Sunday, April 2, 2017

Youtube daily report Apr 2 2017

In this short tutorial we'll cover the fundamentals behind Investable Attributes and the D-score.

All DARWINs are given scores for what we call investable attributes

and, in addition, are given a general score called the D-score.

Direct and real-time data of the strategy underlying the DARWIN is not disclosed in order to protect the trader's intellectual property,

therefore investors are offered the Investable Attributes and the D-score for making their investment decisions.

Our aim with with investable attributes is to measure the quality of a DARWIN with the least possible number of parameters.

There should be no attribute that is superfluous and no one either that is missing.

The ultimate aim of attribute scores and the D-score is to offer an indicator of probable future profitability.

It is proved with a representative set of DARWINs that the higher the D-score, the better the future performance that can be expected of a DARWIN.

For the calculation of the attributes and the D-score we work with historic trades of the strategy underlying the DARWIN and with the equity supported by this strategy.

The answer to the question whether investable attributes and D-score are of the DARWIN or of the strategy underlying the DARWIN,

is that they are attributes of a strategy meant to be transformed into a DARWIN.

Let's see the 5 principles investable attributes have to respect.

1. They need to be fit to compare strategies with any risk. In other words, they need to be valid for all kinds of trading strategies.

2. Each attribute is completely independent of any other attribute.

3. It mustn't be possible to dispute, in any attribute, that a higher score is better that a lower one.

4. In separate, no individual attribute can determine the quality of a strategy. It is possible to get a very good score in one attribute at the expense of another.

5. Quality of a strategy depends on the combination of the scores.

Scores have different weights depending on how they are combined with the rest of the scores.

Therefore, they can't be simply added up to make a ranking of DARWINs.

Let us repeat it, the value of a score depends on the rest of the scores.

We follow the rule that any attribute that exists and fulfills these 5 criteria, must be added as an investable attribute.

This is why we have 12 investable attributes and not less nor more than 12.

Scores of the 12 attributes are computed into a general score called the D-score which takes into account both the score of each individual investable attribute and their combination.

Based on a series of simulations, we guarantee that the higher the D-score, the higher the probability that a DARWIN will be profitable in the future.

This way, the D-score is the ultimate way to compare DARWINs.

Although we consider the investable attributes and the D-score as the most important metrics for a DARWIN,

investors are also offered a whole set of other metrics

they are welcome to explore under the 'Basic', 'Divergence', 'Correlation' and 'Underlying strategy' tabs.

Happy investing and remember that Darwinex is an exchange, not an investment advisor. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

For more infomation >> Investable Attributes and D-Score - Duration: 3:58.


Learn Farm Animals Names And Sounds Learning Animals Sounds For Children & Learn Wild Animals Names - Duration: 1:06:06.

Learn Farm Animals Names And Sounds Learning Animals Sounds For Children & Learn Wild Animals Names for kids

For more infomation >> Learn Farm Animals Names And Sounds Learning Animals Sounds For Children & Learn Wild Animals Names - Duration: 1:06:06.


What is a DARWIN - Duration: 5:26.

In this short video we'll see what a DARWIN is, why we think DARWINs are necessary and how they work.

What is a DARWIN

A DARWIN is a financial asset listed on the DARWIN Exchange for the benefit of independent traders and investors.

Investors may buy and sell DARWINs just like they can buy and sell for example stocks.

The name itself, DARWIN, is an acronym. It stands for Dynamic Asset and Risk-Weighted Investment.

The DARWIN's value is tied to a trading strategy.

When the trading strategy goes, for example, long on the EURUSD, investors who have bought that DARWIN will replicate this and will also go long on the EURUSD but without knowing the details of the trade in real time.

All they will know is the listing price of the DARWIN, for example they'll buy at 117 hoping that the liquidation price will go up if things turn out as the trader expected.

Why are DARWINs necessary

When an investor buys a DARWIN, the DARWIN starts to replicate for him or her the trades of the underlying strategy.

The investor does not know the live trades of the strategy. Why?

Because live trades are the intellectual property of the trader.

Through DARWINs, investors can follow a trading strategy while, at the same time, respect the trader's intellectual property.

Further, investments in DARWINs are managed by Darwinex,

a broker and asset manager regulated by the FCA and not by the traders themselves who, this way, get rid of the bureaucratic burden of becoming regulated asset managers

and can focus on what they do best: trading.

How does the replication process work?

On the one hand we have the strategy which informs the DARWIN.

Whenever a strategy places a trade, the DARWIN places the trade for investors after having passed through the risk manager.

The aim of the Darwinex risk manager is to protect investors from the trader taking excessive leverage.

Another aim of the risk manager is to achieve the same risk for all DARWINs so that DARWINs become easily comparable and investors can know the risk of their investment.

In order to achieve its aims, the risk manager makes two types of adjustments.

The first type of adjustment is an adjustment to the VaR factor and the second type of adjustment closes the trade partially in case the strategy takes risk outside its historical parameters.

Adjustments take place by trade open and also throughout the lifetime of the trade.

This transformed strategy is what investors buy.

How risky is a DARWIN

We've mentioned that all DARWINs have the same maximum risk target, managed by Darwinex, not the trader.

But how much is that risk?

By default, each investment in a DARWIN has a 10% monthly value at risk with 95% confidence.

An investment having a monthly Value at Risk of 10% with 95% confidence will lose 10% or more in a month, 5% of the time (which is why we say worst month in 20).

The flip side of this is that this same investment will make more than -10%, 95% of the time, that is, 19 out of 20 months.

When you invest in several DARWINs at the same time, the risk of your portfolio will be lower than 10% monthly value at risk

due to the fact that diversification lowers the risk of your portfolio.

How much does a DARWIN cost?

There are two types of costs when investing in a DARWIN.

