If you won't fulfill your duties as my wife,
I'll have to resort to other means.
-No, please. -Move it!
Take my purse!
No, no!
We found one of Aurelio Casillas' sons.
His name is Nazareno Ramirez.
He's a butcher in Victoria.
It was you, wasn't it?
You stole from me, you son of a bitch!
You're going to come around, Monica.
No, Victor.
You're the one who needs to come around.
You have to face the facts.
You destroyed what I felt for you.
We finished working on the place
and you haven't checked it out yet.
It looks great, Skinny.
It looks great.
Where are we keeping Ramon?
He's in the storage room of the second floor.
Our list of guests for the grand opening.
Good. I'll check it out later.
I'm going to go talk to Ramon.
See you later.
Things sure have changed around here.
Toluca went from a small town to a burgeoning city.
Hooray for Mexico!
How long has it been since your last visit?
Years, Ruben.
Plus, there's also my stint in prison thanks to Aurelio.
Feyo Aguilera and I did business here.
We exported merch to Spain.
With the help of the authorities?
Feyo, Lencho Contreras and I had great connections.
Lencho? They're all dead.
Yes, that's right.
And they died in the same way.
Well, that's enough of that.
-Just take me to her. -Sure.
"They're all dead."
I'm the last one left to avenge them.
It's gorgeous, Sergio.
I knew you'd like it.
And I knew I could put my faith in your great taste.
I'll call you once everything is ready.
I'll call you later this week, okay?
Bye. Thank you.
Thanks. Bye.
Well, I have to head back to Colombia
so I can get my hands on a large shipment.
You have to get it yourself?
Can't Sutamarchan bring it?
I don't want to travel again with fake passports, Felina.
You're not tagging along.
I need you to stay here and work on getting more buyers.
Great. I'll stay here.
I'll sell everything we have. You'll see.
I'll be good, damn it! Trust me.
You'd better.
I have to call Suta.
<i> What's up, Suta?</i>
What time is it over there?
About lunchtime 'cause I'm starving.
I have good news.
I'm taking stock of our production for the day
and we found a large vein. Just like the ones you like.
Really? That's great news!
Keep an eye on the workers.
You know they'll blab to anyone about it after a beer or two.
Yes, ma'am. Don't worry.
How are things over there?
Great. That's also why I'm calling.
I'm heading back to Colombia.
Get your passport ready 'cause you're traveling with me next
and get a large batch of emeralds ready
-because they're needed here. -I'll have everything ready.
Send my regards to Ms. Pilar. Take care. Bye.
Let's wrap this up 'cause I'm starving.
Hey, man.
Chill. It's cool.
Tell me, is that thug with glasses Sutamarchan?
Great. Thanks.
Good job!
Well, I'm off, honey.
No, no...
Hold it right there. Let me look at you.
-What? -Honey, you're so handsome.
Aren't you tired of always wearing the same jacket?
-Not really. -Well, I am.
I'm going to buy you a whole new wardrobe today.
I'm changing your look.
No, you're not. I developed my style years ago.
You can wear a parrot on your head for all I care,
-but leave me alone. -No way, Engineer!
-It's your turn. -I don't think so.
I think so.
-Bye. -Honey!
I love you!
Oh, crap...
Here's your juice...
What's wrong, ma'am? Why are you on the floor?
Why am I on the floor? Help me up, dummy!
I don't feel good.
Help me. I'm weak. I don't know what's wrong.
Sit down and have some juice.
I'm not in the mood for juice! Can I get you anything?
Get me my computer because I'm too weak to get it myself.
Come on! Just do it.
You're so slow.
I'm really weak, Janet.
Is there anything else I can get you, ma'am?
No. Just leave me alone.
If I need anything, I'll holler.
Go on.
I'm not well.
We're going to meet with the painter.
Yes, sir.
I found a group of private collectors who are loaded.
I can hack their systems if you'd like.
You're always getting ahead of yourself.
What'd you major in?
Systems Engineering, but I never graduated.
Why would you? To work at a bank?
You earn a lot more here. Let's go.
We've got work to do.
Your sister's too pretty to get that mad, right?
How'd you expect her to react?
You watch yourself, fool.
Don't be getting any ideas.
The attitudes in this family, I tell you.
I can't help it. She's hot.
You've been warned, man. Don't go there.
Let's go.
What's the big idea? Do you think we're at war?
Do you think they tell me everything and I report to you?
We are at war, Sebastian.
And you're on the front lines doing the hard work for us.
All of the paintings are legal.
Don't tell me you fell for Casillas.
Think of yourself.
Don't be the idiot who protects her now.
I am falling for her and that's my problem, Salazar.
I want to formalize our relationship.
Also, she has nothing to do with the family business.
We've discussed that before. You should still be careful.
What about Monica Robles?
I don't know anything.
In fact, I almost got in trouble with her brother
because I saw a paper with her name jotted down on it.
Please get a hold of the providers
because I have to deliver it by Friday.
Yes, I'll call you back.
Are you busy?
I feel like hell and I need you to make me feel better.
Can you make love to me right now?
No, Evelyn. We can't go on like this.
I thought you liked me.
I do! That's just it!
I can't stand to see you in here anymore.
What I'm about to say may sound silly,
but we're so close to filing a report against Omar Teran.
I've also noticed that you're no longer the man
who defended Rutila Casillas no matter what.
I've finally grown hopeful. I know this will all end.
That's precisely why I need you outside!
I need to get you out before we set this off.
Teran will take it out on you first.
The Casillases... I'm sick of the Casillases!
I want them out of Mexico, in prison or dead!
Yes, I want them all dead.
We both know what's really going on.
The turfs you're abandoning are being taking over by gangs.
The cycle won't end until we legalize drugs.
Where'd you get that speech?
You should join the country's rightist groups.
They see the enemy everywhere.
-Commander. -Yeah?
Aurelio Casillas is here.
-Hey, Aurelio! -What's up, man?
I think I got here just in time.
Hello, Penumbra. Do you have what I need?
Listen, I'm not a pizza delivery service.
-You're going to have to wait. -Don't give me that.
He sounds like a politician.
He takes forever to do anything now that he's a pacifist.
They're having a blast in Havana.
Yeah, everyone knows about that.
I've come to expect that from these clowns.
Aren't you going to offer me a drink, Javi?
It's ------- hot out here.
Would you like some aguardiente?
-Sure. -Here you go.
Penumbra, since you didn't get what I asked,
then you must know where we can find the paramilitaries,
the guys with the merch.
He's clueless.
I'm actually filling him in.
No, hold up.
We've located 30-30, somewhat.
Things have changed a lot in this country.
