Since 2006, so eleven years
Save! Number one!
Always pay yourself first.
Whatever you need to buy, you do that after
I like to save a good percentage of my money that I make
so I recommend that to other people as well
Not really! I don't eat them that much,
But I do enjoy them.
My favorite flavor is nectar and ice cream
I think the most important thing is saving first
after that, see how much money you have and decide what you want to spend it on
for leisure
I'm saving up for flight school
So I have that saved aside
and then I'm just saving a general fund for the future
Sal's and Fidelity are here for good!
For more infomation >> Sal's Sno-balls - Metairie - Small Business Spotlight - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Tras la muerte de una turista, alertan sobre riesgo de bebidas adulteradas en México - Duration: 2:47.
Remnants of a Realm | Episode XV | Iron Lake, Bronze Lake & U'Ghamaro Mines - Duration: 11:18.
Hello Eorzeans!
I am Lukile Bravestone!
Welcome to this episode of Remnants of a Realm!
In the previous episode we looked back at Camp Dragonhead, Camp Crooked Fork, and the
'A Relic Reborn' questline.
As usual, our Patreon supporters were teased this picture of this episode's first location.
We are naturally going to – Camp Iron Lake!
Camp Iron Lake was an aetheryte camp located to the north of Upper La Noscea and was accessible
from both Western and Eastern La Noscea through these narrow passages.
The camp was your standard Aetheryte Camp with the usual vendors and menders and of
course the aetheryte.
The Aetheryte had Aetherial gates connecting to Oakwood, Bronze Lake and Zelma's Run,
all of which were popular levequest- and grinding locations.
But let's take a closer look at them as well, as they all reappeared in ARR!
First let's look at Bronze Lake.
This area was always terribly confusing, due to how the map, and frankly the whole game,
dealt with portraying elevation on maps.
When you look at this map… what area do you think is higher elevation?
Or this?
Well if you thought this, you'd be correct.
Is the higher elevation, which means you spawn in a very limited area with this Aetherial
gate, and you are forced to get up on the elevated area to actually get anything done
– to actually see this famed bronze lake at all!
But how…
As we're all painfully aware of, 1.0 didn't have a jumping feature, so the 1.0 dev team
made sure to make enough invisible walls so we wouldn't experience any fun of going
off their planned path.
/sigh Well…
Let's look at the map again.
Entry points to the very important elevated areas were located here, here and here.
Easily located because it's basically where the outline fades out.
Sorry, this place just really bothered me back in the day.
Anyways, here's the lake.
It's very…
Moving on!
To Oakwood!
This area was supposed to be a cliffy and foresty area.
The only problem I had with its foresty status was the lack of a.. you know…
There were more trees around Camp Iron Lake.
Sure it's cliffy as all hells, but there are barely any trees in this area.
At least it was only one level.
No looking for faded lines to get to the second level.
Oh and these weird penis things were cave entrances.
All 1.0 players knew this, because all cave entrances were always one of two designs.
This one, or this one, the lala-sausage.
Let's agree to never repeat that word ever again.
So that leaves Zelma's Run.
Zelma's Run was located here, in what's basically just a useless passage south of
Iron Lake.
This area was only ever inhabited by Surf Efts and Kobold Mendicants and had no actual
features worth mentioning.
It had no NPCs, not gathering points, nothing.
Some leves took place here, but that's all.
The only thing that always intrigued me was the name of this location, Zelma's Run.
It turns out this area was named after a hunter called Zelma who stumbled into an assault
force of Kobolds at the foot of O'Ghomoro.
The Kobolds were not kind and immediately started attacking him.
Zelma, now fatally wounded heroically ran through the canyon, now bearing his name,
to warn Limsa Lominsa of the impending attack on the city-state.
Sadly, Zelma died of his wounds shortly after, but his warning allowed Limsa Lominsa, and
its Knights of the Barracuda to prepare for the attack and defeat the Kobolds - essentially
saving Limsa Lominsa from what could have been a massive tragedy.
As a token of Limsa Lominsa's appreciation for Zelma's bravery, this area was named
Zelma's Run.
So that was the Aetherial gates around Iron Lake.
After the calamity, most of Iron Lake was drained of water due to newly formed fissures
underground caused by the calamity.
This made the remaining water highly toxic due to the high sulfur content caused by the
kobold mining operations in the area.
Camp Iron Lake was mostly destroyed in the calamity, as the kobolds saw it fit to push
forward from the U'ghamaro Mines in the wake of the chaos, claiming most of the area
in and around Iron Lake.
Brave Lominsans tried to stave off the Kobolds, but was instead forced to move the camp further
south, and naming it Camp Overlook.
Interestingly, this area was also cut off from the rest of La Noscea's original map
design, naming this area "Outer La Noscea".
So this awkward split in geography caused Iron Lake to disappear into Outer La Noscea,
while the Aetherial gate locations remained in Upper La Noscea.
Let's take a look at Zelma's Run first.
In 1.0 it looked like… this.
After the calamity struck, it looks like this.
It's no longer a straight line, but two branching paths both sort of leading to the
same location in both ends.
It kinda looks like this mountain-ish thing might have come out of the ground during the
calamity, splitting the path into two, but it could also just have been an aesthetic
thing they did in the transition to 2.0, not really putting any lore reason behind it.
Second we have Oakwood.
After the calamity – BEHOLD IT HAS TREES!
This is one of the few areas that still remains disconnected from the main aetheryte location.
It now finally looks somewhat foresty – it has loads of them!
And now there's a… skeleton.
Ahh yes, it's time to address the skeleton.
This skeleton belongs to Thalaos.
Thalaos was originally located deep inside the 1.0 Cassiopeia Hollow, which we covered
in a previous episode.
I intentionally ignored this detail in that episode, so I could address it properly here.
Like I said, Thalaos was located in a chamber in Cassiopeia Hollow together with its twin,
Thalaos and Perykos were giant sea serpents that, according to Eorzean mythology, was
created by Llymlaen, The Navigator, at the dawn of eras to fill the empty seas.
They later obviously died, and somehow ended up inside Cassiopeia Hollow.
But hold on Lukile Bravestone I love you also you are handsome and I love your headband!
How can Thalaos be here in Oakwood?
Cassiopeia Hollow was located in Eastern La Noscea and…
Oakwood is located in UPPER La Noscea?!
Well yes, you're right.
This is actually something that just doesn't make sense, and there really isn't any way
to explain it.
The skeleton is referred to as Thalaos, so it's not just a look-alike.
There is one theory out there, suggesting that Cassiopeia Hollow was large enough to
at least stretch into the far eastern part of lower la Noscea (middle la Noscea for 2.0),
and the calamity shifting the entire cave northeast and finally causing it to burst
out of the ground in Oakwood.
Literally the polar opposite of where Cassiopeia Hollow was located.
Yeah… it's a pretty thin theory.
It seems like this was just an aesthetic decision.
The skeleton is also way bigger in ARR, which makes it look way cooler than it was in 1.0.
So that's Oakwood and Thalaos.
Let's take a look at the last Aetherial gate location – Bronze Lake!
And boy did this location change.
No longer being just an area, Bronze Lake got upgraded to an AETHERYTE CAMP!
Much like Iron Lake, Bronze Lake's water got drained, whilst parts of the ground below
the water was pushed up – revealing massive Nymian ruins – among them - The Wanderer's
After the calamity, hot springs were discovered in the area around Bronze Lake.
The decision was made to construct an Aetheryte camp in the area, and it was promptly given
the name Camp Bronze Lake.
A hospice for wounded soldiers was also established in the camp named "Warmwine Sanitorium",
offering mulled spice wine as one of its specialties.
Turn the clock back to 1.0, and we've headed to U'ghamaro Mines!
U'ghamaro Mines was located to the far north of Upper La Noscea, with Camp Iron Lake as
the closest teleport point – HOWEVER – you still had to walk a while to get there as
there was no direct route over or around Iron Lake.
You had to walk this route to get there.
U'ghamaro Mines served as a Free Dungeon, just like Natalan and Shposhae (gods I really
don't want to say that name again).
It was designed for a party of 8 of level 50, but it being a free dungeon, you were
free to go in with whatever party composition you'd like.
You could even tempt fate by going in solo.
The quest that introduced you to the Mines was called Kobold and the Beautiful, which
required you to enter the mines and apply coblyn choler to three cauldrons located in
the Mines.
The dungeon's loot system was identical to that of Natalan and Shposhae.
Certain enemies dropped certain keys to certain coffers.
This dungeon held the AF gloves for Dragoon and AF pants for Monk.
The other coffers dropped various lvl 50 gear.
The final boss of the dungeon was Notorious Monster Third Order Patriarch Zu Ga.
Upon defeating him, three gold coffers became available.
From left to right they contained a Sorcerer's Hat, a Mercenary's Slops and a Sentinel's
After the Calamity, the U'ghamaro Mines changed drastically.
From the outside it seems like the entrance has lifted out of the ground.
The inside however, looks very similar to its 1.0 design.
Comparing the two maps, you can see that the 1.0 U'ghamaro mines was MUCH smaller than
ARR's version.
This of course makes perfect sense.
A mine will always continue to grow as long as it's in operation.
The old 1.0 version fits quite nicely into the 2.0 map, so it's clear that they did
the same as they did with Natalan here.
Simply keeping the old design, but extending and adding to it.
