10 Most Famous Samurai Warriors in History
10 Most Famous Samurai Warriors. One of the most famous warlords from the Sengoku period, Shimazu Yoshihisa hailed from the Satsuma Province. He was married to his aunt for a brief time.
He launched a campaign to unify Kyushu, and tasted many victories. His clan ruled a major part of Kyushu for many years, but was eventually defeated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
After the defeat, Yoshihisa is believed to have retired and become a Buddhist monk. He died a peaceful death.
Known for his affinity for violence and lack of mercy, Date Masamune was one of the most feared warriors of his era.
Having lost the sight in his right eye in childhood due to smallpox, he had to make extra effort to be recognised as a fighter.
After a series of defeats in early days, he slowly built his reputation and became one of the most efficient warriors of the time.
When his father was kidnapped by the enemies of his clan, Masamune retaliated with slaughtering all of them, killing his father during the mission. He later served Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu, as the head of Date clan.
Known as the Dragon of Echigo, Kenshin was a fierce warrior and the leader of Nagao clan. He was famous for his rivalry with Takeda Shingen.
The two fought each other for many years, engaging in one-on-one combats several times. He was also one of the warlords who resisted the campaigns of Oda Nobunaga.
He was a reputed administrator as well. There are various stories surrounding the cause of his death.
Initially an ally of Oda Nobunaga and his successor Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu was more agile with his brain than his sword.
After the death of Hideyoshi, he gathered the enemies of Toyotomi clan and fought against it to take over the rule. He defeated the Toyotomis in the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, and became the first Tokugawan Shogun in 1603.
The Tokugawa shogunate ushered a new era of peace in Japan, and ruled till 1868. See Also: 10 Truly Bizarre Services from Japan.
The leader of Iga clan, Hattori Hanzo was one of the rare samurai who were also ninja warriors. He was a loyal servant to Tokugawa Ieyasu, who saved his master a few times from certain death.
His primary weapon was a spear. In his older years, Hanzo became a Buddhist monk. He is one of the most famous warriors in Japanese pop culture, and inspired many a fictional warrior.
Often called as the Tiger of Kai, Takeda Shingen was a fearsome warrior as well as a poet. He fought in numerous battles.
In the fourth battle of Kawanakajima, he met his rival Uesugi Kenshin in a one-on-one fight as well. He was one of the very few warriors who tasted any success against Oda Nobunaga and had power to stop him.
However, Shingen died in mysterious circumstances in 1573, after which Nobunaga consolidated power.
Often known as The Warrior who surpassed Death, Honda Tadakatsu was one of the fiercest warriors Japan has produced.
One of the Four Heavenly Kings of Tokugawa, he took part in more than a hundred battles, to be never defeated in any of them.
His major weapon was a spear known as Dragonfly cutter, which inspired fear in every opponent. Tadakatsu fought in the decisive Battle of Sekigahara which led to a new era in Japanese history.
Perhaps the most celebrated samurai warrior over the years, Miyamoto Musashi was one of the greatest swordsmen Japan had ever had. His first duel was in the age of 13.
He fought in the battle between the Toyotomi clan against the Tokugawa clan, on the side of former, ending up defeated. He later travelled along Japan, winning numerous duels against powerful opponents.
Musashis most famous duel was in 1612, in which he fought against master swordsman Sasaki Kojiro and killed him. In later years, he spent more time for writing, and authored The Book of Five Rings, which details various sword-fighting techniques.
See Also: 10 Interesting Creatures from Japanese Folklore.
The successor of Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi was a powerful ruler and warrior. Born in a peasant family, he slowly ascended to power with his skills off and on the battle field.
He ruled over a major part of Japan from 1585 until his death in 1598, although he never attained the title of Shogun. Hideyoshi constructed the massive Osaka Castle, and waged battles to conquer Korea and China, albeit unsuccessfully.
Soon after his death, his clan was obliterated.
One of the most recognisable warrior in Japanese history, Oda Nobunaga was a charismatic leader as well. In 1560, he killed Yoshimoto Imagawa who attempted to take over Kyoto and set the foundation of the unification of Japan.
He made use of firearms in battles, a novel idea at the time. His death was from an act of betrayal by one of his own generals, Akechi Mitsuhide, who set fire to the temple he was resting at.
