Hi how are you guys doing.
It's Cinnamon Cooney your Art
Sherpa and I'm so excited to be
bringing another fun.
Anyone can paint project to you
We're not even going to use a
brush. We're going to use some
simple stuff that you have
around your house.
So get your sponge get your
Q-tips come back and meet me
this easel right now we're
going to paint a field of
poppies together.
So let's go over the materials.
You can have a very fun
successful time creating this
project at home.
I have a 9 by 12 canvas
board. It is pre just so it
doesn't need another thing to
be done to it you could do this
on canvas paper over
here for my no brush painting.
I have sea sponges.
These are just little sponges
that I can paint with.
There are a lot of fun you can
get them anywhere.
I have bundles of cotton
buds. These little cotton swabs
and I bundled them together in
different sizes small and big.
I have titanium whites you're
going to need white paint and
phthalo blues you're going to
need a blue paint.
I have had Cad red light
and naphthol red medium.
You can use naphthol
red light instead.
You just want a dark red and a
light red.
I have Cad yellow
Hansa yellow is a really good
exchange for this.
Just any yellow you have in
Halo green.
I have some baby wipes to clean
myself up.
And because it's kind of messy
I'm going to use a rubber glove
but that's not something that
you necessarily have to be
super concerned about it but it
does get all over your hands.
Let's get started on this great
Put your fabulous rubber glove
on if you're trying not to get
your hands dirty which
the sponge part of this is a
bit messy though sometimes
messy is fine.
Take your favorite sponge.
This when you can tell from all
the paint is my favorite.
Dip it in the water and squeeze
the extra water
I'm going to come to the white
paint right here.
Pull some out and then I'm
going to add some of my
blue paint to it.
You can see how I'm rolling my
sponge and I'm come right
over my canvas and this is the
most fun I'm going to make.
Little circular
in swirl motions
pushing back and forth
letting this be very uneven
because this does all the work
of painting the sky and for me
this time on the come to my
blue and get a little my
white see there that's how
it looks.
I'm going to just make sure
that my canvas is covered with
You have wool swirls and then I
might squiggle it down.
This is very fun and expressive
Feel like you can be very
playful with this.
Is definitely not artwork.
I'm coming at the bottom I'm
going back and forth
and I'll make some more little
interesting swirls here see how
it almost implies that there's
clouds to make that even more
I'm going to come get just my
white paint and I'm going to
Dab-Dab dab my sponge.
It's like this and I'm
going to just Dab-Dab them very
lightly I'm not pressing hard
maybe a little distant cloud
go back and forth if I wanted
stabbing doesn't take a lot
to imply a little bit of cloud
and come up here in the upper
left and softly press.
I like to rotate my sponge a
bit so that I get
an even patterns like clouds
like to make
and that helps me. But this is
all that takes to do this sky
be a little bit down here is
this some distant whiskey's
now when the swirl
my brush around the palette
come over and get some of
my fellow
green right here when to get my
fellow green in the swirl
it around
and then I'm going to come to
this lower part of the canvas
and just paint it back and
forth with the sponge.
It doesn't. You'll notice here
it doesn't have to be a perfect
And if you need to turn your
canvas over to get a good angle
on it like I do go ahead and
do that well
see I'm still getting paint on
So you just have to not make a
hill. But you could actually
have a heel. This is your
paintings. Have some fun with
this. Just straight across
there is the field that my
flowers are going to be in.
It's a good time to put your
brush on your brush your
spines to put your sponge in
water and let it soak.
You don't want the paint to dry
on it.
Now I'm going to pull off my
rubber glove
range and I'm going to grab my
biggest bunch of Q-tips
and pick the side where they're
flat together and I'm going to
swirl them around
in my green paint and I might
even grab a little yellow
into that mix and I'm
going to have a blast.
Just making Dabbs
so you can see why I didn't
have to worry too much
that field back there.
Then I wore yellow.
I like to change up.
The colors of the green and I
get by adding yellow or
blue and I'm just
pressing these down.
I'm just filling up the space
with little dots shapes that
kind of start to feel like
plants a bit got some dark
green right here Alex all
crazing here but I don't mean
just pressing it down.
Again if you need to flip it
to get a good edge
do we're going to
pull some more yellow.
Right here we've got the yellow
right here.
Remember you could be using
Hansack news and Elaine.
You can use lots of different
Using acrylic paint
you can use other things.
So you know realize you can
have fun with this.
Standing now.
Your very nice little field
that my happy happy poppys
are going to live in.
You just have to get this to
where your happy happy
where you're a happy happy
Flipping it back for a second
to look at it.
When I put my Q-tips to the
side and
I'm going to dry my painting
for the next part to
put my poppies in which is
literally the most fun.
You're gonna love doing this.
I'm going to come over and I'm
in a pick out a bundle of
I like to use the four
Q-tips bundled together for the
first collection of them.
You can also do one
of the fives if you want to.
That's perfectly fine as well.
So you know
at six there
any of these that you want to
do. I'm going to come over to
my nap. All right.
This is my darker red.
So whatever you are painting
let's just choose your darker
red and I'm going to load them
I like to also press my Q-tips
flat into this pallet paper
that's pallet paper and kind of
get that swirled around.
Go ahead and grab a little
white because these are distant
and just
start putting Blum's
in your background.
See you can go up into the
sky a little bit not
crazy up into the sky but a
little bit up into the sky.
You can get a little white some
of these can be
quite late and far away.
And you can bring them down a
little bit into the green
because sometimes you
know there's high poppys and
low poppys
offsets fund twirled the Q-tips
maybe make some different
shapes like the flowers are on
an angle.
This is a very impressionist
almost pointillist piece so
this is a lot of fun to do.
Now I'm going to grab for some
color variance and add some of
my had red light.
This is my lighter red.
You could be using naphtha all
readily right here.
You can't get Kaede red Liam
and I'm going to add a few of
these shapes
around to just
to make sure that my
field of poppies
feels full of happy
happy flowers.
Now I'm going to grab my bundle
of six
I'm going to come in here
into my red.
I'm going to flip my canvas
over so that I have better
angle on my press
and I'm going to come over and
grab some red.
I'm going to avoid this green
to get some red loaded
on there and make
a pretty big poppy right
I'm going to do that.
I'm going to press these
more into a circle.
If you need a little more red.
Get a little more red.
I think it's best.
They have a couple atones.
And maybe just a press
right. They're not
all the same size. This one's
going to be big. That's
slightly off the canvas.
So the ones up front are
Get some yellow on this one.
And the ones that are
far away are smaller
stepping these nine inch round
ones here and it's a nice big
different sizes.
I'm going to grab maybe some of
my dark red here.
big one.
Might blunder over another one
and I can
absolutely layer anywhere
I want you back into your
A couple off the canvas because
this field goes far into
the distance.
Cylinder which is quite
yellow isn't it.
and take some of this yellow
right here
and shoot that
when I'm going to get some dark
red which is right
And some shading
to some
of my Pompeys say
changing it up.
You're not all one color
look for any little areas you
feel like you want brighter
spots when you're happy
with that all you've got
to do and this is really fun
is get one of your bunches of
and you're going to take and
this is interesting.
