I would say that DIEM already is a big Love Parade
I have never felt the same kind of energy and responsiveness
that I find in a DIEM event.
We want to be in charge of the movement,
to take initiatives,
to make of DIEM 25 what we are.
I have learned a lot, it has meant a lot to me,
I have met a lot of people.
To be able to know each other and to share information.
It lets you know many people from other countries,
since we are all in the same wavelength.
Making personal connections and exchanging ideas.
Very happy two days.
It feels like real politics and not like the lie.
To meet other DSC in other countries.
The spirit of DIEM is among the people.
Respectful, they listened.
Very nice conversations about what is happening in Europe
and what should we do?
DIEM is important for Serbia, like it is for the rest of countries.
It feels like people coming together to solve problems
and produce results.
We were in constant discussion, in constant debate
and something is shaping here in Berlin.
I only have one question and that is:
How is it possible that I am here and not everybody else?
For more infomation >> ¿Qué es DiEM25 y por qué tienes qué participar? - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
Qué hacer cuando una chica te mira: cómo acercarse a una mujer y romper el hielo con contacto visual - Duration: 9:04.
Y Tu Mamá También / Ananı Da! (2001) - Türkçe Altyazılı Red Band Fragman #1 - Duration: 2:16.
¡Inmortalizados en el Salón de la Fama del Baseball! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:52.
¡Ozuna golpea con su micrófono a un agente de seguridad! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:25.
¡Marc Anthony se despide por última vez de su mamá! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:55.
Las redes sociales pueden arruinar tu trámite migratorio | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:47.
🍏 Priligy - Dapoxetina Funciona Contra la Eyaculación Precoz? | PRECIO | EFECTOS SECUNDARIOS - Duration: 3:16.
Totalmente Diva | Jonathan bebió el sedante que Cassandra puso en la bebida de Eliza - Duration: 2:00.
Despierta - Pensa - Duration: 3:48.
#19 Box whisky near Sandslån - Duration: 10:01.
In this episode Mia and I paddle across this bay...
...attend a whisky distillery tour...
...and sail back to Härnösand.
There on the other side of the water...
...is "Box Distillery"
Here you can rent a canoe for 50 kr and paddle across the water to attend a whisky distillery tour
(Song: "What shall we do with the drunken sailor?")
The view from the restaurant in Box distillery...!
Great view of the river Ångermanland!
"Its here where everything ends up..."
"we add water in here, around 800 liters..."
"The water is here for 40 minutes, then we filter it..."
"there are arms in the cisterns, slowly blending the malt and water..."
"During this process, the alcohol in the blend increases"
"Its no more difficult than putting petrol in the car"
"but more fun"
"This fluid is clear, its raw spirits"
"this is what we use... its 60% alcohol... completely clear..."
"Then the spirits enters the wood, where all the flavors are"
"When the temperature falls, the pressure falls and it goes back in the jar..."
"And this process continues throughout the summer..."
So much whisky!
Here we have the entrance to the distillery...
It is a lot I didn't know about whisky...
First, I thought that "Box" ment that they put the whisky in boxes...
That was NOT the case!
It was three ingredients in whisky...
water... malt... and yeast.
It is possible in this place to buy a whole jar of whisky
containing 60 bottles of whisky (!!!)
slightly overkill...
Maybe I could drink one bottle a year?
I think I have tasted whisky 10 times in my life
If I should start to drink whisky now, it might be (maximum) one bottle a year?
To buy one jar of whisky, containing 60 bottles would for me be bad economy!
Now we will take the canoe and go back to sandslån...
There it is!
What did you learn today about whisky?
...that its complicated!
much more complicated than I could assume
Three ingredients, but it can vary so much...
The jars..., storing times...., humidity..., temperature....
But apparently this was a good place!
The temperature shifts where good for the end result
But - how does one know?
If you succeed in a good bled... and than everything changes? Its a warm summer....?
The spirits does not goes into the jar....?
Then its a new sort of whisky again...?
Now we are back in Sandslån again
I want to recommend you to visit this place!
Inexpensive, I moored alongside this dock for 100 kronor a night, electricity included.
Friendly staff at the harbor,
80 kronor for staying, 20 for electricity. Nothing to argue about.
Now I want to show you this...!
Out in the water is the old timber sorting tower
Back in time people were working there, sorting lumber for the different lumber companies
The lumber had different marking on them, and someone sat in the tower and pressed buttons so the lumber went to the right pound
Today this tower is desserted...
I am tempted. What a great location!
Just fix it up and have it as a summer cottage out on the water!
How many people lives in a "flight tower" on the water?
That would really be something, tickles my fantasy!
Ernst, var är du (Swedish DIY summer programme on TV)?
Here you have a project for next summer!
If not, I might do it!
Last pictures... Here you can sit and relax...
Also places for RV´s
Plenty of space
Nice pesthouse, good toilets, good service...
Everything is good, except.... where are all the guests?
We leave sandslån and sail down the river...
Reached the bridge again, where we sang on top of our lungs with Jussi Björling
"At sea........"
Grand song!
Elvira is showing the knot to use when docking
How do you do it?
I give the rope to the person on the bridge
That person sends it back...
What do you say? Thank you, thank you!
One full circkle... zig zag... twist.... pull.
Challenge Judias- Atrapa el sabor. - Duration: 14:14.
El ángel de la calle (1928 USA) Street angel - Duration: 1:41:24.
Fiat Punto !! WEINIG KM AIRCO !! 1.2-16V HLX - Duration: 0:54.
6 Signs that you are within the Friend Zone - Duration: 3:25.
Mariah Carey, humillada, se retira de los escenarios - Duration: 2:33.
MMD |Undertale Vine compilation 9# (Ft. Aliza and Betty) - Duration: 6:47.
Are you talking about that girl, and them?
So, you do know about them!
Answer me, you do know them!
True. I was saved by that girl and her friends
Right!? They're good guys, right!? So we gotta save them, right!?
I'm only going to save those four
Dust! :D (He says Mika :v)
Hey, stop it!
TRADING FROM NOTHING TO DRACO SET! *PART 5* Trading To Every Painted Draco in Rocket League! - Duration: 7:23.
yo guys this website is actually the best if you guys want to buy really
cheap rocket League items just check the first link in the description and at
checkout use code rate for 3% off do you guys want to be answered in a chance to
win an all-new pony XS then go and smash that like button subscribe click that
Bell notification and turn on my post notifications and then comment your info
down below what's going on everybody Ritchie go here and I am back with
another video hope because you're having an amazing day and in today's video
we're going to be doing a nothing to something episode 5 the nothing sister
eco set so without further ado without doing this intro let's get straight into
this video ok guys you might have a deal for grey Draco's we're giving a heat
wave for the grey Draco's so I could do that grey Draco's go around 1 to 1.2
heat and that I that's a good take and fair trade so thank you for that
alright that's paralysis basically one create and then this is our studio and
chaos is like 2 to 4 but thanks anyway and if it my literally it could be do
joy has very good wheels I would say as I have to are there any more trades I've
got okay I'll do this one I don't care ok oh thanks man
alright thanks for wait
oh my god really oh okay thanks for the burnt sienna zombo's wait
lady see it or no okay I'm going to keep cooking it alright we accept the report
go and see the shootin all right in my um debt accepted for you
alright I swear if this doesn't go through did I get it yes thank you yeah
yeah me too alright thanks man after like five thousand choice
all right see ya alright I guess
thank you thank you how many see you alright
okay guys so for cobalt chef huh I'm getting fitted spinner wheels in a crate
which is decent alright deal would you do that you're
one of your panic attacks alright thanks man Perry why thank you
fine we gotta take it alright I'm peeing huge all right he has a
rubber ducky I'll just take the on set up here
alright guys so for circuit board we are getting HTC one I'll take that thank you
alright um we go rubber ducky okay guys for my rubber ducky I'm getting nothing
which is actually uh overpay so it's good on my part I'm scamming him again
believe so that's basically both of them are worth two three crates so I guess
they even deal I would actually take that or fit just intervals we are
getting a hypernova a Lightspeed and then some stupid decal but I'll just
take the hip ANOVA and like speed stir it up thank you
okay guys so for zombo's I'm giving fireplugs in a CC one
which is pretty much an even deal thank you
okay guys for the sniper fidgets spinner wheels I'm getting a GT distortion
spiralis a purple visor and furry which is I'll take that deal okay guys we're
getting four crates for zombo's he didn't want to do five you first
chugging fun but I'm just going to get forward because it's so good
via for this light speed we are getting the Ricci C threes and the saffron tired
hat which is a good deal I didn't really know how much light speed goes for but I
guess I'll take that because like three crates alright thank you thank you
um I guess
all right so for these spiralis I'm getting a hypernova boost which is a
decent deal that's I'm taking it okay thanks okay guys for the saffron
unicorn I'm getting purple Neptune's bar screen Neptune's and a PCC crate
I think that's an even deal so thank you okay for this Dominus GT distortion I'm
getting a septum which is definitely what you want basically okay for this
saffron pirate hat Achtung research chef Sevan bunnyears I'm getting titanium
white Octavian's okay we're getting we're getting septums Thai team with use
and a regular butch hat for a lime birthday cake I'll take that okay guys
so for titanium white Octavian's and septums I'm getting Treecko wheels
I'm probable to probably be overpaying a little bit but cares
alright guys so for Draco's I am getting three nitros and two please what you I'm
okay guys so for a witch hat I'm getting a troika alright thanks man you know so
for the purple chefs I'm getting four crates which is exactly what it's priced
for which is a good deal alright thanks man alright guys we got the best deal
for titanium Oy yesyes we got eight crates a revenant just for sixteen
crates into overdrive cray I am getting labyrinth which I'm basically overpaying
but this guy wouldn't budge so I just got love for
like 16 crates and ODC alright guys it's going to be the end of nothing to
something episode five these guys really did like this video make sure to smash
that like button down below and and we actually did pretty good for the fifth
episode of nothing to draco set we already have seven fourteen fifteen
sixteen crates yeah we have five painted draco wheels
which is really good just for five episodes we have regular it goes we have
labyrinth and just like a bunch of ads alright guys I'm really curious to see
what we can get stew in the next episode or without further ado this is where
Chico I'll see you guys in my next video peace
The Master Key System - Charles F. Haanel - Part 2 - Law of Attraction - Duration: 16:33.
