testing testing 1 2 3!
hey guys & dolls and welcome back so I recently received quite a few new
products in the mail and I thought I would make a video using some of my old
favorites and some of these new goodies and I'll kind of let you know about my
thoughts and comments, concerns about the new products as I use them the
thing I'm really excited to use today is this new pallet from Too Faced this is
the glitter bomb palette and this came in like a huge package with
rollerskates! are you recording?
yeah okay so this huge huge box came from Too Faced and a little box
as well don't mind my apartment it's super messy
right now I had a busy weekend, so I'll open the little one in a minute but
what's in the big one -oh glitter like you mean it
I love the sound of that! I know you hate glitter oh wait I don't think I
can open this look OMG There's ROLLERSKATES! Come catch you? Come Catch me!
so what this is is a palette of eight like pressed glitter shadows and then there are these two intensifying basis
the ones a white base ones a black base are ones the brightening based rather
ones an intensifying base so you can put these underneath - I guess change the
color so we're going to play around with it a little bit today so the first thing
I do is I'm going to start out with my brows using the benefit "precisely my
brow pencil" and this is in the shade 3 which is a little bit on the warm side
of brown and so I am just going to fill in the front part of my brow which tends
to be kind of sparse and I have a zit in my brow line right now. oh I hate that
I hate it so freakin' much! anyone else hate brows zits? Let us know actually think
of more like uncommon things like anyone enjoy brows it ordinarily I would fill
my brows and really Sparsit because I have that there I just kind of got to
fill it in solid to try to cover it up it just it kind of blows but it won't be
there forever then underneath my brow going to use highbrow from benefit I
like to concentrate the majority of the color in the outer portion of the brow
and just do a little thin line over here and then I'll use a concealer brush to
blend that out onto the lid it's going to give me a nice lifted look it's a
really great trick if you have hooded eyes it really gives you the illusion of
having more space there having a little bit of lift it's also great if you have
droopy your eyelids and you just need a little pick-me-up it's like an instant
brow lift for my primer today I'm using Mac's painterly paint-pot with a
synthetic brush to sort of swirl it in there and then I will go ahead and just
smoosh that on all over my eyelid go ahead and get painterly blended all over
the lid and it makes such a great transition with that high brow it gives
you a little bit of dimension right away for eyeshadow I'm actually going to
first go in with some blush it was recently sent a few different blush
items from Make Up For Ever they're launching this new face color stuff and
it is but using this as my transitional color this is B 308 I'm using that on a
large smith cosmetics brush and I'm just going to fluff that into my upper crease
a windshield wiper motions for your for your afternoon I really I don't know if
you are a really big fan of makeup geeks Peach Smoothie but you've always wanted
it to be maybe a little more pigmented and maybe a little more pink or not that
not the Peach Smoothie isn't pigmented but like more rich in color this would
be a really a really great one to use and plus with the blush so you can also
use it on your cheeks do you guys like my hairdo that's what I do to make my
hair and like my hair is not cooperating today like I really I need to get about
the gun cuz it's just it's just not that oh really when the hair down for now
because I can't be bothered anyway now to enhance the crease I'm
going to take cayenne from the Naked heat palette I absolutely love this
eyeshadow I just bought that on my Wayne Goss 18 brush we're going to use
Purple's in the crease later but for now I just want to get a nice like warm
smoky kind of situation going because whenever you have a really
bold color that you pair with neutrals it just gives it this really polished
look I noticed that a lot of times that I do this everyone is like oh my god
what did you do with your eyeshadow and I'm like dude I just built up like some
neutrals before I went hand with the color I just I don't know man it just
works to try it out if you are used to going like really really bold with your
you know your colors maybe they don't blend as well just try blending some
neutrals underneath it's a really great way to make everything look really
seamless but I'm going to pump up the volume in my crease with the best purple
eyeshadow ever which is a sugar pillow poison plump look okay I'm just keeping
a Realty guys if you love purple eyeshadow and you don't have poison plum
you are missing out I'm just going to lay it out there like that it is that
good it is so intense and so vibrant I just love it so I'm using another Smith
cosmetics brush this one is the 256 brush systems great because it's got
this pointed tip so it's kind of like a you know a crease brush and a shader
brush like built into one and it's so good for just getting color exactly
where you want it which is what I'm doing right now just sort of popping
that in the deep crease to give me some depth and some color pop it's just
ironic cuz that's not the brand I'm using at all right now but I will be
later like I said I'm using tons of my favorite brands for this tutorial so
just really rock that color in your socket line or as longtime viewers of my
channel will remember rocket in your socket and the great thing is because
it's first kind of fluffy you can sort of turn it on its side to blend the
color up into the crease a little more color down and then fluff into the
crease if you get a little overzealous bring back when your other blenders to
blend it out just make that really soft I'm taking a naked brush and just making
sure everything's really well blended that's the real key with any kind of
bold makeup is you just blend your little heart
and then what I'm going to do is take B 302 which is the blush right next to the
other one I just created this towel it's like a dose of traditional maybe I'll do
a video talking specifically about these new makeup reverent blushes if you guys
are interested this one is like a sheer shimmery or kind of color and it's not
like shimmery like frosty like an eyeshadow but for a blush it's got a
little bit of shimmer to it so I'm just using that to like kind of finalize the
blend out now we've been just a little pocket by filling in a lot of our crease
color so I'm going to take the intensifying base from the glitter
palette and I'm going to place that all over
that lid to kind of fill it in and this eye shadow is interesting it you know
it's definitely a powder eyeshadow but has this really interesting feeling to
it where it feels kind of like velvet you like rub your brush on it it's
really kind of cool so I don't know how that formula is different and how that
