I can't get used to the taste of gunpowder.
Though the effect will pass in a few seconds.
I've already gone through it and the key is to stay focused and trust your instincts...
Without getting into the details.
I only have to answer three basic questions.
Where am I?
In the farthest corner of the earth.
What do I have to do?
To get rid of my wife's body and her lover.
And last but not least...
How did I get into this situation?
I'm not even bother to answer that question.
Aside from being impossible…
To be honest, I rather not to.
I just want this day to be over.
Sweetie, this reminds me of our honeymoon.
You were more alive then, of course.
It was a matter of time to discover you were never mine.
The cold looks during breakfast, the way you sentenced me with your silence before going to bed.
Seeing how you jump in bed with another guy the moment I go to work.
I should have paid attention to the signals.
On the other hand, I think I might have exaggerated a bit in handling this situation.
If only I could remember how I ended up here.
I'm not a violent man, I guess I must have lost my mind at some point.
Hmmm the details, forget the details.
It's almost midnight... Tomorrow will be a new day.
But ... Do I have the feeling...?
The feeling that tomorrow will be a new beginning for me?
The feeling that there will even be a tomorrow?
Of course not. I can't fool myself.
The only feeling I got is having dug my own grave.
God, I was so close!
Oh shit!
Fuck, that was close!
It is already hard to do this task and even worse, with a faulty memory.
Having a life fragmented in memories that move in reverse...
To relive the events over and over 'til you get to the core.
Only to find out that what will happen, already happened.
I know that Ursula is dead in the trunk.
But... What about the Other Guy?
I could easily pull over and finish the job now that I know he's just badly hurt.
But I won't ... I won't, because I never did.
This is meant to happen. I have no control over it.
It's all part of a greater curse. I'm just a condemned soul to an uncertain eternity.
It would be easier to just leave everything to chance.
But then of course... What does chance have to do with anything when you only have one option?
I must confront her, confront them.
It's in my nature.
I could just let it go and live a happy life.
A naive but happy life. However, it wasn't what I did.
I'm serious, I feel he is starting to suspect.
I don't know if I can continue with this deceive. I'm an awful liar.
Hey, hey, hey... That fool is never gonna realize, calm down.
Hey, how much time do we have?
Gustavo should be here at any moment.
I'd say that's enough time.
Gustavo! What are you doing there?!
Gustavo, put the gun down! Let's talk.
I don't think there's anything to talk about... It's all very clear.
Let's talk, please, you're making a mistake!
- You know you don't wanna kill me. - But I already did.
I could spare her life, I mean, it is enough to see her begging for it.
I could let it go, but that wasn't what happened.
I guess some things never change.
The Academy goes to Ursula for her role as the backstabbing and disgusting whore.
You think you're gonna get away with it? You're gonna be the first suspect, in case you haven't thought this through.
The key is to stay focused.
Where am I?
In the farthest corner of the earth.
What do I have to do?
What do I…? What the fuck am I doing?!
Why is Ursula alive?... And that Other Guy?
You're pathetic, you're fooling yourse-...!
Shut up!
This is all your goddamn fault, Ursula. You just put yourself in this situation.
Fine! We can say it's my fault too, that I wasn't a good husband…
Or that I didn't pay you enough attention.
But, I mean, that's no excuse to screw with some other guy.
I don't know Ursula, I don't know, I think there must have been other solutions, couples therapies... something.
What... what... what are you trying to say to me?
Do you think I don't wanna kill you? But if I already did-...
No, no, I haven't.
I could let it go this time.
I could spare her life, but... I won't.
I mean, it's not enough to see her begging for it.
It seems like there's no place for a happy ending after all.
I should drop out that absurd idea of seeing the light of a new day.
I'm nothing but a condemned soul to an uncertain eternity...
Trapped in the eve of a day that will never come.
I should have thought this through.
I would have saved me so much effort.
That, and the illusion of deserving another chance.
You have something to say?!
Of course, you always want to have the last word.
Not today, honey. I've been taking your shit for so many years.
Now is my time to speak... sit and listen.
You know what? I actually have nothing left to say to you.
What you gonna tell me?
That you don't love me anymore?
That you still love me?
That you felt alone?
That I no longer loved you?
Or all of the above.
Let's make a deal, I'll remove you the tape.
But you can only give me one pretext.
Just one!
And if it's really hard for you to decide...
This always works for me.
Let me out!
Goddamn it! You see what you made me do! That was my lucky coin!
That fuckin' bitch!
I'm serious, I feel he is starting to suspect.
Wow dude! No, no, no... wait a second!
What is this?!
- You know, better safe than sorry. - Get away from me!
Wow, yeah, very intimidating Ursula, very intimidating.
- This can't be happening. - You know... I just want this day to be over.
Now you know what I capable of doing. I know your secrets and you know mine.
And this cannot end up like this, 'cause obviously I can't trust you.
Don't do it, Gustavo, for the love of God!
- Give me one good reason. - I…
I thought so.
Put that shit down.
What did you say?
Put that shit down. What do you think you're doing? Ah!
You're gonna to kill me?! You don't have the guts to do it.
Think about it, I'm the only one you got and you wouldn't want to kill me.
Or are you thinking getting someone else? Ah?
There's gotta be another way we can solve this.
- But you're sleeping with that guy. - And do you have any proof of that?
I saw you ... I saw you, you were gonna do it. You were gonna take him to the bedroom and then... and then...
You can't accuse me for something I haven't seen me doing, Gustavo.
You must think I'm stupid, right? Look me in the eye and tell me you have nothing to do with that guy!
I'm just saying we can come to an agreement, Gustavo. Everything has a solution, we can start all over again.
A new day, a new beginning.
Exactly, start from scratch. Don't do anything you can regret.
You're coming with me.
If you're serious about a new beginning and stuff, we have to get rid of this dude completely.
No, no, but wait! We can call the police and tell them it was a misunderstanding.
No, no, no ... Are you with me in this or not?
Do you remember what we promised ourselves once?
For better or for worse Ursula. For better or for worse.
But... What you gonna do?
That's a good question.
I never planned a hostage situation.
In fact, I never had a plan.
¡Fuck! ¡Those eyes!
That tender and lethal way of persuading me with a look.
She's good. I must admit... Always getting away with it.
- Are you ready to order? - Yes, I'll have an omelette with mushrooms and...
No, that's it, thank you.
And the gentleman?
Ah! Yeah, yeah...
Mmm... I would like a mixed grill... It comes with everything?
- Yes, yes, don't worry. - Grill?! At this hour?
I don't know, I think you should order the salad better.
Considering the meat gives you stomach ache at night… I don't know, I'm just saying.
Yeah, well, sure. A salad, please.
- Anything else? - No, thanks.
She's good... Always getting away with it.
Wait a minute, She can't be that good.
Sweetie, is something wrong?
No, no, nothing...
it's only 11:23, you were right, it's earlier than planned.
I told you, you always so stubborn.
You remember when we got married that your mom was late because she could not find the truck...
And it turns out that your dad took it...
The key is to stay... Where the fuck am I?!
How did I go from burying bodies to having a romantic evening in a restaurant I don't even know?
Don't dig into the details... Smile, nod and enjoy. It's almost midnight.
It is the new beginning that she promised...
What about the Other Guy?
Maybe there was no other guy. No... I know what I saw. How can you expect me to forgive her so easily?
Did I already?
Why so lovely?
Well played. She does know how to make an enjoyable ride.
Honey, what's wrong?
What time is it?
Relax, babe.
- Most likely we arrive as early as always. Here. - No, thank y-…
I don't even smoke.
I always thought it was a stupid habit. Just the smell makes my stomach sick.
But here I am…
Seeing how the flames of her lighter slowly consumes that noxious nicotine.
Did she also find a way to convince me to start smoking?
How did I get into this situation?
What do I have to do?
Where am I?
What did I do?
What I did not?
What can I avoid?
What's inevitable?
I'm serious, I feel he is starting to suspect.
The thing is you're way too competitive, that's your issue.
Sure, but I'm just saying it wouldn't be a crime to win a game from time to time.
Look, we're talking about my boss and his wife.
It's not like I have any choice. I need the job, okay?
- Sure, but you don't have to be such an... - Ass kisser? C'mon, it's just a game, calm down.
Yeah, but losing on purpose it's not as easy as it looks like.
I don't know if I can continue with this deceive. I'm an awful liar.
Hey, hey, hey... That fool is never gonna realize, calm down.
Hey, how much time do we have?
Gustavo should be here at any moment.
I'd say that's enough time.
I feel like a stranger in my own home.
Those paintings...
I haven't noticed how beautiful they are.
And suddenly, this feeling.
This is not my home.
There was never another guy.
I am the Other Guy.
How weird Gustavo didn't come.
- Don't tell me you were thinking about that while... - No, it's just he was supposed to fix the air conditioner.
Or do you want to go around another week with this heat?
I wonder what happened.
I'll tell you what happened. That creep was in a cemetery…
- …and he got caught stealing bodies and playing with them. - Shut up! That's ridiculous.
You have to admit that dude is so weird. Apart from being obsessed with you.
- No, he's just... special. - Oh, bullshit.
It's so obvious the guy is obsessed with you. And you're the only one who doesn't realize that.
What's wrong with you?! Why you say that?!
Look, first of all, the guy does you all the favors you ask him, that you're always asking...
And you take advantage of that. Besides the guy doesn't charge you a penny.
Well, and what's so wrong about he doing me favors? He's happy helping me.
Besides, I feel sorry for him.
Well! You made me say it, He has this strange condition... I don't know how to explain it.
He takes things way too seriously. And you have to go around with it all the time.
Well, I don't think he's coming anymore.
- So we can stay in bed all day long. - Don't get too comfortable, I actually have...
- ...a surprise for you. - Oh yeah? Tell me, I'm all ears.
Well, I made a reservation at that restaurant you like so bad. You know?
But is at 11:30 pm. It's the only hour I could get. Can you imagine?
Oh! So cute!
How much time we have?
Where am I?
In the farthest corner.
I can't get used to the taste of gunpowder.
For more infomation >> VÍSPERAS (cortometraje venezolano) - Duration: 29:08.-------------------------------------------
Duérmete feliz cada domingo con el Festival Internacional del Humor - Duration: 2:26.
Accidente en juego mecánico dejó un muerto | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:41.
Justin Bieber atropelló a un paparazzi | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:27.
Imagenes de robo a un adolescente que llevaba verduras | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:33.
Persecución en Tampa paralizó a una avenida | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:31.
Enfermera es acusada por introducir droga a una cárcel | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:34.
Chicas murieron en un choque mientras usaban snapchat | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:39.
Expolicías fueron acusados por muerte de enfermo mental | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:45.
Jorge Ortiz de Pinedo ya está preparado para morir con dignidad - Duration: 1:22.
Neymar sigue a lo suyo en el campo, ajeno al ruido exterior - Duration: 1:40.
July's HAUL (HAUL JULIO): Sci-fi, Time traveling and Non-Fiction! - Duration: 6:11.
[Quotes Dr. Who] "We are all stories in the end, just make it a good one"
[Sonic Screwdriver]
Hello everybody! And welcome to The Paper Booklight
My name is Laura Munoz and today's video is going to be the very first haul of the channel
And for this video I have done a mixture between fiction and non fiction books
and I am super excited to show it to you guys
So, let's begin!
