When we speak of the Second Wizarding War we refer to disputes arising from
the second rise to power of Lord Voldemort after his return in 1995. To put this
in context, it was in this same year when the Triwizard Tournament was held and
Harry participated as a fourth champion. Welcome to History of Magic.
The Ministry of Magic denies at all cost all possible ways that Voldemort has returned,
as we can see in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. This changes after the Battle
in the Department of Mysteries. Death Eaters wanted to steal the prophecy, but only Harry
could take it as it is he whom it is addressed.
In June 1996, Harry, Ron, Hermione and some Dumbledore's Army students enter
in the Hall of Prophecies tricked by Voldemort. There they are found by the Death Eaters, who
try to steal the prophecy. Until several members of the Order of the Phoenix arrive.
This is when Bellatrix kills Sirius. After that, Voldemort himself appears in the
Ministry and fights Dumbledore. Finally, the Minister has no choice but to believe
that Voldemort has returned.
During the open war, many people die; such as Karkarov, Vance, Amelia Bones.
Many others disappear, like Ollivander. Minister Fudge is replaced by Rufus Scrimgeour.
On the other hand, Voldemort meets the giants and werewolves, to fight again with him
One of the key events of this era is the Battle at the Astronomy Tower,
in June 1997. In it, Draco Malfoy disarmed Dumbledore, which then will be key to
Harry's triumph later. Severus Snape is, however, the one who kills
the director. It's a big win for Voldemort, because now he can focus on killing Harry.
He will try again on July 31, the morning when Harry turns 17
and Privet Drive will no longer be a safe place. The Order of the Phoenix outlines a plan
to move Harry, but the Death Eaters find out. This day Hedwig and Alastor Moody die.
The next day, the magical world would go through a major defeat: the fall of the Ministry,
with the death of Rufus Scrimgeour, the control over Hogwarts, and the appointment of Snape
as the new director of Hogwarts. Our heros are informed of this during the wedding of Bill and Fleur.
Harry, Ron and Hermione flee to Tottenham Court Road and then the number 12 of Grimmaud Place.
On September 2 of that year, Harry, Ron and Hermione infiltrate the Ministry of
magic, masquerading as Albert Runcorn, Reginald Cattermole and Mafalda Hopkirk. Thank to that
they will get back the Slytherin locket, but after that they can not return
to Grimmauld Place.
Later, an important event would take place. On December 24, Harry and Hermione
visit Godric's Hollow, where they learn that 1) Bathilda Bagshot was the aunt of the dark wizard
Grindelwald and 2) Bathilda Bagshot had been dead for a while, and they actually had
met Nagini.
The three friends go to the Lovegood house looking for information on the Deathly Hallows
and Harry first hears the story of Beedle the Bard for the first time. They also they discover
that Luna had been kidnapped by the Death Eaters.
After escaping from Luna's father, they break the Voldemort taboo and they are captured
by scavengers. They are taken directly to the Malfoy Manor. There they find,
among others, Luna and Ollivander, who were being held.
There is a very big misunderstanding, and Bellatrix tortures the goblin Griphook and Hermione.
The free elf Dobby arrives to help them escape. In a very quick fight, Harry
disarms Draco Malfoy and gets his wand. Before escaping all together,
Bellatrix manages to kill Dobby.
Harry, Ron and Hermione have found that there are other Horcruxes in Gringotts
o you know what they do: they slip into the bank, the safest place
on Earth (except for Hogwarts, of course). They get the Hufflepuff's cup, but Griphook
takes the Gryffindor sword and they can't destroy it -for the moment.
The three friends escape on a dragon. After that, they know they GOTTA GET BACK TO HOGWARTS,
for there is the Horcrux belonging to Rowena Ravenclaw.
In the next video we will know how the Battle of Hogwarts takes place, so if you do not want
miss it subscribe to the channel, give this video a good thumbs up and write a magical comment.
For more infomation >> Harry Potter y la Segunda Guerra Mágica | Porexpan - Duration: 4:06.-------------------------------------------
Un Pequeño Dedo y Más Canciones Infantil | Colección Musica Para Niños - Duration: 58:05.
One little finger, one little finger, one little finger
Tap, tap, tap
Point up
Point down
Put it on your head. Head!
One little finger, one little finger, one little finger
Tap, tap, tap
Point up
Point down
Put it on your nose. Nose!
One little finger, one little finger, one little finger
Tap, tap, tap
Point up
Point down
Put it on your chin. Chin!
One little finger, one little finger, one little finger
Tap, tap, tap
Point up
Point down
Put it on your arm. Arm!
One little finger, one little finger, one little finger
Tap, tap, tap
Point up
Point down
Put it on your leg. Leg!
One little finger, one little finger, one little finger
Tap, tap, tap
Point up
Point down
Put it on your foot. Foot!
Put it on your leg. Leg!
Put it on your arm. Arm!
Put it on your chin. Chin!
Put it on your nose. Nose!
Put it on your head. Head!
Now we say goodbye. Goodbye!
Removes dark spots on the neck, armpits, elbows and knees with this - Duration: 1:55.
The darkening in some areas of the body is a condition that some people must
suffer this is given by both internal and external causes.
If you are a person with black armpits, neck, elbows or knees, today in todo en
salud we will show you a simple prescription that will help you to solve this.
The necessary ingredients will be: - Olive oil
- Sugar To prepare this recipe we must add
olive oil to a little sugar until a homogenous substance is obtained, which is neither so
liquid nor so dry.
Then with circular movements apply this in the area to be treated, give massages for 5 minutes and
leave to act another 5 minutes, remove with warm water.
This remedy is recommended because the sugar eliminates the dead skin
cells allowing the oil properties to go deeper, the oil by the
amount of antioxidants and regenerative properties it contains will protect the skin and also
moisturize it, thus allowing That the dark pigmentation of the skin fades
little by little.
This remedy should be done every other day, the results will begin to be noticed
after a month of constant use of this recipe.
So if you want to get rid of those stains forever do not hesitate to prepare this
mixture and tell us what results you got.
We hope this video has been useful, remember that your opinion is very important
so score, comment and share and if you have not subscribed, subscribe to the
daily upload new videos.
Cursos de Vídeo - Talleres de Vídeo Presenciales y Online - Duration: 6:56.
Javier de Miguel y su novia Mirian Pérez anuncian su matrimonio | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 3:08.
Paul Washer y Su Hijo - Duration: 3:12.
Uruguay y Argentina Diferencias - Duration: 1:55.
Bachata Nueva 2017 - Romeo Santos, Shakira, Prince Royce - Bachatas 2017 Lo Mas Romanticas - Duration: 1:03:59.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
How to Understand Extroverts - Duration: 9:14.
Help me please!
Why are you lying on the floor
inside here?
Because Fernando told me
that I had to fall in this clip
and I wasn't gonna fall on the street
were I could get run over.
But hurry
and come help me please!
Relax, we're on it.
it seems you broke your leg.
What do we do?
I'll search on YouTube,
No! What are you doing? No!
Hey Grisela,
did you watch the new Jovenes 360's video?
actually, I watched it today on the bus
because I had to go downtown to buy.
Did you find the tomatoes?
Yes but they were too small because--
I don't feel my other leg anymore,
You are searching videos on YouTube
and I don't feel my arms anymore!
Call 911 instead!
Hey, take it easy.
I don't feel my tongue--
Don't be so drama--
I don--
She passed out!
So... I was telling you the tomatoes were--
I don'--
Let's go!
Last video we talked about Introverts
and that being introverted isn't wrong.
And now because you've watched it--
You watched it right?
If you haven't
I'll give you some minutes to watch it.
in this moment...
in this moment I forgot my line...
Now that you watched it,
we're gonna talk about the
extroverts and what they do.
Ahhh, extroverts,
those being who love talking,
meeting new people,
hanging out.
Extroverts are
inconsiderate and abusive
always stealing introvert's peace,
why can't they be quieter and less crazy?
We all need each other,
we can't exclude people
just because they do or don't talk a lot.
Grisela, look--
If you're gonna talk go away.
Go seat!
No, we're leaving then.
But your car is being stolen.
Should've said that first!
I thought the guy was washing it.
In life we'll find
a great variety of people.
Talktative, quiet,
not so talkative, not so quiet,
which are the same...
And we have to interact with them
if we wanna advance through life.
This is why it's better
to try to understand them
and get along.
So we'll give you some tips
about how extroverts act
and what to do.
How to understand an Extrovert.
First of all,
opposite from introverts,
extroverts like to talk a lot.
They especially like to share
what they've lived
what they've done,
and their experiences.
And they share every little detail,
they're very specific,
so you need to have a lot of patience.
*on the phone* Aha, yeah, give me a moment.
Grisela, fast, what do you wanna eat?
Pizza or hamburger?
It's a tough question, I'm not sure,
I think I prefer pizza.
No, wait!
Last week I ate pizza
and I like it but,
I don't know,
it's a debate whether to eat it or not
because one day I was at Margarita's house,
I took the opportunity to go
because it wasn't raining.
The call is still running!
I was saying,
I went home after work
and I needed to pick a coat
but mine was dirty
so I went to take my brother's
but he said "No, don't take mine"
so I couldn't take it.
I asked if you wanted pizza or hamburger,
not if you are a sluggard
who doesn't wash her clothes!
I'm going there,
after arguing I went to Margarita's house
and I said
"I wanna eat pizza with you"
but she said "No, we have no money"
so I said
"You know what?
do something productive,
for the country,
like selling lemons
that are expensive nowadays".
don't go!
I need to explain you that due to
lemons being expensive
global warming has increased
and we can't eat pizza.
If you have extrovert friends
it's important to visit
and hang out with them.
Because they love hanging out,
being in activities
with lots of people
and going with people everywhere.
It lifts their spirit
because they feel weird doing things solo.
What Grisela?
Didn't I tell you to clean this alone?
Not to ask the help of that old man,
who can barely hold himself,
and that kid!
It was for you, alone, be conscious.
Alex, the broom!
Something that gets extroverts in trouble
is that they feel good
meeting new people
and getting new friends.
And don't misunderstand us,
that is good,
but the problem is that many times
people see it diferently.
They think they're either nosey
or are flirting
when in reality it is not that,
although sometimes it is,
but most of the time it isn't.
time to do new friends,
this is so exciting.
Hi, how are you doing?
How are we doing?
You are nosey aren't you?
You came because you heard
that Anthony drank a juice
that didn't sit well right?
No, I didn't know.
Just for us to tell you
that he spent 2 hours in the toilet right?
Yeah, let's leave!
Yes, and leave me
and Anthony's stomachache alone!
Hi, I'm Franklin.
And I'm not available.
You aren't what?
stop flirting with me!
But I haven't...
Then why did you came to talk
specifically to me?
Maybe because there is nobody
else around?
More evidence of what I say!
Leave before I report you for harassment.
- But I haven't done anything! - Hello, yes?
I want to report a harasser,
he is black haired,
and a bit ugly.
He looks like a thief
and a kidnapper
and I think he hasn't bathed,
he smells bad.
There are more things we could say.
Like saying extroverts like
visiting new places,
that they sometimes say things
they later feel ashamed of,
that they get distracted easi...
Hey, a butterfly...
But if we speak about all of that
the video will get too long
so Fernando will have
to edit for hours and hours
and he won't sleep.
If you wanna understand extroverts
just remember
that they like to speak a lot
and to hang out with people.
At the end of the day
the best secret to understand somebody is
To be honest and talk.
