another total victory contract for another amazing subscriber we are one
win off a free DLC weapon bribe ten rare supply drops and we have 5,000 cod points!
today's opening is not only going to be epic but impossible to enter this
month's $50 Xbox PSN or Steam card giveaway all you have to do is drop a
like leave a comment and be subscribed this video is brought to you by earn god
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the link is in the description taking a look at the DLC weapons he already owns
he has quite a few but he is missing some pretty banger weapons ppsh ak-74 t4
the SMGs he's missing the kvk the m16 and the FAMAS with the assault rifles he
is missing the Banshee he is missing the RSA interdiction and for these secondary
sees miss in the 1911 the l4 sees a couple melee weapons and the NX shadow
cloth so we have a good amount of weapons already on the account but a
good amount of weapons to unlock one way away from doing so hop into a
free-for-all and get this done alright were down 7 kills 8 kills now into this
free throw I've been playing a ton of free for all and snd as of light I used
to play it a lot actually but I stopped for a long time I don't know why it just
kind of fell out of love with it but I'm getting back into it some pretty fun
gameplay it's a pretty fun game modes if you want to see more free-for-all an SMD
on the channel I'm glad to bring it to you guys to just comment down below FFA
or snd if you want to see know the little live game plays and some
gameplays from you know those game modes in specific I could do some challenges
there I could snipe I can do basically anything I can do in you know TDM and
domination in snd or in free-for-all so if you want to see that common SFA or
common snd we got some grounds to cover in the spring for I got some pretty
kills to get because we are down in trying to use of HL export but I will
swap out if I need to because it is kind of an obscure weapon but I'm trying to
get back in so you know using more I guess unique weapons that I'm not really
accustomed to you know the LV a vassal is the age of x4 just to name a couple
trying to get used to them so ah you know I want to eventually you know be
comfortable with every DLC weapon in bo3 and this guy has the HL x 4 maxed out on
his account so I'm trying my best how the weapon works it's a really good
weapon up close mouth oh oh oh my I got a super kill with it like last game
which is a crazy clip you'll see that in a future video but booth area
alright I'm sure I need to hold down something oh that's a GI unit I
literally thought that was like a site for a second
well in the what in the world geez brah oh my god we got some grounds to
cover man we just you need to come in third place that's really it and not
even going for the win as we join really late like eight nine kills deep so we
got some grounds to cover man I got to get some kills real quick
you only need top three so I'm just going to patrol this building until I
get enough kills to you know solidify that position there it is give this UAV
any I needed the UAV really better come on yes thank you you Evvie oh and he has
the ripper why would he not have the ripper of course you do alright there we
go one mores going to be coming right here yeah there it is how many kills
real oh shoot shoot oh my god get destroyed bro what the VMP is well wow
i'm beeston let's freakin dull voice or in third place now 15 kills if we come
in second that's even that's good for me man second place is good for me because
joining Layton free-for-all is never easy to come back on gun game is
different because they have really weird weapons maybe someone's really bad but
if you're down a lot of kills whom I cut oh right
bro you can't tell me I'm not slaying out right now you can't tell me I'm not
slaying out there it is oh shoot Oh give me out
yes oh my god I got a race and a talent maybe I can do it boys
maybe I can do it boys smash it like I'm going off right now man oh my god I'm
going off smash up for your life boys can we do it can I make this comeback
let's go it's a next movie that's huge yes thank you yes yes dude is it oh my
god you can't tell me I killed a specialist let's go boys 30 and 10 we
clutch the win we come back smash a friggin light boys let's go what the
triple kill him for the final killcam let's go 30 and sin we had a rough start
we joined late I'm switching weapons I'm taking out specialist I'm destroying the
spawns I'm getting my streaks that is how you unlock a frigging free DLC
weapon man let's go dirty and then we crushed it well let's go smash it like
some computer a no bro win 75 games for that weapon bribe in the 10th supply
drive still forget we still got 5,000 top points get right into these rare
supply drops smash a light for the light block smash a light to get yourself a
DLC weapon for the free DLC weapon bribe we're about to get as well and smash
your freakin life for that gameplay right now with some crazy free-for-all
action let's get right to these Cowboys hopefully we pull a few weapons we
already guaranteed to get one free DLC weapon from that total victory Drive
obviously if you don't know what the total victory and the triple Plains main
difference is the triple play gives you to bribes 1 range and one melee which
guarantees a new one from each categories you're gonna get a new melee
and a new range weapon it's not on your towel ready with the total victory it's
less wins for essentially less of a reward you get one bride and it's mixed
it's ranged and melee so you can pull a PPSh or you can pull an enforcer or a
path of Sorrows or fury songs so it's really up to the game to decide what
you're going to pull so it's a very difficult opening because we only have a
few weapons that are really really good and the rest not so good we have a
couple outliers on this guy's account and hopefully those outliers don't pop
over they do not just the luck of the draw but we have 5,000 calm points
we got 2 bribe we got the 10 rare supply drops as
well from the bonus bundle so I'm hoping we can pull at least one or really two
weapons they're guaranteed or someone hopefully we get some you know good keys