The free dungeon system was abandoned in ARR, as we all know, but U'ghamoro Mines would
serve as an important location in the ARR's Relic Questline "A Relic Reborn", which
we covered in the previous episode, as well as being the place where we finally unlocked
Titan, roughly 2 years after his planned appearance in 1.0.
And with that we've reached the end of the episode my friends, thank you so much for
Also a big thank you to our Patreon supporters, you're amazing!
Remember to leave a like if you enjoyed, and subscribe if you want more!
And as usual, discuss the stuff we've explored in the comment section below!
I will be back next week with another episode of Remnants of a Realm!
I hope to see you then.
We'll finally be covering Living on a Prayer in that episode – you don't want to miss
See you next week Eorzeans, and may you ever walk in the light of the Crystal!
Vì sao bang nam Mỹ trở thành Cộng Hòa? - Duration: 5:20.
Once upon a time, every student of history – and that meant pretty much everyone with
a high school education – knew this: The Democratic Party was the party of slavery
and Jim Crow, and the Republican Party was the party of emancipation and racial integration.
Democrats were the Confederacy; and Republicans were the Union.
Jim Crow Democrats were dominant in the South; and socially tolerant Republicans
were dominant in the North.
But then, in the 1960s and 70s, everything supposedly flipped: suddenly the Republicans
became the racists and the Democrats became the champions of civil rights.
Fabricated by left-leaning academic elites and journalists, the story went like this:
Republicans couldn't win a national election by appealing to the better nature of the country;
they could only win by appealing to the worst.
Attributed to Richard Nixon, the media's all-purpose bad guy, this came to be known as
"The Southern Strategy."
It was very simple.
Win elections by winning the South.
And to win the South, appeal to racists.
So, the Republicans, the party of Lincoln, were to now be labeled the party of rednecks.
But this story of the two parties switching identities is a myth.
In fact, it's three myths wrapped into one false narrative.
Let's take a brief look at each myth in turn.
Myth Number One: In order to be competitive in the South, Republicans started to pander
to white racists in the 1960s.
Fact: Republicans actually became competitive in the South as early as 1928, when Republican
Herbert Hoover won over 47 percent of the South's popular vote against Democrat Al Smith.
In 1952, Republican President Dwight Eisenhower won the southern states of Tennessee,
Florida and Virginia.
And in 1956, he picked up Louisiana, Kentucky and West Virginia, too.
And that was after he supported the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education
that desegregated public schools; and after he sent the 101st Airborne to Little Rock
Central High School to enforce integration.
Myth Number Two: Southern Democrats, angry with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, switched parties.
Fact: Of the 21 Democratic senators who opposed the Civil Rights Act, just one became a Republican.
The other 20 continued to be elected as Democrats, or were replaced by other Democrats.
On average, those 20 seats didn't go Republican for another two-and-a-half decades.
Myth Number Three: Since the implementation of the Southern Strategy, the Republicans
have dominated the South.
Fact: Richard Nixon, the man who is often credited with creating the Southern Strategy,
lost the Deep South in 1968.
In contrast, Democrat Jimmy Carter nearly swept the region in 1976 - 12 years after
the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
And in 1992, over 28 years later, Democrat Bill Clinton won Georgia, Louisiana, Arkansas,
Tennessee, Kentucky and West Virginia.
The truth is, Republicans didn't hold a majority of southern congressional seats until 1994,
30 years after the Civil Rights Act.
As Kevin Williamson writes at the National Review: "If southern rednecks ditched the
Democrats because of a civil-rights law passed in 1964, it is strange that they waited until
the late 1980s and early 1990s to do so.
They say things move slower in the south -- but not t hat slow."
So, what really happened?
Why does the South now vote overwhelmingly Republican?
Because the South itself has changed.
Its values have changed.
The racism that once defined it, doesn't anymore.
Its values today are conservative ones: pro-life, pro-gun, and pro-small government.
And here's the proof: Southern whites are far more likely to vote for a black conservative,
like Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, than a white liberal.
In short, history has moved on.
Like other regions of the country, the South votes values, not skin color.
The myth of the Southern Strategy is just the Democrats excuse for losing the South.
And yet another way to smear Republicans with the label "racist".
Don't buy it.
I'm Carol Swain, professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University,
for Prager University.
BREAKING: FBI Discovers Massive Dem Corruption Scandal, Top Dems Indicted | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:35.
The Democrats' massive network of pay-to-play scandals is starting to collapse as the FBI
starts making high-profile arrests.
Two Democrat mayors from Pennsylvania were indicted Wednesday during a massive FBI probe
into the latest Democrat pay-to-play scandal, Fox News reported.
Allenton Mayor Ed Pawlowski was charged with 14 counts related to the pay-to-play scheme
in addition to more than 40 other counts, including fraud, extortion, bribery, and misleading
an FBI agent.
Former Reading Mayor Vaughn Spencer was also charged with multiple counts of bribery, conspiracy,
and fraud in along with three other public officials.
The two mayors, "essentially put up a 'for sale' sign in front of their city halls
to sell city work to the highest bidder," explained Louis Lappen, the US Attorney for
Eastern Pennsylvania.
In one of the pay-to-play scams, Mayor Pawlowski directed city officials to award a contract
collecting delinquent city taxes to a company providing "a steady stream of benefits"
to the mayor.
The company was awarded the contract in 2013.
In exchange, Mayor Pawlowski received campaign donations from the company, as well as Philadelphia
Eagles tickets.
According to the indictment, Mayor Pawlowski was given playoff tickets and a dinner at
an expensive steakhouse from the company he helped win the city contract.
Mayor Spencer, on the other hand, has been accused of more than merely accepting gifts
in exchange for favorable city contracts.
In addition to rewarding beneficial contracts, Spencer is accused of changing the law to
support a company who donated to his wife's judgeship campaign.
Ironically, Spencer requested the president of the Reading City Council to introduce legislation
repealing an anti-corruption law.
The Reading mayor attempted to amend the Code of Ethics, allowing him to enrich himself
The reality of corrupt liberal mayors isn't surprising given the massive corruption in
Democrat leadership.
The Leftist's party has been implicated in major pay-to-play and corruption scandals
across decades.
If Democrat presidential candidates can get away with accepting millions in "donations"
from companies while awarding favorable contracts, then why can't lowly mayors?
Hillary Clinton and others have lowered the bar for corrupt Democrats.
Why do you think the Democrats are so prone to corruption?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below!
What Your Eyes Say About Your Health? 6 Key Points of Eyes You Should Know - Duration: 2:38.
eyes say about your health eyes say about your health
eyes say about your health eyes
say about your health eyes say about your health
Последствия Тайфуна МОСКВА 29.05.2017 (Episode 21) - Duration: 4:01.
After the typhoon in Moscow on May 29, 2017
Stumps, snags and roots of trees
Author of the channel
I am inspired by travel-photography and CITYSCAPES. Channel Walking Nice - not a guide, but the mood, emotion and relaxation.
To be continued...
Grizzy James - Wham Bam (...
EXTREME BOOM BOOM BALLOON (Balloon filled with LEMON JUICE) | Challenge Pete - Duration: 10:02.
Hi I'm Pete, now in this video I was planning on doing the Mouse Trap Slip N Slide
because it's been requested a bunch by you guys
but, I think I might have broken a rib
So I did't think it would be the best idea to
be throwing myself about on a slip N slide
so I'll be doing the mouse trap slip N slide
in a couple of weeks, so for today's video
I've come up with an extreme version of the game
Boom Boom Balloon
I'm gonna be filling the balloon with lemon juice
and then I'm gonna be sticking my head into this contraption
which is underneath the Boom Boom Balloon machine
I've asked you guys to send me questions on snapchat
and for every question that I get wrong
then the spikes will be pushed further and further into the balloon
until it pops and blinds me
so we'll take ten questions from snapchat
and the fate of my eyeballs lies in your hands
also you may have noticed that I've just released my first ever merch
it's only available for two weeks
so you better get yours before it's too late
I'll leave a link in the description below
In goes the lemon juice
This is so hard to get in
Why didn't we do that in the first place
You can see all the lemon juice inside there
That is the stuff that could potentially be blinding me
So here we go, here's the boom boom balloon
full of lemon juice
and if I answer too many questions wrong, it's gonna pop
and land on my face which is gonna be right here
PETE: Oh Aydin, nice t-shirt, where'd you get that? AYDIN: Thanks!
AYDIN: On represent dot com slash Peter Bamforth
PETE: Oh nice, I'll check it out! AYDIN: You should!
AYDIN: Are we ready? PETE: Ready as I'll ever be
PETE: This is so daunting
SNAPCHAT: My question to you is 'Who is older than sliced bread?'
AYDIN: Who is older than sliced bread? PETE: That's a weird question, umm
AYDIN: Who is older than sliced bread? PETE: Mate, Jesus must be older than sliced bread
AYDIN: I'm mean there's one person that comes up
PETE: That's a weird question, there's like
factually there's many people older than sliced bread
AYDIN: Pete!
PETE: So you're gonna go with the answer that Google says?
AYDIN: Yeah, the first answer that comes up PETE: Is Mary Berry
AYDIN: No, that's not the answer PETE: Who is it? AYDIN: Betty White
PETE: Betty White? AYDIN: Yeah, roll of the dice
PETE: Roll it on my face AYDIN: Two!
AYDIN: Is that two? That's one
PETE: Why are you finding it so hard? I hate that click
SNAPCHAT: What's the capital of China?
AYDIN: You're wrong! PETE: What's the capital of China?
AYDIN: Beijing PETE: Oh no!
PETE: What's that? AYDIN: One!
