Three other major party candidates also had a hectic day on the last Sunday before early
voting starts.
Shin Se-min shows us how they shifted into higher gear, targeting all corners of the
region and the fields.
It's the weekend but there is no "end" on the campaign trail.
Conservative Liberty Korea Party's Hong Joon-pyo was busy shoring up support in Gyeonggi-do
Provinces on Sunday although this is no ordinary day for him and his family: It's his son's
Boasting his "strong-man" title, the right-wing candidate showed his absolute devotion to
national security by again making stops in South Korea's northern regions such as Yeoncheon
that borders the North.
This is where the locals had to evacuate six and a half years ago following the North's
shelling of a nearby island.
Hong, charged with excitement over the recent rise in opinion surveys, insisted that he
was the only one who can get the North Korean leader on his knees.
Down south, the splinter conservative Bareun Party's Yoo Seong-min was out and about meeting
voters from all walks of life.
"May that be a busy fashion district, the local market, the cinemas or the ballpark,
JUST as long as it's where he could rally support for the fast-approaching election
day, Yoo Seong-min is there; like here the Lions Park in Daegu."
Yoo also spoke to reporters in Busan, home to the country's largest film festival, about
freedom of speech, freedom of expression especially through arts saying he will make sure the
right is fully protected should he be elected president.
Progressive Justice Party's Sim Sang-jung, also spent her weekend making campaigning
in the nation's southeast, commonly known as the Yeongnam region.
There she met with residents of Seongju County who strongly oppose the installment of the
U.S. THAAD missile defense system in their home county.
Touring around Daegu, traditionally a conservative stronghold, the progressive candidate renewed
her all-time promise of reforming the country,… saying that her blueprint will be able to
unite the Korean people.
As the nation nears the May 9th election day, competition is red hot on the campaign trail
and there is only one more weekend left until the big day.
Shin Se-min, Arirang News.
For more infomation >> Top office runners take no day off, as they rally support in all corners of country - Duration: 2:28.-------------------------------------------
議題系列 Issues│同性戀的重點是生存 - Duration: 6:51.
Citroën C1 1.0 E-VTI AIRSCAPE FEEL Schuifdak - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Exclusive Automaat - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Desenho infantil carros guindastes, escavadora e caminhão de bola | desenho animados infantil - Duration: 12:04.-------------------------------------------
Scopriamo insieme le creazioni in resina, gomma e fimo! #3 - Duration: 17:12.-------------------------------------------
Minha fonte do xbox 360 esta fazendo barulho / Porque ? - (nº997) - Duration: 10:49.-------------------------------------------
Classifica Italiana Maggio 2017 - Duration: 5:44.-------------------------------------------
Al museo con Artesplorando: Reina Sofia - Duration: 7:55.-------------------------------------------
Haircut in India | Indian Barber hair cut, beard shave and head massage in Kolkata - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
【蘭女】回母校囉~|一日蘭女人終生懶女人|俞太x天哪哇哈哈 - Duration: 5:23.-------------------------------------------
Renault Clio Estate TCE 90 ICONIC *LEDER, 17-INCH, R-LINK* - Duration: 0:54.
Top office runners take no day off, as they rally support in all corners of country - Duration: 2:28.
Three other major party candidates also had a hectic day on the last Sunday before early
voting starts.
Shin Se-min shows us how they shifted into higher gear, targeting all corners of the
region and the fields.
It's the weekend but there is no "end" on the campaign trail.
Conservative Liberty Korea Party's Hong Joon-pyo was busy shoring up support in Gyeonggi-do
Provinces on Sunday although this is no ordinary day for him and his family: It's his son's
Boasting his "strong-man" title, the right-wing candidate showed his absolute devotion to
national security by again making stops in South Korea's northern regions such as Yeoncheon
that borders the North.
This is where the locals had to evacuate six and a half years ago following the North's
shelling of a nearby island.
Hong, charged with excitement over the recent rise in opinion surveys, insisted that he
was the only one who can get the North Korean leader on his knees.
Down south, the splinter conservative Bareun Party's Yoo Seong-min was out and about meeting
voters from all walks of life.
"May that be a busy fashion district, the local market, the cinemas or the ballpark,
JUST as long as it's where he could rally support for the fast-approaching election
day, Yoo Seong-min is there; like here the Lions Park in Daegu."
Yoo also spoke to reporters in Busan, home to the country's largest film festival, about
freedom of speech, freedom of expression especially through arts saying he will make sure the
right is fully protected should he be elected president.
Progressive Justice Party's Sim Sang-jung, also spent her weekend making campaigning
in the nation's southeast, commonly known as the Yeongnam region.
There she met with residents of Seongju County who strongly oppose the installment of the
U.S. THAAD missile defense system in their home county.
Touring around Daegu, traditionally a conservative stronghold, the progressive candidate renewed
her all-time promise of reforming the country,… saying that her blueprint will be able to
unite the Korean people.
As the nation nears the May 9th election day, competition is red hot on the campaign trail
and there is only one more weekend left until the big day.
Shin Se-min, Arirang News.
議題系列 Issues│同性戀的重點是生存 - Duration: 6:51.
Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 T QUADRIFOGLIO VERDE 170PK! ECC Climate control Zondag A.S. OPEN! - Duration: 1:01.
MASS EFFECT (Narrative Marathon FR-EN) | Episode 5 | BENEZIA - Duration: 10:50.
The mission on Feros was more our less a success
But Saren was always ahead
and before heading for Noveria
I wanted to talk with the crew
Kaidan was still a little weird
But already spoke more
while Liara
despite my failure last time
everything was going for the best
but I did not wish to precipitate anything.
