The hyperpigmentation of the dark skin or males is due to the increase in the amount of melanin
that the body produces.
This originates from internal causes as well as external factors.
If the cause is external can easily be solved with home remedies if this is
internal should be carefully analyzed with a specialist what kind of diet
we are carrying and what is the most advisable for these spots to disappear from our
Today in todo en salud we will show you how to prepare a remedy that can help you to
treat these spots if the cause is external.
The ingredients we will need will be: - Natural yogurt
- Turmeric Powder The procedure is very simple just
add two tablespoons of yogurt in a bowl, followed by 1 tablespoon of turmeric,
now mix until homogenous consistency.
This mixture should be applied in the area to be treated and leave to act for 30 minutes then wash with
soap and water.
For it to take effect, it must be used for at least 15 days in a row.
Turmeric contains curcumin a substance that can help fight skin cancer,
cures eczema wounds, treats acne and helps to lighten the skin, while
yogurt contains acids that upon contact with the skin help to blur the Spots
that are in this.
So if the dark spots are invading some areas of your skin, do not hesitate to try
this recipe and tell us what results you got.
We hope this video has been useful, remember that your opinion is very important
so score, comment and share and if you have not subscribed, subscribe to the
daily upload new videos.
For more infomation >> No more dark spots on the skin of the armpits, neck and elbows with this homemade recipe very easy - Duration: 2:03.-------------------------------------------
Una huelga de hambre en Chicago llama la atención sobre DACA y TPS | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:08.
Dos estafas, dos querellas y una casa en ruinas El annus horribilis de José Mota | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 7:13.
Noticias Telemundo, 27 de julio de 2017 | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 21:51.
Director de ICE ataca a las ciudades santuario | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.
Casa Blanca: guerra dentro del círculo íntimo del presidente | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:16.
Alerta para viajeros a México por indicios de alcohol adulterado | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:39.
Víctimas del Camión de la Muerte testificarán contra su conductor | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:04.
La incertidumbre de la familia de una víctima del Camión de la Muerte | Noticias | Telemundo - Duration: 2:16.
Muere otro joven en Venezuela | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:34.
Hispanos se benefician con creación de nuevos puestos de trabajo | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:16.
Los voluntarios que les dan de beber a los indocumentados | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:27.
Tragedia en un parque de diversiones de Ohio | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:46.
Habla para Telemundo madre que batalló contra su deportación | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:07.
Brote de salmonella es achacado a papayas mexicanas | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:09.
Freestyle kick technique. Swimming front crawl. Improve your position - Duration: 2:33.
The kick during freestyle should be something natural that you do without thinking about
To improve your freestyle kick to the point where you no longer have to think about it
you need to perfect it by doing drills everyday.
The best way is to separate the kick and the stroke.
To do that you will need a kickboard.
If you don't have a kickboard you can do flutter kick on your back.
The first thing you need to focus and this is something you have probably heard me say
before is the ankle flexibility.
Here I show you the difference between kicking on dorsiflexion and plantar flexion.
As you can see here I don't go forward at all when my ankles are flexed like this.
As soon as I change them I start moving forward.
This means that the ankles can act as a parachute or as fins, depending on your flexibility.
Here is a good ankle stretch to prepare your ankles for a better kick.
One problem with the kick board is that it puts your head out of line, and therefore
the legs can sink a little.
This is not a natural position of your head when you swim.
So try kicking with the kickboard like this.
You can put up your head to breathe like in breaststroke or butterfly.
You will be doing your neck and your freestyle position a favor.
You can also simply kick on your back with a streamline.
This is how I usually kick because I don't like the kickboard that much.
Finally, you will notice that the kick is not wide.
The wider the kick the more effort you will need to move forward.
So focus on doing small kicks, trying to bend your knees very little.
The hips will move a little because this is where the legs will initiate the movement.
Visit our shop to buy new swim caps and new t-shirts.
They are all designed by us!
See you next time!
Swim fast!
RESONANDO CON LAS ENERGÍAS ZODIACALES Parte II por Carolina Capmany - Duration: 1:00:50.
Resultados En Vivo Sorteo Miercoles 26 de Julio 2017 Loteria Panama : Numeros Loteria 26 Julio 2017 - Duration: 1:19.
(SUB ESPAÑOL) Boom Peak MIR Fanfic Concert - Duration: 17:16.
Freestyle kick technique. Swimming front crawl. Improve your position - Duration: 2:33.
The kick during freestyle should be something natural that you do without thinking about
To improve your freestyle kick to the point where you no longer have to think about it
you need to perfect it by doing drills everyday.
The best way is to separate the kick and the stroke.
To do that you will need a kickboard.
If you don't have a kickboard you can do flutter kick on your back.
The first thing you need to focus and this is something you have probably heard me say
before is the ankle flexibility.
Here I show you the difference between kicking on dorsiflexion and plantar flexion.
