wildest dreams, we�re
in hock to foreign nations such as Japan and China (our two largest foreign holders at
$1.13 trillion and $1.12 trillion respectively).
The Pentagon�s annual budget consumes almost 100% of individual income tax revenue. If
there is any absolute maxim by which the federal government seems to operate, it is that the
American taxpayer always gets ripped off, especially when it comes to paying the tab
for America�s attempts to police the globe.
Having been co-opted by greedy defense contractors, corrupt politicians and incompetent government
officials, America�s expanding military empire is bleeding the country dry at a rate
of more than $57 million per hour.
The government has spent $4.8 trillion on wars abroad since 9/11, with $7.9 trillion
in interest: That�s a tax burden of more than $16,000 per American. Almost a quarter
of that debt was incurred as a result of the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan and
For the past 16 years, these wars have been paid for almost entirely by borrowing money
from foreign nations and the U.S. Treasury. As the Atlantic points out, we�re fighting
terrorism with a credit card.
According to the Watson Institute for Public Affairs at Brown University, interest payments
on what we�ve already borrowed for these failed wars could total over $7.9 trillion
by 2053.
The government lost more than $160 billion to waste and fraud by the military and defense
With paid contractors often outnumbering enlisted combat troops, the American war effort dubbed
as the �coalition of the willing� has quickly evolved into the �coalition of the
billing,� with American taxpayers forced to cough up billions of dollars for cash bribes,
luxury bases, a highway to nowhere, faulty equipment, salaries for so-called �ghost
soldiers,� and overpriced anything and everythingassociated with the war effort, including a $640 toilet
seat and a $7600 coffee pot.
Taxpayers are being forced to pay $1.4 million per hour to provide U.S. weapons to countries
that can�t afford them.
As Mother Jones reports, the Pentagon�s Foreign Military Finance program �opens
the way for the US government to pay for weapons for other countries � only to �promote
world peace,� of course � using your tax dollars, which are then recycled into the
hands of military-industrial-complex corporations.�
The U.S. government spends more on wars (and military occupations) abroad every year than
all 50 states combined spend on health, education, welfare, and safety.
In fact, the U.S. spends more on its military than the eight highest-ranking nations with
big defense budgets combined. The reach of America�s military empire includes close
to 800 bases in as many as 160 countries, operated at a cost of more than $156 billion
As investigative journalist David Vine reports:
�Even US military resorts and recreation areas in places like the Bavarian Alps and
Seoul, South Korea, are bases of a kind. Worldwide, the military runs more than 170 golf courses.�
Now President Trump wants to increase military spending by $54 billion. Promising �an historic
increase in defense spending to rebuild the depleted military of the United States,�
Trump has made it clear where his priorities lie, and it�s not with the American taxpayer.
As The Nation reports, �On a planet where Americans account for 4.34 percent of the
population, US military spending accounts for 37 percent of the global total.�
Add in the cost of waging war in Syria (with or without congressional approval), and the
burden on taxpayers soars to more than $11.5 million a day.
Ironically, while presidential candidate Trump was vehemently opposed to the U.S. use of
force in Syria, as well as harboring Syrian refugees within the U.S., he had no problem
retaliating against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on behalf of Syrian children killed
in a chemical attack.
The cost of launching a 59 Tomahawk missile-strike against Syria? It�s estimated that the missiles
alone cost $60 million.
Mind you, this is the same man, while campaigning for president, who warned that fighting Syria
would signal the start of World War III against a united Syria, Russia and Iran. Already oil
prices have started to climb as investors anticipate an extended conflict.
U.S. Navy Seal: �We Are Starting World War III�
Clearly, war has become a huge money-making venture, and the U.S. government, with its
vast military empire, is one of its best buyers and sellers.
Yet what most Americans � brainwashed into believing that patriotism means supporting
the war machine � fail to recognize is that these ongoing wars have little to do with
keeping the country safe and everything to do with enriching the military industrial
complex at taxpayer expense.
The rationale may keep changing for why American military forces are in Afghanistan, Iraq,
Pakistan and now Syria.
However, the one that remains constant is that those who run the government � including
the current president � are feeding the appetite of the military industrial complex
and fattening the bank accounts of its investors.
Case in point: President Trump plans to �beef up� military spending while slashing funding
for the environment, civil rights protections, the arts, minority-owned businesses, public
broadcasting, Amtrak, rural airports and interstates.
