Well here we go again, I'm changing the channel.
I thought about this long and hard
and "Disabled y Latinx" is gunna go on a little hiatus.
I've been burnt on topics to discuss.
So I wanna take some time and write for this series and
have it back better than ever.
If you have any topics you'd like me to discuss
on "Disabled y Latinx" let me know in the comments below,
tweet me or write them on my public Facebook page.
I'm always looking for some great topics.
In the meantime, #SpinaBifida is still going to be on Mondays.
And now I'll be uploading creative videos or vlogs
Some day between Thursday and Friday.
So overall you'll get two videos a week.
I had fun for the first round of "Disabled y Latinx"
and I'm really excited to sit down and write
and bring it back to be better than it's ever been.
But until then, stick around.
I have some great stuff coming to my channel.
And I'll see all of you next time. Bye!
(folk music)
For more infomation >> Going on a Hiatus | Disabled y Latinx - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
La piloto | Óscar y Zulima creen que Yolanda está muerta - Duration: 1:23.
¡Demián Bichir y Eva Mendes llegan a Un Nuevo Día! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 8:18.
La piloto | John sueña con Yolanda y presiente que está viva - Duration: 1:20.
La Reina de la Canción | Entre lágrimas, Flor y Stephanie salieron de la Casa Reina - Duration: 2:00.
Recetas de cocina: Pasta en Salsa de Mantequilla y Queso | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:03.
El horóscopo de hoy, 28 de abril de 2017, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:17.
Música y Lenguaje. TEA/ Music and language.Music therapy and ADS / Carmen Alperte - Duration: 15:02.
Malek & Malek y la Comunidad Hispana de Ohio - Duration: 0:54.
Te mostramos los mejores vestidos de los Billboard 2017 | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:24.
¡CNCO el grupo juvenil que revolucionó la música! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:54.
Vin Diesel vuelve a sorprender a todos en los Billboard | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 0:58.
Las Noticias de la mañana, viernes 28 de abril de 2017 | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:00.
Pastel de Rosas! Como hacer y decorar un pastel de rosas con crema de mantequilla o Betún - Duration: 5:22.
JLo habló en exclusiva sobre su relación con A-Rod | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:23.
Te mostramos los peores vestidos de los Billboard 2017 | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:28.
¡Marc Anthony buscó a JLo durante toda la noche! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:12.
¡Los chicos de CNCO responden preguntas de los fans! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:34.
¡Te mostramos lo mejor de la noche de los Billboard 2017! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:09.
Nicky Jam reveló lo que nadie sabía sobre "Despacito" | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:00.
The Caucasus: Mountains Full of Languages - Duration: 8:57.
That word comes to us from a rugged land where Europe smacks into Asia, sandwiched between
countries that grab headlines: Russia, Iran, Turkey.
But here's a headline for you: this little area is one of the world's great linguistic
hot zones, a place where the mountains are full of languages.
Welcome to the Caucasus.
Georgia... is a US state that's about 300 miles tall, with a population over 10 million.
Most everyone here speaks one language: English.
A turn of the globe away, straddling the Southeast of Europe is a country we call Turkey.
And east of Turkey there's another Georgia.
Watch what happens when I take Georgia and put it over Georgia.
There's more Georgia left.
It leaks into Russia and over into Azerbaijan.
It even covers part of Armenia and Turkey.
All these borders between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea, but these are nothing compared
to the number of languages here.
As the Kurdish saying goes, "We have no friends but the mountains."
I don't know Kurdish or the more than 50 languages of the Caucasus, but Kurdish IS a distant
relative of the words I'm speaking right now.
It's in the Iranian branch of our Indo-European family, which is something it shares with
Scythian's last descendant, Ossetian.
You can hear echoes of familiar words like the word for door: "derî", "duar".
In Armenia, a door sounds similar: դուռ (dur).
But Armenian is a separate Indo-European branch.
Their unique alphabet was created by this gentleman scholar, Mr Mashtots, making Armenian
one of the rare languages in the region with its own old writings.
Some Armenians claim Mashtots also taught the Georgians how to write, but
but Georgians beg to differ.
Armenian splits another language down the middle in this disputed turf, where the name
you give it and whether you call the fighting in the 90s liberation or occupation,
is tense stuff.
This other language belongs to the country with the world's lowest capital, nearly 100
feet (30 meters) below sea level.
Azerbaijani, after all that Indo-European, looks strange.
Unless you know Turkish.
The Turkic family has multiple branches all over the Caucasus.
It builds long words with glued-on endings where the vowels harmonize.
A lot like Hungarian, remember?
Things aren't so Turkic up here in Europe's only Buddhist region.
This is Kalmykia, a Russian republic settled by Oirats, who speak a relative of Mongolian.
So there's Mongolic here.
There's Hellenic here, Caucasus Greek.
There's Semitic, Assyrian Neo-Aramaic.
But there was one obvious blob we ignored.
C'mon, who brings the big guns into this area?
Ahem, metaphorically speaking of course.
Russian, in the Slavic branch of Indo-European:
дверь (dver').
A couple years ago, Russia held the Winter Olympics in the city of Sochi.
Drama ensued.
What attracted a lot of press was the exorbitant cost, but there's another controversy you
may have missed.
Ethnic Circassians have long considered Sochi their land, taken in the 1800s when the Russian
Empire vowed to conquer the Caucasus and pacify, or expel, every indigenous group.
One of the men in that army was Leo Tolstoy.
This is where he tasted war and started writing.
The last speaker of Sochi's Ubykh language died in Turkey in 1992.
With him perished the largest consonant inventory outside of Africa – over three times as
many as English!
And just to be extreme, only two basic vowels: a and ə.
This is the kind of special stuff that keeps language nerds infatuated with indigenous
Caucasian languages.
Indigenous... means something special here.
See, for linguists, there are "languages of the Caucasus" and then "Caucasian languages",
these smaller families born in and limited to the Caucasus.
Few vowels.
Many consonants.
Including throaty sounds: q͡χa, ʡa, ħa.
English has one such sound.
Arabic, several.
No competition for these Caucasian tongues!
Oh, and they probably had even more in the past.
But the real Caucasian hot topic came from one example in an old grammar of Tsova-Tush.
There was an intransitive verb with a subject that could resemble an object: I fell (and
it was my fault, like on purpose) vs fell me (on accident).
It sounds simple, but the implications were huge.
This example fell into the right hands and the concept of "ergativity" became a linguistic
In 1770, a German naturalist set out on an expedition to the Caucasus.
Trekking with a royal Kabardian and Georgian entourage, he took notes and divided Caucasian
languages into four families, each one with its own proto-language.
And he did this over a decade before a well-known speech by Sir William Jones that drew attention
to classifying Indo-European.
Later there did come a one-family-fits-all push to bundle them into Ibero-Caucasian.
The idea ultimately failed to win converts.
Today we count three families: Northwest, Northeast, South.
The south, Kartvelian, includes Georgian, an indigenous language
with its own ancient literature.
And the reason why Joseph Stalin, a native Georgian, had odd accent patterns in his speeches.
Tsova-tush, though, that's in Northeast Caucasian, a family native to the border republics of
Dagestan and Chechnya.
Chechen has an oddly large number of vowels for a Caucasian language.
This line marks a republic where they speak a Georgian dialect.
They're on good terms.
But not so these dots, where they broke away in 1992 with 13 months of ethnic strife.
The local Abkhaz is part of Northwest Caucasian, the family of Circassian
and your old consonant-full friend, Ubykh.
This family has been blamed for making Caucasian hard to classify.
See, they have roots with one measly consonant, and they do something called "head-marking".
As a result, they can lose resemblances more quickly, making it harder to compare them
and find siblings.
Caucasian isn't one family.
Is it one area though?
Perhaps the languages coexisted long enough to pick up each other's habits.
It's not out of the question; we saw how it happened in Mesoamerica.
