♪ Here we are going far ♪
♪ to save all that we love ♪
♪ If we give all we've got ♪
♪ we will make it through ♪
♪ Here we are like a star ♪
♪ shining bright on your world today ♪
♪ Make evil go away ♪
♪ Code Lyoko we'll withstand it all ♪
♪ Code Lyoko be there when you call ♪
♪ Code Lyoko we will stand real tall ♪
♪ Code Lyoko stronger after all ♪
Hello? Is anyone there?
Misses Hertz caught us red-handed.
She made us give up our cell phones.
Hey, you really look wiped out.
What did you do last night?
I worked on a little program.
An advanced research engine of sorts.
It's a browser which I'm trying to make to help Aelita
look for more info on materialization in the Lyoko towers.
Just imagine all the things she's gonna learn when she gets here.
She's gonna be amazed.
I think about it all the time.
I can't wait for that day to come.
Yeah. It's gonna...it's gonna be great.
Hi, Ulrich.
Okay, guys. It's time for us to work up a sweat.
So long, Yumi.
Yumi, w-wait, I...
I, um...
Are you okay?
Well, yeah? Why are you asking?
I just, uh, just...asked.
See you later.
Ulrich, move it, huh!
"Ulrich, I don't know how to tell you this, so I'm writing it.
"I've always admired you.
"I've been wanting to tell you for ages, but I didn't have the nerve.
"Also, I wasn't 100 percent sure, but now I am. I love you.
Signed, Yumi."
Ulrich, watch out!
Ulrich, are you okay?
How could that have happened?
Uh, hey, Ulrich, don't take this badly, but your playing was kinda weird.
You can say that again!
Why, even Jeremie was better than you today!
My mind wasn't on the game.
Lay off, huh?
No way!
He'll lay off as soon as you tell us what's wrong.
It's just that...
Well, I got this letter from a girl.
The kind of letter a girl sends when she's...
He's in love!
Ulrich's in love!
That's the problem. I'm not in love. I'm...I'm not sure I am.
I can't even manage to talk to her.
And can you tell us who the lucky lady is?
You've gotta be kidding. I'm not telling anyone.
One more thing-- not a word to Yumi.
I don't want this to get around.
Hey, Odd, did I really play better than him?
Milly or Tamiya?
No, they're too young.
No, no, much too young.
And they're so, you know, they're...
they're too uptight.
Emily! Yeah! Yeah, yeah, it's her!
Look, I'm an expert with girls.
She's pretty, she's the outdoors type,
she's the one who flipped for him.
Oh, yeah? Who is Emily flipped over?
It's Jim! Emily's crazy about Jim.
Jim? You're kidding. Well, they say that love is blind.
Oh! I'm, uh, I'm s-sorry.
Who did that to you?
Come on, run!
He doesn't look well at all. You think it's serious?
Don't worry, Odd.
He'll be back on his feet in no time. I mean, back on his paws.
I brought some pills and antivenom compresses.
Thanks, Yumi. Come in.
This'll make you feel better.
Uh, Yumi? Come over here, please.
I wanted to tell you something.
I did, too.
They say Emily's in love with Jim!
With Jim?
Odd told me all about it. Weird, huh?
I've got class now. See ya!
Hey, what's that all about, huh?
I don't know!
And then I heard this buzzing coming from the trees.
There must be dangerous insects up there.
Thanks for the information, Ulrich. I'll take care of it.
Help! Help! Get them off!
We'll try to attract them to us!
Let's go!
We've got to get him to the infirmary.
What about Ulrich?
He'll take care of them.
Head that way! Hurry!
Hey, you're...you're hurt, Yumi.
Oh, it's nothing serious, Ulrich.
Just a scratch.
Uh, I think we can go now.
Mister Bennett was lucky. One more bite, and...
Yeah, that's right, but he's still not in great shape.
The principal sent for help. They're gonna get rid of the nest.
I don't know what you guys think, but I...
But you think it's XANA. Come on, cut it out.
Hornet's nests have always been around, and accidents happen all the time!
You're right, but these hornets, they were after us and nobody else.
Well, I say we check it out.
I'll try to contact Aelita.
I'm going back to class, but keep me posted.
Do you realize the damage these bugs can cause?
There are thousands of them!
If XANA is in on this attack,
we could have a very serious problem, huh?
Don't you think so?
Uh, what?
Uh, yeah! Right! I mean, I don't know.
Ulrich, you wouldn't happen to have a crush
on this secret admirer of yours, would you?
Hm, Ulrich?
Yeah, you could be right.
What's all this about me being in love with Jim?
Start that rumor again,
and even your dog won't recognize you!
Aelita, do you read me?
Loud and clear. How are things in the real world?
We've got a problem. And we think it might be XANA.
Have you noticed anything?
No. At least here in the desert, things are calm.
But if you want I can check out the other regions.
Good idea.
And in the meantime,
I'll run a scan to see if there's an activated tower.
There it is.
Aelita, the scanner spotted
an activated tower in the forest
Okay. I'm in the forest now. I'll try to find it.
I'll tell the others.
XANA has activated a tower, and Aelita's trying to find it, guys.
It looks as if something's up.
Jeremie wants us to go to the factory right now.
No--no, wait, Yumi.
I wanted to, uh, to tell you something.
It's about your... about your letter.
Huh? But--
No, let me finish.
You said in the letter that...
that you had certain feelings for me, and...
I wanted you to know that... that I feel the same thing for you.
There. I've said it.
But I never sent you any letter, Ulrich.
Oh, that has got to hurt!
Kind of embarrassing if you ask me!
Forget them. Don't worry.
I don't care. Leave me alone!
Oh, no!
Oh, wow. Nice going, XANA.
Jeremie, any suggestions would be very welcome.
Uh, get away from here as fast as we can?
We're trapped!
Hey, you got any other ideas?
Come on.
This is your idea?
Insects are very sensitive to smells.
They're not the only ones, huh?
Hey, I think it worked!
Looks like it.
What do you know?
What's that smell?
Ask Jeremie.
We left you a message. Didn't you get it?
What do you think?
I didn't feel like checking my messages.
Look, I think we should talk.
I know what you're gonna tell me, and I don't wanna hear it.
Ulrich, this is all on account of Sissi!
Don't you think I know that?
But because of her, I'm confused.
Every time I see you, I don't know what to think.
So just leave me alone, okay?
He's losing it.
Are you okay?
Yes, I found the activated tower.
But it's guarded. I can't access it.
Don't worry. Help is on the way.
Hey, guys, hold on a minute!
The bugs have blocked the factory entrance,
and I would rather stay out of that sewer.
Don't worry, Odd.
I'm way ahead of you on this one.
Well, what's the deal?
Pretty clever, huh?
This thing generates ultrasounds of about thirty thousand hertz.
Like all insects, hornets are capable of receiving the--
Fascinating, but we don't have time, so let's move!
Get inside!
Come on, hurry up!
Headquarters, we've got a problem.
We're at the junior high school, right.
Your thing stopped! How come?
