Hey guys! In this video I cover five tips and tricks to help you to get out of silver.
Let's get right into it. Tip Number 1. Practice and Warmup. It's very useful to practice
regularly and to warmup before every game, so your aim is on point from the very beginning.
I recommend to play deathmatch, and to use this workshop map. You can find the link in
the description. Just press Subscribe and you can find the map ingame under Workshop.
Tip Number 2. Crosshair Placement. Always keep your crosshair at head level, where you
expect an enemy to be. When you see him, you can shoot a lot earlier, because you don't
have to move your crosshair that much. Also, don't aim to close to the corner, otherwise
you will not have enough time to react. Tip Number 3. Communicate. Communication with
your team is a very important aspect of the game. If you don't have a mic, you should
strongly consider getting one. The most important information to exchange with your teammates,
is about enemy positions and which strategy you want to execute. Tip Number 4. Play with
a premade team. Teamwork is very important in CS:GO, and it's a lot easier to win,
if you play with a premade team. If you don't have someone to play with, there is a CS:GO
subreddit and a website, which is called Teamfind. Tip Number 5. Buy as a team. Even on higher
ranks it happens quite often, that some people buy, while the rest of their team is saving
money for the next round. At the beginning of every round, you should decide as a team,
whether you make a buy or an eco round. If you want to learn more about the economy system,
check out my video on this topic. Thats it, already. Thanks for watching! If I could help
you, please consider liking this video and subscribing to my channel.
For more infomation >> CS:GO - TOP 5 TIPS TO GET OUT OF SILVER - Duration: 2:46.-------------------------------------------
5 USEFUL MINECRAFT MODS! - Top Minecraft Mods for 1.12 - Duration: 10:07.
Hey there!
What's going on guys?!
A few weeks back, I created a video that featured 5 small Minecraft mods that were just sort
of fun to play around with.
Well, I actually have had a couple of requests to create videos
featuring more mods for Minecraft 1.12.
Given that a lot of mods haven't officially updated to Minecraft version 1.12, it's
difficult to create a big video featuring like 10 or so mods that I may want to show.
So, I've decided to start uploading one video per week, when possible featuring mods.
This week, I'll be showing 5 useful mods for Minecraft 1.12.
They aren't crazy game-changing mods that add a ton.
Just 5 simple but useful mods that you may like to have.
So, I hope you guys enjoy...
Let's get started!
The first mod I want to show you guys today is called JourneyMap.
There are many different Minecraft minimap or map mods that are all useful in their own
I may show some of them in future videos.
However, the reason I wanted to share JourneyMap with you in this video is because JourneyMap
is both a client and server-side mod which maps your
Minecraft world in real time as you explore it.
It allows you to view the map in a web browser, in game as a minimap, or in-game as a full-screen
So, there is actually a lot that this map allows you to do and that's
just the basics of the map.
There are a number of other features that JourneyMap has including waypoints, different
UI themes, and customizable map options, among other
If you're interested in learning more about this mod, there is, of course, a link in the
description to download the mod.
JourneyMap has it's own website that is able to answer many questions you may have and
give you a lot more information about the mod than I am right now.
I definitely recommend JourneyMap if you are looking for a map mod
for a server or even if you are just looking for a map mod for yourself, your own type
of modpack, even some type of single-player, somewhat vanilla since this is a mod.
JourneyMap is fantastic mod that is probably my favorite map mod right now.
The next mod to share with you today is a simple Mod called Mod Name Tooltip.
This mod is perhaps one of the simplest mods out there but it's actually very very useful.
I can almost gaurnuntee that this mod, despite how
simple it is, will make playing with mods a bit easier.
The purpose of this mod is pretty clear and simple.
All this mod does is let you know what mod a particular item in-game
belongs to.
For example, if you're using the IronChests mod and you hover over an Iron Chest in you're
inventory, the mod will tell you that that chest is from the Iron
Chest mod.
Now, mods like Just Enough Items or Not Enough Items may have features similar to this.
However, from time to time, some items will have bugs and not show you that
information or some people prefer not to use those types of mods.
So, this mod is useful in those cases especially.
This mod requires very little to setup and it has absolutley
no bugs due to the simplicity of it.
It's a great, small mod to have that makes things just a little bit easier for you.
You'll come to appreciate it a lot more than you
The next mod is a mod that I personally use all the time but isn't a mod for everyone.
This mod is great for video creators, like myself.
If you don't have a need to create videos, you can skip to the next mod if you
don't want to learn about this mod but I know that there are other people out there who
will find the mod useful.
For the longest time, I've been using Pixelcam to help create
cinematic shots in videos and before that I was using the Camera Studio mod.
Well, the last update for the Camera Studio mod was
for Minecraft 1.8 and the latest update for the PixelCam mod was for 1.10.2.
While the Pixelcam mod worked in 1.11, it is a bit bugged in 1.12 which forced me to
do some searching for a 1.12 camera mod that I really
like to use.
Luckily, I came acrsoss this mod, CMDCam.
I actually now prefer this mod over Pixelcam.
While it is very much similar, I just feel it is a bit more smooth and simple
to use.
CMDCam allows you to create smooth camera paths, roll rotation, zoom in and out, follow
targets and has an outside mode which allows you to be an actor and camera
at the same time.
For me, this is a must have mod as it allows me to do so much more for videos.
If you create any type of showcase, tutorial, or top 10 type videos, I highly
recommend checking out this mod to help you get some higher quality videos.
Most people know about WAILA, or What Am I Look At.
WAILA allows you to see what you're looking at in Minecraft.
It literally answers the question asked in the name.
It is extremely useful mod to have when playing
in modpacks and allows you to answer a bunch of questions without having to leave the game
and look up some information and just getting frustrated trying to play with mods.
Unfortunately, as of recording this, the mod hasn't updated to 1.12.
BUT there are some alternatives.
That includes the mod called What Is That...
WIT is a lightweight mod that's similar to WAILA.
It displays information about blocks and entities when you look at them.
You'll be able to see the name of the block or entity and the
mod it's from, the ID, metadata, and unlocalized name, the harvestability info, it indicates
entities with TE, it has contents of inventories that sync with the client, and
it shows extra information added by other mods like the drying rack from Fun Ores.
So, this is a great mod to serve the purpose of
finding out what you are looking at.
Or, as the mod name states, it answers the question "What is That?"
The final mod I'm sharing with you today is Inventory Tweaks.
Now, I know that tons of people already know about this mod but I plan on making other
videos that show you more mods in the future so I'm going to throw in
some popular mods throughout the videos too.
There are some people who are learning about mods and may be unfamiliar so these are
always useful for them too.
Plus, Inventory Tweaks really is one of the more useful mods ever.
Inventory Tweaks allows you to automatically replace your tools as they break,
replace item stacks once their emptied, sort your inventory and chests with a single click,
it provides shortcuts to move around items, and it allows you to customize the
way your inventory is sorted.
This mod save loads of time by sorting your chests and inventory for you so you don't
have to search around for items or spend time organizing
your chests.
Inventory Tweaks is just a great mod to save time from doing some of the more tedious things
in Minecraft.
So that's gonna do it for this one guys.
Thank you so much for watching!
As I said, I have some plans for more videos like this coming up.
People are always looking for mods and I'm happy to share them with you guys!
It gives me a reason to find more mods too while also adding in some more videos to the
I'll be uploading different types of videos, aside from just Useful mods too.
Like random mods, fun mods, stuff like that.
So I hope you enjoy it.
Please let me know if you have made or know of any mods that you think would be great
for me to show in video.
Whether those are just small mods that add something funny into the game or something
that is really useful and makes Minecraft easier or even a big
mod that changes Minecraft into a different experience altogether.
If you enjoyed this video, I ask that you please leave a like and consider subscribing!
The support lately has been amazing so let's keep that up!
I really appreciate all the support guys.
Thank you all once again for watching!
I hope you enjoyed!
I'm outta here!
See ya!
Temecula Road - Hoping
Jaryan-e-Suret | Health Tips in Urdu For Man | My Help in Health - Duration: 2:37.
Global Talk Julho 2017/ July 2017 - Duration: 49:02.
Novo OVA do JoJo:Diamond Is Unbreakable - Duration: 1:34.
Carpool Londoneye Marília – Professor Matheus - Duration: 6:14.
Dacia Duster - Duration: 0:51.
Dacia Duster - Duration: 0:49.
Dacia Duster - Duration: 0:50.
Dacia Duster - Duration: 0:50.
Dacia Duster - Duration: 0:52.
Dacia Duster - Duration: 0:51.
News Uomini e Donne Gianmarco Valenza: frecciatine agli ex protagonisti - Duration: 3:43.
Dacia Duster - Duration: 0:47.
O Idiota do meu vizinho #1 - Duration: 1:24.
Bonnie Chan presents
The idiot of my neighbor
Hurry up!!!
Or will miss the flight
I finally completed my 16 years
And today I will move....
To Paris
To live with my father.
Arriving at Paris airport
Where is he?
I surprised you so much with a hug?
*Thought* This voice...
Myself, who else would it be?
My God!!! How you have changed!
It is true....
Well ... let's go?
Let's go!!