SNAPCHAT: Where would you find the sea of tranquility?
In the ocean?
AYDIN: I need a bit more detail than that Pete
PETE: The sea of tranquility, where's tranquil? Hawaii?
AYDIN: You're wrong! Not even on this planet
PETE: Oh what!? AYDIN: It's on the moon
PETE: I nearly choked on that!
SNAPCHAT: Hey Pete, my question is 'What's the time in Germany right now?'
AYDIN: What is the time in Germany right now?
PETE: What's the time in England? AYDIN: It is nine minutes to four
PETE: I reckon it's about
two hours behind, so I reckon it's nine minutes to two
AYDIN: Wrong PETE: What is it?
AYDIN: Why would it be behind? PETE: Oh no, in front! Two hours in front!
PETE: So I got the time right but... AYDIN: No, you're still wrong, it's one hour ahead
AYDIN: There we go PETE: Next question
PETE: Your mum
AYDIN: You know what, for that answer Pete
PETE: Oh what, no that's unfair!
PETE: Can we fix the GoPro?
AYDIN: Is it fixed? No. We need more duct tape
PETE: Just above where the batteries usually are
Aydin it popped!
What!? My eyes!
PETE: The GoPro wasn't even filming that!
The GoPro was probably the best angle as well!
Aydin it popped!
What!? My eyes!
It's all in my ears
and it's up my nose!
My eyes, it went all up my nose, it feels like it's in my brain
AYDIN: Were you fiddling with it? PETE: No, I didn't touch it!
it just popped, if you watch a replay it just goes!
They red? AYDIN: Yeah
PETE: How did that even happen?
AYDIN: I was literally right there
AYDIN: You should have made that your mum joke PETE: Yeah, it's because of the your mum joke that ruined it
Pete stop peeing on the floor
Ok, so because that kind of failed
we're gonna kind of pick up from where we started, we're gonna blow up another
lemon juice balloon, and then push these in as much as they were
I think we're on question six and we pushed in like eight times or something? We'll double check
But we're gonna take off from where we started until we get to ten questions so
AYDIN: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven
PETE: Question six
SNACHAT: Who plays Newt Scamander in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them?
I have no idea, what's the lead character called?
the only person I know that's in it is Eddie Redmayne, so Eddie Redmayne
AYDIN: Yeah it is PETE: Is it Eddie Redmayne? Oh sweet
SNAPCHAT: Where is the majority of your fan base?
PETE: USA, I promise you it's USA, America, I'll put a screenshot
SNAPCHAT: What was Justin Bieber's first hit single?
PETE: Baby? I was like baby, baby, baby, ooh
AYDIN: Please don't do that
PETE: What was his first single? AYDIN: One Time
Question nine
SNAPCHAT: Who lost the FIFA World Cup in 2014?
PETE: The final I'm guessing? AYDIN: Yeah, otherwise you'll be picking from 31 teams
PETE: Brazil? AYDIN: And I know that you are wrong
PETE: Oh what, I swear Brazil lost like, oh was that one of the semi-finals?
AYDIN: It was indeed Peter PETE: Oh no!
AYDIN: Oh, it's stuck!
PETE: Next one, go question ten then I can get out of here
SNAPCHAT: On what date did Neil Armstrong land on the moon?
AYDIN: Shall we just do year yeah? PETE: Yeah
PETE: 1962?
AYDIN: 1969
AYDIN: Three!
AYDIN: Which way should I go from? PETE: Three on the final one!
PETE: Ah yes!
PETE: I'm stuck to the table!
What's happening?
AYDIN: It just pierced it and stuck in there
PETE: It just looks like it's going for a wee
Well thank you for watching, I technically won this challenge
because I got all the questions before it popped
but I also lost because it popped
before I got all of the questions
but that was just like a technical error
If you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up
and buy my merch, link in bio
and subscribe for new videos every single Thursday, thank you for watching, goodbye!
Regent's Canal with Jen! | Walks in London #1 - King's Cross to Marylebone High Street - Duration: 12:17.
Hi everyone its Lauren. I've been saying for a while now that I've wanted to do a
little series of videos where I take you guys with me on various different walks
throughout different parts of London, so I'm really happy to say that that's what
we're going to be doing today! This first walk that I want to take you on is in
North London and we're going to be going from Kings Cross to Marylebone so I'm
just about to leave my house and I'm going to go for brunch with Jen Campbell
and she's going to be our tour guide, she's going to be taking us on a walk
along Regents Canal. So we're starting at Kings Cross in Granary Square, we're
going to be walking through Kentish Town, through Camden Town and then the canal
takes you through Regents Park and through Regents Park Zoo - London Zoo, you
can see the animals on either side of the canal. Then we're going to come down
through Regents Park and the plan is to end up in Daunt Books on Marylebone High
Street. This is a really pretty walk and there's lots of really fun things to see
and do on the way as well so hopefully we'll have a good time. It's sunny today
so that bodes well, and I hope you guys have a good fun coming along with us as
well and maybe if you are ever in London is something you can try out for
So this is Granary Square behind me which is a really lovely location on the
canal, which has some really nice restaurants. To my left there's also the
House of Illustration which has a lovely shops full of really pretty prints I
can't show you inside unfortunately because they're closed this morning, and
then to my right is also the Kings Cross Theatre which is really cool and
it has a track train track running through the middle of the stage so
when they put on shows like The Railway Children they had an actual steam engine
onstage. So other restaurants you can go through here are Caravan and The Grain
Store, but today we are going to go to Dishoom which is an Indian
restaurant. They have lots of different venues around London not just in Kings
Cross, but they do amazing breakfasts like sausage naans and bacon naans and
curried eggs so let's go find Jen because I am hungry!
We've just been to Dishoom, which as Lauren has probably said is a great Indian restaurant
and it's really awesome because it used to be a warehouse where
the trains from Kings Cross were stored so it's really tall, it's this huge warehouse
Oh I didn't know that! I thought because it's Granary Square
I thought that's where they stored grains or something like from along the canal
I think they did in The Grain Store but Dishoom and Caravan used to be warehouses, so
Caravan is next door and is also this really awesome open space and but they
decided obviously real estate like primary real estate, now they store the
carriages outside London, so there's this huge space that's been developed around Kings Cross
which is where we're standing where they're building all kinds of stuff. So
now we're going to walk along Regents Canal When you come out and down onto
the canal you can turn left and walk all the way along to Canary Wharf and
then this way which is where we're going you can walk all the way along...actually I don't
know how far you can go because I've never gone to the end
Well we have walked all the way to Notting Hill before haven't we? Which is quite far
You can go further than that Lauren's like 'It was far!'
It was quite a long walk!
But this is my favourite walk in London, which is why I'm so glad Lauren has started this series, I'm like 'YES'
We can take you and show you because there are so many houses along
here that are so cute. It's a really lovely walk, so I'm going to show you first
off there's this house that I want to move into it reminds me of...who's the guy in the
railway children? Oh...Potts? It's like Mr. Potts'
house except it's not a railway station house it's a lock house
It does look like that yeah, it's so cute
This is a house I would dearly love to live in. It's so sweet
I feel like every house we see Jen's going to be like 'that's my favourite house'
I have so many houses that I just love
So this is Camden Market and there are two bookshops. We'll show them to you, this is the first one...
This - nitric ice cream! They make it using...what do you call it?
Anyway, best ice cream in London apparently!
So this is the front bit, this is the food market of Camden Market and if you
wanted to, there you can get a little canal boat that goes from Camden all the
way to Little Venice which is the really sweet ride it's a bit...'sweet ride' it sounds like
I'm talking about a car! It's a really nice thing to do, a bit touristy but it's really kind of cute
and then the second bookshop is down there, it's a secondhand bookshop we're
not going to go in it but if you want to know where it is it's next to the food
So you know how we said every house along this walk is Jen's favourite house?
This is my favourite street! So any of these houses!
Is that a thing, a canal street? Well it's kind of like the back of houses really isn't it?
each of them has a little boat and a tree house
I'm never going to be able to afford to live here but it's beautiful
This is the boat that I meant that you can get from Little Venice to Camden
We're just round the back of Regents Park Zoo now, so on either side of the canal there are some enclosures
Behind us there is the aviary I guess and on the left hand side there's going to be some African
hunting dogs and some warthogs. We're not in the zoo
we're walking past it I don't know how I feel about zoos in general
I know, me neither Perhaps that is for another video, not for right now
We're coming off the canal now, so we;re going up this bridge and into Regent's Park
People are punting, Lauren!
It's like being in Venice!
okay so we have come from here, somewhere over here and we walked along
the canal pat Kentish Town, to Camden Lock Market and then we walked down this way
along the canal, this is where the zoo is, crossed over here and we walked along here and we're
here. So we're going to go through the Queen Mary garden because they're very
Alice in Wonderland and really sweet and then we're going to come off onto Baker Street
and Marylebone Road and down Marelybone High Street and which is where Daunt Books is!
We're in the Queen's Gardens now we're not going to go past it but I
thought I would also mention that down this way is the open-air theatre, it's
open in the summer between from May and September normally and they it's really
really beautiful theatre, really green, lots of trees and the shows they
have on there a fantastic so if you are in London over the summer
I really recommend checking that out!
Down here are all the beautiful flowers and fountains
It's so hot I actually want to climb in one
Better not!
So we've had Jen's favourite houses, I think these are my favourite houses
Like a town house?
A taaan haaaas?
