Saturday, April 1, 2017

Youtube daily report Apr 1 2017

Hi hi! We are K.A.R.D!

I am BM

I am Somin

I am Jiwoo

I am J.Seph

This time we will popular Brazilian dances.

Like Korea's Gangnam Style

The horse-dance

Or the dougie in the USA

So let's have a look and try to learn

Okay, okay, let's go!

Let's watch it!

That is a popular dance? It's hard!

Till here?

This is pretty cute!

Cute and addictive!

The person in the middle kept smiling while giving instructions

They look so happy!

Staff: Let's watch it one more time

Ah cute

I can only follow this part!

I only know it from here

Staff:Because it's hard to follow, we'll show you one more time

Staff: Let's start

Aaah, too bad

We should have done better

What are you doing?

He really doesn't seem like he's older

Noooo, why why why

I didn't think I'd win

Try this, it's similar to choco pie

It's filled with something

Something like syrup?

Super 8?

This seems to have a peanut butter flavor

Please tell us your impressions as the winner

First of all, I'm really happy to have achieved first place and got to eat these tasty Chilean snacks

And the dance was really fun so we enjoyed trying it out a lot.

-Yes, it was really fun. -Thank you!

As you gave us such a special gift, we have to give you a special gift too, right?

A gift event

So we will show you our Don't Recall choreography!

For more infomation >> K.A.R.D - Latin Dance Challenge Part 4 - [ESP][PORT][ENG] - Duration: 8:24.


SAW VII: LEGACY Trailer Oficial 2017 Sub Español - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> SAW VII: LEGACY Trailer Oficial 2017 Sub Español - Duration: 0:41.


3 WORST Dips of All Time!!! - Duration: 6:55.


For more infomation >> 3 WORST Dips of All Time!!! - Duration: 6:55.


Wie man sieht (Cómo vemos) - Harun Farocki - Duration: 1:09:12.

For more infomation >> Wie man sieht (Cómo vemos) - Harun Farocki - Duration: 1:09:12.


[SUB ESP] BTS The Making of House of ARMY VCR Parte 2 [1/2] - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> [SUB ESP] BTS The Making of House of ARMY VCR Parte 2 [1/2] - Duration: 7:49.


El Tribunal Supremo de Justicia de Venezuela restituye poderes a la Asamblea, en medio de protestas - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> El Tribunal Supremo de Justicia de Venezuela restituye poderes a la Asamblea, en medio de protestas - Duration: 2:01.


Una decisión difícil | Hernán0ctavio - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> Una decisión difícil | Hernán0ctavio - Duration: 8:49.


Kara Sevda 63//Avance - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Kara Sevda 63//Avance - Duration: 0:46.


Aguz Kaztro- [PREVIEW] "MI PERSONA FAVORITA- [VIDEO OFFICIAL] (Prod. GOOD BOY'$) (Próximamente) - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Aguz Kaztro- [PREVIEW] "MI PERSONA FAVORITA- [VIDEO OFFICIAL] (Prod. GOOD BOY'$) (Próximamente) - Duration: 0:37.


BFT Classic Rock - teaser 2 - Duration: 12:30.

For more infomation >> BFT Classic Rock - teaser 2 - Duration: 12:30.


Snapgram Anitta 01/04/2017 Parte 2 - Snapgram dos Famosos - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Snapgram Anitta 01/04/2017 Parte 2 - Snapgram dos Famosos - Duration: 2:20.


Dance 360 - Duration: 17:04.

For more infomation >> Dance 360 - Duration: 17:04.


How To Make Pine Cone Bird Feeders Tutorial (With Tips And Tricks) - Duration: 1:50.

so often times we're looking for an

activity to do with kids during the

holiday season and because they have so

many days off during the holidays

sometimes it's really good to get them

involved in some activity something to

do together one of the things I like to

do with kids especially my nieces and

nephews over the last several years is

to make bird feeders out of pinecones

oftentimes we have pine cones that fall

in our own yard or if you're walking

around in the parks you'll find pine

cones one of the first things that you

need to do is to tie on a ribbon so that

you have a hanger ready to go in this

way it's a little less messy and then

the next step is to spread some peanut

butter on the pinecone and then all you

have to do is dip the pine cones in

birdseed and then once we get some of

these made we'll take them out and hang

them in some trees this makes a

wonderful activity during the holiday

season but it can be repeated during the

winter months and the birds enjoy a

variety of birdseed you could even

select different bird seed to draw in a

variety of different birds I hope you

enjoy this activity during your holiday

season this year I'm Don Hoffman from

the University of Wyoming extension and

you're watching from the ground up

For more infomation >> How To Make Pine Cone Bird Feeders Tutorial (With Tips And Tricks) - Duration: 1:50.


I-69 interchange locations - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> I-69 interchange locations - Duration: 0:29.


My Visions Of New Earth - Duration: 14:03.

My Visions Of New Earth

by Victoria,

Last night, after experiencing more (groan) ascension symptoms of body aches and pains

and emotional blockage in my heart chakra, I spent some time in quiet, hot buddies on

my body, shiatsu massager on my back, and did some necessary purging. After that, I

felt that I either received downloads (are those still coming??) or activated whatever

downloads I had already received. Either way, I received some insights, and coupled with

insights and visions I have had throughout the past 10 years, I was able to put some

things together and thus, present to you my visions of new earth, what is going on right

now, what is important to focus on and what we can let go of.

Again, these are just insights from my own Inner and Higher Selves. Please use your own

guidance and discernment.

To begin with, even though my awakening began in my mid 20�s, my knowledge of New Earth/5D

Earth did not come into my heart and consciousness until Fall 2012. Prior to 2012, I had a vision

around the years 2006/2007, which I have shared in a previous Daily Notes post or two and

will share again briefly. In the vision, I was with a group of Beings. We were tall and

had an interesting form. While there was a physical mass (torso, arms, legs, head, etc.)

we also seemed very �light� � almost as if we were floating. Illuminated is a good

word to describe how we were. We were standing in a circle around a tree. I felt ~ blissful.

