League of Legends
پنکی جی دی اک ہور ویڈیو تیار ہےدیکھو ذرا کی کہندی اے پنکی - Duration: 1:52.Please subscribe our Channel
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200d Automaat - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Estate 200d AMG Styling Automaat - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Smokey luminoso e labbra "Flat out fabulous" - Makeup Kira tutorial (ENG SUB) - Duration: 9:47.Welcome in this new makeup tutorial
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220d LEASE EDITION Automaat, Wide Screen cockpit, Comand navigatie - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot Partner 122 1.6 e-HDI L2 XT Profit + - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
e-kidstv vol.37 "I'm done." (終わりました。) - Duration: 2:40.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 508 1.6 E-HDI 2-Tronic SW Blue-Lease Executive - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
AnimeMonsterStrike temporada2 Portuguese Brazil Ep1 2 - Duration: 13:07.-------------------------------------------
FAMÍLIAS DE A a Z- história contada por Fafá conta - Duration: 7:22.-------------------------------------------
Urgent announcement and backpain update - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Golf Golf 1.6 FSI Optive Automaat 5-deurs, Trekhaak / Airco - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
#Rapport Empatia 027 - Estabelecendo Rapport - Níveis Neurológicos - Identidade - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
Osteopatia Biodinamica per l'ipertiroidismo - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
Revhead | How to make a S@#T hot drag car - Duration: 3:16.in this video we're going to teach you
how to make this really cool looking hot rod in Revhead
Junior Senior
This will work for any car
First get yourself a newspaper and find a 4x4
Select the 4x4 from your parking lot.
Fix and remove all suspension parts including rims from the back.
Be sure to do the same for both sides of the rear.
Now get rid of that old 4x4 and put it in the parking lot.
and grab the car you wish to make a hot rod.
Once in the garage, jack that car right up and rip of the suspension.
Once you have the suspension removed,
just put on the 4x4 suspension and choose which tires to use.
As you can see, I've gone for a set of 20 inch rims with drag tires on.
but youcan put whatever tires you want on there. Even off-road tires.
To add some extra effect you can add the Eura II engine with a massive big supercharger on it.
fun thanks for watching youtubers if
Thanks for watching YouTubers. If you would like to watch some more trucking good videos, click on the links beside.
if you'd like to visit our website or you would like to subscribe, click below.
Thanks again for watching youtubers and remember GAMEON!
Christians Urged to Pull Children From Public Schools - politics - Duration: 18:29.Christians Urged to Pull Children From Public Schools
The warning was clear: Christian parents should pull their children out of public schools,
now, to protect them from spiritual damage, extreme indoctrination, and other serious
Pastors and churches should work to encourage that �exodus,� helping and encouraging
families to put their kids in homeschools or private Christian schools as quickly as
The alternative will be the continued decline of the church in America and an acceleration
of the nation's decline.
That was the explosive message of an evangelical ministry leader speaking as a guest this week
on one of America's top Christian radio programs.
Dr. James Dobson, one of the nation's most influential Christian leaders and a former
public-school teacher, hosted the discussion on his national radio program focusing on
the spiritual danger of allowing children to sit in secular or even anti-God public
schools for over a dozen formative years.
Dobson's guest on his nationally syndicated show Family Talk, heard on hundreds of stations
across America, was Lt. Col. E. Ray Moore, a retired military chaplain, a homeschooling
pioneer, and the nation's leading advocate of a mass exodus of Christian children from
the government schools.
The explosive interview could have far-reaching ramifications, forcing millions of Christian
parents and thousands of pastors across America to re-consider their choices.
In the two-part interview, which aired Monday and Tuesday across the nation and is available
online, Moore said churches and Christian families must launch a fresh effort to �really
grow Christian schooling and homeschooling in the evangelical and conservative church
community.� First of all, he said, there is a �scriptural pattern� that underpins
his argument.
�The Bible is clear: Scripture assigns the education of children to the family with assistance
from the church � and not government,� said Moore, who leads Frontline Ministries
and is the director of the Exodus Mandate Project to get children out of government
�So we actually do not believe in state-sponsored education in any fashion.�
Citing various Bible verses, Moore said parents are commanded to raise their children up in
the �culture� of the Lord.
Homeschooling and Christian schools help fulfill that, he explained, adding that public schools
today are overtly hostile to Christianity and the Bible.
Especially in the early years of child development, homeschooling is an excellent choice, with
Christian schools available later for those who feel they can't do it themselves.
For one, it creates a strong solidarity in the family, Moore said, adding that many homeschooling
families are able to avoid the �teenage rebellion� stage altogether.
�These kids that are homeschooled, and their peers in Christian schools, are a different
breed, it's a different culture,� he continued.
Dr. Dobson agreed, saying the sentiment was �absolutely true,� and that young children
are especially vulnerable to lifelong effects from being bullied or teased in their early
�Today, public schools don't offer much in the way of values education, and if they
do, it's often wrong,� said Dobson, who was described as �the nation's most influential
evangelical leader� by The New York Times.
�Particularly today, so much of what goes on in public schools is really harmful.�
When Moore and Dobson were children, public schools still began the day with prayer and
the Bible.
�It was very, very different than it is today,� Dobson added.
When asked by Dobson about his concerns, Moore let loose.
�We got a reprieve in the last election, so I think it's time for Christians to take
a look at resetting the agenda for the church in the area of K-12 Christian schooling and
homeschooling,� said Moore, the author of the book Let My Children Go and an executive
producer for the popular Christian film on government schools entitled IndoctriNation.
