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Hey, you guys!
There's a woman who's drowned over here.
Hurry! Come give me a hand!
Just like the others. Not a drop of blood left in her.
Yet no injuries of any kind.
All we know is she died before being thrown in the river.
This case appears identical to the others.
"Mysterious Killer Claims Another Victim"
"Four Girls Killed in Six Months''
"Vampire Continues His Killing Spree"
"Police Investigation Yields No Clues''
"Is the Monster Unstoppable?''
"Investigation by Pierre Lantin''
Hi, Pierre.
Have you heard? The Vampire has turned up again.
Why do you care so much? You're a journalist, not a policeman.
You've put too much time into that case as it is.
I know it seems I'm obsessed, but I have to discover his identity.
Listen, I know it would be the greatest scoop of all time.
After all, they've made no progress on that case.
I'm convinced this victim is the key to the whole mystery.
What are you thinking about?
The next victim.
Who will it be?
"Twenty Years Old''
Nora, aren't you going to get dressed?
I'm reading Lantin's article.
"She had been missing for two weeks...
yet she had died just a few hours before they found her.''
Good heavens.
"Where was she all that time?
What torments does the Vampire inflict on his victims?''
The poor girl was only 1 8 years old!
I'm off.
What are you girls going to do? Are you coming, Lisette?
-Just a minute. - Go on ahead. I'll catch up.
See you tomorrow.
- Aren't you coming? - I'm going to read a little longer.
You really want to read that horrible newspaper?
- No, I'm expecting a phone call. - From whom? The Vampire?
Don't joke about it. I'm upset enough as it is.
Giorgio called while we were rehearsing.
He left word for me to wait here. He said he'd call back later.
Fine. We'll see you at the usual bar.
Okay, if I can make it in time.
Is anyone left up there?
Yes, Nora.
- Nora? - What?
Pull the door shut when you leave. I'll stop by later and lock up.
- Okay. - It's the same every night.
I can't get out at a decent hour. There's always some straggler.
- Poor Michel. - So I have to come back!
- So you didn't see her leave? - No, Inspector.
I went to get a bite to eat.
She wasn't upstairs when I came back to lock up.
Even her costumes were gone.
Nobody's seen her since Tuesday night.
Not even her friends or fiance...
much less her landlady.
Wait. I remember now she was expecting a phone call.
So she may have gone out to keep an appointment.
I happen to think she didn't leave the theater at all...
at least, not willingly.
What are you doing here?
It's my job to sniff out juicy stories.
If you journalists would just do your job...
instead of playing cops and robbers...
maybe our work wouldn't be so hard.
Really? I just might have something that would interest you.
May I? A draft of my article.
I've saved it for you.
"Vampire kidnaps dancer from theater.''
Don't you think you're getting carried away with your little story?
I can prove it.
- Here. - What's that supposed to mean?
That's Nora's shoe.
I know because I took it to be repaired last week.
- Where did you find it? - In the wings.
Keep it. It's a present. It might help you.
- Listen, you-- - Don't get upset. I'm leaving.
I'm gonna snoop around elsewhere.
Good-bye, Inspector.
For now we've got only one clue...
of any importance.
All the victims were of the same blood type.
Then you think they were chosen intentionally?
We've little evidence on which to base such a hypothesis...
except perhaps the traces of needle marks on their bodies...
and the absence of any sign of struggle.
But we mustn't read too much into these things.
These days any number of people know how to handle a syringe.
You don't need to be a doctor...
just a patient.
Just think how skilled drug addicts are.
Now you're really groping in the dark.
Your vampire could be insane but he could also just as easily be...
someone in full possession of his mental faculties.
You have any better ideas?
Not yet, but I hope to soon.
- In that case, congratulations. - Thank you, Doctor.
"Along the Seine'' I see your collection is growing.
- What is this one? - The last picture taken of Nora.
- Who gave it to you? - Her fiance.
Is he the man with her here?
- Couldn't he be the-- - Afraid not.
- He's got a perfect alibi. - Too bad.
I always find people who can cook up a perfect alibi...
all the more suspicious.
Could you say where you were the evening ofJanuary 27 th? "Drug Addict?''
- No. - You see?
What would the symptoms be?
Dilated pupils, shaky hands--
What are you saying?
Nothing.Just something the doctor at the lab mentioned.
I'm trying to picture the Vampire.
Set your dismal fantasies aside for a moment...
and take a look at this splendid creature.
I know her. She's the niece of the Duchess du Grand.
And that's how you treat her? I really don't understand you.
Say, maybe you're the monster who feeds on human blood.
After all, the whole thing started when you came back to Paris.
-Don't talk nonsense. -You're the one who needs to get serious.
- What's so interesting there? - Take a look.
- Look at this picture. - You already showed it to me.
- Did you see who's behind Nora? - A passerby.
- He's hiding his face. - You're imagining things.
To me, he's just a guy whose face is covered.
Maybe. But I can't afford to overlook the slightest clue.
By the way, did you know the girl found in the Seine...
used to attend the "Joan of Arc'' school?
- Who told you that? - Her mother.
You sent me to see her, remember?
- Where are you going? - To interview her classmates.
They may know something. Come on.
Wait for me here.
Miss, may I have a word with you?
Bravo, Lorette!
Forgive me. It was a bet.
She said she'd slap the first person to approach her on the street.
- That was you. - Thanks so much.
- Did I hurt you? -Just a little.
Lucky for me you used your left hand or you'd have knocked my head off.
- On the contrary. I'm left-handed. - Guess I'm not so lucky after all.
- My name is Pierre Lantin. - The journalist?
Precisely. I wanted to ask you a few questions about your classmate.
- Mireille? - Yes, the girl they found in the Seine.
Do you remember anything unusual about her?
She'd only been coming to school here for a few days.
We told the police everything except--
- Except what? - You tell him, Lorette.
A man was following us one day, or at least I thought he was.
- Go on. - That's it.
I told my friends, and that's how we came up with the idea for the bet.
What did this man look like?
He was tall and thin.
That's all I remember. He looked a lot like you.
Or perhaps like this man?
Yes, he was wearing a topcoat.
I can't tell much by this picture.
You think you would recognize him if you saw him again?
I think so. He had a dazed look.
Like you when Lorette slapped you!
Listen, I may need your help.
Can we set a time for another meeting?
I wouldn't want to risk getting slapped again.
Well, you know where I go to school.
Excuse me, please. Good-bye.
- Hello, Giselle. - Hello, Pierre.
It's been impossible to find you lately.
I'm hurt by the way you've neglected me.
Forgive me, but my work leaves no time for distractions.
You seem to find time...
to flirt with the local students.
I don't know what you mean. I assure you, you're mistaken.
A man always denies these things.
I should probably pretend to believe you...
but I'm no good at pretending.
Listen, Giselle, I'm here on newspaper business.
You don't have to explain yourself.
I only ask that you come by to see me on occasion.
I can't promise right now.
I understand. I'll call your boss...
and ask him to have you write a story on the castle.
Then you could say you were there on newspaper business.
All right, I'll stop by. Good-bye.
- What did she want? - She wants me to stop by the castle.
How can you say that so casually?
The most beautiful woman in Paris makes eyes at you...
and you don't even care!
It's a long story involving our families. I'm not interested in her.
Well, I am! A lot more than your investigation.
Introduce me to her...
and I promise I'll turn this city upside down until I find your vampire.
A fix! I need a fix!
You'll get one-- later.
Have you got it?
You go to rehearsal every day at 4:00....
at Number 5 Rue St. Etienne.
This is her. You know her. Her name is Lorette.
Don't forget. Rue St. Etienne. You know what you have to do?
Yes. Give me my fix! I'm going crazy!
You can have all you want...
This will do for now.
- I'll try not to be long. - Don't worry.
- I'll wait as long as it takes. - Thanks.
That's fine.
Excuse me. Is Mr. Berthier in?
I tell you, when he saw me, he did everything he could to get away.
He was afraid. Look--you can see it on his face.
- Are you sure this was the house? - Positive.
See? I even took a picture of it.
Let's have a look.
- Can I help you? - I'm Inspector Chantal.
I'd like to speak with this gentleman.
- I don't know who that is. - What?
- Doesn't he live here? - I've never seen him before.
That's impossible. He came to the door 20 minutes ago.
I haven't left the house all day and I've had no visitors either.
I'm a disabled policeman. I lost my arm in the line of duty.
- You can take my word for it. - There was a window there!
What window? That's been walled up for years.
- But you're welcome to take a look. - Thank you.
Excuse us. There's apparently been some mistake.
The houses around here all look alike. It's easy to get confused.
I swear I saw him. I talked to him! I'm not crazy!
No, you're not crazy-- you're worse.
You're a meddler looking for publicity at any cost.
Take your picture back, but if you dare print it, I'll throw you in--
But this was the street! The first street after the traffic barricade.
Let's go.
Hey, who moved this barricade?
- Somebody could get killed. - Give me a hand.
I'm sorry, sir...
but Professor du Grand is not receiving visitors today.
What do you want?
You know very well.
- Professor,Joseph's here. - What?
He won't leave. I think you better see him.
All right. Show him in.
You insisted on seeing me. Why?
I have to leave town. I want some money.
A lot of money.
Otherwise I'll tell them everything.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Bring a syringe. He needs to calm down.
I'll tell them everything. They're on my trail!
- Stop yelling! - I won't take the fall for you.
I only did what you told me to.
But now I know who you are and I swear you won't get away with it.
- What have you done? - It was the only way to shut him up.
So he showed up here. I expected it all along.
Now the police will be on your trail.
They could arrest you at any moment.
How did he find us?
It would be a sad ending for the illustrious ProfessorJulien du Grand...
as well as ruin for all of us.
There's only one way to save your name and your past.
You know what that is.
Yes, Margherita.
"A Great Loss For Mankind''
"ProfessorJulien du Grand Dies Unexpectedly''
The unexpected death of the duchess's cousin...
must have been a terrible blow for her.
Without a doubt.
She was very fond of the professor...
and he owed so much to her.
Julien's family had little money left.