That's what I'd want, look at them! They're so beautiful
Have we found another favourite? No, no, I don't know if it's a favourite I just love
mews in London, they're really sweet so let's see if they've got any nice houses...
Look at them!
candy coloured!
Shall we go knock on some doors and be like 'are you selling?'
Because I can't afford it if you want to give it to me that would be nice
Hi guys, we're in Daunt Books in Marylebone and this is one of my favourites because as well as just being
very beautiful, over here they arrange the books by country so you can go to Japan
not literally, the section Japan and find all the travel guides but also all the Japanese
literature so if you're just interested in learning about different cultures you
don't need to know what author you're looking for, you can just go over here!
we're going to somewhere to eat now because I'm pretty tired
We are, I have a book though! Jen's bought a book!
But yeah I need food in my stomach
I think this walk overall have taken us... it's quarter past three now, when did we start
about half eleven after breakfast? Yeah about half eleven - quarter to twelve?
Yeah so we've been walking for about three hours now
Bear in mind that we have been stopping to film
So it'll take less time than that, probably an hour and a half
we've been really ambling around so I rekcon hour and a half to two hours maybe max?
so we're on James Street now I think we're on our way to Bond Street that's where we're finishing up
this walk. So thanks for joining us I've had a really nice, I've had a lovely time!
Thanks for taking us round Jen, you've been such
a good tour guide! Can I come round again?
Definitely, you can take us round the whole
of London if you want! Let us know if there's any other areas of London
that you'd like to see, or you'd like us to go to
and we'll see you next time, bye!
195 rated fut draft
I NEED ANGER MANAGEMENT | N. Sane Trilogy | Cortex Strikes Back Pt.10 - Duration: 17:32.
hello everyone it's me Jayskibean and walk about to Crash Bandicoot cortex strikes
back last episode we finished rocket which is
actually the first level where we had the jetpack and I'm pretty sure it's
going to be a couple more because we're on like the last three stages of the
game right now friendly fireflies will help light your
way okay this one's called night fight bring it on me fight oh it's just like
that one level from that one game oh man doesn't have bees - who's another bee
level but now it's dark alright I love that all right so you got
to be fast then so it's just like the castle longer okay so yeah it's just
like that one capsule over where I thought was the whatever it was the
alternate ending in the first game but it was me who's just another way which I
haven't gone yet I don't want to go that way it I don't want to go that way at
all I'm very anti bonus stuff right now alright oh it's nitro right let's not
touch the nightshirt that looks familiar I've seen those in a while
that means we're getting closer to cortex Hey
all right bring it whoops look at that own in this level owning it
it's mine it's my level I own this level the easiest level and the entire world
I'm not going at that point alright good good good oh it's so sketchy though did
I get this I did get the crystal right yeah I think it it I'm pretty sure did
yeah missing boxes keep the checkpoint yes good time for everybody and and I'm
not dead that's good time
we're fine we haven't even got touched by anything oh well is it okay cool we
did it
hey you the easiest level in the game easiest level in the trilogy it's just
the size like the first level ever good alright does the nice little easy-peasy
three minutes awesome yay easy three minutes StarTAC attack
probably not a jetpack level how much more bet jet flight controls in the ops
yep it is great cool that's what I like to hear jetpack
sorry bring out on this one to cap Skippy now I can't skip it
alright we'll bring it bring it oh jeez okay yeah that's right I forgot the
controls are all wonky okay that's not a good start oh it's not a good start
not a good start
fine we're gonna be fine we're gonna be fine the big uh that
doesn't look good okay here we come no what how do you avoid that whatever
okay guess what's gonna die okay hey yay oh I don't want to die on so how are you
supposed to know how are you supposed to know I do like music though like on the
real oh no oh god I hope it'll have a game over on this level I'm wait do the
electric thing and it's proof and it's approved yeah done did it yeah oh okay
fine better in the middle never met a middle
middle middle oh oh oh there we go yeah yeah
yeah on it on it Oh check what checkpoint checkpoint checkpoint
checkpoint go up go up go go back back back back back back back at the
checkpoint get the checkpoint dude yeah you know uh yeah I go up all those
nitroglycerine yeah yeah yeah they were fine
no ah come on it's fine so I don't rage okay really fine oh no more live nope no
more alive more alive so I get for not getting a bucket yeah yeah
okay we're finding time for primer primer good fine okay wait we go
Oh take it slow ha ha oh boy hold I'm close I'm super close okay
Alabama's game over I can't die no dying allows no dying allow no dying loud
ready yeah yeah so that's the end oh my goodness gracious me oh good
who's close and fine folks for the fun all right onward yeah yay all right
owning these levels I think we just have one more level and then the last boss we
may finish the game in this episode's face out let's see what this one's got
it crack them a pingers my fingers Oh
unlock a new path by earning all of the colored gems cool so this is the one
that gives you the alternate ending this must be the second to last level
technically alright bring it see what this was about Oh another one
of these is that bad bad thing I don't want to catch it oh no I'm dumb okay
we're just going to do this it is going yeah don't switch me blink yay
oh that's good that's game over will be we're doing really good and then we add
the game over but it's okay we're gonna be fine
it's gonna be okay gonna be okay don't I really don't want to touch that like I
only want to slide and touch it alright get these back come on there you go okay
alright good slide wait for it light yay okay okay
oh look at the jewel I think yeah I'll do that path you have to get all the
colors oh god it yay
oh you're not gonna do thing are you oh oh oh you're just kind of and you're
fine are you gonna do it Oh what
oh you can't judge him at all how are you supposed to get do you have to have
a mass to get past that part oh why don't jump out of that dough did I jump
on his head he didn't do anything yeah yeah ah ah no oh come on I'm gonna
be on this level forever not an easy thing oh my god I'm dead
again in bed again okay we're probably not gonna be the game this episode
probably not last episodes gonna be like a minute long swath fights gonna take
like a minute to do is hang it to me and sure you guys hey dude I don't want to
die thousand times get off my face eyelash
hair or just eyelash okay okay we're fine okay life give me the knife
yeah buddy okay gonna be okay all right nice jump on your head and now get burnt
to a crisp I can do that ah did it okay now what what dude I don't know this guy
I really dude and he goes all the way over yes I did it all right cool in this
checkpoint cool but I'm out of line so it doesn't really matter hey Mike you
must do a lot of life I have no idea I have no idea i'ma wait for him to do the
slighty poop okay okay oh man I don't even wanna hang no oh my god dude why
why for king or king okay slide slide and jump it to the head no oh my god I'm
not gonna miss you when I do work I hope you guys aren't in the crash bandicoot
dwarf I really hope they're not I hope they're not
all right we're good going yay and Vinnie Vincent hey ha ha ha
boom yay we're on top I mean anything we're late um shit I wanted to fit a go
oh yeah ok you just can't let him smoosh you you can touch so we just can't let
us wish so we're back where we were I'll die again wait for it in ok hey hey
hey no whoa I'm closed in yeah yeah bye yeah then I I think we're
yeah checkpoint yes all right cool good good it Oh Randy run a screen speed chip
chip and slide like a workable Oh No oh you gotta jump over all that at one time
fair skinned run like the wind
all right we got a slide quickly it's like Gina fine fine fine fine
no oh my god no no no don't don't don't don't don't
well be the end don't be he can no I don't want to get stuck anymore I'm
tired of dying a million times
Kim Kim Kim out here Kim rare no you stupid mmm how am I supposed to do this
now huh Oh what okay whoa okay all right we're good we're fine
probably not but whatever okay in wait and go dude what what I don't know
anymore I don't care anymore I'm just saying I'm just saying I'm just go ahead
if you guys can't sales man like that's a good slice oh boy it's like June
there's no way to fight back no way there's no way there's no way to get
past that part without taking dommage and yeah okay
ah oh my god what that's it game over
all right one more game over I'm giving up you guys know that's what I do
oh yeah you guys know that's what I do to get past these things like I just
give up I give up to come back next episode so we'll see if it works this
time let me forget this time not did woo ha ha yeah that's my response wah ha ha
yeah like like Oh Wario Waluigi
mm-hmm come back no not the same time you do
not take time I wait go jump what No oh my god oh my god yes give me
that I need that I need it I need it I need it bad all just let me tell me be
the bubble can be love let me beat the level let me beat this
let me beat it let me bring it can i bleeped the lab ooh can I beat the lab
I'm not even gonna worry about them fruits look I just love you eat it all I
care about all I care about
I'll do come on come on this is goes the C Mon C Mon just let me
jump on your head there we go yeah
ridiculous wait jump why whatever dude whatever
dude are you gonna go down are you going
super confused super effing confused right now like I made it that far
first try last time but now it's like man oh my god I hate these things I hate
them so much I hate them with all of my heart and hate and he I know come on
stop stop yeah yeah we're sitting me know oh cool that's hard dude is her lip
and hard sleeper and hard bro this is a flap oh my god what what oh my god dude
oh my girl I don't like these guys ami did it what do you know all right
now time to run through all crap ever you and I did it I killed oh my god what
that bio t10 live blood work belly flop kills them anyone try it
ah ha ha I'm gonna finish the episode off here I'll continue next episode but
um yeah I had my hopes up cuz finished all these levels so quickly that I was
gonna shut up don't laugh at me it's not funny
anyway I thought I was gonna finish the game here but I'm not gonna and I'm
gonna quit and I'm gonna try again next episodes anyway hope you guys enjoyed if
you guys didn't enjoy me you slap that like button underneath the video until
next time I'll see you guys later
How to Complete Your Accounting Part I - Duration: 5:18.