You could locate the paramilitaries easily before,
but now they're everywhere.
If you look under a rock, three of them will crawl out.
That's what they'll say about you guys soon, right?
It's good.
Want some?
I'm on the wagon, sir.
I'll have some for you then.
Is something wrong?
I'd like to apologize in case I was too rude to you.
We're not friends. There's not need to apologize.
Besides, I doubt things will change between us.
I had to put up with a lot
when I tried to do things right in Venezuela.
That's why I'm here.
Hold up.
There's a couple that wants to see you.
They say McGraw sent them.
Send them in.
Come on in.
Come in.
How can we help you?
Juan Carlos Salvatierra. This is my wife Pina.
We're Esperanza Salvatierra's parents.
We need you to tell us where our daughter is.
No, no...
Please don't hurt me.
Why am I here?
You're nervous, dear. Please calm down.
I need to go to the bathroom.
Of course. Come here.
What's wrong with you guys?
Why are you doing this to her? Take her to the restroom.
Give her water and something to eat if she wants it.
She's a beautiful.
Good job. I like how you set this up.
We're going to be here for a while.
If they wanted to kills us, they would've done so by now.
I'm worried about Ms. Monica. Victor's been looking for her.
Leave me alone with Ramon. Get him out of here for a bit.
What's up? How are they treating you?
Just fine, sir. Thanks.
They fed us and gave us water.
I'd like to know why we're here.
You know me very well.
You know I respect Monica.
Then don't do this, Mr. Victor.
I didn't ask for your opinion.
I just want you to answer my questions.
What was all that about a coma?
I heard she stayed at Aurelio's.
You know what she's like. I can't talk to her now.
She was in a coma for three months.
Aurelio got her everything.
A ventilator, 24/7 care, everything.
Tell me the truth, Ramon.
Did he try anything with her?
Your uncle had problems with other women at the time.
But you know them. Like oil and water, those two.
For more infomation >> El Señor de los Cielos 5 | Capítulo 28 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:47.-------------------------------------------
Cоmo cambiar filtro de combustible BMW 3 E36 INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 6:42.
Use a phillips screwdriver
Use a socket №10
Use a simple screwdriver
El Padrino: El imperio Corleone (tráiler final, subtitulado en español) - Duration: 2:02.
28.07.2017 - Reportajes UMH Nº68 "Un día de la UMH en el Camino de Santiago" - Duration: 10:27.
Sin Senos Si Hay Paraíso 2 | Capitulo 3 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 20:18.
This program contains violence, sex, and inappropriate
or provocative dialogue.
It is intended for mature audiences.
Viewer discretion advised.
The characters and situations in this program are fictitious.
Any similarities to actual people, names, stories,
or any other events is purely coincidental.
and the Sinaloa Cartel.
Tell them we'll keep sending them 100 kilos a month.
I'm going to fund your entire political campaign
and you're going to get me pregnant
because I told Marcial I was expecting his child.
Diabla's lying to you.
Mr. Cardona is the man who paid for her breast augmentation.
In exchange for my virginity.
Your testimony was key in putting away Morón and Cardona.
Dr. Santiago.
I was wondering if you still wanted to come visit me.
Catalina Santana, you'll always be the love of my life.
Catalina is alive?
It's a state secret.
Will you marry me?
Who's the cutest?
I am.
Let's knock.
-This is his house. -Coming!
What's going on, Jota?
Open up, man!
Oh, my God. What do I do?
Jota, open up already!
Could it be because of the truck I saw yesterday?
The one with the foreign plates
that looks like it's from an embassy.
You think?
What should we do?
This is really strange.
Mrs. Hilda...
the thing is...
We'll be back, Jota!
Let's go, honey.
The thing is...
The thing is that Catalina, the eldest, is alive
and I never...
Jota is acting so strange.
What should we do?
We have to keep an eye out. This is really weird.
You never know.
I can never tell them the truth.
Mrs. Paula, how are you?
How are you, Mrs. Hilda?
You son is so big and so cute!
He's already three.
Time flies, doesn't it?
Hi, cutie. What's your name?
His name is Hernan Dario, but they call him Nachito.
-Really? -Yes.
Your daughter is so pretty. What'd you name her?
-Catalina. -That's right!
Like her sister.
Yes, like her sister.
It helps us remember her. Right, honey?
Sweetie, do you want to give Catalina a kiss?
On the cheek.
There you go!
You do know these were the best days of my life,
don't you?
Mine too, Santiago.
I've never travelled or had so much fun
without owing anyone anything.
You know what I mean, don't you?
Thank you for letting me be myself.
I do everything with you out of love.
And thank you so much for not trying to take me to bed,
like every other man I've met before.
About that...
Watch it.
Just because I haven't suggested it,
doesn't mean I don't want to.
I just want it to be special when it does happen.
I want it to happen once things are official.
Aren't they already official?
No, actually.
I'm missing this.
It's gorgeous. You shouldn't have.
Yes, I did.
I'm betting it all on this.
It's so beautiful.
I had asked you to marry me, but I didn't give you a ring.
It looks pretty, doesn't it?
It's gorgeous on you.
You're going to be the most beautiful bride
in the world.
Sweetie... Mom is going away for a little,
but I'll be back soon.
Stay with Grandma, okay? I love you so much Martina.
Mom, please take care of her as if she were me.
Of course, Paola. Right, Marti?
Let's go have some ice cream.
Why are you leaving?
I'll tell you later.
Here... take this money.
I'll bring three times as much when I come back.
Thank you, honey.
Look, ice cream money.
Come, sweetie.
May God bless you and the Virgin protect you.
Come back soon.
I'll be back soon.
-Hug your mother. -Thanks, Mom.
Thank you for being such a good man, Santiago.
I couldn't be any other way with you.
I do have a question, though.
Do you ever plan on returning to Colombia?
I haven't decided yet.
Think about it.
Is that a preview to the answer?
Let's just say... it's an RSVP.
I'm leaving.
Have a good flight.
Here you go.
-Thank you. -You're welcome.
They talk so fast. I can't understand.
How are you?
Good. When did you get here?
I just arrived from the airport.
I'm so happy to see you!
So am I!
You look great working. Very pretty.
Thank you.
Are you going to order anything?
My boss is staring at me.
He's over there.
Remember the grumpy one I told you about?
Don't worry about it. I'm tired.
I only came to bring you this.
Jota's number? No way.
Martin, I'll never be able to repay you for this.
-Are you sure you... -No, no.
I'm tired.
Whiskey. A double, please.
I'll be right back.
Thank you.
What do you have planned?
Yesica, I'm scared.
Hold on a sec.
Don't worry, girl.
Just think of all the money you're going to make.