I have to say that I.HAVE.THE.MAJOR.HYPE.EVER
I've heard about this book not so long ago
because they're going to make a movie
I have heard about this film because there were some bloggers at the D23 (Disney) convention
where you can see the next (Disney) feature films and stuff
The book is "A wrinkle in time" by the American author Madeleine L'Engle
Is a paperback, published by Puffin, which is the younger section of Penguin (Random House)
In your bookshop it probably would be (displayed) in the range of age of 9-12
So is a story suitable for all the family
Basically is the story of the siblings Charlie and Meg and their friend Calvin
They're are looking for their father through a wrinkle in time
And with the help of three guardian angels
they manage to free him from this evil planet that they arrive to
Changing a bit the subject, we are going towards
a more romantic story
is "On the other side" by Carrie Hope Fletcher
Carrie Hope Fletcher is a British author and actress, you can see her playing
Wednesday Addams in the "Addams Family" musical
And also, she is an author
She's just released a book called "All that can she see"
I would say that her style is more (definitely) of Magic Realism
I think this would be a really good story to read this summer
Basically is the story of Evie Snow
a woman that passes away on her 80s surrounded by all her family and friends
And in order to go to heaven she needs to get
rid of all the burdens and life secrets she's been carrying around all her life
This is a story on Letting Go and
who knows she might find a way back to her love
Finishing with the fiction section I've got with me
"The power" by Naomi Alderman
And I have to say "OMG" I love the plot!
Basically, is the story on what would happen if women take control of the world order
They develop as an evolutionary trait the power to transmit electricity
Which can go from transmit a wee sparkle...
... to, I don't know, kill people!
And things get really really darker
Is told from the perspective of women from different backgrounds
Like a politician, a teenage girl
And I have to say that if you like this one
I can recommend you two dystopian novels that you would absolutely love
the first one is "The handmaid's tale" by Margaret Atwood
which indeed, Atwood is a huge influence in Alderman's work
And the second one is "Who runs the world?" by Virginia Bergin
This one is more catalogued under YA
but it is an amazing book, I love the plot
and I definitely would do a review at some point later in the future.
So, we're going to change subjects
We're going to go to the Non-Fiction section
The 1st Non-Fiction book I bought was
"Storm in a Teacup" by Helen Czerski also published by Penguin
Those who are not familiar with Helen Czerski, she is a Physicist
and you really need to check out her documentary in BBC 4 on colour perception
She travels around the world interviewing experts
on how colour perception works
I really like her way to explain things
When I found out she was going to release this book
I was like OH MY GOSH i need to get it!
It basically explains you what is behind the everyday's physics
What makes a popcorn being a popcorn
and I have to say I am really excited
when it comes to science and quantum physics
even if I don't understand anything that what it's saying
it fascinates me, I mean, we have so much... things to explore in this universe
It just makes me smile, is amazing
The second non-fiction book I bought this month was "This is London" by Ben Judah
Is published by Picador, £8,99 and you can find it
in the non-fiction section of your bookshop (Smart Thinking)
Ben Judah is a former foreign correspondent
he released a documentary for Vice on migration Post-Brexit
is the portrait of the London that we don't see
the different profiles.. From... Prostitutes, Drug Dealers
This is NOT a travel book, this is not "OHMYGOSHLONDON you need to see this"
Or "London the portrait of the society"
From this book I heard really mixed reviews
Some of 'em say that this is a really great book
and the other say that he recreates himself
like when interviewing and sometimes he could be an obstacle
Honestly, I don't know, I haven't read it
and I am really looking forward to read about these stories
because this is a different portrait of the city from what I have seen
and I am really looking forward to read about it
and to finish this haul the latest one
"The Good Immigrant" by Nikesh Shukla
it is published by Unbound
The book is a collection of 21 essays from BAME authors
For those who are not really familiar with the terminology,
BAME means "Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic"
Is a portrait on what it means to be an immigrant in Britain
I have to say that I have read really good reviews from this book
I have read somewhere that this is a mind opener
some of them even recommend to get the audiobook
because it's read by the actual authors
And, you get to know it better, you know?
And as I have said, this is going to be a really mind opener
Personally, as an immigrant (Uruguayan-Spanish) and also, as a communicator
I think being aware of the concepts of 'privilege', 'minorities', 'race'
and more specially, what weight has Media in all this
what it really means 'representation' and 'diversity'
I think these are concepts that we really need to educate ourselves
and I am really looking forward to read this book and
getting the audiobooks in the future as well
If you liked this video don't forget to suscribe and give a thumbs up
And see you next week with the review of "All our wrong todays" by Elan Mastai
A super poignant story on time traveling and parallel universes
See you next week! (Sonic Screwdriver)
Liz Clapés entrevistó a la Banda Los Sebastianes mientras jugaban paintball - Duration: 4:57.
Makeup collection💅 - Duration: 7:19.
sorry if it sounds a little fuzzy my fingers covered the micerphone thing can i spell at all
the storage is from walmart and i think it was like $15
the tree is from walmart and i dont know how much it was and if i dont say how much it was then i dont know
the box is form tj max and it was $3.00
its a cup so yeah
artiste bush duh what is my life lol
its a mason jar
the orginizer is from my sister
and no i cant spell anthing
everything is from the doller store the orginizers
i am so LOUD!!!!!!!!!!
no it did not !!
the orginizers are also from doller treee
wow i cant flim werth a crap ans the way ispell i did not go to school either !!!
my mom hello i auctully did not have a phone then but now i do so yeah
box is from daller treeeeee
when i am just not tho
Learn names of fruits and vegetables Cutting Fruits and Vegetables Tayo Garage Colored Cars - Duration: 12:33.
dry..!! Funny Science HOWTO of a strange video and life honey tips [HOWTO] - Duration: 3:40.
dry..!! Fun Science howto videos and miraculous life kkultip [HOWTO]
Top 5 Kitchen Tools I Can't Live Without ~ Noreen's Top 5 ~ Essential Prep Tools ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 8:12.
Hi, everyone. I'm Noreen and welcome to my kitchen and today
I have my top 5 kitchen tools that I can't live without plus a bonus. Let's go see what this list is all about
Ok I just wanted to do a really quick video about my top 5
Kitchen tools which ended up turning into my top 6 because there's something else that I do use on a regular
Basis that I cannot live without so at the top of my list is you guessed it my Rada
Cooks knife this is the standard
I believe this is an 8 inch long cook's knife and I absolutely love it
I use this every single day, and I can't live without it
This is my go-to knife for just about everything if I could only have one knife this would be the knife I would choose
The next thing that I use every single day nearly someone in my house reaches for this every day because this thing is in our
Every single day, this is called a fish slice, or fish spatula and we call it a fish slice
But the funny there's a funny story about this
I didn't have one I never had one before and I'll let Rick tell you the rest
we went christmas shopping for you, and we're trying to find stuff for your Christmas stocking, so
we said okay right grab it
it is the best spatula for turning eggs if you all like over easy eggs
It is it is extremely thin and now the thing is that they make these in metal and in plastic
And this is the only one I've ever had and it is the only one that I have now
this is yellow plastic kitchenaid at one point my entire kitchen was yellow kitchenaid and
we've kind of
Gotten away from that
But in any case this this one still hangs out and is a well-loved utensil in my kitchen
Like I say someone reaches for this every single day Micah when she makes the quesadilla
She uses this when we make eggs for breakfast we use it
Why use it to flip just anything over on a frying pan?
simply because it's so easy to get underneath and if you are moving like
a fillet a fish
This is the best thing to use because it's so thin and it's flexible and you won't break whatever it is. You're flipping
The next thing is my Rada Handi Stir . I
use this nearly every single day any time they need to mix something up really quick if I'm beating some pegs, or if I'm
Mixing up a cake or whatever I love to use this thing to
Incorporate liquids together it's very very feels good in your hand
And I'm telling you what this is better than a standard whisk because of the way that it's built
Simply because you get more surface area and more whisking
Action so things whisk up a lot more quickly, and I just love it. I have three of these in
jar, and I absolutely love them and sometimes I do use more than one at a time if I'm having a busy day in the
kitchen the next thing is
Definitely my tried-And-true
Swing-Away, and you'll see that's the name right there the swing-away
made in the USA
Hand-cranked can opener I grew up with one of these in my kitchen drawer, and so did Rick right?
These are the best can openers ever I?
personally am not a fan of the electric can opener I
Know that there are a lot of people out there who have accessibility issues
Maybe they have arthritis or they have they just can't use a hand a manual can opener
But if you are able to use a can opener do yourself a favor
Do not balk at the price these are seven eight nine dollars, but they will last you a lifetime
I kid you not and remember the old prepper role if you have
Two you have one and if you have one you have none
So I have two of these in my kitchen drawer, and they get used on a regular basis
And we have a couple extra ones put away in case something happens. I've never had one of these break
They are built to last and they are tried and true
And I love them so if you're looking for a good can opener this is the one that you
And then my next thing are these little tongs now
I have all kinds of tongs right I have metal tongs
I have coated tongs, and they're regular size, but then I have these little tongs alright these little tongs
You're gonna laugh. I do we use them constantly I have this configuration
I have one that looks like it has two little spoons on the end
And I usually use that one to pull my hard-boiled eggs out of the pressure cooker
I have one that looks like it's like spaghetti tones. I have another one that looks like it has two spatulas on it
It's really great for like flipping the grilled cheese, and these things are so cool. I got these
particular set at
Hobby Lobby they have these seasonally in different colors, and they're about 2 bucks a pair, and I absolutely love them
They really are they we use them for everything and then the last thing is these?
Cutting mats, you see me use these all the time these rate of cutting meds there are little
heavy-Duty plastic mats, and I use them down on my
my board that I use over my sink and I
Love them. I reach for these every single day several times a day
They run through the dishwasher beautifully, and I'm telling you what for as often as we use them
They don't look terrible, but they are well used they don't really stain that badly
But they always come very clean and and throw them in the dishwasher
and they get nice and disinfected and
They come in at two sizes the small and the large one
And I think that the small ones come in
Two 2-pack or three to a pack and the large ones just come one in a pack, but they're awesome
And I I couldn't live without them
I can't live with any without any of these tools including the board that I use over my sink
So that's I guess that's really seven things. I can't live without in my kitchen every single day, but um not to worry
What I can't learn about you either I
I guess I'll keep you
if you're interested in any of these items
I will leave links down below to where you can get them and
You can check them out and if you feel that you have a need for these in your kitchen
But they might make your life a little bit easier then go ahead and check them out and add them to your collection
Sometimes it's really good to go through what we have
Purged the things that we've collected that we're not using and keep the things that we really use on a regular
basis Last week Heather came to visit me and
Before she came. I did a full purge and clean-out of my my kitchen utensils
And I did a deep clean on my kitchen, and I'm telling you
I got rid of a lot of stuff
And you know what I don't even miss it but these things I would definitely miss so I hope you enjoyed
this list video of the top
Seven things that I can't live without in my kitchen
I hope that you'll check out the links below if you are interested in any of those items
I want to thank you for joining me today if you found this video helpful
Please consider giving me a thumbs up if you are new to my videos
It's so great to have you here if you liked the video please consider hitting the subscribe button
And if you're already a member of the noreen's kitchen family please remember to hit the bell
Notification button because we don't want any of you to miss out on all the real food for real people
Real easy recipes that we present all the time right here from our youtube channel and straight from our kitchen
I hope that you enjoyed our top seven list of kitchen things. I can't live it out until next time I'll see you
Kevin Sabet's The Joker. I'm the Midnight Toker. - Duration: 45:28.
