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Proyecto Flower Presents
To a comic from AbsoluteDream
Translated by CIRUSBMAX
Papyrus's New Fan
Uh... Um... Yo!
Greetings, Monster Child!
I am afraid Undyne is busy at that moment.
But i would be happy to let her know you-
I came here to see you!
...Me? Oh!
Very well then!
What can the great Papyrus do for you?
Can i have your autograph!? ...Please?
..."My" Autograph?
Thanks Papyrus!
It's a drawing i made of you! It took a while 'cause I had to draw it with my mouth.
WOWIE! It's Amazing!
Thanks! You're the best!
...I can just carry it with my mouth-
I, The great Papyrus, have an idea!
For i always carry...
...An extra scarf!
But it can also double as...
or a backwards hood.
Whichever you prefer.
Now you can carry things and speak comfortably at the same.
You don't need to carry things with your face anymore!
Uhh... are... are you okay? are you broken?
OH MY GOD! I didn't break you, did i!?
Monster Child, I'M so sorry-
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I gotta tell mom!
I got an autograph AND a scarf!
This is the best day ever!!
I have a fan?
People do like me!!
hey pap!
did you hear about my new job as can crusher?
...never mind. it's just soda pressing.
SANS! Not even your terrible puns can ruins this day!
I Have A Fan! I Actually have a fan!
(Well, besides you, brother...)
hey, that's awesome bro!
People like me, Sans!
i've always told you that.
you're the coolest!
I now... but...
I was beginning to think...
NYEH, It doesn't matter now.
I'm so happy!
heh, i'm happy FOR ya, pal!
Subtitles by Proyecto Flower
For more infomation >> [MINI] Papyrus's New Fan by AbsoluteDream - FanSub English [Proyecto Flower] - Duration: 6:22.-------------------------------------------
¿Cómo prevenir tragedias como la del tráiler en San Antonio? - Duration: 6:44.
Why Liga MX Can't Live Without The United States - Duration: 3:31.
ACUARIO 31 7 al 6 8 de 2017 TAROT SEMANAL DIARIO - Duration: 8:18.
como hacer cookies con chispas de chocolate con nueces - Duration: 3:07.
SAGITARIO 31 7 al 6 8 de 2017 TAROT SEMANAL DIARIO - Duration: 6:46.
🈸 Urbanstep & Micah Martin - Burn The City Down (Remix Sekai) 🈸 - Duration: 3:27.
RSP: Rebel Cats - Mala Influencia en Vivo - Duration: 4:51.
SCORPIO July 31 to August 6, 2017- DAILY TAROT - Duration: 6:47.
Another Day in World of Tanks #20 - Duration: 20:22.
Oh, hell no!
Another day in "World of Tanks"!
I'm gonna get you!
Get over here!
Ready for this?
Turn up the bass!
Here we go!
Holy shit!
Do it!
Double kill!
To infinity... and beyond!
Here's Johnny!
Bye, have a beautfiul time!
I wasn't expecting that!
I will fu*king eat your limbs!
In their tounge, he's Dovahkin... Dragonborn!
Oh yeah!
Got them!
Oh hell no!
Oh my fu*king god!
Mom get the camera!
Oh my god! Inhuman reactions!
You must die!
Meanwhile at the Awesome Epic Stream of justice...
Let's do this!
Ram me!
Fu*k, everyone is not even reaching to me...
Yeah, look at that! Look at that!
Truly amazing!
Oh, you got two on you!
Zwhatsh, stand still! Stand still!
I want to catch them!
You got three! You got three!
Fu*k yeah!
Oh god, this is gonna be awesome!
Oh Jesus...
Holy shit...
Oh god!
Suprise motherfu-
Come here!
I'm gonna get you!
Imma getcha!!
NO! It's simply amazing!
Yo, boys!
Oh my god!
He's actually doing it!
I can't believe my eyes!
Boo! You suck!
*Randomly inserted japanese voice-lines because we do not speak japanese lol. Just read the subtitles in the video lol.*
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Thanks to our Patreon supporters!
Head on over to our Awesome and Epic shop and purchase some shirts and mugs!
Terespol -Warszawa Wsch. TLK,,Skaryna" 11102. EU07 - 015 . 29 .07. 2017 - Duration: 2:15:45.