As you can see here I don't go forward at all when my ankles are flexed like this.
As soon as I change them I start moving forward.
This means that the ankles can act as a parachute or as fins, depending on your flexibility.
Here is a good ankle stretch to prepare your ankles for a better kick.
One problem with the kick board is that it puts your head out of line, and therefore
the legs can sink a little.
This is not a natural position of your head when you swim.
So try kicking with the kickboard like this.
You can put up your head to breathe like in breaststroke or butterfly.
You will be doing your neck and your freestyle position a favor.
You can also simply kick on your back with a streamline.
This is how I usually kick because I don't like the kickboard that much.
Finally, you will notice that the kick is not wide.
The wider the kick the more effort you will need to move forward.
So focus on doing small kicks, trying to bend your knees very little.
The hips will move a little because this is where the legs will initiate the movement.
Visit our shop to buy new swim caps and new t-shirts.
They are all designed by us!
See you next time!
Swim fast!
Learn Colors With Ryder Paw Patrol for Children / Bad Baby cry Finger Family song Nursery Rhymes #2 - Duration: 2:07.
Learn Colors With Ryder Paw Patrol for Children / Bad Baby cry Finger Family song Nursery Rhymes #2
DEVINETTE Quel couple de stars mondialement célèbres se cache - Duration: 2:03.
MÚA TÂY NGUYÊN - do các diễn viên Múa thể hiện rất đẹp - Vũ điệu bốc lửa - Duration: 8:08.
Xem Tướng MŨI biết cuộc sống Giàu Sang Phú Quý Ra sao. Cực Chuẩn Cực Hay |Tử Vi Trọn Đời - Duration: 3:24.
พระอภัยมณี - Duration: 9:29.
【HStv】Nói Thương Nhau Thì Đừng Làm Trái Tim Em Đau - BÍCH PHƯƠNG | COVER TEASER | PARODY OFFICIAL - Duration: 0:46.
Presenter nya Cantik, Insiden Memalukan Penyiar Berita Saat Siaran - Duration: 7:02.
Grizzy James - Wham Bam (...
I Started My Business In High School - Duration: 3:42.
- How did you get into this?
- Sure, so my parents are doctors
so I'd always grown really close to the medical field,
but I'm still not sure if I want to be a doctor,
but so I had always grown up
around this hospital environment.
- They made you hang out there?
- Yeah, sometimes, like after school and stuff.
So my freshman year of high school I joined the debate team
and I do congressional debate, so I proposed.
- What is congressional debate?
- So you like role play a senator,
and so you introduce legislation and you propose
counter arguments and that sort of thing.
So by my sophomore year, I had started introducing
my own legislation, and I got really interested
in health policy, and because of that,
I began to understand like how complex
the health care system in the U.S. actually is.
And so because of that I became interested
in working for the CDC, so the summer
after my sophomore year, I decided to shadow
at a local hospital at the infectious disease department.
- Of course you did.
Like every, like how old were you then?
- I was 15.
- Okay.
- So I was shadowing and I was just wanting
to get some like job experience
and see what it was like working in that field,
and so one day I was on the floor of the ICU
and I was watching a doctor walk into a room
and he had just come out of another room
and he hadn't washed his hands.
And that room was an isolation room,
meaning it was a pretty severe infection.
And that was kind of shocking for me.
Like I looked around and no one seemed phased by it.
And that's kind of scary because you put
a lot of faith into the health care system.
So I began watching some more.
I went to different hallways and I noticed
that, you know, a few doctors
in every hallway were doing it,
and not just doctors, nurses, employees in general.
So that day, when I went home,
I began researching this problem
because to me it just seemed crazy
that anyone would do this.
My father got sick when I was a freshman
and so when he was in hospital,
we really trusted the doctors to take care of him
because patients are all really vulnerable.
So when I went home and I researched,
I saw this was a nationwide problem.
- And what are we talking about
when we say a nationwide problem?
- About 53% of doctors don't wash their hands
regularly between patients,
and that was found by the CDC.
- Center for Disease Control.
- Yes.
- And that's a pretty crazy statistic.
- That's a crazy statistic.
- Yeah, and when I researched more,
I realized that has huge consequences
because that leads to infection,
and not only is that terrible for the patient,
it also hurts the hospitals as well
because now they have to pay millions of dollars
to insurance companies in liability fees.
- Right.
Well we don't want people to die.
- [Verma] Yeah.
- So we go to a hospital but we are fearful
of hospitals because we know this
about them, that people can get sicker there, right?
- [Verma] Yeah.
- And then there's the insurance part.
- [Verma] Yes.
- But I love how you saw a problem
and you had the confidence to think,
this is a real problem.
- Yeah.
I mean I was kind of shocked.
I mean it didn't seem like a novel idea
or anything at the time.
Like no one seemed surprised.
