For more infomation >> DOOM || DOOM UPDATE 6.66 || DOOM UPDATE 6.66 TRAILER || DOOM UPDATE 6.66 GAMEPLAY || GAMOLOGY - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
Al Bano e Romina Power ballano abbracciati: la reazione di Loredana Lecciso? | K.N.B.T - Duration: 5:34.
Bastet transformation - Cat Egyptian Goddess make up and accessories (ENG SUB) - Duration: 10:41.
As usual, I start creating the pattern
I use plastic sheets and paper adhesive tape and I draw half
of the collar so it will be symmetrical
I cut it and copy on foam
Cut it again and after take a break
glue it the pieces with hot glue
Draw the borders and principal figures
I will glue them on the collar later
Copy the forms on paper
copy it on foam and then glue them on the collar
to create a 3D effect
I do the same thing with all the borders
then I create the gems with hot glue and a silicone mold
When I decided when the gems would be I glue them on it
and colour the piece with acrylics
I make the laces
using a fabric tape
gluing them with hot glue
For the headpiece I create the pattern as well
using a bald cap. Take the scotch
make a drawing, cut it
and copy it on foam
Cut all the pieces
and glue the pinces and the two halfs
Draw and cut the feathers
that I will glue on the headpiece
add borders with foam
For the cat ears I draw a square
with a round angle and glue the base
I glue the feathers on the headpiece as well
and start drawing the diadem
I draw different forms
so I create a 3D effect
When I glue details and gems on it
it's ready to be glued on the headpiece
Cut the upper part of the headpiece
and cut off the foam excess under the feathers
Finally I glue the diadem on
Add a border along the upper part of the headpiece and colour it
For the prosthetic I use a face casting
I have a video tutorial on how to create it
add plasticine and sculp the piece
Also for this part of the process
I have a video tutorial on how
to sculpt a prosthetic and how to create a mold
Add texture and blend the borders
with petroleum
Create a border for the mold
Add oil on the plaster part
and put plaster inside the borders
When it dries remove the mold
and use liquid latex to create the prosthetic
I have a video about it too
After few latex layers
I use talc to take it away from the mold
For the teeth I used Thermoform
a thermoplastic material that melts
and models with high temperatures, so using hot water
or a thermal gun
I take a little piece
And being careful not to burn
a take a bite of my teeth
Then I use smaller pieces to create
and stick the teeth
Create a texture
on teeth and gums
and use alchool colours
and teeth colour
For the make up I start using Pros-Aide
to cover my outer half brow
I used a disposable spatula
because it is very sticky and it's difficult to clean it
I do the same with the prosthetic
I put glue inside it and wait few seconds
Put it on the face
and I use a cotton fioc to help me
blending the edges
I try to minimize the edges as better as I can
I use translucent powder to mattyfing the glue
or the brush will stick on it
For the base I use the Drop foundation by Nyx on the skin and the prosthetic
for a good coverage I use
about 3 4 drops
For the concealer I use this one by Nyx
which is so pigmented and I used it on dark circles
on spots, on brows
and along the borders of the prosthetic
Fix it with a powder
I use the Alabaster Touch powder by Neve Cosmetics
For the eyes
I start applying a warm brown in the crease
I use the Daily Mood palette by Mulac
To create the cut crease I use
the Nyx white base on the lid
and to create the outer wing
Apply Velocy eyeshadow by Sugarpill
on the outer half part
of the lid
I apply Pika eyeshadow by Mulac
In the inner corner
from the Daily Mood palette
I use a light shimmer eyeshadow on the yellow
to create a vibrant yellow gold colour
I use Ink by Mulac
to fill the wing
and apply it in the crease
With the previous warm eyeshadow I do the countouring
and with a darker brown and a red eyeshadow
I create the shadows along the prosthetic
Blend the red along the lower lash line
Use the Nyx Vinyl eyeliner
along the upper lash line and to create the borders of the wing
adding few details on the prosthetic
Add more shadows
and apply a black pencil in the waterline
Apply mascara
and finally false lashes
In the lower lip I apply I Slay, Okay by Mulac
I wear the wig, accessories
and teeth. Thanks for watching and don't forget to comment and subscribe! <3
SmackDown Türkçe | John Cena Terörist Mahal'e Meydan Okuyor - Duration: 5:27.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 400 Limousine Automaat | Harman Kardon Sound | Keyless | LED - Duration: 0:57.
Peugeot 307 Break 2.0 HDI XS / AIRCO / E. PAKKET / TREHAAK / *APK TOT 1-2018* - Duration: 1:00.
Peugeot 108 1.0 12V E-VTI 68PK 5DR ACCESS AIRCO - Duration: 1:03.
Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel 5-DRS (Airco/Bluetooth) - Duration: 0:52.
Citroën C1 1.0 E-VTI AIRSCAPE SHINE Elektrisch vouwdak / Airco / Led / 38514km =RIJKLAAR= - Duration: 0:54.
❤ 90 minuti di musica di sonno di Brahms e molte altre canzoni italiane a letto per madre e bambino❤ - Duration: 1:37:00.