I learned that Wrex had committed a parricide
and Ashley...
nobody cares about Ashley !
Garrus that to him was thirst for revenge
When he was still at the SSC
a suspect escaped him
a Salarian geneticist
which was doing in the trafficking of organs on the Citadel.
He had recovered his traces
and he wanted to solve this problem.
What to do ?
I go on Noveria investigate or I kill a poor unknown?
Noveria suspended
The frog from space will received visit.
His spaceship was filled with its organ test tubes
barely alive
let's kill them.
He had entrenched himself in a room
and once flushed
he tried a bluff
Except that Garrus recognized him
and he was sure of himself.
I trusted him and ordered him to eliminate the Salarian
except that this dumbass made me panicked
and it was I who killed him by reflex.
Back on the Normandy
A transmission from the Council cut me off in my momentum.
They had new information about the renegade's actions.
They had received a message from one of their undercover teams, who was investigating Saren
they were on Virmire.
The message was parasitic
but it remained a track
and so...
I accepted the mission
but before...
Noveria !
This planet was entirely privatized
and the laboratories implanted there could do all sorts of experiments prohibited elsewhere.
My coming on the planet had taken the ERCS short
and they were waiting for us at the entrance.
I needed an authorization ...
Except that I'm SPECTRE !
I'm fed up
No one believes me!
They wanted me to give them my weapons too.
But I'm a SPECTRE goddammit
when will everyone stop pissing me off!
I was ready to enforce my authority
and smoking the blonde
but my identity was confirmed
and I was allowed to stay armed
and someone was waiting inside.
Oh, oh, you!
If only I could...
The assistant of the administrator welcomed us
and apologized for the inconvenience.
I asked her if anything special had happened in the last days
and it was there that she pronounced the name of Benezia.
She was on the planet
and more precisely in the complex of peak No. 15.
Our destination was all traced
but to leave the port
I had to have an authorization from the administrator.
A Salarien, who does not see a very good eye
that a SPECTRE trails on its planet
and put his nose into the business of his clients.
I spoke to him of Benezia, and she had come a few days ago, with an escort and materials
then she left for Peak No. 15.
But he forbids me to follow her.
The peak was a private complex and the blizzard prevented any access to it
but there is always a solution
and as he did not wish to cooperate
maybe someone else will.
His assistant advised us to speak to Lorik Qui'in
at the bar of the hotel.
Seems legit !
He was found at the bar
and him...
he knew who I was!
Finally, someone who knows!
I told him about my authorization problem and he offered me a contract
He was manager of a company
and discovered that Anoleis
the administrator
dipped into embezzlement
but he realized it
and opened an inquiry into the Turien
and at this very moment
Henchmen were returning his office in search of evidence.
I had to do a little cleaning and in exchange he would give me a pass
His office was guarded by ERCS agents.
They were doing extra hours for Anoleis
and their Captain was certainly not aware of it
so technically ...
They are against the law
The evidence in hand, I had to report them to the Turian
except that the little blonde was there
and she was at the head of these mercenaries
Ah, ah, you my dear ...
you're doomed !
Nothing greater
than a good revenge.
Gianna knew what I had done at Synthetic Insights
and she gave me an appointment at the bar of the hotel.
She hid something from me
she was an indic!
She supervised Anoleis for the Directory
and she wants me to persuade Lorik
to testify against the administrator.
I did not care about it me
but well..
It will make only two lines of dialogue so ...
It's not too long ..
and in addition there is money at the key!
The Turian accepted
And Gianna was able to make the arrestation.
Well !
Now that everything is over and I have the authorization
I can finally go out for the peak N ° 15.
But as I entered the garage ..
I have the right to an unexpected surprise
they were in ambush
but these cretins did not think that in the middle of the room
There was a tank ..
Benezia was carrying very bad equipment.
Now that the field was free
I could join the peak N ° 15.
A vehicle blocked access to the garage
and so I had to park in double file
and it was a shame because with the Mako, I could do a lot of cleaning inside the garage.
Once everything is dusted from top to bottom
an alert message sounds.
I did not understand a word of what it could say
for the V.I. disconnected
it was easy.
I felt it bad this complex
something's wrong
First the turrets turned in the wrong direction
and now, Geths fighting even before our arrival
it was bizarre ...
And my instinct did not deceive me.
What is this bullshit !
Giant insects?
And these dirty tricks were wandering around the walls and could get out of nowhere at any time
I had reached the mainframe to revive V.I.
but it required a manual start.
It should not have been very difficult
and I went there, confident of my cerebral abilities.
Uh ...
what ?
I'm a genius
And now V.I. was operational.
The Matriarch had taken the cable car to the station's labs
but the reactors that turned it on were disabled
and I had to put them back into service.
The Geths had cut off the arrival of fuel
and the woodlouses blocked transport orders
but once all this well restored
I could move forward
but the V.I. had trapped these filth in a lock
and prevented us from passing.
And I kindly asked it to open the doors for us.
It was a real carnage.
They had not asked for it these little beasts
But I have lit them up!
I had no choice, if I wanted to take the cable car.
Arriving at the station
all doors were closed except for one
which gave access to the dormitories.
Guards were entrenched.
Their Captain explained to me the situation
these creatures killed a lot of his men
and the Committee had sent Benezia to settle everything
then she went to the fortified laboratories
but they were without news since ..
I could reach her by taking the emergency lift that he gave me the key.
There was a guy in the lab
and he asked me if I was coming to secure
the answer was no, but it does not matter.
Except that Matriarch never came here.
Did I get trapped?
