Hi bass players i hope you guys are alright , and welcome to this video where i am going to talk about a very important matter
and it is muting the strings
on the bass as in any sitrngs instrument we must put a lot of attention th what we ar eplaying but the same level of attention must be put to what we are not playing
wath i mean with this is that when we are playing bass lines of phrases that involve more than 2 strings
most of the times the strings taht we yous play keep vibrating
and this vibrations give us unwanted sounds or in other words it give us a dirty sound
so here is where the muting strings techniques come to place
the technique that i am going to tech you where i started to use it
it was by self learning because when i got in front of this issue this one was the fastest and easiest way for me to deal with it
some time in the future i wll known that this technique is called floating thumb
i want to explain this technique to you because in future videos i will present to you fingering exercises and arpeggios
so by kowing this technique you will be able to play these exercises with a clean sound
something that i have seen in some video tutorials that re made for begginers is that when they are going to teach the plucking technique
is that they say that the way to do it is to put the thumb on the neck pick up as an anchor point
and from there start to plucking the strings
the true is that this way works most of the times but as i said before when we are going to play bass lines of phrases that involve more than 2 strings
is where the vibrating strings problem comes in, for example
here we can hear the residual vibrations that stay after we play the strings
so in order to aoid this we must use a muting strings technique, the one that i use as i said before is the floating thumb technique
and the way to apply it is to put or thumb over the strings that we want to mute
and as we play we move the thumb through the strings to allow the strings to sound and to be muted again
there are many muting strings techniques
John Patitucci, one of my favorite bass players, use this one, what he does is to place his pinky finger over the E string and the ring finger over the A string
and with this other 2 fingers he pluck the strings , and with the other finger he release and mute the strings as he move through them
as i said before this floating thumb technique i started using it by self learning so when i come to kwon the patitucci´s muting technique i have already master the floating thumb technique so i stay with it,
so the patitucci{s technique i had never practice or use it but i mention it to you guys because if you want you can search for his tutorials and practice it
it is good that you guys know that there is more than one way to mute the strings
to practice the floating thumb technique is very simple
what we are going to do is to play every string 4 times
and we are going to move playing string by string 4 times way up and way down
in this way
this simple exercises will help us with familiarize ourselves with motion of the thumb through the strings
one we are familiarized with it we can play any exercise, phrase or song using this technique until it becomes automatic
something to take note is that the muting strings technique are more focus on the lower strings
for example if we see the Patitucci's technique he focus in muting the strings E and A using his pinky and ring fingers
so in the same way with the floating thumb technique we are going to focus on muting the lower strings
beause in the case of the D string muting when we play the G string our index and middle finger will rest over the D string muting it
this technique can be apply in the same way on a 5 string bass and a 6 string bass
in the case of the 6 strings bass like the one i got here
with our thumb we are going to mute all the lower strings and as we play we simply move the thumb though the strings just as before
in the case of the higher strings wich are G and C we have the same situation that with D and G on the 4 and 5 strings basses
where the plucking of the strings wil rest over the string that is right before it wich mute the string
so in this case we must focus on muting this 4 strings with our thumb
so once again let us hear a phrase play with thumb over the neck pickup technique
and now using the floating thumb technique
as we can hear with the floating thumb technique we have a clean sound
well friends this have been all for the moment i thank you a lot for watching the video and i hope that it has been useful to you
if it was i ask the favor to give a like, share it and subscribe to my channel
in the next video i will started a series of videos where in every video i will teach to you one or more fingering exercises
once again thank you a lot and see you next time
For more infomation >> Muting technique - Floating thumb - Duration: 7:00.-------------------------------------------
¡ENTRAMOS a una vereda donde NO HAY NADIE! Conociendo Nuevo León: CHIPINQUE (AleStiflerr) - Duration: 10:13.
[比較]どのプリキュアの変身が一番長い?/Which is longest Precure transformation? - Duration: 2:53.
Which is longest Precure transformation?
No Hay Nadie como Tu Señor - No one is like your Lord - Duration: 5:48.
In John 17 Jesus prays to Jehovah- Yahweh (YHWEH) The Father.
knowing that his hour has come
and completed the work that God (Father) have being gave to him to do here on earth
These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said
Father, the hour is come
Glorify your Son
that your Son may glorify you.
For you granted him authority over all flesh
that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.
And this is life eternal
That they know you
and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent
I (Jesus) have glorified thee on the earth
I have finished the work which thou gave me to do.
And now, O Father, glorify me in your presence
with the glory I had with you before the world began.
(Jesus said) I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gave me out of the world
They were yours and you gave them to me!
and they have kept your word!
Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you.
For I gave them the words you gave me
and they have received them
And they have known surely that I came from you
and they believed that you sent me Jesus said
I pray for them
I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me
for they are yours, Jesus said
And all I have is yours
and thine are mine
and I am glorified in them!
Jesus said, And now I am no more in the world
but these are in the world
and I am coming to you, Jesus said
Holy Father
protect them by the power of your name
that they may be one, as we are
Jesus said: While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name
those that thou gave me I have kept
and none of them is lost
but the son of perdition
that the scripture might be fulfilled.
I am coming to you now, Jesus said
and these things I speak in the world
that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves.
Jesus said: I have given them your word
and the world has hated them
because they are not of the world
even as I am not of the world. Jesus said.
My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil
Jesus said: They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
Sanctify them by (through) the truth
As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. Jesus said
And for their sakes I sanctify myself
that they also might be sanctified through the truth
Neither pray I for these alone
but for them also which shall believe on me through their word
That they all may be ONE
Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.
May they also be in us
so that the world may believe
that you have sent me. Jesus said
the glory that you gave me
I have given them, Jesus said
that they may be one, even as we are one
I in them and you in me, Jesus said
that they may be made perfect in one ( so that they may be brought to complete unity)
Then the world will know that you sent me
and have loved them even as you have loved me
"Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am
and to see my glory, the glory you have given me
because you loved me before the creation of the world.
"Righteous Father, though the world does not know you
but I have known thee, Jesus said
and these have known that thou hast sent me.
And I have declared unto them thy name
and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou has loved me may be in them, and I in them
and having said these things, Jesus went with his disciples to a garden
Where he would be delivered to the soldiers
and betrayed by Judas.