It's still debated if this even fits for the Caucasus.
So maybe not a language area, but definitely an area with lots of languages.
And you've still got to be wondering, why?
Why so many?
Johanna Nichols tells us the answer may not be on these speakers' lips
but under their feet.
Geography gives some families spread zones, easy terrain for expanding.
Other terrains are residual zones, holding languages in place.
Which zone is responsible here?
I hope you said... both!
Languages from the lowlands flow into the area, then the mountains keep them.
So the three Caucasian families survived in place and didn't spread beyond.
Over time, others passed through and got stuck, and the diversity grew.
We end up with this map, a map of more than 50 languages across seven families,
each splash of color with its own stories to tell.
Stick around and subscribe for language.
MY Tycoon in Roblox? - Duration: 6:27.
hey guys Umar here today i will be playing my tycoon in roblox
*game is in the link in the description*
lets go to the red one because it`s my favourite colour
lets press this
*you can skip this part*
lets go buy our second dropper
lets buy our third dropper
lets but the upgrader now
lets buy the MEGA DROPPER 2000
buying the colour thing?
time to buy the materializar
time to but the 2 last things
this is the end of the video subscribe and like
#game in the description#
PS4 Pro vs. Xbox Scorpio Spec Showdown - Duration: 4:12.
Ahead of its full reveal during E3 2017, Microsoft has detailed the Xbox Scorpio's specs in
an attempt to drive hype and perhaps have Sony quaking in its boots.
Though the PS4 Pro is *currently* the most powerful console available, the Xbox Scorpio
looks ready to upset things.
This is Mack, for PlayStation LifeStyle, here with the PS4 Pro vs. Xbox Scorpio - Spec Showdown!
The PlayStation 4 Pro launched with the intention of satisfying the more hardcore gaming fans
who primarily wanted to experience PlayStation games at 4K resolution.
To create a system that was capable of higher resolutions, Sony decked its Pro console out
with a PS4 CPU boosted by 31%, a new AMD Polaris GPU offering over double the graphics power,
and more capable RAM.
And all of this came at only a $100 premium over the standard PS4 Slim.
So whether you were searching for a 4K capable machine from the get-go or simply looking
for a powerful console and hoping to future-proof your setup, the PS4 Pro was very attractive
at launch.
As the months have gone by, it's become clear that while powerful, the PS4 Pro depends
heavily upon software techniques in order to get a passable 4K image when running more
demanding games.
Sure, native 4K *is* achievable on less intensive titles, but for those AAA blockbusters, the
system employs clever upscaling and other visual effects.
What's more interesting for us gamers who prefer higher frame-rates than higher resolutions,
is that some titles have used the PS4 Pro's power to offer smoother gameplay.
Rise of the Tomb Raider is my own personal highlight for this, with a 60fps mode made
available on the Pro.
The recently introduced Boost Mode allows players to apply the PS4 Pro's performance
boost to older titles, which helps to fix previously unsteady and stuttery experiences.
Also worthy of mention, is the how the PS4 Pro can improve PlayStation VR titles.
Steadier frame-rates and sharper visuals can be found here, too.
What *can't* be found on the PS4 Pro spec sheet, is a 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray player...
because it doesn't have one.
The Xbox Scorpio, on the other hand, like the Xbox One S before it, *will* have a 4K
Ultra HD Blu-ray player, and much, much more.
The Xbox Scorpio is comprised of a new custom eight-core CPU clocked at 2.3GHz, a GPU rated
at six teraflops, as well as faster memory and more of it.
Spec-wise, it leaves the PS4 Pro, and every other video game console out there, in the
What does this all mean when it comes to real-world performance, though?
Well, for those who are yearning for some native 4K gaming, Scorpio should do a much
better job at pumping out those pixels, when compared to the PS4 Pro.
Scorpio owners will be able to share that 4K gameplay, too, with the system's capture
app supporting 4K 60fps recording at high bit rates.
While the PS4 Pro's Boost Mode can be unstable and result in worse performance, Microsoft
has promised that all existing Xbox One titles will have their own specific profiles to make
the best use of Scorpio's superior specs.
For those games with developers that implement a Scorpio patch, titles that previously ran
at 900p or 1080p on Xbox One, will be boosted up to 4K.
Other benefits will include smoother frame-rates, and the elimination of tearing issues and
long loading times.
Like with the PS4 Pro, although perhaps more widely supported across more games, even if
you don't own an Ultra HD TV, you can still enjoy the console's benefits as it scales
everything down nicely on a 1080p screen.
In terms of raw power, the Scorpio has to take the win over the PS4 Pro in today's
However, to win the mid-generation console *war*, Microsoft's new system will have
to boast a compelling price tag, and offer some great "Only on Xbox Scorpio" high-performance
gaming experiences.
This has been PS4 Pro vs. Xbox Scorpio - Spec Showdown.
Let us know which system you think will come out on top in the comments down below.
If you enjoyed this video, hit the Like button, and be sure to subscribe if you haven't
This has been Mack, for PlayStation LifeStyle, goodbye.
BMW 3 Serie Touring 318I BUSINESS LINE ECC/NAVI/LEER/LMV/CRUISE - Duration: 0:59.
10 Most Beautiful Unmarried Television Actress 2017 - Duration: 4:26.
10 Most Beautiful Unmarried Television Actress 2017
⚽️ GUADAGNARE CON I TOTS SU FIFA17!! ⚽️ - Duration: 6:51.
I Plead Guilty - For The Sake Of Nothing (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:59.
I'm growing old, just to do what I'm told
I'm losing myself for the benefit of somebody else
I said a thousand f*ing times
that I need to change this
My last chance will be gone,
and my youth will be wasted
Wake up, and focus on here and now
It's just about the time to take control of your life
Face it, there is no purpose in life
Unless you know what you want and make it
clearly defined
Yesterday, all for the sake of nothing,
You wasted away
screaming at these empty walls...
Four white walls
Save yourself!
Once again I'm paralyzed
I'm stuck in this hopeless state, I can't define
I'm suffocating
drowning in hatred
I'm killing my soul
can somebody help me?
Wake up, and focus on here and now
It's just about the time to take control of your life
Face it, there is no purpose in life
Unless you know what you want and make it
clearly defined
Yesterday, all for the sake of nothing,
You wasted away
screaming at these empty walls...
Four white walls
Yesterday, all for the sake of nothing
You wasted away
screaming at these empty walls...
Four white walls
It's so easy
to become the victim
It's so easy
to get lost in the crowd
All the 'could have been-s', all the 'could have done-s'
All the 'could have had-s', it all means nothing now
They all mean nothing now
What will your children say about their father?
And how'd you keep them proud, when you're forever gone?
What was your dear life all about?
Is this the legacy you leave behind?
Save yourself!
You Don't Need a Lot of Money or Business Classes to Start a Company | Sara Blakely - Duration: 4:32.
So, as an entrepreneur I'm such an advocate for everyone to think like an entrepreneur.
Whether you want to start your own business or not, it's incredibly helpful no matter
And so thinking like an entrepreneur inside of organizations or if you are starting your
own business, I always say—I love to tell the people around me to do this: Close your
eyes and take a minute and think about how you would be doing your job if nobody showed
you how to do it.
What surfaces?
Because if you think about it we're all on autopilot.
We're doing things the way either someone else showed us how to do it or we saw and
learned from watching.
And real change only happens when you do it different than everybody else.
So all the time I put myself through mental exercises where I'm like, "Wait a minute,
I know everybody's been doing it this way for a really long time, but is that the best
And I just want to see what comes up.
I also come across ideas and inventions by going throughout my day looking at objects
and saying, "Now how could that be better?"
And why did the person who first created gum—gum to me is so fascinating.
As someone who started a brand with $5000, had to get an idea out there that didn't already
exist (the footless pantyhose) I love to think about people who first introduced things to
society, and I think about the guy who did gum.