Your blue
right. This is instead of using
black and you're light red
and that's going to make a
very dark color see that color
there. It's the light red and
the blue
and you're going to come in the
of your poppys
the big ones with this big
give them a nice dark puppie
Right here
when I have the big centers
I'll take one of my individual
Q-tips while
I'll come get just some of my
blue that has the red in it.
I'd like to tour light
make little dots in
the center of some of them.
Where am
just little dots.
For their happy little flower
It's a good time to turn around
and make sure that you're happy
with what you have you can make
with your Q-tip.
Now if you mean it will
get done there so just bouncing
that out.
You did it.
It's time to clean up.
Pat yourself on the back and
go. I did a painting and I
didn't even use a brush.
I hope you had a lot of fun
with this project.
I hope you share it with a lot
of people.
Tell me in the comments below
what you might like to see on
the channel and I want to see
you. These really really sad.
For more infomation >> EASY Poppies🌹 NO BRUSHES ACRYLIC Painting Sponge And Cotton Swabs BEGINNERS Acrylic Painting - Duration: 13:32.-------------------------------------------
TIPOS DE GAMERS - Duration: 6:09.
PROGRAMA HACIA LA LUZ - 29-04-2017 - Duration: 23:31.
LeBron James Reaction to Toronto Raptors' win over Bucks - Duration: 4:44.
we've also a step back Oh Canada Toronto Raptors coming
back our home and his native land I got
into what waiting hi Channing look we're
just waiting just waiting were you did
bigger or smaller that's me God kid you
know how to do it right you gotta do it
right kevin Love get your face out of here dude
we're work
Jenny what is that is that
lebron James using the hyperbolic time chamber who is in
the hyperbolic time chamber everybody wonders
how he does it could be sleep like a
freaking vampire in this thing geez such
a weirdo to be very afraid when this man
is sleeping in the bubble Oh wasn't that
big of a shine stop flexing your abs and
we're done
the real truth between the green tea and
a shot at Express over the necklace from
God we got so hot and then I scream and
then you lied and then I fell bet he
just gonna take his feet and people keep
asking man what do you do with all this
extra time off man
I'm telling we just stay ready man we
watch a lot of film so let's build lots
of films lots of film and people keep
asking man what do you do with all this
extra time off man I'll time we just
stay ready man we watch a lot of film so
much film lots of films lots of film
somewhere so yoga man
- crap - hisses hisses oh look at hey I
see look at little keep on there boy
I see out there doing a little cab this
mad guy the media mobile here which you
see what she's tipping on green key with
a shovel Express the shoppers breathless
disgusting actually really good
don't lie you're making it up kangaroo
but just now did you like your ugh
that's that ever best that ever but you
do look like a kangaroo on the world
Cass does pregame that she was about to
go ahead you ain't a brief home little
keV is ratchet ratchet compression is if
you did eight they have this right here
is not a sign of longevity
this is you are nice be rowdy
Un Elefante Se Balanceaba | Music For Children - Duration: 2:56.
Sierra de La Macarena Colombia - Caminos de guerra en paz Parte II. Más allá de Caño Cristales - Duration: 12:32.
Boris (Bendy and the ink machine) Clay Tutorial - Duration: 11:31.
We make a big ball with black clay
And a smaller one
Cover with clay two pieces of wire
Add one ball to each
Do the shoes this way
Join the shoes with the legs
Add legs to body
Make two arm straps
Make two white balls and crush them
Add three fingers
Add your thumb and fingers
Repeat procedure with other hand
Add a white ball on the arm and with a stick place the hand
Add three black strips to the gloves
Make a head ball
Make two peaks to create the ears and put them on the head
Make a circle and cut out the shape of a heart
Add two little balls on the sides
Make the snout and mark details
Make a hole in the bottom
Make the jaw and create a gap
Fill with black
Add your teeth
Put the jaw on the head
Bookmark details
Flatten two ovals and trim them
Add a little ball to the nose
Put a toothpick and add black clay
To put the head
Make 3 long drops for the tail
Add the arms
Put it on a stand and we're done!
Psalm 116 in English | Thanksgiving for being delivered from death - Duration: 2:19.
Hijos de María - Duration: 1:04.
Recomendaciones para el look adecuado para el prom escolar - Duration: 3:00.
28/4/17 09:12 (Mitre 216) - Duration: 4:58.
Mensaje para su noche. 28 Abril - Duration: 0:46.
El Coco ayuda a tonificar los músculos - Duration: 4:04.
Message pour votre nuit. 28 Avril - Duration: 0:41.
LazyTown S01E02 Defeeted 1080p HD With Original Pixel Voice - Duration: 24:37.
ZDF Heute Show 2017 TAKE ONE Nachrichten 28.04.2017 - Duration: 2:30.
BREAKING: Hawaii Official Drops Bombshell About Obama's "Birth Certificate" - Duration: 2:09.
The mainstream media has been covering for the Obama family for too long.
It is time for the truth.
Tim Adams, a former Hawaii election clerk, has sworn to the court that there is a birth
certificate showing that Obama was not born in either of the claimed Hawaii hospitals.
(via WND).
Patriots, this is not a surprise.
We all expected it, and even Donald Trump said it.
Obama is incapable of honesty.
He cannot help himself — he lied, and the mainstream media enabled him to deceive us.
The Left is calling for Trump's tax returns, but at least we know that Trump is an American
Can they say the same about Obama?
Obama's entire presidency should be voided, which would mean Obamacare is not the law
because it would not have been signed by a legitimate president.
We wouldn't even need to repeal Obamacare!
That would be a win for everybody.
The liberals and their media counterparts have spent so much time slandering Trump.
Where is the outrage about our former president? Patriots, we cannot simply forget the mistakes
of the Obama administration.
We cannot set that precedent.
We need to hold our politicians accountable.
Without accountability, there is no justice.
How is it that the mainstream media hasn't picked up this story?
It would be too embarrassing for them to admit they were wrong.
Every day, we see the mainstream media spinning lies.
It is sad, really.
The media is not our friend, patriots.
Anyone who refuses to speak the truth is not a friend to us.
Why didn't anyone investigate this further before we had to deal with eight years of
That's what I'd like to know!
What do you think about this startling admission?
Please Share this news and let us know what you think!
Living the Microcosm: Weekly Tarot, 5/1/17, Dixie Vogel, A Fool's Journey - Duration: 3:52.
Mayday! Mayday!
Incoming Tarot forecast!
This is Dixie from a fool's journey.
I am here to bring to you the tarot forecast, May 1st through 7th, 2017.
So, just gonna hop right in there.
And see what we get.
Starting off the week, uhhhh.
I want to say, I have a feeling of second guessing choices and decisions.
Like we're not, folks are not certain that they're making a good call.
I mean, there's an orientation that's very clearly towards the future.
But the emotional tenor of the choices that we're making or how we're seeing things play
out is a little uncomfortable.
Just going into the beginning of the week.
Moving in, I would advise you not to overdo the what-if scenarios.
Like well, what if this happens and then that happens and then what if this, you know, if
this happens and then that happens and...uh huh.
Huh uh.
That's not gonna help.
