- But what for... - Hey love, welcome back
- What is this? - I built a labyrinth
Did you do this all weekend?
- I'm lost - It's made of cardboard
I know, but inside is much bigger
- I will enter the labyrinth - No, you will get lost too!
Just ignore me and do what you're doing
Once edited and with a song, it will look amazing
- Can we enter the labyrinth now? - Let's go
JUST BECAUSE IT'S LOST - Come on, let's go
It is much larger
This place is huge!
Do not move!
Ok, I think we're okay
- Dave! - Follow me
- I can explain - Can you explain everything?
No, I can not
Caption: Lucas of Abreu facebook.com/lucasdeabreu96
Instead of trying to defeat the maze we should try to finish it
We're not doing this just because it rhymes
So what if I say...
That we can reduce...
If you help me finish
- Now, yes! - He came back
For more infomation >> Dave Fez um Labirinto (Dave Made a Maze, 2017) - Trailer Legendado - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
Surprise Eggs Learn Sizes with Disney Pop Toys Playset Sizes and Nursery Rhymes songs for kids - Duration: 10:47.
Surprise Eggs Learn Sizes with Disney Pop Toys Playset Sizes and Nursery Rhymes songs for Kids
Аквамен | Что такое эхолокация? - Развивающий мультфильм Познавака (40 серия,1 сезон) - Duration: 1:44.
FDA Biomarker Program
Volkswagen Polo €4.151,- voordeel 1.2 TSI 90 pk Comfortline R-line (VSB 12728) Rijklaar! - Duration: 0:55.
Renault Captur 0.9 TCe Xmod, Navigatie, Camera, R-Link, Leder, Pdc, Keyless, etc - Duration: 0:59.
Аквамен | Что такое эхолокация? - Развивающий мультфильм Познавака (40 серия,1 сезон) - Duration: 1:44.
Sinning on the High Seas - Duration: 42:35.
India and China are on a collision course.
The Indian defense establishment is opposed to China's attempts to construct a road on
the Doklam plateau leading right up to the Sikkim-Bhutan-Tibet tri-junction.
This has emerged as the major flashpoint.
It was the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan that sounded the alarm — Chinese soldiers had
arrived with bulldozers and excavators, and were building a high-mountain road near India's
border in an area the two nuclear-armed giants have disputed over for decades.
The land in question spans 269 square km on a sparsely populated plateau in western Bhutan,
which has no diplomatic ties with China and coordinates its relations with Beijing through
New Delhi.
India responded to the call by sending troops last month to evict the Chinese army construction
party from the area.
Within a few days, Indian media were running leaked video footage of soldiers from both
sides shoving one another atop a grassy flatland.
In this video, Defense Updates analyzes why China cannot afford a war with India?
Lets get started.
China already has its hands full having dispute and with many countries.
China's sweeping claims of sovereignty over the sea have antagonized competing claimants
Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei, Taiwan, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
United States, Japan & India favors freedom of navigation as it is a very important sea
route with 5 trillion $ in trade, half of global merchant shipping and 1/2 of world's
oil shipment pass through it.
U.S has already stepped up its military presence in the region with regular freedom of navigation
exercise challenging Chinese hegemony.
Japan has taken a more proactive military approach.
China is also dealing with the Tibetan issue and then there is Xinjiang region, which is
having the separatist movement.
India exported about US$9 billion worth of products to China last year, but imported
US$60 billion, generating a trade deficit of US$51.7 billion, according to Indian government data.
Many Chinese companies are depended on India to generate a major portion of their sales.
Chinese economy is slowing down and a conflict will result in huge adverse economic impact
Since PM Modi has come to power, he has made it a point to further India's strategic
relations with different countries.
Russia has been India's long term strategic ally and share border with China.
In 1971, Russia threatened China against joining Pakistan against India.
Russia has also been growing concerned about China's long term ambitions, which is explained
in details in our previous video, kindly check the video on above card.
In a conflict, Russia is expected to put pressure on China
Indo –Israel friendship has reached a new landmark with Indian PM Modi visiting the
Israel recently.
Israel supported in Kargil war with Pakistan by supplying precision bombs and providing
valuable satellite imagery.
In any future conflict against India's, Israel is expected to play a significant role.
Indo US relation has taken multiple strides in the last decades.