Voici comment reconnaitre un ami toxique ! - Duration: 6:28.
Music to calm the mind AND STOP THINKING - Relaxation music to REDUCE ANXIETY - Duration: 11:07.
Pepinillo Rick Avance sub español - Duration: 2:21.
DØUBLE MEMES - Duration: 0:59.
Primitive Technology: Sandals - Duration: 5:48.
Walking bare foot
Carrying water for plants
Fire wood for kilns
Clay for pottery
Stone for foundations
Grass for thatch
Scorpion for dramatic effect
Cracking feet
Cutting loya cane (hand axe is used instead to avoid damaging the hafted stone hatchet on anvil stone)
These are removed by pulling the leaves back and down. The whole sheath comes off, spikes included
More cane
Measure out a length 6 times that of the foot
Form 2 loops
Put between the toes of both feet
Weave another length of cane in and out between the loops
This is standard weaving (over under)
Pull back to tighten weave
Add new lengths as the old ones finish
Using one toe now to narrow sandal width (sandal is pointing backwards here)
Cut excess and weave back into sandal
Finished sole
Tree with fibrous bark. Fallen branch underneath
Break dead branch to strip bark
Strip fibrous inner bark from outer bark
Twisting cordage
Twist 2 strands individually clockwise and together anticlockwise so they hold together
Measure about 5 times foot length
Thread through sandal with stick (the weave is tight)
Now twist the two lengths of cord together
Thread cords through back of sandal
Making another sandal
Finished sandals
Put foot in sandal
Cross cords behind heal
Thread cords back under and then tie over foot
Stone and sandal
Carrying water
Fire wood
Scorpion approves
I Expected THE EMOJI MOVIE To Be A DUMPSTER FIRE... - Duration: 6:26.
Hello lords and ladies.
Welcome back to Cartoon Hangout, your place for all things cartoon.
So, I went to go see The Emoji Movie.
Yes, I know.
How awful of me to contribute to this movie's financial gain just so I can talk about it.
Unfortunately that is how it works.
That and I am no where near big enough to gain free entry.
Maybe one day.
Looking at you Jacksfilms.
Talk of this movie has been legend--wait for it--dary.
It's probably gotten the lowest score on Rotten Tomatoes, though it may have gone up
since I last saw it at 0.
Reviewers were LOSING their flippin' minds over how horrible this movie was.
And it was amazing to watch.
I'm not usually one to partake in wishing failure on anything or anyone, but you have
to admit this movie did what even Suicide Squad couldn't do: unify everyone's opinion
on how trash it is.
But, I had to see for myself.
Not really because I wanted to give it a chance, but because I don't usually get the chance
to talk much trash on the channel.
Most things end up falling between kinda disappointing and pretty darn awesome.
Only things like Ultimate Spider-Man have made my blood boil.
Emoji Movie was the perfect chance to just have fun mocking.
By now you're probably thinking, "Damn, he hated this movie, too!
Come on, get to the smack talk!"
So maybe what I'm about to say may shock you.
I went into this movie expecting the most fiery dumpster fire in the history of dumpsters
on fire.
I expected the flames to be licking the ceilings, they'd be so high.
Instead what I watched was ultimately a dumb, a really really REALLY dumb movie that had
almost zero substance to any of it, and had some awfully cringey attempts at being feminist.
Yet a dumpster fire it was not.
The worst movie it was not.
It's not an intellectual movie by any means and it fails to build an exciting crazy world
that people like Pixar have been making look easy for over a decade.
And the result is something very superficial, but at worst Emoji Movie is a dumb film that
if you turn your brain off for, you can get through it.
That's not a positive review, though.
It's not the worst movie ever, but it's not good either.
This movie was advertised at hoping to teach kids 'progressive values,' yet in its
periodic attempts at bypassing any female stereotypes, it ends up making Jailbreak,
the 'cool hip female hacker' nothing BUT a stereotype…of a cool hip female hacker.
And oh no, she's actually a PRINCESS?
Oh wait, who cares?
Even if I hadn't been spoiled regarding that plot point, a child could have guessed
The movie also tries to, I don't know, subvert the typical romance subplot by having Gene,
the main character who is SPECIAL, get friend-zoned.
Which could have been interesting had the movie not gone out of its way to make it seem
like there was going to be a romance and then reneged on it.
