Welcome back, ladies and gentleman.
I have explained how
every structure or process system that exists in every element
were back to how we understand the process we called pyramid.
pyramid is a code that is given to this shape.
The ancients have stated its name as pyramid so we accepted it also as pyramid.
But actually it presented the specified formulas
in human's life.
I have explained in the previous video how we can apply the benefits from these formulas.
So here's the example,
in the medical courses too.
How we want to understand it
on how our body system works.
How every cell grows.
How it is related towards each other.
Hence we could unravel it if we could find a clarified process for the formula that is in the pyramid.
So why K24?
What is K24?
I have explained from the start.
K is a factor, specified.
It has no change.
It has to be one.
So K is where everything starts with one.
2 is everything that exists in the universe in the law of Z.
It comes in pair.
Hence that is why it is 2.
Everything has its partner.
If it has no partner, we could not unravel the issue of pyramid.
And about 4,
when we look at the shape of a pyramid, it has four corners between each other,
but it has more unique features, ladies and gentlemen.
The shape of pyramid that I'm showing here is just its base.
Actually every degree that existed in a pyramid
there are 52 degrees,
there are 51 degrees,
There are varieties of pyramid in this world, if we look at the existing pyramid.
Actually they have their own role.
For the 52 pyramid
actually it was built with 52 degrees.
What for?
51 was built.
What for?
Everything has its reason.
And I will share with all of you.
Just basically because everything will take a lot of time.
But basically how does the process works.
So as a scientist,
as a scholar.
Let us together understand this.
Maybe and for sure I could open another space
for exploring and understanding the science of pyramid
and from here could know clearly what is ALAMTOLOGI.
We will continue after this.
For more infomation >> HUMAN RELATIONS WITH PYRAMID - PART 5 - Duration: 3:57.-------------------------------------------
Expo 67 - Histoire de la Biosphère - Duration: 6:30.
Super Mario World / Episode #3 - Duration: 1:41.
Has this ever happened to you?
Can you not walk straight?
Is the normal way of blocking through the Gap too boring for you?
Well, this is for you, then
Today Jim and I are going to teach you
Top 10 ways on how is this even ten actually one two three okay?
Forget it. Top ways the cross bridges and guessed it the best way possible
Method 1 help from the Villager because it's too regular to block across the best way is actually getting help for Villagers
Congratulations. You made it across that gap
measure to the correct way to build across as
Everyone always built horizontally the best way it might actually need to you might need to build vertically because it's just not enough
Also, note that you may not have holiday rate box. So just use whatever you have
It'll be [ok] in case you another dose what I'm doing now
What you want to do is this?
get as much height as possible for the best jump and
Just make sure you'll be a spanking
Oh method 3 just believe you don't need any boxes. You just go
I'm gonna keep some of these messy three just believe you don't even need to be blocks for this you just got to believe
Mess message for 420 okay flat flat flax what?
Message five help from an Admin in case you can't really go across yourself
You might need help from a staff member to keep you from
Method I forgot and referral so the best way is actually probably ender pearl because you don't even need to build across
You just throw your in a pro, and you made it
wow, I
Don't think I've ever seen a tender pro like that like a legit that was the cool set. So how did you do that I?
Don't know right on top
Mess that I forgot Ender pearl
And apparel is actually the best the most efficient way actually because you don't even need any blocks
You just gotta throw [your] interval and you made it
that's seven using a punch bowl using a punch bowl actually make you go the farthest and
And you can probably cross caps with it because due to its when you hit yourself
Method x method x method xd never travel shit. I have it at my event or anybody back
Mehsud [x]
Matt method xD leather travel so every block in the nether is actually eight blocks in the overworld so
Building another portal and then going eight blocks times whatever you need to go
Basically you will have the best way [it] [will] be the easy way all you need is
10 obsidian or using 14 because of looks and you just need to light it and basically you go to the portal you go eight
blocks are
Times whatever you need to go and then basically
That's a draft. We just built the draft as we want develop [a] [dress] it also works is Great bridge
Okay, [messick]? Forget about gravity Jim is no blows neck
Gravity actually uh if you forget about gravity when a boat actually it works for the most part you'll make it across all the weight
Coop oh, sorry
Who's it to the boot method so if your friend somehow has a knock-back?
