Elke Vanhoof, the 2015 European Champion.
A good start from Vanhoof.
Fast, exciting and dangerous.
A great ride from the Belgian athlete.
She'll be very, very pleased with that.
Daniel Bluman for Colombia.
Three words to describe showjumping -
passion, magic, perseverance.
It was a feeling that I have never felt before
in my life and you are addicted to it.
It is the highlight for every rider to go
through the Olympic Games.
I don't think he's my friend.
- Hi. - Hey.
I'm Daniel, nice to meet you.
- I'm Elke, how are you? - Very good, thank you.
What do you think of the track?
- Ah, it looks difficult. - Difficult?
But we're gonna give it a try with your help today.
Yeah, it's gonna be fine for sure.
Really looking forward to it.
It's a great honour to be able to have a go
at the BMX track of an Olympic athlete.
Welcome to Tal Milstein Stables. Are you excited?
Yeah, for sure. A little bit scared.
But I think once I'm on the horse, then it's gonna be OK.
You're well taken care of.
I have a good coach, so...
You can do with a BMX what you want to do,
and a horse is an animal so if he has its own will...
you have a problem.
This is one of the best horses in the world at the moment.
Our sport has been a huge evolution
in the past few years,
the prices of the horses are getting higher so now
it's very important to breed high-end horses
with great forward technique,
and this is one of those horses.
OK, you can touch him. I will watch you.
He's trying to bite you.
Yeah, but that's how he plays.
Look, look. I just go like this,
and he's already like...
But do you know what?
Because he notices you are scared.
- That's why. - Oh, OK.
We've got a nice bike for you.
A nice shirt and also a beautiful helmet.
Look at that beauty. Great.
So that is going to protect me if I fall off?
Yeah, for sure.
We are racing with seven other girls on the track
so it's really dangerous if we cross each other
and we crash,
so that's why we wear protection, clothes, helmets,
but today you're alone on the track
and I think your speed is not that high today.
So we are going to time you on the third straight
and we're also going to do the last straight.
OK, perfect. I'm gonna act like you don't exist, OK?
- Yeah, perfect. - So don't crash.
I could crash you
but I wouldn't even know where you are.
- OK? - Yes. Ready.
You went past me like a rocket.
That was good to start with. You got 45 seconds,
I got 21 but I think it's not too bad.
Just your technique needs to be a little bit more effective,
you need to work with your body.
I started and I was concentrated
but then when I saw you,
like a rocket go past me, I sort of lost my concentration
a little bit, but I will promise you
that the next time you are not gonna double my time.
Perfect, that's good.
- That's too hard for my ego. - Yeah, perfect.
So this is gonna be maybe the most difficult part of all.
How we get you on the horse.
Is he scared of me? Because he's going...
No, no. They always move. One, two, three.
There you are.
So now you're gonna hold the reins.
Yeah, don't lose the...
No, no, we're not gonna let them lose them, don't worry.
It's completely normal that you feel scared
when you're riding an animal of this size and this strength.
You don't have to pull. Be very relaxed
and he's just gonna be walking. Stay on it.
You want to become one with the horse.
- Like one with the bike. - Exactly, one with the bike.
This is an extension of your body.
That which you're doing right now is called walking.
- Yeah. It's hard enough! - It's as simple as it gets.
It was a little bit out of my comfort zone
but it was OK, I survived so...
It's not possible. Throughout my years of experience
I have never, ever seen anybody that for the first time
or the second time they get on the horse
is able to do more than this.
Never put your pedal like this because sometimes
you're gonna hit the ground
and then you fall off your bike.
Yeah, you want me to stay straight.
Yeah, like this.
OK. And what is the movement that I see
that you guys do when you do something with your body?
If we go down the jumps?
You need to push and then you go a little bit backwards.
It is steep.
So, you need to pedal really fast.
And what do you do here?
Try to stay touching the ground.
No, no. Our speed is too high to just roll it.
- No way. - Yeah.
You can do it too but if you're...
No, no. I am not gonna. Definitely not. I'm gonna land
over there, I'm gonna pedal, I'm gonna go down,
I'm gonna take the safe route.
Here we're in the tack room.
This is called a bridle. This piece is what goes
in the head of the horse.
And this is called a bit,
which is what goes inside of the mouth of the horse.
There are many different bits, because they have
different points of pressure, some are stronger,
some are softer, some work by putting pressure
a little bit on the lips,
some a little bit on the tongue.
None of them are strong in the horse,
You know normally you want to protect
the mouth of the horse very much,
It's very sensitive.
Over here we have the different saddles.
Stirrups, this is like your pedals,
where you put your leg.
So when you're warming up, you sort of take
a few minutes to stretch the body of the horse
and then I stretch his neck, and stretch his back
and stretch his legs.
Now I use my right leg, and the horse goes left.
Then you can go longer, you know...
..faster, without galloping,
just going faster on the trot.
And then shorter.
You pull on the bit
and you sit down,
and the horse does a smaller step.
Then if you wanna go faster,
you just let go of the reins
and you put your legs both in the belly.
It's amazing how he controls his horse with the reins.
It's all, as you see, how we can do different things.
If I need to do that, it's gonna be difficult.
Not too fast. Brake.
We're gonna try it again
and I give you some tips and we'll be OK.
A little bit more pushing
through the jumps, a little bit more pedalling,
between the jumps. It's not that bad.
It's starting feeling better and better.
You know, the bike feels light,
it's a very pleasant experience once you start doing it.
Not as bad as I began.
It's insane how much leg you need.
It's good.
How does it feel to go that slow for you?
Ah, chilling.
No more practising.
Called it quits because I'm dying.
Gonna just let you
start sort of playing
with the reins - also put a little bit of your leg.
Touch with your leg. Feel and enjoy.
Pull on the right.
Hey, hey!
OK, how are you feeling there?
Still a little bit scared.
Like, I don't know what the horse is going to do.
Oh, sorry.
I said you have to be on your toes.
OK, try to stop.
There you go.
Now the stopping part is going good.
Looks all so easy and then I came by myself on the horse.
And that was really, totally different,
like you're learning riding a bike again.
Before the competition, we eat a lot of carbs
and also proteins are really important for the muscles.
For me, it's a little bit the same, you know,
I want to keep my energy high enough.
So I do eat a lot of steaks as well and salads
and stuff like this but I don't want to be overweight
or lose athleticism because of gaining weight.
But now it's us in here so we can have some fries.
- I think it's a good idea. - Yeah.
Now we're gonna go one more time
to try to do the same thing we did the first time.
Now I'm gonna use the technique you taught me
to do with my body to be faster.
Whoo! That was awesome!
- What was my time? - You can guess.
- 38? - 35.
- 35? - 35!
That was good. I have a good coach.
Yes, that's true.
I'm very tired, really, really tired. What a workout.
I don't know if the second time was very good
or the first time was very bad.
