Monday, April 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Apr 3 2017

We are in the galleries of the Jerónimos building of the Museo Nacional del Prado where you can

find the pre-Celtic Iberian world, the Romans and the cultures of the Middle Ages:

Islamic, Mudéjar and Christian.

The Golden Age, the decorative arts, paintings, sculpture, glass and ceramics.

The library of rare books and manuscripts, drawings and letters; the portrait gallery

of illustrious Spanish men and women.

All these can be found in a single exhibition, hence its title, "Treasures of

the Hispanic Society", which are also treasures of Spanish-Hispanic cultural

heritage from across the globe, reunited in New York.

For more infomation >> Avance exposición: Tesoros de la Hispanic Society of America - Duration: 1:26.


Tendencias: Jugar Tetris puede reducir la aparición de esta enfermedad - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Tendencias: Jugar Tetris puede reducir la aparición de esta enfermedad - Duration: 1:22.


Margot Robbie: nueva embajadora del Vehículo Eléctrico Nissan - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Margot Robbie: nueva embajadora del Vehículo Eléctrico Nissan - Duration: 1:47.


Dinosaur Eating Shark | Shark Vs Dinosaurs Battle | Dinosaur Vs Shark Real Death Fight & Real Shark - Duration: 52:56.

Dinosaur Eating Shark | Shark Vs Dinosaurs Battle | Dinosaur Vs Shark Real Death Fight & Real Shark

For more infomation >> Dinosaur Eating Shark | Shark Vs Dinosaurs Battle | Dinosaur Vs Shark Real Death Fight & Real Shark - Duration: 52:56.


Como Pintar - Dungeon Saga: Kapoka - How to paint (ENG-Sub) - Duration: 12:03.

Greetings Wargamers & Players, Welcome to Miniature War, I'm Meinkopt and in this painting guide we shall see how to give color in a fast and easy way to Kapoka, the Heroe from Warlord of Galahir.

We start with the color for the wooden body, for this we mix Rhinos Hide with Steel Legion Drab in a proportion of 80/20 and cover all the body with it.

When the layer base it's dried, we give a wash with Agrax Earthshade.

Now we start giving a little of light. For this we add more Steel Legion Drab to the base mix and create the different tones until we find the effect that we liked.

For the leaf we use a base layer with Castellan Green. Then we mix it with Loren Forest for the middle light and then we add Straken Green for the final lights.

For the fabric, we use a base of Kantor Blue. Then little by little we iluminated it and stand out the outlines adding Calendor Sky to the base tone.

For the wood of the spear we use a warmer tone for the contrast in the tone of the body of Kapoka.

We use a layer base with Mourfang Brown and then we add light adding Ushabti Bone to the base.

For the antlers we use a base of Calthan Brown or the alternative Leather Brown.

We use this layer base and mix it with Ushabti Bone to create the slight degrading to the stronger tone with Ushabti Bone.

The tip of the spear we shall paint it like a cut it stone. For this we use a dark gray tone like Mechanicus Standard Grey and mix it with Abaddon Black to create the base layer.

Then we take the grey tone used to create the layer base and give soft strokes with it.

Lastly we profile the edges using a light grey.

For the metals we use a base layer mix of Boltgun Metal with Abaddon Black. Then we give a wash with Nuln Oil and once it's dried, we get make some lights with Ironbreaker Armor.

And with this few steps we shall have in no time our Hero to tear to shreds green skins in the adventures of the expansion of Dungeon Saga.

Hope that you liked this new painting guide. Suscribe if you're not so you can keep up to date with our news. Thank you for watching us and till next time!

For more infomation >> Como Pintar - Dungeon Saga: Kapoka - How to paint (ENG-Sub) - Duration: 12:03.


PREGNANCY INFORMATION WEEK 13 II गर्भावस्था का 13वां हफ्ता और ढेरो खुशियाँ II - Duration: 4:22.

Hello & welcome back to celebrate life, celebrate pregnancy

This is your friend Parinita Rohrra & i am going to talk about the 13th week of pregnancy today.

