♪ By the Light of the Silvery Moon Plays ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Place park, scene dark, silvery moon is shining through the trees;♪
♪Cast two, me, you, sound of kisses floating on the breeze. ♪
♪Act one, begun. Dialogue, "Where would you like to spoon?" ♪
♪ My cue, with you, underneath the silvery moon.♪
♪Chorus: By the light (By the light, of the moon) of the silvery moon (of the silvery moon), ♪
♪Chorus: I want to spoon (I want to spoon), to my honey I'll croon love's tune (love' tune),♪
♪Chorus: Honeymoon (honeymoon, honeymoon) keep a shining in June (June, in June),♪
♪Chorus: Your silvery beams will bring love dreams, we'll be cuddling soon (we'll cuddle soon),♪
♪Chorus: By the silvery moon (by the silvery moon). ♪
♪ ♪
♪Act two, scene new, roses blooming all around the place; ♪
♪Cast three, you, me, Preacher with a solemn looking face.♪
♪Choir sings, bell rings, Preacher: "You are wed for evermore." ♪
♪Act two, all through, every night the same encore.♪
♪Chorus: By the light (By the light, of the moon) of the silvery moon (of the silvery moon), ♪
♪Chorus: I want to spoon (I want to spoon), to my honey I'll croon love's tune (love' tune),♪
♪Chorus: Honeymoon (honeymoon, honeymoon) keep a shining in June (June, in June),♪
♪Chorus: Your silvery beams will bring love dreams, we'll be cuddling soon (we'll cuddle soon),♪
♪Chorus: By the silvery moon (by the silvery moon). ♪
♪ Place park, scene dark, silvery moon is shining through the trees;♪
♪Cast two, me, you, sound of kisses floating on the breeze. ♪
♪Act one, begun.♪ Music is cut off.
Hello, my name is Elyssia.
Welcome to my YouTube.
In this video, I am going to try to teach you
astronomy, wrong, astronomy vocabulary words.
I have a book with a list.
I forget easily.
21 signs. Okay. Ready?
Number 1. Astronomy, wrong, astronomy.
There's two ways to sign.
One, you can fingerspell.
Two, sometimes I see a sign.
Number 2. Outer space
Two ways to sign.
One, fingerspell.
Two, fingerspell and sign.
Number 3. Astronaut
Number 4. Rocketship
Number 5. Planet
Number 6. Star.
Number 7. Moon.
Number 8. Sun.
Number 9. Earth.
Number 10. Mercury .
You just fingerspell, there's no sign.
Number 11. Venus
You just fingerspell, no sign.
Number 12.
Uranus. Fingerspell, no sign.
(Dog collar noise)
Number 13. Pluto.
Fingerspell, no sign.
Poor planet.
(Phone tone)
Number 14. Jupiter.
Fingerspell, no sign.
Number 15. Neptune.
Fingerspell, no sign.
Number 17. Telescope.
Number 19. Galaxy.
My favorite, is next.
Number 20. Comet
My favorite.
Number 21. Universe.
Finished. Yay.
I'm sorry.
I'm bad. But, practice, practice, practice.
Okay, thank you, thank you for watching.
For more infomation >> Kitt Peak Vlog + Astronomy ASL Vocab! | ASL| CC| ENG DUB - Duration: 10:04.-------------------------------------------
Thanks for Listening - Mental Health - Duration: 5:14.
yo its Antonio and I had a therapy session yesterday
in which I discovered
things about myself it was a
big breakthrough but at the same time I had a
shock yesterday last night earlier this
morning still trying to find a way to I
know how to feel and think about this
how to cope around it I guess it's
nothing serious or anything like that
basically only hurting myself in the
process I just never knew it was a bad
thing or it could be too much of a good
thing in a way the best way I can
describe it without having a stigma or a
negative connotation added to it would
be that I I tend to sometimes have
hedonistic tendencies in which I break
social ethics rules and morals for my
own pleasure and that's unhealthy
I need- i started to realize it was a
problem but I didn't realize it or
didn't hit me until yesterday
and then everything clicked! everything from
the very first relationship all the way
to my latest one so it was shocking and
I started to get anxious feelings about
it because I was like "I'm a monster
stay away from me why would anybody you
like me this way?"