But we had another problem
These things were Rachnis.
The Twin Helix company had found a queen's egg
And resurrected them into create an army
It was not for nothing that the Krogans had exterminated them!
And these assholes had separated the queen from her childs
and they had become completely uncontrollable.
I proposed to bring her back but it was impossible
The V.I. had blocked us to prevent the Rachnis from spreading even more
and the only solution was to eradicate them with a neutron charge.
I go activate it
but the other asshole did not give me the code
I head back there
and BAM !
I do how now ?!
Fortunately, this scumbag had a little paper on him with the code on it
and so I could activate the bomb
and flee before it explodes
and by the way ...
I killed all the creatures she was supposed to eliminate.
It was super useful ...
After it exploded for nothing
I had to have a little chat with the Captain
About this fucking bullshit.
It turned out that they were in the service of Benezia
and then...
It was trully a trap!
Eat this !
Eat this, you bastard !
By searching the area a bit
I interrupted an execution.
A warrior Asari wanted to finish a Volus
and a priori ...
he knew things.
Save the information!
But I already knew these informations.
And now I was disgusted at having saved him.
but well...
The fortified laboratories were not far away.
I open a door...
and then...
The fight was fierce
but they succeeded in overcoming it.
Benezia defeated..
Indoctrination Fails
and the real Benezia appeared.
She explained her role
She had to retrieve the coordinates of the Mu relay
But when she tells us where we could retrieve this information
Saren regained control.
We had no choice but to shoot her
and all that...
Under the eyes of her daughter.
Everything's fine Liara ?
This case settled
I still had the Queen Rachni to occupy me.
And what about that?
But as I approach
She takes control of an Asari.
Many people in this galaxy have such power
and I felt not too safe with that.
She used the Asari as a receptacle to talk to me
And whether or not his species was going to disappear.
I don't care
And so I release her
While hoping that it does not fall back on me later.
Nothing held me back on Novéria
and on the Normandy...
we had to decide the next operations.
HOW TO COOK SHRIMP SCAMPI WITH COGNAC | Dad's Recipe | ITALY UNEXPLORED Exclusive Footage - Duration: 6:04.
Welcome to
Vincenzo Plate on the Beach we are here at san vito
behind us
you can see a classic Abruzzese trabocco with this beautiful location on the water we are making a
beautiful dish than my dad loves to make an
antipasto Giusto antipasto Comedian os antipasto scampi al cognac so prawns with cognac
So let's see what we need to make shrimp scampi with cognac so we need extra virgin olive oil cognac a glass of white wine fresh parsley
video Cherry Tomatoes Rosemary onion
And of course chill if you like it the most important ingredient of course is the shrimp we got scampi from the adriatic sea
So now you put another mount of extra virgin olive oil in the pain
The look a bit of detective virtual diwali when the oil is nice and warm you put up onion and you cut into small pieces
And now you put beautiful cherry tomatoes, not in Jews if we are using about 12 of them
Scented with the Knives rosemary inside as fresh rosemary from my grandmother garden you to give that beautiful face to the soul
Hey guys, can you believe where we are look at this location? We're in the world you can do this. Thanks to Luciano
They were here on this boat having nice time to put this camp inside I
Gotta go a couple of to pressure
like a smelly idiotic water I
German Bois De Vino Bianco ah
The one is also premiere from Zaccagnini winery
Poughkeepsie Cody Salema problem Pete Seeger Al Nostro Bae Chuja s Aburrido estate so in this
case [efficient]
Because we are using one kilo of prawns. We're going to add 50 Ml of cognac the Cornet will give the nice taste to it
Now we need to cover this for about five minutes, but you can't open it at all. That needs to be nice and locked I
Can smell the Cognac plus the smell of the sea 00?
Come here and experience abruzzo with us
it's a pleasure to cook for you and your friends
Now we're ready to open
here we have an explosion of aromas an explosion of
Flavors Flavors of the adriatic Sea thank you so much dad and now it's time to serve this shrimp scampi with cognac
Made by Paolo Let's go
Piata Pronto, bye Hasta Gracia, I have to say my daddy's is the master. I'm actually
Saying sorry if I said something before it was in my scrubber
305 Familia Como demand you teach me how to read it as well. I do cook a lot read in people location
Oh my [garden] everyone good at that
Yo, man, trabuco what you scream? Hey, or a two-man [job] Vincenzo's played all those plate. I would say ah
So there you have it our first day filled with delicious food laughter and a couple of absolute must-see
Destinations wait until you see the unexplored spots we reveal next
after a beautiful day of swimming in San vito dead cooking some video games can be
pasta and relaxing and time for us to
Go, and it is the way with me today ah just
Filling up the bedroom here are the photos [Risa] go pescara?
Bye guys every day
RoTc the road eat every day. He has a visual important
chance of Rain amid reason just began
Donkey on the Loop Italian
Everything You Need to Know About These Upcoming Sequels - Duration: 5:24.
Hollywood loves its sequels.
We're constantly bombarded with trailers, posters, and concept art for franchise films.
But there are quite a few Part-Twos in the works that have successfully stayed relatively
under the radar.
From Biblical epics to nineties nostalgia-fests, let's take a look at some of the sequels you
didn't know were being made.
Edge of Tomorrow 2
The Groundhog Day of alien invasion movies, 2014's Edge of Tomorrow is one of the best
sci-fi films in recent memory.
Starring Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt, this Doug Liman flick focuses on a cowardly major
who finds himself reliving the same day over and over.
Unfortunately, that day involves an army of extraterrestrials dead set on conquering Earth.
While the film earned rave reviews ...