as well off these 5,000 comm points as a subscriber for wanting me to go onto his
account and you know grind out he's with grind out the winds and open these 5,000
top points we're about halfway through the complements no weapons it's looking
slow boys it's looking stuff with the little rainbow drop right there with the
ice RK 5 camo let me know in the comments down below what you guys have
been getting in your supply drops let me know what your best pulls from the last
few weeks have been I've personally been killing it I've been getting more
duplicate weapons already on my main account if I open you know I open random
supply drops they're obviously duplicate weapons because I have every single DLC
what been unlocked in bl3 but I've been pulling two in ones like crazy which I
don't get how but I've been pulling some ones like crazy lately which is
ridiculous so let me know in the comments what you guys have been pulling
work 14-under comm points left on these 5 key components nothing so far this
kind of sucked so far man I mean if you're going to invest money in the cop
woods that's on you you know I spend money on compliments all the time but
it's kind of unfortunate kind of sucks when you grind the game you said yeah
I'll drop some comments you know what and nothing comes from it because right
now it's looking pretty slow Templar some you know the little rainbow dropper
that we have three more cop went drops men that's it yes
nothing for the cop point so far it's looking slow man I'm not seeing anything
in this truck and we have one more Coppola job to go nothing
no epics I'm looking at this right what nothing
this opening just got even more impossible I was hoping we would pull
some random weapon you know I was hoping we were going to pull a rick you know a
random weapon so that when we open the bribe that weapon and the bribe is not
possible to get but five k-cup points and not come clutch man feeling I'm
feeling a little bit uneasy with this thing man it might be a little bit more
difficult than before we're getting some rainbow drops get some gears some camels
you know but no real weapons no tangible DLC weapons a few more drops with these
crypto keys we're going to go right into the temporary supply house smash it like
bro I need that like look we need to like loss more than ever
on today's video you should already have a like smash it up for that game play
like that free-for-all was disgusting okay if you already have a like smash
for that matter I'm looking at nothing then look at some
camels war-torn xrt minutes looking slow bro we got 10 more supplies drop so 5
kcal points we got the keys that we burned as well now you have 10 more
rares hopefully man we can put one weapon like it's looking slow swindler
ding oh it's not looking good right now boys okay it's not oh that's a
Bushwhacker the chainsaw let's go we got the Bush whacker melee weapon the
handheld chainsaw the mini chainsaw chainsaw Junior whatever the case may be
whatever you want to call this thing it is the handheld gardening tool of the
underworld okay it's the bushwacker melee weapon mini chainsaw hand chainsaw
that's okay you know what I'm down with that I'm not too not too mad about that
I'm not too sure if he already had that though so I don't know if that's a
duplicate that kind of sucks but it is a DLC weapon nonetheless we have one
guaranteed to not have to with that free DLC weapon bribe hopefully it is a range
weapon if not it's looking slow boys okay it's looking super slow for my
board for my subscriber three DLC weapons or three supply jobs left I wish
I wish three DLC weapons are left three supply jobs left
hopefully we can pull a couple candles you know burn those keys off get another
rare Supply Drop we will see it's looking slow no weapons in this what is
that what is a double it looks like a what is that our get sixteen Keys got
some good amount of keys right here couple supply drops left Smasher like
boys I need to like luck man holy crap I need the friggin like luck today more
than ever bro what is going on another hit musical it's not okay thank
you load it up man come on let's go Phoenix for the outrider the next shadow
claw he's missing the l4 sees the 1911 he's missing the PPSh in the aks-74u so
it's gonna kvk the m16 is missing the banshees missin the RSA okay fingers
crossed smash a friggin like what one weapon bribe guarantees one melee or
ranged weapon includes bonus keys bro I need to like love to smash that like
button boys predict in the comments down below what you think we're going to pull
from the bribe just knowing my luck and just knowing how black ops 3 works I'm
called the RSA and I'm calm DL for siege the two
worst ones let's go boys what's it going to be what's it going to be what's it
going to be what's it going to be in my evo melee it might just be a melee brass
knuckles bro the brass friggin knuckles unreal bro we got the brass knuckles the
mayweather gloves we got Mayweather's gloves it's not even
a new one because the the total victory doesn't guarantee a new one which is
insane 25 more wins with the triple plays and you get two bribes and they
both guarantee new weapons if you think about it the total victory is a really
bad contract we got the brass knuckles and the bushwacker that's it bro all
that gameplay slaves for that bro Smasher the one like equals one prayer
men I need to go take a nap but that wraps it up for today guys hopefully you
enjoyed the video subscribe drop a like thank you so much for watching have an
awesome day stay safe and I will catch you guys in the next one
are you broke with no car points man I found a solution I'm going to say this
quick so there isn't any tongue every cop points a token choice no damn and
squid boy there's a link in the description all you've got to do is
click it click the link down below and download a do you have me reliable and
easy way to get points in a fax
For more infomation >> I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS BLACK OPS 3 SUPPLY DROP OPENING!!! *IMPOSSIBLE LUCK* (BLACK OPS 3 DLC WEAPONS) - Duration: 12:08.-------------------------------------------
Bluetooth Finder - Duration: 3:49.