and it's not all bad but it's not all
good either and but knowing this I know
why I have always gotten hurt um my
doctor said that when I chase these
social relationships... they're at like
at a 20 or 30 mile per hour pace and I
am I started off that way too and then I
get to know this person and then I go
full 80 or 100 and that's when things go
down and I crash and burn or hit a wall
and I tend to go after big impenetrable
social walls that I can find and I tend
to enjoy that's where the unhealthy part
comes in to try to find a way around it
through it over it under it somehow get
past it
and you know that's good in like a
business setting or whatever but it's
not always healthy especially for me
because at the end I end up hurting
myself a lot and it takes a lot of
resources both mentally and physically
thanks to this breakthrough I I
basically understand that I've been
doing this my entire life so that's
what's been going on in my life and that
was just yesterday so I'm feeling a bit
you know overwhelmed underwhelmed I
don't sometimes I get start over think
and think of myself as a bad person I
I just need to self-care that's all I need to
be you know
kind to myself and like find ways to
cope around these feelings and thoughts
about this thing I'm scared of posting
this video because I feel that you might
judge me and might think very negative
of me for doing or liking and
wanting to do these rule-breaking things
that's a habit that's what it is
and starting to work on on being more
aware of my actions and behaviors and
thoughts and feelings or whatever so I
can not do it or at least kind of stop
myself doing it all until I break the
habit and turn it into a positive
healthy thing for myself and of course
others so that's what's going on
just remember to be kind to yourself and
others especially when you're going
through a mental health issue just
self-care find a way to be productive
try not to overr think about it I know
it's super hard but um my thing is this
I like talking to you and that helps me A LOT
so... thank you for listening
my name is Antonio, til next time
Inactivity? - Duration: 1:41.
Maybe you are saying...
Among other things...
But the answer is quite literally easy
What was my name xd?
Sincerely ... I forget to upload videos, I do not feel like or...
Besides, you know it's April... So I started classes, and all those shit.
Also I think I'm a bit out of the fandom of Yandere Simulator.
And I'm getting more into the Love Live fandom
If you know the anime you will know... Bla bla bladfsdf (?
But hey, I have a couple of videos prepared and all that...
But meanwhile
Just wait...
And you're probably wondering ¿Why the fuck am I talking like this?
I do not know either, I just like it :v
Bwt, I'm going to make some video
I already have three prepared
Although probably upload one or two xd
In a week ¿Or two?
I do not know yet I do not know I already told you.
Idk x3
Maybe it will not upload so many md`s
Mmd`s* Ahg...
But whatever
Apart, I have a social life
""""""SOCIAL LIFE""""""
But, yes, I have social life, like...
Be with my friends...
Draw... Or do it shit
-Remembering that I do not do shit, so I run out of examples :,v-
But well, you will see that I will be active again...
¡But until then...!
-Sigh- Goodbye
And now if you'll excuse me xd...
It Dwells In Me-All That Remains (Subtitulos Español) - Duration: 3:14.
shitpost | What do you call two niggers fucking? - Duration: 0:07.
Ay, Ay, D. (baller)
Go on. Waddup, man. (cameraman)
Let me ask y'all a question. (baller)
Waddup? (cameraman)
What do you call two niggers.. fuckin? (baller)
Fuckin' niggers. (baller)
Easter, the most, most holy festival in the Christian calendar. - Duration: 2:46.
Easter, the most, most holy festival in the Christian calendar.
So how is it that it makes far less noise than Christmas?
While there's hardly an American singer who hasn't released a Christmas album,
as for Easter…
I can only assume that the story of the birth of a holy baby
is far more attractive and easier to market
than a story of suffering, treachery and death.
At Easter we celebrate the resurrection of Yeshua the son of Mary and Joseph,
who is considered, according to Christian belief, to be the Messiah.
The same Messiah son of David from Zachariah's prophecy,
righteous and redeemed, poor and riding a donkey.
This festival signifies the essence of Christian belief
and the disagreement between the Jews who objected to his doctrine
and the Jews who followed Yeshua the Christian.
And the city of Nazareth,
for whom the Christians were called in Hebrew "Notzrim",
which is like calling followers of the Rabbi from Breslev "Breslevim."
The story takes place at the time of the Second Temple.
Yeshua the Christian is a Jewish rabbi with revolutionary opinions,
and no small troublemaker.
He didn't get on with the Sanhedrin (Jewish parliament) or with the Roman rulers,
so they sought a cunning way to catch him.
It's no coincidence the festival's Hebrew name "Pascha" is so similar to Pesach (Passover).
The Last Supper, the one everyone knows from Da Vinci's painting,
is in fact a Seder Night meal.
That same year, Seder Night falls on Thursday.
The previous day, Judas Iscariot, one of the 12 disciples, goes
to the heads of the Jewish priests
and promises to hand over Yeshua in return for money.
Before the festive evening, Yeshua sends two of his apostles
to prepare the Seder table in an inn on Mount Zion.
During this meal, like every believing Jew, he blesses the matzot (unleavened bread).
