Oatmeal is one of the most consumed cereals for centuries, this is due to its
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we can find vitamins B1, B2 and C, minerals such as iron, calcium , Zinc and magnesium,
and contains carbohydrates, fiber and amino acids such as leucine, methionine, isoleucine and threonine.
For all these properties is that todo en salud in health we will show you the benefits
that will allow you to add this cereal every day to your meals.
Detoxifies the body: The amino acids it contains, promotes the production of a
compound in the liver known as lecithin, the latter will help eliminate toxins from
the body.
It regulates sugar levels: It is very suitable as it normalizes the digestion of starch
and regulates the blood glucose level.
It improves the digestion: it avoids the excessive production of bile acids, in addition improves
the intestinal movements thus avoiding the constipation, additionally it avoids
that you eat in excess since it prolongs the sensation of satiety for more time.
New tissues: The eight amino acids they contain are very useful for the formation of
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Prevents cancer: the phytochemicals contained in it turn a weapon to prevent
cancer, including cancer of the breast and colon.
Improves heart health: Because of its content in omega 3 and linoleic acids also called
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thus allowing better heart and brain function.
Improves the nervous system: For the B complex vitamins it contains will help us
keep the functions of the nervous system working normally.
Avoid the thyroid: its iodine content will help the thyroid gland to
function normally, thus preventing hypothyroidism.
Maintains bone health: the calcium it possesses will help prevent osteoporosis, because
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Maintains body weight: Keeping us full longer will help us avoid
overeating so maintaining the right body
weight can even help diets.
Great source of energy: For all the compounds it contains can be a great
energy boost when consumed before strenuous activity or at the start of the day.
Oatmeal can be consumed in a variety of ways ranging
from shakes to biscuits or accompanied by your soups and salads.
The minimum amount needed to take advantage of these benefits is one tablespoon
per day.
So if you want to benefit from all that oats can do for you, do not think about it
anymore to go through yours and start using it.
We hope this video has been useful, remember that your opinion is very important
so score, comment and share and if you have not subscribed, subscribe to the
daily upload new videos.
For more infomation >> When you eat a tablespoon of oatmeal a day this is what will happen to your body inside - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
[HD][VOSTFR] MONSTA X-Newton - Duration: 4:10.
I swear to God you guys are rich or something 5,000 more cod points.. where did you
get this money from? I am on in other subscribers account he has 5k cod
points loaded in and if we go and take a look it's kind of unfortunate the DLC
weapons is it's looking slow voice okay it's there's not many here actually
there's poo on the entire account and the chance of pulling DLC weapon total
bribe is obviously really low so five thousand five points black ops 3 DLC
weapons here I come to enter this month's $50 Xbox PSN or Steam card
giveaway all you have to do is drop a like leave a comment and be subscribed
this video is brought to you by earn God changing start early once a day and draw
instantly to pay no Bitcoin and more the link is in the description
already boys as you saw he is missing a ton of weapons no ranged weapons at all
and I think in the DM he said can I please kill range weapon now if the luck
gods are amongst us we will pull a ranged weapon today but I need you to
help me out one I need you to predict in the
comments section down below what DLC weapons do you think we're going to get
today if any you could even predict we're going to get 0 and I also need you
to go down there and smash a friggin like on the video the like luck always
comes clutch you gets me that Supply Drop luck to pull the DLC weapons in BL
3 for you guys whether it's a DLC weapon bribe a contract Cod points Keys
whatever the case may be that like luck comes clutch as we go into Supply Drop
number 1 200 comm points let's get it going hopefully we can get some keys
from the bonuses and pull off a pretty decent opening I want to do a class
setup with the best items from my Supply Drop opening and hopefully a weapon is
pulled and I don't got to use a gem hey make your camo and that's the only thing
I can put on my class so I'm praying fingers crossed
supplies out gods lead company oh my god we're busy for no way third drop we pull
the Peacekeeper ranged weapon this man said he needed a ranged weapon I pulled
a ranged weapon and I pull arguably the best ranged weapon in the game boys
let's go the like luck comes clutch peacekeeper more to the fur
weapon of hopefully 93 drops in the first DLC weapon is a range and it's
again know my mind I don't know to say I'm running on a breath like doe
peacekeeper mark to a third draw I don't we got to keep it go man smash a
freaking like if you didn't drop a like for the like luck now you know it works
I've proven it to you smash that for you like going smash that friggin like
button boys if we can hit like 5,000 likes in this thing they'll be
absolutely amazing keep the predictions coming if you get the Peacekeeper you an
absolute savage because if you manage to pull off a prediction not early in the
opening oceanic verde or The Wanted we're going in that camos weapons gear I
want it all I needed up with those rains weapons keep them coming boys even if we
don't do any other weapon is opening no melees no whatever whatever we pull this
opening I think it's the 5k Cowboys is worth the Peacekeeper especially on the
account like is he doesn't have any you know DLC weapons no range was released
and I think it's price fighters and a few a - melee weapons under the can
that's that's it so here's a free one we got from the contract last summer and he
has two random melee weapons nothing of real value but we pulled the Peacekeeper
man I am in shock I am mind blown at this point boys sweather for the kn-44
so we look at the man-of-war Oh double swimmer that looks so sick I don't know
something about that that Camel on the 2f is that like so raw let's keep it
going splat - these Cal points I'm looking I'm looking
no no no bullets exact enough we got the ballistic knife boys another range epic
weapon a special weapon we have the peacekeeper and a ballistic knife you
can't tell me the like look the Supply Drop like you cannot tell me I am NOT
the Supply Drop God 5k Cup points I got the look running through my veins boys
peacekeeper ballistic knives if you want me to open supply drops on your account
tweet me on Twitter at I take it go follow me there I'll hook you guys up
the same thing goes with this guy 5k Cowboys we're only halfway through I
already pulled two epic weapons the Peacekeeper and the ballistic knife we
got to keep it going guys smash a friggin like subscribe if you has a
brand new we are on fire right now boys we are on fire let's keep it going let's
keep the like luck rolling smash that frigate like button boys I'm going in
man that is the class setup right there we got the Peacekeeper we old I got
another DLC weapon 3 DLC weapons 2200 points remaining what is going on
another melee weapon another DLC weapon three time to dodge a lot contraband
Reaper body can let's keep it going man I'm down for the July contraband this
guy is going to be so excited he is going to be so excited when I tell him
he'll hop on that account see what I got you
I pulled a peacekeeper I pulled a ballistic knife I pulled the buzz cut
we got the dope kn-44 cameras we got some new July contraband gear this guy
is going to be hyped out of his mind I cannot wait to tell him about this
mental 5k conference coming clutch I'm telling you if you can pull one dlc
weapon every Supply Drop bundle that's over twenty dollars like every 13 drops
or twelve drops order the case maybe you're in another world if we pulled one
weapon even a male egg technically statistically like just based on the
math and supply drops that would be on par for what you're supposed to get
think if every thirty two drops you're supposed to get a weapon if you don't
it's kind of weird like the game's glitching out on you so I'm so hiding
because 5k cop ones you're only really supposed to get one maybe two weapons if
you're lucky and we pull two epics the Peacekeeper one of them which is
ridiculous cuz you can pull a range weapon but it could be back you know you
can put the MX garand there's really no saying if you're going to pull the PPSh
or you're going to pull the HD 40 obviously two DLC SMGs both epics but
one's a little bit better than the other one so there's really no saying oh we
got we have some top one to trade I don't think you can I'm going to do a 12
keys off that 5k cowboy this guy really doesn't have much on his account but oh
that peacekeeper bellowing that is going to come super clutter I know he is
excited Daily Double save that keys save that money boys
Daily Double saving the 15 kids you know how we do it
man without a bargain we gotta save our money let's open these jobs oh my god
what is going on the r7 and the 30 key bone is what the 30 key bonus are 70
AJAX from the first weapon for the first what am I saying Daily Double drop we
pull our 78 jacks the only DLC LMG in the entire game I am I'm lost for words
are now boys The Daily Double come in clutch thank you very much Daily Double
you don't really hook it up that often you've been kind of slacking lately but
I appreciate you that is what the Peacekeeper the buzz cut
ignites in the r7 eject this might be the best black ops 3 supplies riveting
I've ever done in terms of ratio from the epics to the legendary semi pull 10
weapons in an opening but half of them are a lighter than half of them arranged
I pulled the poor wife and three of them arranged and two of them are very good
like extremely good so we have to pick this go man
keys come clutch man if you can pull one more weapon I will pee my pants I will
literally go to the bathroom and I will not use the toilet I was just pee my
bags I sort of got darker so my potty theme I don't know about these keys man
it's looking kind of slow we got some July contraband I'm not seeing much
stuff not seeing a you know any uh any you know cool camos any particularly
cool items so the cop points but where was that I think the cop point
conspiracy might be coming more true every single time I hop into the black