Hi there!
Looks like you've got an accounting coming due!
This video is the second in a set of three videos, which explain the steps in completing
your annual accounting.
This video will give you instructions on how to complete the income section of your accounting.
For more information on the other steps in the accounting process, see our other videos
"Before You Begin Your Accounting, which discusses the steps you should take to prepare
for your accounting, and How to Complete Your Accounting, Part Two, which discusses how
to complete the expenses section and finalize all accounting actions!
Before we begin, you should have gathered all bank statements and any other pertinent
Also, if required, you should have a completed VA Form 21P-4718a.
Remember, most fiduciaries won't need to complete that form.
Now, let's get in to how to complete your accounting using VA Form 21P-4706b, Federal
Fiduciary's Account."
Let's start with the basics.
First, you'll need a pen.
I know that might sound silly, but, by law, this accounting form cannot be completed in
If you're more comfortable using a computer, electronic copies of this document can be
found at the website here.
The web address is also located on your accounting request letter.
Now, let's get in to the nuts and bolts.
Let's look at the section called " Money Received."
This will be where you document the money you've received from the VA on behalf of
the beneficiary.
First, let's talk Total Estate at Beginning of Period.
If this is your first accounting, that's easy!
Put zero.
Even if you were informally handling the beneficiary's funds before you were appointed as fiduciary,
for VA purposes, you began handling the VA funds under management on the day you were
If this is not your first accounting, the beginning estate should match the ending estate
value from the previous accounting.
Check the last accounting that was approved by VA and look at Block 5 "" in the second
column, right above Remarks.
Your beginning balance should exactly match that number.
Now, let's take a look at income.
There's a couple sections here: First, Amount Received from VA.
When documenting VA income, take a look at your bank statements and keep track of what
was deposited by VA through the accounting period.
You'll enter the number of months and the amount for those months.
For example, let's say the beneficiary received an increase in benefits halfway through the
In this case, the beneficiary was receiving $2,000 per month from January through the
end of June, and $2,500 per month from July through December.
In the first line, under number of months, enter 6, and under monthly mount, enter $2,000.
In the second line, under number of months, also enter 6, and under monthly amount, enter
Finally, under the amount column "" enter the total for each 6 month period.
So for the first line, you'd enter $12,000 "" 6 months at $2,000 per month.
The Amount received from Social Security works the same way as the VA section.
You should only complete this section if you're also the payee for social security funds "" meaning,
the social security check comes in your name as representative payee for the beneficiary.
Under item D, enter all interest received throughout the year.
This information should be in the bank statements.
Even if it's a minimal amount, enter it here.
Lines E through H are where you enter any other income sources received.
For example, if the beneficiary received a one-time lump sum or retroactive payment from
VA, you'll enter it here.
Other examples could be, bank refunds, VA travel reimbursements, or other sources of
Now that we've written down all of the funds we've received in the income section, your
next step is to complete the section about how funds were spent.
Check out the video called " How To Complete Your Accounting, Part Two," which will detail
how to complete the next section of this form.
As always, if you have questions, feel free to check out more information at
or call your fiduciary hub at 1-888-407-0144.
We strive to provide you with outstanding service and assistance.
As always, we thank our Veterans for their service, and their survivors for their sacrifice.
We are proud to be serving you here at the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Remember to check your letter "your accounting should be coming due soon!
Thanks for watching!
Shedletsky, I did it! (Turn on Subtitles if you can't read) - Duration: 2:19.
Hey youtube
Payback gaming here, and now I'm going to show you something awesome
This is the best achievement ever had
Here goes nothing, I will also show you how I got the achievement, it is pretty cool.
When I turn around you will be amazed
It says: Delivery target permanent. whole title, game, or flavor text contains a C++ word. (forgot what bottom said lol )
Sorry about the annoying discord notifications lol
Well here is how its done!
First of all I will pull out a sword we all call the illumina, maybe use that ghost one if its too hard
Lets hope you get this badge
so like I said this is the sword
(Discord Ignore)
(Plz stop)
This is the location where the secret location room is, you will need to come here to get the badge, or use the sword or fly exploit to get in my location, but that's cheating when you use a exploit so yeah...
You can probably leave the video or just listen to this music that I have no clue what is from, sorry YouTube!
Cya, subscribers.. or pals. :D
BF4IGamePlay China I pc old Bug Lag! 16:9 1080p60 - Duration: 18:51.
Can I Afford a Specialist Workers' Comp Attorney in North Carolina? - Duration: 1:23.
Many times, people call me and talk to me about their situation and ask me questions.
And I'll talk to them as to whether they do need an attorney or not.
Sometimes I have people who call who have a potential settlement and I'm willing to
review the settlement documents with them.
And sometimes I tell them, look this is the best you can do and I think you should go
ahead and go for it.
In certain cases, people don't need a lawyer, but they need to always consult with an attorney.
There's some minor injury claims where it's pretty cut-and-dry, straightforward.
They may not need an attorney.
But you're working in a system that's very biased towards the insurance industry.
And the insurance industry has teams of lawyers, they have expert gestures who know what the
law is.
And workers' compensation law is very convoluted.
It's a creature of statute, rules, case law, and there's just so many missteps and
landmines you can step on.
You need to talk to an attorney.
It does not cost more to have a board-certified specialist.
Our fee is a contingent fee.
It has to be approved by the North Carolina Industrial Commission and the standard fee
is twenty-five percent settlement or sums that could be obtained.
Please give us a call or send us an email.
We're here.
We're ready to help.
Justice Counts.
THINGS TO DO IN 36 HOURS IN LIMA, PERU - Duration: 9:30.
JERIKA ANNIVERSARY SONG - Jake Paul, Erika Costell, Tessa Brooks (Team 10) - Duration: 2:31.
Jerika's still on the scene Just had their anniversary
Haters said that it could not be done Yeah they argue & they fight
Create drama all the time But that's the way they show each other
I wonder what's next In this crazy love game
I wonder what's next It is driving me insane
I wonder what's next Will they throw it all away
Jerika is here to stay
There love is just beginning thumbs up for Jerika
If you like this song I'm singing thumbs up for Jerika
And if someone says they're fake I'm gonna ship them anyway
Show them that you support them Thumbs up for Jerika
Jerika Yeah
Jake & Erika are fine Even though their vlogs get wild
Their just living life & having fun All the other Team 10 crew
Support everything they do If you don't then you can go get screwed
I wonder what's next In this crazy love game
I wonder what's next It is driving me insane
I wonder what's next Will they throw it all away
Jerika is here to stay
There love is just beginning thumbs up for Jerika
If you like this song I'm singing thumbs up for Jerika
And if someone says they're fake I'm gonna ship them anyway
Show them that you support them Thumbs up for
Jerika Jerika
I love ASMR girl
I can't wait for you to hit
That I start to cry
That you hear me shout Make me scream again
Give me back my femininity Today it's me, I am your submissive
I don't give a shit anymore You've got me
I'm so horny as I'm under your grip Tell me again that I'm your submissive
Remove your stress I'm your mistress
Your distress is my distress Your pain is my pain
Remove your stress My name is mistress
I see only one solution Use your strapon !
It's penetration time Use your strapon
Make me come Give me back my fuckin' smile
Don't forget to punish me well Accomplish all your desires
Let me lick your shoes In the name of lust
Crush me under your heel I know this is so good
Make me scream again I love hardcore so much
Remove your stress I'm your mistress
Your distress is my distress Your pain is my pain
Remove your stress My name is mistress
I can't wait for you to hit That I start to cry
That you hear me shout Make me scream again
Give me back my femininity Today it's me, I'm your submissive
I don't give a shit anymore You've got me
I'm so horny As I'm under your grip
Tell me again that I'm your submissive
I see only one solution Use your strapon !
It's penetration time Use your strapon
Make me come Give me back my fuckin' smile
Don't forget to punish me well Accomplish all your desires
Let me lick your shoes In the name of lust
Crush me under your heel I know this is so good
Make me scream again I love hardcore so much
Learn English on italki with Connor! - Duration: 2:28.
hi I hope you're doing well my name is Connor and I'm here because I really
want to help you get fluent in English a little bit about myself
I'm from New Mexico which is a state
in the southwestern part of the United States
and I recently graduated college with bachelor's degrees in sociology and
philosophy and right now you might be wondering why should I choose Connor as
my English tutor let me give you three reasons number one I'm a language
learner myself I've been studying Spanish for three and
a half years at the high school level and the university level now that I'm
done with college I've been pursuing fluency on my own practicing every
single day I know the struggles and the difficulties of learning a new language
I've learned different strategies throughout the years I know things that
work and things that don't things that make it easier and things that make it
more difficult secondly I've traveled to many parts of the world where I was not
a native speaker of the language and I did not speak the language at all I've
been throughout Mexico and Latin America the Caribbean the Middle East Europe
Africa and I'm actually currently in India so I've been to quite a few places
where I don't speak the language and I know how much of a struggle that can be
I know how difficult it is when they need to speak here talking like this you
must slow down and number three I've experienced teaching English abroad I've
taught English in Zambia and in Costa Rica and so I've learned a few handy
tools and what helps non-native speakers learn English specifically something
about me personally when I teach I love to make it fun it makes it more
enjoyable for me and it makes it more enjoyable for you and when we're both
enjoying our time together the interaction and the class you're
learning more as well because you're more engaged and that's what it's all
about also we're going to talk about what's on
your minds and what you want to work on the most I'm here to help you achieve
your goals let me know what you want to work on or
what's on your mind of what you feel like talking about and I'll help you
achieve your goals thank you so much for taking the time to listen to my video
and I'll see you soon bye
15 FACTS ABOUT ME - Duration: 1:06.
What's up guys! It's Sunny from Girl Peeps
And this is my 15 facts video
Fact #1
I have 2 younger sisters
The first one is Jason
And the second one is Grace
Fact #2
I'm known to be very sarcastic
Fact #3
I play the flute
Fact #4
I like creating and make DIYs
Fact #5
I love drawing
Fact #6
I like singing
Fact #7
I always talk to myself
Fact #8
I love musical theater
Fact #9
I like anime, manga, and cartoons
Fact #10
I like reading
Fact #11
I am a introvert
Fact #12
I like making and watching theories
Fact #13
I am a HUGE night owl
Fact #14
I am also a HUGE procastinator
And finally Fact #15
I am a cat person
And that was 15 interesting facts about me
Thanks for watching
Every BLACKPINK MV but with english lines only - Duration: 8:27.