Volvo V70 bjr 2013 2.0 D4 5-CIL 120kW/163pk Aut6 Summum Luxury Driver Support CLIMA + ADAPT.CRUISE + - Duration: 0:59.
Pakistani Actors Salary In Bollywood ! 2017 - Duration: 3:12.
Pakistani Actors Salary In Bollywood ! 2017
Wie VOLVO XC90 Federn vorne wechseln TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 15:23.
Use a torx №Т40 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №21 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №13
Using a special tool take out the spring
Use a torx №Т50 and a combination spanner №21
Use a special wrench
Đây Mới Là Nhạc Sống | Đỉnh Cao BoIero Remix | Thuyền Hoa Có Lời Hay Nhất Vang Vọng Đến 2018 - Duration: 2:22:59.
I'm Convinced 70% Of People Have Serious Psychological Problems - Duration: 21:49.
VM i Trondheim 2023? | Vlog 30 - Duration: 16:59.
Now we have been running for 41 minutes.
and we did a cliff jump, so now I'm heading home to do some strength exercise.
And after that I'm ready for football training.
So for the rest of this running trip, I'm trying to get rid of the water I have stuck in my ear.
It is always funny to run to a spot where you can take a bath.
especially when you have a 7 meter drop there.
Lets get ourselves home.
We are ready for intervall now.
Today I have decided to humiliate myself on my own vlog.
Humiliated by "this animal". It is really not a good idea for me to bring him with me.
But when you need a real match he is a great choice.
I am not in my best shape, and then it is not smart to bring a "machine" like him with me.
He talks himself down, but we will see if it's just words.
He has been training a lot this summer, so maybe it is I who will struggle.
We'll see.
Really tired.
Got crushed by mentor Dyrhaug.
It is a good thing we dont take the time between us up this last hill.
Then I would probably loose my place at the national team and had to work a lot just to go ST cup this winter.
A good thing it's just juli. We can also conclude with juli this far is not good.
Maybe I have had too much holiday? Or maybe too little...
What are you doing now? Are you going out to train again?
No, now it is not training. Now it is something called "work". I trained earlier and tricked Ola into joining me.
Now I'm going to take some photos with Fischer and with a German journalist and a magazine.
And after that I'm meeting up with the Minister of Culture where she will be donating money to WC2023 and Granåsen.
It is really cool that I was invited to be a part of that.
But first some photos, and in about 30 minutes the Minister of Culture are coming, and I'm going to teach her how to ski.
There will also be some press here.
But first, photoshoot. I have styled my hair and put on some lotion on my face. So I am ready!
Hopefully I will look good on the photos.
Ready to take some photos!
Do I look tan?
if the tan looks good, I'm happy.
I think your English has improved since last time.
yes, I'm working on my English. Also I have a goal to be able to talk English in the vlog in the future.
I wont promise when. Now I just had a English interview, and I feel that I have some minor fails here and there.
But with more practice, English movies in the evening without subtitles, I think my English will be pretty good.
But to have a conversation in English with a German journalist is very good practice for me.
Now I'm going to change skis and teach the Minister of Culture to ski.
The 17th of may, 2018 it will be decided if Trondheim will be host.
When you give money to a facility like this, it is not just for the days of the world championship.
But also for athletes from around the country and clubs can come here and train.
And thats why the government have decided to provide you with funding, as a national facility.
And if you get a yes in 2018, to World Cup 2023, you will receive 180 million krones!
There are three different types of techniques when going classic.
Diagonal Stride, Double Pole, and Kick Double Pole
We can start with double pole.
and that is the easiest one.
It is really simple. you place the poles in the ground. tighten your stomach and push yourselves forward.
Now we are finished here in Granåsen.
We have been doing rollerski, had interviews and heard that if Trondheim gets chosen in 2023, the government will provide 180 million krones to improve this facility.
I really hope that in 2023 I will be peaking in my career.
And now we just had NRK visiting us, and I had an interview with them.
But now it is 3 PM, and time for me to go home.
Hello vlog! Now we are heading for Sjusjøen.
We are going to a press conference together with Statoil, and we're having a presentation there.
and also do some training.
Now there is a lot on our agenda until tomorrow night. We are going home tomorrow evening.
So now its time for a one day trip to Sjusøen.
So now I'm going to sleep. You are probably going to edit the vlog, I guess.
I haven't decided yet if I'm going on roller skis to Lillehammer or not, but I think it is a bit far.
So I think I will be starting at Støren. only 300 km to Lillehammer from Støren.
It will be a good second workout for today.
It is important to get enough hours of training each month.
Sjusjøen, I'm coming, and I'm going to speak English.
Now we have arrived in Lillehammer.
I forgot to remove the price tag from the shorts.
So now we are going on roller ski from Lillehammer to Sjusjøen.
And then it is dinner, before I'm going to talk English on the presentations.
We reached the top with a little help from the car.
But here there is only gravel.
I can see you have removed the helmet. Yes I have been in a car a little while.
So now I'm at Lodge 1 or what it is called.
But I'm going to find a place to sleep, to shower and then I'm going to eat.
And then I'm going to hold a English lecture.
I have probably been standing with 120 puls in 15 minutes now.
How did it go?
I felt it went pretty ok, I was really hot.
for the first five minutes I felt like I was stuttering.
but after five minutes I started to get comfortable, and I feel that I master English pretty good now.
I may need to adjust some minor words but...
if I look at my watch I can see that for the last 4 hours I have had 129 in pulse.
And I will say thats a lot when holding a presentation.
we have been taking a lot of selfies and a lot of photos.
So I think I will sleep really good tonight.
Now the time is 8.45 PM, and here I'm staying for the rest of the night.
Why are you sitting here?
Because I'm just finished. I have been training for two hours now.
The other guys here are going three hours.
I'm getting in the car now. I'm going to eat and relax and going to gathering in two days.
I have been training pretty hard lately, so now I need to recover and prepare for gathering.
So I'm going to jump in the car and take it easy now.
before I'm going to press conference.
We have a ongoing competition here, and I would like you to choose a number between one and 510.
And the one who commented the number you choose will win the competition
Then I will choose the combination of two numbers I like very well, which is 3.....
because that is a good number.
and 87, which is my birth year.
So it will be 387.
Number 387 are the winner.
Number 387 have won tickets to Stargate and Alan Walker on Thursday.
And that means that I have to scroll down to comment number 387.
So now I just have to start scrolling.
Now I have scrolled down to comment 387 on the competition I had on Instagram.
Where I, together with Zedge are giving away two tickets to backstage with Stargate and Alan Walker and Ne-Yo.
And the winner is Adrian2003, so he can take a friend with him and go to concert!
So I have to congratulate him with that!
Now it is Monday, we're at Sjusjøen. We are going to publish the vlog real quick and get in the car and drive straight to Trondheim.
I was hoping to make it to football practice, but that won't happen.
But I'm going home, before I'm heading to gathering this Wednesday.
So I'm finishing the vlog now. there have been two good days here at Sjusjøen with "Morgendagens Helter".
Where I have been talking English.
So there is no better way to finish the vlog like this:
Duterte: I'll Bomb Empty, Illegal Schools, Not Children - Duration: 0:54.
cuộc sống sài gòn I TUYỆT VỜI THỊT HEO VIÊN - DA HEO - ĐẬU HỦ MỰC LẦN ĐẦU THƯỞNG THỨC 💋 - Duration: 21:22.
The HORRIFYING Truth about RADIOACTIVE Camera Lenses - Duration: 4:16.
Well I wanted to be sure so I will run some tests for you
Some vintage lenses from the 60s and the 70s are radioactive
because the coating of the lens contained
which is a radioactive element used
for its refractive index
Meaning that it gets more light inside the glass
with time the coating becomes yellow
So if your lens has a yellow tint it means it's a radioactive lens
I'm going to conduct two different tests
I just ordered online some USENA BARBATA
a rare lychen can that is extremely sensible to radioactivity
I'm going to receive it later this week
we will see what happens if I put it near the lens
so before the lychee arrive arrive I will conduct the second test
I will keep a radioactive lens close to me for a full week
I will sleep with it, walk with it, eat near it and we will see what happens one week later
on the third day i had a weird taste in my mouth but I guess it was because
of the French cheese I had last night
I finally received the lychen so let's do some tests
my God, I was not thinking it was going to be this reactive
oh fuck !
