Learn Colors with Space Vehicles Rocket and Colorful Balls | Videos for Children Colors compilation
El candidato Guillermo Lasso pide recuento voto por voto tras resultado de segunda vuelta en las ele - Duration: 2:14.-------------------------------------------
Le courage de rendre témoignage ! (125) - Duration: 3:45.Hello, today my story is entitled: Having courage to testify
In a region of Germany, there were primary school teachers who tried
to make their pupils become atheist from their childhood.
One day, one of them forced all the pupils to write a hundred times: "there is no God."
The children obeyed, except a 10-year-old girl, named Hannah.
Hannah had Christian parents and was herself converted.
Knowing the Word of God,
she had the courage to write a hundred times: "There is a GOD".
This irritated her teacher, who threatened to beat her, telling her:
"Tomorrow, you will write two hundred times: "There is no God".
Back home, the poor little girl told her mother everything, in tears:
She was beginning to lack courage.
She could be heard whispering: "Mother, I do not want to go to school tomorrow.
Herr Woller will be even more angry…"
The child's mother tried to reassure her:
"Hannah, you still need to go.
I shall go with you, and we shall see the Headmaster."
The following morning, mother and daughter prayed together the Lord to come to their rescue,
and, bravely, made their way to school.
They arrived very early and asked to speak to the Headmaster,
praying that he would not be an enemy of God.
Hannah's mother explained why she had come.
The answer of the Headmaster was so extraordinary that Hannah and her mother were seized with horror:
- Madam, Herr Woller died suddenly last night!
Thanks to the courage of this young girl, a non-believer, on the last day of his life,
still had the testimony that "there is a God", one hundred times.
In his richness, God meets each one of us in a very specific way.
His infinite kindness can catch up the most refractory and hardened hearts.
What does it bring to us to resist Him? Pride?
The Bible tells us that He gives grace to the humble.
The Word also tells us that Jesus, though He was a man, He was perfect.
The purpose of God is not to fight against us, but to bring peace.
So, why don't we simply lay down our weapons, and recognize who He is,
and what He has done?
"Seek the LORD while he may be found;
call on Him while He is near".
Isaiah chapter 55 verse 6.
I invite you to pray with me!
"Father, today I humble myself and I recognize that You exist.
I repent of my sins and accept the sacrifice that your son Jesus
made to save me.
I believe in You, and from now on, I give You my life with all it entails.
Father, today my heart draws near to You.
I want to be in peace with You.
Thank You Lord, come to my rescue! Amen."
Find a story a day on: www.365stories.com
U.S. v. Rivello, March 20, 2017 Preliminary Hearing - Duration: 39:49.THE COURT: Uh, let's see, Mr. Rivello.
THE COURT: All right.
MS. HEATH: Candy Heath for the government.
MR. HENNESSY: And Matt Hennessy for the defendant, your Honor.
MR. ALFORD: Also appearing for the defendant, Matt Alford, your Honor.
THE COURT: All right.
And is the government ready to proceed?
MS. HEATH: Yes, your Honor.
THE COURT: All right.
You may call your first witness.
MS. HEATH: The government calls Nathan Hopp.
THE COURT: And before I swear you in, I need to ask a question here.
I've got a financial affidavit here, but I've also got appearances from Mr. Alford and Mr.
So, let's just get it on the record.
Sir, do you need the appointment of an attorney?
THE COURT: All right, so you're able to afford your own attorney, and you have hired your
own attorneys, is that correct?
THE COURT: All right.
Thank you, you may have a seat.
Come on forward.
And please raise your right hand.
Do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give in the matter before
the court will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
MR. HOPP: I swear.
THE COURT: All right, please be seated, and please speak up into
the microphone.
Q. Please state your name and how you're employed.
A. Nathan Hopp, I'm a special agent with the FBI.
Q. Are you one of the case agents on the case of John Rayne Rivello?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. Were you the affiant on the criminal complaint that was executed -- or issued by the judge,
on March 10th, 2017?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. Does that criminal complaint provide for the offense of cyberstalking, which is a violation
of Title 18, United States Code, section 2261A?
In this case it would be the 2(A) and (B)?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. Approximately when did FBI get involved in the matter?
A. Is approximately, uh, two-- two weeks before, uh, March 10th.
So, have been the end of February, approximately.
Q. Did you receive information from Dallas Police Department with regard to the fact
that this offense had been committed?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. Were you able to review any evidence during that two week period prior to drafting this
criminal complaint affidavit?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. And what type of evidence, in general, were you able to review?
A. I was able to review search warrant returns from DPD that it-- were obtained from both
Twitter and Apple, as well as information obtained from AT&T, and information provided
by the victims themselves.
Q. Was an individual identified in this matter, as the defendant?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. Could you please describe the offense as you saw it from, or wh-- uh, saw it from the
evidence that you obtained.
A. Yes, ma'am.
On December 15th, 2016, John Rivello sent a tweet, from a Twitter account that he owned,
@jew_goldstein, to the victim.
This tweet contained a message that said I hope you have a seizure for your posts, and
then contained a strobing image known as a GIF, or GIF.
Upon viewing this GIF, or this tweet, the victim immediately suffered a seizure, an
epileptic seizure.
Um, the victim's wife is a medical professional.
Walked in, saw him having in-- the, the seizure.
And then took a picture of the tweet, still on his computer, still flashing.
And then called 911, and reported the incident as a complaint.
DPD started investigating the inci-- the, the incident, and sent the search warrant
to Twitter, for the account Ari, underscore-- um, it's-- pardon me, jew, underscore, goldstein.
Uh, from--from the information that Twitter provided, among other things, was a telephone
number associated with the account.
From that telephone number they sent AT&T a subpoena requesting information related
to the telephone number.
AT&T responded with a, um, with information showing that the telephone number is associated
with the Apple Iphone account.
DPD then took that information and sent Apple a search warrant for information related to
the telephone number and the Apple Iphone.
Apple then responded with information saying that the account was owned by John Rivello.
And further information in there indicated it was owned by Mr. Rivello, to include pictures
of him holding his driver's license up to his face.
Other things included in the Icloud account were a screenshot of the tweet that was sent
to the victim, with the victim's Twitter account on there, the actual strobing image or GIF
that was sent, as long as a-- as well as a fake obituary, um, concerning the victim and
the incident, and then several antisemitic rhetoric, for lack of a better term.
Q. From the investigation, was it determined whether or not Mr. Rivello knew that the victim
had epilepsy prior to sending this strobe GIF?
A. Yes, ma'am.
In reviewing the information provided by Twitter, he had several direct message conversations
with other individuals.
In some of those direct message conversations, he stated that he knew the victim had epilepsy
He also stated that he had been sending him tweets every day, for months, and it wasn't
until he sent this GIF that he got a response from the victim.
Q. Were the tweets that were being sent to the victim, were they, um, harassing the victim
in any way?
A. Um, I'm not sure.
Q. Have you talked to the victim about the nature of some of the tweets that he received
from Mr. Rivello?
A. I cannot recall.
Q. Did the direct messages that he reviewed for Mis-- [feedback]
MS. HEATH: I don't know if it's this microphone, or--
CLERK: I think it is.
Q. In any of the direct messages that you reviewed for, uh, in Mr. Rivello's account,
did it show that he had talked to other individuals about having harassed Mr.-- uh, or having
harassed the victim in the past?
A. Yes, ma'am.
In several of his inst-- direct messaging conversations he had made mentions to the
fact that he disliked the victim, and said a lot of antisemitic things about the victim.
Q. Was there any indication as to what religion he believed the victim to be?
A. He believed the victim was Jewish.
Q. And in fact is the victim Jewish?
A. No, the victim is not.
Q. But the defendant believed the victim to be Jewish?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. Were there other, uh, individuals with whom the defendant communicated on direct
messages, that also believed the victim to be Jewish?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Everybody in his direct message conversations believed that he was Jewish.