- Like dude, wash your hands.
- Yeah.
So I began researching, right,
and I saw this was a huge problem,
and then I asked my parents and they said,
yeah, you know it's a problem and we try
to follow protocol but it's kind of difficult
because you're visiting like 30, 40 patients a day,
and if you want to follow the protocol to a T,
you have to sanitize and rub for like a minute
in between every single patient,
even if you go and you don't touch them,
you still have to sanitize.
So after that research I began realizing
it was an issue of inconvenience,
like sanitizer just took too long to dry.
(upbeat instrumental music)
I've Been On Fire 3 Times - Duration: 2:07.
- Since then, I've been on fire three times,
but not that day.
- Wait a minute.
You've been on fire three times?
- Mm-hmm.
- So, what's that like?
- It's insane.
When you start doing something like this,
you can't envision the bad things
that could possibly happen,
because the fear would overtake you.
You just have to see yourself succeeding.
You have to see yourself crossing that finish line,
you have to see yourself being that champion,
because if you don't, it's a scary game.
I mean, this is a scary game that we play, racing.
People die.
I've been in the race car, strapped in,
and a person right in front of me
in a Jet Dragster has died.
And my son has seen it, and I've seen it.
And you see the ambulance come and get 'em,
and you think, "Oh my gosh,
is this something I want to die for?"
And I said, "Baby, this is something I wanna live for."
There's the difference.
I love living to push myself to the limit.
I love living to be a role model and an example, so--
- So, you don't think about going on fire?
- No!
- [Interviewer] But you have three times.
So, what happened?
- Well, crashing and just one time,
the husband had me chained up again.
That sounds weird.
(both women laugh)
He changed it up again, we went to full power,
lit the burner, and a fuel hose blew.
Just one of the fuel lines blew.
And it was 25 gallons of jet fuel that ignited,
and I'm sitting here,
and he's like, "Cut it off,"
and I'm like, "Oh my gosh."
And I was the only one in a fire suit,
and the fire just came up
and engaged the driver's compartment.
I would like to think that I look like a warrior,
walking out of the fire.
I was probably a total spastic, just running around.
- I think this is badass.
Super scary!
- Yeah, but in the moment,
all I'm thinking of is that fight or flight.
So, are you gonna run away or are you gonna stand and fight?
And that was my baby, that was my car,
so I grabbed the fire extinguisher,
the husband grabbed me behind the neck,
because I was the only one in a fire suit.
And he put me in and I got to put the fire out,
and that was it.
(soft music)
Caleb and I | WHO WINS? - Duration: 14:20.
Behave yourselves!!!
Ya'll have lots of fun!!!!
"I really enjoy treating business like a game..." - Julian Correa - Duration: 0:21.
- I really enjoy treating business like a game,
really having fun with it versus having it be
something you have to do,
while at the same time,
making sure your work ethic matches you're ambitions
and being equally as patient along the way.
(uplifting rock music)
Reunited Worlds: Episodes 5-6 Recap HD Part I Recap - Duration: 4:30.
He narrates that the moment he hugged Jung-won, he heard his own heart pounding. He says that it sounded like a clock, like the sound of his time in this world starting again.
Later, Hae-sung offers to leave if she's uncomfortable with his staying with her, but Jung-won says it's fine. She says he can sleep on the couch, teasingly asking if he had other ideas and making him splutter indignantly.
He offers to help Jung-won unpack, and the first thing he pulls from a box is a bright red, lacy negligee and matching panties.
Hae-sung falls on his butt in surprise as Jung-won snatches the underthings away from him, insisting that Jin-ju gave them to her but that she'd never actually wear them.
They decide to watch TV instead, but when Hae-sung tries to work the remote, the television flips channels wildly. Jung-won takes it away and the TV behaves normally, then starts flipping when Hae-sung holds the remote again.
It's definitely strange, but they decide nervously that the TV must be broken.
On her way to bed, Jung-won upsets a box of odds and ends. Hae-sung spots a small jar with the tab off of a beer bottle suspended inside, and he immediately recognizes it.
He's tickled that Jung-won kept it for all these years, remembering a day they'd spent together as teenagers.
In flashback, we see that Jung-won had asked Hae-sung to skip school and go to Seoul with her, but she'd retracted the invitation when he'd just stared at her.
Bracing herself for a lecture, Jung-won is surprised when Hae-sung only asks if something happened.
She mutters that she found her mother, and Hae-sung says, "Let's go to Seoul." He takes her hand and leads her to the city, where they locate her mother's new address.
As they sit outside the apartment building, Jung-won's mother comes outside with her new husband and young twins. She says that she won't see her mother again, but that she wanted to see her just once after she abandoned her daughter.
She tells her mother that she taught her a valuable lesson, that a parent can just turn their back on their child and lead a good life.