Blackpink in your area
Been a bad girl, I know I am And I'm so hot, I need a fan
I don't want a boy, I need a man
Click-clack Badda bing badda boom
Hands up, Bottle full o' henny, Jennie
Black to the pink
oh yes
I wanna dance like
Blackpink in your area
Man Middle finger up, F U pay me 90s baby, I pump up the jam
lambo, gamble
I'm gonna go brrrr RAMBO
Front to my back
oh yes
I know you wanna touch Like touch touch touch Touch
Let's go, let's go
Hey boy
Make' em whistle like A missile bomb, bomb
Every time I show up, blow up uh
Make' em whistle like A missile bomb, bomb
Every time I show up, blow up uh
Boom boom
24, 365
Check out, chic chic
So hot so hot
woah, fire
can you hear that
can you hear that
Hold up
Just whistle to my heart, boom boom
Shh every day all day, zoom zoom
Stylin', Darlin'
Like a desert island
boy, checkmate, win
woah, fire
Can you hear that
Can you hear that
This beat got me feelin' like
Make' em whistle like A missile bomb, bomb
Every time I show up, blow up uh
Make' em whistle like A missile bomb, bomb
Every time I show up, blow up uh
On and on and on
Look at me look at me now
My love is on fire
Now burn baby burn
My love is on fire
So don't play baby boy
oh no
Kiss him will I diss him I don't know but I miss him
crack, black
On and on and on
Look at me look at me now
My love is on fire
Now burn baby burn
My love is on fire
So don't play with me boy
I just want you to stay
Stay stay stay with me
stay with me
(It goes a little something like) Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala
stay with me
So stay, I'll be your fire
truth it's you This a letter from me to you
stay with me
(It goes a little something like) Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala
stay with me
(It goes a little something like) Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala
stay with me
little bit of that
little bit of this
little bit of that
give me a give me a little bit that
give me a little bit of this
give me a little bit of that
give me a little bit of this
Missing you, Won't you set me free
Uh Imma fall in love baby You gon finna catch me
Uh give you all of this baby Call me pretty and nasty
Cause we gonna get it my love you can bet it on
black we gon double the stack on them whoa!
I be the Bonnie and you be my Clyde
We ride or die Xs and Os
Missing you, Won't you set me free
Blackpink in your area
The Socio-Politics of Night in the Woods and the Rust Belt | Gnoggin - Duration: 19:55.
Night in the woods is a very interesting game.
And not one that I would just recommend to everyone.
Though I enjoyed it greatly myself, it's not the kind of game that just anyone can
Though if you are around the age of 20, and are at all depressed or empathetic or are
wondering your place in the world, this game is for you 100%.
But one of the most interesting things about this game to me, was Possum springs, the town
the game takes place in, it is one of the most interesting, unique, realistic, and relatable
settings in a video game I have played.
So yes, there will be spoilers here, but nothing major.
So lets learn about Possum Springs, and its inspiration from the sad reality that is the
Rust Belt.
Now, maybe it's just me and my west coast education, But I hadn't even heard the term
Rust Belt until about a year ago.
And as I think about this, I feel like this video may be common knowledge to those who
live in it, but for me and I assume many of the rest of this side of the country, its
all new information.
But even though I had no idea what a Rust Belt was when I first heard it, thankfully,
I was able to piece together where it was just by the name of it.
It's this area of the U.S, Mainly Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio, but also crossing into
Pennsylvania, Illinois, and western New York.
And it gets the name rust belt because… well, basically… it's falling apart.
The most famous city in the rust belt is of course Detroit.
So think of everything famous about Detroit, but spread throughout small towns scattered
across that part of the country.
Here we see the modern ruins of a prosperous past.
In the mid-20th century, this part of america was at its richest.
Its factories and mines were pumping out products left and right, and the big ones too.
Coal, Cars, construction equipment, machinery, steel, lumber, everything.
And this is reflected in Night in the woods well.
Possum springs was a mining town.
And the locals are proud of it.
Spanning murals of their prosperous time along walls, and erecting monuments.
Their local sports team are the Smelters, named after their once prosperous smelting
facilities in the area.
And the older citizens refer to the gold old days frequently.
These older citizens mostly would be from the Baby Boomer generation, the time when
this area WAS at its most prosperous, they grew up in an ever-improving world of high
middle class living.
Only for things to come crumbling down in their adulthood.
"And the kids these days don't understand that things used to be better," because
they grew up at its worst.
But why did it crumble?
Well that of course depends on the political views of who you are asking.
Those on the right will often say it's because Taxes and regulations got too costly, which
caused these businesses, mines and factories to either shut down, or relocate to where
it's cheaper.
And those on the left will tell you it's the greedy CEO's moving out to where they
can line their own pockets more.
And in reality, it's both, along with the added factor of technological improvement.
I mean, 1 miner with a machine can do the same work in a day that 10 miners could in
a week 60 years ago.
And yes, it became significantly cheaper to move these factories elsewhere because of
regulations and taxes.
But many, though not all of those regulations were for saftey's sake.
Afterall Mines and factories are dangerous places.
So It can be viewed as greedy CEO's wanting to just move instead of spending money on
guard rails and paperwork, but it also makes business sense.
Take me for example.
Just a few months ago I moved out of california because the cost of living is too high and
they tax me too much.
Being a Youtuber is considered running your own small business.
So I moved to Oregon for business reasons... and because the weather is much much nicer
Factories, especially at the time, tend to have good wages.
Supporting tons of middle class families from 1 person, usually the father, working there.
So when these factories leave, suddenly these middle class families are stuck with middle
class bills to pay, but are stuck working for lower wages at retail jobs… and thats
if there are even any of those left!
This is also reflected by Mae's dad.
He used to work in the mines, but now works at a grocery store, and he hates it, Mae's
mom has to work now too.
And it sounds like, despite their efforts, something is going to happen to their house...
They probably cant afford to keep it anymore.
Beatrice and her father run a business together, but recently had to drastically downscale
to a small, worn down apartment, because they simply couldn't afford the nice house anymore.
The rust belt is full of empty houses, especially nicer empty houses, at least they used to
be nicer.
But all of the middle and higher class people left, or dropped into the lower class, foreclosures
skyrocketed, and most people could no longer afford to keep their houses.
The same goes for parks, schools, and businesses.
Because if people can barely afford their small houses and apartments, then they don't
have leftover money to spend at other businesses, so those businesses dont make enough money
to stay afloat, so they either fail, or move out to a more prosperous area.
LEaving the rust belt town even more empty and worn down.
At one point, you drive for an hour just to get to a mall, a nicer place to shop and hang
out, but even it is a bit run down and empty.
This is the point in the game that resonated with me the most, because this is happening
across the country, not just in the Rust belt.
Malls suck nowadays, at least compared to how they used to be.
And why?
Well beatrice says it pretty clearly.
Because of the internet.
There are many articles and predictions from economists that state that a "Mallpocolypse"
is just around the corner.
Multiple mall-chain stores can no longer afford to keep running.
They can't compete with internet prices and still pay Mall-rent.
Malls charge a lot for rent, and haven't really adapted to the times.
Most of them just don't realize that they are killing themselves.
And while its hitting malls hardest, the same thing is happening to outlet stores and small
businesses in general.
The internet is making them obsolete.
But while this is hitting the nation, it hits the rust belt especially hard, since its almost
all they have left.
Another point that gets brought up is that the small local businesses are closing first,
and they are being replaced with major chain businesses, like the Snack Falcon.
Seeing this made me relive a bit of culture shock I had a year ago, when I first visited
I had no idea that so many local businesses could exist in one area.
My hometown of Redding CA is 95% chain stores and restaurants, because the only places that
can afford to exist there are the ones with major backing.
But the problem with that is, when you say, buy a starbucks coffee at a walmart, most
of that money is going to another part of the country, where their headquarders are
But when you buy a local thing from a local store, all of your money is going to be used
to further advance your own local area.
You are supporting your local area.
But at this point, the rust belt cant afford to support local, because there are so few
local businesses these days, only the major chains can afford to be there.
And so, its a cycle, and the people get poorer, and poorer.
And the effects are well shown in Night in the woods.
Firstly, everything is run down, but also, there are Lottery ads all over.
Notably, the poorer you are, the more likely you are to buy lottery tickets.
And lottery companies know this and prey on the poor for their dollar.
Lots of the young adults here, especially beatrice, wished they could have afforded
to go to college at all, but they can't, Too expensive.