works with the glitter but we'll find out in a moment I actually haven't used
them together I have use these glitter shadows a bit because I wore this look
the other day in my torrid haul but I haven't actually tried it all together
yet and then I'll blend in between the black shadow and the purple used in the
brush I had the purple one earlier just to kind of make sure that there's no
weird surprises later if so now that we have the black all over the lid I'm
going to take the glitter glue which came with this so just to give you an
idea of how this works best get a little bit of the glitter glue on the back of
my hand using a synthetic brush to apply this and I'm just going to apply it on
the parts of my lid where I want the glitter to be just not exactly all over
and kind of mostly and it will be using hot damn I'm too hot hot damn and in the
pan it looks kind of like magenta purple we get flashes between the two but on
the eyelid I feel like it really mostly looks purple which is pretty but I was
hoping for more of that warmth of color but I don't know if that's because I
have it over the black base too that's definitely possible
but I feel like when I do tilt my head it does change a little bit but I want
to bring out that once so I'm going to add a little bit of work it because is
it worth it I'm going to work it I put my thing down flip it and reverse it
never you're removing fall out and you've already done your eye shadow
guess you can't have one without the other but you just want to be real
careful around the edges and dry it dry it try it oh what a bummer that my hair
didn't curl so for my liner today I'll be using the makeup rubber graphic liner
this is the blackest like pen liner that I have it is awesome and really I just
want a nice black line for when I put my lashes on to kind of cover up the theme
because actual eyelashes are super blonde I mean it'll help creating a nice
dark base I just feel like I need the crease a little like to have more DAP
gas-like focus I'm not I'm not feeling like it's quite there yet to pick up
ashes from the Naked heat palette make a dark dark burgundy color and this is a
wing lost 20 and I'm going to apply this in a sea formation right there see just
that was a little za za zu that was something say like man ah okay so now to
do my face makeup I am starting out with the Smashbox primer this is a good
classic primer it goes with everything people mentioned that this primer makes
their foundation break down and the key is to use less than what you think use a
very very small amount especially if you have very oily skin and to work really
nicely for you give you a nice smoothing texture and keep in mind even still yet
not everything is for everyone so it still might not work for you by the way
if you guys been looking at this weird bump on my lip I cut myself shaving
today so that's cool my foundation today I'm going to be using my freaking
favorite this is from Make Up For Ever I cannot say enough good things about this
foundation crazy good coverage really natural-looking so I'll be using the
shade says one one five which is the one of our two-30 it's got a nice pinky
tone which is great for me because I'm quite pinky town and that that mixes
with the y21 five but I don't actually need to do that right now it's mixing
quite well with just this this brush is fantastic for just blending the
foundation into your skin just beautifully so that is exactly what I
aim to do stuff it on and buff it in do blend in my foundation today I'm using a
brush that I recently picked up in my dice' haul so if you haven't checked out
that video already you'll want to check this out this brush
was four dollars as you like to see me using over the first time having like an
oh shit moment when I'm shooting it I definitely check that video out because
it was a very genuine haul moment so for my concealer stick I don't want to get
the best of both worlds really intense full coverage and a little bit of a
pinky color balancing so I'm using the Ultra HD concealer in number r22 and the
full cover of concealer in number four I'm going to be mixing these two little
guys together on the back of my hand you can kind of see them there you can see
the color difference between the two this is the r22 and this is the number
four for the full coverage and then new brand new blend I don't need even nearly
half this concealer but whatever then to set all of my foundation I'm going to
use a little bit of the mystifying mattifying powder from lunatic cosmetics
I'm really representing for like all the artistry brands and my favorite indie
brands just like using all my faves today square reasons I wanted to make
this tutorial because it was like a bunch of new products but also a bunch
of just like my favorite brand so I just want to like give some love to and
promote and stuff because it's always about like the new stuff but like if
you're hitting pan on something you love it and it's definitely worth shouting
out like that's how you know you use it you guys to my new series the shit so I
talked about like new shit old shit and things that are not the shit I will have
a link to that in the description we're down below because I'm also shouting out
some oldies but goodies in that video which I think you guys will really like
okay now that we're like list not to finish up my lashes I'm
using these lashes from ardell and they're faux mink and they are
absolutely gorgeous I can't wait to bust into this baggage
I'm so excited I mean just patiently waiting for the perfect moment to use
these they look so soft beautiful absolutely gorgeous now I'm going to use
make it really fun I'm going to get a little bit of this color pop ultra satin
lip color I'm going to get it again on the back of my hand can you tell I love
using the back of my hand the palette we use this as an eyeliner and I'm going to
use a soap cosmetics 304 brush to apply it to my lower lash line so what I'm
going to do is drop it along my lash line make sure you're not getting it in
your inner rim because you don't want to do that draw all the way across like
that and then take a q-tip ready to down this side and just blend out the bottom
edge of that so it doesn't have like a harsh line to it and then over the top
of that I'm going to be taking this manuka honey eyeshadow from ardency in
it's a beautiful color shifting purple called orchid just press that over the
colour-pop color you don't have to use the color pop thing you can use a
regular eyeliner I just felt like showing a different way to use the color
pop liners and then to make that a little bit smoky I'm going to take that
intensifying base from the glitter palette the black shadow and I'm just
going to crease that along my lash line with that same brush so it's got a
little bit of that purple leftover on it and I'm going to blend the two together
I would put black liner in my waterline but I find that I can send them to take
my eyes look a little closed off it also bug my contact lenses I'm just not gonna
do it I'm going to blending a bit more orchid over that and I like how the