Enchantment of 100 on A stick on the server for some repairing reason probably by Admin abuse any besides the point
Actually you can launch your friend across the ravine
and for the last method I I don't
Anyway, anyways the last method is act
The last lesson is actually blowing up yourself going across because if tmp ken will actually launch self the [furthest]
So if you would please come from me Jim
Well the cannon
Super Mario World / Episode #3 - Duration: 1:41.
Cotton Dipped Into Alcohol Wrap Up Umbilical Belt o - Duration: 2:22.
এবার উত্তর কোরিয়ার পর অত্যাধুনিক ধ্বংসাত্তক ক্ষেপণাস্ত্র পরীক্ষা চালালো যুক্তরাষ্ট্র।তুমুল উত্তেজনা। - Duration: 1:10.
Thanks For Watching The Video,If You Enjoy This Video To Give A Like,Comments,Share With Your Friends Now.Don't Forget To SUBSCRIBE.Thanks
【昱丞】用風槍極限加速指尖陀螺?! - Duration: 4:42.
Ewangeliarz OP - 27 kwietnia 2017 - (J 3, 31-36) - Duration: 2:11.
I used to get stressed, and in general I was like the scared boy,
when someone raised a voice at me.
I know a lot of people,
who blench at the very sound of the raised voice.
We often conote anger with some kind of a blind fury,
with the desire to destroy us, with the desire to crush,
with some great uncertainty.
The wrath of God is something completely different.
The wrath of God is a louder saying:
"Why do you close yourself to my love?"
It is a louder call: "I'm stuck on you!"
"What are you doing? Get to know what you do when you turn away from this love!"
Jesus Christ is the only, most powerful Word of the Father.
There is no other.
God can't tell us how much he loves us and who we are to Him in more intense way
And what plans He has for us.
If we close ourselves to Jesus, and we begin to turn our noses up and to pick holes
and we do not open ourselves to His word, to the word of the Gospel,
then the only thing God can do is to shout louder:
"What are you doing when you turn away from my Son?!"
And this is the meaning of Jesus' words:
"Whoever does not welcome Me - says the Lord, causes the wrath of God.
Vlog: Firstborns please stop this! - Duration: 1:15.
hi my name is Kerubo and welcome to
Dadas Lounge. This message is dedicated
to firstborns please stop hovering
over your siblings. I am a firstborn and I
have been hovering over my siblings
trying to make sure they don't make the
mistakes that I did
trying to send them opportunities
calling them out when they make mistakes
on social media and I feel like I'm
being a horrible person they're not
really happy with who I am and I am
trying to change that so I am reaching out
to other first ones if you're doing this
to your siblings if you want them to
have a perfect life just because you
don't want them to make mistakes just
let them learn on their own and I am
trying to do the same second borns third
borns whatever 'born' you are leave a
comment down then told me how I can stop
being a horrible person this is a first
vlog from Dadas Lounge and I will be
making vlogs once in a while to share my
thoughts on different things
thank you and if you like this kindly
consider subscribing
alright bye bye
카 3 CARS 3 3차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:32.
Ron Swanson Speed draw!!! (Very awkward though) - Duration: 4:44.
I've never done this before...
I'm gonna be a bit awkward
My name is Anna!
I-I uh
I do the art... thing
and i'm quite fond of it..
*gross "Yeah"*
I'm not very good at introductions
I will work on that
I'm going to be drawing..
Ron Swanson.
so uh...
*remembers all my homework*
okay, this is the awkwardest opening ever.
I'm just gonna...
get to the ART thing...
Pois é, A Vida Me Odeia — Monsta X fanfic trailer - Duration: 2:04.
Look, if you really think this is a tale of how fucking unlucky I am
of how I don't have friends
of how invisible I am at school
of how I only embarrass myself
You can bet...
you're very much mistaken.
It's much worse.
Holiday camp?
What the hell is this place?
look on the bright side
You will meet new friends.
Friends? Changkyun has no ability to make new friends.
His life will turn upside down
And what's your name?
Changkyun, who are they?
FiveD (FiveGods)
The school idiots nicknamed them that.
They are the kings.
Everyone in school, I repeat, everyone, kill to be his friends.
Except me.
I'm already full of Kihyun take advantage of his position and treat me like crap.
You argued with the school's president in front of everyone.
We will not let pass that.
You're the first person to hit back his pranks.
The only thing I know is that I have a gun in my hand.
I just have to decide how to handle it
And when I decide ...
You know it will not end well, right?
I take the risk.
