Understandably, from both policy and political perspectives, much of Illinois has been laser
focused on Senate Bill 1, the education funding bill, which seeks to change the formula used
to fund public K-12 education in our State.
The implications are high and it's an incredibly important topic, no doubt.
But we here in Northern Illinois have been primarily dealing with flooding devastation
and assisting flood victims after approximately 20 inches of rain.
The effects of this massive rain events have been daunting, to say the least, and the clean-up
will take time and the costs of this devastation will be tremendous.
So, I'd like to tell you about what's been happening in my legislative district, District
64, which includes portions that run along the Fox River and encompasses parts of Crystal
Lake proper.
Along the Fox River for the last few weeks, we have been beaten down by the torrential
People who live on or near the river are no strangers to flooding or sandbagging to protect
their properties.
But it is not just homes but also the many businesses along the Chain that depend on
the watercraft traffic in the summer for a year's worth of income.
So it is not only been physically and emotionally very difficult for the people along the Fox
River and the Chain of Lakes, but also economically damaging.
Despite their physical exhaustion, we are inspired by the generous help from charities
such as the Red Cross, local charities, local governments, the State and Federal governments.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention IEMA and DNR, specifically Coleman Covington and
Brad Winters.
As well as McHenry's very own, Dave Christensen and Lake County's Joe Keller.
We are very grateful for everyone's help and assistance despite this natural devastation.
In Crystal Lake proper, the City, the houses along the lake are also suffering flooding
from the rains.
Unlike the Fox River residents, however, they're not used to this flooding.
Dozens of homes have been heavily damaged and to make matters worse, sewage is coming
up through their pipes.
You can imagine the stress and difficulty they are experiencing these last three weeks
because every time it rains, the saturated ground infiltrates their homes further.
To add insult to injury, these residents just received their property tax bills in the mail
and many saw an increase of over 15% and as high as 26%!
The timing was obviously an unfortunate coincidence with the natural disaster they are dealing
with... but also coincides with the completely unnatural, man-made disaster that is recurring
right here, right now in Springfield.
Adding a 32% income tax increase on all taxpayers, including District 64 taxpayers, without FIRST
reforming our incredibly unfair system of taxing property owners is an outrage.
The people of Northern Illinois have asked me to represent them to protect their interests
as home and business owners ... but the majority of this body has made that near impossible.
So I suggest this: bearing the Hippocratic Oath in mind ... Let us do no further harm
by taking no more money from our taxpayers unless and until we reform the basic structures
and contours of State government; including and especially property taxes.
The people of District 64 can endure no more devastations; be they natural or man-made.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker
For more infomation >> Wheeler Discusses Impact of Flooding on District 64 (CC) - Duration: 4:15.-------------------------------------------
Ultime notizie: Al Bano e Romina Power in tour: la scaletta del concerto | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:40.
Dramatic BLACK and WHITE photos in Lightroom - Duration: 8:16.
What's up gang
In today's video
Let's see how to create
A Dramatic black and white photos
As always, everything starts at the beginning.
Start editing your image, even if colored, to correct white balance exposure and contrast
Then, it's time to turn it into Black and White Just press V key on the keyboard, as we saw in the previous video
Do the rest of the adjustment with your black and white image I like to control the highlights and shadows at this time
As soon as everything is cool it's time for the secret weapon
I already talked about other videos about the NIK Collection Plugins
And today we will use the Silver EFEX PRO 2
Click the right button and go to edit in and choose Silver EFEX
In it, you will find several recipes, and many are good
Here you can choose the recipe that you like and then make some adjustments
Adjust all that is necessary to create a dramatic image the ideal is to work with contrast, light, and shadows
A very useful Silver EFEX option are the control points
They create masks in your edition that are based on the colors that the point control is selecting
Very useful when you want to edit only one region of the image
I will basically use the control points to control Light, Shadow, and Sharpness of the image
The Structure control here plays the role of leaving the area sharper or not
As I only want the water less sharp I'll use a control point for water
I will create several control points for specific parts of the photo that I want sharper and some not
At the control points, I can control contrast, brightness, and other things
Now finish editing to taste
As soon as you finish your adjustment you can still give that overall touch in the photo
At Silver EFEX we still have beautiful vignette available to work with
Click save and the program will save your edits and send you back to Lightroom
If you still want, you can give that thin comb in Lightroom to get a better result
That'sss .... Feel the "Drama"
Don't forget and hit with a hammer on the Like button and subscribe the channel if you aren't already
Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D TOP! Allure - Duration: 0:59.
En español: Trump habla sobre las maras desde Long Island, NY - Duration: 1:06:32.
Prefixo | Nativa FM - FM 95,3 MHz • São Paulo/SP (2012) - Duration: 0:14.