Q. This strobe GIF that caused the victim to have a seizure was sent to the victim on December
15th, 2016, correct?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. The account @jew_goldstein that was set up by the defendant, was that setup just a
week before that GIF was sent to the victim?
A. It was set up days before.
I don't even think it was a full week.
Q. Was the GIF that was sent to the victim something that the defendant had downloaded
from the internet?
A. It appeared it had been downloaded from the internet, yes.
Q. Now, have you had an opportunity to review an email that was sent to the victim that
purported to be from the defendant?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. And is this what has been referred to as the apology email?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. In this email did the defendant admit to sending the-- the tweet.
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. You-- you recently arrested the defendant, is that correct?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. And when was that?
A. It was last Friday, March 17th.
Q. Did you have an opportunity to talk to the defendant during the time that you arrested
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. Was that talk brief, or-- A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. During that period of time did the defendant make any statements to you at all with regard
to this incident?
A. Yes, ma'am.
The defendant, Mr. Rivello, stated he did send the GIF to the victim, and, um, he actually
sent it to him, he stated, multiple times around the same time.
As lau-- as well as other tweets around the same time he sent the GIF.
Q. The-- uh, describe the seizure that the victim had, and what repercussions occurred
after that.
A. The victim had an epileptic seizure, and due to the seizure, he experienced follow-on--
another follow-on seizure, and, uh, lost-- during the seizure he lost all cognitive control
of his body, and memory.
For day or two afterwards he suffered, um, a loss of, uh, mental ability, for lack of
a better term.
Q. And did the Dallas Police Department actually talk to the victim's neurologist to determine
that the strobe GIF in fact was a factor in the seizure that the defendant ha-- that the
victim had.
A. Yes, ma'am.
The neurologist stated that it was the GIF that induced the seizure, and because of that
that he was-- the victim was likely to have follow-on seizures.
Q. And are you aware that the victim has had additional seizures since that time?
A. Yes, ma'am.
According to the victim's wife, he woke up in a state that could only be caused by having
another seizure, within a few days of having the first seizure.
Q. Now the victim had filed a civil suit in order to try to determine the identity of the individual
that sent the tweet, is that correct?
A. That's correct.
Q. And in that lawsuit, did the defendant actually file something anonymously discussing
his sending of the tweet.
A. That's correct.
Q. In that affidavit, did the defendant identify himself.
A. No, defendant did not.
Q. Did he just identify himself as a John Doe and reference the tweet, or, uh, the Twitter
account, Ari Goldstein?
A. That is correct.
Q. And in that affidavit, did the-- did the defendant, um, basic d-- basically deny all
intent to harm the defendant-- arr, I'm sorry, harm the victim?
A. That is correct.
Q. Did he spend some time in that affidavit explaining that he didn't create the GIF,
that he actually just downloaded it from the internet?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. Now, upon the arrest of the defendant, he appeared in court in Maryland, is that correct?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. And the government did not move to detain him, but terms of his release were agreed
upon, is that correct?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. So there is no issue before this court about detention at this time?
A. No, ma'am.
Q. And just for the purposes of the record, is the individual that you arrested and that
admitted to sending the GIF to the victim here in the courtroom?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. And where is he in the courtroom?
A. He is seated over there, to your right, ma'am.
Q. Okay, well there's several people over to my right.
Which one would he be?
A. He is the third one to your right.
The dark hair.
MS. HEATH: Your honor, may the record reflect that the witness has identified the defendant
in open court.
And we-- THE COURT: The record will so reflect.
MS. HEATH: And we would pass the witness.
THE COURT: Cross-examination?
MR. HENNESSY: Thank you, your Honor.
Q. S-- Agent Hopp?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Hi, my name's Matt Hennessy.
A. Sir.
Q. Nice to meet you.
So, um, I don't want to identify the victim by name, but perhaps just to set a little
context for things, the victim is a-- a public figure, um, perhaps known for taking public
positions on TV shows and the like, uh, political positions--
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Um, and his politics, let's say, are, are-- he's not in favor of our current president.
Is that fair?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And he's a frequent-- he makes frequent appearances on television?
A. Yes, sir.
Several times.
Q. All right.
Are you aware that-- that Mr. Rivello is a former Marine?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Are you aware that he retired as a sergeant?
A. I was not aware of that.
Q. And that his duty while in service in Iraq and Afghanistan was as a mortuary affairs
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Do you know what-- Were you ever in the military?
A. No, sir.
Q. Do you know what a mortuary affairs specialist does?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Tell us.
A. They dispose, or they-- what's a better word to say, uh--
Q. Preserve-- A. --they--
Q. --preserve.
A. --preserve, or prep, deceased bodies, oftentimes our own soldiers, to be transported home.
Q. He collects his comrades, his fallen comrades to bring home so that his fam-- their families
can honor them.
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Are you aware that he has been diagnosed as having some mental disabilities on account
of his service in Iraq and Afghanistan?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And just prior to this-- you know, to center this, just prior-- prior to the tweet that
was sent by Mr. Rivello on December 15th, 2016, just prior to that, um, you're aware
aren't you that this public figure, this victim, uh, had been on TV criticizing the, the coming
Uh, by then, he was-- we did not have President Trump, it was still President Obama, but he
was on television criticizing the coming administration?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Ms. Heath also mentioned that Mr. Rivello was released on bond.
You're aware aren't you that he was released into the custody of his father?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And his father is a retired DEA agent, twenty-eight year veteran of the DEA?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Now, as to, the meat of the complaint.
Have you interviewed the victim?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. On how many occasions?
A. Just one, sir.
Q. When was that?
A. I can't recall the exact date.
Q. Well, the complaint was filed March 10th.
A. Yes, sir.
Q. You said you were involved some time two weeks before that.
So it-- then it-- within that two weeks prior to March 10th?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And did you prepare a report?
From that interview, to be specific.
A. Uh, no, sir.
Q. Any notes?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Do you have those with you?
A. No, sir.
Q. Where are those?
A. Those are at my field office.
MR. HENNESSY: All right.
Um, Judge I'd ask those to be produced at some point.
THE COURT: At some point before we finish this hearing?
Or at some point--
MR. HENNESSY: I'll-- I'll-- I'll-- I'll-- I'll withdraw that, your Honor.
Q. So when you interviewed, um, when you interviewed the victim, did you discuss how he received
this tweet?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And, um, let me understand.
So I heard-- what I heard you say, and I want to make sure I'm clear here, is that-- What
I heard you testify to is that Mr. Rivello had been sending this same GIF on multiple
occasions in the past, and he finally got a response?
A. According to Mr. Rivello, what he said was that around the same time he sent the
GIF that caused the seizure, he sent the same GIF several times, in several tweets.
Q. Did he tell you in what period of time that those several tweets were sent?
A. No, sir.
Q. All right.
How did you-- was-- How did you interpret it, then?
Within a series of minutes, or a series of days, a series of weeks?
What did that mean to you when he said what he said?
A. To me?
Q. Yes.
A. Uh, I took it to mean within, um, a few days.
Q. But at-- from speaking with the victim-- what I've heard from you there were several sent--
were you able to figure out which one the victim opened?
One first sent, one last sent, some one in the middle?
Were you able to determine that?
A. I don't know, sir.
Q. Were you able to determine whether, if there were multiple tweets sent with the same
GIF, whether more than one was opened?
A. I-- I have not been able to determine that yet.
Q. Did you discuss with the victim-- Do you know what autoplay is?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. What is it?
A. It's, um, when you receive something, it just automatically starts playing.
You don't have to interact with it.
Q. And do you know that there is a way to turn that off, to disable autoplay?
A. Through the course of the investigation I have found that out.
Q. Did you speak with the victim about whether autoplay was enabled or disabled when this--
this-- when he observed this GIF?