That's it
The life
hates me
[Tibia Summer Update 2017] First Impression of the New Summons & Spells! - Duration: 8:45.
Yo what's up, guys?
Eric Psykik here and today we have some big news.
Out of nowhere Cipsoft released some news today about what they plan on adding in this
year's Summer Update.
I don't know if this is everything that will be in the update, but it's definitely
a significant portion of it and they already opened up a test server to try this stuff
Now I hate making my official update videos and then finding out everything changed later,
so keep in mind that this is only a first impression video of all the stuff I tried
today and I'll just be briefly going over each topic.
I'll most likely be making an updated video once the Summer Update is set in stone if
possible and they don't close the test server on me again.
So let's just get right into it and check out some of the new stuff we got today.
First off, new summons for all vocations.
I wouldn't really classify these as summons though because you only get a particular one
for each vocation; we don't have knights summoning fire elementals or anything like
I would call these more of a temporary companion.
The first is Skullfrost, the knight's summon.
Skullfrost is an icy undead ghost thing that shoots ice and death attacks at your targeted
I found this summon to be kind of squishy considering on a knight you're usually hunting
big pulls, but I might as well throw this in right now that they also updated the challenge
spell today and made it basically work like it always should have.
It also has the added bonus of keeping monsters from running away even if they're low health,
so monsters like Medusas and Young Sea Serpents can be forced to die in every pull.
You can see my knight easily resing this Silencer off another knight, and he's able to pull
it off of me as well.
So back to Skullfrost… while Skullfrost is pretty squishy, you can easily exeta res
the monsters off of him.
He keeps his distance from your targeted monster though so it can be kind of annoying if he
accidentally lures more and then you have to save him.
I don't really know if this summon will increase your dps much while hunting, and
I couldn't test any of this stuff in PvP yet, but his damage isn't too bad.
All four of the summons heal themselves so if yours is about to die you can just wait
a minute and it'll heal back up to full.
As of right now you can't UH or mas res your own summon, and I couldn't check whether
you damage it on PvP worlds since the test server is on Optional PvP.
Next up, we have Emberwing, the paladin's summon.
This holy bird gives quite a nice AoE bonus to a paladin's hunt by shooting mas sans
and tiny fire GFBs at your target.
The only problem I found with this summon is that it couldn't really keep up with
me while hunting since it's a ranged attacker.
While testing it in Yalahar Grims, I would constantly pull the Grim Reapers off screen
and Emberwing wouldn't follow until being forced to teleport towards me.
Yes, all of these summons will teleport to you if you walk too far away.
They will also follow you up and down ladders, teleport to you when you go off screen, walk
in PZ with you, and logout and login to the game with you.
Unfortunately, I don't believe this applies to normal summoned monsters.
But while we're talking about logging out and logging in, these summons only last 15
minutes at a time and have a 30 minute cooldown.
So they aren't permanent.
They're temporary and add a little boost to your hunt.
They also cost 1-3,000 mana to summon depending on your vocation.
After that we have the Thundergiant.
This is the sorcerer's summon that acts as a tank.
No more relying on an EK and ED to team hunt, now we solo sorcerers can hunt all by ourselves.
Nah the summon isn't THAT good that you'll be hunting Catacombs alone, but it is a nice
Basically all Thundergiant does is melee whatever monster you have targeted and use a challenge
spell with the radius of a mas san to tank the monsters for you.
I was actually able to hunt Roshamuul all by myself this way thanks to Thundergiant,
and with the ability to stand on bombs you could probably find a lot of different spawns
to have your summon tank for you while you DPS.
The only problem of a tank summon like this is that it's obviously not as efficient
as a human since it's now transferring all of the looting, pulling, damage, etc. on you
instead of splitting up the tasks.
So it's a nice feature for a solo mage, but will I actually use it in my current hunts?
I'm not sure.
Maybe we can find some new solo spawns with a tank, but there's a piece of me that thinks
you'll lose out on experience waiting for this monster to tank for you compared to just
running through destroying things like the way you hunt now.
Another thing I should add is that these summons cannot participate in certain boss fights
according to the news.
I don't know exactly what this means, but I'm assuming you can't bring these into
lever-style bosses like the Ferumbras Ascension quest or Forgotten Knowledge areas.
Finally, we have the druid's summon, Grovebeast.
This summon is basically the same thing as the sorcerer's Thundergiant in that it tanks
monsters and casts exeta res.