Why even drop hints and play sappy music during obviously romantic moments?
Subvert the trope by not including those elements in the first place.
Jailbreak also spouts off a lot of very feminist-y comments about gender roles and stereotypes,
which doesn't exactly feel organic to any scene it is brought up in.
I actually heard some girl behind me express confusion and bewilderment over how out of
place Jailbreak's comment about the first female emojis were.
She said, "Uh okay?"
Clearly I wasn't the only one shaking my head at that line and how quickly the character
changed the subject immediately after.
The heart of the story is Gene.
He's an emoji who doesn't just have one expression.
He's special.
Which isn't a very interesting story because it's already been done so many damn times
It's not even done with a twist beyond his father also having the mutation.
That's all there really is to Gene.
He wants to fit in, enough to want to hack himself into being one of the normal emojis.
I think the only other interesting character was High-Five.
He at least had some relatively funny moments peppered through the film.
Which reminds me.
The movie does have some good bits.
The comedy in certain moments isn't horrible, although much of it is, as you'd expect,
emoticon-based and some of it is…clearly not aiming very high.
I'm struggling to think of what else I liked, honestly.
It's hard to think through the cringe.
Nothing's coming to me.
I just keep thinking of how boring each app they visit is.
They visit Instagram, Spotify, Dropbox, among others.
But they're all so…lackluster and certainly not up to snuff with Wreck it Ralph, a movie
that this one is clearly trying to ape.
All the interesting ones they could visit, they either flat out skip, take a quick peek
in, or leave for the boring parents to explore.
The only time the audience ever laughed…was when they ended up in Candy Crush.
From there on, maybe less than a handful of people laughed.
And almost always individually.
We laughed more during the teasers for movies.
And that…that is just horrible.
So…in conclusion the Emoji Movie is not a dumpster fire by a long shot.
It's just an incredibly dumb movie that someone is probably going to get fired over
if the large flux of people ironically paying to see it doesn't gain it sequel status.
It tries and fails almost spectacularly to capture the feeling of other movies before
it but lands flat on its face with very little style or substance.
This movie doesn't deserve the infamy of being the worst movie ever.
Because it's just nothing.
A nothing movie.
If I had to sum this movie up in one emoji?
It'd be…meh.
Faceup Tutorial №58 Ashlynn Ella OOAK Ever After High Custom doll repaint by WillStore - Duration: 5:05.
Hi everyone!
I'm here and I missed you soo much!
Sorry for this long break, but it was really important time.
I was busy like a working bee and prepared my wedding and it was awesome!
But I didn't forget about the dolls and on my Instagram you can see a lot of new customs!
Most of it is on video, and I'm editing it now.
Hope I will be back in the raw soon and you will see new video every week.
Let's back to the Eshlynn faceup process!
She has freckles I made them with watercolor.
But I will show you the new way to make skin pigmentation and freckles in the future series.
I use watercolor pencils for the eye line and pastel for shadows and base colors.
For white accents i prefer acrylic paint.
Thank you guys again for you patience and I promise not to disappear again for 4 months.
I will be glad to see you on the next video!
Questing, and Talking with club - Duration: 14:55.
Hey guys
So I leveled up and decided to do quests!
DØUBLE MEMES - Duration: 0:59.
[Sims 4 Speed CAS] Miraculous Ladybug (With CC links!) - Duration: 9:35.
Terespol -Warszawa Wsch. TLK,,Skaryna" 11102. EU07 - 015 . 29 .07. 2017 - Duration: 2:15:45.
Falling- An Animated Short - Duration: 0:52.
[Night- Crickets chirping with background noise]
[*zOOM CrAsh BAnG*] What the-?!
[Dusting sound effects] Oh, uh, heyyy......
Who are you?
I'm your wish My...?
Your wish!
Now you're not alone.
Oh my God, you're a person...
Well, no.
I'm a star: Vega.
Ya'know, like the fifth brightest star in the sky.
Did I..?
You were the first to wish on me!
Lucky, huh?
Yeah, lucky.
Oh, I'm Roger, by the way.
I like it!
[More night sounds] [Piano smashing by yours truly]
Manchester United to launch Gareth Bale bid NEXT summer with Real Madrid star to stay put - Duration: 4:41.
