• From fire juggling to shredding on an electric guitar, the Planet Dolan crew re-enact
some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the coolest thing we've ever seen
a teacher do.
I'm Nixxiom and today I'll be your narrator.
Number 10 was submitted by PikaRae Pringle
When Pringle was in High school he had a really cool math teacher who was especially accommodating
to students needs.
For instance, Pringle always had a ton of problems with math, so one day his teacher
asked him what kinds of things he liked.
Pringle told him about his love for the games 'Valkyria Chronicles' and 'Dragon Age'.
The next day his teacher came in with some worksheets with Valkyria Chronicles and Dragon
Age themed questions!
Pringle could tell all he really did was read the Wikipedia article for them, but it was
still super awesome that he went to all that effort just for him.
Number 9 was submitted by tsl3161991 Pandora
Pandora's third grade gym teacher was the coolest.
Before becoming a teacher, he was a juggler and acrobat in the circus.
He even taught them things he learned in the circus, like how to juggle.
Possibly the coolest thing he did happened near the end of the year.
He promised that if the students' grades were good enough, he would juggle flaming torches.
Not surprisingly, he actually kept his promise, and did a fire juggling routine at the end
of the year.
Number 8 was submitted by err_my_lerdy Andie
Andie's 8th grade teacher was a big 'World of Warcraft' nerd like she was.
They would always talk about 'WoW' parodies, and the idiots they met in raids.
When someone would finish their test he would let them create a WoW trial account.
Andie already had her own account, and she would regularly play online with her teacher.
He was a "Worgen Warlock" and Andie was an "Undead Rogue" - both of them around
level 80.
Her teacher would buy a pack of WoW cards for anyone that scored higher than his level
on a test.
He even let Andie and a couple of the other kids use his WoW private server.
Number 7 was submitted by atomicsarky Robo
Robo's former chemistry teacher was a really cool guy.
One of his best moments came during one fateful lesson, when they were using Bunsen burners.
All was going smoothly until a boy started screaming – Robo looked in his direction
and saw that his hair had caught fire.
Nobody around him knew what to do.
The teacher jumped down from the table he was standing on, ran across the room to the
panicking boy, and pulled him into a bear hug to smother the fire.
The boy sustained some burns to his face and his hair looked weird for a while, but he
would have suffered a lot worse if the teacher hadn't been there to help.
Number 6 was submitted by Techrenamon Zaraganba
It was Zaraganba's last year of high school and he was out in the hall after getting kicked
out of class, when his teacher, Mr Mike, stepped out of the classroom for a moment.
When he returned, three students had decided to hold the door closed so he couldn't get
back in.
Zaraganba could see him getting really angry.
He knew that Mr Mike was no ordinary teacher - he did MMA as well as teach grade 10 math.
He got so infuriated that he couldn't get back in, that he punched the door, putting
his fist through the wood.
Zaraganba was shocked, as was everybody else in the classroom.
Mr Mike yelled at the three boys to sit back down, and went back to teaching as if nothing
had happened.
Number 5 was submitted by Wingless_Nightingale Cid
Cid had a world history teacher named Mr Demaris.
He would often talk about his collection of historical artefacts, and on occasion would
bring them in.
One day he said to the class, "Later this week we will be talking about Vikings.
If any of you show up in a somewhat historically accurate costume, you automatically get an
A on this next test.
If more than 3 of you do it, I'll show up in a full suit of armour on Monday, and will
wear it for the full week."
Friday rolled around, and three of Cid's classmates were wearing rags, and covered
nearly head to toe in paint.
Mr Demaris was impressed at the attention to detail.
By the time Monday rolled around, Cid had totally forgotten about the armour, but, sure
enough, when he walked into his 5th period history, there was Mr Demaris, standing in
a suit of 16th century, French battle armour.
Cid nearly dropped his books.
Just as he said, Mr Demaris wore the suit for the whole week.
Number 4 was submitted by relic Ghost Toast
Shortly before his graduation ceremony in 1980, Ghost Toast had a separate ceremony
in the auditorium for students who had won scholarships and school awards.
This included speeches from various teachers.
Ghost Toast's music teacher, was among them.
A classical musician, he was a pretty straight-laced guy.
He started his speech and showed them all an electric guitar he had with him.
He started playing just like he usually did - classically.
Then he suddenly said, "But you all more likely expect THIS..."
He then proceeded to shred like the spirit of Eddie Van Halen possessed him.
Everybody in the auditorium gave him a round of applause.
Number 3 was submitted by echo_4 Doopie
Doopie was in class one day when suddenly a kid yelled out, "THERE'S A POLIWRATH!"
Doopie's teacher then asked him, "wanna go catch it?"
Everyone screamed yes!
The teachers were so used to seeing students playing the game that he let each kid leave
class one at a time to catch the Poliwrath out in the hall.
Number 2 was submitted by ThorsDemon Melissa
Ms Theedie, Melissa's third grade teacher, noticed a boy in her class was always late
and missed class multiple times a month.
She didn't ignore this or punish the kid; she sat down with him and asked him why.
It turned out he was a child of a single mom who worked so hard his older siblings had
the job of waking him up and getting him ready for school.
Being much older and still mourning the lost of their father, they were skipping school,
and ignoring their task.
So Ms Theedie bought him an alarm clock, and made sure he had breakfast by getting everyone
to eat first thing in the morning.
For the rest of the time this kid was in school she gave him the help
he needed.
Number 1 – What's the coolest thing I've ever seen a
teacher do?
Huge thanks for the folks over on our Planet Dolan subreddit for submitting their stories.
We have another question for you: "What's your cringiest school memory?"
Let us know in the reddit page linked below and you might be featured in a future countdown.
For more infomation >> COOLEST TEACHERS EVER #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 9:20.-------------------------------------------
Нарезачка (извините за фигню по середине(() - Duration: 11:03.
8 Ways 4Kids Changed Yu-Gi-Oh's Téa Gardner - Duration: 7:32.
Yu-Gi-Oh is a show that is notorious for the edits that 4Kids made to it, when it was localised
for Western audiences.
Amongst many censorship related changes, such as the removal of suggestive themes and violence,
there were also many other changes that 4kids would make, such as removing virtually any
instance of text from the footage - included even when the original text was in English.
Today Censored Gaming will be taken a look at some of these changes and more specifically,
focusing on the edits that were made to the character Téa Gardner.
Téa is one of Yugi's best friends and is one of the main characters throughout the
show's 224 episodes.
She is also the only female character within Yugi's circle of close friends.
So, without farther ado, here are 8 Ways 4Kids Changed Yu-Gi-Oh's Téa Gardner.
Number 1, Téa's name: Téa is not called Téa in the Japanese version.
Instead she goes by the name Anzu Mazaki.
Anzu's original name is of Japanese origin and it's likely that 4Kids were of the opinion
that something more Western would fit better.
As for the meaning behind the original name though, Anzu in Japanese means apricot and
Mazaki can be translated into "mask of truth".
Number 2, the time that Téa got mugged: Episode 22 contains a scene that 4Kids were
never going to allow in the English version of the show.
Whilst in the Western release, Téa gets confronted by a mugger who tells her to hand over all
of her money, in the Japanese version things are very different.
Here, the mugger can be seen with a camcorder, which he often uses to videotape Téa's skirt.
Additionally, whilst the Japanese version makes no direct mention of what the guy was
after, with him continuing to tape her skirt and saying that she best do what he wants
her to do, the taboo implication is rather clear.
The English version removes all shots of the camcorder and the footage that it was filming
and instead makes it very clear that he's only after her money.
Furthermore, in one shot Tea's skirt was even lengthened like so.
Number 3, Téa and the 'other Yugi' going on a date:
Téa and Yugi's romantic feelings weren't completely removed by 4kids, although they
did tone it down on numerous occasions - including the time that the pair went on a date.
The date occurs during episode 53 and was set up by Yugi to try and cheer his other
self up.
The English version however, never mentions that this was a "date" and it also removes
all elements of shyness from the two characters.
Instead, 4Kids rewrote the section so that it's all just about trying to help the other
Yugi "figure out his past".
Here's an example of how 4Kids altered the scene.
And continuing on with that notion is number 4, Téa's jealously towards Rebecca:
Again, this wasn't completely removed in the dub, but, 4Kids did sometimes tone this down
for Western audiences.
Rebecca is a young but highly competent duellist, who appears numerous times throughout the
She has a huge crush on Yugi and will often shower him with affection and makes no secret
of her feelings.
Even in the English version, Téa will sometimes be shown getting annoyed by the attention
Yugi receives from her, however, in the Japanese version, her jealously was much more clear.
Take this scene, for example, which 4Kids decided to remove a whole section from...
Number 5, Téa needing to pee: It is clear that 4kids feels that characters
needing to pee is too inappropriate for Western audiences, as this is something that was removed
multiple times throughout the show.
One of the first times this was removed occurs during a scene with Téa and Joey on a boat
in episode 3.
Whilst in Japan, she was feeling uncomfortable due to needing to go to the toilet, in the
English version this was changed to her being cold.
Number 6, Téa's monsters: Whilst Téa doesn't duel that often throughout
the show, she is actually a pretty decent duellist herself and her deck revolves around
various female spellcaster and fairy types of monsters.
However, the types of cards that she uses were a big source of censorship over in the
West, with many of Yu-Gi-Oh's female monsters being altered overseas so that they are, for
example, dressed in more clothing.
This means that numerous of Téa's cards were affected.
Examples including: Fairy's Gift, which was given a dress over in the West, as well as
Elf's Light, which was again given extra clothing outside of Japan.
Number 7, the "rope" incident: All references to this scene from episode
28 were completely removed by 4Kids.
Téa, Tristan and Bakura must all climb a tall building via a rope and the boys insist
on Téa going first so that, if she falls, they will be able to catch her.
It's likely that this wasn't the only reason for them wanting her to go first though and
Téa pulls on her skirt nervously and, with a red face, tells them that there's no way
she's going first.