Can you imagine!
I thought I had it tough, this guy is walking around going, "You just chew it, you just
put this wad in your mouth…" and people are probably like, "And then what?"
"Don't swallow it, you just chew it."
Like that's a pretty hard sell at first.
And I think that gum had no flavor in it when it first came out, so that's even crazier
to me.
But everything from the pencil to the fork to the chair we sit in to the car that we
drive: somebody originally had a thought and brought it forward it to society.
So get off autopilot, look at everything every object in your life, the way that you do things;
when you get up and brush your teeth, is there a better way to brush your teeth?
Is it the right way to be doing it?
And see what comes.
I started Spanx with $5000 in savings from selling fax machines door to door in Clearwater
Florida for seven years.
And I started it out of the back of my apartment.
I had never taken a business class.
I had never worked in fashion or retail, but I was determined to make this one particular
undergarment for myself and women that filled a much needed void in a fashion.
And it was the most challenging the first two years to get it made, because no one took
me seriously.
I heard the word no for two solid years.
I actually was calling all the hosiery manufacturing plants and I ended up taking a week off of
work and drove around North Carolina in person begging these people to help make my prototype
and my idea.
And so there were many, many times in those first two years: When I wrote my own patent,
I went to Barnes & Noble and bought a book on patents and trademarks.
I created the packaging on my friend's computer after work.
I thought of the name Spanx sitting in traffic in Atlanta and went home and trademarked it
with my credit card for $150.
But all of this time I was doing it I wasn't sharing it with anybody.
None of my friends or family knew what my idea was, and that was really important to
my journey because I didn't want to share the idea just for validation, because I wanted
to make sure that I spent anytime I had pursuing it instead of defending it and explaining
And I think so often, so many times, people have an amazing idea, I mean you have a million
dollar or a billion dollar idea in your life, and the first thing you want to do is turn
to your right or left at work and tell a coworker, tell your friend, tell your husband, your
wife and out of love and concern you get a lot of feedback that stops that idea right
in its moment that it happened.
But for me because I wasn't using a support system in those times that I had doubt, I
ended up really—I listened to a lot of inspirational and motivational lectures.
And so I would second-guess myself, I'd put those tapes in, I'd drive around, I'd
have to give myself pep talks.
I mean it was a real back and forth for me to keep believing in myself when no one else
Hyundai i30 1.6i Dynamic - Duration: 1:01.
Honda Civic 1.4i LS Airco Stuurbekr. - Duration: 0:55.
Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon TBR - Duration: 5:36.
Hi everyone. I'm Rincey and this is Rincey Reads.
Today I'm going to be doing my Dewey's
24 hour read-a-thon TBR video. In case
you aren't aware, Dewey's 24 hour
read-a-thon is exactly what it sounds
like. It is a 24 hour period where you
try to read as much as you possibly can.
It's taking place on Saturday. Dewey's
24 hour read-a-thon is always fun
because it's just like a single day so
if you have the day free it's like the
perfect opportunity to just sit down and
read for the entire day. I'm recording
this video a little bit in advance.
So far I don't have plans on Saturday
really so I'm going to like sort of plan
for this to be my Saturday. Like I'm
going to try to avoid making plans if
possible. I mean obviously my family and
friends come before books but you know
I'll keep my Saturday relatively open as
much as I can. So, but things could
change between this recording and
Saturday itself. And again I'm recording
this early so first what I'm going to do
is I'm going to talk about what I'm
currently reading and then I'm going to
talk about what my TBR is. I put the air
quotes for a reason. You'll see in a
second. So there are two books that I'm
currently reading. The first one is
Heartless by Marissa Meyer but I am
highly expecting to be finished with
this book before the read-a-thon starts.
This is basically the book that I'm
reading on my commute and it's very
engaging and I'm moving very quickly
through it so I'm pretty much expecting that
I'll be done with this before the
read-a-thon starts. But if I'm not, then
this is priority number one. The other
book that I'm currently reading is The
Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak.
This one I'm having a little bit of a harder
time getting into because it switches
back and forth between basically like
two stories or two perspectives. That's
all I'm going to say without going into
it more. So there's a chance that I won't
be finished with this before the
read-a-thon starts and I'm not sure if
I'm actually going to read this during the
readathon though because it doesn't feel
like a good read-a-thon book. But I might.
So this was just me being like maybe
sort of I'll read it on Saturday but
it's very possible that I'll just put it
down for the Saturday and then just pick
it up again after the readathon's over in
case I need to. My real TBR is going to
be three three books. First I have fever
dream by Samantha Schweblin. This was
translated from Spanish by Meghan
McDowell. This book has been getting a
lot of really good reviews from people.
I've heard it's like insane I've heard
that it's a book that you want to read as much
as possible in one go which is why I've
been saving it for the read-a-thon.
I plan on just like sitting down with this
and powering through it as much as
possible. So yeah this is sort of like
priority number one. I also want to read
this book because I haven't been reading
that many books in translation so far
this year and so this will help with that.
The other book that I have is
Seeing Red by Lina Meruiane. Probably
mispronounced that. This one was also
translated by Megan McDowell from
Spanish. This is a fiction book that
follows the main character as she
basically like goes blind and I believe
that it's related to the author's
experience as well. I believe this one was
also just like translating to English
and released this year. I think I
heard about this as like one of the
translated books to check out this year.
So again, another one that I want to read
because it's a book in translation. Also
if I read only one of these books
I plan on marking one of them for the
book riot challenge of read a book by
a Central or South American author. So yeah,
these two are sort of like my top
priority for the day. If I read nothing
else and I only read these two I'll be
very happy. And then the final book that
I have on my TBR-ish, like I don't have
this as a very high priority. It's the
haunted bookshop by Christopher Morley.
Like I want to read this because I feel
like it's been sitting on my shelf
forever and I put it on like almost
every readathon TBR because it's like
small and short. And so I feel like I
should just get through it already and
mark this off my TBR. But again this is
third priority to the other two but I
also feel like this one will be really
different from the other two. So it might
be good to read in between them because
I feel like both of those books are
going to be either disturbing or mess
with my head a little bit or surreal or
something along those lines. So it might
be nice do you have a very like grounded
in reality type of book in between them.
So yeah this is sort of what I'm using
for that. So yeah that's basically my TBR-ish.
I highly, highly doubt I'm going to
be able to read more than that. If for
some reason I do I'll just pick
something random off my TBR. I was going
to go to the library and like pick up a
bunch of graphic novels or something to
stick in during the day but I kind of
want to read actual books that's what
I'm in the mood for right now. And also I
want to get some books off of my
physical TBR. If I need to I have another
art of the novella book.
That one's a Doestovsky one so I
feel like that one's going to be like a
little bit more heady than I may want
that day. But I also have a bunch of, I
have a couple of like short story
collections that I'm thinking about
picking up as well. So if I need to I can
pick that up. But yeah that's basically
what I plan on doing for the readathon.
I don't think I'm going to do an
individual wrap-up for the readathon.
I think I'm just going to incorporate it
into my monthly wrap-up since we are
basically at the end of the month right
now. But I will be doing Instagram story
updates so if you follow me on instagram,
I'll be doing story updates throughout
the day so that way you can see what
I'll be reading. I'll try to do Twitter
updates but I feel like Twitter always
distracts me. So yeah that's everything
that I have for you guys today. Let me
know down below if you're planning on
participating in the read-a-thon at all
and if you are let me know if you have
like a TBR video or anything like that up.
Or if you've read any of these books
definitely let me know what you thought
of them and if you think they would be
like good or bad for the read-a-thon. So yeah,
that's all I have for now and thanks for watching.
Male Athlete of the Week: Daniel Viveros - Duration: 1:43.
Jim Benning's 2017 Draft Lottery Preview - Duration: 3:22.