As you can see while hunting with it on my druid, these tanks aren't 100% perfect.
Sometimes they'll stand still and if you run off screen of these summons they won't
follow you so you have to walk even further to trigger the teleportation.
Also since these summons move so fast, whenever your target monster dies the summon comes
flying towards you bringing all of the monsters it's tanking with it, which can be pretty
dangerous for a mage.
Alright now that I've gone over the summons, a new spell coming out that is available for
all vocations is called Second Wind.
This spell increases your damage output the lower your health gets.
It costs between 500 and 2,000 mana depending on your vocation and has a 2 minute cooldown.
In a PvE scenario I don't know exactly how much of a use this spell will be.
The buff doesn't kick in until you are below 25% health, which is extremely low for mages,
not bad for paladins, but also kind of bad for knights.
On my sorcerer, I had to sit below 600 health in order to get my damage increased, but I
can't argue that it does increase by a lot.
Maybe Kharsek would find this spell more useful since he only has to go lower than 4,000 health
for it to start buffing his damage.
Usually I would UE a Lizard Chosen for like a 1.1k, but with low health and second wind
activated I was UEing for 1800s and 1900s.
PvP damage is half your monster damage, disregarding elemental protections, so that's almost
a 1k non-critical hit on another player.
The catch to Second Wind though is that you cannot wear magic shield or an energy ring
while it is activated.
If you have one on beforehand, you can't use the spell either.
So I can't imagine many scenarios where a mage would want to risk low health for high
damage considering this isn't a passive ability where you just happen to hit red and
then deal a huge amount of damage.
You have to activate it.
You have to willingly say "hey, I want to hit hard so let me put my character in red
My first thought is maybe this could be kind of a kamikaze spell.
Imagine rushing someone in Banuta with a Gill Set on.
You put yourself at 300 health, just so you don't die to their avalanche, then rush
them and launch a UE, healing immediately after.
I don't know, that sounds like one of the few scenarios I could imagine myself using
second wind in PvP.
You wouldn't be able to combo with a friend because you guys would kill each other so
that's all I can really get from this spell.
It's just too risky to sit at 600 health as a level 300 to hit a little harder when
you lose so much on death to monsters or risk getting soloed by another player.
I think paladins hunting one by one can use this spell the best though since their 25%
health isn't ridiculously low and they can somewhat predict the max hit of the monster
they're hunting.
I tested it on Lizard Chosens with a fire wall and had very little problems since I
could make sure the Lizard Chosen couldn't reach me.
Combined with utito tempo I could hit some ridiculous hits, one time a 1.7k normal hit
and then another time a 1.8k critical hit.
So if you hunt a controlled monster you may be able to do some crazy damage as a paladin
which may buff your experience per hour.
Again though, just playing around on the test server I managed to die on each of my characters
testing second wind so I really can't imagine myself wanting to risk this in the main game
for a damage buff.
One thing I did think of though is that second wind may actually provide a use for the 10/10
defense bonus from the pray for prey system.
If you put yourself at low health and have a damage reduction on the monster you're
hunting, maybe you could keep yourself from dying while outputting high damage.
My knight had the most health of all my vocations, but even then second wind wasn't that great
because while I'm trying to lure multiple monsters I have to worry about keeping my
health up, but not too up so my second wind works, all the while killing monsters.
All of these temporary buffs and stuff add up to a lot of micro managing in what once
was a simple little hunt of spamming potions and runes.
I guess if the benefits are worth it then fine, but I'm not entirely convinced yet.
This is obviously the first day that these things were released though and I'm sure
stuff will be tweaked, so we'll have to wait and see how it all turns out.
The last couple things in this update include the ability to conjure a wand of darkness
as a sorcerer and three different types of ammo as a paladin.
The wand of darkness hits about the same as a wand of defiance except it does death damage
and gives you +2 ML.
It only lasts 15 minutes as well, has a 30 minute cooldown, and costs 250 mana.
So I think it is worth it for the mana cost, and you can use it as early as level 41, but
it's just a tiny boost of 2 magic levels.
A small convenience I suppose for a lower level, but not very useful as a higher level
seeing as we have crit wands and imbuable melee weapons.
As for the paladin ammo, the three new items are diamond arrows, spectral bolts, and royal
When casting the spell you get 100 of the arrows and bolts or 30 of the royal stars
and they expire after an hour with a 30 minute cooldown.