This whole section was cut out in the West.
Furthermore, when the group do eventually climb the tower, it is only in the Japanese
version where the boys are made to wear blindfolds to make sure there's no peeping.
And lastly number 8, the shower scene: During episode 12, Téa takes an outdoor shower
whilst the gang set up camp for the night and, perhaps unsurprisingly, 4Kids made a
few changes to this scene over in the West.
There were two changes made to the scene, the first of these is to some dialogue from
Mai and Joey...
The other change happens a little later, when Téa thinks she hears somebody outside.
Mai rushes in but can't find anything.
However, it is only in Japanese version where they suddenly hear another strange noise.
First up is the English version to compare it with...
Mix Anime 「AMV」 - І'm Αlive - Duration: 3:34.
i'm alive!
so you were six feet underneath me
i felt the puls, i swear you moved
and digging deep, deep down, i recognised
how much you had to lose
and if you wanna get out of here, wanna get out of here
save yourself
but you'll never get anywhere, never get anywhere
not without my help
say it with me
i'm alive, i'm alive , when you're dead inside
i'm a slap in the face to your lullaby
got you all tongue-tied 'cause you're living a lie, my friend
say it with me
i'm alive, i'm alive, when you're dead inside
i'm your wake up call and you know i'm right
so make a move, let it bleed, take your heart off your sleeve
but i'm the only one who's gonna save your life
i'm the one who's gonna save your life
i'm the one who's gonna -
so how far did you go for shelter?
how long did it take you to find
a place to sell your providence and harm your peace of mind?
and if you wanna get out of here, wanna get out of here
save yourself
but you'll never get anywhere, never get anywhere
not without my help
say it with me
i'm alive, i'm alive, when you're dead inside
i'm a slap in the face to your lullaby
got you all tongue-tied 'cause you're living a lie, my friend
say it with me
i'm alive, i'm alive, when you're dead inside
i'm your wake up call and you know i'm right
so make a move, let it bleed, take your heart off your sleeve
but i'm the only one who's gonna save your life
i'm the one who's gonna save your life
i'm the one who's gonna save your life
i'm the one who's gonna save your life
Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon | Wii | Gameplay Comentado | Parte 7 - Duration: 32:14.
SUBURBICON | Trailer (2017) Legendado HD - Duration: 2:25.
Strong in the right direction | daily sprout 301 - Duration: 1:00.
El indignante crimen de odio de un hombre que quemó con gasolina un centro de jóvenes LGTB - Duration: 0:29.
Curiosidades: gato patrullero mantiene el orden | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:37.
Marc Anthony anunció la muerte de su madre | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:13.
Amor Secos e Molhados por Azul rasgado!!! - Duration: 2:03.
quinn e eric - Duration: 0:21.
Black Cat Legendado Episódio 001 | Um Gato Solitário | HD - Duration: 24:13.
Disney Princess
COOLEST TEACHERS EVER #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 9:20.
• From fire juggling to shredding on an electric guitar, the Planet Dolan crew re-enact
some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the coolest thing we've ever seen
a teacher do.
I'm Nixxiom and today I'll be your narrator.
Number 10 was submitted by PikaRae Pringle
When Pringle was in High school he had a really cool math teacher who was especially accommodating
to students needs.
For instance, Pringle always had a ton of problems with math, so one day his teacher
asked him what kinds of things he liked.
Pringle told him about his love for the games 'Valkyria Chronicles' and 'Dragon Age'.
The next day his teacher came in with some worksheets with Valkyria Chronicles and Dragon
Age themed questions!
Pringle could tell all he really did was read the Wikipedia article for them, but it was
still super awesome that he went to all that effort just for him.
Number 9 was submitted by tsl3161991 Pandora
Pandora's third grade gym teacher was the coolest.
Before becoming a teacher, he was a juggler and acrobat in the circus.
He even taught them things he learned in the circus, like how to juggle.
Possibly the coolest thing he did happened near the end of the year.
He promised that if the students' grades were good enough, he would juggle flaming torches.
Not surprisingly, he actually kept his promise, and did a fire juggling routine at the end
of the year.
Number 8 was submitted by err_my_lerdy Andie
Andie's 8th grade teacher was a big 'World of Warcraft' nerd like she was.
They would always talk about 'WoW' parodies, and the idiots they met in raids.
When someone would finish their test he would let them create a WoW trial account.
Andie already had her own account, and she would regularly play online with her teacher.
He was a "Worgen Warlock" and Andie was an "Undead Rogue" - both of them around
level 80.
Her teacher would buy a pack of WoW cards for anyone that scored higher than his level
on a test.
He even let Andie and a couple of the other kids use his WoW private server.
Number 7 was submitted by atomicsarky Robo
Robo's former chemistry teacher was a really cool guy.
One of his best moments came during one fateful lesson, when they were using Bunsen burners.
All was going smoothly until a boy started screaming – Robo looked in his direction
and saw that his hair had caught fire.
Nobody around him knew what to do.
The teacher jumped down from the table he was standing on, ran across the room to the
panicking boy, and pulled him into a bear hug to smother the fire.
The boy sustained some burns to his face and his hair looked weird for a while, but he
would have suffered a lot worse if the teacher hadn't been there to help.
Number 6 was submitted by Techrenamon Zaraganba
It was Zaraganba's last year of high school and he was out in the hall after getting kicked
out of class, when his teacher, Mr Mike, stepped out of the classroom for a moment.
When he returned, three students had decided to hold the door closed so he couldn't get
back in.
Zaraganba could see him getting really angry.
He knew that Mr Mike was no ordinary teacher - he did MMA as well as teach grade 10 math.
He got so infuriated that he couldn't get back in, that he punched the door, putting
his fist through the wood.
Zaraganba was shocked, as was everybody else in the classroom.
Mr Mike yelled at the three boys to sit back down, and went back to teaching as if nothing
had happened.
Number 5 was submitted by Wingless_Nightingale Cid
Cid had a world history teacher named Mr Demaris.
He would often talk about his collection of historical artefacts, and on occasion would
bring them in.
One day he said to the class, "Later this week we will be talking about Vikings.
If any of you show up in a somewhat historically accurate costume, you automatically get an
A on this next test.
If more than 3 of you do it, I'll show up in a full suit of armour on Monday, and will
wear it for the full week."
Friday rolled around, and three of Cid's classmates were wearing rags, and covered
nearly head to toe in paint.
Mr Demaris was impressed at the attention to detail.
By the time Monday rolled around, Cid had totally forgotten about the armour, but, sure
enough, when he walked into his 5th period history, there was Mr Demaris, standing in
a suit of 16th century, French battle armour.
Cid nearly dropped his books.
Just as he said, Mr Demaris wore the suit for the whole week.
Number 4 was submitted by relic Ghost Toast
Shortly before his graduation ceremony in 1980, Ghost Toast had a separate ceremony
in the auditorium for students who had won scholarships and school awards.
This included speeches from various teachers.
Ghost Toast's music teacher, was among them.
A classical musician, he was a pretty straight-laced guy.
He started his speech and showed them all an electric guitar he had with him.
He started playing just like he usually did - classically.
Then he suddenly said, "But you all more likely expect THIS..."
He then proceeded to shred like the spirit of Eddie Van Halen possessed him.
Everybody in the auditorium gave him a round of applause.
Number 3 was submitted by echo_4 Doopie
Doopie was in class one day when suddenly a kid yelled out, "THERE'S A POLIWRATH!"
Doopie's teacher then asked him, "wanna go catch it?"
Everyone screamed yes!
The teachers were so used to seeing students playing the game that he let each kid leave
class one at a time to catch the Poliwrath out in the hall.
Number 2 was submitted by ThorsDemon Melissa
Ms Theedie, Melissa's third grade teacher, noticed a boy in her class was always late
and missed class multiple times a month.
She didn't ignore this or punish the kid; she sat down with him and asked him why.
It turned out he was a child of a single mom who worked so hard his older siblings had
the job of waking him up and getting him ready for school.
Being much older and still mourning the lost of their father, they were skipping school,
and ignoring their task.
So Ms Theedie bought him an alarm clock, and made sure he had breakfast by getting everyone
to eat first thing in the morning.
For the rest of the time this kid was in school she gave him the help
he needed.
Number 1 – What's the coolest thing I've ever seen a
teacher do?
Huge thanks for the folks over on our Planet Dolan subreddit for submitting their stories.
We have another question for you: "What's your cringiest school memory?"
Let us know in the reddit page linked below and you might be featured in a future countdown.
Нарезачка (извините за фигню по середине(() - Duration: 11:03.
8 Ways 4Kids Changed Yu-Gi-Oh's Téa Gardner - Duration: 7:32.
Yu-Gi-Oh is a show that is notorious for the edits that 4Kids made to it, when it was localised
for Western audiences.
Amongst many censorship related changes, such as the removal of suggestive themes and violence,
there were also many other changes that 4kids would make, such as removing virtually any
instance of text from the footage - included even when the original text was in English.
Today Censored Gaming will be taken a look at some of these changes and more specifically,
focusing on the edits that were made to the character Téa Gardner.
Téa is one of Yugi's best friends and is one of the main characters throughout the
show's 224 episodes.
She is also the only female character within Yugi's circle of close friends.
So, without farther ado, here are 8 Ways 4Kids Changed Yu-Gi-Oh's Téa Gardner.
Number 1, Téa's name: Téa is not called Téa in the Japanese version.
Instead she goes by the name Anzu Mazaki.
Anzu's original name is of Japanese origin and it's likely that 4Kids were of the opinion
that something more Western would fit better.
As for the meaning behind the original name though, Anzu in Japanese means apricot and
Mazaki can be translated into "mask of truth".
Number 2, the time that Téa got mugged: Episode 22 contains a scene that 4Kids were
never going to allow in the English version of the show.
Whilst in the Western release, Téa gets confronted by a mugger who tells her to hand over all
of her money, in the Japanese version things are very different.