It was Margherita who paid for his schooling.
He fell madly in love with her...
but she always thought of him as a brother.
I don't see the duchess' niece here.
Giselle? She's not the type to come to funerals.
Besides, she's away on a trip.
- I was hoping to meet Giselle. - I'm sure you were.
You've only had eyes for her since she moved back here.
Unfortunately, she spends little time here at the castle.
Don't worry. She'll be back soon.
I understand he was a relative...
but she's taking the mourning too far.
She always wears those veils.
You can't be serious! Surely she doesn't wear them at home.
No one has seen her face in years.
She was a very beautiful woman who never adjusted to growing old.
Her love for my father was partly to blame.
It wasn't like that. My father hated her.
He wanted nothing to do with her.
I'll bet! She must have been much older than him.
She was a heartless woman who destroyed my mother's life.
Turn it on.
- What are you trying to do? - Be quiet.
It's an experiment.
I want to isolate his organs...
and extend their life...
while they're still intact.
I'll use this device...
to artificially oxygenate the blood...
with no need to rely on the body itself...
which now lies dead and inert.
I'll discover the very energy that creates life...
and make it flow forever through my subjects.
That will be my moment of triumph...
because it will mean that all my work...
was not in vain.
- Who's there? - It's me.
The moment has come. Get everything ready for tonight.
I'm not ready yet. It could be dangerous to proceed now.
I'm not afraid, and Giselle has to be here tomorrow.
At least let me try my experiment.
I cannot wait!
Fine! Turn it off.
Have them bring the car around right away. I wish to go out.
Yes, Duchess.
Please,just a moment.
I'm sorry to disturb you. Would you do me a great favor?
Of course.
I need to deliver this letter. It's urgent.
My condition prohibits me from moving very quickly.
If you would be so kind...
it's for a good cause, believe me.
- Lorette, hurry up! - What are you doing?
Just a minute. I'll be right there.
- Shall we wait for her? - Might as well.
It's next to the Church of the Sacred Heart.
The name is on the box.
God will reward you. You're very kind.
- Did he kiss you? - What?
Pierre would never try to get personal with me.
- Which upsets you, doesn't it? - You two are unbearable.
- Bye. - You're not coming with us?
- I've got an errand to run. - For Pierre?
That's enough. Bye.
Excuse me. Does Mrs. Chabert live here?
Second floor.
May I help you?
A blind man in the street asked me to deliver this letter to Mrs. Chabert.
- He said it was urgent. - Come in, please.
Madam is always afraid of thieves.
What can you do? Follow me.
I'll let Madam know you're here.
If there's one thing I can't stand...
it's Lorette being late for a meal.
It's never happened before. She's always on time.
- I'm really starting to get worried. - Don't overreact.
I'm just sorry she's made this gentleman wait.
- You'll have to excuse her. - No need for that.
- She didn't know I'd be stopping by. - We could call the school.
I already did. She left almost two hours ago.
We should call the police, the hospitals.
She could have been run over. Maybe she's hurt and can't talk.
Don't be so dramatic, dear.
She's just late, that's all.
If only I could do something or had a clue where to look for her.
But I've looked everywhere.
Somebody must have seen her!
Listen, you should go home now.
There's nothing more you can do here.
You haven't found any sign of her?
She's all I have.
The thought she could have disappeared is driving me out of my mind.
With all that's been going on recently...
I hate to even think it, but what if she's been--
Every policeman on the force is looking for her. Calm down.
Go to your wife. I'm sure she needs you now.
Lorette may show up when you least expect it.
Mr. Lantin.
I'd like a word with you.
You were interested in that girl because you thought she knew something.
Isn't that right?
More or less.
Did you ever think you might have drawn someone's attention to that young lady?
Forget about your newspaper for once.
Have a little compassion for her parents.
They certainly need it.
I'm afraid those poor people are in for a terrible blow.
Help !
When I called out to her, I saw him hand her a letter.
Later she left us and said she had to run an errand.
That's all.
Are you sure this is the man?
Thank you. You may go now. Show her out.
So, do you continue to deny it?
I didn't know what was going to happen.
A guy gave me a thousand francs...
just to deliver that letter to that address.
- I never imagined, really-- - So you know where she went?
- Of course. - Where?
46 Rue de la Fortresse.
Second floor.
We should have known.
The building is empty, slated for demolition.
The apartment was a charade, a trap.
They set it all up perfectly.
Hey, Pierre.
- The boss wants to see you. - I'll be right there.
Better hurry-- the ogre is furious. Who knows what you've done now.
- Hello, Mr. Bourgeois. - Hello.
Now listen here, Lantin.
You're destroying this newspaper.
You're always talking about scoops and new evidence...
but just what have you come up with?
- Nothing we don't already know! - If that's what you think--
You're being reassigned beginning immediately.
I will not discuss it further!
The Duchess du Grand's niece wrote to me.
They're giving a reception at the castle tonight...
and she wants you there to cover it for the social column.
Please, send someone else in my place.
I don't generally cover that sort of story...
and I've other matters to see to.
You must be joking!
I'm trailing someone I'm almost sure is the killer.
I'm sorry, but this evening you will be covering...
the ball at the du Grand castle.
You're off the murder case for good.
All right.
- You're the boss. - Exactly.
Poor Margherita.
This party must be very difficult for her.
I was sure she wouldn't come.
The last ball she gave was in 1 925.
It was in '29, dear.
No, I'd swear it was in '25.
I remember because it was the year she suffered that great disappointment...
and never wanted to see anyone again.
To think she so used to enjoy having a good time...
just like her niece does now.
If you only knew what a chore it is to come here tonight.
But why? I'm delighted to be here.
I'm beginning to suspect you have terrible taste.
Have you looked around?
You always seem to forget about Giselle.
Every time I see her, she looks more beautiful.
I really don't understand how she can live in a place like this.
Stay here if you like. I'm going out on the terrace.
Would you excuse me? I'm a little tired.
Why are you hiding out here?
I don't like to dance and I'm not dressed appropriately.
I feel out of place among all those people.
Doesn't my presence cheer you up even a little bit?
What's wrong? Why are you looking at me that way?
Your voice sounds different today...
like someone who--
- I'm sure you're not interested. - You don't seem to think much of me.
I think you're a spoiled and selfish woman.
- Then why did you come? - You know very well.
I belong to the class known as slaves...
who have to scrupulously obey the orders they receive.
- I'm afraid I'm boring you. - On the contrary.
- Your guests are asking for you. - My guests!
I hate them! A bunch of dried-up mummies is what they are!
I despise the idea of becoming one of them.
- I couldn't stand it! - You could do what your aunt does.
You don't understand. You have no idea what a woman goes through.
Especially a woman in love.
Sometimes you act like a silly girl...
though I know you're not.
Why do you behave that way?
It's amazing how much you resemble your father.
How can you say that? You couldn't have ever met him.
My aunt has a picture of him that she guards jealously.
She must have loved your father very much.
She never stops talking about him...
as if he were the greatest man ever to walk the earth.
Most people will never know that kind of love.
If I had a love like that...
no obstacle could keep me from reaching my dream.
Are you sure?
My aunt has an attack every once in a while.
We try to keep it quiet.
She has a terrible, incurable disease. That's why she behaves so strangely.
Why did you scream?
It's no use, you know. No one can hear you.
I want to leave this place. I want to go home!
Stop yelling, silly girl!
I don't want to hurt you...
but you mustn't push me.
Your life is hanging by a thread.
Don't break it. You understand?
The Count and Countess de la Roche wish to say their farewells.
Tell them I'm engaged at the moment.
I will join them as soon as I can.
Now you know everything about me.
Won't you tell me something about yourself?
I'm sorry, but I must be going.
I must get back to the paper.
Thank you for inviting me.
Good night.
Pierre, wait for me!
Why are you leaving? What happened?
I don't want to lead Giselle on.
It wouldn't be honest.
That's true. So you won't mind if I try to console her?
Go ahead.
I don't know why, but I can't stand her or this castle.
I don't feel the same way. I can't help it-- I really like her.
Did you call the paper?
No, I had no reason to.
- Were you expecting some news? - No.
I can't stop thinking about Lorette.
You see, Donald...
I feel guilty in a way.
I understand.
Anyway, I'm staying, so I'll see you tomorrow at the office.
Don't be afraid.
You must get some rest now.
- It will be better for you and for us. - I won't!
Stop making such a racket! That's enough!
It's for your own good, after all.
I'm beautiful.
You! What are you doing here? What do you want?
Just to admire you in silence-- nothing more.
- You're out of your mind! - And it's all because of you.
Since the moment I saw you, I wanted to meet you...
and since I met you, I do nothing but dream of you.
And you think that's reason enough for this impudence?
It's all I have, and it is enough for me.
Why? If I had knocked at the door...
would that make it all right?
- Are you kidding? - I'm not sure why I feel the way I do.
But is it so hard for you to believe any man could fall in love with you?
You are so beautiful.
Leave at once or I'll call for help!
Just a minute.
You think I don't know your secret?
It's the same secret that has consumed your aunt's life.
What do you mean?
A disease passed on from one generation to the next.
Being in love with a Lantin.
Your aunt was in love with Pierre's father. You are in love with Pierre.
That's enough. Now you're insulting me!
Giselle, forget about Pierre. It's no use.
Leave at once unless you want my servants to throw you out.
It would not be pleasant, I assure you.
Let go of me! Let go of me, I said!
Go away or you'll be sorry!
Get out of my room immediately!
I never want to see you again. You understand?
Stop looking at me like that!
Stop looking at me!
I know I'm old and ugly.
This is the real me!
I am Duchess Margherita du Grand!
I became young again at the cost of human life...
just for that man's love!
I couldn't let him get away like I let his father get away!
So I deceived everyone and became Giselle...
and I'll go on being Giselle because you won't say a word!
- What are you doing? - You should never have come here!
Go see what's happened.
I hate you!
Take him away. Did you hear me?
Take him away and get rid of the body!
No, you mustn't ask me to do this!
I can't work miracles.
You have to find a way,Julien. You promised me.
