Hey everyone this is Dr. Happiness, and today I will help Andres to solve his problem.
I received this consultation from Andres Jaramillo.
I am feeling stuck in life.
I feel that I do and do things but everything keeps being the same.
I don't see advances.
It seems as if I'm going to the same point.
Hi Andres, thanks for trusting me.
First of all, don't feel bad about your feelings, it is absolutely normal.
It is part of being human beings and today I will show you a tool that will keep you
focused, motivated and will use all of your energies to attract to your life the goals
that you are actually pursuing and it is called a map of dreams or a vision board.
Welcome to consultations with Dr. Happiness.
Dr. Happiness what is a map of dreams?
Thanks for asking.
A map of dreams or also known as a vision board is a visual representation of your goals,
and today I will do my own vision board.
So, you are going to learn step-by-step how to do it.
So let's go!
How do I begin?
For example, my personal areas of improvement are: Family, Health, Contribution to society
and Finances.
Create as many categories as you need.
Now that we have our categories or our areas, we need to create and define at least one
goal per area.
So, in my example.
Family, to express our love and to communicate between us.
Health, to have a fit body and to eat good food.
Contribution to society, I love volunteering and all my videos and books were created and
imagined to help others.
Finances, my purpose in this area is to have enough money so I can travel all over the
Now it's time for you to create your own goals.
Choose one picture per dream, you can use Google and also Magazines.
We already have all the pictures, so let's continue!
It is very important that you stick your map of dreams or vision board in your room or
in a place that you will see it every single day.
Well, our map of dreams or vision board is ready.
The power of this tool is to visualize it for 30 seconds each day.
You will stand up in front of it, and imagine how you will feel achieving each of your goals.
Use all of your senses as much as you can.
Sight Taste
Smell Touch
And hearing
>> Lady: Hey handsome, where are you going?
>> Assistant: Hey Dr. Happiness wake up!
Excuse me I was visualizing too much.
This technique has been used for very long time, and many people had proved its effectiveness.
I learned it a couple of years ago from the movie The Secret.
The question for this week is: Which dream would you like to achieve with
your map of dreams?
Answer it in the comments
If you want to receive my advice, let me know.
What are you struggling with?
You can be chosen for the next consultation.
Subscribe to the channel if you haven't already done it, and see you next Thursday.
Chao chao.
For more infomation >> How To Make A Vision Board: 5 Simple Steps! (DIY) - Duration: 5:24.-------------------------------------------
Kpop Charades ft. KSpazzing! - Duration: 15:21.
♪ Fire~
♪ Oh ee oh~
An operatic version of it.
I had to finish it.
Thank you Stevie.
Hey guys, it's KpopSteve here
and for a long time coming
- Who is, who is here?! - Who? Who?
- Who're you talking to? - Why? What? Where?
Finally, KSpazzing.
- KSPazzing, oh my god. - What is up guys?
UK Kpop YouTubers.
The O of the Gs
- if we're gonna say. - Oh please. - My boy.
The O of the OGs.
Oh we're doing something.
- We're doing stuff for you. - We're finally filming a video, done!
- That's it. See ya later. - Happy now? See ya.
We're finally, for a lot of people that wanted us to do like...
You both just came into the shot at the same time.
'Cause we're on the same, like, wavelength today.
♪ Oh ee oh~
Here to play some K-pop charades.
- Ooh fancy. - So what we're going to do is
we're all going to take turns standing up for a certain amount of time
and we're gonna have to either like, dance or act out.
You can't give away anything.
No sounds, no like, ♪ oO ee oh~.
None of them, none of them, too easy.
And we're going to have to try and guess them
and then whoever guesses them is going to feel happy with that situation.
This time we're going to be doing
the girl groups, the yeojas
- are going to be here. - Yeah man, the yeojas.
And then over on KSpazzing's channel
we're going to be doing the namjas.
The male - the male men, we're going to be doing.
So yeah
- I guess we better get started. - Yes we should.
We have no idea what we're going to do.
We don't know how it's going to turn out.