Here, the mugger can be seen with a camcorder, which he often uses to videotape Téa's skirt.
Additionally, whilst the Japanese version makes no direct mention of what the guy was
after, with him continuing to tape her skirt and saying that she best do what he wants
her to do, the taboo implication is rather clear.
The English version removes all shots of the camcorder and the footage that it was filming
and instead makes it very clear that he's only after her money.
Furthermore, in one shot Tea's skirt was even lengthened like so.
Number 3, Téa and the 'other Yugi' going on a date:
Téa and Yugi's romantic feelings weren't completely removed by 4kids, although they
did tone it down on numerous occasions - including the time that the pair went on a date.
The date occurs during episode 53 and was set up by Yugi to try and cheer his other
self up.
The English version however, never mentions that this was a "date" and it also removes
all elements of shyness from the two characters.
Instead, 4Kids rewrote the section so that it's all just about trying to help the other
Yugi "figure out his past".
Here's an example of how 4Kids altered the scene.
And continuing on with that notion is number 4, Téa's jealously towards Rebecca:
Again, this wasn't completely removed in the dub, but, 4Kids did sometimes tone this down
for Western audiences.
Rebecca is a young but highly competent duellist, who appears numerous times throughout the
She has a huge crush on Yugi and will often shower him with affection and makes no secret
of her feelings.
Even in the English version, Téa will sometimes be shown getting annoyed by the attention
Yugi receives from her, however, in the Japanese version, her jealously was much more clear.
Take this scene, for example, which 4Kids decided to remove a whole section from...
Number 5, Téa needing to pee: It is clear that 4kids feels that characters
needing to pee is too inappropriate for Western audiences, as this is something that was removed
multiple times throughout the show.
One of the first times this was removed occurs during a scene with Téa and Joey on a boat
in episode 3.
Whilst in Japan, she was feeling uncomfortable due to needing to go to the toilet, in the
English version this was changed to her being cold.
Number 6, Téa's monsters: Whilst Téa doesn't duel that often throughout
the show, she is actually a pretty decent duellist herself and her deck revolves around
various female spellcaster and fairy types of monsters.
However, the types of cards that she uses were a big source of censorship over in the
West, with many of Yu-Gi-Oh's female monsters being altered overseas so that they are, for
example, dressed in more clothing.
This means that numerous of Téa's cards were affected.
Examples including: Fairy's Gift, which was given a dress over in the West, as well as
Elf's Light, which was again given extra clothing outside of Japan.
Number 7, the "rope" incident: All references to this scene from episode
28 were completely removed by 4Kids.
Téa, Tristan and Bakura must all climb a tall building via a rope and the boys insist
on Téa going first so that, if she falls, they will be able to catch her.
It's likely that this wasn't the only reason for them wanting her to go first though and
Téa pulls on her skirt nervously and, with a red face, tells them that there's no way
she's going first.
This whole section was cut out in the West.
Furthermore, when the group do eventually climb the tower, it is only in the Japanese
version where the boys are made to wear blindfolds to make sure there's no peeping.
And lastly number 8, the shower scene: During episode 12, Téa takes an outdoor shower
whilst the gang set up camp for the night and, perhaps unsurprisingly, 4Kids made a
few changes to this scene over in the West.
There were two changes made to the scene, the first of these is to some dialogue from
Mai and Joey...
The other change happens a little later, when Téa thinks she hears somebody outside.
Mai rushes in but can't find anything.
However, it is only in Japanese version where they suddenly hear another strange noise.
First up is the English version to compare it with...
Strong in the right direction | daily sprout 301 - Duration: 1:00.
Here's My Canada: All Canadians are nice - Duration: 0:08.
I love Canada because
it's a free country
and all Canadians are nice.
Revengetale #5 | Middletime | Undertale AU | Frank Gamez - Duration: 6:33.
Mexican Spanish vs.CubaRican Spanish - Duration: 6:14.
Andrea: Hey, uh so one of my lightbulbs blew out. Can you come over and change it?
Okay cool thanks, I'll see you in a bit.
Ismael: Mexican Man! Handy service to your rescue!
Where's the lightbulb that need repair?
Ismael: You want me to put energy efficient bulbs?
Or you want to stay with these CFL's?
The CFL's focos?
Andrea: What's foco?
Ismael: Foco, it's lightbulb.
Andrea: We say bombilla.
Ismael: Bombilla? What's a bombilla?
Never heard of that before.
Ismael: That was a skit, if you didn't know what that was.
Andrea: Hey everyone, I have Ismael back and if
you paid attention to our little impromptu skit
you'll notice we say words quite differently.
So today we wanted to go through some words.
And show you his Spanish which is Mexican Spanish.
And my Spanish which is Cuban and Puerto Rican.
And we're going to compare how we say words.
I have little flash cards that are drawn by him.
I: You can't prove that.
A: You're the artist!
I: Can't prove that, anyways.
A: The first word we have is lightbulb.
I: Hey go ahead, cover my face!
A: So what is lightbulb in Spanish?
I: In my Spanish, lightbulb is foco.
Like we said earlier, foco.
A: For us it's bombilla.
But we say foco too it's just for the light in a car.
I: I know I've heard it before but um,
I don't know most commonly we use foco.
I never questioned it.
A: Do you use foco for like cars?
I: Anything bulb like, bulb related like flashlights.
A: I think bombilla fits better because it's like
bom, the cap of it!
I: Bom!
A: Bom bom. Like bidi-
I: Bidi bidi bom bom.
A: Yeah there you go.
A: The next word we have is uh socks.
(both laugh)
A: So I say for socks, I say medias.
I: We say calcetines.
And we say that too but that's like a proper word for socks.
I: Excuse me, we're always proper.
A: Oh so fancy!
A: But then you said...what did you say for medias?
I: Medias for us are stockings.
A: We just...medias are everything.
I: Medias you're half way.
You're always half way.
I: You know what I'm saying?
A: What?
I: You're half way. Half way not proper, half way proper.
(Andrea clicks tongue)
A: The next word we have is pacifier.
(both laugh)
A: So call pacifier uh-
I: Vin Disel!
A: Yeah.
A: So I say for pacifier bobo.
And we say bobo because babies look pretty dumb
when they have this in their mouth.
And bobo means like dumb or stupid.
I: We call it chupón.
As in the act of sucking.
Because you're sucking that shit.
A: Oh god.
A: The next card which is my favorite card
because it looks like the doll from Lilo & Stitch.
It's the word doll.
So I say for doll muñeca.
And that's the only word I use.
I: Sometimes we use that but sometimes we say mono.
A: Mono's monkey!
Mono is the word for monkey.
But why do you use it for a doll?
I: Because mono for us could be a doll...I don't know
I don't question it.
A: That's what I don't get, when I was at his family's house
they were talking about dolls and they said mono
and then my brain got super confused
because I was like-
I: Yeah like this guy.
A: (yells) I knew you were going to segway him in!
I: For us monkey is chango.
A: Yeah I don't use that word at all.
I didn't know about that word until they said that.
I: Chango.
A: Chango sounds like a drink.
A: Like the te-
I: Champorado? That's racist!
Or Tejuino?
A: Tejuino yeah!
I: (emphasizing the word) Tejuino!
A: (emphasizing the word) Tejuino!
I: That's the nectar of the gods by the way.
A: It is disgusting.
I: It's yummy!
I: Google it, google it google it.
A: This is Ismael's favorite doll.
It's not a doll, it's an action figure.
A: Our camera died so we went to the movies.
And now we're back.
I: The truth is you just entered the twilight zone.
A: Or that.
A: We're going to continue with some words!
Our next word is straw!
So I use the word sorbete for straw.
And that my mom just told me
because it like means you're drinking from a drink.
I: We call it Eric esSTRAWda.
I: Not really.
A: What!? What do you call it!?
I: We call it popote.
A: (whispers) popote.
I: It comes from the indigenous langue of Nahuatl.
I guess it means paja which is hay.
So I guess they used hay to-
A: Well like-
I: suck on them
glasses of water.
A: I mean we use paja too but not often.
But we don't use popote.
(knock on the door)
A: Yes?
(Noel who's at the door) Is Ismael here?
A: Yes.
Noel: Can he move his truck?
I: Fuck that shit!
A: We'll be right back!
A: We're back once again.
But we're coming back now with the most controversial
word in the Spanish language.
I say lime, lima. And I say lemon, límon.
I: Let me tell you how we say it.
The green one, the yellow one it's límon.
Now if you're getting into the sweet and the sour, we call the sweet one lima.
End of discussion.
A: See it's opposite. Green ones a limas.
I: We don't care.
If it's sour, límon. If it's sweet, lima.
A: And apparently this is like a big discussion with everybody that speaks Spanish.
Some people say it the way I say it and others say the way he says it.
And it's like no one can settle this argument.
And now we're at our last word and it's
my favorite word to say.
And it's for shaved ice.
So New York Puerto Ricans, it's a very Puerto Rican thing.
We have for shaved ice, we call it piragua.
And the musical In The Heights has it's own song
all about it.
I: Raspado!
(Ismael makes a honking noise)
I think they're coming.
We should get some!
A: I like piragua better because it's just nice.
I don't know why we say it like that.
It's the same shit that they make.
I: I know why.
A: Why?
I: Because they're pirates.
Pirata, piragua.
So pirates use to...
A: Puerto Ricans aren't pirates.
(Ismael mimics the shaving ice sound)
I: Use the shaved ice and throw it at their enemies across the boats.
A: Where did you find that? What history book did you find that in?
I: You do research? I thought you just made shit up!
Right guys?
A: That's it, that's all I have for you.
That's all we have for you.
What are the words you say if you speak Spanish?
Do you say some of the words I do?
Do you say some of the words he says?
Or do you have your own words for some of these items?
Let us know.
Let us know down below.
Go follow him on whatever I put in the description
about him.