I'm going to again be optimistic
and think that I did a better job the second time
and I became quite decent.
He got 45 seconds and then the last time
he got 35 so that's a lot of difference in a short time.
He's a good student.
Good job.
We're gonna make you one test.
I'm not going to jump.
No, no. You're just gonna go around the stand
and then you're coming back.
I'm not gonna come to help you.
Gonna treat him like you learnt
and show him where you want to go and go.
Just a little leg, pull a little leg, you don't need
to move your hands.
Just use your leg.
There. Now show him the way.
A little more legs. Ah!
Go around that and come to me.
Bring him to me. Bring him to me.
He's not coming to me.
Hello! Right here!
There, whoa.
- Whoa. - Very good.
It was actually amazing. In the beginning I was scared
but then he taught me all the things I need to know
and then I could handle him by my own.
It's not easy to try to do what you are doing,
if Elke would have already ridden horses before,
even if she would have never jumped,
we could have done much more.
But it was great. Great feeling.
- OK... - Open the...
For more infomation >> BMX vs Equestrian | Can They Switch Sports | Sports Swap - Duration: 11:20.-------------------------------------------
Cómo cambiar cojinete de rueda delantero HONDA JAZZ GD INSTRUCCIÓN AUTODOC - Duration: 20:23.
Use a socket №32
Use a socket №17
Use a phillips screwdriver
Using sidecutting pliers remove the cotter pin
Use a socket №17
Use a combination spanner №19
Use a socket №10
Use a socket №17 and a combination spanner №17
Use round nose pliers to take the locking ring out
Use a hydraulic press to spew the wheel-hub bearing from the pintle
perfecto || rovi23 - Duration: 3:33.
Una orden de Adolfo Hitler hace 78 años, ahora es la solución a la movilidad en Cautepec, México - Duration: 2:08.
Se abre otro frente para Tita Cervera: la mancha nazi de la dinastía Thyssen | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 7:48.
Turkey. One day of rest. Alania. Konakli. #Turkey - Duration: 6:06.
bila dalam waktu 3 menit belum GACOR, pikat dengan terapi ini sudah terbukti ampuh - Duration: 15:03.
bila dalam waktu 3 menit belum GACOR, pikat dengan terapi ini sudah terbukti ampuh
wauuuu ternyata inilah PLECI yang sanggup sembuhkan PLECI stres dan linglung - Duration: 17:34.
wauuuu ternyata inilah PLECI yang sanggup sembuhkan PLECI stres dan linglung
what the hell is smut - Duration: 1:43.
Youjin is fucking tired of his members
A fanfiction written by me
(yes this is an actual knk fanfic quote)
His dick is large
*MitchiriNeko March plays in the distance*
I bet you 20 bucks it could hit your liver
*MitchiriNeko March intensifies*
What in God's name
Why the hell am I the bottom bitch?
(if u say inseong isn't a top ur fking lying)
14 ANNOYING SAYINGS in German & English - Duration: 6:29.
What's the difference between life in...(hammering noise)
What's the difference between...(hammering noise)
Today we're going to talk about...(hammering noise)
Hey everyone, I'm Dana...(hammering noise)
Ugh, that thing is so annoying.
I wish there were a bunch of really weird sayings in English and German for me to choose from
to express my annoyance in this moment.
Oh, look at that! There are.
Hey everyone, I'm Dana and you're watching Wanted Adventure Living Abroad.
So yes, both English and German get pretty creative when it comes to sayings about being annoyed.
In English if someone annoys you, you can use animals
or animal attributes to show your frustration.
There's "ruffle someone's feathers."
As in: eh, best not to bring up - insert family drama situation here - at Thanksgiving dinner
unless you want to ruffle some feathers.
This one actually makes sense to me, because when a bird is scared or upset their feathers
get, well, ruffled.
They don't lay smooth anymore.
But the next one is really weird.
It's: to get someone's goat.
You know what really gets my goat? - "What?"
When I'm hanging out, chatting with someone and then all of a sudden they're just on their
phone texting with someone else.
It just really gets my goat. - What?
Another animal saying that, once again, actually makes sense to me is: to bug someone.
I mean, I get it. Yeah. Bugs can be really annoying. - Fly.
And while we're on the topic of animals, let's take about pets.
Pet peeves that is.
In English the expression "pet peeve" refers to something that particularly
irritates or annoys you.
For example, maybe it's your pet peeve when people cut in line.
Or maybe it really, really annoys you when people use up almost all of the milk or juice
but then they put the carton back in the fridge with just a tiny little bit left.
Maybe that's your pet peeve.
Or maybe people mixing up their there and they're or your and you're
is your pet peeve.
By the way, one of those three things is actually in fact a pet peeve of mine,
it does really annoy me.
Can you guess which one?
I will let you know which one at the end of the video.
In English a person can also be driven up the wall.
The constant construction going on right outside my window is driving me up the wall!
Or a person could also be driven around the bend.
And then there are annoying idioms that bring the body into it.
For example, someone or something can be a pain in the neck.
Ugh! All this paperwork is such a pain in the neck!
Or someone can get under someone's skin or get in someone's hair.
She's really been getting in my hair a lot lately.
Or they can also get on someone's nerves.
He just really got on my nerves last night.
And from there we will transition into the German sayings because German actually also
has a similar one with the nerves, but instead of saying someone gets on your nerves it's
"du gehst mir auf die Nerven," which means the same thing but literally translates to:
you go me on the nerves.
Which is actually a common set-up for German sayings of annoyance.
You go me on and then a noun.
Some of those nouns are stranger than the others.
Nerves, of course, makes sense to me because we also say that in English.
But what about you go me on...the clockhand.
Yes, that's right.
Stop that.
Stop that!
Ugh! You're so annoying.
You go me on the clockhand!
But that's only the beginning.
In German you can also go someone on... the shoelace.
What are you doing? Stop that.
You go me on the shoelace.
In German sometimes even the most innocent, lovely, delicious object
can be used to express annoyance.
The cookie.
Not the cookie!
Yes, that's right.
Poor little cookie.
I know you didn't do anything to deserve that.
But it's true.
The German saying, "you go me on the cookie" is used to express annoyance.
And, last one for today, this one makes total sense, I can absolutely get why this would
be used for annoyance.
In German you can say that someone goes you on the alarm clock.
Yes, definitely.
When you don't feel like waking up in the morning, the alarm clock can be very, very annoying.
So my question for you is: What annoying sayings did I miss, what other ones are out there?
And what are some of the pet peeves that really get your goat or go on your cookie?
Please let me know in the comments below.
Thanks so much for watching.
I really hope that you enjoyed this video.
And also a really big thank you so much to our patrons on Patreon, who help make these
videos possible.
Thank you so much for your support.
If you would like to check out our Patreon page, you can find a link to that down in
the description box below.
And if you guessed that the first one was my pet peeve, that I am annoyed by people
cutting in line, you are correct. Congratulations! You got it right.