To be continued??
subscribe my channel Leave a Reply Share Of a like To continue!
That way I'll know what they want!
2108 Telemensagem de Aniversário de Tio - Voz Masc. (Mensagem Completa) - Duration: 1:22.
Barbara De Santi di Uomini e Donne a cena con la ex di Giorgio Manetti | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:54.
Maximum Productivity 3 Questions To Instantly Boost Your Productivity | Dan Lok - Duration: 2:36.
So three questions to ask yourself every day to improve productivity. The king of
high ticket sales. World's highest-paid consultant. Media celebrity.
Multi-millionaire entrepreneur. Acclaimed TEDx speaker. International best-selling
author. Dan Lok. Question number one what is the highest
and best use of my time right now? Please repeat after me
as loud as you could. What's the question? What's the highest and best use of my
time right now? Number two why am I doing this? Say it again. Why am I even doing this? Number
three what is the payoff of this activity? What is the payoff -- so when I
say I'm gonna spend time with my family. What the payoff of this? I can spend
quality time with my family. I get joy and happiness out of that.
Great. Awesome. That's the payoff of that activity. I go
watch a movie they keep -- let me escape from the day to day so that I can
go into a different world and recharge my battery. that's the payoff of the
activity. I go work out one hour you know what I become stronger I get less sick, I am
more energetic that's the payoff of that activity. So those three questions.
What's the highs and best use of my time right now? Why am I doing this? And what's
the payoff of this activity? Ask yourself every day three questions. Got it? Hi this
is Dan LoK. Welcome to Dan Lok TV. I want you to subscribe to my Youtube
channel. Now you might ask why should I? Every week I'll post two new videos all
focusing on helping you becoming a better entrepreneur. You will be challenged
and you will be inspired and you will be motivated. More importantly you'll get
practical ideas and strategies they will take your business to the next level.
So go ahead hit the subscribe button turn on the notification so you don't
miss out on a single episode.I promise you, you won't regret it.
Miss Italia, Christian De Sica al posto di Gabriel Garko: lo scoop - Duration: 2:58.
Skoda Yeti - Duration: 0:52.
Skoda Yeti - Duration: 0:52.
Играем в майнкрафт и строим город (донат в описание) - Duration: 1:33:03.
Retro Granie z Deseo - Soul Blade & Tekken 3 - Duration: 25:49.
собшения подпишиков на стриме - Duration: 7:24.
CS:GO - TOP 5 TIPS TO GET OUT OF SILVER - Duration: 2:46.
Hey guys! In this video I cover five tips and tricks to help you to get out of silver.
Let's get right into it. Tip Number 1. Practice and Warmup. It's very useful to practice
regularly and to warmup before every game, so your aim is on point from the very beginning.
I recommend to play deathmatch, and to use this workshop map. You can find the link in
the description. Just press Subscribe and you can find the map ingame under Workshop.
Tip Number 2. Crosshair Placement. Always keep your crosshair at head level, where you
expect an enemy to be. When you see him, you can shoot a lot earlier, because you don't
have to move your crosshair that much. Also, don't aim to close to the corner, otherwise
you will not have enough time to react. Tip Number 3. Communicate. Communication with
your team is a very important aspect of the game. If you don't have a mic, you should
strongly consider getting one. The most important information to exchange with your teammates,
is about enemy positions and which strategy you want to execute. Tip Number 4. Play with
a premade team. Teamwork is very important in CS:GO, and it's a lot easier to win,
if you play with a premade team. If you don't have someone to play with, there is a CS:GO
subreddit and a website, which is called Teamfind. Tip Number 5. Buy as a team. Even on higher
ranks it happens quite often, that some people buy, while the rest of their team is saving
money for the next round. At the beginning of every round, you should decide as a team,
whether you make a buy or an eco round. If you want to learn more about the economy system,
check out my video on this topic. Thats it, already. Thanks for watching! If I could help
you, please consider liking this video and subscribing to my channel.
5 USEFUL MINECRAFT MODS! - Top Minecraft Mods for 1.12 - Duration: 10:07.
Hey there!
What's going on guys?!
A few weeks back, I created a video that featured 5 small Minecraft mods that were just sort
of fun to play around with.
Well, I actually have had a couple of requests to create videos
featuring more mods for Minecraft 1.12.
Given that a lot of mods haven't officially updated to Minecraft version 1.12, it's
difficult to create a big video featuring like 10 or so mods that I may want to show.
So, I've decided to start uploading one video per week, when possible featuring mods.
This week, I'll be showing 5 useful mods for Minecraft 1.12.
They aren't crazy game-changing mods that add a ton.
Just 5 simple but useful mods that you may like to have.
So, I hope you guys enjoy...
Let's get started!
The first mod I want to show you guys today is called JourneyMap.
There are many different Minecraft minimap or map mods that are all useful in their own
I may show some of them in future videos.
However, the reason I wanted to share JourneyMap with you in this video is because JourneyMap
is both a client and server-side mod which maps your
Minecraft world in real time as you explore it.
It allows you to view the map in a web browser, in game as a minimap, or in-game as a full-screen
So, there is actually a lot that this map allows you to do and that's
just the basics of the map.
There are a number of other features that JourneyMap has including waypoints, different
UI themes, and customizable map options, among other
If you're interested in learning more about this mod, there is, of course, a link in the
description to download the mod.
JourneyMap has it's own website that is able to answer many questions you may have and
give you a lot more information about the mod than I am right now.
I definitely recommend JourneyMap if you are looking for a map mod
for a server or even if you are just looking for a map mod for yourself, your own type
of modpack, even some type of single-player, somewhat vanilla since this is a mod.
JourneyMap is fantastic mod that is probably my favorite map mod right now.
The next mod to share with you today is a simple Mod called Mod Name Tooltip.
This mod is perhaps one of the simplest mods out there but it's actually very very useful.
I can almost gaurnuntee that this mod, despite how
simple it is, will make playing with mods a bit easier.
The purpose of this mod is pretty clear and simple.
All this mod does is let you know what mod a particular item in-game
belongs to.
For example, if you're using the IronChests mod and you hover over an Iron Chest in you're
inventory, the mod will tell you that that chest is from the Iron
Chest mod.
Now, mods like Just Enough Items or Not Enough Items may have features similar to this.
However, from time to time, some items will have bugs and not show you that
information or some people prefer not to use those types of mods.
So, this mod is useful in those cases especially.
This mod requires very little to setup and it has absolutley
no bugs due to the simplicity of it.
It's a great, small mod to have that makes things just a little bit easier for you.
You'll come to appreciate it a lot more than you
The next mod is a mod that I personally use all the time but isn't a mod for everyone.
This mod is great for video creators, like myself.
If you don't have a need to create videos, you can skip to the next mod if you
don't want to learn about this mod but I know that there are other people out there who
will find the mod useful.
For the longest time, I've been using Pixelcam to help create
cinematic shots in videos and before that I was using the Camera Studio mod.
Well, the last update for the Camera Studio mod was
for Minecraft 1.8 and the latest update for the PixelCam mod was for 1.10.2.
While the Pixelcam mod worked in 1.11, it is a bit bugged in 1.12 which forced me to
do some searching for a 1.12 camera mod that I really
like to use.
Luckily, I came acrsoss this mod, CMDCam.
I actually now prefer this mod over Pixelcam.
While it is very much similar, I just feel it is a bit more smooth and simple
to use.
CMDCam allows you to create smooth camera paths, roll rotation, zoom in and out, follow
targets and has an outside mode which allows you to be an actor and camera
at the same time.
For me, this is a must have mod as it allows me to do so much more for videos.
If you create any type of showcase, tutorial, or top 10 type videos, I highly
recommend checking out this mod to help you get some higher quality videos.
Most people know about WAILA, or What Am I Look At.
WAILA allows you to see what you're looking at in Minecraft.
It literally answers the question asked in the name.
It is extremely useful mod to have when playing
in modpacks and allows you to answer a bunch of questions without having to leave the game
and look up some information and just getting frustrated trying to play with mods.
Unfortunately, as of recording this, the mod hasn't updated to 1.12.
BUT there are some alternatives.
That includes the mod called What Is That...
WIT is a lightweight mod that's similar to WAILA.
It displays information about blocks and entities when you look at them.
You'll be able to see the name of the block or entity and the
mod it's from, the ID, metadata, and unlocalized name, the harvestability info, it indicates
entities with TE, it has contents of inventories that sync with the client, and
it shows extra information added by other mods like the drying rack from Fun Ores.
So, this is a great mod to serve the purpose of
finding out what you are looking at.
Or, as the mod name states, it answers the question "What is That?"
The final mod I'm sharing with you today is Inventory Tweaks.
Now, I know that tons of people already know about this mod but I plan on making other
videos that show you more mods in the future so I'm going to throw in
some popular mods throughout the videos too.
There are some people who are learning about mods and may be unfamiliar so these are
always useful for them too.
Plus, Inventory Tweaks really is one of the more useful mods ever.
Inventory Tweaks allows you to automatically replace your tools as they break,
replace item stacks once their emptied, sort your inventory and chests with a single click,
it provides shortcuts to move around items, and it allows you to customize the
way your inventory is sorted.