Serene. Completely at home and totally in the moment. While I didn�t �see� with

my mind�s eye what came next, I felt something unexpected happened and our civilization ended.

Since then I have concluded and intuited this was Lemuria I had seen. This was the last

earthly time we (humans and Gaia and all life) have lived in complete harmony, at the higher

vibrational frequencies.

During this time period in which I had this vision, I also had a dream where I was in

this beautiful wooden house. It was a big structure with a strong presence. Rather odd

for a house, I thought. But there I was ~ at first on the outside deck, watching a group

of children around the age of 6-8 running around, interestingly enough all in overalls.

Next scene, I�m in the kitchen, the kids all gathered around this long counter, hungry

for peanut butter sandwiches. I had no children at the time, but in the dream I knew one of

them was mine, likely a girl.

�Hmm, peanut butter sandwiches,� I thought. Suddenly, a jar of peanut butter, butter knife

and loaf of white bread appeared. Cool, I thought. I have the ability to manifest instantly!

I then look outside over the property. The scenery was beautiful. Peaceful. The skies

were brilliant blue (NO CHEMTRAILS!!), the trees vibrant. Where am I, I thought. I didn�t

sense a lot of people around. I sensed my mate in the garden. The feeling of pure contentment

was palpable, having not experienced that very often in my waking life. It was a wonderful


Upon waking I concluded I was on another planet, definitely earth-like. I promptly forgot about

the dream. I didn�t share it with anyone, not even my mate. That is until he had the

same dream a couple of years later. The house, the children in overalls, knowing one was

ours, the garden, the feel of the planet ~ all the same.

Since that time my spouse has had several dreams of the town. He�s the explorer in

the family, so no surprise there. I have had a dream of the town. I was playing the piano

in a small diner for the locals. I explored the street � beautiful majestic mountains,

small shops, roads made of paved dirt (no ugh asphalt � yay!!) and interestingly enough,

no cars (flying ships!). Woo hoo!

In my meditations, I have gone back to the house several times, outfitting it with furnishings,

hangings and other things I wish to have in it.

I had another dream of the house last fall where I was standing in front of it, looking

up at it. It�s such a massive structure (compared to where I have lived throughout

my adult life) � it takes my breath away. Again the feeling of home and absolute contentment

were palpable. This house is mine. It is a powerful, wonderful feeling. No threat of

some greedy landlord or bank to take it away. It was and is mine � until I decide it isn�t.

In the dream it was winter, a bit of snow on the ground. I had on my winter coat and

these white snow boots I didn�t have at the time so they were not recognizable. That

is until I saw the very boots online last December and bought them (of course I did!).

When the boots arrived, I put them on and announced �Ok house and new earth I AM READY!�

Ah if only it were so simple. And yet in a way, this is part of it. For you see, in buying

these boots, and in intending this house and how I wish for it to look in my meditations,

I so deeply believe I am creating this house. I am making it so.

As I said, the terms �5D� and �New Earth� didn�t enter my mind until 2012. A neighbor

shared with me some of her visions and it was then that I remembered the dream I had

where I was in this house on a planet that looked so much like earth, only it felt different.

That�s when she said shared with me her belief in New Earth and 5D.

Completely resonated.

It is my belief 5D Earth, 5D Gaia is already �in place�. It�s simply a timeline issue.

(And of course since coming to that conclusion, I am seeing videos and articles on �timelines�.

Love that beautiful Universal Synchronicity!)

This is so important: We are all creating our timelines now, based on our thoughts and


Believe the world is in chaos and going to hell? That will be your experience, your timeline.

Believe that while there is chaos �out there�, there is another reality we can choose. That

will be your timeline experience.

The possibilities, I am now seeing, are, perhaps, endless.

I received strong confirmation on this timeline creation experience last night. Before I went

to sleep, I did my usual intentions/meditations, only this time I �saw� an actual scene

I had had earlier in the evening, a conversation with my neighbors. Only this time, I could

see this energy wall between us. It looked like a wall of bubbly water. I knew if I were

to speak, or they were to speak, it would sound like one does when one speaks with their

hands over their ears. What I was seeing was a separation of the timelines that I am creating.

Powerful vision.


I suggest being specific in your intentions. Don�t like what you are seeing and believing?

Believe and intend to see something different that�s in alignment with Who You Are and

Who You Want to Be.

I do not believe we need to be perfectly �healed� to ascend to New Earth. Intention, an authentic

heart/will are all that is necessary. I have read far too many pieces that state �you

must be healed of all your stuff if you wish to ascend.� Nonsense, especially for those

who have had seemingly endless incarnation cycles in this lower vibrational frequency.

As I said in a previous piece, that is a lot of lifetimes of pain and trauma, and given

most of it is not available to our conscious memories, we are in need of some help with

this healing. I believe we will be receiving that help upon our arrival to 5D. We will

have help from our mentors, likely those of our Soul Group who have chosen to be here

now, outside of the Reincarnation Cycle of 3D earth, in order to help out with this Ascension


It is also my belief we are not here to �master� this 3d matrix as some are saying before we

ascend. Speaking just for myself here: I have no desire nor intention in mastering all of

this dark, controlling system crap. Zero. Nor does this make me more (or less) Spiritually

�Mature� or ready to Ascend. I see it for what it is. It can �have its way�.

I am choosing Different.