We're just going to do this for you guys, and then
pray to Jesus.
3, 2, 1, Go.
Three words.
First word.
- Me. - I, I.
I like you?
Second word.
- Dance. - I shake.
I squid.
Sounds like
- Stomach. - Belly.
- Jelly! - Jelly.
- Smelly, relly. - Baby.
My jelly baby.
Mu.. Meh..
I jelly myself.
In the.. in my private
In my private time, I jelly myself.
- Can I say the group? - Yeah say the group.
- AOA.. oh shit. - AOA!?
- M. - I jelly..
I jelly me.
I need to piss my pants.
- Oh my god you are so close. - Okay fuck it, what is it?
- I'M!, I'M.. - Jelly..
Lord mercy.
- Hold, I jelly hold, I jelly carry. - I'm jelly holding.
I'm jelly babe.
I'm jelly baby!
There you go! Boom!
You lot are, umm, at the M.
Oh my god. Okay.
That took 3 minutes and 25 fucking seconds.
- One word. - One word.
Oh, that's easy.
I can't remember the dance.. it's..
- Snake. - Snake.
You're a dirty snake, injection.
- Poison. - Bite.
Poison - Secret!
There you go, there you go, there you go!
Yeah boy.
One word.
Oh is that a dance?
Oh yeah! Soo-doo-soo!
I remember that.
That's what she says when she..
- Okay, arrow. - Heart.
- Loveheart. - Cupid!
by, wait wait, Cupid by Kara.
Oh My Girl!
Yes you got it!
- Okay one point, no.. one point each. - One point each 'cause we both got it.
- Four. - Four words.
-Where we started. - This one's a little bit hard, because.. okay.
First word.
- Drink. - Drink.
- Drunk. - Drunk.
- Drunk. - Alcohol.
- Soju.
- Somek.
Uh, Jack Daniels?
It's a spirit though?
I shouldn't have said that.
You've said like all these other alcohols, you ain't said that though
like come on, I'm going to give you a clue, think of my island.
- What?! - What?!
What is - what is Malibu?
What is Malibu?
- What's in Malibu? - Coconut!
The alcohol!
Fuck what's in Malibu, rum?
- Rum! - Rum!
Rum Rum Pum Pum by f(x)!
Oi! Oh my days, what a wait.
What is Malubu Raph?
- You tell me! - Malubu~
- Five words. - Five words.
- First word. - First word.
- Me. - Me, I, I'm!
- I'm? I. - No, I.
- Second word. - Second word.
- Like. - Give.
- I like.. - What a guess.
Yeah! I like you very much?
Two word.. two syllables.
Two words...fourth word is two words.
Fourth word is two syllables.
I like you too..
Round me.
- to hug, embrace. I like you to embrace.
- I like you to see. - Circle!
I like you to sing.
- Sounds like. - It sounds like
- Arm. - Hold.
- I like you to - Wrap!
Sounds like touch.
I like you to touch.
I like you to..
It sounds like touch..
Sounds like...I like you to touch.
I like you too much!
I Like You Too Much, that's the name of the song.
- The group, who's the group?
I Like You Too Much..
Three syllables.
- Gugudan. - No.
First syllable sounds like one.
So won, done, mon
- Hun. - Raise.
- Again with the baby! - Again with the dumb baby!
- What now? - Tum..
That looked like..
looked like a dick!
Exactly! Exactly!
Dick.. a boy!
Boys to men!
Boy with the penis.
That's what I was gonna say.
A boy with a dick.
- No, it's like.. - Babyman!
Dick! Thrust.
- Birth. - Birth!
Think about..
the fact.. I'm saying so many words right now.
- We're breaking so many rules. - It doesn't matter doesn't matter!
Think about, you have the fact that it's a boy
- Yeah yeah. - and everything like that.
But what is this boy to me?
Your son.
Okay. Son...a moo
- There it is! - Yeah!
There it is, there it is!
Oh my god, Jesu~s Christ. Okay.
- Yes! - So for that, Stevie won.