We could have summarized
both videos into this right?
One last detail
whether you are introvert or extrovert,
it's good being that way,
we need to seek for balance.
Everything needs balance,
if we go to extremes
we'll close the doors
of many opportunities.
Because it's fine to be quiet
but sometimes we need to talk to people
to do some things.
And it's ok to be talkative,
but we need to focus
and simplify what we say.
remember to talk to those
you wanna understand,
don't exclude someone because
they are talkative or quiet
and remember to seek balance.
Blessings, Let's Impact in 360°.
"'In the same way that you want other people to do things to you, do things to other people."
and action!
Everything needs balance,
if we go to extremes we're gonna...
So, remember to talk
with those you wanna understand,
don't exclude someone
because he talks...
the fly!
Nicky Jam, CNCO, Prince Royce, Piso 21, J Balvin, Yandel, Maluma - Reggaeton Mix 2017 - Duration: 1:01:20.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Review en español de Cozmo de Anki - Duration: 1:31.
Spiderman HULK Deadpool VS Transformer Robot / Superhero War with Balloon In Real Life - Duration: 31:32.
How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins Naturally | Natural Cures - Duration: 4:59.
The treatment of varicose veins highly depends on the degree of the veins, but these natural
ingredients can be very effective in eliminating the symptoms that are so irritating to those
who deal with this problem. Varicose veins are enlarged veins that appear in the legs
and ankles near the surface of the skin. Due to circulatory issues, the valves in our veins
can malfunction. This creates an accumulation of blood in certain parts of the body.
Varicose veins usually develop more in women who are overweight. These issues sometimes
occur during pregnancy. People who spend all day standing and the elderly are also more
likely to develop varicose veins.
In addition to the unpleasant aspect of varicose veins, they can also worsen and cause discomfort
such as pain and swelling. Therefore, the varicose veins treatment is one of the most
sought after topics on the internet.
Types of varicose veins
Not all varicose veins are the same.
Depending on the stage of their development, the color and intensity of varicose veins
will determine their degree and type. So, it's possible to find up to four degrees
of varicose veins:
Grade 1
In grade 1 the varicose veins are thin lines in the leg and have a violet color. In some
cases several grade 1 varicose veins come together to form a tangle of lines that are
called vascular spiders.
In this case, the treatment of varicose veins has more to do with aesthetics. In Grade 1
there aren't any serious related symptoms. At most, people complain of having heavy,
tired legs.
Grade 2
The veins become more visible and a series of symptoms begin to develop, such as:
- Chronic leg fatigue and a feeling of heavy legs
- Cramps - Ache - Warm sensation - Tingling - Itching Grade 3
With increasingly dilated veins, the symptoms of varicose veins become progressively worse.
With Grade 3 there will be swelling, edema, and even changes in the color of the skin.
Grade 4
At this stage varicose veins appear in areas accompanied by eczema or skin lesions. Due
to the difficulty in treating these lesions (because they can get inflamed very easily)
, these varicose veins are the most delicate.
If you have Grade 4 varicose veins, a treatment with the support of a physician is highly
On the other hand, it's also possible to resort to some natural treatments that help
to eliminate the symptoms.
Some elements are important in the course of your varicose vein treatment. They are:
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar works great in stimulating the circulation. It also has wonderful anti-inflammatory
Apple cider vinegar compresses are also very effective in alleviating the symptoms of varicose
veins. Simply apply to the affected area for 20 minutes.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is also often used in the
treatment of varicose veins. Carrot
Rich in beta-carotene and antioxidants, the carrot helps relieve all the symptoms of varicose
veins, and assisting in masking the appearance of the veins.
So, let's learn about a cream to complement your varicose vein treatment:
Apple cider vinegar 1 cup of grated carrots
7 ½ tablespoons aloe vera gel
These measurements are only a guide, since the final result may vary according to the
application area. Keep in mind that the aloe vera and the carrots should be used in equal
Peel carrot and blend until smooth.
Add the aloe vera gel. You can either purchase a gel from natural products store or extract
it from a plant you have at home. Mix the aloe vera with the carrot paste.
Add apple cider vinegar gradually until smooth and creamy.
Mode of application
To achieve significant results with this treatment of varicose veins apply, this cream daily.
Simply massage the mixture on the varicose veins, from the bottom up—from the ankle
to the calves, in order to stimulate blood flow.
Allow this cream to set for at least half an hour and rinse with cold or lukewarm water.
Sweetbreads: Neither Sweet nor Bread | FoodStuff - Duration: 4:55.
So, hi, who are you?
Spencer Gomez, head chef of Holeman and Finch Public House in Atlanta, GA.
We're here today to talk about sweetbreads, what exactly are sweetbreads?
So sweetbreads are the thymus gland of a given animal.
It's something that wasn't always eaten necessarily but was kind of part of that eating
the whole animal.
People started eating sweetbreads and started eating kidneys and livers.
It's that idea of, of not wasting and it's not just with animal either, we do it with
It goes into our fermentation programs and our pickling programs.
Whatever the farmers bring in, that's what we use.
As part of that utilization of using everything so you're not wasting.
And fully supporting these farmers.
But it's one of those things where you get a half pig in, or a whole pig and you can't
just have pork chops on the menu or pork belly, some of these things people are used to seeing
because you have the whole animal to use.
To be responsible in not wasting any of it you have to find ways to use everything else.
I think sweetbreads are a big part of that.
There's several different ways to prep them but for the most part what I've done in
the past is a quick saltwater blanch and then you pull them out and that, that enables you
to kind of clean them.
Improperly cooked or if you cook them too quickly, they can be chewy or tough.
So you're really trying to do a passive slow cook on them.
So we're going to do three dishes.
We're going to do grilled sweetbreads with charred peaches and some fresh and bruleed
romaine leaves, and just a little bit of shallot.
A sorghum and citrus.
Some spiced pecans.
We'll go ahead and plate these uh, these grilled sweetbreads.
A little light salt.
Benne seed, or sesame seed would be just fine.
Some torn squash blossoms.
And then a few dots of this charred onion puree.
That'll be our grilled sweetbread salad.
And then what we're going to do with these sweetbreads is we're gonna just lightly,
lightly dust them in flour, and then we'll go into the pan with them, kind of let them
get a little bit crispy.
Baby potatoes.
Baby onions.
Some salt.
A little bit of pepper.
We're just trying to get a little bit of a good sear, kind of get a crust on everything.
A little bit of chicken stock.
Flowering thyme.
Baby spruce tips.
For our purposes today use this ramp vinegar.
Lay in potatoes.
Baby onions.
So I'll just cut up a little of these fermented carrots.
A little bit of sauce.
Spruce tips and a little bit of a coriander and onion blossom.
This is actually just a puree of the greens and herbs and things like that.
The third thing that we're going to do is like a fun take on popcorn sweetbreads.
I put them in a buttermilk dredge of buttermilk, hot sauce and pickle juice.
We're going to bread those, kind of have a fried chicken dredge.
Give them a little bit of salt.
And then we have this um, creole seasoning.
We have a popcorn mayo.
We actually pop popcorn and grind it and fold it into a mayo and some house made hot sauce.
They're not the easiest stuff to cook necessarily but once you have the prep done and stuff
it's really easy to pick them up.
They're not so crazy and weird, they're just another protein.
Not intimidating once you watch it and taste it.
Give it a try, see what you think.
I know we have a first time sweetbreads person as well.
I think that you should take the initial bite.
Okay, here we go.
[Bell chimes].
Oh man.
I love the uh, the creamy texture.
That's amazing how different it is from that.
The acid of the peach goes so well with the richness of the meat.
Also, trying to simultaneously eat off the same plate is a new fun experience.
Oh that's so good.
The sweetbreads sweetness really comes out in that dish.
Rarely do I ever experience this but I feel like it really did melt in my mouth.
So the verdict is if you've ever wanted to try sweetbreads, you should give them a
try, don't be intimidated.
Yeah, definitely.
They can be many things and all of them are delicious.
Wymiana sprężyny przednie VOLVO XC90 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 15:23.
Use a torx №Т40 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №21 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №13
Using a special tool take out the spring
Use a torx №Т50 and a combination spanner №21
Use a special wrench
Bachata Mix 2017 - Prince Royce, Shakira, Romeo Santos - Bachata Lo Mas Romantico - Duration: 1:03:30.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
La fotografía que muestra el percance que ha sufrido Rocío Flores en una pierna | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 2:11.
ทำนายดวง ท่านที่เกิด วันศุกร์ - Duration: 7:25.
DCS: F-5E Tiger II Radar AN/APQ-159(V)-3 - #7 Tutorial - English subtitles - Duration: 24:55.
hi welcome again to revientor reborn, this is an F-5 in DCSw
today we have a French F5
I am going to speak about the radar, first I will explain the radar functions
let´s focus with the sim paused
this is the radar console
with this the piloto handle the radar system
with the left hand
this is the range rotatory, to display the info in the scope
all in nautical miles
just say that the radar let you lock a contact in 10 nm
at 40nm you don't have radar cursor, on the rest ones yes
at 40nm you will only see big contacts or jammers
the mode knob, off, stby to warm up the system 3 or 4 minutes
oper, operation to use it, and test, test do nothing special in dcs
you can skip the stby position but when the knob is in oper position, will wait 3 or 4 minutes to warm up anyway
this type of handle is used by the pilot.with this red button lock the target
the radar cursor is moved with this other button
and the radar elevation is done with this one
you could move the antenna 45º up or down
respect the line ALR, the red one
this is the scope
as you can see down there is the azimuth, in degrees, the radar only cover 40º each side
and vertical is the radar elevation
in this case is now at 0 degrees
as you can see the sweep is only showed in the upper part, but in reality is in all the area
here you have the horizont line
here you can see the vertical speed to know what are you doing while looking the radar
the pitch is only to set the horizontal line as you want
this is about the screen to the bright of that grid
with that grid you can more easily calculate the distance
and the lateral azimut, you can divide them and you will get that multiple of the range selected
that is just maths
this is for the bright of the "cursor" but not the cursor it self... kind of bug??
the cursor is not incluyed, look
that is the cursor
as you can see the cursor knob, the bright only change in the radar indicator and horizontal indicator...
the video is for the radar hits bright
wait a sec....