Extraterrestrials created the human species - Duration: 2:46.
Ed Sheeran - Perfect (Continuum cover) - Duration: 5:07.
I found a love for me Darling just dive right in
And follow my lead Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet
I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart
is all I own And in your eyes you're holding mine
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight
Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man I see my future in your eyes
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect
tonight Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between
my arms Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite
song I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person And she looks perfect
I don't deserve this You look perfect tonight
Al Bano Carrisi e Romina Power, le ultime news gossip ad oggi 29 luglio 2017 | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:01.
TV SANA #78 "O Wu Shu" - Duration: 22:05.
Unboxing... APRIAMO DUE PACCHI BELLI GROSSI! #ilcaneabbaia - Duration: 6:51.
[ENG SUBS] Pyrotechnical tests - Faraon (JW15) by Jorge - Duration: 5:26.
Welcome Guys on my FireAcademy channel
Today we`re going to judge Faraon
This is a small launcher of fireballs which are flying high
It has 100 shots and it`s colorful
Of course it has CE certificate
What`s strange I bought it on a sale
40% off
But this sale was for products without CE certificate
But I checked at home it has CE
I don`t know you`ll see this sign
I hope you`ll see
The movie is recorded in 4k
So you should see it with a sqiunt
This launcher has 30,6 g of NEC
It`s 2nd class
100 shots, made in China
The calibre has 7 and 22 mm
Here we have a cover for a fuse
I`ll destroy it a bit
I`ll see how it looks inside
It`s packed very strange
I won`t open it
I don`t have nails
No way
I`ll destroy it faster than I open
I`ll use my teeth
It has short fuse
And it`s tangled inside
There are 9 tubes
There are 9 tubes and they have 7 mm calibre
And in the middle there`s a tube which has 22 mm calibre
But the most interesting is.. That the fuse lies on the bottom
I`m curious it`ll be extra bang in the end
If you know what I mean
We`ll see for a moment
Let`s test it!
I hope it`ll be interesting
Let`s start the test
100 shots
I hope I`ll catch a frame well
If it`s sth wrong setted I`ll try to change settings
But it should be ok
It flies low
I didn`t excepted they will fly low
It was the last one shot; I didn`t excepted it
That was very quick
The effect was poor
We`ll see on a review
This launcher was weak
I excepted sth better
More intensive
The effect were visible only 2 m high
It didn`t fly high
I made a better launcher which had 150 shots
I used Roman candles which I bought for 4 PLN
I wouldn`t buy it again
That was badly spended money
I was disappointed this last one shot
But it looked ok
If they add more shots like this last one it would be more interesting
I excepted some single shot from this 22 m calibre tube
When it`ll bang we`ll see a crown or sth like this
Not only fireball like it was i this situation
I don`t know how to call it
This is a launcher of Roman candles
I don`t know
I boght sth in this type first time
And I regret
I don`t recommend this product
My note is 4/10
It could be better made
The price much lower
Write your opinion in a comment
If you enjoyed this video leave a like
And hit the bell
See ya in next movie!
ZULA l 1.BÖLÜM l KOMİK ANLAR - Duration: 18:00.
Judo Summer Camp 2017 - Giorno 5 // Day 5 - #TTJsc17 - Duration: 1:48.
Toyota Corolla Verso 1.6 VVT-i Linea Luna - Duration: 1:00.
MONTREAL 2017 - CANADA ♡ - Duration: 13:21.
Volvo V40 T2 122PK R-Design - Duration: 0:54.
Volvo V40 1.6 D2 115 PK R-DESIGN BUSINESS GLAZEN DAK - Duration: 0:59.
【ホンダ シビックタイプR 新型】開発責任者「目指したのは究極のFFスポーツ」 - Duration: 5:40.
GTA 5 Money Glitch - Free M...
Oh no!
I cannot believe it!
If you read the title, you know why I am freaking out, and it's true.
Something is killing our ant colony.
They're not eating, they're not active, and they are all around unwilling to show themselves,
and I have no idea why.
Please subscribe to my channel, and hit the bell icon, too.
Welcome to the AC Family.
So how did this all start?
If you're new to the channel, let's catch you up to speed.
Last week, we moved the Titans, our awesome polymorphic colony of Asian Marauder Ants
into this newly designed terrarium.
They won this new space due to a vote held on our Twitter page, after the ant colony,
our Jawbreakers, a young trap-jaw ant colony that was original supposed to inherit this
terrarium was massacred by some wild black crazy ants.
So last week these ants were moved in to these rich, untouched lands, and we resolved to
wait to allow the ants to move in on their own time.
Feel free to watch that video in the icard here, after watching this video.
On the night of their arrival, we saw workers dancing in excitement over their new territory.
It gave us hope that the future of the Titans was looking fruitful and bright.
Fast forward 5 days later, and the colony surprisingly has still not moved out of their
original towers.
There are less workers seen foraging, and they don't leave the vicinity to wander beyond
the towers.