Battery's dead.
Hurry up!
Okay, here we go.
Aelita, do you read me?
We're on our way. Hang in there!
No time to lose. To the forest!
Transfer Ulrich.
Transfer Yumi.
Transfer Odd.
Hurry! Hurry!
Scanner Odd.
Scanner Ulrich.
Scanner Yumi.
Come in, Aelita.
Aelita, answer me!
Oh, no. This cannot be happening!
Do you see her?
No, not yet.
Oh, and talk about embarrassing situations,
I'm sure that Ulrich's not about to forget this for a long time.
What a genius I am!
You could say something .
Wait up!
Careful. Three swarms of Hornets converging.
Get ready.
Laser arrow!
Less than 20 life points left, Yumi.
Be careful, Odd!
Odd, 80 life points left.
Ulrich, what are you doing?
Odd, two enemies at three o'clock!
Laser arrow!
No, Yumi! Aelita!
Aelita, are you okay?
Yes. I'm fine, Jeremie.
Yumi, in front of you!
Watch it! They're coming back.
Yumi, you've only got 20 life points left.
Ulrich, wake up!
Odd, you have hardly any life points left.
Ulrich, are you with us or not?
I know you're unhappy, but there's no reason to be.
Our friendship's stronger than that, right?
You can't let Sissi's dirty tricks break us up, can you?
So forget all about that, please. We need your help!
You two head for the tower.
I'll take care of them.
Well, it's about time.
Oh, no!
Go on, Aelita!
Hiyah! Impact!
Ulrich, you're the greatest.
Aaah! Go away!
No, no! Help!
Return to the past now.
Uh...uh, hi!
Uh, I was just passing by, and I...
What do ya know?
Let's see now.
It's, uh...
Well, that's a pretty embarrassing situation,
don't you think?
I, uh, this wasn't the right door!
It sure isn't!
Why not give it to Nicholas or Herb?
They'd be delighted!
For more infomation >> [EN] Code Lyoko - S1E012 - Swarming Attack [1440p] - Duration: 23:10.-------------------------------------------
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[EN] Code Lyoko - S1E012 - Swarming Attack [1440p] - Duration: 23:10.
♪ Here we are going far ♪
♪ to save all that we love ♪
♪ If we give all we've got ♪
♪ we will make it through ♪
♪ Here we are like a star ♪
♪ shining bright on your world today ♪
♪ Make evil go away ♪
♪ Code Lyoko we'll withstand it all ♪
♪ Code Lyoko be there when you call ♪
♪ Code Lyoko we will stand real tall ♪
♪ Code Lyoko stronger after all ♪
Hello? Is anyone there?
Misses Hertz caught us red-handed.
She made us give up our cell phones.
Hey, you really look wiped out.
What did you do last night?
I worked on a little program.
An advanced research engine of sorts.
It's a browser which I'm trying to make to help Aelita
look for more info on materialization in the Lyoko towers.
Just imagine all the things she's gonna learn when she gets here.
She's gonna be amazed.
I think about it all the time.
I can't wait for that day to come.
Yeah. It's gonna...it's gonna be great.
Hi, Ulrich.
Okay, guys. It's time for us to work up a sweat.
So long, Yumi.
Yumi, w-wait, I...
I, um...
Are you okay?
Well, yeah? Why are you asking?
I just, uh, just...asked.
See you later.
Ulrich, move it, huh!
"Ulrich, I don't know how to tell you this, so I'm writing it.
"I've always admired you.
"I've been wanting to tell you for ages, but I didn't have the nerve.
"Also, I wasn't 100 percent sure, but now I am. I love you.
Signed, Yumi."
Ulrich, watch out!
Ulrich, are you okay?
How could that have happened?
Uh, hey, Ulrich, don't take this badly, but your playing was kinda weird.
You can say that again!
Why, even Jeremie was better than you today!
My mind wasn't on the game.
Lay off, huh?
No way!
He'll lay off as soon as you tell us what's wrong.
It's just that...
Well, I got this letter from a girl.
The kind of letter a girl sends when she's...
He's in love!
Ulrich's in love!
That's the problem. I'm not in love. I'm...I'm not sure I am.
I can't even manage to talk to her.
And can you tell us who the lucky lady is?
You've gotta be kidding. I'm not telling anyone.
One more thing-- not a word to Yumi.
I don't want this to get around.
Hey, Odd, did I really play better than him?
Milly or Tamiya?
No, they're too young.
No, no, much too young.
And they're so, you know, they're...
they're too uptight.
Emily! Yeah! Yeah, yeah, it's her!
Look, I'm an expert with girls.
She's pretty, she's the outdoors type,
she's the one who flipped for him.
Oh, yeah? Who is Emily flipped over?
It's Jim! Emily's crazy about Jim.
Jim? You're kidding. Well, they say that love is blind.
Oh! I'm, uh, I'm s-sorry.
Who did that to you?
Come on, run!
He doesn't look well at all. You think it's serious?
Don't worry, Odd.
He'll be back on his feet in no time. I mean, back on his paws.
I brought some pills and antivenom compresses.
Thanks, Yumi. Come in.
This'll make you feel better.
Uh, Yumi? Come over here, please.
I wanted to tell you something.
I did, too.
They say Emily's in love with Jim!
With Jim?
Odd told me all about it. Weird, huh?
I've got class now. See ya!
Hey, what's that all about, huh?
I don't know!
And then I heard this buzzing coming from the trees.
There must be dangerous insects up there.
Thanks for the information, Ulrich. I'll take care of it.
Help! Help! Get them off!
We'll try to attract them to us!
Let's go!
We've got to get him to the infirmary.
What about Ulrich?
He'll take care of them.
Head that way! Hurry!
Hey, you're...you're hurt, Yumi.
Oh, it's nothing serious, Ulrich.
Just a scratch.
Uh, I think we can go now.
Mister Bennett was lucky. One more bite, and...
Yeah, that's right, but he's still not in great shape.
The principal sent for help. They're gonna get rid of the nest.
I don't know what you guys think, but I...
But you think it's XANA. Come on, cut it out.
Hornet's nests have always been around, and accidents happen all the time!
You're right, but these hornets, they were after us and nobody else.
Well, I say we check it out.
I'll try to contact Aelita.
I'm going back to class, but keep me posted.
Do you realize the damage these bugs can cause?
There are thousands of them!
If XANA is in on this attack,
we could have a very serious problem, huh?
Don't you think so?
Uh, what?
Uh, yeah! Right! I mean, I don't know.
Ulrich, you wouldn't happen to have a crush
on this secret admirer of yours, would you?
Hm, Ulrich?
Yeah, you could be right.
What's all this about me being in love with Jim?
Start that rumor again,
and even your dog won't recognize you!
Aelita, do you read me?
Loud and clear. How are things in the real world?
We've got a problem. And we think it might be XANA.
Have you noticed anything?
No. At least here in the desert, things are calm.
But if you want I can check out the other regions.
Good idea.