That was so hard.
You got all stuck, a boy with a penis
Yeah okay, but what is he to ME?
What is the boy with a penis to ME?
- It's my child! - I just love that you went..
- Three words. - Three words.
- First word. - First word.
- No. - No.
Second wor - No No No! APink.
- Yes! - Oh.. SHIT!
- Who did that first? - That was nice.
- Oh my god. - You know what?
- What the actual fudge.. - Did you see that?
- Three words again. - Three words.
No No No, APink!
One word. First word
First word.
- Gaming. - Game.
- Game? - Play.
Playing With Fire!
- Blackpink! - Blackpink!
I don't think you know how competitive I am, bitch.
I picked a different playlist as well, don't worry. I picked a different playlist.
Y'all don't know about me yeah.
When I play a game, I play to win, hoes!
I play to win!
I ain't calling you lot hoes.
- Two words. - Two words.
First word.
- Sleep. - Sleep.
- Dream. - Dream.
Dream again? Are you sure..
Second word.
Dream Girls.
- I didn't know about this one. - Oh yea~h!
Oh yea~h!
See? Girls.
I was like, what's coming from your chest?
- So I was like.. - ♪ We are~ Dream Girls~!
♪ Dream Girls!
What's - what's that accent?
- I don't know. - Dream Girls!
- Two words. - Two words.
- Second word. - Second word.
How did you say it...fucK!
Fuck girl.
You fuck..
You fuck girl?
You're so stupid.
You're questioning me, what I said, and you went
"Fuck.. you fuck girl?"
"Excuse me, you fuck girl?"
"Hey do you fuck girl? I fuck girl."
- Why is it fuck? - Girl. Girl. Booby fuck.
Booby fuck..
One word!
Tittyfuck, what the hell.
First word, first word.
- Hi. - Hi.
- Hi-fuck. - Hello.
- Hello. - Hello.
- Hello. - Hello goodbye.
- Hello.. - Why is this 'goodbye'?
"Fuck you", bye innit.
- Hello girl. - Hello breast.
- Hello.. - Hello..
- Hello. - Hello dick.
- Sounds like. - Sounds like.
- Scratch. - Scratch.
- Back. - Back.
Back scratch.
- Hello. - Hello
back? Hello crack.
- Hello.. - Hello, hello..
Hello Bitches!
- One word. - One word.
Gun, Shoot.
- The fuck song's that... - The song's called Bang?
Big Bang.
No, the song's just called Bang.
Who's the group, can you do the group?
How many words in the group? Two words.
Looked like you were about to go on a run like
- Second word. - Two words. Oh second word, sorry.
- Coma. - Breathe.
- Sounds like. - Sounds like.
Toilet, Loo.
- Mamma Moo, Bang - Mamma Moo - Poo..
- Shit? - Shit?
- Stool. - Chair, Pot.
Stool, sounds like stool.
- Ul? Pul? Lul? - Ul? Pul? Lul?
- Mul, Kul, Sul, Jul?
- Jul, Bul.
- Bul, Dul. - Kul a doo doo doo doo.
- Book. - Book, Write.
After School, Bang!
- One word. - One word.
f(x), f(x)!
Again, one point each.
That...Raph please.
You got both one point.
Could've just went, like a bowl of cereal?
No he went, *ksh*, milk!
First word.
- No, one word. - Oh one word, and the only word.
Okay go on.
- Smile. - Smile.
- Cheer up. - Teeth.
- Three syllables. - Three syllables.
- Okay. - Ch.. no.
- Second syllable. - Second syllable.
- Dick. Pee, pee, pee.. Happiness!
by Red Velvet.
Basically there..
Oh my god.
- Two words. - Two words, okay got it.
- First word. - First word.
- You. - You.
You Think!
Girls' Generation.
How did you even?
How can she stop?!?
Four four, this is the last one.
This is how we do, this is our decider.
Come on Raph!
Give me a good one.
- Two words. - Two words.
- Second word. - Second word.
- Nips. - Titties.