In fact, the only new land they would travel upon within this terrarium is the little area
of soil and sphagnum moss between the two towers.
I couldn't even see any ants coming in or out of the 2nd tower.
I have no idea where they have disappeared to.
The terrarium itself has already begun to take shape and flourish.
The air plants, have begun to flower with blooms opening to greet the sky.
To see such beautifully thriving plantlife was such a contrast to the seemingly desolate
ant space.
All ants that were seen entered and exited from a tiny ant hole in the first tower here
and another here in the third middle tower.
As soon as I sensed something was wrong, I offered the colony some food, which actually
is our AC custom every time an ant colony moves into a new home.
At first, the workers seemed enlivened at the presence of the food, but a few minutes
later, the ants seemed to ignore it.
It was peculiar, because these ants love their insects.
Remember what happened when we first gave them a cockroach?
I tried to offer a drop of honey.
Perhaps the colony was lacking carbohydrates and just needed an energy boost.
But that, too was no use.
They ignored it and didn't even touch the drop of sweet goods.
It was so disheartening to see the Titans not doing well.
What could possibly be going wrong?
Let's take a look at the possibilities.
This ant species known as Carebara diversa, is actually notoriously known by ant keepers
as an extremely difficult species of ant to keep in captivity.
Even the most advanced and experienced ant keepers have been unable to keep them alive
in a captive setting.
I myself have tried to rear colonies of this species from just a queen, and all 4 attempts
ended in failure with the queen and all of her brood ultimately dying out.
The species was written about in a best-selling book 'Adventures Among Ants' by famous entomologist
and friend of mine Mark Moffett, also known as Doctor Bugs, as he recounts the complexity
of the Asian Marauder ant lifestyle in the wild.
A lot is still left to be discovered about the lives of this ant species, but Mark Moffett
pointed out something quite interesting about Marauder Ants and captivity, in a past interview
with us on this channel.
Check out what he said:
I, in fact, love to keep pets, but uh I found that I'm really a field guy.
I find, uh, you know even the ant I studied for my thesis the Marauder Ant you could put
it in captivity and all its behaviour would fall apart, so I don't trust, uh, captivity
that much.
Mark went on to say that because the wild setting is so different from the captive setting,
he prefers to take his research and photos of Marauder ants in the wild.
Fact is, not all ants adapt well to captivity, and our Titans are indeed classified as such
ants, very sensitive and hard to keep in captivity.
In a previous video, we've seen these ants in action in the wild, during a recent visit
to a city called Laguna here in the Philippines where they can be found.
They are actually very lively ants, that eat a lot, create huge foraging trails, and have
awesome supermajors, the extra large workers with massive heads.
Compare the vigor of this wild colony with our Titans here.
You will notice the great contrast.
What could we possibly be missing among our captive provisions that these ants get in
the wild that cause them to thrive?
A friend of mine, who sold the Titans to me through the GAN Project told me that he found
the ants had certain chambers in their nest with dried pieces of compost and leaf litter
that was clearly collected from the vicinity.
It sounds odd, but perhaps it suggested that the ants were using the compost somehow, perhaps
to culture fungus or colonies of decomposer creatures to eat perhaps?
These ants are not known to do this and it would be new information if that were the
The GAN Farmer also suspected that the ants were collecting cow dung.
This was interesting because one of the constituents of the soils I added to this terrarium, did
in fact contain a small percentage of cow manure, but I didn't see evidence of the ants
eagerly moving in to the terrarium at all.
Scientists still don't know a whole lot about these ants, and neither do us ant keepers,
so it is no surprise that they aren't doing so well despite this lush territory we're
providing them.
There seems to be some essential element we are missing, that we might be failing to provide
the ants here, or might actually be providing that may in fact be killing them!
I figured it might possibly be the water, so I made sure to only give the ants purified
I also was aware that the ants require a lot of humidity, so I made sure their towers when
they were living in just the towers, as well as this new terrarium were humid and moist
all the time.
Perhaps the terrarium was too open and airy a space for them?
But how then would they deal with open spaces in the wild?
So many questions, so little answers, and all I could do was watch.
Peeking into the terrarium one day I was delighted to see a supermajor had finally decided to
wander out of one of the towers.
I watched as it moved from the first tower and traveled towards the middle tower.
Perhaps it was a sign that the colony was deciding to move into the middle tower.
I was excited at the prospect that we would soon see the queen and her cohort at least
moving somewhere and showing signs of being alive!
So I planted myself and prepared to watch the site for hours.
But to my surprise, no royal queen nor cohort came.
The supermajor had planted itself in one spot seemingly quite lethargic.
It was so odd to see.
It set up shop in an empty piece of land between the two towers, and over the next 2 hours,
I watched as the supermajor worker ant gave up it's life to the Universe.
I had never before watched an ant die, but the whole time, my heart was in my throat.
It was sad, and really hurt to watch.
The lifeless supermajor lay motionless in the soil.
Other workers came by but did not pay attention to her nor attempt to move her.
This is how I knew something was seriously wrong because in a healthy colony, workers
would ordinarily collect disceased ants and deposit them into a colony graveyard.