On the one hand, investors pay execution commissions to the broker for getting their trades on the market.

This cost is already factored into the P&L of their investment.

On the other hand, investors pay 20% of their quarterly profit per DARWIN to the DARWIN provider (the trader).

We call this fee performance fee and it gets retained when you sell a DARWIN or when your investment in a DARWIN reaches quarter end.

If you have no profits with a DARWIN in a quarter, you don't pay any performance fees.

How to buy your first DARWIN

You can buy your first DARWIN by clicking the "Trade" button next to the DARWIN you want to invest in.

You'll see this button in different parts of the investment platform,

like the DARWIN's page,

the filters

or the DarwinIA trading contest.

If you want to buy a specific DARWIN, just type its handle into the search box

and it will pop-up immediately.

Minimum investment per DARWIN is 200 units of your base currency.

Happy investing and remember that Darwinex is an exchange, not an investment advisor. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

For more infomation >> What is a DARWIN - Duration: 5:26.


Meditación guiada 7. Programa INTRODUCCIÓN a MINDFULNESS. - Duration: 11:21.

Enhorabuena, has llegado a la sesión siete.

Estas experimentando la atención plena.

Un camino hacia el bienestar que empieza en tú interior.

Practicar si es posible cada día, es la clave.

Cuando no hay tiempo, toma la decisión de dedicar tan solo diez minutos a parar.

Los ganarás luego.

Con la experiencia y con nuestro método,

la atención plena es una manera de vivir las veinticuatro horas del día.

La vida, vamos.

Una forma sencilla de practicar mindfulness en nuestro día a día, es caminar.

En eso consiste la sesión de hoy.

Puedes probar primero en casa para familiarizarte,

o aprovechar un paseo en solitario, porque ya sabes que te puedes llevar intimind a cualquier parte.


Comienza tomando conciencia de tu postura.

De pie, con la espalda recta, alineada con la cabeza, una posición cómoda.

Observa la postura de pie,

que sensaciones percibes en este momento en todo tu cuerpo.

Empieza a andar y lleva la atención al inicio del movimiento al caminar.

A como el cuerpo comienza a realizar

un movimiento tan habitual como el caminar de forma lenta y consciente.

Durante el paseo procura no mirar tus pies.

A veces es un reflejo natural que se produce.

Lleva tu atención a las sensaciones corporales que percibes del movimiento de los pies y las piernas al caminar.

Haz primero varias respiraciones profundas,

cogiendo el aire por la nariz y soltándolo de forma suave y pausada.

Dirige tu atención hacia el cuerpo.

Empieza por las sensaciones del estabilidad y firmeza de contacto con el suelo, con la tierra.

Las sensaciones que percibes en los pies, como tacto,


el peso del cuerpo...

Siente el suave balanceo del cuerpo

y haz un recorrido amable por cada una de sus partes,

observando si hay alguna zona de tensión,

partes que se encuentran más cómodas y otras más incomodas o molestas.

Observa desde una actitud abierta y amable todo lo que percibas.

Ahora lleva tu atención a la respiración,

allí donde la sientas de forma más clara y nítida,

quizás la zona del abdomen,

el pecho,

o quizás sea la respiración cuando entra por las fosas nasales.

Durante toda la práctica puedes acudir a ella para volver a las sensaciones si te has distraído.

Siente el contacto del suelo,

la sensación del tacto del aire sobre la piel,

o el roce de la ropa,

el balanceo del cuerpo al caminar,

las sensaciones externas e internas del cuerpo,

diferenciando entre las sensaciones en la piel

u otras más internas como las articulaciones, los músculos.

Si se distrae tu atención del cuerpo y las sensaciones físicas al caminar,

si vienen pensamientos, emociones, sensaciones de prisa o tensión

si tu mente comienza a divagar,

toma conciencia de qué es lo que te ha distraído.


deja ir eso que ha captado tus atención y vuelve a ser consciente de caminar, sabiendo que estas caminando.

En esto consiste la práctica.

Una vez finalices este camino de diez minutos,

quédate de pie, en quietud,

y observa la experiencia en su totalidad.

Lleva tu atención a las sensaciones del cuerpo como un todo

y al balanceo natural de la respiración.

Recuerda que en cualquier momento del día puedes llevar tu atención a las sensaciones del cuerpo y a la respiración,

para ir al presente caminando.

Agradécete, y reconoce todo los esfuerzos que haces en tu día a día para practicar y sentirte cada vez mejor.

Toma una respiración profunda

y da por finalizada la práctica.

¿Qué tal? ¿Cómo te ha ido?

Cualquier comentario o sugerencia son bienvenidos.

Mindfulness, la atención plena, es como una gimnasia para nuestro cerebro.

A partir de ahora puedes repetir estas sesiones las veces que desees.

Si quieres que sigamos acompañándote, visita el resto de programas que te ofrecemos en intimind

y que irán creciendo periodicamente.

Te deseamos lo mejor.

For more infomation >> Meditación guiada 7. Programa INTRODUCCIÓN a MINDFULNESS. - Duration: 11:21.


Wieder versöhnt? Kuss bei Rob Kardashian & Blac Chyna! - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Wieder versöhnt? Kuss bei Rob Kardashian & Blac Chyna! - Duration: 0:39.


★Правила ПРИЕМА СОДЫ. 3 способа профилактического приема соды. Лечебный прием. - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> ★Правила ПРИЕМА СОДЫ. 3 способа профилактического приема соды. Лечебный прием. - Duration: 3:49.


Odpovědník 9: Huawei 9 - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Odpovědník 9: Huawei 9 - Duration: 4:11.


Peugeot 108 Top! Roland Garros 1.2 PureTech 82 PK - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 Top! Roland Garros 1.2 PureTech 82 PK - Duration: 1:03.