You told me you had discovered the fountain of youth.
Now you suddenly say you can't help me!
It's too late to back out now.
Death doesn't frighten me...
if the alternative is to go on living like this!
Don't say that. I've done everything I can.
You have to try again.
Be reasonable. You've seen for yourself.
The effects are of shorter duration every time.
Even a strong emotion can shatter their power.
I have experiments underway to overcome this obstacle...
but the results aren't yet reliable.
You might harm yourself if you tried it now.
If you were in a calmer state it might work...
but in your current condition, the risk is too great.
I tell you I don't care.
I can't let my youth slip away.
I can't let my beauty fade. We have to try it.
This is insanity! You would never survive it!
Come on! What are you waiting for?
As you wish...
but I warned you.
Professor, she's dead.
No, she's just fallen into a deep sleep.
It seems we're destined to run across each other when we least expect it.
There must be secret ties binding us...
or maybe it's just my desire that leads me to you.
I don't put much store in destiny, at least in certain cases.
If this is presumptuous of me, too bad.
- I order you to come with me. - Very well.
I've come to pick up the picture you mentioned in your letter to my aunt.
Please, come this way.
Bring that over here.
Here we are.
It's a marvelous painting.
To be honest...
I hate to part with it.
It is beautiful, but are you sure it's authentic?
Do you think I would offer something to the Duchess du Grand...
if I wasn't absolutely certain of its authenticity?
Actually, I'm the one buying it.
To me, you and the duchess are one and the same.
I wouldn't have thought you were such a perceptive man.
Fine. How much is it?
850,000 francs.
Isn't that a bit high?
For a painting by Francesco Guardi?
Very well. Have them put it in my car.
I didn't know you were left-handed.
It's true. I'm a little scatterbrained this morning.
It seems I have to write with my left. What's wrong with me today?
- I'm afraid I have another engagement. - Don't mention it. I should go too.
Good-bye, Pierre.
My regards, Miss.
Had you ever noticed she was left-handed before?
Now that you mention it...
I'd never noticed.
- May I use your phone? - By all means.
Hotel Angleterre? I'd like to speak to Mr. Ronald Fontaine.
I'm sorry, but Mr. Fontaine did not return last night...
nor this morning.
Listen, Lantin, you've pulled my leg once too often...
with your hot leads and your pictures of vampires...
and we both know where they've led.
How can I take you seriously?
I tell you, Ronald has been missing since last night.
I don't like that castle either. The du Grand family is very strange.
But that's not sufficient grounds for a search.
I can't force you to see things through my eyes...
but I'm absolutely certain the key to this mystery lies in that castle.
Do you have any kind of proof at all?
Not the kind you want, but I'll get it.
I'll go to the castle myself.
- <i>Julien, maybe you were right.</i> - What?
<i>I feel ill.</i> <i>I'm afraid my heart might give out.</i>
Margherita, don't worry.
I'll be right there.
Who's there? Stop!
Please get me out of here!
Take me away from this place!
You see? He's the man I was following.
I found him fleeing from the castle.
At least tell us your name.
Come on, what's your name?
My name is...
Joseph Segnoret.
They made me help them...
and then they killed me.
What? You're crazy!
- You expect me to believe that? - Let him finish.
That's enough.
Now you've gone too far.
If you think these pranks are funny, you've very mistaken.
you claim they forced you to help them.
Who did?
I didn't want to kidnap them.
They made me do it.
They're the real murderers.
The scoundrels should pay for it.
Quick, call a doctor!
The police!
Turn out the lights.
I said turn out the lights!
Joseph has escaped. How did this happen?
Who betrayed us?
- May I help you? - Police.
- We want to speak to the duchess. - That's impossible. She is gone.
- Ask her niece to come down. - Good evening.
It must be a very urgent matter...
that would lead you to disturb me at this unheard-of hour.
Even policemen know what good manners are.
Circumstances have obliged me to impose upon you.
I've been informed that some shall we say " unusual'' things...
have been taking place in this castle.
Did Mr. Lantin bring you here?
Yes, it's the first time I set foot willingly in this castle...
and for your sake and mine, I hope it's the last.
I can't imagine what this gentlemen could have told you...
to convince you to come here.
I only know my lifestyle arouses much criticism.
People invent the most absurd lies...
and your friend here has been especially active in that regard...
ever since I rejected his clumsy advances.
How dare you!
I actually came here to see your aunt...
and am most disappointed not to find her in.
Therefore I ask you...
to hear me out and answer my questions.
You needn't be afraid.
Don't run away. Come with me.
I'll get you out of here.
Don't touch me!
I do not know anyJoseph Segnoret.
As for the photographer Mr. Lantin refers to...
he left last night with all the other guests.
One more question:
Is Mr. Robert's daughter here in the castle?
I can only say this is the first time I've heard that name.
- But that's-- - Mr. Lantin!
I ask you to understand my situation, Miss...
and allow me to search the castle.
If that will serve to rid me of this gentleman once and for all...
I will gladly give you permission.
Look around all you like.
With Mr. Lantin as your guide...
I'm sure you'll make some exciting discoveries.
You go that way.
Come with us.
Not a thing.
This can't be! That man told us--
Let's go.
There should be a chapel around here.
There it is.
I'm sorry. I hope you'll forgive me.
Surely you're not giving up the search!
Upset by yet another failure?
Just a moment. Who's there?
It's us, Inspector.
An underground passage connects the du Grand family chapel to the castle.
"I shall conquer hell.''
A strange family motto.
My ancestors adopted it during the Crusades.
As for the passageway, we've known about it for centuries.
It was a custom of nobility to have direct access to the family chapel.
As far as I know, there's nothing illegal about it.
Nobody said there was.
- Gather the men. We're leaving. - You're making a mistake.
I'm certain this woman is lying. Go on with your questions.
I'm sorry to have bothered you.
Good night.
The man I found here admitted to kidnapping the girls.
- Why won't you believe him? - You've caused enough trouble, Lantin!
Inspector, look!
Why are you looking at me like that? What's wrong with you?
You've no right to insult me. You'll be sorry, I tell you.
Leave! Leave at once!
Quick, seal off all exits from the castle!
Search the place from top to bottom. No one is to escape!
This is the only way out.
- I hear steps. They're coming. - It won't open.
There's a passageway here we didn't see before.
Professor du Grand.
He was supposed to be dead and buried.
Quick, to the chapel!
Open the tomb.
It's a real miracle.
She's extremely weak but otherwise fine.
Don't worry.
She needs medical attention, but she'll be all right.
Is that you, Pierre?
How do you feel?
I don't know.
Now that you're here...
I understand it's finally over.
From now on it will be nothing...
but a terrible dream.
That's right, Lorette.
Try to rest now.
I'll be close by.
I thought of you so often over the last few days.
I want to get out of this place. I'm afraid.
Don't be afraid. You're not alone anymore.
- My mother. - I've already sent word.
You'll see her soon.
What about the duchess?
She died ten minutes ago.
She confessed to it all.
I owe you an apology for my behavior this evening.
I knew you were right as soon as we entered the castle.
On the other hand, I was taking quite a risk...
coming here without a search warrant.
One false move could have been disastrous.
I was hoping desperately that something would happen...
that would authorize me to take the next step.
The duchess was a very cunning woman.
She deceived us all with her double identity.
Ronald Fontaine discovered her secret.
That's why he didn't leave here alive.
That may have been the duchess's only mistake.
Who was the man I found here?
Nothing but a pawn.
They tried to get rid of him...
but he was dead in appearance only.
The experiments they carried out on him...
suddenly reawakened the vital force in him.
With his help we were finally able...
to bring this terrible chapter to a close.
My deepest thanks, Inspector.
I'm not the one you should be thanking.
- Thank him. - Words fail me.
Sometimes the heart knows better than the head.
How about a cup of coffee? I know a good place.
Downloaded From
For more infomation >> I Vampiri, Lust of the vampire, The devil's commandment, 1956, - Duration: 1:18:02.-------------------------------------------
🙊🍀🙈🍀🙊🍀[越南美女][紅豆]🙊🍀🙈🍀🙊🍀[歡迎光臨捧場加賴]🙊🍀🙈🍀🙊🍀[來點奧斯卡珊珊店長]🙊🍀🙈🍀🙊🍀[背景音樂-YÊU ĐI RỒI ĐAU] 🙊🍀🙈🍀🙊🍀 - Duration: 2:39.
Tapia Maldonado ejercicio 17 - Duration: 1:46.
Assad Chemical massacre sole survivor who lost his whole family tells his story Apr 5, 2017 - Duration: 11:12.
"Oh Dalal, take care of the kids!"
Dalal, take care of the kids!
This is where Abdulhamid Al-Yousef buried his whole life and future
He is a very simple person
As all Syrians are
got married to Dalal
Who gave birth to Aya and Ahmad.
his long-time dream of having a family finally came true.
He did his best to nurture and grow his family
His twins grew up to be 9-month-old
But on the morning of April 4th, 2017
A criminal pilot pulled the trigger and launched a missile
that was carrying Sarin gas
on the city of Khan Sheikoon
it caused the suffocation and death of more than 100 souls
who were living in that city
They lost their lives
Abdulhamid's family and his siblings' were all killed
his children and their children have lost their lives
and many more!
We caught up with Abdulhamid and talked to him
His tears spoke volumes of what had happened that morning
"Can you tell us what happened from the very beginning?"
"It was exactly 6:40 am"
"We were still sleeping"
Almost all people were still asleep
I woke up to the sound of the strike
it was near my house
That was the first air strike!
I rushed to carry out my twins and wife
Back then, we were still conscious
We had no idea that it was Sarin gas!
Or any other chemical gas for that matter
Was that an air attack?!
Of course, it was
Five minutes later, there was another airstrike
My parents live nearby
I looked out, the second strike had hit near their house
Five more minutes, there was a third airstrike
it had hit near my uncle's house
I didn't know what to do
I gave the twins to my wife
They martyred. May God take care of them!