That is definitely something that annoys me, when people cut in line.
What's the point of a line if people are going to cut in line?
The point of a line is to stand in line, everyone gets to be in line.
It really drives me crazy when people try to cut in line.
Until next time, auf Wiedersehen!
Please let me know...does that make sense?
This one makes totally sense.
Totally sense?
Does that look like a shoelace? Take one of my white shoelaces out. That looks like a shoelace.
He just really got on my lurves, nerves...my lurves last night?
Ugh the constant construction going outside...on...right...outside...
What? What are you doing? Stop it!
You go me on the cookie!
The shoelace!
[ENG SUB] Showchampion behind EP 53 'APINK' BEHIND Story 1 - Duration: 2:15.
[Translations by Twosubues]
Q: it's been a long time you had a comeback in Show Champion, how are you?
we had overseas schedules
Had a tour in Japan and Japan Album was out..
also Fan Meeting in Asia.
And i think we had done so many things during the breaktime.
Q : introduce title song [FIVE]?
As you know...
This concept...
It's a bright song!
A bright and suitable for summer song
it's called [FIVE]
In a tired and tiring day,let's rest with count to five. that's the meaning.
Apink's concept..
i think it's a song that suits perfectly with Apink.
Q : The point of the stage?
[Point 1] there's a dance we express [FIVE] with our hand one by one.
you'll remember it if you see that.
[Point 2] Every member wears a ring
Naeun : Hayoung's ring Hayoung : O (오 / 5) Hayoung.
My surname is 'Oh'
Naeun : this is yours?
PD : What have you been doing Hayoung?
when i trying to stay well..
i got bob(?) disease!
Yesterday after filming was done i take it off
Naeun : and also Hayoung's first drama had ended
Hayoung : looks like we had rest for such a long time
it airs at the beginning of the year
Q : Hayoung's 'five' words?
'Let's rest for a minute'
Naeun : [Disappointed] what was that
Hayoung : when we say we wanna rest we say "let's take five"
Naeun : mine is " Perfectly Apink"
Hayoung : no jam~
Q : A member that changed the most?
Bomi unnie had a hair cut
She cut it
Namjoo unnie dyed her hair
Chorong unnie...
Has dyed her hair like Kochujang(chili powder)
Eunji unnie is just the same
PD : nothing changed with Naeun? Hayoung : it is hard
Naeun : Is there really nothing different?
she looks the same with "i don't know" era
Naeun : ah.. that's right..this time..
Shrimp Versus Pollen - Marks Shrimp Tanks 🦐 - Duration: 11:38.
Hello Guys, and Welcome to Mark's Shrimp Tanks.
Today is Shrimp vs. Pollen,
and this is also going to be a first on my channel.
this is my own product!
Okay so what we're gonna do today is shrimp vs. pollen
and um
On the side here, you will see a breakdown of all the ingredients that are in pollen.
Pollen is an absolutely fantastic food,
especially for baby shrimp, because it dissolves in the water.
It dissolves into tiny minute particles,
Right, so what we are gonna try and do here is,
I'm gonna try and capture this on camera
so I have to pick a part that where I think
it might stay still, you see this little bit of swirling here?
and then I'm gonna put a few grains of pollen in
and hopefully one of them will float, because if one of them floats you'll see what this does.
You see it? Can you see the trail that's coming off the pollen?
Let's try another piece over here
let's try to keep it in, in the circle.
See it? Can you see the trail coming off that little bit? It's almost like a comet
with the little particles of pollen coming off.
And these little particles of pollen will spread around the entire tank, okay.
What else I've also done with this, guys, is
my own pollen contains:
Beta-Glucans and Montmorillonite Clay.
Okay, we all know the benefits of Montmorillonite Clay,
and you will also know the benefits of Beta-Glucans.
Specifically with this type of Beta-Glucan what happens with it is,
all food has a moisture content
you'll see that even in dry foods, if you look at the package there is a "moisture content".
And, uh, the moisture draws in any of the powder that you add to it,
Okay, so I've added powder
to this food in the form of Beta-Glucan and Montmorillonite Clay
and it is sucked into the food, it's absorbed by the food, okay.
So, this is kinda like a
a super food for baby shrimp, the adults will eat it as well.
But this is good for things like, uh, where
baby shrimp, you know, they are kind of stationary
when they are small.
This stuff spreads all around the tank.
If I go a little bit lower down, you might just be able to see the
the little plume of food that's coming off this.
Here in Norway in the summer time
Um, the lakes are literally covered with a surface of Pine pollen, okay.
This stuff I have here is from flowers
that I grow in mountainous parts of the world.
You can see that plume there.
Now this is one of the things I don't advise you to do
Uh, for the, if you're gonna put a few pieces of this in
and you're gonna stand and watch them, use a feeding dish.
But if it's just before lights out you don't bother, just put it anywhere in the tank.
But today, because I want you to see them on it, I'm gonna use a feeding dish. Okay?
So I'm gonna put a piece in every part of the tank.
We're going to go to the music etc. because I know you guys love that.
I love that myself, I love editing those parts.
So, be one momento! Thank you.
[music begins]
[music ends]
Okay guys, let's have a little look and see how they did.
I know how, what's happened already because I've been through here all the time.
But that would kill the suspense, wouldn't it?
That would kill the suspense!
Now what you will find with pollen is if you put it in dishes as well is,
most of the time it will just dissipate and you will never see (laugh) anything else of it .
It will be in the water column, it'll be floating around, it will go in sponges etc. like these big fellas.
And the one over here, you can just see past that lovely glare.
Here's a good example of it, you were just watching the video
less than a few minutes ago
and this was, this had pollen in it.
it's all gone!
But the shrimp still know the food is in the water
and it's dispersed everywhere in the tank,
and this is evident by
if you look at the floor, they are literally everywhere,
and they're still looking for food.
Look at this beautiful female here, this uh...
What's this called guys, this uh, Stop Sign CRS?
This is a gorgeous,
the wee spot on his back
Beautiful shrimp!
Everywhere I look in here, they are searching for food.
I've taken, um, video of different parts of the tank as well, just to show you the difference.
in the spreading of the pollen so to speak.
And it goes to every corner of the tank.
Any filter that's in here will suck it into the sponge as well.
Oh Hullo~
Okay so,
Pollen is a highly highly recommended food,
I would use it at least
few times a week.
At least anyway, for me, because I have so much of it here
I tend to use it, um, at least every second day.
If I don't use... I'll just show you guys what else I use.
And this is not an advert, trust me this is not an advert.
I use, um, Pure Nordic's Nutridust as one of them,
and I use my own
Pollen Mix, this is available in my store.
My store has had a refurb as well,
I no longer use the one at WordPress
I have a dedicated website now for...
And the Store part of my website, if that makes sense
when you click on the link in my Blog part of my website,
It will take you to another website that is a proper shop, okay?
So go check that out, I hope you've enjoyed today's video.