Her mother's new husband comes in with the twins, and her mother lies that Jung-won was just asking for directions. The happy family gets into the elevator together, and Jung-won's mother doesn't say another word as the doors close between them.
Once they're safe, Hae-sung bandages Jung-won's scraped knee, and she says that she felt that her pride would be salvaged if he was there when she met her mother.
She calls him stupid when he says that makes no sense, then she starts to cry.
He trots back to Jung-won, who points behind him and gasps, "There's a cop!" Hae-sung whirls with his arms up, but she's just punking him, hee. (And I can't blame her, his grumpyface is so cute!).
They share the beer, then Hae-sung takes the tab off the can and holds it out to Jung-won, saying that it's a ring.
He slides the tab onto her ring finger, wishing her a good life and revenge on her mother. Jung-won looks up at Hae-sung, adoration shining in her eyes.
As she rides the bus, Jung-won muses that this might be a very long dream. But she decides to keep going until the dream ends.
They're battered and begging for mercy (in jondae, PFFT) when he finishes with them. Hae-sung says this is payback for having him beaten a few days ago, and they agree that that's toootally fair.
Arsenal transfer news: Thomas Lemar to Arsenal: Arsene Wenger to launch third bid worth £50m - Duration: 2:10.
Thomas Lemar to Arsenal: Arsene Wenger to launch third bid worth £50m - report
Arsenal have made two signings so far this summer - Sead Kolasinac on a free from Schalke and £52.7million man Alexandre Lacazette from Lyon.
Arsene Wenger is eager to make further additions to his squad, in order to turn them into serious title contenders next season. Lemar has been talked up as a target for the Gunners, with Wenger a fan.
Recent reports suggested the 21-year-old could become the Gunners' third acquisition of the window. It is claimed a £45m deal is on the brink of being thrashed out, with wages and personal terms supposedly agreed.
Monaco originally valued Lemar at £80m. The Daily Mail say the north London outfit will now spring a £50m bid for Lemar.
It is said the Gunners hope the bid will be enough to persuade him to leave Monaco. The report also adds Lemar is not a replacement for Alexis Sanchez.
The Chilean has so far yet to commit his future to Arsenal and he is in the final year of his contract. A new deal worth £275,000-a-week has supposedly been offered to the star who will return to pre-season training on Monday.
Freestyle kick technique. Swimming front crawl. Improve your position - Duration: 2:33.
The kick during freestyle should be something natural that you do without thinking about
To improve your freestyle kick to the point where you no longer have to think about it
you need to perfect it by doing drills everyday.
The best way is to separate the kick and the stroke.
To do that you will need a kickboard.
If you don't have a kickboard you can do flutter kick on your back.
The first thing you need to focus and this is something you have probably heard me say
before is the ankle flexibility.
Here I show you the difference between kicking on dorsiflexion and plantar flexion.
As you can see here I don't go forward at all when my ankles are flexed like this.
As soon as I change them I start moving forward.
This means that the ankles can act as a parachute or as fins, depending on your flexibility.
Here is a good ankle stretch to prepare your ankles for a better kick.
One problem with the kick board is that it puts your head out of line, and therefore
the legs can sink a little.
This is not a natural position of your head when you swim.
So try kicking with the kickboard like this.
You can put up your head to breathe like in breaststroke or butterfly.
You will be doing your neck and your freestyle position a favor.
You can also simply kick on your back with a streamline.
This is how I usually kick because I don't like the kickboard that much.
Finally, you will notice that the kick is not wide.
The wider the kick the more effort you will need to move forward.
So focus on doing small kicks, trying to bend your knees very little.
The hips will move a little because this is where the legs will initiate the movement.
Visit our shop to buy new swim caps and new t-shirts.
They are all designed by us!
See you next time!
Swim fast!
Gopichand Movies List - Duration: 1:20.
Gopichand Movies List
Richard Marx (Captioned) Right here waiting Peters Popshow 1989 - Duration: 4:24.
Oceans apart, day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain
If I see you next to never
How can we say forever?
Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I took for granted, all the times
That I thought would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now
Oh, can't you see it, baby
You've got me going crazy
Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I wonder how we can survive
This romance
But in the end if I'm with you
I'll take the chance
Oh, can't you see it, baby
You've got me going crazy
Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
Waiting for you
Volunteer in Ecuador: My last visit in School in Quito [ 1st VLOG ] - Duration: 14:10.
Hello hello. Hello good morning. This is my very first vlog
using the Sony cybershot
camera that was um not given, but
Lent (not lended. Oops!) to me by my
friend Jaider from Colombia, so this is my first time doing my vlog
Today is july 19th, and I'm going to school
it's 10 a.m., in the morning, and I'm going to
school so I could give some food to my fellow school teachers
at school, so these are local teachers and
So yes, I'm preparing myself now and I'm
Basically what I got for them were like just some cakes
I got cake given to me by a good friend Wagner
yes, I bought some biscuits and
another cake that was given to me by my friend from Colombia Jaider and
Some pieces of cake slices of cake also given to me by my lovely host
another teacher. She is the owner of this place
She actually didn't know that it was my birthday last Saturday
and she gave me a cake by last
Monday Monday night so and I told her that it was my birthday
So she was happy about it, she already gave me
She already gave me slices of cake even before she knew it was my birthday
So that was really cool!
