Good Morning! I have Santini Gusmini by my side,
our Italian guest who lives in England.
He has finished the treatment in April, last year and returned for a checkup.
What can you say?
Hi, I'm Santino, and as Inna said I live in London , but I was born in Italy.
I came back to make a control, which is very important as mentioned in the contract.
It's better to make the control, so you can correct all the small defects.
I have to say that I felt very well during this year.
I had no problem. We only made an check up and everything is perfect,
even the clinic is much larger, more spacious.
The service is always the same, they are very friendly, very professional and very attentive.
Thank you very much for your appreciation. Since we have changed the occlusion, what have you felt this year?
Have you feel any discomfort?
No, none.
The only discomfort I had was in the first two months when my teeth became accustomed to my mouth.
After that I ate everything and had no problem.
Well, we are waiting for next year for a control.
Next year I'm back for a control. We can do it in a single day.
He arrived today and returns this afternoon. Thank you very much!
Thank you!
For more infomation >> Dental treatment in Moldova, control and prophylaxis - Duration: 2:03.-------------------------------------------
Nueve personas fueron arrolladas por una camioneta en Los Ángeles - Duration: 1:17.
Tutorial de Magia. Levitación II - Magic Trick Tutorial Levitation 02 - Duration: 3:01.
Tutorial magic: levitation 2
Hello friends
Today I will try to levitate again in my living room
We need a sheet or large jacket
First we will put in place
We will place the sheet in this way
and now, a little boost! above !
surely we manage to levitate a moment
It is too intense effort
at the end we will have to descend
that is all
see the tutorial below:
To achieve this illusion
I used a clip office
Office clip serves to unite our shoes
although it would be better to place neodymium magnets
in our shoes
fixed inside tape
with magnets can bind and separate shoes
we get a foot shoe, we will support
and the other maniobraremos as you have seen
it would be desirable that the shoes were clear
and our pants and dark socks
the room must be darkened
If we cover the bottom of our body
with a large piece of cloth
the illusion of levitation is quite convincing
Above !
see you soon. friends !
Europe Bus Travel from Budapest, Hungary to Krakow, Poland - Duration: 14:20.
Well good morning good morning from Budapest.
We are back from Kyrgyzstan.
We really didn't vlog any of that because our flight was like at what six in the morning.
We were up at four.
We were so drowsy and we just slept on both flights.
Yeah, we were proper zombies.
And we figured it was the exact same journey just back to here.
But yeah we are going to vlog today.
We've made a very quick change of plans.
Oh my gosh.
Originally we were going to go to the Balkans.
And now we're going to the Baltics.
Yes because we arrived here in Budapest and it was so hot we couldn't function.
And we were just thinking like are we really going to go further south where the temperatures
are like mid 30s and even going to be going up to 40s.
We were like no that is not a good idea.
Let's head north instead where it is a bit cooler.
Yeah, so it has been put on the backburner.
We're definitely going to go in the late fall.
But just not now.
Anyways, today we are off to Krakow, Poland.
So we are all packed up and ready to go to the bus terminal but first we're going to
give you the quickest apartment tour because we didn't get to film one.
Totally forgot about it.
This is the ultimate in procrastination the last time we were in Budapest.
We were like oh we'll film the apartment tour today.
Today today.
And we ran out of time.
So this is a different apartment.
It is much smaller.
Yes, we were only staying here for 2 nights and we didn't rent as big of a place.
Let's do a quick tour.
Kitchen area.
Dining table.
I'll show you the bathroom quick.
Check this out.
Got a shower.
Typical European shower.
Really small functional though.
And then over here, if you come into here we have the bed.
The bedroom.
The bed which is nice and a futon.
And then we have another bathroom which is the toilet.
Yeah, one is the shower and a sink and the other is a toilet and a sink.
And yeah actually this place is really small but very space efficient.
Like they packed in a lot of things.
And so yeah we had everything we needed.
We had a table, we had a futon to do some work as well.
And a nice big bed.
And the thing about Budapest that you really that is very typical is just outside of the
apartment where you have the courtyard and the balcony.
And we're on the 5th floor and it is a little bit freaky.
It is scary.
Yeah like the railing comes up to the my waist so it is slightly terrifying and we're going
to go show you that now.
Alright guys here is the balcony.
And one more quick shot.
Well, we've made it nice and early.
Let me see what time it is?
It is only 9:46.
Our bus doesn't leave until 10:30 so it is nice to be early.
I find, at least traveling bus bus in Europe, if you come a little bit early you have a
better chance of snagging the seat you want.
That is always nice.
But it is going to be a little bit sad to leave Budapest.
I mean it was a very cool city.
The architecture was amazing, the nightlife was like legendary.
We're not so much into that anymore but like the ruin bars are simply cool.
And it was a very affordable city like we really got into eating locally where we were
having nice cheeses and meats and some of the best like dry red wine.
Very surprisingly good.
It was the Egri Bikaver.
Hopefully I'm saying that right.
If not I will have butchered that at least 3 or 4 times since I've been here.
And so yeah it is really cool but it is such an abrupt change of plans.
Like as of yesterday we were going to Zagreb, Croatia and now we're literally going in the
opposite direction to Kraków, Poland.
So yeah that is travel for you sometimes.
And well well back to Poland.
Back to Poland we go.
We had just a slight taste of it two years ago we were in Warsaw.
Yeah, and that was like we had so much fun there.
We ate really well.
Oh my gosh.
The pierogi oh my goodness for like lunch and dinner everyday.
And what was it?
The Hunter's Stew.
Was it Bigos or something like that?
And I forget the dessert.
It was like you know that long tubular shape.
So I feel like we've just barely scratched the surface in terms of cuisine so we're definitely
going to try dive in a bit more.
Alright, Flixbus again.
Why flixbus?
Because it is cheap.
It is cheaper than taking the train or flying.
And how much were the tickets for this one?
We paid 11 Euros and it is a seven hour bus ride.
That is not bad.
Well Sam?
I could hear you getting yelled at by the lady managing the toilet.
That was the most angry washroom attendant I've ever encountered anywhere.
What happened?
She was screaming at me.
I don't even know.
I'm pretty sure I gave her the exact change.
She didn't like it.
She wanted a 50 Euro cent piece.
Uh huh.
And she gave me 10 back and then she was just screaming.
Raw raw get in there.
It was so funny.
I've never met someone so angry in a washroom before.
So the update is that we've arrived in Slovakia.
I think we're somewhere in the middle.
And yeah I think we have about two and half or three hours left to reach Poland and cross
the border.
And it has been a beautiful beautiful drive.
Like Slovakia is man that is a country I'd like to explore more in the future.
Mountains and forests.
Yes, lots of forests and just lots of quaint little towns.
It looks really cool.
So I do like to know where we are.
So we are in Ruzomberok.
I probably butchered that fiercely.
And we're on the way to Krakow.
Well we're here.
We've arrived.
And you know what?
I think most travelers after like arriving to their destination are just like dead set
on like getting right to their accommodations and checking in and whatever.
But no not for us.
We're hungry and so before we even think about going to our AirBNB we're going to find some
food here.
Surprise surprise actually there is no surprise.
What is the 1st thing that we're ordering in Poland?
We're having Pierogi.
Oh, of course.
Two orders of pierogies and one is called Ruskie.
I had forgotten what that means.
Like what the filling is.
Maybe it is like meat and onion.
I don't know.
We'll see.
And the other one?
I couldn't even decipher it.
I was just like yes I'll get the other one as well.
We ate so many pierogies the last time we were in Poland in Warsaw.
Yes, we did.
Oh my gosh.
That was so good.
And also we ate a lot of pierogi when we were in back in university in Kingston.
Especially in winter.
But those are kind of like fake Canadian pierogi.
This is the real deal.
And they are here.
What is the first plate Audrey?
Pierogi Ruskie.
The Ruskie Pierogi.
It looks like caramelized onions on top.
Oh my gosh, those look so good.
Well, go in.
Try some.
I'm still waiting for the second order they're going to call it any second.
They could but maybe this is like potato and cheese.
Is it good?
It is good.
Any idea?
It definitely has onion in there.
Meat too?
No meat.
Oh okay.
This one is meatless.
And it is peppery.
So I've actually been experimenting a little bit with fasting lately and oh my gosh and
I'm just going to be honest.
I haven't had food in a while so this is like even if this isn't good it is still going
to be good.
I'm really hungry.
This is fasting for weight loss.
What do you call it?
Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent Fasting and then I go stuffing myself with pierogi.
So we're not sure it is working.
It sounds more like starving yourself.
It is an attempt.
That is really nice.
Man, I'm so hungry and it is nice to be eating pierogies back in Poland.
I can't wait for the second order to show up.
I know.
We still have another full plate.
This is awesome.
Alright, so Audrey ordered these and she forgets the name so I'm just going to cut them open
and see what they are.
We have 10 more.
We already finished the first plate.
Check out that.
I can tell you the name.
Let's see if I can remember.
So it is called Pierogi Z Miesem or something like that.
And I've already dissected one.
And you can tell is has meat.
Science lab.
How is that?
I like these ones a bit more.
Oh yeah.
Good stuff.
Your turn.
So I'm sure we're going to be making a dedicated pierogi vlog while we are here.
I mean these are okay.
It is not amazing but it is like bus station food.
But we're so hungry that we don't even mind.
I think some of the best pierogi we ever had were at that little bar that was just right
across from our AirBNB in Warsaw.
Like that place was just amazing.
That was like a little dark pub.
Totally forget the name.
I know exactly I can remember exactly what it looked like.
I can remember where it was.
I just can't remember the name.