I should stop the experiment right now
Don't use a radioactive lens
i've made a huge mistake
a radioactive lens that contains Thorium
will be approximately 0.01 MREM /Hr
if a photographer carried the camera during
one month for six hours per day
he would be exposed to 0.7 m REM
A chest x-ray
is about 1,000 times more than the lens radiation
a cancer-causing radiation 10,000 times more than the lens radiation
an instant death is 2 million times more than the lens radiation
so you will need to be staying for a month
inside a room filled with 2 million
radioactive lenses to maybe have a fatal radiation exposure
don't be scared to buy vintage lenses
no one died from a lens cancer
way more people will die from smoking or drinking
and that's less creative than photography
what you have to do to get subscribers
thank you for watching and please subscribe to my channel arrrrrrrrggggggggg
The Brothers Karamazov Read-a-Long #BrosK - Duration: 8:02.
Hi everyone. I'm rincey and this is rincey reads. Today i'm going to be
talking about the brothers karamazov read-along that i'm going to be hosting,
kind of. I'm going to be giving you guys a little bit more information about this
in case you guys are interested in joining along or if you haven't really
heard me talk about this at all, this will be all the information for you.
So brief overview: basically in August I choose one big book that's slightly
intimidating or scary to read and I just take the entire month to read it.
Last year I did Middlemarch, year before that was Moby Dick, and the year before that
was war and peace. So this year I'm reading The Brothers Karamazov and I always
invite you guys to join along with me. This is a relatively like low-key read
along. Like I don't make a Goodreads group even though a bunch of people
ask just because I'm too lazy to do it. I could make the group but I would not
participate in it at all because that's just not how I like to discuss books. I don't
know, it's weird. It's hard for me to explain but basically it's super low-key.
If you have like Twitter or Instagram, we do use a hash tag. For this book we're going
to do #brosk just because it's relatively short. So like if we're
on Twitter or something like that, it'll save us some character space. And like I
said this is like relatively low-key. I don't assume that everyone will read it
within the entire month and I don't do like regular check-ins that much. I'm
going to do a halfway point check in so we can talk about the first half the
book together. And then I'll do sort of like a wrap-up on it at the end of the
month or the beginning of September. The only other Dostoevsky book I've read is
crime and punishment and I read that back in high school.
Dostoevsky is one of those Russian writers who's like slightly more
philosophical in nature. So I'm a little bit concerned, a little bit hesitant
about this read along just because I don't know how well it's going to go, at least
for me personally. Like my own personal experience with reading this book, how
it's going to go. And I have a feeling that other people might be like nervous
about picking this book up or concerned about their own reading experience with
this book. I think that in general Russian authors are kind of intimidating
to those of us who maybe don't have a lot of experience reading it. Since I
have read some Russian literature and I have read some Russian classics,
I thought I would give you guys a couple of tips to sort of get through this or
to give you guys sort of like the best experience when reading this book. So the
first thing has to do with like picking a translation. Now everyone is going
to have completely different preferences when it comes to their translations.
I don't necessarily have like one I 100% recommend. I think a lot of them have
some really great pros to them but they also have cons. The translations that I
tend to lean towards are the P & V translations because they come off is
more readable to me and a lot of times that's just what I want from Russian
literature. Like I'm not looking to do a really deep analysis of this book. Like I
just want to read what's presented to me and think about it and discuss like the
plot and the characters and things like that. But I always do like a quick google
search to see what people are saying about different translations. But I just
also happen to luck out because I saw this copy of the book at Half Price
Books and I just really like this edition of it, like the cover and stuff,
and it happened to be a P & V translation. So I ended up picking it up but I've
heard like really good things about a couple of other translations of this
book. So yeah just do a little bit of googling if you aren't sure which
translation you want to pick up. There is a copy of this book on Project Gutenberg.
I always like to pick classics for my August read along so that way you guys
have access to a free ebook copy of the book if you want to join in. And so I
will link that down below in case you're interested. I'm not sure which
translation that is but that is an option out there if you want to do this read
along and aren't able to get your hands on a copy of the book in time for August 1st.
Another recommendation that I have for when you're reading Russian
literature in general is to get like a piece of paper or maybe like a note card
or something along those lines and start jotting down the character names that
you come across when you're coming across them, and if you know sort of
their relation to another character jot that down as well. There's also a chance
that some of these characters go by multiple names. So as you come across
them, again, like if you have like their full name and then like maybe also
include like their nickname or the secondary name that they are referred to
as, and then maybe a quick like jot down of their relation to another character,
like if it's someone's husband or wife or mother or brother or sister whatever.
You know, keep all of that information handy because in the beginning it can be a
little bit difficult to keep all the characters straight. And especially if
you're someone who isn't really familiar with like Russian names then sometimes
the names sort of look similar and so I think it's really important to just be
able to keep those characters straight. Now depending
on the book and the edition that you have they might have like a list of
characters in the front or the back of the books. So my edition actually does
have that. So it's like right here, it says like list of characters. And so what
I'm probably going to do is use this. Like I'm going to put like a sticky note
or something on this page so I can flag it and I'll probably like flip back and
forth and I'll probably even like jot notes down here so that way as plot
points are happening I can maybe like make little notes about things
that are happening to which character. So I can keep things straight. Another thing
that I recommend, that I don't know if it's considered controversial or not but
I consider it a huge help, is to utilize things like spark notes or whatever
preferred like Cliff's Notes sort of reading tool you might have access to.
I just use spark notes. Now obviously, read the actual text but I think especially
towards the beginning as you're sort of getting used to the writing style and
the characters and all these different things, a lot of times what I do is I
read the text and then I head over to Spark notes and I read the spark notes
just to make sure that I'm actually understanding what's happening and I'm
not like overly confusing myself or anything along those lines.
I think spark notes are a really really great tool when tackling like classics
that you might not be used to. Or if you're even just feeling nervous at all
like I think it helps provide a lot of clarity to books like this. So don't be
afraid to utilize spark notes. It's a really really great tool. And again it
doesn't like replace reading the actual book and the this actual experience but I
think that especially towards the beginning as you're getting used to the writing
style and everything that's happening here, spark notes are really great. Like
I'll just read the chapter by chapter synopsis as I'm going through the
different chapters in here. So yeah definitely don't be afraid to utilize
that if you need it. Especially if it's like your first time reading Russian
literature and things like that, like I did it with war and peace. I'm pretty
sure I did it with Middlemarch and Moby Dick as well. So yeah that's, that really
is just a great tool that I highly recommend. So yeah those are basically
like my quick tips when it comes to reading these classics. Like I said,
I'm going to be reading this throughout the month of August. If you have picked
up a copy of this you may have seen already this book is split up into four
sections and then each section has its own like books and then
book is broken up into chapters. So I'm going to be doing sort of like one of
the four sections each week. You can split up the chapters and the books
however you would like during the week. I'm going to make a spreadsheet that
breaks it down by chapters and so I will link that down below and make it
viewable for all of you guys if you want to be following along in the terms of
like chapters that I'm reading each day. And if you want like a copy of the
spreadsheet yourself just go to files I think it's file and then make a copy.
I will have the exact instructions to it like down in the description along with
the link to it so you guys can check that out and you can make a copy and
save it yourself if you want to keep track of where you are in the days. Like
I like to just put in what chapter I'm at each day and see like whether or
not I'm ahead or behind schedule. I'm going to try to keep ahead of schedule
just so it'll be easier for me well when it comes to making videos and stuff like
that. So yeah I know a couple of you guys have already said that you will be
joining me for this. I'm really excited. But if anyone else is interested, there's
a link down below to the project gutenberg ebook. And if you have any
questions about the read along or anything else that has to do with this,
feel free to leave a comment down below or hit me up on Twitter. Again the
hashtag is #brosk. So yeah, that's all I have for now and thanks for watching.
Honda Jazz 1.4 I CVT LS AIRCO - Duration: 0:54.
Ivanka Trump Gives Up, Tells People To Lower Their Expectations Of Her In White House - Duration: 3:48.
According to an essay published in Politico late Sunday night, Ivanka Trump is telling
those in this country that support her, "That you're going to need to scale back your expectations
on what I, Ivanka, can actually get accomplished in this White House."
As it turns out, according to this essay in Politico, Ivanka Trump has realized that sometimes
there's just absolutely no rational way to change her father's mind.
I think that's beside the point.
Most of us actually understand that.
We know that you're not going to change Donald Trump's mind when he makes it up and decides
to do a thing.
That's part of the narcissistic personality disorder that Donald Trump very clearly suffers
What is more shocking about this Ivanka Trump statement is the fact that she thinks people
in this country actually have expectations of her.
As if there's some group of people in this country who actually thought she was going
to go into The White House, make a difference, be our little progressive friend on the inside
working on issues like climate change and social issues like LGBTQ rights.
No, no Ivanka.
Nobody thinks that.
Now, there was a time, trust me, when people actually did think that.
Most of them were Democrats.
At the time, I thought it was a very stupid thing to believe and it turns out I was right.
A lot of us were right.
We have no reason to trust Ivanka Trump.
We have no reason to put any faith that Ivanka Trump is going to go in there and be our social
issues warrior inside of The White House.
She is the one who is absolutely rolled over every single time her father has attempted
to roll back our efforts to fight climate change.