�We have four years to do something better and different.
I think it's time for pastors and churches and Christian leaders to really look at the
Exodus Mandate option, which is our ministry, to pull out and start up private Christian
schools and homeschools, that's what we're advocating.�
Dr. Dobson asked Moore what damage the �indoctrination� the children are being subjected to in public
schools � �they've been propagandized and given a philosophy that in many cases
is contrary to scripture and what we believe� � has done to America's children.
Citing resources put together by the Nehemiah Institute, Moore explained that if only millennials
(18 to 34 years old) had voted, the GOP would have won only five states.
�Trump would have gotten 23 electoral votes, and Hillary 504,� Moore said.
�What it shows is that about 80 percent of the millennials, are pretty left and progressive,
they're part of the Occupy crowd, that type of a voter.
We're losing the next generation.�
Perhaps even more alarming, the public schools are also responsible for the decline in morality
and the church.
�We believe you can make a case with data that the main reason the culture and the next
generation are turning away from traditional values, from the Gospel, from Christianity,
is primarily because of the indoctrination of the public-school system,� said Moore,
adding that some 80 percent of evangelicals today have their children in government school.
�So we're losing about 70 to 80 percent of the Christian children, they're abandoning
the church and the Christian faith in their early adult years.
And people will ask why this is happening.
Well, you put them in a public school, you didn't give them a Christian education.�
Moore, whose latest film, Escaping Common Core, goes through many of those arguments,
said Christian churches need to be �fully committed to K-12 Christian schooling and
homeschooling as a normal way of life among our people.� �If we do that, we can save
our children, and maybe save our culture as well,� he said.
After serving in Christian ministry for more than four decades, though, Moore said �it
grieves me to have to say this, so I'll be as delicate as I can, but a lot of our very
good conservative pastors are not doing their job on starting up Christian schools or encouraging
K-12 Christian schooling.�
He said many pastors have told him they are scared of taking a stand because so many in
their flocks have their children in government schools.
�So we're in an awkward moment in history where the pastors may think, if I speak up
and really push this hard, I might lose my job,� Moore said.
�They do think that.
But if they don't, we lose our country and we lose our children.� While some have criticized
his firm stance, Moore said that the criticism is actually declining.
�The culture is changing in our direction, rapidly,� he said, suggesting Christian
parents and leaders are increasingly realizing the threat posed by anti-God government schools.
�They see it, they see what's happening in their own children.�
Speaking to pastors in particular, Moore said they need to stand up.
�Parents are going to have to give an account for their children, but pastors are going
to have to give an account for their flock,� Moore said.
�They have a charge to shepherd the flock, and part of that is providing Christian education
for the children.
I'm not talking about Sunday school, I'm talking about Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday school.
Now, it's not going to be easy, but they've got to do it.
And I think that a lot of pastors, if they don't step up, they could lose reward....
In pastoral work, we have to warn the flock, we have to teach, admonish, and this is an
area that must be dealt with.�
Moore also said he did not know of any �serious Christian leaders� who were still trusting
their children to government schools.
Across America, he said, Christians are increasingly realizing that the public-school system is
a danger to their children, and are responding accordingly.
And that is very good news, not just for the children, but for the whole country.
In short, an exodus from the government schools, led by pastors and churches, could help save
the children, the churches, the culture, and the country all in one, Moore argued.
At the end of the first segment, Moore thanked Dobson for all he has done to raise awareness
over the years.
If more prominent Christian leaders such as Dobson would stand up, Moore said, the effect
would be tremendous.
Dobson seemed pleased, too.
�It's nice having somebody else to beat this drum besides myself,� said Dr. Dobson,
who founded both Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council, two of the most important
and influential pro-family ministries in America.
�I've said it for many, many years, and I don't regret a moment of it.�
In the second half of the interview, which was broadcast on March 21, Dobson asked whether
removing Christian children from public schools would deprive other children there of a Christian
Moore said he was glad the question came up.
�That's called the salt and light argument, and it's the number one objection I get from
people who don't support what I'm doing,� Moore explained, acknowledging Jesus' commands
to the faithful to be salt and light.
�But it doesn't apply to little children at the K-12 level in the public schools ... a
little six, seven or eight year old is not ready for a hostile environment.�
In fact, since that argument was made so often, Moore decided to produce a pamphlet addressing
that exact subject.
�We're putting them in harm's way in pagan and godless public schools,� he explained.
�And I think, frankly, even though it's a valid text, it's probably the most misused
and abused text in the Bible....
It's probably an excuse more than anything else, for not doing what scripture teaches
on education.
There is no wiggle room in the Bible on how we should educate our children.� In summary,
children need to be brought up in the fear and admonition of the Lord, he said.
And they are not getting that in government schools � in fact, they are getting the
opposite � when, as Dobson argued, parents' number one job is to ensure that their children
follow Christ.
The consequences of the government school system are massive.
Dobson and Moore discussed Abraham Lincoln's reputed comments on the fact that the philosophy
in the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.
After that, Moore pointed to President Ronald Reagan's National Commission on Excellence
in Education, which stated in its landmark 1983 A Nation at Risk report that the government
school system was so bad, it threatened the future of Americans as a nation and a people.
�If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational
performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war,� the report
And since then, the situation has only gotten much, much worse, Moore and Dobson agreed.