All right, and so I'm just very
I'll just wear my shoes guys
There's no class anymore
Since the class has already ended last week
But the local teachers are still there in the school to some things
But being me as a volunteer teacher,
I'm not really required to go there anymore since I won't be doing anything there
But today I will go to the school
So I could share them food and they will get full
They plan to go on a trip like a gathering where all teachers can go on Friday
Hoping I could join them even though, I'm just a volunteer and a foreign teacher
so before
during the class
What we normally do as volunteers especially me
I go to the school early in the morning
I go the school around 6:30 because
Usually. I just walk going to school
And it takes, if you walk very fast
It will take you 20 minutes
Normally it takes around 25 to 30 minutes to get to my school walking
( I'm about to release the CRACKEN)
There's no way to get there very fast though (Oh diba like nothing happened!)
If you take a taxi you will pay almost $2 like $1.80cents
Coz it's not very far
That is why it is also walkable
I Haven't then tried taking a bus (going to school)actually
But I know and there is a way to get to school
It will just cost you
25 cents however and I did notry that for some reason because
I just really wanted to walk going to school and it is not bad though
It is a little far you walk, but it is good exercise especially in the morning
Yeah. Will get to the school today
All right, so we're going out now
Yes, we're going out
The dog lovers out there you will find that view really amusing
pet owner, or dog owner
many many dogs yeah
We haven't arrived yet guys is I think 10 minutes more?
See that view over there that 's the Pichincha province
so we got ten minutes more to reach to our destination from Villa has a means a
To my school where I was teaching
And I'm starting to get hot now because I'm wearing,. Though the weather is cold
It's cold Air is cold
but you know the
It's funny
in am wearing
big jacket a thick one
with a sweater
And long sleeves inside well
Our and up get it really hot
Our guys, so finally we are now here in school
Peter good morning. Good morning
I want a video. Haha. We're into video
How are you - pretty good am I getting better I?
Also would just snack
Yeah, you're hungry a little
looks at single
in English
Yes, good
Okay, thank you very much right right my I have to bite search
Ha ha ha no no no no no, I just took a bath oh
Mama's on it. What ramos on that?
Devon Serum s name is Dylan phonemic 11. I don't go out
So I can talk alittle escape. Just a message chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate what they're
all right store hold and
catching my breath because
Go up walk
What we got here is some bread
And I was able to get the remaining share of my milk. Yes guys
That's it for today guys, and I'll see you guys next time on my next vlog
Hopefully I'll get to update you guys about my experience
And my journey here as a volunteer
English teacher here in Ecuador so I'll see you guys next time and please stay tuned for my next one
my name is Bleu, and I'm your Siquijorian traveler
Hasta Luego! Ciao.
9-year-old hospitalized after being pushed off roof - Duration: 1:57.
Boss Baby Gummy Bear Finger Family Song Nursery rhymes Playdoh finger - Duration: 0:53.
Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Ego HT2401 56v cordless hedge trimmer review vs Ryobi - Duration: 4:31.
So it's another crazy hot day in Florida which can mean only one thing.
That it is time to trim the bougainvillea bushes.
I've had pretty good success with this Ryobi model cordless trimmer for some seasons now,
but the battery no longer is doing it for me and uh it just conks out after a minute
so it was time to upgrade.
So I went down to Home Depot and picked up another Ego product to complete my lineup.
So I am pretty excited about this new Ego trimmer.
It's 56 volts and today I am going to be doing an unboxing video.
Alright so here it is model HT2401 Ego Power Hedge Trimmer.
56 volts so that is quite a bump from the Ryobi I was used to which I think was only
about 24 (volts) so we will see how this performs.
Alright so let's start by opening this box up.
Ok looks like we've got a manual of course.
The model I got comes with a charger.
Here we have the battery.
This one is a 2 amp hour as opposed to the 2.5ah that some of my other tools came with
by Ego.
But I figured having another battery is not a bad thing.
Regardless of the capacity.
I'll just drop that of course.
There you go there is a good look at the battery.
Inside is the trimmer.
Let's take a look at what we have here.
Pretty good looking I'd say.
Comes with a blade guard.
Let's take that off next.
I think I can do battle with that.
Alright so here you can see the difference between the Ryobi I was using and the new
Ego that I will be upgrading to.
The blade looks to be about several inches longer and nice clean steel blades.
Now I am going to attach the battery to it.
Now let's see what it does.
Well that's pretty neat.