market because if you don't know there's a conspiracy theory that the cod points
in bo3 give you better drops now oh three keys boys we got what 31 keys a
final rare Supply Drop I'm telling you if we don't pull a weapon it's all good
if we do it's a different level smash alike boys the final Supply Drop
in this insane opening I want to see like 5k lights on this thing I'm like
smash the friggin lights post going to be a ton okay anarchy battery little
little rainbow drop a cheeky rainbow jump with a final one I'm cool with that
man let's take a look at our earnings let's take a look at the rewards okay
peacekeeper BAM the first DLC is all right bonus account the only DLC LGD are
70 Ajax then what do we got we have to busk up and we got the
ballistic knife voice the Supply Drop luck is on a different level let's whip
up a class set up real quick show off these weapons again the Peacekeeper I
got the ballistic knife we can even make a second account I just realized that
what in the world we can literally make an entire second account with a
secondary because I got the are 78 jacks I'm gonna toss on this buzz cut we're
good to go toss on the fat end toss on the flat
jacket toss on the dexterity you know give them a little maybe of a ghost a
little little hardwired and we're good to go men throwing a stun and let's see
the Peacekeeper slap jacket boys take a look at it man peacekeeper ballistic
knife one class are 70 judge buzz cut the other I mean is it
what's going on and I've is good am i this lucky I don't
know man yo smash her like voice this opening was
unreal peacekeeper r78 Jax ballistic knife and busca in 1 5000 top when
opening unreal no weapon bribes no free DLC weapon contracts just straight-up
rare Supply Drop love what are these lobbies bro I can't be dealing with
these lobbies you put me in unwinnable games bo3 what are you up to man oh my
god they're coming from everywhere watch this ready I don't know if you're ready
for this guys cuz you'd either come around that corner I don't know if
you're ready for this are you ready for this nevermind eight two port like what
am I getting put into man this is uh kind of impossible to win I don't know
what type of Lobby they think they're doin putting me in this one man thank
you I kill I appreciate it got the reflex
sight we're gonna do it I don't even know how far these come down and they
got wraps great great to know guys thank you I appreciate you putting me miss
Lobby it's been a fantastic day this is what you reward me with I get this type
of opening I get I get to supply Jeff luck and you put me in the worst Lobby I
mean I got the Supply Drop look I do not have the lobby luck that is for sure
y'all play too much hoho I don't know we got that kill your movie was good but
come on dude yeah and I'm dead there's no way that's about to say there's no
way I'd yuccas Center again what the heck can I hit this ha ha ha oh my god I
love this game oh I love this game he's gonna come around wait how did I know oh
oh there it is oh we can come back boys smash alike I'm going to come back yeah
there it is boys peacekeeper and our 78 jacks would have some unlocks for those
weapons real quick that wasn't insane opening one of my best ones ever smash
it like subscribe down below I want to hit 5k legs on those things to go down
there slap a like on the video real quick follow me on twitter @ x and you
want me to open your supply drops on bo3 thank you so much for watching have an
awesome day stay safe and I'll catch you guys in the next one
are you broke with no powerpoints man I found a solution I'm going to say this
quick so there isn't any tongue every cop points when poking toys no damn and
squid boy there's a link in the description all you've got to do is
click it click the link down below and download a you have me reliable and wait
you get point to my fax
5 Consejos para simplificar la pérdida de peso - Duration: 3:00.
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[越南美女][紅豆][歡迎光臨捧場]加賴[來點奧斯卡珊珊店長][背景音樂-] - Duration: 2:28.
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*Please read the description*
Chicago | AJ+ Docs
Zero'nun Snake'i Ziyaretinin Gizli Kaydı Türkçe Altyazılı - Duration: 6:52.
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Top 10 Most Beautiful And Hottest Pakistani Actresses
Hoe een voorwiellager vervangen op een HONDA JAZZ GD HANDLEIDING AUTODOC - Duration: 20:23.
Use a socket №32
Use a socket №17
Use a phillips screwdriver
Using sidecutting pliers remove the cotter pin
Use a socket №17
Use a combination spanner №19
Use a socket №10
Use a socket №17 and a combination spanner №17
Use round nose pliers to take the locking ring out
Use a hydraulic press to spew the wheel-hub bearing from the pintle
How I Overcame Homelessness Twice to Become a Billionaire | John Paul DeJoria - Duration: 7:41.
A lot of people ask how I got into donating to various causes, and how I got involved
in even homelessness along the way, and popped out of it—well it's a very interesting story.
My mom has a lot to do with it.
At six years old we didn't have any money; there was my mother, my brother and I.
We had a deadbeat dad; left us before we were two, but she took us at Christmas-time to
downtown Los Angeles.
We had little cars going around in circles, it was pretty cool, and decorations in the
She gave my brother and I a dime and told us, "Boys whole half of it each, give it to
the man ringing the bell in the bucket."
We put it in this bucket, we said, "Mom, why did we give that man a dime?
That's like two soda pops."
This is 1951, two soda pops, three candy bars.
And mom said, "Boys, that's the Salvation Army.
They take care of people that have no place to live and no food.
And we don't have a lot of money, but we can afford a dime this year.
Boys, always remember in life: give a little something to those in need, they'll always
be somebody that's not as well-off as you are.
No matter where you are or how far down you are, try and help someone along the way."
It stuck with me.
The first time I was homeless I was 22-and-a-half years older and I had a two-and-a-half year
old son.
I was working as the Master of Ceremonies at the Second Annual Sports Vacation Recreational
Vehicle Show and I had a check coming in at the end of the week.
Well, I came home and I drove our one car up to where we lived and as I was getting
out of the car and going up towards our apartment door my wife—we were very young, we got
married at 20 and 19 years old—my wife was coming down the stairs and she said, "I'm
going to storage," and she took the keys.
By the time I got through the door I saw my little boy, two and a half years old, kind
of just sitting there on top of a pile of clothes with a note that basically said, "I
can't handle being a mom anymore.
He'll be much better off with you.
Good luck."
Now, what I didn't know also was that she had planned this for a few months.
She had not paid the rent for a few months and kept the money and I didn't know that.
She wiped out what little we had in the savings account in the bank and took the only car
we had.
So unbeknownst to me, two days later I was evicted—completely evicted, power shut off,
the landlord—she just really timed this one.
And I had this little kid with me, two-and-a-half years old, and now I had to be mom and dad
and that was really a bummer, I had no car!
So I ended up borrowing a 1951 Cadillac with a broken water pump from someone that was
very, very dear, had to put water in it every four hours, and that's kind of how we got
Second time I was homeless is when I started John Paul Mitchell Systems.
I knew I needed $500,000 to start John Paul Mitchell Systems, had to have that.
So we had the backer lined up, I had a good job at the time, lived in a nice house, and
I left everything I had because $500,000 was coming down the street, I was going to start
a company.
So I left it all behind.
I left what money I had with my wife—we weren't getting along well at all—and the
best car.
And I took the older car—it was a good one but an older car, it ran good—down the hill
to get my money.
I would check into an efficiency hotel because I would be traveling a lot and eventually
get an apartment.
When I went down the hill the backer pulled out.
No money.
Well, it was later that afternoon that a friend of mind found me and said, "John Paul, please
call Dick Holthouse direct collect in England.
He doesn't have the best news for you."
So I got a hold of him, for him it was the wee hours of the morning, and he said, "J.P.,
the backer pulled out."
The reason he pulled out was, inflation in the United States was 12 and a half percent,
unemployment ten percent, actually over ten percent, interest rates if you could get a
loan prime rate was 17 percent interest and we still had hostages in Iran and we waited
in line for gasoline.
That was the environment in 1980 and 1981.
Well there I was, a few hundred dollars in my pocket, too proud to ask my mother if I
could have my old room back in the home and she could feed me for a couple of months until
I got back on my feet, and I just left my living situation.
I was too proud.
Stupid, but very, very proud.
So I went by and saw my mom and I borrowed a couple hundred dollars from her.
I said, "Mom, I'll give it back to you."
She said, "Son, you're doing really well in life.
Why do you need a few hundred dollars?"
I said, "Mom, I'll give it back to you.
I'm starting something new."
And that's when I decided I'm going to make it on my own; I'm not going to tell her; lived
in my car; showered down at Griffith Park because they had a sports center with showers
in it, and learned how to live off very little and go ahead and sell products door to door.
When I was homeless, on my mind was not "Oh my god how did I get here?
Who's to blame on this?"
What was in my mind was "Okay," after I cried a little with a two and a half year
old son not knowing what to do, no money no nothing, my first thought was, "Okay, I
need to get some money, I don't want to go to my mom's house and tell her how bad things
are, I need to get money to eat.
And—what sources of money?
We don't have any money.
So I went around collecting soda pop bottles from empty lots.
And at that time a grocery store or any liquor store would give you two cents for a little
one and five cents for a big one.
I went around and collected a lot of them, cash them in and that's how we got the money.
And so we were able to eat.
Now, when I got evicted out of the house three days later, this was when I was 22 and a half
years old when I was completely evicted, now we have that car I had borrowed to live in
and we went more towards fast foods that were halfway prepared for you, those were the early
days of fast food, just to eat.