Noobie Class Review ep04: Song of mist and wind (feat. dragons) - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> Noobie Class Review ep04: Song of mist and wind (feat. dragons) - Duration: 4:42.


Bangla Funny Video |Bangla Funny |Answer all questions ajaiya |2017| Bangla New Funny Video - Duration: 4:18.

Bangla Funny Video |Bangla Funny |Answer all questions ajaiya |2017| Bangla New Funny Video

Bangla Funny Video |Bangla Funny |Answer all questions ajaiya |2017| Bangla New Funny Video

Bangla Funny Video |Bangla Funny |Answer all questions ajaiya |2017| Bangla New Funny Video

Bangla Funny Video |Bangla Funny |Answer all questions ajaiya |2017| Bangla New Funny Video

Bangla Funny Video |Bangla Funny |Answer all questions ajaiya |2017| Bangla New Funny Video

Bangla Funny Video |Bangla Funny |Answer all questions ajaiya |2017| Bangla New Funny Video

Bangla Funny Video |Bangla Funny |Answer all questions ajaiya |2017| Bangla New Funny Video

Bangla Funny Video |Bangla Funny |Answer all questions ajaiya |2017| Bangla New Funny Video

For more infomation >> Bangla Funny Video |Bangla Funny |Answer all questions ajaiya |2017| Bangla New Funny Video - Duration: 4:18.


How to draw Peppa Pig George bath with Dinosaur Kids Fun Art Coloring | Video For Kids - Duration: 11:06.

How to draw Peppa Pig George bath with Dinosaur Kids Fun Art Coloring | Video For Kids

For more infomation >> How to draw Peppa Pig George bath with Dinosaur Kids Fun Art Coloring | Video For Kids - Duration: 11:06.


Nên Hay Không Nên Phát Quang Rừng Rậm Cho Cô Bé Xem Ngay Kẻo Hối Không Kịp - Duration: 11:49.

For more infomation >> Nên Hay Không Nên Phát Quang Rừng Rậm Cho Cô Bé Xem Ngay Kẻo Hối Không Kịp - Duration: 11:49.


How to draw Peppa Pig My Birthday Party And Other Stories | Coloring Sky Video For Kids - Duration: 10:02.

How to draw Peppa Pig My Birthday Party And Other Stories | Coloring Sky Video For Kids

For more infomation >> How to draw Peppa Pig My Birthday Party And Other Stories | Coloring Sky Video For Kids - Duration: 10:02.


How To Draw For Kids, Draw Cute Dog Cartoon, Coloring Pages - Duration: 10:51.

How To Draw For Kids, Draw Cute Dog Cartoon, Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> How To Draw For Kids, Draw Cute Dog Cartoon, Coloring Pages - Duration: 10:51.


【エロ注意】夫にエロ同人誌を読ませたら、、、 - Duration: 4:52.

I don't watch anime often.

But last year

those juicy Mimei Land pineapples

got me obsessed with Yuri!!! on Ice.


So obsessed that I went to my first ever doujinshi event.


And at that doujinshi event

I ACCIDENTALLY purchased a doujin marked R18.

I know what you're thinking.


Yes. I realise how this sounds...

I didn't notice the little R18 thing ok.

I got a bit...overwhelmed and just...bought it.

But hey, now we can all enjoy it together. Because I'm going to read it for you today.

But you don't want JUST ME to suffer...

and I'm not great at doing voices...

For these reasons...

I am going to force my husband to read it for me.


Here he is.

You aren't new to erotica doujinshi, are you?

D: *laughs* Yes I am.

[ dramatic iLife sound effect followed by proof that Duncan reads erotic doujinshi on the regular. ]

[ drama intensifies ]

You use it in your vids!!!

D: That is a normal manga.

D: That is a family-friendly manga.

Family friendly?

[ Duncan reading sexy noises in a droll tone ]

Yeah, not so much.

D: Makkachin x Yuuri

[ does not deserve a subtitle ]


D: R18, for adults.

D: They are drunk.


I won't lic--

Won't drink uh~~~ [ Duncan giggles ]

D: It says UH!

D (as Victor): UH~ I won't drink anymore, Yuuri~

D (as Yuuri): Victor? You fell asleep?

[ brush! ]


D: Victor....I....

D: I want to be happy with you, Victor.



Make me...



D: And then... M: AMAZING!


V: it ok?

Hold me properly~

Y: Victor

Y: Let me do it!

Y: Although I probably suck

Y: I want to do it!


Chuku! [ use your imagination ok ]








He, here.

Gishi! Gishi!



It feels good there!

Oh~ Amazing~

You're sexy on the ice

but you're even sexier in bed, Yuuri.


I love you.


Huh, it's over?

Huh, it finished in the middle of them doing it?




Chuku x 5


[ extremely childish laughter ]

D (in English): UH. Oh remember...


[ heavy breathing ]

D: I like is here, Victor!


You're so pretty on the ice

but you're even prettier in bed.


Oh Makkachin! Woof woof!

M: Makkachin isn't even THERE!

D: *laughs*

D: Right.

M: That's it.

M: That was D: "Kimi to nozomu subete."

I hope you guys enjoyed that.

D: *zupu zupu*

D: *more noises*

M: *stutters*

M: Well if you enjoy this ~kinda video~ then please hit that like button.



Hit button.

And subscribe for more!

D: Subscribe like ZUPU!


D: It's not fully censored...

D: I can see it

D: His peepee.

M: Yeah, we can see it.

M: His peepee.

M: It's big.


D: About the size of a 500ml beer.

D: Like this.

M: A peepee that size?

D: *laughs*

M: Bye


............yeah that's my husband.

D: Yuuri, you understand the meaning of this right?

