Playitas Resort is a resort which in fact is three big hotels here in Playitas Fuerteventura.
Playitas Resort has the big hotel complex, we have an apartment hotel complex and of course a villa complex.
And all these 3 different hotels here in Playitas are a perfect place for sports people.
In winter is a triathlon, of course with 200 bicycles, top new and topnotch,
we have an Olympic pool just here in the back, we have an indoor hall,
we havethe biggest gymnasium in the Atlantic ocean with 850 m² of machines for workouts
and we're just Europe's biggest sports resort.
I lived in Morocco for 7 or 8 years [and worked] as general manager, I know the MARATHON DES SABLES' reputation in Morocco,
in the local community, in the sports world and the international sports world, and the value for the hoteliers
that bring such a great event.
And when we say Fuerteventura,
an island which is mostly known in the world for water sports, but Fuerteventura is like the Sahara:
perfect for runners, rocky conditions, we have sand dunes and it's a perfect runners' world.
And mix our extreme sports resort in La Pared, our biggest…Europe's biggest sports resort Playitas,
together with the island and the HALF MARATHON DES SABLES,
it's a perfect mix and it's a perfect marriage.
For more infomation >> HALF MDS FUERTEVENTURA: Playitas resort - Markus R. Kempen - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
Hextech Chest Opening / Hextech Crafting [german/deutsch] #08 - SPAMMAIL EDITION - Duration: 3:12.
Peugeot 108 1.0 12V E-VTI 68PK 5DR Allure - Duration: 1:00.
Vlog: Lançamento Clinique Barra - dicas de maquiagem - Duration: 3:07.
(Tsugi00005) - Duration: 1:29.
Today is a problem of Tsugi no Itte!
This position, Gote played 24DoFu.
Who wants to think without help, pause the video while you think.
After some hints and commentaries, there is the answer.
At 1st glance there is the 58Hisha, but he defend with 56Fu and there is no followup.
To tell the truth, the last move, 24DoFu was a hint.
The right move is to follow with 25Fu.
DoFu, DoHisha, if 24Fu, 55Hisha and Gin is taken freely.
So, he follow with DoHisha, but DoKei threatens Kaku, if flee 51Kaku, play 22Hisha.
With this, Sente defend with 4 pieces (Anaguma) and promote Hisha.
Here, could drop 29Hisha, but dropping 52Fu, followed by 21HishaNari is enough.
Thanks for watching!
Any doubts or suggestions, contact us commenting this video.
I'm posting on Tuesdays Tsume Shogi for beginners, with mate on 3 or 5 moves, on Thursdays, mate on 7 or 9 moves,
on Fridays mate on 11 moves or more and on Saturday I'm posting Tsugi no Itte problems (Random Level).
See you next time!
TV SANA #55 "A Tecnologia 3D" - Duration: 26:35.
The Most Amazing Treehouse in Africa | Great Small House Design - Duration: 2:08.
The Most Amazing Treehouse in Africa
Ultime notizie: Charlize Theron: la confessione shock | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:38.
Automatic Carnatic Raga Identification - Part 2 - Duration: 3:57.
Hello, I am Rohan and in the last video, we
had seen the explanation of my MTech Dissertation titled "Real-time Monophonic Musical Note
Progression Identifier", which has been used to identify Carnatic Melakartha ragas.
In this video, we will see a demonstration of the project on MATLAB using a simple GUI
created for the purpose.
So, the GUI records whatever is being played using the laptop/smartphone microphone for
15 seconds, before which, we need to set the tonic or the Shruti in which the raga is going
to be played.
After 15 secs, the recording stops and the audio signal obtained, is then processed using
the Acoustic Model and the Music Language Model explained in the previous video and subsequently,
the raga is identified.
For recording, whenever the signal strength wasn't strong enough to be captured by the
laptop microphone, we have used the smartphone's mic using the Microphone app and sent the
recorded data to the mic-in of the laptop using an Aux cable.
So now we will move on to the demonstration, in which we have used 3 different instruments.
We will start with the Piano tone on the CASIO SA-21, with the tonic set at C and
the raga played as Keeravani.
So, the raga has been correctly identified as Keeravani
Now, we will move on to the Guitar, with the tonic set at E and the raga played is Charukeshi.
So, as we can see, the raga has been correctly identified as Charukeshi.
Finally, we have the Veena, with the tonic set at D# and the raga played is Maya Malavagowla.
So, as we can see, the raga has been correctly identified as Mayamalagowla.
So, from the demos, we saw the algorithm identify Carnatic Melakartha Ragas.
This concept can find applications, such as an unbiased automated instrument/vocal music
certification, wherein the system can listen to the student performing and can evaluate
the performance based on how well he/she was able to capture the nuances of the raga.
Other applications like instrument tuning and the ones listed here are also possible
using variants of this algorithm.
If you find this project exciting and have interesting ideas to take it forward, do let
me know in the comments section, or you can contact me personally at the email id mentioned
in the information section.
Thanks for watching.
Una Vita, puntate dal 31 luglio al 4 agosto: un pericoloso legame - Duration: 3:12.