A few days later a friend of mine found me because he knew I was hanging out, talked
to some friends of mine named Lee Myer.
And Lee said, "Johnny, I've got a house with an extra room."
He was a biker, a real heavy duty biker, and he says, "You and your son can live here until
you get on your feet.
No problem.
We could have some of the biker mamas take care of your son while you're working.
Let's move on.
We're buddies."
And that was a big helping hand.
I think whether you have money or don't have money it's very important to give back.
Because it's we the people, the individuals that make the planet better, so that this
doesn't happen again and makes it better for other people.
It's we the people.
If we don't help others out and people start going down, then what do we expect as future
customers or future people to help us out if we were in trouble?
So I feel that every human being has the obligation: pay a little bit of rent for being on this
planet, to do something good for their city or their state or their country or even the
world to make it a better place to live.
Now, if you don't have any money, it's okay: you can volunteer like I do when I didn't
have any money at Thanksgiving, Christmas up at Griffith Park in California, helping
feed the homeless or do something to help somebody else out to make the world a better
place to live.
Now, who benefits by this?
Whenever you do something for somebody else and ask absolutely nothing in return you get
the greatest high you could ever have in your life, and it makes you more connected with
the whole planet.
Now, does this work in business?
It sure does.
When people in a business work in creative activities together to give back they feel
one of a bigger picture opposed to just somebody that's doing a little something.
A lot of people think they have to give huge amounts of money to make the impact.
Well, I would disagree with them.
Because I remember back with my mom, we had almost nothing, knew the importance of giving
two little boys a dime to put in the bucket because she knows dimes became many dimes,
many dollars and many $10 bills, but every little bit gives back, every little bit.
So no matter how little you give or how little of your time you donate, you've done a little
That little something makes a difference.
Art Journal Page - If I was an ambitious type... - Duration: 5:22.
so today's sketchbook/art journal prompt is: a kitchen/bakery with
something you want. I had a lot of fun with this one just because I used to
have a daydream about owning a bakery/art gallery. it seems like a
terrible idea but it was just a thing that existed in my mind for a while. I
did actually go to college to do a pastry arts program several years ago
and not because I have a passion in baking or anything, but mostly just
because... you know, the day jobs get kind of old. and I was told that pastry
arts was technically a trade and that there was a space in the industry where
you could actually make a living wage and yada yada yada. but it turns out that
that's actually not really true. colleges cough out pastry artists at a ridiculous
rate. its really useful program, too! like, we did a whole lot of really
basic foundational stuff. but halfway through it they, you know, eventually fess
up and say "oh no, actually when you do this program you pay thousands of
dollars to learn how to do pastry arts and then you go and get more minimum-wage
jobs at your local bakery" and that was really disappointing because I already
had a minimum-wage job. why did I need togo to school to get another minimum-wage
job? so I gave up on that. um pretty much the only way that I could have made a
living wage in pastry arts was if I worked in a hotel (which I was not
adequately prepared for) or if I started my own business, and I gotta say that I
have absolutely zero interest in owning a food business. it would have to be my
whole life and I just don't have that much passion in pastry arts. but for a
while I did have this little daydream about, well, what if I did? you know, what
would it look like? it would be in this little cake shop and I would have my
artwork on the walls for sale. I would have had lots of comfy seating so
people can come - like real art type people - that would be really cool to
have a hangout spot for them. maybe even do art journal classes and things that
people generally ask me! so in my mind it seems like a really
fun thing but in reality is just like, no! no thanks!
not for me! but it was fun drawing it. it was a really good prompt for me because
I had so much to draw from . I think it would be interesting to see in a group
because then everyone would have their own idea of what the favorite pastry or
favorite meal would be. you know, I notice that I don't have any pies on the
shelf. I didn't even think of pies because I'm
not a pie person at all! I did add a whole lot of stuff that we made in the
pastry arts program and a little bit at my practicum. we got bags of cookies, got
some tiramisu, some Charlotte cake, rum balls and fruit tarts and doughnuts and
things. another thing about the acrylic paint is that I do struggle with
acrylic paint a lot. I find it slower to work with than watercolor, mostly because
of the mixing involved. I never seem to have the colors that I want when I need
them, so I have to stop painting and find tubes of paint and try to mix my colors
and just I find it to be a lot of interruptions and I hate that. and also
they didn't seem to get as opaque as I would have liked. you can still see a lot
of the original drawn lines everywhere that doesn't really bother me that much
because I do trust a viewers eye to follow the correct line. it's not a big
deal to me. and this isn't a finished painting sort of session but it does
make a fantastic art journal entry. it has immortalized
my past casual daydreams about what having a pastry shop would be like, you
know, if someone else is running it of course. the half-assed artwork on the back
of it looks like crap but maybe I'll have to go back into it some other time.
so thank you for watching this video and I will see you next time. bye
Five Minutes Forward - Episode 26: "I Don't Have Time" - Duration: 3:51.
I'm Paul Greiner,
principal consultant with ALS
Consulting and this is
Five Minutes Forward.
How many times in the last week
have you said or
heard "I don't
have time?"
This week's message is "what
you do with your time is
up to you."
So, I recommended removing
"I don't have time" from
your vocabulary.
It's your choice.
You have the time.
It's just that you're choosing
to do something else with it.
Right? You could do whatever
it is someone's asking you.
You could do that thing that
occurs to be.
Yeah. Probably a pretty good
idea if I did it.
But I just don't have time.
You actually do.
You could invest your time in
doing that thing.
And you don't have to.
So, to stop disempowering
yourself with another can't,
with another ready-made excuse.
Right, and then it's a good
one. Other people buy it.
It's like a badge of honor in
this culture to be really,
really busy.
I'm too busy.
I don't have time.
I can't get to that.
If you want to deal with things
If you want to deal with things
completely and
keep giving yourself power
and stop giving your power away
to your schedule,
to what you claim the world is
pressing on you,
then take your power back
and get and say
I'm just not going to do that."
That's got power.
That's got reality to it,
because that's simply what's
going to happen. You're either
going to do it or not.
The choice is yours.
You could put the time in,
if it occurred to you as being
Certainly, if it occurred as
being vital and urgent,
you would make the time.
So, just know that
you could make time for it.
You're just choosing not to,
and if it's important enough
carve out some time in your
calendar in advance.
I remember being in a meeting
with a management team where
a middle manager came
to the table.
He had proposed a project with
a new process for how they
could manage their production
flow, and
it was OKd.
We said let's move forward with
Here is your job.
Here's what your task is.
Right. Like lead up the team
and his response was
"I don't have time.
I'm too pressed. I can't even
get my job done the way it is
currently." So,
my question was;
Are you sure?
Now show me.
We'd already done the training
where every aspect of the
team's work was in their
So, when you're managing your
calendar effectively and
rigorously, you can see what
you have time for and
how you have to create time if
you need to do something else.
The short story was of course
he had time.
When we rigorously documented
what he was doing.
How much time that took and
what was left over.
He had plenty of time to head
the project which was
appropriate because it was his
He knew it was important.
He knew it would make a
difference and once we got
past the illusion called "I
don't have time." He was freed
up to be able to put that thing
into reality and it made
a difference for the company
and for the revenue.
So, let go of.
I don't have time.
Choose what you have time for.
Choose what you're going to
spend your time on
and choose wisely.
Knockin' on Heaven's Door (UKULELE COVER) 🇺🇸 + LYRICS - Duration: 2:27.
♪ Mama, take this badge from me ♪
♪ 'Cause I can't use it anymore ♪
♪ It's getting dark, way too dark to see ♪
♪ I feel like Knocking on heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ Mama, put my guns in the ground ♪
♪ 'Cause I can't shoot them anymore ♪
♪ That long black cloud is coming down ♪
♪ I feel like I'm knocking on heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door ♪
♪ Knock, knock, knockin' on... ♪
I'VE DONATED MY HAIR!! // ITA SUB - Duration: 5:52.
Zero'nun Snake'i Ziyaretinin Gizli Kaydı Türkçe Altyazılı - Duration: 6:52.
How To Make Your Boyfriend Your Husband (Full, Step by Step System!) - Duration: 6:53.
So you've been dating your man for some time now and you can't help but think about
your future together.
Maybe that means worldly travels, or perhaps even children.
Before these things happen though, you're really hoping to tie the knot and get married.
So then, how do you make your boyfriend get down on one knee and commit to marrying you?
Hey YouTube, Amy North here.
For those of you who don't know me I'm a relationship coach from Vancouver, BC and
author of The Devotion System, a program I've designed to help women find and lock down
their dream men.
Today what I want to share with you are the steps, or milestones rather, that you'll
need to meet if you're looking to get your boyfriend to become your husband.
Before I get started here I want to quickly ask that if you enjoy this video or find it
at all helpful then please take a moment to hit the subscribe button below.
Not only will I appreciate your support, but you'll also gain access to all of my other
dating and relationship advice videos.
So please, don't forget to do so!