We saw in the 12th week, how the baby's critical systems were fully firmed

And most of them like the heart, the brain & the muscles were functioning & growing.

The baby's intestines are growing & the skeleton is developing.

the baby's facial as well as physical features are in place.

The baby can now hear you & the eyelids of the baby are fused shut

this is the 13th week of the pregnancy

and you have entered the second trimester

and now you deserve a big pat on your back

because you have completed first trimester successfully

which many women find it the toughest

Coming to the baby, the baby is now in the fetal period. in this period

the organs and the tissues took shape in the first trimester.

start to develop, there is still plenty of room for your baby to grow in the uterus.

The fetus now looks like a baby

only it is extremely tine, remember it use to look like a tart poll with a tail before

So, it is a very very tiny baby now and there is still plenty of room in the uterus for the baby to grow

Now the baby is about 3 inches long & it weighs around 23 grams & proportion wise

the head is now 1:3 the size of the body

and like the 1:1 ration few weeks back

The eyes are moving away from the size of the head & are drawing closer to one another

And the fine hair that make up the eyebrows are coming together.

The baby's continue to form the vocal cords & teeth

The baby's fingers & toes have lost their wet appearance

and besides that , even though it is so tiny the baby already has some fingerprints.

The baby's abdomen too continues to grow. Allowing the intestine to continue to move into their proper place

that is from the umbilical cord to their more permanent place that is in its tummy or the abdomen.

The pancreas begins to produce insulin

Which is important for regulating sugar levels after child birth & later in life.

The bones continue to harden & the placenta provides nutrients

vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins & oxygen to the baby.

The placenta also allow the transfer the blood via the blood stream from mom to baby.

the baby has a functioning intestinal system at this point.

either the ovaries or the testes of the baby are fully developed inside the body

And genitals are shaping outside. So let's hope that the 2nd trimester too passes away smoothly

This was all I could tell you about the development of the baby at 13 weeks

We will soon back with the baby development at the 14th weeks

Take good care of yourself & keep watching celebrate life, celebrate pregnancy

Given below is our email id, do send in your queries & feedback to us

Also do subscribe to our channel

Breath, chill & relax. Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> PREGNANCY INFORMATION WEEK 13 II गर्भावस्था का 13वां हफ्ता और ढेरो खुशियाँ II - Duration: 4:22.


Где купить вышивку? Распаковка посылки с наборами для вышивания. - Duration: 10:48.

For more infomation >> Где купить вышивку? Распаковка посылки с наборами для вышивания. - Duration: 10:48.


Zelforganisatie en WFM - PlanMen Mic Session - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Zelforganisatie en WFM - PlanMen Mic Session - Duration: 4:53.


Tóc Bạc Trắng Cũng Trở Thành Xanh Mướt Như Tuổi Đôi Mươi Chỉ Với Vài Quả Chùm Ruột - Duration: 11:20.

For more infomation >> Tóc Bạc Trắng Cũng Trở Thành Xanh Mướt Như Tuổi Đôi Mươi Chỉ Với Vài Quả Chùm Ruột - Duration: 11:20.


The Last Time I Saw My Mother, I Was 5 Years Old - Duration: 42:22.

For more infomation >> The Last Time I Saw My Mother, I Was 5 Years Old - Duration: 42:22.


How Many Deals Will I Get From The Automarketer? - Duration: 9:46.

Hey, it's Joe.

I've got another question here.

This one is from Erica Jansen.

"How many deals should you get from the Automarketer system?"

That's a good question.

It's really hard for us to be able to tell how many deals you're going to get personally

because I don't know your skill level.

I do know how many leads come in.

If you have a very low level of skill, if you get 100 leads coming in, and you convert

one of them, you're doing pretty good.

You know, it takes 100 leads, and it takes 100 real conversations with sellers before

you actually get good at this.

And, you know, my goal for my students is to tell them do 15 to 20 real conversations

per week where you don't get off the phone until they've told you no at least five times.