But at that moment they were still alive
I told them to go
I wanted to rescue as much people that I could
When I left at the time, I was alright.
when I reached our neighbors, they were all unconscious
Sarin gas had started taking effect
I put a mask
and helped carrying people
Here you knew that it was Sarin and not just any
yes at that moment I knew but I couldn't go back to tell my family
that it was Sarin that was dropped on the city
I was helping in the rescue efforts
I was not able to go back to my wife and children
I helped rescuing the first batch of people
then, the rescue car drove off
I wanted to get to my parents' house
When I reached my parents'
I saw my oldest sibling, Yasser
he had lost his life; may God have mercy on his soul
He martyred while trying to rescue his son
his youngest, Ammar
he had also martyred
Do you mean that Yasser lost his life while trying to rescue Ammar!
Yes, while Yasser was trying to save Ammar, Ammar had passed away
Yasser has lost his life and passed away on top of his dead son
"How did you figure that they were dead?"
I noticed white foam coming out of both of their mouths
and their bodies were very blue
I told myself, I should try my best. My whole family should still be upstairs
I went up to check on my brother Abdulkareem
I found him dead as well!
There was my niece
my nephew also
there was also my brother,Yasser's other son, Hamoudi
Ahmad went to check on him
He found him dead
He was on the ground; done!
There were 4-5 dead bodies laying on the doorsteps of my parents' house
they were all dead
at that moment, Sarin effect took its toll on all of us
no one was able to walk on their feet; everyone was falling to the ground,
No one had the strength to rescue anybody
There was only my niece
I tried to rescue her, but I was very weak
I carried her to the door and we both fell to the ground
She lost her life!
I called for someone to help us; I couldn't move anymore
They took me to the hospital
There, all I saw was people falling to the ground
It was tragic situation
No one was able to help rescuing anyone
When I was taken to the hospital
Not sure how long I stayed there
I asked them: where is my family? Where are my parents?
They told me they were all okay
When I went back
I found that 25 members of my family had gone.
I asked them where my twin toddlers and my wife are.
Where are they?
They brought them to me dead.
My sweethearts, I left them unharmed.
I went out to rescue the injured
but I came back to find them dead.
They were suffocated to death.
May God have mercy for their souls.
Surely, may God give you strength.
I am out of words.
Our neighbors
A whole family of 11 people was murdered.
My friend Turky Al-Qadah who used to visit me everyday,
he died with his mother and siblings.
His whole family has passed away.
Nihad and his wife and daughter have also died.
Also, Anas Khaled the Arabic literature teacher is dead.
As well as his wife, brother and children.
My cousin Ibrahim is also dead.
I rescued his wife.
Thanks God we made it on time.
They carried her out.
But his nephew was killed.
I couldn't go on, I collapsed.
I couldn't take it anymore.
All the neighborhood was slaughtered.
4 kids with my wife and my toddler twins.
I checked on them before leaving and they seemed fine.
They were going down to the shelter…
No one knew about them.
When I came back, I was told they were at the shelter.
We went to bring them out
but we found out that they were all dead.
They are children! This is too much for them...
I am probably the only survivor.
But what have these kids done to deserve this?
Why did they shell us with sarin gas? I still don't know.
Why? I don't know.
What could my sweetheart Aya have done to them?
We have a widowed neighbor
with four kids.
She usually dropped her kids at my home.
All of them were killed with my children.
The oldest one is only 10 years old.
They have died with my children.
No one knew about their death.
All of them were children.
All of them were suffocated to death.
I wish I knew the reason
that made they use sarin gas in their attack.
What have these people done to deserve this?
What have they done?
Is there any country in this world could give us
one convincing reason to kill children
Only one convincing reason !!
They are children
Or is it only because we are Syrians?
Only one reason
just give me one reason
I don't want anything else
They're gone, May God accept them
They were all martyred
Is he (Bashar Al-Assad) maybe shelling, as a try
to displace the larger number of Syrians?
As what happened in Al-Ghouta, and Al-Wa'er
Would you leave your land after what happened?
Why would I leave my land !!
Leaving my land, No!
We were born in this land
And we won't die elsewhere
Let him (Bashar Al-Assad) and Europe
and his Sarin gas, being bombed ten times
we will stay, in god willing
we will stay, in god willing
we will stay, in god willing
Yes, those tears are for my children
my siblings , and their children
But we will stay, in god willing
I swear by god, I'm much more stronger
Faithful and patient. And god knows about me
I swear by god, I'm patient
And I trust god to take care of my children, my wife
And my siblings' children
Also, my uncle's children, all of them are martyrs.
I can't deny that at all
But leaving my land to mercenaries
and haters who want to come and take away our land,
This won't happen, I swear by god, we are much more stronger
I swear by god, we are much more stronger
And the coming is greater
In god willing, They will see by their own eyes.
Do you think the revolution will win?
The revolution, whose you sacrificed for it with your children,
and everything in your life
Do you think it will win?
It will win, in god willing.
We gave many and few ;
our brothers in Al-Ghouta sacrificed more martyrs than us,
Thousands of people in one massacre.
We sacrificed 100 or 200, I don't know the number
Thanks god .
But we are victorious, steadfast and trust of god.
Thank you so much, Abdelhameed
And I'm so sorry to get you tired
And may they rest in peace
And in god willing , they forerun to heaven before you
In god willing, their sacrifices won't go for nothing.
And at last, the criminal will have a day
Many thanks for you Abdelhameed
and may they rest in peace
Abdelhameed's words was enough
to explain the crime's details
Which happened in Khan Shekhon
his message to the world was clear
to the people around the world
To the presidents
and to all the international community
So I hope those words will get an answer
See you well.
Satan Tried to Kill Me, But God Wouldn't Let Him! | Rod Parsley - Duration: 28:31.
Is there a supernatural dimension?
a world beyond the one we know?
Is there life after death?
Do angels exist?
Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven?
Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural?
Are healing miracles real?
Sid Roth has spent over 35 years researching the strange world of
the supernatural.
Join Sid for this edition of It's Supernatural.
Sid: Hello. Sid Roth here.
Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural.
What would cause a man that has seen thousands of miracles under
his ministry, whose mother was actually healed at a Kathryn
Kuhlman service, kind of raised with Oral Roberts,
Kathryn Kuhlman, a diet of that.
When he gets life-threatening cancer,
resort to the best prayer he knows and the best medicine he
knows rather than just prayer alone.
I'm going to ask Pastor Rod Parsley 'why' in just a moment.
Now Pastor Rod has been ministering for four decades.
He pastors one of the most dynamic ministries
in the country.
And many years ago at the age of 27,
he had an open vision, and I have to believe that when you
went through what you just went through that no one should have
to do it.
Rod Parsley: Yes.
Sid: You were reminded of that vision.
Rod Parsley: I was, Sid.
First of all, thanks for having me.
I like to be right in the middle of things that are supernatural
and I know that you do as well.
In 1984, when I was standing on the platform of our church
and the entire back wall of the sanctuary,
we call it a tabernacle, disappeared.
Suddenly I saw a scene play out before my very eyes.
It was more real than the camera I'm looking at right now,
and God entered that scene.
I saw what I recognized to be the presence of Satan himself.
As my eyes went upward I saw a crown upon his head.
The skyline of that crown was my home city,
Columbus, Ohio, twinkling like stars in the heaven where the
lights in the buildings wrapped around his head.
And suddenly a sword appeared.
It made three revolutions, smote the enemy against
the back of his knees.
He fell over to the side and that crown rolled off his head,
and suddenly as if you would zip a zipper,
it was gone.
The back wall was back and I began to shout out of my spirit,
I began to shout, "I'm brave enough,
I'm strong enough to pick up that crown and place it on the
head of our savior."
Well now at 60, God said I'm about to enter,
"You're about to enter your third phase of Gospel ministry.
I'm going to place a seven times greater anointing on you for
healing, deliverance and salvation of the people of God."
And I said, "I'll take it."
Sid: Your voice was tried to silence,
but you I heard you say something good.
I heard you say that now it's seven times the anointing on
your voice.
Rod Parsley: Amen.
Sid: Seven times.
Rod Parsley: Amen.
I'm going to reach seven times more people.
It's going to reach seven times more souls for the Kingdom,
seven times more healings, seven times more demonstration of
signs and wonders, and miracles.
Sid: Now I'm going to take you back and I want you to tell me
what happened.
It was the month of June 2015.
Rod Parsley: Yes.
Sid: You were shocked to your core.
What happened?
Rod Parsley: I was.
I had a little bit of a sore throat,
which when you live in Ohio and you're baptized in pollen
several times a year, you know.
Saw my general practitioner, he said,
"Well I don't see anything, but this has been going on long
enough, I think we need to have you scoped."
So I saw the surgeon and he said,
"Yes, there's something there."
And he scheduled an appointment to go ahead and have
vocal chord surgery.
Well I called my team together and my precious wife Joni got in
the middle of that meeting and produced
a little piece of paper.
She said, "God spoke to me that the enemy was going to attack
your voice with cancer."
Sid: And so she probably didn't want to tell you because she
didn't want to put power behind it.
Rod Parsley: No she didn't, exactly.
So she didn't tell me.
She began to pray.
She said, "But now that I've seen this manifest,
you are not," she gave me a word of knowledge,
"you are not to have surgery."
And I found out later had I had that surgery my vocal chords in
all probability would have been irreversibly damaged and I
probably never would have preached again.
Sid: So from now on you're going to listen to your wife.
Rod Parsley: I'm going to listen to her.
Happy wife, happy life.
Sid: Now there are many people that would say,
well that's a lack of faith to have medicine and prayer.
What would you say to them?
Rod Parsley: I would say this: God the Holy Spirit,
I believe that every good thing comes from our Father.
I believe that, Sid, with all my heart.
I do not believe that God gives people sickness and
disease to teach them.
However, I do believe that in the process we are all taught.
Sid: Now you told me that you knew instantly this wasn't
something natural, this was demonic.
Rod Parsley: Yes.
Sid: It was the devil.
Rod Parsley: Absolutely.
Sid: So what was your strategy?
Rod Parsley: Well I've always believed that we need to treat
sickness and disease, and shake it like a rat terrier shakes a
mouse, that we should treat it like a rattle snake in the floor
board of our automobile.