- Joey Kenward with you here at
The Sportsbar at Rogers Arena site
of the Canucks draft lottery party.
Here with GM, Jim Benning
and it's an exciting weekend for
everyone involved with the Canucks
knowing that you could have a chance
to pick first overall.
How exciting is it from your perspective
of the next few days?
- Well, it's real exciting.
I think, you know, it was hard
you know
where we ended up at the end of the year,
but I think that one thing that we looked at
is the opportunity to get a real good player
in this draft,
so I'm hoping that
you know
we can hold our position
or get that number one position
but I think we feel comfortable in the
top five.
We're gonna get an excellent player
moving forward.
- Regardless of what happens on Saturday,
you as a team are guaranteed a pick in the
top five selections
and as far as this draft class is concerned,
you are gonna get a pretty premiere player
moving forward,
aren't you?
- I believe so.
I think the top two players in this
draft have the potential to maybe
step in and play next year
and be productive players at
the NHL level,
but I think that the next three players,
whether you're looking at
play-making center icemen
or maybe potentially
a power play defense-man.
There's good choices there too,
so I feel we're getting a real good building
block for the organization.
- You mentioned those top two players,
Nolan Patrick from the Brandon Wheat Kings,
Nico Hischier from the Halifax Mooseheads.
What makes those two so special?
- Well I think Patrick, it's his overall
package of his size,
his skill,
his hockey sense.
There's no real weakness in his game.
When he's on his game,
he makes plays,
he makes other players around him better.
And with Hischier,
it's his speed.
He's built for today's game.
I think he had a real coming out
at the World Juniors this year
playing for Switzerland.
He scored some big goals for the Swiss team
and his speed going through the neutral zone
is fun to watch.
- A lot of other players as you mentioned will
fall probably behind picks one and two
and I know from a scout's perspective
and when you have your scouts all together
in the meetings,
there's some good healthy debate as to
who would be the next player on the board.
- Yeah, well I think
this is the type of year where,
you know,
from the third pick on,
like if you went from team to team,
it could vary as to who they think
the third best or the fourth
or the fifth best player in this year's
draft is.
But we're excited about the three players
that we have rated there
and we think,
you know,
they're gonna be,
like I said,
foundational pieces going forward.
- Finally how important are
the next few weeks ahead before the
draft in late June,
there's a lot on the table for you
and your hockey department, isn't there?
- Yeah, our guys are just buttoning down
you know,
the playoff games now.
Rating the players and getting some last looks
and stuff
and then at the end of May,
we have the combine in Toronto.
And then after that,
we're gonna have our end of the season
meeting and get ready for the drafts.
So it's an exciting time
and like I said,
we're excited about the player that
we're gonna add to our group this summer.
- I know the Canucks are looking forward to it.
The fans are looking forward to it here at
The Sportsbar at their draft lottery party tomorrow.
Thanks for doing this
and good luck on the weekend.
- Thanks, Joey.
Thomas and Charlie || Reissumies - Duration: 0:54.
Happy Kingsday! | andthenIfellinlove Daily Diary - Duration: 12:31.
I'm vlogging.
"Black elephant"
Thank you.
"With blood, sweat, and tears..."
Hello everyone!
I'm going to speak Dutch, and I'm at Sharon's.
And I'm going to play together with Shoralie and Sharon.
And maybe Shoralie wants to say some more.
Do you also want to vlog?
Yes. - Yes.
You may hold it.
I am Shoralie.
I'm going to play together with my friends.
Yes, and with what are we going to play?
With my little dog.
And what was the name of your dog again? He didn't have a name yet, right?
And what does your dog look like?
He has beautiful, pink ears...
... and pink knees....
... and arms...
... ans his - the tip of his nose is also pink.
And his eyes (are) a little bit (pink).
Oh yeah. - Maybe you can film it, so we can see?
Oh yeah, his nose is indeed pink. - You can move the camera differently.
You can see it better from behind.
Maybe you can turn it around like this...
Then you can see what you're filming very well.
Look. - Is Scotty going to play with us?
Scotty, do you want to play along?
This is his bone.
Yes. Should I put it in his mouth to show the viewers?
Yes. - Yes? OK.
He has a mouth.
And look, now he's eating.
Hmm, delicious bone, huh?
Very well.
Do you also want to share your outfit of the day with the viewers?
Then you say what you wear.
Should I do that? Should I film for you?
Yes. - Yes? OK.
OK, this is Shoralie's OOTD, the outfit of the day.
OK, what can you tell (us)?
This is my pet that's always on my shirt.
And this is the color: from pink to her nature.
And this is natural freedom.
And these are my pants.
And where did you get your shirt from? Do you remember?
Yes. - What store did your shirt come from? Do you remember?
OK. And your hair - what's in your hair?
A hair pin. - A hair pin.
And what's your make-up of today?
Face paint. - Face paint. And what kind of face paint?
Regular face paint. Fun!
And you had a flag on that (cheek), huh?
Yes. - And on the other side you did it all yourself.
Really well done!
Very beautiful.
Do you want to say something else to the viewers?
Bye! - Bye.
Do you also want to say something, Sharon?
Yes... - Go then! Go then!
So this is my outfit.
I bought this jacket at a thrift-shop in Riga.
In ???. It's a little long, and I really liked it.
This top is because I couldn't find anything else, and I needed something for under it.
My jeans I bought from Wehkamp.
These jeans are actually high waisted, but as you can see it looks like normal jeans.
It fits comfortably, so.
Well, good!
Good to hear.
Very well.
Bye! - Bye!
The Battle for Madrid, 1936 (filmed/animated on location) - Duration: 21:46.
Im the Political Junkie.
"Madrid será la tumba del fascismo" There was a lot of aggressive, violent confidence
in this city.
If you stood here during the Spanish Civil War from 1936-1939, you'd see this iconic
"No Pasarán", "They shall not pass!".
The forces of the Spanish Republic held this city against the Nationalist rebel forces
during the entirety of the Spanish Civil War.
After the outbreak of the war, the Nationalists- the rebels, approached this city at lightning
Led by General Francisco Franco, the Nationalists- thousands of them engaged with the Republicans
in the parque del oeste, just about a mile from where I'm standing.
The nationalists were so confident in victory that fascist radio prematurely and totally
incorrectly announced that Franco had already entered the center of Madrid, and conquered
the Puerta del Sol on a white horse.
But as it turns out, the siege of Madrid would last over two years.
I want to show you how that played out using animation, some original footage I took here
in Madrid, and of course a cool book which I think you should read.
But first let's go a little bit deeper with this topic:
this dynamic of the Republic holding out in the center of Spain against the attacks of
the Nationalist forces... this wasn't the situation from the very beginning.
There was a scramble in July 1936.
Once it was clear that a right-wing coalition was conducting a military coup against the
elected government of the Republic, each Spanish city became a microcosm of the conflict.
For example, in Leon and Malaga, the soldiers stationed there had to make the decision to
join the rebellion, or remain loyal to the Republic.
This was of grave concern to the nationalist plotters of the coup, who toiled over the
difficulties in taking strategic centers like Seville, Barcelona, and Madrid (Thomas 199).
After all, were the coup successful, there'd be no Civil War for us to talk about.
This struggle to win over cities was most poignant in Madrid, where the military takeover
was botched, leading to an explosion of violence.
July 18, 1936 inside the Cuartel de la montaña, a barrack in West Madrid, a group of about
2000 soldiers was making the decision to stick with the Republic, or join the coup.
But they lacked clear leadership.
General Galarza, the coordinator of the plot in Madrid had been taken into custody a week
prior, and the Republic government cut the barrack's communication lines.
The prevailing strategy inside was to wait- stall to see if rebel reinforcements would
arrive from Carabanchel to the Southwest.
While they dithered, left-wing militias assembled outside- angry at the insurrection, they eventually
convinced the government to distribute them 65,000 arms.