This mod save loads of time by sorting your chests and inventory for you so you don't
have to search around for items or spend time organizing
your chests.
Inventory Tweaks is just a great mod to save time from doing some of the more tedious things
in Minecraft.
So that's gonna do it for this one guys.
Thank you so much for watching!
As I said, I have some plans for more videos like this coming up.
People are always looking for mods and I'm happy to share them with you guys!
It gives me a reason to find more mods too while also adding in some more videos to the
I'll be uploading different types of videos, aside from just Useful mods too.
Like random mods, fun mods, stuff like that.
So I hope you enjoy it.
Please let me know if you have made or know of any mods that you think would be great
for me to show in video.
Whether those are just small mods that add something funny into the game or something
that is really useful and makes Minecraft easier or even a big
mod that changes Minecraft into a different experience altogether.
If you enjoyed this video, I ask that you please leave a like and consider subscribing!
The support lately has been amazing so let's keep that up!
I really appreciate all the support guys.
Thank you all once again for watching!
I hope you enjoyed!
I'm outta here!
See ya!
GTA 5 Money Glitch - Free M...
9 South African Creepiest Cases You Probably Don't Know - Duration: 35:59.
9 South African Creepiest Case You Probably Don't Know
South Africa is a beautiful country with incredible beaches, the big five, great entertainment
hot spots, and exciting sports events.
Unfortunately, the crime rate here is one of the highest in the world.
We have a frightening daily scourge of hijackings, rape, armed robberies, ATM bombings, domestic
violence, and murder.
Serial murders are not new to South Africa.
In fact, the country has the second-highest number of serial killers in the world.
In this list we'll have a look at 9 of the most evil serial killers that have operated
here over the last century.
Pierre Basson Serial killing—in the headlines this week
after the discovery of the "Station Strangler's" personal graveyard - is a relatively rare
phenomenon in South Africa, police and psychologists said this week.
The six cases unearthed by the Mail & Guardian show how difficult it is to categorise multiple
murders of this type.
Two have a distinctly South African racial theme, four were sex killings and one was
apparently motivated by psychotic greed.
According to Playboy magazine, the US accounts for 74 percent of known serial killers and
Europe 19 percent.
The first recorded serial killer in South Africa was Pierre Basson believed to have
killed eight or nine people between 1903 and 1906 in Cape Town.
Basson ran a money-lending scheme, inducing borrowers to take out insurance policies naming
him as beneficiary and then killing them.
His first victim was his brother, whom he drowned on a fishing trip.
When police discovered the grave of his last victim, a German's farmer, he committed
His last words to his mother, as the police were excavating his yard, were "I'm going
to get dressed for the police I have done no wrong."
More recent cases are:
Simon Mpungose, nicknamed "the Hammerman", in 1983 broke into a succession of Empangeni
houses, bludgeoned four people to death with a hammer and tried to murder four others.
AU his victims were white adults.
Mpungose's motive appeared to be racial.
According to Rian Malan, author of My Traitor's Heart, he told an Empangeni court that he
was fulfilling a dream he had had in prison 11 years earlier, in which he grew larger
and stronger, broke out of jail and obliterated all the whites in his path.
Refusing a defence, he said: "It (the murders) is because of what I have witnessed happening
to my fellow black men and also to me because of all that was done to me by the white people.
"He was executed.
Race also appears to have been a factor for Louis van Schoor, a former East London policeman
who between May 1986 and October 1989 killed 19 black intruders and wounded 64 others while
working as a security guard for a burglar alarm company.
Van Schoor (39) claimed self-defence during his trial in June 1992.
The judge said he had "shown a callousness and a disregard for human life", had misled
the police and shown a lack of remorse.
He was sentenced to 20 years 113 jail for seven of the murders.
Between January and August 1988, 46-year-old David Motshekgwa killed 14 black women after
"cunningly luring' them to an isolated area near Klerksdorp.
His trial, on 14 murder charges, was fie largest mass murder case in South African legal history.
Motshekgwa was found to be suffering from necrophilia.
There were hints of the ritualism which generally marks serial sex killings - the naked or half-naked
bodies of Ids victims were found covered with twigs.
He was sentenced to death.
Philip Ndyave of Queenstown strangled 12 women in 1989, on occasions robbing and raping them.
Found by the trial court to be psychotic, he said he did not know why he had committed
the murders.
Evidence was that Ndyave was the child of a cruel mother parental brutality is a common
theme in serial sex killings - with whom he stayed in close touch after leaving home.
Jacobus Geldenhuys (26), the "Norwood Rapist", confessed to murdering four women and a 16-year-old
schoolgirl, raping two of them, in the northern suburbs of Johannesburg in 1991.
Three were shot in the head at point blank range.
He was also convicted of two other rapes in the Rand Supreme Court.
He was sentenced to death.
Antonie Wessels, a homosexual and former bouncer, killed three men and maimed another with the
help of his 15-year-old lover.
Evidence during the trial was that Wessels derived sexual pleasure from slitting his
victims' throats.
Described by the court as a "dangerous psychopathic murderer", he believed his victims' souls
bonded with his at the moment of death.
Stewart Wilken Stewart Wilken presents an interesting case
because he killed two distinct types of victims.
Serial killers almost invariably target victims who share certain characteristics, which may
be anything from their physical appearance to their vocation to something as mundane
as wearing high heels.
They do this because it provides them with an emotional release.
Ted Bundy killed young, attractive women.
Jeffrey Dahmer killed homosexual men.
Andrei Chikatilo killed children of both sexes.
Stewart Wilken killed adult female prostitutes and early adolescent boys.
Like all serial killers, there was a deep psychological motive underlying his choice
of victims.
Port Elizabeth is a large town on the east coast of South Africa, a country known for
gold, apartheid and Nelson Mandela.
It is also the country with the second highest number of serial killers, after the United
States (Pistorius, 2000), although this is a lesser-known fact.
By the beginning of 1997, at least eight people had already been killed by the same man over
a seven-year period in Port Elizabeth, or PE, as it is generally referred to by South
However, no one had connected all the cases.
But Stewart Wilken finally made a mistake.
On January 22, 1997, a 12-year-old boy named Henry Bakers disappeared.
His mother, Ellen Bakers, was not concerned, as the boy frequently stayed over at his grandmother's
house in nearby Missionvale, which is walking distance from their home in Algoa Park.
However, when he did not arrive home by Thursday evening, she became uneasy.
On Friday morning, she went to her mother's house, only to hear that Henry had left for
home on Wednesday.
He had been missing for two days.
The Child Protection Unit was contacted and Sgt.
Ursula Barnard began to investigate the case.
She discovered Henry had been at his mother's house on Wednesday afternoon, after which
he played with a friend at a nearby park.
The friend told her that he had to go and buy milk for his parents and later saw Henry
with a man called Stewart Wilken in Dyke Way.
He asked Henry where he was going and the man said that it was none of his business.
Wilken was known to both Henry and Ellen Bakers, and had even lived at her mother's for a while
after he had had some marital problems.
Barnard set out to find Stewart Wilken, which was problematic because he did not have a
fixed address.
She was informed by a colleague that Wilken's daughter, Wuane, had disappeared in 1995,
and that there were also two charges of sodomy being investigated against him.
Like Henry Bakers, Wuane was last seen in Wilken's company.
The sodomy charges were filed by his parents-in-law in connection with the two sons of his second
wife, Victoria.
Barnard arrested Wilken on January 28, 1997, and questioned him.
He appeared genuinely concerned about the missing boy and eager to help.
He told Sgt.
Barnard that he had indeed been with Henry for a while on that Wednesday, but he knew
nothing about his disappearance.
In fact, Wilken alleged that he had spent the night at a lady friend's house.
He was released.
The alibi turned out to be false, and Wilken was rearrested on January 31, 1997.
The Child Protection Unit approached Sgt.
Derrick Norsworthy of the Murder and Robbery Unit.
He had been trained by Dr. Micki Pistorius, South Africa's first psychological profiler,
in the investigation of serial murder, which included advanced interviewing and interrogation
Norsworthy had Wilken brought to his office, where the latter introduced himself as "Boetie
Boer" ("Brother Farmer"), and the name by which he was generally known.
Norsworthy sat Wilken down in a chair facing a photograph of the sergeant's daughter, who
was almost the same age as Wuane had been.
He left Wilken alone for a while.
Upon his return, he found Wilken staring at the photograph.
Norsworthy drew Wilken's attention to the framed certificates on his wall, signifying
that he had successfully completed training as an investigator of serial homicide.
Wilken's eyes found the photograph once more.
Norsworthy told Wilken that he knew he had killed the two children.
He also knew that Wilken had revisited the bodies to fantasize and commit necrophilia.
Wilken was silent, then his eyes drew on slits and he stretched out his hands.
"I am sick," he said.
Then, he admitted that he had killed both his daughter, Wuane, and Henry Bakers.
In fact, he had returned to the decomposing body of the boy that very morning to have
sex with it.
Wilken's full confession revealed disturbing details of his crimes.
He told the police that he "inspected" his daughter's vagina and found that she
had been "defiled."
He told her he wanted to save her from "this life" and then strangled her.
He kept her body (and later her skeleton) hidden behind the Garden Court Holiday Inn
hotel for six months.