Oh wait, no.
- Sounds like. - Sounds like titties.
- Tits, Milk. - Milk.
- Breasts. - Breasts.
- Boob. - Boob.
- Sounds like milk. - Boob, sounds like boob.
Sounds like
- Sounds like boob. - Chest.
- Milk. - Gaseum.
Nipple, Chest.
- One. - The out..
- outline of boobs. - Pec!
You have two, Boob, Breast!
He has two Breasts, Tits.
Tits. He has one Boob.
- It's a singular boob. - What the fuck are you doing?
What, is there a name for when a boob's just one?
- A boob! - Yeah exactly.
First word.
Wig.. Spasm.
Your face right now.
I.. I don't know.
I don't know what you're doing.. Shake.
Shake It.
Shake It by Sistar!
- What the fuck is this Raph? - Wait, how many times did
How many times did we say Tit?
- I swear we said Tit like 20 times. - No you said Titties.
- Titties..oh, we didn't say.. - Oh my.. GUH!
- You kept saying titties. I said.. - I was like what the fuck.
Just the one!
- Just the one.. - Just the one.. is a TIT!
- That was more tiring than I thought... - I'm actually exhausted.
No, 'cause you would not get the 'I'M'
in I'm Jelly Baby.
Oh my days, that took for hours. It was like 3.5 minutes.
- You kept.. - I was like 'Yeah', but you were like
"I Jelly M, I'm, Um"
It's like
We were like
- Dick, babyman. - Babydick.
All the things that came from it.
It's my son!
In the comments, say who was the best, and the worst.
I think I was pretty good.
Mine were guessed pretty quickly apart from "Hello"
"Hello, you want to fuck girl?"
"Hello fuck girl."
If you haven't seen it already, go and check out the boy group version we're going to do.
Oh I'm, I'm scared.
It's gonna be on our channel.
Thanks for watching guys.
- Thank you! - Thanks guys!
Go subscribe to KSpazzing, thank them for being on my video.
Always support KPopSteve.
-KPopSteve right here, yes. - Our bredrin fam.
Heey, the UK Kpop YouTubers!
- London town! - Represent, London town!
- Gang Gang Gang Gang! - Gang Gang Gang Gang!
- Oh man, I just shouldn't say that. - I'm never doing that ever again.
I'm the same colour as this table, I shouldn't do that.
I'm the same colour.. Ow.
Raph, don't hurt yourself.
I'm the same colour as I don't know.
A coffee?
A coffee?
- With lots of cream. - Would you say an Americano?
I don't know.
No, some caramel macchiato!
Sabrina is a hot chocorate!
- Hey. - I'm hot chocolate, that's what I am.
Some extra, like, chocolate chip
- sprinkled on top. - And I'm just milk.
- Just the milk. - I'm just the milk. Semi skimmed.
But you need milk in the tea you know.
No a whole milk I would say.
No, the semi skimmed now come on, don't boost his ego.
- But it's alright, I like semi skimmed milk. - Okay..
- I like semi skimmed milk. - We have semi skimmed milk.
At least I'm not red. Yeah, I prefer green.
- Yeah you're not like, I was going to 1% listen yeah.
This video would be deleted.
It wouldn't- this video wouldn't go up.
- Just saying. - Just saying. So we just stay there.
- Semi skimmed, it's cool. - Semi skimmed, we're staying there.
Okay, and we'll see you in a bit.
- See you guys. - Bye~
Peace! Oh man that's funny.