And the way you do that is, you just keep asking them questions.

You use the script that I give you, and you keep asking them questions about their situation

until they keep telling you no and then eventually you say, okay, I get it.

But you have to learn how to do that because the reason they're saying no is because they

don't understand what you're doing, they don't trust you, and they don't think you have the

solution for the their problem.

So you have to help them understand that.

But you can't really help them understand what their options are unless you know what

their situation is.

So you have to ask them questions to find that out.

So, anyway, you're going to get leads and you're going to be better at converting.

And somebody who's really good at converting is going to convert 1 in 3, 1 in 5 of those


But somebody who's terrible at it is not going to convert any of them until they learn how

to do it.

And sometimes it takes 50 or 100 conversations before you do that.

If you make, you know, if you make 15 or 20 calls, real conversations, per week, that's

going to take you 8 to 10 hours a week.

You know, if you do that over the next 5, 6, 7, 8 weeks, you're going to probably put

together a lease option memo.

And then you're going to have to put together a deal through that after you do that.

And that's how you're going to learn.

That's why I tell everybody give yourself 3 or 4 months before you can expect to make

any money in this program.

And that's if you put in the time and do the work.

If you don't put in the time, if you don't do that work, if you don't follow through

with the process the way that I teach, you won't make a dime.

So, follow through with the process and you'll make it happen.

So as far as the leads that come in, though, we're seeing response rates that are very


So depending on the amount of leads that are in your area, and you can go into Craigslist,

you can look in your area and you can say, how many people are selling For Sale By Owner?

And let's say there's 100 people that come in every few days.

So, let's say 100 people a week, let's say come into that system.

If you send out a text blast to those people you'll probably get 10 to 20, I've seen as

high as 40, responses from 100 people.

So I've seen, you know, 10%, 20%, 40%, 50% -- I've seen 70% response rates on texts.

Text is amazing.

On email blasts, we're getting a 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, the average is 4.5%, across the board

for the email responses.

Email responses are much slower and take a lot more time.

But they're included in the program right now.

Eventually we're going to get rid of the email campaign process altogether and focus on text

and voice blasts altogether.

So I'm not sure how soon that's going to come, but that's going to be coming eventually in

the system.

So using text makes a lot more sense.

You're going to get a lot more leads and they're going to be higher quality of leads, and they're

going to come in almost instantly so when you start the campaign, you know, within 10,

15, 20 minutes, you're going to have people returning your text, you know, wanting to

talk to you about what you're doing.

And that's a phenomonal thing to have because it gives you a chance to get up to bat, learn

how to talk to these people and get good at it.

You know, until you have a chance to get up to bat, it's not going to happen.

Now, again, you don't have to have the Automarketer to do that.

You can make cold calls to these people on Craigslist that are For Sale By Owner, and

just ask them, "Would you consider selling your home rent to buy rather than selling

it outright?"

And if they say yes, you put together the lease option memo.

If they say no, then you ask them questions about their deal, and that's a lot about what

we're talking about on these videos and what I talk about in my training and my books and

the mentor program.

It's all about learning how to make an offer that can be accepted.

The rest of his question here is, "In the last two months I've sent out 884 new messages

in the follow-up system and I was able to get 5 memos from this and 3 of those fell

apart, leaving me only 2 to sell.

I got about a 10% response rate from the 884 to say yes or maybe, about 85 or 90.

Out of those 85 or 90, after talking with each of them on the phone, I only got 5 memos.

Some of them, I was never able to get hold of.

I've been doing this for a while, and I've sold 10 deals in the last year and a half.

What am I doing wrong?

Could it be that I'm a realtor now and I wasn't before?"

Being a realtor doesn't make a difference.

As a matter of fact, being a realtor can help you in a lot of ways.

So that's not the issue.

Being skilled on the phone is good, but let's look at your numbers here for a second here.

You've got 90 leads, you've got 5 memos out of that.

That means that 1 in 10, 1 in 20 of those deals, you know, 1 in 20 of those leads you

got a memo out of.