The skeleton was found in 1996, but the police could only now attach an identity to it.
Wilken confessed to murdering at least 10 victims, including his daughter and Henry
Wilken was sentenced to seven life terms behind bars.
He is deemed a killer that cannot be rehabilitated, considering that he had shown no remorse,
did not look away as very disturbing pictures of the victims were displayed in court, and
even masturbated in the court bathroom during his trial.
Gert van Rooyen The spiritualist believes Gert van Rooyen's
victims were buried under a pipeline on a KZN beach.
Yet another chapter in the tragic mystery of the six young victims of paedophile Gert
van Rooyen opened on the North Coast last week.
A police forensic team spent two days digging around a stormwater pipe on Blythedale Beach
for the remains of two, possibly three, of the victims of Van Rooyen and his lover, Joey
This followed a 15-month investigation by TV programme Fokus, which uncovered what they
believed was compelling evidence the girls might have been buried there after Van Rooyen
and Haarhoff holidayed at the resort.
Fokus executive producer Alet Wright, inset, said a family who had once lived in Blythedale
contacted her and said that while they were living there, their two-yearold son had an
"imaginary friend" he called Sheraton, who told him she had been beaten and assaulted
by adults.
The father had also seen the figure of a young girl next to their swimming pool, but she
had vanished.
Van Rooyen and Haarhoff were linked to the disappearance of five girls between 1988 and
They allegedly kidnapped Joan Horn, 13, Odette Boucher, 11, Anne-Marie Wapenaar, 12, Yolande
Wessels, 12, and Fiona Harvey, 12.
The girls have never been found.
Their last victim escaped from Van Rooyen's house in Pretoria and alerted the police.
Van Rooyen shot Haarhoff and then committed suicide during a police chase on January 16,
1990, less than a week later.
The couple are known to have holidayed in Blythedale and Umdloti.
Forensic teams have previously searched both locations, without success.
But this year, Wright was told by spiritualist LaRenta Marx that she was sure bodies had
been buried near a construction site on or near Blythedale.
A search of the archives of The North Coast Courier revealed that when the existing car
park and public toilets at Blythedale were being built in 1989, a stormwater pipe had
been laid on the beach.
The medium believed the bodies were under it.
Armed with this information, Wright convinced the police to investigate further.
Saps Forensics called in earthmoving machinery to uncover the pipe on Wednesday, after its
position had been pointed out by retired municipal engineer Leon Klopper.
The team dug further with spades and sifted for evidence, but were hampered by the depth
of the sand.
Former Springbok rugby captain Gary Teichmann donated two more machines, which dug deeper
but were eventually halted by a thick concrete slab under the beach.
The search was called off on Thursday night having had no success.
Van Rooyen had a long history of sexual violence.
In 1979, he abducted two girls, aged 10 and 13, taking them to Hartbeespoort Dam near
Pretoria where he punched them in the face to force them to strip naked and perform sexual
He released them in Pretoria the next day, and was arrested and sentenced to four years'
imprisonment for abduction – serving three years before being released.
Van Rooyen met Haarhoff in 1988, and is thought to have used her to lure young girls for him.
Children's homes reported that she telephoned, requesting to bring girls home for holidays
and weekends.
The couple applied to foster children, but were turned down.
The disappearance of the six young girls in 1988 and 1989 caused nationwide alarm.
After the suicide pact of Van Rooyen and Haarhoff had been carried out, police discovered forensic
evidence and eyewitnesses confirming they had taken the girls.
Police searched their Pretoria property and locations in Umdloti and Blythedale where
they had holidayed in vain.
On March 12, 2007, a set of adolescent bones was found on the beach near Umdloti, about
500 metres from a resort Van Rooyen and Haarhoff had visited.
But DNA testing did not identify any of the victims.
– Caxton News Service.
Louis van Schoor Mass murderer Louis van Schoor walked straight
into the arms of his fiancee when he was released on parole after serving 12 years of his 20-year
sentence in the East London prison.
He was convicted in 1992 of seven murders and two attempted murders.
He was freed on Friday.
Van Schoor, 53, a former member of the police dog unit and security guard, made world headlines
when it was alleged that he had killed 39 people.
His modus operandi involved responding to silent alarms set up in business premises,
then shooting suspects with his 9mm parabellum.
At one point before his conviction he admitted to a journalist that he had shot 100 people
during his career as a security guard between 1986 and 1989.
His daughter, murderer Sabrina van Schoor, 23, was left behind in the same prison when
her father walked free.
She is serving a 25-year sentence for hiring a hitman to slit her mother's throat in 2002.
She reportedly arranged the murder of her mother, Beverly van Schoor, a Queenstown businesswoman,
because she abused her verbally and physically and because she was racist and did not approve
of Sabrina's black friends.
As the hitman stabbed her mother to death, Sabrina waited in her bedroom with her baby.
Before her conviction two years ago, Sabrina said she wanted her father to look after her
child even though she had at one time stated that he had assaulted her mother and threatened
to kill her.
Van Schoor would not confirm whether he would adopt his three-year-old granddaughter Tatum.
"I will always support my daughter and will try to create a bond with my grandchild,"
said Van Schoor, minutes after his release.
"I saw Sabrina on Wednesday.
We had a nice chat.
She is very excited for me.
The bond between us will not be broken."
Van Schoor's fiancee, Eunice de Kock, 38, is a Cape Town lawyer whom he says he met
"through the media" four years ago.
She will be his fifth wife.
She wore a black suit, seamed black hose and ankle strap stilettos to meet her lover.
The two embraced and kissed passionately before and after a media briefing at Fort Glamorgan
"She is a very dear friend of mine.
We are engaged and we will see where it goes from here," said Van Schoor.
"I doubt that we will be living together because she is from Cape Town and I am from East London."
Looking fit and healthy and wearing a bright red golf shirt, he said his intention was
to "go farming".
He had studied agriculture in prison and spent his leisure time gardening in the grounds.
Reading out a pencil-written media statement, Van Schoor said he was happy to rejoin society.
"I am hoping that after so many years the public will not judge me on my past but rather
on my future.
I want to thank my daughters, Jane and Amy, and all the friends who stood by me through
the last 12 years."
He also thanked prison personnel.
"I have no words to describe how I feel and am very excited to see what comes my way.
I am planning to write a book about my life."
He initially said he had "nothing to say" to the families of the men he had murdered,
but eventually said he wanted their forgiveness.
"To the families and friends of my victims, I apologise if my action caused any hurt and
A prison official, Phineas Mouna, described Van Schoor as "a model prisoner" who showed
leadership qualities.
David Randitsheni Johannesburg - A 45-year-old serial child
rapist and murderer was sentenced to multiple life terms by the Modimolle Circuit Court
in Limpopo on Tuesday, national police said.
"David Randitsheni was sentenced to 16 life sentences plus 220 years imprisonment for
a series of murders, rapes and kidnappings he committed between 2004 and 2008," Director
Sally de Beer said.
Randitsheni was convicted on 10 counts of murder, 17 counts of rape, one count of indecent
assault and 18 counts of kidnapping.
"There was only one count of rape for an adult female," De Beer said.
He was arrested on May 16 2008 after an intensive police investigation during which over 550
DNA samples were tested before a police forensic expert identified the suspect.
"All 19 victims were kidnapped and raped and 10 were murdered in a crime spree which devastated
the community of Modimolle," she said.
Judge Roger Claassen, in handing down the sentence, stipulated that Randitsheni could
not be considered for parole for the next 35 years.
By that time, he would be 80-years-old.
The SABC reported that in delivering judgement, Claassen said the crimes were committed in
a horrific manner, and as Randitsheni made admissions but chose to remain silent, showed
that he had no reasons to prove his innocence.
Claassen said the State had proven beyond a reasonable doubt he committed the offences.
Recently convicted Modimolle serial killer David Randitsheni, 45, has committed suicide,
said Limpopo police on Monday.
Captain Mashudu Malelo said Randitsheni was found hanging by a sheet from a window frame
in the Thohoyandou prison on Sunday.
An inquest docket was opened.
Randitsheni was serving 16 life sentences and 220 years after he was sentenced in the
Modimolle Circuit Court three weeks ago.
Randitsheni was convicted on 10 counts of murder, 17 counts of rape, one count of indecent
assault and 18 counts of kidnapping.
He had raped and killed a number of children and one adult in the Modimolle area between
2004 and 2008.
He was arrested on May 16, 2008 after an intensive police investigation during which over 550
DNA samples were tested before a police forensic expert identified the suspect.
– Sapa.
Christopher Mhlengwa Zikode Christopher Mhlengwa Zikode, one of KwaZulu-Natal's
most notorious serial killers, could potentially be eligible for parole.
In 1997, Zikode was given five life sentences after he was found guilty of 21 charges of
murder, rape, indecent assault and housebreaking with intent to rape or murder.
He terrorised the residents of Donnybrook Township between April and September 1995.
Many of his killings were conducted execution-style and Zikode would kill his rape victims and
mutilate them.
He would break into people's homes and confront them in the dead of night.
During the early hours of June 24, 1995, Zikode repeatedly raped a woman and her nine-year-old
daughter on the same bed.