It's not of God.
It's not of God's Kingdom.
We live in a cursed planet.
When our son Austin, our only son,
was three years of age we received the diagnosis of a life
sentence, autism.
He was to never go to school, never read a book.
My wife and I pulled the van over to the side of the highway
and we said, "God, what do you want us to do?"
And he said, "You know what to do.
Get my Word on it.
Attack it spiritually.
Attack it in the natural and attack it with a seed."
And I said, "I'm going to do all three."
And my son just graduated from college with
a 4.0 grade point average.
Now when I was attacked all of those naysayers started eating
at me, and some of you have had, in fact,
I'm speaking to hundreds right now who have had a diagnosis and
you feel like it is a lack of faith for you to take a
medication, for you to see a doctor.
Let me tell you what to do.
Do what I did.
Attack it every way you can.
When you are in the middle of the battle and the enemy of your
soul is threatening to take away the multitude of souls that are
in for God's Kingdom, the thousands of people that will be
healed today as we pray together,
when he wants to stop all that, when he's coming in the trenches
after you, grab whatever weapon is at your disposal.
The important thing is give all the glory to God because he's
going to bring you out.
Sid: I like that.
Now you did, you attacked, if you can just briefly tell me the
four things you did, and I might add,
you are still doing.
Rod Parsley: I'm still doing.
Sid, God spoke to me, Proverbs 4:20 was the first scripture
that he gave me when I received that diagnosis.
Proverbs 4:20: "My son, I'm his.
He identifies with me."
The Lord Jesus identifies with you when he taught you to pray
"Our Father".
He's not just Jesus's Father, he's your Father.
Our Father.
"My son, attend to my words.
Incline your ear to my sayings for they are life to you."
And I studied that out.
It actually says they are medicine to all your flesh.
And God said to me, "You take it and you take it twice a day for
two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening.
You speak my Word."
And then he said, "Get a prayer cloth.
Touch and agree."
If any two on Earth agree, as we're going to do in just a few
moments with you, touching anything that we shall ask,
it shall be done for us by our Father which is in Heaven.
Number three: receive Holy Communion every single day.
Remember that Christ is in you and you are in him,
as he is in the Father, and the Father is in him.
And number four: use the Jehovah names of God.
Seven times greater anointing is going to be released to you this
very day.
In fact, I speak to you now under the authority of the Lord
Jesus Christ, and I say to every cancer cell to die in your body
now and for a living life giving cell to replace it.
I command that you have no negative side effects from any
treatment or medication, or supplement that may
be given to you.
I stand before you now, sitting here in this chair.
They did 28 radiation treatments.
My throat had third degree burns inside and outside.
Sid: How many side effects did you have?
Rod Parsley: Zero.
Sid: That's what I thought.
Rod Parsley: Zero.
I rebuke those side effects from chemotherapy.
I rebuke the side effects of radiation treatment.
I declare and decree by the power of the Word of God that
his holy anointing breaks through to you now and sets you
free, spirit, soul and body.
Sid: What was the final report on that horrific
life-threatening cancer that you had?
Rod Parsley: Absolutely cancer-free.
Sid: Wow!
We'll be right back with Pastor Rod Parsley and a message that
had he not been healed you would never hear.
We'll be right back to It's Supernatural!
We now return to It's Supernatural.
Sid: Now Rod, you say it all started with a promise.
Rod Parsley: Yes.
Sid: When 11 Jewish men were looking up in the sky and it
started with a promise.
Rod Parsley: Can you imagine that moment?
These men had walked with him.
They watched him wipe the blindness from Bartimaeus's
They watched him stop the woman's issue of blood.
They watched him walking on the water,
at Jairah's house, raising the dead.
And then everything went awry.
They saw him nailed to that cross.
It was finished.
They wrapped him in grave clothes.
They put him in the borrowed tomb of Joseph of Arimathea.
He was dead and they knew it.
Everyone knew it.
And then suddenly on the third day the stone got rolled away.
He appeared to them again.
And then just as quickly they saw him rise from Mt.
Olivet overlooking the Kidron Valley.
They saw him become smaller and smaller,
and smaller until he vanished out of sight.
And an angel came and declared, "Ye men of Galilee,
why stand ye here gazing?
This same Jesus," not a different one,
"this same Jesus," exact in every essential detail and
quality, "this same Jesus that you see go away shall come again
in like manner."
Now think about that.
A lot today would want us to believe that we're going to
metamorphosize our way into the coming of Christ.
Look, he came with a shout, he got up with a shout and he's
coming back with a shout and that promise he will come again
is assured today as it was when those 22 eyes watched him leave
Mt. Olivet.
He will come again in like manner as we have seen him go.
Sid: Okay, that begs a question.
The most graphic book for the End Times,
the most graphic is called the Book of Revelation.
Rod Parsley: Yes.
Sid: Why is it that so many Christians bypass that book or
they bypass it for two reasons, one,
they don't understand it and they're pragmatic.
Rod Parsley: Right.
Sid: Because they can't understand it.
I'm not going to waste my time.
Rod Parsley: Right.
Sid: Or they think it's so filled with fear and gloom,
and doom, and darkness that they don't want to touch it.
Why is it?
Rod Parsley: Well I think it's because we as Christian
ministers have, we put the em-pháh-sis on the wrong
We put the emphasis on the wrong syllable.
We're looking at the wrong thing.
This is not the revelation of the Antichrist.
This is not the revelation of three-headed,
four-headed frog beast.
This is the revelation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth given to his
servant John on the Island of Patmos,
50 miles off the coast of Ephesus with nothing but wild
beasts for company.
Sid: You know, when I heard you teach on the Book of Revelation,
you did something that I didn't see before.
You put together a timeline.
Rod Parsley: Right.
Sid: And as people understand the timeline and just the brief
teaching on some of the things going on,
I believe anyone can read the Book of Revelation with
understanding from Heaven, but it must be important because
it's the only book that promises a blessing.
Rod Parsley: Yes.
Sid: And maybe that's why so many people are blocked from
reading it because the devil doesn't want them to have a
Rod Parsley: That's it.
Go ahead and preach, Sid.
Preach on.
That's absolutely it.
The devil attacked my vocal chords because he didn't want me
to speak.
The devil attacks our desire for the Book of Revelation because
it's our book.
It's the finale.
So the adversary wants you to be fearful today of what's coming
God recorded the End Time for us,
let us know exactly what's going to happen and told us we win.
So all you have to do is read it.
Sid: So you don't see it as a book of gloom and doom,
you see it as a book of victory.
Rod Parsley: Look, the church of Jesus Christ is not even seen in
a book of revelation on Earth after Revelation,
Chapter 2.
It's about God's determined dealings,
which you love so much, with the Nation of Israel.
The seven years of tribulation is not for believers.
Three and half years of tribulation,
three and half years of great tribulation like the world has
never seen.
But we'll be in Heaven faster than a flea who struck the
pavement, faster than a wheel ever turned upon an axle.
The magnificent magnitude of Christ perfect person sweeping
out, can you imagine it, from north to south and east to west.
It won't matter where you are if you're born again.
Sid: Now you're talking about an immediate transition.
Rod Parsley: Immediate.
I often when I'm preaching tell folks to do this,
just as quick as you can... blink your eye,
absent from the body, present with the Lord.
God said, "Before your mind, your brain can transmit the
electrical impulse for you to say my name I'll be there."
That fast he's coming.
And so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Sid: Did you know that when John saw Jesus on the throne he
didn't just say one throne, he saw many.
Want to know who was on the other thrones?
The answer will shock and surprise many of you.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back to It's Supernatural!
Sid: You have this timeline which just makes the Book of
Revelation so simple.
What is next on the prophetic timeline?
Rod Parsley: Well we're right now in the church age.
The very next event will be when the magnificent magnitude of his
person sweeps out from north to south and east to west,
and his appearing in the sky, spoken in verse,
that's noted in Chapter 4, we will be caught up,
reposo, we will be raptured off this planet and then we'll begin
the seven years of tribulation, three and half and three and a
half, which will culminate the last day of the tribulation
period becomes the first day of the Second Coming,
which begins the millennial reign of Christ when he steps on
the Mount of Olives and the bitter waters become sweet,
and he sets up his earthly kingdom on the Temple Mount in
that restored temple, the third temple,
and rules and reigns for a thousand years.
At the end of the thousand years,
final judgment, the end of final judgment,
Sid: You know, John saw thrones.
Rod Parsley: He did.
Sid: Who's going to be on those thrones?
We know Jesus is on the throne.
Rod Parsley: Right.
Sid: But who's going to be on the thrones?
Rod Parsley: Can you imagine it, Sid?
I know we can't.
Eyes not seen, ears not heard, hasn't even been able to enter
into our hearts the things that God has for us.
Those thrones, they're meant for those who have had their robes
washed white in the lamb's blood of life.
That's right.
You're going to have one and I'm going to have one.
And if you don't want yours I'm big enough to sit on two.
Sid: Get right with God.
Tell him you're sorry for your sins.
You believe the blood of Jesus is amazing grace.
Ask him to live inside of you and be your Lord.
Sid: Next week on It's Supernatural!
Jennifer Eivaz: Do you need a breakthrough on unanswered
My name is Jennifer Eivaz.
Join me on It's Supernatural as I share with you secrets to
getting all your prayers answered.
Summer in London Things to do and July Events - Duration: 26:13.
Nanay & Tatay's Love | Chris&Fema Vlogs - Duration: 19:47.