A. The victim stated that the autoplay at that time was on.
Q. Was on?
A. Was on.
He didn't-- he was not aware that, uh, there was such a feature until after the incident.
Q. Okay, so the autoplay was not disabled?
A. Correct.
Q. Which means, just for the record, so, as soon as the tweet would open, in theory, the
GIF should automatically play.
A. Correct.
Q. And it's autoplay.
A. Correct.
Q. The victim told you that, that a-- or did he, let me ask you that way.
Did-- did the victim tell you that he immediately had a seizure upon opening, or seeing that
open GIF?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. You said his wife witnessed it?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. What did she witness?
A. She saw him [feedback]-- oh, excuse me, saw him laying on-- laying on the ground,
having a seizure, and when she looked up, she saw the actual GIF still strobing on the
Q. Did anyone else, besides his wife, witness the seizure?
A. Not that I know of, sir.
Q. Did I hear you say 911 was called?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And have you listened to the 911 tape?
A. No, sir.
Q. Have you interviewed any of the EMTs who showed up-- well first, did any EMT show up?
A. No E-- no MTs.
Q. Why?
A. Um, from my understanding, the wife, uh, did not request an ambulance.
Q. That the wife did not request an ambulance?
A. That's right, yes, sir.
Q. All right.
Your complaint, or the government's complaint, I should more properly say, talks about, and
it's one of the elements, is serious bodily injury.
A. Yes, sir.
Q. All right.
So, um, the victim's wife waived off the ambulance from coming to the house that night, correct?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Do you know when the victim went to the doctor next?
A. I can't recall when he, immediately went, or--
Q. Now, it's a serious bodily injury.
What, in the course of your investigation, what have you found as to serious bodily injury
with respect to this victim?
A. The, the seizure itself, I-- is the-- the-- the loss of memory, the [indistinct] control
of your body, uh, those would be the serious bodily injuries.
Q. So, that's what you say serious bodily injury is, is loss of memory, and-- and the seizure
A. I can look up the definition in the note, probably let me speak to it a little bit better.
I have it in front of me.
Q. Oh, okay.
Pardon me, I didn't know that.
Please go ahead.
A. So, it says here, serious bodily injury is defined as, um, any bodily injury which
involves a substantial risk of death, extreme physical pain, protracted and obvious disfigurement,
or protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ, or mental facility.
Q. So, in what part of that list does loss of memory fall?
A. Mental faculty.
Q. And what about, uh, what about the seizure itself, what does that fall under?
A. I would say-- I'm not a medical professional, but I would say protracted loss or impairment
of bodily function.
Q. Well, you said that-- that he-- he lost memory of the event itself, correct?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And he had some difficulties in the following days, and even a follow-on seizure?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. So, for how long did he suffer this protracted loss?
A. I'm not sure, sir.
Q. Were you aware that he was on television the following week giving interviews?
A. I was aware that he was publicly making-- publicly talking about the incident, yes.
Q. All right.
Have you personally talked with any his doc-- any of his doctors.
A. No, sir.
Q. Do you have permission to talk to any of his doctors?
A. I'm not sure if I've even asked yet, sir.
Q. Do you have any of his medical records?
A. No, sir.
Q. Have you consulted an expert as to what the effects of the effects of a seizure are?
A. We have a sworn affidavit from his doctor.
Q. You have a sworn affidavit from his doctor?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Did you have that before you prepared your complaint?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Do you have that sworn affidavit with you?
A. I do not, sir.
Q. Where is that?
A. That would be at my field office, as well.
That was obtained from DPD.
Q. From Dallas Police Department?
A. Dallas Police, sir.
Q. Do you know when that affidavit was prepared?
A. I can't recall, sir.
Q. Did you happen to investigate whether there were any risk factors in play when, um, the
event occurred.
Risk factors for seizure.
Do you even know what I'm talking about?
A. Uh, could you explain that a little more?
Q. Sure, sure.
So a risk factor for s-- for seizure could be a lack of sleep, going too long without
a good night's sleep.
Or perhaps even the-- the overuse of-- recent overuse of alcohol.
Did you-- Or even stress.
Do-- did you investigate whether any of those known risk factors for seizure were present
on December 15th at the time that this-- this GIF opened?
A. I did not.
Q. Is there anything about that-- about risk factors, in the affidavit that you read from
the doctor, the neurologist?
A. I don't recall.
Q. Are you aware that particular-- are you aware the name, do you know what the-- have
you heard of photosensitive epilepsy?
Let me just-- A. No, sir, but I can infer what it means.
Q. Sure, it-- it's-- it's-- it's what we're talking about here, that-- that, uh, a person
in whom seizures can be brought on by observing certain patterns of flashing lights.
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Did you do any investigation, did you ever try to discover how rare that is?
A. Did I ever try to discover how rare it is?
Q. Yes.
A. No, sir.
Q. Now, this particular GIF that was sent, um, it came out on direct, um, I think what you
said was that Mr. Rivello said that he didn't create this GIF, he found it on the internet,
A. Yes.
Q. And you found that to be true?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Not only did your find that to be true, in your research you probably found other
GIFs just like this floating around out in the ether, didn't you?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. This particular GIF, do you know when it-- when it was created?
A. The particular GIF that, uh-- Q. Was sent to the victim.
A. Um.
Q. Does 2012, or even 2008 sound right?
A. That-- I have seen those dates, or the 2012 date at least.
Q. 2012 I've seen, too.
Thank you.
Um, and so-- again, no evidence whatsoever Mr. Rivello created it?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. That is, there is no evidence, corre--?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Thanks, I see.
A. Sir.
Q. You mentioned, um, these screenshots that you-- so-- in getting your, um, orders, warrants,
you got ahold of information from Mr. Rivello's Icloud, right?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And on that Icloud you found screenshots of various things that are mentioned la--
sort of at the end of your affidavit for complaint, correct?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Did you investigate whether Mr. Rivello actually created the content of those screenshots?
A. It-- with the information I had, there was no way to tell, sir.
Q. Okay, so, said differently, there's no evidence whatsoever that he created the content
of the screenshots that you found on Icloud-- A. That's correct.
Q. --weeks and months after the event?
A. Yes, sir.
MR. HENNESSY: Just one moment, your Honor.
Q. Did you, uh, make a report, uh-- How many people have you interviewed in connection
with your investigation in this case?
A. Um, I believe just two, sir.
Q. And who are they?
A. The victim and Mr. Rivello.
Q. So it sounds like, what your complaint is based on-- Is it just based on what Dallas
Police Department handed you?
A. A good portion of it, yes, sir.
Q. Well, everything except what the victim told you.
A. Yes, sir.
MR. HENNESSY: Pass the witness, your Honor.
THE COURT: Any redirect?
MS. HEATH: Yes, your honor Q. Agent Hopp, the elements necessary for
a 2261A case, provides that the defendant, with intent to kill, injure, harass or intimidate,
used a communication system of interstate commerce.
Is Twitter a communication system of interstate commerce?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. And did you find any chats, or any direct messages, indicating what the intent of the
defendant was in sending these-- in sending that GIF?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. And what did you find?
A. The-- I found the intent was to injure the victim, based on his outlook, on his--
his outlook on, um-- his political stance, and also his supposed, um, Jewish faith.
Q. The GIF that was sent, did that, uh, from your discussion with Mis-- with, with the
victim, did it place him in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. And in fact, did he suffer serious bodily injury as a result of the GIF?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. When you're saying serious bodily injury, it, uh, caused him to have serious impact
on his ability to even move his body during the seizure, is that correct?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. He lost all control of his bodily functions.
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. And he lost all control of his mental faculty.