bluetooth finder when was the last time you spend 30 minutes looking for your kids or your
phone on this video I'm going to show you a Bluetooth tracker that is going to
allow you to keep track of your keys and your phone at a budget price what is up
guys my name is Martina and the content creator from Agito Tech's channel on
this channel with the tech reviews in Tekken boxing so it has something that
you enjoy consider subscribing to this channel now everybody is probably asking
Mario what is that Bluetooth tracker you're talking about
this is a small device that you can put in your keychain inside your purse or
any or any personal items that you carry with you on the daily basis the way this
works you're connected to your phone through an application that will keep it
in sync so if you lose your phone you can trigger an alarm to your phone using
the Bluetooth tracker of course as long as the phone is within the range of the
Bluetooth capabilities if you lose your kids you can actually trigger the
tracker through your phone using an application which is going to sound an
alarm and let you know where the keys are of course again you have to live
within the range of the Bluetooth capabilities what have you happen to be
running out of errands and you lose your keys now look at this I'm going to help
you find your keys right so if you happen to be running an honorarium for
example if you happen to go to the store or a friend's house or maybe a parking
lot is going to let you know exactly the location of where it was the last place
where the Bluetooth tracker was connected to the phone so at least you
will have an idea where you can go look for the keys but that is not it you
actually have another feature with the phone and the Bluetooth tracker if you
happen to actually walk away from the Bluetooth tracker or the phone is going
to actually stand on alarm in both the devices the phone and the actual tracker
so what this means is if you happen to walk away with in the distance your
points are going to start going off and your trackers will not start sounding an
alarm the alarm in your phone can be preset to three different tunes this is
- number one
now we got to number two and to number three now what is this thing go soft
when you're in the office in a meeting or maybe you're at home and the baby's
asleep well it does have a nice feature which is called Wi-Fi safe zone so
basically what it does you can program it so when you connect it to one of
those white files is I'm going to actually work it basically if you're at
home connected to your home by 5:00 it's not going to set up if the connection
becomes closed between the tracker and the glueten your phone
this particular tracker will have some all the nice features like being
water-resistant also it will allow the tracker to work as a remote control so
you can take selfies if you actually are in a group picture and what is great
about this particular package is they will come with a small mini tripod that
you're going to be able to use with your phone so you can actually set it up
anywhere anyplace and have those nice angle shots also keep in mind that this
is going to be connected to your phone so it's going to be using some of the
battery life on your phone on average is actually using about half a percentage
every hour which is less than average for the Ravich applications that I use
on the daily basis if you want to go check out this Bluetooth tracker I'll
leave a link in the description below to the Amazon website this section is all
by company name great vibes it will cost you around $15 you'll get the actual
Bluetooth tracker you're going to get the mini tripod and you're going to get
an additional battery go check it out decide for yourself if this is something
that's going to help you one thing I can tell you I work with this company and
they actually have an awesome customer service they didn't pay me to make this
video they just provided the product and I gave you my honest opinion now is your
turn to tell me if you actually think this Bluetooth tracker is something
that's going to help you to keep track of your keys and your phone make sure to
leave your comments questions in the section below also if you enjoyed this
content don't forget to hit the like button and if you're new to this channel
consider subscribing for weekly video thank you for watching and I'll see you
on the next one
(New song Shakey)Jake and Logan best music! - Duration: 1:08:16.
940 - Les Feldick Bible Study - Lesson 1 Part 4 Book 79 - Part 3 of the Messianic Prophecies Part 4 - Duration: 28:31.
Two "Number" songs in Cantonese (兩首有關數字的廣東歌) - Duration: 6:43.
'Rainwater festival' kicks off in Seoul - Duration: 1:43.
Although it's a rainy day here in capital Seoul today,...
There are a bunch of activities and programs being held around Korea at the moment to help
beat the summer heat.
One special event in Seoul is aimed at highlighting the importance of saving water and reusing
Our Lee Jeong-yeon gets us better acquainted with The Rainwater Festival.
"See, get soaked, and enjoy."
That's the motto for this year's Rainwater Festival, taking place in the heart of Seoul.
It is organized by the Water Circulation Safety Bureau of the Seoul government.
What makes this festival special is that it recycles rainwater that would usually just
disappear down the drain.
But now that water has one more use before it goes back to nature.
"We came because we heard you can play with rainwater.
I think it's well-suited for kids."
The water used in the event has been chlorinated for children's safety.
The three-day festival is jam-packed with events such as game booths, performances,
and concerts.
Last year, South Korea experienced its worst drought in 42 years.
This year wasn't much better.
Heavy rain hit half way into summer, but only after a severe drought, which served once
again... as a reminder of the country's water shortage problem.
"We are launching many policies to improve water circulation.
Some people have a bad impression of rain because of floods, but we hope people can
see how precious it is and how it can be recycled and utilized properly."
The organizers of the festival hope that by citizens participating in such events, people
can become more aware of this problem and realize the importance of rainwater.
Lee Jeong-yeon, Arirang News
How to Grow Hair Faster in Urdu/Hindi - Long Hair Tips In Hindi(BAAL BADHANE KE TARIKE) - Duration: 1:02.
How to grow hair faster in urdu and hindi
in this video we use hindi and urdu language for 2 hair growth tips in urdu/hindi
if you really know how to grow hair faster so subscribe our channel and get long hair tips in hindi
Dự Đoán xổ số Vĩnh Long hôm nay XSVL 28/7 - Bạch thủ lô xổ số VL 28-7-2017 - Duration: 4:01.
Dự Đoán xổ số Gia Lai hôm nay XSGL 28/7 - Bạch thủ lô xổ số GL 28-7-2017 - Duration: 4:01.
XSMB | Dự đoán xổ số Miền Bắc hôm nay 28/7/2017 | BTL xổ số MB thứ 6 28-7-2017 - Duration: 3:52.
Dự Đoán xổ số Bình Dương hôm nay XSBD 28/7 - Bạch thủ lô xổ số BD 28-7-2017 - Duration: 4:01.
Elk Class - Goodbye ACs - Duration: 4:18.