There is no one like you
There is no one like you
Beautiful and Glorious
so nicel and beautiful
There is no one like you
There is no one like you
Beautiful and Glorious
so nice and beautiful
precious Jesus
There is no one like you
There is no one like you
beautiful and glorious
so nice and beautiful
precious Jesus
Nobody is like you
nobody touches the heart as you
I had searched for all eternity
And I found
that no one is like You
nobody is like you
nobody touches the heart as you
I had searched for all eternity
And I found
that no one is like You
My dear Jesus
No one is like your Lord. Amen.
Glue Gun .. !! Funny Science HOWTO of a strange video and life honey tips [HOWTO] - Duration: 4:40.
Glue gun .. !! Fun Science howto videos and miraculous life kkultip [HOWTO]
Episode 1: "The voice of nature" - Duration: 7:08.
4 Teens Landscapes, Stories and Language
Episode 1: The voice of nature
No place in the world is like Puerto Natales, a place that is so hidden from the world yet so surreal,
where interminable pampas meet
with astonishing views of the unique mountains.
Anyone that passes by here
must think that the locals have explored it all,
but little do they know that most of the landscape that they see has been barely explored.
Only a few truly know what great adventures lays just outside their yards.
A little while back we asked ourselves: "What would happen if we showed
a couple of eager teens what was truly hidden around our wonderful backyards unexplored by us locals?"
After a lot of brainstorming we created "Mas Allá del Sur (Beyond the tip of south)",
a contest that was aimed at freshmen students from local schools
that wanted to explore and discover the local wildlife and nature,
sharing with us their own stories and dreams.
The chosen students from the contest would learn about environmental awarness
and also get to spend the next year learning about local tourism
in another language, something useful that they may not know at this moment.
After the students were picked,
we decided to start our adventure. Here is where it took us...
I present you with Elia, Camila, Beatriz, Monserrat and Francesca.
That's right, only girls participated in the contest, something to think about!
In their first hike around the region we don't want to overwhelm them,
we just want them to enjoy the experience of being out in nature.
We arrive at the Cueva del Milodón Natural Monument,
located 25 km from Puerto Natales where our guide awaits for us.
On our hike up to the cave, we are surprised
at the enormity of the main cave,
about 200 meters deep.
The unique shape of the cave is due to
erosion caused by the waves of a massive proglacial lake. Incredible!
In this same place is where the Milodon was found,
a mammal that went extinct about 12.000 years back.
When you come visit Puerto Natales,
you'll see a giant Milodon welcoming you into town.
Our street signs will remind him as well.
Some say that he is waiting for something to give him a ride,
but no one can fit him into their car since he is so big!
Until he can find a ride big enough, he'll continue to welcome all of you at the entrance of our town.
Now it's time to begin our first hike. We start by hiking around Cerro Benitez,
to adventure into the forest where we spot different types of trees such as Lengas, Ñirres and Coigues.
We are searching for something special, we are searching for cave paintings hidden in a local cave.
Before we get to that cave, we find another amazing one, "La Cueva de la Ventana" (Window Cave),
and our guide, Chito, finds something impressive.
On the ground there are owl pellets, which indicates that owls must be close by.
Did you know that owls eat up to 3 rats a day?
They hunt at night usually,
and have superb hearing to detect their next prey,
being capable of flying just inches from them without being detected.
If you see an owl close by, don't scare them.
They're helping the ecosystem by keeping the mice population low,
as well as helping reduce possible health problems with humans.
The sun is out and the hike is a difficult one.
After all we are not used to having such a warm day down in this part of the world,
but we continue with our eager teens waiting to see the paintings.
We arrive at the paintings, and what a beautiful lookout!
It's certainly a very special day in Patagonia.
Our guide tells us that the paintings must be around 8000 years old!
They tell different stories that we try to decipher.
If you ever visit them, be respectful
and don't touch the painting so other explorers can also enjoy them as well.
Don't take pictures with flash photography.
After all this hiking we decide it's time for a little rest,
pictures and a little "mate" while we enjoy the landscape.
We'll continue our hike up to Cerro Benitez
only to descent down to Laguna Sofia
where our dear driver, Galo, is patiently waiting for us.
We thanks Francesca, Elia, Beatriz, Monserrat and Camila,
for their time and for taking a chance to explore
the wonderful southern landscape that we take for granted.
We close our first episode " The voice of nature",
a connection between generations to enjoy and respect the beautiful places that surround us.
I am that voice of nature, and now you are that voice teens...
and..will you be that voice as well?
No gustará a muchos hinchas del Barcelona: el consejo de Ronaldinho a Neymar sobre su futuro - Duration: 1:31.
I Called My Reps - Letters to July 29 #WithCaptions - Duration: 1:35.
Dear July, I'm a millennial so the only person I call are my representatives.
Hello, My name is Katrina I am calling from Zip Code - I am calling Senator Toomey
to express my concern about President Trump's comments in Long Island that seemingly endorse Police Brutality.
It's irresponsible for the President of the United States to advocate for the poor treatment
of anyone who is being detained by law enforcement.
I am calling on Senator Toomey to condemn the statement and in no uncertain terms let
the constituents know that what was said today is not acceptable.
Thank you, have a good day.
It's actually really easy.
Um, but that's because I'm afraid of talking to strangers so I call after their offices
close so I can leave a voicemail and not have to talk to people.
It's an option.
I also like using resistbot, which I will link to down in the Chamber of Secrets, which
lets you text a bot that will then fax your message to your representative.
Which is super cool!
Espescially for someone with social anxiety that does not like speaking to strangers!
Even if they are literally the difference between life and death in some cases.
Please call your representatives, let them know what you care about and what matters to you.
Love, Katrina.
Post-Script: please subscribe, watch another video of mine, or support me on Patreon.
And, hey, I love you.
Glue Gun .. !! Funny Science HOWTO of a strange video and life honey tips [HOWTO] - Duration: 4:40.
Glue gun .. !! Fun Science howto videos and miraculous life kkultip [HOWTO]
kicau PLECI ngunsep ngeplong, tapi terbukti mampu pikat pleci paud - Duration: 12:22.
kicau PLECI ngunsep ngeplong, tapi terbukti mampu pikat pleci paud
kicau TARUNG PLECI NEMBAK, pancing PLECI LELET dalam 5 detik - Duration: 12:39.
kicau TARUNG PLECI NEMBAK, pancing PLECI LELET dalam 5 detik
I Called My Reps - Letters to July 29 #WithCaptions - Duration: 1:35.