★ Nightcore - Rush Over Me | Ultimate Nightcore Mix | Sugu Music ★ - Duration: 3:29.
Rush Over Me Nightcore
Sugu Music Nightcore
Nightcore Radio Live Stream 24/7
Rush Over Me Nightcore
Sugu Music Nightcore
Nightcore Radio Live Stream 24/7
BAZZ & REGON - Comeback - Duration: 4:00.
BAZZ & REGON - Comeback
Güven Yüreyi - Sen Maşallah (Remix & Bass) 2017 - Duration: 2:53.
infantil trem de ferro e pista legal hot wheels canal criança pr br - Duration: 4:24.
Taranta, un misticismo italiano (An italian mysticism) - Duration: 42:34.
Una Introduzione ad Avatar Adi Da - Duration: 13:38.
Il lavoro di Adi Da Samraj - Duration: 1:23.
Volvo C30 2.0 R-EDITION 146 PK LEDER AIRCO ECC CRUISE PDC 1e EIGENAAR - Duration: 0:54.
HALF MDS FUERTEVENTURA: Playitas resort - Markus R. Kempen - Duration: 1:44.
Playitas Resort is a resort which in fact is three big hotels here in Playitas Fuerteventura.
Playitas Resort has the big hotel complex, we have an apartment hotel complex and of course a villa complex.
And all these 3 different hotels here in Playitas are a perfect place for sports people.
In winter is a triathlon, of course with 200 bicycles, top new and topnotch,
we have an Olympic pool just here in the back, we have an indoor hall,
we havethe biggest gymnasium in the Atlantic ocean with 850 m² of machines for workouts
and we're just Europe's biggest sports resort.
I lived in Morocco for 7 or 8 years [and worked] as general manager, I know the MARATHON DES SABLES' reputation in Morocco,
in the local community, in the sports world and the international sports world, and the value for the hoteliers
that bring such a great event.
And when we say Fuerteventura,
an island which is mostly known in the world for water sports, but Fuerteventura is like the Sahara:
perfect for runners, rocky conditions, we have sand dunes and it's a perfect runners' world.
And mix our extreme sports resort in La Pared, our biggest…Europe's biggest sports resort Playitas,
together with the island and the HALF MARATHON DES SABLES,
it's a perfect mix and it's a perfect marriage.
Hextech Chest Opening / Hextech Crafting [german/deutsch] #08 - SPAMMAIL EDITION - Duration: 3:12.
Volvo XC90 2.5 T Exclusive - Duration: 1:02.
Richard Marx •♥• Can't Help Falling In Love With You •♥• Не Мога Да Не Те Обичам (。◕‿◕。) Lyrics - Duration: 3:34.
Don't starve ShipWrecked DLC: Souls (and the narrator) sail the seven sea's - Duration: 20:02.
Its going to crash any second now and past me dosent even know.LOL
TRY NOT TO LAUGH or GRIN: Funny Kids and Dad Videos | Funny Kids Fails Compilation 2017 - Duration: 10:17.
Thanks for watching
Hope you have a great time
Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!
Peter Mungo Jupp: Electric Transmutation | Space News - Duration: 7:22.
Welcome to Space News from the Electric Universe,
brought to you by The Thunderbolts Project™
In Part 1 of his presentation, Australian archaeologist Peter Jupp
began outlining his case for the sudden fossilization of organisms on Earth.
As Peter explained, many examples exist of life forms
that were not fossilized over geologic ages
but rather through the instantaneous process of petrification.
But what natural mechanism could achieve this?
As Peter will explain in greater detail
at the forthcoming Thunderbolts Conference in Phoenix Arizona,
the answer lies in decades of laboratory research
into high energy plasma discharges.
Peter Jupp: Let's go on now, you've got a similar case study here
with the Jurassic coast ammonites.
These marine creatures of all sizes, you know,
they're up to about ten foot across, they're huge.
They're meant to be from the Jurassic age but that's another debate altogether.
Now they were buried instantaneously, they look up at you along this beach,
and you can see them clearly, the image will illustrate this.
And when you cut them up and slice them, you can see the intricate details.
Every little piece of function across the cut.
They weren't destroyed, they were something,
if there was molten rock, surely it would have burned them up.
Is there a possibility that water actually, they're in,
immersed in the water and some strange geological happening,
I suspect a plasma discharge, converted that water to calcium carbonate?
Now that's pure speculation so where else could we get some evidence
that something like this transmutation of elements might be occurring?
One of the very interesting possibilities here is plasmoid research.
Now if your, certain electrodes are placed in solutions,
and electrodes are damaged, you get actually transmutation of elements.
Now, there's new elements created
but the electric current flow also forces many plasmoids to emerge from the electrodes.
And some, quite curiously, look like comets, miniature comets,
pouring off it and they're creating new elements.
Is this a possibility, is this cold fusion as we call it,
cold plasma fusion, possibly responsible on a massive scale
and as Wal Thornhill is always quoting, electrical phenomena are scalable.
If some major plasmoid occurs, or plasma discharge,
is that possibly responsible for that something turning water into calcium carbonate?