What was going on?!
Something was indeed off here and it needed to be dealt with immediately.
So, AC Family, we must act quickly.
I need your help in deciding our next step.
There are a few options here, so please take the time to consider them.
We could 1) Pack up the towers, remove them from the terrarium immediately, and reconnect
them back the way they used to be and hope the Titans recover.
We could then proceed to give this terrarium to another ant colony.
2) We could try emptying the contents of the towers ever so carefully so the colony is
forced to move out and into this massive terrarium, or 3) We could simply continue to leave them
and allow them to move out on their own and hope they survive.
After all, the colony could have moved out without us knowing, perhaps while we weren't
I do, on the other hand, highly doubt this is the case because I believe we would have
see them foraging other parts of the terrarium, which we haven't, or 4) we could put the Titans'
well-being first before our desire to keep them, and simply release the Titans back into
the wild from where they came.
If we choose this route, we would forfeit the opportunity to learn about the species,
for the preservation of their lives.
Perhaps we simply can't know enough about them at this point in time, to properly care
for them in captivity long term, and therefore cannot possibly study them properly.
So, please take the time to leave your VOTE by clicking this icard poll here and let me
know what you think our next move should be.
Remember that your vote will determine the ultimate fate of the Titans so take your time
and choose wisely, AC Family.
I still believe we have the power to save the Titans.
What do you think we should do?
Do any of you have any suggestions regarding their care that we might have overlooked?
Leave your thoughts in the comments section.
The Titans must live on!
We've saved other colonies on this channel before, through our collective inputs, by
way of the unified collective mind of the AC Family, and like ants, we've solved these
problems triumphantly.
Let us go forth and help these ants that need us in this tough time.
Long live the Titans!
Now the Universe truly works in mysterious ways.
When it takes life, in almost perfect timing, it brings life, in perfect measure.
For in my ant room, within one of the drawers, lays a great surprise that happened to cross
paths with me, a few days ago, and I think the AC Family will truly love it, and I can't
wait to show you, guys... next week!
Alright, AC Family tune in next week for this great surprise and turn of events, and let's
hope the Titans make it through this trying period.
Make sure to leave your comments and votes before this video ends!
AC Inner Colony, I've left a hidden cookie for you here, if you would just like to watch
the Titans in their new terrarium.
And now it's time for the AC Question of the Week.
Last week we asked:
Name one fact mentioned in our last video about air plants.
Congratulations to Gijs van Hulten who correctly answered:
Air plants aquire all the water they need from the humidity
in the air around them.
Congratulations Gijs van Hulten, you just won a free ebook handbook from our shop!
And in this week's AC Question of the Week, we ask:
What is the name of Mark Moffett's best-selling book?
Leave your answer in the comments section and you could win a free test tube portal
from our shop!
Perfect for offering a mini outworld for your starting ant colonies this year!
Hope you can subscribe to the channel as we upload every saturday at 8AM EST.
Don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE, & SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed this video so we can keep making
you cool ant videos like this.
It's ant love forever!
Maddox's Top 10 Moments - Duration: 3:44.
- Oooh, ooh, oooh, oooohhh!
Fried chicken. - [Man] You're gonna guess
where this is from. - Fried chicken.
Fried chicken.
Fried chicken!
Fried chicken.
Fried chicken!
- [Man] Alright, open your eyes.
- This is not what you call fried chicken.
Oh, I know, I'll use the chopsticks.
Almost got it.
Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm.
- What does his voice sound like?
What does God's voice sound like?
- It's like yi-yi-yi-yi yi-ya.
- It's like a whisper?
He's like, "I'm, I'm God."
No, no, it's like, "Yi-yi-yi!"
- It feels Mexican.
It should've been put beans.
- Aww, man, am I blind?
I bet the other kids won't like doing this.
Moo, la, la!
Oooooh, yes.
This is happening.
This is happening!
This is happening, yes.
This is happening.
This is happening.
This is happening.
This is my favorite piece.
- Have somebody get a long stick and...
(choking sounds)
- Ready for breakfast?
Open your eyes, breakfast!
- Looks good.
I hate coffee.
- [Man] What's it taste like?
- Are you serious?
Cow poop.
- Do you know why we're here today?
- Uh, play a video?
- Would you like to know how babies are made?
- Made in water.
Humans are made in water, I knew it.
- That's true.
- There's some kind of hole here, like an igloo.
- Oh, okay.
- So mommy and daddy got together,
and we took off all our clothes,
and we got inside the blanket so we were really warm,
and then mommy and daddy did a special dance,
and there you were.
That's how you were made?
- Oh my gosh.
This is really, really,
really no good if you took all your clothes off.
- [Woman] Whoa.
That's impressive, Maddox.
- I can even do it on my forehead,
but I don't want to mess up my beautiful hair.
Is Disney More Original Today? - Duration: 5:53.
This week on the Disney Q&A we're talking about originality!
Is Disney more or less original today?
Hello and welcome to the Disney Q&A, the series where you all give me Disney questions, whether
it's about the movies, the parks, the history, and I try to give you answers to the best of my ability.