Let's see what kind of trouble we can get into.
Awe man what have I got myself into.
It is time to give this thing a real test.
This bougainvillea hedge needed serious trimming.
The branches were thick and overgrown.
When I attempted this with my old trimmer it would occasionally jam or drain the battery
before I could finish trimming.
As you can see the Ego cordless hedge trimmer powers through without slowing down.
Let's also see how it does on a more normal hedge like the one behind me.
So I am super happy I waited for the hottest day of the year to do this review.
The Ego trimmer performed really nicely and I have no regrets.
The 56 volt upgrade performed very well against my old 24v trimmer.
It worked perfectly against my bougainvillea so I really don't see any reason to to get
56 volt seems to be like the sweet spot for cordless tools so if you are looking between
this and a gas model I'd say go for this.
It stood up to my bougainvillea perfectly and that's the hardest bush I have.
And remember if you liked this video please go ahead and leave a comment down below and
Thanks a lot.
유재석 '우산 들고 비 맞는 1인자' - Duration: 1:12.
Willis' defense attorney hired by prosecutor - Duration: 2:53.
"1달 반만에 15kg 빠졌음" 강남, V라인 미남의 귀환 - Duration: 1:17.
What's After Boot Camp? - Marine Combat Training (School of Infantry) - Duration: 18:22.
What's After Boot Camp? - Marine Combat Training (School of Infantry)
- After you've turned in your sea bags
about working (mumbles).
You're gonna come back, you're gonna drag
the rest of your trashy gear.
You're gonna load up on that bus.
You will go to the back, you will fill up every single seat.
I do not care about you sitting by your friends,
do you understand?
- [Group] Yes, sir!
- Move.
(tense music)
These are the students coming from NCRD,
whether it be straight off of boot leave
or coming off of cruise assistance,
to get them processed up to SOI for training.
Once they go to training, they're either gonna
go to infantry training battalion
or Marine combat training battalion.
The first part of the process is down here at the USO.
I come down here on a weekly basis
whenever we have a pick up.
What we do is we distinguish the Marines
from MCT and ITB, 0300s go into ITB,
anyone else go into Marine Combat Training Battalion.
(tense music)
- So the marines are currently at supply
getting issued everything that they're gonna need
and required for the training of the 29 day training cycle.
It's very important that you receive it,
first off they're gonna be conducting
live fire raining so some of the PP is required
for live fire ranges aboard Camp Pendleton.
The rest of the gear's cold weather gear.
Currently we are in warm weather gear,
we receive a hydration system as well,
keep the marines hydrated throughout the physical training.
(soft music)
- Currently the marines are conducting their land
navigation performance examination.
What they'll be doing today is they have their points
which are just grid points that you would find on a map.
From there they plotted their points,
they found ASMIS which is the data
that they're gonna be using in order
to put in their compass in order to go
from point A to point B.
As well as they have found their distance
from point A to point B.
To find those five points, they need to achieve
four to five in order to pass.
We buddy them up, they go out there,
they have a score card and they execute
that score card which has their grids,
has their ASMIS they've already found
as well as their map and they'll go out there
and they'll actually conduct the land
portion of their performance examination
where they test their skills to be able
to mitigate going through the terrain
as well as being able to find a point
that's out there on terrain that they're not
really familiar with.
- We build upon that foundation and further
their knowledge and skills towards technical field care.
^We start off with a classroom environment,
^from there we have practical application,
which goes into caring, doing really TFC, tourniquet drill
and a couple of other things to enhance their skill
from what they have and learned from boot camp.
It's important 'cause it's definitely gonna help them out
once they leave the country, getting deployed,
or going anywhere in the world.
It'll also help on the civilian side,
just in case they need it.
As far as comm in here in MCT,
it's their first time being introduced to comm.
We started off with the same thing
with classes, platform instruction.
They're gonna get about an hour and a half
to the classroom introducing them
to the radio system and then once that's finished,
we have practical applications.
It's about three hours.
They first get to touch with their comm gear,
after that they'll call up using a certain type of format
that they were taught in boot camp like salute report.
Then we introduce them to the POSREP, SITREP, SPOTREP
and all these report that's pertaining
and used in the fleet.
(soft music)
- We don't just kick right off into the 15 K
evaluated hike, we have to stepping stones.
You gotta crawl, walk, run.
So we prep them, teach them how to dress or pack,
how to pack their pack and we do the five K
so they understand how much that weight feels
on their back and they get used to it
and they get conditioned to that weight
and then we up it to the 10 K and then finishing
with that 15 K.
(solemn music)
- We came out here,
we're doing patrolling two practical application.
So then with patrolling two, we got IA drills,
contact left, right, front, rear.
Basically we send up hasty ambushes going over
across in danger areas.
They're individual actions within a patrol.
Doing like cycle of the infantry marine,
stuff like that, basically what we're doing
in patrolling two.