Please give me a like if you enjoyed this kind of thing and wanna see more
and I'll see ya in the next one, okay?
Happy Shrimp Keeping Guys
King_TODOROKI SHOUTO - Duration: 3:44.
You're alone, you're on your own, so what?
Have you gone blind?
Have you forgotten what you have and what is yours?
Glass half empty, glass half full Well either way you won't be going thirsty
Count your blessings not your flaws
You've got it all You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more You can reclaim your crown
You're in control Rid of the monsters inside your head
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king again
You don't get what all this is about You're too wrapped up in your self doubt
You've got that young light, set it free
You've got it all You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more You can reclaim your crown
You're in control Rid of the monsters inside your head
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king
There's method in my madness
There's no logic in your sadness
You don't gain a single thing from misery
Take it from me
You've got it all You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more You can reclaim your crown
You're in control Rid of the monsters inside your head
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king
You've got it all You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more You can reclaim your crown
You're in control Rid of the monsters inside your head
Put all your faults to bed
Work this body_DEKU HERO JOURNEY - Duration: 2:28.
It was a strange place and a tender age, I was just a babe in school
Saw them roll their eyes at me every time that I thought that I was cool
Well, uh, God knows I was no chosen one that just wasn't my prime
Yeah it's just a matter of time, honey, it's just a matter of time
And I will work this body, I will burn this flame
Oh, in the dead of night, and in the pouring rain
Yeah, I'm a workaholic and I swear, I swear Yeah, one day I will beat you fair and square
Show me what you got (yeah) Work this body on the floor (yeah)
Who do you think you are? (yeah) C'mon, meet me on the court
Que ferais-tu?
Putain, je ne sais pas!
It ain't no matter of "if", honey, it's just a matter of "when"
Ah, some sunday when it's my face in the newspaper again
All the rag magazines, black limousines, they'll be getting in line
Yeah, it's just a matter of time, honey, it's just a matter of time
And I will work this body, I will burn this flame
Oh, in the dead of night, and in the pouring rain
Yeah, I'm a workaholic and I swear, I swear Yeah, one day I will beat you fair and square
Show me what you got (yeah) Work this body on the floor (yeah)
Just who do you think you are? (yeah) C'mon, meet me on the court
Que ferais-tu?
Putain, je ne sais pas!
Ne viens pas pleurer vers moi
And I will work this body, I will burn this
flame Oh, in the dead of night, and in the pouring
rain Yeah, I'm a workaholic and I swear, I swear
Yeah, and one day I will beat you fair and square
And I will work this body I will burn this flame
Oh, in the dead of night, and in the pouring rain
Yeah, I'm a workaholic and I swear, I swear Yeah, one day I will beat you fair and square
Arsenal 5 Benfica 2: Theo Walcott bags a brace as the Gunners run riot at the Emirates… but their - Duration: 4:10.
Arsenal 5 Benfica 2: Theo Walcott bags a brace as the Gunners run riot at the Emirates… but their defence still looks fragile
ALEXIS SANCHEZ may be dominating the headlines – but it was Theo Walcott and Sead Kolasinac who stole the show as the Gunners ran riot at the Emirates.
As the wantaway Chilean nurses his illness, he would have watched Walcott score twice and assist Arsenals third in their penultimate game before facing Chelsea in the Community Shield. Theo Walcott lashes home Arsenals equaliser and his first of the night.
Arsenals fragile defence proved their downfall yet again. Olivier Giroud then proved to £52million signing Alexandre Lacazette that he is not willing to give up his role as the main striker with a tidy finish to score the Gunners fourth.
But for all of Arsenals slick movement going forward, Arsene Wengers defence looked as fragile as ever. The one shining light was new signing Kolasinac who showed bags of energy in his left wing-back role.
The Bosnian, who signed on a free transfer, could prove to be the bargain of the summer after playing a role in three of Arsenals goals.
But their makeshift first-half defence of which included Per Mertesacker, Rob Holding and Ainsley Maitland-Niles was carved open after just 11 minutes.
Franco Servi found too much space in the area and his low shot went through the gangly legs of Mertesacker and into the net.
Arsenal celebrate Theo Walcotts goal to bring the Gunners back into the game.
Olivier Giroud fired home Arsenals fourth with a neat finish.
Olivier Giroud is not willing to give up his place to new signing Alexandre Lacazette.
Sead Kolasinac was sensational in his left wing-back role.
Lisandro Lopez scored an own goal following a low cross by Theo Walcott.
Alexandre Lacazette got the loudest cheer of the night when he came on. Rob Holding, Alexis Sanchez and Alexandre Lacazette: How Arsene Wenger will set up Arsenal this season.
Walcott lashed home the equaliser when he met Kolasanics chipped cross. The England winger, sporting a questionable new haircut, then doubled his tally with the easiest of finishes eight minutes later.
Wenger was left furious with his sides defending when Eduardo Salvio levelled the tie. A horrible error by Holding, who was replaced at half-time by Calum Chambers, allowed Benfica to break before Salvios deflected strike beat David Ospina.
With the scores level at the interval, Arsenal put Benfica to the sword in the second half with Giroud, Alex Iwobi and a Lisandro Lopez own goal adding to the scoreline.
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger talks about Alexis Sanchezs return and Arsenals pre-season.
Another message form Shortcake (TURN ON SUBTITLES + READ DESCRIPTION) - Duration: 1:39.
Hello everyone shortcake here again!
Once again Toaster wanted to watch Pyrocynical instead of working on an animation
Anyways I am going to tell you what it is like to be the 11/10 best squeaker in the United Galaxy of Florida
Okay so first I usually get stepped on and Toaster has a mini heart attack because apparently I'm the "scariest thing in the world" and then she sets me on her desk.
Then she sometimes calls her friends and attempts to annoy the shit out of her friends with me It doesn't work because uh I have no clue. Honestly they are not annoyed at all. Tell me what you think in the comments below!
Anyways she throws me across the room and she just keeps talking till her friends have to go Then she does some random shit for about 6 hours.
For that 6 hours I just lay on the floor. Then Toaster decides to clean her room for the 28th time today and throws me on the bed with her Pikachu.
Then me and Pikachu hit it off till Toaster decides to stream with nothing but a tank top on at 3 in the morning and she makes me sit with her (which is kinda nich tbh)
Or sometimes she will TALK ABOUT PRINCE I do not like prince he is a little bitch and I think he is talking shit about me to the other plushies. Here I will ask Toaster to make a strawpoll link in the description so you can vote on which one is better.
Anyways Toaster is a great mother and I love being her smol shortcake.
By the way I am a boy! I know I'm pink, my name is "girl-ish", and have eyelashes but I am a boyo.
Well I hope you all have a 11/10 rest of your night and Don't forget to close your closet before you go to bed because monster live in there and want to eat you (I think) BYEE :3
옥소리 남편 조르지오-박철 이혼재판의 진실 | 뉴스공장 - Duration: 5:53.