really like bluish purple is really fun stuff with my eye color she's got a
warmer purple as been a cooler Purple's on the bottom
brightening eyeliner on my inner rim this one's from pixie so take that same
brightening liner and I'm going to apply that right here a little inner bits
where I don't have any shadow yet this is really creamy it's going to blend out
lovely I'm just going to take a little tiny q-tip so blend that up then I'm
going to take rose a all day and asus cosmetics 302 tap off the extra and I'm
going to pop that right there oh now to do some fun stuff with blush going to be
using some makeup forever contour colors this is the shade s1 1 2 and I'm using a
hourglass cosmetics this is actually their foundation brush but I love it for
contour and pours it right here to the hollow of my cheek wind it up
what I love about these powders is that they do have enough pigmentation to get
the job done but they're really really soft and so if you tend to be a little
overzealous or kind of know just do too much more blush or contour is concerned
either perfect for you like I'm even taking I'm gonna take the darkest
colored out like this should be frightful right that's a bit intense you
absolutely will be able to blend it out and make it work for you
now for blush I'm going to be using the free is it for you a to think I was
using say when I use my creeks earlier I'm going to mix it with I think it's
302 mixing those two together popping that on my cheek Oh beautiful beautiful
peachy blush for highlight I'm going to be using another makeup forever product
this is the pro pro light fusion in the shade one it's beautiful pink one if I
want that right here actually really intense right now I'm good or I'm going
to share it out above my brow and kind of on the brow bone as well and then I
will come back with it's my foundation brush I'm just kind of calm it all down
and I like to really glow baby glow than putting out windows my upper lip a
little tune my lips I'm going to use a combination of two different lip colors
from Smashbox this to be legendary lip pigment and I'm going to be using crush
it first which is a really deep color I'm going to apply that with a brush to
get a liar application with like a stain
and then over that I'm taking mob squad which is a beautiful mauve rosy gold
it's just fantastic so put that right over the top so this is the final look I
hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed creating it for you
I will have links to everything I use today on my blog vintage or tacky comm
is just way too much to list in the description bar down below and then
where you can also see photos of this look again I don't filter anything so
you can see what it really looks like thank you guys so much for watching and
I will see you guys my next video remember to vintage or tacky just be
your own kind of beautiful see you bye
For more infomation >> Singing Missy Elliot? Chit Chat Fun GRWM Makeup Tutorial | TOO FACED GLITTER BOMB | - Duration: 19:34.-------------------------------------------
Geometry Dash Update 2 1 Sneak Peek, but I play it - Duration: 0:38.
Speak to the Wii
Begin the
Stop it
In the bin...
Bin Bin
Speak to THE WII
Begin the
Stop it
In the bin...
Bin Bin
[Awesome EDM]
Oh boy! Here comes the Drop!
Getting so close I can taste it...
[Subtitles by me, PlatniumGD. Also, first video! Woot Woot!]
CBB IPM - 30 Tree Sampling Method for CBB Monitoring - Part I - In the Field - Duration: 3:22.
[birds chirping]
(Narrator) The 30 Tree Sampling Method for coffee berry borer monitoring helps
determine the beetle population on your farm.
It gives an estimate on your berry infestation,
and bean damage, as well as help you to determine the most effective
times to spray Beauveria bassiana.
This video will go over step 1 of the sampling.
Step two and three can be found in the second video.
To begin step 1,
you'll start monitoring and sampling around 30 days after your initial
flowering. However you may want to start sooner if your trap catch or your own
observations indicate an increase in CBB activity.
To start sampling you'll need
the following items: a clipboard with a map of your farm, a 30 tree sampling
worksheet, a knife, pen or pencil, permanent marker, storage bag, flagging
tape, calculator, tally counter, and any visual aids that you might need such as
a hand lens or reading glasses.
Once you're in the field, mark a zig-zag
pattern on your map to use as a guide while you sample.
Choose at least 12 trees per acre
or 30 trees per hectare to sample along the zigzag.
Here you can see our map is simply drawn with notes on the physical features and the number
of rows of coffee. If needed you can add other features such as the pruning stage,
coffee variety, microclimate, or even management practices.
Please tailor your farm map based on your needs.
Begin sampling at tree number 1,
a tree close to the corner of the coffee field. Randomly select the coffee branch
found on the middle of the tree that has around 30 to 120 berries.
Count the total number of green berries on the branch and remember not to count any ripe
cherry. If there aren't enough green berries on the branch, you can count off
the two branches. Record the total number of green berries on column A of your worksheet.
Next, count the number of green berries infested with CBB, which are
unripened berries with holes at the flower end of the fruit.
Here are some examples of green berries that are infested with CBB. Record the total
number of infested green berries on column B of your worksheet.
Afterwards, randomly pick 3 to 4 CBB infested green berries from the branch and place
it your storage bag. If you're unable to find infested green berries on your
branch, you can collect them from a neighboring branch.
If you notice anything interesting about the trees in your area, record notes on column C of
your worksheet. For example you can take notes on hotspots, raisins, unhealthy or
diseased trees, or any other issues with insects or pests. If you need to come
back to a tree on a later date, you can flag the tree and then continue your sampling.
Next check your map and move towards the next sample tree, but before
you reach the tree..STOP and choose your sample branch from a distance. This
will help you avoid biasing your data, if you tend to be looking for branches with
high infestation. Once chosen repeat the previous steps and continue until
all the trees have been sampled.
If you sampled from 30 trees, you should have
about a 100 infested green berries. Immediately proceed to step two and
three, which is covered in the next video.
For more information on how to control
coffee berry borer, please visit hawaiicoffee.weebly.com,
or contact your nearest Cooperative Extension office.
Fiat Tipo 1.4I LOUNGE NAVI CLIMA CRUISE LMV - Duration: 0:54.
Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8I-16V EXCLUSIVE Hoge Zit Clima-15inch-Trekhaak-Cv - Duration: 0:59.
How To Speak English Confidently and Overcome Speaking Anxiety – 5 Best Tips - Duration: 9:01.
Ray Conniff - Loves me like a rock (HD) (CC) - Duration: 2:35.