You can go
You can start all over again
You could try to find a way
to make another day go by
You can hide
Hold all your feelings inside
You could try to carry on
when all you wanna do is cry
And maybe someday we'll figure all this out
Try to put an end to all our doubt
And try to find a way to make things
better now that
Maybe someday we'll live our lives out loud
We'll be better off somehow
Now wait!
and try to find another mistake
If you throw it all away
then maybe you could change your mind
You can run, oh
and when everything is over and done
You could shine a little light on
everything around you
Man, it's good to be someone
And maybe someday
we'll figure all this out
Try to put an end to all our doubt
Try to find a way to make things better now that
Maybe someday we'll live our lives out loud
We'll be better off somehow,
And I don't wanna wait,
I just wanna know
I just wanna hear you tell me so
Give it to me straight,
tell it to me slow
'Cause maybe someday
we'll figure all this out
We'll put an end to all our doubt
Try to find a way to
just feel better now that
Maybe someday
we'll live our lives out loud
We'll be better off somehow
'Cause sometimes we don't
really notice
Just how good it can get
So maybe we should start all over
Start all over again
'Cause sometimes we don't
really notice
Just how good it can get
So maybe we should
start all over
Start all over again
Prabhas and Anuskha Interview by 10TV Telugu (English Subtitles) - Duration: 31:58.
And today in our special show,The time has come where crores of
people from worldwide are waiting for the release of the movie.
Apart from creating and breaking all records by part-1
So to answer all these questions the part-2 is going to be released.
So,by now you can understand what the film is?And yes your guess is right.
So to share many things about the film we had mahendhra bahubali rebel star prabhas
and most sweetest actress anushka
who had played devasena character in the film,So lets chitchat with them.
Hello prabhas sir,and hello anushka madam,how are you?
You are looking so tired
Ha little tired for,doing continuous promotions from 5 to 6 days but ok.
So,please be strong for this interview till end.
5 years of journey bahubali say honestly and truely
are you feeling happy or sad for finishing so soon?
I had said to rajamouli that after 4 years of work
I want to do something in last one month darling
So,do you want to do something more
Another film,i said to rajamouli that" i want to do another film darling."
You felt bored?
Not bored,but enough,want to do different movie,because you feel bored by doing
same characters from 4 years.And its only the rajamouli who can sustain us.
So,how do you felt in this 5 years of journey.
I cant forget this movie in my life,for
me,anushka,rana,satya raj,sivagami,i only forget thier real
names,since the reel names are so famous,so i wrote
any book,50% of book contains only bahubali memories.
And telugu film industry had become before bahubali and after bahubali,So its the big
compliment and all of you are part of this,so how do you feel by listening to them.
We thought after rajamouli workout,something big going to happen,but
the response we got from people is beyond our expectations.
Bahubali result gave more than we expected.
The sweetest actor anushka,name only contains sweety and you are the sweetest actor
I got doubt that they had kept sweety name at childhood or after
she grown up or because of keeping sweety she had become sweet ah!
It had become pressure by keeping that name.
So the sweetness had increased from childhood?
So i had been forced to behave like my name
The words are also so sweet!is'nt it?
So you enjoyed these 5 years with anushka right?
Sweety will always be like that
Good cast actually,everybody like..
It had happened like that
We can say that magic is rajamouli but other
than rajamouli some workout happened like magic.
And anushka as devasena,have you ever thought that you will act as prabhas mother?
No,never thought not in my dreams also..
Not even dreams ?
But in this you have to do mother role,in sets do you had fun about this?
Yes,i did fun
They had played jokes on you?
I had did on them.
Oh you did ah?
She says,where is my son?where is my son?
So you all enjoyed it
How can we do 4 years of journey without entertainment
I think its 5th year right?
For me its 4 years,But for rajamouli it may be 5 years
No film had taken this many days but only bahubali
And that too rajamouli and crew
And credit goes to everyone,because the film had
succeeded this much only because of their effort.
Devasena character,First we had seen her in deglamoured role in part-1 as mother
and we are going to see the real devasena,how could devasena character be?
If you see the teaser we are getting so many applause that sweety is so beautiful
They start showing from eyes.
And with the same dress she turns back,that back shot seems to be very beautiful.
we had called sweety,and rajamouli also said to camera
man that sweety is looking very beautiful in this film
Rajamouli also messaged sweety,and she is also
getting more applause than me.But Ok,what to do?
You had already got applause,so next is their chance.
How you enjoyed doing devasena character.
Its a memorable character.In case if i get this type of character in future i will be happy but...
It will be possible only with rajamouli again..
Thats what,i didnot imagine that i will get
this type of character..From then till now if
i see back this movie and character will definetly cherish me.We can proudly say this.
He is prompting to tell in telugu
Anushka almost tries to talk in telugu
Not only speaking she is a telugu girl even we cant remember that
she came from bangalore.she speaks even better than telugu people
But she got used to speak in english before press.
He started teasing you..
No,she got little consicious before camera
She speaks very well,we only get suprised to see.
Bahubali-2 is going to get released in few days.worldwide people are waiting to see how
it is going to be.we have seen bahubali-1.And we knew it can be 10 times more than it.
Even I
so how would be bahubali-2
Rajamouli will always excite audience.He gave shock by part-1.And
we want part-2 to be 10 times more than that.i cant tell now
So many questions are left in part-1.One question is "why kattapa killed bahubali"
its compulsory and why sivagami did this being so kind? and so many.Devasena
as a mother we know,how she is going to be as a princess,and so many questions
are there.So do you made this film by answering all this questions.
Definetly rajamouli doesnot disappoint us,Thatswhy he doesnot got any flops,but first part
is all about character introductions and in conclusion you will get the depth of character.
We will get all answers in conclusion right?
Yes you will get all answers
Ok,answer this question "why katappa killed bahubali"
Lets say
I will not tell anyone.please say
Sure,lets tell
You will not understand if i say you takes half an
hour.the film will get released so see and enjoy in theatres.
we cant wait
By seeing you,i felt as if i had seen half movie
The film gets value only when you see it in theatre,visuals,after
all its 4 years effort of rajamouli ,prabhas and crew hardwork.