These guys can literally fill the billet
of any infantry marine any time,
so that's why every marine needs to know
his skills for patrolling.
He'll patrol in those environments.
- So now it's military operations in urban terrain.
It's us actually going out into different environments
like Iraq, Afghanistan, where there's heavily
populated with buildings and so on and so forth.
MOUNT is our ability to actually fight
in an urban environment and be able to go out there
and put our boot on the enemy's throat.
The training consists of them doing exterior movement
which is them actually moving from building to building
on the outside of the building,
being able to cover danger areas,
pass off those danger areas so that their buddy can pass.
Then it consists of them doing room clearing.
We do a two man room clearing
and that's them and their buddy
actually learning how to make injury into that building,
into that room, clear it out,
and identify any threats that are in that building.
- It's extremely important, these marines,
they never know when they're gonna find themselves
in a combat situation where they're gonna be
issued M67 fragmentation grenade
and be expected to kill the enemy with it.
It's a big confidence booster, but it's the first time
marines will hold one, control it
and then pull it to destroy the target.
They'll receive a demonstration of the smoke gun,
our incendiary grenades,
followed by practical application which includes
proficiency of three M69 fragmentation grenades.
Once proficient is shown by the combat instructor,
they move on their way to the live fire range,
to throw an M67 fragmentation grenade.
Marines will view one through the tower, observe one,
and they'll move onto grenade issue.
At that point they will go into the pits
instructed by an instructor
and they will throw the M67 fragmentation grenade.
(explosion booming)
(soft music)
- The 10 K which is a little bit of course
further distance, now we're going over
a little bit harder terrain.
Navigating from SOI up here to Ranch 706
where they're gonna conduct their live fire
and then all that is in preparation conditioning them
for their route hike, their graduation requirement
for the 15 K hike back to SOI.
That's really here just to introduce these marines
to what the Marine Corps. gonna have them do
out in the fleet.
If they have to maneuver anywhere over long distance
carrying that load.
(guns firing)
- Range week starts off with a 10 K movement
out to the range.
We'll move the whole company out there.
Once we get to the range, and we actually start
conducting our training, the first thing that goes down
is the actual table shoots which they first conduct
table five and table six.
Table six is your comment marksmanship range day
from 25 meters and in.
Table six is the same range except it's at night,
so they're using their PBS-14 on their (mumbles)
and then their (mumbles) 15s.
(guns firing)
After your table five and six,
then the students conduct tables three and four
which is your unknown distance shoots.
Table three is the day shoot
and then table four is the night shoot
and they shoot on skill targets.
After that they go into shooting 203s,
and your 240s.
Before they actually do the live fire,
we conduct ISMIT line procedures.
It actually gives them hands on,
they understand how to actually do it
before they go into live fire.
They understand the weapons and how it's gonna feel,
it gets a little more realistic before they actually
do the realistic shoot.
After that, then they conduct the last range they do
is your LFAN your live firing and maneuver range
where they conduct buddy rushes
and consolidate on the enemy objective.
- [Man] Let's go.
Let's go.
- After that, that's pretty much all of range week,
all of the ranges and then the next day,
they conduct a 15 K evaluated foot march
back from the range,
back to (mumbles).
(ominous music)
(guns firing)
- [Man] Go, go, go, go, go, go!
(guns firing)
Halt, halt, halt, hey!
You, (mumbles), one on the left, one on the right.
(guns firing)
- BSRE's basically a culminating event
where we just kind of put all of the things
that we trained them, such as patrolling,
defense, a little bit of TSE we throw in there,
radio communication, we just kind of throw
everything together that we trained them in
and put them all together and see how they actually do it.
This is the first time I've done actually seeing
the instructors acting as squad leaders as well.
Whereas in the past, all we did was train them
and teach them.
Now those instructors are actually acting
as squad leaders so they can actually see how it's done,
see how it is (mumbles).
Which I think is very important for the BSRE.
(ominous music)
Here during the BSRE, we actually expect them
to react to contact or react to an ID
or react to a casualty, we train them
to react a certain way throughout the three weeks
that leads up to this point.
Sometimes they react well, sometimes they don't,
but either way they learn from it
which I think is really important.
(guns firing)
The biggest challenge is just being out here
operating for 36 hours in a row.
They're not getting all the sleep that they need.
We tell 'em trial's continuous
where it's no longer just hey sit down
and eat chow with something.
We give them their marine,
hey whenever you have a chance eat.
You don't need to be reminded to eat
which I think is important, something as simple as that,
whenever you're actually out there in the field.
At least these actual marines are never exposed
to something like that.
They'll be like oh wait so we just eat whenever we want?
Just something as small as that is good exposure,
good training for them whenever they hit the fleet.
They're tired, they're gonna be hungry.
We're gonna be moving a lot.
They're gonna be continuously doing something.