Learn French with YouTube #1 - Joueur du Grenier - Duration: 2:17.
to learn French or any other foreign language
I think it's really important to get exposed to the language and to absorb it
with music, videos, movies, whatever
and for that I think YouTube is irreplaceable
because there are hours of videos
with or without subtitles
but it enables to absorb the language and to discover the culture
so if you don't speak French very well yet or if you can't understand very well yet
the best way to get started is to find channels with subtitles
that's why I want to start this mini-series to give you to show you channels
that the French watch, that are very popular on YouTube France
and to give you the opportunity to absorb the language, to discover the culture, and to learn French naturally
so the first channel I want to introduce well it's very good because it has subtitles
so it's perfect to get started
this channel is Joueur du Grenier
so Joueur du Grenier is a guy who tries video games with his unique comedy style
the title of his channel Joueur du Grenier
it implies that he's trying old video games from the attic
meaning video games we were playing 10, 20, 30 years ago
that aren't so popular nowadays
he created his YouTube account in 2009
and he now has more than 2M subscribers
so it's a very popular channel in France
most of his videos last more than 10-15 min
and on all his videos he has subtitles in French and in English
so it's perfect to get started, especially if you like video games
you'll hear informal language so language we use everyday
so you will discover vocabulary used with video games
the "attic player" speaks pretty fast so it's a good training
but it's not that fast compared to other youtubers
so if you want to learn French with Youtube it's a good channel to begin with
moreover he pronounces his words and sentences clearly
so to distinguish different words and new vocabulary it's not too complicated
plus with YouTube you can slow down the videos if it's too fast
so is this channel for everyone? of course, no
Personally, I don't watch it, because I'm not a great fan of video games
but for everyone who likes playing video games
or who are interested or who played before
you'll find something you like
so good viewing and see you next time!
3 Home Made Invents you can Make - Duration: 7:27.
How To Make A Vision Board: 5 Simple Steps! (DIY) - Duration: 5:24.
Hey everyone this is Dr. Happiness, and today I will help Andres to solve his problem.
I received this consultation from Andres Jaramillo.
I am feeling stuck in life.
I feel that I do and do things but everything keeps being the same.
I don't see advances.
It seems as if I'm going to the same point.
Hi Andres, thanks for trusting me.
First of all, don't feel bad about your feelings, it is absolutely normal.
It is part of being human beings and today I will show you a tool that will keep you
focused, motivated and will use all of your energies to attract to your life the goals
that you are actually pursuing and it is called a map of dreams or a vision board.
Welcome to consultations with Dr. Happiness.
Dr. Happiness what is a map of dreams?
Thanks for asking.
A map of dreams or also known as a vision board is a visual representation of your goals,
and today I will do my own vision board.
So, you are going to learn step-by-step how to do it.
So let's go!
How do I begin?
For example, my personal areas of improvement are: Family, Health, Contribution to society
and Finances.
Create as many categories as you need.
Now that we have our categories or our areas, we need to create and define at least one
goal per area.
So, in my example.
Family, to express our love and to communicate between us.
Health, to have a fit body and to eat good food.
Contribution to society, I love volunteering and all my videos and books were created and
imagined to help others.
Finances, my purpose in this area is to have enough money so I can travel all over the
Now it's time for you to create your own goals.
Choose one picture per dream, you can use Google and also Magazines.
We already have all the pictures, so let's continue!
It is very important that you stick your map of dreams or vision board in your room or
in a place that you will see it every single day.
Well, our map of dreams or vision board is ready.
The power of this tool is to visualize it for 30 seconds each day.
You will stand up in front of it, and imagine how you will feel achieving each of your goals.
Use all of your senses as much as you can.
Sight Taste
Smell Touch
And hearing
>> Lady: Hey handsome, where are you going?
>> Assistant: Hey Dr. Happiness wake up!
Excuse me I was visualizing too much.
This technique has been used for very long time, and many people had proved its effectiveness.
I learned it a couple of years ago from the movie The Secret.
The question for this week is: Which dream would you like to achieve with
your map of dreams?
Answer it in the comments
If you want to receive my advice, let me know.
What are you struggling with?
You can be chosen for the next consultation.
Subscribe to the channel if you haven't already done it, and see you next Thursday.
Chao chao.
My Teaching Philosophy - Duration: 1:14.
The purpose of education is not only to educate students on pure knowledge, but also to educate
them on the ways of the world, and the social aspects needed in life.
While intellectuality is important for children to obtain, I personally find the social aspects
they obtain in school to be the number one priority.