And both of you did 2 characters,mother and princess and you bahubali
and amarendra which of them ,are you comfortable with?
Comfort is shivudu.No rules and regulations for it.But there will be particular design for
amarendra bahubali.not hard and even its exciting.But better will be amarendra bahubali.
Which character do you like?
I think romance will be there in film?
Ha quite interesting will be there
Ha, my son had born because of amarendra bahubali na!
How would be kattapa,sivagami characters.And sivagami is the most powerful character
and when ramyakrishna start saying the dialogues on the screen
we got goosebumps.And i heard that when you feel bored you will ask her to say dialogues
and can you tell how will your combination be in the sets?
Ramyakrishna ,what you seen that powerful character on the screen and when you compare her off the screen
ofcourse very elegant.
so much entertainment,so much full of fun.
sathyaraj,nazar and ramyakrishna when these 3 are thier in sets then we all keep on laughing.
They are very professional and talented.when cameras are off they generate too much of fun.
She can even cook.she is a good cook and give us little bit.
First we thought many for sivagami character.and then we thought ramya krishna wll be good but never expected she will be that much mindblowing
And when first shot had finished we thought that no one can replace her.She is extra ordinary.
We think that heroism means we can find only in hollywood but rajamouli proved that heroism is starts from bahubali.And we see that villain
will be more powerful in hollywood but rajamouli showed very
elecrtrifying character.So how do you expect the response from audience.
Ya definetly rajamouli and all writers and technicians had worked for it to show differently
10 questions.why anushka is chasing,why ramyakrishna died,why katappa killed,why avantika is there..and so many questions.
and the film had became blockbuster with these many questions are
left.I dont know whether rajamouli had expected the pulse from
audience or he might have confidence in it.whatever he had shown
many new things and also taken the indian visuals to another range.
so,anushka we have seen in trailer that you have done
sword fights,how did you enjoy doing sword fights?I think you got used to it because you have done 2 films before.
No actually bahubali and other films started at same time.We had fight masters who had thought how to hold,use them
That body language.we had got trained on that.and we should need lot of practise.
It should not look odd on screen.And archery how to hold that we took training on that.
And there are any sword fights in combination of you
I think there are no scenes like that.
You see them on screen.
i want to stretch them but you are not telling.
You will loose the fun.why see them on screen
And i am seeing whether answers will come from you along with excitement.
Aha no,when you watch them on screen..
And this poster is from scene or song?
This is scene like song or song like scene.
I think you confused me totally.
haha i think its scene, it can be song..haha we should not tell that many lies..but this is not song
we had seen eyepiece song in bahubali-1. so can we expect the same type in bahubali-2?
You will see visual beauty of devasena's song.You will see rajamouli's
stamp in this song.That devasena song is there na "orori rajya".
Hamsa nava.Actually when we are doing this song visualization the devasena character,amarendra bahubali character
so specific personality characterization will be there so we have to do
very safely..But definetly you will see the beautiful romantic scenes...
so much gap had come.So you thought anytime that people will loose patience.
Hurting people by doing faslty and releasing with normal
content is not better right?good product will get success.We
too have fear that we should do fast along with good
content.So definetly it takes time to release good content.
Have you did anything in the film which you never think of doing it?
Doing the film is itself great thing which we never thought of.
have you did any extra work for the film?
Yeah we did so many sword flight,mountain climbing which i never though off,horse riding without using hands
so, are you thrilled by doing them.
I felt thrilled when doing horse riding without using hands.And i enjoyed mountain climbing too.
How do you felt working with prabhas in bahubali-1 and bahubali-2?
We had good comfort zone between us.So that comfort had make us more easy to work on
characterrization.when i am doing sword flight or archery he will give suggestions
And when it is good he will praise so that it becomes a boost for me.Which helped a lot.
You had did with anushka and tammanah.with whom are you comfort to work with.
ya i had worked with tamannah in rebel .but we became close in bahubali.
she is a very hardworker may be that friendship will be life long.And i met anushka before we she started her career in industry.
Before working in billa movie only we became i know tammanah from 4 years only where as sweety
i know her from 10 years.So sweety is more closer.If we remove the time gap then both are closed to me.
the people had waited these many where do you think people will get more excitement in this film.
Definetely visual effects will be good.But we feel drama will attract people more.
If you see part-1 the flight scenes are part-2 will also be like that.
2 wars will be there
OK Inner war and..
inner war...ok if we count like that then 3 will be there..
then you did 3 wars.
inner war will be the highlight for this film.
visually it will be very good.After seeing part-1 you will get
strucked with "why katappa killed bahubali".So in this
you will get to know the answers and remember them.
After watching the film will we get satisfied
for the question "why katappa killed bahubali?"
Answer will be correct only.we strongly believe that it will be a big hit.
Did you get frustated in any of these years?
Its not easy job for everyone.Sometimes we feel tired,low.Rajamouli is not a normal human being, thats
different but we are normal people. so sometimes we may feel low but rajamouli will excite or entertain us.
so this is how you dragged 5 years.
Anushka, film is getting released it came to the end.These many years you are together.
I think whole group became like family.whom you are going to miss badly.
As prabhas said i know rajamouli family from the beginning.
we will often meet.Its a thin thing actually we should definetely put the product out by releasing it.
we had worked very hard to put the product out.
one way i am happy that i can see the film.And i know that we may not meet every day
because we will get busy in our lives.But definetly we wiil meet each other oftenly.