Hello, Happy World! - Chapter 6 - I Want to make the World Smile! - Duration: 8:19.
Bad Baby Learn Wrong Eyes Despicable me 3 Margo Gru Scarlet Lady bug Moana Preschool Learning Video - Duration: 1:52.
Bad Baby Learn Wrong Eyes Despicable me 3 Margo Gru Scarlet Lady bug Moana Preschool Learning Video
A Simple Wire S-Link with many uses, Need Help? Send me a message - Duration: 32:26.
Easy "S" Links for multiple uses, Please feel free to ask questions!
Good afternoon and welcome back to jewelry making made easy by Ellen
Today, I thought we would work on a really simple
Wire project what I am using is
18 or 20 gauge actually 18 20 and 22 gauge, but you can use just one gauge
to do a whole project if you like
to make these little
Pest links now. It's tiny and simple
But can be made into bracelets
extensions any number of things with just a simple little couple of loops
Excuse me
Here, what looks like a necklace actually is matte
But I want to give you an example
and I had made one or couldn't find the one that I made a long time ago, but I have
two bracelets actually
Stuck together to look like a necklace
And I magnetic lifts which are very handy
And you really only have is a little chinese crystal in the center of each
on here in the center of the s links and
On this one in between the s links to connect them
So I'll show you how to do both
oops, I
love these Magnets, but sometimes
They get my way
They're very strong
Put that over there. Here's the magnets. They're so tiny but they are really super strong
anyway, this is the
20 Gauge s link bracelet that I made with size
think their size
6 or size 8 he'd be
Okay, I guess figured up right now that I
cut my video by accident, so we're just going to
Paste the two pieces with a video together this is
99% sure that I used
Size six seed beads here, but nevertheless
Whatever size bead you decide to put in there if you decide to put beads in there at all
You will just make an allowance for that
so what I am going to do right now is explain to you how to make these s look at hooks and
Depending on the size of your round nose pliers are probably not the same as mine. We're going to show you
how to determine the length I know I use exactly two and a half inches per length when I'm doing the
18 Gauge wire
Which I feel is the best to make these s links
So I'm going to pull up some wire
which if you have lawyer should do - I'm using the backside of my
Nipper tool or my diagonal plier because it will make a nice fresh cut if I cut on this side
it'll make a jagged cut so I'm just making a
cover with my hand, so it doesn't fly in here I
Have a nice clean cut here
I'm going to cover up four inches of this wire now you
folded wire through your hand which straightens it and
it will Carden's it which makes it a
working lawyer
So cutting off four inches even though I know I need for my pliers
Two and a half inches I'm going to cut off four inches this should be exactly
Four inches which I would have you do
That is four inches
Now I have marked my plier
The size of the loops I want and the only way for you to know that is to take some cheap wire
And make a couple of loops if you like the size of the loop
That's where you're going to mark your first mark for the small loop on your round nose pliers
with a Sharpie and
then the larger loop
I have marked the middle of my round nose pliers because that's the size that I liked for a 18 gauge wire
So I am going to start with this four inch piece and when you cut off your wire
Mark down four inches
We're going to do some really hard man
So I have my mark here for the small loop. I'm going to put the end
and I like my
Palm to be facing up because it gives me more ledger leverage
I'm going to put that wire in there
so it's touching that first marking and let the wire hang over just a tiny little bit otherwise it will slip off and
I'm going to turn that in
till it touches
the working wire
the wire in my hand
Now that's not exactly touching so just go in there again and gave it another little
Now I'm pulling that out again. It's a little bent, but it's not a big deal
Now I'm going to slide this
In between my round nose pliers down to the second marking
You have the first loop is facing up
and you're going to bend this wire backwards and
Until it's touching the working wire if it doesn't touch it
just take the
Wire out put it back in and have a touch
now the s link that we're making is without a bead because there's any number of
Beads that you might want to use or not use
But for the time being we're making an s link
without any bead in between
So we started with four inches of wire you take and measure this wire?
From the back of the loop to the end of the wire
which is
because of the
size of my
round nose pliers
It shows that this is three and a quarter inches left
If there's three and a quarter inches left
I've only used three quarters of an inch of wire to do this
measure done
for less than three quarters of an inch, so
I'm thinking a little underneath an inch is what I need for this other end
So I'm actually going to go ahead and do an inch
And see what happens
It was four inches normally I use two and a half
So I want an inch from an inch from
An inch from here where it's small loop is
an inch from there
Remember the two loops are inside my finger. I'm measuring from the inside of that
to the one inch mark
with the back facing
They're working wire just a little less than an inch
because I measured three quarters of an inch, but for some reason that doesn't sound right to me, so
now we have
the small loop
to the end I
Have an inch should be less
So let's see what happens
Alright, so what we're going to do is we're going to hold that between our fingers with the loops facing up
We have a hold of the other end
Get your wire on that first line with a little bitty bit of wire hanging out
Make your loop
touching the working wire
I'm kind of straightening it a little bit so that it's
in line with the other one
Now I'm sliding the wire
back in the pliers
by the second
marking that I have
whoops yep, the second marking I
Hope I told you to go ahead and mark your pliers you have to mess around with some spare wire
To see the loop sizes you want to mend March requires
liner already marked
going backwards
So that I have an s and
It's kind of a little wonky
it will have to do is take my
flat nose plier or
even fingers on both sides a little flat nose plier and
Bend it a little bit so that it's more even
Have one more length
To add now this one looks a little smaller than the others, but really does not matter
So then I had it with jump rings
That's what I did here. We'll also
I'll show you how I?
Add the links together with these wire wrapped links. Which is really pretty simple
Actually you can do it with 18 gauge roy. I'm not wire wrap it
Maybe we could do both
All right, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to open two of these jump rings
And I like to nix the gold with the silver and the brass with the gold
It just gives it a little bit more personality
so I'm going to grab my
Jump rings and open too, and if you've never opened a jump ring before you grab
This is not exactly a flat nose plier. So I'm going to hold it tightly
but you should have two flat nose pliers and
You grab it at nine o'clock on one side three o'clock on the other
Push one away from you. I need to do it sideways and one two or two so that's open
And I do two at a time because it makes it easier to add the link
The way I like them on there
kind of be able to see where the edge of the
Jump ring is I mean you only need to see yours not mine
But sweats right here, so I'm grabbing nine o'clock and 3 o'clock
One towards me want to wait for me. So that's broken
now I'm taking the
Bracelet that started here's the s link the last link
Holding it up and the s is
going to my right looks like the left because the camera is on the opposite side, but
Spacing my right your left
Now I want to add this one I
want this one to face in the opposite direction, so
Yeah, this is the one that's going here. So the bottom is going to face the opposite direction, so
I'm taking my
flatness wire Grabbing one of those links
Putting it through the top of this one
Which is going in that direction to?
the bottom of the other one
Which is going in the direction?
Grab my other pliers which your flat nose I would hire curl them at nine o'clock and 3 o'clock
But it's not
Now I'm pulling them back the other way
Past each other and then back together so that there is no space
In between I don't know whether you can see it, and I know that I could barely see it. So now that I have
That one jump ring on there. I'm
going to
Hold these two and just drop that jump ring and pick up another jump ring
this is just
extra Precaution and
extra for looks and flip that second jump ring on there
grab it again both sides nine o'clock and 3 o'clock and
Bring them back together
pass each other and back again
Until they meet I have to go underneath the light because my eyes are not that good
Ok so now we have
two jump rings
Holding the two links together
I'm going to do one more
S linked with the 18 gauge wire just to show you I know that mine are
Two and a half inches I cut off the edge with the back of the nipper tool so that I have a flat edge
Now that wire looks a little crooked, but it's really not a big deal
I'll just pull it through my fingers a few more times. It doesn't have to be perfectly straight
Take my round nose plier
And cutting it through right next to the marking that I have there with a little bitty hedge
turning it and to touch I
Didn't even cut the wire and that was really the stupidest thing I've ever done
Okay, I'm starting over
To see that commercial we've got the girl wise old our shoes and our husband comes anything. Oh come on. She says sorry
He goes after this, I'm sorry
But it was correct man. I use two and a half inches of wire
That's exactly 2 1/2
By my thumbnail I'm using the flat side of the cutter tool
To cut it through I've a clean edge
I'm going to
put the wire between
By my first marking bring it around make it touch
Touching the lurking wire there's no wire sticking out to poke you
Then I'm sliding
the wire back in to where my second marking is and I am bending backwards until
It touches or even passes why the working wire and bring it?
We have a nice rounded edge on our two loops
I'm going to turn it around
And put it between my two fingers
Now if you were measuring your wire, I don't know whether I said it before to add a bead in the center
when you cut say you cut your four inches of wire and
you measured
to see how much
was left and
Subtracted it that's how much you have to have from this edge
The small the end of the small loop to the end of the wire so you know how much you have to cut it off
If you're putting a bead on there you have to allow a little bit more for however long that bead is
But we're not putting a bead on so I had two and a half inches of the number I use
For my wire. I'm holding it with the loops facing up
between my two fingers
Putting the other end
right by the first marking and
Turning it in to touch the wire
Sure badge is sticking out
And I slide it back in to where the second marking is
With my loops facing up, and now I'm bending
to touch
the wire and for some reason
the back massage
It's too much room in between
I'm just batting a million here. I
Can actually fix this but I'll do another one. I can fix this by making those lips just a little bit bigger. I
Made that one a little bit bigger, and I'll make this one a little bit bigger said that they're close to each other
Still a little bit wrong, but you know what I don't think it matters I
Don't want to make this video too, too, too too too long, but I will however
make another link I
might have
mismeasured and I cut off the edge of the wire with the back cover it up, so it doesn't die a
Little off through my fingers. I need two and a half inches
Two and a half is right by my thumb now
Using the back size towards the working wire
Palm Hop put the wire through
Make my first loop
Touch the working wire
If it doesn't touch stick your plier back in there
Get back here to the second marking I
Think my marking is a little crooked that could have been one of those
By the second marking goes backwards
they touch the loop touches the working wire and
That wire is sticking out here a little bit, so I'm going to take a flat nose
And kind of straighten it
Flip it around and hold it so that my loops are facing up
Hook my round nose plier in there again by the first marking with a tiny little bit hanging out
Turn it to touch the inside
working wire
If it doesn't touch stick that flier back in there again
And slide it slide it in
to the second marking
then dip backwards towards the
working wire
and my little
Friend down here making array is trying to climb on my lap and tell me mom
You're spending too much time on that computer
But I've made another
s link
Now I can either add it with jump rings, and I'm going to show you how to add it
This is 18 gauge
I'm going to make just eighth. I don't know whether a
four millimeter will fit on here, so
See if it sticks well, no, we're going to have to use a 20 gauge wire
And type in a piece of 20 gauge wire
May see got a rate
then we may see
this is really crinkly, so I am going to
use my you
rubber Edge
flat nose pliers if you don't have these you can take a pew take your flat nose plier and take a piece of
I'm going to go ahead and do that
before you complete
Paint you're safe. I already did one side of my flat nose plier
Put it right on that flat nose wrap it around and that
Gives you a softer flat now so you don't scratch your plier, and you could slide that through this treatment
If it's really wonky
Straighten it out. I still prefer my fingers, but sometimes it just doesn't work
Okay, I've got 20 gauge wire here
You can probably even use 22 gauge wire
I'm going to cut that piece off doesn't matter. What size it is
Going to me
Take my round nose plier and leave about maybe
an inch and a half
Just until you know how much wire you need to use I'm going to bend at it in ninety degree Angle
I'm going to take
Piece of wire pull it up over the top of the round nose plier
slip my wire my round nose plier out and then pull the wire under so I now have a
Come on. Loop. I'm going to grab that loop
With my round nose plier pull the edge of the wire up and stick my thumb nail in there, so that there is an opening
To slide my f links here's the end of the bracelet the s link
into that loop
get my round nose back around that loop and pull the wire down and
Grab my flat nose plier
And I'm going to wrap it around to try one
Get my cutter, too
And as close as I can to the working water without touching the working wire to cut it off because you don't want to
Cut the working water
Take my flat nose plier and flatten that out make sure there's nothing sticking out
You can use a four millimeter a six millimeter
Any size either seed bead or I'll put a six millimeter crystal on there
easier to see
Where's your crystal?