However, Nobunaga committed suicide, a more honourable way to die.
For more infomation >> 10 Most Famous Samurai Warriors in History - Duration: 7:21.-------------------------------------------
Macchina di Cartone.Per Auto Macchina. Macchine per bambini. Auto Cartoni educativi in italiano. - Duration: 4:48.
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Ultime notizie: Rita Rusic: Cecchi Gori? Era un uomo tenero, ora è un mostro | K.N.B.T - Duration: 0:07.
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300億少女住這!AOA雪炫豪宅曝光 網驚:天花板好高 - Duration: 2:27.
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Alloy Metal/Copper spot welding machine, Brass spot welding machine - Duration: 0:32.
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9年前後差很大!簡嫚書圓臉暴牙 「微調」後變氣質正妹 - Duration: 2:10.
Planetario all'Ex Dogana: vedrete l'universo con un altro sguardo! - Duration: 3:17.
Biomarker Qualification
BOTY 2017 - Duration: 7:07.
Top 10 Game of Thrones Sexiest Women - Duration: 4:16.
No doubt one of the most intriguing parts of Game of Thrones, is the beautiful women
who are cast for leading parts..
Annnnd we don't mind the occasional nipple shots once in a while..As long as it doesn't
take away from the storyline..
Right guys?
Now that we all agree that there are some hot women who reside in Westeros..
Lets get hard, lube up, and rank these titties...
I mean, ladies..
With that being said, its your Whizza HD, and Welcome to our list, of the Top 10 Game
Of Thrones Sexiest Women Number 10: Talisa Stark
Oh wait, uhh, its too soon for this, Ahhhh!
Fun factoid, Oona Chaplin who played Talisa, is actually the granddaughter of Charlie Chaplin..
But sadly, Talisa had to die with her unborn child and her man Robb... luckily for us,
we got to experience the beauty and booty of Talisa, before the very famous Red Wedding.
Number 9: Tyene Sand As the 3rd oldest of the Sand Snakes, Tyene's
lethal move was to lure in her male enemies closer by her sexual moves and kill them,
usually her weapon of choice is poison..
But really her most effective weapon is her beauty and sexuality.
Number 8: Ros As one of the more famous prostitutes in the
G.O.T series, Ros was a fan favorite..
Especially when she pulled up that skirt to give us virgin eyes a little sneaky peeky..
Though in the world Game Of Thrones, we all know that nobody is safe..even the Huars (whores)..
God damn you joffrey..
Westeros will never be the same without that piece of fine buyable ass.
Number 7: Missandei As one of the Peaceful People from Naath,
Missandei kind of crept up on us..
As Khaleesi's hand maiden, she kept her sexy low key, until pervy dick-less Grey worm
caught Missandei bathing and lookin bomb as fuck.
Number 6: Cersei Lannister As Queen of the 7 kingdoms, Cersei got the
body and the attitude to keep it gangster sexy...
As she rules with an iron fist and gets dat dick from her twin brother.
The cunning and ambitious mother is as ruthless as she is hot..
But hey guys, that doesn't you should start fucking your sister..
Unless you're in Westeros, then it's a Go.
Number 5: Ygritte Damn it, Jon Snow, you had that hot Ygritte
pussy and all the candles you needed..
Shoulda just stayed in that cave and hibernated in that pussy..
But it's all good, cause we needed the story line, but.. that ass tho...
Number 4: Melisandre If you're new to our game of thrones series
on Modern Whiz, you'll know that I am super infatuated with candles and the Red Woman's
awesome titties...
As the shadow binder and priestess to the Lord Of Light, Melisandre gets to be a freak
in the sheets and a freak in da streets.
And those red nipples get me harder than Megatron.
Number 3: Margaery Tyrell As the most eligible bachelorette in G.O.T,
she keeps getting passed around from one king to the next..
She like, Oh one just died?
Oh well, Let me just slap the new king with some of this Tyrell booty..
Margaery is not only savvy, but hella sexy as fuck..
Good job Grandma Olenna, you trained a Royal Thot.
Number 2: Sansa Stark As the oldest daughter to Lord Stark and Lady
Catelyn, Sansa has lived a super depressing life ever since her father was killed.