I also do not believe I needed to experience suffering and trauma/pain and darkness in

order to know love and freedom. Why? To begin with, I am Divine and thus it is my Vibrational

Nature to BE Love and Freedom. Second, where I believe I came from, my time in Lemuria,

was an experience OF love and freedom so I was well aware of this way of Being/Living

and certainly did not need to experience the polar opposite in order to KNOW. Again, nonsense.

Which is why I have continued to return here lifetime after lifetime in order to Remember

all of this, to Remember the experiences of living in Lemuria, in order to RETURN to this

way of Being and Living�

�which is why, I believe, so many of us are feeling �I want to go home.�

We ARE going home. And naturally we want to! Who wouldn�t want to?

Now I believe not all have continued on with the reincarnation cycle. I believe some have

opted to be in other dimensions, on other planets, in order to help with the perfect

alignment of energies in order for Gaia and Us to ascend at this time period. I have had

the feeling a few times that I have had an incarnation on another planet. Perhaps I have.

This time around, I believe we will all be Ascending in our own time period, when we

are ready, hence the explanation above of how we are creating our own experience, our

own timeline.

It�s a CHOICE.

I also do not believe Source or any other Being of Love would say �you have until

this date to get it straight or else you will stay behind and continue to suffer.� Nope.

The Divine doesn�t operate on that frequency bandwidth. I ain�t buying it. Or feeling

it. That is duality with the energy vibe of a threat. While I believe there will be a

lower vibrational earth frequency for those choosing, consciously or not, to remain in

this energy space, I do believe the days of the archon control are over.

Because we had our way of living stolen from us by these dark archons, who then set up

a false energy grid to keep us enslaved, to keep us in this reincarnation trap, many of

us have �chosen� to return again and again on this planet in order to make it to this

point in history.

I use the term �chosen� in quotes because while we have made the soulful and conscious

choice to return to this 3D earth, there wasn�t much freedom or free will in that choice,

certainly not in their most authentic of definitions. Let me say is this way: We were part of a

horrible hostile takeover. And because we cared so much for not only one another but

for our Gaia, our Home, we have returned time and time again to ensure we bring Her and

Us back HOME. This has not been about lessons. This has not been about karma. This has been

a mission of undying Love to make the Loving Choice � to provide and return Sovereignty

and Freedom for All Lives.


And I can attest I have read many who have proclaimed they are not coming back to this

cycle again. I am one of them. And we say this because we�re not going to have to.

We have experienced darkness in a way that has been shocking, traumatic and beyond our

level of comprehension. As such, we will not be fooled again. We can remain Loving and

Powerful while also now being aware of what darkness is capable of it.

I realize this is a long piece with a lot of information. I just felt this need to put

it together, as jumbled as it may appear, and set it loose to you to provide some comfort

(in case you are feeling fear that you aren�t doing it �right�) as well as to play a

role, serve my Purpose, which is something I have been rather shy at in claiming � that

I have a purpose in this Ascension process. One of my readers lovingly sensed this in

me and shared with me that she believed I wasn�t aware how important I am in this

Ascension mission at this time. Certainly I don�t have the following of many other

Ascension websites and don�t receive channeled messages or have one of those science-based

linear minds that talk of the science behind energy, DNA and the like.

But my intention has, since the onset of this website last fall, been to share my Truth

as I see and feel it at the time. It has been a work of Love. And I deeply thank you, my

readers, for believing in me and showing me your support in your own ways.

I hope to see many of you in New Earth. What a grand party it will be!

For more infomation >> My Visions Of New Earth - Duration: 14:03.


Supernatural in 6 minutes | (Season 2) - Duration: 6:36.



*video game start sound*

Hey Guidlies!


This video has spoilers!

But don't run away yet, because I have an important note: I write this so that both

long time fans and noobs can watch and laugh without having anything totally ruined because

I provided little to no context as to what is going on.

Now that that's out of the way, let's go!

Season 2 opens up with the Winchester family all messed up from the crash.

Sam is the only one who's alright.

So they're taken to the hospital and they're beat up but theyre ok.

Except dean.

He's not ok.

He's a coma ghost and he's like whyyyyy?

John is like get these goods and sam is like ALL YOU ARE CARE ABOUT IS THE DEMON, DAD!

and john is like stfu, you don't know my life.

And a clingy reaper is stalking dean in his coma ghost-ness and she's like, come with

me if you want to die and dean is like you can't make me and she's like, aw baby.

Don't be like that.

Just die a little bit.


Meanwhile john is like deeeeeemon, come out to pllaayyyy.

And the demon comes and john gives him the magic gun and also his soul but not before

waking up dean from almost death and being like, hey, sorry I've been such a crappy

dad, and then he tells him some whisper secrets and then bleh.

He dies.

Full of life and also guilt, the boys go to this roadhouse and meet a hunter named Ellen

and her daughter, Jo.

Dean is like, forget grieving, LETS HUNT and sam is like FEELINGS and dean is like NO even

though he has the most feelings.

So they hunt a killer clown and sam does not like it one bit.

Dean is like HUNTING IS GREAT and sam is like, but feelings and dean is like DUDE.



And same is like like hm?!?!

Dean's like, "ok fine.


Little bit."

So Jo is like hey there sexy pants and dean is like, meh.

but then sam has MOAR VISIONS!

And then there's another psychic kid who kills people.

Except, wait, he doesn't, he's just a jedi with a sweet ride.

But people keep dying so whats the deal?

Surprise he has an evil twin!

Who is also a jedi and has had some chats with mr yellow eyes.

but it's ok because his brother shoots him.


so they tell her all the things

Then Jo is like I CAN BE THE BEST HUNTER that no one ever was and everyone is like, sure


So she goes and there's problems and they fix it but then ellen is like, their dad got

your dad killed and jo is like ANGST

Then the boys get arrested bc shapeshifter and then so dean is like "im an Aquarius,

I enjoy long walks on the beach, and frisky women."