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. Was he basically out of it, and not coherent, during the period of time of the seizure?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. Was it determined that he actually suffered a second seizure that night while he was sleeping?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. And that's according to his wife, is that correct?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. Did the seizure cause he, his wife, or his sons any emotional distress?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. Can you explain a little bit about what they have gone through since that period of
time, since receiving the GIF and-- that caused the seizure?
A. The family has continued to [indistinct] follow-on, um, tweets with strobing images
in them.
They've been harassed because of this incident.
Um, it's caused them a lot of distress.
You know, the victim stated during the holidays, I mean he-- he really-- he wasn't really there
He was, uh, his need to be fed, he couldn't raise his arm.
Uh, it was pretty awful for their family.
Q. Have there been adjustments since December, on a fairly regular basis, to his medication
for trying to prevent seizures?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. And was there some indication that based on the seizure that he had from the stroke
GIF that those medications are reduced in their efficacy, their ability to actually
help him?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. And has that caused emotional distress for Mis-- for the victim and his wife and
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. You were asked about the risk factors, for somebody with epilepsy, to reacting to
a strobe light, correct?
A. Yes, ma'am.
Q. Did you find those risk factors actually on a screenshot on the defendant's Icloud
A. Yes, ma'am.
MS. HEATH: Your honor, we pass the witness.
MR. HENNESSY: Just very briefly, your Honor.
Thank you.
Q. You mention that, that-- Agent, you mentioned that, after this event, he started to get
other tweets sent to him of a similar nature.
A. Yes, sir.
Q. But it's also true, isn't it, that within the week after this event, he went on TV and
told the world that someone sent him this flashing GIF, right?
A. I'm not aware if he actually went on television, but I know, yes, he--
Q. He put it out there-- A. --through social media at least, he, he
blasted that out there, yes, sir.
Q. He put it out publicly, one way or another.
A. Yes.
Q. And, you talked about looking at Mr. Rivello's tweets and communications that were obtained
via warrant or court order.
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And, we're not here to make excuses for everyone of them, but is it fair to say, looking
at them as a whole, much of it is evidence of the course political discourse that we
see all too much of today?
A. Uh, what do you mean by that?
Q. Angry people angry about politics.
MS. HEATH: Your Honor, we object to speculation on the part of this witness.
There's no basis for asking that particular question.
THE COURT: Well, I'm not sure how it goes to probable cause.
MR. HENNESSY: Very well, your Honor.
That's all, your Honor.
Thank you.
THE COURT: You may step down.
Thank you very much.
Anything else from the government?
MS. HEATH: The government rests, your Honor.
THE COURT: All right.
Anything from the defense?
MR. HENNESSY: No, your Honor.
Thank you.
THE COURT: Do the parties wish to present argument?
MR. HENNESSY: None from-- none from the defense, argu-- None from the defense, your Honor.
MS. HEATH: Your Honor, I believe the criminal complaint speaks for itself in this case,
and we rely on the criminal complaint as our final argument.
THE COURT: All right
Based on the testimony before me, I do find probable cause in this case, so Mr. Rivello,
you will have to face further proceedings in this case.
THE COURT: Um, we are adjourned as to this matter.
Counsel are excused if they have no further matters before the court.
Learn Colors with Space Vehicles Rocket and Colorful Balls | Videos for Children Colors compilation - Duration: 10:27.Learn Colors with Space Vehicles Rocket and Colorful Balls | Videos for Children Colors compilation
Female Fitness Motivation - Build Your Booty 2017 - Duration: 3:45.Female Fitness Motivation - Build Your Booty 2017
Interactive Paranormal Activity Seance (360 Degree Video) - Duration: 17:10.-------------------------------------------
I'M IN A BAND! | Vlog #11 - Duration: 5:29.- I can barely see anything.
- But i't more important that we can see you!
- You look like Jesus with that light behind your head.
- Patrik, what are you saying?
- It'll turn out fine!
- They are my favourites!
- I also believe in the blue ones.
- We'll see.
How I Became Marlon Brando's Agent | Jay Kanter - Duration: 3:22.My name is Jay Kanter.
I was an agent.
I was a film executive and I'm a producer of motion pictures.
I had a liking for MCA's New York Theater Department which was one of the best in the
business, and there was a woman in the theater department by the name of Edith Van Cleve.
She represented Marlon in the theater, and after Marlon finished the play of "Streetcar"
he moved to Paris and he wasn't doing anything and his father told Edith Van Cleve that he
had to go to work.
Well, I mean, every studio wanted him but they also wanted long term contracts which
he wouldn't sign.
One day I got a call from Stanley Kramer.
He said, "c'mon I want to talk to you about a project we have."
He talked to me about this particular story that Carl Foreman wrote that Fred Zinnemann
was gonna direct called "The Men" and he said, "I'd like to buy Marlon Brando for it."
And I said, "but Stanley, he won't sign any long term contract."
He said, "I don't want a long term contract.
I want him to play this part.
That's all."
So I sent it to Edith Van Cleve and I told her that it was a one picture deal, and she
sent it to Marlon in Paris.
I don't know if Marlon ever read it, but his father leaned on him pretty badly that he
had to go to work.
So he said he would do it.
I met him at the train station and I drove him to his aunt's house.
He said, "come in and meet my aunt and uncle."
And so I went in and they invited me to dinner and eventually I left and I made arrangements
with Marlon that I would pick him up the next day and drive him to the studio to meet Zinnemann
and Kramer and Foreman.
Then I told him I wanted him to come into our agency office.
And he said, "why?" and I said, "well, all the agents would like to meet you."
He said, "I don't have to meet anybody.
You're my agent."
So I had to explain this to all these other guys, and when Lew heard about this he really
got a kick out of it, because he was getting telephone calls from Darryl Zanuck and Jack
Warner - all these, you know, heads of studios that wanted to meet Marlon.
And Lew said, "well I can't arrange it, you'd have to talk to his agent."
They said, "who is that?"
And he said, "Jay Kanter."
And they said, "Who's he?"
And suddenly I was getting phone calls from all these heads of studios, and that was it.
Riverdale Recap 1x08: See? I Can Parent! - Duration: 12:51."Listen, Riverdale was secretly created by Kojima!" *chuckles* "Okay now you have my attention." *laughing*
"We just need the Silent Hill fog." "That kind of almost shows up every episode. It's creepin' in.
The season finale you're just gonna hear a fog horn in the distance."
*ominous improvised foghorn noise*
*muffled "Sugar Sugar" by The Archies in the distance* *ominous improvised foghorn noise*
"Hey everybody!" "Hey!" "Hey, we're back after our hiatus." "Look who's also back!" "It's Ryan! From his hiatus!"
"Still not watching the show yet. I think I'll get on that."
"Um, anyways, we're back with a recap of episode...eight of Riverdale." "So there was drama."
"There's always drama!" "It's Riverdale."
"So this is more of an Archie episode."
"Yes, we actually got a lot of focus on him and his dad, lots of father-son boding moments."
"Let's see, Fred's trying to start the construction of...I guess it's an apartment?"
"But it's on an ancient Blossom maple syrup burial ground.
Yeah, you came back just in time for the poor maple syrup." *laughing*
"So his guys walk out on him before they can even break ground." "Because Blossom bought them out."
"So of course Fred goes to Clifford Blossom and is like 'what the fuck man?'"
*adorable wheezing in the background* "He's just like 'that's old Blossom property, thus
everything in Riverdale belongs to us."
"Your dogs having like and asthma attack." "Aw, he's good now."
"Archie decides 'I'm going to parent my dad now!" "I'm the dad now." "We're all dads now."
"So he decides to help out." "He grabs his friends, he grabs Jug and Kevin and Moose.
They decide to help with construction because yeah! *clap* child labour!"
"And then in the evening some thugs come over and start wrecking shit, Moose runs out, tries to stop
them and gets beat up for his trouble. Poor Moose."
"Moose is also, I think he was trying to flirt with Kevin earlier? He's like 'yeah Kevin! You're getting jacked!'