Dear July, I'm a millennial so the only person I call are my representatives.
Hello, My name is Katrina I am calling from Zip Code - I am calling Senator Toomey
to express my concern about President Trump's comments in Long Island that seemingly endorse Police Brutality.
It's irresponsible for the President of the United States to advocate for the poor treatment
of anyone who is being detained by law enforcement.
I am calling on Senator Toomey to condemn the statement and in no uncertain terms let
the constituents know that what was said today is not acceptable.
Thank you, have a good day.
It's actually really easy.
Um, but that's because I'm afraid of talking to strangers so I call after their offices
close so I can leave a voicemail and not have to talk to people.
It's an option.
I also like using resistbot, which I will link to down in the Chamber of Secrets, which
lets you text a bot that will then fax your message to your representative.
Which is super cool!
Espescially for someone with social anxiety that does not like speaking to strangers!
Even if they are literally the difference between life and death in some cases.
Please call your representatives, let them know what you care about and what matters to you.
Love, Katrina.
Post-Script: please subscribe, watch another video of mine, or support me on Patreon.
And, hey, I love you.
หนังสั้น วินัย I Discipline Shortfilm - Duration: 6:19.
*piano melody*
My name is Peter
I study at school somewhere
Stayed for in the line everyday
wait for the flag ceremony
*Thai anthem*
go to the classroom and prepare for study
*bell rang*
-Hey,are you okay? why you seem so sad?
-I'm just bored
-it's the test right?
-what? you don't know about it? -yeah what am I gonna do
-okay I'll help you out -but how?
-use cheat do you know cheat?
-Will it be alright?
-It's okay for friend I'll help everything
Goodness *piano melody*
-Okay student today we're gonna have a science test for
the 1st period please prepare you paper and pencil
-You can start now
*piano melody*
Justice *piano melody*
-What is the meaning of this? why your test papers answers of you two is the same?
-how would you describe it?
-I'm really not copying teacher -why you determine it like this?
To survive *piano melody*
*piano melody*
Discipline -is not goodness -is not justice -is not to survive
"Discipline is Discipline"
-SIPNET Production-
Toyota Tundra Double Cab 5.7I XSP 6 persoons 62153 Mijl - Duration: 1:01.
Install Kodi 17.3 on IPAD No Jailbreak. EASIEST Step by Step guide APRIL 2017 - Duration: 12:46.
hey guys Techdoctor here and today's video I'm going to be showing you how
you can install Kodi 17.3 onto your iPad and iPhone now to do video similar to
this in the past unfortunately lot of people having
problems with that method in this video I'll show you how to install it and how
to install the cover and add-on which is the best replacement for extras which
has now been discontinued so just to confirm again this doesn't need any
jailbreak doesn't need iTunes does need any computer it's the easiest way to get
Kodi onto your device so with that being said let's get started okay so to get
Kodi 17.3 on your ipad or iphone as it works on both the very first thing we
need to do is launch safari inside safari let's navigate to the website
tweet box app calm when you get there you want to click on the download app
button when you click on that you'll get a prompt saying gonna install is profile
and what this basically means is because it's application this creeks box app is
not an official Apple application for you to get it onto your device you have
to have a profile associated with it which basically means that this profile
or this device will now trust this application made from a non apple
developer so let's click on install and entering your PIN number so this is your
passcode for your device so let's put that in okay now click on install on the
top right this will install the profile and allow you to install the tweak box
app okay if you go back to the home screen okay so we now see we have the
tweet box up there on the bottom left now if you try and launch that now
this is basically like a cracked application store which has lots of
modified applications and games and other goodies on there it is inundated
with adverts guys I have to warn you so you know you will spend a few minutes as
closing a pin down bar once you wait to use if you basically go to the apps tab
okay and you want to go to tweet box apps which is the red box here let's
click on that now okay inside the tweet box app if you scroll down you see
there's lots of good things here so some of these applications are natively for
Android only but well I supported them over to IRS so
there's some good movie streaming applications some good emulators of
interesting playing some retro games like this GBA for iOS this happy chick
these are really good emulators so if you click on them now they'll install
onto your device and you can start playing them straight away but what
we're interested in today is Cody so you keep scrolling down and here we can see
we have Cody let's click on that and you'll get do you want to install Kodi
onto your device will click on install and there's a couple of source
instructional steps here which basically says that when you try and launch it for
the first time which I'll explain to you in a second and you'll get a prompt
saying this is not trusted you can launch here and if you basically go into
your settings and profiles and trust a developer for this Kodi application
process click on understood because we know that and if we go back to your home
screen we should see Cody being installed we can see it's been install
there let's give that a second okay set us now download it and installed and as
I mentioned so if you try to launch this now you get a warning saying this
application is made from an untrusted developer the developer can see hey is
this gene nag soo-chang they just take my word for is that developer there and
our device doesn't trusted which is why we can't launch it so the way we trust
is these launch settings inside settings if you go down to general inside general
to go down to profiles and device management you'll see we'll have the
same developer in here which is the bottom one there so we want to click on
that and we can see at the bottom that the Kodi application is the one that's
been developed from this developer so we want to trust that now so just press the
button at the top saying trust this developer so do want to trust ace we say
yes now get to that basically means that we trust any applications that this
developer makes now if we go back to the home screen and try and launch Kodi
again we can now see we have Kodi 17.3 running on our iPad ok so now we have
Kodi installed on our iPad the very first thing you want to do or I like to
do is basically change the interface because I really don't like the skin and
if it works for you then that's fine but I personally like to change it to the
default skin so we go to the settings call
which is this cop wheel at the top and then go to interface and then change the
skin from the es touchy to the s3 which is the default skin okay the only thing
is with this skin there's no back button that you can see so if you want to go
back you have to basically swipe left with two fingers so it's like a drag
your two fingers to the left so let's do that now and that's how you simulate
going back okay so the next thing you want to do is enable unknown add-ons to
be installed from unknown sources so the way we do that is if we go back into
system settings under add-ons this option where it says unknown sources by
default it's switched off so you want to click on that and click on yes this
basically means that we can install add-ons from third-party sources which
is what we want to do okay let's click on yes okay so finally if we go back
again so swipe back with two fingers now we want to go to file manager inside
five measures you want to add a source
click on none and your dress for the repo is HTTP colon four slash four slash
aw Ares - project comm I'll save a copy of this link in the description okay