Da dẻ trắng bóc như em bé gấp vạn lần đi spa chỉ cần mỗi ngày bỏ ra 5 phút thoa thứ này lên da - Duration: 10:09.
Chris Smalling outrageously includes himself in his best all-time Manchester United XI - Duration: 3:48.
Chris Smalling outrageously includes himself in his best all-time Manchester United XI
CHRIS SMALLING picked his best Manchester United XI — and put himself in the team!. The defender has been linked all summer with a move away from Old Trafford — with West Brom leading the chase for the centre-back.
Chris Smalling surprised his team-mates after including himself.
Phil Jones quickly removed himself and Chris Smalling from his XI.
Juan Mata also chose not to pick himself. But that has not stopped Smalling, who started out at non-league Maidstone, from making the controversial selection.
And the England star, 27, has been happy to overlook the likes of Steve Bruce, Gary Pallister and Jaap Stam to put himself in the line-up.
He said to fellow defender Phil Jones: "I think I need to stay because I think you've got to back yourself. "I played with both of them (Ferdinand and Vidic) so I know their strengths and weaknesses.
On leaving out Gary Neville, Smalling added: "He's not (going to be happy). He's going to be tweeting about it.". United team-mate Juan Mata, also picked a team to celebrate Virgin Money's first year as the club's official UK financial services partner.
And the Spaniard said: "But this is a joke? It has to be a joke. So Chris put himself in? Then I'm going to take him off!".
Chris Smalling selected himself alongside Rio Ferdinand and Nemanja Vidic.
Juan Mata said Chris Smallings selection was a joke. Jones also added: "Chris, I'm sorry mate but we're all coming out of here.
The campaign 'United By You' looks back at the last 25 years of players to choose the best Red Devils XI of the Premier League era. Smalling added: "Scholesy's a definite. As is Carras, so underrated.
"We're going to have Robbo in as well. I need someone finishing it and Wazza is that perfect striker. "There's solidity at the back, two runners for midfield, goals and Wazza being able to do his stuff in there.
Juan Mata managed to cram David Beckham, Ryan Giggs and Cristiano Ronaldo in his midfield.
Phil Jones did not include Cristiano Ronaldo in his team.
Chris Smallings XI sees Wayne Rooney partner Ruud van Nistelrooy up front. Jose Mourinho and Paul Pogba greet Neymar and Lionel Messi as we go behind the scenes at the Barcelona v Manchester United pre-season friendly.
Midoriya and Shigaraki - Duration: 23:59.
SHATTER ME_TODODEKU - Duration: 2:47.
I pirouette in the dark I see the stars through me
Tired mechanical heart Beats til the song disappears
Somebody shine a light I'm frozen by the fear in me
Somebody make me feel alive And shatter me
So cut me from the line Dizzy, spinning endlessly
Somebody make me feel alive And shatter me!
Shatter me!
Somebody make me feel alive And shatter me!
If I break the glass, then I'll have to fly There's no one to catch me if I take a dive
I'm scared of changing, the days stay the same
The world is spinning but only in gray If I break the glass, then I'll have to fly
There's no one to catch me if I take a dive I'm scared of changing, the days stay the
same The world is spinning but only in gray
Somebody shine a light I'm frozen by the fear in me
Somebody make me feel alive And shatter me!
Shatter me!
Somebody make me feel alive And shatter me!
DavidsonCare - Duration: 11:32.
Sharkmania 2017 - Duration: 41:34.
Learn Finnish by listening! Finnish cuisine - Duration: 3:07.
Moi! Mä laitoin tän videon nimeks "suomalainen keittiö", Hi! I put this video's name as "Finnish cuisine",
vaikka mä en tiedä onko sellasta oikeesti olemassa. even though I don't know if that really exists.
Mutta tässä videossa mä kerron mitä ja milloin But in this video I tell what and when
Suomessa syödään. in Finland people eat.
Ja tää perustuu siis, miten mun perheessä on ollu tapana And this is based on, how in my family it has been the habit
ja miten mun lähipiirissä on tehty, and how in my vicinity it has been done,
mutta tää voi tietenkin olla erilainen joillekin muille, but this can of course be different for someone else,
riippuen esimerkiks töistä. depending for example on the job.
Aamupala on Suomessa perinteisesti kaurapuuro, Breakfast is in Finland traditionally oatmeal porridge,
tai joku muu puuro. or another porridge.
Siis puuro on Suomen perinneruokaa Like porridge is Finland's traditional food
ja puuroa voidaan syödä voisilmän kanssa, and porridge can be eaten with a butter eye (=lump)
tai marjojen kanssa, tai oikeestaan ihan minkä kanssa vaan. or with berries, or actually with anything.
Mutta aamupalaks voi tietenkin syödä jugurttia, mysliä, But for breakfast you can of course eat yoghurt, muesli,
ja mä ite söin aina kaks paahtoleipää and I myself ate always two toasts
kinkun ja juuston kanssa. with ham and cheese.
Lounas syödään Suomessa aika aikasin, Lunch is eaten in Finland quite early,
eli yleensä jopa yhdentoista tai kahentoista aikaan. so usually even at around 11 or 12.
Tavallisia ruokia Suomessa on esimerkiks Usual dishes in Finland are for example
lihapullat ja nakit, lohikeitto, perunamuusi. meatballs and sausages, salmon soup, mashed potatoes.
Suomessa syödään tosi paljon perunoita In Finland people eat a lot of potatoes
ihan kaikilla tavoilla. just in all ways.
Se on toinen Suomen perinneruoka. It is another Finland's traditional food
Ja sit tietenkin jotain kasviksia ja salaattia, And then of course some vegetables and salad,
ja ruokajuomana maito, jota Suomessa juodaan tosi paljon. and as a food drink milk that in Finland people drink very much.
Muutama tunti lounaan jälkeen on välipala, A few hours after lunch there's a snack,
joka on aikalailla aamupalan tapainen, which is quite like breakfast,
eli leipää, ehkä mysliä tai muroja, so bread, maybe muesli or cereal,
tai ehkä jugurttia tai vaikka joku hedelmä. or maybe yoghurt or maybe some fruit.
Mutta ei yleensä mikään sokeriherkku niinku But not usually any sugar treat like
joissain maissa on tapana. in some countries they have as a habit.
Päivällinen syödään Suomessa tosi aikasin. Dinner is eaten in Finland very early.
Eli kun tullaan töistä kotiin neljän-viiden aikaan, So when we come from work to home at about 4-5 pm,
niin syödään heti päivällistä. then we eat right away the dinner.
Päivällinen on samanlainen kun lounas, Dinner is similar to lunch,
eli jotain perunaa tai ehkä pastaa tai riisiä, so something like potatoes or maybe pasta or rice,
ja jotain lihaa tai kalaa ja sit kasviksia. so some meat or fish and then vegetables.