This almost has the texture of like canned tuna but we think it is beef.
No way of knowing for sure.
Two plates finished.
Hungry hippos satiated.
In a matter of minutes.
We devoured that.
There was not a lot of oxygen consumed in between bites.
And now where are we off to?
The AirBNB?
We need to find an ATM.
Oh right.
Withdraw some local cash.
Yep and then the tram.
Zloty right?
Right we need to get some Zloty.
I'm still chewing.
Sam completely forgot about his luggage when he saw pastries.
I was breaking change so that we have something for the metro.
Luggage gets left behind.
Bye bye suitcase.
So we're having something called Szarlotka and I'm not sure what it is.
It kind of looks like a it kind of looks like apple.
Yeah, we basically just ordered this because we need some smaller change.
For our tram tickets.
Oh yeah.
This is just an excuse to eat sugar.
This is like almost tastes kind of like delicious apple pie.
Wait until you try it.
You've gotta try this too.
Alright, sharing is caring so your turn.
It smells like a cross between an apple pie and apple strudel with lots of cinnamon.
It really is just kind of like that.
What do you think?
Isn't that nice.
It is pretty good.
Man, that is good.
I've gotta say.
Man, that is good.
To get us to the AirBNB.
We made it.
We are on the 5th floor.
Actually it took us a while to get here because we had been sent instructions and the two
trams we were told to take.
One of them wasn't running at this time.
And the other one they had blocked off the street.
I guess there was a parade or something.
So we'll explain this really carefully.
Under the tunnel we were supposed to catch number 19.
It didn't exist on either side so then we went way through a mall to another side and
then there was construction on the number 10.
Long story short.
We walked around for almost an hour with all of our luggage.
Where is the tram?
But we're here.
We made it to the apartment.
It is really cool.
Like it is so cool.
We haven't even checked it out but like this is our kitchen.
Like we're going to have to do a proper apartment tour once we have a bit more time.
Yeah, and we will do this.
We are going to do it tomorrow.
We are not going to procrastinate like last time.
And anyways I think we're going to pop open a bottle of wine.
We'll probably say goodbye to you a little bit later on.
So we just finished doing groceries here in town but Sam brought a little something from
So we had a little bit of extra Forint.
So I went and got my favorite cheap wine in Budapest.
And that is the Egri Bikaver.
The red bull's blood.
And I have to say this was an awesome idea because when we were at the grocery store
man they had an awesome selection here in Poland.
Here in Krakow they have an awesome selection of beer and vodka but wine is not so plentiful
and is quite a bit more expensive so this was a good thing to bring along since we wanted
to have a glass of wine.
But yeah, I'm going to be enjoying the vodka and beer here in Poland.
Oh, let's get ready.
I'm so tired.
It has been such a long day oh my goodness.
What time did we get up?
I feel like we had to get up early?
No, we just woke up really early because we were jetlagged.
We were still getting over the jetlag from Kyrgyzstan.
We were up at 4:30.
Yeah, long day.
Anyways, we've got wine in hand.
We've got great adventures in Krakow so expect food reviews and a city guide and an apartment
tour coming soon.
Ciao from Krakow.
影/夠了沒!許維恩藏飼料逗毛孩 小貓「厭世臉」超不爽 - Duration: 2:27.
Entrevista: Charlie Puth fala sobre sucesso de "Attention" - Duration: 7:53.
Gadget Smash - Selfie Gadget Accessories - Duration: 1:50.
You'd surely going to take your photos into the next level with these three gadget accessories
that will spoil your selfie and groupie habits.
This is the Stylebox Selfie Cam Clip Lens, Stylebox Extendable Selfie Stick Monopod and
Yunteng Mini Tripod + Phone Holder Clip
First, let's try this Stylebox Selfie Cam Clip Lens.
This could fit to most type of smartphones but to ensure, the built-in lens must not
exceed to 13 mm.
This is great for groupie photos for it captures 4x wider.
It's detachable and portable so you could bring it in all your travel adventures.
For this Stylebox Selfie Stick Monopod Maybe, majority of us do have monopod but
for those who have not yet, this might be your choice.
It has a firm grip handle, shutter button, it's extendable and has 360 degrees rotating head.
Now, for Yunteng Mini Tripod This cute tripod with phone holder could let
you have stable shots.
Ideal for simple videos.
Now take your selfie and groupie moments into the next level.
What's your favorite among the three?
Comment below!
Thanks for watching.
遊美遇好萊塢巨星?小禎幫女兒拍照…網驚:休傑克曼入鏡了 - Duration: 2:03.
TRUMP -Better World Order-Inauguration Party- Szabadság square - Jan. 20.2017. - Duration: 39:11.
A good evening to everyone, who have honored us in standing with us for a few minutes, taking the time with us.
A good evening to everyone, who have honored us in standing with us for a few minutes, taking the time with us.
A good evening to everyone, who have honored us in standing with us for a few minutes, taking the time with us.
We stand next to the statue of Ronald Reagan and in front of the American embassy, and on this small stage
We stand next to the statue of Ronald Reagan and in front of the American embassy, and on this small stage
we await what opportunities we can have from the media, to show what's going on in the distant land called the United States of America..
we await what opportunities we can have from the media, to show what's going on in the distant land called the United States of America..
we await what opportunities we can have from the media, to show what's going on in the distant land called the United States of America..
we await what opportunities we can have from the media, to show what's going on in the distant land called the United States of America..
we await what opportunities we can have from the media, to show what's going on in the distant land called the United States of America..
we await what opportunities we can have from the media, to show what's going on in the distant land called the United States of America..
we await what opportunities we can have from the media, to show what's going on in the distant land called the United States of America..
A federal republic consisting of 50 states and one federal district. We can add an interesting fact to this:
A federal republic consisting of 50 states and one federal district. We can add an interesting fact to this:
A federal republic consisting of 50 states and one federal district. We can add an interesting fact to this:
the country lies on a land of ten million square kilometers and according to a two year old data,
its population is approximately 320 million. I only mention these two things
its population is approximately 320 million. I only mention these two things
its population is approximately 320 million. I only mention these two things
for us to imagine the size of the country, which is waiting for its newly elected president to be inaugureted in to the presidential seat
for us to imagine the size of the country, which is waiting for its newly elected president to be inaugurted in to the presidential seat
for us to imagine the size of the country, which is waiting for its newly elected president to be inaugurted in to the presidential seat
The new president, and in general the president of the USA is one of the highest ranking positions in the country,
The new president, and in general the president of the USA is one of the highest ranking positions in the country,
The new president, and in general the president of the USA is one of the highest ranking positions in the country,
The new president, and in general the president of the USA is one of the highest ranking positions in the country,
which has the greatest influence, but requires utmost responsibilit.
Until now we count 44 American presidents in history. Roosevelt was the youngest and I say this,
Until now we count 44 American presidents in history. Roosevelt was the youngest and I say this,
Until now we count 44 American presidents in history. Roosevelt was the youngest and I say this,
Until now we count 44 American presidents in history. Roosevelt was the youngest and I say this,
Until now we count 44 American presidents in history. Roosevelt was the youngest and I say this,
because Donald Trump, the oldest president to be inaugurated is waiting to take his place.
No doubt, that the Hungarian audience is familiar with some of the American presidents in history.
No doubt, that the Hungarian audience is familiar with some of the American presidents in history.
No doubt, that the Hungarian audience is familiar with some of the American presidents in history.
No doubt, that the Hungarian audience is familiar with some of the American presidents in history.
I will name only a few, just so we can imagine with what kind of great people will Donald Trump be mentioned in a row in the future.
I will name only a few, just so we can imagine with what kind of great people will Donald Trump be mentioned in a row in the future.
The list is not cronological, nor do the names follow each other by their importance, I only written a few names spontaneously
The list is not cronological, nor do the names follow each other by their importance, I only written a few names spontaneously
The list is not cronological, nor do the names follow each other by their importance, I only written a few names spontaneously
Abraham Lincoln, Richard Nixon, Ford, Carter, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Truman, Kennedy, Reagen, Clinton, Bush and now the resigning president Obama.
Abraham Lincoln, Richard Nixon, Ford, Carter, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Truman, Kennedy, Reagen, Clinton, Bush and now the resigning president Obama.
Abraham Lincoln, Richard Nixon, Ford, Carter, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Truman, Kennedy, Reagen, Clinton, Bush and now the resigning president Obama.
Abraham Lincoln, Richard Nixon, Ford, Carter, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Truman, Kennedy, Reagen, Clinton, Bush and now the resigning president Obama.
Each of these personalities would deserve a whole evening event.
Each of these personalities would deserve a whole evening event.
Each of these personalities would deserve a whole evening event.
Presidents are elected in the USA every four years, and Trump has made a statement, that after four years,
Presidents are elected in the USA every four years, and Trump has made a statement, that after four years,
Presidents are elected in the USA every four years, and Trump has made a statement, that after four years,
he'll run again for president. Well, we'll have to wait for that, let's hope he'll have the time and health to do it.
he'll run again for president. Well, we'll have to wait for that, let's hope he'll have the time and health to do it.
he'll run again for president. Well, we'll have to wait for that, let's hope he'll have the time and health to do it.
Dear guests. Welcoming a better world order is why we have gathered here today, in hope of greeting everyone,
Dear guests. Welcoming a better world order is why we have gathered here today, in hope of greeting everyone,
Dear guests. Welcoming a better world order is why we have gathered here today, in hope of greeting everyone,
Dear guests. Welcoming a better world order is why we have gathered here today, in hope of greeting everyone,
Dear guests. Welcoming a better world order is why we have gathered here today, in hope of greeting everyone,
who is sympathizing with laying the stones of new American-Hungarian diplomatic relations.
who is sympathizing with laying the stones of new American-Hungarian diplomatic relations.
who is sympathizing with laying the stones of new American-Hungarian diplomatic relations.