click on done let's give that a name I'll just call it dot aw the reason why
we call it dot something is when you have a list of addresses the ones that
begin the dot go automatically to the top so it just makes it easy to find
okay let's click on done let's click on OK okay so if you go back up one so
again if you swipe left with two fingers
okay and if you go back up one once again now you're going to click on
add-ons inside add-ons let's click on this box icon on the top left will
install from zip file choose a new repository just add it's in our case
it's dot aw which is the first one in the list let's click on that now let's
click on script or Ares wizard
okay so now the Aries wizard add-on has now been installed if we go back up one
okay now if you go to program add-ons we can now launch the Aries wizard let's
click on that now and when you launch it for the first time it will do a quick
update just to make sure you have the latest version so it might take a few
seconds there we go
and if you see like this guys don't start clicking it is just basically
running in the background so just give it a moment or so here we go so it's
ready so once you launch your once just give it a give it's timely it's -
it's tough ok so inside the aries wizard we're going to go to browser add-ons i'm
going to go to video add-ons and now you want to find covenant in the list which
we can see is the 4th addon down let's click on that covenant now let's click
on install okay so this should commence the download and if you'd probably get
prompted if we want to install the repo as well if you get any Arizonans
installation if any of the bits don't install it's fine but this one for
example this is very common but when you actually restart the when you restart
cody this will correct itself so it's not anything to worry about
ok let's click on OK guess it's coven was successfully installed it's click on
OK again okay do you wanna installed repository we want to say yes okay guys
we're nearly there okay this is including the closest repository which
is where which hosts the covenant add-on ok let's click on ok ok so now if we go
out of this if we close Aries okay because it no ok so now if we go back up
one and now to go to video add-ons we have the covenant add-on let's click on
that now notice there is like you can actually see the menu we see just like
the bullet points so the menus missing and the reason for that is is because
one of the components didn't install so the fix for that is if we terminate Cody
so if you're doing this on an iPad or iPhone we can just double tap the home
key swipe up so it's now 10
noted now let's launch Cody again okay so we just restarted Cody so if we go
down to add-ons we can see the covenant add-on is there so we launch that we can
see now the correct menu has built itself and if I'd only said to
automatically update so if there are any updates out there this will
automatically update itself okay so just before we start the add-on
there are a few tweaks I like to do just to make sure that on works as best as
possible to give you the best experience so they click on tools which is near the
bottom and if you click on settings general the first one but this is a very
first thing I like to do just to improve the performance you see the default
providers timeout is set to 30 seconds now I personally think that's too long
normally if they can't find the content within 10 or 15 seconds it means it's
not there so I'd like to do is reduce this time so if we click on that and
drag the timer let's reduce up to 15 this basically means that whenever you
search for any movie or TV show that I don't has a maximum of 15 seconds to
find your content which I personally think is more than enough but if that's
in general so now if I go to playback you see you have the option saying
hosters with CAPTCHAs which is by default switched on so we want to turn
that off this basically means if any of the providers of your content will
request you to enter in a capture this will now disable it because I think
that's just way too much I feel for what you're trying to do so let's turn the
option off okay that's now switched off and finally the max quality now if
you're doing this on your iPhone I think the max resolution really good
looking for is 1080p anyway so there's no point trying to find content which is
going to run at 4k which is potentially going to slow your device down so I'll
leave that at 1080p which is more than high enough for what you're trying to
watch okay so that's that lastly the default action so I personally like to
leave on dialogue which basically means once you searched your content you get a
big list of these all the providers are providing the content this is the
quality that the providing air so you can choose like on which this 720p
stream or on which this 1080p stream but if you want to see that menu if you
wanted just to start playing the content automatically so it's a bit more like
Netflix you can change the default action so it's not dialogue it's
configured to autoplay this basically means when I
click on a particular film it's going to go find the content for me and then just
start playing it it's not to give me a prompting would you want to click on so
I think for some people they prefer the more automated method which does make it
a lot more Netflix like so if you want to do that set that to water play for me
personally I'm just going to leave it as dialog ok let's click on ok so that's
all of the tweaks there let's go back up one now okay so now listen for example
we want to watch a movie this click on movie let's see what's most popular ok
so let's say for example we want to watch dawn of the Planet of theaters
click on that so as I mentioned because we've now tweaked the add-on this is now
going to only take a maximum of 15 seconds before it starts showing us our
content so regardless of how many providers there are this shouldn't take
more than 15 seconds before then prompts are saying this is where I've found your
content ok nearly there ok it's a great so within 15 seconds we've found a good
bunch of tank EP streams let's try one of these try the second one
ok that starts playing pretty much straightaway and if I just forward that
we can see that's a nice full HD 1080p stream ok let's stop that that's it guys
I hope you find that video useful give me a thumbs up if you did comment below
let me know if this worked for you and please subscribe for more content thanks
again for watching guys oh and if you're interested in VPN if you click on that
link on the bottom left you'll get a great 46 percent discount if you are
worried about your privacy and you want to stay safe online I do recommend you
check out our VPN thanks again guys see you on the next one
The Power Of Belief - Duration: 4:10.
The Power Of Belief
by Edward Lamaide,
One of the aspects of being a hypnotist that I enjoy most is seeing a client open up to
the power we all hold within ourselves.
It�s such a beautiful thing to be a part of and witness the moment when a client for
the first time realizes what they are capable of achieving.
The look in their eyes and expression on their face when it really clicks for the first time
is priceless and something I will never take for granted.
Though the sad reality is, the vast majority of our society will never come to learn just
how powerful we are, and never take the time to really sit within them selves and discover
this truth.
The truth of how much we can change virtually anything in our lives.
Even capable of changing things that we seemingly have no control over.
This is what I would like to talk a little bit about here.
Much of this internal power comes from our beliefs.
As we all know, what a person believes to be true can have a massive effect on their
lives and how they conduct them selves.
But how far does this go?What are we truly capable of accomplishing through the power
of our beliefs?
I believe the answer to this can start to be understood by examining studies performed
by researchers such as Dr. Bernie Siegel with his work with multiple personality patients
and Dr. Henry Beecher�s discovery of the placebo effect.