�We're losing our children because of the extreme indoctrination going on,� Moore
�We have LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender] teachings now in the schools, evolution � you
can't teach intelligent design or creation � they're doing a revisionist form of American
history, they're not even learning basic, rudimentary education anymore in a lot of
our public schools.� He also attacked Common Core, the controversial national �education�
standards foisted on states by the Obama administration, as part of a �radical progressive agenda�
that has even started creeping into some Christian schools.
Dobson, who was a public-school teacher at one time, explained how his journey into this
field began in graduate school while at the University of Southern California, where he
studied child development.
�The big fad at that time ... was that early childhood development was necessary,� he
�The experts at that time, in my field, were all convinced that children should be
ushered into formal education � usually in state-sponsored education � and to do
it at younger and younger ages, to get them into formal education as early as three years
or even younger.
Everyone seemed to believe that, and there were many federal grants at that time to get
kids into formal classrooms, much of it at the public school level.�
Multiple forces converged to push the idea � it created lots of jobs for teachers,
it coincided with and facilitated the push to get as many mothers as possible into the
work force, and of course the federal government drove much of the support.
Dobson ended up believing in the idea.
But on a speaking tour, somebody gave him a copy of Better Late Than Early: A New Approach
to Your Child's Education, a book by the late homeschooling pioneer Raymond Moore � no
relation to the Moore on this week's programs despite having the same name � and encouraged
him to read it.
�It was the first time I ever heard this notion that you would benefit children more
by holding them out of public education than getting them into the early classroom situation,�
Dobson said, adding that Moore had been in the same USC program as him.
�It contradicted what I had been taught.�
Dobson was so intrigued that he contacted the late Moore and invited the expert to his
radio studio for a discussion.
�It was like putting a match to gasoline,� he said.
�I got it.
I saw it.
I knew he was right.� The conversation then went on to homeschooling all those decades
�That was a new concept to me,� Dobson explained.
�My wife Shirley and I would have homeschooled if we had known about it.
But nobody was talking about that at that time.
That was a brand new idea for my listening audience, too.
And frankly, I didn't know how many of them were out there....
The sky fell on me.
You can't believe the number of calls and letters that came.
They weren't mad at me, they were saying, tell me more, tell me more.
And that was the beginning of the modern homeschool movement, and I supported it every year from
that time on.�
One person who heard those early broadcasts in 1981 was the Moore on this week's radio
program who, by mere coincidence, shares a very similar name with the late Raymond Moore.
The two Moores actually worked together after that.
�I'm so happy to have this opportunity, Dr. Dobson, because I never have thanked you
for that broadcast,� Moore told Dobson early on in this week's two-part interview.
�So I'm thanking you today, and I know you're aware of the pivotal role it played in homeschooling.
We think homeschooling started to grow exponentially after that, it just took off.�
Moore told Dobson that he was already homeschooling at the time of those broadcasts in 1981, having
started in 1977.
�I'm guessing that at that time there may have been several hundred families homeschooling
It was rare, and those who did really kept it quiet.
It was under threat,� said Moore, whose own four children were homeschooled until
at least middle school before attending private Christian schools.
�We were comfortable that we were doing the Lord's will on it with our son, he was
young at the time....
But even those of us doing God's will � and we believe we have scriptural, biblical basis
for it � we still need to be affirmed, we need Godly people and respected Christian
leaders to say you're doing the right thing, keep it up.�
Both Moore and Dobson noted that even Jesus was homeschooled until he was 12-years old.
And Moore said it was clearly the right choice, noting that his children, now in their 30s
and 40s, are �still walking with the Lord,� have �good marriages,� and are �very
successful.� The same is true as a general rule, both agreed, saying that homeschooled
children and children from Christian schools were more respectful, better educated, and
The data that does exist seems to confirm that, with homeschoolers on average doing
far better on every relevant metric than their government-schooled peers.
In a statement to The New American, Moore said his interview with Dr. Dobson was �a
big moment for Exodus Mandate.� �After 50 years of service Dr. Dobson still holds
the �good housekeeping seal� for the family,� he noted, saying he was glad to be able to
expose the �educational malpractice called Common Core� and promote his latest movie
on the subject, Escaping Common Core, Setting our Children Free.
�K-12 Christian education and home schooling is one method to assure survival of traditional
values and the natural family.�
The interview will certainly have a major impact.
On the show, Dobson mentioned that he had heard Moore speak at the enormously influential
Council for National Policy (CNP), a low-profile gathering of top conservative and Christian
leaders sought out by GOP presidential candidates on down.
�You did a great job, and it was on that basis that I asked if you could be with us
here on the broadcast,� Dobson said of Moore's CNP speech to many of America's most influential
political and religious voices.
Moore said the sentiment among top leaders was quickly changing as people realize the
danger of government schools.
Plus, with Common Core and other developments, many parents are also realizing that something
is very wrong.
Indeed, public schools have been getting more and more brazenly anti-Christian in recent
And the indoctrination � both political and religious � has become progressively
more extreme, to the point where it is now becoming obvious to anyone who cares to look.