And in the meantime,
I'll run a scan to see if there's an activated tower.
There it is.
Aelita, the scanner spotted
an activated tower in the forest
Okay. I'm in the forest now. I'll try to find it.
I'll tell the others.
XANA has activated a tower, and Aelita's trying to find it, guys.
It looks as if something's up.
Jeremie wants us to go to the factory right now.
No--no, wait, Yumi.
I wanted to, uh, to tell you something.
It's about your... about your letter.
Huh? But--
No, let me finish.
You said in the letter that...
that you had certain feelings for me, and...
I wanted you to know that... that I feel the same thing for you.
There. I've said it.
But I never sent you any letter, Ulrich.
Oh, that has got to hurt!
Kind of embarrassing if you ask me!
Forget them. Don't worry.
I don't care. Leave me alone!
Oh, no!
Oh, wow. Nice going, XANA.
Jeremie, any suggestions would be very welcome.
Uh, get away from here as fast as we can?
We're trapped!
Hey, you got any other ideas?
Come on.
This is your idea?
Insects are very sensitive to smells.
They're not the only ones, huh?
Hey, I think it worked!
Looks like it.
What do you know?
What's that smell?
Ask Jeremie.
We left you a message. Didn't you get it?
What do you think?
I didn't feel like checking my messages.
Look, I think we should talk.
I know what you're gonna tell me, and I don't wanna hear it.
Ulrich, this is all on account of Sissi!
Don't you think I know that?
But because of her, I'm confused.
Every time I see you, I don't know what to think.
So just leave me alone, okay?
He's losing it.
Are you okay?
Yes, I found the activated tower.
But it's guarded. I can't access it.
Don't worry. Help is on the way.
Hey, guys, hold on a minute!
The bugs have blocked the factory entrance,
and I would rather stay out of that sewer.
Don't worry, Odd.
I'm way ahead of you on this one.
Well, what's the deal?
Pretty clever, huh?
This thing generates ultrasounds of about thirty thousand hertz.
Like all insects, hornets are capable of receiving the--
Fascinating, but we don't have time, so let's move!
Get inside!
Come on, hurry up!
Headquarters, we've got a problem.
We're at the junior high school, right.
Your thing stopped! How come?
Battery's dead.
Hurry up!
Okay, here we go.
Aelita, do you read me?
We're on our way. Hang in there!
No time to lose. To the forest!
Transfer Ulrich.
Transfer Yumi.
Transfer Odd.
Hurry! Hurry!
Scanner Odd.
Scanner Ulrich.
Scanner Yumi.
Come in, Aelita.
Aelita, answer me!
Oh, no. This cannot be happening!
Do you see her?
No, not yet.
Oh, and talk about embarrassing situations,
I'm sure that Ulrich's not about to forget this for a long time.
What a genius I am!
You could say something .
Wait up!
Careful. Three swarms of Hornets converging.
Get ready.
Laser arrow!
Less than 20 life points left, Yumi.
Be careful, Odd!
Odd, 80 life points left.
Ulrich, what are you doing?
Odd, two enemies at three o'clock!
Laser arrow!
No, Yumi! Aelita!
Aelita, are you okay?
Yes. I'm fine, Jeremie.
Yumi, in front of you!
Watch it! They're coming back.
Yumi, you've only got 20 life points left.
Ulrich, wake up!
Odd, you have hardly any life points left.
Ulrich, are you with us or not?
I know you're unhappy, but there's no reason to be.
Our friendship's stronger than that, right?
You can't let Sissi's dirty tricks break us up, can you?
So forget all about that, please. We need your help!
You two head for the tower.
I'll take care of them.
Well, it's about time.
Oh, no!
Go on, Aelita!
Hiyah! Impact!
Ulrich, you're the greatest.
Aaah! Go away!
No, no! Help!
Return to the past now.
Uh...uh, hi!
Uh, I was just passing by, and I...
What do ya know?
Let's see now.
It's, uh...
Well, that's a pretty embarrassing situation,
don't you think?
I, uh, this wasn't the right door!
It sure isn't!
Why not give it to Nicholas or Herb?
They'd be delighted!
GTA 5 Money Glitch - Free M...
Opening Black Ops 3 Supply Drops, YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED!! (Black Ops 3 DLC Weapons Glitch) - Duration: 10:18.
so imagine you're opening black ops 3 supply drops and you grind it your ass
off of the triple play you open your triple play and this appears they
started angle example giving us orders now obviously you have two items in the
Supply Drop so you would be pretty upset like obviously off the bat you're pissed
you're missing an entire item your Supply Drop has two items when it should
have three imagine opening a Supply Drop triple play total victory whatever the
case may be and you still get two items but it's this! to enter this month's $50
Xbox PSN or steam card giveaway all you have to do is drop a like leave a
comment and be subscribed this video is brought to you by earn dodge changing
start earning once a day and wrong instantly to PayPal Bitcoin and more the
link is in the description the comment section down below let me know if you
would be more upset with only getting 2 items or you wouldn't care at all
because the two items you got were really good if you could get to DLC
weapons in one drop but you could only have two items in that drop drop a like
in the video if you want the three items coming in the comment section why I
can't even a madness case opening a Supply Drop getting two items they're
terrible items I'd be so cheesed but if I pulled it up with a Ravens eye and a
KDK in one drop I'm first of all I'm looking like dude what just happened I
open a triple play and I get two items but I'm also I'm scratching I'm saying
wait this might be one of the best apply shops of all time the Ravens eye and the
kbk I would I would be more impressed with the fact that I got two weapons
rather than I got two items you know what's better the luck or the glitch you
know what I mean it seems to be some sort of PC recording I think the guys
from Germany at least is what it appears like I don't mean are no linguist I
don't really know the languages that well so what I'm seeing on the screen
right now looks to be some sort of foreign European country and
I've never really seen anyone play black ops 3 in this language so it's even
weird and more residents apply drop glitch this weird
occurrence with the triple play actually happened I would think it was some
little kid and you know Kansas and he's losing his mind and is in the basement
but no it's some dude in Germany or like Czech Republic I'm not too sure where
it's from but it's a crazy occurrence in a crazy moment nonetheless now I want to
share one more thing with you guys like honestly I don't know what's going on
the black ops 3 I don't know if the drops are boosted or if they're messed
up or what's going on but this dude pulled three weapons in one Supply Drop
okay he pulled the brass knuckles he pulled the Rif d9 and he pulled the NX
shadow clock what is going on I've been doing these little pop-ups you know
throughout the video if you can read this comment a certain word down below
and it's going pretty cool you guys are pretty you know aware of what's going on
a video which I do appreciate it's kind of cool to see because I put it like
that two minutes at five minutes at eight minutes and it's like a different
word every time and I make the text smaller and it's a cool little game we
play so if you can get all three of them into this video you are an absolute
savage because today's video will be the most difficult one yes trust me
ever since I pulled the kvk I literally have not leveled it up I think it's
little 6 I have red dot 4 grip quick-draw in silencer which is
literally every attachment I already have for it like I put everything I can
possibly put on it it's on like I said there's no no exception to any
attachment just made in that ok what's going on I'm getting a little framework
oh I don't even know how to hello help me level this thing up man it's a B so
that I was what was I was on someone's account subscribers account and I was
using rapid fire with this thing it is disgusting what this thing can do with
rappers are it's like an SMG yeah well let me know in the comments down below
if you guys want to see like top 10s or you know the best moments or the black
ops 3 community because I like doing that in the intro you know I like just