Though only 5,000 of these rifles had bolts, those surrounding the barrack knew that further
ammunition lay inside- added incentive to attack and end the stand-off.
This is the modern location of where the Montana Barracks once stood-the militias assembled
on the streets behind me, the Calles Ferraz and Ventura Rodriguez, riflemen were placed
on the rooftops above, while heavy artillery was brought in to the Republican loyalists
through the Plaza de Espana across the street, and up to San Vicente Hill to the south.
But things got even more serious after a full 24 hours of inactivity.
According to Hugh Thomas in his classic, 'The Spanish Civil War':
"That night Dolores Ibarruri, La Pasionaria, made the first of many violent speeches, on
the radio, calling on 'workers, peasants, anti-fascists, and patriotic Spaniards'
not to permit the victory 'of the hangmen of Asturias'.
No Pasaran, they shall not pass...During the night of 19-20 July, fifty churches in Madrid
were set on fire.
The working-class parties, led by paramilitary units, of which the [communist militia] was
the most important, gained effective control of the streets...On 20 July, a crowd even
larger than that which had gathered the previous day assembled in the Plaza de Espana.
All shouted, 'death the fascism' and 'All to the aid of the Republic' with exultant
The lance of Don Quixote, whose statue stands in the center of the square, was enthusiastically
interpreted as pointing to the Montana Barracks.
Five hours of bombardment of that fortress followed.
Loudspeakers encouraged counter-rebellion among the soldiers inside the barracks,"
The decision to stay loyal to the Republic or to rebel was massive.
For the soldiers inside: choosing the right side was literally a matter of life and death.
For Spain: had the rebels taken control of Madrid from the beginning, there may have
never been a wider conflict.
I actually used to live right down the street for two years, and I had no idea that anything
happened here.
When you find out what did occur, you'll understand why the government has placed no
clear markings or historical information in this beautiful park.
It might now be pertinent to now ask, 'What were these two sides between which the soldiers
were choosing?'
The Spanish elections of 1936 were close- really close.
The areas in the center there represent the electoral successes of National Front, a coalition
of parties with conservative catholics at its core, but bolstered by monarchists, industrialists,
and landowners.
They heavily implied a return to autocracy, regularly borrowing imagery and slogans from
european fascists.
This menacing poster from CEDA, the main Nationalist Front party, stared down at people from la
puerta del sol, the plaza in the center of Madrid.
It featured the disembodied head of their candidate Gil Robles, proclaiming, 'Dadme
la mayoria absoluta y os dare una Espana grande', 'Give me the absolute majority and I will
give you a great Spain,'.
It might remind you of a couple National Socialist posters from 1932, if this one featuring Hitler's
floating head seems like a weak comparison, check out this strong-man slogan from another,
'Gib auch du deine Stimme dem Manne der Kraft', 'Give your vote to the man of
This theme of: 'I am a powerful guy and only I can fix your problems,'- there was
no subtlety here, which is why the other side's campaign posters decried the false promises
of the 'Vatican Fascists'.
So the right-wing coalition was victorious in these areas.
Winning along the outside of the map and in the dead-center around Madrid, was the popular
front, an amalgamation of left-wing parties.
If the Nationalist Front was influenced by Fascists in Berlin and Rome, the Popular Front
was the dramatic opposite- the name itself, Popular Front, derived at the 7th conference
of the Comintern aka the Organization pushing for World communism and one giant Soviet Republic.
So, on a practical level, this meant the Spanish Popular Front in 1936 was a combination of
socialist parties, world communists, independent leftists- it even garnered tacit support from
It would be hard to find a starker contrast between left and right in any electoral contest
That's why after the left-wing Popular Front narrowly won the 1936 election and formed
a Republican government, plans were immediately made on the right-wing Nationalist side to
overthrow the Congress of Deputies in a military coup.
With that in mind, let's get back to the Montaña barrack in July 36.
The left and right electoral fronts were now military operations.
The 2000 soldiers were choosing between these two sides: the democratically elected coalition
of left-wingers, whose militias were now lined up on the street outside.
Or, many of their own military leaders, right-wing, despising the new government, promising a
return to the way things were- and who importantly, were nowhere in sight, isolated in other parts
of the country.
Unable to make a clear choice, some inside took a third option: for the moment, surrender
to the immediate threat, the militias directly outside.
A white flag was draped from a barrack window signifying the intent to surrender.
Republican loyalists approached the barracks to accept, but surprisingly, were then shot
at from the fortress.
It seems some inside the barrack weren't in agreement with giving up.
Hugh Thomas says this confusing process happened twice- loyalists approaching, then greeted
with machine gun fire.
With this, the militias outside soon became an angry mob.
Thomas adds that the ensuing slaughter 'beggared description'.
But I'll describe it.
After another round of artillery and aerial bombardment, the barrack was stormed.
Around 200 of the defenders were overrun, dragged from their hiding spots, sprayed with
bullets, or thrown out windows.
The rest were dragged to prison, often with undressed wounds.
With Madrid firmly in the Republic's hands, the stage was set for a 2 and a half year
civil war with 500,000 casualties: many of them just like these: ideological, impulsive,
and extrajudicial.
Throughout September and October, Gen. Franco's Army of Africa was storming through Southern
Spain; even with a detour towards Toledo, they confidently devised a plan to begin the
assault on Madrid as early as October 12th.
Franco placed General Mola in charge of the invasion.
Mola had been approaching with his own force through the Somosierra to the North.
He joked that he would be enjoying a coffee with milk in the Puerta del Sol later that
As Madrileños heard of this, one cafe owner sarcastically placed a cafe con leche for
the general out front of his shop.
But there was reason for the defenders of Madrid to lack such confidence: they were
under trained (some not trained at all), their forces split into disunified ias of communists,
anarchists, and independent leftists- there were even rumors of a so-called 'fifth column':
Nationalist sympathizers embedded in the city, ready to assist when the invaders arrived.
To top if off, Franco ordered aerial bombardment with German planes just before the main attack
International reporters were already filing stories describing the last hours of Madrid
as government officials fled to Valencia, changing the location of the Republican capital
in anticipation of defeat.
The nationalists deliberately and deservedly earned a reputation for viciousness on their
way to Madrid.
In Badajoz, they intentionally slaughtered 2,000 to spread fear, even hunting down wounded
in the hospital.
As Gen. Mola put it, "eliminating without scruples everyone who does not think as we
Jose Millan Astray, commander of the Spanish Foreign Legion, said it even more simply:
¡Viva la muerte!
'Long live death!'
There were two options for invasion, both involved attacking from the West, as between
them and the city proper would lie only the half-mile wide forested Casa de Campo.
Mola wanted to focus efforts on the Northwest University City, spearheading his way into
But Franco preferred a wider, 3-line assault along the Western edge (Beevor, ch.17).
In chapter 17 of his book, 'The Battle for Spain', historian Anthony Beevor describes
well the feeling in Madrid at this moment, "...the decision to defend Madrid inspired
mass bravery.
The terror and loathing which the colonial troops aroused in the Madrileños helped turn
panic into spirit of fierce resistance.
In the Plaza de Atocha a large placard warned, 'In Badajoz the fascists shot 2,000.
If Madrid falls they will shoot half the city.'
Chains of women and children passed rocks and stones for the construction of barricades.
Trenches were dug on the threatened western flank of the city.
Houses in the south-west suburb of Carabanchel were prepared for a street-by street defense….there
was mass mobilization."
Even with the odds mounted against them, Madrileños weren't completely hopeless.
Their Soviet allies had just delivered 91 fighter planes.
Meanwhile, some of the anarchist militias formally joined the Government alliance, consolidating
Republican forces.
Plus, they all had a stroke of luck: Just as fighting commenced in the Casa de Campo
on Nov. 7th, the Nationalist battle plans were actually found on the corpse of a soldier.