Manchester United to launch Gareth Bale bid NEXT summer with Real Madrid star to stay put for now
MANCHESTER UNITED will wait until NEXT summer to try and land £90million-rated Gareth Bale, according to reports. Real Madrid manager Zinedine Zidane admitted there were no guarantees the Welshman would be at the Bernabeu next season.
Gareth Bale is unlikely to leave Real Madrid this summer.
Jose Mourinho will wait until NEXT summer to make a move for Gareth Bale. Bale, 28, is at risk of losing his place in the Real team should the club pursue a world-record transfer for Monaco striker Kylian Mbappe.
However, it is unlikely he will leave Los Blancos in this window. Jose Mourinho will therefore wait until next year to try and lure him to Old Trafford, according to The Sunday Express.
Mourinho said trying to sign Bale would be mission impossible. United boss Jose Mourinho has already spent £75m on Romelu Lukaku and £31m on Victor Lindelof.
Bale, who in 2013 left Tottenham for Real in a then world-record £85m move, would cost around £5m more than that price.
Gareth Bale in action against Barcelona during their Miami El Clasico.
Zinedine Zidane admits he does not know whether Gareth Bale will be at Real Madrid next season.
Mourinho has no problem in splashing out on players he believes to be world class.
He said: "I always thought the problem is not what you pay for these kind of [top] players, I don't think the problem is what you pay for Pogba, I don't think the problem is going to pay crazy for Neymar.
Gareth Bale could be at risk of losing his place at Real Madrid next term.
Monaco striker Kylian Mbappe has been linked with a world-record Real Madrid move.
"I think the problem is with the other group which is a big group because players like Pogba, there is one or two [big] transfers [like that] per transfer window.
"The other ones are where you have 100 transfers and for me that is the dangerous area of the market.
"Some clubs are paying or they don't buy because they don't accept the numbers that are now ruling the market, or to do it they have to go the same levels and for me that's what worries me a little bit because now we speak about £30m, £40m, £50m in such an easy way.
Jose Mourinho has signed Romelu Lukaku for £75m in a statement which shows he is not afraid to spend.
Victor Lindelof joined Manchester United for £31m this summer.
Gareth Bale celebrates after Real Madrid win the Champions League last season. Mourinho on Tuesday hugged Bale after Uniteds pre-season penalty shootout win over Real, and was heard joking: I can't buy you because you don't talk to me.
Bale has won three Champions Leagues, La Liga, the Copa del Rey, Fifa Club World Cup and Uefa Super Cup during his time in Madrid. J ose M ourinho brazenly taps up Gareth Bale on camera in cheeky tunnel exchange.
Explaining Full Power Super Saiyan - Duration: 18:45.
Poland On Air - Warsaw - 10.07.2017 - Duration: 4:50.
Hi, today we're going to check how Warsaw looks like during summer...
...from the air!
- Hi! - Hi!
What are we flying in today? - This is our plane
This is for you if you are wondering how such an airplane looks like
I will show you all the elements
There isn't so much space
So we've landed
How was it?
I like it very much!
As always, you don't have to invite me to a plane!
As always in Cessna it was
tight, uncomfortable, not much space
difficult to move around, but...
...the views...
...these troubles!
Of course, up above it was warm and now
in blouses we look like idiots
This was one of the photo sessions I shot as Poland On Air project - Poland from the bird's view
If you want to see more photos, shot during flights over smaller and bigger cities od Poland
by day and by night
Support my crowdfunding at
Also I invite you to subscribe my Youtube channel
Like my facebook page, to stay tuned with the project
What else can I say - sky is not the limit!
See you!
🈸 Urbanstep & Micah Martin - Burn The City Down (Remix Sekai) 🈸 - Duration: 3:27.
La "bolla" di energia (Come ottenere sempre il massimo da sé stessi) - Duration: 5:01.
I Am the Walrus - MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR Live at Baldwin Wallace: 2:45 - 3:20 - Duration: 0:36.
♪ Climbing up the Eiffel Tower ♪
♪ Elementary penguin singing Hare Krishna ♪
♪ Man you've been a naughty boy, you've let your face grow long ♪
♪ I am the eggman ♪
♪ They are the eggmen ♪
♪ I am the walrus ♪
♪ Goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob g'goo ♪
♪ Goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob g'goo ♪
♪ Goo goo juba juba juba ♪
Jacek i Agatka - Duration: 0:58.