The following month, he broke into Zanele Khumalo's bedroom while she was asleep.
He shot her in the head, then dragged her to a nearby plantation and raped her.
These are just a few of the many atrocities Zikode has committed.
In 1995 during a three-week spree Bongani Mfeka, another KwaZulu-Natal serial killer,
who preyed on women commuters at the Kranskop taxi rank, was sentenced to four life sentences
after pleading guilty to four murders, an attempted murder, rape and theft.
Mfeka would lure women from the taxi rank and promise them work.
He then would lead them to a secluded forest, strangle and sometimes rape them.
Mfeka confessed in detail how he murdered the women and pointed out where he had left
the bodies, which were sometimes found in a state of decomposition.
He said he strangled the women because he had lied about finding them jobs, because
he was unemployed himself.
Dhevaraj Naidoo, a former teacher, was sentenced to death in 1994 but had his death sentence
replaced with life in 1999 by the Supreme Court of Appeal.
Naidoo was jailed for the murder of his wife, Amrita and daughter, Prashana, 7.
He was said to be a sole beneficiary of his wife's insurance policies, totalling R1
Naidoo, too, is potentially eligible for parole.
Bheki Mazibuko laughed as the judge handed down his sentence of life imprisonment for
the murder of Durban businessman, Victor du Preez, and a colleague, David Ibbetson, in
The two had gone to check repair work in KwaMashu when they were robbed by Mazibuko and an accomplice,
Nhlanhla Mlambo.
Du Preez was assaulted, sworn at, pinned down and shot in the head.
Mazibuko and Mlambo then drove away with Ibbetson's car.
Soon after, they were arrested and found with possessions belonging to Ibbetson and Du Preez.
Mlambo was sentenced to 25 years.
Mazibuko and Mlambo had shown no remorse for their crime and were labelled a threat to
Nkosikhona Gasela and Thembelani Sibiya were sentenced to life imprisonment in 1999 for
the murder of Kranskop timber farmer Friedel Redinger, former mayor of Kranskop.
Redinger was driving through his plantation when he was stopped by Gasela, ordered to
get out of his vehicle and was shot through the back of his head with a home-made shotgun.
Redinger was robbed of his car, farm radio and cellphone.
Sibiya and Gasela were members of the community police forum at the time of the murder.
Bulelani Mabhayi Mthatha - He has cracked some of the most
serious criminal cases in the Eastern Cape – including the arrest of a serial rapist
in Mzamba, who raped and murdered women and removed their wombs for muti.
But the arrest of Bulelani Mabhayi, the "Monster of Tholeni", proved to be the most daunting
for Captain Aaron Hanise.
"This was a very difficult case.
People had no clue who was terrorising the community," he said.
Mabhayi operated in the Eastern Cape, preying on victims in Tholeni – a place that became
known as "the village of death".
The village lies along the N2 freeway, about 15km from Butterworth, a town situated between
East London and Mthatha.
It's a small village.
Herds of cattle, sheep and goats graze on the vegetation growing in the almost barren
"There aren't many jobs around and most people just keep livestock or do odd jobs
in the village or town," said Nomfundiso Mpontshane, an activist whose house was used
as a victim support centre for traumatised relatives and other frightened villagers during
Mabhayi's reign of terror.
There are abandoned and dilapidated buildings interspersed with brightly painted houses.
The deserted houses belonged to Mabhayi's victims or their relatives – an eerie reminder
of his trail of destruction.
It was in June 2010, after the murder of Sinazo Mbeki and her two grandchildren, that Hanise
was tasked with tracking the perpetrator behind a string of murders now believed to be linked.
The three killings brought to eight the tally of murders that were believed to have been
committed by the same perpetrator.
Authorities were for the first time admitting that they were looking for a serial killer.
Hanise and his team of detectives initially put up a R250 000 reward for an arrest leading
to a conviction, but nobody came forward with any helpful information.
"We called the psychologists' office to help determine if we had a serial killer on
our hands.
They confirmed that," said Hanise.
DNA samples were also collected from some of the village residents with previous rape
convictions in the hope of finding a link.
It came to naught.
The case stalled and so provincial police management initiated a strategy called Operation
Good Hope, drawing on police from various units including the organised crime unit,
the dog unit and forensic divisions.
The joint operation made its first move on May 17, 2010, when hundreds of males over
the age of 16 were rounded up in an early-morning blitz in the area.
They were taken to a local church, where they had their DNA samples and fingerprints taken.
Mabhayi was among them.
But his fingerprints could not be lifted as he did not have an ID document.
The police focus did not deter Mabhayi.
He continued with his killing spree, murdering five more people over the next 13 months.
The breakthrough, when it was finally made, came as a result of Mabhayi's indiscretion
rather than good detective work.
On August 11 last year, Mabhayi murdered Nophumzile Florence Lubambo and accidentally left his
shoe at the crime scene.
It was a mistake that led to his arrest.
"We were looking for another person, who happened to be his (Mabhayi)'s brother,
the late Siyabonga.
Incidentally, we got him because of the shoe we found on the crime scene.
It matched the one he was wearing," said Hanise.
The saliva that had been drawn from Mabhayi during Operation Good Hope proved indispensable.
His DNA test results linked him to the string of murders.
"It was a huge relief when he was arrested.
I can gladly go on pension now," laughed Hanise.
As Mabhayi began serving his life sentence in prison on Tuesday, residents of the village
he terrorised for so long said they continued to live in fear.
Many believe Mabhayi was not working alone when he committed his crimes.
"When he testified in court, he (Mabhayi) always said 'we' when he answered questions.
Who else was he referring to?" asked Mpontshane.
By that time, the "Monster" had already murdered 15 victims.
He simply carried on and killed five more people before he made a mistake.
Leaving his shoe behind next to his last victim meant the end of his reign of terror.
In 2012, Mabhayi was given 25 life terms without the possibility of parole.
Jack Mogale "I didn't do anything.
You know how life is, this is a challenge, I didn't do any of those things.
I don't even know those women"
These were the words of serial killer and rapist Jack Mogale before he was found guilty
of 52 crimes, including 16 murders and 12 rapes.
Judge Frans Kgomo described Mogale as a liar who contradicted himself numerous times and
tried to shift blame every time he was cornered.
"I can safely say that the accused was an untruthful witness whose evidence cannot be
relied on.
He contradicted himself and came up with new versions.
I formed the impression that he was not telling the whole truth," said Kgomo.
"The state has proved beyond reasonable doubt the accused's guilt".
Mogale may have been nailed by DNA evidence, admissions, two women who survived his killing
spree and a confession statement he made after the arrest, but it was his fiancee, main state
witness Charlotte Manaka who put the nail in the coffin with a testimony that contradicted
all of Mogale's versions.
Kgomo started judgment by dismissing Mogale's version that police had conspired against
him by taking a used condom from his house on the day he was arrested and using the specimen
found in it as DNA evidence.
"This defense is very suspicious, especially because the DNA kit was compiled long before
the accused was even identified as a suspect and long before he was arrested.
The accused's own girlfriend testified that they were not using condoms," said the judge.
The judge also said Manaka confirmed that Mogale normally wore a Zion Christian Church
badge or sangoma beads.
That confirmed the evidence of two women who said they were tricked into believing Mogale
was a prophet sent by God to cure them.
They both identified him by the badge and sangoma beads.
Kgomo further rejected Mogale's version that police fabricated the contents of his
confession statement, calling it a "fragment of his own imagination".
Mogale killed 16 women and raped 12 in the Lenasia and Westonaria area between 2008 and
He was also convicted on numerous counts of theft, kidnapping, sexual assault and escaping
from lawful custody.
One of the alleged victims was 19 years old when Mogale allegedly battered her face with
a brick while raping her in an open veld in Westonaria.
She testified that she had accepted a lift from Mogale and only realised that she was
in danger when he took the wrong turn and became aggressive when she asked where they
were going.
The woman said after the rape, he left her unconscious and bleeding in the veld.
She only woke up the following day and crawled to a nearby road where she was able to get
Mogale allegedly murdered Hanyeleni Mhangwani who had testified against him in a RDP house
fraud case at Westonaria magistrate's court.
He also raped and killed Dipuo Mogadi, Umanikazonke Sindane, Sonto Tsotetsi, Nothembela Ndabisa,
Dipuo Denese, Mamikie Tlallo and nine other women whose bodies have not been identified.
"Evidence showed that a sim card belonging to the accused was inserted in the victim's
missing cellphone.
The accused could not explain how that happened when he was questioned," said Kgomo.
The judge went on to say that evidence indicates that the murders were the work of a serial
killer and it all pointed to Mogale.
"In the light of the totality of evidence, much of which is uncontested such as the DNA
evidence, the admissions and testimonies, it can be confirmed that in all the bodies,
except the one of a child, the cause of death was strangulation.
Bodies were left in sexual positions, naked and raped," said the judge.
"On the day he was arrested, the accused displayed hatred for women, he behaved like
a psychopath and even showing his manhood to the female police officer.
When he met the same policewoman at the station he said "when I come out of here you will
be the first person I rape and kill.
Moses Sithole South Africa's most prolific serial killer
to date, Moses Sithole stands convicted of 38 slayings in a series of "ABC Murders" committed
between January and October 1995.