Now, let's begin.
So, first things first.
If you're going to get your man to marry you it's important that you love yourself.
Now you may be thinking this sounds odd, I mean, you already got the guy, so why should
you focus on yourself?
Well believe it or not so many men stick around in relationships even if they know that they're
not going to marry that person.
Maybe it's for convenience or perhaps they just don't have the heart to call it quits
with their girlfriend.
Despite how unfair this may seem or their reasons for doing so, it's true that there
needs to be a certain amount of admiration there if they're going to marry you.
And when I say admiration I mean it in two ways.
First, he needs to admire you, obviously, and second, he needs to know that you admire
After all, if you don't love you, then why should he?
So, how do you show your guy that you love yourself?
Well the easiest way to do so is to have standards for yourself, a ceaseless sense of confidence
and most of all, a source of happiness that isn't him.
As much as you may think that your man loves being your knight in shining armour, he's
not there to fix you or fill a void.
Sure he'll support and protect you, but he needs to know that you are your own person.
Now this doesn't mean you need to hide all your flaws, because let's face it, if you've
been dating for sometime then he's going to know your vulnerabilities.
Rather it means not depending on him to be your sole source of happiness and having your
own life outside of the relationship.
That's step one in any healthy partnership.
If you'd like to learn my secret tips for upping your odds to appear even more confident
around your man then visit my site, www.coachnorth.com and watch the free video presentation.
The tricks you'll learn there will make him wild with desire for you!
You don't want to miss it!
The next step to getting your boyfriend to marry you is to share an emotional connection
with him.
Now I say emotional connection here because as you've probably guessed, it's about
more than sex or being physically attracted to one another.
Not to be mistaken for depending on one another for approval and support, an emotional connection
happens when you and your man have mutual feelings towards the same things.
For example, this could mean having shared goals or realizing the beauty in simply holding
hands as you stroll together.
It's about sharing similar morals and beliefs.
About seeing eye-to-eye and behaving in a way that you know one another would be proud
of, even when you're not together.
It can be hard to pinpoint an exact moment or experience that will create this connection,
but believe me, you'll know it when you feel it because when you do share an emotional
connection, you'll feel an unspeakable sense of belonging and acceptance between you and
your boyfriend.
Once the two of you build this connection he will be more inclined to want to marry
you, which brings me to my next point.
If you want to get your boyfriend to commit to being your husband then it's important
that he feels you add value to his life.. and I'm not talking the monetary type.
What I mean here is bringing happiness to his life and being the best part of his day.
When you can be the reason your boyfriend laughs or smiles, or be the person he goes
to for support or a comforting shoulder, then he's going to want to keep you around.
To make him realize that you bring value to his life there are a few key things you can
For starters, appreciate him.
Men love to feel appreciated by their woman, so make a point to not only verbally thank
him for all of the things he does for you, but also show him that you appreciate him
by taking the time to do thoughtful things for him.
Now, this doesn't mean you have to bend over backwards or break the bank to let him
know that you think he's swell, but rather something as simple as surprising him with
a nice home-cooked meal after a long day of work, or a back rub before bed, those are
the acts that will really mean something to him.
On the other hand challenging him in a way that makes him want to be a better person,
and showing a genuine interest in his day, those will also get you far.
Simply put, by being your boyfriend's best friend he'll realize that the idea of life
without you is unbearable, which in the long run will do wonders for getting him to marry
After all, if he doesn't, someone else could!
Moving on, if you want to get your boyfriend to make the leap and marry you then it's
important that you have an unwavering commitment to one another.
This means trusting each other fully and completely.
It shouldn't bother you when your man goes for a night out on the town with his pals
because you know that he's with you and only you.
This works both ways too, he should trust you to be your own person and faithful to
him, even when he's not around.
So many couples overlook this one and instead keep one another on a short lead.
What I mean by this is that even though they say they trust one another, they still let
their jealousy or worrying get in the way of their partner being their own person.
So instead of you both being able to go and experience your hearts desires, you don't
because you're too worried about upsetting one another, or possibly even being yelled
at — which by the way has no place in a relationship that's going to result in a
healthy, happy marriage.
Of course trust comes with time, but if you're considering marrying your man then now is
a good time to take a step back and evaluate the relationship.
Unless you have this kind of endless trust for one another, you should be focusing on
this before jumping into marriage.
My last tip for you is to be open with one another.
Talking about the possibility of marriage in a causal, subtle way can do wonders for
your relationship.
Now again, I said subtly, so you don't want to throw the "Would you marry me?"
question at him — that puts him on the spot which isn't fair, and it won't necessarily
give you a honest answer.
Instead find a way to bring marriage into the conversation and lightly ask if marriage
is something he wants to experience in his lifetime.
His reaction should give you a pretty good idea, and chances are he'll ask you too.
Opening up communication between the two of you will take you far.
After all, maybe he was too scared or shy to find out if marriage is even something
you wanted, or perhaps he assumed that you weren't into that kind of thing.
Who knows!
The only way to make it known that you'd like to get married is to talk about it, so
get chatting!
Well that does it for this video, as always thanks so much for watching.
If you have any questions about what I've covered here then feel free to post those
in the comments section below and I'll do my very best to get back to you as soon as
Again, if you enjoyed this video then please take a quick moment to click the subscribe
button below and check out my other dating advice videos.
If you like what you learn then go ahead and share those with your girlfriends; after all,
it's your support that allows me to keep coming out with new videos for you all.
So, until next time take care and good luck!
How to Download and Install WinRAR for Windows - Duration: 2:46.
I swear to God you guys are rich or something 5,000 more cod points.. where did you
get this money from? I am on in other subscribers account he has 5k cod
points loaded in and if we go and take a look it's kind of unfortunate the DLC
weapons is it's looking slow voice okay it's there's not many here actually
there's poo on the entire account and the chance of pulling DLC weapon total
bribe is obviously really low so five thousand five points black ops 3 DLC
weapons here I come to enter this month's $50 Xbox PSN or Steam card
giveaway all you have to do is drop a like leave a comment and be subscribed
this video is brought to you by earn God changing start early once a day and draw
instantly to pay no Bitcoin and more the link is in the description
already boys as you saw he is missing a ton of weapons no ranged weapons at all
and I think in the DM he said can I please kill range weapon now if the luck
gods are amongst us we will pull a ranged weapon today but I need you to
help me out one I need you to predict in the
comments section down below what DLC weapons do you think we're going to get
today if any you could even predict we're going to get 0 and I also need you
to go down there and smash a friggin like on the video the like luck always
comes clutch you gets me that Supply Drop luck to pull the DLC weapons in BL
3 for you guys whether it's a DLC weapon bribe a contract Cod points Keys
whatever the case may be that like luck comes clutch as we go into Supply Drop
number 1 200 comm points let's get it going hopefully we can get some keys
from the bonuses and pull off a pretty decent opening I want to do a class
setup with the best items from my Supply Drop opening and hopefully a weapon is
pulled and I don't got to use a gem hey make your camo and that's the only thing
I can put on my class so I'm praying fingers crossed
supplies out gods lead company oh my god we're busy for no way third drop we pull
the Peacekeeper ranged weapon this man said he needed a ranged weapon I pulled
a ranged weapon and I pull arguably the best ranged weapon in the game boys
let's go the like luck comes clutch peacekeeper more to the fur
weapon of hopefully 93 drops in the first DLC weapon is a range and it's
again know my mind I don't know to say I'm running on a breath like doe
peacekeeper mark to a third draw I don't we got to keep it go man smash a
freaking like if you didn't drop a like for the like luck now you know it works
I've proven it to you smash that for you like going smash that friggin like
button boys if we can hit like 5,000 likes in this thing they'll be
absolutely amazing keep the predictions coming if you get the Peacekeeper you an
absolute savage because if you manage to pull off a prediction not early in the
opening oceanic verde or The Wanted we're going in that camos weapons gear I
want it all I needed up with those rains weapons keep them coming boys even if we
don't do any other weapon is opening no melees no whatever whatever we pull this
opening I think it's the 5k Cowboys is worth the Peacekeeper especially on the
account like is he doesn't have any you know DLC weapons no range was released
and I think it's price fighters and a few a - melee weapons under the can
that's that's it so here's a free one we got from the contract last summer and he
has two random melee weapons nothing of real value but we pulled the Peacekeeper
man I am in shock I am mind blown at this point boys sweather for the kn-44
so we look at the man-of-war Oh double swimmer that looks so sick I don't know
something about that that Camel on the 2f is that like so raw let's keep it
going splat - these Cal points I'm looking I'm looking
no no no bullets exact enough we got the ballistic knife boys another range epic