India and the US have signed an important agreement.
The Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA) allows them to use each other's land,
air and naval bases for repair and resupply.
US has also provided access to sate of art military hardware to India like the UAVs and
even shown interest in opening manufacturing lines in India for fighter jets like F 16.
With common interest in pushing aggressive China back, the two nations are expected to
cooperate strategically in an event of conflict.
India and Japan have moved closer, concluding the first-ever bilateral defense deal between
the two countries.
India has acquire 12 Japanese US-2 i amphibious aircraft costing 1.5 Billion USD.
This marks a significant strategic cooperation between the countries.
The specialized seaplane, the US-2i, will be Japan's first overseas military sale in
nearly 50 years.
Japan has also provided a 10% discount on the deal, signifying that the deal is not
just a trade contract but also a strategic move.
Unlike smaller counties whom China has been bullying lately, Indian has massive armed
The Indian army has 1.2 million active personnel almost 1 million reserve personnel.
The army has about 4500 tanks of which around 1700 are modern Russian T 90 tanks.
A significant arsenal of artillery, armor vehicles and air defenses are also present.
Notably the Army has inducted and deployed an advanced version of the BrahMos supersonic
cruise missile to prop up its muscle along Indo-China border.
As you may already know, BrahMos is the world's fastest cruise missile in operation, and travels
at speeds of Mach 2.8 to 3.0 and is capable of precision strikes.
Indian Airforce has more than 700 strike aircrafts of which 230 are very capable Su 30 MKI.
The air force has multiple AWACS and the fighter jets are strategically placed at multiple
well-defended airfields.
Indian Navy has vast array vessels including Aircraft Carrier INS Vikramaditya, nuclear
attack submarine INS Chakra (Akula II class), ballistic missile submarine INS Arihant and
modern destroyers of Kolkata class.
Indian Space Research Organization has also deployed large number of satellites to gather
intelligence, which is crucial in a war.
Agni-V is an intercontinental ballistic missile developed by the Defense Research and Development
Organization (DRDO) of India.
Though the reported range of Agni 5 is 5,800 km, it is widely believed that Agni 5 has
a range of 8000-10000 km.
Even with stated range of 5 000 km, it can hit most parts of China.
It carry a 1.5 tons warhead, has a speed of Mach 24 and accuracy of less than 10 m
Though exact details are classified, it is also widely speculated that Agni 5, feature
Multiple Independently Reentry vehicle (MIRVs), with each missile being capable of carrying
2–5 separate nuclear warheads.
It is India's most powerful deterrence against any Chinese aggression.
An increasingly powerful and adventurous China, and a more engaged India now appear to be clashing on multiple fronts.
clashing on multiple fronts.
The tense standoff has only escalated, raising concerns in both capitals of an all-out military conflict.
Both sides have made threats while simultaneously calling for negotiations.
The U.S. State Department has urged the two sides to work together toward a peaceful resolution.
India bold stand has surprised many strategic experts and has been hailed in power quarters
in US & as well as EU.
It remains to be seen, how the standoff pans out.
Flashback: Scaramucci Tells CNN He and Reince Are Like Cain and Abel(Video)! - Duration: 0:49.
Judge tells John Terry he shouldn't have posted Instagram picture showing - Duration: 11:17.
Judge tells John Terry he shouldn't have posted Instagram picture showing he was on holiday
as she jails burglary gang who raided his £5million Surrey mansion for 28 years.
A judge has told John Terry that he should not have posted an Instagram picture showing
he was on holiday as she jailed a gang of burglars who deliberately targeted his mansion.
The ex-Chelsea footballer and current Aston Villa captain was on a skiing holiday with
his family when their £5million mansion was raided and ransacked in February.
Referring to the Terry burglary, Judge Susan Tapping said: 'It might have been a mistake
to post a family photograph on social media to show he was away on holiday.
'As a result his home was deliberately targeted and the master bedroom suite was ransacked.
'They spent some time searching for items to steal.
Not content with the original haul they returned with a third man and an angle grinder determined
to get into the safe.'
Darren Eastaugh, 30, Joshua Sumer, 27, Roy Head, 28, and Oliver Hart, 25, pleaded guilty
to one count of conspiracy to commit burglary between February 1 and March 27 this year.