She was virtually silent recently when her father decided to ban trans people from serving
in the military, something her family hasn't done for several generations, and he went
after these brave soldiers just because he didn't like them and you did nothing.
Nobody in this country has any expectations of Ivanka Trump and why would we?
This is a woman who's using borderline sweatshop labor to produce her goods that's she selling
to American citizens at an astronomically high mark-up and products, I might add, that
many stores are refusing to sell because they don't want anything to do with her because
she's such a piece of crap.
Ivanka Trump has been lying to the public since day one.
She acts like she's this big social justice warrior.
She acts like she's a climate warrior, but at the end of the day she's a Trump.
She's just like Donald.
Her husband is just like Donald and they own part of this.
Don't tell us to lower our expectations when we already had no expectations.
What you're trying to do is shift the blame.
Say, don't look at me.
You know, I tried and I just can't, so I'm sorry.
You may have told the public that you didn't agree with these policies, but you've gone
right along there with them.
You can walk away from this administration any time you want and every second that you
stay there is further proof that you're just like every other disgusting member of your
Tak for i år 2017 - Duration: 0:59.
Why You Don't Have Free Will: Your Breakfast Food, Biology, and Culture | Robert Sapolsky - Duration: 3:36.
So somewhere in all of this studying the biology behavior, somewhere in there when you're
realizing activity levels in this part of the brain one second before this act: what
you had for breakfast all the way back to like what culture your ancestors evolved to—All
of these are influencing your behavior.
Most of these variables we're not even aware of.
They're subliminal.
We never would have expected it.
Inevitably somewhere in there you've got to sit down and start having the Free Will
So is there any free will in there?
And the polite thing that I've sort of said for decades is that "Well, if there is free
will, it's in all the boring places, and those places are getting more and more cramped."
If you want to insist that today you decided to floss your teeth starting on your upper
teeth rather than your lower teeth, rather than the other way around, that that is an
act of free will—Whatever, I'll grant that one to you.
That's where the free will is.
In reality I don't think there's any free will at all.
If you look at the things that come into account as to whether or not someone is going to do
the right thing in the next two seconds amid a temptation to do otherwise, the variables
in there reflect everything from whether they're having gas pains that day because of something
unpleasant they ate that morning—That makes us more selfish, more impulsive, et cetera—to
what epigenetic effects occurred to them when they were a first trimester fetus.
When you look at the number of things we recognize now that are biological—organic—where
500 years ago or five years ago we would have had a harsh moral judgment about it.
Instead we now know oh, that's a biological phenomenon.
When we look at that, either we can say the last 500 years of realizing all of this biology
is going to stop right here and there's never going to be a new piece of knowledge
in that area—Yeah, there's areas of behavior we still can't explain biologically.
But if all you can do is see the logical direction we're going with that is what we're going
to get to the point is recognizing yeah, we're biological organisms.
This notion of free will, for want of a less provocative word, is nothing but a myth.
What's going to be really challenging though is to figure out how you structure a society
that actually runs humanely built around the notion that we are merely biological organisms.
And that one I haven't a clue.
If someone tells me, you know, "Oh, nice shirt you're wearing today," and I say
"Oh gee, thanks!"
I've just shown that on some fundamental level I have trouble accepting there's no
such thing as free will.
No: actually I picked this shirt today because the culture I come from has these values and
my visual, you know, color receptors told me that this shirt matches with this.
You know you still have a reflex to attribute some sort of free will and sort of tiny little
If that's going to prove horrible and too difficult to overcome, that's fine.
Where we need to do the heavy lifting is when we're making judgments about volition in
areas where we harshly judge people.
There we really have to do the hard work of thinking through that there's not a lot
of free will going on there.
My new CAR! The perfect daily driver! - Duration: 19:16.
Hello my dear friends!
and welcome to a new video!
I'm in a good mood today
because I've bought a new car
and I'm on my way to it to pick it up
and I will not say which car it is yet
because I want to create some excitement
I can provide you a hint
it is not a sportscar
well, it is definately a sporty car
but it is not kind of a supercar like a Porsche or Ferrari
I was looking for a daily driver
and I had several options
I did some test driving with different cars
I was interested in multiple cars, for example
C63s Coupé
Audi RS3
uhm what else?
the Ford Focus RS
Golf GTI or Golf R
all these cars were suitable for me
but a few of them were quickly sorted out again
because not everything was 100% okay
for me it was important that car was not too big
so the C63 was removed from the list
it was a little bit too big in the end
Don't get me wrong, I can drive big cars too. No problem!
But I'm looking for a smaller car
with some luggage space
because I travel a lot
and I want to have room for the dogs in the car
so 4 doors were necessary
All I can say for now: It is not the C63
So the Ford Focus RS was also an option for me
since I drove it on the Bilster Berg racetrack last time
I really love that car
It was one the best smaller cars I've driven, but
the big disadvantage of this car is, that you can only have it with a manual gearbox
Which makes a lot of fun on the racetrack
but I'm not gonna drive it every day on the track
so I need a daily driver where I can drive long distances with
therefor an automatic gearbox is much more comfortable
now there are not so many options left anymore
I organized some really cool number plates
I'm so happy to have those number plates
I've waited almost a year for them
I will show you them in a minute
this one is my old car by the way. I'll leave it here
it was filled with cigarette smell and I'm happy to get rid of it
But not from me, I don't smoke at all
it was a used car and the first owner has smoked a lot
and you don't get the smoke completely out
As you can see I'm at a VW dealer
can you guess the car already? Let's go inside
the moment of truth has arrived
there it is
this is my new daily driver
A Golf GTI Clubsport
Golf 7
I decided this is my new car
because I think
it is the perfect daily driver for me
of course it had to come with a sporty look
therefore the clubsport was the first choice
it has some cool details like the wing up here
the black stripes on the side
the diffusor is also a little bit different
let's see how it's gonna drive like
I had a testdrive for 5 minutes only
so I have no idea what the car is capable of
and I drive home on the Autobahn of course
to test it a little bit more
my new number plates
I'm gonna install it right now
I'm so happy to have those number plates!
because I'm waiting for the over a year
Sophia Calate one
to read it from right to left "Club Sport"
or Super Car
there are several variations
I will put them on the car now but I've got a small problem
that I've seen here is
there is that stupid black number plate holder
I cannot remove it that quickly
But I will remove it later for sure
I bought those...
small holders
they look like this
they will be here and here
you cannot see them once the number plate is on it
usually I glue my number plates on the car
But the problem is, everytime you want to remove the number plates
when I sign off the car or wanted to sell it, it was so annoying to remove the glue from it
therefore I got those clips
please imagine the number plate without the black plastic which looks even better then
that is my favorite srewdriver
very cool thing
then it will look like this
you have two stripes with glue here so I can glue the number plate on the clips
but I will not glue it... the black plastic thing must be removed anyway
You just clip it on there like this
looks good! Now the rear
let's have a look inside
It comes with all options I wanted
it was difficult to find one of those
I don't like leather seats at all but this one has
alcantara, partly leather
and fabric
it comes with DSG automatic gearbox
I definately wanted DSG
speakerphone, navigation system
I'm not sure what is extra on this car, but I will find out later!
oh and before I forget, the car is not new. It's a used one
but it is only 10 months old
and it has 20.000km on the clock
what else can I say? Stories are boring let's drive it!
for the first few km it's pretty good!
it's still a Golf
from my seat's position it is not a new feeling
I left my old Golf there for this one
but this car has a waaay more stylish design
I love the black interior roof
and also the red features
on the odometer and the steering wheel
the 12 o'clock mark
how do you call it?
12 o'clock mark
the seats are very comfortable
so why did I decide to pick the GTI Clubsport?
as I already said:
It took a long time to make a decision
I was absolutely not sure which car I should take next
do I want a real daily driver?
should it be really really sporty?
how useful should it be?
just for a normal daily use?
a wanted a car that offers some luggage space and which is quick at the same time
for example an Audi TTRS is a two-seater which didn't make any sense for me
and I need those rear seats because
I have two dogs who fit in a large box that I can place on the rear seats
that has to fit in there for sure
maybe I wann pick up a few friends
I wasn't interested in the regular GTI
because it doesn't stand out like this car, the GTI Clubsport
or even the regular Golf 7 that I drove before this one
and the Clubsport has those certain details
that make the car looks way more sporty
and it had to be white, because only then you have that special contrast to all the black parts on the car
like the rear wing
the "Clubsport" stripes on the side
it just looks way better when the car is white
the whole deal went very easy
two days ago I was like: which car should I drive next?
and somehow I just looked up Golf GTI Clubsport
then I found this one, drove to the dealer
and bought the car
and today - two days later - I picked up the car
so 2 days ago I wasn't sure that I want to drive a GTI Clubsport
now it is here and I'm pretty happy about it!
the regular Golf 7 wasn't a car that made me happy
I didn't even want to spend time to clean my last car
I had to force myself to clean the car
I'm actually not like this
because I'm always in a 100% cleaned car
and the last Golf was washed once in three months
I think I will love to clean this car again
because it looks way better
okay so we have the mode button here in the GTI
when I push that button, with my chocoalte fingers
then you can see here on the display that I can change driving modes
eco, normal, sport and individual
I'm gonna switch on sport mode
turn down the window
and then I hit the gas
oh no there comes a speed limit
it's pushing!
the turbocharger pushes you immediately
and especially
something I want to show you next is
the sound of the car is so cool when it's upshifting
that's fun!
okay one moment
speed limit revoked
now I'm happy! A fast car and chocolate!
awesome car!
so what comes next?