Good morning everyone it's 2:00 AM in the morning Fema just got done feeding Zac
It's about 4:25 AM and Fema just woke up I woke up too I was sleeping this night and she's
changing Zac's diaper Make milk my love Okay I'm going to go- go make milk Fema
is feeding Zac I'm really proud of Fema because she sleeps a lot less than me I'm
going to try to start massaging her again I've been sleeping tonight but I'm going
to try Good morning my Love Good morning I love you It's burping time now
It's not good right eight months and you don't go out Man it's crazy what babies go through
right Are we going to eat my love Yeah I'm updating about the cake When are you going
to go to Ford Yeah you're right I'm going to go now We'll go to Ford today my Love
Well then go early like when you had a checkup with your OBGYNE and you would tell her you were
going ahead of time so you wouldn't have to fall in line Ford isn't the same as my
OBGYNE I don't have to fall in line at Ford It's not the same thing Man, you have to
change oil It costs P200 to change oil and it hasn't been one month yet Love Love Breakfast
it's time to eat breakfast but you're not old enough to eat breakfast yet I'm
going to get your Uncle Jake and bring him here so he can see you! Zac might cry when he sees Jake since
Zac is just a baby What were they saying about a hit and run Papa?
In the afternoon there was a Crosswind Taxi that hit a motorcyle.
They got the license plate number though I just got done petting Raffy and I put this medicine in his eye. Aunt Maricel used
to do that but I think she's in the province right now she took a vacation or something
but here's ah Zac there's Fema Yeah I'm happy because Raffy he's healthy now he
was a little sad before because his eye was sore but now he's running around he's
happy Even though he has only one eye he's a happy dog again so that makes me happy It's
7:36 PM we didn't vlog in the afternoon since Chris was sleeping and I was editing
another vlog for today Our vlogs are a little late because we are busy with Baby Zac and
I'm thankful because Zac slept for so long after Mama and Papa gave him a bath My mom
doesn't mind giving him a bath since she loves being with him They want us to bring
him to the province but when he's older we will We're using this for Zac Grandma
is the one that is dressing baby Zac We're using it Ding Ding Ding Dong it's yours
Daddy is there sleeping
Fema's changing Zac it never gets old I enjoy seeing him it's
a really nice time we're playing some music here on the iPhone I think you can see it
somewhere I'm not good at showing it Somewhere there is an iPhone It's maybe 10 o'Clock
right now 10:00 PM I woke up late again but so far our schedule is good Fema's parents
really helped us a lot because Fema isn't lonely when I'm sleeping and when Fema is
tired at night I'm awake and assisting her so that's nice Fema is such a good Mom I'm
glad we got so many of these wet tissues that we got at SM hehehe He is such a cute baby
hehe His leg is stiff he flexes that leg so much Fema's burping Zac he just got done
feeding and me I'm working on captions here takes a little while It's 1:58 AM and Fema's
Mom is awake helping Fema with Zac it's okay My Love go to sleep get some sleep my
love and this is the sterilizer that Fema purchased she got a lot of good stuff this
sterilizer just sterilized the bottles and all that I think we are going to sterilize
the bottles with that and every time after Zac feeds we're going to sterilize it with
this it's not as good but I think if we use this one each and every time it might
ruin the bottles but if you guys but if you guys think we should use the sterilizer every
time let us know coz like I said we're still kinda new to this The sun is over there and
we're over here with Zac We're not uncovering him completely because it's a little cold
out I'm- I'm scared to take off all his clothes except diaper because it's cold
and at the same time I'm afraid to let the sun hit him directly so Fema's Mom sits
there It's kind of hard because what the doctor said is that he needs sun exposure
but I also read online that's it's not good for infants to be directly in front of
the sun because of skin cancer Yeah So it's hard I don't really know what to do and
we're not really covering his eyes because Fema's Mom is blocking the sun Again your
breast Love Love your breasts do you see them?
Love wake up?
Oh there's something there on him Yeah there is What is it?
I don't know I'm not sure if there are ants Oh I'm going to get the alarm downstairs
His skin color always changes He looks dark on the camera but in person he's really
white right now a little but yellow but not so much Papa's concerned that Zac might
be cold He's trying to make Zac smile His other foot look his other foot will move hahaha
Zac is smiling a little bit not so just a little just a little bit He likes moving his
foot when I'm not moving it that's what he likes doing Tough, tough you're a tough
boy He's not moving his other foot He's seeing if Zac will shake the other foot too
but he's not haha smile a little bit just a little bit let's see is he smiling smile
he was smiling a couple seconds ago but I missed it He likes covering his face for some
reason not only when he's outside but even in the bed when it's shadowy There's a
plane up there Cebu Pacific He was shaking his foot a little bit ago What are you doing?
Are you exercising You're other hand where is it His other hand There's your other
hand it's there see What there's something that came out of his mouth Grandpa Oh socks
Oh I'll get it his socks What what's wrong He's asking why Zac is crying he's a cute
boy You're crying huh Oh hahaha he looks cute he looks so cute ah Man you pooped He
used the bathroom Poop just right now you pooped Zac Mama cooked some eggs for Fema
and I and Papa and we're going to eat soon here's the eggs just some regular eggs she
thought we were going to eat this but I ate that last night So there's some rice Fema
got up she's gonna come eat she's gonna come eat she's in the CR in the bathroom
Good morning Good morning I love you Mama is changing Zac They're helping us so much
Mama and Papa they're really helping us with Zac Oh hahaha aww he flexes his legs
I'm going to use some rubbing alcohol What do you think did you read any of the comments
my Love?
Did you read any of the comments Oh your phone is wet a little bit Why it's only this?
I don't know except it's wet dry the- It's nice comments Who's that that's
uh Shaneey Shaney's Vlogs and Olivia Ocampo that's their names hahaha That's baby
powder they carefully press it like that so it doesn't spread the dust Yeah because
if you push it so much it might make him sneeze or give him asthma hahaha What was that my
Dear you sleepy?
My brain is not working we apply that to prevent rashes Ahh Yeah Good morning guys Good morning?
Is it morning Ma?
What time is it?
Oh it's Good Afternoon it turned 12:01 Time to eat Chris should eat Not right now he's
sleeping We'll go somewhere later Mama is going to babysit Zac she'll stay here with
him Mama will babysit because I'm busy I need to go to Ford to get our O.R. and C.R.
She text Mama Shella did about our O.R.
Our lunch for today is Humba Cucumber Ginamos and Rice So now we're headed to Ford to
pick up our seat covers right my dear we got free seat covers No it's O.R.
And C.R.
We already have our seat covers Oh we're getting our O.R.
And C.R. Ma'am Shella just messaged earlier today So when do we get our seat cover?
Papa already got it Oh he already got it so we just have to install it Yeah Yeah I'm
sleeping in the car because I'm sleepy I stay awake at night and do the captions but
you know it's something I really enjoy because my favorite job is data entry for something
that I'm either working on with Fema or before when I was single I had my own projects
and I made databases and things like that and it's something I really enjoy something
that most people probably find boring but for me it's fun so I enjoy doing the captions
it makes me happy (music) And this is a mega Aeon Tower I think it goes down four stories
or maybe six It's a really deep building there's a large underground garage under
there and when they were building one of the parking lots of Abreeza Mall actually collapsed
it's a good thing that nobody was there because it was early in the morning but yeah
sometimes that happens with construction I don't know about in the U.S.
But at least here We're buying a battery here at Battery Man this is where you buy
batteries for your cell phone for your laptop for so many different kind of things It's
in the Annex of SM City Davao This is SM Department Store For the stroller my Love What's that?
When baby Zac is already a little bit bigger stroller play something activity Oh so he
can play with this in the stroller Yeah and this one And I'm liking Mrs. Emafe's dress
She's got a small baby bump but it's small It's not a baby bump!
What do you call that when there is no longer a baby there?
After baby bump After baby Bump Daddy Chris is ordering pizza to bring home to the house
since Mama and Papa wanted pizza Baaah!
Sipon How do you say "sipon" in English?
Runny nose Yeah it's not good You have a runny nose?
A little bit Why?
A little bit I don't know Bang hahaha Hi guys I love you Baby Zac is sleeping hehehe
That's it for today's vlog Thank you so much for watching.
Thank you Thank you Goodnight Goodnight Bye Goodnight baby Zac
BREAKING: Trump Drops Russia Bombshell To Entire World – People Are Stunned | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:11.
The Left took the fake news Trump-Russia scandal and ran with it.
They had many people on the Left believing their lies, and now, their plan is falling
apart in front of their eyes.
Trump announced on Twitter something that we have all suspected for a while now, that
Russia was NEVER on his side during the election.
His tweet reads, "In other words, Russia was against Trump in the 2016 election — and
why not, I want strong military & low oil prices.
Witch Hunt!"
There is an obvious truth to his statement — especially if you consider the testimony
of Bill Browder on Thursday.
According to Fox News, Browder is the CEO and co-founder of a company called Hermitage
He also revealed new information about the company Fusion GPS, which worked AGAINST Trump
by building up a false dossier.
It took some coaxing, but Browder admitted that the company was running a "smear campaign"
on Trump.
Coincidentally, the smear campaign was run by the one and only Natalia Veselnitskaya,
the same Russian lawyer who met with Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, and Donald Trump Jr.
Now that this information is out in the open, it certainly leaves room for us to figure
out what happened here.
Do they think that it is a mere coincidence that the Russian lawyer who was after Trump's
head would ALSO meet with his son to give him dirt on Hillary?
We think the odds of that happening are slim to none.
In fact, we think that it was a setup from day one, perhaps run by Hillary herself!
We don't see how it is crucial that Trump Jr. and company met with this lawyer — especially
considering ANYONE would have taken that meeting.
It all seems to be a scheme to try and nail President Trump, but the problem is they couldn't
get it right.
Their execution was sloppy, and their actual intentions were more than obvious.
Now that the truth is slowly coming to light, the next question is "where do we go from
Well, that is a tough question, considering we KNOW that the left is going to whine about
everything that is going on, regardless.
It would appear that the best move would be to proclaim his innocence, which Trump has
done, but in a more formal setting.
Reveal the fraudsters who try to sabotage him with precise evidence from the testimony.
Facts are not up for debate.
Once the information is out there, the president can say that he did everything in his power
to make things right with the people.
While Trump's supporters will follow him through and through, perhaps this evidence
will open the eyes of some of the people on the fence.
If they can see that President Trump is not nearly as bad as the media makes him out to
be it CAN change their opinion of him.
We know that the mainstream media already has a poor opinion of him, they love bad talking
the president at every opportunity.