The conspiracy involved seven burglaries across Surrey and Sussex earlier this year, with
a total lost from all of them was £600,000.
Today all four were jailed for a total of 27 years and 11 months at Kingston Crown Court.
A fifth man, Kye Hardy-King, 25, pleaded guilty to one count of handling stolen goods when
some of the stolen property was found at his home.
They struck after the footballer, who now captains Championship side Aston Villa, posed
for pictures on the slopes of the French Alps with his wife Toni, 35, boasting to his 3.4million
followers that he was having a 'great few days away skiing with the family'.
But while the couple happily shared photos and videos of their lavish holiday, they didn't
realise the posts had attracted the attention of a ruthless gang of prolific burglars.
The men broke into their £5million mansion in Oxshott, Surrey, and spent hours ransacking
the property, swiping designer handbags worth £126,000 and rare signed first edition Harry
Potter books valued at £18,000.
Sentencing them today, the judge said: 'Over a period of about one month earlier this year
four of the defendants together with others unidentified, set out on a series of carefully
planned burglaries.
'By the time police surveillance was in place, some defendants were seen spending time looking
for suitable homes to be targeted.
'Large detached houses were only considered because of the expectation high value luxury
goods would be available.
'In fact it was a very successful campaign and during the the course of seven burglaries
£600,000 worth of luxury items were stolen.
She added: 'Four of the defendants are experienced, if not professional burglars.'
She said the gang made away with nearly £400,000 in either items stolen or damaged out of the
seven burglaries this was 'most profitable', and none of the items have been recovered.
Not all of the burglaries were at night and some were carried out while someone was in
the house, including a recently widowed woman who found one of them in her kitchen.
The court heard she has now been left feeling 'nervous and isolated in her own home'.
The judge said: 'The mental turmoil may be harder to heal fully rather than a physical
All these victims have the right to feel safe in their own homes.'
Knowing that no one was home, the audacious gang took their time strolling around his
property armed with axes.
They spent 45 minutes plundering the master bedroom before returning later that night
to break into a safe.
Yesterday, Kingston Crown Court had heard how an 'eye watering' collection of designer
jewellery and handbags were looted from the 'vast' collection of Mrs Terry.
She loves designer handbags so much that her 36-year-old husband had a handbag shaped cake
made for her birthday last year, which she proudly shared on Instagram.
The raiders discovered that the footballer's wife had so many handbags, they were unable
to carry them all and instead plumped only for the 28 most valuable items.
That included a £42,000 snakeskin Hermes bag, Chanel bags worth £8,000 and others
from Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Yves Saint Laurent.
Details of the raid on February 25 this year emerged for the first time earlier this week.
The former Chelsea captain and his wife regularly post pictures on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
revealing their lavish lifestyle.
They had recently shared photographs of their exclusive gated estate in Surrey including
the front door and luxury interior of their mock Georgian property, which previously belonged
to golf star Colin Montgomerie.
But just a short time after revealing they were on a ski holiday, the housekeeper staying
at an apartment above the garage of their three-storey home noticed security lights
going on and off around the property around midnight, which he mistook for a fox.
The court was shown CCTV from outside the home showing two of the gang entering the
property at around 10.30pm, spending 45 minutes taking £219,000 of Cartier jewellery, a £61,000
eternity ring, and handfuls of designer watches from the Terry's master bedroom.
They returned with a third man at around 2am and spent nearly an hour in the Terry's master
bedroom where they tried to get into the safe.
At 2.55am, the housekeeper was awoken by loud banging coming from the master bedroom which
triggered the burglar alarm.
When officers arrived at 3am they were stunned by the scenes of 'carnage' which greeted them
as the gang had caused £19,000 worth of damage, wrecking £3,900 carpets and a bespoke £3,600
Rossano Scamardella, prosecuting, said: 'Cupboard doors opened and cupboards emptied with that
which wasn't taken strewn across the floor, a dressing table and cupboard completely dismantled,
damage to the windows and to the bed, lamps broken, carpets completely ruined.'
Inside they also found heavy-duty tools, hammers and an axe and an angle grinder, which was
used to try to enter the Terry's safe in the bedroom.
The prosecutor said: 'The loss sustained by the Terry's was substantial.
One will see there is an eye watering list which includes designer jewellery and designer
handbags in particular.