And Kevin's like 'I prefer one-on-one sports like *thinking* (Do I know any sports?
I know...sports ball) Boxing!"
"They're trying to figure out, like, who did this and they immediately -" "Here's what
was really impressive: something illegal happened and they called the cops."
"Yes!" "This is a very smart town. People actually call the police when the police should be called."
"So Keller's like who do you think this was, did you get any glimpse of them?
And they're like no...was it the Serpents?
Of course poor Jughead is like 'no it couldn't have been them, don't jump to conclusions.'"
"The whole episode Jughead's trying to downplay how dangerous the Serpents are."
"Because dad."
"Like there's another scene where Betty's like 'I heard the Serpents were dealing drugs'
and Jughead's like 'What?! Dealing drugs? I mean, I know they're like an evil biker gang,
but dealing drugs? That's ridiculous!'"
"'They're not the Hell's Angels! No no no no no! No.'"
"Archie is convinced that it was the Serpents and so he gets Moose to come with him, and
then he's like 'we're gonna get Kevin to get his boyfriend to let us into the bar' because
Kevin's dating a Serpent." "Oh...well that's a good call."
"So yeah they go to the bar and Archie nearly gets beat up until Jughead's dad - 'here,
let me talk to my people, see what happens.'"
"He's like 'listen idiot child. I called your dad ten minutes ago. You're so Fucking grounded.'"
"'See? I can parent!""
"'Can't parent my own kid!'
Fred comes down and FP is like 'I know you're hurting and I feel bad for you but my guys
didn't do that because I really...don't care any more at this point.
By the way you should maybe keep track of your son.'
And Fred's like 'oh yeah, I put him in the truck - aw fuck he's gone again'."
"So then Archie goes to find Jughead who's over at the baby shower for Polly'."
"Oh we haven't even talked about that! Let's backtrack, let's go to that plot now." "Wooooo!" *giggles*
"Okay, so Polly is over at the Lodge's place and they decide 'hey,
how about we have a bit of a reconciliation thing, invite your mom and the Blossoms over for a baby shower!'
This will totally not go wrong!"
"There's so many layers of bad choices in that, because first off Betty's like 'I don't
think it's a good idea to have my mom and Polly confront in such an emotional situation'
and Veronica's like 'no it's gonna be fine because they'll be in public and so they won't go to war!'"
"But that's the best time to go to war!"
"Well I'm just thinking have you even met Betty's mom?"
"She got slapped by Penelope at a thing!"
"She ONLY starts shit in public!
And then later Polly's like 'I want the Blossoms to come!'
And Betty's like 'well yeah, we'll invite Cheryl, she seems to be sane these days' and
then she's like 'no but I want her mom to come too!'
And Betty's like 'you mean the mom who wanted to send you back to the insane asylum but
wanted to get the baby from you?
The one who implied she was just gonna take a vacuum up there and *shunk*?"
"The one who is definitely anaesthetize you and then caesarian you?"
"She's gonna pull a Death Stranding, be Guillermo del Toro, manifest your baby fetus into a tube."
*Lindsay fucking losing it* "Where's my little baby?"
"Anyway! The baby shower!
People come in, there's nice presents, Alice Cooper shows up - yes, her name is Alice Cooper."
"Aw, I thought it was actually Alice Cooper, just hangin' out.
Just having your normal baby shower, you got Cheryl, you got all of them,
then you just got Alice Cooper, he brought a present."
"I hope that if we ever get the flashback to the parents as teenagers that Alice Cooper
just ran with it and she's like totally grunge, and this white bread suburban mom thing didn't
show up until years later." "Yeah!
So anyway, Alice shows up and she gives Polly the old angel night light to make the baby
feel safe because...yeah. And then! And then."
"The three Cooper girls are having this little reconciliation and then -"
"- the Blossoms just Burst in!" *whooshing noises* "Blossoms in here!" "Cheryl's leading the way
with a royal pram!" "They don't even knock!
The door just swings open!" *more Ryan whooshing* "And right behind her is her mom, and Grandma
Blossom's back!" *old lady cackling* "Sitting there stroking a baby elephant like 'nyeeeehhhh'."
"Kind of out of it, she has crystals." "Oh yeah!
She whips out like an amethyst or something to tell the baby's future, Alice is like 'this
is peak occultism', I'm like you were doing a sage scrubbing at the beginning of the season!"
"So anyway, Grandma Blossom is like 'oooh, you're going to have twins!'"
"And Polly's just like '...kay'."
"Doube the fun!"
"So what was the other present?" "Blossom family heirloom, little rocking horse."
"Oh yeah, and that starts another fight.
Penelope extends an invitation to come and stay at the Blossom mansion, Alice is like
'no she's not'."
"And then they get into a fight, and then Polly is like 'You both need to shut the FUCK up!'"
"'Montague and Capulet!'"
"'You made these civil hands unclean you fuckers!'"
"'Jason would still be alive if it weren't for you!'"
"Aaaaaaaawwwwwwww shit."
"Oh yeah!" *sassy snapping* "This is where A-plot comes barging in because Archie's like
-" "'Hold on, I'm here to bring the plot!'"
"Apropos of nothing he just bursts in and basically walks through the crowd, he's like
'you never told me your dad was a Serpent' and Veronica and Betty are like 'you guys
have no relevance to the plot - get the fuck out of here.'" "Shoo! Shoo!"
"Archie's like 'I can't trust you anymore' and then he storms out again and everyone
else just acts like it didn't happen."
"And then a little bit later there's another talk between Polly, Betty, and Alice, and
as it turns out Hal had a arranged for Polly to see an abortionist without even talking to Polly."
"Yeah, like 'you don't have to live with your mistake'.
Alice just has like - the Shadow of Hell come over her face." "Because Alice didn't know that."
"When we get back to them she's storming into the house where Hal is, she's like 'how dare
you do that to our daughter, how dare you do what you did to me' and that's kind of
the only thing that's keeping me from saying 'hey! Pot, kettle' because of the whole asylum thing."
"But yeah, it's implied that they got pregnant in high school."
"There may've been an elder Cooper who was terminated."
"Yeah, that Hal insisted on.
Alice kicks out Hal. Thank god."
"Then she gets back to Polly and Betty and is like 'your dad's fucking gone, screw that
guy, please come back home, it's gonna be great, it's just gonna be us girls and the
baby or babies if the Blossom witch is right."
"But no. No. Polly decides to go and visit the Blossoms."
"She decides to stay at Thornhill where the Blossoms are like 'you'll be safe here Polly...for ever and ever...'
I'm pretty sure though that as soon as they get a minute alone Cheryl's gonna be like
'okay Polly, here are the secret exits for when my parents inevitably start chasing you with an axe.'"
"I bet in the basement they have a full gynaecology setup."
"They probably have straight-up medieval torture devices."
"Anyway there's also the A-plot."
"Once Archie's like 'hey I suddenly realize that barging into the territory of a gang
and throwing around wild accusations was not a good idea!' and his dad's like 'ya think?'
but then Archie's like 'listen dad, I wanna help you because you help me, and one day
I'll have a kid and he's gonna wanna build houses like grandpa!'"
"Awww! Sweetie."
"And he makes up with Jughead again."
"Jughead and Betty go down to the trailer park where FP is living and they're like 'okay
we know about the whole Serpents dealing drugs and all that and Jason apparently got his
drugs from you guys, so what the fuck was that about?' and FP's like 'the kid was desperate,
he needed money, he was clean cut and nobody was ever gonna expect him to do that kind
of stuff, and then he vanished!'" "Oh well." "Shrug."
"And that's basically all he tells him, and later we get a scene of him and Joaquin and
FP is taking Jason's jacket and shoving it in a duffle bag like 'this is our insurance
in case anyone else starts poking around about this', then he gives that to Joaquin and we
find out that Joaquin is pulling a Mata Hari with Kevin."