"Have you ever felt this way before?"
… it was a major financial disappointment, so it didn't seem like the Edge of Tomorrow
story would live to see another day.
But according to original screenwriter Christopher McQuarrie, Cruise started pitching a sequel
while filming Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation.
Soon, the screenplay took shape and Blunt and Liman were on-board for part two.
Sadly, Bill Paxton was also set to return as the mustachioed Master Sergeant, but the
beloved actor passed away in February 2017.
Liman says the film will be a "sequel that's a prequel," that is "going to revolutionize
how people make sequels."
Whatever that all means, it sounds like it won't just be deja vu, all over again.
The Resurrection
With the success of Hacksaw Ridge, Mel Gibson is enjoying something of a comeback.
And his next big project is a throwback to his most successful film: 2004's The Passion
of the Christ.
Passion focused on the last hours of Jesus Christ's life as he endured torture after
torture before his death on a cross.
Despite the unusually gory take on the well-known tale, Passion became the highest-grossing
R-rated film in U.S. history.
In August 2016, Gibson announced he was working on a sequel, a "huge undertaking" called The
Resurrection, with Braveheart scribe Randall Wallace writing the screenplay.
In November, Gibson went on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and took a few questions
about the follow-up that he says is "likely still three years out."
"No, no bad guys?"
"Well, there are."
"They're in another realm."
As Colbert notes, the bible does suggest Jesus spent three days in hell, so it sounds like
Gibson might have the Messiah tangling with some literal demons.
2020 can't get here fast enough.
The Equalizer 2
In 40 years of acting on the silver screen Denzel Washington has never starred in a sequel.
But that's all about to change, as Washington is set to revive Robert McCall, the literature-loving
hit man from 2014's The Equalizer.
Officially announced in April 2015, The Equalizer 2 is getting the band back together.
Washington, director Antoine Fuqua, and screenwriter Richard Wenk are all back in action.
So why is Washington finally agreeing to a sequel?
Producer Todd Black says the Jason Bourne series inspired Denzel to finally take the
franchise plunge.
And he's not the only one on the project taking big risks.
Black says Fuqua has a new "effect" planned, which he can't talk about, but it's "frickin'
so cool you won't believe it."
Not even a hint, Dr. Evil?
"Throw me a frickin' bone here!"
Guess we'll have to wait, but it sounds "frickin'" amazing.
Look for The Equalizer 2 in 2018.
The Girl in the Spider's Web
David Fincher's 2011 adaptation of the Stieg Larsson novel The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
didn't earn enough to impress studio executives, so the next book in the series, The Girl Who
Played with Fire, never made it to the screen in the U.S.
However, in November 2015, it was announced that everybody's favorite hacker Lisbeth Salander
would finally return — only this time, Hollywood would adapt The Girl in the Spider's Web,
the latest novel in the Millennium series, written by David Lagercrantz after Larsson's
untimely death.
A year later, it was revealed that Spider's Web will be helmed by Fede Alvarez, the director
behind Don't Breathe and the 2013 Evil Dead reboot.
The studio also plans on recasting the lead role, and rumor has it the producers are considering
Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson, among others.
Spider's Web is scheduled to hit theaters October 2018.
The Rocketeers
Released in 1991 between Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and Terminator 2: Judgment Day,
the two highest-grossing movies of the year, The Rocketeer crashed and burned at the box
killing Disney's hope of establishing an Indiana Jones-style franchise.
But over the years, this World War II-era adventure has picked up something of a cult
following, inspiring the studio to finally revisit The Rocketeer universe.
In July 2016, Disney finally announced The Rocketeers, a follow-up taking place about
six years after the events of the original film.
Our new Rocketeer — yet to be cast — is an African-American female pilot who finds
herself in the middle of some serious Cold War intrigue with an evil rocket scientist
trying to get his hands on the all-powerful jetpack.
Interestingly, the film is being co-produced by NBA star Blake Griffin, who must have a
thing for rocket packs, considering he sported one in that Gamefly spot …
"Do you guys have a bathroom?
Thank you!"
Hopefully he'll have a cameo.
Thanks for watching!
Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Plus check out all this other cool stuff we know you'll love, too!
Printing of presidential election balllot begins Sunday - Duration: 0:35.
The actual ballots for the presidential election on May 9th will be printed by companies selected
by city and local district administrations.
The process will take about 2 days.
With15 candidates listed, this year's presidential election will see the longest ballots in Korean
2 dropped out of the race, so the boxes next to their names will read "resigned."
If any of the remaining 13 candidates chooses to drop out of the race from here on... it
won't be reflected on the ballot.
Instead the National Election Commission will post signs at polling locations.
Our FanArt Collection 팬아트 모음 [한글+عربي CC ] - Duration: 1:18.
False Facts About The Wild West You Always Thought Were True - Duration: 4:43.
There's a lot of myths about the Old West out there in the wild, and we're here to run
'em down, tie 'em up, and leave 'em on the train tracks.
Here are some false facts about the Wild West you always thought were true.
Not-so-savage natives
You'd be forgiven for thinking that those who settled the untamed American West lived
in constant fear of Native Americans.
Just pop in any famous Western, sit back, and watch the arrows fly…
The truth is, however, that the Native Americans weren't as hostile to those covered wagon
travelers as most people believe.
While some violent altercations naturally took place, convoys of covered wagons rarely
came under attack.
Only stragglers ran any real risk, as lone wagons or small groups represented much easier
In reality, many friendly tribes saw groups of settlers as prime trade opportunities.
Ultimately, the threat from Indian attack was minimal at best.