My First Video - Duration: 2:09.
Welcome to my very first YouTube video.
In this short video I will be explaining what this channel is about and what I have planned for future content.
(Basically all that is taking place in the background right now is time-lapsed gameplay of one of my current map creations.)
One thing I would like to apologize for in advance is the fact that this video is a text only video.
I do plan on making future content with voice audio, but for now this will have to do.
Speaking about future content and this channel...
I am planning on uploading game-play from games such as...
Battlefield 4...
World of Tanks...
and any other games that my friends and I find interesting.
So if you are interested in these future plans then...
I'd appreciate it if you would like and subscribe.
But if you do choose to subscribe then don't slap that button, Spank it!
Yes, yes, I know. That was cringy, but hey no worries.
I think that's pretty much all I have to say.
Oh yes almost forgot...
So for my minecraft uploads I plan on doing...
Survival Lets Plays, Time lapsed builds, and Step-by-step builds.
Most of the gameplay I plan on uploading will be done with friends.
So that's it for now,...
but I hope you enjoyed my first, somewhat decent, Youtube video...
and I'll see you later.
Revengetale #5 | Middletime | Undertale AU | Frank Gamez - Duration: 6:33.
WHAT'S YOUR PROOF? | Stephen The Levite - Duration: 5:19.
We're Bereans at...
We're whistles at...
Can you imagine the reaction
of seein' lightning without hearin' thunder clappin'?
Ayo, it's kinda like a tree that casts no shadow
or light comin' out through a black hole
It's impossible, right?
Like God's truth without proof,
the Words that the prophets write
No contradictions, all predictions
Came to pass in the pass provin' the future ones non-fiction
God makes faith solid
It's not a blind leap, it's an anchor attached to a rock, it's...
God promise on top of an oath,
The evidence of the things unseen the substance of hope
Provable and immutable
Absolute truth as usual it's still irrefutable
God's perspective the true objective
No other document should be as highly respected
In a world of opinions,
skepticism, false doctrine and lots of religions
God's givin' the Christian
The Sword to make division between fact and fiction
Spiritual wisdom, placed in a judges position
Held accountable for decisions
It's kinda like the Great Commission
Authority passes by faith when the Spirit is given
Call it inherited discernment
The reason the heathens read it but they still can't learn it
The Word of God is hard to learn
But a lot harder when you don't know the Author
If you do then it's cool, listen to
What I spit you, there's two points to the issue
Judge wisely when cats come at you and be ready when cats ask you...
Why should I believe you?
How do I know what you preach is true?
Can you prove that you speak the truth?
Is your leader misleading you?
Or do you follow your heart like the rest of the heathens do?
What's your proof?
Christian hold your whistle (hold your whistle)
Blow it when you know it's not official (not official)
God's Word and authority are the issue (the issue)
If God said it, than hell prove it's true, yo!
By His Spirit we have liberty
To behold as in a glass openly God's glory (God's glory)
And we grow in maturity
Takin' responsibility, preachin' in His authority (His authority)
'Cause if we teach God's Law but God isn't mentioned
The listener will think it's opinion
Then one of two things happen
Do you remember the first half of the hook that I was rappin'?
Well that's one of 'em 'cause your argument means nothin'
Until you can prove it with somethin'
Number two is, self righteousness
Through obedience, the dead works of the religious
Heads gotta know God said so then serve Him
Not just be a good person
The heathens can't please Him by goin' through the motions when
They don't believe Him
Next subject, some heads like to do the opposite
Sayin' "God said..." when He didn't
It's what we call a false prophet
The type Deuteronomy 13 says to throw rocks at
But now-a-days there's grace and they can repent,
Or wait for God's condemnation
And like I said before, there's a way to make sure
It's a prophet or impersonator
The Word had to come to pass
Plus line up with the Word of God preached in the past
Miracles might confirm it but false prophets did miracles too,
You really can't discern with it
So were left with the text
The Scriptures with which we put prophets to the test
So if you like to come at dudes
And you speak truth, then respect when they ask you...
Why should I believe you?
How do I know what you preach is true?
Can you prove that you speak the truth?
Is your leader misleading you?
Or do you follow your heart like the rest of the heathens do?
What's your proof?
Christian hold your whistle (hold your whistle)
Blow it when you know its not official (not official)
God's Word and authority are the issue (the issue)
If God said it, than hell prove it's true!
Yo, I ain't done yet, but I will be
When I give proof so I don't speak hypocritically
A lot of y'all should be askin'
"Where's your proof? Where did you say that you get your facts from?"
You want proof, read Hebrews 5, 6 and 11
And do a lot of cross reference
That proves about half of the first verse
That was simple, the next half gets worse
2nd Timothy 3:16 plus 2nd Peter 1:19 still not enough
1st Corinthians 2:10-16, Psalm 82
Then Matthew, last chapter verse 18-20,
Next 17:11 in Acts, bruh
Peter 3:15, it's the first one
With that we can consider the first verse done
So let's go to the next one
2nd Corinthians 3:16 through 4:7
Then here's a little bit of trivia
Psalm 118: 8 the middle verse of the Scripture(s)
Then go back to, Hebrews 11:6 and Deuteronomy, I already mentioned it
Chapter 13 in case you forgot
1st Thessalonians 5:21, done Ak
If you think that I'm wrong
Or I left something out hit me up at LampMode.com
I've been wrong before, and I'm sure
It's not the last time, there's going' to be many more
So I'm pleased when I'm seein'
Cats who reason, from the text, gettin' checked by Bereans
So, I should be happy
When I step off stage and somebody's askin' me...
Why should I believe you?
How do I know what you preach is true?
Can you prove that you speak the truth?
Is your leader misleading you?
Or do you follow your heart like the rest of the heathens do?