what invention is this dr. devious it will be an invention to get rid of the
paw patrol and the Transformers once and for all
Robot get the giant invention than just to give you a chance to get rid of
the paw patrol transformers getting invention what's the name of the
invention dr. devious I called it the giant flash of light
it's really a big flashlight but it's a giant laser that will eliminate a paw
patrol and the Transformers and we'll have Adventure Bay to ourself and we
trigger the lemonade stand ah getting flash um of lives to destroy winter bay
ha ha ha oh no dr. devious and Romeo are going to use a giant flashlight laser
beam to destroy Adventure Bay and also to destroy the Transformers and the paw
patrol mission paw pups oh boy this is really scary
I wonder what's going to happen next I wonder if the paw patrol are gonna save
the day you bet they are and if you like the paw patrol and you like this video
give this video a like right now and also be sure to hit the subscribe button
to subscribe because well finish our adventure right after this cool toy
review totally Toy TIme TV I love skateboarding and I love
the paw patrol paw patrol paw patrol hey everybody look there's skateboard chase
he looks so awesome get that cool ski board right here and look at oh man I
love his helmet I'm so awesome so awesome awesome awesome awesome sauce
so like there's Marshall paw patrol Marshall oh boy
it makes me started pinching about beginning of our adventure I wonder how
everything's going to turn out with our paw patrol transformer puppies hey whoa
Marshalls got a really cool helmet too like you can and look there's rubble
he's got a really awesome helmet too oh man they're skateboards look cool and
zoom it he's got like the coolest helmet of them all and his keyboard looks
awesome oh man oh man don't want to forget this go this way looky looky
looky it's rocky and she's ready to skateboard
it's people like me and ski board sky oh man these are so cool I love toy time
tini oh oh boy these are so awesome I'm gonna bring this them up here so we can
look at it closer cuz it looks really cool on here look at the back oh wow
look in the air oh man it's all five of them plus Jason are so cool rubble
rubble on the double Zuma Skye rocky and Marshall they're all
skateboarding paw patrol puppy
how you put them on a ski morning it whoa just like that that's so awesome
awesome I love the paw Patrol okay fuck this back over here man I
really want open these up but you know you do because we love the paw patrol
here on three times TV and we love Nickelodeon okay kids we need to get
Bobby out here because Bobby's hair is 20 tankini magic Kilburn banquise very
cool paw patrol skateboarding puppies okay you can do this with me at home
we're gonna call Bobby by saying hey Bobby come on out and play okay we're
gonna say it three times and I want to hear you guys do it home okay here we go
hey Bobby come on out and play that's one time hey buddy come on out and play
that's two times oh boy oh because the last one hey Bobby
come on out and play and that's the third time you can buy time yeah yeah we
did Bobby hit second either public private Ron over the pink oh wait it's
fine that's right Bobby they've got really cool skateboard yeah fine so far
yeah boy yeah boy I live in your paw patrol I knew to you Bobby and these new
skateboard paw patrol pups are really cool and you know it's going to be even
cooler why wouldn't we unbox them yeah we need
your help we need your toy time TV magic yeah Mr gang and go okay okay okay I
know how to do it you know how to do it look I think we all know how to do it
Bobby because we've done this before yeah but my dad socratis truth your
magic word has changed yeah Wow oh okay kids
Bobby's changes magic word so abracadabra all caused him to unbox
anymore but we need to say a new word
that's right okay kids let's count to three and then
see Alakazam and watch Bobby uses for time TV magic to unbox these really cool
new Spin Master paw patrol skateboarding puppies yeah okay yes it is Bobby black
attorney so cool oh boy Ricky rocky and chase and Robin
and humor and star and your voice Marshall yes they are awesome
yeah he's pitching hand yeah Bobby I wonder what it's like in preparing my
name I don't know I wonder is like to regain 15-watt famous by be a really
fine baby yes it does but you know what know you and the kids and I we can all
go to pretend land right now oh and finish our pretend time okay okay okay
kids let's go finish our paw patrol transformer per ten times when we last
left our story dr. devious and Romeo were about to blast Adventure Bay
picking up flashlight Tim earns whoa bot blast Adventure Bay so those pops whoa
when the twin swimmers will come here sooner we can take care of them
turning on flash of light oh boy he's destroying Adventure Bay
with a giant laser I need to call the paw Patrol
this is a paw patrol mission ha ha writer writer do you read I read you
captain to it what's wrong I'm down nursing hall and romeo and dr.
devious are using a giant laser to catch everything on fire we need your help
it's a mission paw oh no that's horrible captain turret we'll be there as soon as
possible paw patrol pups to the lookout Chase is
on the case reporting for duty writers earth will pups we've got a major
problem Romeo and dr. devious and his evil robot has moved into Adventure Bay
with a giant laser beam flashlight well rocky this not that cool because they're
burning down parts of Adventure Bay but we need to stop them I see you're trying
out the new skateboard mission pop Oh pax that I gave you
rubble rubble on the double yeah they're really cool right we've been doing all
kinds of skateboarding tricks with them well that's really good rubble but we're
going to need those skateboarding tricks to take care of dr. devious and Romeo
and I've also called some of our other friends the Transformers here to help us
they should be here any minute Chase is on the case when you think
they're gonna be here writer because we really need their help too
hopefully it'll be soon but pups I need you to get down there right now and try
and stop Romeo
Wow you're knocked down dr. TDS oh that hug -
oh I thought again this is Quincy Wawa kisses papa 12 puppies getting paw
patrol puppies now Oh No just kick me rubble rubble on the double
he's gonna get our sky hi I'm Mac us all down here Pablo puppies are no match for
my worldwide Jesus on the case oh no paw Patrol what are we gonna do
Romeo's got us captive here you win a second Tuesday coming down the road
Chase is on the case Thanks Optimus Prime and Bumblebee for
saving us you drove off Romeo in his robot and dr. devious but they left
behind the giant laser beam flashlight don't worry chase bumble booth and chase
will take care of that flashlight laser beam bill is it rain is it what are you
guys gonna do it we'll take it back to Cybertron and study it so that dr.