D: I said I love you


M: And then sex.

M: *laughing*

D: You ruined it.

D: You ruined that nice scene.

M: Yuuri, do you think you were the only one who gets anxious?

M: Ah~ my hand is getting cold...

M: On-


M: Victor has come!

D: He's not Victor.

M: BTW, we changed Cinnamon's name.

D: No.

M: Victor, Victor.

M: OK, how about Makkachin.



For more infomation >> 【エロ注意】夫にエロ同人誌を読ませたら、、、 - Duration: 4:52.


Gibt es Geister? - Ein Wissenschaftler klärt auf I Y-Kollektiv - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Gibt es Geister? - Ein Wissenschaftler klärt auf I Y-Kollektiv - Duration: 4:04.


Am I living in the Philippines? Visa extension + Manila shopping | Vlog - Duration: 6:47.

For more infomation >> Am I living in the Philippines? Visa extension + Manila shopping | Vlog - Duration: 6:47.


Honda Jazz 1.3 I-VTEC COMFORT Automaat - Navigatie - Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz 1.3 I-VTEC COMFORT Automaat - Navigatie - Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 0:58.


"ALL OF ME" - John Legend Cover - Duration: 5:05.

What would I do without your smart mouth?

Drawing me in, and you kicking me out You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I

can't pin you down What's going on in that beautiful mind

I'm on your magical mystery ride And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me,

but I'll be alright

My head's under water But I'm breathing fine

You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

'Cause all of me Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections Give your all to me

I'll give my all to you You're my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I'm winning 'Cause I give you all of me

And you give me all of you, oh oh

How many times do I have to tell you Even when you're crying you're beautiful too

The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood

You're my downfall, you're my muse My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues

I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you

My head's under water But I'm breathing fine

You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

'Cause all of me Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me I'll give my all to you

You're my end and my beginning Even when I lose I'm winning

'Cause I give you all of me And you give me all of you, oh oh

Give me all of you Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts

Risking it all, though it's hard

'Cause all of me Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me I'll give my all to you

You're my end and my beginning Even when I lose I'm winning

'Cause I give you all of me And you give me all of you

I give you all of me And you give me all of you, oh oh

Hey guys, I'm Daniel and thankyou for watching my cover of John Legend's "All Of Me".

If you enjoyed it, please be sure to like, comment, subscribe.

It helps me know that you guys like what I'm doing.

Thankyou so much for watching.


Before you judge me, try hard to love me.

Look within your heart, then ask...

For more infomation >> "ALL OF ME" - John Legend Cover - Duration: 5:05.


3D Effect In Photoshop | Dodge And Burn Dramatic Effect | Gradient Along A Path Illustrator - Duration: 7:42.

today I have three tutorials in one

video in under eight minutes firstly how

to make a 3d effect in Photoshop that will

work 3d glasses and moving on to making

grading along a path in Illustrator in

back to photoshop for a dodge and burn

dramatic effects tutorial

what is that people come to thoracics

back again before we start this triple

tutorial video I would just like to

remind my subscribers to turn on you

missed vacations so that you can be

reminded and updated all of my uploads

so click the little bit like our and

activating dedication to my channel to

make this 3d effect in Photoshop we

first need to unlock the image layer but

double clicking it I will click it again

and only leave the red channel selected

in the RGB menu oh yeah also make sure

your color mode is set to I to be in the

first place then with the layer

highlighted in the layers menu it

command J to duplicate the layer or

right-click in Jupiter gate it that way

on the new Laird that will click and

make it so that a red channel is the

only one not selected now we simply move

the bottom layer to the right slightly

and then do the same with the top layer

but to the left and then you have a 3d

effect in Photoshop that will pop out

when you wear 3d glasses this could work

on t-shirts posters or pretty much

anything you want to design on

we are now hoping it with illustrative

app that will go back to photoshop

Semitic reading a lot of pattern

illustrator we need to make two circles

to choose one color for your gradient

and then make a circle with that color

hold down alt into you see this icon up

here and then click and drag to

duplicate a circle change the color of

the new circle to whatever you wish I'm

choosing blue with it is complementary

orange select both circles for holding

down shift and then go to object land

and blending options make sure you

select these settings that i have here

and then go back to objects blend and

hit make instead of blending options

using the direct selection tool you can

edit your path like so but there is one

more quick tips ad we can use as many

circles as we wish with the blend option

the third and final tutorial for today's

graphic design tips video based around a

Dodge and burn dramatic effect in

Photoshop this is used to give a

dramatic lighting effect often on people

and it brings out highlights and shadows

and can look really cool I could have

done a better job than finding an image

to work with air but I was in a rush so

i'm just showing the technique and how

to do it today you will find the Dalton

rental here the doctor is going to be

used for highlights and the burn tool is

used for shadows that is the main thing

to remember about this technique we will

start with the Dodge tool I noticed i

have the exposure really low the effects

are very strong with this tool so you

want to choose low settings as well as a

soft brush we could directly work on the

image here but I'm going to make a new


from here generate a color that is CMYK

000 50 and then hold down alt and hit

backspace this will fill the layer set

the blending mode to overlay we can now

work on this layer using the Dodge tool

to click and rub over any highlights

this girl in time give a dramatic effect

take your time and keep doing hanging

out to see what it looks good or not

making sure to enhance any highlights

you will see it also softens the tone

which adds to the effect like on his

veins here you can lower the breast size

and really make them pop out

this potent burn and dramatic effect

works really well on people our muscles

due to the contrast of shadow and light

as I said I should have chosen a better

image but this will be fine i'm just

showing the technique today you can see

on our layer where the dodge tool has

been used if you ever made a mistake

then select the grey color and a brush

and you simply paint over it

now we use the burn tool on the shadows

again make sure the exposure is low it

can take a while but it looks great when

it's finished you can find shadows right

next to highlights which often helps

enhance the effect

um using the burn tool to enhance the

shadow under the veins on his shoulder

you can see here if i disable the layer

how different it looks with the Dalton

burn dramatic effect ideally we could

have cut the athlete out and add him on

the bank drop and work over various

lighting effects but I'm pushed for time

today so I'm simply going to duplicate

the layer and then add a lens flare I

would believe some of the effect here

with a soft eraser make it look more

subtle and natural

so did you find this triple tutorial

video entertaining were helpful let me

know in the comment section below and

smash that like button terior subscribe

for more graphic design content and

until next time there's on your future

today peace

For more infomation >> 3D Effect In Photoshop | Dodge And Burn Dramatic Effect | Gradient Along A Path Illustrator - Duration: 7:42.