Who on the topic of the migration, agrees with the politics of limited migration, without forcing countries to accept the quota
Who on the topic of the migration, agrees with the politics of limited migration, without forcing countries to accept the quota
Who on the topic of the migration, agrees with the politics of limited migration, without forcing countries to accept the quota
Who on the topic of the migration, agrees with the politics of limited migration, without forcing countries to accept the quota
Who on the topic of the migration, agrees with the politics of limited migration, without forcing countries to accept the quota
Who are ridiculed in society, just because their national pride.
Who are ridiculed in society, just because their national pride.
Who are ridiculed in society, just because their national pride.
We welcome all of you, who are present, and are awaiting this little party of ours in the spirit of conservative values.
We welcome all of you, who are present, and are awaiting this little party of ours in the spirit of conservative values.
We welcome all of you, who are present, and are awaiting this little party of ours in the spirit of conservative values.
We welcome all of you, who are present, and are awaiting this little party of ours in the spirit of conservative values.
Dear guests. I'm pleased to announce our following speaker, and I invite you all to listen to what he has to say.
Dear guests. I'm pleased to announce our following speaker, and I invite you all to listen to what he has to say.
Dear guests. I'm pleased to announce our following speaker, and I invite you all to listen to what he has to say.
Dear guests. I'm pleased to announce our following speaker, and I invite you all to listen to what he has to say.
My good friend and publicist colleague, Zsolt Bayer.
My good friend and publicist colleague, Zsolt Bayer.
My good friend and publicist colleague, Zsolt Bayer.
My good friend and publicist colleague, Zsolt Bayer.
A good evening to you all. It is my honor to greet you all on this occasion.
A good evening to you all. It is my honor to greet you all on this occasion.
A good evening to you all. It is my honor to greet you all on this occasion.
A good evening to you all. It is my honor to greet you all on this occasion.
A good evening to you all. It is my honor to greet you all on this occasion.
Today the left-liberal news anchor Index
summarized in a long article what former president Barack Obama left behind.
summarized in a long article what former president Barack Obama left behind.
summarized in a long article what former president Barack Obama left behind.
The topic of the article is:
America became more diverse, aggressive and liberal.
And it really became just like that.
The Index writes about the near diversity of the american society,
The Index writes about the near diversity of the american society,
The Index writes about the near diversity of the american society,
the ever growing tendency of violence,
adding up to that the resigning president hadn't achieved much in making the big dreams a reality:
adding up to that the resigning president hadn't achieved much in making the big dreams a reality:
adding up to that the resigning president hadn't achieved much in making the big dreams a reality:
enviromental campaign, the reform of the insurance system, the middle class got even weaker than before,
enviromental campaign, the reform of the insurance system, the middle class got even weaker than before,
enviromental campaign, the reform of the insurance system, the middle class got even weaker than before,
balance of society got tipped over even more, the rich became richer, the poor became more poor.
balance of society got tipped over even more, the rich became richer, the poor became more poor.
balance of society got tipped over even more, the rich became richer, the poor became more poor.
After this many flaws and negative outcomes, the authors of the article intended to write about something positive for the audience.
After this many flaws and negative outcomes, the authors of the article intended to write about something positive for the audience.
After this many flaws and negative outcomes, the authors of the article intended to write about something positive for the audience.
After this many flaws and negative outcomes, the authors of the article intended to write about something positive for the audience.
This good was no more, than America becoming more liberal.
This good was no more, than America becoming more liberal.
And from what we can know this is, that the support of most important liberal social questions.
And from what we can know this is, that the support of most important liberal social questions.
And from what we can know this is, that the support of most important liberal social questions.
And which are these important social questions of which the Index writes, you ask?
And which are these important social questions of which the Index writes, you ask?
Well, ladies and gentleman, the most important liberal social questions,
Well, ladies and gentleman, the most important liberal social questions,
which got more support under the Obama-administration
which got more support under the Obama-administration
are legalizing drugs, the acceptance of gay marriage and the support of abortion.
are legalizing drugs, the acceptance of gay marriage and the support of abortion.
are legalizing drugs, the acceptance of gay marriage and the support of abortion.
These are the most important liberal social questions.
These are the most important liberal social questions.
These are the most important liberal social questions.
The support of these three causes could be said as „success" for the Obama-administration.
The support of these three causes could be said as „success" for the Obama-administration.
The support of these three causes could be said as „success" for the Obama-administration.
This new situation gives the latitude and the tasks of the new president.
This new situation gives the latitude and the tasks of the new president.
This new situation gives the latitude and the tasks of the new president.
Mr. President! Mr. Donald Trump!
The latitude is not just a great task, it's enormous.
You must know, that the majority of the world's population can't and does not want to be reckoned
You must know, that the majority of the world's population can't and does not want to be reckoned
with these sick and idiotic death cults, what they call „liberal social questions".
with these sick and idiotic death cults, what they call „liberal social questions".
with these sick and idiotic death cults, what they call „liberal social questions".
with these sick and idiotic death cults, what they call „liberal social questions".
You must know and you know very well, that the upstanding world order is in collapse,
You must know and you know very well, that the upstanding world order is in collapse,
and you will be an important segment of the new one.
and you will be an important segment of the new one.
and you will be an important segment of the new one.
It's a huge task, but you must know, that the majority of the western world is on your side
It's a huge task, but you must know, that the majority of the western world is on your side
It's a huge task, but you must know, that the majority of the western world is on your side
It's a huge task, but you must know, that the majority of the western world is on your side
Mr. President
You should never mix up the sound and opinion of the „free media" with the sound and opinion of the people.
You should never mix up the sound and opinion of the „free media" with the sound and opinion of the people.
You should never mix up the sound and opinion of the „free media" with the sound and opinion of the people.
You should never mix up the sound and opinion of the „free media" with the sound and opinion of the people.
The two are not even related to each other. The communities and the people are actually furious.
The two are not even related to each other. The communities and the people are actually furious.
The two are not even related to each other. The communities and the people are actually furious.
The two are not even related to each other. The communities and the people are actually furious.
They've had enough of the destruction of the democracy export.
They've had enough of the destruction of the democracy export.
They are up to here with the constant lies of politically correct speeches.
They are up to here with the constant lies of politically correct speeches.
Furious, that in all their lives, they had to tolerate a certain minority,
Furious, that in all their lives, they had to tolerate a certain minority,
and that these tolerated minorities became more and more aggressive and extreme.
and that these tolerated minorities became more and more aggressive and extreme.
and that these tolerated minorities became more and more aggressive and extreme.
We've had enough, that everyone's sensitivity, traditions and „diversity" is more important than ours.
We've had enough, that everyone's sensitivity, traditions and „diversity" is more important than ours.
We've had enough, that everyone's sensitivity, traditions and „diversity" is more important than ours.
We've had enough that the white, christian, heterosexual people don't matter anymore.
We've had enough that the white, christian, heterosexual people don't matter anymore.
We've had enough that the white, christian, heterosexual people don't matter anymore.
We're sick of the constant mocking and exploitation of the white middle class
We're sick of the constant mocking and exploitation of the white middle class
We're sick of the constant mocking and exploitation of the white middle class
and We're sick of the unbearable and total dictatorship of the liberal media.
and We're sick of the unbearable and total dictatorship of the liberal media.
and We're sick of the unbearable and total dictatorship of the liberal media.
We've had enough of the double standards, of provoking tension, of the long and bloodthirsty wars,
We've had enough of the double standards, of provoking tension, of the long and bloodthirsty wars,
We've had enough of the double standards, of provoking tension, of the long and bloodthirsty wars,
of the lies, of making fun of normality, family and national pride, the traditional roles of men and women and christian traditions.
of the lies, of making fun of normality, family and national pride, the traditional roles of men and women and christian traditions.
of the lies, of making fun of normality, family and national pride, the traditional roles of men and women and christian traditions.
of the lies, of making fun of normality, family and national pride, the traditional roles of men and women and christian traditions.
of the lies, of making fun of normality, family and national pride, the traditional roles of men and women and christian traditions.
We are sick of globalization and of all it's sins and lies
We are sick of globalization and of all it's sins and lies
We are sick of globalization and of all it's sins and lies
Mr. President!
The sufferers of the rust zone, the rednecks, the blue collars, the workers, the farmers of Kansas,
The sufferers of the rust zone, the rednecks, the blue collars, the workers, the farmers of Kansas,
The sufferers of the rust zone, the rednecks, the blue collars, the workers, the farmers of Kansas,
holding on to the reckage of the lives, the middle class fearing their downfall, Your voters are now being called idiots,
holding on to the reckage of the lives, the middle class fearing their downfall, Your voters are now being called idiots,
holding on to the reckage of the lives, the middle class fearing their downfall, Your voters are now being called idiots,
holding on to the reckage of the lives, the middle class fearing their downfall, Your voters are now being called idiots,
eight elementaries, junk, despicable stupid people, white trash by the liberal telltales, opinion leaders, the rotten commentators of the liberal media.
eight elementaries, junk, despicable stupid people, white trash by the liberal telltales, opinion leaders, the rotten commentators of the liberal media.
eight elementaries, junk, despicable stupid people, white trash by the liberal telltales, opinion leaders, the rotten commentators of the liberal media.
eight elementaries, junk, despicable stupid people, white trash by the liberal telltales, opinion leaders, the rotten commentators of the liberal media.
eight elementaries, junk, despicable stupid people, white trash by the liberal telltales, opinion leaders, the rotten commentators of the liberal media.
eight elementaries, junk, despicable stupid people, white trash by the liberal telltales, opinion leaders, the rotten commentators of the liberal media.
eight elementaries, junk, despicable stupid people, white trash by the liberal telltales, opinion leaders, the rotten commentators of the liberal media.
eight elementaries, junk, despicable stupid people, white trash by the liberal telltales, opinion leaders, the rotten commentators of the liberal media.