The crimes received their media nickname from the fact that they began in Atteridgeville
(spawning ground for so many South African slayers), continued in Boksburg, and claimed
more lives in Cleveland.
The victims, all female, were apparently lured or transported to outlying fields where they
were beaten, stripped, raped, and strangled with articles of their own clothing.
Several victims were found with hands tied behind their backs, and one still wore a blindfold.
Many were left with pieces of clothing draped across their faces as if to prevent them from
staring at their killer in death.
South African authorities, virtually overrun by serial killers in the wake of apartheid's
collapse, consulted exFBI Agent Robert Ressler in their search for the "ABC" killer.
Working in conjunction with Dr. Micki Pistorius, Ressler concluded that the murders in all
three communities were linked.
President Nelson Mandela was concerned enough about the crime wave to cancel a scheduled
trip abroad, appearing in Boksburg with high-ranking justice officials, where he appealed for public
help in tracking the strangler.
Police got their break in early October 1995 when a Capetown newspaper, The Star, received
an anonymous telephone call from the slayer.
He identified himself as "the man that is so highly wanted," describing his murders
as an act of revenge for a prior miscarriage of justice.
As describes by the caller, he had been arrested in 1978 for "a crime I didn't do"-specifically,
a rape-and spent the next 14 years in prison, where he was "abused" and "tortured" by fellow
To make matters worse, the caller said, his parents and sister had died while he was in
In retaliation for those wrongs, he explained, "l force a woman to go where I want, and when
I go there I tell them, 'Do you know what?
I was hurt, so I'm doing ¡t now.'
Then I kill them."
When asked how many victims he had killed, the caller claimed 76-twlce as many as police
had found thus far.
To verify his claim, he signed off with directions to the corpse of "a lady I don't think the
police have discovered."
With so many clues in hand, police soon focused their search on Moses Sithole, a 31-year-old
ex-convict and youth counselor who had suddenly dropped out of sight.
Known to use as many as six pseudonyms, he proved an elusive quarry, but a tip directed
them to his hideout in the Johannesburg slum of Benoni on October 18.
Armed with a hatchet when officers approached him, Sithole wounded one policeman before
he was shot and disarmed.
He survived his wounds and was soon transferred from intensive care to a military hospital,
where physicians diagnosed him as HIV-positive.
In custody, he boasted of teaching his victims "a very good lesson" by killing them.
Robert Ressler's profile of the "ABC" killer had suggested the possibility of two TEAM
KILLERS working together, and police initially suspected that Sithole might be an accomplice
of David Selepe, linked to a half-dozen murders of women in Cleveland, but Sithole denied
ever meeting Selepe, and no evidence has been found to connect the two men.
(Selepe, for his part, had nothing to say on the subject.
He was shot dead in December 1994, reportedly after attacking a policeman on a visit to
one of his crime scenes.
The officer who killed him was exonerated on a claim of self-defense.)
A full year passed before Moses Sithole made his first court appearance, on October 22,
1996, formally charged with 38 murders, 40 rapes, and six counts of robbery.
His trial, scheduled to begin on November 14, was postponed when Sithole arrived in
court that morning, his pants drenched in blood.
He was rushed to a hospital, treated for an open knee wound apparently sustained at Pretoria
Central Prison.
When his trial finally convened in February 1997, an American voice expert identified
Sithole as the caller who had boasted of his murders to reporters at The Star.
Sithole had also confessed his crimes in detail to other inmates, some of whom were curiously
equipped with both tape recorders and video cameras, capturing his boasts for posterity.
The long-winded proceedings were delayed once again in August when Sithole started vomiting
blood from a stomach ulcer, but there was no escaping justice.
On December 5, 1997, jurors convicted Sithole on all counts; the following day, he was sentenced
to a prison term of 2,410 years.
Saddest Stories in Diablo Lore - Farnham, Haedrig, Leah, & more - Duration: 10:05.
In the world of Diablo - angels and demons fight for control in the Eternal Conflict.
Let's just say the world isn't full of sunshine and rainbows.
I'm Jason with Curse here to bring you some of the saddest
stories in the Diablo franchise.
Farnham was once a citizen of the city of Tristram.
He was present during King Leoric's descent into madness, and was one of the citizens
recruited by Lazarus to delve into the Tristram Cathedral after prince Albrecht went missing.
Unfortunately for Farnham, Lazarus had decided to lead the townsfolk into a very large, very
angry Butcher demon.
Farnham managed to survive this encounter, but he was wounded.
His physical wounds were later healed, but the mental scars never went away, his mind
and spirit shattered.
This led to Farnham finding solace only in liquor, drowning himself away.
During some of his drunken stupors, he would find himself headed back into that hellish
cathedral in search of his daughter.
Eventually he did manage to find her, and return her alive, to the surface.
But this was not to last, as he was greeted by Deckard Cain and Prince Aidan.
Seeing that the daughter could not be saved, and might rise again - Cain instructed Aidan
to give her peace.
Aidan did eventually manage to defeat Diablo in the Cathedral, but there was no solace
for Farnham, or the town of Tristram.
After Aidan left Tristram as the Dark Wanderer - demons would descend upon the town, and
Farnham was butchered along with the rest.
From one of humanity's greatest enemies - to one of its staunchest defenders - Tyrael
- Archangel of Justice.
Tyrael once held that humanity was an abomination that required destruction.
During the first Sin War, when the High Heavens discovered Sanctuary - he stopped at nothing
to ensure that the forces of Hell could not use humanity to further their evil goals.
Tyrael even stooped so low as to use assassins and lies to betray the humans that would trust
This was all in an effort to sow as much chaos as possible, before the Heavenly Host would
arrive and destroy them.
However this all changes after Uldyssian defeated Inarius, and cast out both demons and angels
from Sanctuary.
During the vote held afterwards - where the Angiris Council decided what to do about the
situation - Tyrael realized humanity's potential, and joined his vote with Auriel and Itherael
to save them.
And over the years, despite both the High Heavens, and Burning Hells having a non-interference
policy with Sanctuary, Tyrael would consistently defy orders, and help out humanity, often
countering the forces of evil.
After Belial and Azmodan made their appearance on Sanctuary, Tyrael promised humanity that
they would not fight the darkness alone.
But Imperius had discovered his transgressions - and despite Tyrael's plea's, was unmoved.
Furious at Tyrael for disobeying the Council, the two came to blows, before Tyrael did the
He tore off his wings, becoming mortal in the process, falling from Heaven, and forever
sacrificing his divinity to save humanity.
If you've kept up with the Diablo franchise then you're probably familiar with the blacksmith
- Haedrig Eamon - an instrumental part of the Nepahlem's quest - but his own past
is mired in tragedy.
As a young boy Haedrig lived with his father in Caldeum.
They were well-to-do, with his father being a diplomat, and grandfather serving King Leoric
However, during King Leoric's madness, his grandfather was blamed as the presence behind
Despite attempts to dispel the rumors, one night a crazed band of refugees from Tristram
arrived at the manor in Caldeum and attacked.
Haedrig managed to escape, but just before he was thrown from a window, he looked back
only to find his father with two daggers in his back, and another at his throat.
Some time after he fled Caldeum, Haedrig would meet his wife Mira.
And they were happy for a time, but it was not to last.
They had made a life in New Tristram, right as the Fallen Star fell, reviving the dead,
and spreading sickness.
Unfortunately Mira had been infected, and thrown into a cellar with the rest of the
living dead.
But when the sickness had run its course, she became a Risen, and Haedrig was forced
to slay her and the rest of the turned with the Nephalem's help.
And then there was the child born only to fulfill Diablo's plans.
Leah - daughter of Adria and the Wanderer, adopted niece of Deckard Cain.
From an early age Leah would know pain and suffering.
Tristram would fall to the forces of hell, forcing Adria and Leah to escape to Caldeum
- with a barmaid by the name of Gillian.
But as soon as they had arrived there, Adria would depart and leave Gillian to care for
the infant Leah.
But due to Gillian's exposure to the demons of hell, she was not always able to function
in a normal capacity, let alone raise a child not her own.
And even as society noticed how eccentric Gillian was, that stigma was passed to Leah,
regarding her as an unlucky child.
Furthermore, Leah was bullied during her childhood.
She was nicknamed Sewer Rat due to her rampant exploration of the sewers beneath the city.
And through this time, Gillian never told her of her parents.
But those parents were very important.
She would inherit their powers, and also the demonic energy of Diablo, and when her power
manifested, she was forced to learn to cope with it from an early age.
She often suffered from nightmares, prophetic glimpses of the future, and memories of the
past - memories of angels and demons.
Memories that were not her own.
Eventually Deckard Cain would come to rescue the poor Leah.
He would become a father figure in her life, teaching her many things and bringing her
along on his journeys.
This carried on for a number of years until Tyrael fell from Heaven, into the Tristram
Cain was inside the cathedral at that time, and became trapped - and furthermore, Belial
was aware of Tyrael's arrival - sending minions to go and collect whatever they could.
His lieutenant Maghda led the charge, attempting to collect shards of Tyrael's sword, but
was fought off by Leah and the Nephalem until at last, Maghda took Cain as a hostage to
try and negotiate.