We will first start with Dr. Bernie Siegel�s observations while working with multiple personality
He witnessed that the power of their beliefs could change their nervous system as well
as their biochemistry.
Some of these changes he observed happening right in front of him in real time.
Such as the patient�s eye colors changing as their personality changed.
Physical marks appearing and disappearing, again as their personality changed.
Even diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure would come and go depending on which
personality they were manifesting at the time.
Take a moment to think what this could mean for the future of health care.
Imagine a world where we are not so dependant on drugs and surgery to treat illness and
Dr. Henry Beecher�s discovery of the placebo effect is another groundbreaking discovery
that I feel should be explored and studied far more than it has.
Henry Beecher discovered the placebo effect as a medic in World War II.
After running out of pain-killing morphine, he replaced it with a simple saline solution
but continued telling the wounded soldiers it was morphine to calm them.
To his surprise, almost half of the soldiers reported that the inert saline solution actually
reduced or erased their pain.
Courtesy of the National Library of Medicine and the United States Army.
During his time teaching at the Harvard Medical School Dr. Beecher also performed a study
with 100 students.
He gave half the students a red pill and half the students a blue pill.
They were told that the red pill was a powerful stimulant and that the blue pill was a tranquilizer.
Unbeknownst to the students the pills in actuality contained the opposite drug of what they were
After taking the pills, Dr. Beecher observed that the students reacted as they thought
the pills were supposed to be, not as they actually were.
Arsenal transfer news: Arsenal must sell Alexis Sanchez for £60million this summer instead - Duration: 4:23.
Arsenal must sell Alexis Sanchez for £60million this summer instead of losing him on free, insists Gunners legend Alan Smith
Arsenal could risk missing out on mega-millions if they choose not to sell star forward Alexis Sanchez this summer.
The Chilean has just one year left on his contract at Arsenal, which means he would go for free next season if no new deal is struck before then.
Alexis has been heavily linked with a move away from the Emirates this summer.
Sanchez reportedly wants Champions League football, which his current club cannot provide.
Speaking on talkSPORT earlier, ex-Arsenal and Leeds striker Alan Smith said: What the owners would think about keeping a player you could get £60m for, and then letting him go for nothing in 12 months time, I dont know.
Its a no-brainer, youve go to let him go, get the money and move on. The 28-year-old was expected to return to training on Sunday, but the striker posted on Instagram claiming to be ill earlier today.
Manchester City and Paris Saint-Germain are the two teams in pole position to swoop in for the player, as he demands Champions League football. PSG have reportedly had two bids of £44m and £35m rejected by the North London club.
Gunners boss Arsene Wenger is adamant that the forward will remain at the club, which is similar to the iterations he made when discussing the futures of Robin Van Persie and Cesc Fabregas before they departed.
The Chilean posted to his Instagram page with a picture of him looking worse for wear.
Ex-Arsenal man Smith thinks Arsenal should cut the striker loose.
Smith expressed his concerns over the detrimental affect the Alexis transfer saga could have on the team. He said: Arsene Wenger says he is determined not to sell him, but he seems determined to leave.
"If you've got an unhappy player, a bit like Coutinho at Liverpool, that's not a great situation to have in the dressing room. The Arsenal boss is determined not to let his star player leave.
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger talks about Alexis Sanchezs return and Arsenals pre-season. Wenger previously revealed that Sanchez and German defender Shkodran Mustafi would both be back training this weekend.
The forward will inevitably miss this weekends Emirates Cup, when Arsenal take on Benfica and Sevilla in their annual curtain-raiser.
Since the Chilean has been on holiday since appearing for Chile in the Confederations Cup, he may need a few games to get back to match fitness.
Wenger will be hoping Alexis can get some match practice before the Gunners take on Leicester City on the opening day of the Premier League season.
Wenger will be hoping Alexis can line-up alongside new striker Alexandre Lacazette. Rob Holding, Alexis Sanchez and Alexandre Lacazette: How Arsene Wenger will set up Arsenal this season.
Easy Cash Code Review - $629 Made in 5 Days With ECC System Scam Testimonials Program Training 2017 - Duration: 10:39.
going on everybody gene wolfe here with another easy cash code update and we got
some exciting news coming we also have some updates also a quick explanation of
the compensation plan and i'm going to show you some payment proof some results
decent results from the past the nice years of twenty eight so i actually
after getting my system started up started promoting on the 23rd so it's a
buzz a bit about five days of promotion right now and i'm going to share some
proof some paypal proof some proof from my back office just to show you that the
system converts and to give you guys an idea of what i'm using that's converting
really well and how that's going to benefit you and my bonuses as well and
you might hear my son in a background making noise so full-time daddy i'm
trying to squeeze this video in here while he's here so bear with me so i'm
just logging into my back office here for easy cash code so four hundred and
forty seven dollars passed up my two two sales sixty seven and ninety seven
unfortunately my maya sponsor is not all in i don't know why he's not all in I'll
leave that up to him whatever reasons but he lost out on those sales so those
fills actually went up to reginald stinson and yeah so he yeah he lost on
about two hundred dollars plus he wasn't all in when I joined so he lost out on
another two hundred dollars does it make sense to me when you join a business I'm
just going to give you some information here before were you're going get all in
don't leave any money on the table don't make excuses for why you can't get all
that just get all in do your best to get all in because you don't want to be like
my sponsor I mean no no offense to him but he lost - he lost the $67 still
ninety seven dollar sale to me and he lost a $67 ninety seven dollar roll easy cash code
for me so he's losing out a lot of money and that that is a and then that is
proof that you know dole his money on the table
so 26 leads actually this is 26 leads from using the lining page actually to
use my own lining page now and let me see here let me go to earnings yeah some
information is blocked out to save obviously prevent any information from
being seen okay so as you can see 18 1867 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 97 67 and
18 so all these cells right here doing really well and the beauty of having
these 18 dollar sales these can all be upgraded to the 67 and the $97 sales
here talk to the people that you get upgraded give them a call welcomes them
to the team asked them why they didn't upgrade I'm going to call all these
people and I'm gonna ask them I didn't upgrades um one of the cool things one