For instance, large plasmoids from volcanoes and earthquakes,
both electromagnetic phenomena, but the plasmoid's ability to create new elements
whilst emitting light is an area of still pioneering stage of our understanding.
What further sort of evidence we have?
Well, I talked to professor Richard Firestone from Berkeley,
he is one of the preeminent [----] in America,
he runs the Berkeley laboratories there, he has recently retired from Berkeley actually,
but he studied the Carolina Bays, for instance.
He was studying the production of nano-diamonds
that are curiously found in the Carolina Bays, plus many other elements.
He is not sure what caused the Carolina Bays
but certainly the number of elements is just staggering.
They are a marker.
Richard Firestone discovered without fail, these depressions, the Carolina Bays,
which were mimicked in Alaska and the Deccan Traps and in Australia,
contain large concentrations of nanodiamonds and other exclusive chemical signatures,
for instance: iridium, helium 3, fullerenes, that's buckyballs,
carbon, glass, hollow spherules, and magnetic particles.
Could an electrical discharge or an emerging plasmoid instability
possbily create these diamonds?
Perhaps another interesting conclusion is consideration of related phenomena,
comes from the Calabrian earthquakes in the 16th century.
The earthquake formed perfectly round shallow holes just like the Carolina Bays.
Is an electrical discharge involved?
As Rick Firestone notes, importantly,
the Carolina Bays accompany and bank along huge Lichtenberg river systems.
If you've seen the film from space you can see these Lichtenberg systems
spreading across the land over many miles and all along them are the Carolina Bays,
these shallow depressions, they're obviously associated with their formation.
Was this another massive electrical discharge?
It's a great possibility.
So there's many things to come I'd want to go into more detail, in the lecture
that I'll be giving later in this year, in Phoenix Arizona,
but more detail about particulary the ammonites, which are fascinating,
stir me, certainly about Dr. Larry Agenbroad at the great site in South Dakota,
the La Brea Tar Pits and perhaps some of the other ones,
such is the nano-diamond formation in the Kimberley.
So, I'll look forward to expanding on some of these details
would give more facts when we get back together.
For continuous updates on Space News from the Electric Universe,
stay tuned to
Marcus & Martinus - Dance With You (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:58.
Hey :P
Democrats Introduce Legislation To Force Trump To "Act Like A President" - Duration: 3:42.
A group of Democrats in the House of Representatives have introduced a piece of legislation that
will force Donald Trump to act like a president.
Now this particular piece of legislation was actually introduced on July 19, 2017, and
it's asking for several very specific things, and here they are.
They want Donald Trump to release his tax returns.
They want him to place his private business assets in a blind trust or to completely divest
from them, to donate to the United States treasury any personal profit he has made from
foreign patronage of hotels in which he has an ownership interest, refrain from taking
any action that results in taxpayer money being spent on goods or services from businesses
in which he owns, seek Congressional consent for any and all emoluments he has received,
refrain from using Twitter inappropriately, support the First Amendment and stop referring
to the news as fake news, promote democracy, freedom of the press and so on and so forth.
Basically, what they're trying to do with this piece of legislation that unfortunately,
is probably not going to go far, but it's a nice start, it's a fun thing.
What they want him to do is act like every other president before him.
Not necessarily some of the bad ones, but just do the usual regular things that a president
does before you start doing policy.
Get off of Twitter.
Stop golfing every other day.
I mean 42 days so far this man has spent at his own golf courses.
He's spent even more time than that at Trump-owned properties, and we, the taxpayers, are paying
for that.
And he, the president, is reaping the profits from it.
They just want it to stop.
They're not trying to impeach him with this.
They're trying to get him to act like a responsible grownup that actually wants and understands
the importance of the job that he ran to get.
He won the presidency, unfortunately, thanks to the electoral college.
He didn't win the popular vote, but he got the electoral college, which is the only vote
the Constitution actually calls for, so he won.
So act like you give a damn about it.
That's what this legislation is all about.
Get off Twitter, stop insulting people, stop insulting the media, ignore them like a responsible,
mature grownup.
But, Donald Trump's mental capacity doesn't allow him to do that.
There is no way that even if this legislation were passed into law, Donald Trump would do
any of these things because he lacks the mental prowess to understand that he needs to do
these things.
Furthermore, he's the kind of affluenza-afflicted person who, if he's told to do these things,
would then literally do the opposite, because nobody tells Donny what to do.
That's why he's unfit to serve, and that's what this piece of legislation is trying to
Every single thing listed in this piece of legislation that the Democrats are attempting
to force the president to do are things that presidents before him have also done, with
the exception of Nixon, who also did not release his full tax returns, and we all know how
that administration ended.
Let's just hope that the Trump administration ends
the same way.
Ghost Kollective - Storms (Azyl project) - Duration: 4:19.
Szymon Godziek's Dartmoor 26Player Slopestyle Bike | GMBN Pro Bikes - Duration: 5:14.
- Right, welcome back to a super special Pro Bike check.
This is Syzmon Godzyiak's Dartmoor 26Player,
slope style bike.
(heavy music)
Like always I like to start off with a heart of the bike,
and this is the frame.