Can you imagine you and your family enjoying
everything you're going to buy?
It'll be amazing.
What'd you say?
No, I said no.
I'll call you back.
Here is your luggage.
Go ahead.
I'm scared.
Just think of how rich you'll be.
Now you'll really be living in paradise, baby!
Okay, no.
I'm not going to think about.
Let's do it.
Look at what I'm going to do.
I'm going to swallow a grape and watch what happens.
Go ahead, girl.
I don't like this.
What's going on?
I don't know, but this is really weird.
Open the door, man, please.
Should we call the police?
No, not the police, please.
Jota, if you don't open up right now
we're going to call the police!
Let's call them now.
Pass me the phone.
What's going on with you, Jota?
Did someone threaten you? Why don't you trust us?
Let's go inside and you can tell us.
Sure, sure. Come in.
What's going on, man?
Now let's do the second one.
How many are there?
Only ten.
Yesica, you scared me.
You said it was 120.
No, sweetie.
It's better if you start small
until you're used to it.
Your well-being concerns me.
I'm still getting paid the same, though, right?
You got my hopes up.
Have I ever let you down? I'm a woman of my word.
Go ahead.
We're your family.
We passed by the other day and there was a truck,
the kind the gringos from the embassy use.
A truck? No.
Yes, it was parked outside.
No, of course not.
I didn't see anything.
Don't worry.
It's probably nothing important.
Don't worry.
How do you know? You haven't answered.
I'll get it then.
Answer. Are you mute?
Here, I'll get it.
Say something!
Jota, it's me, Virginia Fernandez.
Sir, do me a favor and call me back later.
I'm busy right now. Thanks!
Oh, my God, it was him.
That was his voice.
It was Albeiro's voice. My Albeiro.
Okay, miss.
Don't forget to get rid of the food on the plane.
Why is that?
Because if the flight attendants notice
that you haven't eaten,
they might report you to the Spanish authorities.
They're trained to do that.
If they see that people haven't eaten,
they think it's because they have cocaine in their stomach.
What do I do with the food then?
Chew it and be very careful.
Make sure that not one bit makes it to your stomach.
Then, just spit it out into your handbag and all set.
After, go the bathroom and flush it down the toilet.
Easy peasy no big deasy.
That simple, huh?
This is really hard, Yesica. I don't know.
Sweetie, it's easy. Don't worry.
Everything will be fine.
You're breaking my heart, Jota.
Why don't you trust us? We're your family.
We won't say anything.
Alright, fine. I'll...
I'll tell you.
It was a loan shark.
How could you get mixed up in that?
Are you stupid?
Those people kill those who can't pay!
They're a mafia!
What's wrong with you?
I know that. Don't worry.
I was just in a lot of debt and I needed money,
so I went to one.
That's why I haven't opened the door.
I'm scared it'll be someone ready to kick my ass.
No one's going to touch you. Don't worry.
How much do you need?
We'll help you out. Don't worry.
-Whatever you need. -Yes.
I think if you help me with a few rides in the truck,
I'll be able to pay you back.
Okay, let's get started.
We need a ride to the bus terminal.
We're going to Bogota.
Really? When? Why?
We're going to the US embassy to ask for a visa.
You're going to the US?
If they give us a visa, we are.
We have no future here.
Plus, we want to raise little Catalina differently.
What about me?
I'm staying here, right?
Thank you so much for helping me, girl.
Watch my mom and daughter, okay?
Don't worry. I'll take care of everything.
Don't forget any of what Gato Gordo told you.
Of course not.
My life depends on it.
Don't screw up. I'm counting on you.
Walk with your head held high.
You don't owe anyone anything, okay?
Just like when we'd get picked up back home?
Just like that.
Let's go.
God bless you.
Thank you.
Everything will be fine.
If you get stopped here or in Spain, don't worry.
You don't have to say who sent you or any of that.
Of course not. I'm no snitch.
It's a very remote possibility,
but a possibility nonetheless.
Besides, you're saying that here now,
but when you're in the moment
and you're being offered a sentence reduction
or the chance to skip prison,
you may change your mind and that won't be good at all.
I can't guarantee that. I don't know.
If you open your mouth, your mother and daughter die.
Why my mom and daughter?
Relax, relax.
It's a very serious warning,
but since everything is going to go fine,
we won't mess with your mom and daughter.
The mafia behind all of this takes this very seriously.
Don't tell me that.
Let's go.
The clock is ticking.
You look beautiful!
What'd you think, ma'am?
It was perfect.
Make the call, Gato.
Software #BIM Diseño arquitectónico 3D - #Edificius #34 - Duration: 0:59.
Pablo Almodóvar, presidente del Colectivo Gamá - Duration: 3:49.
¿Por qué no me conceden un préstamo? - Experto en Finanzas -™ - Duration: 2:10.
UMH TV - Grados con plazas disponibles - Duration: 0:55.
Luces de bohemia. Revive este gran clásico de la literatura española - Duration: 0:31.
Mitsubishi Colt 1.3 HEARTBEAT DEALERONDERH. AIRCO. - Duration: 1:02.
UMH TV - Cata de tomates - Duration: 1:43.
UMH TV - El rector visita a estudiantes UMH en el Camino de Santiago - Duration: 3:06.
UMH TV - La Escuela de Rock UMH en el festival MareaRock - Duration: 0:41.
►VideoPoem «Future Caress» - Duration: 1:08.
I'll wait for you in lover's skin Like that future caress
That nourishes the color of your instant And bury the past that lasts.
I will fill our seas with smiles With the fierce song of your tears,
I'll wait and if I can kiss you Those bitter nights will be so magical nights.
Because the moment of that kiss will fill us childhood with sighs,
Future caress; to simmer…
Nolwenn Leroy enceinte, Elodie Frégé glamour pour rendre hommage à Michel Berger - Duration: 2:44.
Rihanna et Cara Delevingne ne parviennent pas à sauver Valerian du naufrage - [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:12.
Bike Talk - Ghost KATO FS | SHIMANO - Duration: 2:49.
Welcome at the Ghost booth... at the SHIMANO E-Mountainbike Experience...
...and here we have the all new Ghost Kato FS.
Our all-mountain E-bike.
It features 140mm travel front and rear.
And as you can see this is a custom build-up.
This setup is currently only handed to our team riders.
There are some really nice features.
The main thing is the SHIMANO STEPS E-8000 engine.
It's pretty cool because it's really close to normal mountain biking.
Everyone who is used to ride with a higher cadence...
...who wants to have that original mountainbike feeling in 'trail mode'...
...Shimano is really offering that to mountain bikers.
If you go to 'boost mode' the system is full throttle...