We've got the four of cups, reversed.
So don't go arrrgghh, well you know, this and then this and then this, duttutututu.
Because you know that's how it works out anyway.
It never is!
And don't make everything about, well what's the greater lesson.
Just look to lock in on what's important to you and let go of the DETAILS about how that
happens or if other people are gonna respect it or if it's gonna dit-tit-dit-ti-tuh.
Like if setting certain boundaries is very important to you, then set the boundaries
and stick to them.
If getting along is very important to you, then work to get along and let go of the stuff
that doesn't serve that purpose.
The thing is, focus on the goal, not on the means to get there.
If you do that, the week should go pretty well for you.
And for the take-home, for a take home, advice/overview, message...I have got the seven of pentacles
What I want to tell you is that not everything you see is going to have a natural progression
to what you, where you think it's going.
So this predicting the future, that everybody's doing like, "Oh my gosh.
We're on the road to disaster!"
Is not helping.
And it's not accurate!
More importantly.
So roll it back and keep your focus in the microcosm, not the macrocosm this week and
in terms of where you put your emotional energy and I expect it to go pretty well for you.
I hope that helps.
Let me know if it works out for you or if these forecasts are helpful because I need
to know whether or not I can keep doing them.
Take care, peace out from Dixie.
The Zen Goddess.
Think my hair could be bigger?
Because I think my hair could be bigger.
It was pretty big right after I fixed it.
And then, like, five minutes later, kind of went whoosh.
Hijos de María - Duration: 1:04.
"An Introduction" - OFFICIAL SONG 2017 (Jessie Paege) - Duration: 4:51.
i wrote this silly song
at 3am
to sum up my channel
hi my name is jessie
and my life
is a bit messy
i couldn't afford a production group
but hey
at least i admit I'm trash
Ariana Grande, Cashmere Cat - Quit (Lyrics) - Duration: 4:21.
Comment #arianasquad if you love Ariana Grande ;)
Ariana Grande Quit Lyrics
Cashmere Cat Quit Lyrics
quit lyrics
VAI ACORDANDO I PARÓDIA MC Zaac Part. MC Vigary- Vai Embrazando (KONDZILLA) - Duration: 2:18.
Most Anticipated May 2017 Book Releases - Duration: 11:36.
Hey guys! It's Trina and today I'm going
to talk to you guys about my most
anticipated book releases that come out
in May. I have been a lumping in my most
anticipated releases for each month
along with my TBR videos for every month
this year so far, but there are just so
many books that I'm really looking
forward to in May that I decided to do a
separate video because I know this is
going to be long. I'm going to start out
by talking about the sequels that I am
most anticipating that come out in May.
On May 2nd Always And Forever Lara Jean
by Jenny Han is coming out. This is
the third book in the To All The Boys
I've Loved Before series and this is
supposed to be the finale, but book 2 was also
supposed to be the finale and I'm pretty
sure book one was meant to be a
standalone originally, so this is a
series that has kept being expanded. This
one is own voices for a Korean American
main character and this is a
contemporary romance story about a girl
that wrote love letters to all the boys
she's ever had a crush on and in the
first book those letters accidentally
got mailed to all those boys and kind of
like revealed her crushes. So throughout
the series she has been exploring some
of these relationships and dealing with
the fallout of learning whether or not
these boys like her back. I really
enjoyed book 1 in the series and
then book 2 I didn't like it as much but
I really love the main character
Lara Jean. I think she's just refreshing
and so I am looking forward to finding
out what happens to her in book 3.
Also coming out on May 2nd is A Court Of
Wings And Ruin by Sarah J Maas. This is
the third and final book in the Court Of
Thorns And Roses trilogy. There are going
to be three more books set in this world,
they will be following different
characters so this one is technically
the finale of this story arc. This is a
new adult fantasy romance series and
book two really really resonated with me
because of the portrayal of someone who
had depression and was going through an
abusive relationship. It just really was
a mirror for some of the experiences
that I have had in my life and I really
appreciated it so I really want to see
how those themes continue in book 3
because I hope that the dealing with
those things does continue in book 3. And
I'm also excited to see like how Sarah J
Maas ends her series because we haven't
had a finale from her before. The last
sequel that I am anticipating comes out
on May 23rd and it is Lord Of Shadows by
Cassandra Clare, which is the second book in her
Dark Artifices series, which is her third
series in the Shadowhunters world... it's a
lot to keep up with! This is an urban
fantasy series about shadowhunters who
fight demons and like vampires and
werewolves and stuff, and all the different
alliances that they have made and I
think that this series is dealing a lot
with the fae that exist in that world. I
really enjoyed how Lady Midnight ended,
like that very end scene was like,
it just deals with a trope that I am a
sucker for so I am really excited for
Lord of Shadows. Now I want to talk
about the debuts coming out in May, so I
am really looking forward to Girl Out Of
Water by Laura Silverman, which comes out
on May 2nd. This is a contemporary
romance story about a girl who is
looking forward to spending her summer
like in a beach town doing all these
beachy things but in her summer plans
are ruined when her aunt gets into a car
accident and breaks both of her legs, and
she's a single mom and is having trouble
taking care of her kids by herself so
our main character has to move in with
her aunt to help out around the house
and she lives in this like really small
town so she felt like her summer plans
are ruined and she's just trying to
adjust. You may have heard about this
book before because when it was like
first announced the author started
getting a lot of one-star reviews from
like troll accounts on Goodreads and
because of that the book got a lot of
attention where people were trying to
dispute those reviews and get them taken
down. I did follow the author on Twitter
because of all of that and I know that
she talks very openly about disability.
I have heard from people who have read
early copies that there's a lot of
diversity in the cast. Also coming out on
May 2nd is Four Weeks, Five People by
Jennifer Yu. This one has own voices
representation of depression and
disordered eating. There's also a
character with OCD and there are
characters with other mental illnesses.
The premise of this book is that it is a
contemporary following five different
characters who meet in this like summer
program for kids that have mental
illnesses and I read an interview with
the author, she's only 20 years old and
she actually wrote this book while she
was in college to work through her own
mental illnesses because she felt like
she couldn't talk to any of her friends
or her family about it. I don't know if
I'll be getting to it right away but this
one definitely has piqued my curiosity.
Another debut coming out, also on May 2nd,
is Textrovert by Lindsey Summers. This one
is a contemporary romance and it's about
a girl and a guy that she hates. They
have very similar looking phones and
they accidentally grab the wrong phone
when they're leaving this party. By the
time that they realize they have each
other's phones by mistake,
he is already like on the road for a
week-long trip and can't return her
phone. And even though she really hates
him she agrees that she will pass on all
of his text messages for the week and he
does the same for her and throughout the
course of the week they really start to
get to know each other by reading the
messages other people have sent them. And this is a romance
so I'm guessing sparks are going to fly
from there. Next is The Love Interest by
Cale Dietrich, which comes out on May16th.
This one is a YA sci-fi story. It's
about these two boys who are in a spy
school and they're both assigned to this
one really famous girl, they need to like
win her affection, get close to her in
order to like do spy type things. I don't
really know how the spy stuff comes in
but they're trying to win her love and
they end up falling in love with each
other instead, and this is own voices
representation of a gay main character.