What's your proof?
Christian hold your whistle (hold your whistle)
Blow it when you know it's not official (not official)
God's Word and authority are the issue (the issue)
If God said it, than hell prove its true!
10 Years of Learning English with JenniferESL on YouTube! - Duration: 29:59.
Hello. I'm Jennifer.
I'm standing in the woods behind my home here in Massachusetts
because I'd like to share a few expressions that have to do with the outdoors.
What better place, right?
Back in July of 2007, I decided to post a few videos for English language learners.
Very quickly I started to get positive comments from students and other teachers.
I was so excited to reach people in different countries around the world.
Within the first couple of months, I knew that YouTube was something very special
and I wanted to continue.
Let's start with the first expression: to be out of the woods.
If you're out of the woods, you've just come out of a difficult situation.
You're problems have ended.
And if someone says to you, "You're not out of the woods yet."
It means that difficulties will continue.
Or you have more challenges that lie ahead.
Over here I have a frying pan and fire.
The expression "out of the frying pan and into the fire"
means you just went from one bad situation to another, perhaps even worse.
I knew so little about producing and editing videos.
My early lessons had bad lighting,
and the audio quality wasn't that great either.
but viewers continued to support my efforts.
I promised that as long as there were people to teach
I would continue to improve my skills as an online teacher.
Those of you who have been with me for several years
know that I've been working hard to produce better quality videos.
I thank you for your patience as I learn how to use all the technology.
Jennifer, 10 years ago YouTube was a crazy place.
But you had vision and saw how much it could help English learners.
You're an inspiration to us all, and I love you!
Happy anniversary!
"Remember" + a gerund means you have the memory of an event or action.
At one point, my friend Natasha asked for English lessons.
I was too busy to take on another private student,
so I suggested that we study together and film our lessons
so that I could share videos with other beginners.
Luckily my friend had enough courage to agree.
All right. Let's try again.
Thank you.
We had to end our lessons when Natasha's family moved away,
but the 65 lessons that we filmed have been watched by thousands around the world.
I'm so proud of Natasha for modeling a good attitude for other students.
I was lucky have have other friends, neighbors, and family who agreed to go on camera.
What kinds of jobs involve getting paid under the table?
Well, getting paid under the table would be jobs like
um...mowing the lawn, babysitting.
Um, sometimes it could be construction work.
You know, something in your house.
Don't you think there are some dangers when you get paid under the table?
Absolutely. If you're injured when you're paid under the table,
there's no recourse. There's no insurance to pay for your injury.
Um, there's no build-up of social security, so you miss that income.
You heard the expression "pay someone under the table."
What does this expression mean?
The answer is A.
To pay someone under the table is to pay the person secretly or unofficially.
Sometimes people get paid under the table because the work is illegal.
Claudia, I know you've been here for 11 years.
Yes. That's a long time.
Surely there's a few things that you miss about your home country.
Yes, I do.
I'm fortunate to have very supportive colleagues.
Some are a wonderful source of support off-camera.
And several have appeared on camera with me to help create new lessons for you.
My name is Holly, and I work part-time from home
teaching English online via video. And I'm also an independent video producer.
My name is Alfredo, and for my full-time job I teach English at a university.
I also teach English language learners through our website and through our YouTube channel.
Both Holly and Alfredo teach through video,
but Alfredo says that his full-time job is teaching at a university.
It's likely Holly. She explains that she works part-time,
whereas Alfredo teaches full-time.
In this lesson, I have a special surprise for you.
I'm teaming up with another YouTuber,
a very popular and talented English teacher.
Rachel of Rachel's English
Together Rachel and I will be teaching some work-related idioms.
We'll use some old and new footage.
I'll also be offering some useful study tips.
Rachel is going to teach the first idiom. Are you ready?
Have you ever heard anyone say, "Keep me in the loop" or "I want to stay in the loop."
This idiom means to be informed or connected.
For example, if you're working on a project at work and you've just been talking about it.
To let your co-workers know that you're interested in staying involved or informed,
you could say, "Great. Keep me in the loop."
So keeping you in the loop means keeping you informed.
Making sure you get information as it becomes known or shared.
Keeping you in that circle.
Rachel explained that this idiom can be used at work.
This is important. Here's our first tip.
Not all idioms belong in the workplace or within a professional exchange.
But "keep me in the loop" is a great work-related idiom.
My second tip is learn how to use an idiom.
The basic idiom here is "in the loop."
Rachel gave us two ways to use it.
It's a good thing to be familiar with variations of an idiom.
When you're creating your outgoing voicemail message,
begin by saying "Hello." Then either state your name or your phone number.
For example: Hello. You've reached Gabby. OR Hello. You've reached 555-1234.
Then you can leave instructions for the caller, say thank you and goodbye.
So for example: Hello. You've reached Gabby. Please leave me a message,
and I'll call you back as soon as possible. Thank you. Bye.
Hello. This is Jennifer.
I'm sorry I'm not able to take your call.
Please leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Thank you.
Hi Jennifer. It's Vicki returning your call.
I guess we're playing phone tag.
But I got your email, and I love your idea.
And I'll be happy to contact the others.
I'll see who I can reach today.
Talk later. Bye.
Check this out.
I used to work at a fish market. True or false?
True! Actually, I worked at a fish market for six summers when I was a teenager.
Did you notice the rhythm while I was speaking? Did you?
When we speak, we stress the words that are most important for people to understand.
Those words are on the beat in English.
The others words, usually little grammar words,
they shrink, they get smaller or link together.
That's the shrinking and linking.
Hey Jennifer! It's Gabby from Go Natural English.
And Scrappy.
And we want to wish you an awesome 10-year anniversary of your YouTube channel.
I'm such a big fan of yours, and you've been a big mentor
and inspiration for me as an English teacher online, too.