I think in an hour I can shoot like 1200 or 1500 arrows, so in reality you're getting
like 10 minutes of ammo per hour.
They have the same accuracy as their predecessors, but 5 or 6 attack more.
Since you can't sell this ammo on the market and they also expire, I'm assuming their
main use will be for bossing as a paladin or PvP situations.
They're really cost efficient though: the arrows cost 1,000 mana for 100 of them, which
boils down to 5.3 gold per arrow if you use strong mana potions.
In that case I assume you'll just be using this off cooldown to add a little extra damage
to your hunt and save a little money.
So that's about everything that came out on the test server today.
Again, I don't know if this is everything coming out in the Summer Update or just a
Anyone wondering if these spells will cost soul points, the answer is no.
If you remember that survey where they asked about soul point spells, I believe I read
on the forums that they trashed that idea due to community feedback.
Anyways, if there are any significant changes to these spells or more stuff is added for
the Summer Update then I'll be sure to update you guys.
Thanks for watching and I'll see you guys next time.
Who Knows Me Best Challenge #2 || Ft.: Taylor and Eunice - Duration: 6:51.
#Day15of30 | Hyperbolic Discounting | Jason Roy - Duration: 3:58.
Day 15, 15 of 30. So hyperbolic
discounting, I did make a post on
Facebook a couple of weeks ago just a
just a text post about hyperbolic
discounting and what hyperbolic
discounting is it's the tendency for me
for you for people to take a shorter
term lesser reward rather than waiting
for the longer term potentially greater
reward basically we want it now even
though if it might be something not as
good as we could have later we'd rather
take it now I'd rather take $100 now
then wait and take $1,000 later
so I've been thinking about it off and
on since then and is it always
necessarily a bad thing or is it a bad
thing at all and I think sometimes it's
it's a negative thing I think sometimes
for the bigger picture items as far as
changing yourself changing your life
changing your career changing your
relationships those kind of things I
think you know it's a negative that
we're taking the rewards sooner and not
sticking to things long enough to see
the full potential in it but then on it
on the other side sometimes sometimes
it's better sometimes we're not taking
the rewards soon enough and we're
waiting for this longer bigger grander
thing when really we should just be
taking the reward sooner so for an
example for shorter case is that and
often probably I would think more in a
in a relationship standpoint or even in
in a work standpoint so in relationship
standpoint often people are looking for
this big grand gesture or this big
perfect romantic date or day out or
evening or trip or this amazing
opportunity to spend all this time with
your kids you know without any
interruptions or going to something like
you know super exciting that you
wouldn't normally do and we kind of push
and hold on and hold off and wait for
these things to happen but in the
interim all this time is going by and while
we are waiting for this perfect opportunity
to show up or for the time it takes for
us to be able to afford to do something
we're missing all the little little
rewards we're missing all the
opportunity to spend the five or ten
minutes together with your
your partner with your spouse or with
your kids and go and just like play at
the park with the kids or go and play a
board game with them or just you know a
quick you know I don't know lunch or
dinner out with with your partner that's
just to your local your local restaurant
you like nothing special but you got to
spend that time with them so so yeah
first I thought hyperbolic discounting
was yeah like why are we all taking
these rewards sooner and not holding off
for the bigger things but then as
thinking about a more I think there's a
time and place for for both so if you're
working on yourself and you're really
trying to make some real change and make
some substantial impact and substantial
difference then I think you don't want
to take that reward sooner you don't
want to get the little win and say oh
good I'm perfect you know I move from
here to here good enough you want to
like I move from here to here to here to
here to here to here here finally take
the reward up here but in some of these
other day-to-day life situations if you get
an opportunity to spend some time with a
loved one or spend some time with your
kids or do something for yourself
even if it's not the perfect dream
scenario that you're looking for hoping
for or wishing for
take that opportunity because I think we
need those opportunities throughout so
that we can push to the longer time
frame for the scenarios that require
that extra work that extra effort but for
the bigger reward on that side so yeah
day 15 and for the 30 day video
challenge done
I think everyone so far it's been doing
pretty well who's signed up with FBD a
lot of progress some some stumbles and
some learning exercises and
opportunities but if you want to get
involved shoot me a message and I'll
talk to you tomorrow ciao.
[2017 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION] Meet the Candidates: #2 Self-Described "Strongman" Hong Joon-pyo - Duration: 9:17.