One of their local representatives wrote an article with the topic: „Will idiots be the rulers of the world?".
One of their local representatives wrote an article with the topic: „Will idiots be the rulers of the world?".
One of their local representatives wrote an article with the topic: „Will idiots be the rulers of the world?".
And they will keep on shouting louder, as they know their end is near, and don't think we're now acknowledging all this in Europe.
And they will keep on shouting louder, as they know their end is near, and don't think we're now acknowledging all this in Europe.
And they will keep on shouting louder, as they know their end is near, and don't think we're now acknowledging all this in Europe.
And they will keep on shouting louder, as they know their end is near, and don't think we're now acknowledging all this in Europe.
Because the situation in Europe is almost the same as in America.
Because the situation in Europe is almost the same as in America.
And the ones who are not afraid in Europe to say, that there are things which fall apart, who speak about the lies of the liberal world,
And the ones who are not afraid in Europe to say, that there are things which fall apart, who speak about the lies of the liberal world,
And the ones who are not afraid in Europe to say, that there are things which fall apart, who speak about the lies of the liberal world,
And the ones who are not afraid in Europe to say, that there are things which fall apart, who speak about the lies of the liberal world,
And the ones who are not afraid in Europe to say, that there are things which fall apart, who speak about the lies of the liberal world,
who would like to savour the traditional values, who's not afraid to speak of the rights of the christian white men,
And the ones who are not afraid in Europe to say, that there are things which fall apart, who speak about the lies of the liberal world,
And the ones who are not afraid in Europe to say, that there are things which fall apart, who speak about the lies of the liberal world,
well Mr. President, these people have a media just like yours at home.
well Mr. President, these people have a media just like yours at home.
well Mr. President, these people have a media just like yours at home.
But their voters want the same as Your voters.
But their voters want the same as Your voters.
To live in peace and harmony according to their own values and traditions in strong national communities,
To live in peace and harmony according to their own values and traditions in strong national communities,
To live in peace and harmony according to their own values and traditions in strong national communities,
To live in peace and harmony according to their own values and traditions in strong national communities,
respecting one another, cooperating for a better future.
respecting one another, cooperating for a better future.
respecting one another, cooperating for a better future.
This is what the world awaits from you, and in this, we support you as allies
This is what the world awaits from you, and in this, we support you as allies
God bless you, Mr. President and be very strong,
God bless you, Mr. President and be very strong,
because I fear, you don't even know what will come ahead of you
Thank you very much.
After Zsolt Bayer let us listen to the thoughts of political scientist, publicist and TV personality László Tóth Gy.
After Zsolt Bayer let us listen to the thoughts of political scientist, publicist and TV personality László Tóth Gy.
After Zsolt Bayer let us listen to the thoughts of political scientist, publicist and TV personality László Tóth Gy.
After Zsolt Bayer let us listen to the thoughts of political scientist, publicist and TV personality László Tóth Gy.
He sent it to me, because he has such a sore throat, word couldn't leave his mouth.
I said, of course, it is my honor to share with you what László Tóth Gy. has to say. Well, for Donald Trump's inauguration, he wrote the following...
I said, of course, it is my honor to share with you what László Tóth Gy. has to say. Well, for Donald Trump's inauguration, he wrote the following...
I said, of course, it is my honor to share with you what László Tóth Gy. has to say. Well, for Donald Trump's inauguration, he wrote the following...
I said, of course, it is my honor to share with you what László Tóth Gy. has to say. Well, for Donald Trump's inauguration, he wrote the following...
I said, of course, it is my honor to share with you what László Tóth Gy. has to say. Well, for Donald Trump's inauguration, he wrote the following...
I said, of course, it is my honor to share with you what László Tóth Gy. has to say. Well, for Donald Trump's inauguration, he wrote the following...
Let's be honest: it's pretty hard to make an opinion of the new American president,
Let's be honest: it's pretty hard to make an opinion of the new American president,
since we have nothing to judge about him.
since we have nothing to judge about him.
On the other hand we are very well informed of the aggressive foreign politics
On the other hand we are very well informed of the aggressive foreign politics
appointed by the United States of America in the past two-three decades and its tragic consequences.
appointed by the United States of America in the past two-three decades and its tragic consequences.
After the collapse of the communist empire, the naive Francis Fukuyama thought history would end after liberal democracy would triumph.
After the collapse of the communist empire, the naive Francis Fukuyama thought history would end after liberal democracy would triumph.
After the collapse of the communist empire, the naive Francis Fukuyama thought history would end after liberal democracy would triumph.
After the collapse of the communist empire, the naive Francis Fukuyama thought history would end after liberal democracy would triumph.
After the collapse of the communist empire, the naive Francis Fukuyama thought history would end after liberal democracy would triumph.
After the collapse of the communist empire, the naive Francis Fukuyama thought history would end after liberal democracy would triumph.
Instead the struggle of cultures and civilizations continued as it is written by Samuel P. Huntington,
Instead the struggle of cultures and civilizations continued as it is written by Samuel P. Huntington,
but the rivalry of empires haven't seized either.
Due the time the errors of liberal democracy have become more and more obvious.
Due the time the errors of liberal democracy have become more and more obvious.
We have come across an interesting historical moment, when the new president's inauguration takes place in such a political,
We have come across an interesting historical moment, when the new president's inauguration takes place in such a political,
We have come across an interesting historical moment, when the new president's inauguration takes place in such a political,
We have come across an interesting historical moment, when the new president's inauguration takes place in such a political,
mental and intellectual atmosphere, where the white, western, Christian civilization is trying to overthrow
mental and intellectual atmosphere, where the white, western, Christian civilization is trying to overthrow
the left-liberal intellectuals' mental dictatorship, to be rid of the asociale and dishonest politically correct mentality,
the left-liberal intellectuals' mental dictatorship, to be rid of the asociale and dishonest politically correct mentality,
liberal fundamentalism, and the human rights fighters who are idealizing democracy.
liberal fundamentalism, and the human rights fighters who are idealizing democracy.
liberal fundamentalism, and the human rights fighters who are idealizing democracy.
liberal fundamentalism, and the human rights fighters who are idealizing democracy.
liberal fundamentalism, and the human rights fighters who are idealizing democracy.
This intellectual elite by fetishizing liberty and cosmopolitism are serving the interests of the multinational corporations.
This intellectual elite by fetishizing liberty and cosmopolitism are serving the interests of the multinational corporations.
This intellectual elite by fetishizing liberty and cosmopolitism are serving the interests of the multinational corporations.
This intellectual elite by fetishizing liberty and cosmopolitism are serving the interests of the multinational corporations.
This intellectual elite by fetishizing liberty and cosmopolitism are serving the interests of the multinational corporations.
Their sworn enemies are those countries which have their own history, language, culture and habits.
Their sworn enemies are those countries which have their own history, language, culture and habits.
Their sworn enemies are those countries which have their own history, language, culture and habits.
Their sworn enemies are those countries which have their own history, language, culture and habits.
Their sworn enemies are those countries which have their own history, language, culture and habits.
When Donald Trump takes his place in the White House, he can not ignore all the economic and social processes going on in the world.
When Donald Trump takes his place in the White House, he can not ignore all the economic and social processes going on in the world.
When Donald Trump takes his place in the White House, he can not ignore all the economic and social processes going on in the world.
But what can we rely on now?
First of all, that Trump will be free of anykind of ideological fanatism unlike his predecessors.
First of all, that Trump will be free of anykind of ideological fanatism unlike his predecessors.
First of all, that Trump will be free of anykind of ideological fanatism unlike his predecessors.
The world would be a much peaceful place, if we'd had a USA making rational decisions and searching for consensus,
The world would be a much peaceful place, if we'd had a USA making rational decisions and searching for consensus,
The world would be a much peaceful place, if we'd had a USA making rational decisions and searching for consensus,
instead of an aggressive USA. The former businessman has experience in making rational decisions.
instead of an aggressive USA. The former businessman has experience in making rational decisions.
Normalizing relations between Russia and the USA are in everyone interest, except for the American armory and arsenal,
Normalizing relations between Russia and the USA are in everyone interest, except for the American armory and arsenal,
Normalizing relations between Russia and the USA are in everyone interest, except for the American armory and arsenal,
Normalizing relations between Russia and the USA are in everyone interest, except for the American armory and arsenal,
and also the John McCain types of lunatics.
and also the John McCain types of lunatics.
We hope, that Trump will respect the international policies and
We hope, that Trump will respect the international policies and
will not forget of how big of a responsibility is to uphold the situation in the Middle-East and Northern Africa, not to mention the birth of the ISIS.
will not forget of how big of a responsibility is to uphold the situation in the Middle-East and Northern Africa, not to mention the birth of the ISIS.
will not forget of how big of a responsibility is to uphold the situation in the Middle-East and Northern Africa, not to mention the birth of the ISIS.
will not forget of how big of a responsibility is to uphold the situation in the Middle-East and Northern Africa, not to mention the birth of the ISIS.
will not forget of how big of a responsibility is to uphold the situation in the Middle-East and Northern Africa, not to mention the birth of the ISIS.
will not forget of how big of a responsibility is to uphold the situation in the Middle-East and Northern Africa, not to mention the birth of the ISIS.