So congratulations to one of the most awesome world famous online English teachers.
We love you!
One of the toughest challenges for me over the past ten years
has been balancing work and family.
I have two great loves: my family and teaching.
I looked so tired in many of those early videos
because I was working on so little sleep.
I published my first video on July 25, 2007.
My son was two, and my daughter was two months old.
Often I filmed when they were taking naps.
Little by little, you started to see my children in my videos.
I'm out. Okay.
You're out. This is the winner. Yay!
These are your toys, not mine, right? - Yes.
What do we have?
A spider and an insect. Or a cockroach.
You think it's a cockroach? It's a big one. Okay.
Are you afraid of spiders?
A little bit. If it was this big?
Yes, I'd be afraid. I'd be afraid of it, too.
What about cockroaches? Are you afraid of cockroaches?
If it landed on me, I'd be scared.
I would be scared, too.
Natasha, I have a question for you.
When we sing "Jingle Bells," what word do we say at the end?
When we say: "Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells! Jingle all the way."
"Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh..."
And how is that spelled? H-a-y or h-e-y?
Of course. Because if we say h-a-y,
what are we talking about?
They hay that um horses eat.
Yeah. Hay for horses.
I help, too.
Well, I try.
Here's how you make a snow angel.
First of all, you need to wait for it to snow.
Then when it does, be sure to dress warmly.
Find a good spot.
Then lie down with your arms out.
Next, move your arms and legs up and down.
The tricky part is getting up and not messing up your angel.
By the way, if you have a dog, they may want to help a little bit.
Thank you for supporting my children's efforts in front of the camera.
I think it's been good for Alex and Natasha to be a part of my work.
And I think you know that for me teaching is very personal.
I put myself and a bit of my life in my lessons.
This is my little angel. I've had her since I was a child.
My name is written on it along with my birthday.
March 9.
So the angel is little. The angel is sweet.
She's my sweet little angel.
opinion - size - head noun
(Speaking Russian: Hello. In this video, I'll be speaking Russian.
But first let me say a few words in English.)
In this video, I'll be speaking Russian,
and if you want to hear more English, you can jump ahead to the end.
But even if you don't speak Russian,
maybe you can listen just a little.
And you'll come to see that I'm a language learner, too.
And I understand that it takes determination to learn another language.
And it takes courage to speak it.
(Speaking Russian: For a long time now, many of you have asked me to make a video in Russian.)
So when I was 16, I joined a Filipino dance group.
I had to catch up to other kids who had been dancing for several years.
One day a parent walked in with a box of glasses.
And I was like, "What are those for?"
They said we were going to learn to dance with candles on our heads.
I said, "Really? No tape or anything?"
Remember what may seem impossible at first really isn't.
With patience and practice, along with some helpful tips,
you can accomplish almost anything.
You all likely know that the highlight of Thanksgiving is the holiday meal.
But what happens the day before Thanksgiving?
In this video, I'll give you a look into the preparations for the big feast.
Natasha, do you want to help me crimp the pies...the pie crusts? - Okay.
Okay. So we have the pie crusts in the pie tins.
And well, we can't bake a pie like that because it won't look very pretty.
So we have to crimp the pie crust.
Do you remember...? Here you do this one.
Do you remember...like that one? Okay. You do that one, and I'll do this one.
In short, I'm very thankful for the opportunity to teach online.
Thank you, each an every one of you, for allowing me to share my knowledge
and for giving me the chance to guide your studies even just a little bit.
I've learned so much from teaching you,
and I've grown a lot as a person because of my experience online.
Thank you, everyone, for the past ten years.
I hope to continue my work for many more years to come.
That's all for now.
As always, thanks for watching and happy studies!
소지섭 "송중기 덕에 결혼 질문 많아. 송승헌 커플은 만났어. 예뻤다" - Duration: 7:13.
What makes a good dashboard - Duration: 2:10.
What's up, everybody. This is Michael Hsu.
And today, we're going to talk about Dashboards.
There're so much things going on.
There're technology, there're a consulting firm,service provider. It's just an array.
There's so much going on in the marketplace that there's also a lot of noise that
Entrepreneurs to really know where to start anymore.
So, What Makes a Good Dashboard
Exactly, what is the dashboard supposed to do and
how is it different than the traditional financial statement or spreadsheet that your CPA gets you.
We're going to dig into that. In my opinion, a useful dashboard is really good enough , fast enough
actionable Data. So a dashboard unlike a traditional financial statement it shouldn't have a whole lot of
Information. So imagine that a dashboard in an office space. It should probably set up on your wall and
everybody walking by it. The whole purpose of the dashboard is so that it keeps your focus
on the right things and it changes your behavior from a day-To-day basis.
So, what does it need? If first of all, it needs to be easy to understand
Easily Consumable. For Deepsky, we have four dashboard in our office
And one of them is our daily 808 sheet. It's very simple. There's no tech behind it. It's not high-tech
It's just a google spreadsheet
And it's got a list of every employee, every team member on there.
Our top one priority for the day, and then a very simple red, yellow and green
Every day
everybody walking by it.
We can get a quick glimpse
If there are more green than red that means that the team is good on track. If there are yellows it means that something is wrong.
We should probably explore it. If we start seeing red over and over, then we sit down
we have a meeting and we dig deeper
So, essentially, that is what a dashboard supposed to do
The Information has to be light, has to be consumable and has to be actionable
PUBG Delayed, Huge PC Gaming Sale, MS Paint -- Weekly Download #54 - Duration: 6:25.
Hey Welcome to Zach's Tech Turf and Weekly Download episode number 54, which is my weekly
tech and PC gaming news series.
Today, I'm gonna be playing som Dark and Light because that's pretty much the only
game I've been playing this week and I'm gonna be sipping on a cup of joe.