New technology is expensive too, and even though this game takes place in 2017, most
of the tech in the world is outdated, from the early ot's.
People cant afford to keep up here.
One of the most prosperous and well kept local businesses in Possum springs is a pawn shop.
Likely because the poor citizens are selling their more valuable belongings to afford food.
Another interesting yet obvious statistic is that pawn shops also do better the more
poor a particular area is.
Also, the poorer it is, the more crime and drug use there is.
Which is also why the shadier of pawn shops do well.
And this is also referenced by Mae's friend Casey apparently being in the Meth making
Another trait of the rust belt is sinkholes, which is a recurring point in night in the
woods too.
Its why there is so much construction going on, repairing the sinkholes.
The reason sinkholes are such a big problem in this part of the world is because of all
the old abandoned mines just sitting there, empty, slowly eroding holes underground.
The surface ground can only stay up for so long.
And this segways nicely into the spoiler-y-est part of the video, its about the underground
cult which, thoery: im pretty sure consists mostly of the city council members.
Though they are the antagonists of the game, I feel like they fit into the relatable category
of villains.
The ones that have a good point, good intentions, and are relatable and understandable, but
go about things in... not the best way.
In this case, they discovered that a sinkhole within one of the abandoned mines lead to,
EHEM, an eldritch horror known as the black goat, and when they sacrifice someone to it
their town prospers a bit for just a while.
So the connection between them and the city council is obvious, they are the only groups
you see in the game, and the both have the same goal.
Make the town great again.
And there we go, I said it.
Make the town great again.
Lets go political.
The way I found out about the term "Rust belt" is the same way many other people
found out about it.
The 2016 US presidential elections.
It was the unexpected twist of rust belt states turning red that caused Trump to be elected.
If you go back and look at these political maps, its easy to see that while the rust
belt contains a few swing states, they tend to be bluer, the few times they go red is
when the entire country has a very obvious preference.
But in recent years, people have been getting more and more polarized, so most media outlets
assumed these states would all be blue because of their more recent history.
Its why it was thrown left and right that clinton had a 90% chance to win, and then
she didnt.
Because of the Rust belt, a part of the country that is usually ignored.
And while places like Buzzfeed and popular tumblr blogs will tell you its because they
are sexist and racist, (even though they dominantly voted for Obama both times before, and have
been blue for most of history… so how and why would they suddenly become this….)
Anyway… the real reason is much more complicated, and much sadder than that.
Its because this part of the nation is called the rust belt for a reason.
*Video Clips *I voted for that obamer feller years back, I thought he would help* *Trumps
going to bring the jobs back, thats all I care about*
And a few journalists covered it very well.
This part of the country is experiencing all of those problems I mentioned earlier and
Politicians of all kinds always promise more than they will ever give of course, but Obamas
campaign in particular was one of hope, hope, and change.
Which is exactly what the whole rust belt wanted at the time, and still wants, they
hope for a change that will make their part of the country, great again.
And after Obama made those promises, and fixed nothing... well..
Whats the point in voting for Hillary?
One of the major flaws that political analysers on ALL sides point to in Hillarys campaign,
was that she offered very little change.
She stood for basically everything obama did, little more, little less.
And since Obama did very little for this part of the country, why would hillary?
Meanwhile… Trump went out of his way to appeal to the rust belt.
Claiming that he wants to bring those jobs back.
Which is exactly what the people there want, it's what they want more than anything.
And they can look past the flaws that the media pounds upon constantly, because they
see voting for him as the greater good.
And even if he didn't campaign in that area exactly, many analysts still believe that
these states would have voted for him.
Because he still represents some form of change.
At least something will be different, at least there will be some, even if minor, some small
chance that things will get better...
And that's all these people want now… change for the better, instead of the constant
decline, and instead of being ignored…
And before the comments turn into a dumpster fire for me daring to say anything remotely,
vaguely, slightly, positive about trump.
*ehem* of course he isn't actually doing anything to help much at all, in fact a few of the
government programs that he is cutting the funding from are programs *specifically* made
to help that region do better.
Welcome to politics 101, every politician on every side promises more than they will
EVER be able to do.
But the politics of the region and even the rest of the country are well portrayed in
Night in the Woods too.
Albeit subtly.
Both the rust belt and possum springs share a certain dynamic between conservatism and
The older generation is religious, with churches scattered about.
Christendom in the broadest sense, has both a form of conservatism, and generosity involved,
though not through liberal means.
What i mean is, politically speaking, christians and even just religious people in general,
tend to vote more conservatively.
Yet at the same time, tend to be involved much more heavily in charity organizations,
such as helping the homeless.
And you'll notice that the majority of the characters involved in the church even remotely,
are much older.
Meanwhile the discussions you have about spirituality with the younger characters reveal that they
tend to go either agnostic or atheist.
This along with the political ideologies we know of in the game, such as bea being part
of the young socialists, goes in line with what is currently happening.
Many in the older generations tend to be more conservative in general, while the younger
generation right now seems to be the most liberal they've been in modern history.
Part of it is due to polarization of course, but its also because of..well… everything.
Politics, especially in the broadest and generational sense, tends to be complicated.
Nobody is purely one thing, everyone is a shade of grey.
Near the end of the game we see Bea talk about the old cult people wanting to gain back the
"world of the past that barely existed".
Which is very accurate to how many younger people these days see the older generation.
You see on the news, older people talking about their glory days, about their booming
businesses, about Ronald Reagan, about a time where they could walk into a store with conviction
and get a job immediately.
A time where things were only getting better.
More than anything, the world you grow up in and spend your young adult life in becomes
your normal, it makes you who you are.
So "kids these days, they dont know" does have *some* merit to it.
Kids these days grew up in a post 9-11 world that was already falling apart, and ghost
towns are all over the place now.
This is the new normal, and many younger people cant even fathom it being any different.
Much like Bea, they have terrible childhoods, working extra hard just to be able to eat
tv dinners.
"If only those business had stayed, then things would be better.
But they are gone now, those businesses ruined everything, its their fault.
Forget the business sector, capitalism ruined everything! the government should help the
social sector so that my life would be better, so that its more fair."
And thus a socialist is born.
This is also exactly why we have phases and flip flopping political views through the
Kids grow up being raised by their parents from 1 or two generations behind.
Plus they grow up in a world that is being mainly effected and controlled by the previous
And because most of us are little rebels, at least on the inside, we want to be different,
unique, so we go against that.
While what classifies as conservative vs liberal has changed over the generations, its notable
that baby boomers were, for the time, very liberal.
But in turn, they raised generation X, a more balanced but leaning a bit towards conservatism
By today's standards though, both fall into conservatism much more, and that factor, along
with being raised by boomers and gen Xers, the Millennial generation is the most liberal
generation, possibly in history.
The Main characters in night in the woods would fall into the very tail end of this
And being raised in a more extreme environment of any kind affects your outcome too, in their
case, it makes sense that they would lean towards the left.
They are living in a falling apart city whose older inhabitants are all much more conservative
and, from their perspective, are stuck in the past.
And because the more conservative government doesn't seem to be interested in helping,
well, it just makes sense to do the opposite.
And tangential fun fact, the extreme left views of Millennials and early Gen Z kids
in general seems to be leading to the bulk of Generation Z being the most conservative
generation since the 1940s.
At least according to political, pop media trend, financial, and generational analysts.
And speaking of analysts, not to jump on any fear-trains, but I've read more than a few
times and even did my 6-month-long final project in High School on the prediction that California
is going to become the next sort of rust-belt.
Which looking at my home town, I can see 100%.
The politics and policies that *definitely* benefit southern california, are destroying
northern California.
And thus, more people and businesses are moving out of california, and moving to states like
Texas, Oklahoma, and Washington.
But thats a subject I could spend on hour on for another time.
To summarize, Often times, people who live in the area I do, the West coast, will have
no idea about the problems in the rust belt.
They are confused why and how they could even flip flop politically so much, especially
during the last election.
And to those people I say, Check out Night in the Woods.
It's easily the most accurate portrayal of that part of the country.
Desperate, yet strong and hopeful people of a once-prosperous part of the nation.
They are strong, and do everything they can to stay afloat, arm in arm they raise each
other up in their small towns.
Though, through seeing the continuous decline, some get desperate, and will overlook any
crimes or misdoings if it potentially works for the greater good of their area.
Sure, you could say some are stuck in the past, but at least they haven't given up.
And as on Ohioan, I've certainly experienced a lot of this first hand.
My home town was pretty much a cookie cutter rust belt area.
Oh hey, its Swankybox from the youtube channel Swankybox which has multiple awesomely in
depth videos about Night in the Woods, what brings you here?
Weeeeeell, you know, I just magically edited my voiceover into your finished video!
By the way, did you know that the stars and constellations in Night in the Woods and its
prequel games may have foreshadowed the events of the game?
I didn't!
But that sounds awesome!
Looks like the developers didn't only put details into the Rust belt aspect, but the
astrological aspect too!
I'll definitely check that out and encourage my viewers to also!
So what do all you think?
Is Possum springs an accurate portrayal of the Rust Belt?
And did you expect a big lesson in politics from a video about a game featuring cat-gods?
Let me know down below, and until next time, never stop using your gnoggin!
Meet Personal Injury Attorney Gene Riddle - Duration: 1:13.
My name's Gene Riddle and I'm the managing partner of Riddle and Brantley.
And I have been the managing partner for many years now.
I came to Goldsboro, North Carolina right out of law school in 1985.