Along the busiest trails West, Native Americans killed—on record—362 emigrants between
1840 and 1860.
Compare that to the upward of 30,000 total emigrants who died from all causes during
the same 20-year span.
Truth be told, more Native Americans died at the hands of settlers in that span than
vice versa, at 426 total recorded deaths.
All that glitters
Everyone thinks California hosted America's first gold rush in 1849, and for good reason:
there's the San Francisco '49ers, plus it's even nicknamed "The Golden State."
But that nugget of wisdom is fool's gold: California wasn't home to the first gold rush
— it wasn't even the second.
Fifty years before some gold nuggets at a California mill triggered the largest mass
migration in US history, a 17-pound chunk of the precious metal was discovered in North
Carolina, leading to a flood of more than 30,000 prospectors to the Tar Heel state.
The great state of Georgia holds claim to America's second gold rush in 1829.
The Georgia Journal printed the following notice in August ... cue the music!
A gentleman of the first respectability in Habersham county, writes us thus:
'Two gold mines have just been discovered in this county,and preparations are making to bring these
hidden treasures of the earth to use.'"
[Throat-clearing sound from VO talent.]
Only a few months later, northern Georgia was overrun by those hopeful of striking it
rich — twenty years before California and its famous '49ers.
White lie
The stereotypical image of cowboys as a white, distinctly American invention is just plain
The deepest roots of the popular cowboy date back to the arrival of the Spanish in Mexico.
As ranches spread across modern-day Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico, so too did trained
ranchers — called vaqueros — who earned the title of America's first cowboys.
And while decades of film and television have conditioned us to incorrectly think that most
cowboys at the time were white, one in four 19th-century cowboys in the state of Texas,
for example, were black, and even more were Mexican … making white cowboys in the state
a minority.
Sorry to break it to you, Mongo, but the prevalence of your people is kind of historically inaccurate
Don't bank on it
According to popular belief, it would have been safer to keep your money buried under
a cactus in the Old West than in a bank, which was robbed by roving bandits on an almost
daily basis.
In reality, banks at the time were very safe spaces to keep your valuables — perhaps
even safer than banks today.
According to the Foundation for Economic Freedom, there were fewer than ten confirmed bank robberies
total from 1859 to 1900.
That's one heist every four years, on average.
Hardly an epidemic.
In 1974, one historian even claimed the Old West "was a far more civilized, more peaceful
and safer place than American society today," as violence and theft was not so culturally
ingrained as popular history leads us to believe.
Jumping the gun
According to almost every Western ever, the average town had more guns than a well-stocked
Walmart in Tennessee.
Would you believe that the Old West had stricter gun laws than many states today?
It's true: property-owners and ranchers all over called for tight restrictions on firearms,
with the knowledge that more guns — in the wrong hands — meant more problems.
"You want that gun?
Pick it up."
"I wish you would."
In fact, "frontier towns — places like Tombstone, Deadwood, and Dodge — had the most restrictive
gun control laws in the nation," laws that would make 21st century second-amendment advocates
In many places, cowboys weren't even allowed to carry guns, as they were told that carrying
around a six-shooter was not a necessary part of their jobs.
The Kansas newspaper the Caldwell Commercial called revolvers "a relic of barbarism."
Them's fightin' words …
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Transformers Tanaka MPF-12 Lambor (Knock-off Oversized MP Sideswipe) - Duration: 14:04.
Hello boys and girls, young and old. Welcome to yet another action figure video review.
Today we'll take a look at Transformers Tanaka MPF-12 Lambor.
This figure is based on the G1 Sideswipe character.
It's a knock-off oversized figure based on the Masterpiece Sideswipe mold from Takara.
And as you can see, he comes with a medium box. You see him here in both of his modes.
On the top and bottom sides of the box, nothing special.
On the side of the box you see Sideswipe in his robot mode.
On the other side of the box you see him in his vehicle mode.
And on the back side of the box you see Sideswipe in all of his modes. Here you see his accessories as well.
Enough with the box, let's see his accessories now.
Lambor comes with these two pile-driver. Well painted with chrome.
He comes with a G2 head.
His two weapons.
These two pile-driver.
And of course with the instructions, here they are.
And this is the back side of the instructions, his tranformation.
So let's see the figure from close now.
And here we have Lambor in his awesome vehicle mode. Really, this version of him is huge!
And not only huge, very heavy as well! He has die-cast. The spoiler and the hood are made of die-cast.
As you can see this is the storage place for his guns. So these are his guns.
As for the figure, it has led inside. The guns as well.
It takes six LR41 batteries. They are not included with the figure, you need to buy them seperately.
He looks very nice. Well ok, it's a knock-off figure.
This is supposed to be the logo of Lamborghini but actually it is an orange dot.
It has some gaps over here but ok, it's not a big deal, I think the Masterpiece version had it as well.
The tyres are made of rubber material.
And yea, he looks very nice, very big, it's 1/18 scale, like the model cars.
Something else that I noticed is that here it doesn't say "Countach" it says "Cantach".
If you can see it well.
The batteries can be put in here. It has a small switch here. I will open it now.
And now the head-lights are on. I will close now my lights so you can see how it glows in the dark.
You see now how beautifully it glows. Very nice led! Very beautiful!
Also, the guns have led. There is a switch here. You see it's on now.
The same with this gun as well, there's a switch here. I will close again my lights so you can see them.
You see how they glow in the dark. They look nice. Very nice.
Let me close them again.
I am bringing in Masterpiece Sideswipe. As you see the difference is huge!
They are exactly the same figures. Though my Masterpiece Sideswipe has the Reprolabels stickers on.