Make sure you guys let me know in the comment section what you're sipping on, let's
get into it.
Starting with the tech news this week, the CEO of AMD gave us a bit of a teaser for the
upcoming release of their new baller CPU the Threadripper.
The teaser included a picture of the box that the humoungous CPU comes in, and it's about
the size of a mini-ITX case.
Now I am assuming that this case will only be tech reviewers, remember those nice wood
crates that Ryzen chips came in, but either way, I like that AMD is doing more and more
to market their products and compete with Intel this year.
Right now we know of 2 models of the Threadripper, an 800 dollar 12core/24 thread and a 1000
dollar 16 core 32 thread.
Micrsoft Paint has been ressurected from I guess almost dying this week.
Earlier in the week Microsoft announced that they will cease development in the ancient
MS Paint software and eventually compeltely remove it from their operating system.
This caused an insane amount of loyal fanboys to cry and complain, with good reason mind
you, so they announced that they will not trash the software.
It actually will be removed from the base Windows operating system, but it will go to
the Windows Store as a free app in the future.
I actually use MS paint for my quick editing needs, every single one of these new articles
that I pin on the left hand side I quickly cropped with Paint, so I'm a happy camper.
Alright so last week I talked about Net Netrality for the first time in a while, and what do
you know, I got some more news for you.
Verizon was caught last week and openly admitted to throttling customer's data speed, but
it might have been legal and not against current Net Neutrality laws.
Apparently they were testing some things around on their network and performing network management
practices that warranted the temporary throttle in data.
In English, the current Net Neutrality laws just ban Internet service providers from throttling
data based on the content, and since Verizon equally throttled all video content for a
while, it more than likely was legal.
All in all, I highly doubt we will see anything come from this, it is Verizon after all.
The CEO of Niantic, the creators of Pokemon Go, announced that their botched first real
world meetup in Chicago was the fault of ceullar companies and not Niantic.
If you missed it, there was a Pokemon Go meetup in Chicago where they released a bunch of
legendary pokemon, and thousands, I mean thousands of people showed up but were in for a rude
Apparently there was so much ceullar data congestion going on that most people couldn't
even connect to Niantic servers and play the game.
Are you guys still playing Pokemon GO?
I definitely had that 3-4 week binge where I was playing every day like half the planet
was, but I haven't even opened the app since.
And to wrap up the tech news this week, iRobot,the Roomba robot vacuum company, has been mapping
our homes for years and now wants to sell that data.
I personally have a robot vacuum in the house, absolutely in love with it by the way and
highly recommend it, even in a house with 2 big dogs, but I'm a little bit nervous
about them selling my data.
The robot vacuums that connect to Wifi save maps of the layout of your house so they learn
to navigate it easier, but iRobot wants to sell that data to big companies such as Google,
Apple, and Amazon.
Apparently this data can be used for the development of smart home technology, but i don't know,
seems like a breach of privacy to me, make sure you guys let me know what you think about
this, and seriously, if you're thinking about a robot vacuum I think you should go
for it.
Alright to start of the PC gaming news this week, that long awaited PlayerUnknown's
Battlegrounds update with first person servers, FOV sliders, and the new rifle has been postponed
until August 3rd.
The developers stated that they were getting some game breaking client crash bugs so they
had to delay the update.
Furthermore, the update with customizable player skins will not be released until the
final launch of the game and not in early access.
The Green Man Gaming Summer sale is underway and there's some really good deals out there.
I've used Green Man Gaming before, it's a trusted site, and some of the deals include
For Honor down to 40 bucks, Street Fighter 4 down to 19, and even Euro Truck Simulator
down to 6 bucks.
Yea I included that, for some reason I've been dying to play that title so I might actually
pick it up.
Green Man Gaming also features Flash deals every 12 hours where if you use discount code
SUMMER2017 in all caps you save an additional 15 percent.
The developers of Dying Light, the zombie parkour survival game released in 2015 have
announced that 10 pieces of downloadable content are coming over the course of the next 12
They showed off their playerbase numbers stating that 700,000 players were playing every week
when the game released in 2015, and now here in mid 2017 there are still over 500,000 playing
every week.
These are actually some incredible numbers so it's amazing to see developers like this
continually develop their game years after release, shocking I know.
And to wrap up the PC gaming news this week, All paid DLC for Doom 2016 is now available
for free, but it's actually required.
If you have Doom installed with automatic updates then you may have seen that massive
downoad go through on your computer, and yea, it was 34GB.
Despite giving away content for free, although the DLC was only ever aimed at Doom's below
average multiplayer mode, this has gamers very upset because even if you want to only
play the campaign, you need to install this update to run the game.
34GB is a massive size for DLC, even for an entire game honestly, and this just makes
me think how much better the Call of Duty games do it on PC, having both a multiplayer
and Single player launcher inside of Steam.
Well that wraps up Weekly Download episode number 54.
Make sure you guys stay up to date on Zach's Tech Turf this weekend, I have a very important
announcement video coming soon.
Well I hope you guys enjoyed this video, please drop a like down below to help support my
channel, and as always, thank you for watching and please subscribe for more Zach's Tech
Turf videos.
COD WW2 BACKPACK EDITION - Duration: 4:29.