That relationship we built will remain forever.Satyaraj,ramyakrishna,nazar
may be they live in different places and rana also he is in mumbai
but we will definetly meet.It is a relationship which will remain.
so,she is not missing you itseems.
We are not even getting that space to miss eachother.we will always be together.
so prabhas whom do you miss badly.
I miss rajamouli
If you are missing him then he will ready the script for bahubali-3.
No bahubali-3 will not be there.i will miss rajamouli,his son karthik,shobu i will miss them more.
apart from sabhu,i will sobhu and his smile badly.
anushka?she is beside you,tell her that you are missing atleast for her satisfaction.
she is doing new film bhagamathi so we may meet.but karthi,rajamouli
and sobhu they may get busy.may be later i will miss her.
and there should be good coordination between you and many other how rajamouli handled it.
When there is a person who is more intelligent or strong than you then you will
get inspired by him or you should not hurt him.Everytime the strong man holds
the set.That is may be fear or devotion,pain,intellingence and
he is rajamouli thats it.I did these many years only because of rajamouli.
After part-1 you got time to do another film and rajamouli
also accepted for this.then why you did not do another film?
Firstly i dont want to do some film.And i dont like pushing the film,directer and producer into trouble.
And doing another film in 3 months fastly,releasing it i dont have that thoughts.
if i had that then i may not do bahubali.That 6 months i took rest by doing yoga.That rest really helped me a lot.
Because i did 200 days of action.Rest is compulsory its not a easy film.I enjoyed it.
That means you didnot get any good script in that gap.
not getting any script! infact i did not listen to any script.Sahoo script started at that time.
But its not easy to start and finish film in short time.Even if the story is ready its difficult to do.
the story should get in to the set and it should get released.
And after doing a film like bahubali we should take more care.we should put maximum into that.
How Bahubali part-2 will entertain us.
We are sure that it will entertain you.It has all elements in it as you told before
war,visuals,romance,songs,lovestory,drama and that too in rajamouli range.Good ending.
After seeing part-1 did you find any mistakes in it.
for me?in every film i find some mistakes.
The best 3 things you love in anushka
She had very good friends from childhood and once she believe someone
she will fight for it.I mean that stardom didnot get into her head
She is expecting something.
Stardom didnot get into her head.I dont know it might have got.
But now it didnot get i think so.
i didnot see stardom in her character anytime seriously.
And anushka for you.what did you like in prabhas?
And ya one more is left naa?
In what?
She is very smart.she can handle herself and her stardom.Its not easy
that single girl can handle this much stardom.No heroine handles
by herself but she handles very easily.She is very supportive.
And i definetly need that because i am too lazy.Thats great thing.
First thing is same loyalty towards friends.And he is a person who want to grow up.
some one who interspect himself means he doesnot want to compare with others.
I think nothing is left.
i am little bit selfish i want to entertain and get enterainment from others.
no no
he accepted see.
Coming to rana.We had already seen in part-1 as a cunning person.
How the character is going to be in part-2 as we assume in peaks.
All characters will very high.And especially you will see rana character very violent.
After part-1 only people are scolding him.
Even in any epic show villian should be more powerful.And in part-2 you are going to see villianism in peaks.
Already we had seen in peaks in part-1.And definetly It will cross peaks.
And in part-2 you will definetly see more than peaks.
your favourite song in bahubali part-2
And anushka yours?
For you too?I think you like your song?
So finally what you are going to say one word to audience.
Thanks for the audience who had supported us in part-1 and will definetly entertain in
part-2 too.i want my fans to be very waiting for the result along with you on 20th.
We are actually waiting for your next film.
You had waited these many please wait till 20th with patience and even if you didnot had patience also
you had acted and supported us.believed us So thanks for that.we give are best on 20th and hope you like it.
people will accept good films.and so many films proved that.We know bahubali-1 created records and hope
bahubali-2 also create more records than part-1.Best wishes from our 10tv
Thankyou so much anushka and prabhas for being with us.
Mark Taylor July 28 2017 - God's Frequency, Satan, Illuminati, Baal - Mark Taylor This Week 2017 - Duration: 27:35.
in this end of the word
About the babylonian prison it says there is a beast in the east as trying to arise that thinks it's best
But I have one in the west that will give it a godly surprise
Who is the beast and East and who's the beast in the West?
well, it's not a beast in the west the beast in the east is the new world order number one and isis number two because
And the next one as you see this there's kind of a flow that goes all these word that leads in the next word
about the illuminati and isis
the beast in the east is trying to rise is isis and
the new World order because you have to go back to where they were originally were established from
You know the new world order was established here in the United States. It was in the east really so well
I mean when you go back, and you look at the loominatee. This is all about freemasonry. I mean it goes back to Battle on
So it's that beast that's trying to arise
So the other one is is the one in the west who will give them a galley surprise is
one the church who will push back this beast so that the gospel can go forth for the end time and the
Other one is trump. He will take on isis so that from that perspective
That's what God was showing me with that
I wrote a prophetic word back in June 12th of this year and it's called the babylonian prison and the spirit of God says there's
A beast in the east is trying to rise it thinks he's the best
But I have one in the west that will give them a godly surprise and take them down to the least
For this beast that has risen as no surprise for my churches and a babylonian prison come out of her or will be your demise
Spirit of God says the Chaos and clatter that the Earth is in is directly related to the babylonian box of the so-called churches N
For my earth is moaning and groaning for my sons and daughters to arise with bliss
Where is my army that will send this beast back to the abyss?
But how can you take on a beast when you're deaf mute and blind for all beasts or ancient and old and lurk about seeking?