And to no one's surprise sam has MORE VISIONS of one guy dying but then Croatoan!

And sam gets croatan but then he doesn't…?

Then everyone disappears and oops, the one guy who died in the visions does bad things.

Dean then decides to tell sam john's pre death whisper secrets that sam needs some

saving but if not, then you know…kill Sam.

And sam is like WTF?!

So once again Sam is like ANGST and leaves to go find more psychic buddies but shh don't

tell dean.

Then a girl psychic buddy has a vision of sam dying and so goes and find him and is


And Sam is like, hey!

Dead mom?! and she's like …no? and Sam is like…weird.

Then a crazy hunter is like KILL ALL THE PSYCHIC BUDDIES INCLUDING SAM and dean is like Funky

town MOFO and they take him out. and then Sam and Dean hunt together again because family.

And then dolls.

SO many dolls

Those rascally shapeshifters are at it again, ruining a bank.

And sam and dean are get in MORE legal trouble and the feds are like bad boys bad boys, whatcha

gonna do, watch gonna do when they come for you.

Suddenly there's a killer angel and sam is like Jesus?!

And dean is like we went over this!!

And sam is like, but angels! and dean is like NO! but it wasn't an angel it was a ghost


GASP Sam wakes up covered in blood from blacking out and Dean is like WTF DUDE and sam is like

….? I think I'm evil now and there's totes evidence of him being

super evil and sam is like KILL ME and dean is like….NO!!!

BUT WAIT MEG from season one was possessing sam this whole time!

Megan surprise! and she leaves so it's fine.

Then there's a trickster and sam is like, dean we don't have time for your blah blah


With no leads, the boys keep hunting through their feelings and they kill a sexy werewolf

lady and it's sad and a then genie gives dean all of his hopes and dreams but then,

you know, he almost dies.

Dean is ok so he's like PIE and oh no!

Sam is stolen and there is no pie now! and Sam wakes up in the middle of nowhere with

all the psychic buddies.

Sam is like the demon brought us here for demon reasons so lets try to escape!

But it's hard bc there are a lot of ghosts and everyone keeps dying.

All the while dean and bobby try to find sam and the roadhouse is burned down!

And the jedi psychic from a few episodes before telepathically tells dean where they are

then mr yellow eyes gets sam and is like btw, totes didn't mean to kill your mom but kill

each other, ok?

So all who's left is just sam and this other psychic, jake and jake is like, ima kill you

bc I wanna win the demon competition.

And sam is like…no...And they fight but sam wins and doesn't kill Jake because he's

a nice guy.

Then dean finds them and he sees his brother and they run into each others arms except

for then jake stabs sam in the back and then... sam dies in deans arms.


So sam is dead and dean has a heartbreaking monologue about how he was the one who raised

sam and he only had one job and he doesn't deserve anything in life anymore and he's

the worst person ever so he goes and sells his soul FOR SAM. and the demon he makes the

deal with is like, ok I'll bring Sam back, but you only get one more year left to live.

Yeah? and dean is like, fine.

so they go see bobby and he's like there's some demon things happening that we need to

take care of also, dean, Why is Sam alive?

Did you sell your soul? and dean is like…yeah.

And Bobby is like WHY YOU DO THAT?! and dean is like, well, no body loves me so it doesn't

matter anyway and then bobby is like "YA IDJIT!

I LOVE YOU YOU'RE LIKE THE SON I NEVER HAD!" and dean is just like, just don't tell sam,



but then ellen is there so they all go to the place.

So the yellow eyed demon has possessed jake kid and the magic gun is unlocking hell?!?!

so yellow eyes escapes as they kill jake and get the magic gun and dean is like, Imma kill


And the yellow eyed demon is like NOT TODAY and then he almost kills DEAN!

But then *sings* johns ghost saves dean cause he's finally not gonna be a crap father*

And then because of that, Dean gets the magic gun and then shoots the yellowed eyed demon

in the chest and he's like "that was for my mother you SOB" and season one's driving

plot device is OVER! but sam is like did you sell your soul?! and dean is like…kinda

and oops, hell is everywhere so we kinda have to fix that.

End season 2

If you enjoyed this video, please do me a huge favor and sub-scribity scribe for more

videos like this and like other stuff!

If you don't want to miss anything that I do, give me a bell.

Like this video, share it with everyone who loves Supernatural and leave a comment down

below with what other fandoms I should be doing this for!

Thank you guys so much for watching, my name is Crystal!

Stay awesome.


For more infomation >> Supernatural in 6 minutes | (Season 2) - Duration: 6:36.


Hyundai ix20 1.6I I-MOTION Automaat - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.6I I-MOTION Automaat - Duration: 1:03.


Honda Jazz 1.2i COOL Rijklaar!! - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz 1.2i COOL Rijklaar!! - Duration: 1:08.


Honda HR-V 1.5 i-VTEC Elegance, Automaat, Navigatie Rijklaar!!! Nieuw!!! Milano Red - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Honda HR-V 1.5 i-VTEC Elegance, Automaat, Navigatie Rijklaar!!! Nieuw!!! Milano Red - Duration: 1:01.


Honda CR-V 2.0i-VTEC ES 110KW AWD ECC MISTLAMPEN 16"LMV EL.RAMEN ALARM - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 2.0i-VTEC ES 110KW AWD ECC MISTLAMPEN 16"LMV EL.RAMEN ALARM - Duration: 0:59.


i-PRO EXTREME TURBO RAIDネットワークディスクレコーダー WJ NX400K|SECURITY SHOW 2017 | パナソニック WEB展示会 - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> i-PRO EXTREME TURBO RAIDネットワークディスクレコーダー WJ NX400K|SECURITY SHOW 2017 | パナソニック WEB展示会 - Duration: 3:21.