And for this reason,when the actual assault began on November 8th, the Republicans already
knew to focus their defense between the University City and Montaña Barrack.
The nationalists took this hill, Garabitas, the highest point in Casa de Campo with a
view over the city.
From here they could take aim at the main artery of Madrid, especially the prized targets
along Gran Via.
Some were military, like the Telefonica Building, where Republican Generals oversaw the battle.
But others were for pure terror.
One of the standards of the Nationalists was to fire pot-shots at the Capitol just as movie-goers
were leaving were leaving the evening screenings.
According to David Mathieson in Frontline Madrid, "Between 8 and 15 November the two
sides slogged it out through the Casa de Campo...the western front of Madrid," this behind me,
"was heavily defended by around 25,000 men and women.
They were mainly civilian members mixed with professional soldiers...Volunteers also arrived
from outside Madrid.
Apart from the volunteers of the International Brigades, 3,000 anarchist militiamen arrived
from the Catalonia front, and their presence too, boosted morale in the city…"
Just below me, between where this killing field ends and the city proper begins, lies
the Manzanares River, the saving grace of Madrid.
Mathieson says around 25,000.
From cross referencing some of these sources, I came up with 28.
Whatever the exact count, Republicans focused their forces along this shallow river; the
remaining 12,000 were kept at Carabanchel in case of another Nationalist buildup there.
These defenders collided with the 20,000 Nationalists sent into Caso de Campo with an explicit mission
to cross the Manzanares.
Now when historians say that the Republican forces were undertrained, that the combat
experienced regulares used by the Nationalists were far better prepared, it's hard to imagine
how big that training gap was.
Lots of Republicans were in Madrid simply trying to escape other conquered areas of
Spain- now forced defend their refuge.
Hugh Thomas writes they, 'carried out their orders almost to the letter not to retreat
an inch,' pumped up on radio propaganda that Madrid was, 'the universal frontier
that separates liberty and slavery.
It is here...that two incompatible civilizations undertake their great struggle,'.
But Beevor adds that, 'Probably less than half of the Republicans had been involved
in earlier fighting and had only learned how to operate the bolt and aim of rifle the evening
A bit more humorously was George Orwell's training with the POUM Militia in Catalonia,
which he describes thusly, " In my villainous Spanish, '¿cuándo vamos aprender ametralladora?',
"The answer was always a harassed smile and a promise that there should be machine-gun
training mañana.
Needless to say, mañana never came."
With ravenous motivation and little training, Republicans were basically holding the line
by throwing humans at it; a tactic noted and later used by the soviets in WW2.
And so despite the Nationalist's superior training and backup from German fighter planes,
the Republicans managed to hold the line on the 8th of November.
That night, 2,000 foreign volunteers of the XI International Brigade arrived at the Atocha
Train Station, marched up Gran Via, and were sent straight into an offensive that began
the next day, a hard-fought counterattack against Nationalists gains, especially a troubling
advance across the river as far as the intersection of Marques de Urquijo and Paseo del Pintor
Rosales (Mathieson, 84).
Like many of the other Republican troops, these Communist International Volunteers from
countries like Ireland, France, Germany, Canada, and the UK were ideological and undertrained.
Nonetheless, their startling sacrifice of life helped the Republicans push the line
back across the Manzanares.
Estimates say they lost a third of their force on the 9th alone.
Sensing that the main front was becoming inflexible, Nationalists began an offensive South at Carabanchel,
a tactic Franco had wanted to avoid.
The urban-dwelling Republicans now had tactical advantage in the tight, residential neighborhoods
they knew so well, while their artillery punished the Nationalists from the Telefónica.
Despite their success in holding the line, some among the Republicans were still paranoid
of losing the Model Prison and the Nationalist Prisoners it contained.
Like with the Montaña Barracks, killing became their solution.
One thousand of the prisoners were transported to the Jarama Valley and machine-gunned to
A final push came between the 15th and the 22nd November.
With the support from fighter planes and artillery, around 6,000 Nationalist soldiers began an
offensive to capture the Bridge de los Franceses and finally achieve a foothold on the opposite
side of the Manzanares.
Once across, the bloodiest days of the siege ensued inside the University City.
The Republicans, panicked about rebels in the city proper, and Nationalists, now desperate
to make their tiny incursion into something more advantageous, commenced a bottleneck
of violence in this northwest corner of the city.
The machine gun posts can still be found in the area where the battle took place, and
the campus still preserves bullet holes on the faculty of medicine.
The Clinical Hospital became a particular hotspot along with the faculty of Philosophy
and Letters.
Later that day, a small group of nationalist soldiers fought their way onto the Calle princesa,
causing panic as they drove towards the Plaza de España.
The impression was that the city was finally falling.
I like how Thomas described the whole scene as a 'macabre confusion', a 'babble
of tongues, with a 'frequent multilingual singing of the international', the multinational
invaders and defenders throwing orders and insults at each other in the muddy smoky battlefield.
The fighting was street for street, building for building, room for room.
And in the meantime Gen. Mola's coffee was getting colder and colder in the city center.
The battle for Madrid dwindled as 1936 came to a close.
Neither side could make a decisive blow to the other and the lines remained mostly as
they were.
The Nationalists had their foothold across the river, but this uphill position was exposed
on three sides to Republican attack.
Rather than throw more of his best soldiers at the problem, Franco decided on a new tactic.
If he couldn't enjoy success with a traditional invasion force, he'd try a bombing campaign.
As Franco admitted, he'd prefer to "destroy Madrid rather than leave it to the Marxists."
Employing the aid of the German and Italian planes, valuable targets like the Puerta del
Sol, Bellas Artes, and the Biblioteca Nacional were bombarded.
But Madrileños, like Londoners three years later, weren't destroyed by German bombs.
Rather, they became more resilient to defend their city.
But unfortunately for them, fate was moved out of their hands.
After a couple failed attempts to approach Madrid by alternative means, Franco opted
to focus on other parts of Spain, to return when his position was improved.
Whittling down the Republic was no short process, it took two full years, but by February of
1939 the map of Spain appeared like this, with even Barcelona having fallen.
Catalonia was in Nationalist hands, supplies over the French Pyrenees a quaint fantasy,
and Republican Prime Minister Negrín was determined that the war 'must be brought
to an end'.
Madrid's siege left it without medical supplies, heating, and only food for around 3 months
more (Thomas 869).
Within the city, propaganda continued to project false optimism even as rebel troops reentered
Caso de Campo on March 10, 1939.
On the 27th, the Republican line cratered throughout Spain, and on the 28th, Nationalists
walked unresisted into the Madrid city center.
From the start of the coup- through invasion, bombing, and even starvation, Madrid held
out in the center of Spain until the very last.
Until '¡No pasarán!' became, 'han pasado'.
I mentioned at the start of this video the aggressive confidence in Madrid- slogans like,
'Madrid will be the tomb of fascism' were found all over the city.
But as it turns out, Madrid was the tomb, not of fascism, but of the Spanish Republic.
This is a fountain south of Madrid's city center in the Lavapies neighborhood.
Historically, this has been an area of the working class, and more recently, immigrants.
It's said that Franco didn't want to invade Madrid through the South due to the heavy
resistance he could expect trudging through working-class, Republican sympathizing neighborhoods
such as this one.
After the fall of the Republic, the Nationalists made quick work of eliminating the people
and symbols of it.
So apparently their fear of the working-class neighborhoods extended beyond the fall of
This fountain still bears the name of the Spanish Republic.
Franco's ruled Spain for 36 years, and no one ever found it necessary to come here and
tear this symbol of the prior government?
If Madrid was the tomb of the Republic, perhaps this is the tombstone.
HE TALKS | START IT UP MrFunRacing - Duration: 6:22.
My recordings today are all f*cked up
Because a little bug destroyed my lens
That`s the first test
with microphone
We will see if this works
Can you guys still hear me?