Thank you for watching, don't forget to subscribe and
And support me on Patreon and PayPal.
And I'll see you next time, bye!
Anthony Scaramucci Goes On Profane Tirade | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:33.
oh hey guys welcome back to my channel. It's your girl Genny and today's video is going to be a hair tutorial
featuring my sister as usual (hahahaha). So we are going to be doing the jumbo box braids
with the triangle parting and yeah that's basically it. So my sister is
really brave enough for like hair colors so she decided to combine white with this
black like I don't think I could do that like I am not that brave with colors. If I want
to do colors, I normally wear like black or purple or you know black and
deep blue like really really dark colors but you know she's that brave enough.
So let's not talk too much. Let get right into this video so first of all
I am trying to part her hair like I said, this is the triangle parting. I am trying to part her
hair into like a triangle shape and it's jumbo braids so of course that
means like big braids and I just added some olive oil to moisturize your hair
and also you can add some edge control or even gel to slick this down. This is
also the rubber band method so it's almost like you're not going to be gripping
anything at all so I use a tiny rubber bands I got from my beauty supply store
you can basically get this online as well so mine is black and that's what I used to hold each of
the parting that I cut into so this will also help for those who are not really
good with holding down these braids it's also assist you to just hold it tight
already and you don't really have to struggle with like the roots of this hair so now let's
go right into this tutorial so like I said my sister's a brave one she is
using two different colors this is clearly what the pattern looks like this
is triangle parting and it's jumbo box braids which jumbo means big size so it's big size
triangle parting with rubber bands so the rubber band makes it easy for you to
greep so these are my two hair extensions already pulled both of them. For
this hair, I used a total of five packs of expressions braiding hair I use one pack of the
white and four packs of the black but black is color one and the white is just
white so this is the size you are going to be taking we took a huge amount because
it's jumbo box braids so you need like a really huge amount of
braids for this hairstyle actually takes up a lot of hair extensions just
so you know because yeah it takes a lot of hair compared to like the really
tiny braids so the first thing you want to do is to take the braids you want to use
and divide into half not equal halves but one should be smaller than the other and Criss
cross it over the other like I just showed you right now
I tried to make this video as slow as possible just so we could carry everyone
along right so this is the hair, the smaller parts I would hold that with one
hand and the other big part of the hair which I just split into half, I am going
to divide that into two because this is actually going to braid so we need
the hair divided into three parts right three equal parts that's why the
one side is smaller so all you need for this now is just watch how my hand just
turns over and grips this hair extensions. This is the most important part of this hair
this is the most important part of jumbo braid this is the most important part of
box braids so you hold your natural hair, for this hairstyle like I said the rubber
band has already done the work of holding down this hair so you do not
need to split the natural hair into three at all
you just need to grip the natural hair together with one side of the expressions
braiding hair like I'd just did and basically braid that if you did not get this
the first time, don't worry, you're gonna get this the second time so just watch as I do it and
watch the next one I'll be doing as well
so you split the hair into two not two equal halves one should be smaller than
the other like if you see my right hand is smaller than my left you cross that all
over the bigger one so the smaller one is going to be a whole for a whole side
of the plait and then the other big side will be divided into two other two sides
for this plait. You grab the natural hair, position your hand like twist your hand
over to grab the rest of the two big sides of those braids and then you hold
your natural hair after holding it, you do not need to divide it into three
because this rubber band has already done the work for you right so you take
the one on your right hand and cross back under your hair bring back to the
middle take the one on your left and cross to the middle you get the trick
here you know so it's like you're Criss crossing but in this scenario you don't
have to like split your natural hair which is the part a lot of people have problems
with doing. So this one is more like just raveling it over the root
and basically that's it because the rubber band is already there for you to not
worry about security or whatever it's gonna be there it's not going anywhere
I just braid that all the way down I'm going to do it like a couple more times
like up to five times just for everyone to follow up with what I actually mean
so now that I am done with the jumbo box braids, all we need to do right now is to trim
the hair and put this in hot water to lay everything straight
and you know just to sleek down any hair that might have come out of the way while you were
braiding the hair and make everything very smooth and that's basically it. I hope
you guys enjoyed this video if you did, don't forget to give me a big thumbs up I hope
it was helpful don't forget to comment like, subscribe and share with your friends
and I will see you all in my next one. bye love you bye!
BREAKING: Trump Announces Where His Salary Will Be Donated - Libs FURIOUS - Duration: 3:16.
BREAKING: Trump's Powerful "God" Message Infuriates Liberals - Do You Agree? - Duration: 3:07.
BREAKING: Pelosi Gave Pakistani Spy Shocking Item, People Could Die | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:56.
The current scandal involving Congressional Democrats and the IT crime family of the Awans
is far more damning than anything connecting President Donald Trump to Russia.
And the story just got a whole lot worse for the Democrats.
Imran Awan, the former IT staffer for former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL),
was recently arrested at Washington, DC's Dulles International Airport while trying
to flee the country.
A series of emails released by WikiLeaks indicates that Awan had access to the iPad used by House
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Gateway Pundit reported.
It is alleged that Awan and members of his family routinely abused their access to sensitive
information by possibly selling such data to foreign governments, most likely Pakistan.
Amazingly, even though Awan and his co-conspirators have been suspected of such infiltration for
some time, they only recently lost their jobs for the Democrats.
According to the Washington Free Beacon, in May, Wasserman Schultz threatened Capitol
Police investigators with "consequences" if they continued to investigate Awan.
For her part, Pelosi tried to plead ignorance once the news came to light, reported the
Free Beacon.
As bad as the Awan crimes possibly are, there is evidence to suggest that it is much worse
than meets the eye; they are connected to the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah.
The connection stems from the $100,000 debt they owe to a shady Iraqi politician named
Dr. Ali Al-Attar.
The Daily Caller reported that the CIA claims they have surveillance tape showing that Dr.
Attar met with Hezbollah officials in Beirut when the Awan family worked for various Democrat
Between 2009 and 2016, the Awan family made an astonishing $6 million while mainly working
"no show" jobs, according to The Daily Caller.
It is suspected that the Awans made their fortune from blackmailing compromised Democrats
and selling their information to Pakistan and/or Iran.
The most astounding thing about this story is how little Democrats have reacted to it.
Awan is currently charged with fraud and running a "procurement scam," and yet House and
Senate Dems are mostly mum.
One of the of victims, Gregory Meeks (D-NY), who used Awan's wife Alvi as his go-to IT
pro, even suggested that the whole story was an "Islamophobic" overreaction peddled
by conservatives, Heavy reported.
Yet again, Democrats prove they are more concerned about the feelings of their perennially aggrieved
constituency than about the safety of America.
Let's call the Democrats what they really are–the party of treason.
Do YOU believe that the Awan story is being buried to protect Democrats?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below!
Beach Fishing: How to Tie a Simple Fishing Rig for Easy Fishing - Duration: 9:33.
Hey guys, today, I'm going to show you guys
how to tie my favorite, go-to fishing rig for beach fishing.
It's really simple, and really effective, so stick around for more.
I can do this.
Guys, I hurt my knee really badly,
and I'm not kidding,
I'm probably going to be out of commission for another two weeks.
I've been sitting in bed for 7 days so far, I haven't been able to even take a step yet.
He is not very happy about this.
I feel bad for you, I'm sorry. Tell them what happened.
Aw, this is kind of embarrassing.
Uh, so we went to...
a trampoline park.
That's enough said. That's basically all I need to say. Enough said.
That's all I need to say.
We went to a trampoline park with, um, Brendon's little cousins,
Danny Boy, who's been in a few episodes and his two brothers,
and, uh,
I saw this whole thing happen.
Like, Brendon just lost control of his very high bounces
and just got his leg caught
in between the little thing
and then he was on the ground.
I heard my leg pop and I was like "nngghh I'm not fishing for probably three weeks now." It was really scary.
Yeah, it was really scary for me because I've been dating you for like,
three years and I've literally never seen you in pain.
Like, never.
I've never seen you in pain.
Yeah, 'cause I don't usually get hurt. So it was really scary. I'm pretty careful.
So, we told you guys on Facebook,
and you guys responded with some videos that we should try,
since I'm bed-ridden now, you guys have suggested some really cool ideas that we'd like to try, so
today I'm going to be showing you guys how to tie my favorite beach fishing rig,
this rig is really easy to tie,
um, it works really well,
and there's not much to it, it's really simple.
Let's get on it.
So what is this, uh, beach fishing rig good for, Brendon?
This beach fishing rig is really good for, you know,
sitting on the beach with a tube and your surf rod,
casting it out, sitting and waiting for a fish to take it.
That's the kind of fishing that we're talking about today.
So, here are the materials that you'll need:
two beads, a swivel,
one of these rigs for sliding sinkers,
and I'll include a link below,
I'm not sure what they're called,
but there's a--
there's many different kinds of these.
A sinker,
a hook,
and fluorocarbon leader.
I would usually tie this with fluorocarbon but for today's demonstration purposes I'm going to be using this
thick line, m'kay?
This thick, neon line so you guys can see what I'm doing.
So now, this rig ties straight on to your braid,
or whatever line you're using.
This is 30 lb. Power Pro braid,
and uh, this is my favorite kind of braid to use,
it's been very reliable to me,
and it's a good price.
Let me show you how I tie it now.
Okay, first, what you're gonna do
is put you're sliding sinker through...
your main line, okay?
There you go.
See, see how this slides?
You see how this slides? Mhmm.
Now, we're going to put a bead through it.
And now, this bead
you don't need it,
but this is so that
the weight of the sinker won't be messing up
the knot that we're about to tie.
Does that make sense, everybody?
There we go.
Cut the loose end off...
Alright, so now we've got
half the rig set up.
Now, we're just gonna take
around a foot to three feet, one to three feet of leader line,
and we're gonna use this
colorful line just as an example.
This isn't what I would actually use, just so you can see it.