showing you guys some cool something crazy that's going on and then jumping
right into a lot again show you guys a cool class show you guys a cool weapon
that I haven't been playing with yet you know just you know fusing the video to
have multiple topics so it's entertaining throughout you know I want
to you know step up the I guess the themes in my video you know mix it up
some more so if you guys are into that smash like down below support the video
and tell me in the comments you guys want to see
five five kills top ten supply drops whatever the case may be I'm down to mix
it up I'm down to throw in some extra concepts of cool glitches some crazy
moments things of that nature so I'm super down to do that for years we got
to step it up there were five and for 25 kills beep I got the UAV the hater and
the race we got some kills to get with this kbk I got to put a little bit more
smart a little bit more tactful throughout this map I'm trying to push
up trying to get some map control for the squad but uh we gotta do some better
good nights sleep tight a little bit bull goodbye oh there we go he's up top
star I need to I need to play this smart because I want to get a couple kills off
this combat focus if I don't get a couple kills off the combat focus it is
going to be a flop and I also don't want to get flipped on I want these spawns to
work in my favor my favor hello what am i speaking what language is that
there we go 445 off the wraith i got the combat focus skill and a pop that yes
there we go yes there it is 45 off now are you kidding me haha now your BS and
Ebro that good fight should have been mine it should have been in the bag what
are you saying bro oh my god both the streaks gone just like that that was
some nonsense bro what are you hiding in there with a shotgun I'm tired of these
shotguns on new town men for that changed the entire course of the game
you know I like cod kids like little small things like that are so important
that guy killing me he might have just saved the entire game for his team they
had now they now have a chance because that race would have been devastating
and that hater equally as bad for them so you know sometimes you got to get mad
at that you know thought that you died you get a respect how the people you
know killed you how they how they took you out there we go push up the map a
little bit going no no you're kidding me you could make they don't give you in
the realist don't get me on that reload please gonna try I'm trying to trump up
this map a little bit Devin flip spawns once I don't think I
just noticed that I just did right now I literally haven't been to the opposite
side of the map once oh I was gonna get that weapon swap off that would have
been juicy then whatever injuries he
I have a great time oh we're jumping no stuff but I'm still jumping no stuff but
I'm still jumping oh oh there we go you baby oh I played myself Oh fake kills
Aaron no quick little 26 killer I want to I want to go around sue I think was a
high caliber that's not really worth it to me I take our sounds are actually
throwing high caliber see that it you know see how that goes
yeah I'm going to tickets a sip of my drink okay I'm going to open it and take
a sip I need you guys to guess in the comments what do you think I'm drinking
okay ready this is the opening okay so you don't I'll just give you a hint it's
a cat so you know you can get a little bit of a mental image and take a sip
okay so you know what's a cap took a sip and give you one hint okay
the label on this particular drink is green in the comments I want you guys to
guess what I just took a drink of okay if you get it off those hints and off
that sound your legend you're gonna trust me trust me you're a legend
okay you're a savage gauntlet TDM you know what this map has been popping up a
lot lately because of the DLC and I like it I'm starting to get kind of good at
it I know the spawns pretty well and like the positioning like the spots you
should go on when they're spawning on certain sides it's pretty good it's not
that bad of a map it was really bad in the beginning now it's not too bad oh we
just we doing so late it's a really close game again all right you know what
I don't mind joining a game late if it's still competitive maybe you can you know
clutch out a couple kills here in there kind of impact the game a bit oh we got
that double kill that would have been the ish is oh I got your teammate don't
worry and I'm right again oh I was about to make a play I was around that little
ice Boulder I thought I was going to finesse in
what alright see ya I don't advise you to do what I just did run middle map not
smart but I'm slaying another you know I'm not I'm not mad it's a free one
thank you very much one of the weirdest glitches I've ever seen a black ops 3
supply drops I kind of feel bad considering it was a triple played bribe
he was supposed to get a free DLC weapon he had two items so if you would rather
get this instead of that smash a light down below in the video make sure you're
subscribed turn on notifications to never miss another daily black ops 3
videos let me know in the comments down below if you got all three other secret
words and what you thought I was drinking when I gave you all those hints
thank you so much for watching have an awesome day stay safe and I will catch
you guys in the next one
are you broke with no powerpoints man I found a solution I was going to say this
quick so there isn't any term for every cop points they're poking toys no damn
and squid boy there's a link in the description all you've got to do is plug
it click the link down below and download a you have me reliable and
where'd you get one to my fax
This Lion Was Attacked And Left To Die I Still Can't Believe What Happened After That - Duration: 3:58.
This lion was attacked and left to die. I still can't believe what happened after that
Sienna is an 11 year old lioness mother of three
She was attacked by Great horned Buffalo on April 4th
the attack took place at Masai Mara National reserve in Kenya
researchers and staff
officials of the reserve noticed the gored lioness and knew they had to act quickly if her or her cubs had any chance at
Sienna in great pain with a gaping wound on her backside from a horn buffalo attack
With this wound she could not care for her three cubs or herself so action was necessary
Kenyan Wildlife Service veterinarian Dr.
Jorge from Nairobi Flew into the reserve with his team of professionals to help Sienna
Dr.. Jorge worked very carefully to disinfect and clean the wound after Sienna was sedated. She
Was administered long-term
Antibiotic injections six stitches that would wear away after healing and a large amount of green clay which speeds up the healing process?
Here you can see one half of the wound is closed up and should go very nicely here
You can see one half of the wound is closed up and should go very nicely
The vips took a lot of care to make sure that this wound wouldn't reopen in the wild
about an hour and a half of surgery, Sienna
Woke up a new lioness and within two days was seen squatting to pee without hesitation or discomfort
She was tending to her cubs immediately
Ciena the gourd lioness seems to have nine lives
which is a good thing because she is now back with her cubs and healthy as can be the
Wound is healing perfectly with no infection and her cubs have a great chance at survival in the wild?
Thanks to Dr.. George and his team of professionals Sienna was given another chance at life as a mother
This Ripples down to the livelihood for three baby cubs and their chance of survival
Sienna would have had no chance in the wild raising three cubs with an open wound as big as hers was and would have only
Lasted a few more days at best
Her cubs would soon follow her terrible fate if it weren't for the wildlife service veterinarians
Sienna and her three cubs wouldn't have been so lucky
Watching cher Sienna the gourd lionesses story with your friends
Volkswagen Transporter 1.9 TDI 300 T800 T-Edition DUBB CABINE , AIRCO , NAVI , CR CONTR , LUXE DUBB - Duration: 0:56.