However, it still remains to be seen whether enough American children will be able to receive
a good enough education to sustain the churches, the values, and the liberties that made America
Konferencja WSKSiM: "Firmy Rodzinne szansą Polskiej gospodarki" - wystąpienie min. E. Rafalskiej - Duration: 10:15.-------------------------------------------
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Peugeot 208 ALLURE 1.2 VTI 82 PK 5-DRS | ZEER COMPLEET - Duration: 0:45.-------------------------------------------
Possiamo meditare ovunque e in qualunque momento - Duration: 1:48.-------------------------------------------
Noor : Gulabi 2.0 Video Song | Sonakshi Sinha | Amaal Mallik, Tulsi Kumar, Yash Narvekar - Duration: 2:21.Hindi song international HD
Hindi song international HD
Hindi song international HD
Hindi song international HD
Hindi song international HD
Volvo V60 D2 R-DESIGN demonstratiemodel met korting - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Volvo V60 2.0 T automaat R-design DriverSupport Line - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Volvo S60 2.0 D4 R-Design - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Volvo V60 T3 150PK R-Design met Navigatie - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
Volvo V40 T2 120PK R-Design, navigatie, half leder - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Volvo XC60 T6 R-DESIGN automaat Full Option - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Volvo V40 T3 150PK R-Design half leder interieur, Navi etc. - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
League of Legends | 英雄联盟 | #20 - Duration: 3:34.League of Legends
پنکی جی دی اک ہور ویڈیو تیار ہےدیکھو ذرا کی کہندی اے پنکی - Duration: 1:52.Please subscribe our Channel
Revhead | How to make a S@#T hot drag car - Duration: 3:16.in this video we're going to teach you
how to make this really cool looking hot rod in Revhead
Junior Senior
This will work for any car
First get yourself a newspaper and find a 4x4
Select the 4x4 from your parking lot.
Fix and remove all suspension parts including rims from the back.
Be sure to do the same for both sides of the rear.
Now get rid of that old 4x4 and put it in the parking lot.
and grab the car you wish to make a hot rod.
Once in the garage, jack that car right up and rip of the suspension.
Once you have the suspension removed,
just put on the 4x4 suspension and choose which tires to use.
As you can see, I've gone for a set of 20 inch rims with drag tires on.
but youcan put whatever tires you want on there. Even off-road tires.
To add some extra effect you can add the Eura II engine with a massive big supercharger on it.
fun thanks for watching youtubers if
Thanks for watching YouTubers. If you would like to watch some more trucking good videos, click on the links beside.
if you'd like to visit our website or you would like to subscribe, click below.
Thanks again for watching youtubers and remember GAMEON!
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Volvo V60 2.0 T automaat R-design DriverSupport Line - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
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Peugeot 107 1.0-12V XS 5 Deurs/Airco/APK t/m Dec. 2018!! - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
恐怖遊戲歌曲 "Don't Tattle On Me" 混音 The Living Tombstone - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
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Eyeliner makeup
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Project Diva Extend - P3L3P45 5TR355 (Paradichlorobenzene -Diva Edit- Parody) (Indonesian Cover) - Duration: 2:54.What is actually my relation
With a flower that spreaded by honey?
Must I care our deny
With a flower that spreaded by honey?
Then I go and search answers for
A flower that spreaded by honey
But I found that the flower should've not accepted in the first place
Yeah! Why at that time I just accept
Spreaded honeys on a flower?
I must think about that in the first place:
Spreaded honeys on a flower
How beauty, how miserable, how much, and how greedy
Spreaded honeys on a flower are!
Let's getting crazy and sleeps together 'till all of us rotten out, yeah~
At the beginning I just accept them
As a human with a noble heart
At that time also still hidden:
The real form of both of you
And as time goes by,
Requests from them are keep increasing
Cover variations, video, edit (PV)
Until they order us to become their assistants
"Actually what's the meaning of all of this?"
I ask that thing on my smartphone's screen
Are we your loyal robots?
Hey, we also have our life in here!
Tsubaki, Madao, Krystal, and even
Many people are already sick, looking at your manners
That not really changing
Even both of you are already make some promises
"I'm sorry, I'll promise to not repeat...
All mistakes that I ever done,"
But after that the situation
Is getting even worse!
Are both of you still not satisfied
When (lots of) your requests are done?
Because after that you guys keep stacking requests like Himalaya Mountain
I just want to release my stress
From a thorned rose flower
What do you mean by 'fairness'
My stress's also stacking because of your fault!
And then I realized that myself just being manipulated by them
Aah.. Are they making videos by theirself?
That video is from the other person(s)!
Is the cover also created by themself?
No, and sometimes they even not permit the maker of those!
What to do with them?
So they can REALLY realize it?
We also don't know how!
Ito Ka and Joshua (Soto)
Already become victims with these things
And for once again we ask,
We already can't resist ourself
To hike those requests 'mountains'.
What to do with them, huh?
We don't know about it anymore!
That flower's dancing because she's amused
Along with the honey spreads
But they're too amused, until they fall
Into hole that filled with anger
We don't know anything, but isn't it yourself that
Cause all of these incidents?
At the same time, we decided to not helping them.
Yeah, for a while we decided
To care about a honey and a flower.
We're singing and dancing like this because
The fell of a honey and a flower
W1TH 0UR 54D15T-15H W4RN1NG
Let's getting crazy together
Until they're rising back, yeah~!
A parody of Paradichlorobenzene
Created as a stress releaser
Both of you, please...
Realize it already!
Thanks for watching!
Peugeot Bipper 1.3 HDi XT Profit + - Duration: 0:43.-------------------------------------------
2017 Holden Trax v Toyota C-HR - Duration: 2:51.The cool kid of the Australian car market is undoubtedly the compact SUV.
Modern, easy to manoeuvre, and capable of handling both inner-city traffic and the weekend
road trip, these convenient new comers appeal to both the young and the young at heart.
These new kids on the block have a lot in common, similar in size, price* and special
The C-HR Koba on test is kitted out with plenty of tech, boasting 18-inch alloys, a
6.1-inch touchscreen infotainment system, sat-nav and dual-zone climate control.