This is the Dartmoor 26Player.
It comes in two different sizes, a large and a small.
He's running the small, obviously because he wants
to have that bike real compact for all those big tricks
he's gonna throw around.
What you can see is a real short rear end on this bike,
and it's got a rad little gusset in the middle here,
just to keep that rear end quite stiff.
The colour is green and it's got this great
little speckle in it, and it looks amazing in the sun.
I'm moving on to the saddle.
This is your typical BMX-style saddle.
It's a pivotal, so that means there's a bolt through here,
and that bolts into your seat post right here.
And you can move it whatever way you want.
But it's super thick, super wide.
It's got a lot of cushion right there, and it's enough grip
for his legs to pull in there.
So when he's spinning the bars he can keep
that frame underneath him.
Right, moving on to the drive train.
I'm gonna start off with the pedals.
These are the Dartmoor Fever, medium size
platform pedal here.
It's got great grip on that, keep his feet on there
so they don't slip off when he lands it a little bit
on the side of the pedal.
Moving on to the cranks, these are the Shram XO, in black,
full carbon.
Then his gear ray show he's got a 36 Truvativ chainring
right here, onto a 13 on the rear, so it's
a real stiff gearing; just to give him that speed
on those big courses.
And he's got a Dartmoor BMX-style, heavy duty
chain right here.
Right, moving on to the wheels.
These have to be super strong for all those
slope style courses, and all that street that
he rides out there.
These are the Dartmoor Revolt 26 inch wheels, full build,
and then the rubber around these are the Maxxis DTH
high rolling tyre, pumped up to some sort of crazy pressure;
I'm gonna have to ask him.
The skidding power on this bike is running a Shram guide,
four part on the rear disc to the front wheel built
exactly like the rear, so it's a Dartmoor Revolt 26.
But the rubber that surrounds this is a bit more
of an aggressive tyre.
Just giving that extra grip out there.
And this is the Maxxis Icon.
That's a 2.2 in width as well.
Tyre pressure, don't know; high.
I'm gonna have to ask him.
Right, the fork where, takes all that huge impact
on those huge drops and jumps.
These are the Rock Shox Pike DJs, lowered to
a hundred mille, all in black, looks super sick.
Setting wise, question for him for sure.
Now I'm gonna move on to these grips.
These are the Dartmoor Blocks; super comfortable,
flangeless, they're not lock-ons.
Moving on to the bars.
These are the Dartmoor Nitro bars.
Width-wise, no clue, I'm gonna have to ask him.
We got this Dartmoor Funky stem.
That's what it's called, Funky.
The brake. This is the Shram Guide Ultimate.
It's got a nice carbon lever right here.
But we can see that it's cable's been all twisted around
this top tube right here.
That's to keep those bars from not getting tangled up
when he's throwing tail whips, or bar spins in his run.
Right, we got Syzmon.
Enough of me talking about your bike, man.
I'm gonna ask you a few questions about your bike.
First off, we'd like to know, tyre pressure, because
they sounded hard.
- Yeah, it's a lot.
It's 4.5 Bs.
- Whoa.
Front and rear?
- Yeah, same. - Yeah.
All right, so, another pressure question: fork setup.
So what pressure have you got there?
You're running Tokens and stuff like that.
- So the fork is without Tokens, and the pressure
is 170 psi.
Closed compression and almost the
whole closed rebound.
- Wow, okay, that's a crazy setup.
Nice. - Yeah, it's stiff.
- Yeah it is stiff, yeah, yeah.
Okay, the next question; bar width.
- It used to be 750, but since I have a small frame,
it's a bit short, so I cut it 70 30.
- Okay, 730. Wow, that's cool.
I see you're running the CP Gang, Bangers,
Dirt Bangers sticker there.
Representing. - Yeah. CP Gang, man.
- Nice. - This sticker makes
me stoked before every run.
- Oh look at that. Sick.
Right, any hacks or bodges on this bike?
I can see one.
- Yeah, there's a crank stop
- Yes. - on my frame.
It makes the crank spinning super hard.
It's good for tail whips and all the no foot tricks.
- It keeps those pedals staying level, I assume, and spin.
- Yeah. - Nice.
- Yeah. We need that.
- Yeah, yeah.
Oh, thank you so much, Syzmon, for giving us
a run through of your bike, and it's sick.
If you wanna know what a dirt jump bike is all about,
click just down here.
- If you wanna know what is dirt jumping about,
click here. - Yeah.
And don't forget to click this rad little globe
and you won't miss another video just like this one.
- And if you like my bike, give it the thumbs up.
- Definitely give it a thumbs up.
Top 10 SCIENTIFIC Advancements Of The FUTURE - Duration: 8:16.
Hey YouTube, Jim here!
Welcome to Top10Archive!
Ah, the future.
Who doesn't like to postulate what scientific wonders in the coming years will exist to
make our lives easier and help broaden our understanding of the world?
We know our subscribers do, so let's get right into our latest Archive - the top ten
scientific advancements of the future!
Before we get started, help us out by hitting that like button, and be sure to leave us
a comment because we're always looking to engage in interesting conversations with you!