'There were some first edition signed Harry Potter books worth £18,000 and a trophy.
'Handbags to the value of £126,000, were stolen including Louis Vuitton and Chanel
as well as other brands.
'One snake skin handbag was valued at £42,000.
There was a number of handbags left behind so quite a vast collection.
'The total value of items stolen was £380,000.
The total for damage was more than £19,000.'
At a previous hearing Darren Eastaugh, 30, Joshua Sumer, 27, Roy Head, 28, and 25-year-old
Oliver Hart pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit burglary between February
1 and March 27 this year.
The conspiracy involved seven burglaries across Surrey and Sussex earlier this year, with
a total lost from all of them was £600,000.
A fifth man Kye Hardy-King, 25, pleaded guilty to one count of handling stolen goods when
some of the stolen property was found at his home.
None of the items taken during the Terry raid have ever been recovered.
Other victims targeted included multi-millionaire trailer home businessmen Alfie Best, known
as the 'gypsy king' who had nearly £150,000 worth of luxury goods stolen weeks after the
raid on Mr Terry's home.
Mr Best was born into a Romany gypsy family and made his millions from a luxury trailer
home business and his property empire.
He recently appeared in the Channel 4 series 'How'd you get so rich?' where he discussed
his £250million fortune and how he spends it.
The court was told Eastaugh, Hart, Head and Sumer all have a string of previous convictions
stretching back 10 years.
The defendants were identified from the CCTV at the footballer's house as well as footage
from a nearby petrol garage and cell site data from their mobile phones which placed
all of them in the area at the time.
The court heard each of the defendants had a long history of offending.
Head had a 12 year history of offending including one conviction for burglary in 2011 which
was committed with Eastaugh - with each of them sentenced to 12 months.
In 2014 he was jailed for more than five years for conspiracy to burgle a commercial property
alongside Sumer and was still on licence when he committed the latest offences.
The court heard he was involved in six of the burglaries.
Head, of Walton-on-Thames, was sentenced to a total of seven years and four months.
Eastaugh also has a long record and most recently was jailed for three and a half years for
three burglaries in 2015.
He was out on licence at the time of the conspiracy.
Eastaugh, of Bedfont, was jailed for seven years and thee months.
Hart, has nine years of previous convictions, including for burglary, handling stolen goods,
and going equipped.
At the time of the raids he was serving a suspended sentence for a driving offence.
Hart, also of Bedfont, was jailed for five years four months.
Sumer also has a string of previous convictions and was also still on licence when he committed
the first and last of the two burglaries.
The two were where the most valuable items were stolen, giving a total of just under
Sumer, of Havant, was jailed for eight years.
For the lesser charge of handling stolen property, Hardy-King, of Hounslow, was given a 12 month
sentence suspended for 12 months.
He was ordered to carry out a rehabilitation requirement and made the subject of a two
month curfew from 10pm to 6am.
WOLRD's Best Pet Cafe? : Bengal Brew/ Wolf & Bear Vlog! 😁 - Duration: 9:14.
We're still looking for the cafe
we chose the 299 package. 2 hours with the cats & dogs.
must change to slippers
then you need to wash your hands as well
that was scary.
we got free pastries
We really want to have a pet, but we can't because our mother is allergic to them
look at him!
the skinny dog is so hyper.
I can't see myself
they really spent money for this
as of now there are only few customers. Maybe because they just opened when we arrived.
So we just left the cafe . We already spent 2 hrs there. We are going to find a place to eat then go home
Going home now
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Hello everyone! Welcome to my channel!
I'm Toozi!
How are you today?
In my case, Ho Chi Minh city weather is much better...
it isn't hot as before, and behind my home, they stopped digging the ground...
so the noisy reduced a lot
That's why today i'm so happy!
Today, I am going to do...
some kind of rumor. People said onion, cooking in normal ways is nothing special...
but if you cook longer time, it will be caramelized...
I think it looks like sugar caramel (?)
Of course not that taste, I mean the texture will be like that...
When i heard about it, I was so curious...
May be you know, if you eat draw onion, it will be acrid
but if you cook it, strangely it has sweet taste...
That's why i think caramelized onion is possible...
I also want to confirm if it's the truth or just rumour...
Even onion is so cheap...
Why I don't give it a try, right?