We just need to expose more people to the truth.
Once they see this charade that the Democrats have put up, they will swiftly fall.
Do YOU think Hillary was involved with the Russian lawyer blackmailing Trump Jr.?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below!
Best Way To Gain Weight Fast - What to Eat to Gain Weight - Duration: 2:08.
How to Gain Weight How to Gain Weight
How to Gain Weight How to Gain Weight
How to Gain Weight
INTERVIEW: Why I am defending notorious kidnapper Evans in court – Lawyer - Duration: 10:58.-------------------------------------------
Honda CR-V !! 4 X 4 ZEER LAGE KM-STAND ! 2.0i S - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
Gameplayer33 Roast Yourself "Music" Video (Lol I Know the "Music" Sucks) - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
I Vampiri, Lust of the vampire, The devil's commandment, 1956, - Duration: 1:18:02.-------------------------------------------
Prismo - Hold On [Subtitles Lyrics] - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
English for Spanish Speakers 40 - 'My son, he is 15' or 'My son is 15'? (with subtitles) - Duration: 2:51.-------------------------------------------
TRICKS AND TIPS FOR CHANGE | CARE OF THE CANARIES FOR A GOOD BREED - Duration: 10:19.-------------------------------------------
Join my private online Support and Accountability Group - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
Space Shuttle guidance algorithm in Kerbal Space Program - Duration: 12:54.-------------------------------------------
Alternative Future of Europe : War in Georgia [#1] - Duration: 3:48.-------------------------------------------
Lost propeller during takeoff - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Manchester United appear to have signed Nemanja Matic as picture emerges showing Serbian in - Duration: 5:13.-------------------------------------------
Announcements - Stream Schedules / Pengumuman Jadwal Streaming! - Duration: 6:13.-------------------------------------------
[Eng Sub] Colourpop - Blow Me Away & Phase 1 Lip Bundle Swatches 开箱试色 - Duration: 9:12.-------------------------------------------
Everton EXCLUSIVE: Six clubs chasing Ross Barkley with Tottenham and Man City leading race - Duration: 2:40.-------------------------------------------
Summer in London Things to do and July Events - Duration: 26:13.-------------------------------------------
Liverpool Transfer News: Coutinho agrees Barcelona deal claim, Rakitic swap, Pulisic eyed - Duration: 2:32.-------------------------------------------
YTP: Take a spin down your bin - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
Aşk-ı Memnu (Zakazana Miłość) Napisy PL Ep. 63 FULL HD - Duration: 1:25:10.-------------------------------------------
Tribute to Chester Bennington - Linkin Park - Numb (Instrumental piano cover + original vocals) - Duration: 4:51.-------------------------------------------
Carpeta Redonda a crochret o ganchillo Parte 1 tutorial paso a paso - Duration: 31:34.
Interfonica - The Brega - Duration: 4:48.
O Idiota do meu vizinho #1 - Duration: 1:24.
Bonnie Chan presents
The idiot of my neighbor
Hurry up!!!
Or will miss the flight
I finally completed my 16 years
And today I will move....
To Paris
To live with my father.
Arriving at Paris airport
Where is he?
I surprised you so much with a hug?
*Thought* This voice...
Myself, who else would it be?
My God!!! How you have changed!
It is true....
Well ... let's go?
Let's go!!
To be continued??
subscribe my channel Leave a Reply Share Of a like To continue!
That way I'll know what they want!
Alternative Future of Europe : War in Georgia [#1] - Duration: 3:48.
[MMD - MME] 桃源恋歌 / Togen Renka - Duration: 3:49.
If you stare at me, with only that
The sweet flowers start giving off a perfume
"You mustn't tell anyone"
If I'm dreaming I don't wanna wake up, I'm in Tougenkyo
With one bite, the flower of honey
Please don't stop even if we can't get back
Like petals I dance and fall
I'm dyed in you, as you wish
A single kiss isn't enough, Wo ai ni
Let's dance 'til the night ends
Like intertwining our fingers
I swallow up all the peach drops
"I don't wanna lose you"
Please don't disappear Tougenkyo
With another bite, the flavor of sin
I'm not scared if I'm with you
Like flowers I bloom and wither
My heart shivers with love
There's only one thing I want, and that's that you say "Wo ai ni"
Let's sing 'til this body dies
Like petals I dance and fall
I'm dyed in you, as you wish
A single kiss isn't enough, Wo ai ni
Let's dance 'til the night ends
Like flowers I bloom and wither
My heart shivers with love
There's only one thing I want, and that's your "Wo ai ni"
Let's sing 'til this body dies
Let's promise eternally "Wo ai ni"
FAMOUS GRAVE TOUR - Holy Cross #3 (Rosalind Russell, Ricardo Montalban, etc.) - Duration: 15:38.
Welcome to Hollywood Graveyard, where we set out to remember and celebrate the
lives of those who lived to entertain us, by visiting their final resting places.
Today we conclude our tour of Holy Cross Cemetery, where we'll find such stars as
Rosalind Russell, Ricardo Montalban, Lawrence Welk, and many more.
Join us, won't you?
For this final stretch of our tour of Holy Cross will be visiting gravesites
spread across the grounds of the cemetery. Gas up that car and get your
mixtape ready, because we've got a lot of driving ahead of us. There's a lot to see,
including more of those awesome trees.
If you haven't done so already be sure to
check out parts 1 & 2.
Our first stop is across the street from the grotto in
section D. Before TMZ the original queen of Hollywood gossip was Louella Parsons.
Her career began in the 1920s, her column in the Los Angeles Examiner eventually
garnering a readership of more than 20 million. She saw herself as the social
and moral arbiter of Hollywood, the weight of her words able to make or
break a movie or a star. She also had a radio program which featured movie star
interviews. Here she is 1947 interviewing a 15-year-old Elizabeth Taylor about her
first onscreen kiss.
"Elizabeth I know that in 'Cynthia' you receive your first
screen kiss, and since I've never heard of any kiss that didn't start some
conversation, suppose we start talking about this one."
"Of course Miss Parsons,
I'll talk about anything you suggest. Oh, but that kiss in 'Cynthia' was just a
little old peck."
Next we head north of the grotto to section T. Apologies in
advance that some of the graves we'll be visiting today are a little hard to read.
Several spaces south of the statue its director Leo McCarey. He specialized in
screwball comedies like "Duck Soup" and "The Awful Truth," and is credited for
bringing Laurel and Hardy together. Other films include "Going My Way" with
Bing Crosby who is buried nearby, and "An Affair to Remember."
The next section west is section R. Here we find a king of Calypso, Sir Lancelot.
He is credited for popularizing calypso music in North America,
influencing artists like Harry Belafonte. He appeared in several films in his
career including the 1943 film, "I Walked with a Zombie."
Around the corner, still in section R, straight up from the
T-intersection, is Darby Crash. He was founding member and singer for the band
the Germs, who were an influential punk rock band of the late 70s. They only
released one album, "GI" in 1979.
Crash committed suicide by heroin overdose in 1980 at the age of 22, just
one day before John Lennon was killed.
Continuing around and up the hill we reached section S on the left.
Several spaces in from the road if dancer and actress Gilda Gray. She popularized the
dance known as the shimmy in the teens and 20s. Don't know what the shimmy is?
Gilda, care to demonstrate?
The move was often considered obscene and was banned by many dance halls of
the era.
Let's continue around to Section M. Several spaces in from the west side
is one of Hollywood's most legendary directors, John Ford. He won four Oscars
in his career and is remembered for timeless classics like "The Grapes of Wrath,"
and westerns like "Stagecoach." Ford was also one of the filmmakers featured
in the Netflix documentary "Five Came Back," which profiles five movie directors
including George Stevens, Frank Capra, William Wyler, and John Huston, who left
the glamorous Hollywood life behind to join the war effort and document
humanity's greatest conflict -- to put to film the realities of World War II, and
allow everyone to see what was happening from the front lines.
"The Battle of Midway was eventually shown in
three-quarters of American theaters.
It was the first time Americans saw the war in color, which until then had been
associated with escapism and fantasy. It was also the first time the audience
witnessed an American victory."
"Yes, this really happened."
At the center of this lawn is a large crucifix which marks the final resting
place of actress Rosalind Russell. She starred alongside Norma Shearer and Joan
Crawford in the 1939 film "The Women," and is perhaps best remembered for her role
as fast-talking reporter Hildy Johnson in "His Girl Friday."
"Well I've got some new for you.
Yes I got the interview alright, but I've got some more important news.
Perhaps you better get a pencil and take it down. All rready?
Now get this you double-crossing chimpanzee. There ain't gonna be any
interview and there ain't gonna be any story. And that certified check of yours is
leaving with me in 20 minutes. I wouldn't cover the burning of Rome for you if they
were just lighting it up. If I ever lay my two eyes on you again I'm going to
walk right up to you and hammer on that monkey skull of yours 'till it rings
like a chinese gong!"
She also found success on Broadway, winning a Tony Award in 1953
for her role in "Wonderful Town."
At the far east side of this lawn,
right near the road, is Hollywood's first supermodel, Evelyn Nesbit.
Long before Janice Dickinson and long before Cara Delevingne, Evelyn Nesbit was the
fresh-faced young woman who adorned all the magazine covers -- and not just
magazines but paintings, illustrations, calendars, and more. Evelyn was
the cultural and fashion icon of a generation, beginning in a very early 1900s.
In 1906 she was embroiled in a scandal which became known as 'the trial
of the century' when her then husband shot and killed Stanford White, who had
once taken advantage of an underage Evelyn. She also had a brief acting
career in films like 1917s "Redemption. A fictionalized biopic was made about her
life in 1955 starring Joan Collins as Evelyn.
Let's head north past the
mausoleum to section Y.
Straight west from the T-intersection is Lawrence Welk.
He was one of the 20th century's greatest TV stars, hosting his own
musical variety show, "The Lawrence Welk Show," from 1951 to 1982.
"From Hollywood we bring you The Lawrence Welk Show."
"And now our musical host, Maestro Lawrence Welk!"