I've been hearing about this book in my
feeds for a long time because like when
it first got any attention people were
comparing it to like The Bachelorette
where you have guys come on to win the
love of the one girl but they end up
falling for each other instead. That's
what initially got my attention and
what really sold me on it though was
reading an interview with this author
and he said something about how he
wanted to challenge gender roles in the
book so that is something that I'm
really curious to see done and how he
would do that. Coming out on may 30th is
When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon
and this one is a contemporary
romance story about two Indian American
main characters and this is own voices.
These two characters meet at a like
summer program after highschool
graduation and both of their parents
want to set them up in an arranged
marriage and the female character, Dimple,
is like no, she doesn't want to be set up
with the Indian man of her mother's
dreams, but Rishi is like really into an
arranged marriage. He really believes in
tradition and he thinks that this takes
place for a reason. And it's one of my
most anticipated books on this entire
list, like I just really really want to
read this book. It sound really cute and
I think the cover of really gorgeous.
The last debut I want to talk about
also comes out on May 30th and it is
One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus.
This one is a mystery YA.
It's about five students who were
all sent to detention in school one day
and only four of them come out alive. The
fifth one is killed during that
detention because that character runs
like this gossip blog and he was
planning to expose secrets of all four
of those other people, so all four of
those other characters they all have
motives to have done it and you're
trying to figure out which one of them
really did it. I've heard mixed
reviews for this one so far but that
premise sounds really gripping to me.
Like, I wanna know who did it and what
these gossip things were that were
going to be revealed! Like, it just sounds
really interesting. It piqued my curiosity.
So now moving into the books
that aren't sequels and they aren't
debuts, so all of these authors have
previously published books and these
books are either the first in a new
series or they are a standalone.
On May 2nd is Windfall by Jennifer E Smith.
This one is a contemporary romance about
two best friends who the girl character
buys a lottery ticket for her male best
friend who she secretly has a crush on
and she gives him the lottery ticket for
his birthday and he ends up winning the
jackpot. So they're both dealing with how
this new money is going to affect their
friendship and even impact their lives
and the synopsis says that it teaches
them that you know it's not going to be
everything that you wish for. That it's
not just going to fix everything, having
money. Jennifer E. Smith is a young adult romance
writer and I've read three or four of her
books in the past and I feel like she
just has the most amazing premises and I
always feel kind of disappointed by
the end, like it didn't play out how I
wanted it to, but I will admit I am
really curious to see a book explore how
money affects your life. A book coming
out on May 4th, I've actually already
read an early copy of it, that is
The Seafarer's Kiss by Julia Ember and I
wanted to include it in this list because
it is releasing in May and I just want
to make you guys aware of it. This one is
own voices representation of a bisexual
main character and a female/female
romance and it is a Little Mermaid
retelling that is inspired by Norse
mythology. The main character is a
mermaid, she lives underwater and they
are forbidden to interact with humans at
all and her society expects her to mate
with the merboy that she's grown up
with. One day she finds a human girl on
land who is a survivor of a shipwreck
and she ends up falling for this human
girl instead. In my feed,
seeing a lot of people being really
excited about this one and I was too
because I love anything mermaids and The
Little Mermaid themed so I do think that
this one really excelled as a Little
Mermaid retelling, but I had some issues
with the relationship that was portrayed.
I just didn't think it was very healthy.
I have a review up if you want to see
more of my thoughts on this book but I
would definitely recommend this one if
you are looking for a Little Mermaid
retelling. Then there is Flame In The
Mist by Renee Ahdieh, which comes out on
May 16th and I believe this book is
going to be set in either Japan or a
Japan inspired fantasy world, and in it
the main character is female and she
ends up having to dress up like a boy in
order to infiltrate this group of spies
or bandits or something to get like
inside information. And some of the early
attention that this book was getting was
comparing it a lot to Mulan but
apparently Renee Ahdieh has said that
it is not a retelling of Mulan. Now, I
did read Renee Ahdieh's The Wrath And
The Dawn duology and I was not a fan
of it but I have ever since then been
looking forward to whatever she would
write next because like that story didn't
work for me but probably something
else that she writes will. On May 23rd In
A Perfect World by Trish Doller is
coming out and I actually just heard
about this book over on Aria's channel,
BookGeekMovieFreak. The main character
lives in the United States and her
mother gets a job in Egypt so they have
to uproot and move and she will be
spending her last year of high school in
Egypt so she's trying to just like
acclimate to this new culture. She meets
an Egyptian boy and the summary says
that she has with her white privilege
checked so I think that this is really
interesting sounding. And the way that
Aria talked about it was she compared it
to Anna And The French Kiss and I was like whoa
yeah, I can totally see that comparison.
Anna And The French Kiss was about
a girl who had to move to Paris to go to
school for her last year and she didn't
like it but then ended up really
loving the culture and making friends
there and this was does sound the same
only with Egypt. And then the last one on
this list is one that I'm most
anticipating. It comes out on May 30th
and it is I Believe In A Thing Called Love
by Maurene Goo. This one is a
contemporary romance and it is own
voices for a Korean American main
character. She's so smart, she's got her
life together, but she's never had a
relationship and she really wants to
have a boyfriend before she like
graduates high school so she turns to
Korean dramas to take notes from on her
love life and she tries to like implement that advice into her flirtation and
relationships and apparently her life
turns into one of these Korean dramas
soap opera type stories [laughs]. That just sounds
really really cute. Those are all of the
books coming out in May that I do want
to read. I'm going to get so behind. Thank
You May for ruining my TBR for the rest
of the year. If you guys know of any May
book releases that are coming out that
I've missed on my list please let me
know that down below and I would love to
hear which ones that you are most
anticipating. Are any of the ones that
were on my list also books that you're
really looking forward to? Thank you guys
so much for watching and I will see you
in the comments. Bye!
[music only]
How to draw a ROSE - Duration: 4:31.
How to draw a ROSE
TRUMP'S PI$$ED Paul Ryan Just Failed Trump in the Worst Way Imaginable - Duration: 1:55.
TRUMP'S PI$$ED Paul Ryan Just Failed Trump in the Worst Way Imaginable
Donald Trump has had a ton of patience with Paul Ryan since the very beginning.
Even when Paul tried to sabotage his campaign to help Ted Cruz, Trump stood by his party.
But a guy like President Trump can only tolerate so much failure…
Paul Ryan has FAILED to get a vote passed to repeal Obamacare in Trump's first 100
The really sad thing here is that Republicans control the House, the Senate, and the White
Ryan had one, simple job and he failed.
To make it even worse, they have a new bill low that many Republicans like but they won't
push it until AFTER the 100-day mark.
I think Laura Ingraham said it best when she went on Sean Hannity las night,
"This is another loss for Paul Ryan…I'm not gonna sugarcoat this.
This is an embarrassment that this couldn't get done."
If you are sick and tired of all the Losing Paul Ryan has been doing in the House while
Trump is busy winning Big League up in the White House, then let them know it.
I say we get this out everywhere and let them know it's time to "Replace Paul Ryan."
Koopa's Home - Duration: 1:38.