"I have a feeling that Joaquin is genuinely feeling it."
"Yeah, Joaquin's like 'he actually likes me!' and FP is like 'that's adorable...you don't get to do that'."
"FP and some of the Serpents show up at the construction site and go 'we're here to help!
Also Hermione, your husband is on to you with the whole thing with you and Fred because we found
out the guys who were wrecking shit around here were from Montreal and guess who has contacts in Montreal!"
*gasp* "Trudeau!" *giggles* "But no, it's related to Hiram,
and she's like 'what the Fuck Hiram!'" "And FP's like 'so the question is, who ratted you out?'"
"Dun dun DUN! Probably Veronica."
"If it's not Veronica I don't know who the fuck't'd be *gasp* unless it was Smithers!
Smithers we have not seen much of and he is not super-important to the plot, so we could totally toss him off a roof.
What if Smithers killed Jason!"
"Uh...Promo for the next episode."
"Cheryl is trying to seduce Archie, and we see them make out, and I'm like NOOOOO!"
"Yeah also there's this weird Blossom ritual thing where they all dress up in red in the middle of winter."
"Is there a literal blood ritual going on?" "Probably!" "Summon a fucking demon?"
"They're like 'there is an annual ritual, we pay tribute to the Blossoms of days past."
*ghostly moaning* "Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fthagn!"
"Then we see Archie and Cheryl making out.
Two concerns: one, Valerie does not deserve to be treated this way, two I'm pretty sure
that Archie is secretly a Blossom anyways."
*awkward pause*
"Anyway." "Anyway!" "That's what happened..."
*second awkward pause because Tanner forgot to say:*
*resume ominous improvised foghorn noise, eventually petering out*
*laughs* "Okay that's probably long enough." *everyone laughing as we fade out*
My first big edit feat. World of Tanks (Montage/Music) - Duration: 3:40.The allianca SND started from a group of friends
on 2014 without any goals. Now the members are up to 150 people
Hours of Waiting Results - Duration: 0:09.Dinosaur Simulator Sucks
Its been 5 hours
I hate this new map
Battle for goodness BFG coming soon/ Characters are playing - Duration: 6:41.number 1# Modern Sonic
number 2# Classic Sonic
These are not players bc i have no idea what there names are soooo yeaaaaaaaaaaah
number 3# Freddys fazbear
number 4# Chica the chicken
number 5# Bonnie the Bunny
number 6# Toy bonnie
number 7# Shadow Freddy
number 8# Fredbear
number 9# Mangle
number 10# Crying Child
number 11# Springtrap
number 12# Nightmare Foxy
number 13# Foxy
number 14# JJ
number 15# puppet/puppet master
number 16# Nightmare
Again not a player
number 17# Grizz
Not a player
number 18# super mecha sonic
number 19# Classic Tails
number 20# Classic Knuckles
AAAAAAAAAAND number 21# Shadow the hedgehog
RWBY Japanese (日本語吹替) Volume 3 chapter 5 (SUBS IN CC) - Duration: 10:31.Victory goes to Atlas' Penny and Ciel.
Thank you for a fun time.
Ruby, this is my teammate.
Ciel Soleil.
Hello, I'm-
Ruby Rose.
15. Hometown is Patch. Leader of Team RWBY.
Status is...uncertain.
Soooooo, Penny!
You two were awfully strong, huh.
How do you keep control of all those swords!
It's so cool!
Penny, I believe it is best if we move on to our next location.
Could you give us just a minute?
Hey, is she...
your friend?
Yes, in a way.
It's similar to if Blake was ordered to spend time with you.
Ah, so Weiss.
Does she know?
As in...beep boop bop, machine system.
Oh, of course not. General Ironwood doesn't want anyone to know.
There was some trouble with a magnet,
but I was able to play it off.
Ruby, there's something that I just have to talk to you about.
I want to study at Beacon.
But they wouldn't let you do that, right?
I know,
but I have a plan.
It's been precisely one minute, Penny.
Alright, let's talk again soon, Ruby.
Our next match will begin in 15 minutes!
Holy smokes! It's about to start!
Alright! Our turn!
Keep proper form.
Yes, yes.
You're originally from Atlas, so whaddya think?
Well, in Atlas, the kingdom, academy, and even army are combined.
So I think we can expect strict, militant fighters with advanced technology and well rehearsed strategies.
Or...perhaps there are different types.
You're Weiss Schnee, right? The heiress.
That is correct.
I assume you're advanced with dust use, right?.
I do my best.
Is that so? My dad was pretty good too.
Ran a dust shop.
'till the Schnee company ran him out of business.
Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that.
Oh sure you are.
Hey! Why you-
Hey! Why you-
I just imitated what you sound like.
Hey! Where'd you get your hair extensions?
This is just my real hair.
Ooh, really?
Is that a prob-
You wanna try rollerblading? It's super fun!
Though in your case it'd probably take a while.
Seeing as
your boobs looks pretty heavy.
What was that?!
Ooh, yikes.
*Start of first speed decrease section for copyright*
Never miss a beat. Never miss a beat.
Never miss a beat. Never miss a beat.
*End of slow section*
Oh! Now your bottom's heavy too.
You should cool off.
Right? Because you're all worked up.
*Begin slow section 2*
How unfortunate. You can't buy skill.
*End slow section*
What was that?
It appears that Flynt has just used his semblance,
and quite the remarkable one at that.
Everyone, feast your eyes on Flynt Coal's Killer Quartet!
Ooh! Shimmery eyes!
You're cute when you're angry.
Shut up, shut up, shut up!
Hey! Get back here!
I didn't say it'd be better if you went on a diet.
I was saying you really can't not go on a diet!
Damn it!
That's it!
Oh my! It looks like a double knock out!
It looks as if Miss Schnee's aura is completely exhausted!
She sacrificed herself to take down Flint!
Wait a moment.
Ladies and gentlemen, please look here!
Flynt Coal remains standing!
You did it, Flynt!
Don't worry about her.
But she's kind or irritating.
Ooh! It looks like Yang is getting angry.
Times where that happens is...*something you wouldn't like. (*pun on Yang's name)
*Speed up section, last one*
Alright, Neon, go!
Oh, Flynt's taken down.
Never miss a beat. Never miss a...
*End sped up section*
Weiss! Are you okay?
Looks like I won't be singing for a little while.
Weiss. Could be that your form was bad.
We lost? We lost?
Team FNKI lost?!
too amazing!
Oh my gosh, you guys were like amazingly super cool!
We should definitely party together sometime. Right, Flynt?
You've got guts, don't ya, Schnee.
I'm impressed.
You two were amazing!
It's nothing.
It appears to be better to change the plan.
Mmmm...Even though it's only a slight alteration.
What kinda change?
It means that this will be even easier than we thought.
Ironwood's playing you the fool, ya know.
His heart is in the right place,
its just a little lost.
I sometimes wonder if he even has a heart.
So then,
what about that matter you brought up?
Maidens choose themselves.
I simply believe I've found the right candidate.
Ever since I first met her, I thought she was the one.
She's strong, intelligent, and caring.
And above all else,
she's ready.
Earn Minimum 10000 Rupees With Home Base Bussiness Without Investment | Telugu | - Duration: 15:06.welcome to "SCAMFINDER" channel
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Hearthstone Arena Gameplay - Duration: 25:07.Hearthstone Arena Gameplay
How To Boost Your Intelligence | Motivational Video By Sandeep Maheshwari FAN (in English) - Duration: 6:48.What makes a person more intelligent than others? Is it his IQ? His knowledge? Or is
it some kind of other super power? A person is said to be truly intelligent,
when not only he understands well, but also he acts well, there is a student who has a
great IQ, he understands very well, but he does not practice his studies at all, he is
always busy playing clash of clans & watching game of thrones, will you call this kind of
student truly intelligent? So intelligence is not dependent on IQ.