Monet ihmettelee että eikö meille tuu nälkä Many are wondering that don't we get hungry
päivällisen jälkeen kun se on niin aikasin, after dinner as it is so early,
ja Suomessa ratkaisuna on iltapala. and in Finland the solution is evening snack.
Iltapala syödään ennen nukkumaanmenoa Evening snack is eaten before going to sleep
ehkä kahdeksan tai yhdeksän aikaan maybe at around 8 or 9 pm
ja se on samanlainen ku välipala eli jotain jugurttia and it is similar to a snack so something like yoghurt
tai leipää tai jotain muuta pientä. or bread or something else small.
Kun mä meen Suomeen niin mä teen videon, When I go to Finland, I'll make a video,
jossa mä puhun tarkemmin vielä suomalaisista ruuista, in which I talk more closely still about Finnish foods,
ja mä voin myös näyttää minkälaisia ruokia Suomessa syödään. and I can also show what kind of foods in Finland people eat.
Tässä oli nyt kaikki tällä kertaa, moikka! Here was now all this time, bye!
Fix My Squat Pt. 2 - FAT, safety words, escort & pain | Powerful Ep. 7 | Catie Leta - Duration: 30:04.
what is "geschmeidig" in English?
smooth or smoothening...
Smooth your squat...
when you have no neck anymore...
caution, I touch your glutes, don't get scared
but for you it is -like for many women- rather a strength issue
and not a mobility issue
a thai massage is a different thing
your ankle joint does not do anything... but it's ok
she says it's relaxed but it is like... uuugh
I just noticed when I lean forward on my elbow, it feels much better for me
and for you? - Don't know yet...
do you feel how tight it is here? - Jaaaaaaaa....
Did you just run against the skeleton?
yes, for the fifth time
I first have to get in the mood...
maybe it helps when we pinch you with a needle
no, we don't put anything anywhere
Hello! - Hello! - What do we do today?
we will do a soft tissue treatment
with the so called FAT tool
you will "get under the knife" (German saying)
we will use this to treat your fascias
and thereby optimize certain movement patterns
and when we have enough time later, we can check your squat again
and see if we improved something
okay, and you are also on board?
yes, but there is nothing to add from my side
Daniel will take care of this
good, let's get "under the knife"
so, what do I need to do now?
Did you bring shorts?
because I need to have access to this area
and then here at the gluteus minimus and medius
hmmm no, but I wear fresh underwear today
ok, if you particularly today put on fresh underwear
then we do this in underwear now
but you probably wear more bikinis than regular clothes anyway
latest when I fly to Bali though
so... half-naked
it could be that your muscles feels sore later
Do you have any piriformis issues?
I mean pain.
wait I touch your butt, don't be scared
like pain here? No.
and now?
I just check if we need to do something here
when you are already here, then we can do all
has to be worth it
how does that feel?
you would feel it
I always feel right more then left
that is ok
so, if you check people that come here for the first time and have to perform an overhead squat...
it happens that it looks like this... they bend like...
...and then you have a lot of things you can do with them...
you press a few points...
but with you, there are only minimal issues to fix
but for you - like often with women - it is rather a strength issue
and not a mobility issue
because with mobility, you can change things right away...
strength needs practice
yes, that was when I wanted to start with olympic weightlifting last year...
I worked with a personal trainer in my gym back then
and he asked me to do an overhead squat, holding one of these wooden bars
and I landed on my ass, because I was so stiff
and that pissed me off so much, that I immediately started working on my mobility
I can see that
could be that you feel right away, that things feel more relaxed
but not necessarily
so please turn to the side
and now this is... - yes now we use the "tool" (FAT tool - fascial abrasion technique)
now we have some work to do
here we have a few adhesions in the muscles
but this is the usua when you do a lot of work with your legs
doesn't feel so nice
nope, thai massage is a different thing
the thing is the lateralis here likes to adhere to the hamstrings and the IT-band...
and these are all things that lead and enforce things like the butt wink
and reduce the mobility in your hamstrings
and when we resolve this
because you can't avoid that it happens
so even people who use blackrolls, it usually doesn't help that much
but I can't do this here with myself
you could, but it's not that good then
the main problem is...
I can completely focus on what I do and feel your tissue and its reaction
if you do this yourself, xou have to...
a) feel the tissue
as the therapist
and then b) as the patient . if this is right or not
and that is the challenging part to work with these two different stimuli at the same time
this makes it difficult
however, you still have an effect... I can do this and have an effect
but it is not exactly the same
it is the same when you watch yourself in the mirrir while training, and then later you watch the video...
and then I am sometimes like... "holy shit....
"what am I doing there?!"
bend your leg
how is this?
not painful, but this... you know... uncomfortable
it's not painful but feels very weird
ok - how does your leg feel?
do you feel that it's more relaxed?
a bit maybe
but I don't think I want to film the other side from here...
then my ass would be in the picture non stop
you can also put the camera here
maybe I film it from the front
nope, filming from the other side... won't do that favor to all the ass fetishists out there...
do you feel how tight this is here? - Jaaaaaaaa....
yes, I do... thanks
what can I do? - well, actually you should do this here more often... best you get yourself one of these FATsticks
and do this every day? - Every day?
well, every day you workout
I just move here to Mannheim and come by here every day
every day prior to and after training
I just move in here
nah, I don't know if you would want that
yeah, that is your muscles that is stuck/adhered to your hamstrings
yes, this is... aaaoouh...
just so you know, to compare it, I only press this hard...
but it feels like 5 times as hard
but I don't complain
it is like when I swear during training, I don't complain
I just need to do it, so I feel better, and so I can continue
it's some kind of stress relieve
safety word..
Safety word is "asshole stop it!"
it is getting better
but the left side is not like the right one
you can tell this best
for me the left side is worse then the right one
because this here...
was not like this one the other side
on this side is whas more down here, and now it's rather up here
maybe I just got used to the pain
ok, but these muscle adhesions don't necessarily mean that it has to be painful
or it does mean pain!
when you touch them yes, but not in general
I start feeling warm
did someone kick you here...?
this is so tight
you have to enjoy this kind of work, right?
yeah a bit
but I also had a very exhausting day yesterday, I walked at least 5000 steps to the one breakfast place
and then 2000 steps more to the next breakfast place
and then back to the couch
you poor poor girl
and then I had a computer on my labs all night long
ah maybe we should explain to insta why we do this...
you have to talk
you have 15s now
lift the leg up
but usually the outer parts cause more problems, and maybe the calves
up here the "retard"-muscle
I usually don't get so fast reactions to my instastory
just because I added a snap in underwear... this is how social media works
does not work for men
only in underwear?
otherwise I would do all my appointments in underwear
but I was just thinking... this would give a weird impression of your work
that would be weird if therapist and client would only wear underwear
Escort service Dr. Gainz
Massage and Escort service
everyone has to make an income somehow
at the end, the only thing that counts is that there is food on the table
everything else doesn't matter
that feels ok, you can continue with that
but then it is not that much fun
when the patient doesn't scream
how is that?
there are nicer things though...
that is better, right?
are you relaxed? ah now
I am totally relaxed... like... all the time
your ankle joint does not do anything... but it's ok
she says it's relaxed...and it's like.... uuuuugh
yeah, I try, and don't have a feeling for that
see this is relaxed.that is good
from here...
ok that is funny...
checking your ankle joint again...