The role of a teacher is to provide students with a safe learning environment that will
encourage them to excel.
Personally, I believe the classroom should be student-centered.
Students should be learning things on their own with the assistance of the teacher.
For example, if a teacher were to give students a variety of supplies to make something, the
teacher would observe them and they would work independently.
If they happened to need assistance, the teacher would be there to assist them in their work.
All the students could have different results in their work but they would all be acceptable
creations for the sake of their learning.
Constructivism is also something I would try to use in my classroom.
This is a theory of knowledge, which argues that humans generate knowledge through interactions.
While constructivism is important in the classroom, it is more of a way of being rather than an
This begins with the teacher's knowledge of when to move in and out of the learning
process, which is an important quality to have in a classroom.
It is important to realize that learners are active in constructing their own knowledge
using this view of learning.
And that is my teaching philosophy.
How to STOP Negative Thoughts Impacting On Your Life - Duration: 4:25.
Nekretnine Magnat Beograd VRAČAR PRAVNI FAKULTET 68m2 - Duration: 0:59.
Best Music Mix 2017 Party EDM Remix Club Charts Electro House - Duration: 1:02:03.
1 subscribe = 1 cookie :)
Xbox Scorpio NON ha ESCLUSIVE! - intervista a Phil Spencer - Duration: 1:54.
Nursery Rhymes Collection | Non-Stop Children Songs By ORIGAMI FOR KIDS TV - Duration: 1:34.
No Country Club for Young Men - Duration: 20:13.
3 Home Made Invents you can Make - Duration: 7:27.
CRIEI A LIGA DO CANAL!!! - Duration: 5:54.
How To Make A Vision Board: 5 Simple Steps! (DIY) - Duration: 5:24.
Hey everyone this is Dr. Happiness, and today I will help Andres to solve his problem.
I received this consultation from Andres Jaramillo.
I am feeling stuck in life.
I feel that I do and do things but everything keeps being the same.
I don't see advances.
It seems as if I'm going to the same point.
Hi Andres, thanks for trusting me.
First of all, don't feel bad about your feelings, it is absolutely normal.
It is part of being human beings and today I will show you a tool that will keep you
focused, motivated and will use all of your energies to attract to your life the goals
that you are actually pursuing and it is called a map of dreams or a vision board.
Welcome to consultations with Dr. Happiness.
Dr. Happiness what is a map of dreams?
Thanks for asking.
A map of dreams or also known as a vision board is a visual representation of your goals,
and today I will do my own vision board.
So, you are going to learn step-by-step how to do it.
So let's go!
How do I begin?
For example, my personal areas of improvement are: Family, Health, Contribution to society
and Finances.
Create as many categories as you need.
Now that we have our categories or our areas, we need to create and define at least one
goal per area.
So, in my example.
Family, to express our love and to communicate between us.
Health, to have a fit body and to eat good food.
Contribution to society, I love volunteering and all my videos and books were created and
imagined to help others.
Finances, my purpose in this area is to have enough money so I can travel all over the
Now it's time for you to create your own goals.
Choose one picture per dream, you can use Google and also Magazines.
We already have all the pictures, so let's continue!
It is very important that you stick your map of dreams or vision board in your room or
in a place that you will see it every single day.
Well, our map of dreams or vision board is ready.
The power of this tool is to visualize it for 30 seconds each day.
You will stand up in front of it, and imagine how you will feel achieving each of your goals.
Use all of your senses as much as you can.
Sight Taste
Smell Touch
And hearing
>> Lady: Hey handsome, where are you going?
>> Assistant: Hey Dr. Happiness wake up!
Excuse me I was visualizing too much.
This technique has been used for very long time, and many people had proved its effectiveness.
I learned it a couple of years ago from the movie The Secret.
The question for this week is: Which dream would you like to achieve with
your map of dreams?
Answer it in the comments
If you want to receive my advice, let me know.
What are you struggling with?
You can be chosen for the next consultation.
Subscribe to the channel if you haven't already done it, and see you next Thursday.
Chao chao.
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