That's not bad.

That's not bad at all.

You know, and so it'd be nice if you could 1 in 3, 1 in 5, but 1 in 20 is not too bad.

And if it takes you, you know, 15 minutes to call, it means how many deals did it take,

or how many times, how many calls did it take you to get a memo together?

You know, if it was 15 minutes, 4 is an hour, you know, times, you know, if you did that,

you talked to 20, that's 5 times that, so you talked to people for 5 hours.

Five hours to put together a deal that is going to potentially make you $5,000 to $10,000

when you get it closed.

That's not a bad closing rate.

Now, you still have to sell that property, but it doesn't take that much time or skill

to be able to do it, you know, doesn't take that much time to sell the property.

So I don't think that's necessarily a bad response rate that you're getting.

You're getting a ton of leads, and you're getting a lot of them that are saying yes.

So I think that you're not doing anything wrong.

As far as, the problem here is you got 5 memos and 3 of them fell apart.

That's the issue that we need to talk about, I think.

If you had gotten all 5 of those, and you made $5,000 from each one of those people,

you know, how many hours, you know, and so you got $25,000 came in from those deals.

You know, how many hours do you have into that?

If you had, you know, 5 hours on the phone and maybe another 20 or 30 hours doing something

else, and made $25,000 for a 40-hour week, not bad income.

Not bad income at all.

And now it takes time for you to do that, but if you built a funnel where you had a

bunch of these coming in and it was happening as a regular thing, and you had people that

were closing these deals for you that didn't cost you very much money, then it might make

sense to make that happen.

Now, the fact that three of those memos fell apart -- why did they fall apart?

That's an important question in this process.

Most of the time they don't sell because the monthly payment is too high.

If you, your price on the property, when you're selling on a lease option, if it's too high,

that's okay.

You can usually sell a property that's a little bit over market value.

I've sold properties substantially over market value in upside down markets.

But, if I go over the market rent that's when problems arise.

If you put the property onto Craigslist or onto Zillow, and you're getting 2 or 3 or

4 responses from buyers every week and you don't get that thing sold in a month, it's

because your monthly payment is too high.

You've got to get your monthly payment down into a place that fits at market rent or below.

So just lower that price.

Because what you're competing with means that it's not, you know, they're beating you out.

People look at between 18 and 23 homes before they buy one, on average, according to the

National Association of Realtors, and they're going to buy the very best property that they

can find for that money.

So if yours doesn't compete, you're not going to win.

And the thing that people are looking at when they're buying lease option is that monthly


That monthly payment is vital to being able to sell this.

And you'd have a better chance of making that work.

It's also possible, and I see this happen in my students all the time, that you know,

when deals fall apart, they fall apart because you didn't build a relationship with the seller

or that they don't trust you or they felt like what you were offering them isn't working.

So you need to solidify that deal.

Don't always take yes for an answer.

You know, I tell you you've got to take 5 nos before you hang up by phone.

So don't take no for an answer, but also don't take yes for an answer.

Just because they say yes to you doesn't mean, okay, good, I'm going to go to work.

You've got to talk to them a little bit and make sure they understand what you're doing,

how you're doing it.

Make sure that they're on board for doing it the way you need to do it in order to get

it sold and once that's done, then you can move forward and keep in touch with them using

the follow up system that we've got.

You know, there's a series of emails that we send out to people after we sign them up

that helps educate them and explains to them what we're doing and how we're getting it

sold, and makes it easier for them to work with us and trust us and know that we're getting

the job done.

So that's the reason that deals like this fall apart.

And, of course, if I could talk to you in person it'd be a lot easier.

Actually, Erica's in my mentor program now and we have discussed these things in detail,

but I thought I would answer this question on these videos as well because I thought

it was a valid question and I think it makes a lot of sense and I think a lot of people

are running into these same issues that are working in the Automarketer that don't have

the benefit of working with me in the mentor program.

All right.

I hope that helps.

Good luck.