And from here derives the custom of the holy bread in the Christian mass.
Then he lifts the glass of wine, blesses and says:
All of you drink from it, because this is my blood,
the blood of the New Testament that was spilled for many, to pardon sins.
He also hints that he knows that one of his disciples is going to turn him in at daybreak.
How does he know?
Because he's God.
In the morning the head priests rush to hold consultations with the elders and scribes and all the Sanhendrin.
They tied up Yeshua, and led him to be delivered to Pilate,
who was then the Roman prefect in Judea.
He was convicted by him, and sentenced to death by crucifixion,
the accepted form of punishment at the time.
He carried the cross on his back to the peak of Golgotha Hill
via the street known as the "Way of suffering."
"Via Delarosa."
That evening was a Shabbat evening,
so they rushed to take Yeshua down from the cross and bury him,
because bodies should not be left and burials are not held on Shabbat.
At daybreak on Sunday, the women go to the grave and find it empty.
And God's angel tells them that Yeshua has been resurrected and ascended to heaven.
And this, this resurrection and redemption, is what is celebrated at Easter.
And that's why the accepted blessing for the festival is
"The Messiah has risen," and the reply to it is:
"Indeed, he has risen."
Happy holiday. The Messiah has risen!
Even another Steven Bomb Teaser Trailer & Release News - Duration: 2:41.
Thyroid hormones and their effect on the athlete's body - Duration: 3:18.
Topic of this issue us in the comments below
Alexander suggested video Leader, for which he had a special
Thank you.
Any decision at first view seemingly intractable
the problem is usually hidden inside us.
Even if it's a problem fat loss or a set of
This will tell you any endocrinologist.
Every athlete who He wants to get the most
return on their training must clearly understand what
processes occur in it the body and how it all
affect the overall result.
Today we talk about thyroid hormones
and how they affect our body in terms of
It must be understood that thyroid physically
It can not run normally mode without the presence of 150 micrograms
iodine per day.
Our body produces daily about 100 micrograms of thyroxine
and 20 micrograms of triiodothyronine.
These hormones, in doing blood flow, is closely linked
with transport proteins.
These proteins are a kind of shield that protects Activity
thyroid hormones allowing them to work on
the proper level.
The hormones produced thyroid, increase
activity of cellular enzymes increase consumption
oxygen and accelerate cell exchange is controlled permeability
cell membranes, and therefore, and tissue nutrition in general,
stimulate oxidative processes.
On the RNA level is adjusted protein synthesis, which directly
effect on muscle growth.
Thyroid hormones are responsible for the growth of the organism.
That is why when they lack at a young age can be observed
delays in growth and development, as well as development of various
somatic disorders, such as cretinism.
Regulate heart rate cuts directly affecting
such characteristics pressure as the stroke volume,
minute output and pulse pressure.
In practice, it affects the ability of our body
in varying degrees, to resist physical stress various
Adjust the degree of assimilation carbohydrates through the walls
intestine and their subsequent transition into glycogen, which is
fuel is stored directly to our muscles.
In addition, the thyroid hormones gland influence
Cholesterol Levels and the ability of the body
to fat loss, as well as calcium regulation, heat
and assimilation of some vitamins.
However, you need to understand, that an independent and uncontrolled
interference with endocrine system can
turn into global failure in the work of the whole organism
and bring a large number of problems.
Particular care must be taken people suffering from heart
disease and adrenal insufficiency.
Since this topic is extremely extensive, write in the comments,
if we do something not told within the scene.
If you like the video, then support us huskies
and share this video with friends.
This will greatly help the development of our channel.
On our site are gathered mengen.ru all editions and text
articles to them.
Not to miss the next Video - subscribe
to our feed and Public VKontakte, all references in the description to
And yes, one more thing.
If you still do not done, then click on the bell
near the subscribe button.
Put a tick "report me all the news of this
Channel "and click save.
So you will not miss our new release.
A RHYTHMIC EFFECT to enrich your gypsy jazz "pompe" - Learning Gypsy jazz - Duration: 6:44.