I am fighting with the trim
there is no autopilot here...
the persistence of radar is not really implemented because there is doing nothing
and here the screen bright
here on the left is the range selected
and now I will get some ground clutter
40 nm
as you can see in 40nm the cursor is not there
you can point the radar antenna up or down, if I point down you can see the ground clutter
here you can see the persistence do nothing...
and the video you can see the radar eco, the ground clutter with different bright
if you set the full bright the clutter looks like one, and with low bright you can see where the radar is hitting
the you can see it
if there was monty on my front you will see more clutter
we already cover the basics
I want to test the light in order to know if you can see all the adjacent light
no the radar do not have light test
may be with max flood.. you can see something
loo, there is typed in range
will be illuminated steady when a target have a lock in range, and flash when is too close
here is the radar range scale
here are 3 lights, lock when you have something in your radar locked, EXG overG when you can no fire a missile due the excess of Gs
and here when you have a radar failure
in test will be cool have those light test but is not
remember that lights
let´s jump to see the radar contact and see how to operate
in cockpit again and time to see the radar at 40nm, I wil swith to 20 to be able to use the cursor
this is going to happen really fast pay attention to the radar scope
there was a contact, and using the lock button, I get the lock
not always work at the first time you push lock, now you have teh reading range
pause here
there is the lock on indication
and there in range of the slected weapong missile or cannon
and you can see a + symbol, that is indicating where it´s te contact respect us
as you can see the contact in screen is placed on the left, but hat is not the real position
that + will tell you if the contact is lower, upper your position or left right from you
there is the contact in the hud
visually with some zoom I can not see it
it´s an A10 or F16, a small target
it´s this near contact
an F-16
it´s close, 3nm
you know the radar is now at 10nm scale due have a lock, and the position of the contact in the vertical line
make a reference of the distance
in other videos will see this tho light when speaking about missiles
remember, when you have a lock the radar contact will be draw on the left of the radar scope, but that is not it´s current position, only distance reference
the + is your guide to get the enemy in your nose
not is in my nose
in the HUD the info is updated as you can see
in that way, when the info is in the left, you must know you have a lock target, I don´t like it
the dogfight modes also goes to the left
I only had use the lock button, and the cursors to move the radar cursor over the target
there are other function with the stick, with this button
where the thumb is
there are 3 options in that button, fwr, backward and depress
the fwr is the DM radar mode, is like dogfight with missiles,
the backward function is DG for cannon dogfight
the idea os that modes is close scan and "far" scan
in the manual say that scan from 500 feet to 6000 feet, of 500 feet to 30000 feet of distance
5 nm
let´t see that modes, wen you lock a target is always the same lock mode
you don´t get any information of speed heading...
if the contact go thru the mountains and my radar , the radar contact could be unlock, if the mountains is near
unlocking, keeping the button to unlock pressed the radar prevent the lock, but if it´s find some contact in the previous position, the radar will try to lock it again
now using the depress buton of the stick I go to the normal radar operation ,
in the radar normal I can see those two contacts
now I can set the DG mode, or DM mode. backward DG mode and see the scope
the radar only look in front, you can see the contact but no lock due it´s far away to guns
in DG mode the radar scans 0º azimuth and 4.7º down the ALR line
now it´s in range and I get the lock
to release you can use the lock button and the radar unlock or just go to normal radar mode
mena while I keep the lock button pressed, the radar only search in all range, not lock
there you can see the difference between DG and GM modes
see the DG scans in 5nm and DM at 10nm
if you pusk lock button with a lock the radar scan in all the line to lack constanlily then you will have to set the mode again
there are only 3 scan mode, DG DM and normal mode
always when you change the radar mode the contact will be dropped
do not forget the dg 5nm scan and dm 10nm
and the normal mode use the knob selection
I recommend to you go in 40 scan in safe area when in combat suspicious get the 20nm
there is no IFF, you must use the awacs
it is a complicated airplane to fight with out an awacs or GCI
now I want to show you how the jammer is showed on the radar
look that now I have two contact on dogfight radar mode, using the lock button
release the first contact, and keep one round with our get a lock but then lock the next contact
as you can see that do not happen everytime, because must be a minimum distance between them
and now finally I overshoot the A10 xD
the idea is, with two contact using the lock button change between them
as remarked, you can also go to lock mode from the normal one and move the cursors to fast scan in one area
the jammer must be showed as the contact,
as the ground clutter, with some contact with ECM on you have to get that vertically
with that you know that someone is there but you don´t know the distance
there some lock but the mission is not working and it´s not using the ecm at all, I know that if you are really close to a plane with ECM on you can finally lock it, but this is not working not
<---- that is idea
as brief, you have 3 mode you can change between them always unlocking the target if something is lock
the lock mode, you can lock in a area in a fast way from the normal radar mode
to get out of that mode you have to use the normal radar mode
the dogfight mode have priority over the other modes
the lock mode only have priority over the normal mode
I don´t usually use the technical name, I prefer names more easily to remember what is for
that was all I hope you learned a lot and subscribe to your bird in my channel xD bye bye
Harry Potter y la Segunda Guerra Mágica | Porexpan - Duration: 4:06.
When we speak of the Second Wizarding War we refer to disputes arising from
the second rise to power of Lord Voldemort after his return in 1995. To put this
in context, it was in this same year when the Triwizard Tournament was held and
Harry participated as a fourth champion. Welcome to History of Magic.
The Ministry of Magic denies at all cost all possible ways that Voldemort has returned,
as we can see in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. This changes after the Battle
in the Department of Mysteries. Death Eaters wanted to steal the prophecy, but only Harry
could take it as it is he whom it is addressed.
In June 1996, Harry, Ron, Hermione and some Dumbledore's Army students enter
in the Hall of Prophecies tricked by Voldemort. There they are found by the Death Eaters, who
try to steal the prophecy. Until several members of the Order of the Phoenix arrive.
This is when Bellatrix kills Sirius. After that, Voldemort himself appears in the
Ministry and fights Dumbledore. Finally, the Minister has no choice but to believe
that Voldemort has returned.
During the open war, many people die; such as Karkarov, Vance, Amelia Bones.
Many others disappear, like Ollivander. Minister Fudge is replaced by Rufus Scrimgeour.
On the other hand, Voldemort meets the giants and werewolves, to fight again with him
One of the key events of this era is the Battle at the Astronomy Tower,
in June 1997. In it, Draco Malfoy disarmed Dumbledore, which then will be key to
Harry's triumph later. Severus Snape is, however, the one who kills
the director. It's a big win for Voldemort, because now he can focus on killing Harry.
He will try again on July 31, the morning when Harry turns 17
and Privet Drive will no longer be a safe place. The Order of the Phoenix outlines a plan
to move Harry, but the Death Eaters find out. This day Hedwig and Alastor Moody die.
The next day, the magical world would go through a major defeat: the fall of the Ministry,
with the death of Rufus Scrimgeour, the control over Hogwarts, and the appointment of Snape
as the new director of Hogwarts. Our heros are informed of this during the wedding of Bill and Fleur.
Harry, Ron and Hermione flee to Tottenham Court Road and then the number 12 of Grimmaud Place.
On September 2 of that year, Harry, Ron and Hermione infiltrate the Ministry of
magic, masquerading as Albert Runcorn, Reginald Cattermole and Mafalda Hopkirk. Thank to that
they will get back the Slytherin locket, but after that they can not return
to Grimmauld Place.
Later, an important event would take place. On December 24, Harry and Hermione
visit Godric's Hollow, where they learn that 1) Bathilda Bagshot was the aunt of the dark wizard
Grindelwald and 2) Bathilda Bagshot had been dead for a while, and they actually had
met Nagini.
The three friends go to the Lovegood house looking for information on the Deathly Hallows
and Harry first hears the story of Beedle the Bard for the first time. They also they discover
that Luna had been kidnapped by the Death Eaters.
After escaping from Luna's father, they break the Voldemort taboo and they are captured
by scavengers. They are taken directly to the Malfoy Manor. There they find,
among others, Luna and Ollivander, who were being held.
There is a very big misunderstanding, and Bellatrix tortures the goblin Griphook and Hermione.
The free elf Dobby arrives to help them escape. In a very quick fight, Harry
disarms Draco Malfoy and gets his wand. Before escaping all together,
Bellatrix manages to kill Dobby.
Harry, Ron and Hermione have found that there are other Horcruxes in Gringotts
o you know what they do: they slip into the bank, the safest place
on Earth (except for Hogwarts, of course). They get the Hufflepuff's cup, but Griphook
takes the Gryffindor sword and they can't destroy it -for the moment.
The three friends escape on a dragon. After that, they know they GOTTA GET BACK TO HOGWARTS,
for there is the Horcrux belonging to Rowena Ravenclaw.
In the next video we will know how the Battle of Hogwarts takes place, so if you do not want
miss it subscribe to the channel, give this video a good thumbs up and write a magical comment.
Sweetbreads: Neither Sweet nor Bread | FoodStuff - Duration: 4:55.
So, hi, who are you?
Spencer Gomez, head chef of Holeman and Finch Public House in Atlanta, GA.
We're here today to talk about sweetbreads, what exactly are sweetbreads?
So sweetbreads are the thymus gland of a given animal.
It's something that wasn't always eaten necessarily but was kind of part of that eating
the whole animal.
People started eating sweetbreads and started eating kidneys and livers.
It's that idea of, of not wasting and it's not just with animal either, we do it with
It goes into our fermentation programs and our pickling programs.
Whatever the farmers bring in, that's what we use.
As part of that utilization of using everything so you're not wasting.
And fully supporting these farmers.
But it's one of those things where you get a half pig in, or a whole pig and you can't
just have pork chops on the menu or pork belly, some of these things people are used to seeing
because you have the whole animal to use.
To be responsible in not wasting any of it you have to find ways to use everything else.
I think sweetbreads are a big part of that.
There's several different ways to prep them but for the most part what I've done in
the past is a quick saltwater blanch and then you pull them out and that, that enables you
to kind of clean them.
Improperly cooked or if you cook them too quickly, they can be chewy or tough.
So you're really trying to do a passive slow cook on them.
So we're going to do three dishes.
We're going to do grilled sweetbreads with charred peaches and some fresh and bruleed
romaine leaves, and just a little bit of shallot.
A sorghum and citrus.
Some spiced pecans.
We'll go ahead and plate these uh, these grilled sweetbreads.
A little light salt.
Benne seed, or sesame seed would be just fine.
Some torn squash blossoms.
And then a few dots of this charred onion puree.
That'll be our grilled sweetbread salad.
And then what we're going to do with these sweetbreads is we're gonna just lightly,
lightly dust them in flour, and then we'll go into the pan with them, kind of let them
get a little bit crispy.
Baby potatoes.
Baby onions.
Some salt.
A little bit of pepper.
We're just trying to get a little bit of a good sear, kind of get a crust on everything.
A little bit of chicken stock.
Flowering thyme.
Baby spruce tips.
For our purposes today use this ramp vinegar.
Lay in potatoes.
Baby onions.
So I'll just cut up a little of these fermented carrots.
A little bit of sauce.
Spruce tips and a little bit of a coriander and onion blossom.
This is actually just a puree of the greens and herbs and things like that.
The third thing that we're going to do is like a fun take on popcorn sweetbreads.
I put them in a buttermilk dredge of buttermilk, hot sauce and pickle juice.
We're going to bread those, kind of have a fried chicken dredge.
Give them a little bit of salt.
And then we have this um, creole seasoning.
We have a popcorn mayo.
We actually pop popcorn and grind it and fold it into a mayo and some house made hot sauce.
They're not the easiest stuff to cook necessarily but once you have the prep done and stuff
it's really easy to pick them up.
They're not so crazy and weird, they're just another protein.
Not intimidating once you watch it and taste it.
Give it a try, see what you think.
I know we have a first time sweetbreads person as well.
I think that you should take the initial bite.
Okay, here we go.
[Bell chimes].
Oh man.
I love the uh, the creamy texture.
That's amazing how different it is from that.
The acid of the peach goes so well with the richness of the meat.
Also, trying to simultaneously eat off the same plate is a new fun experience.
Oh that's so good.
The sweetbreads sweetness really comes out in that dish.
Rarely do I ever experience this but I feel like it really did melt in my mouth.
So the verdict is if you've ever wanted to try sweetbreads, you should give them a
try, don't be intimidated.
Yeah, definitely.
They can be many things and all of them are delicious.
Pun mesec (Dolunay) - deo iz 5. epizode - Duration: 1:40.
How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins Naturally | Natural Cures - Duration: 4:59.