I try to relax it, but as soon as you push...
better? - naaaah yeah....
shaving is included for free by the way
but I am already shaved
but no one knows that!
after this you should be able to squat like a baby
like a baby?
Do babies squat 100kg?
we are talking abou mobility here
Anyway, we said you would do 120
ah yeah..
100 is off the table...
It is not my fault that you do things that cause this... you know...
I just noticed when I lean on my elbow, it is much better for me. And for you?
I don't know yet
nothing feels better right now
relax - I try -yeaaah good
and the people just think: what the hell is she doing there?!
she gets pushed and everything... and the guy is just laughing
Is he crazy or what?
so I think legs are done
I am also done
Did you just run against the skeleton?
yes, for the fifth time
maybe this also has an effect on me
Focus.... Dr. Gainz
so, my legs are free now
and now we take care of my shoulders
so you actually get to my shoulders
who is this?
Freija, a nordic warrior/goddess for war, pleasure and fertility
real wings here... are you relaxed?
how is that? - well I feel it
a shit, I used a geo-tag, now my snap is in the Mannheim-story views
my ass..
hello Mannheim --- here is my ass for you
I am totally done, but at least I am wearing pants again
but also the neck does not feel so nice actually
but it will feel good soon
it is like a thai massage, first you think sh breaks your bones and then it's super relaxed
soon you can turn your head by 180 degrees
like in the exorcist?!
have to pay attention that we don't rub off Thor's hammer
when I move my shoulder, the tattooed Thor's arm will gets bigger... - this one here?
haha, fun
it also works for Freija, when I move the arm she looks fat... and like this she looks lean
fat - lean --- quickest transformation ever
this does not hurt, I can sleep now
I can do it sothat it hurts. - No!
that tickles
I once had a patient, I couldn't work with him at all, because no matter where I touched him, he started giggling
so I had to tweak and pinch him al the time, so he didn't laugh
how was she called? - Freija
she gets a sun burn on her belly now
what did just happen? - you leg went like...
I can't control my body anymore
[gibberish talk about my tattoo and why I wanted to have this nordic mythology stuff]
what you just said was like... wwesesesjeeee...
that almost tickles...
actually it hurts, but it almost tickles
you can sit now
like waking up from wintersleep
yeah, feels good. but aparently this side is more sensitive to tickles than the other side
this whole body is so imbalanced
if you don't have any other issues...
ah, lay down again on the side one more time
when we are already here
just briefly the chest
the first time I - don't know if this is camera approved info - had a female patient
I was like: ok I have to access the chest... and she was laying there... and her boobs were like...
and I was like... eeeh...
hello... boob.. go away...
and then I just said: women - boob - put it to the side
and then it's good to work on the muscle
but now lying on the side like this is fine?
yeah, like this is no problem
usually I work with the chest when the patient lays on his back, but with women it's like...
but talking chest, the problem with using the barbell for chest presses... the dominant side will always work more... so dumbbells are better for you
because with dumbbells both sides have to work on their own
turn around
yeah, I don't train chest too often... I am not so much a "bench-mensch" (bench-person)
so, everything is smooth now in my body
hello, we just finished
and now I can go to sleep because I am totally relaxed
thank you so much for pain
for pain and laughs
and now we squat again to see... what?
well we saw when you were here last time, that there are a few issues with your hips
so we basically freed and relieved everything
activated a few muscles that we knew from Friday's training are not working properly
the squat was actually already pretty good
what would be desirable now, is that the squat also feels better for you
because you said that you felt some kind of a tightness, hip impingement like...
so if this feels better for you know, and the squat gets more economic
then it would be already pretty good...
and then you can soon squat the 120kg
well, we'll see if I ever squat 120kg
latest next time when you come here
mhh maybe in 10 years
just a short stretching excourse
to improve your mobility
feet together
I press against your knees now
wrists... yes
a bit to the front, activate your lats
put your hands a tiny bit wider
so we are done for today!
what do I say now? I have no idea
you can say how it feels for you
so I just did a few squats after all this maltreatment upstairs
in the other room
it actually feels a lot smoother now. yeah smooth is the right word....
can't describe it in another way
but usually I always feel some kind of a tightness
especially in my hip and when I go down in the squat
but now, better... does it also look like this?
yeah it does look smoother
Fix My Squat - was successful so far
now follows your homework
yes the homework... what is my homework?
what do I have to work on?
we have seen the rear side needs more work
because she has a slight lean to the front... which means we have to strengthen the rear side
then we saw some activation issues of the glutes
especially the right side, but less than the left one
which means exercises like split squats, meaning one sided booty exercises
and some support for the core, like ab roll outs
these were the three main points
rear side, booty, unilateral exercises and core
well then I have to do this now
thank you so much for your time!
we will follow the progress..
and I will probably make more videos in the future
thanks again for time today Daniel
I hope you liked the video and I see you in the next one
nice, recording a coffee session
yeah, and how are you?
just coffee
how will you call the video? fix my squat?
fix my squat... I guess.. don't know yet
Smooth the squat...
what is "geschmeidigen" in English?
that's good
it's like muppet show
ok, that was not smooth
at least 'gains' are in the picture
beat by a woman - am I broader than you ?!
when you don't have a neck anymore...
aah I get a cramp
Early signs of pregnancy: Can An Early Pregnancy Test Be Wrong? - Duration: 12:48.
Drowning in Tears - Duration: 42:34.
Historic Hold-Up - Duration: 20:02.
BMX vs Equestrian | Can They Switch Sports | Sports Swap - Duration: 11:20.
Elke Vanhoof, the 2015 European Champion.
A good start from Vanhoof.
Fast, exciting and dangerous.
A great ride from the Belgian athlete.
She'll be very, very pleased with that.
Daniel Bluman for Colombia.
Three words to describe showjumping -
passion, magic, perseverance.
It was a feeling that I have never felt before
in my life and you are addicted to it.
It is the highlight for every rider to go
through the Olympic Games.
I don't think he's my friend.
- Hi. - Hey.
I'm Daniel, nice to meet you.
- I'm Elke, how are you? - Very good, thank you.
What do you think of the track?
- Ah, it looks difficult. - Difficult?
But we're gonna give it a try with your help today.
Yeah, it's gonna be fine for sure.
Really looking forward to it.
It's a great honour to be able to have a go
at the BMX track of an Olympic athlete.
Welcome to Tal Milstein Stables. Are you excited?
Yeah, for sure. A little bit scared.