I need a recognizeable car
the car is now just white
it is a little bit boring and therefore I will wrap it
I already have a design in my head
And I will try to implement it somehow in the next days
I will make a video about that too for sure
maybe a different suspension too
different wheels
at the moment I do not like the rims
they are too small and could be bigger
I think I have 18" at the moment
but first things first: the wrap
and I wann do that ASAP
then you will see the new Calate mobil soon
did you eat the chocolate?
You think I would have left some over?
83metoo would be happy if he sees you driving the new car with chocolate in your hand
Ladies and Gentlemen we are on the Autobahn right now
and now I will test the car a little bit more
as long as there is not too much traffic
the suspension is really stiff
I didn't expected that
it's a stiff feeling while driving
I just realized that a new suspension would make sense
the problem is, you have winter tires mounted on this car at the moment
I have to replace them too of course
if's friday afternoon so unfortunately there is a lot of traffic at the moment
people are driving towards the weekend
so the Autobahn is full
just as expected
during the time where we wait for the Autobahn to be with less traffic...
let's make a little carporn of this car
I am really convinced!
Would be too late if I wasn't convinced by the car right?
the odometer has a Vmax of 280km/h
I'm not sure if the car can handle 280km/h
there is just too much traffic
but the car still pushes you in the seats during high speed
when you hit the gas while driving 160km/h, there is still a lot of power left!
which is good!
there is my favorite road sign
okay another day with less traffic
I hope that there is really less traffic
but it looks good so far
I'm already on the Autobahn and I switch on sport mode
you can feel how the turbocharger works
I'm already at 200km/h and I didn't notice how quick that was
The GTI Clubsport is interesting for me, because it hast 45hp more than the regular GTI
The regular GTI has 220hp and this one has 265hp
you also have downforce with the rear wing
and the whole car looks very sporty
there is also a boost function when you hit the kick-down
I will try that one later, but not today
Thank you very much for watching!
If you like the video please leave a thumb up
and if not then leave a thumb up too
and please do not forget to subscribe to my channel!
thank you very much for watching, see you later!
Ben Brode - ARTHAS - Duration: 5:12.
Well met!
My name is Ben Brode I got a story to tell
Are you ready then come on and listen well
Many years ago there lived a Paladin
He was prince of the Alliance when our story begins
this ain't a happy story it's a little dark. This
ain't no summer day this ain't no walk in the park
You see this prince's name was Arthas, AKA the Lich King.
This is the story of how he became him.
It all started with a mysterious plague.
Only vague reports were all the Alliance scouts gave.
The King sent Arthas to go check out the rumor.
And he met up with his college buddy Jaina Proudmoore-a.
Arthas and Jaina yo they were on the case
they found some crates filled grain that were poison-laced.
Suspicious - they looked about
as something moved in the forest
Shadows emerged and Arthas yelled
"They're coming right for us!"
That's when the scourge attacked.
The defenses just cracked
And Arthas just snapped
He jumped in to act
But quickly got trapped
Ghouls at his front and ghouls at his back
Arthas looked up and through battle
saw a Necromancer's Shadow
It was Kel'Thuzad Arthas gave him a nod
And then he swept the ghouls away
and clawed his way towards KT and
punched that necromancer straight square in the teeth.
KT said, "Seek Mal'ganis where he makes his home
He controls the scourge from the city of Stratholme!
Those were the last words Kel'Thuzad said
Arthas killed that Necromancer with a blow to the head.
Then said, "Jaina, I demand that
you call the Silver Hand and
Uther will command them and
we will purge the damned then.
And Jaina said: "Yo Yo Yo ok I'll go.
I will go find Uther and I'll tell him what I know. Yo"
And she teleported away
There's wasn't much else to say
They had to go stop the plague
undead were coming this way.
Right then he arrived at Hearthglen
Looked down, saw plagued grain on the ground again.
Arthas took a deep breath then turned around
he was surrounded by the entire town.
"Wait a second," said Arthas, filling with dread
This plague doesn't just kill it turns you into UNDEAD."
The prince's stomach began to churn.
At that second townsfolk began to turn.
Twelve hours later, Arthas barely alive
His royal bodyguards well, they didn't survive.
The Undead had him on the ropes all outta hopes
Guess who showed up then?
You better check ya notes!
It was UTHER Arthas's Tutor
an incredible maneuver shoulda come sooner
He saved the day.
Poor Arthas would never be the same.
Something clicked in his brain.
And they heard him exclaim:
"STRATHOLME, Mal'Ganis is there.
He will pay for what he did today, I swear."
And then he left still covered in ichor, heading to Stratholme
all alone, and here is the kicker:
Empty crates lined the streets
the plague had been released pretty soon
the city would be an undead army of beasts
Arthas knew he couldn't let them become scourge
Turned around and shouted "Listen to my words!
There is only one way to emerge as victors!
We surge into the city and PURGE the villagers!"
Uther said: "Are you serious?
Your father would be furious!
You can't possibly consider this!
There must be some other way!"
Arthas said, "Not today.
There is no other way to save this town.
You betray the crown."
Uther said: "Fine then, do it alone.
I'm taking my army home."
Arthas started killing people in the night
they were sleeping? didn't matter he would kill'em on sight
Better to kill'em now before they turned to undead
so he burned the town down 'til the skies turned red.
Then he found Mal'Ganis in the wreckage
He was just seconds from wrecking him
When he said "wait I have a message"
Do you think you can get the best of me?
Then come to Northrend, Arthas! Fulfill your destiny!"
Yeah, he went up to Northrend
he would chase Mal'Ganis and do anything to avenge
the death of his people including doing things that sound a little evil
or at least are a little illegal.
But his campaign in Northrend didn't go very well
His army kept getting weaker. His soldiers fell.
It was bleak. They'd only been there for a week
but they were close to defeat. Arthas was willing to cheat.
There was a rumor of a sword full of ultimate power
But the inscription said that it would devour
the soul of any that touched it. It was called Frostmourne
Arthas tracked it down anyway because he'd sworn
to kill Mal'Ganis. It was worth any risk, including this.
So he lifted his fist and gave the sword a twist
It came out of the altar
Arthas did not falter
He ran back to his army where the undead all were.
Arthas tore through the undead forces
straight to Mal'Ganis of course
The dreadlord laughed "you think you're winning?
When you picked up that sword
you became a pawn of Lich King."
And Arthas knew it was true.
He was doomed, through and through.
I've damned everyone and everything I've ever loved
and I still feel no remorse.
A lot happened after that. He killed his father.
But I'm just not gonna bother to rap the rest. I guess I oughtta
tell you one last thing. He found the crown of the Lich King
he put it on his head and now it's time to sing…
Bendy And The Ink Musical - Random Encounters (feat. MatPat) [Syntesia Piano Tutorial] - Duration: 2:46.
Teen Wolf 6x11 lacrosse & wolf behind the scenes - Duration: 1:58.
Tyler: "I am in the middle of the Teen Wolf lacrosse field.
If you check it out right now, I am now the assistant coach, believe it or not.
I don't have to play this God awful sport anymore.
Hell no, thank you.
Tyler Posey was single-handedly apart of having Scott become the assistant coach just for
the soul reason for that I don't have to run around in little shorts anymore.
My nuts all cold and shrivelled up to my body.
Those guys right there, none of them have testicles right now because of how cold it
I am sweating.
I'm so nice."
Orny: "See that?
People think I'm holding a clipboard.
It's the script."
Dylan: "So, it is now 11pm at night.
I got here around 6:30, that was my call time.
I haven't worked yet.
But I am very excited to do this scene, if we ever do it.
It's going to be a great scene.
I get tackled, I get knocked off my butt."
"He said he was a little worried about getting pommeled by the bigger guy, but I'm the one
taking all the hits, so I don't know what he's worried about.
I decided to get flipped over my back 10 times."
Tyler: "That one season we have a real wolf, and I think this season we're having a bunch
of them.
I love animals, dogs specifically.
So it's always really cute and really sweet.
But when you're actually working with it, it's a little intimidating.
They stare at you, their eyes look like our characters' eyes, we have them yellow.
It's really cool.
This is our 90-if episode of Teen Wolf.
Last season, so it's got a bit of a last day of school feeling.
We love it.
That's how we do it."
Russell: "Run to the forest, hand-in-hand."
"Ya, hand-in-hand."
They're going to the woods.
Russell: "We crane up.
And that's the end of the show."
Creating an Audio Recording To Reprogram your Subconscious Mind - Duration: 10:12.
Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron, and I help people
Expand their consciousness
Now in this video
I'm gonna be showing you exactly how to create a powerful tool that can
Transform the whole way you go about reprogramming your subconscious mind. I'm going to explain to you the benefit of it, but also
practically show you the tools and the different steps you want to use in order to
get there now understand first off that there are times of the day there are times and
Brainwave states that have a more influence over our subconscious mind now in one of my top viewed videos I
Talked about the power of being able to use the time of when you're going to bed at night to influence your subconscious mind
Because the idea is that when you wake up in the morning you aren't moving from a deep level of Brainwave activity the theta state
Determine the Delta state to the theta state to the alpha state to the beta state the beta in the alpha State are the awake
States of the conscious ones walking around and what we're normally in the idea
Is that when we go to bed at night?