weapon a special weapon we have the peacekeeper and a ballistic knife you
can't tell me the like look the Supply Drop like you cannot tell me I am NOT
the Supply Drop God 5k Cup points I got the look running through my veins boys
peacekeeper ballistic knives if you want me to open supply drops on your account
tweet me on Twitter at I take it go follow me there I'll hook you guys up
the same thing goes with this guy 5k Cowboys we're only halfway through I
already pulled two epic weapons the Peacekeeper and the ballistic knife we
got to keep it going guys smash a friggin like subscribe if you has a
brand new we are on fire right now boys we are on fire let's keep it going let's
keep the like luck rolling smash that frigate like button boys I'm going in
man that is the class setup right there we got the Peacekeeper we old I got
another DLC weapon 3 DLC weapons 2200 points remaining what is going on
another melee weapon another DLC weapon three time to dodge a lot contraband
Reaper body can let's keep it going man I'm down for the July contraband this
guy is going to be so excited he is going to be so excited when I tell him
he'll hop on that account see what I got you
I pulled a peacekeeper I pulled a ballistic knife I pulled the buzz cut
we got the dope kn-44 cameras we got some new July contraband gear this guy
is going to be hyped out of his mind I cannot wait to tell him about this
mental 5k conference coming clutch I'm telling you if you can pull one dlc
weapon every Supply Drop bundle that's over twenty dollars like every 13 drops
or twelve drops order the case maybe you're in another world if we pulled one
weapon even a male egg technically statistically like just based on the
math and supply drops that would be on par for what you're supposed to get
think if every thirty two drops you're supposed to get a weapon if you don't
it's kind of weird like the game's glitching out on you so I'm so hiding
because 5k cop ones you're only really supposed to get one maybe two weapons if
you're lucky and we pull two epics the Peacekeeper one of them which is
ridiculous cuz you can pull a range weapon but it could be back you know you
can put the MX garand there's really no saying if you're going to pull the PPSh
or you're going to pull the HD 40 obviously two DLC SMGs both epics but
one's a little bit better than the other one so there's really no saying oh we
got we have some top one to trade I don't think you can I'm going to do a 12
keys off that 5k cowboy this guy really doesn't have much on his account but oh
that peacekeeper bellowing that is going to come super clutter I know he is
excited Daily Double save that keys save that money boys
Daily Double saving the 15 kids you know how we do it
man without a bargain we gotta save our money let's open these jobs oh my god
what is going on the r7 and the 30 key bone is what the 30 key bonus are 70
AJAX from the first weapon for the first what am I saying Daily Double drop we
pull our 78 jacks the only DLC LMG in the entire game I am I'm lost for words
are now boys The Daily Double come in clutch thank you very much Daily Double
you don't really hook it up that often you've been kind of slacking lately but
I appreciate you that is what the Peacekeeper the buzz cut
ignites in the r7 eject this might be the best black ops 3 supplies riveting
I've ever done in terms of ratio from the epics to the legendary semi pull 10
weapons in an opening but half of them are a lighter than half of them arranged
I pulled the poor wife and three of them arranged and two of them are very good
like extremely good so we have to pick this go man
keys come clutch man if you can pull one more weapon I will pee my pants I will
literally go to the bathroom and I will not use the toilet I was just pee my
bags I sort of got darker so my potty theme I don't know about these keys man
it's looking kind of slow we got some July contraband I'm not seeing much
stuff not seeing a you know any uh any you know cool camos any particularly
cool items so the cop points but where was that I think the cop point
conspiracy might be coming more true every single time I hop into the black
market because if you don't know there's a conspiracy theory that the cod points
in bo3 give you better drops now oh three keys boys we got what 31 keys a
final rare Supply Drop I'm telling you if we don't pull a weapon it's all good
if we do it's a different level smash alike boys the final Supply Drop
in this insane opening I want to see like 5k lights on this thing I'm like
smash the friggin lights post going to be a ton okay anarchy battery little
little rainbow drop a cheeky rainbow jump with a final one I'm cool with that
man let's take a look at our earnings let's take a look at the rewards okay
peacekeeper BAM the first DLC is all right bonus account the only DLC LGD are
70 Ajax then what do we got we have to busk up and we got the
ballistic knife voice the Supply Drop luck is on a different level let's whip
up a class set up real quick show off these weapons again the Peacekeeper I
got the ballistic knife we can even make a second account I just realized that
what in the world we can literally make an entire second account with a
secondary because I got the are 78 jacks I'm gonna toss on this buzz cut we're
good to go toss on the fat end toss on the flat
jacket toss on the dexterity you know give them a little maybe of a ghost a
little little hardwired and we're good to go men throwing a stun and let's see
the Peacekeeper slap jacket boys take a look at it man peacekeeper ballistic
knife one class are 70 judge buzz cut the other I mean is it
what's going on and I've is good am i this lucky I don't
know man yo smash her like voice this opening was
unreal peacekeeper r78 Jax ballistic knife and busca in 1 5000 top when
opening unreal no weapon bribes no free DLC weapon contracts just straight-up
rare Supply Drop love what are these lobbies bro I can't be dealing with
these lobbies you put me in unwinnable games bo3 what are you up to man oh my
god they're coming from everywhere watch this ready I don't know if you're ready
for this guys cuz you'd either come around that corner I don't know if
you're ready for this are you ready for this nevermind eight two port like what
am I getting put into man this is uh kind of impossible to win I don't know
what type of Lobby they think they're doin putting me in this one man thank
you I kill I appreciate it got the reflex
sight we're gonna do it I don't even know how far these come down and they
got wraps great great to know guys thank you I appreciate you putting me miss
Lobby it's been a fantastic day this is what you reward me with I get this type
of opening I get I get to supply Jeff luck and you put me in the worst Lobby I
mean I got the Supply Drop look I do not have the lobby luck that is for sure
y'all play too much hoho I don't know we got that kill your movie was good but
come on dude yeah and I'm dead there's no way that's about to say there's no
way I'd yuccas Center again what the heck can I hit this ha ha ha oh my god I
love this game oh I love this game he's gonna come around wait how did I know oh
oh there it is oh we can come back boys smash alike I'm going to come back yeah
there it is boys peacekeeper and our 78 jacks would have some unlocks for those
weapons real quick that wasn't insane opening one of my best ones ever smash
it like subscribe down below I want to hit 5k legs on those things to go down
there slap a like on the video real quick follow me on twitter @ x and you
want me to open your supply drops on bo3 thank you so much for watching have an
awesome day stay safe and I'll catch you guys in the next one
are you broke with no powerpoints man I found a solution I'm going to say this
quick so there isn't any tongue every cop points when poking toys no damn and
squid boy there's a link in the description all you've got to do is
click it click the link down below and download a you have me reliable and wait
you get point to my fax
CHILDREN OF THE DAMNED Iron Maiden bass cover (2 and 3 finger techniques displayed) - Duration: 5:27.
Join the LowSpecGamer Fan discord! - Duration: 0:23.
Right, ok.
I get it.
So, by popular demands, there is also now a Discord server for fans of the channel,
which is linked in the description.
This Discord is mainly a fan effort but I will participating and discussing whenever
I can.
So, if you want a place to discuss anything related to the channel, games tweaks and make
some friends, come join us!
Just, be nice to each other, all right?
Tutorial: How to Make Ace Combat Great Again in less than 30 seconds - Duration: 0:32.
Hello Aces, Ace Combat Fan here with a quick tutorial, a do it yourself, on how to make
the Ace Combat series great again.
So all you need to do is go grab your copy of Assault Horizon. Pick it up and do this:
Congratulations! Now you've just made Ace Combat great again!
420 Seconds of Pleasure - Duration: 4:21.
GWKTM channel announcement 30.7.2017 - Duration: 4:00.
Howdy, fellow YouTubeans!
You've been wondering the green, pink feathered raptor -
- hanging around the channel you've been following for awhile.
Time for some answers!
I'm Guyus Matlow, the Guy Who Knew Too Much himself.
The founder and mascot of this channel.
And I'm here to thank you for one million views, -
- one thousand subs, and your response to my videos and fangames so far.
Especially the most recent one - Agent Hugo LA.
Despite it didn't have that many views and likes...
...and announce you that in honor of these views and subs -
- there'll be really exciting things starting out in this channel.
First, I've opened galleries in FurAffinity and DeviantArt, -
- in which you find my visual art, animations that I don't post in YouTube, -
- progress updates considering my projects -
- and further information about my fursona's world.
I also opened accounts in Facebook -
- and - as you can notice - Second life, to ease the communication.
Second, some of you know that Agent Hugo LA took me years to finish, -
cause only help I got was fandubbers, testers, Spriters-Resource and Google search.
So for my three new projects, I need more help than those.
Plain support and looking forward just aren't enough.
The first project is the series of animated shortfilms, starring my fursona.
Essentially they're gonna be FPS-animated, but someday I might consider the CGi ones as well.
But for starters, I need co-writers, voice actors, fps animators and background artists, -
- so that at least one shortfilm won't be so slow to make.
Second project is my new Crash Bandicoot themed fangame, -
- the new adventure with a classic formula and Naughty Dog-look, -
- which could hopefully force Activision's people to check their homework again.
What I first need to this game are story, suggestions of level layouts, -
designers for level geometry and boss battles and co-programmers in case of stumbling blocks.