...and you can peddle up everything.
If you have such high power on the bike...
...that means you have to bring the power down to the ground.
And therefor we came up with the coil shock theme.
The coil shock is really sensitive...
...and when talking about an E-bike it means that you ride off-terrain in a seated position...
...which is not that usual on a normal mountainbike.
When riding off-road in a seated position you really need support for your body...
...for your butt, for your spine...
...and therefor the coil shock is amazing...
...because it really supports you while riding...
...and it also gives you all the traction you need on the rear wheel.
In addition to that it's amazing to have such a big tire... the 2.8 inch, the plus tires.
They bring all the traction down to the ground.
To have a great performance when shifting...
...we go full-on featuring Shimano's XTR drivetrain.
Di2 for sure... have the best connection between the electronic drivetrain...
...combined with an electronic shifting system.
And a little custom feature here...
...we use the XTR break levers...
...combined with the most powerful brakes out there...
...the Saint calipers.
Featuring Ice Tech brake pads and disc brake rotors.
This means that you can have full-on brake performance on every kind of descent... doesn't matter how far you go down or how fast you go.
That's all about our Ghost Kato FS...
...our all-mountain E-bike.
This season we are all around...
...and giving you the possibilty to enjoy and experience this great bike...
...with the SHIMANO STEPS E-8000 system.
Tomb Raider walkthrough Part 2 - Duration: 1:50:44.
Peugeot 208 BLUE LION 1.2 PURETECH 82 PK 5-DRS ZEER COMPLETE AUTO. - Duration: 0:55.
Tiết mục xuất sắc Cuộc thi Tài năng Múa 2017 - Hà Tứ Thiên - Duration: 6:53.
HEALTHY FOOD FOR STUDENTS II स्कूल जाने वाले बच्चों के लिए सेहत से भरा खाना II BY PRITI NATH GURU I - Duration: 4:46.
Hello everyone, Myself Priti Nath Guru
Today I've brought the solution for those parents whose kids are school going
And they are unable to understand that which type of food they should give to their kids
Which can be helpful in their growth and development
I am going to share few tips, as I've said that these kids are school going and in growing age
They are very active and they need almost every nutrients.
Either its Fat, Carbohydrate, Proteins, Vitamins or Minerals.
Secondly, being small kids they can't eat much quantity at one time.
In that case we should plan their 6-7 meals
Which includes 3 main meals i.e Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.
We should be very careful while giving them main meal as it should be balanced diet.
We shouldn't restrict them but make sure that they get every type of food in the meal
They must get Chapati, Veggie, Paratha, Lentils/Pulses, Curd.
To bring some change we can give some south Indian Food i.e Dosa, Idli.
We can also give them Poha, Upma & Uttapam
Even while giving such food make sure that it contains good amount of vegetables intake.
We must give them Lentils/Puilses, Cottage Cheese, Cheese
Make sure to not to give them food in excess quantity.
I'm not saying to give them fat restricted food the way adults in the family eat
But too much of everything is bad. As in now a days children are very much attracted towards junk food
I'll not say to not to give them Pizza, Pasta etc
But we should give them food in balanced way along with green vegetables in different forms as well
So in that case surely we can give them Pizza and pasta as a snack.
I would suggest that if we can add vegetables and different ingredients in Pizza, Pasta & Maggie noodles.
That will be good for them
Similarly when we are talking about main meal, since this age of kids like food variations
They like different colours in food, they don't like monotony
They don't like to eat one type of vegetable or food to eat
So in that case we must try to bring variations
We can use different ingredients, we can use different colours of vegetables for example
Carrot, Spinach, Capsicum, So this way we can give them different variations.
They will find it interesting and they'll eat their food with taste as well
Apart from our 3 main meals we have to give another 3-4 other meals
At the place of one meal we can give them Milk and its not necessary to give Milk in its form only
We can give them milk in any form i.e Milkshake, Curd, Buttermilk, Smoothies.
In case they like plain milk, we can give them plain milk or chocolate milk
Also as I said that don't say Completely No for Pizza, Pasta & Maggie noodles
But we should be careful of by when and how much quantity to be given to them.
If we are giving them small portions in snacks and that too cooked with lot of vegetables, then there is no harm.
We must be careful as in at this age their food habits will continue till later on as well
So we should try that they should be least attracted toward junk food rather take balanced meal.
But it doesn't mean that we should restrict giving hem Pizza, Pasta or other food items like Burgers etc.
We should also be careful & don't give them sweeten beverages instead give them fresh juices .
Or as I said that we can give them Sweet or Salty Butter Milk.
Apart from this as I said Milk is one the important ingredient in their growth.
They get calcium, they have proper dental growth and their bones get well developed
So milk is one of the very good ingredient.
Apart from that they require nuts too
I would suggest that daily give them at least 3-4 almonds to eat in the morning (soaked overnight)
in between, we shall also give them other nuts regularly.
Non-vegetarians can take Egg, Fish, Mutton & Chicken.
You can replace their 2-3 meals with other meals in one week
Children for this age group has same diet plan for either boy or girl
Very soon in my next video I'll share the recipes for these age group kid's school lunch.
And soon I'll bring the recipes of what should be given to them in their main meal
I hope you'll like my video
You'll be benefited while planning your kids diet.
Please like and share my videos and do subscribe to my channel.Thank you......
Peugeot Partner Tepee XT 16 VTi 98 PK | RUIME AUTO - Duration: 1:00.
Grizzy James - Wham Bam (...
Spoon Performs 'Can I Sit Next To You' - Duration: 4:48.
Ultime notizie: Barbara D'Urso: i commenti alla sua foto su Instagram | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:59.
EXCLUSIVE: 'I'm not ashamed of anything I have done'. [ CC] - Duration: 2:07.
She's the busty Bachelor babe, who was pictured baring her assets while working as a topless waitress at a bucks party a year ago. And on Friday, Simone Ormesher's online profile emerged, where customers can book the 25-year-old for 'a night of entertainment' as a topless waitress at $120 per-hour. She told Daily Mail Australia on Friday that she's 'not ashamed' of her past.
Scandal: On Friday, Simone Ormesher's online profile emerged, where customers can book the 25-year-old for 'a night of entertainment' as a topless waitress at $120 per-h
The reality star, who goes by 'Katie' in her profile, is pictured in a series of racy snaps and her Bar Babes bio promises customers 'a night of endless laughs and entertainment' as a topless waitress. 'Stunning Katie is fabulous from head to toe! Tall and busty, she will provide a great night of endless laughs and entertainment,' he profile reads. In a statement to Daily Mail Australia on Friday, Simone said she has since moved on from that line of work and is 'not ashamed' of her past. 'I used to work as a promo model and did some topless waitressing at buck's parties,' she said.