We watched her grow as a teenager to a beautiful strong young woman throughout the horrifying
experience of living under the thumb of two of the most sadistic fucks in the Game Of
I mean poor girl got a full on creampie from Ramsey, and you know Reek was sporting a bloody
quarter inch nub, while crying with happiness.
Number1: Daenerys Targaryen Is this even a question?
As the recipient of the Horse dick, face down, ass up, dothraki style fucking, the Mother
of Dragons is the all time hottie with the dope ass body.. when Khaleesi gets butt naked,
and gets it doggie style, the ratings and the internet goes full on hard bananas.
The Queen of Mareen, gets everything from shaft to sack, sweaty, hard, and spicy.
And there you have it, our list of the Top 10 Game Of Thrones Sexiest Women.
Did we miss any other Hot lady characters of G.O.T?
If so, mention them in the comment section below, and as always/don't forget to like,
share, and subscribe.
My Just Dance Story - Duration: 10:55.
My story is complicated a little bit.
But i'll make it shorter
I was sick that year
In the start of october
I wasn't even wondering that something is wrong, i thought is was the classic flu. And after some days it wasnt just classic flu.
Let's skip it to that i could die but one doctor saved me.
There was one thing that could happen that if i wasn't doing what i was supposed to do
There was possibility that i would not able able to move again
That i would be paralysed or something like that
And if you ever noticed my scar on my neck, they had to hook up some breathing machine so i could breathe cuz there wasn't any other way.
Let's move to when i got home
My Just Dance Story begins here
I saw one youtuber, his name was Gogo
Here you can watch a few seconds from his video. (Made in 2012 lmao)
And if you're asking why someone like Gogo could get me to Just Dance
I was watching some youtube videos and in that time he was playing Just Dance 3.
Watch for yourself. xD
And i liked the game so much that i watched other videos of it
So i begged my mom to buy me a PS3
Which she did and i gained money for PS Move!
And i was so happy like ''AAAAJASJDVNJASKDNV'' (lol)
Ya' know.
My 1st Just Dance Game
I was a big fan of it
And then the day when the game actually arrived
I've never ran to the door quicker
My mom gave the game and what i did? I recorded unboxing LOL not gonna show the video here tho
So yeah
And when i started the game i didn't know what to do
Yes, i was watching videos etc but
I din't know which song to play first. (My first ever song in my life)
So the first thing in the playlist was Kiss You by One Direction
Of course my 1st autodance was shared to JDTV.
Let's move to another JD Game, which is Just Dance 2015.
My parents bought me this one too but after i saved money so i could buy the older Just Dance Games which came out on PS3, so i bought Just Dance 4 and Just Dance 3 on PS Store
Because i wanted all Just Dance Games that came out on PS3 and i did't have JD2 and JD1 cuz they were not on PS3.
By the end of 2013 i'm really really BIG fan of Just Dance
This year, i'm competing in JDWC (2018) for first time ever.
And here i borrowed Just Dance 2017 for Xbox One so i could compete cuz i don't own XOne or any other new gen console so
So i borrowed the game and i'll try to do my best to get in final, we'll see, maybe i get there or not and
Now i'm gonna get to the questions from Tara's JD Spotlight dancer questions
Let's do it quickly
I already said it, i discovered it while watching Gogo.
I really wanna thank him for that
And if he's watching (Probs not), thank you so much, you really helped me.
I think it's the community.
Even the Ubisoft team cares about it, everyone is trying to do their best, they're nice
And i think that this is how gaming community should look like
That even the people who make this game are connecting with their fans
And that's what they're doing, they listen to them.
And by doing community remixes
It's just amazing and i like the community most because the people i met there are so great and some of them are my friends and some even my best friends
It's about connecting people together
So they could laugh and enjoy the game
Of course there's some not that bright parts of it but i'm not gonna talk about that.
But the main thing is that people in it are helping each other
Oh again, sometimes i speak in English when i don' t want to speak in English lol
I like
Alone, it sounds a bit weird that i like to play alone, because... of course video challenge is fine and sometimes i play it but i really like to play rival alone or with friends
How Just Dance changed my life
It changed my life so much
Because when i was going on rehabilitations
I din't enjoyed much
And Just Dance is the thing that i enjoyed so Just Dance helped me with rehabilitation so i could do everything, move properly etc
I had to learn how to walk in november 2013, it was crazy.