Actually there's just one model left to rip, -
- cause I have already found and gathered most of the model rips I need -
- and I'm starting to build a level template with controllable Crash in it.
Soon enough I might need co-modelers too, but I need to see that myself first.
The third project is actually awesomemercerdude's project, but I offered him a helping hand.
It's a fanmade reboot of Jimmy Neutron.
To this project we've got three co-animators and modelers, and might need some more, -
but we especially need co-writers, voice actors -
and save states from GC versions of Jimmy Neutron Jet Fusion and Attack of Twonkies, -
- so that model ripping would be easier.
So, if you wish to join any of this projects, you can leave a comment here -
- or contact me by gwktmplus@gmail.com -
- or other contacts that you'll see at end of this video.
For further announcements of each project, see the link in description.
In meantime I will also continue with YouTube Poops and music remixes -
- and upload some animation and gameplay tests here in YouTube considering each project.
Last thing I want to say about is channels logo.
I've made a new one that'll premiere in my next videos -
- and the old logo is now uploaded seperately as a kind of reminder.
Thank you for your attention and I hope I get help for the great projects -
- that'll impress you as much if not more than my past projects.
And one more time, if you'd wish to help, -
- leave a comment here or contact me via gwktmplus@gmail.com -
- or other contacts you see here right away.
And if you haven't checked Agent Hugo LA yet, you can do it now.
The link to its download link is put to description as well.
Don't forget to spread the word! And don't forget to subscribe!
How to defragment a hard drive in Windows 10 - Duration: 1:48.
Hey guys R4GE VipeRzZ here and today I'm going to show you how you can easily
defragment your hard drive in Windows 10 so to defragment your hard drive all you
want to is come to the search bar and to type defrag now this should bring up
a program called defragment and optimize drives so you just want to click on the
program and open it up now this is a list of drives that I have on my computer and
you want to click on whichever drive you want to defragment so I'm going to click
on the D Drive and then if you want to see how fragmented it is you can just click
analyze and it will analyze how fragmented it is so as you can see this Drive is
14% fragmented so to defragment it you just want to click optimize and it
should start defragmenting it now defragmenting your hard drive should
make it faster this is because when it defragments it reorders the data on the
actual hard drive in a way that it's actually faster to read from it
so with a hard drive the closer the data is to the centre of the disk I
believe the faster it can read it so if you install a program and then delete it
there will be a section on the hard drive that it might not have used so it
will just reorder around the data into the most efficient locations
right guys so it's now finished defragmenting and when we click analyze
it is now only 1% fragment instead of 14% now I think that could be down to
that I'm recording to the drive that I just defragment so that could be causing
the problem but 1% fragment it is much better than
14% fragmented so guys if you liked the video don't forget to the like button, if
you disliked it hit the dislike button subscribe for more content like this and
I'll see you another time, bye
Ragnarok Online (JRO) - Parody Monk/Shura's Leveling [Part2] - Duration: 15:29.
Monk/Shura's parody leveling part 2
Raging Thrust
Let's rewind back a little bit, please look closely when Trifecta Blow occurs, it has no delay because my Quadruple Blow was level 0.
Compared with current state, there's a little delay occurs since I've spent my point on Quadruple Blow Lv3.
Comparison : Quad blow Lv0 VS Quad blow Lv3
Though, since the skills are required for 3rd class' skills, I can't ignore them.
(+5 Ramol Shield of Requiem)
Invaded Prontera : available for Lv100+ players.
(Free teleport service - Invaded Prontera)
My body.... it's hurting....
Hurricane Kick
Ragnarok Online x Street Figher : Event scheduled at April 1st, 2117 (?)
You got Royal token of contribution (20)
Favorably on sale (really ?)
...my body... it's hurting...
p...please... kill me....
Do you think you can beat us with just a novice potion ?
Well, there're so many of them remaining (swt)
1 hour has passed, got a level up from 103 to 106.
Magnus Exorcism build AB-san (how could she do this high damage...)
Sky Blow (You got Royal token of contribution (20))
Ferlock Suit (1)
My... my body... it's hurting...
Nightmare of Jitterbug : Easy mode
(Knuckle Arrow)
(Knuckle Arrow)
Next day
To be continued
FOOTBALL CHALLENGES vs Jur Clabbers (PSV Talent) | by BullFootball - Duration: 5:26.
Hi lads! Welcome to this brand new video!
Today, I'm gonna do football challenges vs a player of PSV U16.
Like this video! Subscribe & share it with your friends!
I've lost... 2-1 after three challenges.
Subscribe and like this video!
See you next time!
Anthony Scaramucci Says Trump Isn't An Elitist Because He Eats Junk Food - Duration: 3:19.
One of the more bizarre interviews that Anthony Scaramucci has given since taking over as
White House communications director, Scaramucci told the BBC that there is in fact no way
that Donald Trump who is born a millionaire, has lived his entire life as a millionaire
or, according to Trump himself, a billionaire, there's no way that this man could be an elitist
because he likes junk food.
What about the pizza and things like that?
That is what Scaramucci said to defend against criticisms of Donald Trump being an elitist.
Now, Scaramucci himself was a hedge fund manager.
He is a millionaire, tons of money, disconnected from reality and from average working people
in this country.
But, I do fully understand what Scaramucci is doing here.
He is trying to connect Donald Trump to those red state voters who put him in office.
Donald Trump isn't an elitist.
He's just like you.
He likes cheeseburgers and he likes pizza.
Sometimes he'll open a bag of Cheetos and sit on the couch and watch Fox News.
That is the most disgusting form of pandering you could ever imagine, trying to relate to
people by saying, "Look, this billionaire, alleged billionaire isn't an elitist because
he likes to eat garbage just like the rest of you out there."
That is basically what Anthony Scaramucci was telling this BBC reporter and the worst
part is that some of these Trump voters are dumb enough to buy into it.
Fox News, when Obama first took office, did a segment about how much of an elitist he
was because he ate arugula in his salads.
That was their attack.
That was a whole freaking segment on the fact that he ate arugula and how disconnected he
must be from average working Americans who can't even pronounce or spell that word.
This is a longstanding tradition within the Republican Party.
They try to connect with people I guess by saying they're not food snobs.
Scaramucci might as well come out and said, "Donald Trump isn't gluten-free and he's never
even tried kale."
As if food is some kind of measure of elitism in this country.
I understand the wealthy and the poor have different eating habits because the wealthy
can afford different things, but that is one of the dumbest, most simplistic arguments
that a human being in American politics can make, and you only see stupid people making
those kinds of arguments like Scaramucci, like Donald Trump, like Fox News.
You don't see average working Americans out there really concerned about what the president
is eating or not eating or what his opponents are eating.
That is one of the dumbest possible things I could imagine having to say to defend the
Again, the saddest part is that his moronic base is absolutely going to eat it up.
🔵 Najgłupsze metody motywacyjne, jakie udało mi się wymyślić - Wodzirej Sukcesu - Duration: 4:03.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable - Slice of Hype - Duration: 17:35.
Man, I love everything JoJo. From the anime, to the video games and especially the manga
which I've totally read. But what's near and dear to me is the recent anime
adaptation of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable. Now, don't
get me wrong, I' m a huge fan of David Pro's work on JoJo's, but this
season; it has something special - everything from the huge artistic shift from Part 3 including
the addition of abstract colors in backgrounds, the more slim & trim character designs (ESPECIALLY
ESPECIALLY DEM POUTY LIPS! MMM CUTE BOYS! To the MASSIVE cast of offbeat yet relatable characters. This all comes together
to make an unforgettable season of JoJo. But y'know if I was to be perfectly honest,
what I appreciate above all else is.....JOSUKE PUNCHING A PLATE OF SPAGHETTI!
All goofs aside, lemme breakdown what
allows Part 4 to shine amongst the rest of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - the
slice of life approach.
So slice of life. It, uh, sounds pretty boring on paper; it' s a style of storytelling
where the audience gets to experience the day to day life of a character or a group
of characters without an overarching plot. Typically focusing on character interactions
& character growth rather than a centralized narrative. So technically it' s a show
about nothing. [seinfeld bass] For some reason one of my childhood favorites Boy Meets World,
always comes to mind as an excellent example of slice of life! It's a sitcom following
Cory Matthews & to a lesser extent his friends & family from his middle school days all the
way to college. We watch on as he grows up; all the while learning of his aspirations,
laugh at his older brother's goofs, & crack a smile as Cory tries to figure out
girls. I've grown to love this style of storytelling because you grow to relate
and also appreciate the main character's struggles & successes.
unique way - retaining the day to day structure; focusing on character growth & interaction
while also including an overarching plot throughout the season. There's a great deal of
character heavy stuff going on in the background as the central narrative moves onward. Yet
despite having a focused plot, Part 4 still makes room for smaller plot threads; involving
romance, family drama, cute ghost girls, and of course my favorite, fine Italian cuisine.