Then is it dependent on knowledge? There is a saint who had studied the entire bible more
than 10 times, and he could tell you easily, in which page a particular line belongs to.
But when it comes to reality he is attached with name fame & money, will you call this
saint an intelligent person? So intelligence is also not dependent on knowledge. Then what
it is? What is that super power that makes a person more intelligent than others?
The answer is already given by one of the most intelligent person in human history,
Sir Albert Einstein, once he said, "It's not that I�m so smart, it's just that I stay
with the problems longer". The super power is questioning.
Since from our childhood we have been programmed to do competition & comparison, competition
between brothers & sisters, comparison with the neighbors son, this thing had programmed
our mind very badly, Every time, we compare someone with us and then whether we placed
that person as superior than us or alternatively inferior than us,
Now if we want to break this programming the only way is questioning, self inquiry, otherwise
life will always keep going into autopilot mode, now just see how dangerous is this autopilot
mode. Suppose there are two friends, imagine it's
you and your best friend, both of you are engineers, both of you work in the same company
and both of you get nearly the same amount of salary per month. Now suppose your best
friend brought a new car, Honda city and you have an alto 800, so whenever you see your
Friend's new car, you desire to have a same one.
Now at first it remains as a wish but after few days, watching it again and again it suddenly
becomes your desire, a strong desire, the moment it happens, the mind started its job,
it jumps into figuring out ways to buy it as soon as possible. Although you don�t
have the capacity to afford such one, still your desire is forcing you to have one, because
the desire has already became very very strong. Now what you have done, you have just gone
to the showroom and financed the car, not only your all savings get invested in it,
but also a huge percentage from your salary get invested into paying the monthly installments.
Now just imagine if anyhow your boss comes to know it, if your boss knows very well that
now in any condition it is impossible for you to leave the job, because you have to
pay a large amount of monthly installments for your loving car and also you cannot sell
it because you are so attached with it, just imagine what he can do with you.
He will say everyday you have to work 2-3 hours overtime; you have to do this, and that
and this also. Then, Will you have the courage to reject him? No! Because two fears will
make you paralyzed, 1) what if I get fired, and for the next couple of month what if I
can't get a job, how my family will survive? And 2) If I sell this car and get back into
the same previous small car, what this society will think about me? "That I�m a looser!
Oh no! I cannot let it be happen." From our childhood we are always suppose to
be a winner, superior than our friends, relatives and neighbors. "Now how can I change?" So
then congrats, now you are totally trapped, no matter whether if a cage is made of gold,
a cage is a cage! Your desire had trapped you through your boss. This will also leads
to harm your relationships, your health, your happiness, everything is connected. "Ok ok!!
now will you please tell me then what is the solution?"
Well, the one & only solution is questioning, at first when it was just a simple wish, that
time you should ask yourself a simple question, "Do I really need it? Or I�m just willing
to buy it because of some comparison and competition? Is that I�m going to become very very happy
for life time after riding on this big sized car? Or is it going to trap me? Do I want
to be caged? Or do I want freedom? That is, if I�m not enjoying a job, it does not take
more than 1 sec for me to kick that job and go for a new one."
The moment you start questioning, your intelligence comes to rescue you, it can help you to kill
your evil desires. Now, not every type of desire is harmful, the desires for things,
the desires for getting something are harmful, but desire for doing something, desire for
becoming something is the best thing that can make you successful in every aspect of
your life. If you are a painter then desire for becoming
a better painter, if you are a husband then desire for becoming a better husband, these
desires can make you free. The simple thing is, you have to ask at least
few questions, what is science? Science is all about questioning. There was a man sitting
under a tree, an apple fell down onto his head, he immediately asked a question? Why
it falls downwards? Why not in upwards direction? That was the moment when the law of gravity
was born. So all you need is to ask questions to invoke
your intelligence, if you are a businessman, daily you have to ask hundreds of questions,
what my customers want from me? How can I improve my service. A person who has this
habit of questioning, it is guaranteed today or tomorrow the person will definitely become
successful in his field. So, say good bye to autopilot mode & hold your steering tightly!
At last a little request to you, if you feel this video is worthy, then please share it
with your friends and family and hit the like button below, more likes more motivation for
us. It's easy!
Ewangeliarz OP - 3 kwietnia 2017 - (J 8, 1-11) - Duration: 2:04.When people disappear, when human disappears, and there are only saintly rules left,
then it's wrong, then all ethics becomes degenerated, and all morality becomes inhumane.
Today we see Jesus who focuses all his attention on one human, on one woman.
Juxtaposed to him there are pharisees, the elders, who wave banners with saintly rules written on them,
but the poles on which the banners are hung are used by them to beat up this one specific person,
this one specific woman.
It's always the meeting first, it's the human with his hardship, his loss, his suffering.
It's only through the meeting, the meeting of love, that comes real help, support, giving a helpful hand,
and then—discovering the new way of life,
discovering the holy rules of the universe that come from the thought of God,
and the rules that—in this affection, in this relation, in this meeting—suddenly start to function in this person's life and become inviting, become life-giving.
A New Intro :D - Duration: 0:11.Please Leave A Like If You Like This New Intro I will Be Using in Future Videos Also Please Subscribe for more
Sopa Negra (Costa Rican Black Bean Soup)| Vegan Cooking - Duration: 1:47.Today we are making sopa negra.
Sopa negra is a traditional costa rican black bean soup that's usually eaten with rice, pico de gallo and eggs.
Check the description box for the ingredients and let's get started.
You start by leaving raw beans soaking for six hours or overnight.
Make sure there's water about an inch above the beans.
Drain the beans and rinse them.
Put the beans in a pot and put water about an inch over them and put them to simmer for an hour or until soft.
Meanwhile we are going to make the "pico de gallo".
Chop up the tomatoes, onion and coriander.
Mix them together and add some salt.
Now chop a red bell pepper, half an onion and some celery leaves.
When the beans are ready separate them form the broth.
Sautee the red bell pepper and the onion.
When they are halfway cooked, add the broth, celery leaves, some salt and cook it until the celery leaves are a bit soft.
Then serve and add the pico de gallo and some rice.
Female Fitness Motivation - Beauty In Fitness 2017 - Duration: 2:54.Female Fitness Motivation - Beauty In Fitness 2017
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons | Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes - Duration: 55:38.Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
Learn Colors With Colourful Horse Dance Cartoons Learning Color Horse Riding Finger Family Rhymes
How To Do Tidal Calculations for European Secondary Ports - Duration: 5:15.-------------------------------------------
Хабиб Нурмагомедов отказался менять весовую категорию - Duration: 2:23.Hello.
With you SPORT SCIENCE Fight.
It has information on scheduled bouts
Maksima Divnicha and Damir Ismagulova.
Vadim Finkelstein said that will make everything
It is in his power to organizing the fight between Ramzan
Emeevym and Alexander Shlemenko.
It has information on that may soon take place
fight Ryan Bader and Mohammed Levan.
Fabricio Werdum stated that wants to return
a job commentator UFC.
According to him, many of his jokes are misunderstood
leadership and he hopes the fact that he will be able to explain
with them.
To conduct a duel Sergei Kharitonov took
a landslide victory over Chase Gormley.
Sergei told that won victory thanks to his
In the future, he's going to risk to
to get free at the time promotion title
Even the fight with Fedor Emelianenko it will not stop at this
At the opening of the Moscow Club Eagles MMA Habib Nurmagomedov
He held an open workout.
Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov He said that received
results of a comprehensive examination of the body
Habib enable them to confidently say that
that they are not going to change weight category as the
and liver and heart full healthy.
All success, understanding and anabolism.
Since you have news from SPORT SCIENCE - each new release
If you like the video, then support us huskies
and share this video with friends.
This will greatly help the development of our channel.