"My good friends, a pleasant good evening and a warm welcome. Our show this evening is
titled Hit Songs from the Movies, and what could be more appropriate for an
opener than, "Hooray for Hollywood." One, two, three, four."
The next section north is CC.
In from the western road several spaces is Chris Penn.
He was an actor known for roles in films like Quentin Tarantino's "Reservoir Dogs,"
and "The Funeral."
He is the brother of actor Sean Penn.
He died of heart disease at just 40.
Heading further into this lawn, a few rows south, is Mary Frann.
She is perhaps best remembered for her role as Bob Newhart's wife, Joanne, on the
popular 80 sitcom, "Newhart."
Straight north, towards the statue, is Helen O'Connell,
known as the quintessential big band singer of the 1940s. Here she is singing
one of her hits, "Green Eyes."
Northwest on this same lawn is actor Vince Edwards. He is best remembered for
playing the title role in the 60s TV series "Ben Casey," and can also be seen in
the 1968 film "The Devil's Brigade."
Across the street straight north is Mexican
actor Ricardo Montalban. He starred as Mr. Roarke on the television series
"Fantasy Island" from 1977 to 1984. He also played the diabolical Khan on
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
"I shall leave you as you left me, as you left her...
marooned for all eternity in the center of a dead planet,
buried alive... buried alive."
Straight West is section BB. Near the southeast corner of this lawn is the
unmarked grave of Paula Winslow. She was a radio and television actress best
known for providing the voice of Bambi's mother in the 1942 film, "Bambi,"
She can also be seen in shows like,
"The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet," and "Our Miss Brooks."
In 1937 when Jean Harlow died while filming Saratoga doubles were
used to finish her scenes. Paula provided her voice.
The next section south is AA.
A little ways in from the west road, just near a
tiny tree, is Jean Peters. She was an actress popular in the 1950s, seen in
films like "Pickup on South Street, and "Niagara" with Marilyn Monroe.
She resisted being turned into a sex symbol, refusing roles that were too exploitative.
She preferred playing more down-to-earth women. She was also the second wife of
Howard Hughes.
Fans of Jack Benny will recognize our next star.
Just east of the statue in section W is Dennis Day. He was a singer and actor,
often featured on the Jack Benny Program, both on radio and television.
He would remain with the show from 1939 until it ended in 1965.
In this same section, but further southwest,
about a third of the way in from the road is Joe Flynn,
a character actor popular in the 60s. His best-known role is as Captain Binghamton,
Old Leadbottom, on "McHale's Navy." He also had several roles in Disney productions
including "The Rescuers."
Heading southwest we arrive at section H. In the southwest
corner, right near the road, is animator and filmmaker George Pal.
He was a pioneer of early stop-motion and puppet animation, being nominated for
an Oscar seven years in a row for a series of animated short films which he
branded "Puppetoons." They were novel for their use of
replacement puppets with unique expressions, rather than animating a
single puppet. He went on to produce several fantasy and science fiction
films, including "Tom Thumb," and "The Time Machine."
"It was disconcerting to see the Sun arc in less than a minute;
to see a snail race by...
my flowers flinging wide their petals to embrace the new day, and
the hours speeding across the face of my sundial."
Finally we continue down to
Section B. Right next to the road, between Fitzsimons and Rocco, is the unmarked
grave of Pinto Colvig, one of the most recognizable voices in Hollywood, and a
human sound effects machine. Pinto was the original voice of Disney's Goofy, who
made his first appearance in the 1932 short film, "Mickey's Revue."
Pinto would go on to voice the beloved character until his
death in the 1960s.
"Oh the world owes me a livin'..."
He voiced many other Disney characters,
including Grumpy and Sleepy in "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."
He was also the original Bozo the Clown.
Later in life he was one of the pioneers
in advocating health warning labels on cigarettes.
And that concludes our tour! What are some of your favorite memories of the
stars we visited today? Share them in the comments below, and be
sure to like, share, and subscribe for more famous grave tours.
Thanks for watching, we'll see you on the next one!
Have I mentioned how much I love these trees?
They'd make a great backdrop in a horror film, you know?
Let's test that theory...
Louis C.K. - Live at The Comedy Store 2015 - 1080p - Duration: 1:05:38.
PORN ADDICTION - HOW TO DEAL? - Duration: 6:42.
- Good evening boys and Doctor Claudio!
My name is Douglas, I'm 24 years old.
I have a huge insecurity to have sex sexual.
I think my problem is psychological.
I'm addicted to porn and when I'm alone I masturbate several times a day.
But with real sex, although it will hit insecurity of the meeting, with my body ...
I even feel ugly and have no confidence some.
Because of this has got to be almost two years without sex.
Recently I tried to stop masturbating to see if it helps.
I have felt more desire to go out and meet people.
Excessive masturbation can lower my libido?
What should I do? Help!
- Addiction to pornography. This I think It is one of the current problems of history
The offer of bitching on the Internet is so great people as forgetting to imagine ...
... to feel pleasure with her body or with the body of the other ...
- For my generation, we grew up ... a pornographic magazine you gave a value
of gold.
It was not so easy access. Nowadays with internet ...
- Thirteen years already have access're already seeing pornography!
- No, and I'm seeing all kinds modalities, ce or discover more sexuality gradually ...
Already is one thing wide open, right?
- And you end up watching the sex there 're perfect because framed okay, not
It has so much movement ...
- Best angle ...
- You end up putting this as an imposition in your sex life.
And you think you have to do the same thing the guy is doing ...
- No, and I think it's great to have, it's good to have and such. Now, what use am I gonna do that?
No, because otherwise it will seem like we are condemning it had to be pornographic movie.
- it is great!
- It's great and ...
-... mostly amateurs!
- But what he's talking about here is another thing:
He uses the films to live a sexuality he is not taking with another.
This is bad. I mean, when I start to use the film to not go to the person ...
... to not risk going to the person, there it is very complicated.
- And he even spoke here he started have insecurities with her body ...
- Of course, because in the movie everyone is beautiful, cool, has great penis happens ...
- I enjoy a lot!
- ... enjoys much, no one goes check, is all wonderful, right? And in real life not
so, right?
And the fantasy you are the protagonist. So It happens just the way you want.
In real life has the other person has the desire I, will it.
- The time is different, all different ...
- All...
- I remember that in my time I was excited when I saw the underwear advertising
Pernambucanas stores.
- It was so rare access to anything pinto, underwear, we are excited to
A slightly larger eggplant at the fair since ...
- There was a time also I just masturbated watching porn movie. be in bed before
to sleep...
But I stopped masturbating watching porn because I thought it was excessive.
I was stopping to imagine sex, you know? The real sex.
- Of course, you see a porn or masturbate It is completely different from a relation
with another person live.
- Now you have something too, the person relieves watching porn movie, it's much easier ...
... than actual meeting, which easier that is, you gets an application and such ...
but it's something much more time-consuming, bureaucratic, you have to match expectations
... match your ... I think it has many people who prefer to stay watching movie
porn and masturbating ...
... and there is not real.
- Sure, but there is ass!
(Turn down for what)
Huh? The person can no longer relate to, You can no longer get a no ...
Because when the person will have sex, gets fear not.
- The Douglas said masturbate several times a day watching porn. this has
is an addiction, right?
- Yeah. I had seen an addiction because it starts to take him a number of things.
- He has to do what? It must stop see porn?
- I think not. He's saying well what happens to it. He sees porn because
he finds ugly, it will be rejected ...
... you will have difficulty, which will come time and you will not get laid ...
Honey, everyone is like that.
He may be handsome, novel hunk of eight will also be afraid of being rejected ...
... will be afraid to fail, will be afraid to receiving a touch ...
- To Rafael Alencar?
- So your faces difficulties because the pleasure will be much higher if you have
with someone else.
- Claudio, we ta giving our opinion here, but you do not think it's his case
seek medical help?
Undergo a treatment because it has a question addiction here ...
- He says're getting that ta stopping to see both film and ta giving will
to go after the people ...
That's it!
- Perfect!
- If you're getting, it's okay. If no, looking for a psychologist, will have a chat ...
- I think he could do ... You know that not diet? When it starts, the shock ...
Stop seeing porn and the will of sex you have, you do not change the foco.Você
will play in the porn ...
... is a time without masturbating I think what....
- Yeah, I think it might be a good one: the regime Porn!
- Yeah, for you rebalance, I think ...
- It's an idea...
- It starts with masturbation masturbation ... without seeing the movie ... I think ... right ... ce
can ...
- Ce know that lately I've been watching porn only because of the actor ...
You know? Ce is a fan of that person ... 'Ai taste I, so I will watch over it '...
But then for example, I turn off the video and I masturbate thinking about him in the bath ...
- What is the actor? No, please, speak ...
- I will not talk ...
- Speak in my ear ... Who is it, please?
- I've found out who the actor, he told me in secret!
- If you have a favorite porn star, places here in the comments!
What porn actor who makes you crazy?
- Is Rafael Alencar?
Brent Corrigan
The other has ... I like that it's Johnny Rapid!
- Guys, let's go question!
- Let's go ask!
- You'll commenting here meanwhile O, question, yes or no?
He should stop watching porn?
Yes, no porn will do it from pro real sex.
No, no use being radical and has not problem seeing porn. Just balance
and invest more in real sex.
- Temporarily yes. Then back to c normal...
- I'm in yes and no ... I think he should decrease and then ...
This hard, I do not know! Claudio ...
- No!
- Claudio, why not, Claudio?
- I put no because what is important he learns is as follows:
The pleasure he will have watching porn and masturbating is one thing.
And soon he'll have a relationship with with one person is another.
So I do not think he should stop seeing the movies.
This gives pleasure, it is tasty, cool. Understood? Okay. That's a story.
Now, get watching film to protect and not go after a person, this is bad.
Now, you use a movie, a magazine, perfect! It is more to do!
- Okay, we'll stop here. We hope you enjoyed ...
If you are new to channel takes to be up because it has such video here
every week! It is not?
- IT IS!
- And back next Add Video The Wheel. A kiss for you and there! Goodbye!
- Goodbye!
- Kiss!
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