Even if they're standing by, they're standing by
as a QRF which is quick reaction force.
They can be reacting to possible causalities or whatever.
When they're in the holes,
especially at night, we go ahead and go 50%
where we let one marine just provide security
and one marine go to bed.
It's good training for them to actually see how it's done.
We've talked about it for the past three weeks.
They've maybe done a little bit of research,
in boot camp they heard about it,
but now they're actually seeing it and doing it.
The instructor's actually showing them how it's done.
(triumphant music)
- They join the Marine Corps. and they became marines
^and when they got here, they learned what it actually meant
to be a marine.
Now they move from there, they see their families
on the parade day and they go into their MOS school
with the requisite knowledge they got.
My job is gonna be an engineer
but I'll always be called on to be a marine rifle.
(dramatic music)
I think the battalion does
a very good job of preparing the marine
for that combat environment.
It really does that because of the battalion's
center of gravity, the combat instructor.
Combat instructor generally comes from
the Operating Forces.
He's done one or two combat deployments
and he has the requisite knowledge
of the combat skills, the common skills
from going to combat instructor school.
He takes those skills and he gets a 29 day period
of intense training for these kids,
so they can go forward and do great things
on the battlefield.
^- It's vitally important, the MCT remains relevant.
That as doctrine emerges and changes,
as TTPs evolve throughout the Marine Corps.
We accumulate lessons learned
from not only the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan,
but also the special purpose MAGTF,
Black Sea Rotational Forces,
those missions that we find ourselves now
fighting across around the military operations.
That we have to ensure our younger marines
regardless of MOS maintain their proficiency
in combat skills, basic combat skills
and that when they find themselves
for deployed and in support of the ground combat element
that they're able to survive on the battle field
and contribute as a solid member of the MAGTF team.
有多少人在太空中死去? (中文CC字幕) - Duration: 4:19.
Brote de salmonella es achacado a papayas mexicanas | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:09.
Ayn Rand - Kant, o gênio do mal - Duration: 3:09.
28 de julho de 2017 - 2 minutos com ELE - Duration: 1:56.
Freestyle kick technique. Swimming front crawl. Improve your position - Duration: 2:33.
The kick during freestyle should be something natural that you do without thinking about
To improve your freestyle kick to the point where you no longer have to think about it
you need to perfect it by doing drills everyday.
The best way is to separate the kick and the stroke.
To do that you will need a kickboard.
If you don't have a kickboard you can do flutter kick on your back.
The first thing you need to focus and this is something you have probably heard me say
before is the ankle flexibility.
Here I show you the difference between kicking on dorsiflexion and plantar flexion.
As you can see here I don't go forward at all when my ankles are flexed like this.
As soon as I change them I start moving forward.
This means that the ankles can act as a parachute or as fins, depending on your flexibility.
Here is a good ankle stretch to prepare your ankles for a better kick.
One problem with the kick board is that it puts your head out of line, and therefore
the legs can sink a little.
This is not a natural position of your head when you swim.
So try kicking with the kickboard like this.
You can put up your head to breathe like in breaststroke or butterfly.
You will be doing your neck and your freestyle position a favor.
You can also simply kick on your back with a streamline.
This is how I usually kick because I don't like the kickboard that much.
Finally, you will notice that the kick is not wide.
The wider the kick the more effort you will need to move forward.
So focus on doing small kicks, trying to bend your knees very little.
The hips will move a little because this is where the legs will initiate the movement.
Visit our shop to buy new swim caps and new t-shirts.
They are all designed by us!
See you next time!
Swim fast!
No more dark spots on the skin of the armpits, neck and elbows with this homemade recipe very easy - Duration: 2:03.
The hyperpigmentation of the dark skin or males is due to the increase in the amount of melanin
that the body produces.
This originates from internal causes as well as external factors.
If the cause is external can easily be solved with home remedies if this is
internal should be carefully analyzed with a specialist what kind of diet
we are carrying and what is the most advisable for these spots to disappear from our
Today in todo en salud we will show you how to prepare a remedy that can help you to
treat these spots if the cause is external.
The ingredients we will need will be: - Natural yogurt
- Turmeric Powder The procedure is very simple just
add two tablespoons of yogurt in a bowl, followed by 1 tablespoon of turmeric,
now mix until homogenous consistency.
This mixture should be applied in the area to be treated and leave to act for 30 minutes then wash with
soap and water.
For it to take effect, it must be used for at least 15 days in a row.
Turmeric contains curcumin a substance that can help fight skin cancer,
cures eczema wounds, treats acne and helps to lighten the skin, while
yogurt contains acids that upon contact with the skin help to blur the Spots
that are in this.
So if the dark spots are invading some areas of your skin, do not hesitate to try
this recipe and tell us what results you got.
We hope this video has been useful, remember that your opinion is very important
so score, comment and share and if you have not subscribed, subscribe to the
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