The mid-spec Trax LT has 18-inch alloy wheels, a seven-inch touchscreen with digital radio,
Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, manual air-con, and a sunroof.
Both have a reversing camera, and both receive a five-star ANCAP safety rating.
But only the C-HR includes crash mitigating autonomous emergency braking, all-wheel drive
and adaptive cruise control.
Otherwise the only thing distinguishing the two is their styling; and, as you'll notice,
the CHR's distinctive, to say the least.
Both offer turbocharged four-cylinder petrol engines, but it's the Trax's larger 1.4-litre
unit that offers more power*.
The Holden is hooked up to a six-speed automatic transmission where the Toyota uses a CVT.
Although the two are similarly sized, the C-HR is fractionally larger and heavier than
the Trax which you'd think would impact dynamics.
But instead we find a fluid, almost sporty chassis that's really only let down by a lack
of horsepower.
The Trax, on the other hand is a little more cumbersome.
The controls are heavier and reactions to input slower.
It also doesn't feel as gutsy as its numbers would have you believe.
Ride height is a huge plus for both, with plenty of forward visibility and ground clearance.
Unfortunately the C-HR's quirky body shape means rearward visibility is awkward.
The C-HR's higher shoulder line and thick C pillars make the back seat harder to see
out of.
While the raked roof limits headroom for adults.
The Trax's more traditional shape means there's no such compromise, with adults and children
equally well catered to.
We also found the Trax held a slight advantage where infotainment user-friendliness was concerned.
The touchscreen's larger landing buttons are easier to locate on the go, as is the trip
computer functions of the instrument panel.
On balance, we feel it's the C-HR that offers more of what buyers in the category expect.
It's funky, and offers sporty handling with more fluidity and better power delivery than
you'd expect from the numbers.
Rear-seat issues notwithstanding, the Toyota is a clear winner in this comparison.
10 MOST FUNNY CLASH ROYALE BUGS! - Duration: 3:40.Intro
Big Giveaway!
Winner : Ice Wolf
RIMBA Racer | Lap 02 | Welcome To The Big Time - Duration: 21:54.♪ Hearts pumping ♪
♪ Engines thumping ♪
♪ Time to begin ♪
♪ Step on up it's time to drive ♪
♪ Watch the race track come alive ♪
♪ RIMBA Racers hook the bends ♪
♪ Zooming round the laps to get to the end ♪
♪ Some will win and some will lose ♪
♪ Got to drive no time to cruise ♪
♪ RIMBA Racers flying fast ♪
♪ No one wants to be last ♪
♪ See you at the starting line ♪
♪ RIMBA Racer ♪
♪ The race has begun ♪
♪ RIMBA Racer ♪
♪ Who will be number one? ♪
♪ Pedal to the metal slam your foot to the floor ♪
♪ Hear the crowds shouting hear the engines roar ♪
♪ Be the RIMBA Racer ♪
♪ in front of the pack ♪
♪ Be the RIMBA Racer ♪
♪ Who's the king of the track? ♪
♪ Step on up it's time to drive ♪
♪ Be a RIMBA Racer ♪
How long before we get on air? Are we good to go? Ok.
I'm here! I'm here!
Don't be nervous. Don't be scared.
Don't even think about the millions of people watching.
I know, I know, just be myself.
Well-- not too much.
What's that supposed to mean--
You're late!
The other racers are waiting.
Come on!
The rookies.
All right, new guys.
I'm going to send the press over.
Just remember, you're excited for the season...
it's an honor to be chosen.
Hi guys. I'm Tag.
Don't hurt me!
I - I didn't--
I wasn't--
Excited for the season.
Honored to be chosen.
Over here!
Hello Ooaa.
Welcome to the RGP.
Tell me,
what does it feel like to be one of the elite racers in the world?
And Cuckoo,
your past accomplishments are the stuff of legend,
how do you rate your chances for the coming season?
You-You've got to help me.
You've got to help me!
Get me out of here!
At least that was honest!
Do you have anything to say to all the race fans out there?
It's-It's an exciting honor--
I mean--
prepare to be Tagged!
What was that?
Prepare to be Tagged?
Prepare to be Tagged!
At least it's catchy.
Hey, don't worry.
Everybody tanks in front of the cameras the first time.
not as bad as you.
And what about the 'Salmon' incident?
I thought the deal was
we took that to the grave!
More of an understanding than a deal.
You're-- Sonny.
You won the Roosterfarian Invitational
by a half mile.
And you--
Your sliding turn on the fourth marker at Silverfish
was epic!
I like him.
Me too!
Chin up, kid.
You got a problem, rookie?
No problem.
I'm problem free.
Yay me.
I think he's trying to be funny.
But not funny ha-ha.
Hey, I'm just looking for the Emerald City.
Because the line is yellow like
the road in the movie--
I'm just looking for the garage.
My mistake.
If I could just--
I bet it'd be funny seeing him try to talk...
with no teeth.
That would be funny ha-ha.
It seems a bit played out.
I've always been more of a fan of--
"let's settle our differences on the track."
You just can't stop talking can you, funny boy?
I get that a lot.
Krom! Wrecks!
That's enough!
We were just having some fun, Tamira.
Have it somewhere else.
Unless you'd rather deal with me?
We'll settle this on the track.
That's what I just said.
Thanks, uh,
Tamira, was it?
It's good you showed up when you did
because I was about to go all--
Kung Fu on them.
It wouldn't have been pretty.
When you see the Wizard,
ask him for some courage.
They brought that suit by for you.
That logo we designed worked out pretty well.