Take my round nose plier
Put it on at the end of the crystal leaving a little bit of space
that's too much space a little bit of space between
between the Crystal and the plier to make your wraps
then you're going to
done that at a 90 degree angle
pull the end of the wire up and
over and around that flyer
Lift your plier off and pull the wire under you now. Have a loop
Get up a little bit too far. Okay water bends
Stick my thumbnail in there so that there's a little space between the working wire in the loop
Grab my next drink
Feed it on there
Grab the Round look a
flat nose plier Grab that wire
Wrap it around twice one
- and if you are
If your reps aren't real close to each other you can always push them up the gear fun now. If there's room
So now I want to cut off that excess wire
That's why I love these little plato's they have such a flying tip these are really trying to worn out
I need some new ones actually ask them coming in they'll be in stock in about a week
but I
Can make a pretty clean cut?
at the end of that wire and
Just to make sure take my flat nose
or in this case this little
pointed one and
Make sure that there is no wire sticking out
And then we make a bracelet or necklace or whatever you're making
With these wrapped loops always take your hand and run it down if there's any wires and those reps stick and now you'll feel it
the rest than you want is
anything sticking out scratching your neck or your arm, but that's how to do the
The wrapped link to link the 2s links together rather than the jump rings I kind of like the jump rings
Now when you're making your s links
I'm probably repeating myself, but
When you're measuring to see what size wire you're going to use for each link whatever the size of this
bead or crystal or seed bead you're putting in there you have to allow for that when you're
you're doing your deduction remember you make you you take like 4 inches of wire and
Make sure it's exactly 4 inches you make your first
Loop per side
first side of the loop and then measure the whole entire thing and
What's left?
Which is probably?
If you had four inches, it's probably about three inches of wire left you have to
Deduct the three from the four you started with and your what you need to make the other side is an inch
Well if you're going to put a bead in there you have to allow for that
So it would be an inch plus
Whatever a six millimeter is if you're using a six millimeter
is about a
quarter of an inch
So you'll need from this point
One inch plus a quarter for your six millimeter before you make your second loop
Well, I hope this video was helpful, and these really are very
Very very inexpensive and really cute to make you could use the links for earrings
the Bracelets or I
think they're adorable and
If you're using these little magnetic lifts, let me make a few you can strip them all together
And use it for a necklace there are three bracelets here look how tiny those?
Magnets are
And I use the color to match whatever. I'm working with so they just kind of blend in but here at three bracelets
Makes a decent size necklace of course you probably wouldn't do
grass with
antic breasts with the silver that I would I would do a silver an antique brass another silver romantic breath I
love mix
So that that's it for today this may see my little girlfriend down here
is asking me to take a rash go to the bathroom, so
duty calls or
Not what I meant to say, but it does okay you have a wonderful day and see you next time I
wanted to do a little add-on here, I
Tried to put macy up before on the table, so you can see how adorable she is
But now she's not being cooperative. We've got around the table
I didn't want to move my camera before because I have a hard time I
Have a hard time
Focusing it exactly where I want it, but now there's a pretty face
She actually runs. Jewelry making made easy by allen. She's lost
Warthunder - Duration: 10:01.
Hey guys I learned how to type on the screen!
I found this new game called WarThunder.
Lets get right in.
10 Years After Bridge Collapse, Minnesota's Infrastructure Has Come A Long Way - Duration: 2:39.
Getting here - Duration: 4:56.
Its not about being there, its about getting there
and in getting there, were already there if were already there, isn't it here
and doesn't there, just disappear there's nothing but what there is
but if there is, there isn't just nothingness so there is a there worth getting to
which is here with the right attitude they say time will tell, but we can tell the
time will time run out, if you run out of time
its now o'clock watch the clock is wise don't watch the clock cause now's the time
time comes around its around the time for clocking out, and tapping in
to right now what is happening are you happy now, or in the then
and isn't then just a different now that isn't now and out of our hands
on our wrist why are we honoring whats just on a ring, wont end or begin
if your in the present, tense about tomorrow just relax, it doesn't exist
be in the present tense today set a precedence by pressing play
we only have time because of memory remember the time when we forgot and were
free remembering that reminds us were back
at the same place where we forget about it
Life as a leaf,As it falls in the fall An upside down fountain,That we'll call waterfall
Off a mountain, Causes landslide Which in turn, Causes level of water to rise
Rewind, waterfall, thus landslide, Caused a flood
So by water falling, The water goes up Like a fountain, What goes up must come down,
and It causes a vacuum of air, so you see
Life as a leaf Falls back up
to the Tree
i saw a pair of ducks quacking couldn't hear a peep but their beaks were
open i saw a paradox happen
a speaker posed the question if a tree fell in the Forest
would it make a noise if there was no one there to listen
and everyone envisioned a tree falling but no one made a sound
everyone was silent, so there was a forest in the minds
of the audience, and no one spoke up about the deforestation
so a hypothetical literally happened in imagination and if a hypothetical hypothetically happened
is it still a hypothetical, and does that answer the question
the word oxymoron is an oxymoron, oxy means sharp and moron means dull
so you have a word describing itself so when someone calls something an oxymoron
hes using an oxymoron to describe an on oxymoron with the word oxymoron which is kind of like
saying don't do oxi moron or you'll be an oxi moron
like virtual reality, bigger half or unbiased opinion
is being hypo critical hypocritical i mean if i judge my own work
can i still sentence it to syllables and if i'm saying that while doing it
am i answering my own question solving by being quizzical
if i used a metaphor where i added two twos and met a four
would the word metaphor then be numerical riddle me this, if rhetoric can twist
any subject subjectively is subjective truth false
relative to subjective thoughts and if the subject is truth,
whats the power in what rhetoric can do i edit it for you i get it already,
but want you to get it too that these tongue and brain twisters
all make sense as everything's just riddles like does antimatter matter
and the right amount of insanity is healthy for your mental
and when something makes you scratch your head you shouldn't just dismiss
because without the problem the solution wouldn't exist
Its not about being there, its about getting there
and in getting there, were already there if were already there, isn't it here
and doesn't there, just disappear there's nothing but what there is
but if there is, there isn't just nothingness so there is a there worth getting to
which is here with the right attitude Its not about being there, its about getting
there and in getting there, were already there
if were already there, isn't it here and doesn't there, just disappear
there's nothing but what there is but if there is, there isn't just nothingness
so there is a there worth getting to which is here with the right attitude
Repairing Grade 3 gas leaks - Duration: 0:57.
Lenovo: Data Centers, Infrastructure, and Cloud Computing (#244) - Duration: 44:22.
Welcome to Episode #244 of CxOTalk.
I'm Michael Krigsman, and today, you're going to learn everything you need to know
about data centers.
Actually, data centers are very important, and we're going to learn from somebody who
is a world expert on this topic.
Before we begin, I want to say, "Thank you" to Livestream.
Livestream is a great supporter of CxOTalk, and if you go to livestream.com/cxotalk, they
will give you a discount on their plans.
So, I'm so thrilled to welcome back to CxOTalk Kim Stevenson, who is a Senior Executive at
Lenovo, responsible for data centers.
Previously, she was the CIO, the Chief Information Officer at Intel and General Manager of the
IoT group at Intel.
Kim Stevenson, welcome back to CxOTalk!
Thanks, Michael!
It's great to be here!
Kim, everybody knows the Lenovo brand name.
But, I think we tend to think about laptop computers, but Lenovo is much more than that.
So please, tell us about Lenovo.
So certainly, the Lenovo Thinkpad brand is the iconic laptop out there.
But, Lenovo is actually made up of three business units.
The PC division, which is where the Thinkpad is, the mobile group division, which is phones,
and then the data center group.
And so, we're the third-largest data center provider in the industry, and we just recently
had in certain geographies reached number one.
And so, it's been a couple-year journey for the company to build the data center group,
but we're building it and I think we're in 160 countries now.
So, we continue to try to grow and expand.
Well, certainly, Lenovo is an enormous company.
So, tell us about your role at Lenovo, and how is this different from what you did previously
at Intel?
Well, I started at May 1st at Lenovo and I am the Senior Vice President in charge of
our data center infrastructure projects, so what classically you would say servers, network,
storage, but all of the equipment that runs in our data centers.
And, for me, it's a great transition because I was the CIO at Intel for four and a half,
five years, and running data centers and now I get to be on the front-end of designing
the products that go into the data center, to optimize the performance of the data center
in total.
So, it's basically going to the other side of the table for me, and it's a good 360-degree
view of the market.
So, you were one of the top CIOs in the world and now, you're on the other side of the
table, so to speak.
How is it different?
It must be very different, but there must be similarities.
So, how is it different?
Well, thanks for the compliment!
I appreciate that.
So, you know, it's different because I always say when you're with a CIO, you're the applier
of technology.
We would take technology, and we would apply it to use, and drive value for the business.
Well now, on the business side, building the technology, we're actually the creators of
the technology.
So, we have to look pretty far out into[the future] and understand the trends that are
going to change the needs of the data center equipment.
And you see, we're at this particularly…
Sometimes you say you're lucky and sometimes you say you're good, but I personally wanted
to make the move now because data centers are at such an inflection point that the change
in what is a data center, how are you architecting it, where the value comes from whether it
comes out of a public cloud or your own data center, all that is in this big shift that's
going on right now.
And frankly, it's exciting to be part of a team that gets to define where that direction
goes in order for businesses to optimize their value through the deployment of technology.
Kim, when you say that data centers are at an inflection point, can you elaborate on
One is, there's obviously the cloud, right?
And whether you own data centers now, or you choose to run your workload in a public cloud.
And if you follow the news in this space, over the last five years, most industry analysts
and pundits…
I remember reading news articles that said, "Who would want to own a data center?
Why would you want to do that?
Move everything to the cloud?"