Just Dance actually helped me so much and
And i'm really thankful to Gogo, Ubisoft for making this game
Because this game helps people
And for the time i play it
I lost i don't know how much kilos
Blah blah nothing interesting lol
So my Top 5 songs or choreos
Songs and Choreos so um
My Top 5 ? Can't i make at least Top 50?
Sooo Top 5
1st will be for sure
From Just Dance 2017
I love that song cuz it's just amazing.
2nd song is Love Me Again, it's my favorite song aaand let's move to choreos
Choreo will be Blame from Just Dance 2016
And then , it will sound crazy but Sorry, extreme version
Most favorite choreo is
I think it's
From Just Dance 4 i really like
You know what i mean
Because i like the friend like dance style and it's awesome
No, i don't have any favorite coach.
How To Use The Leaves Of Soursop To Kill Cancer Cells (1000 Times Stronger Than Chemotherapy) - Duration: 4:40.
OUR WEBSITE : http://justhealthrelated.com/
How to Use the Leaves of Soursop to Kill Cancer Cells (1000 Times Stronger Than Chemotherapy)
Graviola (soursop) is used to treat infections caused by bacteria and parasites including
leishmaniasis, a disease caused by parasites transmitted through the bite of sand fleas;
herpes; coughs; and cancer, according to WebMD.
It is also used to cause vomiting and to empty the bowels.
Some people use graviola to help them relax.
Cancer Prevention
The leaves of the graviola tree have powerful anti-cancer properties coming from phytochemicals
in the plant.
The journal "Cancer Letters" published a study looking at the impact of graviola
on pancreatic cancer.
Supplementing with graviola stopped cancerous pancreatic tumor cells from replicating and
caused them to die.
Researchers suggest this natural medicine may prevent and treat cancer.
The leaves may also be useful for treating skin cancer when applied topically.
Treating Viral Infections
Traditional medicines use graviola leaves as treatment for viral infections.
An article published in "The Journal of Ethnopharmacology" in May of 1998 found
that extracts from the leaves suppressed the herpes simplex virus.
The herpes virus is spread through bodily fluids and often transmitted while kissing
or through sexual contact.
According the University of Maryland Medical Center, up to 90 percent of the U.S. population
has been exposed to one form of the virus and there is no cure.
Some anti-viral medications can reduce the number of outbreaks or lessen symptoms.
More research is needed to determine what role graviola can play in the treatment or
prevention of herpes.
Pain Reduction
Supplementing with graviola leaves may reduce swelling and pain, according to a study published
in May of 2010 in the "International Journal of Molecular Sciences."
Researchers gave mice with burned paws extracts of graviola leaf and observed their behaviors.
Those given the supplement had less swelling and demonstrated fewer indications of pain.
However, more research is needed to determine the safety and efficacy of this use in humans.
The appropriate dose of graviola depends on several factors such as the user's age,
health, and several other conditions.
At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range
of doses for graviola.
Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician
or other healthcare professional before using.
Possible Side Effects
DO NOT EAT THE FRUIT: Eating the fruit could lead to movement disorders similar to Parkinson's
disease, according to a case-control study in the French West Indies.
No established human dosage for graviola leaf exists yet.
Long-term or high-dose supplementation may cause damage to the myelin sheath, disrupting
normal nerve function.
Movement disorders may also occur because of compounds called alkaloids present in the
Symptoms of these conditions are similar to those of Parkinson's disease.
Talk with a doctor prior to taking a graviola leaf supplement or making/drinking soursop
How to Make Soursop Tea
Boil 1 liter of water, then take 15 soursop dry leaves (fresh or dried ones both have
same value) and 1 small stem, cut into small pieces and put into the boiling water.
Don't close the vessel and Continue to boil the water on small flame for 30 mins,until
the water evaporates to 500 ml . Now the soursop tea is ready to drink.
Drink 1 cup (165ml) filtered soursop tea hot or warm or cool , 3 times every day, in the
morning, afternoon and in the night.
For better taste you can add 1/2 spoon of lime juice ,2 pudina leafs and add some honey
(not sugar).
After drinking, the body may feel the effects of heat, but no side effects.