In the ensuing conflict, Cain would succumb to his injuries, bringing great sadness to
everyone who knew him, but Leah most of all.
Eventually Leah would find herself in the presence of her mother once again.
As Adria instructed her on how to use her dark powers, she would grow more powerful.
She began taking the steps to act as the final, perfect vessel, by sealing Belial in the Black
Her nightmares became more horrific, her prophetic visions becoming more disturbing.
And the Black Soulstone became ever harder to control.
Eventually with the defeat and sealing of Azmodan, her mother Adria showed her true
colors, by turning the soulstone on Leah.
Finally realizing that she had been conceived by Diablo for this purpose so long ago, and
faced with the unrelenting fury of the Seven Evils - her mind shattered.
Her body was then possessed by Diablo himself, as the long awaited Prime Evil.
Tristram is a rather well known town to the players of the Diablo franchise, but is somewhat
more infamous than the characters in it.
In ancient times, the Horadrim had slain the three elder demon brothers - Mephisto, Baal,
and Diablo.
They were sealed away in soulstones, with Diablo's being held far underground in the
Tristram Cathedral.
A great deal of time passed, until Leoric had come from Kehjistan to Khanduras, declared
himself king, and made Tristram his seat of power.
Unknown to him, Diablo's soulstone still remained here, and would attempt to possess
Diablo's influence was so potent, Leoric became more and more insane over time, declaring
war on Westmarch, slaughtering the townsfolk, and beheading his wife via guillotine.
Leoric would be dethroned in a rather violent manner, but it was not long before Tristram
would suffer more horrors.
Demons soon attacked the town, and the once holy cathedral became a place of dark cults
and rituals.
Many adventurers descended into the cathedral in search of loot or adventure, though far
fewer actually returned.
Many of the townsfolk left during this period, though some did decide to stay and weather
the storm.
Leoric's eldest son Aidan would eventually brave the depths of the cathedral to put a
stop to Diablo's influence, and was successful for a time.
However, as soon as Aidan left the town as the Dark Wanderer, poor Tristram was again
invaded by demons.
This time, there were only a small handful of survivors.
The once prosperous town of Tristram had been dealt its final blow, and was reduced to smouldering
ruins, and the hellish stories of Tristram travelled far and wide.
If you're interested in content like this, keep an eye out here for more, and be sure
to let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Check out Diablo fans.com for other Diablo related information!
I'm Jason with Curse saying thanks for watching, and enjoy the game.
Everlasting Gobstoppers are Real! | How to Make an Everlasting Gobstopper - Duration: 7:49.
hey everyone it's James from fun foods and I'm going to show you how to make these
everlasting gobstoppers yes these are real they are gobstoppers
they don't last forever but they are a lot of fun making and they taste great
so keep watching I'll show you step by step how to make these the first thing
you want to do is start off with a heavy bottomed pan and to that we want to add
one cup of sugar half a cup of water and 1/4 of a cup of light corn syrup now
just take this over to the stove and heat it up you just want to stir this
until all that sugar has dissolved
and when your liquid becomes clear you can stop stirring put in a candy
thermometer and we want to wait until it reaches about 305 degrees just to be
make sure your cane thermometer is not touching the bottom but in the liquid so
while our liquid is over there heating up I got to prepare our mold and I got
this mold on Amazon I'll put a link in the description below in case you want
to get a hold of one it just has the right shape I'm looking for now the
first thing I want to do is spray it with some cooking spray not much because
it is a silicone mold and then I want to sprinkle a little bit of Confection
confectionery sugar across again you don't want to fill it up with confectionary
sugar you just want a little bit it's going to help it come out I'm going to
put my mold on a baking sheet like this just to make it easier when it reaches
305 degrees you can pull your candy thermometer out and turn off the heat
now we want to stir in our food coloring this is blue food coloring that's the first
one I'm going to use and we'll put a few drops in here stir that in
after that's mixed in really well next we can add our flavoring I'm using
raspberry for the blue and I'm going to add a little bit of this flavoring
because a little bit goes a long way mix that in now we'll you take this over
to our molds and fill it up so our liquid is done it reached the temperature I
wanted to get to and now we're going to do is pour it into our molds and I'll
just start somewhere near the middle and pour it in alright so after this has filled
up you just want to kind of work it around a little bit just to try to to
even it out some and when you're pretty happy with it you can just let it sit
out until it hardens up so I've let my candy harden up and I'm about to take it
out of the mold but what I forgot to do right after I poured the candy into the
mold was using offset spatula to wipe it across so that we'll have those clean
lines to make it easy for our candy come out of mold I will do that in future
batches because we have to make multiple batches of this with different colors
but for this one I'm still going to try to get things out of the molds if they
don't work I'll have to redo it but what I think we can do is kind of just go
along lines and break these and we kind of break them a bunch of different ways
and they seem to be doing okay so I'm going to do that and see if we can get
them out cleanly they seem to work pretty good at just doing that and then
we can take these after you break them up we have to clean them up a bit so
what I'll do is I'll show you
so they'll have the extra little excess candy on them you just take a butter
knife and try to clean it up a bit and the reason we made extra is because
sometimes when you're trying to clean these up they will break so you just use
the other ones this one worked out kind of good put that there there you go and
just do this with all of them and then after that we'll make our next batch
with a different color different flavor and we'll let that harden up now when
you're all done breaking these up and getting them into little individual
pieces you just want to take this set this aside we'll come back to it later
right now I'm going to go ahead and make other batches the same set process I'm
gonna use different colors and different flavors that's the only difference so
we'll set this aside and come back to later and for the red cherry flavor pour
it all in here and this time I am going to take my offset spatula and just
smooth it along this will make it easier for them to come out when they're done hardening up
all in all I made five different batches each a different color in a
different flavor for instance red is cherry yellow is lemon green is mint
blue is raspberry and pink is watermelon well my last batch is done cooking and
what I'm going to do right now is I have this separate burner here and I'm going
to put it on that I want to keep it warm because we don't want it to firm up yet
so we have to kind of work quickly here so what would do is start with yellow
because I seem to have a lot of those and I'm just going to dip this in here
put a dab right on there and I'm going to take another color and put it just like
that and we're going to just kind of join
these together to make what we're looking for
all right so I messed up a bit when I had this on the burner
I had the burner on high I didn't realize it and it burned to this nice
tar that's not good so right now it has it's on a burner I made a whole another
batch and I put it on here and I don't have a burner turned on I'll only turn on
if I need it so to complete where we were just at is I'm gonna take here's
the one we've been working on you can kind of use whatever colors you want
just kind of spread them out try to get them opposite sides if you can well now
it's off to a taste test so I'm going to give this a try and see
how they taste all together almost like a fruit punch lots of flavor in there
well thanks everyone for watching I hope you enjoyed watching me make these
everlasting gobstoppers this was a lot of fun making these please share this with any of
your friends and family that might enjoy this I had a great time making this it
was a lot of hard work so just a warning if you want to make these have a whole
day set aside because it does take a lot of work but it was a lot of fun doing
this I hope you share this with somebody and I hope you check out some of the
other videos I have off to the side I think you may enjoy those as well and
until then I'll see you guys next week
Jessi Cruickshank's Post-Pegnancy Plastic Surgery Consult | CBC Life - Duration: 3:24.
Hi Doctor Krajden
Hi Jessi
I am here today because I would like to pop out two babies, and then have my body go right
back to how it was before, so I'd like to explore my options.
Anything cosmetic is elective, it's just like renovating your bathroom.
It's a want not a need.
I'm basically renovating my body.
Everytime you walk into the bathroom, you see your new taps and faucets and it really
makes you happy.
I want new taps, and a faucet.
For sure.
Let's start from the top down.
The bosoms.
For a lot of women, what will happen is they will lose their upper fullness, some women
would say droopy.
And the roundness goes to a bit more of a oblong flatter shape.
When I have droopy, and oblong flat breasts, what are my options?
You use an implant to add volume, and enhance the overall shape and contour and roundness
so to speak.
Will perkier boobs make me a better mom?
It might make you a happier mother.
And a happier mother is a better mother.
Okay so moving on down, let's talk about this region.
What happens to it after two babies have been living and growing inside of it for 9 months?
Your skin and soft tissue stretch, even if someone is very slim, it gives them a bit
of a bulge in their lower abdominal area.
Okay, and what can we do about that?
Your looking at skin tightening, and fat reduction.
Liposuction, that would include tummy tuck operation.
We actually removing excess skin and fat, relocating the belly button, tightening the
abdominal muscles.
And all of that because I decided to have two kids.
**** me.
Let's move down even further.
I'm going to list just some of the crotch based procedures you perform here, you tell
me what they are.
What you do is you more or less trimming or contouring the external genital area.
Got it.
Mons Pubis Reduction.
So what happens is they still have excessive soft tissue, above the vagina.
It's called the Mons Pubis area, the most common option would be some very minimal invasive
And yoga pants is the main concern there.
I want to look flat in my yoga pants?
Radio frequency vaginal tightening.
A probe is introduced internally, and what it does is tighten some of the inner tissue.
Has a women ever been unhappy with her post op poopadoop.