Hi, Clément here
so, in this video I will talk to you about rhythm in gypsy jazz
and I'll show you a small effect you'll be able to do on the "pompe"
to give some punch and energize your accompaniments
I wrote an article on the "pompe" on which I gave tips
to improve your "pompe"
you can click on the 'i' for info in the top right corner of the video
if you haven't seen this article
and in this article I told you there is one thing to not do to have a nice "pompe"
it's to do effects on the rhythm
because if we're accompanying a soloist
the goal of the accompaniement is to put the soloist in a good light
to make him feel at ease and highlight his improvisation
if the accompanist does many effects, rhythmic changes, tremolos
in the end it'll spoil the thing and the soloist won't be at ease
and it's something you must avoid to have a good "pompe"
In this video I'll try to present an effect that you can do in your "pompe"
a relatively sober effect
which will allow you to enrich your "pompe" without making it bad
so of course as I was saying in the article
those effects are really to be used with restraint
It's like cooking in fact if you're using chilli pepper
if you put just a little it gives a nice taste, it's nice
but put the all bag and it because inedible
so when you're using effects, think about kitchen spices
you have to give it just a little touch to enhance the thing a bit
don't put too much or it becomes bad
So, let me show you this rhythmic effect
so I will do it on Am, E7
So I play a Am6 and a regular E7
this position
so, here is how it can sound
So, here it's a bit exaggerated because I do it multiple times
it's the kind of effect you can do once a chord chart
and even not all chord chart or it can become a bit annoying
so in fact I do a rhythmic variation to revitalize the rhythm
so, the thing I do is
up and down
so here I go back up the strings
and very quickly a downstroke
I will do it once with a metronome so you can realize how to placed rhythm wise
I'll put it on 75bpm
here you go
so in fact you can think of it like
you have to find an onomatopoeia to remember the thing
a bit like a drumer that would go like
it's the bit the effect we try to have on the guitar
I will give you a bit of an example on the "Minor swing" chord chart
so here I did it twice in the chord chart and it's already a bit too much
what you need to absolutely avoid is to think "Awesome I learned a new effect I'll put it everywhere"
you'll do the very opposite of what you're supposed to do
as I said with spices, if you put it everywhere in the chord chart like the pepper it'll be inedible
and your "pompe" will be very bad if on "Minor swing" you do this
if you do that for example the soloist will stare at you
wondering what you're doing
so that's an effect that works if well placed rhythmically
but be careful to use it with parsimony
once maximum at the end eventually to begin the next chord chart
that way it give the soloist a hint to know where he is in the chord chart
but really don't use it too much because it can be a bit annoying
So it was a small exercise on how to enrich your "pompe"
I will make a small summary PDF on all of that
if you are on Youtube you can click in the description there is a link to the website
at the end of the page on the website you'll be able to download the PDF
if you have questions on all of that, ask them in the comments
think about giving a thumb-up under the video
and then that's it for today, see you soon for an upcoming video
Hey! Did you like the video?
So think about liking it, it's always appreciated
You can also subscribe to my Youtube channel by clicking on the big red button just below, there
and if you want to receive 3 free lessons on gypsy jazz guitar
with videos, PDF and many really amazing things
In the right corner, it's free
See you soon for an upcoming video
[Vietsub] [CC] [RWBY AMV] Bad Day - Duration: 4:06.
TOP những pha xử lý NGẪU HỨNG nhất trong bóng đá #3 ⚽Bóng đá hài hước vui nhộn - Duration: 10:04.
Atlantic Global Asset Management Questra Holdings Passive Income Ideas - Duration: 2:22.
Hey everybody Alan Solarsh here, the passive income guru.
If you would like to learn how to make 7% passive income per week, stick around.
So welcome back, ah this is my testimonial video on how much I am making in, ah Atlantic
Global Asset Management.
So for the week ending 28th of April 2017, I made a passive income of 5.74% as you can
see over here.
So I have a couple of packages that I have invested in, and ah for €2430 package I
made €102, for my €90 package I made €2.93.
This is 100% passive income, this has got nothing to do with referring anybody, nothing
to do with introducing anybody.
What I do is invest my money, I earn passive income, very simple.
The next steps that you need to take is to join in my team.
The link to join is below in the video, ah in the comment section.
I have also put the video, the link at the bottom of the video.
Join in the team.
I will ah.
Please whatsapp me once you have joined.
yo gonna get a ah an email welcoming you to ah the team.
In that email is the link to join the Whatsapp group.
Please join the whatsapp group, so I can mentor you and show you exactly how to go about making
between 5% and 7% passive income.
So I have never made less than 5%, ah the we go, 1 week we made 4.70% and the rest of
the weeks I have made between 5 & 6.7% per week, passive income.
Passive income is real.
Come and join me. and I will mentor you, and show you exactly how you too can also make
a passive income.
So like my video, subscribe to my channel.
I don't want you to miss any, ah, training videos.
And ah, come and join us and make passive income with me.
So have a fantastic week & have a have a fantastic passive income week.
Learn English-Weekly Tip 28 for Speakers of Indian Languages - sended or sent? (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:07.