Laying the Foundation | Shae's Earthbag Bedroom Ep4 | Weekly Peek - Duration: 12:44.
last time Garen use the pressure washer to assist in digging the lower section
of Shae's earthbag bedroom
Dad cuts in the outline of the building to indicate
where the posts and earth bags will be placed
now we're all working at this at
different times so when I went through and drew my circles
we got the
heart-shaped setup
I came out I cut it all in where we all needed to dig down
the simple way of making sure this had everything in the right place
to get my point at the bottom of the heart
I need to have this section between where this
circle intersects...
most of the time in our buildings we've just put a post in and
drew a big circle around it
well here we had to have two circles that come
that's still not too bad
that's only two stakes
but now we have this
third point
of our calculation
so where do we put the heart
and I saw a Tom Linghren
Thank You Tom
how a square would fit in there and be that third
and this has to be a right angle
we needed a couple railroad ties
so we looked online and there are some people
who wanted to get rid of theirs
we went and helped them and dug them out
out of their property
and the ground was so soft we could just rock them back and
forth and pull them out of the hole
we rocked them back and forth and they popped
out of the ground
if you're willing to go and dig up some railroad ties for
someone then
you know if it makes them happy
it makes us happy
it's a deal
I married way over my head
Yah 25
Got 25 more to go
or more
It doesn't seem that long
it's good 25 years
I recommend it
you can be together and
make it difficult or you can be together and enjoy each other so why not be
together and enjoy each other
the stronger that Gary and I are as a couple
the better it is for the whole family
it does take a little bit of compromise on
both parts
even this property was something that we weren't in agreement
with at the very beginning
we drive in to the property
I pull around and I am
just like psyched
I love this property
and I'm looking at the potential
we could do this and that
I have no idea that he's feeling this way about the
property and there's an old house and I'm a little bit concerned because the
kids you know how they just want to go explore which is great but I don't know
there's snakes - who knows what's around there
I would have never thought
that this would have been the property that
but when you came back you were so
excited and you started just casting the vision and we were all buying into it
the next thing that we really compromised on this property was
I wanted to go with a small house
I always plan to go small and Gary wants
to go big
I built stuff you know arf arf arf
I wanted it out of Steel
and then no no no
I want to go straw bale
so we research everyone of these things
we went through so many ideas
steel, straw bale and log
and pretty soon it's like how about that little house thing over there
just kind of live in there
so we remodeled it a little bit
enough that we could survive in it
it became "the house"
became "the place"
and there's something about smallness because
the kitchens busy
if you imagine all six of us and they're cooking
which is crazy and it's fun
once we lived out here for a while and started getting different ideas of how
to live
those constructs we had in the city that were very
and we start talking to people who lived out here and then we started
thinking about where we really want to put the house and we looked over here
behind this little house are all these trees
why are we setting up here in the
middle of this plain area
eventually we come to this idea of building these
houses around this little treed, courtyard area
Are we going to keep being married?
I think so
I would marry Gary all over again
it's one of the best decisions I've ever made
It hasn't cost her much either
cost me much?
this is an open design we have taken
the post now
we're going to be placing posts in certain areas and
headering over to help support the roof
that's what the posts are for
they're there to put headers across and some beams
and to set the roof on
the earthbags come all the way up to this
oh so you're
thinking for the posts
then we can just drop these too
a lot of times we'll just
be able to bury our post when they're long enough
we have shorter posts
digging out the 3-foot step down into Shae's bedroom and putting in posts and
getting ready to roof actually
the posts are for the roof
so we're actually placing them on a foundation
the concrete type block foundation
and then concreting in brackets that actually hold those in
and that's how we're doing all the posts
the white bricks here are a foundation that we're putting
underneath the posts so that we can...
the posts are not quite far enough to go all the way down in
because these have to be three feet plus two feet plus eight feet so we
got to add a little extra so we can get them up in the air to hold the roof
Shae worked super hard
she studied a bunch and she's got her permit
Very exciting
she did excellent
passed with flying colors
how does it feel Shae?
like I'm driving
you're doing a good job keeping you're eyes on the road
living in the country you get a an education in driving and
being aware of your surroundings and I think I was around ten when I started
it's really good practice
originally we were thinking we had to
dig it all out
and then we realized we really only have to do a doughnut shape
because as we're laying the bags we can be taking the dirt from the middle and
putting it in the bag
like the cute kisses
you just want my bottle
that's what you want
okay so mom planted in there
I planted in here
Bryson was much more successful
but I got a few
you got a bunch in there
I made a little greenhouse
really quick out of a plastic bottle
just cut around it leaving the bottom
attached so I could just bend it up then I've sifted some some dirt and put it in
we eat these little mini bell peppers constantly and so I thought
we will use some of those seeds
planted them in my little greenhouse
homemade greenhouse
and they grew
we went ahead and planted them in the self
watering container
then we rebuilt our self water container back up
cleared it out make sure it is still working
and it was still down there functioning good so
we just put everything back together
the whole point of the self-watering
container is that when it rains
it fills up all these rain barrels
it's almost a thousand gallons of water
and this is really the only self water container I
have hooked up to it
and I thought
well, I would go ahead and run the hose out and
water that tree there
and I left it on all night
I drained all 1,000 gallons of rainwater on that
one tree
so now because I did that
I have to come out here and
water these by hand
oh no!
until we get another rain to fill those things up
thanks guys!
uh huh
the bottom layer is exactly the same length all around
okay so my suggestion
is that we get a string with a stick
tied at the right spot so that we can take the stick out and line it
first earth bag
we together the foundation just like typical
we do have some pretty nice
ground out here
we drop it in
two or three different rows down so we
get kind of a foundation
that's placed in
and then we start building on top of
that and gauging in where that floor is going to set
before we start the foundation of these things
okay we put the plastic in
tamp that edge and
then we set the next row
and when it tamps out
it expands quite a bit this way
are you following me?
Shae and I are painting up a few
little things that need to be done in the courtyard
sprucing some things up
all of a sudden she gets this creative idea
she spilt some paint on her hand and
all of a sudden it was became interesting to her so she says well
let's put some more on there so she has all this paint on her hand and then she says oh it
needs details
all of a sudden she's got a box of paints out and she's in there
doing detail and having a lot of fun
so that's a little glimpse into to
the childhood
if there's a little bit of creativity you just got
to go with the flow right
that's right
dun dun dun
a pole
Garen went ahead and set our first post
with the brick foundation basically that has a bracket to connect to the bottom
got it in
he got them all concreted and the brackets all set
couple of different points of security on these types of posts
one is at the base when it's bracketed in and it doesn't move in any direction
the second one is at the top when it's attached to a beam
in our case we don't have just
two floating beans in the area we have three points like a triangle with the
three different points the post just need to be now secured with the bags
look at that beautifully leveled pose it's gorgeous
we really appreciate you being here stay tuned for next time we continue building
on Shay's earthbag bedroom we have a podcast every Wednesday last week she
and I gave a list of our favorite facts and conspiracies you're inviting this to
the next podcast and we hope to see you there bye please consider supporting us
on patreon this is the dirt our buildings are built on this is wet -
look at this we got to cut it like a brick so
that's hard this will tastic they are this is a in
support of silver station they've got our string mob were you just bring
enough alone I want to roll today mom walked out on the first day of the bag
day our family moved from the city to the country thanks for taking part in
our adventure we have new videos every Friday evening if you would like to help
us out you can like this video share it subscribe or support us on patreon see
the links in the description purple then what do you have inspector laugh in the
right place if you knock knock me over I will get back up again
oh oh but mom I want to get your mastery on film if I want to show off your
mastery yeah so move your butt detail
[Steven Universe animation] Jasper redemption (+ Pearl fusion) - Duration: 1:31.