In other words, in order to fund this burgeoning military empire that polices the globe, the
U.S. government is prepared to bankrupt the nation, jeopardize our servicemen and women,
increase the chances of terrorism and blowback domestically, and push the nation that much
closer to eventual collapse.
Clearly, our national priorities are in desperate need of an overhauling.
As Los Angeles Times reporter Steve Lopez rightly asks:
�Why throw money at defense when everything is falling down around us? Do we need to spend
more money on our military (about $600 billion this year) than the next seven countries combined?
Do we need 1.4 million active military personnel and 850,000 reserves when the enemy at the
moment � ISIS � numbers in the low tens of thousands?
�If so, it seems there�s something radically wrong with our strategy. Should 55% of the
federal government�s discretionary spending go to the military and only 3% to transportation
when the toll in American lives is far greater from failing infrastructure than from terrorism?
�Does California need nearly as many active military bases (31, according to militarybases.com)
as it has UC and state university campuses (33)? And does the state need more active
duty military personnel (168,000, according to Governing magazine) than public elementary
school teachers (139,000)?�
Obviously, there are much better uses for your taxpayer funds than trillions of dollars
being wasted on war.
3 World Wars Planned by Illuminati Albert Pike in 1871 � Everything About NWO
The following are just a few ways those hard-earned dollars could be used:
$270 billion to repair U.S. public schools, and twice that much to modernize them.
$120 billion a year to fix the nation�s crumbling infrastructure. With 32% of the
nation�s major roadways in poor or mediocre condition, it�s estimated that improving
the nation�s roads and bridges would require $120 billion a year through 2020, although
it will take �many trillions � to fix the country�s web of roads, bridges, railways,
subways and bus stations.� $251 million for safety improvements and construction
for Amtrak. $690 million to care for America�s 70,000
aging veterans. $11 billion wasted or lost in Iraq in just
one year could have paid 220,000 teachers� salaries.
The yearly cost of stationing just one soldier in Iraq could have fed 60 American families.
$30 billion per year to end starvation and hunger around the world.
$11 billion per year to provide the world � including our own failing cities � with
clean drinking water. Use the $10 billion spent every year to provide
arms, equipment, training and advice internationally to more than 180 countries to start paying
down the overwhelming $19 trillion national debt. This figure doesn�t include the hundreds
of billions spent each year on maintaining the U.S. military presence around the globe.
As long as �we the people� continue to allow the government to wage its costly, meaningless,
endless wars abroad, the American homeland will continue to suffer: our roads will crumble,
our bridges will fail, our schools will fall into disrepair, our drinking water will become
undrinkable, our communities will destabilize, and crime will rise.
Here�s the kicker, though: if the American economy collapses � and with it the last
vestiges of our constitutional republic � it will be the government and its trillion-dollar
war budgets that are to blame.
Of course, the government has already anticipated this breakdown.
That�s why the government has transformed America into a war zone, turned the nation
into a surveillance state, and labelled �we the people� as enemy combatants.
For years now, the government has worked with the military to prepare for widespread civil
unrestbrought about by �economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order,
purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic
natural and human disasters.�
Having spent more than half a century exporting war to foreign lands, profiting from war,
and creating a national economy seemingly dependent on the spoils of war, the war hawks
long ago turned their profit-driven appetites on us, bringing home the spoils of war � the
military tanks, grenade launchers, Kevlar helmets, assault rifles, gas masks, ammunition,
battering rams, night vision binoculars, etc. � and handing them over to local police,
thereby turning America into a battlefield.
This is how the police state wins and �we the people� lose.
Eventually, however, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American
People, all military empires fail.
At the height of its power, even the mighty Roman Empire could not stare down a collapsing
economy and a burgeoning military. Prolonged periods of war and false economic prosperity
largely led to its demise.
As historian Chalmers Johnson predicts:
�The fate of previous democratic empires suggests that such a conflict is unsustainable
and will be resolved in one of two ways. Rome attempted to keep its empire and lost its
�Britain chose to remain democratic and in the process let go its empire. Intentionally
or not, the people of the United States already are well embarked upon the course of non-democratic
This is the �unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial
complex� that President Dwight Eisenhower warned us more than 50 years ago not to let
endanger our liberties or democratic processes.
Eisenhower, who served as Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in Europe during World
War II, was alarmed by the rise of the profit-driven war machine that emerged following the war
� one that, in order to perpetuate itself, would have to keep waging war.
We failed to heed his warning.