Probably you don`t
Now we give it a bit of throttle
It`s really nice today
Maybe we should pull a wheelie right here
Here they have to restrict
You guys ask me to explain riding techniques und stuff like that
And the best way to do that is talking while riding
My microphone is in my mouth right now
I don`t know if I have to scream like that
But...I have the mic in my mouth :D
The brace of it
Maybe I can improve that
Nice line mam on the phone
The road is clear right here
nobody is here
little bumbs
Here is also a straight which I have to use properly
And you see you are always too fast
But the roads are clear
Last time I was riding behind a police car
And they were driving with 200km/h
without sirens on
Most of the time I am cruising with 100-110 km/h
Because...what do I want right here...?
I would have to ride with 200 through this corner right there to have `fun`!
to have a bit of an lean angle
But I don`t like that
Hello guys
This motovlog was just a little test
to see if the microphone is working
I wanna treat certain topics in those motovlogs
How do I properly turn into a corner
How to kneeslide
You can post your interests/topics in the comments
For the motovlog
Of course I will still do my "Rock the Road" - Compilations !!!
This format will be between the compilations
Darth Maul: Most Impressive - Duration: 0:07.
Not used to holding a tool with that kind of power, Stan?
Ha! I'm kidding, I've seen yours while you were sleeping, it's great...
Refreshing Pulled up 5th day Hair *Spanish CC* - Duration: 1:41.
home - gabrielle aplin cover | zetly - Duration: 5:05.
Årets underviser 2017: Birgitte Andersen - Duration: 0:55.
Lecturer of the Year Birgitte Andersen Associate Professor, DTU Bioengineering
Sebastian Wallis Jørgensen Sixth semester, Biotechnology
She's very down-to-earth. She's super friendly and helpful. And a nice person. This obviously has a positive impact on our learning.
Jesper Wang Jensen Sixth semester, Biotechnology
Birgitte is very good at taking the time to help if there's something you don't quite understand.
And she knows a lot and is really good at communicating it.
Sometimes she also has some good stories, which makes everything a bit more interesting.
Birgitte is the kind of person who really loves what she does, and this rubs off on us as students.
That's one of the amazing things about her.
Amalie Avnborg Sixth semester, Biotechnology
She's extremely enthusiastic, extremely thorough, and extremely patient.
And then she's just really good at creating a good atmosphere.
Årets underviser 2017: Tim C. McAloone - Duration: 1:02.
Lecturer of the Year Tim C. McAloone Professor, DTU Mechanical Engineering
Natasha Fiig Sixth semester, Design and Innovation
I think that Tim is a fantastic lecturer because he's strongly committed to his field,
is extremely knowledgeable, and communicates his knowledge in a factual, but also very relevant way.
And then he's extremely down-to-earth in an amazing way.
Lasse Thaisen Sixth semester, Design and Innovation
As a supervisor, he's brilliant at finding out what level we're at as students—
and trying to take us to perhaps not his level, but close. He's very good at that.
Kathrine Hagen Sixth semester, Design and Innovation
And one thing that's absolutely certain is that he's really, really good at motivating.
And he has a very concrete approach to his teaching.
Jakob Wulff Design and Innovation (MSc)
He's very present. And he has a very British personality.
What I mean is that he's very humble and, despite his British sarcasm, he's also really funny.
My Colorful Rainbowfish planted aquarium 2017 - Duration: 1:29.
My rainbowfish aquarium 2017
How to decorate an Ombré Rosettes Cake using buttercream - Duration: 5:18.
Hola everybody, welcome to VeroSweetHobby
I'm Vero and today I'm making
a cake that is amazing
because it looks so elegant
and at the same time it is really easy to make.
It is a rosette cake made with buttercream
that has an Ombré effect
that looks so pretty and elegant
in all of your presentations.
It is so easy because you only have to make 4 cakes,
of the size of your choice
and you decorate it using a lot of buttercream.
I'm going to leave you a link down below
in the description box
with my own recipe of the buttercream
so make a double batch of that recipe
and you are ready to go!
Ingredients you need to make a beautiful
rosettes buttercream ombré cake.
Once you have your 4 cakes ready to go
and they have cooled down
and you are ready to cut them,
remember to trim the eccess in the top
and try to make the layers
as even as possible.
Our cakes are ready to go
Moto Z2 Play LEAKED! (Price, Specs, Release Date and More!) - Duration: 2:43.
The Moto Z was a big success for Motorola, with it's Moto Modz,
Motorola brought something new to the market, which is what a lot
of people had been waiting for.
Some time has passed and now
it's time to start thinking about the next one, the Moto Z2 Play.
What's up everyone, my Name is Ben and today,
I'll be talking about the Moto Z2 Play it's specs, how much it'll cost,
release date and more.
The picture on screen now
was provided by a trusted source, revealing some minor design
changes set to hit the the Z2.
For one, the home button has
been slightly redesigned to mirror what Motorola introduced with
the G5 and G5 Plus.
Not only does it double as a home button/
fingerprint sensor, but it also supports swiping gestures.
The Z2 looks just as good if not better than the last years model,
it has a thin frame, with a gold trim, making it look quite premium.
It still has the circular camera hump, which I'm not a big fan of, but it
doesn't look too bad.
One of the Moto Z's strenghts was
it's battery life, the device came with 3510mAH battery, that's larger than
some of the batteries included in top phones today, like the iPhone 7 and
the Samsung Galaxy S8.
The Moto Z Play came with a
Snapdragon 625,3GB of RAM, 32GB of expandable storage and
a 16MP camera, the specs sound amazing, but I'm expecting the Z2
to have even better specs than the Moto Z, I also think it'll support even
more Moto Modz which is what I'm most excited about.
The image of the Moto Z2 Play Leak, shows a date, June 8th, which
could be a possible release date of the device, but we don't know that for
sure, as last years model wasn't released until late August, or maybe we just get
lucky and get the Moto Z2 Play, 2 months earlier than expected.
Anyway, that's about it for the video, hopefully you guys enjoyed it,
I'm really excited for this phone, because I always love seeing new things,
fingers crossed that we get this in early June,just in time for my birthday,
I'm also hoping we get some new Moto Modz, that would be awesome.
What are you excited about, the features specs, Moto Modz or something completely
Let me know in the comments bellow.
Anyway, have an excellent day
and I'll see you all, next time.
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Harry Potter Tag - Duration: 17:49.
Hello. It is Niina and you are watching Fairychamber Channel.
Today I will do the Harry Potter tag that I found online.
I have adjusted the questions a bit. Translated them to Finnish and so on.
Added few questions as well.
If you want to do this tag feel free to do it.
First question. What is your favorite book?
Definitely "Prisoner of Azkaban".
Question number two: What is your least favorite Harry Potter book?
Probably "The Order of Phoenix"
There is all kinds of sad things happening there and occasionally it's even a bit distressing.
Number three: What is your favorite film?
I really like the first two Harry Potter films.
You´re being introduced to the whole Harry Potter universe.
They are very loyal to the books more than the rest of the films.
First two films and I also like the "Half-blood Prince" a lot.
Film is quite light compared to others.
Question number four: Your least favorite film?
Probably "The Order of Phoenix" but
that is because I thought Danielle Radcliffe had way too short hair in it.
Question number five: Your favorite expression?
"Don't tickle the sleeping dragon"
Number six? Who is your favorite Weasley?
I've always liked Ron a lot.
I guess it's because Ron is
always on your side.
Number seven: Your favorite female character?
This is tricky.
It is either Hermione or Luna or both.
I really like Luna a lot and I also really like Hermione.
They've got girl power.
Your favorite villain? Lucius Malfoy.
Do you really need reasons for that?
Lucius never was strictly villain but when he whips his hair...
and voice and so on..
Number nine: Your favorite male character?
Another tricky question.