So Rose didn't kill my Diamond...
...my resentment.. my hate...
...I harmed others because nothing...
I'm sorry
Being superior, strong...I was trying to cope my sadness...
My longing to be with her
I'm only another Jasper... I was created to fight... But I was unable to protect my beloved Diamond...
I'm useless...
I don't worth it...
NEVER say that Jasper!!
You're an unique gem ! You have your own path
I used to think like you...but believe me...
You worth everything and you will learn to love yourself...
You are a warrior | daily sprout 302 - Duration: 0:34.
Thrive Architect Review - The Next Generation WordPress Page Builder From Thrive Themes - Duration: 10:34.
In this video I'm to be reviewing Thrive Architect which is essentially Thrive content builder
version 2 but it got a new name hi my name is Adam from WPCrafter.com where I make WordPress
videos for non-techies if you're new here please consider click on the subscribe button
and if you want video notifications click on that little bell off to the right of that
you two will let you know when I have a new video so this video's going to be about Thrive
architect and actually it's going to be a different kind of video because number one
I have used the product but number two it's not going to be out for a another month or
so this would be the first video in a series of videos and I would be putting together
a video playlist here on YouTube for all the tutorial videos on to be doing on Thrive Architect
now if you don't know what that is it is a page builder now thrive content builder was
also pretty much like the pioneering page builder but there was a lot of problems with
it and you know they fix them all I gotta say they really went through and looked at
all of the criticisms and they fixed all of them so today they actually release the name
it's going to be Thrive Architect this really cool thing here where you could go ahead and
guess the name and I love their blog they become party this is blog post is been here
for just a few hours and it already has hundred 24 comments on it now they did release a teaser
video not that long ago and I do actually have access to it on one of their test servers
so the things I talk about in this video I'm not can actually be able to show you because
wouldn't be right I know they have their way of marketing this and getting the hype going
and it's going to be well-deserved but I'm sure you couple screens of Thrive Architect
and I'm also gonna tell you some of the things I know for a factor in there because I've
tested it and these are essentially addressing the main gripes in the main things that I
think any page builder for WordPress should have so before I get into that the last time
I made a video about a Thrive product it was Thrive apprentice and I got mad at me that
it is and show the price and the video I'll just shock the price of their products and
I'm going to go through and say who this is for and with this is not for here is their
current pricing now if you're not familiar with Thrive it's actually a suite of plug-ins
and some themes and they all are integrated and communicate together in the best way of
giving you an an analogy for that is Apple products you've got your MacBook you've got
your Apple TV got your iPhone you got your Apple watch and they all just communicate
perfectly together and the iPad of course and that's kind of like what Thrive does is
they have all these plug-ins but it's either not just like some other steamships that have
a million plug-ins their plugs actually are made to work together and be integrated together
and communicate together and that is why I like to write things that I personally have
this agency membership I've been an agency member since 2014 but they have this other
plan right here it's the $20 a month paid annually it's like what 200 bucks a year something
like that you can also pay quarterly there's this rocker switch so your initial cost to
purchase anything in the Thrive family products to get that whole suite is a little bit more
well it all depends these days that pricing is actually in line with other pricing but
you get a full suite of plug-ins that work to gather so that is the cost of it so here's
one of the those screens of the new content builder now this screen is actually from a
video it's not the actual screen when I was actually using it I didn't feel like it would
be right so they totally it's it's a totally new product and now you're going to have some
of the same elements from the old version but the new version is totally different the
way you interact in the interface that you're going to go through in order to build out
your pages here is a closer shot of some of the different modules that Thrive Architect
has now there modules are very different from some of the other page builders they have
someone here that are very unique and they have to have a marketing twist to it that
I really like so they really have the best countdown timer Evergreen countdown timer
a content reveal they got the stuff nailed down so this is just a quick look at the interface
not want to confirm a couple things that should get people excited so essentially every criticism
I could've ever made about Thrive content builder has been fixed and improved upon in
Thrive Architect so number one this is a page builder that is going to work with any theme
the prior version it when you could use it on any theme but you can get the full with
backgrounds that you want to have if you're using a page builder with Thrive Architect
or to get those full with background rose and is really designed to work with any theme
and as a matter fact I tested it with the Astra theme and it worked beautifully with
it number two when you deactivate Thrive Architect all your content is there with Thrive content
builder that wasn't the case if you deactivated it you would lose anything that you built
in it it would be gone and so that is one of things I really like that they added and
that was a big criticism so you could get away from Thrive Architect if you chose to
but I'm sure if you're going to use it make a decision to use it you're gonna definitely
stick with it number three and I like this there's gradients everywhere gradient is when
you have two colors that kind of blend in together and it is a very modern design technique
in fact this Thrive Architect has all these a very modern design techniques so they have
gradients for the background gradients for the button there's all kinds of gradients
for just about everything I didn't check if it has gradients for text but that would be
really cool if you guys are watching you should definitely add gradients to text I like that
a lot and there are mobile specific options this is something that was lacking in Thrive
content builder but you get it now in Thrive Architect there's elements that you can hide
on device by device basis now if I was to compare Thrive Architect to any of the current
page builders it would be most like Elementor and it in just the way you interact with it
in the feature set and there's all these design features built into it it's going to be more
like Elementor than a Beaver Builder or a Divi also using it kind of reminded me of
when I use Elementor now I will say it's a totally new builder and if you are a current
Thrive themes member or current right content builder user when you start using Thrive Architect
you're going to feel comfortable and that you know what all these modules are because
you been using them but some things there's going to be a bit of a learning curve and
I'm going to try to do my best to help with that learning curve to reduce it through tutorial
videos but there is going to be a little bit of a learning curve but I can confidently
say that Thrive Architect is going to be a beast in its can definitely compete with Elementor
and Beaver Builder and Divi and as soon as this comes out in a month I'm going to do
a full or as soon as they let me I'm in a do a full detailed video review and show you
how to do certain things with it and I know I'm excited about Thrive Architect and if
your Thrive member I'm sure you're very excited about it to now I do have a link in the video
description to take you over to the Thrive website to look at the pricing I also will
have a link in the video notes as well that will take you to the YouTube playlist for
all of my Thrive contents and tutorials now I'm also going to have a bonus package of
training courses that I normally sell my website if you did want to purchase Thrive Architect
or a thriving membership I'm in a have a full bonus package for you that you will be able
to go and get for free wife you purchased that membership through my link so I intend
to make this YouTube channel the Thrive Architect central the best place for tutorials for Thrive
Architect I just love these guys are doing and honestly the arms and giving Mike my 100%
honest opinion my page builder choices still is Beaver Builder for my website okay in there's
a couple reasons for that however the best thing that you get with Thrive themes is that
everything is just perfectly integrated together you got Thrive leads it perfectly integrates
with Thrive content builder which perfectly integrates with Thrive ultimatum which perfectly
integrates with Thrive apprentice which perfectly integrates with Thrive quiz builder yeah that's
it so everything just works seamlessly and perfectly together and it's pretty much anything
anyone would need to really get themselves on the Internet and to create a functional
website that is conversion focused so I'm excited about Thrive Architect let me know
in the video comment section below if there's any specific cute question you have about
Thrive Architect I've used that I could probably answer your question and the full review and
tutorials whole suite of those are on its way I can already say this is going to be
product that I'm gonna like and I'm going to use a mortar using four of their products
on my WP crafter website right now and so I am so much looking forward to Thrive Architect
and I'm looking forward to creating more content around this product for you
Kyco ‒ Little Bit Closer [Premiere] - Duration: 3:31.