This week's question comes from subscriber Tim Fodor and Tim says:
Interesting question Tim, and what I think makes this question interesting is that the
topic of originality with Disney can be approached from different angles, and depending on that
angle the answer is different.
First let's look at film.
What you said is entirely true.
Most of the classic animated Walt Disney-driven films were based on fairy tales that existed
long before Walt was around.
While he made alterations to the stories in order to make some of them more family-friendly,
it'd be hard to call these films original.
In fact, it's often used as an arguing point on the topic of Disney's strong lobbying
for extended copyright laws in the United States.
They're a company built on the back of films based on stories that were in the public domain.
Compared to original stories and concepts like Wreck-it-Ralph, it's a pretty good
argument to say that Disney is more original now than it was back then.
However let's look at it from another perspective: sequels.
Often times when it comes to the topic of Hollywood and originality, people are talking
about the industry's tendency to depend too much on reboots and sequels.
From that approach, while we can call a film like Toy Story original, can we really call
Toy Story 2, 3, and 4 original?
See that's something Walt didn't do during his time.
Sure those animated features would be based on old fairy tales, but once they were finished
and released, he moved on to something different.
He didn't care about making sequels to those films.
One of his famous quotes, "You can't top pigs with pigs" is a reference to The Three
Little Pigs and how he believed that you couldn't follow-up on a successful project by just
creating a sequel to it.
Now obviously Hollywood and our tastes have changed a lot.
The numbers show that today you actually can top pigs with pigs, but regardless, from the
perspective of sequels I think the answer flips around and we can say that Walt in his
era was more original than Disney is today.
OK so that's film, but what about the Disney parks?
I think originality takes a whole different definition when we start talking about rides
and I suspect that when fans criticize the lack of originality they're not talking
about how original the IP the ride is based on is.
Instead they're talking about whether or not the ride is based on an IP to begin with.
When we think of some of the great Disney classics, like the Haunted Mansion or Pirates
of the Caribbean, we're talking about rides that were based on nothing but the ideas of
Walt and his imagineers.
Now you point out that you'd rather see IPs get created at films first before transitioning
to rides, and I think your reasoning behind it is solid.
That previous experience we have with the film allows us to form a stronger and quicker
connection than an original ride.
When Guardians of the Galaxy opens in Epcot, I won't need to find out who those characters
are, I'll already know from two films.
That said, there still is value in original concepts.
For one, not being tied down to an IP allows Imagineers to be truly creative in what they
come up with, and that means they'd be free to touch upon themes and ideas that might
not otherwise fit neatly within an IP Disney owns.
On top of that, consider the potential original rides have for helping Disney down the line.
Just look at Pirates of the Caribbean.
At the time of this recording, that film franchise has grossed a combined four and a half BILLION
dollars, and it's all thanks to a ride that was based on nothing but an Imagineer's ideas
So ultimately while it's not an exciting one, my stance is that we need a healthy balance
with rides and with film.
Sequels and adaptations have shown that they have artistic value and do well financially,
but so have completely original concepts.
Disney rides based on IPs are wildly popular, yet so are plenty of completely original attractions.
When both industries have a balance of both, it creates this thriving symbiotic relationship
where the film industry helps carry the attractions, and attractions help fuel the film industry.
Unfortunately we don't have that balance at the moment, and I do believe it's largely
due to not only the state of Hollywood, but Bob Iger's leadership style.
Obviously Disney is doing well as it is, so it's not to say that things are getting bad.
It just highlights that with businesses this diverse and large, there's more than one
way to run things.
Anyway that's what I think, but I want to hear what you all think.
Is Disney more or less original than it was under Walt?
Where do you draw the line?
How could they improve?
Let me know in the comments below so we could all get a dialog going.
If you have a question you'd like to ask for the series, feel free to leave that in
the comments below as well.
I want to thank you all for watching and I'll see you next time!
DOWN - Marian Hill (Ukulele Cover) - Bak Ne Söylicem! - Duration: 2:28.
Didn't even really wanna go But if you get me out, you get a show
There's so many bodies on the floor So baby we should go and add some more
Are you down, d-d-down, d-d-down, d-d-down, down, down?
Down, d-d-down, d-d-down, d-d-down, down, down?
Everywhere I look are peoples' hands Thrown up in the air to help them dance
Come on, baby, catch me if you can I know you don't have any other plans
Are you down, d-d-down, d-d-down, d-d-down, down, down?
Down, d-d-down, d-d-down, d-d-down, down, down?
Are you... down, down, d-down, down?
Are you... down, down, d-down, down?
You know we could put them all to shame Now isn't the time to play it safe
Isn't this the reason why you came? So, baby, don't you let it go to waste
Are you down, d-d-down, d-d-down, d-d-down, down, down?
Down, d-d-down, d-d-down, d-d-down, down, down?
Every single thing is feeling right Started as a quiet Friday night
I don't really think that we should fight this What if we don't stop until it's light?