Also, don't forget to click the bell so you get notified every time we put out a new video!
Full-Immersion Virtual Reality Virtual reality of today is nifty and tries
to separate us from the mundanity of the real world, but it's hard to get fully immersed
with the weight of goggles resting on your head.
Imagine instead a VR implement powered by nanobots that interact with the human body,
essentially tricking it into feeling like it's in a real world.
Think The Matrix, except you're fully aware of the virtual world and can disconnect without
a phone.
It's an incredible concept that current architects of technology are dipping into
with VR gloves and haptic feedback vests, but it'll be a long, long time until we
can truly escape to a tropical isle without leaving the living room.
Floating Cities Picture it - a city completely unburdened
by rising sea levels.
No, in fact, it thrives on water, its turbines producing energy for the masses!
Concepts like eVolo's Seascraper and The Seasteading Institutes' Floating Island
Project are looking to move dense populations from increasingly uninhabitable lands to self-sustaining,
floating cities.
Complete with residential quarters, commercial space, and solar energy and rainwater collection,
the water-based cities could deliver a high quality of life.
As for the local ecology, the Seascraper proposes that its base will serve as a reef with nutrients
pumped from the aquatic community.
Nanotech Clothing Nanotechnology may have its purpose in textiles
already as a means of waterproofing and killing bacteria, but the future of nanotech sounds
a lot cooler.
For inspiration of future technology, it's not uncommon to look to Back to the Future
II, which is precisely what Jayan Thomas of the University of Central Florida NanoScience
Technology Center did.
In late 2016, Thomas developed fibers that store solar energy and can be woven into clothing.
Long gone would be the days of inconvenient dead cell phones as this new wearable technology
could essentially be a portable, cordless charger.
Handheld MRI Scanners Claustrophobes of the present, get ready to
be jealous of claustrophobes of the future with the advent of handheld MRI scanners.
Though the concept of smaller, cheaper scanners exists in optical atomic magnetometers, their
implementation is best suited for biotechnology and geology and is currently impractical for
medical use.
There may still be a ways to go, but the technology used in the OAM could pave the way for Star
Trek-like handheld scanners that show scans on a compact screen.
One of the biggest obstacles standing in the way is the current need for a bulky "shield,"
which protects the image sample from interference.
Ocean Water into Fuel We may be able to harness energy from waves
now, but the future of water-based energy could see the salty H2O of our oceans turned
into fuel.
Scientists at the University of Wollongong's Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence
for Electromaterials Science (phew) have formulated a low-energy catalyst to activate water oxidation,
the first step in splitting water to create hydrogen fuel.
The method utilizes an artificial chlorophyll and conductive plastic films to begin the
water splitting process – but that's only part of the equation.
Should UOW's ACES see their research through to completion, it's believed that only five
liters of sea water would be needed to power a home for 24 hours.
Weather Control and Manipulation For years we've been seeding clouds, hoping
to increase chances of rain in regions of drought, and while the process has been said
to work, it's been a small step in the process of complete weather control.
That's not to say, however, researchers haven't been trying to play God and harness
control over Mother Nature.
Through the use of lasers, wind farms, and oil slicks, science has been trying to control
the weather for ages – and if the persistence of man tells us anything, at some point, they'll
get it right.
One possible advancement in the near future may involve firing laser pulses into thunderstorms
to control lightning.
Force Fields In 2015, Boeing filed a patent for a system
of defense that could protect from the aftershocks of an explosive impact.
While not quite the protective force fields from our favorite sci-fi movies, a group of
students at the University of Leicester published a paper in 2014 detailing the possibility
of using plasma and high-power magnets to create protective barriers.
The drawbacks?
No current, portable technology could harness the needed power and the shield itself would
likely block light from penetrating the dome.
For now, Boeing's design, which ionizes a specific area using lasers, electricity,
and microwaves, is at least a step in the right direction.
Quantum Computing Computing as we know it today is done using
binary digits defined as either 0 or 1 and relies on a certain amount of energy to complete
its processes.
As we grow more and more reliant on these processes to run everyday life, computing
will require more energy than we can produce, hence the hopeful shift to quantum computing.
Differing from the current method, quantum computing will utilize subatomic particles
known as qubits which can exist in multiple states at all times, thus performing processes
faster with less energy.
Standing in the way of quantum computing is the current lifespan of qubits, but a breakthrough
in 2016 extended the life of quantum bits by ten times using silicon atoms.
Gene Editing Want to have a baby but don't want it to
have your boring brown eyes?
In the future, thanks to gene editing, you may be able to fix that issue before it leaves
the womb.
Okay, maybe that's not quite what the scientists as the National Academy of Sciences and the
National Academy of Medicine are thinking of when they break new ground in gene editing.
The ability to edit the DNA of an embryo could lead to the prevention of crippling diseases
or disabilities, but we all know that designer babies will become the next big thing once
gene editing goes mainstream.
Mind-Uploading Ever sit and wonder what the world would do
when you die, taking your shining personality with you?
Just wait a little longer and you'll be able to upload yourself into an eternal database
on your computer!