For more infomation >> How Many Deals Will I Get From The Automarketer? - Duration: 9:46.


What does I need a guide mean? - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> What does I need a guide mean? - Duration: 0:41.


QUEZON City I Life in Philippines I MANILA I Street Food - Duration: 14:53.

For more infomation >> QUEZON City I Life in Philippines I MANILA I Street Food - Duration: 14:53.


Стандарты красоты и бьюти-индустрия Норвегии | Норвежцы – какие они? - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Стандарты красоты и бьюти-индустрия Норвегии | Норвежцы – какие они? - Duration: 5:01.


#storie | Alessandra i Bambini delle Fate - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> #storie | Alessandra i Bambini delle Fate - Duration: 1:28.


BMW 3 Serie 2.0 I 320 TOURING 125KW AUT High Executive Corporate Edition - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 2.0 I 320 TOURING 125KW AUT High Executive Corporate Edition - Duration: 0:54.


SPEEDPAINT ~ Pink Psychedelic Pupper - Duration: 2:46.

Well then.... this is awkward. ENJOY A BLACK SCREEN FOR 25 SECONDS!

For more infomation >> SPEEDPAINT ~ Pink Psychedelic Pupper - Duration: 2:46.


Scattered, Splattered Attention (VEDA Day 2) [CC] - Duration: 3:47.

Baby crying.

That's new.

Well, not new.

Having flashbacks.

Hello Rebel, and welcome back to my life.

So I wanted to talk about attention and how it can get scattered and splattered all over

the place, and this is in no way related to the vacation I just finished taking in Los


So one thing that Meghan and I definitely discovered on our vacation to Los Angeles,

where we used to live, is that we don't miss the city.

I mean, first of all, Oregon is just beautiful, and there's trees and green, lush, everything

everywhere, and growth, and L.A. doesn't have that.

It's a desert.

But aside from just the desert aspect of it, it's also one of the biggest cities in the

world and geographically covers this huge, sprawling area, and it's just so many people

and everything like that, and ... and having been away from that for quite a while now,

I have more in-depth thoughts about it.

I feel like one of the reasons that Meghan and I are doing really well in Oregon, and

why we like it there, and why we, uh, needed to leave Los Angeles, and why we don't ever

plan on going back is that we can't really be in a space that scatters your attention

that much.

At least with where we are in our lives right now, we have so much to do, we are—we are

focused on doing something that we believe is potentially very important.

It's not just, like, a company that we want to grow, it's not just money we want to make,

it's something with an actual purpose.

I guess I really only have major experience with Los Angeles, but I feel like when you

live in an environment like that, where there is just—the city just kinda takes so much

of your time.

We all have games in our life of, like, various severity.

If you think of all activities in life as a game, even, like, the serious ones, where

there's, like, you and the opponent, like, if you think of it in those terms, we've got

all these things going on in our life, right?

Well, a place like Los Angeles requires you to play so much of the game of the city itself

that it kind of takes away from your ability to play whatever other games you want to be


Which for me, is the—the—the writing and my creativity and also my family.

Like, it's just—L.A. requires so much of you that I felt like those two other things

were suffering.

Especially because I'm not super into that game.

Maybe because I grew up in L.A. my entire life and so I was just sort of, like, over


I was, like, "No, I—like, I get it, L.A., I'm kind of—I'm kind of done with the 'L.A.ness'

of you, uh, let me just focus on what I actually want to do right now.

But I also gained a greater appreciation for people who do like that, and who do want to

continue doing that.

Our friends who remain in L.A., who—most of whom moved from out of L.A. to there, which

is the case for—for most people in L.A., you know?

It's just got so many people coming in from all over the place because it's Los Angeles.

And they like the L.A.ness of it.

I mean, I don't think anybody likes wrestling with traffic, but that aspect of the city

is just one aspect of the city, and if you really love Los Angeles then that's all just

kind of cool, right?