Hong Joon-pyo, presidential nominee for Liberty Korea Party running in South Korea's 2017
presidential election, thank you for squeezing time out of your busy campaigning schedule.
You've been a politician for over two decades now.
Why is it now that you're running for the presidency?
Why not before?
Why do you feel ready for the top office now?
The Republic of Korea is currently in total chaos;
from politics, economy, society, culture,
and diplomacy to national defense.
In order to restore stability and lead the nation forward, we need strong
The times call for a president with strong determination
and conviction.
This is the reason I am running for President.
From an objective point of you, you're not running an easy race here.
For a whole host of reasons in this nation at the moment, polls show it is very likely
that the country will elect a left-wing president in May 9.
You are - most would agree with me - You are the most conservative candidate in this year's
Are you confident that you will win?
South Korea has a relatively shorter history of party politics compared to the United States.
Political parties in South Korea generally last no longer than five years;
a government turnover defines a change in leadership, not a change of political
When there was a power transfer from the Lee Myung-bak to Park Geun-hye administration,
Park government wasn't acting as the second Lee administration.
It was a completely new government.
In that vein, the new Hong Joon-pyo government will be an entirely different administration
from that of Park's.
Therefore, a government turnover in South Korea
is equivalent to a change in leadership.
The Korean peninsula at the moment is under international radar.
There's been a rapid escalation of tensions in this part of the world.
Continuous provocations by the North Korean regime.
What is your policy vis-a-vis Pyongyang?
For the past 20 years, South Korea has been committed to resolving
inter-Korean tensions through diplomacy
such as the six-party denuclearization talks.
There hasn't been any progress.
During the 20 years of South Korea's diplomatic efforts,
North Korea was focused on developing nuclear weapons.
The amount of money sent to North Korea
over the ten years of Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moon-hyun administrations tops US$
7 billion.
That funding support came back as nuclear weapons.
North Korea's nuclear ambitions can no longer be tolerated.
When I become the president, I will consult with the U.S.
in deploying tactical nuclear weapons to South Korea to strike a nuclear balance
between the two Koreas.
There is no other way to gain dominance over nuclear weapons but with nuclear weapons.
I will set up a Naval Special Warfare Command and lead a South, North Korea Armed Peace
Policy through military might and power dominance.
On the diplomatic front - South Korea not in the best situation currently.
There is a new president in the White House - very different from the last president with
a seemingly different approach to the North Korea issue.
There is China to the north, in a clash of interest with South Korea.
How would you best situate yourself so that South Korea puts the best foot forward in
this complex relationship?
There is Donald Trump in the U.S., Xi Jinping in China, and Shinzo Abe in Japan.
It's an era of 'strongmen.'
In order to negotiate and work with them, South Korea also needs a 'strongman' from
a right-wing government.
I have no doubt that I am the only candidate with strong enough conviction and viewpoint
on national security to lead this country.
Only those with resolution and determination like myself can negotiate with these 'strongmen.'
I have no doubt that I am the only one who can take on that task.
Why do you describe yourself as a 'strongman'?
Because that's how I've been for the last 22 years; as a prosecutor, as a politician.
There is no one like Hong Joon-pyo when it comes to execution.
Economic growth and jobs.
I think it's an issue that comes up every election season and not only here but all
across the globe.
Do you have a blueprint for Asia's fourth-largest economy?
The reason behind Korea's low economic growth and shortage of jobs for the youths stands
powerful and noble labor unions.
These mega-powerful noble labor unions that make up less than 3% of the entire labor force
discourage corporate investments and drive Korean firms overseas.
If I come to power, I will carry out a thorough reform of these superpower noble labor unions.
As long as we can take care of those superpower noble labor unions that disturb Korea's labor
market, prevent foreign investment, and drive Korean companies overseas, Korea can grow
again and jobs will begin to flourish.
Politicians have been too mindful of these superpower noble labor unions, thus far.
When I was Governor of Gyeongsangnam-do Province, I faced off these unions for three whole years.
It was sparked by our provincial government's decision to close down a debt-ridden public
In the end, I got my way over theirs.
I, Hong Joon-pyo, am the only person who's faced these unions and won.
You are running under the slogan "Proud ordinary president."
What does that mean?
I want to build a country where the middle-class, the ordinary Korean people that make up 70%
of the entire population can live with hope, realizing their dreams.
I've endured tough times growing up and even up until this day.
But, I pulled through all on my own; I've never been swayed by political factions and
never by anything when I served as prosecutor.