Are you down, d-d-down, d-d-down, d-d-down, down, down?
Down, d-d-down, d-d-down, d-d-down, down, down?
Are you... down, down, d-down, down?
Are you... down, down, d-down, down?
Ed Sheeran - Perfect (Continuum cover) - Duration: 5:07.
I found a love for me Darling just dive right in
And follow my lead Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet
I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart
is all I own And in your eyes you're holding mine
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight
Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man I see my future in your eyes
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect
tonight Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between
my arms Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite
song I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person And she looks perfect
I don't deserve this You look perfect tonight
Japanese Stylists Prioritize Symmetry In Outfits Over Idols' Body Types - Duration: 1:10.
Japanese Stylists Prioritize Symmetry In Outfits Over Idols' Body Types
Japanese idols dont need to worry about height because in Japan symmetry is the priority.
Idol group Keyaki 46 come in all sizes. Short, medium, tall… The ladies are all unique in height.
Their stylists dont worry about putting the short members in heels- instead, they use symmetry.
Theyre dressed in outfits of the same length, and it takes away from the height difference.
Their heights range from 49 to 56, but its totally unnoticeable when they dress this funky.
EASY VEGAN BREAKFAST RECIPES FOR SCHOOL OR WORK | 5-minute vegan breakfast ideas - Duration: 5:54.
Welcome back to RainbowPlantLife. Today I'm going to be sharing with you
some of my favorite easy vegan breakfast recipes to have in the morning before
work or school. These breakfast ideas take just 5 minutes or less to make
so you can enjoy a healthy start to your day in no time. Before we get to the
recipes, I want to talk about breakfast in general. I'm sure at some point in
your life, you've heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but
have you thought about why that is? The research shows that adults who eat
breakfast tend to be at a healthier weight than those who skip breakfast. And
for children, students who go to school having eaten breakfast tend to perform
better than students who don't eat breakfast. So, moral of the story: eat your
breakfast. But I know that eating a healthy balanced breakfast can be a
challenge and even stressful for those who aren't morning people or for those
of us who are always running late. That's why these breakfast recipes take just
5 minutes or less. So, if you can find 5 minutes in your morning schedule,
you're on your way to a healthier day. Here are some tips to help you find
5 extra minutes in your morning routine. The night before, set your
alarm clock for 5 minutes earlier than you ordinarily would. Hit the snooze
button just one less time than you normally would. Allow yourself to check
your cell phone only once you've gotten out of bed. Check Facebook and Instagram
only once you've gotten fully ready for the day, or whatever social media app you
use the mos. And if you're taking a dump in the morning, don't sit there and read
the news or a magazine or your Twitter feed. Reading is just going to make you
spend a lot of unnecessary time on the toilet. That way you have time to eat a
healthy balanced breakfast in the morning, which--let's be honest--is going
to help you poop yet again, so it's a win-win. I hope those tips help you find
5 extra minutes in your morning routine so you can enjoy a healthy
balanced breakfast. If you like this video, please feel free to share it with
friends or family who you think would find it useful. And if you try one of
these recipes please let me know in the comments below. I would love to hear from
you. Alright, let's get into the recipes.
The first breakfast dish we'll be making is an instant chia pudding. We'll start
with a half cup of almond milk, a half cup of plant-based yogurt (I'm using coconut
yogurt), 4 tablespoons of chia seeds, a half teaspoon of vanilla extract, and some
Medjool dates. I'm using four, but you can use more or fewer dates based on your
preferred level of sweetness. Then we'll blend everything together in a
high-speed blender until it's completely smooth and creamy. The blender does all
the work so you don't have to soak your chia seeds overnight in order to get that
thick creamy texture.
I like to top my chia pudding with a mix of fruit, seeds, nuts, and superfoods. That
gives me a healthy balance of complex carbs, protein, and healthy fat. Today I'm
using blueberries, bananas, pumpkin seeds, and raw cacao nibs. And a little maple
syrup at the end for some sweetness, but it's totally optional.
Our next easy vegan breakfast recipe is a no-cook breakfast burrito.
We'll start by dicing a medium-sized red bell pepper. I'm using about 1/4 of it.
You can also use a green bell pepper if you prefer. Then we'll slice an avocado in
half and use about half of it. Well also slice one half of a lime, and then
we'll mince up some cilantro. I'm using 1 to 2 tablespoons. If you don't like
cilantro you can use parsley or omit it entirely. Then we'll add in a half cup of
canned black beans, a third of a cup of canned corn. And to that we'll add the
diced red bell pepper. We'll also add a half avocado that's been diced. You can use
more or less avocado depending on your nutritional needs. We'll add the juice of
half of a lime and some extra virgin olive oil to hold everything together.
We'll finish it with the cilantro as well as some freshly cracked black
pepper and some sea salt.
Once we mix the black bean mixture together we'll start filling our
tortillas to make burritos. I'm using whole grain tortillas but you can use
any tortillas that you like. I like to microwave or heat my tortillas up in a
skillet for about 10 to 20 seconds. It makes them a little softer and easier to
roll in a burrito.