The treatment of varicose veins highly depends on the degree of the veins, but these natural
ingredients can be very effective in eliminating the symptoms that are so irritating to those
who deal with this problem. Varicose veins are enlarged veins that appear in the legs
and ankles near the surface of the skin. Due to circulatory issues, the valves in our veins
can malfunction. This creates an accumulation of blood in certain parts of the body.
Varicose veins usually develop more in women who are overweight. These issues sometimes
occur during pregnancy. People who spend all day standing and the elderly are also more
likely to develop varicose veins.
In addition to the unpleasant aspect of varicose veins, they can also worsen and cause discomfort
such as pain and swelling. Therefore, the varicose veins treatment is one of the most
sought after topics on the internet.
Types of varicose veins
Not all varicose veins are the same.
Depending on the stage of their development, the color and intensity of varicose veins
will determine their degree and type. So, it's possible to find up to four degrees
of varicose veins:
Grade 1
In grade 1 the varicose veins are thin lines in the leg and have a violet color. In some
cases several grade 1 varicose veins come together to form a tangle of lines that are
called vascular spiders.
In this case, the treatment of varicose veins has more to do with aesthetics. In Grade 1
there aren't any serious related symptoms. At most, people complain of having heavy,
tired legs.
Grade 2
The veins become more visible and a series of symptoms begin to develop, such as:
- Chronic leg fatigue and a feeling of heavy legs
- Cramps - Ache - Warm sensation - Tingling - Itching Grade 3
With increasingly dilated veins, the symptoms of varicose veins become progressively worse.
With Grade 3 there will be swelling, edema, and even changes in the color of the skin.
Grade 4
At this stage varicose veins appear in areas accompanied by eczema or skin lesions. Due
to the difficulty in treating these lesions (because they can get inflamed very easily)
, these varicose veins are the most delicate.
If you have Grade 4 varicose veins, a treatment with the support of a physician is highly
On the other hand, it's also possible to resort to some natural treatments that help
to eliminate the symptoms.
Some elements are important in the course of your varicose vein treatment. They are:
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar works great in stimulating the circulation. It also has wonderful anti-inflammatory
Apple cider vinegar compresses are also very effective in alleviating the symptoms of varicose
veins. Simply apply to the affected area for 20 minutes.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is also often used in the
treatment of varicose veins. Carrot
Rich in beta-carotene and antioxidants, the carrot helps relieve all the symptoms of varicose
veins, and assisting in masking the appearance of the veins.
So, let's learn about a cream to complement your varicose vein treatment:
Apple cider vinegar 1 cup of grated carrots
7 ½ tablespoons aloe vera gel
These measurements are only a guide, since the final result may vary according to the
application area. Keep in mind that the aloe vera and the carrots should be used in equal
Peel carrot and blend until smooth.
Add the aloe vera gel. You can either purchase a gel from natural products store or extract
it from a plant you have at home. Mix the aloe vera with the carrot paste.
Add apple cider vinegar gradually until smooth and creamy.
Mode of application
To achieve significant results with this treatment of varicose veins apply, this cream daily.
Simply massage the mixture on the varicose veins, from the bottom up—from the ankle
to the calves, in order to stimulate blood flow.
Allow this cream to set for at least half an hour and rinse with cold or lukewarm water.
Thug Life - All the Classics #35 - Duration: 7:09.
Honda Insight 1.3 Elegance - Duration: 0:50.
The months Spanish - English - Duration: 1:07.
Peugeot 108 5-deurs Active 1.0 e-VTi 68 PK |ZEER ZUINIGE AUTO| - Duration: 0:49.
Peugeot 108 Active 1.0 e-VTi 68 PK 5-DEURS | IDEALE STADSAUTO - Duration: 0:41.
Peugeot 108 1.0 12V E-VTI 68 5-DEURS | LAGE KILOMETERSTAND| - Duration: 0:50.
Peugeot 108 Première 1.0 e-VTi S&S 5-DEURS 68 PK | LUXE UITVOERING - Duration: 0:43.
Daily Observations #32 Thats Why I hate Big Mirrors on Motorcycle - Duration: 5:16.
Vrummmm :P
There is no friction between tyres and asphalt
Guy wrote that on his car, Don't Think you are the only Star, because of we love the nights
That's Why I hate Big mirrors on Motorcycles
Best Place to make Maneuver
Do you like sand? And did you miss beach? There is the real service, a Lorry can make your dreams come true!
Istanbul's Best View with Best Friend
I think he has God Mode
Cornering Practice with Motobaba!
*Ear Rape*
Yeah.......... Welcome again to the Intro. (Get it cause the Channel has an Intro!!!)
Subs are a fun thing.
Maybe if I get more This videos could get better
Probably not
I really enjoy having conversations with you
Even tho I'm lonely as fuck
This might be an actual thing i start to do.... Cause it's fun
Not funny
Just fun
Is there a way I can type throughout the whole video..... Maybe
I enjoy this song
I also enjoy the ear rape, A Capella version I made that's raping your ears.
Is that how it's written
A Capella
Or is it?.............Together?
This is a blast
Way Past Cool
This joke might get tiring but I just don't know when to stop
THAT Stylization
Maybe that word is wrongly spelled too.
I am a disappointing person
Quality Content
I guess in a few minutes I'll be saying goodbye now
I hope I will be missed...... Subt-chan
That's ma name
I say Goodbye and I will fly away..... Not knowing when I'll return
I hope I can see u again...... Maybe....
I'M OUT Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
only one i need. - Duration: 0:43.
Hello YouTube
Today, ehh. Me Stream Bo3
Me hack rioxz account
And me game crashed already
omg this enemies
ye true .. How they play .. Like bots
The wallrun doesn't work
dude you fat son of a bitch
Haha.. Furkan you retard xD
Thanks for the 1 EUR again
ohh my ..
Furkan, i love you too
Thanks for the another 1 EUR
Furkan, thanks for the 1 EUR
Not even this is hitting ..
He hit
did he?
He jumped infront of me
I think he hit
Ye but with a locus
i will kill
I fuck up this shitty P-06 .. I hate this weapon
Help help
I don't use a stun because i need that
Behind you.. Behind you..
You struggled a lot haha
It was so close to be in the map again .. Haha..
This was perfect .. Imagine if there people
yo .. what is this guy doing
this son of a bitch ..
HAAA you hitmarked him hahaah
You hitmarked him but he died of fall damage because of the knockback
stfu :D
wtf is going on today? :D
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration Panoramadak/Navigatie/Camera - Duration: 0:54.
Hyundai i30 CW 1.4i i-Motion Business NAV, CLIMA. - Duration: 0:54.
Ford Fiesta 1.25i 82pk 5drs. Trend Airco/Org. audio/73.902 km! - Duration: 1:00.
Mazda 6 Sportbreak 1.8I TOURING - Duration: 0:54.
Hyundai Atos 1.1i Active First Edition, NAP, rijdt perfect! - Duration: 0:54.
Opel Corsa 1.2i-16V Strada, stb, nap, nieuwe apk - Duration: 0:57.
Peugeot 107 1.0I ACCESS PACK ACCENT - AIRCO - AUDIO - Duration: 0:59.
Honda Stream 2.0i ES, Automaat,Youngtimer,7 persoons, werkende airco! - Duration: 0:59.
Hyundai i30 1.6 I CVVT Dynamic, NAP, LMV, AIRCO, - Duration: 0:59.
Gemma's Trip to Ireland - Duration: 4:37.
Hi Bold Bakers!
You know I love great food, and it's my mission every week on Bigger Bolder Baking
to share with you simple recipes that deliver impressive results.
Also, you've requested to see more of my travels.
So I thought why not take you along with me and show you some of my favorite food from
around the world.
Every Monday, in my NEW travel food show, Gemma Eats…, I'll take you on my culinary
adventures including where I grew up in Ireland, my trip to Barcelona, Spain and even new favorites
where I live now in Los Angeles.
Gemma Eats... begins next Monday, August 7th at 8:30am PT so don't miss it!
This week's episode is more like an appetizer for Gemma Eats….so come along with me as
I show you my hometown of Wexford, Ireland and get to know a bit more about my family
and why we love food so much…
My home in Ireland is one of the most beautiful places in the world with gorgeous landscapes,
all sorts of different terrain.
And incredible history.
And on a rare sunny day there's nowhere like it.
But to me home is really about family…and food.
You've seen my mum, Pat, before on Bigger Bolder Baking.
She's the original Bold Baker, who inspired me to pursue my passion for food and become
a professional chef.
The thing is.
Food brings my family together.
So on my trip, when we really connected was over an incredible lunch my mum prepared.
Including insane desserts like my mum's Banoffee Pie, which we made last St. Patrick's
Day on the show.
Then there was my sister Carol-Ann's Baked Blueberry Cheesecake that was out of this
Last, but but not least were my best-ever brownies which you're all going to see in
a future Bigger Bolder Baking episode.
(My entire family cooks and enjoys great food.)
One person you haven't seen yet is my Dad, George.
Before I was born my dad was a wine merchant.
When he was young he worked in vineyards in France and lived a life focused on good food
and wine.
He and I spent a good amount of time together on this trip.
And we actually became tourists in our own hometown traveling to a place called Hook
Head featuring the world's oldest operational lighthouse.
We even took a tour of Ireland's most-haunted house called Loftus Hall.
This placed inspired my Halloween episode from a few years ago.
I don't often get to see my parents so I really enjoy my time with them when I do.
A short trip away by boat is a beautiful seaside town called Tramore near Waterford.
Now when I say, "My entire family loves to cook and eat…"
I really mean the entire family.
Including the kids.
These are my cousins and they're already incredible Bold Bakers.
Let's get baking!!!
I asked the kids what they wanted to make and they all voted for my Savory Pop-Tarts.
I'm glad they picked Pop-Tarts because they're really easy to make and they're great for
little hands.
To be honest with you, I did very little work here since the kids did most of the heavy-lifting.
These Ham & Cheese Pop-Tarts remind me of things my mum would make with us as kids.
While we were waiting for the Pop-Tarts to bake, the kids asked if we could make Homemade
Starbucks Frappuccinos.
I loved this idea because all they had to do was blend a few ingredients together.
And we were really lucky that granny Rosaleen had a blender had one to hand.
So we raided her fridge.
We got some strawberries, milk, blended them all up and made a Strawberries & Cream Frappuccino.
Now this was as huge hit.
It's better than the ones you buy in Starbucks.
Sorry Starbucks.
But then we found a packet of Oreos in the cupboard and we decided to make a Cookies
& Cream Frappuccino, too.
Perfect timing because our Pop-Tarts were done!
Oh my gosh.
Look at that!
I really think the kids did a fantastic job with these!
And being in the sunny south east, we sat outside and enjoyed them on this beautiful
summer day.
Every time I come back to Ireland, I always discover more and more reasons to love this
little country of mine.
Even though my family has now grown in America, I know that Ireland will always be my home.
I hope you enjoyed this episode and make sure to tune in right here next Monday, August
7th for the premiere of my travel food show, Gemma Eats…
Did you hear that…Kevin.
We need to get on that.
Start vlogging.
I know.
Maybe we'll do a travel series…we're thinking of doing something like that…
I preferiti di Luglio 2017 - July 2017 favourites feat. H&M, La Mer, The Body Shop ect - Duration: 19:15.