An enemy whom they can steamroll for this beast has no teeth and lurks in the brush trying to lure you into an ambush
Do not attack until you come out of her that that learning system, or you will fall prey and be decimated Beyond comprehension
The spirit of God says for when will my people realize the curse there under and come out and break the curse
Then they will ponder for as they come out of her with a mass exodus there
I will be our to restore her back to my body eyes ahead
She will have power authority and unity again and the enemy Shall fall is Dead
for you wonder
Why the world is super verse is because my church has forsaken her first
Love and is under a curse come out of her now
Don't walk but run and do not wait before you cross the point of no return for identity late
Come back to me come back to me and making your first. Love. I dearly yearn for some it's too late for
They have not learned and basically what God is saying there
Is that because of this babylonian prison that the 501C3 churches are in the goal of the illuminati all along are the new world order?
was to get them under the same system that they're in so that they can't get rid of them and stop them basically and
The churches are planning a lot of these 501c3 churches are planning to go on a global of salt
And what God is saying is don't do that global assault until this is dealt with
Because you know as the church you know we've got to have a humble contrite heart a lot of this stuff is our responsibility
We are the Moral compass of any of any country so we have to do some house going there some house cleaning
that's got to take place here, and if God is saying right now come out of this system any of these babylonian systems and
This is a preparation process for the church right now especially in the United States
But I think we're to be in his process for about the next year or so
So God is saying he's calling. He's calling us people come out of this system now
You know whether it's now you do it on your own or you wait for trump to do it
and this is another reason why people need to be supporting trump as well is because
He's the only one that's wanted to act on this 501C3 system because none of the president for candidates has wanted to do this
I feel like the lord is leading me in some prophetic words right now in a series of words
I think there's going to be three from what I'm hearing from the lord, and I've got the first one done
I'm working on the second one as we speak and they were repentance Cohen is people to repentance and is a repentance type series and
So I mean I'm kind of dealing with that because I mean judgment is on the house the lord right now
It's on the leadership
And it's on the house the lord god's trying to clean up the mess
Right now that we're seeing that we're experiencing right now such as these attacks
you know people attacking one another the blood that's on the hands of the people and then
It's almost like they're deaf. They're blind and they can't see it
God's calling these people out of the babylonian systems, so those are some of the things that God's been showing me
You know he's been showing me
What's been going on as far?
As there's a teaching a lot a long time ago that people were bringing out about frequencies
So now god's bringing it to the forefront. I believe and it has to do with the frequencies at which
broadcasts and movies the news media you know they're at the
440 Hertz versus 444 Hertz which was God's created order
God's created frequency basically and that's what's causing the agitation
That's what's causing health issues is called in Paranoia's causing fear
Unemployment and the Economy worsens he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually
exactly what people think and that is the
You know the instruments in our churches right now are tunes that then be tuned to 440 Hertz and this all
Originated back in World War one but the rockefellers who?
Funded a study with the us, navy to use sound as a weapon well
they finally instituted it right after world war two and what they found that if they detuned things from
444 to 440 it would cause all these issues
Well now we've come all these decades later, and this is why you see people when you watch the news you get agitated
It's because it will literally change the dNA of a person it will affect their organs
So what's happening?
Is I think in a lot of these churches as well above and Beyond the 501C3
Is that a lot of these churches have their instruments tuned detuned to?
440 Hertz I call it savings frequency because that's what it is
So if you have your instruments tuned to 440 hertz in a worship service, what are you uttering in there there are there are some?
Worship teams that have caught on to this and they are beginning to retune their instruments back to God's frequency. Which is 144 Hertz
And I honestly believe that since world war two
This is why the millennials have been affected so bad because I think we have a full
generation now that has been completely into this frequency so to speak and that's why I think you're seeing the millennials having such a
Problem right now grasping reality it's almost like we've got mindless zombies walking around. I hate to use that term
It's almost like that, and you're seeing in the church as well, but we were getting bombarded
I mean
You know even if they want to change the news media around the international tuning is 440 hertz that's international tuning
so if they really wanted to stop the lie
but they really wanted to bring more of a peace and a calm over the population of the Earth they would retune the
International tuning back to 444 Hertz and stop that mind control so to speak that would stop the changing of the DNA
Begin to bring healing to the people again that their programming a lot of these people enough, you know lance warner
I think said it best
I agree with what he was saying a lot of these
professors are back from the 60 so I mean so you've got people in here that are programming your your children and
You know what we are a fatherless nation now
You know have been for you for you know a decade or so or you know the fathers have not been doing their job
they've been left up to the mothers or the mothers or
Out working you know, they're too worried about their people are too career oriented
They've given up on the family unit and we've got to get back to that family unit, but you know again
I point back to the church because the church is the spiritual and Moral compass of any country and
The reason you're seeing the country in the condition that it's in right now is because the church has not done its job
the Church is in as bad a shape as
The world is right now the divorce rate in the church is the same as it is in on the street the abortion rate
Same as it is on the street and anybody looking in from the inside would say okay
Why would I want to be a part of this?
Why would I want to walk into the four walls of a church and be a part of something that's supposed to make me
Better by the same token I'm getting attacked for it. So this is the things that god's trying to straighten out
He's trying to bring order to a disorder that's going on in this church
spirit agathe, the Illuminati, eye Lord
God so exposed illuminati because of who they want to be they will shall say that we
Will be the world leaders like a shot not too fast for either, Lord. God will shatter you like a clay pot
Shattered scattered my wind will send you back to the one who sent you
Where you think you're a wise craving power money in the prize you?