And there are indeed a set of workloads that, I think are what I call "classic enterprise
workloads," HR, ERP, CRM, that should be run in the cloud because they are a design
once used, many.
So, every company needs a customer relationship management.
Every company needs HR.
So, somebody can design that and many people can use it.
And that is the type of workload that should be run from a public cloud so that you get
the most innovation possible, there.
The other type of workload that every business has is a workload that's unique to your company.
And, the unique to your company workload is where you create value.
When I was at Intel, I would tell you those workloads were engineering and manufacturing
because we designed semiconductors and then we manufactured them.
And those were the foundational principles of how we got paid, and every company has
So, the shift is you're splitting your workloads.
You're sending certain workloads to the cloud and then you've got to run certain workloads
on your premise versus thinking everything goes to the cloud.
Now, the big underpinning of when you run it on your own premises, and in your own data
center, whether you're renting it or owning it is not really the point.
What you have to do is to deliver the service in a cloud model because fundamentally, cloud
gives you both speed and scale.
And the original reason why people needed to go to the public cloud is that they have
underutilized assets.
I think I'd say 2012-13, in that range, data centers ran at, on average, about 20-25% utilization.
No other asset in your business would you buy enough of that asset to only use 25% of
And so, the reason that was happening is that those discreet pieces weren't well integrated.
So, you had servers, you had storage, you had network and they were all discreet pieces.
And today, the part of the architectural shift that you're seeing is a great level of integration.
So, it used to be data center providers like us would expect our customers to integrate
those pieces.
And today, we largely deliver those pieces in an integrated fashion.
And that takes a great responsibility off of the customer that allows them to take their
investment dollars and drive value into those workloads that you ultimately get paid for
by your customers.
So, those are the sort of things, I believe are foundational behind the shift that we're
So, this is primarily, then, a CIO discussion about how to divide up […] public cloud
versus internal data center computer workloads.
What are the impacts on the business?
So, I would say not exactly.
Because, again, over the last five to seven years, what you've seen is more and more
technology is purchased outside of the IT organization.
And people used to think that was bad.
[…] We called it "shadow IT," or "rogue IT," and we came up with labels that were
But the reality is the reason those things happen, the reason a sales team buys licenses
of Salesforce is to get some form of efficiency.
The reason a marketing team buys a digital marketing platform or a finance team buys
an investor relations platform is to make their business of what they do more and more
efficient and effective.
So, it's not just an IT organization statement, right?
It really is a business statement.
I would tell you that today, data centers are the engine of business, right?
Whether it's workloads to acquire new customers and grow the company, or workloads that drive
efficiency into the operations of the company.
But, you can't run a business today without a great data center operation and, you know,
with the same level of asset utilization or reliability that you would expect of any other
of your business functions.
So, […] you're giving us a kind of tutorial on data centers.
And, what are the components?
For those of us who are not experts in data centers, what are the components of data centers,
and why does this matter to us, as users?
Yeah, sure.
So I would say there are two things that…
So, to let the technical people worry about all the technical details.
But there are two things every businessperson should be thinking about when it comes to
data centers.
One is how well do my business processes execute?
So, that could be order-to-cash or procure-to-pay, but how well do we execute so that we become
the most efficient and effective?
And, the second thing is the data itself.
You know, who owns the data, how do I monetize the data, how am I going to govern that data?
Because today's data provides us so much more about our capabilities around our business
decisions than we were ever able to analyze in the past.
And so, that's where you get into the discussion of artificial intelligence, machine learning,
deep learning…
It really is about driving better business decisions because you have insight into what
your data is telling you, and you're able to marry your data with […] weather data,
zip code data, and public data to get greater and greater insights.
So, let's come back in a moment to this notion of artificial intelligence supplied
to data centers, because I think it's very interesting.
But, we have a question from Twitter.
Arsalan Khan is asking, "What's happening in the greening of data centers and how it
affects the business to reduce energy consumption?"
So, I think that's an important point, so let's talk about that.
Yeah, yeah.
So, that's a very important point.
And, what you'll see is generation to generation, each technology generation gets effectively
better power usage.
And, it's everything from your power distribution units, bringing power into the data center,
and then the equipment, the server storage network devices that use power in the data
And so, there is a measure.
It's called PUE, of data center efficiency.
And that's how efficient the data center runs, and uses its power.
And, most or all people that are data center managers track that and drive improvements
to that power efficiency metric each and every generation.
And so, some of it's through density, some of it's through fuller utilization.
You know, when you have idle equipment there, you're drawing power, but you're not actually
using it for anything.
And some it's through the architecture itself.
You know, we had hot aisles, cold aisles, chimney stacks; we've done all sorts of things
in the data center architecture to worry about air flow.
So, if you think about what consumes power, it's largely about how air moves in that data
And so, the greening of it has been, if I had to put one umbrella over it, a slight
But, it is how to better move air through the data center so that you use as little
as possible to keep that data center at a temperature that is appropriate for the equipment.
When you're thinking about the investment in data center equipment design, how do you
allocate that?
So, what percentage, for example, is applied to energy efficiency?
What percentage is applied to security?
What are the big buckets that you think about?
Yeah, so we first start with a prioritization when we think about…
So, we're thinking right now.
So we just announced a product line.
And that's out there.
But, now we've announced it.
We're shipping it in a couple weeks.
So, we're already shifted to thinking about what are the requirements for our next generation?
And, the first thing we look at is workloads, the type of applications that run, and what
are the characteristics of that application and where we think that's going.
So, and we'll look at that, and that will give us a sense for the amount of power and
performance that's needed, the amount of input-output from the IO devices, the storage devices,
and the amount of network; how much traffic are you going to consume?
And, you know, there's a history line that shows all of those things growing at a certain
So, we'll look at that, and we'll make a judgment call on whether we think that trend line accelerates
or decelerates based on application types.
And, it will guide our different portions of the product family with that.
Then, the next thing we look at is the physics required to deliver something at that level.
How big should it be?
What's the thermal envelope?
What form-factor will need to fit in best?
Because, you could have it in a tower, or rack…
Or as we think about IoT, we might have to put servers at the edge, which won't sit in
a data center so it will cause some different physics for us.
And then the third thing that we look at, is we look at what integration capabilities
do we need?
And security is a piece of integration capability when you're thinking about how that's going
to run.
And […] most of that is a software discussion because that's where our management stack
comes in.
That's where the middleware, what we call "middleware" would reside as we think about
how best are we going to get the full asset utilization in a secure container-type of
the model around that?
So, that's the kind of sequencing that we go through, and before we ever pen to paper
and start any form of engineering.
That's interesting!
So, when you talk about the physics, it's not just designing ships, but it's the physics
of the packaging of the boxes and the air flows and the things that will increase efficiency
and affect cooling, for example.
Yeah, yeah.
Now, you mentioned AI.
And, I think AI applied to data centers is not something that would be on kind of the
tip of the tongue of most people.
And so please, tell us about that because I think that's pretty interesting.
Yeah, so, you know, when I think about what the big picture of artificial intelligence
[is], you're going to have…
Certainly, people are going to write artificial intelligence applications to run some form
of… create some form of the product.
But, a lot of artificial intelligence is going to be modules, if you think about mini-applications
built into existing enterprise business processes.
And so, if you think of the data center as a business process…
So, one of the things that you do in a data center on a regular basis is [that] you patch
and update your equipment.
So, you know, the software vendors provide a new update, the hardware vendors provide
drivers, and you've got to patch that environment.
And, the extraordinarily difficult thing about that, because it sounds like it's easy…
But, in the data center, it's not like a PC.
A PC you turn off at some point in time, and those patches can be downloaded, and you can
stay updated and secure.
In a data center that runs […] 52 weeks per year, it just never goes down.
And more and more, businesses can't afford to take time in the data center.
So, how do you patch what seems like a simple thing?
But if you think about the application of AI in there, an artificial intelligence program
could run and find those minute periods of time where that server is idle and patch it
right then; patch it live.
And possibly, [it could] even test it before it brought it back online.
So, the idea and the concept of downtime can go away because while you're up 365 days
per year, 24 hours per day, there is not an even workload during that period of time.
And so, you can find these microseconds, if you will, of downtime through machine learning.
Humans can't see it, right?
But a machine could see it, and then the machine can process things to do it.
And, I can see a huge benefit to that.
You're in a constantly secure environment that way.
You're taking no people's time to be able to stage and plan…
Most down times, by the way, are taken weekends and holidays.
And so, data center teams work over weekends and holidays to be able to do that so that
they don't disrupt the business.
Well, if AI was doing it, a machine learning algorithm, you wouldn't have to do that.
So, I think there's a work/life balance thing buried in there somewhere, too.
So, where are we, in terms of this AI technology applied to data centers?
So, you're basically saying that it divides up the patching job, or the testing job into
microsecond-bursts and then strings those microsecond-bursts together in order to eventually
come up with a completed patched outcome or tested outcome.
Yeah, yeah.
So, I would say we're at the very beginning.
You are seeing intelligence built into data center equipment today.
It has been at the rudimentary level, there for a long time, because some servers have
had call home capability for a long time.
But now, you see intelligent care given, and you see management stacks of software that
continue to add intelligence into the system.
And that's good.
But, you know, there are still ways to go before you can get to that true autonomous
data center because you've got to get to the point where you can distribute software in
these micro-services, mini containers so that you're not actually disrupting the business
When you have to deliver something in its big load, the whole payload, at one time,
it actually just takes more time to do, versus if you're able to do it in this micro-services
So, we've got applications that need to be modernized as well as the full intelligence
capability we built into the equipment.
But, we're well on our way as an industry, and you can see it coming.
And we have another question from Twitter.
Scott Weitzman is intrigued with this AI question.
He works for a company called IPSoft, which makes AI-based products for IT automation.
And so, he's wondering, "Is AI just used as a fix, or do you see it in the data center
somehow doing something more that's directly adding value to the business?"
[…] Certainly, I think fixing things or preventing things from needing to be fixed
is probably a better way to say it.
It's a huge part of improving operational efficiency in the data center, but that's
only a part of it, right?
And, the other part would be provisioning new services so that you get to value quicker.
And, we're well on our way in that area.
So, if you think about orchestration and provisioning and all the things that have happened that
used to be, maybe seven-ten years ago, it would take basically 90-120 days to get your
data center equipment planned, ordered, and delivered, and then set up in your data center.
So, four months, right?
And now, we do that today by "click, click, click," and in thirty minutes, you have that
And that's largely what a cloud architecture has given.
So, now you say, "Let's take that to the next level, and why do I need to 'click, click,
Why can't I, when I'm ready to deploy my application, and my application has intelligence built
into it, it can automatically pull resources?"
And then, you truly have seamlessness.
And again, it's about time-to-market for new capabilities, because no capability delivers
value until it's fully in production.
And so, shrinking that time to get it fully into production, we've made great progress,
but there's still more to be done to further autonomize that kind of workload.
And I think, again, that's an exciting part of where we are in this industry right now.
When you talk about time to value in data centers, maybe just put a finer point for
us on what that means.
What are the key things that your customers care about regarding this issue?
Yeah, so speed and scale.
Those are always going to be my sort of thing.
They care about how fast can they get a capability deployed and being used by the business.