But still we can hope for another day, because Trump was elected into the presidential chair with the help of the traditionalist,
But still we can hope for another day, because Trump was elected into the presidential chair with the help of the traditionalist,
But still we can hope for another day, because Trump was elected into the presidential chair with the help of the traditionalist,
American, white middle class.
Meanwhile the rebellion of the white natives has begun in the countries of the EU,
Meanwhile the rebellion of the white natives has begun in the countries of the EU,
they decline the unnatural and deformed values of the liberal elite.
they decline the unnatural and deformed values of the liberal elite.
they decline the unnatural and deformed values of the liberal elite.
they decline the unnatural and deformed values of the liberal elite.
they decline the unnatural and deformed values of the liberal elite.
History hasn't ended, the struggle continues!
History hasn't ended, the struggle continues!
History hasn't ended, the struggle continues!
We all hope, that in Donald Trump a new Europe and Hungary will find a trustworthy ally.
We all hope, that in Donald Trump a new Europe and Hungary will find a trustworthy ally.
We all hope, that in Donald Trump a new Europe and Hungary will find a trustworthy ally.
Budapest, 2016. január. 20.
The speech of László Tóth Gy. was heard.
And now I would like to ask my friend and co-worker of the Hungarian TV of New York,
Ákos Szilágyi, with whom I work a lot as well. By organizing the Calendar of the Nation and the Day of the Hungarian Flag
Ákos Szilágyi, with whom I work a lot as well. By organizing the Calendar of the Nation and the Day of the Hungarian Flag
Ákos Szilágyi, with whom I work a lot as well. By organizing the Calendar of the Nation and the Day of the Hungarian Flag
Ákos Szilágyi, with whom I work a lot as well. By organizing the Calendar of the Nation and the Day of the Hungarian Flag
Ákos Szilágyi, with whom I work a lot as well. By organizing the Calendar of the Nation and the Day of the Hungarian Flag
Ákos Szilágyi, with whom I work a lot as well. By organizing the Calendar of the Nation and the Day of the Hungarian Flag
Ákos Szilágyi, with whom I work a lot as well. By organizing the Calendar of the Nation and the Day of the Hungarian Flag
we get to step on the podiums together quite often, and now I would like call him up here,
we get to step on the podiums together quite often, and now I would like call him up here,
so that we can listen to what he has to say, and what thoughts he has to tell us all the way from New York,
has witnessed the preparations of the inauguration.
has witnessed the preparations of the inauguration.
Please welcome, Ákos Szilágyi.
A good evening to everyone. I actually have many sad things to say.
, it's really cold out here, and we are no position to waste anymore of our dear audience's precious time
, it's really cold out here, and we are no position to waste anymore of our dear audience's precious time
, it's really cold out here, and we are no position to waste anymore of our dear audience's precious time
, it's really cold out here, and we are no position to waste anymore of our dear audience's precious time
, it's really cold out here, and we are no position to waste anymore of our dear audience's precious time
, it's really cold out here, and we are no position to waste anymore of our dear audience's precious time
this cold has made problems even for our guest speakers as well, so after me, noone will take the microphone, and I'll be quick as possible.
this cold has made problems even for our guest speakers as well, so after me, noone will take the microphone, and I'll be quick as possible.
this cold has made problems even for our guest speakers as well, so after me, noone will take the microphone, and I'll be quick as possible.
this cold has made problems even for our guest speakers as well, so after me, noone will take the microphone, and I'll be quick as possible.
this cold has made problems even for our guest speakers as well, so after me, noone will take the microphone, and I'll be quick as possible.
I would like to say a few words about, to what we owe this victory.
I would like to say a few words about, to what we owe this victory
I would like to say a few words about, to what we owe this victory
I would like to say a few words about, to what we owe this victory. From the staff of Clinton we know,
I would like to say a few words about, to what we owe this victory. From the staff of Clinton we know,
I would like to say a few words about, to what we owe this victory. From the staff of Clinton we know,
I would like to say a few words about, to what we owe this victory. From the staff of Clinton we know,
In this interpretation we can say, Christianity has won on this election.
We can think about in what kind of patterns they attack Donald Trump.
We can think about in what kind of patterns they attack Donald Trump.
We have seen similar things on Hungarian elections, and if we think that in 2010 their was an "office revolution" in Hungary,
We have seen similar things on Hungarian elections, and if we think that in 2010 their was an "office revolution" in Hungary,
We have seen similar things on Hungarian elections, and if we think that in 2010 their was an "office revolution" in Hungary,
then in my opinion, an even bigger "office revolution" is about to escalate in America.
then in my opinion, an even bigger "office revolution" is about to escalate in America.
then in my opinion, an even bigger "office revolution" is about to escalate in America.
On this evening, we will show you the events of Washington live.
On this evening, we will show you the events of Washington live.
If you can, please stay, but I'm afraid due to this cold, many will think otherwise.
If you can, please stay, but I'm afraid due to this cold, many will think otherwise.
Afterwards we will play a very important Trump speech, the "Trump vs. establishment".
Afterwards we will play a very important Trump speech, the "Trump vs. establishment".
Afterwards we will play a very important Trump speech, the "Trump vs. establishment".
It's a six minute video, it was heard during the campaign, and I personally think it's very important,
It's a six minute video, it was heard during the campaign, and I personally think it's very important,
because it summarizes the goals and programme of Mr. Trump.
because it summarizes the goals and programme of Mr. Trump.
First of all, we will hear it with Hungarian dubbing, afterwards we will listen to the original video.
First of all, we will hear it with Hungarian dubbing, afterwards we will listen to the original video.
Again, I thank you all for coming, for being present on this day.
We wish Mr. President a fantastic four years and we hope that the majority of the Hungarians agree with us in this.
We wish Mr. President a fantastic four years and we hope that the majority of the Hungarians agree with us in this.
We wish Mr. President a fantastic four years and we hope that the majority of the Hungarians agree with us in this.
We wish Mr. President a fantastic four years and we hope that the majority of the Hungarians agree with us in this.
Again, I thank you for coming. Let us see the video.
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
- We are speaking with Ákos Szilágyi about the "Trump Party", if we can call it this, because many people gave this name to it. How did the idea come?
- We are speaking with Ákos Szilágyi about the "Trump Party", if we can call it this, because many people gave this name to it. How did the idea come?
- We are speaking with Ákos Szilágyi about the "Trump Party", if we can call it this, because many people gave this name to it. How did the idea come?
- We are speaking with Ákos Szilágyi about the "Trump Party", if we can call it this, because many people gave this name to it. How did the idea come?
I was actually touched by the political campaign, which I followed daily for hours in the USA, and I think the Trump movement made a great influence on me,
I was actually touched by the political campaign, which I followed daily for hours in the USA, and I think the Trump movement made a great influence on me,
I was actually touched by the political campaign, which I followed daily for hours in the USA, and I think the Trump movement made a great influence on me,
I was actually touched by the political campaign, which I followed daily for hours in the USA, and I think the Trump movement made a great influence on me,
I was actually touched by the political campaign, which I followed daily for hours in the USA, and I think the Trump movement made a great influence on me,
I was actually touched by the political campaign, which I followed daily for hours in the USA, and I think the Trump movement made a great influence on me,
I was actually touched by the political campaign, which I followed daily for hours in the USA, and I think the Trump movement made a great influence on me,
which is called by this name in America. I thought, that this victory, what I was very much hoping for will become reality and it's worth it.
which is called by this name in America. I thought, that this victory, what I was very much hoping for will become reality and it's worth it.
which is called by this name in America. I thought, that this victory, what I was very much hoping for will become reality and it's worth it.
In my opinion, this is historic turn, which is worth keeping in mind. From here we can hope, that a new world and a new spirit will rise above
In my opinion, this is historic turn, which is worth keeping in mind. From here we can hope, that a new world and a new spirit will rise above
In my opinion, this is historic turn, which is worth keeping in mind. From here we can hope, that a new world and a new spirit will rise above
In my opinion, this is historic turn, which is worth keeping in mind. From here we can hope, that a new world and a new spirit will rise above
and I thought we have to say this out loud in front of the American embassy, next to the statue of Ronald Reagan.
and I thought we have to say this out loud in front of the American embassy, next to the statue of Ronald Reagan.
and I thought we have to say this out loud in front of the American embassy, next to the statue of Ronald Reagan.
- I personally think Trump has many supporters in Hungary. How do you feel about this?
- I personally think Trump has many supporters in Hungary. How do you feel about this?
- I think the same as well. I would like to say, that every decent person should feel the same. But of course
you say something like this, you get the liberals crying about the PC, but I hope, that the support of PC is in for a downfall, and Mr. President has great role in this.
you say something like this, you get the liberals crying about the PC, but I hope, that the support of PC is in for a downfall, and Mr. President has great role in this.
ou say something like this, you get the liberals crying about the PC, but I hope, that the support of PC is in for a downfall, and Mr. President has great role in this.
ou say something like this, you get the liberals crying about the PC, but I hope, that the support of PC is in for a downfall, and Mr. President has great role in this.
ou say something like this, you get the liberals crying about the PC, but I hope, that the support of PC is in for a downfall, and Mr. President has great role in this.
ou say something like this, you get the liberals crying about the PC, but I hope, that the support of PC is in for a downfall, and Mr. President has great role in this.
ou say something like this, you get the liberals crying about the PC, but I hope, that the support of PC is in for a downfall, and Mr. President has great role in this.
- What's Trump's secret?
- First of all, he's not a politician. And this goes all the way.
- First of all, he's not a politician. And this goes all the way.