To cool the body drink 3 glasses of fresh watermelon juice, and drink 3 glasses of goats
milk every day.
In 2 weeks time you can feel the benefits of soursop yourself, and in 4 weeks time the
improvements can be felt clearly.
Note: Drink soursop tea 30 minutes before eating.
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Celine Dion Greatest Hits 2017 : Top 20 Best Songs Ever - Best Of Celine Dion (LIVE) - Duration: 1:09:11.
Thanks for watching! Don't forget to SUBCRIBE, Like & Share my video if you enjoy it! Have a nice day!
2017 Mini Cooper Countryman SD - Behind the Wheel - Duration: 4:57.
Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the new Countryman
The largest in MINI's line up
it's a crossover with a surprising amount of space
but sits close to the ground
which helps maintain MINI's signature
go-kart ride and drive
Now, this being the biggest, this SD
is equipped with a 2.0L turbo diesel engine
which makes it almost, if not as green
as this grass
Now, at first glance you might think that it's the exact same car
you'd be right except for some subtle differences
like for example, the headlamp
the front grille, even the chrome accents around the fog lamps
However, the big change comes at the back on how you open the boot
See, in the previous model, you'd flip the emblem to open the boot
which I thought was pretty cool
Unfortunately, that has been replaced with an ordinary latch
The differences inside however are a bit more profound
now sure there is still enough toggle switches in here
to rival a nuclear sub
But the main difference would be is that the speedometer
is no longer in the center, it's now in front of the driver
paired with the tachometer
Other changes include a Heads-up display
the size and shape of the vents
the master controls for the audio system right here
Oh, and this thing that extends from the seat
so that taller people those are about twice my size
wouldn't have a problem at all
In the back
the cup holders are no longer on the floor
they're here, in the center armrest
Those two cup holders have been replaced by two air vents
Which is great, because if you look at the amount of legroom and headroom
couple with the air that you got back here
You could fit a polar bear drinking Coca-Cola back here
and he'd be sound as a pound
The trunk is also pretty deep which can fit a child stroller
with room for more
With its power lift tailgate and flat no-lip rear bed
loading cargo is easy as pie
The real gem of this car is in its DNA
with its signature go-kart driving experience
And now that there is a 2-liter twin power turbo diesel engine upfront
The fun factor of driving this car has just doubled
Now while that engine is pushing out a 190 horsepower
from inside the cabin, you won't be able to tell it's a diesel
because its that quite, comfortable and cool in here
Additionally, your line of sight is unimpeded
even though you've got a marginably smaller windshield and windows
Just on its default mode, the engine and 8-speed transmission
are very responsive to every push of the pedal
But, once you switch it into the sport mode
Oh man, it's another story
The engine holds it at higher revs, obviously
so that it's perfect for roads like this
with tight turns and great elevations that you wish would never end
and since it's a MINI regardless of its Countryman size
you turn the steering wheel and it goes
This second generation Countryman
is the first MINI with a diesel engine
Let's hope it's not the last because it makes for a very good car
even perfect for those that wants to keep the MINI lifestyle
and yet bring the kids along for a ride
At 3,400,000 philippine pesos however, I expect it to have
power folding side mirrors and power seats. It doesn't
Yes yes i know the whole point of a MINI is that
you can customize it anyway that you want
in fact, if you wanted, I don't know, Mocha Uson's face on the roof you could
Why? I have no idea but the whole point is that
for that price, you'd expect all those things to be there
so I say, fault the taxation system of the country for its price
'cause there's no way you're gonna fault this car
for its fun or its drive
Love Island's Chris and Olivia drop baby bombshell nobody saw coming - Duration: 3:11.
Love Island's Chris and Olivia drop baby bombshell nobody saw coming
Chris Hughes and Olivia Attwood made it all the way to the epic final of the hit ITV2 series, only to narrowly miss out on the cash prize of £50,000.
Instead, the couple came in third place, behind Camilla Thurlow and Jamie Jewitt, and winners Kem Cetinay and Amber Davies. However, the show wrapping up doesnt mean the pair are going to fall back into regular civilian life.
Instead, theyre already planning their next TV stint, and none other than Charlotte Crosby is on hand to make it happen. ITV LOVE ISLAND STARS: Chris and Olivia dropped a huge baby bombshell.