devious and Romeo will never be able to use a flashlight laser beam again on
Adventure Bay Chase is on the case Optimus Prime change bumblebee do you
guys want to join us at a lemonade stand for some really cool lemonade that would
be awesome chase I love some lemonade and can we
write her skateboards - it looks like having lots of fun of course you can't
have to miss bribe wow this has been a fun adventure Chase is on the case and
Autobots let's roll out to the lemonade stand
yes it was I love the ball Patrol and our paw
patrol puppies are so cool look at zoom on his skateboard he looks awesome and
rubble rubble on the double and Marshall let's get fired up with his
really cool one Chase is on the case I love chases
helmet it looks awesome and rocky don't lose it reuse it and of course don't
forget about sky mr. yang here like to massage him ever
yeah I had fun in our pretend play time where we had lots of fun with the
Transformers in the paw patrol didn't we yeah the transformer risky parts that's
right the transformer RESCUE BOTS transformer RESCUE BOTS toys are awesome
too and so are the paw patrol ski board pops yeah okay
I will look at these closer Oh JD's on the case with his cruel skateboard
do you have a ski boy at home oh wow that's awesome I do too and so does
chase look at this guy's chase hazards on a really cool skateboard it's got
little things right there for his little feet to go in so then you won't fall off
and the wheels rotate on the bottom and what's really cool is just get chases
police star right there look at that that's really cool and then chase to is
really awesome too his head turns I guess he's got really cool icky helmet
on look at that and he's ready to roll to the rescue
he just snaps in like that then we can push him around
Oh chase there you go Chase is really really cool Hey look chase its roll
rubble rubble on the double rubbles get a skateboard just like chase
let's take him off and show it to you guys I had and was really cool too about
chief about rubbles keyboard is this get rubble cymbal rubble rubble on the
double rubble is our construction pup and he
fits on it I guess and his head turns to Wow he said really stiff there was yes
hey he's never been played with that much
we gotta move it around like that so he got really cool awesome helmet so rubble
is our really cool skateboarding puff too but he doesn't have an action-packed
none of these skateboarding clubs have action packs so that's one thing I don't
really care too much about but I love the skateboards and looky-looky-looky
everyone it's Zuma and zoom is on his really cool
paw patrol skateboard Wow let's take him off send him down like
this now his little legs don't move they're all together in his head of
course rotates like all of them but he's got a really cool helmet I really like
his skateboard helmet because we never really ride his skateboard we want to
make sure to wear a helmet so if we fall we won't hurt ourselves so we went a
helmet and knee pads and elbow pads will be safe and licky here on the bottom of
his skateboard is Zuma's underwater pop rescue cymbal and your things like that
look at that let's hand out anything I get OH assuming your really cool thank
you mr. Ian okay I'm gonna go over here and hang out without a suit guys we've
still got a show rocky rocky is a really cool skateboarding pup - yeah and rocky
ski board is of course creme because he least cycles
he's the paw patrol recycling pup and underneath this skateboard lucky there
it's Rocky's recycle symbol now Rocky's head turns to just like all the other
pups and he's got a really cool helmet oh look rocky you look awesome thanks
mr. hands hey love skateboarding well I'm glad you like skateboarding too
because Bobby and I love to ski board well let's put rocky on his skateboard
like this he doesn't come off stealing it he can go side down and do all kinds
of tricks and stunts and not fall off his ski board whoa
and next we've got guy this pups gotta fly from the paw Patrol
paw Patrol well sky comes off our skateboard and her skateboards pink and
underneath her skateboard it's got Skye's paw patrol scent badge
symbol Wow Skye you look really cool Thank You mr. yang and she her head
turns and she's got on the helmet too so skies really awesome look at her Wow
and last but not least it's Marshall let's get fired up
hey Marshall show all the guys at home on the kids at home what you look like
when you turn around look at him she's like the coolest fire pup ever and he
came to office keep word to now when they go on a skateboard they go there
really tight because you don't want him to fall so they then is really tight but
I love his helmet it's really cool isn't it look it look at my jaw
oh you saw I come oh let's put them back on keyboard oh boy oh boy
well they're gonna soar sky there goes my show other this hey Bobby let's move
them around really quick let's do it oh hey this is our Google Sky Thank You
Justin I'm King because rocky Oh Rocky you almost did do it on a chase no I'm
sorry chief I feel key rocky whoa whoa that was a
cool stunt guys peace what just mystery and okay whoa no are you okay what Oh
rubble rubble on the double yeah I'm fine Zuma hey let's try that
again guys whoa this is so awesome we need to play
with all these really cool skateboarding paw patrol pups from Spin Master and you
can check out the paw patrol on Nickelodeon Nickelodeon Nickelodeon Nick
jr. is awesome and so are the transformers on Cartoon Network
currently Bobby yeah mr. yang oh so did you have fun today buddy
ah I love the potential Nadia Papa Chak Jenna bump throw are awesome
yes look at my shop right next to town and use your Mustangs and skies okay oh
boy I can't wait to play with him again well Bobby you can play with these all
the time because they've been added to our paw patrol collection and yeah we'll
get home I hope you and fun that'll be a lots of fun watching our video we want
to do a shout out to one of our fans yeah which one is Jamie and oh well we
want to do a shout out to Rocky Top hierarchy Bobby Jo Bobby really gets
excited about the paw Patrol oh well rocky pup we want to say hi to
you on toy time TV and also kids that are watching this if you love the paw
Patrol be sure and like this video and also be sure to subscribe to toy time TV
because when you subscribe to us you get to watch all of our videos and more
every single day for free Wow okay well we'll see you next time on
another fun adventure of waste time teeny that was lots of fun you can
subscribe to tweet i'm TV by touching the little photo of body in the middle
of your screen and you can also touch the other photos to watch more videos
right now
Hermann Tertsch, condenado por acusar de "criminal" al abuelo de Pablo Iglesias | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 2:52.
Opel Astra - Duration: 0:48.
Opel Astra - Duration: 0:51.
VW Polo - Duration: 0:51.