Yet as Eisenhower recognized, the consequences of allowing the military-industrial complex
to wage war, exhaust our resources and dictate our national priorities are beyond grave:
�Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final
sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
This world in arms is not spending money alone.
�It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of
its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more
than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population.
It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals.
�It is some 50 miles of concrete highway. We pay for a single fighter with a half million
bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more
than 8,000 people.
�This, I repeat, is the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been
taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening
war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.�
Wake up, America. There�s not much time left before we reach the zero hour.
GIVE ATTENTION TO NU'EST - Duration: 7:11.
BACKWOODS PARADISE | Outlast 2 Pt.2 - Duration: 19:38.
hello everyone it's me Jayskibean and
welcome to another episode of outlast to
a game that everyone's playing just came
blah blah blah etc and I'm kind of going
back and forth okay so as you guys know
where we left off we got killed by this
just pretty lady spider eyes I am the
finger of fly L food
so is this Oh No oh okay
oh yeah she's still there okay rook oh
yeah she's definitely still there run
let's let's go ahead and oh man dude see
that running the music my Dom be honest
that pops up when you're running from
these things
it's just ridiculous in this game okay I
don't know where she went
so I'm just gonna book it and hope we
don't die well that looks about right
run run run oh yes okay okay good see we
didn't see that last time but you know
in down time I kind of looked around
because I was stumped so that's that's
how that happened let's go ahead and
jump up here because I'm sure she knows
the way up okay let's read this thing
alright let's find out some backstory
about what what is going on because I
have no idea chapter 8 and your people
have made war in the fields with my son
Eretz from easier is years rail mile and
laid waste but my feet firmly set
against Babylon in Assyrian and against
Rome and but fallen to the Moslem and
failed at the Crusades and betrayed in
the time of Republican Pharisees as it
was written by barakatuh Neriah in the
words of the weeping Jeremiah the
prophets prophesy falsely and the
priests bear rule by lucre and shame and
my people love to have it so okay be
found structured Oh easy kiyul left my
soul depart from thee let not thy face
we had circumsized and die jeremiad
and die Jeremiah add thou must not weep
not the tears down the sweepa 'the even
blood oh okay and sullivan often
described his name as ezekiel upon
eternity x' banner so enough to chase
his name to ezekiel okay with iron blade
he scratched the word i down the globe
of his eye and it was slit and bled and
his face was washed with tears and blood
so litter
crying blood thus saith true Lord and
now I show you the truth for you have
cut Dyne face and covenant to me and the
Lord saith you have not cut away thine
eye but the scale you took for an eye
and now you may see that's really
twisted like that's really twisted like
are we talking like what what religion
are we talking about here because that's
that's the part of like that's some kind
of Christianity or Catholic or whatever
I have not heard of there's more like a
cult was just crazy we all know oh I
wear glasses that's nice
that's jinkies whoa then you'll have it
must be dead okay
God if you want him he'll get him you
sure will I'm gonna run away this time
the next time he won't be so lucky
okay so I'm gonna look for batteries
because I want bat trees I'm sure
there's some around here someplace
No well okay then I guess I'm okay I
can't wait how tab yeah tab find lid
nothing matters but lid oh no got back
it's David is David's tape go go back is
stab it I don't care about get off my
face edginess okay alright so yes fine
Lynn that's good
screw to the window dude i press the
spacebar alright so before we go
anywhere we got to reload this camera
batteries all right well see what's
going on over here with all my friends
with all my friends that I've yet to
meet I can't wait to see how many new
friends I make on this journey Oh
oh boy that's weird that's creepy sure
is V to hear through walls
I'm just gonna go make sure that we
don't have any batteries laying around
you can hide by crawling under beds
that's good y'all got good southern food
you whoo
hide crawl under the bed whoa whoa whoa
whoa no I'm not under dude you don't
know where I'm at cuz I don't win under
the bed I don't have any bandages Oh No
well great so am I gonna die I'm gonna
die of blood loss no all right so I need
to run I just need to run no no okay I'm
gonna go this way
you just got to go she's got to run just
gotta run whoa what was that was that
the steam the lamp spill daddy please
try to be strong as you can
Papa tells listens it at every service
of God remembers though some sins God
loves us and knows when you give it more
okay so something about God loves you oh
wait no return to gay put on me okay
sorry guys I'm still like figuring this
out it's getting kind of hectic so
anyway that that light okay
we cannot only try the means I look at
me to be like God Wow
God has sent us woman OH
Lin is that me bleeding out like am i
dying I'm like limping I know that so I
had to find a bandage so I don't die so
anyway that light that shot out and
blinded everybody that's the same light
that took down our helicopter I'm sure
so whoever the leader is that this cult
has harnessed like some kind of energy
or something it seems like what's going
on here you leave I'll it alone nobody's
going to reveal no truth today Gospel of