OKA RUTO SIMULATOR - MOD + DL LINK - Duration: 7:25.

Hi everyone

I hope you are having an awesome day ! ^_^

I want to apologize for this video, it wasn't really edited...

Because I wanted my mod to be out at time

I hope you don't mind !

Some unexpected things happened and stopped the mod progression

about the mod and this video

I focused on the mod, hope you like it !

By the way, the Q&A should be ready soon !

I hope you'll enjoy my french voice ! Haha

I hope everyone has a great week

See you soon ! ♥

For more infomation >> OKA RUTO SIMULATOR - MOD + DL LINK - Duration: 7:25.


Learn Farm Animals Names And Sounds Learning Animals Sounds For Children & Learn Wild Animals Names - Duration: 1:06:06.

Learn Farm Animals Names And Sounds Learning Animals Sounds For Children & Learn Wild Animals Names for kids

For more infomation >> Learn Farm Animals Names And Sounds Learning Animals Sounds For Children & Learn Wild Animals Names - Duration: 1:06:06.


🌺VIBE WITH YAYOU: PLAYLIST ( afrobeat, dancehall, reggaeton, k-pop, RnB...) - Duration: 9:03.

For more infomation >> 🌺VIBE WITH YAYOU: PLAYLIST ( afrobeat, dancehall, reggaeton, k-pop, RnB...) - Duration: 9:03.


【MUKBANG】 Super Spicy Korean Ramen ! [ Double Buldak Fried Noodles ] 6 Cups, 4515kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 10:06.

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~)

So, Today! tadaa Korean instant ramen.... <---- Whatever she said

a Korean viewer sent this to me thank you very much

hey guys.... you know I've been on this little kick of eating all these super spicy foods but......

I've been wanting to try these ones out for the longest time and when someone finally sent them to me

I knew I just had to eat them right away

I've had these Buldak noodles before but can you see this? the super spicy bulda~~

how many times can I say bulda~ ? its such a crazy name to try to pronounce

so these are 2X the spice of the older buldak~ noodles

I've been seeing in the comment section for quite some time with people telling me about this powered up

new version of a spicy noodle that I ate before being newly released in Korea

I kept seeing it pop up again from time to time and I'd be like " oh yeah thats right I gots to get me someof that"

and now.... finally I've got my chance to give it a try ALRIGHTY... well... there ain't much to making it but lets get cookin'

tadaa... I've gone and boiled them since they weren't in bags I've gone and just boiled the noodles

K, so here it is.. the thing that is most definitely the spicy soup mix. I'll now add it

ahh its just like before its sort of thick and a very red sauce

as far as aroma its got this nice sweet smell to it

ahhh it kind of sort of stings the nostrils when you breathe in

ahh .... oh no its dangerous to breath it in... its really hurting my throat. its really attacking my throat

this... this how do I explain this? the vapors that are coming off this? or is there some gas coming off this?

looks delish though next is this pack.... I'll add these toppings

its sesame and seaweed K the dish is complete

itadakimasu last time I made the one with added cheese

so this time around if I can't make it through I'll add some cheese to help get me through this

that said... I'm way better now at handling spicy foods than I was before

I've started to realize just how yummy spicy things really are so this new me just might find this to be tasty

HOWEVER... ~seems like I'm stalling here ~

those noodles I had before were crazy hot and this is their supercharged version that is 2X the spice

of the last one twice the heat of the last? the other one wasn't the spiciest they could make ramen?

just thinking that I gave my all to defeat this crazy hot opponent and then they just make another opponent

that is twice the powerlevel as the last.... .... well that is a peek into how I'm feeling right now

K, its so red in color

and the aroma...

the aroma stings as you breathe it in

wait a minute...

yep its spicy

ahh its crazy hot!!!!

oh crap I didn't make any tea... I'M GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!

kitty~ don't leave me alone here meow~

no wait... coke is better coke might be better right now

ahh no coke just doesn't help at all

oh crap... oh crap

its really crazy hot what the heck is this... usually when you eat

something spicy it doesn't hit you right away and it usually starts to build up gradually

this stuff right here..... after you take that first bite....

its really spicy right away perhaps those tastebuds that detect heat on your tongue

go OMGWTFBBQ and go into overdrive making you feel it right away

and the video I did the other day on the curry.... I was saying that CocoIchi's curries were very spicy

on that video but the spiciest thing I've ever eaten turned out to be this one right here

perhaps I have to take on a bit less voume of food than I had to with the curry?

the curry weighed a total of 4kg

hey what? wait a minute the second mouthful wasn't that bad

the first bite was crazy hot but perhaps it was so spicy that it burnt off my tastebuds

that detect spicy things I'm now just tasting how good this tastes

the first mouthful was just full of danger and panic but I just might be able to get thru this...

just look at this crazy red color ~oh lawdy its spicy~

its worse when you breathe in

ahhh its so spicy that I'm getting goose bumps ~oh dang its spicy~


the heck is up with this? its legit spicy

its not spicy but it just hurts now I'm salivating like crazy right now

oh no.... when you eat really spicy things it just turns into pure pain

my lips and stuff are...~

the more I talk the hotter it gets

when I breathe in it get hotter...