Reading in Russian (short poems) - Duration: 8:30.
Toys car & Learn something with toy car & video for kids - Duration: 12:01.
RuppertBrasil TV Reportage - Samba-Festival Coburg 2017 - Duration: 28:49.
Mi történik az emberrel az űrben védőruha nélkül? [Kantin: Populáris tudomány] - Duration: 7:09.
SCS Cloud | NetSuite Orientation (Scheduling Reports) - Duration: 2:30.
Welcome to Netsuite. In this video, we will be covering how to schedule a report.
Report scheduling is done so that reports can be automatically generated
and emailed to the recipient at particular times. This could be done if a
sales manager needs all sales number by 5 o'clock each day or the
Warehouse team needs to track inventory items daily. To schedule a report click reports.
In the Sales Center portlet click the report that you want to schedule.
In the footer click the schedule icon.
A new window will pop-up. First, enter the date you want to run this report along
with the time. If the time you select is during peak usage hours, this will be
indicated to the right of the time field. In the sub tabs section, your email
address will default as the recipient. Others can be added in the Copy Others Field.
The message sub tab contains a subject and message sent with the report.
The message field can include a custom message, here.
The drop down menu, here, allows you to choose how the report will be sent.
The attachment tab can be used to attach additional files if needed.
If you need a report to be sent to you more than once, this can be done by
selecting the "Run Report More Than Once" box.
Here you can select how often you want the report to be run and mailed to you.
This can be configured in any way you like.
Daily, multiple times daily or weekly or only on certain days, etc.
Once all fields are correct click save.
This concludes our video on scheduling reports. Thanks for watching.
Wheeler Discusses Impact of Flooding on District 64 (CC) - Duration: 4:15.
Understandably, from both policy and political perspectives, much of Illinois has been laser
focused on Senate Bill 1, the education funding bill, which seeks to change the formula used
to fund public K-12 education in our State.
The implications are high and it's an incredibly important topic, no doubt.
But we here in Northern Illinois have been primarily dealing with flooding devastation
and assisting flood victims after approximately 20 inches of rain.
The effects of this massive rain events have been daunting, to say the least, and the clean-up
will take time and the costs of this devastation will be tremendous.
So, I'd like to tell you about what's been happening in my legislative district, District
64, which includes portions that run along the Fox River and encompasses parts of Crystal
Lake proper.
Along the Fox River for the last few weeks, we have been beaten down by the torrential
People who live on or near the river are no strangers to flooding or sandbagging to protect
their properties.
But it is not just homes but also the many businesses along the Chain that depend on
the watercraft traffic in the summer for a year's worth of income.
So it is not only been physically and emotionally very difficult for the people along the Fox
River and the Chain of Lakes, but also economically damaging.
Despite their physical exhaustion, we are inspired by the generous help from charities
such as the Red Cross, local charities, local governments, the State and Federal governments.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention IEMA and DNR, specifically Coleman Covington and
Brad Winters.
As well as McHenry's very own, Dave Christensen and Lake County's Joe Keller.
We are very grateful for everyone's help and assistance despite this natural devastation.
In Crystal Lake proper, the City, the houses along the lake are also suffering flooding
from the rains.
Unlike the Fox River residents, however, they're not used to this flooding.
Dozens of homes have been heavily damaged and to make matters worse, sewage is coming
up through their pipes.
You can imagine the stress and difficulty they are experiencing these last three weeks
because every time it rains, the saturated ground infiltrates their homes further.
To add insult to injury, these residents just received their property tax bills in the mail
and many saw an increase of over 15% and as high as 26%!
The timing was obviously an unfortunate coincidence with the natural disaster they are dealing
with... but also coincides with the completely unnatural, man-made disaster that is recurring
right here, right now in Springfield.
Adding a 32% income tax increase on all taxpayers, including District 64 taxpayers, without FIRST
reforming our incredibly unfair system of taxing property owners is an outrage.
The people of Northern Illinois have asked me to represent them to protect their interests
as home and business owners ... but the majority of this body has made that near impossible.
So I suggest this: bearing the Hippocratic Oath in mind ... Let us do no further harm
by taking no more money from our taxpayers unless and until we reform the basic structures
and contours of State government; including and especially property taxes.
The people of District 64 can endure no more devastations; be they natural or man-made.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker
GTA 5 Money Glitch - Free M...
Why i won't be posting videos for the next 2 weeks - Duration: 0:50.