That what my mom used to call it when I was a kid.
I'm not answering that.
If I want a full head to vag mommy makeover, does insurance cover that?
Insurance plans will not cover that.
And the medical term is not vag either, so.
Usually we call it the perineal area.
That's sexy.
The pelvic region, yes.
No insurance, no vag.
I think I might opt to focus on the wellness
of my children more than my own self sexiness.
Is that a good idea?
Focus on your child, focus on diet and exercise.
Then you can move on and start taking care of yourself in a bit more intimate, interventional
Got it.
What's the word for vagina?
Perineal region.
I'm never going to forget that.
I'm sure.
I'll think of you everytime.
One Small Step - Duration: 0:16.
Changing your life can be pretty hard.
And when you focus on the end goal it can be even harder.
What you need to do is focus each day on the one small step that you can take that will
get you closer to your goal.
Your dream is only one small step away.
Start today!
Ne-Yo - Priceless Lyrics - Duration: 3:58.
CS:GO - TOP 5 TIPS TO GET OUT OF SILVER - Duration: 2:46.
Hey guys! In this video I cover five tips and tricks to help you to get out of silver.
Let's get right into it. Tip Number 1. Practice and Warmup. It's very useful to practice
regularly and to warmup before every game, so your aim is on point from the very beginning.
I recommend to play deathmatch, and to use this workshop map. You can find the link in
the description. Just press Subscribe and you can find the map ingame under Workshop.
Tip Number 2. Crosshair Placement. Always keep your crosshair at head level, where you
expect an enemy to be. When you see him, you can shoot a lot earlier, because you don't
have to move your crosshair that much. Also, don't aim to close to the corner, otherwise
you will not have enough time to react. Tip Number 3. Communicate. Communication with
your team is a very important aspect of the game. If you don't have a mic, you should
strongly consider getting one. The most important information to exchange with your teammates,
is about enemy positions and which strategy you want to execute. Tip Number 4. Play with
a premade team. Teamwork is very important in CS:GO, and it's a lot easier to win,
if you play with a premade team. If you don't have someone to play with, there is a CS:GO
subreddit and a website, which is called Teamfind. Tip Number 5. Buy as a team. Even on higher
ranks it happens quite often, that some people buy, while the rest of their team is saving
money for the next round. At the beginning of every round, you should decide as a team,
whether you make a buy or an eco round. If you want to learn more about the economy system,
check out my video on this topic. Thats it, already. Thanks for watching! If I could help
you, please consider liking this video and subscribing to my channel.
I'm just your Problem | Mechanical cover - Duration: 1:51.
La da da da da
I'm gonna bury you in the ground
La da da da da
I'm gonna bury you with my sound
I'm gonna drink the red from your pretty pink face
I'm gonna...
Sorry I don't treat you like a goddess,
Sorry I don't treat you like a goddess, Is that what you want me to do?
Sorry I don't treat you like you're perfect,
Sorry I don't treat you like you're perfect, Like all your little loyal subjects do.
Sorry I'm not made of sugar,
Sorry I'm not made of sugar, Am I not sweet enough for you?
Is that why you always avoid me?
That must be such an inconvenience to you.
Well, I'm just your problem.
I'm just your problem.
It's like I'm not even a person, am I?
I'm just your problem.
Well, I shouldn't have to justify what I do.
I shouldn't have to prove anything to you.
I'm sorry that I exist,
I'm sorry that I exist, I forget what landed me on your black list.
But I shouldn't have to be the one that makes up with you..
So, why do I want to?
Why do I want to?
Gen. John Kelly Should Show Trump The 'Value Of Discipline,' Andy Card Says | TODAY - Duration: 3:33.
Super Junior - No other MV (Eng/Greek subs) - Duration: 4:20.
There's no one like you,
Even if I look around it's just like that, Where else to look for?
A good person like you,
A good person like you, With a good heart like you,
A gift as great as you
How lucky that I'm the person
Who will try his hard to protect you, Where else to look for?
A happy guy like me, A happy guy like me,
The guy with the Happiest smile like me
Your two warm hands gets cold, When I'm cold
Your heart that used to be strong Becomes sensitive when I'm hurt
Take my hands silently, Hold me silently,
I'm only wishing for such little comforts You don't know my heart
That wanted to do more just for you
Call out my heart, Free my soul
It always felt like the first time, These remaining days are more
Than the time that I came to love you
There's no one like you, Even if I look around it's just like that,
Where else to look for?
A good person like you, A good person like you,
With a good heart like you, A gift as great as you
How lucky that I'm the person Who will try his hard to protect you,
Where else to look for?
A happy guy like me, A happy guy like me,
The guy with the Happiest smile like me
When my greedy heart Gradually search to other directions
When my mind can't handle Whenever my greed grow even more
I know all those reasons That clearly says that you're here,
It's the only one
I'm always thankful. I could do better as you do
Call out my heart, Free my soul
It always felt like the first time,
These remaining days are more Than the time that I came to love you
There's no one like you, Even if I look around it's just like that,
Where else to look for? A good person like you,
With a good heart like you, A gift as great as you
How lucky that I'm the person Who will try his hard to protect you,
Where else to look for? A happy guy like me,
The guy with the Happiest smile like me
You know, I'm a little bit shy sometimes, You don't know but you're burning like the sun,
Please understand my feelings Even those girls that appears on TV shows are sparkling,
You're always be the one in my eyes (I'm going crazy crazy Baby)
Hearing you tell me that you love me, I have everything in this world,You & I, You're so fine,
Is there someone like you?
I love you Oh, please know it, to me there's only you,
That I stupidly see you As my everything
We arrived on the same road, We're just the same,
How surprising, How grateful, it's love
There's no one like you, Even if I look around it's just like that,
Where else to look for? A good person like you,
With a good heart like you, A gift as great as you
How lucky that I'm the person Who will try his hard to protect you,
Where else to look for? A happy guy like me,
The guy with the Happiest smile like me
There's no one like you
Under Fire & Hit By ISIS SVBIED (Suicide Car Bomb) - Duration: 0:46.
Sleepy time.
Getting lit-
Getting lit up.
Just about 500 meters outside of the city.
Bernie Sanders: Trump 'Wants to Sabotage Health Care in America' - Duration: 8:52.
Sana & Yousef | "I swear we are soulmates." - Duration: 2:01.
What you have to do is...
...show what Islam is.
You're actually a Muslim.
You just say you're not.
Unfortunately, I'm not.
Tough girl.
...is a boy I like.
I like Yousef.
Yes or no?
Do you want to try?
Is it possible...
...to marry a non-religious person in your religion?
Yeah, that's totally chill.
Are you going to marry a non-religious man?
Yeah, maybe.
PIRANHA - HUNGER FOR MORE - Duration: 1:48.
VLOG #3: Is Pride unnecessary? - Duration: 3:28.
That Creepy Girl Smells Good - Duration: 3:20.
Hey it's me Savanna Ayan.
Did you know that writers talk to themselves supposedly?
I have yet to do anything like that.
I don't talk to myself do I?
No, I don't. Is thinking
talking to yourself technically?
And there's talking to you-
And there's talking to the camera but-
That doesn't count.
Anyways I gotta go
Uh..make a video or
do something
Hey it's me Savanna Ayan again
and just ignore
how I'm looking right now. I'm gonna..I'm gonna improve
as the decades go on
you don't have to worry, I'm not going outside
looking like this
I'm not going outside where
it's possible someone might see me
No. I'm posting it on the internet where
it's possible everyone might see me.
but anyways..
The other day, someone
made a comment
someone suggested that
I put on a little too much perfume
as I was leaving the house.
Like is that..is that bad?
And they said "no"
I'm over here trying to make my grand entrance
Okay. This is the same person
that said
that they didn't hear me leave-
that they didn't know I left from somewhere because they didn't hear me
Some people have said that I was
Oh, maybe I shouldn't be that close cause-
Just because they didn't hear me arrive or leave like I just
It's not my fault you can't hear. I'm trying to help you out.
I gotta have people smelling me from a mile away
So that they can know that "I'm here!"
So I can prevent heart attacks
and keep the blood pressures low!
Okay, I'm done.
I'm leaving.
I have not eaten.
Finding fossils in road construction - Duration: 3:43.
Good morning, my friends and welcome back to another fossil-hunting episode
Today I came here to this area
I didn't know that this was here
And I thought that it might it might be worth to take a look
Because they are doing some sort of separation of materials.
They are separating rocks from from sand and they are putting it in the road over here...
So...maybe.... maybe
There is some fossils already separated for me to pick up. Okay. Let's see
Well, I almost felt...
What is that over here?
Take a look at this One!! Yay!!!
Cool !!!
Take a look. hahahaha!! It's perfect !
Here it is guys. I have clean it the best I can. And...
There it is.
Another specimen to my collection
This one the don't have any remains of the shell always the shape
pretty cool pretty awesome
Right right here. I created this space over here for this one
I believe this one is the same species of that other one over there
But this one
Still has the remains of
The shell
Where it was attached to.
It has some
Ridges over here
I Believe this specimen is "Harpagodes Incertus"
Quite similar.
My collection is started to get bigger. Hey hey, hey
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