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Ways men test women. He said he would call? - Duration: 2:23.
hey guys it's Greta here ladies relationship
coach and today I am going to talk about
the most common and annoying way men test
women they are dating so for example
greta he told me he is gonna call me he even
confirmed the Date he's going to do that I
waited all day long and he didn't greta
how do I react to that without sounding
needy so why he did what he did is basically
to see how will you react if he doesn't
call you would you be one kind of girl
who is waiting for his phone call all
day and when he doesn't call get all upset
angry and sad about which would
show him how much you care and like him and
the same time it will show that you have
nothing better to do but wait for him to
call you all day which does not make you
a woman of high value so what do you do
when he does eventually call you nothing
you are completely normal like nothing
happened and then he does say
oh babe I'm so sorry I forgot to call you
last time you can say oh oh yeah don't
worry about it I was so busy I
completely forgot about it now with this
answer just get no reaction and no
security whatsoever
instead he will think what she is to busy
to care which will make you look as
a high value woman who put's herself
first who has life and who does
not need a man to make her happy
therefore it will make him chase you
more and pursue you more because the truth
is men like what they cannot have right so
thank you guys for watching if you like
this video please like and subscribe to
my youtube channel and I answer the
first question completely free just
email me your question to greta@ladiesrelationshipcoach.com
and I will
get back to all of you guys I have a
lovely day kisses from London
5 PLACES IN SRI LANKA | With Redtotoes - Duration: 6:16.
Big Sean – Bounce Back *CAT* PARODY - Duration: 2:40.
Last night took an snooze, but tonight I pounce back
Wake up every morning, by the night, I get wack
Knew that cat was real when I hit, it pounce back
Last night took an snooze, but tonight I pounce back
Cat, I see ya'll well, flashed a toy and pounced back
Chow down that meow mix, always gain an ounce back
If you a real cat, then you know how to pounce back
Don't own nobody, own nobody
Always on the leather couch, name ain't Bobby
Got the kitty kickin' with me cause we used to roam
Vibin' out more than my clone though
Leave me 'lone, me on my own though
Look, I bite that snitch first - off his head
My jumpin a G, it's kinetics
Ya heard I don't quit, I'm athletic
Ya backpack should be shredded
Took my drugs - don't deprive it - all the public doubting
I kept it G, yeah, I'mma shouting
Gray fur studded like the catamount lion
Everything I do is brightness
Petting on me is the right risk
Even if ya bloody entice us
I'm never on some switching sides frisk
You switch ears - it's the right gift
Walking out cause Ya frightened
Cat talk to me in silence
But I hear him meowing dead pan!
Last night took a snooze, but tonight I pounce back
Wake up every morning, by the night, I get wack
Knew that cat was real when I hit, it pounce back
Last night took a snooze, but tonight I pounce back
Cat, I see ya'll well, flashed a toy and pounced back
Chow down that meow mix, always gain an ounce back
If you a real cat, then you know how to pounce back
Last night took a snooze, but tonight I pounce back
Wake up every morning, by the night, I get wack
Knew that cat was real when I hit, it pounce back
Last night took a snooze, but tonight I pounce back
Cat, I see ya'll well, flashed a toy and pounced back
Chow down that meow mix, always gain an ounce back
If you a real cat, then you know how to pounce back
How to Earn Online | Trusted & Confirmed Solutions to Earn Online | Urdu Hindi 2017 - Duration: 3:06.
Do You How To Earn Online ?
I will guide you How To Earn Online
Obamacare is DOOMED Trump Just Managed to Make the Republicans do the Impossible…Thank God! - Duration: 2:26.
Obamacare is DOOMED Trump Just Managed to Make the Republicans do the Impossible…Thank
If there was one thing that went really wrong since Trump became President, it was Obamacare.
The Republicans failed Big League to repeal it.
Paul Ryan even called it the "Law of the Land."
President Trump caught wind of this and said, "Not so fast!"
He worked around the clock, and now he has done the impossible:
Trump got the Freedom Caucus to agree to the GOP's new repeal and replace plan for Obamacare.
The craziest part of this is that the media is totally ignoring this massive breakthrough.
I mean Republicans are finally inches away from beating the horrible health care plan.
That sounds like pretty big news to me.
Sadly, their "plan" is only a partial repeal of Obamacare.
It would essentially let each state decide if they want to take part in it.
It's a start, but still not a full repeal-replace deal.
Paul Ryan said,
"While the revised version still does not fully repeal Obamacare, we are prepared to
support it to keep our promise to the American people to lower health care costs.
We look forward to working with our Senate colleagues to improve the bill.
Our work will continue until we fully repeal Obamacare."
Well, Paul Ryan, it's not REALLY keeping the promise, but it's better than nothing.
Thank God Donald Trump didn't let the Republicans just roll over like a bunch of losers.
Hey, it's only been 3 months.
We have Trump in office for 4 more years.
I'm sure he will find a way to make it happen.
Send this to your friend and family so they know Trump is working hard for them.
EVERYONE Is Turning Their Head at Shocking Thing Trump Did In The Wee Hours Of The Night - Duration: 2:25.
EVERYONE Is Turning Their Head at Shocking Thing Trump Did In The Wee Hours Of The Night
If there was one thing that went really wrong since Trump became President, it was Obamacare.
The Republicans failed Big League to repeal it.
Paul Ryan even called it the "Law of the Land."
President Trump caught wind of this and said, "Not so fast!"
He worked around the clock, and now he has done the impossible:
Trump got the Freedom Caucus to agree to the GOP's new repeal and replace plan for Obamacare.
The craziest part of this is that the media is totally ignoring this massive breakthrough.
I mean Republicans are finally inches away from beating the horrible health care plan.
That sounds like pretty big news to me.
Sadly, their "plan" is only a partial repeal of Obamacare.
It would essentially let each state decide if they want to take part in it.
It's a start, but still not a full repeal-replace deal.
Paul Ryan said,
"While the revised version still does not fully repeal Obamacare, we are prepared to
support it to keep our promise to the American people to lower health care costs.
We look forward to working with our Senate colleagues to improve the bill.
Our work will continue until we fully repeal Obamacare."
Well, Paul Ryan, it's not REALLY keeping the promise, but it's better than nothing.
Thank God Donald Trump didn't let the Republicans just roll over like a bunch of losers.
Hey, it's only been 3 months.
We have Trump in office for 4 more years.
I'm sure he will find a way to make it happen.
Send this to your friend and family so they know Trump is working hard for them.
Xenoverse 2 - Requested match: Sū-Shinron&San-Shinron vs Goku&Vegeta SSJ4 - Duration: 2:07.
A server HACKED '0' - Duration: 6:43.
The Maze Runner | Opening Scene | (2014) Movie Clip 4K ULTRA HD - Duration: 1:26.
Go get him.
Day one, Greenie.
Rise and shine.
He looks like a slopper to me.
I could use some help in the kitchen.
Hey, we got a runner!
Take it all in.
Thomas Meets Teresa | The Maze Runner-(2014) Movie Clip 4K ULTRA HD - Duration: 2:38.
Chuck, what's going on?
Girls are awesome.
Leave me alone!