Not ashamed: In a statement to Daily Mail Australia on Friday, Simone said she has since moved on from that line of work and is 'not ashamed' of her past
Topless entertainer: The reality star, who goes by 'Katie' in her profile, is pictured in a series of racy snaps and her Bar Babes bio promises customers 'a night of endless laughs and entertainment' as a topless waitress
'The extra income helped supplement the early years of my digital marketing career, where I now work full-time. She added: 'I'm not ashamed of anything I have done in the past. My family knew about this work, and support me, and, they and I are proud of the person I am today. I applied for The Bachelor Australia because I genuinely want to find love.' The blue-eyed beauty's bust size is revealed as DD and she recently confirmed to OK! magazine that she has surgically-enhanced breasts.
Simone's bio reads: 'Stunning Katie is fabulous from head to toe! Tall and busty, she will provide a great night of endless laughs and entertainment,' he profile reads
Not ashamed: In a statement to Daily Mail Australia on Friday, Simone said she has since moved on from that line of work and is 'not ashamed' of her past
She is seen flaunting her ample cleavage in a series of risque snaps, including a bedroom selfies that shows her clad in lingerie. Another snap shows the star flaunting her toned frame in a white cleavage-baring swimsuit. The busty socialite is said to be 'a nightclub promo girl' in Melbourne and formerly worked as a Meter Maid on the Gold Coast.
No regrets: 'I used to work as a promo model and did some topless waitressing at bucks parties. I'm not ashamed of anything I have done in the past,' she explained
Busty: Another snap shows the star flaunting her toned frame in a white cleavage-baring swimsuit
New line of work: Simone now works in digital marketing
A source told Daily Mail Australia in March that Simone was looking to pursue a career in modelling and was 'unsure' of her motives for going on the dating show. She moved to Australia aged 18 from Manchester, England.
Superbowl 2009 Commercial Pepsi Max i'm good - Duration: 0:31.
Superbowl 2009 Commercial GE if I only had a brain - Duration: 0:31.
Mitsubishi ASX 1.6i Panoramadak Xenon/Led Audio Airco Lmv Ele - Duration: 1:01.
Arsenal transfer news: Rob Holding, Alexis Sanchez and Alexandre Lacazette: How Arsene Wenger - Duration: 9:29.
Rob Holding, Alexis Sanchez and Alexandre Lacazette: How Arsene Wenger's Arsenal new look side could line-up this season
THE uncertainty surrounding the futures of Alexis Sanchez, Mesut Ozil and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain hangs over Arsenal's preparations for the 2017/18 season like a dark cloud. But the Gunners are determined to hold onto their stars.
Arsene Wenger is determined to keep hold of his stars this summer.
The Gunners boss is expected to line-up with a 3-4-3 formation. And Arsene Wenger has further bolstered his squad with the astute additions of Alexandre Lacazette and Sead Kolasinac.
They are likely to stick with the 3-4-3 formation which saw them win nine of their final 10 matches last season – including an FA Cup final triumph over Chelsea.
Here our friends at Football Whispers have taken a look at how Arsenal could line up this season. GK – Petr Cech.
Now 35, former Chelsea keeper Cech is heading into his 14th Premier League season and his third as an Arsenal player.
His reflexes may not be quite as sharp as they once were but the Czech keeper made 95 saves last season – more than Thibaut Courtois, David de Gea and Hugo Lloris among others.
Arsene Wenger led Arsenal to the FA Cup last season.
Petr Cech will keep his spot in between the sticks.
CB – Shkodran Mustafi. A last-gasp £35million signing from Valencia last summer, Mustafi wasn't wholly convincing in his maiden campaign at the Emirates.
But the German international still produced 2. 2 tackles and 2. 2 interceptions per game in the Premier League last term. Shodran Mustafi is expected to retain his spot in the backline.
Rob Holding, Alexis Sanchez and Alexandre Lacazette: How Arsene Wenger will set up Arsenal this season. CB – Laurent Koscielny.
A stalwart of the Arsenal backline, Koscielny has been with the Gunners for seven years now and is widely regarded as one of the finest centre-backs in the Premier League.
At the heart of Wenger's back three, the former Lorient man has the composure and quality to stride forward with the ball at his feet and conduct play from deep.
Laurent Koscielny has been a bedrock in the Gunners defence for seven years.
Rob Holding is another expected to keep his spot in the backline. CB – Rob Holding. An unheralded signing from Bolton Wanderers a year ago, few expected Holding to be thrust into the limelight as quickly as he was.
But he was required to start a handful of games at the beginning of last season and came back into the side late on when Wenger switched tactics.
With maturity and discipline beyond his 21 years, the youngster looks every bit a future England international.
Spanish star Hector Bellerin looks like he is staying at the Emirates. RWB – Hector Bellerin. It seemed almost inevitable Bellerin would return to childhood club Barcelona this summer, with the Spanish side in search of a full-back.
But the Blaugrana instead signed Nelson Semedo from Benfica, meaning Arsenal retain the gifted young Spaniard. Below par in 2016/17, Bellerin will be hoping to get back on form in the coming season.
New signing Sead Kolasinac will go straight into the side.
LWB – Sead Kolasinac. Wanted by Manchester City, Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur, Arsenal's capture of Kolasinac, on a free transfer from Schalke, could prove to be quite the coup.
The Bosnian wing-back scored five goals and registered three assists in the Bundesliga last term, and well as making an impressive 2. 8 tackles and 3. 2 interceptions per game.
Granit Xhaka will patrol the middle of the park. CM – Granit Xhaka.
A £30m arrival from Borussia Monchengladbach last summer, Xhaka was brought in to add the kind of steel and presence in central midfield that Arsenal have missed since Patrick Vieira's prime.
After initially struggling to make the anticipated impact, the Swiss came good in the latter stages of the season and was imperious in the FA Cup final, making more passes than any other player (73) at an 87.
7 per cent completion rate.
Aaron Ramsey had a fine end to last season. CM – Aaron Ramsey. At 26, Ramsey is entering the peak period of his career.
Injury disrupted his involvement last term but the Welshman's stellar performance alongside Xhaka in the FA Cup victory over Chelsea in May shows that he is ready to kick on in 2017/18.
Often asked to operate in a more advanced role, the switch to 3-4-3 seemed to suit Ramsey as it allowed him to operate in the Arsenal engine room, pulling the strings as he has done so well for Wales over the years.
Arsenal will hope to have Mesut Ozils future sorted quickly. LW – Mesut Ozil.