Our last 5-minute vegan breakfast recipe are hummus avocado boats. We'll
slice an avocado in half, remove the pit, and then stuff the cavity with our
toppings. Just make sure you exercise caution when removing the pit.
Then we'll scoop in some hummus into our avocado boats. I'm using jalapeno hummus but you
should use whichever flavor you like best. We'll top it with some canned
chickpeas that I've rinsed and drain, as well as some edamame. And both of those add
protein to help keep you full in the morning. We'll finish it off with some
chopped kale to get in some greens, as well as some tahini to add extra healthy
fats and flavor.
If you enjoyed these easy vegan breakfast ideas, I hope you'll
hit that "thumbs up" button as well as subscribe. I'll see you guys next week
with a brand new video.
Tricks To Make Your Girl Happy Are Revealed #5 Is So Obvious - Duration: 1:35.
Tricks To Make Your Girl Happy Are Revealed. #5 Is So Obvious.
CPH Jazz Festival 2017: AIN'T NOBODY, by Niels HP & Frederikke Vedel w. Tivoli Late Night Orchestra - Duration: 6:11.
Tess From Truform Tiny Homes (328 Sq Ft) | Tiny House Design Ideas - Duration: 3:02.
The Bellevue At Wildwood Lakefront Cottage | Amazing Small House Design Ideas - Duration: 3:01.
Geza Suspus 🇹🇷 First Turkish Rap Reaction | Jay & Rengin - Duration: 7:01.
Marriage Compatibility Numerology Telugu | Marriage Compatibility Telugu | Destiny5 | Numerology | - Duration: 1:11.
Bhai Davinder Singh Jee Gurdaspur - ਪਾਰਬ੍ਰਹਮਪੂਰਨਗੁਰਦੇਵ - Blissful Kirtan - Duration: 39:29.
ਗਉੜੀਮਹਲਾ੫॥ ਗੁਰਜੀਕੇਦਰਸਨਕਉਬਲਿਜਾਉ॥ ਜਪਿਜਪਿਜੀਵਾਸਤਿਗੁਰਨਾਉ॥੧॥ ਪਾਰਬ੍ਰਹਮਪੂਰਨਗੁਰਦੇਵ॥ ਕਰਿਕਿਰਪਾਲਾਗਉਤੇਰੀਸੇਵ॥੧॥ਰਹਾਉ॥ ਚਰਨਕਮਲਹਿਰਦੈਉਰਧਾਰੀ॥ ਮਨਤਨਧਨਗੁਰਪ੍ਰਾਨਅਧਾਰੀ॥੨॥ ਸਫਲਜਨਮੁਹੋਵੈਪਰਵਾਣੁ॥ ਗੁਰੁਪਾਰਬ੍ਰਹਮੁਨਿਕਟਿਕਰਿਜਾਣੁ॥੩॥ ਸੰਤਧੂਰਿਪਾਈਐਵਡਭਾਗੀ॥ ਨਾਨਕਗੁਰਭੇਟਤਹਰਿਸਿਉਲਿਵਲਾਗੀ॥੪॥੭੦॥੧੩੯॥
REFLECTIONS | EYES | WATER | FOG - Duration: 10:18.
Bootstrap Form Elements, Classes and States - Part 1-Tutorial for Beginners - Duration: 9:36.
In this tutorial we are going to learn about Bootstrap form elements and with respect to
that will be learning all the classes those are used to create these sort of
form elements as we can see over here, such as this input type text or email or textarea.
So stay tuned to this video till end..
Hello and welcome to another new episode of learning simplified.
In this tutorial, we are going to show you about different form elements those are practically
used in Bootstrap.
Now, first of all, let's get back to our project here, in this index.html just beneath this
container class banner9, we are going to create another new
Here it is.
What we have to do, we have to create the HTML markup of this form element.
So first of all we are going to create the HTML markup of form
elements here.
So form, we need to create the form method here, and another thing we have mentioned
that in our previous tutorial that always try to create an ID for
each individual form elements.
This is the very much required thing that is needed to be done first.
I am placing this ID as personal-information.
Now we are creating input..
I have always asked you to create this name first, this is another important or required
thing that will be acquainted with while we will be
creating our own Php programming language for this kind of HTML staffs.
Now all we're doing we're just copying this thing...
So I think we have created a multiple things over here, multiple form elements, as we have
created and input type text, input type email, input type password, and
then we have created this text area for entering your comments, and we have created this uploading
file, and then we have created this select option over here Let's
create another object which is known as checkbox..
All I am doing here is just creating a label and I am putting all these things inside this
label, this thing is needed, we will be seeing about it, here it
is, option1.
Ok now we are good to go.
First of all just press control+s, and get back to your project and reload, and now you
can see that these things are practically created
over here as we can see.
All these things are practically in its core hTML form elements, so far there is no Bootstrap
elements are present over here.
So now all we need to do we need to create some classes.
So let's get back to our project and here let's start from the beginning.
Here in this form method post, we need to create a
What is a role of this thing?