Today, let's try to caramelized onion!
First, I will prepare the onion. Cut the onion head...
then peel the skin.
peel all the skin (yellow or purple are ok)
Cut the root.
Finely chop onion
There exist a technic to finely chop onion without spicy eyes...
I can't do it, so I have to cut as ordinary...
Really spicy. My tears burst out T.T
You don't need to care about onion size, just cut small pieces is enough.
As this is ok.
Turn on the heat - Stir continuously
I think it will not be caramelized...it can be dehydrated only....
After 5 mins...
It's has golden color and getting smaller...
After 15 mins...
As I predict...no caramelized, it's only dehydrated...
Turn off the heat
By dehydrated, onion is so small...
So I have just try to "caramelized onion" as the rumour...
After 17 mins stir fry...
Nothing caramelized, onion just turn into dry onion lol
It's small, so by appearance, it looks "topping" of food.
Fried onion smell can allure foodie...I really like that smell...
Oh! I raise up...the smell is as instant noodle soup powder...
Smell is really good...
Let's try it out. Is it just fried onion taste? or...
caramel taste?
or just ordinary onion taste?
There is the only way to find out...EAT!
I will eat now...of course not all, I will eat some only.
By long stir fry, the onion was dehydrated
so it look messy like this...
I hope it's not acrid as raw onion, because I can't eat raw onion
It has sweet taste, but...
I can't stand this smell...
Aw, raw onion taste T.T
The smell is good, but the taste...I can't endure...I just can't eat onion huhu
I only can eat onion when it cooked with something more...
Eating only onion is torture...
Does it caramelize? I can't imagine what is the meaning of "caramelized onion"
Caramelize means it has sweet taste? As sugar caramel?
If caramelize = sweet, yeah I succeed!
It has natural sweetness, from vegetable.
So can I think I succeed? To me, caramelized must be sticky, not dry as this onion...
I have no idea if i succeed or not.
Anyway, this fried onion is suitable when combine with food, not for eating alone.
It's my final conclusion!
In summary, I don't know if i succeed to caramelize onion or not...
I can't imagine the texture of what they said "caramelized onion"
On the internet they also just fry the onion, but result is sticky (?)
but mine isn't sticky...
So I don't know is it caramelized onion or not?
About taste, not suitable to eat it alone!
How about instead of garlic butter bread, we do onion butter bread (?)
I think it's suitable when eating with mixed rice paper (Vietnam street food)
or food toppings
Because onion has it's own taste, even has sweet taste when you cook...
If you follow healthy cooking style, add onion instead of sugar for sweet flavor.
Thanks for watching!
Thanks for watching, even if I fail haha!
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MES 3 INSDISPENDABLES DE L'ETE ! (ce que je fais en vacances) - Duration: 4:10.
Tiger Zinda Hai Trailer | Tiger Zinda Hai Shooting Video Leaked | Tiger Zinda Hai Salman Khan - Duration: 2:04.
Tiger Zinda Hai | Tiger Zinda Hai Shooting Video Leaked
Аквамен | Что такое эхолокация? - Развивающий мультфильм Познавака (40 серия,1 сезон) - Duration: 1:44.
10 Real Reasons Why Relationships Fail - Duration: 2:54.
10 Real Reasons Why Relationships Fail
10 Extreme Plastic Surgery Transformations - Duration: 7:58.
Plastic surgery has become increasingly more popular with over 17 million surgical and minimally-invasive cosmetic procedures performed in the United States last year. The top 5 most popular procedures of last year included:
Breast augmentation, Liposuction, Nose reshaping, Eyelid surgery, Facelifts.
For most people who opt for cosmetic surgery, it's about enhancing one's appearance while still appearing natural. However, there are some people who choose to embrace the extreme and go under the knife to look anything but normal Here are 10 extreme plastic surgery transformations.
1. Jordan James Parke. This 23-year-old tattoo artist underwent nearly 50 plastic surgery procedures to resemble his idol, Kim Kardashian. Parke reportedly spent over $140,000 over the last four years on various surgeries.
Parke has undergone laser hair removal, tattooed his eyebrows, and received multiple Botox injections. However, his most prominent surgery is his lips, which he has enhanced to the point where he admitted they were leaking collagen. Despite safety concerns, Parke refuses to have his lips get smaller.