Watch your head!
Hey, throw one more of those things...
- Go away! - We come in peace!
- What happened? - Just duck!
I don't think she likes us very much.
- What do you want from me? - We just wanna talk.
I'm warning you!
Take cover, y'all! Take cover!
Hey, it's Thomas! It's Thomas!
I'm gonna come up, okay?
Just me.
I'm coming up.
Okay, just...
Easy, all right?
Where am I?
What is this place?
Why can't I remember anything?
This is all normal. Okay? We've all been through this.
Your name will come back to you in a couple of days.
- It's the one thing that... - Teresa.
What did you say?
My name.
It's Teresa.
Teresa, I'm Thomas.
But you already knew that, though, I guess, huh?
They said I kept saying your name in my sleep.
Who are you?
I don't know.
I can't remember.
None of us here can remember anything.
We all woke up here just like you did.
Hey, I promise...
I'm gonna take this.
What's going on up there?
Is she coming down?
Listen, you guys just give us a second, okay?
All right.
Come on.
Is this what all girls are like?
That girl is crazy.
Thomas vs. Gally Fight Scene | The Maze Runner-(2014) Movie Clip 4K ULTRA HD - Duration: 2:59.
And, besides, you gotta get chosen.
Chosen by who?
What do you say, Greenie?
Wanna see what you're made of?
Greenie! Greenie! Greenie!
Okay. All right.
The rules are simple, Greenie.
I try to push you out of the circle...
you try to last more than five seconds.
Take it easy on the Greenie.
Get up, boy.
Come on, Greenie. We're not done yet.
Stop calling me Greenie.
Stop calling you that?
What do you wanna be called? Shank?
What do you think, boys? Does he look like a Shank?
Come on!
You know what? I think I've settled on Shank.
There you go, Greenie!
Not bad for a Greenie, huh?
Thomas. Hey!
I remember my name. I'm Thomas!
Welcome home, Thomas.
Good job... Thomas.
What the hell was that?
That, my friend, was a Griever.
Don't worry, you're safe here with us.
Nothing gets through those walls.
All right, guys.
Let's tuck it in for the night. Come on.
It was a good night.
Good job, man.
How to add YouTube videos into Convertkit and MailChimp - Duration: 4:11.
what's on the screen right now is
MailChimp I used to use MailChimp so I
wanted to use MailChimp as an example
and then I'm also going to use my
current provider which is convertkit as
an example and when Vanessa did the
training she actually showed us using
Constant Contact
so for MailChimp mail chance actually is
sort of like for dummies they think it's
super super easy so when you go into the
backend of MailChimp what you're able to
do once you're bringing in all of the
blocks of content is that you have the
ability to drag over videos so you would
just click on here and you would put
that in the space of where it is that
you want this video to go then the next
thing that you would need to do is you
would need to find what is going to be
the video url so let's come here I have
one opened already on YouTube so I'm
just going to copy that and then go back
to MailChimp and then I'm going to paste
the URL in and what can MailChimp does
if they automatically put in the
thumbnail from YouTube not all the time
sometimes it might get a little quirky
and get a little wonky and not do that
but it will in this instance let's just
say for example this particular
thumbnail is not exactly what you wanted
you can always click here and replace it
with another one if that's what you
would prefer but the way that this would
look to the person that is going to
receive it and I'm going to do a quick
preview here is that it will look
exactly like this the person will be
able to click on it and it will then
send them to YouTube to see the video so
if you loo have MailChimp and you have
something like convertkit convertkit is
a little more complicated
it's not very simple straightforward
like the way that MailChimp is so for
I would have to type in my text do
whatever I wanted and then I would have
to come up here and say okay I want to
insert an image so then I would come
here it will open up a folder you didn't
see it because it was on my other
monitor I put in my still image there
but that's not all now it has just the
static image now I need to click on it
and go to edit and then here is where I
would then insert that same link from
YouTube I can title it whatever I want
to title it and then I would say yes I
want to open this in a new tab and then
I would click on say so once this is in
the email you can then click on this and
then it would open up the video on your
email service provider I can't speak for
MailChimp works similarly to the way
that Constant Contact does the way that
Vanessa has showed us so I can't speak
for anybody else
other than these three that I've done I
don't know how a weber or all the other
ones will work but if your service
provider either like MailChimp allows
you to insert or drag over Constant
Contact does this it allows you to drag
over your video space that you want to
put that content in and then you can put
in the link there then that's definitely
the way to go otherwise if you have
something like convertkit where you have
to put in a static image and then link
to that image that would be your other
option I hope you found this video blog
helpful and I'd love to hear how you're
using video for your business so please
leave a comment below
Villa Baggage de carona com o Brahma Sertanejo | #SRTNJ - Duration: 2:44.
NAMORADO AMERICANO ADIVINHANDO DITADOS BRASILEIROS (American Boyfriend Guessing Brazilian Sayings) - Duration: 10:01.
Muay Thai - intermediary - Duration: 3:48.
In today's video,
the second video of the sequence with professor Fabrício Alagoinhas,
let's have a sequence,
for the people who are a bit more advanced in Muay Thai, right!
It will have knee,
will get pushed, shifting the opponent,
followed by a kick, two kicks ... it's getting hotter here.
So let's go to the video to check out Fabrício Alagoinhas's lesson.
ok guys...
Today, a class for a little more advanced people in Muay Thai,
let's wear knee,
with opponent's shift, followed by two kicks, right ?!
I'm here again with Thiago.
So let's get on the hook,
with the back hand: crossed,
advance to give the knee,
* Remembering that the knee is a shorter stroke *
If I take that knee from a distance, I will not hit the opponent.
Then: hook, crossed,
I went to knee
right? , Climbs on the tip of the foot,
stretched foot, knees forward.
the hand lowers, while the other protects me by throwing it in front of my face.
Again: hook, crossed, forward ... knee,
* As I shortened to knee,
It may be that the opponent remains close to me. *
So if I want to kick, I'll push him, and I'll get the kick there.
Floor to the side, (this kick is at the discretion, can be medium or low)
and today we'll be seeing two shots in a row.
So when I push: one and ...
Why two consecutive shots?
* Not only to tire the classmate in training, class ... *
this kick is very effective,
because many times the first kick ends up being blocked.
so when the first kick is blocked,
I'm already going to go with another and hit my opponent, right ?!
Then repeating the sequence will be:
A hook, a crusader, I advanced ... knee, push, one ... two.
That's it guys,
I hope you enjoyed...
This sequence was incredible.
knee, push...
It's worth just a walk in the gym,
Pass on the guys ... share the video,
This is important, okay, knowledge is one of the few things in life that dividing, we have more.
Usually dividing things, we get less right? But not knowledge,
If I have knowledge and share with you,
Now not just me, but we have.
If you share, knowledge will only spread.
So do not be selfish, share with the people,
Leave your like, subscribe to the channel,
And that's it, guys, until next time.
Benedict Cumberbatch - Kurt Vonnegut Letter - Hay Festival (Legendado PT) - Duration: 6:24.
TIPOS DE GAMERS - Duration: 6:09.