And, I finished installing all the new parts that came in.
These new turbines should come in handy during the race
and the new paint job--
What's wrong?
I'm fine.
That was harsh.
I mean she---
Not that I care.
I mean--
but--but it was rude.
Of course.
We made a terrible mistake.
I'm so confused.
I shouldn't be here!
The RGP! What was I thinking?
Need to get out...
go back home.
Tag, what happened?
"Rambunctious Rookie gets Rocked by Racers"
Rumor has it that the RIMBA Racers,
irritated by the bragging of a certain feline rookie,
decided to put the upstart in his place.
Our sources report that the newbie ended up crying and blubbering for mercy.
Unofficial RIMBA Fan Site.
That's not what happened!
And how did they even know?
They've got pictures off the security feed.
This is just some moron who sits in his pyjamas all day with nothing better to do.
No one's gonna care.
Krom linked to it on his Squealer feed.
Krom's on Squealer?
Krom can read and write?
He's got 300,000 followers.
You're having a bad day.
Oh well.
I'm Meelo by the way.
See you at the race.
That's it.
I'm gone.
First day and I'm a walking joke.
Well, running away won't help much.
No matter what they say about you,
at the end of the day
it's ten drivers,
ten cars
and a track.
That's all it is.
All you have to do
is drive.
And you should ask the Wizard for a heart.
That's what I should have told her!
Hi, Axle.
Just wanted to say it's an honor to be racing with you.
My name is--
A waste of my time.
All racers to their cars. All racers to their cars.
He's really quite sweet once you get to know him.
Good luck rookie.
Try not to die.
That would be bad start to the season.
Wouldn't want that.
Wouldn't want that.
Are you revved up, race fans?
The wait is over.
Life, once more, has meaning.
The RIMBA Grand Prix starts now!
We'll be bringing you all the thrills and spills
from the Desert Rose Speed Track.
Keep breathing, Tag.
It's just cars and drivers.
Cars and drivers.
Not freaking out.
Not freaking out.
Not freaking out.
Freaking out a little.
And it looks like Axle is off to an early lead.
No surprise there.
But don't let the early goings fool you,
there are plenty of surprises to come.
And here to tell us all about it is The King himself!
Hey guys,
Great to be back.
For our opener, we've created what we like to call a
"3,2,1 Race"
At various points during the race
our three lane track is going to shrink to one.
Get it? 3,2,1.
Got it! Hah!
Good one!
I guess they don't call you the "Punnysher" for nothing.
You're right,
that was beneath me.
Tag, the car's reading fine.
All systems go.
Except me.
let's see what you got rookie.
but not good enough!
Better luck next time, sweetie.
I know, I know!
Let's see if you blink.
And it looks like Meelo's going to fire the first shot of the season!
Meelo's extended his grappling hook.
I see it.
If he hits you with it, it'll short out the whole car!
That sounds bad.
The Azureus Dart looks ready to launch the Poison Arrow on the Ripper!
How is Tag going to get out of this one?
He blinked.
Nice play from Meelo.
He was bluffing?
Looks like Tag the rookie is getting schooled out there.
Some might call it...
a 'Crash Course'.
It's a sickness, I can't help it!
Remember me, Kitty Cat?
You want to settle things on the track!
Well, this is me settling!
You're being awful literal about this!
Now things are getting interesting!
Krom has geared up the Heavy Metal for the Side Swipe!
And here comes Wrecks in the Atlas!
Things are really heating up with the Atlas getting ready with his Stampede.
That's right, boy.
It's a tag team!
Jump, Tag!
Use the jump!
There's nowhere to jump to!
And...here comes the Ruby Star!
Oh no, oh no.
Too many...
Too close!
out of this!
And just like that,
Cuckoo uses the Supernova to take out Krom & Wrecks!
It looks like Tag also got affected by the blast.
What a lucky break for Tag!
Don't worry about it.
You were out of the main blast radius.
I'll have the systems back online in a minute.
Forget about it.
I'm just--
not cut out for this.
I'm sorry, Miles.
Okay, you're thinking.
Not your strong suit.
Listen up, Tag.
You are impulsive, cocky and a constant pain in my tail feathers.
you're the best natural driver I've ever seen.
And most of all...
you're your father's son.
It's just cars and drivers, Tag.
So drive.
We're halfway through the race
and things are picking up as the drivers battle for position.
It looks like Ooaa's had enough!
Oh no.
Oooh... things are slipping out of control.
The Golden Cosmos, raining chaos on the track with its Dark Matter discs.
What a pile up!
The track is blocked!
here comes Tag but he's got nowhere to go!
Tag, hit the brakes!
Too late!
And there you have it folks!
The RGP debut of the Thunder Pounce!
See for yourselves, folks.
That move just cracked Beaks' brain in half!
No way.
It's now down to the Ripper, the Lunar Shadow & the Falcon Mach-1.
The only question,
who wants it more?
And it's Axle!
First over the line leaving the other two in the dust!
Tamira muscling Tag out of the way.
Looks like she's—
here comes Tag!
Second place!
With a finishing move that will live forever in legend.
Tag has finished in second place.
The highest finish for a rookie in a debut race in RGP history!
When you're right, you're right.
Excuse me!
Over here! Hurry up.
Tag! Tag!
Over here!
Where did you learn that final move?
How does it feel to finish second in your debut race?
Did you plan that from the start?
Come on folks!
This isn't the time for questions,
but I think we can all agree that a star has just been born.
That's right, people. You saw it right here on the RGP.
If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes,
even I wouldn't have believed it.