But I do think, and I know that I'm saying this from a position of somebody who is privileged

enough to, like, be able to do this, that for the purposes of doing something maybe

a little bit more, I don't know, less geographically important, and a little bit more globally

important, uh, or—not globally, but universally important, you might be better not to be in

a place that just requires so much of you, you know?

On the one hand, you're gonna find a lot of other people in a city who want to do big

things, but on the other hand, the city itself kind of have a—has a way of keeping you

from doing those big things that you want to do.

So at least for now, I want to be in a place that doesn't scatter and splatter my attention

everywhere so much and so often that I can't even focus on what it is that I really, actually

want to do.

Right now I am so happy to be getting back in my car and going home, where I can just

sit down and write.

And that is all I've got for you today, Rebel.

If you're wondering why you're seeing a public video on Sunday, it's because I'm doing VEDA—Vlog

Every Day in April—and you can see yesterday's video right up there, or check out my Patreon

right down there.

Thank you as always for watching, and I will see you tomorrow.



For more infomation >> Scattered, Splattered Attention (VEDA Day 2) [CC] - Duration: 3:47.


헨리의 책 THE BOOK OF HENRY 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> 헨리의 책 THE BOOK OF HENRY 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:31.


Swaroop Khan, a desert singer - Duration: 11:17.

Bharat Katha

My name is Swaroop Khan,

and I am from Harsani village of Barmer district of Rajasthan

I am currently completing my class XII exams (Higher Secondary Examination).

There are five exams in total, and I have one left to take.

At the moment, my goal is to become a good musician

I have inherited music from my family as it's our traditional occupation.

In general, I have only performed in school;

thus, I have not had the opportunity to show off my talent.

Nevertheless, I have been very good at the school performances.

As I prepare for the reality show,

I hope to be successful through God's assistance.

However, some orthodox people in our tradition

say to me that there is nothing in music.

They believe that music is a commotion, a drama.

There is absolutely nothing in it, they say.

In addition, they tell me, "you will be left behind and miss your education.

You should leave all forms of music completely."

Of course, I say that this cannot be so! then they say

Those who became successful were lucky,

those who remained left remain so.

Those who are successful must have

also had to try at some point.

Those who have made it must also have started

somewhere before they became successful.

They also worked hard, and I am doing the same.

I will become like them.

People in our cast do not study much,

and I wonder why. Why don't they continue?

Initially, they do music, but then they leave that practice

and get involved in alcohol and such vices.

The fact that this happens in our society—

that people become addicts and alcoholics,

forgetting what needs to be done and

why they exist in this life—is very sad.

That's why I think that I will do things a bit differently.

Additionally, society has great expectations of me.

With God's help I am trying to

live up to their expectations.

Perhaps if I do everything exceptionally well,

I will make a name for myself, as well as for my country and society.

For example, when I read Lata Mangeshkar's name in books, I feel delighted.

Her success is emotional and motivational for me.

Perhaps my name will also be known in such a way someday.

Surely, if we do good things with our lives, our names will also be mentioned in future books.

Our ancient civilization and culture is becoming extinct today.

Instead, a foreign country's culture is becoming dominant over ours.

Turbans, plaids, kurtas, and dhotis were our traditional cultural dress,

but these have been taken over by jeans.

By performing in jeans and t-shirts we have become rockstars.

When I went to Delhi for a TV show audition on September 9, 2012

people were completely surprised to see me

because of my appearance.

They called me Rajwadi (from Kings Court),

and some people who did not understand called me Mr. Hat.

The turban is of great significance,

and it is considered absolutely elegant in my culture.

The identity of Rajasthan is in the turban.

Moreover, the saffron turban is particularly honourable.

Brave warriors used to wear saffron turbans before going to war.

Martyrs are to be laid to rest with saffron turbans.

They are considered to be a sign of glory.

Those who wear turbans are elegant and respectable.

You cannot enter a Royal house without the turban.

It's considered respectful.

For more infomation >> Swaroop Khan, a desert singer - Duration: 11:17.


VLOG #21 Embracing My Idol In Jakarta | Armin Only Recap - Duration: 9:30.