There's something in his personality, what they can't decipher, and what I very much like about him is, that he sat on the top of the brainwashing liberal industries,
There's something in his personality, what they can't decipher, and what I very much like about him is, that he sat on the top of the brainwashing liberal industries,
There's something in his personality, what they can't decipher, and what I very much like about him is, that he sat on the top of the brainwashing liberal industries,
There's something in his personality, what they can't decipher, and what I very much like about him is, that he sat on the top of the brainwashing liberal industries,
There's something in his personality, what they can't decipher, and what I very much like about him is, that he sat on the top of the brainwashing liberal industries,
There's something in his personality, what they can't decipher, and what I very much like about him is, that he sat on the top of the brainwashing liberal industries,
There's something in his personality, what they can't decipher, and what I very much like about him is, that he sat on the top of the brainwashing liberal industries,
which has been built for decades.
He sits in his tub after work - I would say, he grabs a whisky and a cigar,
He sits in his tub after work - I would say, he grabs a whisky and a cigar,
but nor does he drink or smoke, so even this is a human quality which is worth mentioning - so he sits in his tub, writes four lines on Twitter, and they can't stop him.
but nor does he drink or smoke, so even this is a human quality which is worth mentioning - so he sits in his tub, writes four lines on Twitter, and they can't stop him.
but nor does he drink or smoke, so even this is a human quality which is worth mentioning - so he sits in his tub, writes four lines on Twitter, and they can't stop him.
but nor does he drink or smoke, so even this is a human quality which is worth mentioning - so he sits in his tub, writes four lines on Twitter, and they can't stop him.
but nor does he drink or smoke, so even this is a human quality which is worth mentioning - so he sits in his tub, writes four lines on Twitter, and they can't stop him.
but nor does he drink or smoke, so even this is a human quality which is worth mentioning - so he sits in his tub, writes four lines on Twitter, and they can't stop him.
He's not the, nor does he write far-right posts, even though he is the one they would like to ban forever.
He's not the, nor does he write far-right posts, even though he is the one they would like to ban forever.
He's not the, nor does he write far-right posts, even though he is the one they would like to ban forever.
They're even thinking about, that if Mexico could buy Twitter.
They're even thinking about, that if Mexico could buy Twitter.
It's so ironic.
The liberal democratic thinking, that because of Trump's tweets the Mexican peso made such a downfall
The liberal democratic thinking, that because of Trump's tweets the Mexican peso made such a downfall
that they're thinking about buying Twitter, so that Trump wouldn't write there anymore.
that they're thinking about buying Twitter, so that Trump wouldn't write there anymore.
So they may ban him. This world has to end, because this doesn't work anymore.
So they may ban him. This world has to end, because this doesn't work anymore.
So they may ban him. This world has to end, because this doesn't work anymore.
- What do you think, Trump's presidency will have a positive outcome for Hungary and the public, but what reaction can we await from the political elite?
- What do you think, Trump's presidency will have a positive outcome for Hungary and the public, but what reaction can we await from the political elite?
- What do you think, Trump's presidency will have a positive outcome for Hungary and the public, but what reaction can we await from the political elite?
- What do you think, Trump's presidency will have a positive outcome for Hungary and the public, but what reaction can we await from the political elite?
- The Hungarian political elite?
- Will the Hungarian political elite keep in mind, that Trump is president, and despite the Hillary-myth – we can agree, that many liberals routed for this type of politics
- Will the Hungarian political elite keep in mind, that Trump is president, and despite the Hillary-myth – we can agree, that many liberals routed for this type of politics
- Will the Hungarian political elite keep in mind, that Trump is president, and despite the Hillary-myth – we can agree, that many liberals routed for this type of politics
- Will the Hungarian political elite keep in mind, that Trump is president, and despite the Hillary-myth – we can agree, that many liberals routed for this type of politics
- Will the Hungarian political elite keep in mind, that Trump is president, and despite the Hillary-myth – we can agree, that many liberals routed for this type of politics
- Will the Hungarian political elite keep in mind, that Trump is president, and despite the Hillary-myth – we can agree, that many liberals routed for this type of politics
- Trump won fair and square, and will this have an impact on Europe as well, I'm thinking of the coming French, Italian or Austrian elections.
- Trump won fair and square, and will this have an impact on Europe as well, I'm thinking of the coming French, Italian or Austrian elections.
- Trump won fair and square, and will this have an impact on Europe as well, I'm thinking of the coming French, Italian or Austrian elections.
- First, let's define the word. Who are the political elite?
- Fine, let's say the representatives of different parties in the Parliament.
- Fine, let's say the representatives of different parties in the Parliament.
- Obviously different parties react differently to this. Of course, our governing party greets this victory and is pleased
- Obviously different parties react differently to this. Of course, our governing party greets this victory and is pleased
- Obviously different parties react differently to this. Of course, our governing party greets this victory and is pleased
- Obviously different parties react differently to this. Of course, our governing party greets this victory and is pleased
- Obviously different parties react differently to this. Of course, our governing party greets this victory and is pleased
hat Trump finally got word, because the Washington-Budapest relations of the past eight years are not very bright.
hat Trump finally got word, because the Washington-Budapest relations of the past eight years are not very bright.
hat Trump finally got word, because the Washington-Budapest relations of the past eight years are not very bright.
hat Trump finally got word, because the Washington-Budapest relations of the past eight years are not very bright.
No, we actually have nothing to talk about. It was so unreasonable how they treated us, and not just us.
No, we actually have nothing to talk about. It was so unreasonable how they treated us, and not just us.
No, we actually have nothing to talk about. It was so unreasonable how they treated us, and not just us.
So the world, this liberal world starts to attack any national pride or governments supporting national values and thoughts
So the world, this liberal world starts to attack any national pride or governments supporting national values and thoughts
So the world, this liberal world starts to attack any national pride or governments supporting national values and thoughts
So the world, this liberal world starts to attack any national pride or governments supporting national values and thoughts
This is what the EU is doing to Polish now., so this is not an American thing, and I really hope, that something will change,
This is what the EU is doing to Polish now., so this is not an American thing, and I really hope, that something will change,
This is what the EU is doing to Polish now., so this is not an American thing, and I really hope, that something will change,
because if there are different waves coming from the strongest country that have to have a great effect to the whole world.
because if there are different waves coming from the strongest county that have to have a great effect to the whole world.
Thank you.
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
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Washington live
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Washington live
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Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
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Washington live
Washington live
Washington live
叫我第一名!科學認證符合黃金比例 全球「最帥男人」是他 - Duration: 2:34.
叫我第一名!科學認證符合黃金比例 全球「最帥男人」是他 - Duration: 2:34.
女權主義VS‧日本大男人!艾莉絲曝離婚導火線 - Duration: 2:26.
Opel Corsa 1.0T 66kW Edition 5-Drs Nieuw - Duration: 0:55.
Mumbai on Taking the Hint Ft. Sahil Khattar | Being Indian - Duration: 8:18.
Hello Hello Hello This is Sahil Khattar
And I'm here to tell you That you are an expert at taking hints in real life.
Girlfriend takes hints from boyfriend
Husband takes hints from his wife Boss takes hints from subordinates
But do you take hints from your body language? Today we'll test your core strength
And we'll find out how strong you are.
Are you an expert in taking hints? We've been taking hints since childhood
We will take them if they're favorable Otherwise we wont
Makes sense
Why do you not take hints in life tell me?
Why should I take hints? Because a clever person only needs hints
Dumb ones need more
Smile is a hint
Their feet point towards you if you have their full attention
If it's away from you they aren't very interested. This one is like self obsession
I'm only interested in myself If your hands are crossed you're a bit shy
If your hands are open you are more open to people
Eye Contact Putting your hair behind, I'm interested
It's pretty easy you just have to look at
their facial expressions How their hands move
If I see a guy walking with two buttons Open and trying to look cool
This guys a crook.
What about his body language?
He's hungry and stuff We'll give this dog food because he's
observed this very rightly. Supposedly his body language, read it now
Awkward because his hand's in his Pocket And his chest is in
And now he's nervous because he's scratching What kind of a body language will a girl have
if she's interested in a boy in a club For a girl its pretty easy right that's
all they have to do They just have to be touchy and we're like
Oh lets do it
One I've observed, they come in my cabin
You know that very obvious I would just be like
Flipping the hair
Probably in a club what kind of a body language
will have in a conversation.
What's Up?
That is the guy Give that double look
Slyly we'll just be like hmm Hey cute yaa what's your number?
What kind of hints through body language do we get in relationships
If you have to talk through facial expressions? If she's standing like this?
She must be waiting for you and you're late If she's standing like this?
Fingering the hair Sort of thing
That's not the correct term for sure But we can manage
So what kind of hints do you get from your own boss?
Or your subordinates Through his or her body language?
Sir I need a bit of a raise in my salary.
We'll take care of it don't you worry
That is equivalent to This is not your cup of tea
Oh you cant get it done, oh I thought you would have
Uh okay Women I tell you man
They're experts at getting hints One look is enough like hmm
If nobody comments on this video we'll be like
What kind of hints can you derive from somebody's body language?
Leaning forward towards me
Listening more carefully Looking into my eyes
Are you in love?
Supposedly I'm sitting like this
What does this suggest?
Hi how are you? How's it going?
Closed hands suggest that you're not so open
You wont talk to a guy who comes there and adjusts his underwear
Closed legs represent no sex
Hey baby how are you?
I'll be like get off!
Hi how are you how's it going?
Now I'm that kid who wants more pocket money
Oh no That is basically the body language
They'll give you like a stare That death stare, Yeah
Now we know people take hints from other's body language
Now let's see If they can take hints from their own body language
Do you take hints from your own body?