I'm crying again lol

I've been brought to tears yet again by food I've only gotten through just half of this

but I think I'm going to add some cheese and egg now ahh so it was this spicy huh....

K, so I've warmed up some egg and cheese here here we go~

I've got 400g of cheese here so yes, you might be saying "you aint eatin' ramen anymore but you be eatin' cheese"

I feel as though eating something tasty is the best

looks delish

K, don't it look so delish?

its covered in cheese

its so delish well to tell the truth it was mostly just covered in cheese

when you mix in cheese with this the spice changes up a bit and it tastes so good

did I throw in the towel too soon? well....... you know....

I hit my breaking point already.

if I went any longer at full spice I fear my life would have been on the line

its delish

when you mix this instant ramen with cheese it really does taste super delish

cheese is the 'bestest' spicy things with cheese is a great pairing

well, then again.... sweet things go great with cheese too

whats up with the sesame seed and seaweed in here y'all?

are spice eating experts able to appreciate the flavor the sesame and seaweed add to this?

for a novice at spicy foods like me... I just can't taste the sesame or the seaweed at all

the reason why things like cheese and eggs help mitigate the spicy effects of foods is because the cheese coats

the spiciness and help you get through the spiciness

which means that... it doesn't decrease the amount of spice that is entering my stomach

and yet again my stomach is feeling a bit "off" again

final mouthful itadakimasu

all done gochisosamadeshita

this bulldak~ was extremly hot after all

I was wondering the whole time I was eating the CocoIchi curry that it wasn't really that spicy

there is that old saying "once you swallow something you forget about how hot it was"

but here "once you swallow something you forget about how spicy something was"

thinking it over these were 2X the spice but the other ones were crazy hot as well

and I declare....

these 2 X the spice buldak ~ to be the spiciest and most dangerous thing on the earth

so in the world.... the most spiciest thing around is these noodles right here the King of spice

in second place would be the the CocoIchi curry and the regular buldakk~ noodles I had earlier

come to think of it Ihaven't tried CocoIchi's spice level 10 curry yet now have I?

where exactly does that curry fit in our most dangerous spicy foods?

nooo~ I don't think I'll be tackling it anytime soon

~so spicy~ for reals tho

cheese and egg saved the day

they made even this dangerous food taste so delish they're like a saint

for reals though these buldakk~ lol that name is so fun to say

I've been wanting to try these 2X spice buldakk~ noodles for so long and I'm so glad to have finally tasted them

and if they come out with a 4X spice version I'll give it a try as well

special thanks to the viewer who sent me these today they were spicy and dangerous but if you are at all curious

won't you please give them a try? and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this

video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Super Spicy Korean Ramen ! [ Double Buldak Fried Noodles ] 6 Cups, 4515kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 10:06.


My Slideshow - Duration: 6:01.

1 – What is the Golden Visa Portugal?

The Visa Gold program launched by the Portuguese authorities in October 2012, is a quick way

for foreign investors from countries outside the EU to get a fully valid residence permit

in Portugal ("Golden Visa").

Under the program Visa Gold, third-country nationals need only perform one of the investments

foreseen in the law to qualify for a residence permit in Portugal.

This permit will allow the investor to enter and / or live in Portugal and travel freely

within most European countries (espaço Schengen).

Aiming to attract foreign investment in Portugal, Golden Visa is a very simple and flexible

program, with simple and clear legal requirements.

With extremely reduced minimum stay requirements, Golden Visa is clearly one of the most attractive

residency programs for investors worldwide.

For more infomation >> My Slideshow - Duration: 6:01.


【flower】 CRY AWAY (VOSTFR) - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> 【flower】 CRY AWAY (VOSTFR) - Duration: 4:08.


Odpovědník 9: Huawei 9 - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Odpovědník 9: Huawei 9 - Duration: 4:11.


★Правила ПРИЕМА СОДЫ. 3 способа профилактического приема соды. Лечебный прием. - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> ★Правила ПРИЕМА СОДЫ. 3 способа профилактического приема соды. Лечебный прием. - Duration: 3:49.


Английский Язык - СМЕШНЫЕ УРОКИ Урок #1 - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Английский Язык - СМЕШНЫЕ УРОКИ Урок #1 - Duration: 3:29.


198307 가와이 나오코 Slow Motion │198307 河合奈保子 スローモーション - Duration: 1:30.

My steps etch into the surface of the sand

as I play on my own alone.

I turn back and see

a someone running along the beach in the distance

I felt my shoulders loosen all of a sudden

I hurried sweetly towards my premonition of love

When we met, it was all in slow motion

So slow that it made me a little dizzy

When we met, it was all in slow motion

The person

I see in your eyes

For more infomation >> 198307 가와이 나오코 Slow Motion │198307 河合奈保子 スローモーション - Duration: 1:30.


아서 왕: 검의 전설 KING ARTHUR: Legend of the Sword 3차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> 아서 왕: 검의 전설 KING ARTHUR: Legend of the Sword 3차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:31.


Party Hearty - Duration: 22:37.

For more infomation >> Party Hearty - Duration: 22:37.


Dino Safari VR - Duration: 22:37.

For more infomation >> Dino Safari VR - Duration: 22:37.


애나벨 2 ANNABELLE: Creation 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> 애나벨 2 ANNABELLE: Creation 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:28.


Zoom H1, Teste Realmente Completo ( O Melhor Microfone Pera YouTuber) - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Zoom H1, Teste Realmente Completo ( O Melhor Microfone Pera YouTuber) - Duration: 5:10.