Sullivan off chapter 11 now the
breaching of halls oh the breaching of
hell school Oh June I in the night air
saying with the grinding edges of the
mid wives blades in the enemy fearful
even in his prison reached out in the
heart of Sullivan's dearest and most
trusted disciple who was called Val and
secretly stiff-necked and uncircumcised
before okay so this is all cult stuff
then like that that's what I'm getting
out of this is is all occult and I'm
bleeding out I ain't defined yeah I know
I'm bleeding I'm aware I'm gonna die
because I don't know how to I'd from
people I need to find some bandages my
batteries are good though that's what
alright so
battery I don't want a batteries but
whatever it gets that's okay
ki did they collected objects invisible
by pressing tab
okay so tab is basically inventory
alright so they're talking about Val so
I'm assuming I can crawl through here
okay okay okay okay no I'm not gonna
help you I got business to do I gotta
find my girlfriend my wife my wife all
right cool let's do this and go through
ass bandages thank you okay
heal your arm because you're gonna die
if you don't
perfect okay so I'm sorry if you guys
are missing everything that he's saying
because I'm talking so much I'm honestly
missing it too I'm just kind of
interpreting it as like babble you know
nonsense that he say like he's just
preaching basically about whatever cult
is going on and battery's good give me
day all right so I don't need this out
to anything in here no okay so we got
attacked that's great that doors jamb
that's great to say anything the fragile
writers in differentiators okay nope
there's nothing nothing the blood you
can high in the wardrobe okay
hey was I say chapter 11 7 through
question mark now the breaching of
hell's bleep was close but coming upon
them drew nigh and air was filled with
singing a pop of Gloria's him and the
fuck the what and the night air saying
with the sharpening grinding of the
midwives blade edges Satan even though
trapped in hell penetrated the heart of
Val out and wants to do this like
Edge's shape okay and Satan's shaitaan
ball the enemy fearful even in his
prison reached him to the heart of
Sullivan's dearest and most trusted
disciple who was called Val and shoot
shod in the clothes of secretly
stiff-necked and uncircumcised at heart
FAO's mind see this is all the same
stuff and shame okay so this is the same
thing we just read read but stuff added
to it so let's do this let's see it was
given near alright kid your hands off my
wife look my alien can i peek were they
doing I'll do there's people everywhere
on the other side okay I don't think
that's a good idea to go through there
even if I can we just throw her out the
well common land land let's get out of
this place
oh god please okay yeah let's go we need
to go wow your cancer yeah it's time to
go we gotta go we gotta go we get to get
out of here see when I watch horror
movies to play horror games like this
and I'm trying to run away through the
woods we call or the main character
anywhere anywhere but here
yeah I hear ya but the thing is I am
always I've seen enough supernatural and
stuff and I've always been worried about
you know bear traps don't forget to put
on them aa-men maybe they put a Bible in
your belly there I don't know they did
something crazy something happened so
can we go faster or 44 completely stop
it's Christ Blin what's happening here I
am Ted I'm here we're gonna get out okay
guess what did they do to you
you can't just about it why did
something all right so we need to go
then lady but the thing is this is
what's scary is if something like this
actually happens I mean obviously the
supernatural stuff but that's but anyway
if you get captured by crazy people in
the woods you don't know the way out so
you can just be wandering in the woods
for forever and starve to death and
stuff like that she's a child on her
no they put a baby in your belly the
devil is in her belly you trying to pick
a fight right now really okay it's a
demon child in your belly oh geez stay
where the fucking price the first person
touches Ben loses our eyes oh Jesus I
wasn't even doing anything I'm just
going to rip that baby right out of her
oh what are those do what is going on
what is that demon thing like on my leg
and that's a crazy lady from earlier
just eating my leg like mmm ankles not
like I ah that's a subdued uh do we have
I think I'll see you again oh dude oh oh
oh dude why do you guys keep punching me
in the face the a-holes it's crazy
oh man okay so I'm all dizzy and stuff
okay so what's going on here this
morning as good Chris yeah the Coleman
they called him a just a cop to site
Christians something else
oh oh whoa the plot thickens
so it's not just a cult it's not just
the the cult of Christians and stuff
it's actually like there's like II just
exactly like you just said there's two
sides so it's like the ones who want the
child to keep it alive and the ones you
can hide by crouching underwater and the
one too so the ones who want the kid
alive and then there's
you know I am I don't think you know
where I am okay so we're gonna get out
of here now
no it's okay
oh they found me oh you found me can I
not fight back
I'm gonna die oh yeah I'm dead what's
going on
haha oh yeah oh yeah he just like killed
the crap out of me okay well I wasn't
exactly sure what was happening anyway
so yeah I've got to finish the episode
off here where I died again that's nice
it's great so anyway we found out a lot
about the story this time um that
there's actually two sides of this cult
and that my wife has a demon baby in her
belly now apparently so I hope you guys
enjoyed if you guys didn't enjoy to make
sure you sell out that light button
underneath the video and until next time
I'll see you guys later
New Lego Creator Mighty Dinosaurs Pterodactyl Vs Indominus Rex Jurassic World Speed Build Unboxing - Duration: 12:28.