Hey fellas

Today is the day

Today is Armin Only day

I've been waiting for this event

like, from the first time the ticket sales opened

so yeah, I'll be right back when I arrive

at the Armin Only venue

which is in Kemayoran

and I'll update you with a lots that will be going on there

See ya!

Hey fellas

I'm on the way to JI Expo Kemayoran

The traffic has been so packed

Well, my friends are already in JI Expo Kemayoran

and they're waiting for me

while I need to exchange my ticket

I already printed the e-ticket

and I need to exchange it to the wristband

I don't know how long it takes for me to get in to the hall

I'm here at JI Expo

Finally, I arrived

and the event has not started yet

Don't you guys want to take pictures?

over there

Could you please take our pictures?

As you know, I'm a big fan of Armin Van Buuren

but instead, my friend who got a chance to meet him

Gusman, how was your experience met Armin himself?

Well, I was so nervous

Was it only few seconds?

Yes, only around 10 seconds

He only say 'Hey guys'

Hand shakes, took picture, and then he left

This guy is from Surabaya

Hey Chandra, say hi to my vlog

How was your experience in Transmission?

compare to Jakarta's rave party?

The lighting was awesome

compare to Colosseum's lighting?

waaay awesome

It only performed Trance music and it's in indoor area

How about the drink?

30 baht

Which is, how much in Rupiah?

40K, no 12K rupiahs

12K rupiahs for one bottle

A bottle of 500 ml mineral water

While here, you have to pay 40K rupiahs for smaller size of bottle

Here is the rest of the pack

There's Denisa

There's Debby

This is Irene

This is om Ibonk

You didn't mention me

This one is... the t-shirt boss

Just ask someone to taking us picture

No one will do

Just ask someone mba Aya

Yeah, but who?

Hello Edo

You're back to my vlog

You're late

Yeah, I'm so late

Both this one and Disclosure, you're just always late

That was awesome

I'm just finished

My voice almost gone

But Armin's set was awesome

He played almost every genre

music genre

Well, I'm gonna review the performance later

or maybe even write it on my blog

but this time I'm sign out

See you on next video

For more infomation >> VLOG #21 Embracing My Idol In Jakarta | Armin Only Recap - Duration: 9:30.


How to plan a Europe trip from India? (First hand info on Flight, Hotels, Visa, etc.) - Duration: 4:50.

September 2016, My first Europe trip

I am going to share the trip videos in a series

This is the 1st video in the series.

in this video, I am going to provide inputs for everyone who is planning a Europe trip for the first time

Most of the tourist keep themselves confined to Western European countries UK, France, Germany, Switzerland in Europe

They are beautiful but relatively costlier than countries in Central & Eastern Europe

This is why I decided to visit the Central European countries on my first visit to Europe

Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria comes under Central European zone

I travelled in Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria for 15 days in just 10,000 Indian Rupees (150 Euros)

This includes all expenditures on food, travel and stay for 15 days

I know you are surprised to know How I could manage this in so less budget

Do check my blog to know more about this. The link is in the description below.

I have already made a video on how to get cheap flights from India to Europe.

A link to the video is also below in the description

Websites like SKYSCANNER & KAYAK helped me to get cheap flights

They suggested me to take a flight from Delhi or Mumbai to Prague with a layover at Dubai

Many of the European budget airlines have Dubai in their network

To reach Dubai from India there are few budget airlines like ...

I got my flight tickets in 34,000 Rupees from India to Prague and back


I booked cheap hostels by using

Many European countries are part of the Schengen zone

You just need to get One visa to visit all these countries, i.e. Schengen visa

After reaching Prague (Czech Republic) I travelled to Slovakia & Austria without taking their respective visas.

My Schengen Visa was valid in these countries also.

Search on Internet to know how to get Schengen visa ?

I paid around 4,500 for visa fees and 1,000 (approx.) as commission to the outsourced agency who process the visa

For more infomation >> How to plan a Europe trip from India? (First hand info on Flight, Hotels, Visa, etc.) - Duration: 4:50.