Honda CR-V 2.0i AWD Elegance Automaat Trekh - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 2.0i AWD Elegance Automaat Trekh - Duration: 1:06.


Citroën C3 1.4I ATTRACTION **All-in prijs! Inclusief onderhoud, APK en garantie** - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4I ATTRACTION **All-in prijs! Inclusief onderhoud, APK en garantie** - Duration: 1:00.


Opel Astra 1.6I 75PK PEARL - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.6I 75PK PEARL - Duration: 0:54.


[TENCHU CHECKPOINT Presents] Tenchu Untold Stories. 2 - Duration: 22:09.

For more infomation >> [TENCHU CHECKPOINT Presents] Tenchu Untold Stories. 2 - Duration: 22:09.


Commenter and Sweg Spee Marriage - Duration: 0:57.

This video doesn't need subtitles.

It already says everything up there, next to the person saying it.

For more infomation >> Commenter and Sweg Spee Marriage - Duration: 0:57.


New Instagram Account + Custom Hoodie! - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> New Instagram Account + Custom Hoodie! - Duration: 3:01.


✅ 1000 SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY Winner & 5 Random Facts About Me in 4k - Witte Artistry - Duration: 3:32.

What's up Makeup Minions? I'm Kim Witte

Witte Artistry and welcome back to my

youtube channel! If you haven't already

please hit that subscribe button below

to become part of the Witte Artistry family!

now let's get this very special one

thousand subscriber giveaway video going!

And now the moment you've all been

waiting for!! I filled up this Cat in the hat

hat with all of the names of the people

who entered the race to 1000 giveaway!

Gonna mix it up... you ready?! are you ready?!

Okay! Here we go.

I'm not looking.

Moment of truth!

aannnd Inside the Haunt Industry is the WINNER!!

Congratulations inside of the

Haunt Industry! You win your own little

monster makeup minion, a Witte Artistry

t-shirt, and your own secret unreleased

body paint photo in this snazzy little

envelope. I will contact you to get

your address and also what shirt size

you want. Thank you so much Inside the

haunted Industry for entering and for your

support! I've seen your YouTube channel

and it is totally awesome! and thank you

everyone who entered and don't worry if

you didn't win this giveaway because you

can still get your own little custom

monster makeup minion of whatever color

you would like, if you email me at or you can get

your own shirt by contacting me through

the same email or clicking the link in

the description. like I mentioned in the

introduction if you stuck around you get

five random facts about me! let's get

started. Fact number one! I have gone

skydiving which was crazy fun I went

with my brother and some of my friends

and we went out in a huge field

and jumped out of a plane! crazy I know

but it was so awesome. Fact 2!

So I am scuba certified. I got my- haha-

got my scuba certification last summer

and I am open water certified and for

those of you who are in on the scuba

knowledge great! but that's basically you

can go scuba dive

anywhere that there's nothing over

hanging over your head! FACT 3! so I've

worked at a haunted house and I love it

it is so much fun! um believe it or not I

was a makeup artist (wooh) and an actress.

it was so much fun and you got like a

whole room to yourself and nothing beats

scaring people! Fact number four! fact

number four is that I know how to

water-ski! I wouldn't say I'm like a

competition kind of person, but I can

stay up and go in and out of the wake

and my best friend taught me how to do

it at her cabin and it's so much fun!

And Number five! So fact number five

about me is that I have competed in snow

sculpting competitions. It's a really

unique experience and it's more like

sculpting ice and random bits of debris

than snow... but it was a lot of fun and

had a good message. Thanks so much for

watching this video if you liked it

please give it a thumbs up and drop me a

comment below and feel free to subscribe

to my youtube channel for more giveaways

and more makeups! I appreciate each and

every one of you and thank you to

everyone who entered! I really appreciate

your support and I cannot believe 1000

subscribers has already come and gone!!

you guys are the best! <3

For more infomation >> ✅ 1000 SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY Winner & 5 Random Facts About Me in 4k - Witte Artistry - Duration: 3:32.


Underfell Animation : When Puns Fail (Vietsub) (cc) - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Underfell Animation : When Puns Fail (Vietsub) (cc) - Duration: 0:55.



Hi guys! We're going to Stellar's Fansign now

Its... 11:00... What time it is?


Yeah, we are so close, but in time...

I'm here with Inara, say hi!

Inara's father: getting close to Portugal Square

Yeah xD

In a litthe while we'll be in the line, in the hotel

Meet our friends, and i'll be back with more parts to you!

We arrived!!!!111

We arrived and I stumbled lol

We're entering....

I'm lost, helppp

omg, where is the fansign?

I'm completely lost, i'm feeling like a tourist

we'll ask in the reception

I'm nervoussss

omg i'm so nervous!

i'm shitting myself

Look, we found the line


I don't know where Cleidi (my friend) is

We're arrived in the fansign (Everytime i to here, instead of here)

We're arrived, i'm in the line, that's a little bit big now,

So, we'll be waiting our time

i'm here, (and my friend Cleidi, that we was looking for)

I'm with my board, we're with our boards

we'll waiting our time

Guys, I'm so anxious, I do not know you that is watching this

I'm trembling

Inara hit the head in the camera

We're arrived!

This girl was delaying to leave home

So, we arrived late. No, we just came here a little bit later that we would arrive

Inara: What are you doing?

I'm writting "annyeong!" here, and put this paper with my gifts to Stellar (chokers with her names)

Inara: I'm sad because I do not have anything to give

I have gifts to each girl!

I didn't had time to finish the gifts because slept 3:00am doing this

We'll enter now, i'm nervous!!!!

Will work it!

I'm here with my gifts in my hands

I sat in front of them, here is my poster

Guys, i'm trembling, its not a joke! If the video is a little bit shaken, ignore this!