okay guys so here is for awesome Lego
it's actually three awesome Lego Dino
sets and one also a red creatures dragon
New Lego Creator Mighty Dinosaurs Pterodactyl Vs Indominus Rex Jurassic World Speed Build Unboxing
okay guys so this is going to be the
third one of the Lego creator mighty
dinosaurs set this I'm going to be while
you already seen the speed build of the
pterodactyl I also did a speed build of
the t-rex and a speed build of the
Triceratops using stop-motion dragon
frame software there is the three dinos
let's open it up and if you watch my
other videos the inside is the same
you're going to get two bags of Legos
you'll get three actually three bags in
logos sorry
and three instruction books one for the
t-rex one for the Triceratops and one
for the turd actual awesome let's check
out the pterodactyl then I will show you
guys the other two okay guys so here is
the turn act we'll all put together this
one's really cool too
I actually added a few blocks onto the
bottom of him so I could get him to
stand up here anyways
cool pterodactyl head 360 degree
movement here cuz this on a ball joint
so it could also go up and down orange
ice here the wings are really cool too
all the whole wings 360 degree movement
and then 360 degree movement on the
middle here and the aw and pizza fold up
and down so you could get if you do
stop-motion or something you could get
some realistic flocking looking up if
you looked at what I had at the
beginning that was just like a small
part of what you could do it this guy so
that is cool a nice long wingspan
but my favorite is still the t-rex which
I will have shown you in
it but ah once again its legs its legs
are really cool too
you've got movement up and down but
that's pretty much it you got two big
claws in the front two smaller claws in
the back of it so uh you could have like
if it's flying it would pull it those
put its legs back like that to take off
and when it's landing they're swooping
down to grab something it would put its
legs forward and scoot down let me
remove these so we could take a look at
the bottom of this guy and here is a
good look at the bottom of so I mean
it's possible you could get it okay you
could get him to stand pretty good
actually right there so just put his
head forward if he's standing like a
person that is pretty cool I like that
hahaha okay well anyways let's go ahead
and check this guy out on the spinner
and then we'll go check out the other
two okay so here is this guy on a
spinner you could like I said you can
see it's got a pretty good wingspan
we're going to just start and take a
look at all of this guy so like I said I
really like these Lego Dino sets I'll
put a link below the video where you
could buy it I am actually affiliated
with Amazon so what that means is I get
a small sales commission if you guys buy
using my link and it cost you the exact
same price so you are getting an awesome
toy and helping out my channel and then
ah in one minute we'll take a look at
all three of these because like I said I
liked it enough to buy three of the same
set so I could build all three dinos and
put them
together so uh from this set from this
one set you can build all three of these
but I bought three sets so I could have
all three of them because they are so
you seem that speed builds of all three
of them at the beginning of this video
so if you do want to take forward views
of the other two go to the end of this
video and check out my lego playlist but
anyways here is like the red dragon
there is the Triceratops there is the
two rack and there is the pterodactyl so
uh like I said we we also Lego toys guys
and these go really good with the
full-size indominus rex and the full
size t-rex so uh these two I have right
here are the off-brand ones you could
actually buy these from China they also
have them on on Amazon if you are check
out the Jurassic world Lego if you put
that in there you could see
so I actually have four indominus rex
seeds and three of the big t-rex's so
like I said size-wise they are very
comparable so if you take like this this
Lego a t-rex one and compare it to like
the indominus it's about the same size
and you could have some really cool
battles if you do stop-motion video
these are great because you could have
like one attack the other one like rip
its head off or something it's just a
lot of fun it's fun
cool fun because uh that's what Lego is
Lego is all about fun I mean it's not
just looking cool block there's awesome