This is practically a form element, to specify that we have provided it's role over here.
Now inside first of all make it a little bit specious, we need a lot more spaces now.
Now here this is the first class that we are going to use over here - div class form-group.
and inside this input type text, we are using another class which is known
as form-control.
Now what we need to do?
We need to get back to our project and reload and see what difference does it make.
As we can see over here that these are the HTML
form elements.
So if we now reload now we can see that this is practically the class, this is the div
class form-group that is being used over here and inside it we
are practically using another class so now, let's activate the firebug element and let's
check on it and see whether these things are coming or not, whether these
things are in place or not.
So we are clicking on this form- group elements and we can see that this form-group is in
And if we click inside this input ID we can see that this is the class that
we used over here; form-control which is displayed block and at a width of hundred percent.
So if you just change this width, suppose I am changing it to 80%, or, for say 50%,
or for say 10%, then we can see that it is now showing the properties, executing
these properties accordingly.
So this thing is clear that form-control class is being used by these form elements so far.
So we need to get back to our project and inside we have to create these things.
First of all create all those div class form-groups those will be used over here.
Now so far we have created these div class form-group.
Now inside those individual input types we are creating the same thing over here as we
can see.. form-control..
Now get back to your project and reload.
Now we can see that everything is coming in accordance as those classes are getting introduced
over here.
Now another thing, we are using another particular thing that we have learnt from our previous
HTML form elements tutorial, use this syntax over here..
We are making this rowspan as 10.
Press control + s, get back to your project and you can see that the textarea component
is now getting enhanced as we can see over here.
First of all if you want to use here this class form-control, use it.
You can see that this class form-control is being used over here and this is executing
the same property as it did in its previous case.
We haven't used any form-group element over here.
Now another thing in learning web or these sort of things is that do not ask questions
like what will happen if I do this or if I do that?
No, this is not the approach.
If you are apprehending on what will be the actual result if I use this just apply that.
Suppose I do not know what will be the outcome if we use this
div class form-group.
So use this class div class form -group over here and see what happens.
So just press Control + s, get back to your project and reload and you
can see that clearly there is a margin-bottom at the end as we can see that this thing this
gaping is now increased.
So this should be the approach.
Always if you want to make experiments on it you need to be here more aggressive.
Again here we are just creating another div class form-group and, we can see that it practically
enhances the margin-bottom.
So all we are doing here we are just creating another div class form- group..
And inside this select ID we are now using this class form- control right over here.
Press control + s, get back to your project and reload, see, here it is, everything is
under control...
And there you see these things are clearly working over here.
Now for this labels, we are using another term here which is known as label class..
So all we need to do we need to just copy this thing and paste it over here.
And in the final case, button type submit and name submit here.
Practically we can use class btn btn, we are using here button primary.
This is practically another button class that has to be used..
We will be seeing them just by varying these classes.
Now we can see that the button property is now changed from initial
thing it is not getting into a colored one.
Now all we need to do we need to just keep these things down such that it appears vertically
stacked all around.
So all we Need to do we need to make some amendments
here such as we are using this br classes - these are not actually classes these are
Here it is it is descending down.
First of all let's talk about these button classes used in Bootstrap...
MONTREAL 2017 - CANADA ♡ - Duration: 13:21.
Man Utd to scout £34m rated Anderlecht midfielder Leander Dendoncker - Duration: 2:27.
Man Utd 'to scout £34m-rated Anderlecht midfielder Leander Dendoncker'
United manager Jose Mourinho, who has so far brought in centre-back Victor Lindelof and striker Romelu Lukaku,
has confirmed he is hoping to sign a winger and a midfielder this summer.
Manchester United are expected to send representatives to scout Dendoncker, the Mirror are reporting,
in Anderlecht's opening game of the season on Friday night.
There is a reported £34m price tag set for Dendoncker, should Manchester United wish to acquire the services of the 22-year-old.
Dendoncker featured against United in both games of the Europa League quarter final last season,
even scoring a late header to salvage a draw for Anderlecht in the first fixture.
However, United may have to move quickly if they are to secure the services of the young midfielder. RB Leipzig and AC Milan are also thought
to be admirers of the talented youngster. They are expected to send scouts to Anderlecht's opening game of the Belgian Pro League season as well.
Should a move for Dendoncker materialise for United, it is highly likely he would feature in midfield trio with Paul Pogba and Ander Herrera.
Herrera would likely sit in a holding midfielder position, allowing Dendoncker and Pogba to push further up
the pitch as a midfield pairing, in order to create and score chances.
However, Dendoncker is also capable of playing a defensive midfielder role himself. His versatility may prove to be an attractive trait to United,
after veteran and captain Micheal Carrick's questionable performances in United's pre-season.
Dendoncker registered an impressive 86% pass completion rate last season
in the Europa League, surpassing Pogba and matching Herrera's accuracy rating.
Beautiful Salish Luxe Tiny House By Wildwood Cottages | Tiny House Listing - Duration: 2:52.
Two Birds Laneway House | Lanefab | Tiny House Listing - Duration: 3:17.
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