But I think once I'm on the horse, then it's gonna be OK.
You're well taken care of.
I have a good coach, so...
You can do with a BMX what you want to do,
and a horse is an animal so if he has its own will...
you have a problem.
This is one of the best horses in the world at the moment.
Our sport has been a huge evolution
in the past few years,
the prices of the horses are getting higher so now
it's very important to breed high-end horses
with great forward technique,
and this is one of those horses.
OK, you can touch him. I will watch you.
He's trying to bite you.
Yeah, but that's how he plays.
Look, look. I just go like this,
and he's already like...
But do you know what?
Because he notices you are scared.
- That's why. - Oh, OK.
We've got a nice bike for you.
A nice shirt and also a beautiful helmet.
Look at that beauty. Great.
So that is going to protect me if I fall off?
Yeah, for sure.
We are racing with seven other girls on the track
so it's really dangerous if we cross each other
and we crash,
so that's why we wear protection, clothes, helmets,
but today you're alone on the track
and I think your speed is not that high today.
So we are going to time you on the third straight
and we're also going to do the last straight.
OK, perfect. I'm gonna act like you don't exist, OK?
- Yeah, perfect. - So don't crash.
I could crash you
but I wouldn't even know where you are.
- OK? - Yes. Ready.
You went past me like a rocket.
That was good to start with. You got 45 seconds,
I got 21 but I think it's not too bad.
Just your technique needs to be a little bit more effective,
you need to work with your body.
I started and I was concentrated
but then when I saw you,
like a rocket go past me, I sort of lost my concentration
a little bit, but I will promise you
that the next time you are not gonna double my time.
Perfect, that's good.
- That's too hard for my ego. - Yeah, perfect.
So this is gonna be maybe the most difficult part of all.
How we get you on the horse.
Is he scared of me? Because he's going...
No, no. They always move. One, two, three.
There you are.
So now you're gonna hold the reins.
Yeah, don't lose the...
No, no, we're not gonna let them lose them, don't worry.
It's completely normal that you feel scared
when you're riding an animal of this size and this strength.
You don't have to pull. Be very relaxed
and he's just gonna be walking. Stay on it.
You want to become one with the horse.
- Like one with the bike. - Exactly, one with the bike.
This is an extension of your body.
That which you're doing right now is called walking.
- Yeah. It's hard enough! - It's as simple as it gets.
It was a little bit out of my comfort zone
but it was OK, I survived so...
It's not possible. Throughout my years of experience
I have never, ever seen anybody that for the first time
or the second time they get on the horse
is able to do more than this.
Never put your pedal like this because sometimes
you're gonna hit the ground
and then you fall off your bike.
Yeah, you want me to stay straight.
Yeah, like this.
OK. And what is the movement that I see
that you guys do when you do something with your body?
If we go down the jumps?
You need to push and then you go a little bit backwards.
It is steep.
So, you need to pedal really fast.
And what do you do here?
Try to stay touching the ground.
No, no. Our speed is too high to just roll it.
- No way. - Yeah.
You can do it too but if you're...
No, no. I am not gonna. Definitely not. I'm gonna land
over there, I'm gonna pedal, I'm gonna go down,
I'm gonna take the safe route.
Here we're in the tack room.
This is called a bridle. This piece is what goes
in the head of the horse.
And this is called a bit,
which is what goes inside of the mouth of the horse.
There are many different bits, because they have
different points of pressure, some are stronger,
some are softer, some work by putting pressure
a little bit on the lips,
some a little bit on the tongue.
None of them are strong in the horse,
You know normally you want to protect
the mouth of the horse very much,
It's very sensitive.
Over here we have the different saddles.
Stirrups, this is like your pedals,
where you put your leg.
So when you're warming up, you sort of take
a few minutes to stretch the body of the horse
and then I stretch his neck, and stretch his back
and stretch his legs.
Now I use my right leg, and the horse goes left.
Then you can go longer, you know...
..faster, without galloping,
just going faster on the trot.
And then shorter.
You pull on the bit
and you sit down,
and the horse does a smaller step.
Then if you wanna go faster,
you just let go of the reins
and you put your legs both in the belly.
It's amazing how he controls his horse with the reins.
It's all, as you see, how we can do different things.
If I need to do that, it's gonna be difficult.
Not too fast. Brake.
We're gonna try it again
and I give you some tips and we'll be OK.
A little bit more pushing
through the jumps, a little bit more pedalling,
between the jumps. It's not that bad.
It's starting feeling better and better.
You know, the bike feels light,
it's a very pleasant experience once you start doing it.
Not as bad as I began.
It's insane how much leg you need.
It's good.
How does it feel to go that slow for you?
Ah, chilling.
No more practising.
Called it quits because I'm dying.
Gonna just let you
start sort of playing
with the reins - also put a little bit of your leg.
Touch with your leg. Feel and enjoy.
Pull on the right.
Hey, hey!
OK, how are you feeling there?
Still a little bit scared.
Like, I don't know what the horse is going to do.
Oh, sorry.
I said you have to be on your toes.
OK, try to stop.
There you go.
Now the stopping part is going good.
Looks all so easy and then I came by myself on the horse.
And that was really, totally different,
like you're learning riding a bike again.
Before the competition, we eat a lot of carbs
and also proteins are really important for the muscles.
For me, it's a little bit the same, you know,
I want to keep my energy high enough.
So I do eat a lot of steaks as well and salads
and stuff like this but I don't want to be overweight
or lose athleticism because of gaining weight.
But now it's us in here so we can have some fries.
- I think it's a good idea. - Yeah.
Now we're gonna go one more time
to try to do the same thing we did the first time.
Now I'm gonna use the technique you taught me
to do with my body to be faster.
Whoo! That was awesome!
- What was my time? - You can guess.
- 38? - 35.
- 35? - 35!
That was good. I have a good coach.
Yes, that's true.
I'm very tired, really, really tired. What a workout.
I don't know if the second time was very good
or the first time was very bad.
I'm going to again be optimistic
and think that I did a better job the second time
and I became quite decent.
He got 45 seconds and then the last time
he got 35 so that's a lot of difference in a short time.
He's a good student.
Good job.
We're gonna make you one test.
I'm not going to jump.
No, no. You're just gonna go around the stand
and then you're coming back.
I'm not gonna come to help you.
Gonna treat him like you learnt
and show him where you want to go and go.
Just a little leg, pull a little leg, you don't need
to move your hands.
Just use your leg.
There. Now show him the way.
A little more legs. Ah!
Go around that and come to me.
Bring him to me. Bring him to me.
He's not coming to me.
Hello! Right here!
There, whoa.
- Whoa. - Very good.
It was actually amazing. In the beginning I was scared
but then he taught me all the things I need to know
and then I could handle him by my own.
It's not easy to try to do what you are doing,
if Elke would have already ridden horses before,
even if she would have never jumped,
we could have done much more.
But it was great. Great feeling.
- OK... - Open the...
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