ITV NEW TV PLANS?: Charlotte Crosby can help.
Taking to Twitter to talk about her next ink, Olivia wrote: If Chris Hughes and I did Just Tattoo Of Us I know exactly what tattoo he needs. The blonde included a number of baby emojis, in reference to the fake baby they were tasked with looking after in the villa.
Cash Hughes became an internet sensation, even landing his own Twitter account. After spotting the hilarious tweet, former Geordie Shore star Charlotte Crosby replied: This could be arranged..
ITV HUGE SUCCESS: The pair came third on Love Island.
Charlotte Crosby MTV bosses got excited at the idea and tweeted from the official Just Tattoo Of Us account: Tell us where and when and Im sure we can sort some arrangement out. Liv excitedly wrote back Yaaaaasss and added three needle emojis.
Landing Chris and Olivia for the new series of Just Tattoo Of Us would be huge for ratings after the success of the latest series. However, they wouldnt be the first Love Island couple to sign up.
MTV JUST TATTOO OF US: Producers want Olivia and Chris. Daily Star Online previously revealed how Olivia Buckland and Alex Bowen had signed on the dotted line to appear on the hit show.
When we quizzed the pair about what theyd had done during a Facebook Live chat, the pair remained coy, but did tease: My mums going to kill me. Uh-oh, sounds worrying.
Big Trouble In Little Apartment - Duration: 23:35.
YouTube最受歡迎觀看次數最多音樂MV 男團篇 2017.07.28更 個人整理,如有遺漏請留言。 - Duration: 12:16.
Top Meditation Tips | The Anxiety Solution - Duration: 1:19.
The 11 Sleeping Mistakes That Impair The Health - Duration: 2:21.
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The 11 sleeping mistakes that impair the health
A lot of people have troubles sleeping.For a better night sleep, try to avoid these sleep
mistakes: Artificial lighting – if you are exposed
to such light all the time, your melatonin will get impaired.
This hormone makes you sleepy at night.
Turn lights off and use dark curtains or wear sleep face mask.
Alcohol – this will make you feel drowsy, but the bad way.
You will wake up many times and next time, just skip the booze.
Caffeine – if you like coffee, this is going to be hard for you.
Avoid these drink before bed at least 6 hours prior.
Having coffee at 4 pm means caffeine in the system until 10 AM.
And melatonin making is damaged.
Day naps – this is not that bad but too much of it shortens night sleep.
Workouts – if you think you will tire after a workout, you are wrong.
This boosts energy and this means less sleep.
Do workouts in the mornings for extra day energy.
Hot rooms – if you dislike your room, sleep won't come easy to you.
The high heat stops natural falling asleep.
Even if you succeed you will awake in a hot and warm room.
Lower the room heat and just use 1 blanket.
If you feel like wearing socks, do it.
Late sleeping – staying late is a big no-no.
try to go to bed earlier and you will accustom to this regime.
Noise – a pretty obvious sign, noise disrupts sleep.
Use earplugs next time the neighbors have a party.
Distraction – emails, phones and laptops, gadgets keep you awake.
This also changes the circadian clock and blocks the melatonin.
All these things make more cortisol and dopamine which keep you amused and awake.
Alarm snooze – if you hit snooze all the time, this makes it a HELL to wake up.
The body feels and knows when it is time to wake up, so try this natural way.
With snooze, you sleep even more deep.
Eating – this is not awful, but sugary foods are.
They increase glucose and overburden all organs.
Have protein and savory snacks if you crave food.
All these 11 mistakes must be remembered and avoided.
Sleep deficit is the first reason for damaged health and state of mind.
Cake Without Baking - 15 minutes #Gotovimsia - Duration: 6:04.
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Breaking News , President Trump Latest News Today , trump-and-sessions-locked-in-silent-battle - Duration: 4:43.
[uncopyrighted music] Anikdote & Culture Code - Don't Let It Go (feat. Brado Sanz)[10 Mins] - Duration: 12:17.
HackThis the hacker playground (basic level 1) - Duration: 1:19.
hlo friendzz
in this tutorial i will be showing u solution for basic level 1
so first download the "b1 file"
once download is complete open it using photo view
here u go
paint rules
thx for watching
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