Kyco Little Bit Closer
Types of teachers - Duration: 3:48.
Hi guys welcome
to my channel mi name is marifer
if you didn't know
As you have seen
Marifer you are in a new place
yes, because
I return to Monterrey
After being at Cancun with my family
Because I didn't know what do to
in this video, I'm going to
Retake what I did in my first video
Here is the list
Here are the papers
Let's grab one paper
The lucky number is 5
The types of teachers
Let's go
Let's see now
Now everyone calm down
If not you are going to the principals office
Marifer are you talking?
No teacher I'm not talking
Are you answering me?
No, I'm not answering you
To the principals office immediately
No, there are no classes anymore
they are over, you can leave
You can go and have fun
I am going to relax
Wait the teacher says
No more clases
Listen everybody
If you want extra points
You have to like my new instagram picture
What are you waiting for!
They are extra points
The teacher said extra points?!
To like her picture
is... equal...
to four...
by one...
is equal...
to three...
do you understand?!...
So far the video of today
This video wasn't meant to offense someone or harm someone
it was total fun
if you know a teacher, or if you want me to give shutouts leave a comment down below
all my social medias are in the description, subscribe to this channel
turn on post notifications
until next friday
President Weekly Address - Duration: 2:53.
My fellow Americans,
This past week, we have celebrated, saluted, and honored American heroes who have devoted
their lives to God, Family, and Country.
Aboard USS Gerald R. Ford, we saluted those who will defend our flag on the newest and
most advanced aircraft carrier in the history of our world.
In Ohio, I delivered a very special award to a heroic military survivor from the Pearl
Harbor attack – long ago, but he is still in great shape.
At the White House, we have bestowed the Medal of Valor on the brave police officers who
saved so many lives after a gunman opened fire on lawmakers during a Congressional baseball
practice – they were very, very brave, and they truly did save lives.
And today in New York, we thank the law enforcement officers who are going after violent criminals
and MS-13 gang members and restoring safety and peace to our communities.
All American heroes – whether they patrol the oceans, protect our Capitol, safeguard
our streets, or serve in many other ways – share a common bond: They believe in America, they
love our citizens, and they will stop at nothing to defend our safety and our freedom.
That is why we honor our heroes and work hard every day to build an America that is worthy
of their sacrifices.
The source of America's strength is found in the spirit of our people.
The heroes among us represent that American spirit: courage, love, and sacrifice.
Our hearts are filled with pride and gratitude for all those who, for over two centuries,
have secured our nation and protected our citizens.
Throughout our history, heroes have answered the call of duty to defend our country in
its hour of need – and they're always there for us.
And frankly, one of the great privileges and joys of serving as President of the United
States is getting to spend time with these incredible Americans.
Our heroes show us who we are as a nation and a people.
They remind us that every citizen is capable of greatness, and they renew the promise that
America will grow stronger and greater than ever before – and that's what we're
doing right now.
Look at all the jobs that are coming in.
Look at what's happening with the stock markets.
Look at so many things, where we're just getting bigger, better, and stronger – and
never, ever forget our military, where we're adding billions and billions of dollars of
new planes, new ships, and new equipment for our great soldiers and military personnel.
After all, heroes are Made in America, and we have to take care of our heroes.
Thank you and God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.
A History of LeBron James & Kyrie Irving's Complicated Relationship - Duration: 5:14.
How To Set Up A YouTube Channel- Use Your Primary Email For Every Channel You Create - Duration: 1:02.
Taylor here with Financial Potion where we believe video is the potion to relieve business
owners from their financial worries.
I know many of our clients who prior to working with us thought they had to have a gmail account
per every YouTube channel.
That's not the case.
Always use your primary gmail account to log into YouTube and then just create separate
brand accounts for your separate businesses and channels.
This way you just need one set of login credentials to get to your other channels.
I hope this tips saves some of you from login confusion.
Please subscribe if you haven't already to get a new video every Friday at 5pm AZ
Connect with me on Patreon for extra training opportunities and stay engaging!
Learn Python Episode #5: Creating and Running our First Script - Duration: 1:44.
So, let's go ahead and create a Python script and learn how to run it. So, i'm
going to be doing this in terminal completely we will discuss other options
later, what I need to do first is change directory into "pycharm projects" and
there's nothing really in here so i'm going to create a file using the nano
text editor, you guys don't have to follow along,
however if you want to that's great too. I'm just going to call it test.py. Now
all Python scripts need to have the .py extension. So, what we're going to do is
just a simple, simple script it's going to print "hello world"
So, I'm going to control +
O to save, and control + C to exit, control + X to exit.
Alright, now if we just type "test.py"
you'll see BASH doesn't know what to do with this command because test.py is
not an installed program. So what we need to do is run "python3 test.py" and it will
return the result of anything in that script. So, that's how to run python
scripts, in the next video what we're going to be doing is setting up an actual work
environment using an IDE, and get you guys all ready to start with the basics.
Robinson Crusoe: Cannibal Island 4-Player Gameplay - Duration: 1:03:50.
When it's nice and cold inside the apartment... but when you go outside... hell.
wassup guys // Hello, there! so I'm going to brunch right now with some friends and...
It's the next evening because it's 6PM already even though it's super bright
right now.. but now I'm gonna pick up a smoothie from Nekter..
Finally got my smoothie after waiting for like 25 minutes or so.. but yeah now I'm
gonna go to see sunset
Good morning or good afternoon actually. Today's Sunday and .. wow I'm so ready.