Should I be elected president, I want to create a country where the younger generation can
live with hope and dream; I want to create a country for the 70% of the Korean population:
The middle class, the average, ordinary people.
Now, my final question - a common question to all candidates.
What is your edge over others?
Why does the Republic of Korea need Hong Joon-pyo as president in 2017?
First of all, the country needs a president who places absolute priority on security.
Inter-Korean tensions are high and there is flaring tensions between North Korea and the
This is just as bad as it gets.
We need a president who can deter North Korea's nuclear weapons; one who can dominate North
It will be tragic for the next generation if we elect a president who compromises with
the North and send dollars across the border.
The times call for a strong, powerful president who can protect the lives of the 50-million
strong population here.
For these reasons, there is no one else but Hong Joon-pyo for the job.
I will do my absolute best to become the president so that I can create a country where the lives
and assets of the 50 million South Koreans are protected; where the middle-class, the
average, ordinary people, and the younger generation can live with hope and dream about
the future.
Best of luck to you, Hong Joon-pyo and thank you for this interview.
We appreciate it.
Roblox Murder mystery #1 {TURN ON SUBTITLES}[FOR COMMENTARY] - Duration: 5:41.
So whats up you guys johnathan espinoza
here in this video
were playing roblox murder mystery it kind laggy so just bare with me yeah
yeah so i hate being inocent
so i died 1 time
this girl noodle hair
idk how to add your voice so yeah im gonna have to do like this
yeah so yeah
thhis game just get me on my nerves when i dont be sheriff or murderer
i hate ethis game tmr gonna do livestream UC4
so guys i love u as a frined
im editing this in a pc
so i wait
and this kid keeps chatting nice commentary right
minecraft sucks
so guys how is your day my day is going well
yeah RHS with josh tmr
i died jk
unsusling monent
short cut
so then i walk lets see waht happenes
anyone wanna show me how to add your voice
No ok ill search it up
i die close here
yeah i suck ugly kid comes up to me
alright peace everyone
i end gameplay here
What is Magic League - Duration: 9:34.
What is Magic League
If you really like the fun and excitement of a prerelease, I have a format for you.
It's Magic League.
And I'll tell you all about it, right now.
Welcome Young Mage I'm The Rhino.
Young Mage is devoted to reaching and teaching young mages of all ages.
Subscribe now to show your support.
And don't forget to tap that bell down below to get notifications of all the cool stuff
coming soon.
Man, Friday Night Magic is fun.
I really like building new and different decks.
But some people just play the same deck over and over.
It'd be great if there was a format that was like the prerelease.
We always have so much fun at those.
"I Pharaoh say, why not try Magic League"
Magic League?
What's that.
V "It's a new in store format that's dynamic and fast paced."
How do I start?
"You start with 3 booster packs…
And build a 30 card deck."
"Each week you add another booster pack to your pool."
Wow, this is great.
I have so many questions.
"For that you need to call an expert."
What is Magic League?
Do you only play in a store or can you play at home?
Do you only use packs from Amonkhet or can you use other other sets like Kaladesh?
Can you use the same deck in more than one league?
Does your minimum deck size change as you add more packs?
What happens if somebody starts partway through the league?
How many games do you play each week?
Is there a winner?
What are the prizes?
What is the unladen air speed of a swallow?
Magic League is amazing.
The games are fast paced.
And my deck gets better and better each week.
League is really fun.
Comment below and tell me what you think.
ready to play in a Magic League?
Do you think you have
what it
to win?
Make sure you click like on my videos, it helps out a lot.
Don't forget to subscribe, if you haven't already.
And there are a few things here and here that may interest you.
I have more videos coming out soon.
And until then, Rhino out.
Float Tube Fishing with FTFF - Duration: 4:21.
He's not ready yet...
There we go! There's a fish!
He's fast!
This is a decent fish.
Oh ho, yeah!
This is a fish!
Oh yeah!
Oh man, look at that!
Nice halibut!
He's not ready yet.
He's not ready yet...
Woo Hoo!!!
There it is.
Big boy halibut
Personal best
Gotta love it!
Client Testimonial for Jason Crittenden by Tarl Johnson - Duration: 1:45.
Hi, I'm Tarl Johnson.
I live in Mesa and I'm an attorney out in Phoenix.
I actually met Jason Crittenden a few years ago at a local open house for a non-profit.