Uszatek i przyjaciele - Duration: 0:55.
strike a bargain/deal (Idioms) - Duration: 0:13.
strike a bargain/deal (Idioms)
to make an agreement with somebody in which both sides have an advantage
into the bargain (Idioms) - Duration: 0:25.
into the bargain (Idioms)
(British English) (North American English in the bargain)
(used to emphasize an extra piece of information) also; as well
Volunteers learn a lot and enjoy themselves into the bargain.
bargain (noun) - Duration: 1:30.
bargain (noun)
1 a thing bought for less than the usual price
I picked up a few good bargains in the sale.
The car was a bargain at that price.
bargain prices
See related entries: Shopping in stores
2 bargain (with somebody)
an agreement between two or more people or groups, to do something for each other
He and his partner had made a bargain to tell each other everything.
I've done what I promised and I expect you to keep your side of the bargain (= do what you agreed in return).
Finally the two sides struck a bargain (= reached an agreement).
Extra examples
He's very strong and completely fearless into the bargain.
Her part of the bargain was to look after the car.
I picked up a really good bargain in the market.
I'll make a bargain with you.
The shop sells books at bargain-basement prices.
You haven't kept your side of the bargain.
Finally the two sides struck a bargain.
I've done what I promised and I expect you to keep your side of the bargain.
drive/strike a hard bargain (Idioms) - Duration: 0:16.
drive/strike a hard bargain (Idioms)
to argue in an aggressive way and force somebody to agree on the best possible price or arrangement
Direto da luta da Pepsico: Camilo e Catalina saudam o Acampamento da Faísca - Duration: 3:57.
Football tips for the 07/31/2017 - Duration: 1:20.
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Camino catalán, 3ª parte: Algerri - Berbegal - Duration: 20:43.
When I leave the albergue, the sun is shining and the birds are singing.
It is even warm today, not very much, but compared to yesterday it is.
It's already late, they have stolen me one hour,
they have changed to summer time during the night.
I've also received a message from Anna.
Incredibly, isn't it? What a joy!
Today I will leave the province of Lleida and therefore also Catalonia.
I only have to go through the municipality of Alfarras and I will already be in Aragon,
more specifically in the province of Huesca,
which is much larger than the Catalan provinces I crossed.
On the border between Catalonia and Aragon, a huge aqueduct awaits me,
built to transport the water inside a canal to irrigate the fields.
Soon enough I will realize that it will not be the only canal here,
as I have also seen some of them in the province of Lleida.
It is time to say farewell to Catalonia,
and I am going to enter the province of Huesca, Aragon, right now.
The landscape has not changed substantially, I still walk through fields,
there are many fruit trees here,
the border between Catalonia and Aragon is somewhat arbitrary,
according to my information people here even speak Catalan.
The first view of Tamarite.
The question is whether there are bunk beds or normal beds in Tamarite de Litera.
It is a bit difficult to find the albergue in Tamarite de Litera.
On the outskirts of the small town I already called the hospitalera,
but I did not understand where exactly the albergue is situated.
In a building with a higher roof, she told me.
But I have walked towards the centre and I am wrong,
and the people on the street do not know anything about a pilgrims albergue,
finally I find some yellow arrows and I follow them upstairs,
and only then I realize that is where the way will continue during the next stage,
fortunately the hospitalera has seen me when I go downstairs again
because she has already been on her way home after not having found me in front of the albergue.
Of course there are bunk beds at the albergue, and again I am alone, and there is no WiFi.
It's a great shame to see this: A town that is dying.
In the historical centre many houses are uninhabited and gradually collapsing.
It is sad to see so many houses in a pitiful state.
Obviously no one wants to live in these old houses anymore,
only in the modern ones that are more comfortable.
Another day on the way.
The weather is not very promising.
And stairs in front of me.
What were the motorways in Catalonia in the province of Barcelona
are obviously the water canals of irrigation here.
It has started to rain and it almost does not stop until Monzon, the end of today's stage.
Luckily it's a stage of not even 22 kilometers.
Many will continue to walk to Berbegal, but it would be more than 40 kilometers,
and for me it is still early on this camino.
