Good morning internet fam!
Hope you are doing well today, I've already been up, walked Alton, now I've showered,
ready to get going on the day.
(upbeat music plays)
(music plays)
So I am going to need your guys' help. I have not vlogged consistently since
the last time we did VEDA, which was last August.
So, of the reasons I like doing VEDA is
because it's an opportunity to practice
and to build consistency, and I don't know if
you dare look back to my really early
videos you will see I had some bad
habits. The bad habits consisted of...
eye rolling, saying "umm" too much and saying
"you know" too much. I've consciously tried to do
better about not doing those things, but
many times I'm not aware because
it's not until I'm sitting down in
Premiere and editing that I actually see
how many times I do those annoying
things. So if you see me eye-rolling or
saying "umm" or "you know" or even "like" just
drop me a little reminder note down
below: either "you did a lot today" or "hey
you're doing great, I didn't hear any" that
just would really be awesome and help me
out. So I'm going to finish my lunch and
then I'm going to check back in and
spend the most of this video talking
about a food issue that I think affects
a lot of people but is not really well
known. And offer my suggestions for how me
and Andrew have dealt with this in our own
family. So see in a bit.
Hey everybody, so like I hinted at earlier, what I want to
talk about today is an issue that I've
seen surfacing in social media among
friends and acquaintances, so I thought
it might be interesting or helpful to
make a video today about the FODMAP diet.
Now before I get too down the road with
this I want to say that I'm not a doctor.
I'm not doing medical advice. This is
more lifestyle sharing, so if you're
having any kind of gastrointestinal
issues or stomach problems please consult
your own physician and make whatever diet
changes you feel is best for you. One
approach with the FODMAP diet is an
elimination diet which basically says
you try to eliminate all sensitive type
foods and then slowly reintroduce to see
maybe what your triggers are. How I came
to learn about FODMAP was because a
couple years ago my husband was
having some issues, some stomach issues,
and he mentioned it to a doctor and the
doctor said, "Oh have you tried FODMAP?"
and we didn't even know the fogmet-- FODMAP
existed. So what is FODMAP? Well,
according to Wikipedia, which i'm going to read here:
The term FODMAP is an acronym
derived from Fermentable Oligosacchardies, Disaccharides,
Monosaccharides and Polyols
Although FODMAPS are naturally present in food
and the human diet, FODMAP restriction
has been found to improve symptom
control in people with IBS (irritable
bowel syndrome) and other functional
gastrointestinal disorders. So Andrew
tried it and after about six months he
noticed marked improvement in his
symptoms. The downside of FODMAP is its
not a very fun diet. Most diets aren't I
guess, but this has a very weird what we
call "No-No" list. You shouldn't eat onions
but you can have scallions. You shouldn't
have-- you can have like melon like
cantaloupe, but you can't have watermelon.
So what are some of the things on the "No-No list?"
Well unfortunately garlic, onions,
that includes garlic powder onion powder,
artichoke, asparagus, baked beans.
Any fruits that contain high fructose-- wow I
didn't know this and he's been eating it-- (chuckling)
apples, apricots, avocados, blueberries,
This seems like a pretty strict list
Andrew does eat some of these foods and
doesn't have an issue. That's the other
thing you'll find with a different
FODMAP "No-No Lists," they somewhat
contradict themselves at times which is
why I go back and say sometimes doing an
elimination diet is the way to go
because what you may be sensitive to may
not be what the next person is sensitive to.
And really by and large gluten, gluten-free.
Thankfully the marketplace has responded
pretty well to people with Ciliac
disease and other gluten intolerances, so
happily we're finding that there's more
gluten-free alternatives. I wanted to
share with you a few products that we
use, have found and we've enjoyed after
some trial and error. One of which might-- I
would say my favorite right now is this
um, I don't know if you can see this, but Schar brand.
I went to Sprouts the other week and kind
of hit the mother load. Initially I only
found these in Whole Foods, these
crackers, but at Sprouts they had not
only the crackers, but they had cookies,
pizza dough, ciabatta bread, regular bread
both white and whole wheat. I
recommend this. And then for pasta--
speaking of pasta, we like this brand.