Hello once again everybody, and welcome
back to 'One English Tip in One Minute for
Speakers of the Many Indian Languages'
where each week I talk about in some
detail one common English mistake made
by people from India...and this is video
number 28.
Nice going on working to improve
your English. If you've heard that
many times before then you know how this
I show you a slide, and on the slide
there are two sentences: One is the
correct way that a native English
speaker would say it, the other is the
wrong way that many people from India
say it. Your job is to decide which one
is correct.
Read the sentences, pause the video if
you have to and think about your answer,
and I will discuss that answer in the
slide that follows this slide.
If you got this wrong -- or you just
happened to guess correctly, and because
it's a 50-50 shot --
you're not alone. There's many people
from India who also...get...make this
mistake. That's why they're in these
videos. What you have to do is you
have to start to study and try to get it
right. To start you off on that
process I've given you three sentences
that you can study from. Memorize these
sentences, review them -- really drill them
into your brain -- and put into practice
what you've learned through speaking or
writing or both. You might make
mistakes -- you probably will make mistakes --
but after time you just get it...so
keep working at it.
Gluten Free Spring Rolls - Duration: 12:27.
Home Remedies For Cracked Heels - Duration: 0:59.
Home Remedies For Cracked Heels.
Vegetable Oil Cracked Heels Remedy.
2 teaspoons vegetable oil
How To Do
Wash your feet and dry them up completely using a clean towel.
Then apply a layer of vegetable oil on the cracked parts of your feet.
Wear a pair of thick socks and leave it on overnight.
Wash your feet in the morning.
How Often Should You Do This
Once every day before going to bed.
Honey For Cracked Heels
1 cup honey Warm water
How To Do
Mix one cup of honey to half a bucket of warm water.
Soak your feet for about 15-20 minutes.
Scrub off gently to obtain soft and supple feet.
How Often Should You Do This
You can do this on a regular basis to get rid of cracked heels quickly.
Thanks for watching the video for more videos subscribe the channel
Noticias Mexico: Se Desploma Coca Cola en México - Duration: 1:18.
Entrevista Chen Zhongua 2015 - Duration: 26:53.
Thyroid hormones and their effect on the athlete's body - Duration: 3:18.
Topic of this issue us in the comments below
Alexander suggested video Leader, for which he had a special
Thank you.
Any decision at first view seemingly intractable
the problem is usually hidden inside us.
Even if it's a problem fat loss or a set of
This will tell you any endocrinologist.
Every athlete who He wants to get the most
return on their training must clearly understand what
processes occur in it the body and how it all
affect the overall result.
Today we talk about thyroid hormones
and how they affect our body in terms of
It must be understood that thyroid physically
It can not run normally mode without the presence of 150 micrograms
iodine per day.
Our body produces daily about 100 micrograms of thyroxine
and 20 micrograms of triiodothyronine.
These hormones, in doing blood flow, is closely linked
with transport proteins.
These proteins are a kind of shield that protects Activity
thyroid hormones allowing them to work on
the proper level.
The hormones produced thyroid, increase
activity of cellular enzymes increase consumption
oxygen and accelerate cell exchange is controlled permeability
cell membranes, and therefore, and tissue nutrition in general,
stimulate oxidative processes.
On the RNA level is adjusted protein synthesis, which directly
effect on muscle growth.
Thyroid hormones are responsible for the growth of the organism.
That is why when they lack at a young age can be observed
delays in growth and development, as well as development of various
somatic disorders, such as cretinism.
Regulate heart rate cuts directly affecting
such characteristics pressure as the stroke volume,
minute output and pulse pressure.
In practice, it affects the ability of our body
in varying degrees, to resist physical stress various
Adjust the degree of assimilation carbohydrates through the walls
intestine and their subsequent transition into glycogen, which is
fuel is stored directly to our muscles.
In addition, the thyroid hormones gland influence
Cholesterol Levels and the ability of the body
to fat loss, as well as calcium regulation, heat
and assimilation of some vitamins.
However, you need to understand, that an independent and uncontrolled
interference with endocrine system can
turn into global failure in the work of the whole organism
and bring a large number of problems.
Particular care must be taken people suffering from heart
disease and adrenal insufficiency.
Since this topic is extremely extensive, write in the comments,
if we do something not told within the scene.
If you like the video, then support us huskies
and share this video with friends.
This will greatly help the development of our channel.
On our site are gathered mengen.ru all editions and text
articles to them.
Not to miss the next Video - subscribe
to our feed and Public VKontakte, all references in the description to
And yes, one more thing.
If you still do not done, then click on the bell
near the subscribe button.
Put a tick "report me all the news of this
Channel "and click save.
So you will not miss our new release.
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