>> Hi ya'll and welcome or welcome back to my channel
July is over and as usual I'm ready to share with you my favourite products
To be honest July has been quite a shitty month for me
I had a few bad moments, just to give you an idea I had chickenpox
2 weeks of nightmare, getting chickenpox at my age is awful
in the hottest weather I was covered in itchy pustules
I still have marks on, I basically turned into a leopard woman
such a joy...
and if this is not enough
you know when during my videos I complain because trucks drive under my window?
well I guess trucks had their revenge because around 2 weeks ago one of them drove straight into my balcony
Isn't that great?
Luckily no one was on the balcony, nobody got hurt as we weren't even at home otherwise I would have had an heart attack
anyway the balcony didn't fall, but we can't use it until it get repaired
well, wasn't that great too?
I really hope you had a better July than mine, let me know
in the comments below and give me some hope by sharing something positive as I really need it
Always speaking about positive things I'll be soon be on vacation, I don't have any plans yet
we still need to decided, anyway I'll take a few weeks off from the blog and from Youtube as I do every year
to relax and recharge as I definitely need some time for me
and as I have nothing planned yet I'm not sure when the regular schedule will be back
but I think it will be around the end of August/beginning of september
That said on friday there will still be another video before my holidays
which is going to be a reading my old short stories one
we'll read together a new chapter, I'm not sure we'll manage to read the story until the end
but I'll try to read as much as I can, so don't miss it
Ok, the intro is already superlong so let's start with my July favourites
inspite of the chickenpox and other issues I managed to do some shopping, also taking advantage of the summer sales
and I'm going to show you my 4 favourite pieces
I bought the first one on Asos and it's this black cotton top
it's quite basic, the peculiarity are the crossed strings both on the front and on the back
it's off the shoulder, in the perfect length to tuck it inside a skirt as I like it
and I find it sexy and easy to pair at the same time, I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it
and it's one of the pieces I wore the most in July, right after I recovered from the chickenpox and I've been able to go out again
I got the second piece on Asos too, but it's from the brand Boohoo
it's a peculiar dress, I'll show it on,
it's lightweight and fresh which is great because lately the weather has been super hot
it has straps that cross on the front, with tiny ruffles on
it's gathered under the breast and I usually wear it with a belt because it has a straight cut
and it's not very flattering on me, but a belt solves the problem
I love the blue stripes on the white background, it's super summery
and so this is my second fashion favourite, let's move to the third one that I bought from H&M
I just dropped something
and it's this slightly more structured dust pink dress
I love the off the shoulder cut with the ruffle as this season I'm obsessed with this look
and it's tight on the waist but flowy at the bottom, slightly retro
which is always a great plus for me
and I love the color, so I wore it quite a lot especially in the evening because it's a bit too heavy for the daytime now
and you already saw the last piece in my summer haul/lookbook
but I'll show it again because I noticed that it's still available online
while I couldn't find the pink one, I hope it's still available in the stores
anyway the last piece is the H&M lace maxi dress
is comfy and perfect to wear at nightime for a more elegant look
but also in the daytime styled in a more casual way, so it's quite versatile
sorry I was chocking
and I had to include it in this video because I wore it a lot
and this concludes the clothes section now let's move to skincare
because I have 3 interesting products to share with you
Lately I've been obsessed with eye contour products because more and more
I find new wrinkles around my eyes
and this month I invested in a pricey product
In June I already shared with you the Sisley eye mask, which was quite expensive
and the new product is once again very pricey, but I don't remember the price right now
and the brand is La Mer, probably of of the most high end skin care brands
and it's the eye concentrate, le concentré contour des eyeux
and it comes in this jar and it's supplied with an applicator
with a metal head that feels cool on the skin and it's perfect to apply the product and massage it in
you only need a tiny bit, I've been using it morning and evening since the beginning of the month
because I bought it at the end of June if I'm not wrong
it has a perfect texture as it soaks in quickly
and as last month has been quite challenging my dark circles, wrinkles and puffy eyes got even worst
and la Mer helped me out a little bit, because if I look like a zombie now
God only knows how I would like without it
The second skincare favourite is definitely cheaper and it's by the Body Shop
a mask I already talked about when it was released
the Chinese gingseng and rice one
it's a clarifying mask that fights the stains and discoloration of the skin
and brightens up the face
The chickenpox left a few marks on my face
that I try to cover up with make up
and so I used a bit more often this mask which is really lovely
I apply it with a brush, then I massage it with my fingers as it's also exfoliating
as it has some rice grains inside
you leave it on for 15 minutes then you rinse it off
and it leaves the skin fresh and bright and it's not miraculous but
I really like it and I usually follow it with an hydrating mask to restore the skin hydration
there are some really good ones by the same line too
I didn't know if I had to feture the last favourite in this section or in the make up one
but as I have no make up favourites this month as I kept using my old favourites
I decided to feature it among the skincare items and I'm talkig about By Terry Baume de rose
which I already talked about a million times, but in the tinted version
Basically is the same product, but it has some pigment inside that leaves the lips slightly tinted
as I apply baume de rose on morning and evening I like that
now I can use this version in the morning and replace the lipstick
it adds a sheer tint and in the week days I definitely prefer a ...
more low key make up
I'm not sure this is the right word, today apparently I love to use expression I'm not sure about the meaning
bare with me
By Terry is not distributed in Italy, but you can buy it online from the english web site Space Nk
or you can find it in France in Sephora
and baume de rose is actually an amazing product, it deeply hydrates the lips
and makes them soft and silky
and you can choose among different shades
I wet...wet?? I mean I went for the red one, but there are some pink ones too and anyway the color is sheer, just a veil on the lips
and those were my skincare favourites, now let's move to nails because
once again I have a favourite nailpolish
My July favourite nailpolish is not a new release as I think it has been on the market for a while
it's by Deborah, which means it's easy to get your hands on it here in Italy
and it's from the gel effect line, in the shade which I believe it's called...it's not written on it
anyway I believe it's called Sardinia green and it's this aqua green that I have on my nails
and I bought it last year, so when I spotted it in my nailpolish collection I thought
"I love this shade!" I tried it fearing it was going to be dry, but it was just perfect
and I've been wearing it on my nails for around 10 days and it still looks great, without any chips
that's really impressive
I recommend it a lot, it's quite easy to find on sale
the price is affordable, it's a lovely nailpolish
the brush is quite big
which means it takes less time to coat your nails
and the gel effect finish is just amazing and look at it, isn't it just perfect for Summer?
I would describe it as turquoise meets aqua green and I love it and it has definitely been my favourite nailpolish in July
and it's probably going to be my favourite in August too
and that's it for the nails section, now let's move to the accessories because
I have got something to share
Here we are in the accessories section
I have two things to share, I've been wearing the first one throughout all Summer
I started to wear it at the beginning of June, what am I talking about?
I'm talking about straw bags
which apparently is also a trend for this season and I didn't realize that straight away
because I've been loving and wearing straw bags in Summer for many years
but I noticed them on Asos and I think that Zara released some too, so I was on the trend without knowing it
I bought my bag around 4 years ago and you can guess it because it's quite worn out
in fact I had to replace the ... how are these called?
I'm having a rain fart
the armrest?
the grips? How are these called?
I had to replace this part because it was made of faux leather and it started to flake
so I replaced it with fabric and I also added a few more flowers as the decor was falling off
so that I could wear it again this year and I love this kind of bags because they are big and comfy
this one has handles...that's the word!!
the handles are long enough to carry it on the shoulder
and you can fit a ton of stuff inside, here is what I have now, included a pad
because I use it everyday and it's a summer staple for me
another summer staple for me are headbands and head scarves, I own
a ton of different ones, this for example is a vintage scarf I bought at a flea market
isn't it lovely?
here I have my wired headbands, just like the one I have on and I bought them at a market in London
I have my trusted H&M bandana
together with a ton of other pieces and I like to wear them in different ways
I can wear it like I'm doing today or as I showed in my video with 3 summer hairstyles
gathering the hair in a simple updo and adding the bandana to create a retro look
or tying it in a big bow, many different ways and I think they are comfy in Summertime
because they allow you to keep the hair out of the way by adding a glam and fun touch
so hair band...hair band??? I mean headbands are staples in my Summer wardrobe
and that's all for the accessories section, let me check...
yes that's it and now let's move to the last cathegory, books
this month I've got some books to recommend and I'm using the plural because I have 2
and chickenpox probably helped me read more
so let's talk about books!
The first book I'd like to recommend won't be a surprise because I talked about it in my June favourites video
and I said I had just started it, but I wanted to read it all before I'd share my thoughts
what am I talking about? Daniel Pennac the Malaussène case
As I said in the June favourites video I've been a huge Pennac fan in the nineties
especially of the Malaussène saga, I loved it
the characters were always interesting, out of the box
so as soon as I found out Pennac had released a new novel about the Malaussène family I had to get it straight away
and I loved it
maybe for nostalgic reasons too because I enjoyed finding the old characters all grown up
and seeing what they've been up to and as usual
there is a mistery to solve
and Benjamin Malaussène is involved in it without even knowing, being the scapegoat he's always been
just like his relatives, even the younger ones, who are now all grown ups
and Pennac irony and catching writing style are still there, so if you loved Pennac in the Nineties
or if you loved it in general you can't miss this new novel because it's a good one
the second book I'd like to recommend is not a novel, but a coffee table book
I found it by chance in a book store, what am I talking about?
Tadaaa, Frida by Sebastien Perez and Benjamin Lacombe
it's an illustrated book about Frida Kahlo
the quality is amazing, I don't know if you can see it but the cover looks like silk
and the inside is amazing too, it tells Frida's story
through these illustrations
here is Casa azul, and there are some cut out parts too
like this one that I'll try to show you
can you see it? you turn the page once and a second time
and so on, it's really beautiful
look at this, the broken column
I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it, I paid it 30 euro, but coffe table books tend to be a bit more expensive
and it's a lovely book, especially if you are obsessed with Frida Kahlo just like me
I don't know if it's available online, I'll check that
and if it is you'll find the link on my blog
and of course you'll find the links for all the other products featured
so if you liked something head over to the blog , you'll find the link in the downbar and I'll try to list
all the products available on line
There we go, we reached the end of my July favourites video
as always I hope my suggestions were usefull, if so
give this video a thumbs up so that I will know it
and if you haven't yet subscribe to my channel in order not to miss any new video
and don't miss friday's video either, the last from this season
and it's going to be about the young depressed
That's all I have for you today, I send you a big kiss and I'll see you on friday, ciao!
Kia Picanto 1.0i-12V ISG Base 5-Drs Airco Radio-CD/MP3 CPV Airbags 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:00.
Filigree Gloss Design on Matte Nail - Duration: 6:56.
Imorden Carbon Fiber Jib - 5.7 Foot Light Weight Mini DSLR Camera Crane Arm Review - Duration: 3:42.
Camera jibs often are heavy and bulky.
But this carbon fiber jib from Imorden is lightweight and super portable.
This is a very affordable slider and is fully adjustable.
The camera head keeps things level as you move the jib and on the top there's an Arca
Swiss tripod plate for easy attachment and removal of your camera.
The package also comes with a ball head adapter that connects to the end of the jib.
The bottom of the jib has 1/4" and 3/8" holes for mounting to a tripod.
Here I'm attaching a quick release plate for my Manfrotto tripod.
It's important to use a tripod that is heavy enough to support shifting of weight when
using the Imorden jib.
The jib can support cameras up to 8 pounds.
The jib arm can be locked in place to make set up easy.
Imorden also includes a sandbag for a counterweight.
I'm just using water bottles for weights because it's cleaner than using sand.