Out of contract next summer, Ozil's Arsenal future is shrouded in doubt, but it is looking increasingly likely he will remain at the Emirates for at least the coming season.
The mercurial German playmaker is among the best in the world when on form, but inconsistency has plagued his Gunners career to date.
However, Ozil finally has a pacey No.9 to feed in the shape of Lacazette, so expect the former Real Madrid star to be at his creative best.
Alexis Sanchez will retain his place in attack if Arsenal can keep hold of him. RW – Alexis Sanchez.
Arsenal's top scorer last term with 24 Premier League goals, Sanchez also chipped in with 10 assists in what was the most productive campaign of his career.
Deployed centrally for the majority of 2016/17, Lacazette's arrival will see the Chilean shifted back out wide where he is no less effective.
If he stays, that is. Sanchez remains a Paris Saint-Germain and Manchester City transfer target. Wenger is adamant the former Barcelona player is going nowhere but there will be speculation right up until deadline day.
Alexandre Lacazette is Arsenals record signing and will be expected to bang in the goals. CF – Alexandre Lacazette.
Arsenal tried and failed to land Lacazette last summer, but – with a club-record £46. 5m bid – Wenger finally secured the 26-year-old striker.
Lacazette has scored at least 20 goals in each of the last four seasons, including a career-high 37-goal haul last term, in which he also averaged an incredible 33. 33 per cent conversion rate.
[MASS EFFECT] - Uncharted Worlds (Guitar Cover) - Duration: 1:47.
*spooky music*
Drawing Evan Hansen - Duration: 3:43.
Failed Attempt #1
Get ready to cringe
How many times is Ally gonna redraw the hair and pretend it makes it look better?
*JUST.... I'LL DO IT* Evan, Be More Chill
*KINKY ;)*
*Other stuff... ;)*
*Who says that?* (I do)
*Enter middle fingers*
*JUST FIX IT* (Please though god this looks heinous)
*CRACK?!* :$
Please leave advice in the comment section so I can get better and make really good animatics for the world!
*Sadness ensues* (I suck at spelling)
Enter Failed Attempt #15 (the rest were worse trust me you don't want to see them)
*Ignore the weird blip in the music my editing sucks"
*SINCERELY, ME" (Roll credits)
*Are we DONE yet?*
Sorry we still got another two minutes of my crappy art
And here's when I finally get my shit together, my 24th attempt.
So proud of Sane Ally for pulling this off (it's 3 am and I'm losing my mind)
Thanks for fixing that terrible hair
*SINCERELY ME* (roll credits)
(she really is ;)
(Slaying those brows :D)
*YOUR (your)
A (a)
*MISS YOU DEARLY (how cute)*
*SINCERELY ME!* (roll credits)
*Sincerely Me,*
(Guys I'm so tired please kill me.)
Story time | Min tid med Laban - Duration: 8:35.
Dynasore Full Movie Epic Battle For Kids Dinosaur Vs Daynasaur Cartoon Dinosaurs Movie For Children - Duration: 1:02:33.
Dynasore Full Movie Epic Battle For Kids Dinosaur Vs Daynasaur Cartoon Dinosaurs Movie For Children
Summer Mix 2017 🌱 Kygo & Ed Sheeran & Stoto 🌱 Best Tropical Deep House Music Chill Out Mix - Duration: 1:00:31.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
HEALTHY FOOD FOR STUDENTS II स्कूल जाने वाले बच्चों के लिए सेहत से भरा खाना II BY PRITI NATH GURU I - Duration: 4:46.
Hello everyone, Myself Priti Nath Guru
Today I've brought the solution for those parents whose kids are school going
And they are unable to understand that which type of food they should give to their kids
Which can be helpful in their growth and development
I am going to share few tips, as I've said that these kids are school going and in growing age
They are very active and they need almost every nutrients.
Either its Fat, Carbohydrate, Proteins, Vitamins or Minerals.
Secondly, being small kids they can't eat much quantity at one time.
In that case we should plan their 6-7 meals
Which includes 3 main meals i.e Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.
We should be very careful while giving them main meal as it should be balanced diet.
We shouldn't restrict them but make sure that they get every type of food in the meal
They must get Chapati, Veggie, Paratha, Lentils/Pulses, Curd.
To bring some change we can give some south Indian Food i.e Dosa, Idli.
We can also give them Poha, Upma & Uttapam
Even while giving such food make sure that it contains good amount of vegetables intake.
We must give them Lentils/Puilses, Cottage Cheese, Cheese
Make sure to not to give them food in excess quantity.
I'm not saying to give them fat restricted food the way adults in the family eat
But too much of everything is bad. As in now a days children are very much attracted towards junk food
I'll not say to not to give them Pizza, Pasta etc
But we should give them food in balanced way along with green vegetables in different forms as well
So in that case surely we can give them Pizza and pasta as a snack.
I would suggest that if we can add vegetables and different ingredients in Pizza, Pasta & Maggie noodles.
That will be good for them
Similarly when we are talking about main meal, since this age of kids like food variations
They like different colours in food, they don't like monotony
They don't like to eat one type of vegetable or food to eat
So in that case we must try to bring variations
We can use different ingredients, we can use different colours of vegetables for example
Carrot, Spinach, Capsicum, So this way we can give them different variations.
They will find it interesting and they'll eat their food with taste as well
Apart from our 3 main meals we have to give another 3-4 other meals
At the place of one meal we can give them Milk and its not necessary to give Milk in its form only
We can give them milk in any form i.e Milkshake, Curd, Buttermilk, Smoothies.
In case they like plain milk, we can give them plain milk or chocolate milk
Also as I said that don't say Completely No for Pizza, Pasta & Maggie noodles
But we should be careful of by when and how much quantity to be given to them.
If we are giving them small portions in snacks and that too cooked with lot of vegetables, then there is no harm.
We must be careful as in at this age their food habits will continue till later on as well
So we should try that they should be least attracted toward junk food rather take balanced meal.
But it doesn't mean that we should restrict giving hem Pizza, Pasta or other food items like Burgers etc.
We should also be careful & don't give them sweeten beverages instead give them fresh juices .
Or as I said that we can give them Sweet or Salty Butter Milk.
Apart from this as I said Milk is one the important ingredient in their growth.
They get calcium, they have proper dental growth and their bones get well developed
So milk is one of the very good ingredient.
Apart from that they require nuts too
I would suggest that daily give them at least 3-4 almonds to eat in the morning (soaked overnight)
in between, we shall also give them other nuts regularly.
Non-vegetarians can take Egg, Fish, Mutton & Chicken.
You can replace their 2-3 meals with other meals in one week
Children for this age group has same diet plan for either boy or girl
Very soon in my next video I'll share the recipes for these age group kid's school lunch.