Trabalhos Em Croche - Aprenda a Fazer Bijuterias De Crochê Com Soninha Lanini Passo a Passo - Duration: 1:27.
Pole dance fitness ganha cada vez mais adeptos em Teresina - Duration: 2:26.
Brincos De Croche - Como Fazer Colar De Croche - Artesanato Croche - Bijuterias De Croche - Duration: 3:37.
Básico 01 Aula 20 CURSO GRATUITO COM PDF PARA INSCRITOS - Duration: 2:42.
This video is going to be very quick
This is the basic course, class 20
And today we are going to talk about something that people ask me all the time
What is it?
What's the difference between ANY and SOME?
This video is going to be STRAIGHTFORWARD
oK, so let's start!
Teacher! Can you say that again?
Basically we use SOME in affirmative sentences
For example:
I have some friends
I have some money in my pocket
I always drink some vodka with toddynho in the morning
Ok, let's talk about ANY
That was not sexy
Can you try to say that again in a sexy way?
Of course I can say that in a sexy way!!!
Teacher! That was very sexy!
Basically we use ANY for negative sentences and questions
Do you have any friends?
Are there any apples on the table?
Is there any milk in the fridge?
No, there isn't any milk in the fridge...
No, I don't have any friends. :(
IT'S VERY SIMPLE! We use SOME for affirmative sentences and ANY for negative and questions
Yes, you're right! But sometimes we can use SOME in questions as well
Now I am confused!!!!!!
Can I use SOME for questions too?
Yes, but only when the questions are about:
When you're offering something you ask with SOME, for example:
Would you like some water?
Would you like some vodka?
When I'm offering something then I use SOME
Or when I'm asking for something, for example:
Can I have some water?
So you can use some in questions when you offer something or when it is a request
The class was really quick!
Thank you very much for watching. please download the PDF for this class
Share this channel with your friends
Thank you very much for watching and I'll see you later
Como Encontrar Uma Casa Na Árvore No Minecraft PE - Duration: 2:34.
EASY Poppies🌹 NO BRUSHES ACRYLIC Painting Sponge And Cotton Swabs BEGINNERS Acrylic Painting - Duration: 13:32.
Hi how are you guys doing.
It's Cinnamon Cooney your Art
Sherpa and I'm so excited to be
bringing another fun.
Anyone can paint project to you
We're not even going to use a
brush. We're going to use some
simple stuff that you have
around your house.
So get your sponge get your
Q-tips come back and meet me
this easel right now we're
going to paint a field of
poppies together.
So let's go over the materials.
You can have a very fun
successful time creating this
project at home.
I have a 9 by 12 canvas
board. It is pre just so it
doesn't need another thing to
be done to it you could do this
on canvas paper over
here for my no brush painting.
I have sea sponges.
These are just little sponges
that I can paint with.
There are a lot of fun you can
get them anywhere.
I have bundles of cotton
buds. These little cotton swabs
and I bundled them together in
different sizes small and big.
I have titanium whites you're
going to need white paint and
phthalo blues you're going to
need a blue paint.
I have had Cad red light
and naphthol red medium.
You can use naphthol
red light instead.
You just want a dark red and a
light red.
I have Cad yellow
Hansa yellow is a really good
exchange for this.
Just any yellow you have in
Halo green.
I have some baby wipes to clean
myself up.
And because it's kind of messy
I'm going to use a rubber glove
but that's not something that
you necessarily have to be
super concerned about it but it
does get all over your hands.
Let's get started on this great
Put your fabulous rubber glove
on if you're trying not to get
your hands dirty which
the sponge part of this is a
bit messy though sometimes
messy is fine.
Take your favorite sponge.
This when you can tell from all
the paint is my favorite.
Dip it in the water and squeeze
the extra water
I'm going to come to the white
paint right here.
Pull some out and then I'm
going to add some of my
blue paint to it.
You can see how I'm rolling my
sponge and I'm come right
over my canvas and this is the
most fun I'm going to make.
Little circular
in swirl motions
pushing back and forth
letting this be very uneven
because this does all the work
of painting the sky and for me
this time on the come to my
blue and get a little my
white see there that's how
it looks.
I'm going to just make sure
that my canvas is covered with
You have wool swirls and then I
might squiggle it down.
This is very fun and expressive
Feel like you can be very
playful with this.
Is definitely not artwork.
I'm coming at the bottom I'm
going back and forth
and I'll make some more little
interesting swirls here see how
it almost implies that there's
clouds to make that even more
I'm going to come get just my
white paint and I'm going to
Dab-Dab dab my sponge.
It's like this and I'm
going to just Dab-Dab them very
lightly I'm not pressing hard
maybe a little distant cloud
go back and forth if I wanted
stabbing doesn't take a lot
to imply a little bit of cloud
and come up here in the upper
left and softly press.
I like to rotate my sponge a
bit so that I get
an even patterns like clouds
like to make
and that helps me. But this is
all that takes to do this sky
be a little bit down here is
this some distant whiskey's
now when the swirl
my brush around the palette
come over and get some of
my fellow
green right here when to get my
fellow green in the swirl
it around
and then I'm going to come to
this lower part of the canvas
and just paint it back and
forth with the sponge.
It doesn't. You'll notice here
it doesn't have to be a perfect
And if you need to turn your
canvas over to get a good angle
on it like I do go ahead and
do that well
see I'm still getting paint on
So you just have to not make a
hill. But you could actually
have a heel. This is your
paintings. Have some fun with
this. Just straight across
there is the field that my
flowers are going to be in.
It's a good time to put your
brush on your brush your
spines to put your sponge in
water and let it soak.
You don't want the paint to dry
on it.
Now I'm going to pull off my
rubber glove
range and I'm going to grab my
biggest bunch of Q-tips
and pick the side where they're
flat together and I'm going to
swirl them around
in my green paint and I might
even grab a little yellow
into that mix and I'm
going to have a blast.
Just making Dabbs
so you can see why I didn't
have to worry too much
that field back there.
Then I wore yellow.
I like to change up.
The colors of the green and I
get by adding yellow or
blue and I'm just
pressing these down.
I'm just filling up the space
with little dots shapes that
kind of start to feel like
plants a bit got some dark
green right here Alex all
crazing here but I don't mean
just pressing it down.
Again if you need to flip it
to get a good edge
do we're going to
pull some more yellow.
Right here we've got the yellow
right here.
Remember you could be using
Hansack news and Elaine.
You can use lots of different
Using acrylic paint
you can use other things.
So you know realize you can
have fun with this.
Standing now.
Your very nice little field
that my happy happy poppys
are going to live in.
You just have to get this to
where your happy happy
where you're a happy happy
Flipping it back for a second
to look at it.
When I put my Q-tips to the
side and
I'm going to dry my painting
for the next part to
put my poppies in which is
literally the most fun.
You're gonna love doing this.
I'm going to come over and I'm
in a pick out a bundle of
I like to use the four
Q-tips bundled together for the
first collection of them.
You can also do one
of the fives if you want to.
That's perfectly fine as well.
So you know
at six there
any of these that you want to
do. I'm going to come over to
my nap. All right.
This is my darker red.