Harry Potter books have insanely great characters.
It is really hard to pick one favorite.
There is so many of them.
I´ll say Dumbledore because I´m Dumbledores women.
I really like his character. Not really shore why.
There´s just something about classical wizards.
Dumbledore is wizard´s prototype.
I really like that.
Number ten: Your favorite professor? Since I just said Dumbledore now I must say McGonagall.
Maggie Smith was brilliant McGonagall.
I read Harry Potter books wayyyy before the movies came out.
Because I belong to the "first" Harry Potter generation.
McGonagall played by Maggie Smith was
exactly the way I imagined her to be in the books when I read them as 11-years old.
McGonagall ruled in the last film!
Number eleven: What would you rather do?
A) Wash Snape´s hair B) Listen Gilderoy Lockhart all day talking about himself
I really like Gilderoy Lockhart but
I must go with A and wash Snape´s hair.
Who would deny from that kind of honor.
Number twelve: Which would you rather do?
A) Destroy Bellatrix Lestrange
B) Duel against angry Molly Weasley
I will go with A we all know what happened last time
when angry Molly Weasley had a duel with someone.
Number thirteen: Which would you rather travel to Hogwarts?
A) Hogwarts Express B)Flying Ford Anglia
I must say A. I was in Scotland last week
I passed the train line where they filmed the train scenes.
It was pretty awesome. There is something about
Hogwarts Express that muggles can not see.
Number fourteen:
Would you rather A) Kiss Voldemort B) Give a bath to Umbridge?
I´ll go with A because I can´t stand Dolores Umbridge.
On the other hand kiss to Voldemort would probably be my last.
Number fifteen: Which one would you rather fly with?
A) Hippogryff B) Firebolt
I have my firebolt over there...
There it is!
Sorry about my messy room..cleaning stuff for sale.
Since I have a Firebolt I guess I need to say Hippogryff.
Number sixteen: Is there a character who you thought was completely different in the films?
Madame Maxim
I imagined her completely different looking when I read the books.'
The lady who played her in the films
she looks exactly like on of my previous art tutors.
Number 17: Are any of the movies better than books?
No. None of them.
Movies are very good and very well made.
But they are not nearly as good as the books.
Number eighteen:
Richard Harris or Michael Gambon as Dumbledore?
I think Dumbledore played by Richard Harris was more close to the Dumbledore in the books.
In that sense he was better Dumbledore.
But I also really liked Michael Gambon´s Dumbledore because
he made the charater of it's one. Bit more grimm and deeper.
I can´t really say which one is better and it´s sad that
that Richard Harris passed away after the second movie was filmed.
They are both excellent Dumbledores but the best Dumbledore
is the one who lives in my imagination.
Your favorite scene in the books that you wish had been in the films?
In the third book there is a scene where Ron calls to Harry to Dursleys.
Ron and uncle Vernon shout to each others on the phone like they are in a soccer match.
I always thought that was really funny scene.
I was really disappointed when it was not in the third film.
Twenty: If you could remake some of the fimls which film that would be?
Maybe the third one and I would add that particular scene.
I must say in the third film there is the scene
where the Marauder´s Map starts to tell insults to Snape.
That was not nearly as fun in the films that it was in the books
I would try to make that scene more funnier.
twenty one: Which house did you believe you belong by the first impression?
Which house you belong?
My first impression was that I wanted to be in the Gryffindor house.
That is because the description of the Gryffindor common room was very inviting
and surprise I´m a gryffie!
My attitude towards life tends to be
try everything at least once.
Apparently that is also a Gryffindor trait.
Pretty much all my favorite characters are gryffies...well apart from Luna <3
That makes me a gryffie.
Ravenclaw is not bad either ;)
Interestingly enought majority of my Finnish friends are Slytherins and British friends are Hufflepuffs.
I have one Serbian friend who is Ravenclaw.
Figure that out.
Twenty two: Which house you were selected in Pottermore?
Twenty three: What are your favorite subjects in Hogwarts?
Magical creatures..definitely one of them.
Ancient Runes..well I know quite a lot about them already.
Not too new subject for me what it comes to Hogwarts subjects.
History of magic. If you... bloody Finnish
if you are familiar with my channel you know why I enjoy history of magic.
Number twenty four:
What is the one spell you would like to learn?
I am the most unorganized person on the planet + I am an artist.
I always have keys missing..
or remote control or my phone...I really need that Accio spell.
Twenty five: Is there a character you´d get along very well?
I bet Luna and I would get a long.
Definitely Luna Lovegood.
Twenty Six:
If you would own one of the deathly hollows what would that be?
Probably cloack of invisibility.
I guess it´s the most useful.
Twenty seven
Is there anything in the books that you would like to change?
I probably never forgive JK Rowling
that Tonks and Lupin died in the last book.
Twenty Eight Who is your favorite marauder? Moony, Prongs, Padfoot or Wormtail?
Moony. Somewhere in Pottermore is still
background story of Remus Lupin.
Twenty nine: If you could bring some character back to life who would you bring?
You know when I last time flew
from Finland back to UK after last Christmas.
I flew from Helsinki to Copenhagen and form Copenhagen to Manchester.
I read all Harry Potter books again last year so I was re-reading the seventh book.
During the Helsinki-Copenhagen flight I cried all the time because I read the scene where Dobby died.
Then Copenhagen-Manchester I cried again because of Tonks, Lupin and Fred.
I can´t anwer to this. They all so amazing characters.
Very well written and none of them deserved to die. Even if it was war against Vodlemort.
Thirty: Your favorite scene in the books?
I´ve always really liked the scene where
Harry meets Ron and Hermione for the first time in Hogwarts Express.
I´ve always liked that part.
And the scene from the third book that I already mentioned
where Ron and uncle Vernon shout to each others on a phone.
It´s so funny.
In the sixth book there is slightly sad scene
when Dumbledore has just died and Tonks tells Lupin (again) how she feels about him.
It´s so sad but lovely at the same time.
Thirty one: Deathly Hollows or Horcruxes?
This is pretty interesting. I must say deathly hollows
If you think about Horcruxes they are bloody horrible.
You have an object with piece of someone´s soul inside them. If it´s a locket you wear it on your neck.
Something came to my mind when
I recently re watched Lord of the Rings -moves.
Also some documents about JK Rowling.
Apparently Lord of the Rings is one of her favorite books.
I´ve read Lord of the rings as well.
Very different style compared to Harry Potter books.
That gave me a revelation!
When there is the power ring in Lord of the rings.
Sauron´s ring.
Piece of Sauron´s soul lives in that ring.
JK Rowling according some of her interviews got idea
from that to the horcruxes.
So I not too long ago read the seventh book
and the way Ron experiences when horcrux is close to him.
The locket/horcrux tries to turn Ron against himself.
All the thoughts that he is having the horcrux makes them worse.
Ron is very sensitive.
He is in love with Hermione (his best frien) and he is helping Harry (his other best friend) in this crazy quest.
He is quite sensitive and the locket tries to feed him with poisonous thoughts.
Tries to convince him that he is all kinds of things that he really isn´t.
Sauron´s ring in Lord of the rings does the same.
But it´s not as psychological "bully"
like Voldemort´s locket (or Tom Riddle´s diary)
but ring seduces with power.
Bilbo, Frodo and Gollum and every one else
ring seduces them with power.
Then horcruxes they try to turn their owners against them selves.
It was the same thing with Ginny and the diary. It made Ginny to question herself
after all personal things she had written down.
It´s all very interesting.
I wouldn´t like to own pieces of other people´s souls so
my answer is deathly hollows.
They are way more useful. Elder wand and...
invisible cloath..compared to some old diary (with piece of you know who inside)
This was Harry Potter Tag. I hope you guys enjoyed it.
Subscribe to my channel for more videos.
All Harry Potter fans out there! Feel free to do this tag if you want.
Bye Bye <3
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