We're moving from those conscious states and to the more deep brainwave activities and when we wake up in the morning
we're doing the other way, so
The idea is that in the 20 minutes that we're going to bed at night and in the 20 minutes that we're waking up in
The morning that is the most powerful time that we have to influence our subconscious mind
And if you think about it when we grow up
We're mainly in a theta state as we are growing up to about the age of 8 to 12 and what happens is as most
Of our beliefs are wired in that time because we're predominantly in a theta state
Which is a deep level of Brainwave activity then as we grow up
We get to the alpha Beta more often therefore less influence of our
subconscious mind the good news is that we can reprogram it by using this window of time or
By getting into a meditative type state which also has influence over the subconscious mind because we can consciously go
to an alpha State or a theta state by using binary ou beats or by also being able to
Get to that in a relaxation type state of being now for this process
What you can do is you are going to simply?
Use voice memos on your phone if you have an iphone or you're going to use whatever equivalent
You have on whatever phone you have
And what you want to do is you want to use your own voice now eventually if you guys want I will create actual
Visualization exercises that you can use as you're going to bed putting in different ideas of what you guys want whether it's self image
And you don't actually visualize it going through that, but you guys can also create this for yourself and what you're gonna
do is you're simply going to use your own voice and I'm Gonna give you the
Process right now that you can use that can really?
Powerfully influence your subconscious mind now. This is what you want to do as
You are you're gonna sit down
You're gonna get a piece of paper, and you're gonna write down certain things the first thing
I want you to write down is you're going to do some type of relaxation
Method now for this what you're going to do and one of the most powerful ones that I found is
being able to do what is called a body scan now a body scan will involve you saying and
Visualizing yourself flushing yourself with like a wave of relaxation
Through every individual part of your body you want to start with your head, so what you can write down right now
Is that you're going to?
visualize a wave of relaxation
Going through the top of your head going through your eyelids fill your eyelids feeling heavier feel this wave of relaxation
Loosening up your jaw we've seen up behind the ears
The forehead you can feel it you can even tense it up a little bit and just relax it
You're gonna feel it going through your neck then you're gonna feel it going through your left arm
Your left hand your right arm your right hand your chest. You're gonna feel it in your heart space
You're then going to feel it in your abdominals
Your hips and fill in your left thigh your right thigh your left leg calf your right
Leg calf and you're Gonna feel it through your feet
And you're gonna feel your body getting heavier and heavier and heavier and what you can then do is
Focus on fueling into your sense perceptions, so you're gonna actually say that you're going to write this down right now
And then we're eventually going to turn that into a voice memo
But what you want to do is you want to visualize and feel like your body is getting heavier and heavier
As you keep on going through this
Then what you're gonna do is that relaxation part is just to get you to a very relaxed state of being?
then what you're going to do is you're going to start to do some type of
Priming method now for this you can do affirmations
You can do visualization of visualizing your best self image
but what you want to do is you want to then write down exactly who you prefer to be the
characteristics of your body language
Imagine the best version of yourself
Imagine the way you carry yourself. How you talk to other people maybe even put in a scenario of you talking to
You the future?
significant other that you want to meet
Maybe of you running your business that you want to create or you doing your passion for a living and how that makes you feel?
Tap into moreso than just the thinking of it the actual feeling of what that is but use visualization
You sound here your own voice, but here what you would hear in that situation
And what you can begin to do is write out exactly who you prefer to be
Use the beliefs of that version of yourself and the beliefs that you have say my belief system
Woodinville involve me knowing that I am this type of person that
Everything comes to me at the right time that I trust the course of my life that I am already
Whole and complete that I can give myself the validation that I prefer and you're going to use and write down these
Statements as if you're saying it to yourself
I am use the words. I am and then fill in the blank and then use the words you know and visualize yourself
I am this body weight I feel
Energized I eat food that gives me energy
I am healthy I go to the gym every day all of these things and as you say it it will bring through a
Visualization and an image in your head now what you want to do is
do that for maybe 5 or 10 minutes this recording only has to be about 10-15 minutes long at the longest if you want and
do the visualization exercise for the first 4 or 5 minutes so write that down and then what you do is write down the
self-image of who you prefer to be the best version of yourself write down the body language the
Affirmations that really affirm that identity of who you prefer to be right down your values of things that you value maybe you value
Security maybe you value uncertainty maybe you value Connection with other people feeling compassionate
Maybe you value freedom to do what you want when you want to do it
Write all those things down and then under that write down the beliefs of the best version of yourself and write them down
I am and I believe this and I know this to be true
write down a list of maybe five or ten beliefs that you have under the new
Self-image so what you end up doing with this is
Wiring in the new self-image of who you prefer to be which will have a very powerful effect
Over yourself now
The next step to this is actually creating the recording so what you do is you get that voice memo on your phone or whatever
The equivalent of the kind of phone you have
And what you do is you just record it and you go through it
And it might take you a couple times to get used to but you actually
Step-By-step you go through the
Visualization exercise you talk and you feel the body skin
And you imagine yourself doing it, and you say it with the tonality that sounds very calm
but at the same time assertive kind of like I'm speaking to you right now you go through the
Visualization exercise of the body scan then you go to the self image of the way that you see the best version of yourself
Then you go through the beliefs that you would have then what you do is
You simply close it off by knowing that this is who you are and that when you wake up in the morning
Or when you come out of this meditation. This is who I am
you feel the
Emotions of the values you feel it inside your heart you can even put your hands over your heart to feel that emotion more
but the idea is that you create that it might take you a couple times creative to be ten or fifteen minutes long and
Then listen to that with headphones as you are going to bed
when you aren't in meditation
or when you wake up in the morning listen to it three times a day if you do this this has the potential of
Really transforming the kind of life you have by really reprogramming your subconscious, mom
This is something that I might eventually make some program around to really help you
Make that or for me using my own voice to make that for you to really maybe what we do
I was thinking of doing something let me know if this is something that interests you guys
I was thinking of making some type of program or some type of service to you guys
Where you guys and I give like a five or ten minute conversation with you?
You tell me exactly what you're looking
To become how you're looking to become the best version of yourself
And the kind of things you want to change and then I create maybe a 10 or 15 minute meditation
Guided meditations that is specific to you about that, and then you can use that as you go to bed
I would put some type of theta state binary
ObI underneath it with my voice in a very calm relaxing way to really use it as a powerful tool for you
So let me know if you guys are interested in that if you guys are that is something
I will create and then other than that
I want to just give that value to you in this video on YouTube
So I hope it helps you understand more about how you can influence your subconscious mind by creating a meditation that can
Powerfully influence you so with that being said I hope you guys enjoy this video
Feel free to like this video if you liked it subscribe
If you haven't already and as always I will see you guys on the next bit peace much love namaste all right. Bye
Hello, as you saw I washed my bike.
It looks very nice
And Im going to change my airfilter because it's so dirty
And yeah, I will prepear my bike until tomorrow
you going to se when Im change my airfilter
we need this
and we need this
with 10 mm
and then we just turn up this screw
here we have it
it wasn't that dirty
but we change so we get a new and fresh airfilter
now I've change the airfilter
so now Im just gonna sleep, wake up and eat breakfast
and then we go to the mx track!
now the clock is 09:30, load the car with some mx stuff
then we go to the track!
see how it goes today
I really want to hit those waves
but we have to see first how Im feeling
wondering if I should try to do a start
see how it goes
that worked pretty well
should i go for the waves?
now im home again
have been on the track
and it was going really good
I tried to give more gas in the waves
I landed on the top, but im okay
it was at least pretty sick
and now im going to eat some food and we see each other in next video!
What is one book that really captivated you while reading it? - Reading Your Answers - Duration: 6:38.