And then they also care about, "Can I scale it to the level that gives me the proper economics?"
So, we'll say it in terms of TCO, the total cost of ownership.
So, those are usually the two measures.
And, the more that we can scale, the better the economics are.
And so, that's where things are, you want multiple workloads to run on the same infrastructure.
So, you want your infrastructure in the data center to be universally usable.
So, it doesn't matter what application, I can run all applications on this same kind
of infrastructure that allows me to scale it in such a way that I get the best possible
So, again, I go back to what I said earlier.
When you design "once used, many," you get better economics.
And so, you have to think about that as the new infrastructure design; design "once
used, many."
Many applications are using the same infrastructure.
I'm going to ask you to now put on your CIO hat.
So, this dividing up between the bespoke applications that provide unique value for a business versus
the packaged applications that everybody is using; you know, CRM, ERP, what have you.
It seems like a challenging job, almost an enterprise architecture job for the CIO or
the CIO's team to make those decisions.
But, there's also a very strong business component determining do you have a unique value in
a particular process, or should it just be standardized?
This is a very hard problem.
It really is a business architecture that has to be done.
So, you know, there are companies…
Like I said earlier that your customer relationship management should be run in the cloud because
somebody's going to design it for you and many people can use it.
You'll get innovation the best way.
So, that sounds reasonable.
But, if your value is customer service, something like Zappos is one of my favorites, right?
Zappos has great customer service.
So, will you just use a plain, vanilla package or do you have to enhance that package to
live to the value proposition of your company?
So, it really becomes a business architecture.
Where are you going to make money?
How are you going to make that?
What's the brand reputation that you're building and aspiring to?
And then, all of the IT systems and architecture have to flow out of that business architecture.
Is this something that businesses struggle with, or do most companies have enough tight
working relationships between business and IT that they know how to do this well?
Or, what are the kind of challenge points that you see companies have in making these
Yeah, so I think if I had to pick one word, "frustration" is probably the most common
feeling that business people have with IT.
And it's speed, right?
The business leaders are pushed, and pushed, and pushed to deliver on some element of the
strategic plan each and every month, each and every day, each and every quarter.
And, when you get a timeline from IT that says, "I can do that for you in a year," it
creates a lot of frustration.
Now, that said, a lot of the capabilities that are now available, using a cloud delivery
architecture, using applications modeling that would develop in containers and micro-services,
reusing a lot of that code and that dev-ops model.
All of these things, all of the new methodologies actually are implied in the methodology that
an IT team would use, is close integration with the business.
And, I believe that's mandatory because there are things that an IT organization will be
able to ensure that your application and your data center environment is secure [and] uses
the same sign, so you're not using…
I know it sounds silly, but if you have a customer application, and you expect them
to sign one way on a mobile device and one way on a PC, you're going to make them mad.
And so, IT is the place where you're going to have thought [it] through and have an architecture
that makes that seamless from a customer perspective.
And it's not just customers; it is employees.
Employees don't want to sign in on multiple ways.
So really, there are lots of good reasons why business and IT need to be connected very
tightly and aligned on that strategic execution plan.
It's also why I say IT should be measured on the business results.
And, as you know, I produced an annual report at Intel, and Intel IT still produces that
annual report which really articulates the value that IT delivered to the business much
like a 10K would refer the business value that was created for shareholders.
It's the same concept.
We have an interesting comment from Twitter.
Daniel Vaughan says that all of these issues are because business and IT don't have a
shared purpose.
Maybe you can react to that comment.
And I think there's truth in what he's saying.
I don't think it's intentional, though.
That's the irony of it.
I totally agree, yeah.
I don't mean to interrupt but absolutely.
Everybody has the best of intentions and wants to do the right thing.
That's right!
That's right.
[…] I divide decisions that the company needs to make into who should be the decision
maker and then, who should play an approver role or an importer role, performer role…
And, there are decisions that IT should make.
And, a good example would be network size, right?
No one person in the company is going to be able to assess the totality of the network
needs to make that right decision.
So, IT as a central body should make that decision.
But, on a business application; so, HR this time.
I'll try to pick too much on one workload.
But HR […] will say, "I've got to pay people.
I've got to hire people.
I have to train them.
I have to do all these things as an HR leader."
Well, HR best knows how many hires they're going to have and therefore, what capacity
they might need to do a certain level of hiring, and the locations they might need to hire
and the skills they're hiring for.
And so, unless they work really closely with IT, if IT tried to do that, develop a new
application for that, without that deep insight from HR, you would get misaligned.
And, the most commonplace misalignment happens in user experience, right?
[…] What is it like to use the PC, to use the application, and simplicity is great but
it's actually very hard to deliver.
But, it is something…
We need to work on joint objectives, joint alignment, and therefore, let that drive the
IT agenda.
But, it comes with the business' strategic plan that should drive the IT agenda.
[…] And, how does all of this, as you're thinking now of data centers, how does all
of this play back, or feed back into your thinking about the design of data centers?
So, I would say, you know, we've been, over the last five years, consumed with moving
the workload to the cloud.
And, we've done, as an industry, a great job of defining and deploying hyper-scale data
They're enormous, they're using things like water, power, and solar, and so they're tremendously
And, you see a lot of workload moving in that direction.
But now, as we get to the shift part of what's happening, and companies start to invest heavily
in IoT-type of workloads, artificial intelligence-type of workloads that are going to be unique to
their company, their own data center starts to take a rise in importance.
And, we're sort of hitting that point this year.
And, there's where what we're trying to do is make it as simple as possible to deploy
IT equipment into that data center so the integration is more tightly integrated.
But, we also want…
I said earlier that we have a history of IT assets having a low asset utilization, which
would be unacceptable in any other class of asset.
And so, the other thing we're trying to do is add a flexibility we call "future proofing;"
future proofing your assets so you know when the next fast drive storage device comes out,
you can change the drive.
When the next processor comes out, you can change the processor without having to buy
a whole new piece of the rack to do that in.
And, it also goes back to…
There's going to be no downtime.
So, think of the work involved to roll out a big piece of equipment, roll in a new one,
connect it to the network, pull all the cables, all of that that's in involved with it versus,
"I'm going to open a drawer in my rack, take out a component, put a new component in, close
the drawer, I'm done."
And so, we're really thinking through how to do we future proof that asset so you get
the highest return on investment for that asset with the most amount of flexibility,
and then ultimately, reliability, because there are just no downtime windows allowed
So, thank you for that.
We have an important topic being raised by Janae Sharp, and I hope I'm pronouncing
her first name correctly.
And, she asks, "How can we foster gender diversity and how would you use data centers
to promote women in tech?"
And, I think this is a very important topic and I'll just tell everybody that…
Well, I was going to say, "Obviously, you're a woman."
[Laughter] I think we have common ground and agreement
on that.
I'll just stop putting my foot in my mouth and let you answer the question!
[Laughter] Uh, yeah.
So, you know, I'm in a first of a time situation right now, which is half of the staff; my
boss is the president of the data center group and half of his staff are women!
And, it's a good place to be from my perspective!
But, it's really interesting because all come from very different backgrounds and we're
all sort of experts at different parts of the data center business.
And so, it's really easy in that environment to collaborate and draw on each other's expertise.
So…And, I think that is sort of a more feminine trait to collaborate better versus, I'd say,
drive expertise; siloed expertise.
So, I do think to have more women on the team drives better outcomes.
Time will tell with us.
But, I also think it's part of our responsibility as leaders, women, and men, right, to think
about how do I get the best from the talent that I have, creating the right leadership
environment where everybody is able to achieve their personal potential.
But also, tell the next generation what is it…
You know, why is this a good business to be in?
Why should you want to be in it?
And, you know, my generation is the generation that broke the mold, right?
It should be easier for all of the women and underrepresented minorities that follow us
to excel in an environment that are going to be very mixed-gender, mixed race, mixed
But, we have to be respectful of all of that.
And so, we spend, you know, at Lenovo, we spend a fair bit of time on the education
aspect as kids are coming through school.
In fact, I was leaving our facility last week and I was walking out with a colleague.
And, I said, "Who are those people over there?
They're so young!
Am I just getting old?"
And she goes, "No!
Those are the high school kids that we bring in for summer internships.", right?
And I was like, "Oh my God!
I wish I would have had that opportunity when I was in high school."
And so, programs like that are really fantastic to help encourage the next generation to be
inventors, to stay into tech.
And, you've got to make sure when you do that, you get a diverse population.
And everybody has a role model.
But, particularly data centers…
I mean, you've been a woman in very heavily male-dominated engineering cultures where
it seems like there is even more to overcome, right?
I mean, data centers are pure geekiness, right?
But, you know, there's…
I don't think the technical aspects of the job…
You know, everybody comes with their education and then their experience and stuff that allows
them to be really, really highly competent in their subject matter.
The things that we are working to overcome in the workplace that actually limits progress
are more behavioral.
And, often there are blind spots to the people who have them.
So, one of the most common things and women talk about this all the time, is that you
know, people talk over in a meeting…
If you're in a meeting, then people talk over one another.
All people!
Not just men, not just women.
But then, what happens is somehow, the woman backs off because she's sort of giving room
for somebody else to say something, and then it appears that you actually didn't contribute
anything to the meeting when you're trying to be polite.
So, there are things like that; we call them "microinequities" or "unconscious bias," and
we're working really hard to train people on what they are.
But then, you know, safely say, if I said to you, "Hey Michael, basically you just,
like, cut me off.
Can I finish?"
And I can't tell you the number of times a day I say, "Would you happen to let me
finish my thought before you want to dismiss my thought?"
But, when I finish it, feel free to dismiss it.
And then, people dismiss it!
[Laughter] But, you have to be strong enough, and this
is something that has benefitted me greatly; you have to be strong enough to call out bad
behavior politely, not, you know; when you see it.
But if you don't call it out, you're not going to change it.
And so, it's a really core part of my leadership principles is that I'm going to tell you if
I see something and then we can talk about whether you agree or not, but at least, I'm
going to call it out.
So, we've only got a few minutes left.
And, what advice…
So, you've just provided advice to women.
What advice do you have for companies, in order to help promote gender diversity?
Yeah, so.
I would say everyone needs to be an ally.
Men and women need to be allies for women, for underrepresented minorities, people with
cultural differences because…
Warren Buffet said this in his annual report about three or four years ago.
He said, "The world is made up of half women.
Now, you wouldn't run your factory half full and expect to get a great outcome.
Why would you look at half of the talent base and expect to get a great outcome?"
You should be looking at the entire talent base and bringing in the best possible people.
And then, helping them become a high-performing team.
And so, I really believe that.
And so, I think that's how companies need to be thinking about it.
And, you've got to look at the whole talent pool and attract the best possible talent
and then develop them and promote them through the business.
Kim Stevenson, thank you so much for taking the time to be here with us!
It's been a very interesting discussion and I hope you'll come back another time!
I hope so!
So, thanks for having me, Michael!
It's always a great time talking with you!
We have been speaking with Kim Stevenson, who is responsible for data center infrastructure
at Lenovo.
Thank you so much for watching and be sure to subscribe to us on YouTube!
Next week, we have two shows on Tuesday and Friday, and we will see you again soon.
This has been Episode #244 of CxOTalk!