In Monzón there is no pilgrims albergue.
But the same thing that has already occurred to me in Tamarite happens to me with the pension where I want to spend the night,
nobody knows where it is, and the do not even know the street where it is situated.
Nobody here is actually from here, or knows the Cervantes street.
Nothing like this has ever happened to me.
I asked eight passers-by.
One girl told me not to ask another because he was a foreigner, too.
In an office they also did not know anything.
And one looked at me surprised: "Cer-van-tes Street?",
as if Miguel de Cervantes himself was a foreigner and had nothing to do with this country,
but I am no longer in Catalonia.
In the end, the owner of a stationery told me where the pension was, quite close to his shop.
There is WiFi and I spend hours writing to Anna, telling her my adventures on the way.
It's not easy with a smartphone.
A truck is passing, and there is smell of a metallurgical factory in the air.
I have to think about my stay in Ostrava.
And besides, well, you do not see much now, but the snowy mountains of the Pyrenees are impressive.
At night Anna wrote to me,
saying that things were getting complicated in her country.
A red and green flag.
But it is not the flag of Belarus,
it is the Portuguese flag.
With each new stage, the Catalan Way seems to be more beautiful.
Of course, today it is sunny,
but above all I love the views of the high Pyrenees mountains with all the snow.
After having passed the small village of Selgua
I suddenly do not see any more yellow arrows.
But there were not so many before.
There are two possibilities: either they have painted very few of them, or I am wrong.
Well, there are no yellow arrows anymore, and I feel a little bit lost.
With my hat too deep to protect me from the light today,
it may well be that I have not seen an arrow in a decisive place.
But the direction is obvious,
and it seems that I go directly to a village on a hill that must be Berbegal,
the end of today's stage.
It is the most difficult decision along the way.
I've been wrong and it seems that there is no way out here,
of course, I can go down there and then end up in some fields...
Or at a canal that cannot be crossed.
No, the decision has been made, I will have to go back to the last road I crossed,
walk on it towards the main road
and look out for yellow arrows somewhere.
Since it has been more than thirty minutes (or more) since I saw the last yellow arrow,
I would lose at least one hour.
Luckily it's only a twenty kilometer stage.
Look, what a surprise! Yellow arrows.
At the end there is a very steep climb.
Because of having been lost and a long pause to recover from it,
it is already four o'clock when I arrive at Berbegal.
The albergue is in a flat in a small house, and it is the most beautiful of the Catalan Way,
it is very clean, and there is nothing missing, there is even a washing machine. I can wash everything here.
The view out the window from the kitchen is spectacular.
Only the WiFi signal is very weak, and I do not receive any messages from Anna.
However I write her a new letter with my recent adventures,
which is not easy because at first the whole letter is lost in the attempt to send it
and I have to write everything once more on the small screen of my smartphone.
DØUBLE MEMES - Duration: 0:59.
LUZ, CÂMERA E... CORTA!!! #7 - Duration: 4:53.
Poland On Air - Warsaw - 10.07.2017 - Duration: 4:50.
Hi, today we're going to check how Warsaw looks like during summer...
...from the air!
- Hi! - Hi!
What are we flying in today? - This is our plane
This is for you if you are wondering how such an airplane looks like
I will show you all the elements
There isn't so much space
So we've landed
How was it?
I like it very much!
As always, you don't have to invite me to a plane!
As always in Cessna it was
tight, uncomfortable, not much space
difficult to move around, but...
...the views...
...these troubles!
Of course, up above it was warm and now
in blouses we look like idiots
This was one of the photo sessions I shot as Poland On Air project - Poland from the bird's view
If you want to see more photos, shot during flights over smaller and bigger cities od Poland
by day and by night
Support my crowdfunding at
Also I invite you to subscribe my Youtube channel
Like my facebook page, to stay tuned with the project
What else can I say - sky is not the limit!
See you!
Terespol -Warszawa Wsch. TLK,,Skaryna" 11102. EU07 - 015 . 29 .07. 2017 - Duration: 2:15:45.
Mensagem aos Jovens - Unidade 1 - Capítulo 1 (Tradução Libras) - Duration: 5:58.
🈸 Urbanstep & Micah Martin - Burn The City Down (Remix Sekai) 🈸 - Duration: 3:27.
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