And I've been here in Goldsboro ever since.
I live here.
Raise my family here.
I opened an office in Kingston in approximately the middle nineteen nineties.
And then in the late nineteen nineties we opened an office in Jacksonville North Carolina.
And then approximately 2001-2002, we opened an office in Raleigh, North Carolina.
And we've been in all those locations ever since opening.
My hobbies and interests?
I like praising my dogs.
And one of the dogs is our main star.
I like playing tennis.
I like lifting weights.
I like playing golf.
And in the last 2 or 3 years I've really reincarnated my old tennis life because my
daughter, my youngest daughter is playing tennis in high school.
So, I get to coach her and teach her all the things that I made mistakes on so she could
be a better player.
Please give us a call, or send us an email.
We're here.
We're ready to help.
Justice Counts.
THAT WAS A SAD JUMP - Duration: 8:51.
E: Say Good Morning!
Good Morning. Ellen dragged me with her
Good morning guys. We just dropped off my brother and his girlfriend at the airport
at LAX
So we thought we'd get breakfast.
I dragged Ryan to come get breakfast with me and we're at the Coffee Company
Took three minutes
E: That's so big
Yeah, it's big
the bacon looks good
It's thick bacon
It has a lot of fruit
hey, fresh fruit
Looks good. I'm so happy I got this one
Ryan. I was planning to get like an omelet. Something small but
Ryan said I'm gonna get the breakfast burrito
So I thought, okay, I'm gonna go for it and get the breakfast sandwich
What is it?
Hey guys
We got a box!
Person from Austria
Feel bad
Don't rip it
Try to keep it together
oh my
Got a letter
We need to open it first
ooo tea too
That's so cool
this package is from Amy
Thank you Amy
Thank you Amy
Thank you so much
Oh my gosh she hooked it up
she hooked it up
so cool . Thank you
Thank you
get off
I'm hot!
ok ok ok
love you
love you too
We're going to get car stuff done
So we're at this car wrapping place that Ryan wanted to go to
So they didn't have exactly what I wanted so we're gonna come back next week
It's gonna be sick! So cool!
can't wait
He's so happy
Hey guys, so Ryan and I just came back to my house and we were watching Breaking Bad
watched one episode and then I thought I would come here and show you guys what I
got in the mail so I ordered this two days ago
so here has been true fast I know that I needed sunblock and the Ryan
definitely needs sunblock he never wear sunblock so I just bought
these hoping that he would use it and it's for me as well but it's by juice
beauty juice beauty and I bought their tinted moisturizer their tinted
moisturizer with SPF 30 and I also got their sports or sports SPF a sorry SPF
30 sports sunscreen as well so this is for the body and then this can be for
the face and I chose this brand because I like specially ordered this brand
because I been reading this book called green beauty I've been getting into
actually researching the ingredients of the things that I put on my skin on my
face you know makeup and things like that I've always I've always been like
that since but now I'm putting more like time into really reading everything and
making sure that just being a little bit more strict I guess about it and I'm
really really excited to use it and it's hot I'm wearing my my swimsuit because I
want to go swimming. I'll see if Ryan wants to go yeah it's just hot in here the AC
The AC is all the way in the kitchen and my room is like down the hallway
and I will just leave my window open because I need some air - like circulate
through there through and the a/c just never makes its way over here so it just
gets really hot in my room and if you stay in my room for more than like five
minutes you're going to be like sweaty sweaty. yeah oo this is so nice. I love it
New Sunscreens! have to protect my skin from
UVA and UVB rays and let's let's go to the pool
We're at the pool
R: That was such a sad jump
R: That was such a sad jump
How was the pool babe?
good. I'm tired
We just got out of the jacuzzi. The hot
so I just showered. Ryan showered and we're going to go to this event or this
we're going to go to this like a concert where there's food trucks and people
just gather around and hang out so we're going to go to that right now my hair is
still wet obviously so hopefully this sun will dry it while
we walk there
Ready to go babe?
ready to go
hey guys sorry the other day we forget
to end the vlog but we had fun and we'll see you guys later
Fun? See you later.
Sign Duo
Season Preview - Duration: 1:38.
BMP Fishing: The Series | Lake Dardanelle - Duration: 14:09.
Vulgar Display of Vegan Power - Duration: 29:08.
Eu Não Queria Sofrer Mais —O Trabalho de Byron Katie - Duration: 7:30.
GASTANDO TODO MEU DINHEIRO EM SINGAPURA - Karen Bachini - Duration: 20:30.
Como ser um EMPREENDEDOR DE SUCESSO? - Duration: 5:04.
Clean OTRS | Enterprise AddOn for OTRS - Duration: 1:12.
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Revolução Lunar - Duration: 0:26.
Wazifa For Respect Har Koi Izzat Karay | wazifa for brain power | ya rasheedu ka wazifa in urdu - Duration: 2:02.
01. Ed Rose - Gong de oro - Duration: 4:09.
05. Ed Rose - Bonus track [Ocean Drive rmx] - Duration: 3:17.
02. Ed Rose - Flaco Buda - Duration: 3:11.
03. Ed Rose - Ginseng (con Asier de Los JLTS) - Duration: 2:53.
Cómo teñir su cabello naturalmente (con café) | Curas Naturales - Duration: 2:26.
02. Ed Rose - 13 - Duration: 3:26.
01. Ed Rose - Knife - Duration: 3:07.
04. Ed Rose - Louivi bag - Duration: 3:37.
03. Ed Rose - Terciopelo - Duration: 2:51.
EVS: Dobrovolníkem v Evropě na 2 až 12 měsíců. - Duration: 0:14.
Especial 20 Subs + Un Sorteo De 50 Quesos - Duration: 15:02.
or are at a beautiful place but it can also be really frightening the under
darkness Antarctica is a huge continent covered with ice
it is so to speak the desert Antarctica is unfamiliar and dangerous but there
you are you are in a completely unusual situation
via North India Borden's we are using the gars o'higgins ground station at for
our earth observation missions we record data from satellites modern earth
observation satellites like our terrace are X and tandem X fly past the poles in
polar orbits there the distances between orbits are very small so we can have
frequent contact with the satellites that means that we can frequently record
data from them and also send commands up in the knowledge
all of that has to take place in an extremely critical and difficult
environment it's more like an expedition
we're about 14,000 kilometers from Germany we have to fly from Germany to
South America that's a routine trip but from Punta Arenas that's the gate to
Antarctica we need special flights to get to Antarctica
the logistic is the logistics are complicated because the weather is
complicated the conditions are harsh if you have bad luck you can be held up for
two weeks while you wait for flying with them
finally here is probably what most people are thinking as they leave the
aircraft or arrive at the glacier and you think okay that part is over we can
get to work
the antenna of the antenna at o'higgins is a customised construction it is
unique there is no other one like it anywhere it was love because of the
environmental conditions here in Antarctica we had to come up with a
special design the antenna had to be built on a massive cement foundation and
it has to survive extreme wind loads there we have storms here with wind
speeds over 300 kilometers power we have one antenna and it has to function
when when we have planned a data acquisition on the first thing we do is
check all the equipment to see if it's running normally the antenna the antenna
is positioned and waits for the satellite to arrive as soon as the
satellite is in view it is tracked by the antenna two motors are used to reach
axes the two motors are braced against each other to prevent play and so that
the antenna can function very precisely
like look this is a date are required and signals or commands are sent to the
satellite after the passage the data on the satellite are deleted if they have
acquired them correctly great if not the data is lost that's not supposed to
happen because they are valuable and irretrievable but once in a while
equipment does break down or there are problems requiring someone to go to the
antenna immediately you have to be able to help yourself you can't call a
service number if some technical problem arises it has happened to all of us
right before satellite pass the antenna gets stuck it just doesn't move then
someone has to run to the antenna to reboot the system on the spot and then
trigger it so that it responds
in that situation you must act instinctively because there is no time
for anything else
you have to make decisions at great speed and situations can quickly turn
into big risks
Thank You Claude stare despite the harsh environmental conditions the reliability
of our data acquisition is of a 99% indignant
after satsang Esmond we have to do everything ourselves at the station
we've got to all the cooking and all the cleaning
nevertheless we also feel safe and comfortable at the station and finish
almost like being at home it is somewhat like being at home
but being at work at the same time everything is concentrated at one place
since we are on an island we cannot easily get away a trip to the
supermarket the cinema or the restaurant gets complicated it's not like being
home in Germany where you can just go for a walk you move within a radius of
only a few hundred meters months after month you're confined to one location
for me the worst thing is not being at home you have to accept that if anything
happens to your family your wife a child and cannot be there if anything does
happen you need at least a week to get home you have to deal with that risk
that's the hardest part
but in an emergency people will always help you no matter what happens without
our partners our Chilean partners have Brazilian partners without all the
people on the job in South America it would be impossible to do anything over
the years a friendly cooperation has developed we are all in the same boat
and we all work together here in that place it's really not important what's
written in your passport you're happy to be with the people there no matter what
nation or continent they come from
we've got the data we acquire at garzo Higgins are essential for our research
to better understand changes on earth we transport the records to our data
centers where we systematically analyze them a few weeks later through yoga we
incorporate the results in models produce time series and use them to
monitor developments on our planet these developments are clues to global change
women are when you are in Antarctica you know that it's a privilege to be there
but at the same time you realize that it is an extremely fragile continent and
that we have to take care of it that's what our data is for
I guess you're about the only person around that doesn't have TV coverage
now at one
on fire please
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