The most amazing finish to a race in all my years.
Soak it up, kid.
We're just getting started.
Subtitles by Chong Chi-Ren
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The Worst Instances Of April Fool's Jokes Gone Wrong - Duration: 4:23.When properly executed, an April Fools' Day joke is perfect for raising a smile, a clap,
and a sporting "well done" — even from the intended victim.
Sometimes, though, the best laid pranks of mice and men blow up in the practical joker's
face — in very serious ways.
Here's a look at April Fool's jokes gone wrong throughout history.
Google's mic-drop
Between their doodles and their adorable self driving car thing, Google has a pretty decent
track record of making people smile.
And their April Fool's Day jokes are usually no different.
But in 2016, things went horribly awry thanks to the terrible decision to add a "mic drop"
button to their standard email program, which, when pressed, would instantly send the recipient
a popular Despicable Me animated gif.
That may not sound too bad on the surface, but two major technical issues turned it into
a nightmare for some users.
Firstly, there didn't seem to be any way to get responses to the email, which was a major
problem given that the "mic drop" button was located right next to the "send" button.
The result was thousands of people accidentally sending the Minions to family, friends, clients,
co-workers, and bosses.
At least one person reported getting fired as a result.
The web lords later removed the button, issuing a broad apology, but the damage was already
Bear bangers
For the leader of the Snowbirds — the famed Canadian military aerobatics group — an
explosives-laden prank resulted in some very unamusing consequences.
On April 1, 2000, a gathering at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan military base went wrong when
a prank involving a "bear banger" — an explosive meant to scare off bears — placed in the
officer's mess caused several minor injuries.
The Canadian military also wasn't amused when base commander Colonel Marc Oulette tried
to sweep the incident under the rug, so they relieved him of command.
Who's laughing now?
Another War of the Worlds
Reports of panic in the streets after Orson Welles' infamous radio broadcast War of the
Worlds by H.G. Wells may have been exaggerated, but the panic was very real in 2010 when the
Jordanian newspaper Al Ghad printed a feature about a UFO landing in the town of Jafr.
The mayor scrambled security forces, scouring the town for alien invaders, and a mass evacuation
was planned before the joke was revealed.
Not everyone was amused, as the newspaper was forced to issue an apology.
But hey.
It could have been worse.
"I woke up in a dirty metal dome and, uh, 40 little gray aliens watched me pee in a
steel bowl."
King of the hill
Back in 1980, Boston TV news producer Homer Cilley — yes, his name was actually "silly"
— wanted to have a blast on April Fools' Day.
So he faked one.
As viewers tuned in to WNAC-TV's daily broadcast, they caught a disturbing news blurb about
Great Blue Hill, a hill located in the nearby suburb of Milton.
According to the bulletin, the sedate mound was suddenly oozing lava, spewing flames,
and could pop off at any moment.
Cilley upped the ante by including real footage from Mt. St. Helens eruptions, and even dubbing
in warnings from then-president Jimmy Carter.
Despite Cilley including a card that read "April Fool" at the end of the segment, hundreds
of panicked citizens flooded law enforcement phone lines, and the station fired Cilley
for "failure to exercise good news judgment."
Drinking problem
As part of their April 1st broadcast in 2013, Florida deejays Val St. John and Scott Fish
got into some chemically clever hijinks.
The shock jocks opened the spigot on a story involving a local outbreak of dihydrogen monoxide
oozing out of area faucets.
Dihydrogen monoxide, a.k.a. H20, is, of course, just plain tap water.
But panicked listeners freaked out, forcing the utility company to issue a statement that
the water was totally fine.
"They were asking about the water quality, and that's what we wanted to reassure them:
That the water was safe to drink."
The DJs were suspended and barely avoided felony charges.
Jeez, can't anyone take a joke any more?
Don't try this at home
On April 1, 2015, a resident of a campus apartment complex near Grand Valley State University
in Allendale Township, Michigan, thought it would be funny to throw firecrackers around
the house.
Take a guess what happened next.
Thankfully, all the residents managed to flee, and the fire department arrived before the
botched prank burned the whole place down.
For future reference: putting explosives in your hamper is a bad idea.
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My Boring Life: Been A While - Duration: 6:53.-------------------------------------------
Celebrity April Fool's Jokes That Went Very Wrong - Duration: 6:52.April Fool's Day jokes are all fun and games until someone gets hurt — more often than
not, just butthurt, but still.
Sometimes the subject matter of an earnest ploy is just too heavy for hilarity.
Other times, the line between reality and jest is just too blurred to tell the jokester
was kidding in the first place, leaving people angry, disappointed, and everywhere in between.
For these celebrities, the joke was on them after their harmless little pranks backfired
The Drarry tease
Draco Malfoy actor Tom Felton decided to get in on the April Fool's fun in 2015 when he
posted a shirtless selfie alongside his Harry Potter co-star and on-screen rival Daniel
Radcliffe with the caption, "May as well just say it.
We're together now x #drarry."
Some Harry Potter fan-fic lovers who'd been looking for some cheeky visual support for
their obsession might've gotten a kick out of it.
"That was bloody brilliant."
But some fans commenting on the Instagram post were highly disappointed that the steamy
image was a Photoshop job and that "Drarry" — that is, the combo of Felton's Draco Malfoy
and Radcliffe's Harry — wasn't the real deal.
"You wish."
Thirsty Housewife
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Lisa Rinna is already divisive enough among Bravo
fans, thanks to her constant willingness to interfere with other people's' lives and penchant
for doublespeak.