Picture it, right next to your "Images of Kittens" folder, one labeled "My Brain."
At least this is the future that futurists are gunning for and was the basis for the
Global Future 2045 International Congress in 2013.
CEO of biotech company United Therapeutics Corp.
Martine Rothblatt stole the show with a discussion of "mindclones" and "mindware," or
software for consciousness, and the idea that, in the not-too-distant future, we'll be
able to plug in and upload our personalities, arguably cheating death.
Suits | Season 7, Episode 3: Louis, Harvey and Donna Butt Heads - Duration: 2:01.
Celine Dion Greatest Hits Cover 2017 - The Best Songs Of Celine Dion - Duration: 1:09:11.
Thanks for watching! Don't forget to SUBCRIBE, Like & Share my video if you enjoy it! Have a nice day!
Brake Fluid and Potassium Chlorate - Duration: 6:07.
Warning: This reaction produces flames.
Fire safety protocols must be place.
Yeah like no shit sherlock.
Anyway, let's get started.
Greetings fellow nerds.
Time for a simple but fun video where we just burn stuff again.
Brake fluid and pool chlorine are well known for reacting and spontaneously producing fire.
The brake fluid is the fuel and the pool chlorine is the oxidizer.
In a previous video i made potassium chlorate, a powerful oxidizer as shown in this sugar burning reaction.
So I wondered if this could work in the brake fluid and pool chlorine reaction.
I could find very little information on the process which means, i get to be the first.
So first let's just mix together potassium chlorate and brake fluid and see what happens.
Brake fluid and pool chlorine spontaneously ignite because the pool chlorine first decomposes the brake fluid into more reactive components.
Potassium chlorate is a powerful oxidizer, but it doesn't actually induce that sort of decomposition.
So I wouldn't expect it to ignite on its own.
Nonetheless i'm still running this test just make sure.
I've been wrong about many things before and being wrong about something being safe is the fastest way to get yourself killed.
And it's been about twenty minutes now and nothing seems to be happening.
At least on this time scale i can say this is reasonably safe.
Longer time scales might be dangerous though so don't deliberately leave this alone.
Let me see if i can ignite it directly.
It's actually somewhat difficult, this is nothing like potassium chlorate and sugar that ignites very easily.
Having the mixture in a crucible might be hurting me though.
I find it difficult to ignite things this way.
Let me try again with the potassium chlorate and brake fluid out in the open like this.
And here is the torchů This is actually really hard.
Hitting it full force and it's not igniting at all.
Either this doesn't work or this requires very high temperatures to start.
Oh there we go.
Takes some time but eventually it'll start.
Ya know this is very bright.
It's much brighter than brake fluid and pool chlorine.
I can barely look directly at it.
This seems to be on the level of potassium chlorate and sugar reaction brightness.
I'm also noticing this is very long lived.
Both potassium chlorate sugar and brake fluid pool chlorine reactions are very short lived.
But this going much longer.
That was awesome.
I'm going to try it again but this time i'm going to use a mixture of potassium chlorate and sugar as an initiator.
It burns quickly and easily but produces extreme heat so hopefully it can ignite the much harder brake fluid and potassium chlorate.
And there we go, it works.
This is actually quite a beautiful reaction with how bright it is.
I also notice it's quite hot.
I'm standing several feet away but I feel the heat on me.
Simply sublime.
I'm going to try again now with a mound of potassium chlorate soaked in brake fluid.
But this time i'm going to pour on top some pool chlorine.
It should ignite as per the usual brake fluid and pool chlorine reaction but hopefully it's hot enough to also ignite the potassium chlorate mixture underneath as well.
Looks like it's starting, but not quite igniting the potassium chlorate yet.
Oh there it goes.
And there you have it.
Brake fluid and potassium chlorate do react to produce nice slow burning but intensely hot and bright mixture.
It's a bit difficult to start with just fire so a hot chemical initiator is needed.
But the results are worth it.
Thanks for watching.
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with their donations and their direction.
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Fascinating Facts About the Romans - Duration: 12:25.
Ancient Rome had a huge effect on the world as we know it today.
Many of the ideas they had in regards to governing and infrastructure are still in use in the
modern world, and similar to Ancient Egypt, everyone knows quite a lot about the Ancient
However, just like with the Ancient Egyptians, when a culture becomes that ingrained in the
public consciousness, we tend to learn a lot of things that aren't actually true.
Some of the stranger or less convenient facts get swept entirely under the rug.
The Ancient Romans are a fascinating culture, and in some ways stranger or more disgusting
than you might have imagined.
Christians Weren't Fed To Lions and Many Tales of Martyrdom Were Exaggerated
One of the most popularly told tales about the Romans is how they fed the Christians
to the lions for having the audacity to start a new religion and do their own thing.
This has been recounted in so much popular culture it is staggering, and at this point
it may be impossible to remove it from the public mindset.
The sad part here is that it is incredibly untrue, but the untruth has become so ingrained
it may as well be fact to most people.
Not only are the stories about feeding Christians to lions without any real basis, but many
scholars argue that there is no real proof for the kind of sustained, and targeted persecution
that many later Christian writers would put forth.