July's HAUL (HAUL JULIO): Sci-fi, Time traveling and Non-Fiction! - Duration: 6:11.
[Quotes Dr. Who] "We are all stories in the end, just make it a good one"
[Sonic Screwdriver]
Hello everybody! And welcome to The Paper Booklight
My name is Laura Munoz and today's video is going to be the very first haul of the channel
And for this video I have done a mixture between fiction and non fiction books
and I am super excited to show it to you guys
So, let's begin!
I have to say that I.HAVE.THE.MAJOR.HYPE.EVER
I've heard about this book not so long ago
because they're going to make a movie
I have heard about this film because there were some bloggers at the D23 (Disney) convention
where you can see the next (Disney) feature films and stuff
The book is "A wrinkle in time" by the American author Madeleine L'Engle
Is a paperback, published by Puffin, which is the younger section of Penguin (Random House)
In your bookshop it probably would be (displayed) in the range of age of 9-12
So is a story suitable for all the family
Basically is the story of the siblings Charlie and Meg and their friend Calvin
They're are looking for their father through a wrinkle in time
And with the help of three guardian angels
they manage to free him from this evil planet that they arrive to
Changing a bit the subject, we are going towards
a more romantic story
is "On the other side" by Carrie Hope Fletcher
Carrie Hope Fletcher is a British author and actress, you can see her playing
Wednesday Addams in the "Addams Family" musical
And also, she is an author
She's just released a book called "All that can she see"
I would say that her style is more (definitely) of Magic Realism
I think this would be a really good story to read this summer
Basically is the story of Evie Snow
a woman that passes away on her 80s surrounded by all her family and friends
And in order to go to heaven she needs to get
rid of all the burdens and life secrets she's been carrying around all her life
This is a story on Letting Go and
who knows she might find a way back to her love
Finishing with the fiction section I've got with me
"The power" by Naomi Alderman
And I have to say "OMG" I love the plot!
Basically, is the story on what would happen if women take control of the world order
They develop as an evolutionary trait the power to transmit electricity
Which can go from transmit a wee sparkle...
... to, I don't know, kill people!
And things get really really darker
Is told from the perspective of women from different backgrounds
Like a politician, a teenage girl
And I have to say that if you like this one
I can recommend you two dystopian novels that you would absolutely love
the first one is "The handmaid's tale" by Margaret Atwood
which indeed, Atwood is a huge influence in Alderman's work
And the second one is "Who runs the world?" by Virginia Bergin
This one is more catalogued under YA
but it is an amazing book, I love the plot
and I definitely would do a review at some point later in the future.
So, we're going to change subjects
We're going to go to the Non-Fiction section
The 1st Non-Fiction book I bought was
"Storm in a Teacup" by Helen Czerski also published by Penguin
Those who are not familiar with Helen Czerski, she is a Physicist
and you really need to check out her documentary in BBC 4 on colour perception
She travels around the world interviewing experts
on how colour perception works
I really like her way to explain things
When I found out she was going to release this book
I was like OH MY GOSH i need to get it!
It basically explains you what is behind the everyday's physics
What makes a popcorn being a popcorn
and I have to say I am really excited
when it comes to science and quantum physics
even if I don't understand anything that what it's saying
it fascinates me, I mean, we have so much... things to explore in this universe
It just makes me smile, is amazing
The second non-fiction book I bought this month was "This is London" by Ben Judah
Is published by Picador, £8,99 and you can find it
in the non-fiction section of your bookshop (Smart Thinking)
Ben Judah is a former foreign correspondent
he released a documentary for Vice on migration Post-Brexit
is the portrait of the London that we don't see
the different profiles.. From... Prostitutes, Drug Dealers
This is NOT a travel book, this is not "OHMYGOSHLONDON you need to see this"
Or "London the portrait of the society"
From this book I heard really mixed reviews
Some of 'em say that this is a really great book
and the other say that he recreates himself
like when interviewing and sometimes he could be an obstacle
Honestly, I don't know, I haven't read it
and I am really looking forward to read about these stories
because this is a different portrait of the city from what I have seen
and I am really looking forward to read about it
and to finish this haul the latest one
"The Good Immigrant" by Nikesh Shukla
it is published by Unbound
The book is a collection of 21 essays from BAME authors
For those who are not really familiar with the terminology,
BAME means "Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic"
Is a portrait on what it means to be an immigrant in Britain
I have to say that I have read really good reviews from this book
I have read somewhere that this is a mind opener
some of them even recommend to get the audiobook
because it's read by the actual authors
And, you get to know it better, you know?
And as I have said, this is going to be a really mind opener
Personally, as an immigrant (Uruguayan-Spanish) and also, as a communicator
I think being aware of the concepts of 'privilege', 'minorities', 'race'
and more specially, what weight has Media in all this
what it really means 'representation' and 'diversity'
I think these are concepts that we really need to educate ourselves
and I am really looking forward to read this book and
getting the audiobooks in the future as well
If you liked this video don't forget to suscribe and give a thumbs up
And see you next week with the review of "All our wrong todays" by Elan Mastai
A super poignant story on time traveling and parallel universes
See you next week! (Sonic Screwdriver)
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Back there two very old ladies
said that fortunately we (Greece) returned to capital markets, that's what we wanted!
Are we going? Are we ready?
- Dad, go before mum comes!
Eeeh, I'm going to go before mum comes because she has to open the garage door!
This car is big?
If this car is big, then what's the other car?
- Small. - Is the other one small?
This peels off...
- Dad, go! - Eh, what do you think I am doing?
Are we going to throw out the trash? Oh no, we're going to the bakery!
Put third gear, please.
Ah no, leave it at second, I thought it was the straight.
Third [gear].
- This one! - This kind?
- Ok, one of this kind. - You got your cookie, huh?
- Now? - Now you are asking me, for what reason?
I don't ask YOU, I ask the viewers!
Testing, testing.
I was looking for some place to talk
I was looking for a place to place the camera to speak and I hadn't thought of talking to the GoPro.
but I suppose the sound shouldn't be that good, so...
Yet, I believe I'm the most unfit vlogger to ever shoot video in the sea.
To go down, where? There's only one street we can leave from... Because the car will fall over!
Give me your hand.
- Oh, the camera! - Leave it, leave it, it will film us.
- Ok, so be it, let's go.
Don't forget it!
And since we're on the vlogging topic
let's say a few words about that.
Especially now that I married the concert we went the other day
with the Sterling/Euro analysis
You may wonder how a concert can be married with a financial topic...
So it's a matter of question now how you can
show your everyday life and discuss the topics you are interested in
others have already done it, I myself am in the first episodes so I have to find my rhythm
On the other hand, you can have a specific topic, elaborate on it and show nothing from your everyday life.
By the way, I just watched a video uploaded by Andreas
and he showcased Allatini [factory] which is in Thessaloniki
and he goes on showing just that topic, doesn't show anything else from his day life
That's one way of thinking
On the other hand, quality counts
Casey Neistat was recommended to...
don't stop uploading
so quantity does have a big impact on the internet, quality as well of course
but quantity also, so
when you need something to show, the easiest thing to show is your everyday life
Especially when you are on a Greek island
you have a lot of great pictures to show.
So, today I gave it some thought of how
I can make this transition to the topics that I want
and show the everyday life, which...
...you meet me during my holidays, I cannot...
I am not all day long in front of a computer
and besides, it would be boring to always see me in front of the computer, which will happen in Thessaloniki.
So, while here I have the beautiful scenery for the mind to escape
I don't have a specific topic because I'm all day long...
into the sea, swimming, and on holidays in general!
So, I don't work that hard...
Who actually thinks I'm working hard?
Also, another topic of discussion is the very few views.
I didn't expect many people to watch the episodes, especially now in the beginning
and they also suggest not starting a vlog unless you already have an audience.
First, begin by creating very useful content that they will find and follow you
via searches and topics you analyze and then begin a vlog
when you'll already have viewers to address to.
To tell you the truth, I do it because I enjoy doing it, so...
Whenever we go to a tavern I always neglect shooting some clips
during eating so that I give a more 'Greek' color to the video
since, as we're known for, Greeks are foodies...
I think that's an owl.
So, see you all in the next episode.
Normally, tomorrow!
Ah, and if you wish me to speak about
Skyros or anything else we're talking about here
leave a comment below, ok, if you want, alright?
JIN'S VLOG [중국일상] - 시작이 있으면 끝이 있는 법. / From beginning to the end. - Duration: 3:56.
As usual, I'm getting ready to go to work.
But today is the last day, I feel so nervous like the first day.
Actually, I didn't feel anything for last few days,
So I didn't expect I feel so nervous!
I'm on my way company.
I'm at work as usual.
yeah, My work is done!
I want to look back at last one year. Shall we?
Hmm, This is my first IR (investor relation) event.
my suit was little bit small… And I always decided to diet, but I still always fail. lol.
ah, This is the first time I participate in Canton fair and I posed like model
and I posed at Korean celebrity's picture.
This is my first big event I've ever experienced when our company's president came,
and This is when I took charge of commission ceremony, I was just messing with flowers.
and This is when we got together for year-end party.
and this is my place,
and I took last pictures when I left from company.
Time flies so fast!
I hope I grow up much as time flies so fast. haha.
Hey guys!
I was really filled with sorrow when I left company,
So I didn't vlogging more.
Finally, my internship program is done!
So, I'm Unemployed now. lol!
I feel....
Lots of emotional thing mixed together and I feel so weird.
I think It's good thing that all is well done though.
And almost all my co-workers like me thankfully.
So I'm happy I gave great impression to them.
also, I met good people I've ever seen.
It was great one year in my life.
I really want to cry, but I'll keep back my tears.
I'll try hard to prepare my future.
As usual
I'll come back on sunday morning!
Warren woman wants justice for boyfriend found murdered in Cleveland - Duration: 2:08.
N64 Mini? Why Not Nintendo GameCube Classic Edition? Top 10 Best Ten Must Have Games Wishlist Lineup - Duration: 5:00.
What's up with Mini Consoles?
They are cute and fun and all, but it seems like recently there are a LOT of them.
In 2017 alone, there will be a new mini Mega Drive, Atari 2600, Super Famicom and maybe
even a few others.
People are already speculating about a Mini N64 for 2018 and it wouldn't take much to
figure out what comes after that.
So, I hopped in the Wabac machine and put the arrow forward to 2019 and brought back
a little souvenir from the future!
A GameCube Mini!
I signed a non disclosure agreement but it hasn't gone into effect yet!
(September 14, 2019)
So here we go!
The top 10 must have games on the GameCube Mini.
Listed in my favorite type of order, chronological!
10! Luigi's Mansion!
Definitely the best Mario game without Mario since Mario is Missing!
Crazy Taxi!
Ya ya ya ya yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Don't worry about that copyright and just take me to the KFC, ok?
Super Mario Sunshine!
Run around and clean up de beach, mon!
Mario is on the job, even on vacation.
The Legend of Cel-da!
The Wind Waker!
I actually kind of like being out there on the ocean…
6! Ikaruga!
I've actually never played it, but everyone I've ever talked to on the internet says they
own it!
So it's gotta make the list
Sonic Adventure DX!
Directors cut!
What was great about having almost no one buy a dreamcast was that after that went kaput,
SEGA put these games on GameCube, which also almost no one had.