It's this organic gluten-free Bionaturea.
You know this camera is supposed
to have auto focus, I swear doesn't work.
Well, I'll link it below, but this is
what the package looks like. And, you know,
cooking gluten-free pasta isn't that bad
especially if you like your pasta
somewhat el dente. I really can't tell a
difference and actually when I'm eating--
since I've switched to eating gluten-free
pasta, I have a much less bloated feeling
after eating like spaghetti or something.
So I'm actually-- its because-- it says it's made
with rice, potato, and soy. So yeah and
then for a dessert item, these are
gluten-free cookies made by the taste--
I'm sorry, Tate's Bake shop. And talking
about seasoning, even though garlic and
onions are a basic to most dishes for a
seasoning base one trick you can try, and
what I've used with moderate success is
using celery seed. Celery seed provides
somewhat of that kind of oniony flavor
at least without being onion. So that's a
seasoning trick.
As far as bread, he mostly eats Udi's
gluten-free. And again with beverages,
with a high fructose corn syrup,
thankfully more companies are making
things with real sugar. Personally you
know, even though I'm not FODMAP, I don't
like consuming high fructose corn syrup.
I don't think it's necessarily the
healthiest and even though I know soda
itself isn't healthy, I'd rather have a
soda with real sugar than
high-fructose corn syrup. That's one
thing that made this transition a little
bit easier is that before Andrew was
even diagnosed or went to the doctor and
found out about the FODMAP option, we'd
already started reading labels, reading
food labels, thinking about and making it a
priority to understand what we were
eating and where it was coming from. So
yeah, I hope this has been helpful or
informative for you. I understand that it
can seem overwhelming but rest assured
that there are a lot of options out
there and I think if you just, like with
anything, take baby steps, pick your
battle, you will find that you'll feel
better. And that's really the thing, I
mean Andrew is now motivated to follow
the diet because he feels so much better.
That's it for FODMAP. Let me know if
you have any questions below, happy to
answer them if you want. I'll put links
about or these information about the
products I talked about here and you
know we can continue the chat in the comments.
Exporting tomorrow's vlog! Wahoo!
I am keeping on my schedule.
Go me! Go me! Go me!
What do you say Alton? Are you excited for me? Huh?
I think he is.
What do you say Snoopy?
Are you proud?
Are you proud of Jody?
Whoo-Whoo! Whoo-Whoo!
But now it is time to get ready for
dinner because after dinner much as I
was hoping to chill I need to get going
on my taxes. So I ordered some stuff from
Amazon and I don't know why-- Okay, I ordered four items,
and they decided even though I
ordered them all on the same day, they
sent them all in four different boxes. Okay,
I ordered some pens...
Here, I will give you a sneak peek. I'm going to talk about these
in a future video. But I ordered... where did they go? to go I
I ordered these pens.
Come on you stupid camera, focus.
And they sent them....
In this box, ok. Those pens, in this box.
I mean, part of why I like shopping at Amazon
is because quite honestly much
to my husband's chagrin, I know if I
order things I won't like go into
Target and buy a bunch of crap that I
don't-- well, I shouldn't say I don't need, but I
find stuff. Like "Oh, this would be
cute, or, I could use this, or whatever.
So I'm like, trying to save money. But if I
realized how they were going to send stuff
given the environmental impact, think I
would you know take a second thought.
(music plays)
(Alton squeaking his chicken toy) Get your squeaky chicken!
Yeah! (squeaking noise continues)
(Alton squeaking his chicken toy) Get your squeaky chicken!
Squeaky chicken, oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Do-Do-Do, Do-Do-Do-Do-Do
Somebody a happy boy? Somebody--
You gonna get the camera?
Get it
Yeah, Where's your chicken? Get it?
Common, get it. Get your chicken.
(clapping noise)
Oh! Butt scratches! Oh!!
So, thanks for watching. Hope you're having a
good week, And I will see you tomorrow!
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