That's a hint.
Right after hangovers
I don't feel like working
Slouching on the desk And walking fast
Need to get home soon
Do you agree that a healthy body leads to a great mind
Of course
Yes I would want to debate on that
Thoughts represent your behavior
How will you debate? I won't even let you talk. This is my show.
If you have a healthy body, you function so well
Look I just started going to the gym
My work life doesn't allow me to have a healthy body
Do you guys think you guys are healthy?
Not a gym person.
BIG NO Big no
Health doesn't have to do anything with gym.
I'm fit You're fit?
Okay knees on the ground Now hands like this
Tongue out No no you're not supposed to lie down
This is snake planking.
Okay so guys elbows on the ground
One two three And your time starts now
What are you doing?
We're counting we're counting
Are you serious? No don't give up!
Oh shit Oh
Saved If she lifts her tail I'll kill someone today
Well done
Well done
Aishwarya! On Abhishek's life!
I'm done
You should say it
Guess who wins it?
This is the longest planking challenge
I have to this too for my living..
I'm not even going to get anything.
At least you get a living
Hey! No adjusting
Well done, Radhika!
Be a man!
First time?
Virgin in planking
Fall down!
Why should I fall down?
Oh, cheating!
Yes come on Rohitaj
Keep going Keep going
Not bad
How many minutes?
Not bad!
2 minutes 57 seconds bro!
Not're pretty good
This is for you you'll get rejuvenated
and feel healthy
Drink Drink
Your core strength was a little less so you need this
I need Protinex
So have
I thought Protinex was only for people who workout hard and all
That's the whole deal, its not It's really about developing core strength
I think I'll have this
Yes and you can keep this
We give you free Protinex.
For this record breaking performance We would love to give you this sipper
This sipper we'll have to take back because this has Protinex.
I'll also need this.
So now you know how easy it is to take hints from other people's body.
But spot hints from your own body then we'll see!
Understand your protein deficiency.
Weak core strength,weight concerns and signs like tiredness
You let us know and we'll make you drink Protinex.
As you can see me and my protein partner are planking.
And I challenge you to do the plank Use #takethehint and challenge your friends
Till then Like this video, Share this video
With all your strong and muscular and unhealthy friends
And subscribe to the most Health Friendly Channel!
Being Indian!
It''ll be here Here, Here!
Oh! One hand plank!! I can go home like this.
Bye.. Are you waiting for the climax?
Mother Of Disabled Son Who JK Rowling Said Trump Snubbed Responds On Facebook! - Duration: 4:28.
Are You Ready for This? - Duration: 42:35.
Europe Bus Travel from Budapest, Hungary to Krakow, Poland - Duration: 14:20.
Well good morning good morning from Budapest.
We are back from Kyrgyzstan.
We really didn't vlog any of that because our flight was like at what six in the morning.
We were up at four.
We were so drowsy and we just slept on both flights.
Yeah, we were proper zombies.
And we figured it was the exact same journey just back to here.
But yeah we are going to vlog today.
We've made a very quick change of plans.
Oh my gosh.
Originally we were going to go to the Balkans.
And now we're going to the Baltics.
Yes because we arrived here in Budapest and it was so hot we couldn't function.
And we were just thinking like are we really going to go further south where the temperatures
are like mid 30s and even going to be going up to 40s.
We were like no that is not a good idea.
Let's head north instead where it is a bit cooler.
Yeah, so it has been put on the backburner.
We're definitely going to go in the late fall.
But just not now.
Anyways, today we are off to Krakow, Poland.
So we are all packed up and ready to go to the bus terminal but first we're going to
give you the quickest apartment tour because we didn't get to film one.
Totally forgot about it.
This is the ultimate in procrastination the last time we were in Budapest.
We were like oh we'll film the apartment tour today.
Today today.
And we ran out of time.
So this is a different apartment.
It is much smaller.
Yes, we were only staying here for 2 nights and we didn't rent as big of a place.
Let's do a quick tour.
Kitchen area.
Dining table.
I'll show you the bathroom quick.
Check this out.
Got a shower.
Typical European shower.
Really small functional though.
And then over here, if you come into here we have the bed.
The bedroom.
The bed which is nice and a futon.
And then we have another bathroom which is the toilet.
Yeah, one is the shower and a sink and the other is a toilet and a sink.
And yeah actually this place is really small but very space efficient.
Like they packed in a lot of things.
And so yeah we had everything we needed.
We had a table, we had a futon to do some work as well.
And a nice big bed.
And the thing about Budapest that you really that is very typical is just outside of the
apartment where you have the courtyard and the balcony.
And we're on the 5th floor and it is a little bit freaky.
It is scary.
Yeah like the railing comes up to the my waist so it is slightly terrifying and we're going
to go show you that now.
Alright guys here is the balcony.
And one more quick shot.
Well, we've made it nice and early.
Let me see what time it is?
It is only 9:46.
Our bus doesn't leave until 10:30 so it is nice to be early.
I find, at least traveling bus bus in Europe, if you come a little bit early you have a
better chance of snagging the seat you want.
That is always nice.
But it is going to be a little bit sad to leave Budapest.
I mean it was a very cool city.
The architecture was amazing, the nightlife was like legendary.
We're not so much into that anymore but like the ruin bars are simply cool.
And it was a very affordable city like we really got into eating locally where we were
having nice cheeses and meats and some of the best like dry red wine.
Very surprisingly good.
It was the Egri Bikaver.
Hopefully I'm saying that right.
If not I will have butchered that at least 3 or 4 times since I've been here.
And so yeah it is really cool but it is such an abrupt change of plans.
Like as of yesterday we were going to Zagreb, Croatia and now we're literally going in the
opposite direction to Kraków, Poland.
So yeah that is travel for you sometimes.
And well well back to Poland.
Back to Poland we go.
We had just a slight taste of it two years ago we were in Warsaw.
Yeah, and that was like we had so much fun there.
We ate really well.
Oh my gosh.
The pierogi oh my goodness for like lunch and dinner everyday.
And what was it?
The Hunter's Stew.
Was it Bigos or something like that?
And I forget the dessert.
It was like you know that long tubular shape.
So I feel like we've just barely scratched the surface in terms of cuisine so we're definitely
going to try dive in a bit more.
Alright, Flixbus again.
Why flixbus?
Because it is cheap.
It is cheaper than taking the train or flying.
And how much were the tickets for this one?
We paid 11 Euros and it is a seven hour bus ride.
That is not bad.
Well Sam?
I could hear you getting yelled at by the lady managing the toilet.
That was the most angry washroom attendant I've ever encountered anywhere.
What happened?
She was screaming at me.
I don't even know.
I'm pretty sure I gave her the exact change.
She didn't like it.
She wanted a 50 Euro cent piece.
Uh huh.
And she gave me 10 back and then she was just screaming.
Raw raw get in there.
It was so funny.
I've never met someone so angry in a washroom before.
So the update is that we've arrived in Slovakia.
I think we're somewhere in the middle.
And yeah I think we have about two and half or three hours left to reach Poland and cross
the border.
And it has been a beautiful beautiful drive.
Like Slovakia is man that is a country I'd like to explore more in the future.
Mountains and forests.
Yes, lots of forests and just lots of quaint little towns.
It looks really cool.
So I do like to know where we are.
So we are in Ruzomberok.
I probably butchered that fiercely.
And we're on the way to Krakow.
Well we're here.
We've arrived.
And you know what?
I think most travelers after like arriving to their destination are just like dead set
on like getting right to their accommodations and checking in and whatever.
But no not for us.
We're hungry and so before we even think about going to our AirBNB we're going to find some
food here.
Surprise surprise actually there is no surprise.
What is the 1st thing that we're ordering in Poland?
We're having Pierogi.
Oh, of course.
Two orders of pierogies and one is called Ruskie.
I had forgotten what that means.
Like what the filling is.
Maybe it is like meat and onion.
I don't know.
We'll see.
And the other one?
I couldn't even decipher it.
I was just like yes I'll get the other one as well.
We ate so many pierogies the last time we were in Poland in Warsaw.
Yes, we did.
Oh my gosh.
That was so good.
And also we ate a lot of pierogi when we were in back in university in Kingston.
Especially in winter.
But those are kind of like fake Canadian pierogi.
This is the real deal.
And they are here.
What is the first plate Audrey?
Pierogi Ruskie.
The Ruskie Pierogi.
It looks like caramelized onions on top.
Oh my gosh, those look so good.
Well, go in.
Try some.
I'm still waiting for the second order they're going to call it any second.
They could but maybe this is like potato and cheese.
Is it good?
It is good.
Any idea?
It definitely has onion in there.
Meat too?
No meat.
Oh okay.
This one is meatless.
And it is peppery.
So I've actually been experimenting a little bit with fasting lately and oh my gosh and
I'm just going to be honest.
I haven't had food in a while so this is like even if this isn't good it is still going
to be good.
I'm really hungry.
This is fasting for weight loss.
What do you call it?
Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent Fasting and then I go stuffing myself with pierogi.
So we're not sure it is working.
It sounds more like starving yourself.
It is an attempt.
That is really nice.
Man, I'm so hungry and it is nice to be eating pierogies back in Poland.
I can't wait for the second order to show up.
I know.
We still have another full plate.
This is awesome.
Alright, so Audrey ordered these and she forgets the name so I'm just going to cut them open
and see what they are.
We have 10 more.
We already finished the first plate.
Check out that.
I can tell you the name.
Let's see if I can remember.
So it is called Pierogi Z Miesem or something like that.