Really, its not a joke!!11

Inara: She's trembling! Including me, I'm shaking

I'm the Fortaleza's happiest twinkle!

real and official

Say hi!!!

I'm with the poster, that they give to Stellar put their autographs

i'm with the board that says "Welcome to Fortaleza" and blablabla that i forgive now X'D (Sorry Jany!)

And my gifts, the chokers that i'll give to them

And a message that I ask to my friend Lola to help me to write

Inara: that's so cute! This is my notebook

This is of my friend, to Stellar autograph here

And this until all the girls autpgraph.

I hope tat sold out, lets come here to the fansign!

I'm here with a twinkle that come to another city... what city?


Inara: Paraíba

Paraíba or Recife?

Its because i live in João Pessoa but i was in Recife!

What we do because of our ultimate group!

I'm the Fortaleza happiest twinkle and she is the happiest twinkle of... Recife? Paraíba?

I don't know anymore!

I only know that i'm nervous

I don't know my name anymore! I don't know what i eat today!

I brought a tapioca to eat

"You think that i eat today? I don't eat today!"

I don't know, i'll die

Actually I can spend some time without eat nothing but

Staff: Guys, listen!

Before the fansign starts, Stellar will answer some questions of you guys, that will be raffle

You can write in portuguese, and... someone have questions? Who didn't leave your question? And who want to ask something!

I'll gave you the notes and pick later

I'll ask something about covers, i don't know yet

But will be something about covers, maybe "if they like when people make dance covers"

Because its a tribute, right?

So... this will be my question, if they raffle... I'll die. If not... Its ok... my life will move on

Hi! You remember this guy? That danced with me on my Kpop In Public video?

I think he don't will dance with me this time, that i'll record the Dance Kpop In Public 2 today

I think he don't will dance!

What we do with him?

We slap him, put the pen on his head? We kill him?

So, but we're here on the Stellar's fansign, will be start soon and we're nervous!!!

Erick: so much!

I'm trembling!!! Erick: me too!!!

Its the life...

Look who i found here! Mais Viagem Por Favor! (brazilian vlogger)

Without Marcella!

Amanda: But Marcella its in São Paulo for Stellar's show tomorrow

Oh! Its too much better, because here it's just a fansign!

Amanda: but Stellar is already here! I'm nervous!

At least they walked in the beach, were in the Coco Bambu (a good restaurant close to the sea), was in the hotel's pool

Amanda: they're fancy

Yeah, I never was in Coco Bambu and Stellar go

The cache was $o good!

Amanda: just pass in the front of the restaurant.

i never pass in front of Coco Bambu until today

Let's enjoy the fansign!

Amanda: you know what you said to them?

I made chokers to them

Amanda: to give to them?

Yes, with their names inside of a heart

I don't know if i can see their reaction, i hope i have time to this!

We are waiting the fansign start... I think they will come here in a few minutes, its already 12:30

Amanda: I'm nervous, they said to enter quickly because it's starting

When you come I think that was Stellar, because some people was in the door with you to take pics!

But no, its just Amanda... XD

Even I don't have all this fame HAHA

W'e'll waiting and its full of fans!!!!

Thanks God!

We'll waiting our time to talk with Stellar!


Translater: She's liking Brazil

She's feeling welcome in our city

She's liking a lot, she will try to comeback more times

What the best choreo in Stellar's opinion?



We just teach Stellar The TA BOM Fortaleza Style!

And them will show to South Korea that TA BOM is wrong, it's this way that you have to do!

Inara: it's not like this, it's like that!

Say hi!!!! hey guysss say hi!

"What's up!" (but in Brazil you say "E aí", and Erick says "E a-ing"

We're here walking on Beira Mar, filming Kpop In Public 2

That will be avaliable....... when i finish the edition

In some time of my life... xD

Its because i'll editing first the Stellar's Fansign Vlog! Let's in chronologic time

Searching people to react...

I don't know when the video will be out

Inara: my little bag!

I don't know i put...


I think after upload this Vlog, in the next week will be here the Kpop In Public 2....

A DOG!!!

Oh! Erick will be in the Kpop In Public 2, because you asked so much to bring him back and dance again

So i brought him back, threaten kill their family.... LOL

So, that's all, waiting for the video!

Inara: I want to dance too now!!!!

We will be the best featuring on the Kpop In Public 2

Joy's Train! (it's an attraction that we have here in Brazil)

Will have Superman, all the power rangers

For more infomation >> VLOG: STELLAR IN FORTALEZA + KPOP IN PUBLIC - Duration: 17:52.


BEST HAPY WEELZ LES PLY EVR!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDD - Duration: 1:25.

Hey guis, ths is markusdude1 bek agan


So im jus guna do a bit mor hapee whels lik i used to

*Literal shit spitting out of mouth*

*Inaudible anime hyperventilation*

I dont rely play ths muc anymor cuz its not realy mi thig

Butt imma do it anway for old tims sak

*I don't fucking know*

I duno wut da hel this is

*Sounds of a category 69 hurricane*

I duno wut to do her


*Dildo with razor blades shoved up the asshole*

OHH GODNES tis game is a lot mor grapic tan....

Its a lot mor gaphic thn i rememer

*Microphone blowjob*

*Mentally retarded cow takes microphone and shits on it*

OHH my....???

*I'm not even trying to caption this piece of shit video anymore*

*Jacob Sartorius voice without autotune*

For more infomation >> BEST HAPY WEELZ LES PLY EVR!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDD - Duration: 1:25.


Tuyển Tập Những Bản Cover Mashup Hay Nhất 2017 | Mashup Anh Đã Quen Với Cô Đơn - Yêu 5 - Mơ - Duration: 50:27.

For more infomation >> Tuyển Tập Những Bản Cover Mashup Hay Nhất 2017 | Mashup Anh Đã Quen Với Cô Đơn - Yêu 5 - Mơ - Duration: 50:27.