【flower】 CRY AWAY (VOSTFR) - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> 【flower】 CRY AWAY (VOSTFR) - Duration: 4:08.


【MUKBANG】 Super Spicy Korean Ramen ! [ Double Buldak Fried Noodles ] 6 Cups, 4515kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 10:06.

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~)

So, Today! tadaa Korean instant ramen.... <---- Whatever she said

a Korean viewer sent this to me thank you very much

hey guys.... you know I've been on this little kick of eating all these super spicy foods but......

I've been wanting to try these ones out for the longest time and when someone finally sent them to me

I knew I just had to eat them right away

I've had these Buldak noodles before but can you see this? the super spicy bulda~~

how many times can I say bulda~ ? its such a crazy name to try to pronounce

so these are 2X the spice of the older buldak~ noodles

I've been seeing in the comment section for quite some time with people telling me about this powered up

new version of a spicy noodle that I ate before being newly released in Korea

I kept seeing it pop up again from time to time and I'd be like " oh yeah thats right I gots to get me someof that"

and now.... finally I've got my chance to give it a try ALRIGHTY... well... there ain't much to making it but lets get cookin'

tadaa... I've gone and boiled them since they weren't in bags I've gone and just boiled the noodles

K, so here it is.. the thing that is most definitely the spicy soup mix. I'll now add it

ahh its just like before its sort of thick and a very red sauce

as far as aroma its got this nice sweet smell to it

ahhh it kind of sort of stings the nostrils when you breathe in

ahh .... oh no its dangerous to breath it in... its really hurting my throat. its really attacking my throat

this... this how do I explain this? the vapors that are coming off this? or is there some gas coming off this?

looks delish though next is this pack.... I'll add these toppings

its sesame and seaweed K the dish is complete

itadakimasu last time I made the one with added cheese

so this time around if I can't make it through I'll add some cheese to help get me through this

that said... I'm way better now at handling spicy foods than I was before

I've started to realize just how yummy spicy things really are so this new me just might find this to be tasty

HOWEVER... ~seems like I'm stalling here ~

those noodles I had before were crazy hot and this is their supercharged version that is 2X the spice

of the last one twice the heat of the last? the other one wasn't the spiciest they could make ramen?

just thinking that I gave my all to defeat this crazy hot opponent and then they just make another opponent

that is twice the powerlevel as the last.... .... well that is a peek into how I'm feeling right now

K, its so red in color

and the aroma...

the aroma stings as you breathe it in

wait a minute...

yep its spicy

ahh its crazy hot!!!!

oh crap I didn't make any tea... I'M GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!

kitty~ don't leave me alone here meow~

no wait... coke is better coke might be better right now

ahh no coke just doesn't help at all

oh crap... oh crap

its really crazy hot what the heck is this... usually when you eat

something spicy it doesn't hit you right away and it usually starts to build up gradually

this stuff right here..... after you take that first bite....

its really spicy right away perhaps those tastebuds that detect heat on your tongue

go OMGWTFBBQ and go into overdrive making you feel it right away

and the video I did the other day on the curry.... I was saying that CocoIchi's curries were very spicy

on that video but the spiciest thing I've ever eaten turned out to be this one right here

perhaps I have to take on a bit less voume of food than I had to with the curry?

the curry weighed a total of 4kg

hey what? wait a minute the second mouthful wasn't that bad

the first bite was crazy hot but perhaps it was so spicy that it burnt off my tastebuds

that detect spicy things I'm now just tasting how good this tastes

the first mouthful was just full of danger and panic but I just might be able to get thru this...

just look at this crazy red color ~oh lawdy its spicy~

its worse when you breathe in

ahhh its so spicy that I'm getting goose bumps ~oh dang its spicy~


the heck is up with this? its legit spicy

its not spicy but it just hurts now I'm salivating like crazy right now

oh no.... when you eat really spicy things it just turns into pure pain

my lips and stuff are...~

the more I talk the hotter it gets

when I breathe in it get hotter...

I'm crying again lol

I've been brought to tears yet again by food I've only gotten through just half of this

but I think I'm going to add some cheese and egg now ahh so it was this spicy huh....

K, so I've warmed up some egg and cheese here here we go~

I've got 400g of cheese here so yes, you might be saying "you aint eatin' ramen anymore but you be eatin' cheese"

I feel as though eating something tasty is the best

looks delish

K, don't it look so delish?

its covered in cheese

its so delish well to tell the truth it was mostly just covered in cheese

when you mix in cheese with this the spice changes up a bit and it tastes so good

did I throw in the towel too soon? well....... you know....

I hit my breaking point already.

if I went any longer at full spice I fear my life would have been on the line

its delish

when you mix this instant ramen with cheese it really does taste super delish

cheese is the 'bestest' spicy things with cheese is a great pairing

well, then again.... sweet things go great with cheese too

whats up with the sesame seed and seaweed in here y'all?

are spice eating experts able to appreciate the flavor the sesame and seaweed add to this?

for a novice at spicy foods like me... I just can't taste the sesame or the seaweed at all

the reason why things like cheese and eggs help mitigate the spicy effects of foods is because the cheese coats

the spiciness and help you get through the spiciness

which means that... it doesn't decrease the amount of spice that is entering my stomach

and yet again my stomach is feeling a bit "off" again

final mouthful itadakimasu

all done gochisosamadeshita

this bulldak~ was extremly hot after all

I was wondering the whole time I was eating the CocoIchi curry that it wasn't really that spicy

there is that old saying "once you swallow something you forget about how hot it was"

but here "once you swallow something you forget about how spicy something was"

thinking it over these were 2X the spice but the other ones were crazy hot as well

and I declare....