of the tools cool tools inside of ez cash code is the SMS blaster you can
blast everybody who joined your team go to you if you go to your uh let me see
referrals it will have their information their phone number and email you can
text them math text them and say hey yo its seniors your sponsor and easy cash
code I just want to touch base with you one's a good time a talk and when you
law when you buy the SMS product you get to earn commissions from those as well
$67 payments now in one of my video my first video there was a little mistake
in one of the cop in a compensation plan in the first couple videos I talked
about the forty seven dollar upgrade which is actually
are the admin's so that goes directly to reginald stinson which is the owner and
it's basically like paying a monthly fee right imagine you paint $10 $20 per
month well you only roll up one one sales one $18 sell at 147 dollar sale
two good men and then you're pretty much qualified for life to earn 100%
Commission's on all that and then with regards to the your second sale on all easy cash code
the products roll up to your sponsors so I'm your sponsored roll up to me hence
why I offer the bonuses the traffic rotator why I offer you know I teach
free methods you know I do what I can to make to help put you in a position where
you're going to start getting sales and leads this hang on one sec bye-ah so
yeah that's basically it with regards to the payment stuff like that let me show
you the proof the instant PayPal proof so I'm actually getting these PayPal
payments sku it a sec here alright so here is my name just to show you guys
and let me show you all the payments here as you can see 1867 these are all
instant payments going to my PayPal account and yeah so I recently with
Drew's $150 to come to another account of mine but more importantly the
payments are coming in it's a legitimate company and actually what's really cool
is ez cash code 2.0 it's going to be launched here pretty quick which is
basically a complete overhaul of the system new design same income streams easy cash code
same format so still going to be involved nothing is really changing in
that regard and maybe one more income stream added
which is an affordable like $20 income stream and so it just makes sense and it
has and that's a tool based program so it's actually a tools that can help you
market your business so yeah I mean I need share some just to show you what
you guys when you go all-in now I'm saying when you upgrade at the
18 you pay your forty seven dollar admin fee you upgrade at the SMS blaster which
is sixty seven and you upgrade at the ninety seven dollar internet marketing
phenom product I'm going to give you these bonuses and you're going to be a
part of my traffic rotator so you get a two hundred dollar bonus credit for
pay-per-click that's two hundred dollars of free advertising you don't need to
pay anything in regards to that get one share on my traffic rotator so I'm
basically going to keep you on my traffic rotator send you free leads to
your landing page and and I'm going to send that to you and tell either you get
your own sales your first two sales because your second fill rolls up to me
or I get them for you so I'm going to help you get them
don't rely on my traffic rotator or run your business for you right once you get
your second sale you're getting pulled off and the reason why is because we
need to open up space for more people to get more traffic until they get there to
sales right I advise you to do something similar in nature I'm thinking about
opening it up to my whole team so basically they're going to be able to easy cash code
basically join the rotator and have their wrote their their sales rotate on
the rotator as well but the problem is there is that I don't get any roll ups
from you because the roll ups actually go up to the men so that men change that
then I could probably offer that to but I can I'm basically going to show you
how to create your own traffic rotator as well cuz it actually paid you to do
it right you to get a return by promoting your
teammates links and helping them speed up the process right so the system works
program works because the tools work I'm going to be launching a SMS campaign
here I got a lot of leads that I'm going to be calling and actually going to be
dispersing those leads to with my team on a traffic rotator I mean I got PayPal
proof so the system converts and it works I got 11 sales here and five
basically five six days which is really good I mean that's potentially about
$3,000 about 3,000 to $2,000 that I'm going to be making 2,400 dollars
potentially right I just got to follow up with all these leads and do that cool
thing is you know when I when I generate leads and stuff they go onto my email if
I have a 62 day email series going out to these leads marketing to them for
automatically so the process of selling is really easy it's not hard
I bet the pre-made email campaign you're going to be able to use takes like five
minutes to actually set up and is set up with get response so you just got to get
a hold of me let me know and I'll help you get that set up as well so click on easy cash code
the link in the description join my list watch my you could go through my sales
funnel and check it out once you're paid up just go through the videos the videos
will set set you up everything there's nothing really I have to do to do that
it's pretty much automated and it's going to be automated for you as well so
that's basically how that is done and get a hold of me send me a text or testimonials, system, review, program, scam, scam 2017 presentation, compensation plan, explained, easycashcode.com review easycash update, payment proof, training, legit, training, reginald stinson
message me on Facebook don't send me a friend request if you're if you're not
sending me a message send me a message first on Facebook if you're going to
send a friend request sorry Pete
OLD ENGLISH JOKE! Hƿæt bīþ þēo unȝ̇elīcnes betƿēonum þā cattas and hundas? - Duration: 0:47.
Hƿæt bīþ þēo unȝ̇elīcnes betƿēonum þā cattas and hundas?
Þe hund ſæȝ̇þ:
"Þū lufaſt meċ, þū ſpileſt mid mē, þū ȝ̇iefſt mē tō etan, and þū ſƿinceſt
for mē... Lofaþ þæm dryhtne! Þū mōſt bēon god!"
Būtan þe catt ſæȝ̇þ:
"Þū lufaſt meċ, þū ſpileſt mid mē, þū ȝ̇iefſt mē tō etan, and þū ſƿinceſt
for mē... Lofaþ mē! Iċ mōt bēon god!"
With ONE SENTENCE Mike Pence Shook Tucker Carlson With Who He Said Trump Will Fire Next - Duration: 2:00.
With ONE SENTENCE Mike Pence Shook Tucker Carlson With Who He Said Trump Will Fire Next
By Paris Swade
Vice Pence defended Trump�s attacks on Jeff Sessions.
Way to gooooo, Mike!
He got on Fox News�s Tucker Carlson Tonight and said that the American people appreciate
the President�s honesty about Sessions.
He said this line in particular.
�I know the Washington way is to talk behind people�s backs.
But that�s not President Donald Trump�s approach,� Pence said.
�One of the great things about this president is you always know where you stand.� Here
is the amazing video below.
�I think one of the president�s virtues is his candor,� he added.
�There�s no attempt to hide his feelings.
His expressed disappointment here is very sincere and he�s said �well, we�ll see
what happens in the future.� But at least the American people know and every member
of the Cabinet can know that you�ll always know where you stand with President Trump.�
Jeff Sessions was called �weak� and �beleaguered� in Jeff Sessions and made it very clear that
the Alabama Senator should have told him that he would recuse himself.