康納 與 廚神戈登·拉姆齊 一起做料理 - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> 康納 與 廚神戈登·拉姆齊 一起做料理 - Duration: 5:53.


K.A.R.D - Latin Dance Challenge Part 4 - [ESP][PORT][ENG] - Duration: 8:24.

Hi hi! We are K.A.R.D!

I am BM

I am Somin

I am Jiwoo

I am J.Seph

This time we will popular Brazilian dances.

Like Korea's Gangnam Style

The horse-dance

Or the dougie in the USA

So let's have a look and try to learn

Okay, okay, let's go!

Let's watch it!

That is a popular dance? It's hard!

Till here?

This is pretty cute!

Cute and addictive!

The person in the middle kept smiling while giving instructions

They look so happy!

Staff: Let's watch it one more time

Ah cute

I can only follow this part!

I only know it from here

Staff:Because it's hard to follow, we'll show you one more time

Staff: Let's start

Aaah, too bad

We should have done better

What are you doing?

He really doesn't seem like he's older

Noooo, why why why

I didn't think I'd win

Try this, it's similar to choco pie

It's filled with something

Something like syrup?

Super 8?

This seems to have a peanut butter flavor

Please tell us your impressions as the winner

First of all, I'm really happy to have achieved first place and got to eat these tasty Chilean snacks

And the dance was really fun so we enjoyed trying it out a lot.

-Yes, it was really fun. -Thank you!

As you gave us such a special gift, we have to give you a special gift too, right?

A gift event

So we will show you our Don't Recall choreography!

For more infomation >> K.A.R.D - Latin Dance Challenge Part 4 - [ESP][PORT][ENG] - Duration: 8:24.


Just The Way You Are | Bruno Mars | Musica Instrumental para Casamento | Buffet East Side - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Just The Way You Are | Bruno Mars | Musica Instrumental para Casamento | Buffet East Side - Duration: 2:53.


Sou Mulher no IFPE - Lisa Lisieux - Olinda [LEG/LIBRAS] - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Sou Mulher no IFPE - Lisa Lisieux - Olinda [LEG/LIBRAS] - Duration: 3:53.


Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 03-26-2017 09:49:59 - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 03-26-2017 09:49:59 - Duration: 5:01.


SERIE Episode 5 - Teaser - MONTAÑA DE ORO - MONTAÑA DE ORO - GOLD MOUNTAIN - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> SERIE Episode 5 - Teaser - MONTAÑA DE ORO - MONTAÑA DE ORO - GOLD MOUNTAIN - Duration: 0:38.



Hi guys! We're going to Stellar's Fansign now

Its... 11:00... What time it is?


Yeah, we are so close, but in time...

I'm here with Inara, say hi!

Inara's father: getting close to Portugal Square

Yeah xD

In a litthe while we'll be in the line, in the hotel

Meet our friends, and i'll be back with more parts to you!

We arrived!!!!111

We arrived and I stumbled lol

We're entering....

I'm lost, helppp

omg, where is the fansign?

I'm completely lost, i'm feeling like a tourist

we'll ask in the reception

I'm nervoussss

omg i'm so nervous!

i'm shitting myself

Look, we found the line


I don't know where Cleidi (my friend) is

We're arrived in the fansign (Everytime i to here, instead of here)

We're arrived, i'm in the line, that's a little bit big now,

So, we'll be waiting our time

i'm here, (and my friend Cleidi, that we was looking for)

I'm with my board, we're with our boards

we'll waiting our time

Guys, I'm so anxious, I do not know you that is watching this

I'm trembling

Inara hit the head in the camera

We're arrived!

This girl was delaying to leave home

So, we arrived late. No, we just came here a little bit later that we would arrive

Inara: What are you doing?

I'm writting "annyeong!" here, and put this paper with my gifts to Stellar (chokers with her names)

Inara: I'm sad because I do not have anything to give

I have gifts to each girl!

I didn't had time to finish the gifts because slept 3:00am doing this

We'll enter now, i'm nervous!!!!

Will work it!

I'm here with my gifts in my hands

I sat in front of them, here is my poster

Guys, i'm trembling, its not a joke! If the video is a little bit shaken, ignore this!

Really, its not a joke!!11

Inara: She's trembling! Including me, I'm shaking

I'm the Fortaleza's happiest twinkle!

real and official

Say hi!!!

I'm with the poster, that they give to Stellar put their autographs

i'm with the board that says "Welcome to Fortaleza" and blablabla that i forgive now X'D (Sorry Jany!)

And my gifts, the chokers that i'll give to them

And a message that I ask to my friend Lola to help me to write

Inara: that's so cute! This is my notebook

This is of my friend, to Stellar autograph here

And this until all the girls autpgraph.

I hope tat sold out, lets come here to the fansign!

I'm here with a twinkle that come to another city... what city?


Inara: Paraíba

Paraíba or Recife?

Its because i live in João Pessoa but i was in Recife!

What we do because of our ultimate group!

I'm the Fortaleza happiest twinkle and she is the happiest twinkle of... Recife? Paraíba?

I don't know anymore!

I only know that i'm nervous

I don't know my name anymore! I don't know what i eat today!

I brought a tapioca to eat

"You think that i eat today? I don't eat today!"

I don't know, i'll die

Actually I can spend some time without eat nothing but

Staff: Guys, listen!

Before the fansign starts, Stellar will answer some questions of you guys, that will be raffle

You can write in portuguese, and... someone have questions? Who didn't leave your question? And who want to ask something!

I'll gave you the notes and pick later

I'll ask something about covers, i don't know yet

But will be something about covers, maybe "if they like when people make dance covers"

Because its a tribute, right?