So called wise have been fooled by the left and lure the prize to the point that the one who sent you
Now six payment and this to you shall soon realize
For your days are numbered in short woe to you and you have to stand before him and report
For this will be for all to see when you serve the god of this world it will bring you low
Repent or it should be cast on the fire below
The spirit of God says why do my prophet the doom and gloom keep saying this at the end for there must rating the season?
Of time we are in for those that keep speaking with words that bend our aiding the enemy making my people lay down their arms
Give up Lisa stop fighting and saying we will just write this out to the end
For you're never to stop fighting relate on your arms for any reason stop listening to those who Commit Spiritual treason
The life and death are in the power of the tongue for this treasonous
Talk is even affecting a young
Stop aiding the enemy and start talking about what I the lord God of my army are going to do
Grab the enemy by the throat and making fluster looking in the eyes and say this all that you can muster
Choose this day whom you will serve I've given you the victory and the choice is yours your supreme commander. God
And what you're seeing here
Taking place are these?
mergers all over the Earth right now taking place and
Isis in the illuminati, I woke up one morning
And I heard the Lord say the Eastern star and the illuminati have merged and I couldn't figure it out
I thought it was the female Masons and it wasn't and then up being a wordplay
Or who's the star of the East wealth isis right now? They're taking direct orders from the illuminati right now
We're trying to create Global Chaos
They're trying to create Chaos here in the united States which doesn't take a prophetic voice to figure out I
look and
solves the bilderberg group of meeting
Between what June 9 through 12, I believe it was of this year in
isis releases a
Assassination list of about I think don't quote me on it was like 6000 mains address and phone numbers about 8,000 right there
8600 Which were in Flora
Well, they it was released about the time they were meeting somewhere around about that time and then all of a sudden on June 12
Is when we have one of the biggest shootings on American soil at the pulse lounge?
well that was a prophetic event because they're trying to strike at the pulse of this nation and
Through intimidation that they're trying to bring America down because they know America is the last stronghold
As far as the gospel is concerned Knifes on the gospel goes throughout Europe comes from America
So they're trying there's a spiritual battle that's going on
Then you had break to take place
The new World order is shaking right now because they weren't even expecting budget to happen and then you get other
European countries that were threatening to come out at that point. Now. Isis is threatening those countries that are wanting to come out?
so why would they do that you know because the illuminati is using them for their agenda to intimidate to
Create this global Chaos and out Chaos comes order their new world order
And God is saying right now that when the church goes through this preparation process
Only clean clean house and some repenting that's got to be done because you know there's this preparation process
That's taking place to mobilize his army that he will push this
global move of the new World order back long enough for the gospel to go Forth across Europe
Just received new word from mark Taylor, and he wants me to share this message with you
full circle
the spirit of God says
Was right?
Russia I
Will use Russia
the United States of America and her allies
To take on the fourth right called isis
Boyd has come full circle again. That's right again
The new World order is trying to rise and take its place
Just like they do in world World - using the Nazis
They will try again
using isis
For this plague is spreading
But not for long they will be wiped out of their wrongs
For just us in World War two America
And her allies came in from the West and Russia from the East
so shall it be again to slay this so-called beast and
It will be brought down to the least
Some will say why would I use Russia?
Am I not the god of the cosmos I will use
Anyone in any Nation I choose
whether some like it or not I
Will not be put in a box
the spirit of God says
the ties that were
severe between America and Russia
will begin to mend and they will take on the so-called goliath and
With one stone shall slay it and all those that are behind it
For it is not just isis. They will fight
but the Elite the
globalist and the Illuminati who will be exposed by my light for
They are an enemy to the world and my agenda
They shall fall
with a mighty blow
So that my gospel will begin to flow
for they wear their flag as if it wear a prayer shawl, so
They will be taken down with my shock and all
for freedom and Liberty
will begin to ring and the people will begin to sing as
Healing and like come from my wings
my people
rejoice and shout
for my gospel is coming and
Will go through all the Earth
And all the nations will know this is why my America was birthed
Father we just play right now in the name of Jesus or we just humbly but boldly come before your throne of grace right now
Father we just with a humble heart repent right now for your body for your army right now father
God forgive us for
being a part of the ungodly
Demonic contract over 501C3 father forgive us for not speaking out for when
prayer was taken out of schools Lord
We're not standing up for what was right for your word
And we repent for not standing up for when Roe versus wade came along Lord
And we took that thirty pieces of silver to keep our mouth closed of course for standing up for what was right and righteousness
Father I ask right now in the name of Jesus that you would bless
President trump and his administration right now father. God
Surrounded him with your holy angels right now to protect him and his administration and his family right now
Father I asked you would give him and his administration the sevenfold spirit
That he needs right now to lead guide and direct this nation and the way that you want us together Lord
Father we ask right now the name of Jesus that you would expose and remove all those in government right now
Lord that are corrupt that are not of your spirit right now lord remove them father
God and replace them with people from your army right now
You said in your prophetic word that five supreme court justices
We're going to be
Appointed by this new president Donald trump the father we decree and declare right now in the name of Jesus that five supreme court
Justices will be appointed by this new president and it will be a reformation of the supreme court
And we decree and declare right now in the name of Jesus and by the blood of Jesus that roe versus wade
Will be overturned father. God I asked father
God right now that you would remove any and all corrupt judges across this land expose them
We ask that you
release right now your heavenly hosts and your warring angels to expose these corrupt judges and to purge them from the system and
That those that are of your army will take their rightful place because there's going to be a lot of job openings coming up
We know Lord when you get approached the government we asked right now that the people look
the Army of God would stand up and courage and
Boldness and take their rightful place as a senator as a congressman as a judge even at the local state and federal
Levels right now board is then boldest and give them courage to do this in Jesus name
you you
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