as I would like to read my disclaimer first there is no nudity or sexual
content no harmful or dangerous content the violent or graphic content no
copywriting no hateful content no threats no spam misleading tags or scams
in my description tag title videos thumbnails so with further ado let's
begin on this is something that I have to share because I would never want to
see this happen to a wife a child a mother a daughter or even someone's
husband um this was very very very alarming and disturbing to me when I
read this and I just want to make you guys a way of really what's going on I'm
going to try to read this as fast as I can please stay so the end of the video
so you can see what happened this is a actual true story and not one of those
internet stories that are passed on and on this actually happened to one of the
my dearest friends daughter her daughter Lauren is 19 years old in a
sophomore in college this happened to her over the Christmas Year holiday
break it was Saturday before New Year's and it
was about 1 p.m. in the afternoon Lauren was driving from Winchester
Virginia to visit a friend and Warrenton for those of you who are familiar with
the area she was taking route 58 to east towards Middleburg and then was going to
cut over the I 66 be route 17 those of you who arent
familiar with this area route 50 East is a main road 55 miles per hour in
two lanes each side with a big medium separate east/west lanes but is somewhat
secluded known for its big horses farms and beautiful country estates Lauren was
actually following behind a state police car shortly after she left when Winchester
and was going just over 65 miles per our since she was following behind him
an unmarked police car pulled up behind her and put his lights on my friend and
her husband had four children high school in college age and have always
told them never to pull over for an unmarked car on the side of the road but
rather wait until they get to a gas station
so Lauren actually listened to her parents advice and promptly called
Powell #77 this is where you have to call it this happens on her cell phone
to tell the dispatcher that she would not pull over right away she proceeded
to tell the dispatcher that there were two police cars one unmarked behind her
in one mark in front of her the dispatcher checked to confirm that
there were two police cars where she was it wasn't and she was connected to the
police policeman in front of her he told her to keep driving remain calm and that
he had backup already on the way ten minutes later a police cars surrounded
her and in the unmarked car behind her one policeman went to her side of I mean
to her side in the other surrounded the car behind
they pulled the guy from the car and tackled him to the ground the man was
convicted he was a convicted rapist and wanted for other crimes thank god Lauren
listened to her parents she was shaken up but fine I never knew that bit of
advice but especially for a woman alone in a car you should never pull over for
an unmarked car in a secluded area in fact even a Marc car after dark should
follow you to a populated area apparently police have respected you're
right I mean excuse me apparently police have to respect your right to keep going
to a safe place you obviously need to make some some signals that you
acknowledge them put on your hazard lights or call Paul #77 like Laura
I am so thankful that my friend was sitting at our book club meeting telling
us this crazy story story rather than us at her house consoling her had something
tragic occurred be safe there pass this on to your friends awareness is
everything you know witness is everything so you know this doesn't have
to do nothing with the green family this time this is about safety I just came
across this and I just want to let my viewers and my subscribers on read this
so um this is basically where I found it you can go back to the video and check
it out but yeah you got to be real careful to the next time guys see you
collab ┒don't look me like that┖ - Duration: 3:12.
when i'm with my brother
my heart pounds
i get flustered
Volvo XC90 2.5 T Exclusive - Duration: 0:59.
Pirean: "To all P1 fans, we are hardworking & trying our best, so don't worry about us too much" - Duration: 3:01.
To all P1 fans, we've been losing recently a little
but we still have 4 games left in the season.
We are hardworking and we are trying our best
here so we will win our next game so don't worry about us too much.
The Japanese NO particle. What textbooks don't tell you. - Duration: 5:28.
Hello, pretty peoples.
KawaJapa no Kyua Dorii desu. I am Cure Dolly from
KawaJapa. Today's lesson is going to be a little shorter than usual because I am in Japan.
I'm not in Japan as I speak but by the time you hear this, I will be. And when I'm in Japan
I cannot speak English because I take my English-speaking
circuits out and leave them in a little box at the
I imagine you've done similar things yourself – oh, you're human, aren't you? I'm sorry. However, if you wish
to ask questions in the comments below
please feel free to do so, as I am able to write English for a short period in the day.
Today we are going to talk about the no particle in its fundamental
The no particle, as I've said before, has a direct equivalent in English, which is
's. It is the possessive
marker just as 's is in English. So we can say
"Sakura no boushi"
"Mary's hat" and they both mean the same thing. And once you know that
you really know what you need to know about the no
particle, but
people will say that there are some occasions, aren't there, when it doesn't seem to be doing exactly that.
Well, let's take a look at some of them. At the beginning of every lesson, I say
"KawaJapa no Kyua Dorii desu" and
that means "I am Cure Dolly from KawaJapa".
What it literally means is "I am KawaJapa's Cure Dolly". In other words,
"I belong to KawaJapa" – and
this is exactly what we say in English with a club, isn't it? "I belong to the Cabbage-Planting Club".
We could also say this with a company that you are employed by, or a place that you come from,
or anything like that.
So this is very similar to
English usage, isn't it?
"KawaJapa no Cure Dolly " – KawaJapa is what I belong to
just as the hat is what belongs to Mary. Now, if we want to say
"Felix the cat", we would say "neko no Felix".
And that literally means, doesn't it, "cat's Felix"
So why do we say that? What we are really saying is "Felix who belongs to the class, cat".
So it's just like "KawaJapa no Kyua Dorii". And
this function
continues to be extended towards other objects
and it's what gives no its quality of turning a noun into an adjective. For
example, if you want to say "magic wand" in English you just put the noun that is becoming an adjective in front of the noun it is
modifying. But in Japanese we would use no. We say "mahou no tsue" and
that literally means "magic's wand". What does it mean? It means "wand that
belongs to the class of magic things".
So if we say
"Zelda no densetsu",
which is the title of a very famous game series,
we're saying "The legend of Zelda", or literally we're saying "Zelda's legend", which makes perfect sense, doesn't it?
We can also say
"densetsu no
senshi", which means "legendary warrior" and
here, as I imagine you will already have grasped, what we are doing is saying "warrior
who belongs to the class of legendary things or legendary people". Who belongs to the legendary class, the legend class.
So that really is all you need to know about the basic function of
no. It's not doing several different things when it turns a noun into an adjective and when it describes Mary's hat. It's
doing something very similar and closely related.
Now we also have what is called in Japanese the nominalizing no.
The way the textbooks put it is
that it can turn a
sentence into a noun – a clause or sentence or a phrase into a
noun. That isn't precisely what it does although it's close enough, and
this is
taught by the textbooks as if it were a completely different function of no, but in fact it isn't.
It's really doing something that is a very slight extension of what we've been talking about today.
And that is what I'm going to tell you about
next time.
If you want to know more about how Japanese is really structured, we recommend "Unlocking Japanese",
which is available at Amazon in both paperback and Kindle editions.