And soon I'll bring the recipes of what should be given to them in their main meal
I hope you'll like my video
You'll be benefited while planning your kids diet.
Please like and share my videos and do subscribe to my channel.Thank you......
Mohn Pincemin, francuski inżynier dźwięku, opowiada o swoim TouchMix-30 QSC Pro - Duration: 3:04.
the look - Duration: 0:02.
yass queen
Kingkong Vs Dinosaurus Full Movie 3D Godzilla Attack Epic Battle For Kids Gorilla Dinosaurs Cartoons - Duration: 1:23:17.
Kingkong Vs Dinosaurus Full Movie 3D Godzilla Attack Epic Battle For Kids Gorilla Dinosaurs Cartoons
David De Gea's girlfriend Edurne Garcia sizzles in holiday snap as Manchester United keeper train - Duration: 4:40.
David De Gea's girlfriend Edurne Garcia sizzles in holiday snap as Manchester United keeper trains in Washington DC
EDURNE GARCIA showed boyfriend David De Gea just what he was missing out as he trained in Washington DC.
The Manchester United keeper is busy in pre-season training with Jose Mourinhos squad but Spains Got Talent presenter Edurne is still on her summer holidays. Edurne Garcia stunned fans with a beautiful bikini shot while on holiday.
The Spains Got Talent presenter has been dating Manchester United keeper David De Gea since 2010. And the 31-year-old stunned fans with a GORGEOUS bikini shot that she posted to her Instagram account.
She has been to numerous sun-kissed locations over the last couple of months – having enjoyed a break with the keeper in June.
The pair went to an unknown destination with De Gea sharing an image of Edurne covered only in bedsheets with the caption: My paradise.
De Gea, who has dated Garcia since 2010, is currently Stateside with his United team-mates and was hard at work having switched coasts.
The squad were in California last week but after wins over Manchester City and Real Madrid, they have now flown across to the East Coast of America. United are in Washington DC for a quick stop.
De Gea is currently on pre-season training in Washington DC.
De Gea was on holiday with Edurne last month.
The pair at the United end of season awards in May.
De Gea captioned this image of Garcia paradise.
The 31-year-old (second from bottom) presents Spains Got Talent.
She is a huge pop star and actress in Spain.
The happy couple with their dog.
Edurne, whose last album reached No 1 in Spain, with another dog. They play Barcelona in the early hours of Thursday morning at FedEx Field, the home of the Washington Redskins, before flying back to Europe to face Valerenga in Norway.
United face two more matches before their Premier League season kicks off against West Ham on August 13. They first face Sampdoria in Dublin, Ireland, before facing Real Madrid again – this time in the Uefa Super Cup in Skopje, Macedonia.
Edurne is believed to want De Gea to leave United and return to Madrid.
She denied that she said Manchester was uglier than the back of a fridge. Edurne is believed to be a key factor in the possibility of De Gea joining Los Blancos.
She is said to hate Manchester, and spends a lot of time in Madrid. The pop star, whose last album reached No 1 in Spain, sparked controversy in 2015.
It was claimed she agreed with someone who said that Manchester is uglier than the back of a fridge – but later denied shed said so.
Paul Pogba says he wants Manchester United to be as good as they were back in the day.
K-POP Groups WHO RECEIVED A LOT OF MONEY FROM Fans - Duration: 2:31.
1. Stellar is one of the most well-known groups who participated in crowd funding. Stellar has crowdfunded more than two albums and had once reached over 1,000% over the original crowd funding goals earlier this year. The girls experienced more than 700 people supporting their projects. Their latest project raised nearly $100,000!
2. The boys of 100% raised money in order to hold a global fan meeting! The boys held a global fan meeting on the 27th of May this year. They kicked off with "Better Day" and also performed debut song "BAD BOY", "Beat", "Guy Like Me", and "Sketch U", as well as Japanese songs "How to Cry" and "Eternal". Each member also had a solo song for the fans. 300% of the goal was met within 3 days, and fans from Korea, Japan, China, France, Brazil, Germany and more came to attend. They raised up to US$63,162,000.
3.The girls of WASSUP opened up the project on June 1, 2016, announcing the project via their SNS. According to the page, they were asking for $6,508, and met their goal in order to come back with "Color TV." They raised around $12,000. Unfortunately, there were issues with members leaving over the past year.
4.The members of 24K joined together on their crowdfunding page in order to raise money for two albums. Both were successful as the 1st album project raised $23,000 while the 2nd album project raised nearly $50,000!
5. On November 17 of last year, Crayon Pop announced their crowdfunding 'Crayon Pop 'Winter Party Project!' The fundraiser reached its $8,000 goal in just 2 hours and they exceeded their goal amount by 200% within 24 hours, which actually set a new record for the Makestar team and the girl group. They eventually raised $52,000!
6. Not a K-pop group but deserves to be on the list nonetheless. When Minzy prepared for her solo debut and was in the process of releasing her album 'Uno,' she asked for the support of her fans. Not only was it for her album promotions and success but she also donated some of the profit as well. She raised nearly $21,000 in total.
7. The sweet and charming boys of Astro wanted to release their very first photo book since debut and took to crowdfunding as a resource to make it happen! The crowdfunding began on November 21 of last year and the group almost immediately exceeded their funding goal of 35 million KRW ($29,533). They raised over $100,000!
8. The lovely girls of LABOUM really wanted to wow fans with the quality for their next comeback. So, the girls and their agency used crowdfunding to increase their production budget. The LABOUM album project gained numerous online traffic from the moment it started; allowing it to reach its goal of $8,913 in just 4 hours! It eventually raised $75,751.58!
9. After BP RaNia became a thing, the new lineup took to crowd funding in order to promote and produce their American album after re-debuting with "Demonstrate." They had been aiming to raise $4,500 and were successful in their goal raising around $8,500 in total.
10. Like many groups, Brave Girls were also involved in crowd funding in order to create their studio album. 'Makestar's side stated, "The funding happened in not only Korea but also America, Canada, Germany, France, Japan, China, and more." The girls had gathered 100% of the funds needed to produce a new album on October 11 of last year and earned even more there after. They raised $18,721 which was 205.66% of their goal of $9,103.
The Last Tycoon Trailer (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:50.
English People React To Italian Music - Iosonouncane (Stormi) - Duration: 3:17.
Chicago | AJ+ Docs
Hannity 7/27/17 -Sean Hannity , Kellyanne Conway ,White House Leaks, Trump, Russia - Duration: 40:42.
A Educação Sexual No Islã: Deve Assistir - Duration: 2:34.
MC PP da VS - Na Mente das Cretinas - Duration: 3:18.