Up to 4 standard water bottles will fit inside.
The end of the jib has a telescopic arm to balance the camera and weights.
The Imorden Carbon Fiber Jib can be assembled and set up in about 3 minutes and can add
dynamic looking shots to your productions.
This jib can be extended up to 5.7 feet but they also offer a 6.5 foot version.
The adjustment knobs are large and easy to twist.
The carbon fiber tubes slide easily and lock into place once the desired length has been
The angle of the camera head can also be adjusted to your shooting needs.
The sandbag hangs off the end of the jib with the included carabiners.
There are two included.
A cool feature is that the base of the jib has 1/4" holes on either side for accessories
like an external monitor.
Here I"m using a friction arm to help me attach an HDMI monitor so I can see what I"m shooting.
I"m also using a mini HDMI cable wrapped around the jib arm to my monitor.
The set up you see here is quite stable and allows me to get the type of shots I couldn"t
get without the help of a jib.
I"m really happy with the Imorden jib and I'm surprised how quickly I can get it set
It's very compact if I need to get in somewhere for a fast shot.
And the whole package fits into a fairly compact bag.
I hope you found this video helpful and if you did please give me a thumbs up and don't
forget to subscribe to my channel TheRenderQ for more how-to videos and product reviews.
Building The Most Useless Machine | Part 2: The Electronics - Duration: 6:23.
welcome back to clean phil wanted it is the second episode of the most useless machine.
the last episode i most of the box with all hand tools but this episode were gonna be
making, fixing up the lid and attaching it to the box itself.
as well as finally doing the electronics inside.
gonna try to do my best to explain it and keep this a brief video.
a few things about this ahead of time.
what youre gonna see me do is saw the lid in half.
the lid does have an angle on it so that it closes easier.
make sure you do that with whatever box youre using.
I didn't glue the sides to the bottom.
it's actually screwed in there with a board going across the center so it can be removed.
that allows other people, who ever has this in future to take it apart and get to the
electronics and the battery case inside.
I've been wanting to make one of these for 15 - 20+ years.
ever since I saw them as a little kid.
BUT I will tell you that I did get the wiring schematics from an instructables page so I
am going to put a link in the description to where that page is please go check them
I want to thank them for having it up there and send them the traffic they deserve.
in my opinion.
that way, that way
The first thing youre gonna need is a 2 AA Cell battery case.
you don't really need this but for safety reasons i added in this on off switch.
this switch is a Dual Pole Dual Throw Toggle Switch.
The toggle at the top only has two positions.
And on the bottom there are six tabs.
This next switch is a single Pole Dual Throw micro switch with a lever.
it will have a lever on the top and three tabs on the bottom.
And the last thing we need is some sort of a geared motor.
We are gonna modify this servo by opening it up.
pull the electronics out of the bottom and solder two wires directly to the motor.
modifiying the gears at the top is finding the largest gear that has a tab on it.
remove that so it can rotate freely all the way around.
you want to use a hacksaw to cut it off.
I pulled the wires from some old electronics that i had laying around.
make sure that all the wires are longer than you thing you need.
The first thing to is wire the motor to the two middle tabs on the dpdt switch.
The next thing to do is wire battery case to one side of the same switch.
when this toggle is flipped we want to reverse the polarity so wire one tab to the opposite
tab on the opposite side.
if you have an alligator clip you should clip it onto that second tab on the first side
and go to its opposite on the opposite side.
thats what we want but we need it to know when to stop.
so were gonna remove that second wire and were gonna attach it to the single pole dual
throw switch.
I do want it turn the power off when the switch is depressed so i'm going to wire mine to
the first and third tabs. you might want to test this with your switch.
to keep my life simple and because i'm not use to this kind of stuff.
I am going to attach all these components with a hot melt glue gun.
that will give me the freedom to alter things as needed.
I wasn't sure about the shape of the lever that goes on the servo.
so i just cut pieces of cardboard and glued them together with the hot melt until i came
up with a shape that was close enough.
then i cut that out and shaped it up.
I couldn't be more thrilled with this.
i made it way more complicated than i needed to but i'll take it.
Kombina | Aprenda a fazer um cavalinho para as crianças com o Professor Sassá - 29 de Julho - Duration: 1:46.
O que é BlockChain e porque o IBM Z Systems é a plataforma ideal para rodá-lo? - Duration: 6:59.
Good afternoon, my name is Rodrigo, I'm a Technical Sales Student in Systems Latin America.
Today we're going to talk with Ronaldo about Blockchain. What is it, concepts, success cases.
Ronaldo, please, do you want to introduce yourself?
Sure! Good afternoon, guys, my name is Ronaldo, I work at IBM Systems organization, I am a Technical Specialist for IBM z Systems.
Well, my first question, and I think it's what everyone wants to know, what is BlockChain? Could you explain it to me, please?
Blockchain is a secure and distributed network to exchange information.
So, what's the business problem today? The networks for information exchange, and networks to carry out transactions today, are very centralized.
So each company today has its own method of controlling its transactions and exchanging it with other companies.
Blockchain's mission is to unify it. Blockchain's mission is to distribute the same information to everyone, in a secure and fast way for all businesses
Great! So the idea would be to de-centralize this applicability, these transactions, am I right?
Exactly! It would be a de-centralization of what today, I would say, is the only point of truth.
What Blockchain does actually is to distribute the same information to everyone, so when you perform a business transaction, for example, in a bank,
today you make this business transaction in one point only, in an institution, which, in this case, is a bank.
And the idea of a Blockchain is that you carry out that transaction and everybody that's involved in that transaction, has the same level of information as you.
Got it! Well, you talked about banks, other than financial institutions,
what other industries can BlockChain be used for?
In many others, in any industry you need to manage a product's life cycle.
There is a success case of a company called Ever Lager, this is a very interesting case, this company controls the entire life cycle of the diamond:
from the extraction of this diamond, to its sale, even to avoid fraud. So the whole life cycle of that product is controlled in the Blockchain.
Another practical example, which can also be done, is car insurance company.
An automobile insurance company, with Blockchain will be able to know the product life cycle, from the beginning of the vehicle's manufacturing to the arrival to the consumer.
So from the vehicle, where it was, by which company it was sold, how many owners it had.
With Blockchain you can have the whole life cycle of a product, the insurance company can make a quotation more adjusted to the standards the customer needs, and also be more competitive.
Interesting! Well, since you mentioned competitiveness, what do you think is IBM's differential in Blockchain's case?
Well, IBM has a number of initiatives in which it's well-positioned. One on them is Hyperledger, it's a standard, open and distributed,
in which IBM is an active participant in the distribution of this standard, and IBM is well-engaged in the Hyperledger standard.
Every Blockchain solution you have, which IBM is embracing, it promotes the Hyperleadger standard.
There are other markets, but what IBM promotes is this one, which has IBM and other large companies participating.
Is it a consortium of companies?
Yes! But the another interesting thing is that not only IBM can have a good solution with Hyperledger, which is the standard we use, but also with Hardware.
BlockChain has a very interesting feature it uses intense encryption in its environment.
So all the BlockChain participants must consent to the agreement for the transaction to be completed.
We can call it as a contract. There are lots of names for it.
All the cycle requires cryptography because all the data, in what we call legder – which is a record book of registries -
has all the control of what each individual did in the transaction. The legder has heavy cryptography to store information. It can't be accessed…
By a third party!
Yes exactly, so the cryptography needs to be done and can often become very heavy.
We have the Hardware, which is the IBM z Systems or the IBM Linux One.
It is a Hardware solution that is used by big companies in Brazil that need to run a high volume of transactions and,
one of the characteristics of this Hardware, is that is has a Cryptographic Hardware with Cryptographic Processors built into the Hardware itself.
To facilitate the great demand of transactions and not delay them, and at the same time meet the demands in a safe way.
So the IBM z Systems and Linux One Hardware is the most appropriate Hardware today to run Blockchain.
Thank you very much for your time, Ronaldo. I think we were able to explain more about Blockchain,
Blockchain, what are the IBM's differentiators, and how z Systems can help with this new applicability the technology world is offering.
Thank you all, see you next time!
Thanks guys, see you!
O Fim do Medo - Sadhguru , Eckhart Tolle , Mooji (ative as legendas!) - Duration: 13:16.
Nat&Ginger - Wonder Woman [SPOILERS] - Duration: 23:32.
Cursos de Vídeo - Talleres de Vídeo Presenciales y Online - Duration: 6:56.
Ghost of Orts part two - with English subtitles (an official documentary film in Full HD) - Duration: 25:11.
We came to
a very steep terrain
in the underground corridors called Orts.
The mining area in Orts
was established during the 19th century
for the needs of the Hardtmuth firm,
which mined the kaolin here.
In this field, the raw material did not apply
and therefore all mining was phased out.
Can you
this stone
back on me?
This is it.
Here it is.
Can he come to us?
Can you touch us? Can you tell us something?
Paranormal tým z.s. presents
Kateřina Běhanová - paramedic
Karel Novák - archaeologist, historian
Ondřej Bezouška - founder, coordinator
Ghosts of Orts part two
We have an envelope here.
Data disc.
This disk contains some sensitive data.
If no one sent you for it, let it be.
If you were sent to him, take one disc no more.
A member of a group that carries a disk can not carry anything else.
Everything around us,
these different papers show us
that there is a frequent activity of some clubs who are playing games here.
That's also
nothing new to us.
there are mysterious places visited
by scouts,
all sorts of groups that give
different trails of courage here.
For me it's a winter trail now.
As I expected.
There are several legends to this place.
The first legend tells of the shooting of several German soldiers
at the end of World War II.
And although we do not have written documents,
it is possible that this legend is partly true.
May 9, 1945
Stepan Mettman, a German soldier
who tried to flee
to American captivity, was shot dead
on a nearby Hossein road.
Null, two,
constantly zero one.
That's normal.
This is where the electromagnetic field is stronger,
so here I'm classically taking that
in three milligauss it's normal. Here I would increase it to four milligauss.
That's just a normal state.
I repeat that the mobiles,
even if they are switched off,
do not have any signal
in case
of their operation.
these instruments themselves
in the underground
can not directly
affect the electromagnetic field
as if we were on the surface.
Is there anyone who wants to tell us something?
Come to talk? Greet us?
our favorite attempt ...
Our Velhartic success.
Flying stones.
Can someone throw a stone here?
I did not even hear him.
You have not heard him.
- Stupid stone. - Stupid stone.
Here is the problem that
every stone
is just
There is nothing like a small stone here.
Okay, let somebody throw us something.
I would probably specify that.
I would rather not even specify it because
maybe someone can throw the whole rock above us.
It means to throw, that means to fall.
That's the difference.
No matter how you specify it at that moment when it falls on you.
You will not solve it anymore.
Well throw us something that
has less weight than one kilogram.
Now, it has stabilized me to 0.1 milligauss.
Constant fluctuation rate in the electromagnetic field.
Nothing special.
Now 0.3 milligauss.
For K2, the first diode is lit up to 1.5 milligauss.
Then the second diode would light up.
That's all normal.
As far as the recorder is concerned, we will only analyze it later.
As for the K2, the one here
still lights on the first diode,
Is still on the first diode,
who still shows
the same values
who still shows the same values
I subjectively do not feel cold here.
I think
the temperatures here are either
in an unconventional plane
like in Josefov, when we felt
the winter and cold again.
Here the temperature is more constant. The reason is
that it will not blow the air. That's what
I think.