Yeahhhhh I know, YOU had one on the first day…
F Zero GX!
If the 16 Bit F Zero had Mode 7 graphics, what is it on GameCube?
Mode 49?
How many bits is the GameCube anyway?
Did they ever say?
3! Pikmin 2!
Hey did you know Olimar is supposed to be Mario written backwards in Japanese?!
Did you know?
I'd never know that if I didn't know there was a YouTube channel that asked me did you
Did you!?
Did you know?!
Yeah, of course you did.
2! Megaman Anniversary Collection!
Because what fun would a collection of 15 year old games be without a 15 year old collection
of games that were 15 years old at the time it was new, 15 years ago.
Also you already probably have this on PlayStation 2, Xbox, 3DS, PS4, Steam, iPhone, Openemu…
1! Chibi Robo!
No joking, it's actually a fun game and like a lot of games that are late releases on unpopular
hardware, it went by unnoticed and that's a shame.
Those are my top 10 must have GameCube Classic Edition games.
And if you're wondering where's The Twilight Princess, well, whaddaya think they're putting
on the Wii Classic Edition in 2020?
Actually it's time to be honest, this isn't a GameCube Mini, just like now, in the future
it sold out in 30 seconds too.
It's a GameCube controller adapter for PC and Wii U by Brook gaming.
Neat design though…
Thanks for watching!
Be sure to subscribe and come back in 2019 to see if the GameCube Mini actually comes
to pass or not.
Don't forget to check out the 50 minute manga review of the dragon quest live action tv
Available to all contributing members via patreon!
How To Make Money Online Fast - Email Processing System 2017 - Duration: 8:41.
Hi welcome my name is Will in his video i'm
going to be discussing how to make money online fast with an email processing system it's
a bit of a mouthful ok I am going to tell you a little bit more about what the email
processing system is who it is suitable for and how you can get involved and how much
money you can earn ok so start off with the email processing system was first established
back in 2010 it was created by a husband and wife team who wanted to set up a simple copy
and paste system so that people could work from home as a home based business so who
is it suitable for well it is ideal for those that want to work part time maybe you already
have a full time job and you just need to raise some extra income with part-time hours
you can also work full time on this business its one of those businesses where the more
you put in the more you're going to get out it suitable for students ideal for everyone
that anyone that's travelling you know if you're travelling around thailand and you
want to keep some money coming in as long as you've got a Paypal account and you've
got access to the Internet then you can go and you can earn money it really is a simple
as that ok so what is it what exactly is the process ok when you first sign up with eps
there is three tiers that you can join at ok there is the basic the elite and the pro
level now the basic is $25 the elite is $50 and the pro level is $100 ok well what's the
difference between them well it's the training the higher up the tier you go the more advanced
training you get and it's also the resale rights now what happens when you join no matter
what tier you join at you will get your copy of the 100 pre-written high converting ads
manual now at the $25 level you can then go and resell that product as an affiliate of
the email processing system so then you will as a sponsor will sign of other members up
at the $25 level however if you've signed up at the $50 level you can then sell the
$25 and the $50 level ok and then at the $100 level which is the pro level you can then
go and resell all three levels so that is the email processing system manual with the
pre-written high converting ads and also the different levels of training by personal recommendation
is go for the pro level I started at the elite level which is the $50 level but I soon kicked
myself as I upgraded to the 100 dollar level soon after that meant in total i had spent
$150 to get to the pro level ok so what can you realistically earn well at the $25 level
if you sign up three people a day as a member then that is over $500 a week then at the
elite level $50 level just 3 people a day ok that's over $1,000 a week and then of course
at the pro level 3 people a day is over $2,000 a week is this realistic well if you're
prepared to put the time in you can make this happen ok now there's people that doing this
that are making a lot more money than me OK they may have been going for a few months
but it depends on the amount of time that you are willing to put in and it depends on
you know following the training long as you follow the training you can make money it's
a simple as that who is not suitable for though it's for is if you're the type of person that
needs to be told to do their work in at 9 you finish at 5 you got 30 minutes for dinner
if you do this you do that that's the only way that you can get work done if you've
been told to do it this is not for you however if you have more of an entrepreneur mindset
and you where to put the effort in you will see the results you will reap what you sow
ok So what happens is when you sign up at whichever tier now you will go through a sponsor
so I will be your sponsor you sign up through me you will choose your level I'm sorry you
must excuse the rain but i've tried record this video several times here i'm afraid
it's raining in the UK as per usual so going back to it I will be your sponsor ok you sign
up through me then I will send you a welcome email ok with the links to your training then
you will be added to the Facebook payment proof group where you can go and prove to
other people that email processing system works you will also be added to the support
group ok you and then go through your training now realistically depending which level you
join at if you're at the basic level you can get through the training in a few hours
but realistically if you're up at the pro level end it's going to take you a little
longer you are looking at say a 24 hour turnaround to get going now once you've signed up you
will need a website now if you're not confident enough to make your own there are ways of
making your own for free at the basic level for a $10 one time fee you can have a website
made for you ok it's a totally done for your website which includes the hosting at the
elite and pro levels it's $13 for your website but it's all done plug-in and play away you
go so you've done your training you've got your website the next thing you need a PayPal
account and you need to have it upgraded to a business account and don't worry all these
instructions are on the other side okay the most important thing is get your training
get your training done and get going you will then be simply copying and pasting ads on
sites such as Facebook Instagram craigslist.
The pro level you will look at doing like YouTube marketing which is exactly what I'm
doing now now if you actually go over to my website which is medleymarketer.com you will
see there that I have some bonuses for anyone who signs up through me at the pro level that's
a sign to me that you're committed that you're serious to making this happen and I want to
help you make it happen so I don't know how long the bonuses are going to be there for
realistically it is taking time I've got to invest in you there's only so many people
i can do it for there's only so much time I've got but if you head over there to medleymarketer.com/eps
I will leave the link in the description now I spent my last $50 on this ok I could not
pay the rent and had bills bouncing all over my head was in a mess you know this really
saved me I took a gamble and it's paid off for me and I'll have thoroughly recommend
if anyone who's not got any experience and this is your first time looking at making
money online you don't have any skills in the digital marketing how to promote your
product this is going to give you step-by-step instructions ok you just follow them to the
letter you're going to gain experience and these skills that you learn are transferable
across other areas of the Internet for example some of the training that I have learnt at
the pro level I will be using in my affiliate marketing and it's just like wow like that
aha If Only I knew about that sooner ok so and this is a lifetime membership once you
paid your fee and your website fee there is no recurring cost and you will have it for
lifetime you could do this for a month and then you have a few weeks off and then you
can just jump back to it it's not a problem ok so if you had over to medleymarketer.com/eps
the link again is in the description and then you can have a chat with me if you want to
speak with me face-to-face we can do that on messenger or Skype that is not a problem
just get in touch and let's start making some money
วิธีคีย์ข้อมูลลงโปรแกรม spss - Duration: 6:53.
Wednesday, July 26, 2017 - Duration: 23:34.
Jornal da EPTV: Veja o encerramento do dia 26/07/17 |EPTV Central| - Duration: 0:58.
TMI TAG | Pratique seu LISTENING (Video em inglês com legendas) - Duration: 8:03.
DUNKIRK 🍿 - Filme - Nerd Rabugento - Duration: 11:32.
Tribo da Periferia - Fumaça do Gênio | Official Video - Duration: 2:53.
Saída dos Noivos | Viva La Vida Instrumental | Quarteto de Cordas para Casamento | Sabina Simonato - Duration: 1:44.
Mensagem de Nossa Senhora de Anguera, 27/07/2017 - Duration: 1:46.
22 Beautiful Cottages You Wished You Lived In | Amazing Tiny House Cottages - Duration: 4:29.
22 Beautiful Cottages You Wished You Lived In
Getting here - Duration: 4:56.
Its not about being there, its about getting there
and in getting there, were already there if were already there, isn't it here
and doesn't there, just disappear there's nothing but what there is
but if there is, there isn't just nothingness so there is a there worth getting to
which is here with the right attitude they say time will tell, but we can tell the
time will time run out, if you run out of time
its now o'clock watch the clock is wise don't watch the clock cause now's the time
time comes around its around the time for clocking out, and tapping in
to right now what is happening are you happy now, or in the then
and isn't then just a different now that isn't now and out of our hands
on our wrist why are we honoring whats just on a ring, wont end or begin
if your in the present, tense about tomorrow just relax, it doesn't exist
be in the present tense today set a precedence by pressing play
we only have time because of memory remember the time when we forgot and were
free remembering that reminds us were back
at the same place where we forget about it
Life as a leaf,As it falls in the fall An upside down fountain,That we'll call waterfall
Off a mountain, Causes landslide Which in turn, Causes level of water to rise
Rewind, waterfall, thus landslide, Caused a flood
So by water falling, The water goes up Like a fountain, What goes up must come down,
and It causes a vacuum of air, so you see
Life as a leaf Falls back up
to the Tree
i saw a pair of ducks quacking couldn't hear a peep but their beaks were
open i saw a paradox happen
a speaker posed the question if a tree fell in the Forest
would it make a noise if there was no one there to listen
and everyone envisioned a tree falling but no one made a sound
everyone was silent, so there was a forest in the minds
of the audience, and no one spoke up about the deforestation
so a hypothetical literally happened in imagination and if a hypothetical hypothetically happened
is it still a hypothetical, and does that answer the question
the word oxymoron is an oxymoron, oxy means sharp and moron means dull
so you have a word describing itself so when someone calls something an oxymoron
hes using an oxymoron to describe an on oxymoron with the word oxymoron which is kind of like
saying don't do oxi moron or you'll be an oxi moron
like virtual reality, bigger half or unbiased opinion
is being hypo critical hypocritical i mean if i judge my own work
can i still sentence it to syllables and if i'm saying that while doing it
am i answering my own question solving by being quizzical
if i used a metaphor where i added two twos and met a four
would the word metaphor then be numerical riddle me this, if rhetoric can twist
any subject subjectively is subjective truth false
relative to subjective thoughts and if the subject is truth,
whats the power in what rhetoric can do i edit it for you i get it already,
but want you to get it too that these tongue and brain twisters
all make sense as everything's just riddles like does antimatter matter
and the right amount of insanity is healthy for your mental
and when something makes you scratch your head you shouldn't just dismiss
because without the problem the solution wouldn't exist
Its not about being there, its about getting there
and in getting there, were already there if were already there, isn't it here
and doesn't there, just disappear there's nothing but what there is
but if there is, there isn't just nothingness so there is a there worth getting to
which is here with the right attitude Its not about being there, its about getting
there and in getting there, were already there
if were already there, isn't it here and doesn't there, just disappear
there's nothing but what there is but if there is, there isn't just nothingness
so there is a there worth getting to which is here with the right attitude
dry..!! Funny Science HOWTO of a strange video and life honey tips [HOWTO] - Duration: 3:40.
dry..!! Fun Science howto videos and miraculous life kkultip [HOWTO]
Hé lộ mưu đồ nhân vật đứng phía sau để Trung quốc buộc Việt Nam phải ngưng khoan dầu ở Bãi Tư Chính? - Duration: 11:35.
Hey! 💜 - Duration: 6:39.
All is gone and it seems to hard to handle
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