Yo what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and today I have
another call of duty video for you guys today so guys today's video is going to
be on another another yes it's probably like the third video of eight of this
another video on a different like on like a different edition of comedy World
War two and like I said I've already made like three videos of like different
editions anyways let's roll this intro
alright guys so before we even talk make sure I subscribe leave a like if you're
new because I'll be doing a lot of World War 2 content and that is so yeah if
you're gonna be looking out for World War 2 credit classes there's some tricks
Maps I'm gonna be doing a lot of series on World War 2 just anything subscribe
to the channel and leave a like on the video really appreciate it anyways so
yes there is a new edition of world war ii so if you guys haven't seen my past
two videos past three I believe first came out of Pro Edition which is
basically now the digital deluxe edition the hundred dollar version then there
came out another version which was I believe around 100 hundred twenty it
came out with a couple of stuff and then my latest video it talked about an
Edition that didn't actually have the games but how like World War two like
type of stuff like a World War two theme you know the bookcase cover a world war
two you know bug that talks about all the history events and stuff like that
that was in my last video you guys can check that out to go to my videos you
guys will see it but anyway so the data has been in announced another edition of
World War two so this is available at Best Buy I don't know maybe each like
different place that you go to is different editions like one more maybe
you get something else that's why you get this whatever I'm going to tell you
yesterday somewhere to get something different I don't know but I Best Buy
you can get a World War Two backpack and a poster that is it so our best buy
there's been a new addition for the pre-order at least so if you buy you get
world war ii the game you get the season pass you get a world war 2 zombies
poster a lenticular poster and then you get a roller to backpack magnetic
closure snaps shoulders sling strap for transformation to messenger bag
removable patches so i mean it looks like an alright backpack i'm
I wouldn't wear this to school or nothing but I mean I guess you guys want
it and by the way that cost 149 dollars now unless you're going to be wanting
this backpack to school actually using it there is zero point for this it's
probably get the poster for like less than $20 on the internet if you just
search it so I may be the only thing here is a backpack there's a $249
version of this edition it comes with world war 2 of the season pass the the
backpack the poster that's a lot and it also closes the deployment kit that
caused by my last video basically it's a whole bunch of stuff of pouches dog tags
collector's edition stuff so yeah all these different versions are coming out
of nowhere that is popping up everywhere and basically at the end when I talk
about everything I usually tell you guys if I think it's worth it if it's worth
it for you guys to buy or not and this is in those minutes don't I don't know
why anybody would get this unless you really really really want a backpack
then literally I don't know why if you go to somewhere else and get a nicer
back I don't know why you would get a world war 2 1 again unless you wanted or
I don't know the poster maybe but you can get that on the Internet as well I
don't know guys all these additions that are coming up everywhere called Duty is
really pointless the only one that I agree for you guys to buys one hundred
dollar one because you get the game and the season pass and some extra stuff
which is all you really need and my eyes all these other stuff is a waste what
are you gonna do with dog tags in and like a pouch or like a water thingy I
really gonna put water in there you know carry around what you wanted to get a
water bottle or buy a cheaper one on the internet why do you have to buy with the
game you know it probably cost more buy on the internet for cheaper for example
a backpack or a poster you get down on the internet both of those things for
less than 20 well guys that's basically it again my final verdict on this is
that y'all should not get it but you guys can do whatever you want if you
guys ever says I feel like these are myself you know
got a car now gotta go serving in my wicked slow down now I'm a star my
desire go now yes heavy mess no the dark I do play so
muscle yummy tops touch to see our certificate burnin rubber Michael
numbered our job and I jump I die so I can relate to the star
SVR11 PS2: Unlimited Finisher (English/Español) - Duration: 2:12.
"예비신부 송혜교, 예쁘고 생각도 깊다" - Duration: 4:32.
CBB IPM - 30 Tree Sampling Method for CBB Monitoring - Part II - Dissection and Decision - Duration: 3:13.
[Bird chirping]
(Narrator) This video will cover the second part of the 30 Tree Sampling Method
for coffee berry borer monitoring.
It will go over how to determine the CBB positions in
the berries and when it's a good time to spray Beauveria bassiana.
After collecting your berries from the field, you'll need to process them
immediately to determine the beetles position inside the berries.
The AB position is when CBB has just started to bore into the fruit and is still visible.
In this position, CBB can be controlled with Beauveria bassiana or other pesticides.
While in the CD position, the beetle has bored further in, causing
damage to the bean, and at which point cannot effectively be treated with insecticides.
To determine what position the CBB is in,
you'll need to dissect your green berries.
Carefully cut each berry and determine if the beetle is...
AB Alive,
AB Dead,
AB Absent,
or CD whether the beetle is alive, dead, or absent.
Use the worksheet to tally your findings.
Please make sure not to kill the beetle while opening the berry.
Here are different ways to carefully dissect
your berries using a knife or pruning shears.
If it's difficult to see the beetle,
use visual aids and have ample light during dissection.
Once you have dissected all the berries,
complete the calculations on the worksheet.
For % infestation,
you'll need to use the numbers collected in the field.
Add all the numbers in column A,
to get the total number of green berries.
Then add all the numbers in column B,
to get the total number of infested berries.
divide the column B total, by the column A total, and multiply it by a hundred.
For % AB Alive,
divide the AB Alive tally, by the total number of dissected berries
and multiply it by a hundred.
And for % CD, divide the CD tally, by the total number
of dissected berries and multiply that by 100.
These numbers will give you a snapshot of CBB on your farm
and help you determine if is a good time to spray.
The higher the percent infestation and or AB Alive is,
the more likely you'll need to spray.
The higher the percent CD is,
the more likely your spray application was late
or requires modification for great of effectiveness.
To help you with your spray decision,
you can use Table 1 on the worksheet as a guide.
Start by finding your percent infestation on the right hand column.
Then, on the top row, find your percent AB Alive.
Next, see where they intersect
and find the number or color in the legend and review the recommendation.
Please note, Table 1 may differ from your spray thresholds
and you should adjust it accordingly.
If you do decide to spray, spray immediately
when weather conditions are favorable.
Also, make sure to save your completed worksheet for future reference.
For more information on how to control coffee berry borer,
please visit hawaiicoffee.weebly.com
or contact your nearest Cooperative Extension office.
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