Experts may be
opposed to me in this matter.
What do you think? How you doing?
Besides my freezing hands
as I get them out,
I do not feel bad.
No feelings of depression, fear.
Nothing like that, I'm cold.
The second legend tells of a boy
who committed suicide here after he failed at school
and was afraid of a subsequent punishment.
He strangled himself on the rope he had thrown over the hook
that had been hung on oil lamps.
We're here, so we'll go back through the arc.
We were in Cháron.
We could go to the north
What do you think?
When we get there?
Here we go out.
Ok. Wait, we've been there.
That's the corridor with those engravings.
So there I would do the last research.
We will go this way, and we should turn right here.
Is that it?
Bless me there.
This is it.
- I do not even know if we should have gone there. - Not now.
Here's the pond?
Now look right and see the pond.
I do not see.
You see we're going wrong.
So where do we go?
I'm completely lost as we go backwards.
Now we are going well, that's the right corridor.
Show me that paper.
Show where the pond is.
We were here.
Here we turn.
We're here now.
Yes, one, two three.
Yes, one branch and the other is a pond.
Here we go, here we turn,
we are here in this corridor.
This is the one stupid corridor, the second stupid corridor, we turn...
Wait, that's not one stupid corridor.
Yes it's the bad one.
No it is not.
But is.
and now the pond is here.
Yeah, here's the pond.
But here.
That's the pond here.
Well now I know where we are.
I told you we were going well.
You thought something different.
I'm a little bit... well...
We walked around one blind alley, around another, too.
This corridor is called Veronica.
This is impassable - impassible.
So we have to go straight, right?
And then we'll turn around
and get out
That's it, here's the...
Above us is a pond.
So let's go straight.
right now.
And finally
we should go.
Oh, maybe we were wrong.
Or not? Yeah, that's the stairs we've come over here.
So wait,
- One - Good?
- The other ... fuck! - Good?
Yeah, can you handle it?
I can handle, I only hold a map.
We will not go here.
Here somebody marked the way
he went.
Someone uses crumbs,
and others mark their way through drawing.
We are in the corridor
adjoining our exit out.
This will be the most dramatic part of the document.
Entrance to the Orts and exit of the Orts.
But you probably will not see it because it's so demanding that I'm afraid of the camera
and I think I prefer not to film it.
Because when I look at a technique that's dirty from clay, so
travel the clay after my body.
Does he travel clay after your body?
Yes exactly.
The clay travel after my body
from the idea of getting out of Orts out.
It's called goose skin, not clay on the body.
No, goose skin no.
Here's the clay. That's why the clay travel after my body.
Going to Orts is to
sacrifice the price of clay.
In practice, you will be completely dirty from the clay.
Ok . The last part
of the investigation will examine
this corridor,
which has
a very beautiful
artistic representation
of engravings on the wall.
What are the engravings here?
Naked woman figure.
Naked character of a man.
The Pillars.
An Aliens.
Even the engraving of the door is here.
- We've seen the eye here too. - About two times.
Big brother watching you, it's also important to mention.
However, is there a big brother here who really watches us and can tell us about it?
Deviation in the EMF field of 2.1milligauss.
I also noticed.
Is anyone please?
Come here.
please come here.
Perhaps the only words I know in German.
That's how you know more than I do.
I also know the word besuchen, but I do not know how to draw it into the question.
I know in German the astronomische and aposteluhr. That's not good for us either.
Absolute zero, there are no electromagnetic field fluctuations.
The only thing I feel is that it's warmer here,
because here the breakthrough here starts and
it's just warmer here than at least in those other corridors.
It's still cold, so
I know every change of temperature.
Is there anyone who wants to talk to us?
Come to us? Touching us?
Throw us a stone?
And the electromagnetic field meter starts to beep of it.
When he turned off.
I'll leave him off already.
The last chance you can tell us something.
We'll leave this space. Can you tell us something in the dictaphone?
I put the recorder on the ground, a few yards from us.
You have a one minute to say
something about it.
Or a few minutes.
- Is that visible? - Yeah.
We are finishing
research here
in blind here...
Look, fluctuations in the 0.4milligauss
electromagnetic field.
I do not feel anything.
On the K2, one diode would still shine.
We end with the research
of paranormal phenomena in Orts
We pack things up and
go out. I will try to film up to the camera.
It will be very dramatic.
Because it is a very narrow corridor.
It is possible
that this is our last document.
Because if we destroy our dearest camera,
it will take a long time
before we buy a new one.
So this is one of the most demanding ...
Fields of investigation
... terrains where we worked.
By the way, a very important note.
During the investigation we did not see
any paranormal activity here.
And if I remember well,
So it's roughly
two thousand fifteen two thousand fifteen... so it's going to be two years we've noticed
A very interesting
paranormal phenomenon in the form of
activity on the K2 electromagnetic field meter.
But this summer this
will be three years, when as we have seen one of the
strongest paranormal phenomena.
Throwing stones at the Velhartic Cemetery.
As we show you in our documentaries,
we have never seen anything like this since.
We can
say that
paranormal phenomena do not happen
every single investigation,
but it's really one of a series
of paranormal phenomena investigations.
And if you keep track of us,
sooner or later there will be investigations where
we will experience some
psychic bottom of fear,
that we will face as professionals
and see how
we can practically manage it. Will our reactions be as Velhartic
or completely different?
I have not experienced any stress here. K2 also did not notice any anomalies.
I have no feeling of fear.
I'm just terribly cold here.
And I take all this investigation as a little adventure
because it was quite difficult to go to this place,
and even more challenging it will go up after that slippery terrain.
I'm curious about how hard it will be if the technique is damaged
or we injure ourselves.
Analyzes carried out after an investigation in Orts
have revealed to us one single point of interest,
which we have not been able to explain rationally.
Voice on a dictaphone
that does not belong to any of the investigators
and therefore does not have to exist rationally on the sound record.
What was extracted here for the raw material?
I think
clay for pencils.
KOH-I-NOOR founded it.
We should clean your backpack a little, what do you mean?
Your backpack.
So clean it manually.
What was extracted here for the raw material?
I think
clay for pencils.
KOH-I-NOOR founded it.
We should clean your backpack a little, what do you mean?
Your backpack.
So clean it manually.
Orts are a place, where paratroopers were hiding behind the Second World War.
Where people make artworks
and do variously dangerous rituals.
We tried to find out
if these activities left any more obvious
trace in
space and time.
The result of the investigation is one EVP.
even without a professional technique, the underground Orts will test your courage.
Whether you are alone or in a group,
the chance to lose yourself here will always exist.
And if that happens,
believe that your fear
will be a much stronger enemy
than possible horrors
and paranormal phenomena.
Paranormal tým z.s. members
camera a editing
historical information
post-production commentary
music license: Creative Commons
special thanks
producet the Paranormal tým z.s.
A Vigilante do Amanhã - Ghost in the Shell - Legendado / 2017 1080p - Duration: 1:47:13.
Dé Saiyajin - Print Na Briga REMIX (Prod. Will Diamond) - Duration: 2:01.
Uruguay y Argentina Diferencias - Duration: 1:55.
How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins Naturally | Natural Cures - Duration: 4:59.
The treatment of varicose veins highly depends on the degree of the veins, but these natural
ingredients can be very effective in eliminating the symptoms that are so irritating to those
who deal with this problem. Varicose veins are enlarged veins that appear in the legs
and ankles near the surface of the skin. Due to circulatory issues, the valves in our veins
can malfunction. This creates an accumulation of blood in certain parts of the body.
Varicose veins usually develop more in women who are overweight. These issues sometimes
occur during pregnancy. People who spend all day standing and the elderly are also more
likely to develop varicose veins.
In addition to the unpleasant aspect of varicose veins, they can also worsen and cause discomfort
such as pain and swelling. Therefore, the varicose veins treatment is one of the most
sought after topics on the internet.
Types of varicose veins
Not all varicose veins are the same.
Depending on the stage of their development, the color and intensity of varicose veins
will determine their degree and type. So, it's possible to find up to four degrees
of varicose veins:
Grade 1
In grade 1 the varicose veins are thin lines in the leg and have a violet color. In some
cases several grade 1 varicose veins come together to form a tangle of lines that are
called vascular spiders.
In this case, the treatment of varicose veins has more to do with aesthetics. In Grade 1
there aren't any serious related symptoms. At most, people complain of having heavy,
tired legs.
Grade 2
The veins become more visible and a series of symptoms begin to develop, such as:
- Chronic leg fatigue and a feeling of heavy legs
- Cramps - Ache - Warm sensation - Tingling - Itching Grade 3
With increasingly dilated veins, the symptoms of varicose veins become progressively worse.
With Grade 3 there will be swelling, edema, and even changes in the color of the skin.
Grade 4
At this stage varicose veins appear in areas accompanied by eczema or skin lesions. Due
to the difficulty in treating these lesions (because they can get inflamed very easily)
, these varicose veins are the most delicate.
If you have Grade 4 varicose veins, a treatment with the support of a physician is highly
On the other hand, it's also possible to resort to some natural treatments that help
to eliminate the symptoms.
Some elements are important in the course of your varicose vein treatment. They are:
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar works great in stimulating the circulation. It also has wonderful anti-inflammatory
Apple cider vinegar compresses are also very effective in alleviating the symptoms of varicose
veins. Simply apply to the affected area for 20 minutes.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is also often used in the
treatment of varicose veins. Carrot
Rich in beta-carotene and antioxidants, the carrot helps relieve all the symptoms of varicose
veins, and assisting in masking the appearance of the veins.
So, let's learn about a cream to complement your varicose vein treatment:
Apple cider vinegar 1 cup of grated carrots
7 ½ tablespoons aloe vera gel
These measurements are only a guide, since the final result may vary according to the
application area. Keep in mind that the aloe vera and the carrots should be used in equal
Peel carrot and blend until smooth.
Add the aloe vera gel. You can either purchase a gel from natural products store or extract
it from a plant you have at home. Mix the aloe vera with the carrot paste.
Add apple cider vinegar gradually until smooth and creamy.
Mode of application
To achieve significant results with this treatment of varicose veins apply, this cream daily.
Simply massage the mixture on the varicose veins, from the bottom up—from the ankle
to the calves, in order to stimulate blood flow.
Allow this cream to set for at least half an hour and rinse with cold or lukewarm water.
2090 Telemensagem de Aniversário de Irmão - Voz Fem. (Mensagem Completa) - Duration: 1:31.
Procrastinação Ah Agora Não Depois eu assisto esse video! - Duration: 3:18.
Removes dark spots on the neck, armpits, elbows and knees with this - Duration: 1:55.
The darkening in some areas of the body is a condition that some people must
suffer this is given by both internal and external causes.
If you are a person with black armpits, neck, elbows or knees, today in todo en
salud we will show you a simple prescription that will help you to solve this.
The necessary ingredients will be: - Olive oil
- Sugar To prepare this recipe we must add
olive oil to a little sugar until a homogenous substance is obtained, which is neither so
liquid nor so dry.
Then with circular movements apply this in the area to be treated, give massages for 5 minutes and
leave to act another 5 minutes, remove with warm water.
This remedy is recommended because the sugar eliminates the dead skin
cells allowing the oil properties to go deeper, the oil by the
amount of antioxidants and regenerative properties it contains will protect the skin and also
moisturize it, thus allowing That the dark pigmentation of the skin fades
little by little.
This remedy should be done every other day, the results will begin to be noticed
after a month of constant use of this recipe.