But generally, the figures are exactly the same. Huge difference.
Let me show you the guns as well. As I said before, mine has the Reprolabels stickers on.
They have a small difference with the white colour.
The big gun has a liiiitle bit more sculpted details than the small one. Obviously because of its size.
Other than that, they are exactly the same.
And now the other gun. These two weapons are exactly the same. Very nice.
So let's see a size comparison now.
I am bringing in a model car 1/18 scale to see the difference. Really, Sideswipe is huge! Very big!
And here he is next to knock-off oversized Stinger.
So, since the Transformation of knock-off Lambor is exactly the same as Masterpiece's Sideswipe, I will skip the transformation,
I will leave you a link of my Masterpiece Sideswipe review in the video description in case you want to see his transformation,
and with the help of video editing, we will go straight from the vehicle mode to the robot mode!
And here we have Sideswipe in his robot mode. I already put a pile-driver on his hand to see how it looks.
You just open this panel from here.
Remove the pile-driver.
And bring out the fist. You can also put the other pile-driver as well.
And it will look like this. As you can see his backpack is a little bit loose.
The same thing goes for all of his joints. The figure can stand properly, it doesn't have stability issues.
He has big heels, as you can see. So he doesn't have any stability issues.
All his joints are loose. Though, if I bring the arm up like this, it won't fall.
Mostly the joints that are loose are on his legs.
If you want to change the head, simply turn the head to the side and pull it out. And now you can put his G2 head.
And he will look like this now.
You can make full rotation of the head as long as you don't pull the head out when it comes to the side.
As for his articulation, the head can move up and down, it can rotate 360 degrees.
The shoulder-cannon can move up and down.
The arms can rotate 360 degrees, they move up and down, they rotate at the upper part of the arm,
they bend at the elbow, there is fist rotation.
All the fingers can move individually. This is something new with this figure.
The four fingers can bend at three points. The thumb can bend at two points.
There is also waist rotation. The legs can move back and forth, up and down.
They rotate at the thighs, bend at the knee and the toe-heel can move up and down and a little bit left and right.
Very nice articulation he has.
Also, he can hold his gun perfectly fine.
As you can see.
Generally it is a nice figure, sturdy figure, heavy figure, lots of die cast, he has die-cast on his shoulders.
He only misses an Autobot symbol and he will be ready! So let's see a size comparison now.
Here is knock-off Sideswipe next to Masterpiece Sideswipe and next to Sunstreaker.
As you can see the difference is huge! It is a very big figure!
Here he is next to Masterpiece MP10 Optimus Prime. Of course Sideswipe as an oversized figure is taller than MP10.
And here he is next to Mastermind Creations Overlord.
Final thoughts... it's a very nice knock-off figure. Of course it won't fit in scale with your Masterpiece figures.
So if you would ever buy this figure it would be for its vehicle mode to have it next to model cars 1/18 scale.
I didn't find any serious drawback on the figure. It is exactly the same as Masterpiece Sideswipe.
A big plus is that all of his fingers have articulation, all of his fingers can move individually.
Also, it has led lights, they glow very nice in the dark.
Both vehicle mode and the guns have bright colours in the led lights.
I liked him, it's a very nice figure.
Yes ok, the logo of Lamborghini is not the same as the official one but ok, it's not a big deal.
Generally, I think he is worth the money, for those who like model cars 1/18 scale. That's all I had to say.
Thank you all for watching, if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment or hit the like button and subscribe.
My name is Stathis, and until next time, I'll see you around! :)
Ep 37 - Greece (part 4) - Around Europe on a Motorcycle - Honda Transalp 700 - Duration: 14:09.
One year on the road is a fact!
I was in Athens, where I made a big service to the bike.
I was staying again with good friends, Manolis and Apostolis and we got to do some things together.
- What do you want me to say? The guy didn't stop.
- One, two.... - There is the thrird and the fourth on the other side.
He was going fast and he crashed everything....
Well, he didn't stop. He must have been from Gargalianoi
We are waiting for the police to find a solution.
Today is 3 of April, and that means that tomorrow I complete one year on the road.
And for that reason we are going to cook Seftalies! (Cyprus Traditional food)
-This is for you!
- Thank you!
I want to thank X-power motorcycle service and the owner Giorgos Karderinis for the bike service.
The bike feels perfect! Like its brand new!
I want to thank Andreas Psyhogios as well for taking the initiative to equip my bike with brand new tires.
I left Athens and headed to Oropos to visit a very good friend of mine.
We didn't see each other for more thann one year, since I left Cyprus.
I stayed there for a couple of days and then I continued my trip to check out Euboea.
Good morning!
I am in Oropos and I am about to take the fery to visit South Euboea...
and afterwards, I will make a round to check out North Euboea as well.
I am in Karystos...
I was riding till late and I reached a small village called Amygdalia.
And I met Mr. Costas and Mr. Panagiotis, his brother.
I was asking them if there is a shop to buy food.
My plan was to get some food and pitch my tent In a small church I found before the village.
When they hear that they invited me to stay at their place.
They cooked for me something to eat.
They are very good people.
I pitched my tent the front yard...
The only thing that he owns is a small room with dimentions 2m X 3m.
There is only a bed inside and a small table.
He doesnt even have power....
Not even a toilet!
Good morning!
It's 7:40 am...
I woke up at 6:30 today...
I am in Amygdalia Village in South Euboea.
I rached this place around 7 pm
and I fount out that the rest of the road to reach my destination
which is the canyon of St. Demetrios, it's a dirtroad.
So I desided to come down to the village to find something to eat before pitching my tent.