And I've already dissected one.
And you can tell is has meat.
Science lab.
How is that?
I like these ones a bit more.
Oh yeah.
Good stuff.
Your turn.
So I'm sure we're going to be making a dedicated pierogi vlog while we are here.
I mean these are okay.
It is not amazing but it is like bus station food.
But we're so hungry that we don't even mind.
I think some of the best pierogi we ever had were at that little bar that was just right
across from our AirBNB in Warsaw.
Like that place was just amazing.
That was like a little dark pub.
Totally forget the name.
I know exactly I can remember exactly what it looked like.
I can remember where it was.
I just can't remember the name.
This almost has the texture of like canned tuna but we think it is beef.
No way of knowing for sure.
Two plates finished.
Hungry hippos satiated.
In a matter of minutes.
We devoured that.
There was not a lot of oxygen consumed in between bites.
And now where are we off to?
The AirBNB?
We need to find an ATM.
Oh right.
Withdraw some local cash.
Yep and then the tram.
Zloty right?
Right we need to get some Zloty.
I'm still chewing.
Sam completely forgot about his luggage when he saw pastries.
I was breaking change so that we have something for the metro.
Luggage gets left behind.
Bye bye suitcase.
So we're having something called Szarlotka and I'm not sure what it is.
It kind of looks like a it kind of looks like apple.
Yeah, we basically just ordered this because we need some smaller change.
For our tram tickets.
Oh yeah.
This is just an excuse to eat sugar.
This is like almost tastes kind of like delicious apple pie.
Wait until you try it.
You've gotta try this too.
Alright, sharing is caring so your turn.
It smells like a cross between an apple pie and apple strudel with lots of cinnamon.
It really is just kind of like that.
What do you think?
Isn't that nice.
It is pretty good.
Man, that is good.
I've gotta say.
Man, that is good.
To get us to the AirBNB.
We made it.
We are on the 5th floor.
Actually it took us a while to get here because we had been sent instructions and the two
trams we were told to take.
One of them wasn't running at this time.
And the other one they had blocked off the street.
I guess there was a parade or something.
So we'll explain this really carefully.
Under the tunnel we were supposed to catch number 19.
It didn't exist on either side so then we went way through a mall to another side and
then there was construction on the number 10.
Long story short.
We walked around for almost an hour with all of our luggage.
Where is the tram?
But we're here.
We made it to the apartment.
It is really cool.
Like it is so cool.
We haven't even checked it out but like this is our kitchen.
Like we're going to have to do a proper apartment tour once we have a bit more time.
Yeah, and we will do this.
We are going to do it tomorrow.
We are not going to procrastinate like last time.
And anyways I think we're going to pop open a bottle of wine.
We'll probably say goodbye to you a little bit later on.
So we just finished doing groceries here in town but Sam brought a little something from
So we had a little bit of extra Forint.
So I went and got my favorite cheap wine in Budapest.
And that is the Egri Bikaver.
The red bull's blood.
And I have to say this was an awesome idea because when we were at the grocery store
man they had an awesome selection here in Poland.
Here in Krakow they have an awesome selection of beer and vodka but wine is not so plentiful
and is quite a bit more expensive so this was a good thing to bring along since we wanted
to have a glass of wine.
But yeah, I'm going to be enjoying the vodka and beer here in Poland.
Oh, let's get ready.
I'm so tired.
It has been such a long day oh my goodness.
What time did we get up?
I feel like we had to get up early?
No, we just woke up really early because we were jetlagged.
We were still getting over the jetlag from Kyrgyzstan.
We were up at 4:30.
Yeah, long day.
Anyways, we've got wine in hand.
We've got great adventures in Krakow so expect food reviews and a city guide and an apartment
tour coming soon.
Ciao from Krakow.
6 Kyai Legendaris dengan Kesaktian Ghaib Super!.. Pesulap Manapun Kalah Jauh!! - Duration: 6:59.
419-3: Putin Isn't Happy With Trump - Shutting Down U.S Embassy - Duration: 2:47.
Welcome to daily headlines your fastest news reporter please subscribe and check the notification bell to get latest news updated in
retaliation for us sanctions
Russia announced Friday that it is reducing the number of us diplomats in the country and shutting down the us embassies
recreational retreat outside Moscow it will now cap the number of us diplomats allowed in the country at
455 though it's not immediately clear. How many are currently there? This is a direct response to measures taken by the Obama
administration in December to punish russia for its meddling in the 2016 presidential election
That decision expelled 35 russian diplomats and shut down to recreational
Compounds me on the Eastern Shore of Maryland in one on Long Island New York at were allegedly used for espionage activities
At the time Russian president vladimir putin decided not to take any retaliatory measures
Saying he would pursue better ties with the incoming trump administration
Trump naturally immediately praised that decision tweeting on December 29th grief move on delay by beep routing
I always knew he was very smart we now know that former National security
Adviser Michael Flynn and former Russian Ambassador Sarek Acushla can discuss the sanctions the day they were announced
six months into the trump administration
not only has there been no movement toward lifting those sanctions despite many indications that
Administration officials would like to up congress just made doing so a lot harder
Congress has overwhelmingly passed a bill 19-3 in the house
98 - 2 in the senate hat codifies if law Obama's executive
orders sanctioning Russia and constrains trump's ability to lift sanctions without congressional approval
Evidently about the only thing that has wide
Bipartisan support on Capitol Hill right now is the notion that trump if he trusted to cut deals with the Russians
The white house has indicated it will support the bill though as always it's hard to predict
What trump will actually do when it lands on his desk?
Russia however seems to have run out of patience with trump
The mostly accurate line in Moscow Mouse seems to be that because of the Russia
Investigation and us domestic politics trump is powerless to deal with Russia. The way he'd like to
What we are seeing in the u.s.
Is mirror the Anti Russia hysteria putin told Cnn this weekend finland adding it is a great pity that russian-American relations
Are being sacrificed to this domestic internal American issue?
another Russian official told NBC's Richard engel that they view trump as a prisoner in the white house
Whatever role the russian government played in helping trump's campaign this certainly wasn't what he had in mind
Shady Grady - Duration: 44:06.
One Shot - Duration: 43:26.
Holstein 35piece Cake Pop Maker - Duration: 10:38.
I Can See Thestrals Now. A Celebration of a Life of Love. - Duration: 3:46.
It's July 31st and fandom is celebrating the birthday of Harry Potter and JK Rowling.
But I'm remembering the birth and life of someone who had this day long before either
of them.
My father.
For those of you following my videos for fan theories to Fantastic Beasts, this is not
one of them.
I've been wanting to share this message for a long time, but it's taken me eight months
until I could talk about it.
I used to tease my dad about sharing Harry Potter's birthday.
I wish I still could.
For me, my father was the original Harry Potter, even if not by name.
Because he was a man who always knew the power of love and always spread that magic freely.
In Order of the Phoenix we read how Harry could see Thestrals following the death of
Cedric from the last book.
When Rowling explained this delay due to it taking time for death to sink in, my initial
reaction was skeptical.
But having experienced it close hand, I understand much better now.
However there's an aspect within Cedric's death that isn't talked about much, and in
reflection of my own father's passing,
I'd like to speak to it here.
Harry was right by Cedric's side when he was killed.
Harry touched his body.
Harry claimed his body.
He took his body home to his parents for burial.
I had experienced death before my father.
But not as personally.
Although I was in the hospital with my grandparents when each one died, I was in a waiting room
far away while doctors and nurses in the ICU cared for them in their final moments.
With my father, we were fortunate enough to do things differently.
We knew death was approaching, and as it was my father's wish to go home from the hospital,
we honored that request.
My father spent the last four months of his life at home, surrounded by friends and family,
cared for by those he loved most.
Until the very last breath.
We would not have been able to do this without the excellent care and support provided to
us by Palliative Care and Hospice.
Hospice staff are loving, caring professionals and volunteers who face Thestrals every single
They do this so that your loved one can make their final journey from a comforting place
of love and safety.
Death is perhaps the greatest binder of humanity.
We all face it.
We all experience it of those we love.
Seeing Thestrals is a beautiful metaphor for the change in life that death brings.
Although not always possible, how fortunate are those who can meet it by the side of those
we hold most dear.
So I dedicate this video to the man who taught me throughout his life, even unto death, the
magic of love, and to the people who helped me and my family give him the love and support
he needed into his next great adventure.
Jo once said that Harry's story would not have been the same if she'd not experienced
her mother's death.
So I think it fitting on her and Harry's birthday, as well as my dad's, to remember
those who ride fearlessly upon Thestrals, guiding others into the beauty of love's
final gift.
How to create cool Batman symbol in Adobe Illustrator | Blend Tool - Duration: 5:16.
Make a square guide
Draw half part of symbol
Draw upper half and lower half separately, Don't join.
copy and paste
Reflect using reflect tool
Select upper part
Object > Path > Join
Now select lower part
Object > Path > Join
Select all and fill None
We no longer need Guide, delete it.
SEO Shorts: 4 Main Factors When Launching SEO Campaigns - Duration: 2:41.
Site Structure - make sure site is crawlable to search engines.
Page speed
XML Sitemap
On-page Optimization
Metatags, Headings, Image ALT tags, actual content text
Internal linking of pages
Production of targeted content
Keyword Research is the backbone of any SEO campaign...
Link outreach to relevant sites
Linkbuilding activities
Social Media Marketing
Content Marketing
Day 1 of SEO Shorts. Thanks for watching! :)
For questions, email me:
Wrong Mouth Masha Bears Moana Maui Finger Family Learn Colors For Kids - Duration: 10:36.
Tazzan Catoon PT
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