It takes what we' ve seen before, following a relatively small cast of highschool boys;
Josuke , Okuyasu , & Koichi
as they live in the small Japanese town Morioh. Their lives are fairly normal - going
boi) as they live in the small Japanese town Morioh. Their lives are fairly normal - going
tracking down serial killers & fighting evil stand users -
baddest boy around, Dio.it was him dio.
baddest boy around, Dio.it was him dio Is that a JoJo ref- Back in Part 3, Dio obtained
a stand possibly as a byproduct of being pierced by a magical bow & arrow owned by his faithful
stinky witch, Enyaba. I hate her! As fate would have it, somehow the mysterious bow
& arrow found its way to Morioh and so does this he no-nonsense buff boy from Part 3,
his teenage uncle Josuke,and Morioh locals to find & destroy this dangerous relic.
MILF.) \par \par
\par \par
This serves as the main plot thread throughout most of Part 4; which sounds like it would
be at odds with the slice of life setup. Yet it manages to combine the best of both shonen
or dealing with the main antagonist of this arc, .
The non-plot-centric episodes play out like a good ole fashion coming of age slice of life anime with a dash of JoJo
absurdity. These are the episodes I keep coming back to; they're more light hearted,
we get great character development and they usually have, like, really bizarre crap in
them. For instance, there's this one arc where Josuke befriends a shape-shifting
we get great character development and they usually have,like, really bizarre crap in
ends with Rohan's house tragically on fire!
It's uh pretty bizarre to say the least!
ends with Rohan\rquote s house tragically on fire! It\rquote s uh pretty bizarre to
say the least! \par \par
character growth & interactions. Like in that alien arc I was talking about earlier,
it sounds like a bunch of unrelated crazy boosh with an alien and a house on fire,
but its purpose was to deepen the relationship between Josuke & Rohan.
Aka make Rohan hate Josuke more, but I digress...
their motivations, and their relationships more complex and compelling.
No such arc illustrates this better than what I lovingly refer to as the Ed, Edd, & Eddy arc.
this better than what I lovingly refer to as the Ed, Edd, & Eddy arc. \par
middle-schooler named Shigekiyo Yangu or... as his parents call him Shigechi.
Similar to an episode of Ed, Edd, & Eddy, this newly formed trio has a singular goal
middle-schooler named Shigekiyo Yangu or... as his parents call him Shigechi. Similar
to an episode of Ed, Edd, & Eddy, this newly formed trio has a singular goal - not jawbreakers,
but rather, cold hard cash. Josuke and Okuyasu recognize Shigechi\rquote s stand, Harvest,
is a cash cow - Harvest is composed of 500 small bumblebee looking\rquote gremlins that
can scout out an entire city and carryback whatever its user desires. We see this at
the beginning of the episode, Shigechi celebrates his heaping pile of one yen coins as the two
teenagers marvel at his money-making skills. This leads to a rather awkward encounter as
Shigechi is quickly brought to tears as he considers these two strangers as his FIRST
FRIENDS. What a sweet boy! Shigechi hastily offers his collected money to them as a token
of their newfound friendship, but that feels off to Josuke. You see despite being kind
of shitty person, Josuke has..some pride. Josuke admits to Oku that he wants the money,
but feels weird just taking it off the kid. Instead, he then offers an equal business
partnership. This is Ed, Edd, & Eddy. \par ENTER MONEY MAKING SCHEME #1. Josuke devises
a plan involving collecting lost & unwanted stamps, vouchers, lottery tickets & coupons.
First, Shigechi uses his stand to collect all previously mentioned items. After everything
is collected, Josuke uses his stand Crazy Diamond to repair everything to their original
form. AND THEN PROFIT!!!! They return all restored vouchers & coupons to the respective
stores for cash or trade them in for goods. In doing so, the boys manage to pull together
only receive 10k instead of their agreed half.
of A bucks today. Josuke & Oku exclaim they couldn't have done it without Shigechi.
The boy now has confidence. Which instantly screws over Josuke & Okuyasu, as now they
only receive 10k instead of their agreed half.
I love this scheme so much! Not only do we get to see Josuke in his prime - using his
wits to come up with a scheme that will net him a ton of cash, but we also get to see
Okuyasu act as his hype man throughout the entire time. Granted, Oku doesn\rquote t bring
a lot to the table here initially, but his sincere and excited reactions to everything
But above all else, you get to see a lot of growth from this new
character, Shigechi. At first he\rquote s this super awkward kid, just excited that
these older guys even want to talk to him, and then becomes more power hungry as he realizes
how useful his stand can be. Its interesting that Shigechi's greed awakens as soon
as he is told he is of worth. And then promptly betrays his agreement with his friends. Something
about that feels revolting yet genuine at the same time. Look I'm no Shigechi
apologist here, but the way Shigechi reveals his greedy nature as their plan goes successfully
feels believable especially considering what little we do know about him. A lonely, awkward
kid into collecting stuff. And this pairs beautifully with the heroic scumbags Josuke
& Okuyasu who're only using the kid to make a quick buck. To have their partnership
beverages, Oku decides to go through their collection of lottery tickets. And wouldn't
ya know it, Okuyasu finds a winning lottery ticket worth 5 MILLION YEN. NANI THE HECK
A-Anyways, you would think this would be the end of the Ed, Edd, & Eddy saga, but it only
leads to their second plan. While Shigechi and Josuke enjoy their celebratory ice cold
beverages, Oku decides to go through their collection of lottery tickets. And wouldn\rquote
t ya know it, Okuyasu finds a winning lottery ticket worth 5 MILLION YEN. NANI THE HECK
NANI THE FUCK?! ENTER MONEY MAKING SCHEME #2 The rest of this plan shifts gears into
stupidly tense confrontation as the trio tries to convince a skeptical bank manager that
the winning ticket is theirs and totally not something they found. With Josuke\rquote s
quick wits and stand trickery, they manage to convince the manager, and receive a promissory
note that they can cash in in three days. This leads to hands down one of the most gif-able
sequences of pure joy as Josuke & Okuyasu rejoice getting the 5 million yen. Unfortunately,
the celebration is cut short as Shigechi declares that he doesn\rquote t want to share the money.
This sets off the sensitive Okuyasu, and he SLUGS the baby boy. The rest of the episode
is a sequence that\rquote s more goofy than it\rquote s thrilling as the Josuke and Okuyasu
chase down and fight Shigechi. The result of which makes Shigechi realize what a greedy
boy he\rquote s been, and they decide to split the 5 mil three ways.\par
\par These character interactions work as a foundation
not only for this budding friendship but also a storyline for the main plot to build off
of. Another reason why I love this arc is that it shows how stand users can use their
abilities in clever, non-violent ways. Despite the absurdity of this arc, it\rquote s somewhat
relatable. We\rquote ve all had a friend that might\rquote ve been a bit to greedy or quick
to anger or heck, maybe convinced you to be a part of a \ldblquote great plan\rdblquote
; the adventures of stupid boys doing stupid things is something we\rquote ve experienced
or seen second hand. As pure and fun as this budding friendship is, it sets the stage for
something sinister.\par \par
A few episodes later, we have the sandwich arc, aka Yoshikage Kira wants to live quietly.