When I met him I had had some trouble at that point and time with trying to sell our house.
It had been on the market for between 4 and 6 months with another Realtor.
We'd had I believe 1 showing and no offers at the time.
So we talked and he gave us some pointers that we could give to our Realtor and try
to get some offers.
Try to get things moving, and gave us his number.
So we went home, called our Realtor the next day, gave her the suggestions that he had
passed along and she effective blew us off.
We decided at that point to call Jason back and have him come out and look at the house
and to hire him on as our Realtor.
Jason was out the next day.
He brought out cameras, did a whole photo shoot at the house, spend time making sure
things looked good, staging, and sure enough...we started getting offers almost immediately.
We had never dealt with such an easy real estate transaction as we did with Jason and his team.
And even since then, Jason has been somebody I consider a friend.
He has been a shining example.
of what a friend should be, of what a human should be, of what a professional should be.
Watching him is like watching an artist make a masterpiece.
He is very passionate about it, he loves it, and he loves the people.
Anytime somebody asks me for a recommendation for a Realtor, Jason's name is always the
first one off my lips.
Every single time.
Moon focuses on security, Ahn on technology in Wednesday campaign stops - Duration: 2:25.
Let's start our coverage of the May ninth presidential election with a look at what
the two frontrunners were up to on Wednesday.
Looking to highlight their respective strengths,... the favorite, Moon Jae-in of the Democratic
Party of Korea observed a live-fire drill,... while his closest rival, Ahn Cheol-soo,..
stopped by at a robot technology center.
Kim Hyun-bin reports.
Security took front and center for Democratic Party of Korea candidate Moon Jae-in on Wednesday...
as he kicked off the day highlighting the importance and underscoring that the HE has
what it takes to properly handle security issues surrounding the peninsula.
He said that the conservative view of security has gone down the wrong path.
"The gallery provides a glimpse into the level of Korea's robot technology today.
It's where IT mogul-turned-politician Ahn Cheol-soo has his eyes fixed as he pledges
to invest more in the nation's robotics industry.
Ahn believes this will lead Korea to better prepare for the fourth industrial revolution."
The IT mogul-turned-politician touted his credentials as an information technology scientist.
"I differ from the other candidates in that I am able to look beyond technology in preparing
for the fourth industrial revolution.
I have also taught about the content industry - contents are the backbone of technology.
What's even more fundamental is Arts and Humanities; More research in the Korean language.
That's what will set us apart; give us a competitve edge in the global market."
Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.
Mecool M8S Pro Amlogic S912 Octa Core Android 7.1 4K TV Box Review - Duration: 17:33.
When peppa pig is on - Duration: 0:33.
oh shoot
u know what i just realize?
god is on TV
(dramatic dubstep and running)
ok binge time
Black Holes: The Einstein Prophecy - Duration: 42:05.
20170426 074618 policja ksp wrd znieważa obywateli - Duration: 1:33.
Comment Avoir un Beau Teint Propre et Eclatant/ Produits pour Unifier le Teint - Duration: 8:06.
Jak zaktualizować debiana i pochodne systemy linux: - Duration: 0:23.
Greve geral do Dia 28/04/2017 e o Prefeito João Doria - Duration: 2:02.
Cotton Dipped Into Alcohol Wrap Up Umbilical Belt o - Duration: 2:22.
Ewangeliarz OP - 27 kwietnia 2017 - (J 3, 31-36) - Duration: 2:11.
I used to get stressed, and in general I was like the scared boy,
when someone raised a voice at me.
I know a lot of people,
who blench at the very sound of the raised voice.
We often conote anger with some kind of a blind fury,
with the desire to destroy us, with the desire to crush,
with some great uncertainty.
The wrath of God is something completely different.
The wrath of God is a louder saying:
"Why do you close yourself to my love?"
It is a louder call: "I'm stuck on you!"
"What are you doing? Get to know what you do when you turn away from this love!"
Jesus Christ is the only, most powerful Word of the Father.
There is no other.
God can't tell us how much he loves us and who we are to Him in more intense way
And what plans He has for us.
If we close ourselves to Jesus, and we begin to turn our noses up and to pick holes
and we do not open ourselves to His word, to the word of the Gospel,
then the only thing God can do is to shout louder:
"What are you doing when you turn away from my Son?!"
And this is the meaning of Jesus' words:
"Whoever does not welcome Me - says the Lord, causes the wrath of God.
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