these 2 X the spice buldak ~ to be the spiciest and most dangerous thing on the earth

so in the world.... the most spiciest thing around is these noodles right here the King of spice

in second place would be the the CocoIchi curry and the regular buldakk~ noodles I had earlier

come to think of it Ihaven't tried CocoIchi's spice level 10 curry yet now have I?

where exactly does that curry fit in our most dangerous spicy foods?

nooo~ I don't think I'll be tackling it anytime soon

~so spicy~ for reals tho

cheese and egg saved the day

they made even this dangerous food taste so delish they're like a saint

for reals though these buldakk~ lol that name is so fun to say

I've been wanting to try these 2X spice buldakk~ noodles for so long and I'm so glad to have finally tasted them

and if they come out with a 4X spice version I'll give it a try as well

special thanks to the viewer who sent me these today they were spicy and dangerous but if you are at all curious

won't you please give them a try? and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this

video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Super Spicy Korean Ramen ! [ Double Buldak Fried Noodles ] 6 Cups, 4515kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 10:06.


Meditación guiada 7. Programa INTRODUCCIÓN a MINDFULNESS. - Duration: 11:21.

Enhorabuena, has llegado a la sesión siete.

Estas experimentando la atención plena.

Un camino hacia el bienestar que empieza en tú interior.

Practicar si es posible cada día, es la clave.

Cuando no hay tiempo, toma la decisión de dedicar tan solo diez minutos a parar.

Los ganarás luego.

Con la experiencia y con nuestro método,

la atención plena es una manera de vivir las veinticuatro horas del día.

La vida, vamos.

Una forma sencilla de practicar mindfulness en nuestro día a día, es caminar.

En eso consiste la sesión de hoy.

Puedes probar primero en casa para familiarizarte,

o aprovechar un paseo en solitario, porque ya sabes que te puedes llevar intimind a cualquier parte.


Comienza tomando conciencia de tu postura.

De pie, con la espalda recta, alineada con la cabeza, una posición cómoda.

Observa la postura de pie,

que sensaciones percibes en este momento en todo tu cuerpo.

Empieza a andar y lleva la atención al inicio del movimiento al caminar.

A como el cuerpo comienza a realizar

un movimiento tan habitual como el caminar de forma lenta y consciente.

Durante el paseo procura no mirar tus pies.

A veces es un reflejo natural que se produce.

Lleva tu atención a las sensaciones corporales que percibes del movimiento de los pies y las piernas al caminar.

Haz primero varias respiraciones profundas,

cogiendo el aire por la nariz y soltándolo de forma suave y pausada.

Dirige tu atención hacia el cuerpo.

Empieza por las sensaciones del estabilidad y firmeza de contacto con el suelo, con la tierra.

Las sensaciones que percibes en los pies, como tacto,


el peso del cuerpo...

Siente el suave balanceo del cuerpo

y haz un recorrido amable por cada una de sus partes,

observando si hay alguna zona de tensión,

partes que se encuentran más cómodas y otras más incomodas o molestas.

Observa desde una actitud abierta y amable todo lo que percibas.

Ahora lleva tu atención a la respiración,

allí donde la sientas de forma más clara y nítida,

quizás la zona del abdomen,

el pecho,

o quizás sea la respiración cuando entra por las fosas nasales.

Durante toda la práctica puedes acudir a ella para volver a las sensaciones si te has distraído.

Siente el contacto del suelo,

la sensación del tacto del aire sobre la piel,

o el roce de la ropa,

el balanceo del cuerpo al caminar,

las sensaciones externas e internas del cuerpo,

diferenciando entre las sensaciones en la piel

u otras más internas como las articulaciones, los músculos.

Si se distrae tu atención del cuerpo y las sensaciones físicas al caminar,

si vienen pensamientos, emociones, sensaciones de prisa o tensión

si tu mente comienza a divagar,

toma conciencia de qué es lo que te ha distraído.


deja ir eso que ha captado tus atención y vuelve a ser consciente de caminar, sabiendo que estas caminando.

En esto consiste la práctica.

Una vez finalices este camino de diez minutos,

quédate de pie, en quietud,

y observa la experiencia en su totalidad.

Lleva tu atención a las sensaciones del cuerpo como un todo

y al balanceo natural de la respiración.

Recuerda que en cualquier momento del día puedes llevar tu atención a las sensaciones del cuerpo y a la respiración,

para ir al presente caminando.

Agradécete, y reconoce todo los esfuerzos que haces en tu día a día para practicar y sentirte cada vez mejor.

Toma una respiración profunda

y da por finalizada la práctica.

¿Qué tal? ¿Cómo te ha ido?

Cualquier comentario o sugerencia son bienvenidos.

Mindfulness, la atención plena, es como una gimnasia para nuestro cerebro.

A partir de ahora puedes repetir estas sesiones las veces que desees.

Si quieres que sigamos acompañándote, visita el resto de programas que te ofrecemos en intimind

y que irán creciendo periodicamente.

Te deseamos lo mejor.

For more infomation >> Meditación guiada 7. Programa INTRODUCCIÓN a MINDFULNESS. - Duration: 11:21.


★Правила ПРИЕМА СОДЫ. 3 способа профилактического приема соды. Лечебный прием. - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> ★Правила ПРИЕМА СОДЫ. 3 способа профилактического приема соды. Лечебный прием. - Duration: 3:49.


Dil di tasbi uta bandya Allah allah krda ro By QaRi ShahID MeHmooD YouTube - Duration: 9:01.

dil di tasbi uta bandya

For more infomation >> Dil di tasbi uta bandya Allah allah krda ro By QaRi ShahID MeHmooD YouTube - Duration: 9:01.


Tek Telefonda 2 WhatsApp (Sahte Numara Alma) 2017 - Duration: 5:30.

Videoya altyazı ekler misin ?

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