This is similar to the slice of life episodes, but it also deals with the main plot as it
follows Yoshikage Kira, the serial killer of Morioh. Kira\rquote s pretty unusual as
far as JoJo villains go; he doesn\rquote t want to rule the world or end the JoJo blood
line - he only wants to live a quiet life. And also murder young girls and fetishize
their hands. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I guess he\rquote s a bit more complex than Dio. Anyways, we
find Kira sitting under a tree enjoying a picnic. Savoring his Sir Gentleman sandwich
with his current favorite rotting hand. As he finishes his sandwich he notices the hand\rquote
s gone bad & needs to discard it - placing it inside his sandwich bag. Cut to Josuke
and Okuyasu running into Shigechi in the very same park - who also has a Sir Gentleman sandwich
of his own. At this point in time, the boys don\rquote t know Kira is the killer yet;
they\rquote re only aware that there is a serial killer in Morioh. Josuke and Okuyasu
ask to borrow money from Shigechi so they can get a nice lunch too. While recording
the money loan, a stray doggo steals his sammy. Afterwards, Shigechi mistakes Kira\rquote
s Sir Gentleman sandwich bag as his own, and the rest of the episode plays out as Kira
stalks Shigechi around town trying to get his rotting hand back. \par
\par This leads to a scene where Shigechi, Josuke,
& Okuyasu are eating lunch in the middle school teacher\rquote s lounge while Kira is hiding
underneath gym equipment. This makes for an INCREDIBLY tense scene as you want Kira to
remain unnoticed as he retrieves his rotting hand without being confronted by these sweet
boys, and somehow... he does! Kira manages to swipe the sandwich bag discreetly. Unfortunately,
Shigechi takes notice. Shigechi immediately puts the blame on his friends because really,
who can resist a Sir Gentleman sandwich? But before Shigechi gets a chance to search the
room, a teacher discovers the boys in the lounge and kicks them out. Shortly afterwards,
Kira leaves the premises victorious..and we have a sigh of relief - for at the moment;
it seems like things just might work out. That is until a spiky haired chubster calls
Kira out. Shigechi leaves no sandwich behind. Shigechi gets his sandwich bag back with Harvest
and realizes this is a stinky human hand not his delicious sammy! Kira realizes there\rquote
s only one way out now - he\rquote s gotta kill the boy. Shigechi is instantly outmatched
and runs away; desperately searching for his friends. Kira uses his stand, Killer Queen,
to explode Shigechi to ashes before he reaches them. Before Shigechi completely fades away,
he somehow manages to grab a button off Kira\rquote s exceedingly fashionable jacket and deliver
it to Josuke. This whole event sets the rest of the cast in motion - we got to find Shigechi\rquote
s murderer.\par \par
The meticulous pacing and goofy adventures in the Ed, Edd, & Eddy arc that leads to the
sandwich stuff with Kira is my favorite sequence of events in Part 4. It does a great job of
setting up the murder mystery with a smoking gun, but we also have a ton of fun along the
way. Upon my first viewing, Shigechi\rquote s sudden death hit me hard, a lot harder than
most other deaths in the series. Upon many repeated viewings, I realized his death isn\rquote
t impactful due to the suddenness of it, but rather because we grew to care about this
spikey-haired chubby little boy. We saw Shigechi grow from a greedy, lonely child and saw him
mature from hanging out with Josuke and Okuyasu. It makes you wonder what kind of schemes they
would run or even what kind of person Shigechi would grow up to be. Araki\rquote s decision
to splice in these slower, methodical slice of life episodes to build up or lead into
the classic over the top JoJo ass plot easily makes it my favorite Part in the series. Getting
to know our main characters - and even secondary characters better with often humorous or in
exceedingly strange situations allows the audience to connect and want to care for these
characters. In earlier Parts of JoJo, there were a ton of cool characters thrown our way,
but at times it can be hard to remember or even care about them when the focus was primarily
on the main character. The change to allow for a bigger, varied cast and slower pacing
to tie in with more of a slow-burn plot gives the audience so much time to soak it all in.
But more importantly it allows for events to carry much more weight.\par
For Anime think K-ON!...
not anime uh King of the Hill?
Remember O-Town? | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:18.
THE '90'S" TOUR.
Top 10 Chip and Dale Disney Fails, Falls & Character History - Duration: 9:10.
Welcome to TPMvids Disney beat where we talk bout all things Disney.
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The Chip & Dale cartoon characters were created in 1943 by Walt Disney Productions.
Their names are based off the last name of the famous 18th century British cabinet maker,
Thomas Chippendale.
They aren't part of the fab 5 but they're definitely some of the original characters
that were seen in the park when Disneyland first opened in 1955.
Now before we go any further there's probably a lot of you that don't know the difference
between Chip and Dale, so we'll break it down.
Chip: he has a black nose, like a chocolate chip cookie, and has one tooth.
Dale on the other hand has a dark red nose and two spaced out teeth.
Today he'd definitely need braces.
He also has a little bit of hair on the top of his head, cause you know he's cool like that
So now that we have that out of the way, today we're gonna be looking at the history of
Chip and Dale in the Disney Parks and the fails and falls that have come with the characters.
So here are the top 10 Chip and Dale Character Fails and Falls.
Number 10- The 50s and 60s When Disneyland first opened in 1955 a majority
of the character costumes were borrowed from the Disney Ice Capades show, including the
Chip and Dale costumes.
Considering its 1955, they don't look too bad compared to some of the other characters.
Its a pretty close resemblance to the scale and look of the characters in the original
Disney animated shorts.
Now fast forward to 1960.
At this time, Disney designed their own versions of Chip and Dale which were a downgrade and
a fail, to say the least, because they look nothing like their cartoon characters.
They're actually kinda scary looking, and I don't blame this kid here for freaking
The Ice Capades costume was much more accurate at representing the chipmunks, but Disney
used this 1960 version for 8 years until 1968.
Number 9- The Giant Rodents In 1968 Disney created an updated version
of Chip and Dale with much larger heads and eyes that resembled the cartoon characters
a bit better but they definitely weren't perfect.
The head proportions were a bit too big and made the characters pretty tall.
When you think of Chip and Dale from the animated shorts you think of these small little cute
rambunctious characters, not these giants rodents.
So again, in a sense this design was a fail by Disney but, these versions of the Chipmunks
were still used for 13 years until 1981, when they evolved even further into the current
look we know today.
The current look has been used for the past 36 years, and they've been seen in every
Disney park across the world from Disneyland to Walt Disney World to the Tokyo Disney Resort.
The only recent update Chip and Dale have received has been in 2008 when the articulated
talking versions were used in the holiday stage shows at Magic Kingdom.
They have fuzzier cheeks and Dale now has the hair on his head like he has in the cartoons.
Although these updates look great and should be used on a regular basis in the park, they
only get used for stage shows and promo events.
Now like we said Chip and Dale's look has definitely changed over the years but one
thing that seems to have remained the same is the energized characterization given to
these characters in the park.
Which can be seen here in these old videos.
Today it seems like Chip and Dale have even more energy especially at the overseas parks,
Which leads us to our next set of clips.
Number 8 Now this highly energetic energy overseas
leads to one thing though, Chip and Dale falling over…a lot.
Most of the falls come from the Tokyo Disney Parks, like the last two clips you just
saw, and there's more where those came from as well.
Number 7 A Table is Waiting performed daily at the
American Waterfront's Columbia Harbour at Tokyo DisneySea, until it closed March 17, 2017.
The show used Chip and Dale to sing a song called My Tacos is Wonderful.
Grammatically its not correct at all, but you know things get lost in translation so
we'll just go with it.
In this clip Chip gets ready to sing his big solo in the song and then…well you'll see.
And the great thing about Chip and Dale being a pair
is that whenever one of them falls the other always reacts like, oh there goes crazy chip
Number 6 We're still in Tokyo, but this time we're
looking at Minnie oh Minnie.
Its a show thats performed daily in Adventureland at Tokyo Disneyland with the star being, well
Minnie Mouse.
In the finale of the show, all the characters rush up the platforms and are supposed to
freeze on stage while the curtain goes down.
Since they don't use the articulated heads in this show, when they freeze it just looks
weird but….anyway.
Keep an eye on Dale.
To be fair those platforms look very narrow, but at least he froze after he recovered
Number 5 It's Showtime was a variety show at Tokyo
Disneyland that included guests but starred Chip and Dale in some sort of quest to keep
a gold acorn or something.
Not really sure what's happening in the clips, kinda hard to understand.
It's also really bizarre hearing Howdy proceeded by someone speaking Japanese
Anyway, it seems like Dale, just can't catch a break and finds himself on the floor once again.
Number 4 This time we're heading on over to Disneyland
Paris and taking a look at The Disney Dance Express!
It's pretty much the Paris version of the Move it, Shake it, Celebrate it street party
at Magic Kingdom and uses a recycled float from a 1998 parade.
So its pretty much the Paris version of Magic Kingdom's once excessively over used
castle float.
This show features a bunch of dancers and Disney Characters including Chip and Dale,
who like we said earlier, have a lot of energy in the show.
This time Chip is the victim and if someone said he was trying to slide into home base
or someone's DMs, we'd totally believe you.
Number 3 We're heading back over to Tokyo at DisneySea.
During the spring season, DisneySea has a show called Welcome to Spring
(its a very creative title).
At the end of the show Mickey, Minnie, Duffy and ShellieMay leave on a boat with Chip and
Dale running after it to say bye.
You probably get where this is going, but Dale doesn't just fall, he also gets a good
little beating from his good pal Chip.
Number 2 The Legend of Mythica was a water show at
DisneySea that played for 8 years and closed in Sept 2014.
If you've been counting, this is going to be Dale's 5th fall and in this one he totally
face plants right into the pavement, but brushes himself back up and gets on the boat before
it leaves without him.
Number 1- Dale!
Poor, Dale.
We're closing this off with another clip from Minnie, oh Minnie!
These platforms definitely have to be too narrow if Dale keeps falling.
Wonder how many other times he's fallen off this exact same platform that weren't
caught on camera.
So what did you think of Chip and Dale's old costumes, and do you have a funny memory
or experience with Chip and Dale at the Parks?
If you do feel free to leave a comment!
If you have any of your own videos from the Disney Parks that you'd like to share with us
to be used in future videos, follow the link in the description bellow!
Thanks so much for watching!
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Cum se inlocuiesc rulmentul butucului roii din faa pe HONDA JAZZ GD TUTORIAL AUTODOC - Duration: 20:23.
Use a socket №32
Use a socket №17
Use a phillips screwdriver
Using sidecutting pliers remove the cotter pin
Use a socket №17
Use a combination spanner №19
Use a socket №10
Use a socket №17 and a combination spanner №17
Use round nose pliers to take the locking ring out
Use a hydraulic press to spew the wheel-hub bearing from the pintle
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