So, when she posted a bald selfie in 2016 with the caption, "Omg this just happened!!!!
I feel so free!!!!
Thank God I've got great wigs and extra wig glue for my QVC appearance tomorrow!
#BaldIsBeautiful," the response was … not kind.
The reality star was slammed for her thirsty-for-attention photo prank, not just because it was completely
random, but because it read as offensive to those women who really might lose their hair
thanks to medical conditions, like chemo treatment.
She's since deleted the image, and the network tried to do a little damage control by connecting
her post to comments made by a co-star about her constantly wearing a wig, but that did
little to quell the outrage.
A fake baby for Gwen, Blake, and Joe
With their whirlwind romance and new albums each, The Voice co-stars Gwen Stefani and
Blake Shelton regularly earned top headline placement in 2016.
The two had both just ended their marriages when they got together — with all the attendant
drama and rumor mill spinning in play for each — and they happily shared the nitty
gritty of their new courtship on social media and on-camera appearances.
So, when Stefani posted an ultrasound shot with the caption, "It's a girl" on Instagram,
people were understandably fooled.
But once the reality set in that this was a holiday-related "gotcha" moment instead
of the real deal, the comments went from congratulatory to condemning.
For some, faking a pregnancy was just plain offensive, given the infertility struggles
many families experience.
For others, they were just plain disappointed that the No Doubt rocker wouldn't be able
to dress up a daughter in her signature wild style.
To be fair to Stefani, she wasn't the first — or last, probably — to pull a stunt
like this — Joe Jonas and Hailee Steinfeld did something very similar the year before,
and the singer drew the ire of his Twitter followers.
No love for this joke
Country crooner Brad Paisley tried to pull a fast one on his Twitter followers when,
on April Fool's Day in 2016, he announced that he was releasing a new album with a curious
"Excited to announce my next single is 'Cousinly Love' from the just announced new album, 'Rock
Bottom Looks Good on You.'
Available today," he wrote.
And while most people responded with the requisite amount of teary laugh emojis, he went even
further by performing an actual ode to his first cousin on tour.
"You'll always be my first cousin."
This spurred plenty of speculation as to whether this "album" would be a nod to the more Appalachian
areas of America.
And, of course, there were those who were ultimately disappointed to find out it wasn't
real because, y'know, they wanted more of Paisley's new music.
Womp womp.
Not true Lovitz
When 90210 actress and singer Jessica Lowndes posted an announcement that she and actor
Jon Lovitz, 31 years her senior, were in a relationship, she meant it to be a very well-constructed
joke in celebration of the annual day of hijinks.
However, their posts came about a week before April Fool's — so, quite naturally, people
didn't get the joke.
Instead, many thought their suggestive images were the real deal, spawning a stream of public
disgust over their apparent hook-up.
After all, Lovitz has been known to play some pretty off-putting people in the past.
"Would you like to make love to me?"
"Really, really not."
Lowndes ultimately revealed that the elaborate prank was meant to pump the release of her
new music video for "Deja Vu (Remix)."
"I know it's still the last week of March, but it is too early to say April Fools?"
Uh, yes.
An entire week is the definition of too early to say April Fool's, lady.
She also told Entertainment Weekly that she and Lovitz were just "platonic" friends, and
the amount of ire the posts drew surprised even her.
The bad taste left in so many mouths after seeing their snaps just couldn't be washed
away for some fans.
Bieber don't lose that number
To put it plainly, almost no one attracts the kind of pure fanaticism that Justin Bieber
has earned over the years.
The YouTuber-turned-pop phenomenon has an entire legion of online Beliebers who would
do almost anything for a mere moment of time with the singer.
So, when he posted a phone number and said he was taking fan phone calls in 2013, his
fans were probably setting world records with how quickly — and often — they dialed it.
Only Bieber wasn't on the other end of that number.
It was actually the number to TMZ's offices, and the site admitted the prank was funny,
but also caused them technical troubles throughout the day as they fielded all the frenzied callers
that were hoping to speak to Justin.
That's when Harvey Levin made it his personal mission to get back at Bieber through his
manager, Scooter Braun, by sharing his number on their Twitter feed — and that's when
the situation got especially hairy and hilarious.
At the end of the day, though, the real April Fool's victims were the legions of Beliebers
who thought they'd be talking to this guy…
...and got this guy instead.
The Spring Breaker baby
As Gwen Stefani, Joe Jonas, and other celebs experienced, fans don't seem to take too kindly
to pretend pregnancy jokes as a general rule.
But when one-half of the "Jelena" complex is involved, the possibility of actual panic
becomes very real.
Such was the case when James Franco revealed on Instagram in 2015 that he and Spring Breakers
co-star Selena Gomez had conceived, carried, and now welcomed a child together.
The post came a few days before the actual April Fool's date, so many went nuts on the
actor's comments feed for getting in the middle of Gomez's on-again, off-again relationship
with Justin Bieber.
Until, that is, some realized that the photo he posted was actually just a shot of the
set of In Dubious Battle, a film he directed and starred in alongside Gomez.
A coming out celebration gone wrong
Oscar-winning singer Sam Smith made a divisive decision indeed when the openly gay artist
"revealed" on April Fool's Day, 2015, that he was actually straight.
He let a solid half hour go by before clarifying that it was just a bit of jest, but social
media users swarmed his feed with disapproval for his sense of humor.
Some users pounced on him for making light of his homosexuality, when there are many
who are less fortunate and famous who struggle with their identity and acceptance, and others
just thought it wasn't very funny.
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