Sessions says that he has no plans to step down.
The President says that �doesn�t mean that we don�t recognize the good work the
Justice Department has been doing under the attorney general�s leadership.�
Do you think the President should fire Jeff Sessions?
Sound off below.
Share this if you stand by our President Trump no matter what the media says!
Let�s show him our support and give a big round of thanks to Mike Pence for explaining
for all of America.
Thanks for reading.
İran'ın Yâresân Kürtlerinden muhteşem bir musiki şöleni (Türkçe Altyazılı) - Duration: 3:46.
PO naucza na plaży - Duration: 2:58.
Inter Milan demand Anthony Martial on loan as part of £45million Manchester United deal for - Duration: 3:53.
Inter Milan demand Anthony Martial on loan as part of £45million Manchester United deal for winger Ivan Perisic
INTER MILAN have demanded Anthony Martial on loan as part of the £45million deal with Manchester United for Ivan Perisic.
The Serie A giants had wanted the Frenchman on a permanent basis, but will reportedly settle for a loan in the pending deal involving the Croatian. Inter Milan want Anthony Martial on loan as part of the Ivan Perisic deal.
Ivan Perisic has long been on the radar of Man United, but a deal is yet to be struck.
The talks between Inter and United have stalled somewhat this summer as the clubs are still some way apart in their valuation of Perisic, 28.
However, Old Trafford chief Jose Mourinho may be willing to part with Martial, who has failed to fully settle in Manchester, according to the Daily Mirror.
And the Red Devils boss insists the club will not pay over the odds for their remaining transfer targets.
United are reluctant to sell fan-favourite Martial, 21, and the player himself does not want to leave Old Trafford, but could be convinced into a year away. The France star's cousin revealed Inter were interested in signing Martial, earlier this month.
It is believed United considered the idea of using Matteo Darmian as a player plus cash deal for Perisic – but rate Martial too highly to let him go.
Jose Mourinho is reluctant to sell Anthony Martial while the player does not want to leave.
Man United are desperate to bring in Ivan Perisic before the window slams shut. The striker joined United in a £36m deal – which can still rise to £58m – from Monaco in September 2015 while he was just 19.
He lost his place as a regular starter last term but still scored eight goals in all competitions for United playing predominantly as a winger. Mourinho warned Martial in January that he must improve and fight for his spot in the team.
Inter Milan have demanded Anthony Martial as part of any deal for Ivan Perisic.
Manchester United have hit a standstill in their pursuit of Ivan Perisic. In April, he hailed the youngster as "a new player" and insisted he has what it takes to become "very special" after his performance against Anderlecht in the Europa League.
Mourinho hopes to bring in two new faces before the window shuts on August 31. Croatia winger Perisic is one, while Tottenham defensive midfielder Eric Dier, 23, is another, although Spurs value him at £50m.
✅ MORTAL KOMBAT BARAKA Bodypainting Tutorial Speed-Painting in 4k- Witte Artistry - Duration: 2:32.
Round One! FIGHT!
Round 2!
El llamativo cambio de 'look' con el que Shakira vuelve a sus inicios - Duration: 2:25.
Glue Gun .. !! Funny Science HOWTO of a strange video and life honey tips [HOWTO] - Duration: 4:40.
Glue gun .. !! Fun Science howto videos and miraculous life kkultip [HOWTO]
One Piece AMV - Luffy Gear 4 vs. Awakening Doflamingo - Duration: 3:49.
One Piece 799 One Piece 800 Luffy Gear 4th Vs Cracker One Piece Episode 800 Preview English Subbed HD One Piece Episode 799 One Piece Episode 799 Sub One Piece Episode 800 preview One Piece Episode 799 English Subbed One Piece Capitulo 799 Sub Español One Piece Capitulo 799 Sub Español One Piece Episode 800 Preview One Piece Capitulo 799 Sub Espanol HD One Piece Capitulo 799 Full HD One Piece Capitulo 800 Avance One Piece episode 799 preview One Piece Episódio 800 Prévia Legendado em Português One Piece Episódio 799 one piece chapter 873 review One Piece Film Gold Episode One Piece GoLd - Tesoro, Carina, Dice, Mr. Tanaka Tesoro Crew, Gildo, Baccarat, Dice, Mr. Tanaka, Carina Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Robin, Chopper, Usopp, Nami, Franky, Brook, Sabo, Koala, Akainu, Rob Lucci Returns One Piece 798 Subtitle Indonesia One Piece Episode 799 English Sub One Piece Avance Capitulo 800 Sub Español HD Kaido And Big Mom Have A Road Poneglyph - One Piece SUB ENG [HD] Cracker vs luffy luffy vs cracker full fight One Piece Episode 799 HD subbed One Piece 874 One Piece chapter 874 One Piece chapters 874 One Piece 873 Zou Arc - Luffy vs kaido full fight - Luffy vs big mom One Piece jack vs Luffy, zoro, sanji Vinsmoke - Wano Arc One Piece - Enter Gear 5 One Piece - Enter Gear 5 amv one piece chapter 874 one piece chapter 874 review One Piece Film: GOLD Full Movie Online One Piece Film Gold - Nami and Robin One Piece Gold Film 2016 One piece one piece amv amv one piece
Try Not To Sing Along (Recent Successes) - Duration: 16:07.
How to Keep Your Child Naturally Healthy - Duration: 7:24.
How to Keep Your Child Naturally Healthy
I see it in the natural mama community all the time.
A lot of the mamas are brand-new to this whole natural-living gig.
They�re used to the mainstream advice to go to the doctor, get vaccines, and take lots
of medicine.
This is all they know as far as �keeping kids healthy,� but they�re looking for
a different � and better � way.
Many of these mamas are nervous.
They feel like if they aren�t doing all that mainstream stuff, they need to do something
Something to keep their precious babies from getting sick.
I get it.
I really do.
But, mamas?
We need to talk.
There are things you can and should do, but they�re not as complicated or expensive
as you may feel like they are.
It�s the mainstream that convinces us we need a lot of things and that it�s hard
to keep kids healthy.
For the most part, though, it�s not.
Let me explain�.
How to Keep Your Child Naturally Healthy
Keeping kids healthy didn�t used to be a big deal.
They played outside a lot, often barefoot.
They got plenty of fresh air and sun (for vitamin D).