And I met Mr. Costas and his brother, Mr Panagiotis
They are the 2 of totally 7 people of the village.
And they invited me in their place.
Accross is the island of Andros.
Mr. Costas with the little that he owns tryied to be as generous as possible and I really thank him for that.
He has a very small room that he lives in and right next to it, there are his farm animals.
Some dogs, some sheeps and some goats.
He told me to sleep in the room, but It couldn't just invade his space,
so I told him I would be fine, if he let me pitched my tent in his front yard.
He fryed a potato and 3 eggs for me.
He did things that, very rare people do for a stranger.
To understand how poor he lives, he doesnt even have a toilet.
He told me that if I want to go to the toilet just grab some parer and go whereever you like!
"We are free over here" he said.....
I have a 25km of dirtroad....
I am in St. Demetrios canyon.
There is a small cantene that it's closed.
I guess that I am here "out of season"
I passed the bike on the other side from there...
which i misscalculate it a bit.
Thankfully I didn't drop the bike.
But this is deeper than it looks and the rocks are slippery.
I was trying to hold the bike with my legs at a point and the water reached up to here.
So the plan is to pass it from the bridge this time.
The bridge looks pretty solid.
The bike can fit through it as well.
That was the double stand. If that double stand had a mouth it would curse me.
I continued to North Euboea...
The landscaped changes there. From rocky with low vegetation becomes more
"green", with higher vegetation.
I am in North Euboea. Just arrived to Ayian Anna beach and here is where I will camp tonight.
I am at Ayia Anna beach and the moon just rise up and its totally red..
After cheking out Euboea, I took another ferry to mainland Greece and I continued to Levadia....
Peppa Pig English Episodes Compilation #89 New Season 2017 - Duration: 9:38.
Peppa Pig English Episodes Compilation #89 New Season 2017
Api kartun, animasi api anak, truk pemadan kebakaran kartun anak anak, lucu api kartun permainan - Duration: 6:29.
Peppa Pig English Episodes Compilation #90 New Season 2017 - Duration: 58:58.
Peppa Pig English Episodes Compilation #90 New Season 2017
How To Remove Text From Image In Photoshop CC Urdu Hindi - Duration: 5:06.
EVERYONE Is Turning Their Head At Shocking Thing Trump Did In The Wee Hours Of The Night - Duration: 1:56.
EVERYONE Is Turning Their Head At Shocking Thing Trump Did In The Wee Hours Of The Night
By Paris Swade
President Trump and the leaders of Mexico and Canada both agreed last night to renegotiate
the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), according to the White House.
Trump said on Thursday that he was willing to �terminate� the trade agreement if
they couldn�t make a �fair deal.�
�It is my privilege to bring NAFTA up to date through renegotiation,� Trump said
on Wednesday.
�It is an honor to deal with both [Mexican] President [Enrique] Pe�a Nieto and [Canadian]
Prime Minister [Justin] Trudeau, and I believe that the end result will make all three countries
stronger and better.�
The White House just added that Trump will not �agree not to terminate NAFTA at this
time� and instead Trump, Mexico and China will �proceed swiftly, according to their
required internal procedures, to enable the renegotiation� of NAFTA.
Trump is delivering on everything that he promised.
He is going to FIX our trade deals.
He just got both countries to agree to negotiate with him.
See everything you need to know about what Trump�s cooking up:
Trump is so smart on this.
The fake news media keeps on lying about him while he spends time getting things done.
That�s why we need your help to get this amazing news out there.
Trump is about to fix NAFTA.
SHARE this right now and help us get the word out that Trump is about to fix Bill Clinton�s
biggest mistake!
Thanks for reading, patriots!
Haircut in India | Indian Barber hair cut, beard shave and head massage in Kolkata - Duration: 3:15.
So today is our last day in India.
We're here in Kolkata (কলকাতা) in India and it is our very last day.
Tomorrow we're all taking off.
And you know what?
We're kind of looking a little bit scruffy.
Even you.
Not as bad as me.
But we need a shave and we need a haircut so we're going to go and do that right now
here in Calcutta (কলকাতা).
Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.
Clean shaven and a haircut.
All ready back for Canada.
So I had been looking for a place to get a hair cut and a shave on Sudder Street which
is where we're staying and no cigar.
I looked around for quite a while and couldn't find anything but down this street here I
think it is called yeah Hertford Lane I found a little spot and I asked them 'hey can we
go get a shave and haircut' and he said 'yeah of course' and can we film and he said yeah
of course.
So we're going there right now.
A little bit off of the top.
Oh, someone is getting ready for a hair cut.
Are you all ready?
Oh yeah.
Already for this?
That is awesome.
Yeah, here we go.
How are you enjoying that?
Yeah, it is great.
Does it feel good?
This is not going to make me smarter.
That is good.
We've been taking a lot of train rides and like our you know our neck muscles our back
There is a lot of tension.
So this will relieve all of that tension for sure.
Thank you.
Alright, so we've had our haircuts, we're clean shaven and we each got a massage.
And that came to like 240 Rupees.
Which is what?
Like 3 or 4 US dollars total.
So we gave the guy a really good tip.
We gave him an extra over 150 Rupees because the guy did such a good job.
And what do you think of your haircut?
Well it was awesome and the head massage and the upper body massage was well worth it and
you know you just think of the value in Canadian dollars.
Like you just can't.
It is insane value.
But this guy.
This guy is a really skilled practitioner and it is perfect because we're both taking
flights back home from Canada.
.We definitely needed that massage and now we look all clean cut so hopefully immigration
lets us in.
We won't have any problems in immigration for sure.