So now, I'm going to tie onto the other end of the swivel now.
And then...
the final step is just
tie the hook on with whatever kind of knot you want to tie.
What knot are you choosing?
I don't know what it's called...
I'm-- I'm actually terrible with names.
I know how to do it, I don't know what it's called.
After we tie that,
we go back to our sliding sinker,
and we attach our sinker to it.
So now, the sinker is on.
And it slides.
When you cast this rig out,
since this is a sliding sinker,
look what happens.
You cast it out,
it sinks to the bottom,
you've got bait on this line, right?
Now, a fish comes and takes it.
Has no idea it's a hook on it, right?
It's-- it's able to slide
and continue to swim
without noticing or feeling any pressure.
That's why it's so deadly, is because it's not like,
it's directly to a line and the second the feel tension, they'll drop it.
This is a rig, where
it can take it
for 20 - 30 yards
and have no idea that it has a hook in its mouth.
You can imagine how many times this thing will bang into this knot, right?
That will eventually ruin your knot.
That could possibly cost you a really big fish and you don't want that to happen,
so my solution to it is put a little bead.
This little bead will save you from losing a big fish.
I have this swivel on here,
can you guys see the swivel? Yes.
We use this swivel so-- because there's currents under the water,
spinning this bait around, moving it around,
you don't want your line to get all twisted up, have you guys experienced that before?
Where you bring your rig back and everything is all twisted up?
That's because under water, your line is spinning around like this
and getting twisted.
You see how it gets twisted when it spins?
This swivel prevents that from happening.
Isn't that cool?
My knee hurts.
It's like,
it's just I'm sitting there and it's just pulsing.
Yeah, we're gonna have to get you elevated again.
We're doing what's called, "R.I.C.E."
Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, and, uh,
hopefully that will help you.
We're going to California in like,
4 weeks,
and we're planning on doing some fishing there,
so hopefully, Brendon will
be better by then and we can do some fishing,
but if you are in California, or you've fished in California and you have any recommendations for us we'd love to hear them in the comments below.
um, I'm really excited about that trip.
Yes, what we're trying to do there is we're trying to do some
beach fishing,
some pier fishing,
um, and
experience what it's like to fish in California. Yeah, we'll be in Los Angeles
and then San Diego, and we'll be in that area for like, 3 week or something,
so, yeah. Comment below some suggestions that you want to see
or some places that we should try doing,
um, if you are living in California and do this on the reg
The reg... Comment that below, help us out, give us some insight!
We're looking forward to it.
Thank you guys for sharing,
we, on our part, will continue sharing
as long as you guys
keep telling us it's helpful.
Or, or, or join us on Facebook!
We've just been getting so many people joining recently
Yeah, it's been really cool. and everyone's been posting such cool pictures of their fish,
of like, weird rigs and stuff that they see, Yeah, I really like that.
and it's a really fun time
so, meet us on Facebook
and uh, we're very active on there, if you guys want to reach out to us and talk to us,
Facebook's the way to go. Ja.
Thank you for watching this week, we'll see you next week,
and uh,
Peace out, Skrillex.
No, that didn't make sense.
Thank you guys for watching, see you next week. Bye.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are tying my favorite, go-to fishing rig...
it's called...
a fishing rig for beach fishing...
What's going on guys?
Hey, everybody.
Hey, guys.
Hey guys...
Hey guys.
What's going on guys?
Hey guys, today I'm gonna be show--
Hey, guys!
What do i say?
Stick around...
Okay. That's not the right word.
I was thinking Guadalupe, but that has nothing to do with anything.
Hey guys, today we're talking about...
Hey guys,
hey guys, today I'm going to show you guys...
Hey, everybody!
Oh, hey everybody!
I'm gonna show you guys how to tie a beach fishing rig today!
Come on! We just need one good take! Okay.
*sigh* I'm just trying to make my face right!
Hey guys.
Clarissa Shares Her First Impression Of Evan | Season 1 Ep. 8 | LOVE CONNECTION - Duration: 1:12.
buddy you don't need this all right whoa Oh what's up guys nice VI and
welcome to this video out of all the videos you could have been watching
literally I've been watching a lot of videos okay but you're here right now so
that like button subscribe turn on notification or he'll die with
that being said you read the title we're going to be doing a 3 a M Elmo now let
me preface this okay no homo and I'm sleeping with Elmo with
consent ok Elmo you're gonna sleep with me alright
where'd you say oh wow say I got consent uh again once again and no homo because
Elmo's a dude pretty sure he's a dude I haven't checked I mean he doesn't have
anything here so oh wow he does have some with it what is that is that now
Elmo that's pretty kid silly man once again guys this with consent anyway
/ / what is this like World of Warcraft the heck smash that like button let's go
for 10 likes I know it's crazy have you seen my channel it's practically dead
anyways so 10 likes of a kind of like Mount Everest of likes okay so you can't
really see much of the per field band gonna be cleaning my room but there's a
catch alright I'm gonna put a wide leg I'm gonna put a wide Lengel and lands on
there where where's the wildlife I'll hear this it's gonna be from this to
this cool oh my god it's so nasty all the camera people are gonna die go my
god what are you doing ginger you can be slightly all over lens flare so
cinematic alright enough of that let's clean the room
all right guys Wow can't take this off geez
just to give you guys a warning I usually sleep naked please don't
okay so I'm not going to be sleeping naked cuz I usually sleep naked you know
naked s in my boxers you're perverts duh I don't sleep naked naked or socks with
that being out of the way it's almost time but I feel like since my first time
sleeping with anyone just kidding I slept with many women just wanting to
set the mood alright boys oh okay that's a bad idea
we really need to make this romantic it's almost first time so he's only four
years old by the way guys this is not pedophilia he's a fictional character
but I'm going to summon and sleep with you know this sounded better in my head
but I think it's a perfect time to thank Presley Peters Thank You Presley Peters
you're awesome thanks for the video idea my man you're the best Holmes I see you
I see you I see you
oh yeah right it's 3:00 a.m. let's tuck Elmo in all right cut someone go a
little bit time smooch that's what this video started oh yeah by the way guys do
you guys want to see some voodoo doll videos leave a like man if you do a
really evil like and it's get sufficient amount of likes and you comment down
below yo make a voodoo doll man and I'll be like yo fam I got you
let me oh um I'll make the video I guess sufficient likes I'll make any
video all right come on Alma got a few looking so delicious right now oh whoa
relax chase cut Alma so dirty dude you go for
a four-year-old all right step off I'm joking them out all right almost tuck
you in buddy
I know it's your first time just kidding today I'm only 4 years old he's a dude
no homo homo I should say that I do sleeps naked
please don't but for the sake of this video and for the sake of your eyeballs
I'm not gonna sleep naked all right calm down
keep if you keep cheering like that I will take all my clothes okay
taking up all the a mmm my bed um oh I should probably close ally all right
guys I didn't move my location because I feel like this would be a little bit
better I'm not sure how it will work all right so I'm going to turn off light
and I'm going to be going to bed
alright guys I will come from a little nap and I noticed that Elmo was missing
I'm not sure where he went I don't know what I don't know what the footage was I
haven't seen the footage yet obviously
yeah Elmo bring him back
anyways guys I guess it's back back to bed for a little bit I don't know whoa
dude oh my god Elmo buddy you don't need this you don't
need this okay I'm a whoa I just dropped it so you don't need this
I'm gonna put it down over here all right
whoa dude what the heck whoa what the heck dude
whoa oh god okay so I look like really really far from him and we're gonna try
going back
you know what should be good it's nice and put it way way away again actually
he got it from here but I don't have any other place to put it right now - yes
MONTHLY RECOMMENDATIONS | Auto-Buy Authors [CC] - Duration: 5:26.
Hey guys, it's Kirsti. Welcome back to my channel and welcome to another
installment of Monthly Recommendations. For those of you who
don't know, Monthly Recommendations is a Goodreads group that was started by
Kayla Rayne and Trina from Between Chapters and as always, I will leave links
to all their details down in the description below. Every month there is a theme and
you recommend books based on that theme. This month's theme is auto-buy
authors. The first one - obviously. Zero surprises for anybody - is Becky
Albertalli. I love the shit out of Becky Albertalli's books. I would read
her shopping lists if she would let me and if it wasn't so fucking creepy. I
just... I need all of her books all of the time. Similarly, Rainbow Rowell. I would - again -
read her shopping lists quite happily. I own all of her books. I don't own Kindred
Spirits, the special edition thing that she did for, like, book week or book day or
something to do with books in the UK. I don't own that in hard copy but I have it
on my Kindle and, like, everything else I have in hard copy, even Landline which I
didn't really like very much. J.K. Rowling. Yeah. Obviously, I buy all of
her things, even the Robert Galbraith stuff. I don't
actually own Casual Vacancy, but that's the only book of hers that I don't own and
I have read that one. Terry Pratchett. But even then, it comes with the caveat
that I tend only to buy the stuff from the Discworld series. Like, the last
probably ten, I think, Discworld books? I bought them basically the second they
came out. I was so excited to read all of those books. But his sci-fi stuff that he
co-wrote with...I think Stephen Baxter? I've read one or two of those but I
don't feel the same urge to buy them. So, like, it was the Discworld series that I
was auto-buying and not, you know, Terry Pratchett books. And now there will be no
more Terry Pratchett books so great now I made myself sad. Ilona Andrews. I do not
always buy Ilona Andrews books. There are a couple of series, like, I always buy the
Kate Daniels ones, but there are a couple of other series that they have - because
it's actually husband-wife team - there's a couple of other series that they have
where, like, I read the first book in the series and I was like "Eh. It's not
terrible but it's also not great." So I will auto-buy the Kate Daniel series
but I won't auto-buy, like, everything. Similarly, Kelley Armstrong. I auto
bought all of the Women of the Other World series,
and I auto-bought this whole series and I have eventually ended up that I've got
the whole Nadia Stafford series which is, like, the thriller series that she wrote.