Thank you for attending this mini lesson.
Kore kara mo yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Class dismissed.
USPS Sharks Forever® Stamps First Day of Issue - Duration: 1:27.
prince willim broher Prince Harry Reacts On Kate Middleton's Pregnancy: "I can't wait to see - Duration: 2:32.
prince willim broher Prince Harry Reacts On Kate Middleton's Pregnancy: "I can't wait
to see my brother suffer more" Prince Harry shared his delight at the news
that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are anticipating their second child.
With this second child, Prince Harry drops one post in the line of succession.
When asked about his reduced chances of becoming king, the fifth in line for the throne replied
After the necessity to suddenly pull out from a public appearance, Prince William and Kate
Middleton were compelled to publicly announce that they are expecting a second child.
Hence, the Duchess' absence from the prior public engagement was attributed to the same
acute sickness she suffered from during her first pregnancy.
As described by Prince Harry, the Duchess has been "pretty poorly".
However, he shared that his sister-in-law is "doing the best she can" given her present
In addition, Prince Harry said that he wishes for his brother and sister-in-law to have
some privacy with respect to dealing with the coming of the second child.
"I hope the two of them have the opportunity to go through the process again with a little
bit of peace and quiet," he stated.
Following the announcement of the couple, Prince Harry described the declaration as
"very exciting news".
Moreover, the prince expressed his eagerness to watch his older brother Prince William
endure additional fatherhood-related challenges.
"I can't wait to see my brother suffer more," he laughingly told reporters.
Prince Harry even jokingly shared that he would "love to see him [Prince William] try
and cope" with having a daughter for a second child.
When asked if he had any advice to the second child or shared any "strategy" to cope as
a younger sibling, Prince Harry said he had none.
"There's never a strategy.
I think George will be over the moon.
I think he will be thrilled having another small younger brother or sister," he replied.
thanks for watching.
please subscribe my channel.
How to Create More Time Within Your Business - Duration: 1:30.
I'm going to go back once again to the things that I hear are people saying
stand in their way. Time. Okay if time is standing in the way of your business, go
find an intern, go find an entry-level college student, go find a retired senior
citizen or someone that just retired and is just looking for an hourly wage.
There's a great competent smart savvy you know sellable person that can come
in to make a huge difference for you in your business and trade a couple dollars
for some hours and all of a sudden you're going to be able to go make a lot
more dollars. And the excuse I hear from people again and again is "I can't hire
help because they don't have any money". No, the reason you don't have any money
is because you haven't hired any help right which is
why you guys hear me talk every single week in some way shape or form whether
it's on the podcast or on these live videos about the fact that team is
everything. Because time is your most valuable commodity and you can
never get it back. You can never get more of it but you can pay to acquire other
people's time right, and so if
you're not doing that and you're an entrepreneur you're being baited into
stupid. You're letting emotion allowing you to get confused and think that time
comes before money instead of money coming before time. You will have to use
money to buy other people's time in order to make more time for yourself
when you don't have any left right. This is the kind of strategic thinking you
need to employ
T-Shirt Logo Using Bleach - Duration: 4:44.
Hello this is Barely Painted
and today I show how to make your own permanent logo on almost any T-shirt using bleach
For this you'll need
obviously a bleach
hand sprayer
funnel and protection gear
not necessary but nice to have
Put bleach into the bottle
Now screw up hand sprayer very tight but don't break it
And don't forget about protection, a pair of gloves also great idea
Now put your stencil on the t-shirt, it is great to iron your t-shirt before all of this
You can stick your stencil using double side tape
or in my case, simply assemble stencil like one piece
All depends how complex your logo
I made my stencil simple placing a piece of paper on my laptop screen
and max up brightness
after this I start tracing shape of my logo using pencil
For this you can also use a printer and simply print your logo
Printers not popular anymore and it is more fun do this by yourself
After this simply fold paper and cut shape by exactor knife or scissors
Ok. Now we ready to spray bleach on the T-shirt
Try doing this randomly, also don't hold nozzle very close to your t-shirt
You can try different types of nozzles and settings
for example, metal nozzles will give you more even result
I use very simple nozzle without any settings
This is great idea to do all of this outside the house and when weather is calm
Now just wait a couple of seconds
or about one minute
this is don't take a lot of time
You will see result almost instantly
Now we ready to see what we got
As for me, this looks great
considering that this is my first try
I've never done this before
That is all for today
if you enjoyed this video don't forget give a like and maybe consider hit subscribe button
see you later
Dayngel - Come to my arms (Audio) - Duration: 3:55.
4th UPDATE: Harris County pct 1 harassing a black teen - Duration: 5:18.
Guys Harris County Precinct one going to be freaking out shortly here's why
Guys we have a update on Mr. Gipson.
His attorney Lee MERRITT just released a formal statement from Mr. Gipson;
He said; First I want to thank the Houston community that has shown me and my brothers
and our business endless support since this incident was made public.
Not only Houston but people from around the country and even around the world have taken
time to encourage us and support our cause.
This means so much to us.
Thank you.
I want to address Constable Alan Rosen's comments directly.
He's called me every name in the book but has never offered to speak to me or my family
about this incident.
We stood with our mother in his lobby for hours, he didn't have the simple decency
to offer my mom a seat or our family a greeting before going on national TV to call me a liar
and a criminal.
This seems to be the culture of his office.
He claims to put the community first but I have lived in Willow Springs for over 5 years.
The officer that violated my rights routine patrols the neighborhood.
He has never once said hello; never once offered a friendly word; never once approached me
until he decided that my brothers and I looked suspicious mowing lawns.