good Monday morning guys I'm recording this on Monday instead of Sunday this
time because Sunday night was an extremely late night and I'm dumb that
way sometimes so anyway yes last week I asked you guys or what your favorite
game was and I left it open so it's not just video games but you know you could've
chosen board games you could've chosen sports or you know like any kind of game tag
or something like that right so you guys answered and here are your answers let's
do this right now we have Dungeons & Dragons from wise wizard I have never
played Dungeons & Dragons but I have quite a few friends who do I feel like
for me it would just end up being a little bit too confusing because with
all the things like that there's so much stuff going on or at least it feels that
way maybe I'm wrong because I don't really know too much about it but from
what I heard about it it feels like there's so much going on and I feel like
I would get very overwhelmed very easily second we have April from my discord
server saying my fave game is Beyond Good and Evil
I remember my MA buying it I don't remember the game but I remember I loved
it and I'll tell you guys now that is my favorite game of all time I actually
live streams that back in January at the beginning of this year 2017 I'll leave a
link in the description to the live streams of that if you want to go watch
that for yourself and yeah I really loved it it's a really fun game and
they're actually coming out with Beyond Good and Evil 2 now which is really cool
and CasetteCay you say nice drawings well thank you my favorite games are
night in the woods and little nightmares I can't choose just one sorry how dare
you you're only supposed to choose one I'm kidding
it doesn't matter I don't care and sometimes it's hard to pick between a
couple so that's totally fine night in the woods I really like I haven't
actually played it myself but I am watching my friend FunnyFluffy play it
who also actually says that his favorite game is night in the woods as well and
yeah I actually really enjoy it I haven't watched anyone else's videos
except for FunnyFluffy's so again I'll leave a link in the description for that
if you want to go watch that and my mom says awesome drawing thank you you got
my idea of a dress perfect now to make it yeah I'm not going to be able to make
an actual dress not not very easily anyway
about this last week that I'm not very good at actually making clothing my
favorite game has to be Wii games like Wii Resort or Wii Sports those kinds of
games haven't played them in a while but they're fun we did play one at Christmas
that you did a video on that was a lot of fun yeah that one was that one was
kind of fun it was it was just a little bit of a random like I'm filming the TV
with my phone okay it was it was horrible horrible filming I guess but
you know I didn't have anything to record it with I was at my grandma's
place me my mom and my cousin's girlfriend were all playing this game
there and we were just having a lot of fun being silly with it Skelm you say
your drawings are good thank you again definitely should do more of them I've
always liked that dragon you have with your profile pic I definitely will be
doing more drawing so that's something I definitely want to do and I have an idea
for the first one for that that actually came from someone else Franklin Torino I
believe it twice but scale me say your favorite game that's a tough one I have
so many of them maybe Baldur's Gate 2 it's old hard but still golden so many
good memories from that game I have heard of Baldur's Gate but I don't think
I've ever played it and Mitsu really loved my last drawing well thank you I
appreciate that your favorite game yes you are
definitely bad when it comes to picking favorites but that's totally fine you
really like finish baseball because it's fun and I used to play it on in our
backyard my sis dad friends who ever when I was little left a good memory and
that's really awesome and there's actually a huge difference between
Finnish baseball and American baseball so Mitsu and I were talking about
that I forget what all and I don't know everything about all the differences but
I do know is that do it Finnish baseball what Mitsu was saying is that you throw
it straight up whereas with American football you throw it at the batter or
the hitter and Omar games minceraft and more your favorite game is COD BO2
which for anyone out there who doesn't know that would be call of duty black
ops 2 because it brings back memories when I was 9 and playing it with my
cousin and that is really awesome I played that I think and maybe it was the
first one but I know I played that I'm one of the Call of Duty games with
zombies with my friend and we tried the the zombie map and we failed miserably
but it was a lot of fun trying but now that is all of your guys
answer so thank you so much for participating I really love doing this
every week it's a lot of fun for me it's a great way for me to get to know you
guys and for you to get to know a little bit more about me as well so if you
missed it me saying earlier my favorite game is also Beyond Good and Evil I love
that game I don't know what it was about it but I I always played it at my
grandma's house my cousin had it for his Gamecube and almost any time I was there
I that was the only game I wanted to play I asked my cousin if I could borrow
it one day and he's like just take it I'm like what so I took it and I played
it and I loved it the story isn't something super super amazing it doesn't
really explain a whole lot and it leaves you hanging on the edge at the very end
of the credits you know there's a bonus scene after the credits so I really
don't know what it was about that game but I just loved it so much and it it
made a really strong connection with me somehow so yeah that's that's my
absolute absolute favorite game and I'm so super happy that they're coming out
with Beyond Good and Evil 2 it's quite a bit different from the first one and
doesn't really feel much at all like the first one but I'm so excited to try it
out and when it does come out and hopefully that can be very soon and now
this week's question is what is one book if you have multiples that's fine but
what is one book that really really captivated you I personally don't read a
whole lot at least not anymore but what is one book that really
captivated you that gave you such a vivid imagination while reading it and
that maybe made some kind of connection to you somehow leave your answers in the
comments down below and next week I will be reading them in the video just like
today and yeah so I may not respond to the comments because I kind of like
reading them later on but if there's a reason for me to respond to them then I
definitely will so thank you so much for watching I hope you had a wonderful day
and I will see you again tomorrow Godbless
Key Rack Project Continued and Finished - Duration: 10:48.
Hello and welcome to Donald Vlogsifys Wood Shop. Hello hello hello....
Hello and welcome to Donald Vlogsifys woodshop. I'm your host
Donald Matthews. Also known as Donald Vlogsifys
Because this is Donald Vlogsifys wood shop.
In this one we gonna finish up that key rack... key holder?
Would it be a key rack or a key holder?
I don't know. It's one of them two things. Probably both.
All depends on your viewpoint and point of view.
Anyway..... Let's get it finished.
Ya know what I did?
I took this thing around the router.....
and forgot to record it.
So, what I'm gonna do is..
run it around there again and kinda
smooth things out.
Make sure everything is smooth and cut where it needs to be.
And show ya'll that.
It really isn't all that interesting but.....
Got to put somethin in the video.
I bet this vibrates like nothing you've ever seen before.
But I'm gonna do the best I can do.
I didn't think about this, but I've really got no place to set this camera at right now.
That's gonna be a project for another day though.
I just, very simply run the edge of the keychain holder
around the spinning router bit. This way the edge is a little more interesting
than just a 90 degree edge on the board.
I'm using a Skil Roman Ogee base molding router bit.
The bearing on the top of the router bit helps keep me from cutting too deep.
Now I'm marking where I'll drill the holes for the dowels which
will be the pegs that hold the keychains.
I want to get them as level as I can. However if you do a key chain holder...
you can place the pegs as you want and need them.
This is your cat baby, you can skin it however you want.
That's a redneck saying for when someone gives unwanted advice.
"How bout you let me skin this cat and you watch quietly?" lol
So stagger your pegs if you want.
However you wanna hang your keys.
It's your critter and you can skin it how you like.
Here I go! Drilling the holes for the keychain hooks.
I got a bit of tear out here.
But I'll glue that big chunk of wood back when I glue in the dowels.
It's quite strange to sit down on a couch to do woodwork.
Marking and cutting the dowels to length.
Checking for the fit of the key chain hook.
Now I'm sanding down the rough spots on the dowels.
Gluing in the keychain hooks that will hold the key chains.
Gluing in that chunk of tear out.
Using gunstock color stain to give my wood a bit of color.
A couple coats of spray-on clear shellac.
Then I'll lightly sand to smooth and give it another coat of shellac.
Aint that key rack perty?!
And that's it for this one.
Tune in next time. I'll have another project for ya. I hope. Anyway.
Please follow me on Facebook, twitter and instagram. The links are down below in the description.
mmmmmm.... What else is there? uhhh Oh yes!
Please subscribe if you're not already subscribed.
And during the last 20 seconds of this video, there will be a little button with me on it.
A little picture of me in it. (Not this one, it's a little one at the end after this one goes away)
Just click on it and you can subscribe to all my craziness.
I think that's about it.... oh... Check out my website.
Redneck know know how dot com. It'll be up there with the subscribe button.
(God I say Uh alot.)
Have a lovely day.
Have a lovely night.
Have a lovely decade.... A lovely.... Have a lovely whatever you're having.
Have a lovely life, because life is short.....
and it's meant to be enjoyed.
Adelaide Vlog: Hahndorf - làng cổ người Đức ở Adelaide (Australia) - Duration: 5:41.
Now I am in one of the most beautiful villages in Adelaide
originated from the Germans
and migrated to this area since 18th century
and this is called Hahndorf
and let's experience the village with some StudyAdelaide ambassadors
in the Xmas event the village will be very beautiful
the whole street will be decorated with lights
buying something?
I am thinking about "chip chip"
this is a leather store
everything will be leather only
australian made
so the quality will be good
leaves are turning from green to red and orange
if you are here in May, you can find many streets with autumn leaves
I can see many coins down there... many people passing by and throw some coins
where is your credit card??? you will be very rich... come on !
this is very good... not so sweet but very cool
look at this !!!
anything you know about Mt. Lofty?
Autumn leaves in Mt. Lofty is the best !!!
beautiful ...
I love the leaves
I love being in here... especially the architecture because I study design. Everything here is similar to the scenes in Europe
now we are going to Adelaide Hill and Mt. Lofty - the highest points
and we can see the lighthouse there
in Danang (your home in Vietnam) we have to go up to Son Tra mountain to have the view over the city right?
how about yours?
Known as one of the most livable cities in the world, you can see why it is from the map here..
parks are everywhere around the city
yes yes... my house !!!