I'm going to LA to try this new temple place that I found.. actually the one that
my dad found and.. so I'm almost there.. as usual of course I passed the freeway
that I was supposed to go to yeah.. let's see how this one goes
so I apparently just ran away from the
place because I don't know.. the thing is just too much in such a way.. I just want
something like chill.. basically I just want something like the one back home
and I couldn't find one until now so.. anyway I'm not from LA if I don't go to
The Grove and since I'm in LA anyway so I'm just going to go to the Grove to do
my assignments.. *Sad Music*
Anyway, I didn't get a study spot so.. but I get Starbucks though..
It's so weird... and honestly I spot some YouTubers today and I was trying to find
for parking it's just so funny.. I'm just gonna give you a few shots of The Grove
Well, then I'm just gonna go back to Irvine and study so I might just as well
end the vlog here because I'm sure you guys don't want to wait for me to study
or like see me studying or whatever .. Anyway don't forget to like this video and
subscribe my channel and yeah.. oh my god it's getting darker.. I did my makeup for
nothing but it's okay.. it's freaking hot and I'm just literally like sweating a
lot right now
but yeah see you next time! :)
I think that's gonna be my ending signature..
Nahh I'm gonna find something better.
But bye for real!
One hour drive back home.. yeayyy..
Bombshell Letter Exposes Horrifying Obama Crime Against America. | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:40.
The media continues to cover for former President Obama as a top Republican reveals his crimes
to the nation.
One Obama administration official filed "hundreds of unmasking requests" during their final
year in office.
A letter released by a top Republican reveals that the Obama administration abused their
power for political purposes, according to Fox News.
Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), Chairmen of the House Intelligence Committee, released a letter
revealing the Obama administration's efforts to spy on Donald Trump before he took office.
"Unmasking" is the formal process of revealing the identity of an American person captured
in the course of typical foreign surveillance.
The identity of Americans is held secret unless otherwise requested.
"[T]his Committee has learned that one official, whose position has no apparent intelligence-related
function, made hundreds of unmasking requests during the final year of the Obama Administration,"
writes Rep. Nunes.
The Committee identified three high ranking officials who made frequent requests to unmask
Americans during the 2016 election campaign.
Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice, former CIA Director John Brennan, and former
ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, were all named in a subpoena to the
top intelligence agencies.
Nunes' letter indicates that Samantha Power was the official behind the hundreds of unmasking
requests and the potential source of multiple leaks before President Trump's inauguration.
Power denies being responsible for any leaks to the media.
The report released by Nunes indicates that many of the requests to unmask were immediately
followed by illegal leaks revealing the uncovered information, which was potentially damaging
to then President-elect Trump.
Nunes explained that only one out of hundreds of requests "offered a justification that
was not boilerplate, and articulated why" the identity of a US person needed to be revealed.
Essentially, the FISA Court established to curtail illegal spying was acting as a glorified
rubber stamp in support of former President Obama.
Representative Nunes plans to address this problem by passing legislation requiring a
detailed and fact-based justification for any unmasking.
However, the Obama administration still needs to be held accountable for their illegal and
improper activity.
Do you think President Trump should announce a Special Counsel to investigate the Obama
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below!
Old lore of Orianna - Duration: 2:50.
I still don't do subtitles.
Starlight - TAEYEON 태연 feat. DEAN 【ENG Cover by Yuexiao, Eng Lyrics by arcee 】 - Duration: 3:42.
Love is amazing, ah
You are my starlight
You light up my night
When I am with ya, it feels like
I'm dreaming all the time
You are my starlight
Across the skyline
Right by your side
You're my starlight
I used to be alone, all the days go by, but still the same place
I never knew how good it could feel to be, to be in your embrace
You came in like a rainbow, everything seems brighter than before
Didn't know that I could ever be so
At home in your arms
Under the night stars, yeah
You shine brighter than the moon
Every dream is a thought of you
I see the whole world, when I look into your eyes
The sky doesn't look so dark now
Whenever you're with me
You are my starlight
You light up my night
When I am with ya, it feels like
I'm dreaming all the time
You are my starlight
Across the skyline
Right by your side
You're my starlight
'Feels like a miracle when I wake up to the, sun in your smile
The things I thought I knew, oh
they're different now that you came into my life
I'm feeling so brand new
Oh baby and it's all because of you
You taught me how to love
You are my starlight (you, you, you, you)
You light up my night
When I am with ya, (with ya) it feels like
I'm dreaming all the time
You are my starlight
Across the skyline (nononono)
Right by your side (Right by your side)
You're my starlight
Twinkle twinkle little star (uuuuh)
How I wonder where you were all this time
I'm wishing you will be by my side
Forever and ever, and you'll be mine (uuuuh)
The universe ain't all that wide
And our worlds collided into one
You and I
You are my starlight (uuuuh)
You light up my night, (you, you)
When I am with ya, it feels like
I'm dreaming all the time
You are my starlight
Across the skyline
Right by your side
You're my starlight
You are my starlight, my emotion, you feel me?
The brightest star is right here in my heart, oh
The start of my life
You're my starlight, yeah uh
Oh yeah, yeah
My baby, baby, mmh
Top 10 Images of Animals in Cups - Duration: 4:30.
Top 10 Images of Animals in Cups
While I am not quckers about ducks (because they hurt when they peck) I will admire that these two brought a smile to my face. But only a little one!.
"Waiter, there is a mouse in my cup of coffee!" –"Don't worry sir the cat hiding inside your sandwich will take care of it!" OK, I am not the best with jokes, but a mouse in a teacup can always cheer people up!.
Talk about compare the coffee.com! But this tiny little Meerkat has set his cute phaser to stun and is going on a shooting spree. Did he get you as well as me?!?.
In some sort of blog twist, this is, in fact, an advert to showcase a well-known coffee brand that people can take with "cream" (or milk as we in the UK call it) or without! But what you also get is some super cute images of cats in cups.
(Don't worry it isn't Caturday just yet). 6 – Dwarf Rabbits.
OK, I have to admit that this blog post is now starting to reach dangerous levels on the "cute-o-meter" and these two sweeter than a 10 shot cappuccino with milk, cream and 40 sugars in it. 5 – Guinea Pigs.
OK, now I am starting to feel all strange and funny inside my belly. Maybe I am super hungry and maybe these mega cute Guinea pigs are pushing me over the edge!.
This is going too far! That is a whole dog (with a cute, pink bow) inside a coffee mug! Maybe coffee is starting to wade a little and animals in cups are going to win me over. Say hello to Raymond.
He is one of the cutest little things you are ever likely to see in a cup, you see sadly he was found abandoned by his mother and is now being hand reared and fed via the little tiny baby bottle you see in the image.
Your killing me! A whole tiny little "Micro Hedgehog" inside a coffee mug! Surely nothing can be cuter than a little hedgehog in a mug! But sadly for me it seems there is….
OK, I have to admit it, who needs coffee in the cup when you can have a teacup pig inside of it! These amazingly small pigs are a special breed to be ultra small, but it does have to be said that there are a lot of people out there that have been conned into buying baby pigs that are just the offspring of a full size one, and boy do they end up with a surprise when it grows up!.
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