That is not putting the community first.
Constable Allen Rosen reviewed video of us being profiled, body cam footage he refuses
to release of me being tazed twice in the back, once before and once while a dog was
attacking me, footage of me being handcuffed and then stomped on and he decided his officers
did nothing wrong and that I was the criminal.
That is a damn shame.
Let me set the record straight.
I was not aware of any warrants pending against me at the time I was harassed by Depute Cates.
The warrant he claims I was a fugitive from came from an argument in high school where
I said some things I should not have.
Prior to pleading to this incident last week, I have never been found guilty of a crime.
The only other legal incident I have been involved in is a college dormitory dispute
that is still open and under the advice of my lawyers I cannot speak about.
I can say that it involves only allegations and not convictions.
The constable should presume I'm innocent of the charges
until proven guilty.
I mow lawns for a living but I know that much.
I am a second year college student and a hard worker that held two jobs at the time my rights
were violated.
My family is requesting that Rosen turns the investigation over to an outside department
and that he ends the character assassination.
It would be nice to see the investigation handled by constitutional experts and not
other law enforcement officers.
While its great he suggested turning this over to his friends with the Texas Rangers,
I believe an investigation by the DOJ or ACLU might be more appropriate.
Now the corrupt law enforcement officers for precinct 1 of harris county will start freaking
out when they learn of this new release.
We all heard that they wanted Mr. Gipson to only use Texas Rangers but since we heard
Precinct 1 constable Alan Rosen said that he spoke to the Texas Rangers; there is 100%
chances that he told the Texas Rangers a lie or something to get Mr. Gipson behind bars.
Sorry Precinct 1, you won't have it your way this time around.
If you want it your way all the time, then head to burger king.
Now CWN NEWS has requested for a interview with Mr. Gipson.
We haven't heard back from Mr. Gipson attorney Lee MERRITT as of yet.
We will keep you posted.
Building a Website: Do-it-Yourself or Hire a Pro? | GoDaddy - Duration: 3:26.
You have a small business and you need a website;
you're just not sure if you can do it yourself.
In this video, you'll learn about your options for building a website
and some things to consider, when deciding whether to go the DIY route
or hire a web pro.
Broadly speaking, there are two options for building a website:
you can either do it yourself,
or hire a web professional to build it for you.
If you're thinking about doing it yourself,
an all-in-one site builder tool,
like GoDaddy's Website Builder or Online Store,
is probably your best bet.
All-in-one site builders are user-friendly,
template-based tools
that allow you to quickly and easily build your own website
and get it online
without having to learn code.
All-in-one site builder tools are ideal for small businesses
or individuals with limited budgets
because they're typically bundled with an inexpensive or free hosting plan,
offer free add-ons to create forms or integrate with social media channels,
and most importantly,
they come with support.
While the templates used in all-in-one site builders
significantly reduce the amount of time and skill
it takes to build a professional-looking website,
using a template also means you have less flexibility when it comes to your website's design.
Additionally, if you go the DIY route,
you're responsible for not only building your website, but maintaining it as well.
The good news is
using an all-in-one site builder tool means your website,
hosting services,
and domain name are all at one company,
making site creation and maintenance simple and straightforward.
GoDaddy's all-in-one site builders,
Website Builder and Online Store,
are drag-and-drop applications that are intuitive and easy to use,
but as with anything that's new to you,
regardless of how easy it is to use,
be sure you take some time to learn how the site builder works
and how to make it work best for you.
If you don't have the time,
or just don't want to build your own website,
but you do have the budget,
there's a large community of web professionals ready to design your website and bring your vision to life!
Don't have a vision?
Web pros will work with you to help shape a website that supports your business goals and needs.
Hiring a web professional to build your site also makes sense for larger businesses that
might have more complex sites with databases tied in,
or individuals who are looking for highly customized websites.
The web professional you hire will design and develop a website to your specifications,
and will then likely either host your site on their server,
or purchase hosting services for your website from a third party provider.
As you might guess,
all of this professional advice and development expertise comes at a price.
Most freelance designers typically charge somewhere between $500 and $1,500 for a simple site,
whereas websites built by larger design firms generally cost from $2,000 to $5,000.
In addition to the cost of website design and development,
your web pro will likely pass the monthly hosting fee on to you
and may also charge for maintenance and requested updates.
This may sound like a lot of money,
but when you consider the time and effort needed to build and maintain a complex
or highly customized website,
the price of hiring a web pro can make a lot of sense.
So, now you know your options for building a website,
and some of their pros and cons.
Take some time to prioritize factors such as cost,
time, flexibility, ease of use, and ongoing maintenance,
then weigh these two options against your needs.
QUELLE EST VOTRE PROXÉMIE - Mouton calé #17 - Duration: 3:35.
Suits | Season 7, Episode 3: Harvey Decorates Mike's Office - Duration: 1:44.
Trying To Give Back To You - Duration: 2:43.
So let's just get started with this video by saying that as many of you may have noticed I've been posting super
super frequently recently
No, but seriously I haven't been posting much at all recently and if you want to know why you can watch this video on screen
Now but yeah, I've basically been a bit of a youtuber, and so I thought I would start off by
Showing you guys who are still watching?