2. Penny Brown. Cartoon characters may have unrealistic body proportions, but that didn't stop Brown from undergoing cosmetic surgery to resemble her favorite two-dimensional diva, Jessica Rabbit.
Brown enhanced her chest from an already well-endowed H cup to an O cup. The Jessica Rabbit fan also brought her waist size down by a whopping 15 inches from wearing a corset 24 hours a day for two years.
3. Victoria Wild. This glamor model has drastically changed her body over the years, going from looking like an ordinary girl to injecting herself full of silicone to look like a blow-up doll. In 2014, it was reported that Wild had spent nearly $40,000 on rhinoplasty, lip implants, Botox, and three chest augmentations.
Wild has made her chest size a 32G and still plans on going bigger. Addicted to plastic surgery, Wild even started a GoFundMe page for donations so that she can go under the knife again.
4. Orlan. French artist Orlan has become known for her work with plastic surgery in the name of creating art.
Her most recognized work was "The Recreation of Saint-Orlan," which saw Orlan undergoing a series of plastic surgeries to resemble elements of famous paintings and sculptures of women.
The goal of "The Recreation of Saint-Orlan," which started in 1990, was for the surgeries to give her the ideal of female beauty depicted by male artists throughout history.
5. Maria Cristerna. After years of domestic abuse, Cristerna transformed her body by covering herself in tattoos, getting dental work to look as if she has fangs, multiple piercings, and has even had titanium horns inserted into her head.
The lawyer-turned-video-jockey embraces being different with her extreme body modifications and now gives talks to women who have suffered domestic abuse.
6. Vanilla Chamu. A Japanese woman has undergone over 30 cosmetic surgeries and has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to achieve her lifelong goal of looking like a French doll.
Chamu has already had an extensive list of procedures performed on her, including more uncommon ones like eyelash implants, dimple creation, and double-eyelid surgery. However, Chamu has shown no signs of stopping and is even ambitiously looking to get height lengthening surgery in the future.
7. Valeria Lukyanova. The Moldovan-born Ukrainian model has become dubbed the "real-life Barbie doll" and has altered her appearance to further fit the look of the iconic doll.
Lukyanova hasn't revealed what procedures she's undergone other than a chest augmentation, sourcing her slender frame as the result of exercise and dieting. However, many speculate that Lukyanova has had more surgeries than she admits, including ribs being removed.
8. Myla Sinanaj. There are many people who idolize celebrities, but Sinanaj is one fan that you could consider obsessed. Not only did Sinanaj date one of her idol Kim Kardashian's real life exes, she also spent $30,000 to look more like her.
Sinanaj had lip injections, liposuction, and chest augmentation all done to look more similar to the reality television personality.
9. Herbert Chavez. This Filipino Superman fanatic has undergone a jarring 23 plastic surgery procedures in hopes to transform himself into the iconic superhero.
In his pursuit to resemble Superman, Chavez has experimented with some unconventional procedures including skin whitening, jaw realignment, and even pectoral and abdominal implants.
10. Krystina Butel. The objective of caricatures is to exaggerate certain features for comedic effect. However, Butel became obsessed with one drawing of her as a teenager and spent a small fortune in hopes to resemble it.
From the age of 17, Butel underwent $150,000 worth of cosmetic surgery, including Botox, lip injections, semi-permanent makeup work, and five chest augmentations, which made her chest size a whopping 36K.
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You Don't Believe How Much Kapil Charge Per Episode from The Kapil Sharma Show
You Don't Believe How Much Kapil Charge Per Episode from The Kapil Sharma Show
You Don't Believe How Much Kapil Charge Per Episode from The Kapil Sharma Show
You Don't Believe How Much Kapil Charge Per Episode from The Kapil Sharma Show
You Don't Believe How Much Kapil Charge Per Episode from The Kapil Sharma Show
You Don't Believe How Much Kapil Charge Per Episode from The Kapil Sharma Show
You Don't Believe How Much Kapil Charge Per Episode from The Kapil Sharma Show
Oddly Satisfying Video You Can't Stop Watching - The Most Satisfying Video In The World - Duration: 10:48.
Oddly Satisfying Video You Can't Stop Watching - The Most Satisfying Video In The World
Don't forget to subcribe Satisfying Video
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