There were, truthfully, only a handful of scattered years where Christians were ever
targeted specifically at all, and many of the more colorful accounts of martyrdom are
completely impossible to verify, and there is good reason to believe many of the stories
were much exaggerated.
Now, this doesn't mean that Christians weren't ever put to death for reasons that involved
their beliefs, but some scholars argue that in many cases where a Christian was killed
for being Christian, it was because they made statements refusing the divinity of the emperor
or something similar while in court.
This wasn't a specifically targeted persecution, even if it was a difficult position for them
to be in – not wanting to say someone is divine when they do not believe they are.
In Ancient Rome the Word Decimate had an Entirely Different Meaning
When we use the word decimate today, we just mean to destroy something really badly, often
completely or entirely.
This is essentially the correct meaning now because of common usage, but when the term
was first coined, its meaning was much more literal.
As you might imagine from the root of the word, it originally had to do with the number
When a group of soldiers committed some crime, such as desertion, the entire troop would
be punished to put them in their place.
They would isolate the entire group, and then have them draw lots to decide who was going
to die.
The Romans would then force those who were to live to kill the tenth of the troops that
drew lots.
This meant that, quite literally, they were removing one tenth of that troop, or "decimating"
This was one of the earlier forms of something referred to today as military discipline,
where an entire troop is punished for a few men's infractions, to make sure the entire
troop self-polices.
This can be seen some today in modern armies where someone will make a mistake and the
entire unit will be forced to pay for the mistake.
However, in today's modern world we don't kill our troops, we just make them do pushups
or something similar.
Romans Shared a Sponge on a Stick for Cleaning Up After Using Public Toilets
Today we like to think of Romans as very hygienic for their time.
In fact, we often consider them a beacon of cleanliness that the world didn't see anything
like for quite some time.
They had their own sewer and water systems and they had public baths and were very much
into being clean.
However, the truth is that many of the Roman's habits would disgust many people today who
live in some of the countries without much infrastructure.
For example, their public bathrooms were a horror show.
It wasn't uncommon for gigantic rats to come out of the sewer, and because they contained
gases, fires could erupt randomly.
To make matters worse, the Romans at public toilets shared a single sponge on a stick
that they used to clean up after using the bathroom.
They would use the sponge on a stick to wipe themselves up, rinse it, and then leave it
for the next person to use.
Most people today would be absolutely disgusted by the thought of using a sponge to clean
themselves that a bunch of random people had also used.
And while people think they were clean, the Romans didn't actually bathe traditionally,
per se.
Instead, they would cover themselves in oils, and then scrape it off their skin with an
instrument called a strigil.
The Romans Invented an Early Form of Concrete
The Romans did an incredible amount of building, and their gigantic structures as well as their
infrastructure such as aqueducts are one of the things they are most famous for.
One of the biggest reasons we still talk about their buildings so much is because so many
of them have managed to withstand the test of time.
They managed this by using an early form of concrete, something that was essentially unheard
of at that time in history.
On top of that, once the Roman Empire fell, the knowledge was lost, and concrete was basically
rediscovered much later on.
However, that doesn't mean that Roman concrete is the same as modern concrete.
Modern concrete is actually ten times the strength of Roman concrete, however, the concrete
they had back in the day was still an incredible achievement, and not just because they were
able to build it at all.
Because they had their own unique kind of concrete, it may have been weaker, but it
had advantages ours does not.
Due to being made with volcanic ash, it actually performs way better against erosion, especially
from water, something that modern concrete does not do very well with at all.
This has allowed their buildings to withstand the test of time, for generations of tourists
to continue to explore and be fascinated by.
The Romans Drove a Birth Control Plant to Extinction
Back in the day Romans were definitely known for their love of sex, and they would not
have denied their love for it at all.
There was a plant called Silphium which they greatly prized, because they believed that
it could act as a method of birth control.
It could only be grown wild and attempts to put a quota on the harvest failed miserably,
due to how ridiculously popular the plant became.
It was soon worth an incredible amount of money, and before too many years, the Romans
had managed to lust their way to the extinction of the entire plant.
However, some people today wonder if it really worked.
The problem is that there is really no way to be actually sure.
The plant has gone extinct so we cannot really check samples, and there were plenty of dubious
medical cures in Ancient Rome, so this could have been one of them.
On the other hand, some experts believe it could have had abortion inducing affects,
which means all the men taking it would have been wasting their time and the plant.
However, the truth is that whether it worked or not is hardly important.
The truth is that just thinking it had that effect was enough – the Romans loved consequence
free sex so they drove the plant to extinction.
Some Believe the Antichrist Referred to was Nero
The idea of an antichrist figure who becomes a ruler on earth, and helps set up the final
battle between good and evil, that culminates in the second coming of Christ, has been fascinating
people for a very long time.
Many people will claim that the latest world leader they don't like is the antichrist,
and many people have been suggested to be this figure over the years.
For some, the antichrist is always yet to come, but for others, he may have already
Many scholars believe it is quite possible that the passages referring to the figure
we now call the antichrist were actually talking about the Emperor Nero.