So whatever you are painting
let's just choose your darker
red and I'm going to load them
I like to also press my Q-tips
flat into this pallet paper
that's pallet paper and kind of
get that swirled around.
Go ahead and grab a little
white because these are distant
and just
start putting Blum's
in your background.
See you can go up into the
sky a little bit not
crazy up into the sky but a
little bit up into the sky.
You can get a little white some
of these can be
quite late and far away.
And you can bring them down a
little bit into the green
because sometimes you
know there's high poppys and
low poppys
offsets fund twirled the Q-tips
maybe make some different
shapes like the flowers are on
an angle.
This is a very impressionist
almost pointillist piece so
this is a lot of fun to do.
Now I'm going to grab for some
color variance and add some of
my had red light.
This is my lighter red.
You could be using naphtha all
readily right here.
You can't get Kaede red Liam
and I'm going to add a few of
these shapes
around to just
to make sure that my
field of poppies
feels full of happy
happy flowers.
Now I'm going to grab my bundle
of six
I'm going to come in here
into my red.
I'm going to flip my canvas
over so that I have better
angle on my press
and I'm going to come over and
grab some red.
I'm going to avoid this green
to get some red loaded
on there and make
a pretty big poppy right
I'm going to do that.
I'm going to press these
more into a circle.
If you need a little more red.
Get a little more red.
I think it's best.
They have a couple atones.
And maybe just a press
right. They're not
all the same size. This one's
going to be big. That's
slightly off the canvas.
So the ones up front are
Get some yellow on this one.
And the ones that are
far away are smaller
stepping these nine inch round
ones here and it's a nice big
different sizes.
I'm going to grab maybe some of
my dark red here.
big one.
Might blunder over another one
and I can
absolutely layer anywhere
I want you back into your
A couple off the canvas because
this field goes far into
the distance.
Cylinder which is quite
yellow isn't it.
and take some of this yellow
right here
and shoot that
when I'm going to get some dark
red which is right
And some shading
to some
of my Pompeys say
changing it up.
You're not all one color
look for any little areas you
feel like you want brighter
spots when you're happy
with that all you've got
to do and this is really fun
is get one of your bunches of
and you're going to take and
this is interesting.
Your blue
right. This is instead of using
black and you're light red
and that's going to make a
very dark color see that color
there. It's the light red and
the blue
and you're going to come in the
of your poppys
the big ones with this big
give them a nice dark puppie
Right here
when I have the big centers
I'll take one of my individual
Q-tips while
I'll come get just some of my
blue that has the red in it.
I'd like to tour light
make little dots in
the center of some of them.
Where am
just little dots.
For their happy little flower
It's a good time to turn around
and make sure that you're happy
with what you have you can make
with your Q-tip.
Now if you mean it will
get done there so just bouncing
that out.
You did it.
It's time to clean up.
Pat yourself on the back and
go. I did a painting and I
didn't even use a brush.
I hope you had a lot of fun
with this project.
I hope you share it with a lot
of people.
Tell me in the comments below
what you might like to see on
the channel and I want to see
you. These really really sad.
14 ideias de decoração com cavaletes ❤ Mariana Martins - Duration: 2:48.
BREAKING: Hawaii Official Drops Bombshell About Obama's "Birth Certificate" - Duration: 2:09.
The mainstream media has been covering for the Obama family for too long.
It is time for the truth.
Tim Adams, a former Hawaii election clerk, has sworn to the court that there is a birth
certificate showing that Obama was not born in either of the claimed Hawaii hospitals.
(via WND).
Patriots, this is not a surprise.
We all expected it, and even Donald Trump said it.
Obama is incapable of honesty.
He cannot help himself — he lied, and the mainstream media enabled him to deceive us.
The Left is calling for Trump's tax returns, but at least we know that Trump is an American
Can they say the same about Obama?
Obama's entire presidency should be voided, which would mean Obamacare is not the law
because it would not have been signed by a legitimate president.
We wouldn't even need to repeal Obamacare!
That would be a win for everybody.
The liberals and their media counterparts have spent so much time slandering Trump.
Where is the outrage about our former president? Patriots, we cannot simply forget the mistakes
of the Obama administration.
We cannot set that precedent.
We need to hold our politicians accountable.
Without accountability, there is no justice.
How is it that the mainstream media hasn't picked up this story?
It would be too embarrassing for them to admit they were wrong.
Every day, we see the mainstream media spinning lies.
It is sad, really.
The media is not our friend, patriots.
Anyone who refuses to speak the truth is not a friend to us.
Why didn't anyone investigate this further before we had to deal with eight years of
That's what I'd like to know!
What do you think about this startling admission?
Please Share this news and let us know what you think!
Boris (Bendy and the ink machine) Clay Tutorial - Duration: 11:31.
We make a big ball with black clay
And a smaller one
Cover with clay two pieces of wire
Add one ball to each
Do the shoes this way
Join the shoes with the legs
Add legs to body
Make two arm straps
Make two white balls and crush them
Add three fingers
Add your thumb and fingers
Repeat procedure with other hand
Add a white ball on the arm and with a stick place the hand
Add three black strips to the gloves
Make a head ball
Make two peaks to create the ears and put them on the head
Make a circle and cut out the shape of a heart
Add two little balls on the sides
Make the snout and mark details
Make a hole in the bottom
Make the jaw and create a gap
Fill with black
Add your teeth
Put the jaw on the head
Bookmark details
Flatten two ovals and trim them
Add a little ball to the nose
Put a toothpick and add black clay
To put the head
Make 3 long drops for the tail
Add the arms
Put it on a stand and we're done!
LeBron James Reaction to Toronto Raptors' win over Bucks - Duration: 4:44.
we've also a step back Oh Canada Toronto Raptors coming
back our home and his native land I got
into what waiting hi Channing look we're
just waiting just waiting were you did
bigger or smaller that's me God kid you
know how to do it right you gotta do it
right kevin Love get your face out of here dude
we're work
Jenny what is that is that
lebron James using the hyperbolic time chamber who is in
the hyperbolic time chamber everybody wonders
how he does it could be sleep like a
freaking vampire in this thing geez such
a weirdo to be very afraid when this man
is sleeping in the bubble Oh wasn't that
big of a shine stop flexing your abs and
we're done
the real truth between the green tea and
a shot at Express over the necklace from
God we got so hot and then I scream and
then you lied and then I fell bet he
just gonna take his feet and people keep
asking man what do you do with all this
extra time off man
I'm telling we just stay ready man we
watch a lot of film so let's build lots
of films lots of film and people keep
asking man what do you do with all this
extra time off man I'll time we just
stay ready man we watch a lot of film so
much film lots of films lots of film
somewhere so yoga man
- crap - hisses hisses oh look at hey I
see look at little keep on there boy
I see out there doing a little cab this
mad guy the media mobile here which you
see what she's tipping on green key with
a shovel Express the shoppers breathless
disgusting actually really good
don't lie you're making it up kangaroo
but just now did you like your ugh
that's that ever best that ever but you
do look like a kangaroo on the world
Cass does pregame that she was about to
go ahead you ain't a brief home little
keV is ratchet ratchet compression is if
you did eight they have this right here
is not a sign of longevity
this is you are nice be rowdy
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