TRADING FROM NOTHING TO DRACO SET! *PART 5* Trading To Every Painted Draco in Rocket League! - Duration: 7:23.
yo guys this website is actually the best if you guys want to buy really
cheap rocket League items just check the first link in the description and at
checkout use code rate for 3% off do you guys want to be answered in a chance to
win an all-new pony XS then go and smash that like button subscribe click that
Bell notification and turn on my post notifications and then comment your info
down below what's going on everybody Ritchie go here and I am back with
another video hope because you're having an amazing day and in today's video
we're going to be doing a nothing to something episode 5 the nothing sister
eco set so without further ado without doing this intro let's get straight into
this video ok guys you might have a deal for grey Draco's we're giving a heat
wave for the grey Draco's so I could do that grey Draco's go around 1 to 1.2
heat and that I that's a good take and fair trade so thank you for that
alright that's paralysis basically one create and then this is our studio and
chaos is like 2 to 4 but thanks anyway and if it my literally it could be do
joy has very good wheels I would say as I have to are there any more trades I've
got okay I'll do this one I don't care ok oh thanks man
alright thanks for wait
oh my god really oh okay thanks for the burnt sienna zombo's wait
lady see it or no okay I'm going to keep cooking it alright we accept the report
go and see the shootin all right in my um debt accepted for you
alright I swear if this doesn't go through did I get it yes thank you yeah
yeah me too alright thanks man after like five thousand choice
all right see ya alright I guess
thank you thank you how many see you alright
okay guys so for cobalt chef huh I'm getting fitted spinner wheels in a crate
which is decent alright deal would you do that you're
one of your panic attacks alright thanks man Perry why thank you
fine we gotta take it alright I'm peeing huge all right he has a
rubber ducky I'll just take the on set up here
alright guys so for circuit board we are getting HTC one I'll take that thank you
alright um we go rubber ducky okay guys for my rubber ducky I'm getting nothing
which is actually uh overpay so it's good on my part I'm scamming him again
believe so that's basically both of them are worth two three crates so I guess
they even deal I would actually take that or fit just intervals we are
getting a hypernova a Lightspeed and then some stupid decal but I'll just
take the hip ANOVA and like speed stir it up thank you
okay guys so for zombo's I'm giving fireplugs in a CC one
which is pretty much an even deal thank you
okay guys for the sniper fidgets spinner wheels I'm getting a GT distortion
spiralis a purple visor and furry which is I'll take that deal okay guys we're
getting four crates for zombo's he didn't want to do five you first
chugging fun but I'm just going to get forward because it's so good
via for this light speed we are getting the Ricci C threes and the saffron tired
hat which is a good deal I didn't really know how much light speed goes for but I
guess I'll take that because like three crates alright thank you thank you
um I guess
all right so for these spiralis I'm getting a hypernova boost which is a
decent deal that's I'm taking it okay thanks okay guys for the saffron
unicorn I'm getting purple Neptune's bar screen Neptune's and a PCC crate
I think that's an even deal so thank you okay for this Dominus GT distortion I'm
getting a septum which is definitely what you want basically okay for this
saffron pirate hat Achtung research chef Sevan bunnyears I'm getting titanium
white Octavian's okay we're getting we're getting septums Thai team with use
and a regular butch hat for a lime birthday cake I'll take that okay guys
so for titanium white Octavian's and septums I'm getting Treecko wheels
I'm probable to probably be overpaying a little bit but cares
alright guys so for Draco's I am getting three nitros and two please what you I'm
okay guys so for a witch hat I'm getting a troika alright thanks man you know so
for the purple chefs I'm getting four crates which is exactly what it's priced
for which is a good deal alright thanks man alright guys we got the best deal
for titanium Oy yesyes we got eight crates a revenant just for sixteen
crates into overdrive cray I am getting labyrinth which I'm basically overpaying
but this guy wouldn't budge so I just got love for
like 16 crates and ODC alright guys it's going to be the end of nothing to
something episode five these guys really did like this video make sure to smash
that like button down below and and we actually did pretty good for the fifth
episode of nothing to draco set we already have seven fourteen fifteen
sixteen crates yeah we have five painted draco wheels
which is really good just for five episodes we have regular it goes we have
labyrinth and just like a bunch of ads alright guys I'm really curious to see
what we can get stew in the next episode or without further ado this is where
Chico I'll see you guys in my next video peace
Miliarder Tim Draper o kryptowalutach - Bitcoin, Tezos, Bancor, Credo ICO - indywidualista - Duration: 12:41.
Manhã Leve | Empreendedor conta sobre as barreiras que enfrentou para atingir o sucesso - - Duration: 15:36.
Ele Não Me Escuta—O Trabalho de Byron Katie - Duration: 2:24.
How to excite Her - Duration: 2:20.
Monster Hunter Stories - Trailer | 3DS - Duration: 2:01.
Processo de Produção - Do campo à lata em até 8 horas - Duration: 0:29.
Fabrizio - Goodbye My Love - Duration: 6:14.
Terra da Padroeira | Ao Pé da Estrada - Ruy Rey e Zé Henrique/Marcus e Dalto - 30 de julho de 2017 - Duration: 35:08.
What is one book that really captivated you while reading it? - Reading Your Answers - Duration: 6:38.
good Monday morning guys I'm recording this on Monday instead of Sunday this
time because Sunday night was an extremely late night and I'm dumb that
way sometimes so anyway yes last week I asked you guys or what your favorite
game was and I left it open so it's not just video games but you know you could've
chosen board games you could've chosen sports or you know like any kind of game tag
or something like that right so you guys answered and here are your answers let's
do this right now we have Dungeons & Dragons from wise wizard I have never
played Dungeons & Dragons but I have quite a few friends who do I feel like
for me it would just end up being a little bit too confusing because with
all the things like that there's so much stuff going on or at least it feels that
way maybe I'm wrong because I don't really know too much about it but from
what I heard about it it feels like there's so much going on and I feel like
I would get very overwhelmed very easily second we have April from my discord
server saying my fave game is Beyond Good and Evil
I remember my MA buying it I don't remember the game but I remember I loved
it and I'll tell you guys now that is my favorite game of all time I actually
live streams that back in January at the beginning of this year 2017 I'll leave a
link in the description to the live streams of that if you want to go watch
that for yourself and yeah I really loved it it's a really fun game and
they're actually coming out with Beyond Good and Evil 2 now which is really cool
and CasetteCay you say nice drawings well thank you my favorite games are
night in the woods and little nightmares I can't choose just one sorry how dare
you you're only supposed to choose one I'm kidding
it doesn't matter I don't care and sometimes it's hard to pick between a
couple so that's totally fine night in the woods I really like I haven't
actually played it myself but I am watching my friend FunnyFluffy play it
who also actually says that his favorite game is night in the woods as well and
yeah I actually really enjoy it I haven't watched anyone else's videos
except for FunnyFluffy's so again I'll leave a link in the description for that
if you want to go watch that and my mom says awesome drawing thank you you got
my idea of a dress perfect now to make it yeah I'm not going to be able to make
an actual dress not not very easily anyway
about this last week that I'm not very good at actually making clothing my
favorite game has to be Wii games like Wii Resort or Wii Sports those kinds of
games haven't played them in a while but they're fun we did play one at Christmas
that you did a video on that was a lot of fun yeah that one was that one was
kind of fun it was it was just a little bit of a random like I'm filming the TV
with my phone okay it was it was horrible horrible filming I guess but
you know I didn't have anything to record it with I was at my grandma's
place me my mom and my cousin's girlfriend were all playing this game
there and we were just having a lot of fun being silly with it Skelm you say
your drawings are good thank you again definitely should do more of them I've
always liked that dragon you have with your profile pic I definitely will be
doing more drawing so that's something I definitely want to do and I have an idea
for the first one for that that actually came from someone else Franklin Torino I
believe it twice but scale me say your favorite game that's a tough one I have
so many of them maybe Baldur's Gate 2 it's old hard but still golden so many
good memories from that game I have heard of Baldur's Gate but I don't think
I've ever played it and Mitsu really loved my last drawing well thank you I
appreciate that your favorite game yes you are
definitely bad when it comes to picking favorites but that's totally fine you
really like finish baseball because it's fun and I used to play it on in our
backyard my sis dad friends who ever when I was little left a good memory and
that's really awesome and there's actually a huge difference between
Finnish baseball and American baseball so Mitsu and I were talking about
that I forget what all and I don't know everything about all the differences but
I do know is that do it Finnish baseball what Mitsu was saying is that you throw
it straight up whereas with American football you throw it at the batter or
the hitter and Omar games minceraft and more your favorite game is COD BO2
which for anyone out there who doesn't know that would be call of duty black
ops 2 because it brings back memories when I was 9 and playing it with my
cousin and that is really awesome I played that I think and maybe it was the
first one but I know I played that I'm one of the Call of Duty games with
zombies with my friend and we tried the the zombie map and we failed miserably
but it was a lot of fun trying but now that is all of your guys
answer so thank you so much for participating I really love doing this
every week it's a lot of fun for me it's a great way for me to get to know you
guys and for you to get to know a little bit more about me as well so if you
missed it me saying earlier my favorite game is also Beyond Good and Evil I love
that game I don't know what it was about it but I I always played it at my
grandma's house my cousin had it for his Gamecube and almost any time I was there
I that was the only game I wanted to play I asked my cousin if I could borrow
it one day and he's like just take it I'm like what so I took it and I played
it and I loved it the story isn't something super super amazing it doesn't
really explain a whole lot and it leaves you hanging on the edge at the very end
of the credits you know there's a bonus scene after the credits so I really
don't know what it was about that game but I just loved it so much and it it
made a really strong connection with me somehow so yeah that's that's my
absolute absolute favorite game and I'm so super happy that they're coming out
with Beyond Good and Evil 2 it's quite a bit different from the first one and
doesn't really feel much at all like the first one but I'm so excited to try it
out and when it does come out and hopefully that can be very soon and now
this week's question is what is one book if you have multiples that's fine but
what is one book that really really captivated you I personally don't read a
whole lot at least not anymore but what is one book that really
captivated you that gave you such a vivid imagination while reading it and
that maybe made some kind of connection to you somehow leave your answers in the
comments down below and next week I will be reading them in the video just like
today and yeah so I may not respond to the comments because I kind of like
reading them later on but if there's a reason for me to respond to them then I
definitely will so thank you so much for watching I hope you had a wonderful day
and I will see you again tomorrow Godbless
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