playability lots of fun aspects to it
and I really like this red creature is
dragon one you could also find this set
on Amazon it's Lego all red creatures
just go ahead type that in this is an
awesome set with this set you could also
build a scorpion and a snake so let me
know which one of these lego dinos is
your favorite out of the three I have
the t-rex the Triceratops and the
pterodactyl so that once again these are
the three that you could build from the
same set new awesome triceratops really
awesome t-rex and awesome pterodactyl
you can't build off three of them with
the same you could with the same set
well you won't have all three creatures
they only give enough Legos to build one
of each I built all three of these
because I bought three sets so if you do
want to have all three of them which I
would recommend if you could afford it I
would recommend getting all three
because they are totally
and I really liked the red dragon back
there well guys thanks for viewing
you guys are awesome audience give
yourself a pat on the back I thank you
and I will see you guys wow that was a
lot of fun and if you enjoyed the video
make sure you click Subscribe and the
thumbs up button down below the video in
today's secret word is the word go ahead
and put that in the comment section down
below the video those you remember my
club go to the video ends there's an
awesome and card lot more fun videos
below for a lot more fun videos and if
you want to see even more go ahead and
click the subscribe button
Q&A: Ask Me Questions! (With Girlfriend?!) - Duration: 0:33.
Its almost 7pm
And i just wanne tell you guys what i wanne do in my next video
im now with some sheeps
if you can the sheeps here
i wanne do a q&a with you guys so
comment your question below and i gonne answer it
but if you like sheeps
REFERÊNCIAS - Zuera anime #10 - Duration: 3:10.
Drawings for Kids How to Draw Cute Dog Colouring Videos with Colored Markers Coloring Videos For Kid - Duration: 10:01.
Hello and welcome to Let's Color And Play TV.
Today we will be showing you how to draw and color
a really cute dog. Let's get started and let's have lots of fun doing drawing and coloring.
Let's continue having fun drawing and coloring.
Now we are going to draw and color a really cute dinosaur.
And for our last drawing and coloring, we are going to draw and color a beautiful laughing flower.
drawing and coloring with us.
Don't forget to subscribe for more cool drawings and things to color. Bye Bye
Thank you very much for watching and we hope yo had lots of fun
5 Medical Reasons for Constant Fatigue - Duration: 2:35.
5 Medical Reasons for Constant Fatigue
1.Iron deficiency
Iron deficiency (anemia) is characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin production.
Cells don�t receive enough oxygen, and this causes permanent fatigue.
Other symptoms: The desire to eat something strange (most
often ice, sometimes dirt or starch); Constantly cold hands or feet;
Discomfort in the chest, shortness of breath; Pale skin, brittle layered nails;
A painful, swollen, or sore tongue.
2.Vitamin B12 deficiency
Fatigue is one of the first signs of a vitamin B12 deficiency.
This element is found only in products of animal origin, so vegetarians are the first
to be at risk.
Other symptoms: Bad mood, tearfulness, anxiety;
Blurred vision, the appearance of unusual shadows;
Pale or yellowish skin, smooth tongue; Numbness, tingling, burning in the limbs.
3.Thyroid problems
An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) is characterized by a lack of thyroid hormones
and is accompanied by fatigue.
Other symptoms: Swollen face and eyelids, swelling of the
legs (less often); Increased sensitivity to cold;
Pain, discomfort in the muscles and joints; Gravelly voice;
Dry skin, thin hair, or hair loss.
4.Intestinal diseases
With bowel dysfunction, the amount of harmful bacteria in it is greatly increased.
When these microorganisms die, they secrete a toxin that negatively affects the nervous
system, causing fatigue.
Other symptoms: Excessive gas, abdominal pain;
An unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth; White coating on the tongue;
5.Adrenal fatigue
Adrenal fatigue is an overabundance of adrenaline in the blood.
This hormone is produced in stressful situations and is beneficial in small doses, but its
overabundance makes you feel shattered.
Other symptoms: Low blood pressure;
Body aches; Inexplicable weight loss;
Hair loss, skin darkening.
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