But she has a couple of other series where I'm a bit hit or miss with them. Um.
Sea of Shadows, I think it was called? was, like, a fantasy YA series that she
wrote and I read the first book in that series and I was like "Eh. I do not
really care for this." So I haven't kept buying that one but, like, generally I
will buy her stuff and read it. Gail Carriger. I love the shit out of Gail
Carriger's books but generally I buy them on my Kindle and I don't always buy
them as soon as they come out. It depends on the book. Sometimes I will and sometimes
I'm like "Yeah, I can hold off until that goes on sale." But I will read them. Morgan
Matson, because I am fucking trash for Morgan Matson's stuff. I love her
books. They are all great. I have loved all of them. I've read them all multiple
times. I haven't read her new one multiple times I'm lying I haven't read them all
multiple times. I've read her older ones multiple times. I
need to reread her new one because it was cute and I loved it. So yeah. I just... I
love her stuff. It's great. Karin Slaughter. Karin Slaughter's books I tend to, like, I've
read all of her backlist from the library and so her new stuff I tend to
get on my Kindle. But I don't have to get it, like, the second that it comes out. I
will read it eventually and, like, usually within a couple of months of it coming
out, but it's not one that I will like actively pre-order, if that makes sense.
I still I love her stuff and I would happily own, like, all of her books in physical
form. Preferably with less ugly covers than this one. Becky Chambers. I just... I
need her to write faster and more and tell me everything that is happening on
the Wayfarer forever and ever because I love these characters so much. One that I
suspect would be an auto-buy author but I can't actually determine that because her
second series is not available yet in Australia is Rae Carson. I love the shit
out of the Girl of Fire and Thorns trilogy. It is phenomenal and I adore it. I really
really want to read her other series that I have forgotten the name of but
it's not available in Australia, which causes me a lot of physical
pain. And I don't want to buy it in physical
form having not read it yet. Also, the last time I checked it was only
available in hardback and I don't do that shit. But I don't want to buy it
without having read it because...yeah. I don't. I just... I don't. I want to read it
and then decide if I want hard copies or not. You know? One that I'm pretty sure is
going to end up being an auto-buy author based on her debut novel is Angie Thomas.
I'm sure none of you are surprised by this because this book is phenomenal but
considering she's only got the one book out, I'm a little hesitant to say that
she's an auto-buy author based solely on one book. I feel like I need more
books to assess that. So, you know, if she could bring out more books, that would be
really great. And finally, Hannah Kent. I knew literally nothing about this book
yet I picked it up and paid money for it. So I guess it's safe to say that Hannah
Kent is an auto-buy author. So there you have it, friends. That is my auto-buy authors. If
you have thoughts on any of these, please let me know down in the comments, I'd
love to talk about it with you. Thank you guys so much for watching, I love all your
faces and I will see you on Monday. Bye guys.
Nonstop - Thiên Đườn Studio Mixer remixg Hay Địa Ngục Vol 7 - Dũng - Duration: 44:23.
[ENG SUB] LaLiga4Sports shows you RevolutiOnIce (Javier Fernández Ice Show) from BTS - Duration: 3:04.
Translated and subbed by: Raquel @ice_on_fire10 Proof read: Fitria @crazykuroneko and Jody @boredjdc
It's an hour until Revolution on Ice!
We're super nervous, but also super happy.
Ladies, gentlemen...
Good night, Vista Alegre!
This is putted together in American way, that's how yo do these things.
If you go, go, as we say!
I don't even have any words on how amazing this has been.
The truth is, this is the first time something like this is done in Spain,
and it has been amazing.
I'm super excited, I just got out and...
I'm still with all the adrenaline, but...
It's been unbelievable.
I think it has been one of my most exciting performances ever,
and I'm truly happy, it's been a gift so thank you
very much and I encourage everyone to live this experience.
I love you.
He's crazy, Javi.
But the truth is, the result has been amazing.
There was so many people, they were all very lively...
It was a big day.
And we hope we can do many more exhibitions and shows
in the years to come,
and we hope they're as successful as this one!
Seikon no Qwaser SS2 Uncensored EP 11 Part 1 of 3 - Duration: 8:42.
{\pos(113,116)}Mousou Prison
{\pos(114,152)}The entrance is
{\pos(113,162)}50 meters ahead
Don't come back here again.
I really appreciate your kindness...
Good job on your duty, Chief...
I already graduated from sucking boobs.
Please wait Chief.
<font size="30">{\pos(250,214)}Safety First</font>
Oh they're big.
She has nice boobs.
Hey newbie, you also think so right?
Those are only fat.
Thank you very much.
{\frz339.405\pos(258,388)}Legendary Big Boobs
Here you go.
Good boy.
Oh, it's you...
The reorganization of our organization is already done.
I already told you,
I already graduated from sucking boobs.
Is that your real intention?
Can you really hold your head up and say that?
Everyone is waiting for your detox.
Many members are waiting for you Director.
Am I... needed?
Please come back Director, I beg you.
I stopped it.
I'll stop from graduating sucking boobs.
I really need this.
It's coming... It's coming out!!!
All boobs...
It's coming out!!!
All Soma...
Are all mine!
International Breast Workshop is immortal!!
{\k161}Trance {\k35}nu{\k34}re{\k178}ta {\k53}tsu{\k36}mi {\k189}ga {\k34}yo{\k20}bu {\k17}sho{\k105}u{\k43}do{\k95}u…{\k26}
Trance, The impulse that the wet sin calls...
{\k35}Mo{\k34}do{\k17}ka{\k18}shi{\k31}i {\k13}a{\k36}se{\k11}ra{\k22}sa{\k17}re{\k47}ta {\k18}ko{\k16}do{\k48}u{\k20}
An impatient, irritated beat
{\k13}{\k29}Ki{\k34}mi {\k17}wa {\k33}a{\k14}i{\k18}zu {\k18}mo {\k9}mu{\k23}shi {\k16}da{\k17}t{\k63}ta{\k19}
You even ignored the signal
{\k12}{\k16}Da{\k16}n{\k18}da{\k17}n {\k33}to {\k22}ro{\k11}n{\k15}ri {\k33}ga {\k16}ku{\k16}ru{\k15}u {\k41}to{\k16} {\k42}shi{\k16}tte{\k82}te{\k15}
Knowing that logic is gradually going mad
{\k9}{\k36}Ne{\k31}ra{\k15}u {\k32}i{\k13}no{\k23}chi {\k14}ga {\k17}mo{\k35}e{\k175}ru{\k25}
The life you aimed for burns
{\k16}I{\k15}s{\k30}shu {\k64}no {\k19}ka{\k29}i{\k21}ra{\k43}ku{\k15} {\k21}i{\k31}ta{\k17}i {\k47}yo {\k20}mu{\k111}ne
A chest sore from a kind of pleasure
{\k18}A{\k37}fu{\k20}re {\k41}so{\k34}u {\k58}na {\k41}se{\k33}i{\k109}ha{\k22}i
A Holy Grail that seems to overflow
{\k46}Shi{\k37}zu{\k31}ma{\k98}re {\k13}{\k21}su{\k31}be{\k21}ru {\k30}ma{\k46}de {\k83}wa {\k21}o{\k47}sa{\k16}e{\k92}te
Quiet down, suppress it until you control it
{\k50}Su{\k27}be{\k20}te{\k29}te {\k17}ni {\k12}i{\k18}re{\k25}ta{\k26}i {\k103}to{\k45} {\k29}ki{\k18}me{\k35}ta {\k16}Li{\k31}lith {\k147}yo
O Lilith, who decided she wants to obtain everything
{\k25}Ha{\k16}ri{\k10}sa{\k23}ke {\k14}so{\k33}u{\k20} {\k17}i{\k17}ma {\k13}de{\k42}mo
Even now that seems to burst open
{\k23}Wa{\k21}ta{\k42}shi {\k33}wo {\k31}da{\k27}ki{\k41}shi{\k64}me{\k63}te{\k38} {\k30}ku{\k25}ru{\k40}shi{\k36}me{\k21}ru {\k42}i{\k32}mi {\k64}wo {\k32}mi{\k21}se{\k74}te
Embrace me closely and show me the meaning of torment
{\k11}O{\k18}wa{\k9}ra{\k26}se{\k55}ro {\k27}sa{\k16}i{\k13}go {\k64}wa
Let's finish this, the end is near
{\k15}Ko{\k29}ko{\k33}ro {\k34}no {\k26}ka{\k39}ke{\k24}ra {\k76}sa{\k36}e{\k26} {\k22}ki{\k13}mi {\k15}ga {\k32}mo{\k17}to{\k18}me{\k10}ru {\k7}k{\k14}yo{\k15}u{\k15}chi {\k34}ni {\k51}wa {\k32}to{\k23}do{\k30}ki {\k13}so{\k32}u {\k62}ni {\k33}na{\k11}i{\k18}
Even a fragment of heart does not seem to reach the situation in life that you seek
{\K48}I, {\K48}I, {\K157}I. {\K62}I'm {\K45}in {\K184}spiral
<font size="40">{\frz350.102\pos(334,280)}Mihailov Hot Spring</font>
Oh~ what a paradise!
{\fad(1000,900)\pos(339,386)}#11 Night in the Gantetsusen 2 ~I got shocked when I sucked it~
I'm reviving!
A developer who leads its leisure in 20th century.
Tsujidou resort which is breaking through in it's development,
excavation of the 1st Hot Spring must be celebrated.
So what, why are we going to dig up a Hot Spring in St. Mihailov?
It's weird.
You won't have any persuasion if you say that with that appearance.
This is...
After doing a detailed investigation,
We discovered that this site has an abundance of Hot Springs.
An academy which has a Hot Spring.
Our academy which is facing a decline in students,
This is management for the future of our academy!
Are the iron user and the others doing special training with that Sister?
They say she's the most powerful strategy instructor.
I wanted to go too.