On our site are gathered mengen.ru all editions and text
articles to them.
Not to miss the next Video - subscribe
to our feed and Public VKontakte, all references in the description to
And yes, one more thing.
If you still do not done, then click on the bell
near the subscribe button.
Put a tick "report me all the news of this
Channel "and click save.
So you will not miss our new release.
DIKUrevy 2016: Science-IT hjælper Danmark - Duration: 4:17.-------------------------------------------
为什么指纹是独一无二的 ?【有趣的事实】中英CC字幕 - Duration: 1:18.Hey there I'm Blocko #Subtitle by Wei Jun Won
and you are a special little snowflake
So are your fingerprints provided that you have hands of course
It's Thursday so that means we are answering one of your questions
and this week we're going to find out
Why our fingerprints unique ?
and what is their purpose ?
Fingerprints don't change as you age
They stand the test of time and are actually pretty dang durable
One man named Hans Galassi lost a few fingers in the wakeboarding accident
One of his fingers was identified in the trout months later
by using fingerprinting technology you
and leave your fingerprints on just about anything that you come in contact with throughout the day
Glasses, Tables, Door handles
The oils and sweat in your hands create the print
With the right solution you can actually identify the finger print
and trace it back to whoever left it
It sure does come in handy when police are looking for criminals
You get it
Sorry, well now you know their purpose but why are they unique to you
Fingerprints are created in the womb
by a random combination of stem cells
into Ridge type cells and Valley type cells
The randomness of heat and chemical diffusion creates the pattern before you're even born
and unless you cut up your fingertips completely
They're not going anywhere
As usual I'll be answering a new question every Thursday
So ask anything you want to know in the comments or on Facebook and Twitter
This has been life noggin don't forget to keep on thinking
Subtitle by Wei Jun Won, Subscribe my channel for more
اغنية أنمي حزينة جميلة جدا 2017 - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
Learn Colors with Space Vehicles Rocket and Colorful Balls | Videos for Children Colors compilation - Duration: 10:27.Learn Colors with Space Vehicles Rocket and Colorful Balls | Videos for Children Colors compilation
Viana - Caminho do Perdão [prod. FerBeatz] ( EP Viagem ) - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Хабиб Нурмагомедов отказался менять весовую категорию - Duration: 2:23.Hello.
With you SPORT SCIENCE Fight.
It has information on scheduled bouts
Maksima Divnicha and Damir Ismagulova.
Vadim Finkelstein said that will make everything
It is in his power to organizing the fight between Ramzan
Emeevym and Alexander Shlemenko.
It has information on that may soon take place
fight Ryan Bader and Mohammed Levan.
Fabricio Werdum stated that wants to return
a job commentator UFC.
According to him, many of his jokes are misunderstood
leadership and he hopes the fact that he will be able to explain
with them.
To conduct a duel Sergei Kharitonov took
a landslide victory over Chase Gormley.
Sergei told that won victory thanks to his
In the future, he's going to risk to
to get free at the time promotion title
Even the fight with Fedor Emelianenko it will not stop at this
At the opening of the Moscow Club Eagles MMA Habib Nurmagomedov
He held an open workout.
Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov He said that received
results of a comprehensive examination of the body
Habib enable them to confidently say that
that they are not going to change weight category as the
and liver and heart full healthy.
All success, understanding and anabolism.
Since you have news from SPORT SCIENCE - each new release
If you like the video, then support us huskies
and share this video with friends.
This will greatly help the development of our channel.
On our site are gathered mengen.ru all editions and text
articles to them.
Not to miss the next Video - subscribe
to our feed and Public VKontakte, all references in the description to
And yes, one more thing.
If you still do not done, then click on the bell
near the subscribe button.
Put a tick "report me all the news of this
Channel "and click save.
So you will not miss our new release.
Ewangeliarz OP - 3 kwietnia 2017 - (J 8, 1-11) - Duration: 2:04.When people disappear, when human disappears, and there are only saintly rules left,
then it's wrong, then all ethics becomes degenerated, and all morality becomes inhumane.
Today we see Jesus who focuses all his attention on one human, on one woman.
Juxtaposed to him there are pharisees, the elders, who wave banners with saintly rules written on them,
but the poles on which the banners are hung are used by them to beat up this one specific person,
this one specific woman.
It's always the meeting first, it's the human with his hardship, his loss, his suffering.
It's only through the meeting, the meeting of love, that comes real help, support, giving a helpful hand,
and then—discovering the new way of life,
discovering the holy rules of the universe that come from the thought of God,
and the rules that—in this affection, in this relation, in this meeting—suddenly start to function in this person's life and become inviting, become life-giving.
How To Lower Uric Acid-Proven Methods To Lower Uric Acid Level Naturally - Duration: 5:08.you
how to know uric acid level naturally
before you start taking actions to lower
uric acid level naturally it's important
to understand what you're at acid in
where it comes from while high levels
can lead the ground and why you need to
reduce high uric acid levels in the
blood high uric acid level or called
hyperuricemia hyperuricemia may not be
identified obviously unless you have a
test uric acid is a product of the
chemical breakdown is compound called
chirring that exists in our body cells
and in our food normally about seventy
percent of the daily uric acid is
eliminated via kidneys there are many
causes high uric acid levels like
alcoholism chemotherapy related side
effects diabetes increased production of
uric acid chronic kidney failure
medications metabolic conditions so if
you are suffering one of these diseases
you may have the high levels of uric
acid so get moving there are some grapes
and home remedy that really helps to
lower uric acid level naturalness number
one garlic garlic has approved medicinal
and healing properties which cure almost
all diseases and ailments garlic is rich
in vitamins minerals and fiber and
contains vast amounts of sulfur which
not only regulates the uric acid levels
but also decreases the amount of uric
acid in the blood swallow to close this
chronic with water every morning member
chill olive oil olive oil is always good
for your health and your beauty
according to some experts
monounsaturated fats in olive oil can
keep stable impedance it contains
abundant amounts of antioxidants and
vitamin E and also provide
anti-inflammatory effects this is one of
the best home remedies for reducing high
uric acid levels in blood member dream
celery seed extract celery seed extract
is a common remedy for controlling uric
acid these seats have been used for
curing arthritis
rheumatism and gut for a long time they
have some useful characteristics such as
diuretics antioxidant and sedative
properties the seats are often taken in
herbal supplements member for baking
soda baking soda reduces the level of
uric acid and alkalis into blood and
ruin it helps the uric acid which
remains in a suspended state in the
blood and during to be easily eliminated
through urination make that the teaspoon
of baking soda in a glass of water and
drink it quickly before the fifth petals
down train twice daily to prevent uric
acid crystals from forming and being
deposited member 5 cherries cherries and
raspberries also help lower uric acid
levels owing to chemicals they also
contain antigen in a type of flavonoids
that is useful for controlling uric acid
as well as reducing the stiffness and
information cherries can be used by
eating a half cup of cherries gaming
within several weeks or drinking about
one to two cups of tart cherry juice
within four weeks to get the great
result number six drink water and stay
hydrated drink plenty of water and
healthy fluence drinking water improve
kidney function and health washer is
acid out of your body aim to drink 8 to
16 cups of healthy and liquids a day and
most of it should be pure water number 7
lemon juice lemon juice is very good for
your body it can help to neutralize uric
acid in the body since then lower the
excess levels of uric acid it's rich in
vitamin C that is necessary for reducing
uric acid levels and your healthy body
you can simply squeeze one mmmm in the
glass of warm water to drink each and
every morning when your stomach is empty
if you feel it is too sour to dream you
can add a little sugar or honey to make
your lemon juice more delicious some of
this remedy for at least several weeks
now that you know how to
uric acid middle naturally thanks for
watching if you liked the video give it
a thumbs up and share it with your
friends if you want more remedies and
tips subscribe to our channel
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