So... this will be my question, if they raffle... I'll die. If not... Its ok... my life will move on

Hi! You remember this guy? That danced with me on my Kpop In Public video?

I think he don't will dance with me this time, that i'll record the Dance Kpop In Public 2 today

I think he don't will dance!

What we do with him?

We slap him, put the pen on his head? We kill him?

So, but we're here on the Stellar's fansign, will be start soon and we're nervous!!!

Erick: so much!

I'm trembling!!! Erick: me too!!!

Its the life...

Look who i found here! Mais Viagem Por Favor! (brazilian vlogger)

Without Marcella!

Amanda: But Marcella its in São Paulo for Stellar's show tomorrow

Oh! Its too much better, because here it's just a fansign!

Amanda: but Stellar is already here! I'm nervous!

At least they walked in the beach, were in the Coco Bambu (a good restaurant close to the sea), was in the hotel's pool

Amanda: they're fancy

Yeah, I never was in Coco Bambu and Stellar go

The cache was $o good!

Amanda: just pass in the front of the restaurant.

i never pass in front of Coco Bambu until today

Let's enjoy the fansign!

Amanda: you know what you said to them?

I made chokers to them

Amanda: to give to them?

Yes, with their names inside of a heart

I don't know if i can see their reaction, i hope i have time to this!

We are waiting the fansign start... I think they will come here in a few minutes, its already 12:30

Amanda: I'm nervous, they said to enter quickly because it's starting

When you come I think that was Stellar, because some people was in the door with you to take pics!

But no, its just Amanda... XD

Even I don't have all this fame HAHA

W'e'll waiting and its full of fans!!!!

Thanks God!

We'll waiting our time to talk with Stellar!


Translater: She's liking Brazil

She's feeling welcome in our city

She's liking a lot, she will try to comeback more times

What the best choreo in Stellar's opinion?



We just teach Stellar The TA BOM Fortaleza Style!

And them will show to South Korea that TA BOM is wrong, it's this way that you have to do!

Inara: it's not like this, it's like that!

Say hi!!!! hey guysss say hi!

"What's up!" (but in Brazil you say "E aí", and Erick says "E a-ing"

We're here walking on Beira Mar, filming Kpop In Public 2

That will be avaliable....... when i finish the edition

In some time of my life... xD

Its because i'll editing first the Stellar's Fansign Vlog! Let's in chronologic time

Searching people to react...

I don't know when the video will be out

Inara: my little bag!

I don't know i put...


I think after upload this Vlog, in the next week will be here the Kpop In Public 2....

A DOG!!!

Oh! Erick will be in the Kpop In Public 2, because you asked so much to bring him back and dance again

So i brought him back, threaten kill their family.... LOL

So, that's all, waiting for the video!

Inara: I want to dance too now!!!!

We will be the best featuring on the Kpop In Public 2

Joy's Train! (it's an attraction that we have here in Brazil)

Will have Superman, all the power rangers

For more infomation >> VLOG: STELLAR IN FORTALEZA + KPOP IN PUBLIC - Duration: 17:52.


✅ 1000 SUBSCRIBERS GIVEAWAY Winner & 5 Random Facts About Me in 4k - Witte Artistry - Duration: 3:32.

What's up Makeup Minions? I'm Kim Witte

Witte Artistry and welcome back to my

youtube channel! If you haven't already

please hit that subscribe button below

to become part of the Witte Artistry family!

now let's get this very special one

thousand subscriber giveaway video going!

And now the moment you've all been

waiting for!! I filled up this Cat in the hat

hat with all of the names of the people

who entered the race to 1000 giveaway!

Gonna mix it up... you ready?! are you ready?!

Okay! Here we go.

I'm not looking.

Moment of truth!

aannnd Inside the Haunt Industry is the WINNER!!

Congratulations inside of the

Haunt Industry! You win your own little

monster makeup minion, a Witte Artistry

t-shirt, and your own secret unreleased

body paint photo in this snazzy little

envelope. I will contact you to get

your address and also what shirt size

you want. Thank you so much Inside the

haunted Industry for entering and for your

support! I've seen your YouTube channel

and it is totally awesome! and thank you

everyone who entered and don't worry if

you didn't win this giveaway because you

can still get your own little custom

monster makeup minion of whatever color

you would like, if you email me at or you can get

your own shirt by contacting me through

the same email or clicking the link in

the description. like I mentioned in the

introduction if you stuck around you get

five random facts about me! let's get

started. Fact number one! I have gone

skydiving which was crazy fun I went

with my brother and some of my friends

and we went out in a huge field

and jumped out of a plane! crazy I know

but it was so awesome. Fact 2!

So I am scuba certified. I got my- haha-

got my scuba certification last summer

and I am open water certified and for

those of you who are in on the scuba

knowledge great! but that's basically you

can go scuba dive

anywhere that there's nothing over

hanging over your head! FACT 3! so I've

worked at a haunted house and I love it

it is so much fun! um believe it or not I

was a makeup artist (wooh) and an actress.

it was so much fun and you got like a

whole room to yourself and nothing beats

scaring people! Fact number four! fact

number four is that I know how to

water-ski! I wouldn't say I'm like a

competition kind of person, but I can

stay up and go in and out of the wake

and my best friend taught me how to do

it at her cabin and it's so much fun!

And Number five! So fact number five

about me is that I have competed in snow

sculpting competitions. It's a really

unique experience and it's more like

sculpting ice and random bits of debris

than snow... but it was a lot of fun and

had a good message. Thanks so much for

watching this video if you liked it

please give it a thumbs up and drop me a

comment below and feel free to subscribe

to my youtube channel for more giveaways

and more makeups! I appreciate each and

every one of you and thank you to

everyone who entered! I really appreciate

your support and I cannot believe 1000

subscribers has already come and gone!!

you guys are the best! <3

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