On Chichigashira Hot Spring...
{\fad(1500,0)\fs40\pos(170,187)\c&H565750&}Bathing Beach
Otoshi~ fight! Aye!
Fight aye!
You've made quite the credit but,
don't get cocky.
To me, you guys are still weaklings.
You guys getting stronger means-
-you're getting stronger than Adepts.
Atos, fight aye!
I can't do it anymore...
Yamanobe Tomo!
The Adepts are still targeting your Soma.
For your comrades, you need to get stronger too.
Do you understand?
Yes Coach!
Two hundred One.
Two hundred Two.
To suck good Soma, you need to have good abdominal muscles.
You must aim for six-pack abs!
Two hundred Four.
Katja-sama, Nooooo!
Striders are red A. I. U. E. O.
The small shrimps are swimming in floating algae.
Persimmon tree and Chestnut tree, ka. ki. ku. ke. ko.
The woodpecker pecking the scorched Zelkova.
Raise your voice!
Once more!
Striders are red A. I. U. E. O.
The small shrimps are swimming in floating algae.
Persimmon tree and Chestnut tree, ka. ki. ku. ke. ko.
The woodpecker pecking the scorched Zelkova.
You will not able to obtain a healthy bond between Qwaser and Maria-
-if you don't have healthy spirits.
Put away your instinct and-
-train your state of emptiness.
{\pos(559,376)}Are you stupid?
{\pos(560,412)}I can't do this.
{\pos(570,230)}Shut up!
It really is an excellent inn.
{\fad(0,700)\pos(329,262)\fs40\frz356.887}Chichigashira Hot Spring.
We had an accident when Katja-chan and company arrived.
So they renovated it from the costs for repair.
Is it really okay that we're invited to this excellent inn?
But we were invited by Katja-chan.
You are my prey tonight.
This is bad…
This is bad Ayame...
If I come here,
I can't go home anymore.
Ah... Don't be under Katja's thumb...
Seikon no Qwaser SS2 Uncensored EP 11 Part 2 of 3 - Duration: 8:52.
Thank you for coming to the celebration for the recovery of the International Breast Workshop.
{\pos(329,143)\fs35}International Breast Workshop
I was held by the unreasonable oppression from the authorities but,
I was cheered up by my employees who seek for health and happiness.
So I decided to stand up again.
And this evening, the International Breast Workshop will be reborn.
<font size="35">{\pos(340,136)}Universal Breast Workshop!</font>
And the name will be,
What? Universal?
Universal Breast Workshop...
It's Unyuuken!
{\an8}TL Note: Abbreviation of Uchuu Nyuubou Kenkyuukai/Universal Beast Workshop
When you suck a boob,
The stars will twinkle Unyuuken.
With the Boobie detox.
Let's obtain a healthy body in the Universal Generation!
For everyone from the elite members,
This sophisticated new detox machine.
OPI Dynamite Magnum Excellent Special Mark-II.
I want you to sell this to every child member in the world!
With that sale, the Unyuuken will bring us to the world of the stars.
Nipples! Erect!
Erect your nipples!!
What? There's someone who bought the patent for the plastic surgery machine invented by Tsujidou-san?
Yes, I used the money for excavating the Hot Spring.
So there's some praiseworthy person too.
Flat cheste~~d.
I'm going out with Ayame-san for a while.
Don't go too far away.
What is the breaking number of iron?
4.7, it means the percentage of iron occupying the elements in the earth is 4.7%
So Katja,
The breaking number of Copper?
0.01, if we indicate it with the tens, it's ranked 25.
It's small if we compare it to Iron.
If we compared it to the ordinary metals,
It indicates that it's precious.
Well I don't think kids can understand it though.
The reason of the high existence ratio of iron is,
Because it's the final generating element-
-in the nuclear reaction during the regeneration right?
The nucleus of the earth is also called as a mass of iron.
So in the other sense, can we say that the iron Qwasers control the Earth?
Even you Mafuyu...
No... I...
You're studying well.
Hana... You say something too.
You know, copper is far more useful compared to iron.
For example, if we put the 10 yen coin in the boots,
the odor of your feet will disappear!
Oh yes, we tried that one for fun right?
I think.
I need to go over it again with her partner.
Wow, what a nice ship.
How I wish I could voyage with Katja-sama on that ship.
How romantic...
No way...
What? What's the matter?
<font size="35">{\pos(101,314)}International Breast Workshop Recovery Celebration Party… {Placement might need fixed}</font>
<font size="30">{\pos(80,450)}Luxury Liner Nyuurinmaru.</font>
What's this?
No way... Don't tell me...
Hey this is bad...
Isn't it bad boarding this ship without permission?
The director of the Mannyuuken is a bad Ex-Qwaser.
Me and my Mom got in trouble because of him.
He might be planning bad things again.
But I don't think we need to board to do this.
We must investigate what the Director is thinking so...
We must inform Katja-chan about this.
Why should we do that?
It's because if we do this,
I think Katja-chan will praise me.
Katja will?
Good job Ayame.
You're the best peeing slave.
Thank you so much.
Who are you?
You're suspicious.
Come here.
Ayame-san, run.
Ohh I see this girl...
Is the one who snook into the ship.
How about the other one?
I'm sorry, she ran away to the sea.
We are searching for her now.
Well, I doubt she can go far.
So it's you... What are you scheming!?
Oh, you know me?
Oh, so you're from that time.
Wow this is...
I didn't think that another dish for this evening's feast would come.
Ayame!? Why are you here?
Te... Te... Teru is...
Teru got captured in the International Breast something...
But that organization is...
But I crushed them...
I researched it.
It seems the Director got free and is trying to recover the organization.
Let's go, Hana.
I'll let him know again...
What will happen if he lays a hand on my slave.
Oh, what are you?
Are you coming with me?
Don't misunderstand.
We are going for ourselves.
To show the progress of your training,
You somewhat lack roles but,
I think it's good for a warm up.
Do as you wish.
Take care.
The power of the Heavenly Universe gave me the opportunity to punish this girl!
Yes, this is the only thing I can do.
It's the Boobie detox!
So I will suck the bad elements from your boobs.
Seikon no Qwaser SS2 Uncensored EP 11 Part 3 of 3 - Duration: 8:39.
Who's that!?
Mannyuuken, we're here to take Ruru back!
No, Katja-sama.
You!! You're the flat-chest from that time!
You sure don't give up.
The sin of insulting me.
The sin of laying a hand on my slave.
Both warrant for your death.
He became crazy from the fear.
Good timing.
I thought about having revenge against you.
We are the Unyuuken who go beyond the Mannyuuken.
Don't even think that I recovered this organization without any preparation!
You people from Atos,
Mourn for the misfortune for coming here.
Element number 100,
My element is Fermium.
Element number 101,
My element is Mendelevium.
Element number 102,
My element is Nobelium.
Element number 103,
My element is Lawrencium.
Element number 104,
My element is Rutherfordium.
Our transformation is a sexy switch.
We are the Chemical Element Troop.
We are the three Helium brothers.
The 4th brother!
I think I've seen him somewhere before.
Oh! Those brothers'!
Don't think that Atos and Adept are the only Qwasers!
You stray Qwaser...
Those are just small fry, let's finish this fast.
It seems like it's great in someway.
Don't let your guard down Sasha.
Go detox!
You foolish ones who use Soma as your own toy.
How unpleasant.
You're really unpleasant.
Let's roll Mafuyu.
Tremble! kneel down with terror!
Take this, the Melancholy of the Queen!
No way...
Too weak...
This won't even warm me up.
You're really dumb to collect those useless hundreds elements.
If you really want to suck Soma that bad,
I will let you suck it as you please.
So suck this!
Suck this!
I even sponsored you,
Well weakling is still a weakling.
Ohhh, Katja-sama.
Yes, there...
Ayame... will not lose to seduction.
I won't be your slave!
You haven't even done it to me.
Sorry for disturbing you.
Then Ayame... What's with this attire?
Don't look!
No, please look at me!!
I know, Ayame.
It's your pride costume you bought on the Internet right?
100% run away in all direction!
You are afraid.
Your pride is going to break.
You can change your instincts with your mind.
That's the time.
Immoral! Animal!
Above anything else, you must accept that you're a peeing slave.
Peeing slave, peeing slave, peeing slave.
I've been hung higher than before!
Tonight will be a long night.
{\k19}yu{\k39}ra{\k24}i{\k137}da{\k17} {\k26}hi{\k20}ta{\k10}i{\k26}sho{\k25}u {\k39}no {\k25}ki{\k15}do{\k169}u{\k54} {\k22}jo{\k15}k{\k27}yo{\k21}ku {\k133}ni{\k26} {\k19}ka{\k13}za{\k29}shi{\k21}ta {\k21}ko{\k31}u{\k31}sa{\k203}i{\k19}
The trajectory of shaken asymmetry, the iris holding its head out to a prelude
{\k26}hi{\k38}ka{\k24}ri {\k136}no{\k20} {\k21}shu{\k17}u{\k18}shi {\k30}se{\k22}n {\k31}wa{\k26} {\k23}hi{\k39}zu{\k22}n{\k43}da {\k20}ma{\k38}ma{\k22}
The terminated beam of light is left warped
{\k35}ka{\k48}shi{\k33}ka{\k54}sa{\k17}re{\k43}ta {\k21}yu{\k20}me {\k35}o {\k24}ka{\k17}ta{\k164}ru
Cheating the illusions made visible
{\k47}yuu{\k46}an {\k41}na {\k39}{\k12}k{\k31}yo{\k11}ko{\k29}u {\k26}no{\k43} {\k55}shi{\k42}n{\k58}en {\k51}ni
Into the abyss of a dark and secluded fiction
{\k24}i{\k31}tsu{\k41}ka {\k28}to{\k23}ra{\k23}wa{\k38}re{\k82}ta{\k31} {\k29}SE{\k20}KA{\k23}I {\k37}o {\k34}u{\k38}chi{\k29}nu{\k26}ke
Someday shoot this taken world to pieces.