This man blamed the Christians for the fire of Rome, and persecuted them greatly.
He killed his own mother and was known for being one of the most despicable tyrants in
the history of Rome.
However, even more telling, is the fact that when he died, many people believed he had
just disappeared.
Many believed he was actually going to be resurrected or return somehow, and bring more
great evil to the world.
And if you look at the encoded numbers that everyone always points to as the mark of the
beast, the numbers can represent Nero's name if you interpret them a certain way.
Of course, this interpretation may not have been accurate either, but the fact the Christians
thought he might resurrect at all shows how much they feared this man.
The Romans Flooded the Colosseum in Order to Conduct Mock Sea Battles
The Romans were a culture that liked to do things on a very grand scale, and they certainly
kept true to this when they reenacted battles.
Specifically, they decided that they wanted to reenact large scale naval battles, so they
would dig out huge trenches in the ground, make artificial lakes, and then fill them
with soldiers and rowers carrying out the various parts of the battle.
In order to make it realistic as possible, prisoners and captured soldiers would literally
be forced to fight to the death as part of the mock battles.
These forms of entertainment were very popular, but due to the incredible expense they were
only done on special occasions.
Many people were not sure at first if the coliseum was used for these spectacles, as
it was hard to find physical evidence and it seemed like the structure would not support
However, it turns out that the coliseum could have supported being flooded for such a purpose;
they just would have had to use much smaller scale ships and such.
And while there is little physical evidence, there are plenty of written sources that point
to the coliseum being used at least a few times for this purpose.
The Romans were always about going as big and all out as possible, and their theater
was some of the most advanced and realistic you would find anywhere.
Today, we stick with pretending to kill people when putting on a show.
The Very Strange Lives of Ancient Rome's Vestal Virgins
The Romans were very religious and very superstitious and had many different gods.
One of the more important gods was called Vesta, a great goddess of fire.
They believed that as long as her fire was kept burning, Rome as a civilization would
endure for the ages.
To this extent, they decided they needed well trained and well-disciplined people to keep
the fire burning always, to make sure Rome remained.
For some reason, they decided that the best way to accomplish this would be to appoint
six young girls at a time, who would remain virgins as long as they remained in their
It was a coveted position that gave them status most women would never get, but it did come
with the price of having to remain virgins for as long as they were helping keep the
fire lit.
A vestal virgin who briefly let the fire go out was punished severely, usually taken aside,
stripped and beaten in order to instill in them how important it is to attend to their
sacred duty.
And if a vestal virgin became a virgin no longer, it was considered an act of incest,
because they were married to the city, and the cities citizens were related to the city
in some form.
This logic may not sound particularly sound, but to the Romans, it was very important that
these women remained virgins.
When they committed the crime of being a virgin no longer, certain rules forbade the normal
means of execution for these women, so vestal no longer virgins were buried alive as punishment.
Urine Was Used as a Cleaning Product for Both Teeth and Clothes
As we mentioned earlier, the Romans were known for being hygienic, but they also did a lot
of things that we might find rather questionable.
And one of the most questionable things would likely be the way they made use of urine.
Now, urine is mostly ammonia so it can be used in cleaning products, and ammonia does
have cleaning properties, but the difference is that today we are essentially processing
it to only keep the stuff we need.
Back in the day, Romans would use urine in order to whiten their teeth, and also in order
to clean clothes.
Urine would be collected throughout the day, and then diluted with water somewhat, and
poured over clothes, where the launderer would then stomp on them to sort of simulate the
workings of how a washing machine works now.
While it may have indeed been useful at getting out the stains, we don't really want to
imagine what their clothes would have smelled like, since they soaked them in unprocessed
urine in order to get them clean.
However, likely the Romans would have been used to the smell, or perhaps would have used
various oils or other perfumes to hide it.
As we mentioned earlier, they also didn't clean in the traditional sense to begin with
and instead oiled themselves and then scraped off the excess.
There is Little Evidence That Romans Threw Up on Purpose So They Could Eat More Food
One of the most commonly believed myths is that Romans had a special room in which they
threw up food so they could then go eat more food.
This has been greatly confused because there is a word for a "vomitorium", but this
is just the exit of a coliseum, where it "vomits out" all the people back onto the street.
This "fact" has made its way into books like the Hunger Games series, where the people
of the capital are seen as being similar to the Romans in this respect.
When most people learn that this isn't actually true, many insist that the Romans at least
still threw up on purpose to eat more.
However, there is really little evidence of such actually happening.
Romans did sometimes throw up on purpose, just as some people do today.
But it is likely there were other reasons for it, just as there are today.
There is really little reason to believe that Romans were actually throwing up just to make
room for more food right there on the spot, and then stuffing down more, just to throw
up again.
This widespread belief, which is a great exaggeration, likely has made its way around due to the
fact that Romans were known for elaborate feasts and hedonism in general, making it
very easy to believe.
The truth is, what people are talking about likely wouldn't work that well anyway.
Most people don't feel like eating after being full, and don't really want to make
room for more, and most people certainly don't feel like eating after recently throwing up.
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