Reel maintenance, spinning reel. - Duration: 2:50.

Reel can stay on the fishing rod

A light spray with water to remove any salt.

Use a cloth to remove most of the water.

Spray WD40 onto the rear housing of you're spinning reel.

Careful not to get the WD40 on you're line.

Use a rag to wipe the WD40 evenly over the body of the reel.

Grab the Dexon oil can and place a small drop on all screws and moving parts.

Comment, like and subscribe. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Reel maintenance, spinning reel. - Duration: 2:50.


how to make whey protein powder at home {ENGLISH} - Duration: 2:01.

Hello friends

welcome back in your fitness channel how to fit

my name is prakash bhatt

to view this video in hindi check the link in the description

Friends fitness and body building seem incomplete without whey proteins

Our bodies also require more protein for bodybuilding and fat loss

Which is not complete with food

What is the whey protein Why should it take

You can see our previous video for its types and side effects

But Today we will talk about how to make whey protein in the house

You would buy Whey Protein from Market

Which is very costly

How good it is that you can make it at home

So today we will talk about how to make it at home

For this you need 1 liter full fat milk

Vinegar or lemon juice 1tbls

Cheese cloth , Sieve and one container

First of all 1 liter milk has to be removed in a heavy bottom vessel

It has to be heated in 180 degree Celsius

Keep it running so that it does not stick to the bottom

When it boils, close the gas and put lemon juice or vinegar in it.

Keep it running

When water and Solid will look separate

So now take a bowl And Put a Sieve and cheese cloth on top of it.

And filter it

Now you will get curd and whey Liquid

With this curd you can make cheese

Now, putting this liquid in your dehydrator

you have to dehydrate overnight take it out after 24 hour

If you do not have a dehydrator, you can consume it directly.

You get so much whey from 4 liters of milk

Make it powder in a mixer

Here is your home made whey protein powder

This is whey concentrate it is 100 % whey

But There are also lactose and fat

After processing this , whey isolate gets

That can not be at home

If you are gaining then you no longer need to take the whey from the market

You can take it in post workout and before bed

So Friend, that's all in this video

Do not forget to subscribe to our channel related to health and fitness videos

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> how to make whey protein powder at home {ENGLISH} - Duration: 2:01.


GTA USA mode state of liberty - Duration: 12:08.

what a game

what a game

what a game

wwhat a game

what a game

what a game

For more infomation >> GTA USA mode state of liberty - Duration: 12:08.


Què és la pau per Victor Ochen? - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Què és la pau per Victor Ochen? - Duration: 1:22.


Learn Farm Animals And Animals Sounds Names | Nursery Rhymes And Kids Songs From Little Baby Boy - Duration: 1:06:06.

Learn Farm Animals And Animals Sounds Names | Nursery Rhymes And Kids Songs From Little Baby Boy

For more infomation >> Learn Farm Animals And Animals Sounds Names | Nursery Rhymes And Kids Songs From Little Baby Boy - Duration: 1:06:06.


#MyRobotExperience - Baggage Claim - Duration: 1:40.

Ah hello.

I want to ask about a certain piece of luggage.

Ms Iruk from Berlin referred me to you.

Then I would first need your name, date of birth and your adress.

Then I could compare this with my documents from Ms Iruk.

Thank you.

Ah, thank you very much. Yes indeed,

then I will just go to the warehouse to pick up your suitcase.

Here it is, the good bit.

Checked in in Austin, Texas, USA,

arrived in Berlin and then transported to Stuttgart with some detours.

B-bu-but that can´t be true!

Th-th this is not my piece.

No? Does it not fit to your description?

Yes, yes

Look at this,

this piece here for example,

This piece is similiar ermm ... looks similar but is totally different erhh from my piece of baggage.

Yes, by the way, this piece looks

this model is erh is the same. But clearly this seems to be a newer production.

I am sorry but this is not my baggage.

I am sincerely sorry. Can I do anything else for you?

Yes, please call a taxi for me. I will leave.

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