You know despite me putting like zero
Maybe 10 percent must be less you bit lenient here effort into my channel at the moment some support
So I'm gonna be replying to all of my comments again from now on and if you're youtuber, and you're subscribed to my channel
I'm going to subscribe to all of your channels and start being active on them
This is because I do actually want start giving back to those of you that have support English channel because I really do appreciate
It I do still care about this channel. I mean I've made hundreds of videos on it
It's just I'm really busy at the moment
actually, no
No, that was a bit forceful actually, but now I'm going to start making excuses
I'm going to try and actually just post videos and I'm also going to try nick the longer than like two minutes
You know like all these stupid update videos are just like this video I
Swear I'm becoming like one of those channels that makes like a hundred videos
Saying they're gonna start posting more and then don't post for like four months and then go. Oh sorry about that
You know and then they just never end up posting
God dammit. I'm becoming one of those channel
So yeah, basically this will be
Hopefully this yes no no, no
this will be the last year a two minute video for
At least a while okay, and make sure you leave a num actually no this will be the last two minutes tupid video, okay?
So make sure you leave a comment on this video so I can give that to you guys and yeah
hopefully, I'll start putting some goddamn videos and
You know subscribe like and I don't know how to run these videos. I've gotten that's really bad isn't it
So I know pace
PIKMIN Fast Facts! | From garden to Gamecube | Funymony | Octopimp - Duration: 1:45.
Fast Fact: According to Shigeru Miyamoto, Pikmin was birthed out of the hotly anticipated
Super Mario 128.
Debuting at Nintendo's Space World trade show in 2000, many believed the tech demo was the
sequel to Super Mario 64.
It wasn't until GDC 2007 that Miyamoto confirmed Super Mario 128 was just a demo to showcase
the power of the Gamecube, but he also noted that several key techniques, like rapid object
generation and the ability to control multiple AI's, were the foundational gameplay concepts
used for Pikmin.
Fast Fact: By Pikmin 3, the unidentified Planet of the Pikmin was given the name PNF-404,
by the inhabitants of Koppai.
This seems to be an inside joke played by the developers as 404 is a HTML status code
for "Page Not Found", or PNF.
Koppai itself is a reference to Nintendo's genesis.
Founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi on September 23, 1889, Nintendo Koppai operated out of
Kyoto, Japan, producing and marketing Hanafuda playing cards, which found major success in
Yakuza gambling parlors!
Fast Fact: Pikmin was originally going to be a game called, "Adam and Eve," a Sims-like
game where players would watch the development of two human beings.
Eventually, the developers found the concept to be far too passive, leading to the introduction
of Pikmin characters as well as the other concepts found in the game.
Soon after, most of the original plans were scrapped and the Pikmin were made the stars
of the game.
Fast Fact: According to Miyamoto, the inspiration for Pikmin came from his gardening hobby.
After observing a line of ants marching towards their nest, he imagined what that might look
like if they were all tiny people, banding together to supply, protect, and grow their
tiny village.
Fast Fact: To help the struggling sales of the game in Japan, Nintendo created a virtual
Pikmin band called Strawberry Flower, and released the single, " Ai no Uta."
The song became a bonafide hit in Japan selling over 630,000 copies and outselling Pikmin
PHOTO EVIDENCE: John McCain Officially Joins The Dem Party – Is He a Traitor? | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:13.
Millions of Americans have been suffering high deductibles and premiums under Obamacare
for years.
They were counting on Senate Republicans to do the right thing and vote a repeal through,
but we have been BETRAYED!
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), long ago made himself an enemy of the American people.
Now he's officially joined the Democrats and Progressives.
Traitor John McCain just stabbed millions of American voters in the back.
He gave the decisive "no" vote that keeps Obamacare in place, reported The Daily Caller.
Afterward, the smiling McCain went and celebrated with the Democrats on the Senate floor–all
caught on camera!
For years, we've been fighting for the moment when a Republican House, Senate, and Presidency
could finally eliminate the monstrosity that is Obamacare.
It seemed like we were finally about to get it.
McCain, 80, is insufferable.
Old age has caught up with him.
He couldn't even come up with a good excuse for letting the American people down.
He cited "bipartisanship" as his reason for voting "no" on the "skinny" repeal
While the skinny repeal bill wasn't as comprehensive as the initial Obamacare repeal bill–which
McCain also voted against, it still removed some of the most burdensome measures of Obama's
signature policy.
For instance, it would have gotten rid of the individual mandate, with its disastrous
and immoral penalty.
It would also have eliminated the employer mandate for eight years and given states greater
flexibility, CNN reported.
It's what conservatives across the country want.
It's what Republican lawmakers promised on the campaign trail–but McCain was never
actually a conservative.
Remember, he loves calling himself a "maverick."
The word "maverick" seems to be code for "opportunist."
McCain plays both sides of the aisle.
He's not in it for the American people.
He's in it for himself.
If John McCain is such a fan of bipartisanship, why does he favor a program that was passed
without a single Republican vote?
If McCain really wanted bipartisanship, the sensible move would be to repeal Obamacare
(which is anything but a bipartisan law) and then work across the aisle in coming up with
a replacement.
We all know what's going on: John McCain is bought and paid for by the same globalist
interests as the Democrats.
Traitor McCain threw the election to Obama in 2008.
By doing that, he allowed the creation of Obamacare.
Now, he's preserved his baby.
All the years of complaining about the ACA was a sham; a lie.
McCain's vote to repeal while Obama was still in office was nothing but a ruse.
McCain never wanted to get rid of it.
He's the biggest enemy Americans have in the Senate, and he's the perfect example
of why we need term limits.
One has to wonder if he were forced to receive his cancer treatment through Obamacare, would
he have voted for a repeal then?
Should traitor John McCain be forced to use Obamacare himself?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below!
BREAKING: Traitor Located At FBI, Arrest Imminent - Duration: 2:24.
The Emoji Movie Review - Duration: 7:29.
If anyone on the face of the Earth
could enjoy a movie about emojis
it's me!
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