{\K68}Ah... {\K25}Break {\K11}up {\K13}the {\K32}fake! {\K24}Stand {\K12}in {\K9}the {\K40}truth! {\K15}and {\K19}you {\K11}will {\K31}die {\K20}in {\K22}your {\K36}sins.
Ah... Break up the fake! Stand in the truth! and you will die in your sins.
{\k25}ju{\k17}u{\k14}ji {\k27}o {\k39}ki{\k37}re{\k20} {\k25}fu{\k19}za{\k21}i {\k8}no {\k28}ka{\k21}mi {\k15}ni{\k16}
Cut ten characters for the absent god
{\k16}ka{\k15}ku{\k17}se{\k32}i {\k20}no {\k17}u{\k10}ta {\k32}o {\k20}ka{\k17}na{\k12}de{\k49}shi {\k16}ko{\k13}e {\k51}wa{\k23} {\k19}bo{\k42}u{\k23}to{\k17}ku {\k19}no {\k22}tsu{\k21}ru{\k12}gi {\k50}ka?
Is this voice, played by the poetry of awakening, the cursed sword?
{\K28}Chain {\K14}up {\K15}the {\K29}pain! {\K24}Stand {\K11}up {\K9}to {\K11}the {\K36}sin!{\K10} Let {\K20}no {\K14}one {\K27}lead {\K20}you {\K51}astray.
Chain up the pain! Stand up to the sin! Let no one lead you astray.
{\k27}sha{\k8}da{\k11}n{\k36}sa{\k43}re{\k40}ta{\k22} {\k23}KI{\k18}MI {\k24}to {\k13}no {\k15}o{\k20}ra{\k20}to{\k12}ri{\k38}o
The isolated oratorio that is with you
{\k21}a{\k32}i{\k25}se{\k12}tsu {\k26}o {\k21}tsu{\k21}ki {\k22}ga {\k40}te{\k17}ra{\k15}shi{\k29}te{\k9}
Shine pathos on the moon
{\k28}a{\k22}o{\k21}ku {\k11}ka{\k18}ga{\k23}ya{\k30}ku {\k14}a{\k27}su {\k21}he {\k18}no {\k11}e{\k256}ve
Make bright and blue, the eve of tomorrow
Golden Noah...
So you were hiding there...
{\pos(502,376)}{\fad(0,495)} Preview
Meteor, the merciless troops.
With Golden Noah as their target,
They started their next moves.
The peaceful days till now were an illusion.
The temporary moments have ended.
The battle between the Qwasers has started again.
Next on Seikon no Qwaser II:
{\fad(450,0)\pos(321,384)}#12 The peaceful days have ended, and the gears of destiny spin again
The peaceful days have ended, and the gears of destiny spin again.
Tremble! Prostate yourself before me in fear!
Seikon no Qwaser SS2 Uncensored EP 12 Part 1 of 3 - Duration: 9:02.
No... what?
Sasha, I can't hold it any longer.
So we can do it, right?
N-No you can't!
Mafuyu... No way...
You can't what?
Good Morning.
Please wake up, Master.
W-Who are you?
Oh my... It's me, Edgar.
I'm being taken care of by Tsujidou Miyuri-san.
You are?
I'll be in your service from now.
What are you saying?
I didn't think that you would come into my bed this early...
This will be my breakfast!
Are you a boy?
Did I say that I was a girl?
I will never forgive you.
I'll kill you!
What are you screaming this early in the morning!?
{\k161}Trance {\k35}nu{\k34}re{\k178}ta {\k53}tsu{\k36}mi {\k189}ga {\k34}yo{\k20}bu {\k17}sho{\k105}u{\k43}do{\k95}u…{\k26}
Trance, The impulse that the wet sin calls...
{\k35}Mo{\k34}do{\k17}ka{\k18}shi{\k31}i {\k13}a{\k36}se{\k11}ra{\k22}sa{\k17}re{\k47}ta {\k18}ko{\k16}do{\k48}u{\k20}
An impatient, irritated beat
{\k13}{\k29}Ki{\k34}mi {\k17}wa {\k33}a{\k14}i{\k18}zu {\k18}mo {\k9}mu{\k23}shi {\k16}da{\k17}t{\k63}ta{\k19}
You even ignored the signal
{\k12}{\k16}Da{\k16}n{\k18}da{\k17}n {\k33}to {\k22}ro{\k11}n{\k15}ri {\k33}ga {\k16}ku{\k16}ru{\k15}u {\k41}to{\k16} {\k42}shi{\k16}tte{\k82}te{\k15}
Knowing that logic is gradually going mad
{\k9}{\k36}Ne{\k31}ra{\k15}u {\k32}i{\k13}no{\k23}chi {\k14}ga {\k17}mo{\k35}e{\k175}ru{\k25}
The life you aimed for burns
{\k16}I{\k15}s{\k30}shu {\k64}no {\k19}ka{\k29}i{\k21}ra{\k43}ku{\k15} {\k21}i{\k31}ta{\k17}i {\k47}yo {\k20}mu{\k111}ne
A chest sore from a kind of pleasure
{\k18}A{\k37}fu{\k20}re {\k41}so{\k34}u {\k58}na {\k41}se{\k33}i{\k109}ha{\k22}i
A Holy Grail that seems to overflow
{\k46}Shi{\k37}zu{\k31}ma{\k98}re {\k13}{\k21}su{\k31}be{\k21}ru {\k30}ma{\k46}de {\k83}wa {\k21}o{\k47}sa{\k16}e{\k92}te
Quiet down, suppress it until you control it
{\k50}Su{\k27}be{\k20}te{\k29}te {\k17}ni {\k12}i{\k18}re{\k25}ta{\k26}i {\k103}to{\k45} {\k29}ki{\k18}me{\k35}ta {\k16}Li{\k31}lith {\k147}yo
O Lilith, who decided she wants to obtain everything
{\k25}Ha{\k16}ri{\k10}sa{\k23}ke {\k14}so{\k33}u{\k20} {\k17}i{\k17}ma {\k13}de{\k42}mo
Even now that seems to burst open
{\k23}Wa{\k21}ta{\k42}shi {\k33}wo {\k31}da{\k27}ki{\k41}shi{\k64}me{\k63}te{\k38} {\k30}ku{\k25}ru{\k40}shi{\k36}me{\k21}ru {\k42}i{\k32}mi {\k64}wo {\k32}mi{\k21}se{\k74}te
Embrace me closely and show me the meaning of torment
{\k11}O{\k18}wa{\k9}ra{\k26}se{\k55}ro {\k27}sa{\k16}i{\k13}go {\k64}wa
Let's finish this, the end is near
{\k15}Ko{\k29}ko{\k33}ro {\k34}no {\k26}ka{\k39}ke{\k24}ra {\k76}sa{\k36}e{\k26} {\k22}ki{\k13}mi {\k15}ga {\k32}mo{\k17}to{\k18}me{\k10}ru {\k7}k{\k14}yo{\k15}u{\k15}chi {\k34}ni {\k51}wa {\k32}to{\k23}do{\k30}ki {\k13}so{\k32}u {\k62}ni {\k33}na{\k11}i{\k18}
Even a fragment of heart does not seem to reach the situation in life that you seek
{\K48}I, {\K48}I, {\K157}I. {\K62}I'm {\K45}in {\K184}spiral
{\fad(1000,500)\pos(321,396)}#12 The peaceful days have ended, and the gears of destiny spins again
This is the place you desired.
In this lake lies the water passage to the Tsarytsin...
It's already after the the banquet, there's no meaning for this.
So Friederich Tanner also sleeps here, right?
Tanner was my first master.
He's an international terrorist.
The double-headed crest maker.
What kind of relationship did you two have?
I was in his property before...
My body...
My body was implanted with all the circuits he gathered...
Living canvas.
The high ancient circuit which possesses a great power...
The Golden Noah,
Lives inside my body,
and waits for the time to be activated...
I got my freedom because you killed Tanner.
But when you get out into the outside world,
you will be targeted by many people.
There are many people that have the same pervertedness as Tanner.
I thought about this when I heard your story...
You and I are the same.
I thought that you could help me.
So you came all the way to St. Mihailov.
Acting like a fool and making sure of my existence...
Yes! I've been watching you the whole time.
You've passed!
You can be my master!
Stop looking down on me already!
What... do you know about me...
You didn't try to understand other people.
Do you think that I can help you that way?
Are you telling me to die?
It depends upon the situation.
If you don't want to die,
Don't lie about it, try to say your true wish!
A wish from your heart.
Say it, Edgar.
What do you want?
I want to live.
I want to be with everyone.
I don't want to be alone anymore.
The Golden Noah.
I never thought I would meet him here.
That Yuri... He knew it and made me stand by...
Ok then...
Father Yuri, you knew where the Golden Noah was and you didn't tell us, right?
You're really pretentious.
You knew even if I didn't tell you.
Yes, you're right, but there must be rules in the organization.
Who among us is threatening that rule?
Right now, the lenient Athos can't save the world.
How about changing the plans and leaving the missions to us Meteors from now on?
This is my suggestion.
There's only one God the Athos adhere to.
But we quarrel.
Yes, humans are pathetic and sinful beings
So you're saying you will get in our way.
I can't give the Noah to dangerous people like you.
Please, go back to where you came from.
It's the end of the boring vacation!
Sorry Nami, even though it's Sunday, I called you to help me.
It's alright.
I like to work together with president.
You are really good at talking...
Let's get a tea on our way home.
Tsujidou Miyuri always causes a lot of problems by herself.
That's why our work is getting piled up.
Hey president...
President, please listen...
Eh? What is it?
I liked life in this academy.
Student council work was also fun, like we were having a play house.
Above all, I liked you president.
I wished for these boring days to continue.
I would always continue like this if there were no orders.
How regrettable.
What strength!
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