So if you want to get rid of those stains forever do not hesitate to prepare this
mixture and tell us what results you got.
We hope this video has been useful, remember that your opinion is very important
so score, comment and share and if you have not subscribed, subscribe to the
daily upload new videos.
Thug Life - All the Classics #35 - Duration: 7:09.
Wymiana sprężyny przednie VOLVO XC90 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 15:23.
Use a torx №Т40 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №21 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №13
Using a special tool take out the spring
Use a torx №Т50 and a combination spanner №21
Use a special wrench
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Kombina | Aromatizador de ambiente por Peter Paiva - 29 de julho de 2017 - Duration: 5:46.
Review en español de Cozmo de Anki - Duration: 1:31.
Mayra Cardi fatura até R$ 8 mil por post no Instagram - Duration: 0:12.
I preferiti di Luglio 2017 - July 2017 favourites feat. H&M, La Mer, The Body Shop ect - Duration: 19:15.
>> Hi ya'll and welcome or welcome back to my channel
July is over and as usual I'm ready to share with you my favourite products
To be honest July has been quite a shitty month for me
I had a few bad moments, just to give you an idea I had chickenpox
2 weeks of nightmare, getting chickenpox at my age is awful
in the hottest weather I was covered in itchy pustules
I still have marks on, I basically turned into a leopard woman
such a joy...
and if this is not enough
you know when during my videos I complain because trucks drive under my window?
well I guess trucks had their revenge because around 2 weeks ago one of them drove straight into my balcony
Isn't that great?
Luckily no one was on the balcony, nobody got hurt as we weren't even at home otherwise I would have had an heart attack
anyway the balcony didn't fall, but we can't use it until it get repaired
well, wasn't that great too?
I really hope you had a better July than mine, let me know
in the comments below and give me some hope by sharing something positive as I really need it
Always speaking about positive things I'll be soon be on vacation, I don't have any plans yet
we still need to decided, anyway I'll take a few weeks off from the blog and from Youtube as I do every year
to relax and recharge as I definitely need some time for me
and as I have nothing planned yet I'm not sure when the regular schedule will be back
but I think it will be around the end of August/beginning of september
That said on friday there will still be another video before my holidays
which is going to be a reading my old short stories one
we'll read together a new chapter, I'm not sure we'll manage to read the story until the end
but I'll try to read as much as I can, so don't miss it
Ok, the intro is already superlong so let's start with my July favourites
inspite of the chickenpox and other issues I managed to do some shopping, also taking advantage of the summer sales
and I'm going to show you my 4 favourite pieces
I bought the first one on Asos and it's this black cotton top
it's quite basic, the peculiarity are the crossed strings both on the front and on the back
it's off the shoulder, in the perfect length to tuck it inside a skirt as I like it
and I find it sexy and easy to pair at the same time, I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it
and it's one of the pieces I wore the most in July, right after I recovered from the chickenpox and I've been able to go out again
I got the second piece on Asos too, but it's from the brand Boohoo
it's a peculiar dress, I'll show it on,
it's lightweight and fresh which is great because lately the weather has been super hot
it has straps that cross on the front, with tiny ruffles on
it's gathered under the breast and I usually wear it with a belt because it has a straight cut
and it's not very flattering on me, but a belt solves the problem
I love the blue stripes on the white background, it's super summery
and so this is my second fashion favourite, let's move to the third one that I bought from H&M
I just dropped something
and it's this slightly more structured dust pink dress
I love the off the shoulder cut with the ruffle as this season I'm obsessed with this look
and it's tight on the waist but flowy at the bottom, slightly retro
which is always a great plus for me
and I love the color, so I wore it quite a lot especially in the evening because it's a bit too heavy for the daytime now
and you already saw the last piece in my summer haul/lookbook
but I'll show it again because I noticed that it's still available online
while I couldn't find the pink one, I hope it's still available in the stores
anyway the last piece is the H&M lace maxi dress
is comfy and perfect to wear at nightime for a more elegant look
but also in the daytime styled in a more casual way, so it's quite versatile
sorry I was chocking
and I had to include it in this video because I wore it a lot
and this concludes the clothes section now let's move to skincare
because I have 3 interesting products to share with you
Lately I've been obsessed with eye contour products because more and more
I find new wrinkles around my eyes
and this month I invested in a pricey product
In June I already shared with you the Sisley eye mask, which was quite expensive
and the new product is once again very pricey, but I don't remember the price right now
and the brand is La Mer, probably of of the most high end skin care brands
and it's the eye concentrate, le concentré contour des eyeux
and it comes in this jar and it's supplied with an applicator
with a metal head that feels cool on the skin and it's perfect to apply the product and massage it in
you only need a tiny bit, I've been using it morning and evening since the beginning of the month
because I bought it at the end of June if I'm not wrong
it has a perfect texture as it soaks in quickly
and as last month has been quite challenging my dark circles, wrinkles and puffy eyes got even worst
and la Mer helped me out a little bit, because if I look like a zombie now
God only knows how I would like without it
The second skincare favourite is definitely cheaper and it's by the Body Shop
a mask I already talked about when it was released
the Chinese gingseng and rice one
it's a clarifying mask that fights the stains and discoloration of the skin
and brightens up the face
The chickenpox left a few marks on my face
that I try to cover up with make up
and so I used a bit more often this mask which is really lovely
I apply it with a brush, then I massage it with my fingers as it's also exfoliating
as it has some rice grains inside
you leave it on for 15 minutes then you rinse it off
and it leaves the skin fresh and bright and it's not miraculous but
I really like it and I usually follow it with an hydrating mask to restore the skin hydration
there are some really good ones by the same line too
I didn't know if I had to feture the last favourite in this section or in the make up one
but as I have no make up favourites this month as I kept using my old favourites
I decided to feature it among the skincare items and I'm talkig about By Terry Baume de rose
which I already talked about a million times, but in the tinted version
Basically is the same product, but it has some pigment inside that leaves the lips slightly tinted
as I apply baume de rose on morning and evening I like that
now I can use this version in the morning and replace the lipstick
it adds a sheer tint and in the week days I definitely prefer a ...
more low key make up
I'm not sure this is the right word, today apparently I love to use expression I'm not sure about the meaning
bare with me
By Terry is not distributed in Italy, but you can buy it online from the english web site Space Nk
or you can find it in France in Sephora
and baume de rose is actually an amazing product, it deeply hydrates the lips
and makes them soft and silky
and you can choose among different shades
I wet...wet?? I mean I went for the red one, but there are some pink ones too and anyway the color is sheer, just a veil on the lips
and those were my skincare favourites, now let's move to nails because
once again I have a favourite nailpolish
My July favourite nailpolish is not a new release as I think it has been on the market for a while
it's by Deborah, which means it's easy to get your hands on it here in Italy
and it's from the gel effect line, in the shade which I believe it's called...it's not written on it
anyway I believe it's called Sardinia green and it's this aqua green that I have on my nails
and I bought it last year, so when I spotted it in my nailpolish collection I thought
"I love this shade!" I tried it fearing it was going to be dry, but it was just perfect
and I've been wearing it on my nails for around 10 days and it still looks great, without any chips
that's really impressive
I recommend it a lot, it's quite easy to find on sale
the price is affordable, it's a lovely nailpolish
the brush is quite big
which means it takes less time to coat your nails
and the gel effect finish is just amazing and look at it, isn't it just perfect for Summer?
I would describe it as turquoise meets aqua green and I love it and it has definitely been my favourite nailpolish in July
and it's probably going to be my favourite in August too
and that's it for the nails section, now let's move to the accessories because
I have got something to share
Here we are in the accessories section
I have two things to share, I've been wearing the first one throughout all Summer
I started to wear it at the beginning of June, what am I talking about?
I'm talking about straw bags
which apparently is also a trend for this season and I didn't realize that straight away
because I've been loving and wearing straw bags in Summer for many years
but I noticed them on Asos and I think that Zara released some too, so I was on the trend without knowing it
I bought my bag around 4 years ago and you can guess it because it's quite worn out
in fact I had to replace the ... how are these called?
I'm having a rain fart
the armrest?
the grips? How are these called?
I had to replace this part because it was made of faux leather and it started to flake
so I replaced it with fabric and I also added a few more flowers as the decor was falling off
so that I could wear it again this year and I love this kind of bags because they are big and comfy
this one has handles...that's the word!!
the handles are long enough to carry it on the shoulder
and you can fit a ton of stuff inside, here is what I have now, included a pad
because I use it everyday and it's a summer staple for me
another summer staple for me are headbands and head scarves, I own
a ton of different ones, this for example is a vintage scarf I bought at a flea market
isn't it lovely?
here I have my wired headbands, just like the one I have on and I bought them at a market in London
I have my trusted H&M bandana
together with a ton of other pieces and I like to wear them in different ways
I can wear it like I'm doing today or as I showed in my video with 3 summer hairstyles
gathering the hair in a simple updo and adding the bandana to create a retro look
or tying it in a big bow, many different ways and I think they are comfy in Summertime
because they allow you to keep the hair out of the way by adding a glam and fun touch
so hair band...hair band??? I mean headbands are staples in my Summer wardrobe
and that's all for the accessories section, let me check...
yes that's it and now let's move to the last cathegory, books
this month I've got some books to recommend and I'm using the plural because I have 2
and chickenpox probably helped me read more
so let's talk about books!
The first book I'd like to recommend won't be a surprise because I talked about it in my June favourites video
and I said I had just started it, but I wanted to read it all before I'd share my thoughts
what am I talking about? Daniel Pennac the Malaussène case
As I said in the June favourites video I've been a huge Pennac fan in the nineties
especially of the Malaussène saga, I loved it
the characters were always interesting, out of the box
so as soon as I found out Pennac had released a new novel about the Malaussène family I had to get it straight away
and I loved it
maybe for nostalgic reasons too because I enjoyed finding the old characters all grown up
and seeing what they've been up to and as usual
there is a mistery to solve
and Benjamin Malaussène is involved in it without even knowing, being the scapegoat he's always been
just like his relatives, even the younger ones, who are now all grown ups
and Pennac irony and catching writing style are still there, so if you loved Pennac in the Nineties
or if you loved it in general you can't miss this new novel because it's a good one
the second book I'd like to recommend is not a novel, but a coffee table book
I found it by chance in a book store, what am I talking about?
Tadaaa, Frida by Sebastien Perez and Benjamin Lacombe
it's an illustrated book about Frida Kahlo
the quality is amazing, I don't know if you can see it but the cover looks like silk
and the inside is amazing too, it tells Frida's story
through these illustrations
here is Casa azul, and there are some cut out parts too
like this one that I'll try to show you
can you see it? you turn the page once and a second time
and so on, it's really beautiful
look at this, the broken column
I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it, I paid it 30 euro, but coffe table books tend to be a bit more expensive
and it's a lovely book, especially if you are obsessed with Frida Kahlo just like me
I don't know if it's available online, I'll check that
and if it is you'll find the link on my blog
and of course you'll find the links for all the other products featured
so if you liked something head over to the blog , you'll find the link in the downbar and I'll try to list
all the products available on line
There we go, we reached the end of my July favourites video
as always I hope my suggestions were usefull, if so
give this video a thumbs up so that I will know it
and if you haven't yet subscribe to my channel in order not to miss any new video
and don't miss friday's video either, the last from this season
and it's going to be about the young depressed
That's all I have for you today, I send you a big kiss and I'll see you on friday, ciao!
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