I hope not.
We're too clean cut looking.
There you go.
The Stunning Transformation Of Ariel Winter - Duration: 5:23.
Growing up ain't easy.
And living in the media spotlight as you do it sounds near impossible.
Yet, actress Ariel Winter shows us that's not the case.
Even though she weathered some tough times in her personal life, Winter has handled it
all in stride.
So just how dramatic has her transformation really been?
You might be surprised to find out!
Pre-teen sensation
2009 was a big year for young Winter.
The then 11-year-old was not new to acting, with a small role on ER and voice-acting in
Disney's Phineas and Ferb.
But that year Winter's life changed big time with the successful premier of ABC's Modern
Winter plays Alex Dunphy, the wiser-than-her-years middle child of the family.
"Why do you guys always just assume I'm some depressed loser?
Did it ever occur to you that maybe I've been so distant because I've been busy with
my own life?"
In an interview for Blast Magazine, Winter described her new gig, saying, "It's really
It's different.
It doesn't take that much time, everything is set, and everybody is like boom-boom-boom,
let's get this done right now.
It's really different than dramatic stuff where it's like, 'let's take this slow."
Star power
12-year-old Winter continued to make big waves in 2010.
As Modern Family's success continued, and Winter's spotlight in the media grew, the
young actress realized she could use her starpower to make a difference.
In, Winter chatted about her support of the green movement, saying,
"I conserve water, I unplug appliances when I'm not using them, and I use the three R's.
Renew, Recycle, and Reuse."
Winter also joined her Modern Family co-stars for the GLSEN's Safe Space anti-bullying campaign:
"Hi, I'm Ariel Winter from ABC's Modern Family."
Underage and under fire
Winter slayed on the Emmys' red carpet in September of 2011.
But headlines from MTV and, claimed that her dress was too mature for
the 13-year-old actress.
But Winter took the high road, telling Us Weekly, "I thought [the dress] was very youthful,
yet mature because I have the flowers, and it's blush pink.
I have a sort of body in a way that you can't really put a dress like this on without it
looking older and more mature, so it's kind of not my fault!"
Drama at home
In November of 2012, news broke that the 14-year-old Winter had been removed from her mother's
care, due to accusations of physical and emotional abuse.
According to E! News, Winter's older sister, Shanelle Gray, petitioned to be Winter's guardian
due to their mother's "vile name calling and personal insults about [Winter and her weight]."
But even with this stress at home Winter continued on with her shooting schedule, maintaining
a professional vibe in front of the cameras.
"All is calm, all is bright."
That self-love life
After overcoming family drama in 2012, a 15-year-old Winter was ready for a "new year/new you."
In an interview with Teen Vogue, Winter said, "Because my mother wasn't supportive, now,
my sister is always making sure to tell me that I look beautiful."
After going full red-head, Winter's colorist, Ashlee Zakar, told NBC's Today, "Ariel is
young and fun, and the hair change is all due to her hiatus from Modern Family."
Zakar said that with Ariel's "porcelain skin [and] dark features," she wanted something
"more bright and fun."
"Like wow, I can't believe they're honoring us like this, where they're recognizing
our show.
We're only in our third season."
Feeling her look
At age 16, in 2014, Winter was coming into her own.
She told People, "I have more of an edgier style.
I'm not pink, ruffled, preppy.
I like the bodysuits.
I love the color black.
So the mature style and the more mature body goes with the age that I would like to be."
Discussing her body shape, Winter told the mag, "It's a blessing and a curse.
I have to find things that are appropriate to wear but also fit my body well, so it still
looks good."
Taking it down a notch
In 2015, 17-year-old Winter became officially emancipated, following years of family struggles.
She also elected to have breast reduction surgery, going from a size 32F to 34D.
"It was always super uncomfortable for me to sleep, it was uncomfortable to sit, it
was uncomfortable to walk, and I remember breaking down in dressing rooms because I
couldn't find a bathing suit, because they had no top that would fit me."
After her surgery she told Glamour, "I got it for myself.
I can't even really put into words how amazing it feels to really feel right."
She wowed at the Emmys that year in a bright red Romona Keveza dress.
Celebrity stylist Anita Patrickson told the International Business Times, "I'm trying
to get her away from being a teenager.
She's at that age where you're kind of grown-up, but also she's so young and fresh and gorgeous."
Show and tell
At the 2016 Screen Actors Guild Awards, Winter pulled out all the stops with another fabulous
Romona Keveza dress, which showed off the scars from her 2015 breast reduction surgery.
Winter tweeted, "Guys there is a reason I didn't make an effort to cover up my scars!
They are a part of me and I'm not ashamed of them at all."
Girl power?
No apologies
Today, the 19-year-old Winter is a pro at pushing the envelope.
Critics continue to put on the pressure, but Winter stays strong and true to herself.
"The people that love me and support me are what matter."
And she isn't afraid to tell it how it is.
After she was criticized for her dress choice in a graduation photo she posted on Instagram,
she fired back, posting on Twitter, "Dear sorry body-shamers, I looked HOT in that dress.
And if you hate it, don't buy it.
But please get a hobby."
Slay all day
In November 2016, Winter showed off a new, much shorter hairdo, looking fabulous as ever.
So, what's next for the star?
The talented and confident Winter is for sure a budding fashion icon with a heart of gold
— one who we'll definitely be keeping an eye on!
Thanks for watching!
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Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!
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Nikolai Volkov v Muscle Man Rocky King - Duration: 3:27.
Heal + goblin barrel great deck - Duration: 10:27.
hlo guys its a great deck but not the best
enjoy the game play
deck in the description
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