They ate farm-fresh foods because that�s what there was.
Outside of crowded, unsanitary cities (where disease spread easily because of human and
animal waste and a total lack of understanding of hygiene), people were pretty healthy.
They didn�t have the rates of chronic illness that we have today.
Moms look at kids today and they�re fearful.
How can they keep their kids healthy with all of that around?
The truth is, just avoiding all the mainstream junk is a big step in the right direction.
Not eating junk food, not using OTC meds or repeated courses of antibiotics, not vaccinating�.
Avoiding the things that are causing the damage is a big deal!
(If you�re curious why I said that about vaccines, then do some more reading HERE.)
Of course, there are also simple, obvious things that everyone can agree on, like getting
plenty of play time/exercise, washing hands regularly, and not being around sick people.
Those go a long way to helping you stay healthy too!
Do you need to do more?
It all depends on if your family seems prone to illness or not, if you live in a crowded
area (more exposure, illness circulates more easily), if you�ve had a less-than-optimal
early experience (like you�re transitioning from a more mainstream lifestyle), etc.
If you�re already experiencing issues, you may need to be more proactive than someone
who�s relatively healthy and wanting to stay that way.
But, either, way�mama, don�t freak out.
There is no perfect when it comes to health � natural or otherwise.
Your child will get sick occasionally.
It�s not a bad thing, when it comes to 24-hour bugs and minor sniffles.
Everyone gets those from time to time.
What you�re trying to avoid is frequent illnesses, or more severe illnesses.
If your child gets a cold, or gets a tummy bug, you didn�t mess up.
It�s part of life sometimes.
It�s okay.
How to Protect Your Kids
If you�re still expecting, congratulations!
Check out these tips for promoting optimal gut health in your newborn.
If you�re already beyond that phase, check out how to improve your toddler�s gut health.
Gut health is a hugely important area, because so much of our health is rooted in our guts.
If we don�t have healthy gut flora, we�re more likely to develop allergies, IBS, and
a whole lot of other issues.
Research into gut health is very new, and no one fully knows what an �optimal� pattern
of gut flora looks like yet.
What researchers do know is that getting certain strains via food or supplements seems to affect
flora � and overall health � in a positive way.
What About Supplements?
A lot of mamas are worried about supplements.
Do you need them?
If so, which ones?
What brand?
It gets really confusing, really quick.
First of all, take a deep breath.
Supplements are not required for your child to be healthy.
Sometimes they are helpful, particularly if you know there is a deficiency, but not everyone
needs the same things.
Plus, not all supplements are actually good for you.
Many are synthetic, and have mega-doses of certain nutrients, which could lead to an
(Read more about supplements HERE, and HERE.)
I don�t personally trust most of the mainstream, or even major �natural� brands of supplements.
I think they are a cannon-ball approach to the issue and are not really protecting health
the way they should.
Instead, I recommend (and use):
Regular sunlight ( vitamin D) � best 10 � 15 min. right at midday
Magnesium lotion, about 1/2 tsp. on legs before bed (I use this one)
Dessicated liver pills, 1 � 2 per day, for iron, zinc, copper, and B vitamins (I use
these, these, or make my own) Herbal tea or herbal multivitamin, for basically
everything else ( Nettle, dandelion leaf, or this)
We really don�t do much else.
I occasionally add in some elderberry or mullein if we see sniffles.
Astragalus root is our friend in the winter if we�re out and about a lot.
We use echinacea from time to time, too.
It doesn�t need to be complicated.
What About Essential Oils and Kids?
I�m not a big fan of essential oils.
I have a lot of them, actually, but I use them for specific purposes only.
I don�t use them often with kids.
I do diffuse lavender or lemon sometimes � lemon often in the winter to kill germs in the air
(and it�s kid-safe).
Both of these are in our natural hand sanitizer too, which I use on all my toddlers and up.
I also use this rub when little ones can�t breathe well during colds, on toddlers and
I don�t use essential oils for general immune boosting.
I don�t use them stronger than a 2% dilution with kids.
I rarely use them topically.
They are potent, and they are only some of the plant�s components � the fat-soluble
There are all kinds of important components in plants that aren�t found in the essential
That�s why I prefer to use whole herbs.
Some people do use essential oils with kids.
Check out safe use guidelines so if you do want to use them, you�re doing it safely.
Bottom line?
It�s really not that hard to keep your kids healthy.
Love them, play with them, feed them well, and consider only truly safe, natural supplements
How do you keep your child naturally healthy?
Potato - Grey Mood (Mohabbatein Version - With English Sub) - Duration: 4:46.
ROBLOX | the floor is lava - Duration: 10:01.
Hi guys, it's Coolsauce Doughnut and today I'm going to be playing the floor is lava on ROBLOX
like the speed run videos there's not going to be much talking because there's not much to talk about
speaking of the speed run video I haven't made a part 3 because speed run is temporarily shut down
also I'm not going to be making video nearly as often because I was only uploading videos' so fast because I just wanted to get my channel started
also some of my friends might be making a gaming channel so if they are then I'm going to be doing some collab stuff with them
let me know if you want me to be making videos about other games
i'll probably do most games as long as there free and aren't weird
I won't be doing games like black ops or call of duty
in case anyone is wandering my username in ROBLOX is Slimey_Spideyman
I was thinking about doing a splix.io video but I thought it would be boring to watch (and it was) so let me know if you want me to make a splix.io video
btw in case any of you play this game this map and carnival and farm are the worst maps
guys let me know if you want me to do shoutouts
circis is also the worst map
this is Coolsauce Doughnut
see you later
Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon | Wii | Gameplay Comentado | Parte 9 - Duration: 36:51.
DVD ANIMADO "Quem Ama Jesus" MÚSICA GOSPEL INFANTIL (Clipe 2017) - Duration: 3:11.
FEDERAL 5201 Results - Duration: 1:16.
Entrada do Noivo | Bitter Sweet Symphony Instrumental | Casamento na Igreja São José Jardim Europa - Duration: 1:30.
Fomos no Geek & Game Rio Festival 2017! - Duration: 17:57.
PO naucza na plaży - Duration: 2:58.
Glue Gun .. !! Funny Science HOWTO of a strange video and life honey tips [HOWTO] - Duration: 4:40.
Glue gun .. !! Fun Science howto videos and miraculous life kkultip [HOWTO]
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