Mohn Pincemin, francuski inżynier dźwięku, opowiada o swoim TouchMix-30 QSC Pro - Duration: 3:04.
The Loves of Pharaoh - 1922 - Duration: 1:39:31.
6 Superheroes Ao Cinema ATÉ Mesmo Super HERÓIS Na Vida Real - Duration: 4:08.
GIRAFFE and DUCK | Cute Animals | Learn Turkish alphabet - Duration: 2:48.
A giraffe is a tall, cute animal with brown spots on its yellow colored body.
In general, the size of the giraffes living in Africa is so long that sometimes they are even higher than the trees.
The ducks live by the water. They are a lovely friend of the children.
Ducks we know a lot from cartoons can live anywhere on the planet.
how to get/install paid apps/games for Free Using Premium Apple ID iOS 9 to 11 - Duration: 0:50.
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¿Por qué no me conceden un préstamo? - Experto en Finanzas -™ - Duration: 2:10.
Fausti XF4. Sovrapposto da tiro - Duration: 7:16.
Cоmo cambiar filtro de combustible BMW 3 E36 INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 6:42.
Use a phillips screwdriver
Use a socket №10
Use a simple screwdriver
VIOLENCIA GRATUITA Funny Games 1997 Full Movie Legendado - Duration: 1:48:52.
Almost. Björling is easy.
It's my turn now.
- Don't look! - But I'm not looking.
Did Daddy look?
Is that true?
Oh God!
That's obvious! But what's the piece?
Never heard it!
Is it new?
Seems to be.
Well, darling?!
I'd say Händel.
Right. But what is it?
No idea!
I give up. What is it?
Three-two to me!
So, what is it?
Now get your hands off!
Just listen!
- That's cheating! - Sorry?
It's cheating to be practising.
We've booked for 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. You are coming?
Yes, sure.
We'll put the boat in the water first.
Can you give us a hand? Let's say, in 20 minutes?
Sure! Yes, I'll be there in 20 minutes.
O.K. Thanks. See you in a tick.
What's up with him?
No idea.
He seems in a huff. She didn't say a word.
Who did you arrange to play with tomorrow?
The day before.
Nothing. She was totally normal.
Sissi isn't there.
Maybe she was just in the house. Or at the beach.
Who were the two laddies?
How should I know? They're probably relatives.
I think his brother has a son that age.
Don't put that there! Take your things upstairs!
Do it now!
Don't leave things in the entrance, or someone will trip over.
There's still so much left in the car.
Are you listening?
I'm going!
Open the windows, will you. We need to let some air in.
O.K. Mum!
Stop it, Rolfi! Stop it!
Go on, get down!
I have to unpack!
Go on, get out!
- Georg? - Yes?
Where's the other box with the food?
I'll bring it right away.
The golf gear was in the way. I put it in the Rover last.
We'd better get them in quick! The things have got really hot!
This cool-box is totally useless.
Stop it now, you'll knock me over.
Go see your mistress.
There're some cold cuts in the other box.
I'll get it. I'll just open the windows.
Leave the shutters closed on the lake side, or it'll be too hot.
Stop that. You'll get something in a minute, I must just put this away.
Can't you call the dog? He won't let me put the things away.
Come here! Come and see your master!
And the bottles too, otherwise it'll all be warm by the evening.
Stop it, Rolfi!
Be quiet!
Come in!
Sorry. He's off his head.
Come in!
Thanks for coming. It'd have been tough on our own.
No problem! This is...
Paul. Nice to meet you.
Paul is son of a business colleague.
It's a pleasure. Nice of you to help.
Mine too.
I mean, the pleasure's mine.
Not so much his.
Will you be quiet?!
Get into the house, go on!
- When did you get out here? - Last week.
You too?
- Yes. - No.
They didn't arrive till the weekend; we came on Friday.
Hello Fred! Nice of you to come over right away.
How's Eva?
- Hello. - Hello madam.
...and where's Tropea?
In south ltaly. Right at the tip, almost on the toes of the boot.
- But it's even hotter there. - Not necessarily.
Last year when I was in ltaly it was freezing
and here you were swimming, right?
But it's a shame Sissi isn't here. Without her it's...
- Be careful! - I am!
Careful, or the overhauling will have been for nothing.
- Look: you can't see anything! - Good.
Can you help me lift the boom over?
Mind the halyard!
But she said she'd be there for the whole holiday.
Listen, my boy: I don't know why she isn't there either.
Maybe she went to Tropea with a school friend. I don't know.
Tomorrow we'll go over and ask her mother.
Now stop moping...
Why was Uncle Fred so strange?
I'm not surprised!
She got pretty worked up about it last time.
Forget it, please.
She won't change, and you'll just get in a state.
That's it!
Great: they're outside working on the boat.
Five or five thirty; I don't know the time here,
I mean, the kitchen clock has stopped. I must get a new battery on Monday.
Yes, that's what I'm doing now.
Some fillets...
Yes, you know, it's crazy: the whole thing defrosted and now it needs eating.
Come out and see us!
No, really, like a fool, I froze 3 pounds of beef fillet at once...
and now here I am...
No, I'm not joking; come and spend the weekend.
What?! He shouldn't make such a fuss. Hold on.
We need a sharp knife.
I'd like to see it again some day. Tell dad.
Tell your beloved to pack up his laptop, get in the car, and you'll be here
in two hours at the most!
He shouldn't be so elusive.
O.K. Think about it.
In any case, there's enough steak here for a week.
Bye Fanny.
Say, give us another ring anyway...
to tell us whether we can expect you. Yes.
- What is it now? - Someone's here.
- Where? - At the door.
- Hello? - Hello.
Sorry to disturb you. I'm from next door.
We saw each other when you stopped the car at the gate.
Oh yes, we did.
Come in, please.
Hurry up, we're eating in ten minutes!
So what is it?
Eva sent...
I mean Mrs Berlinger sent me.
She's just cooking...
and she's run out of eggs. She wonders if you can help her out.
But of course.
- How many does she need? - Four.
- What for? - Sorry?
What for?
What does she need the eggs for?
I mean, what's she making?
No idea.
Are they O.K. like that or shall I wrap them?
As you like.
So how did you get in?
At the front; I mean, by the beach.
But you didn't get wet at all!
There's a hole in the fence, by the water, not in the water...
Fred knows...
I mean Mr Berlinger knows it. He showed me it.
I see. O.K.
- So, wrapped, or is this O.K.? - No, no, that's fine, no problem.
Many thanks.
Love to Eva. Look forward to the golf tomorrow!
I'll tell her. Thanks again.
And thanks again to Fred and your friend...
- Dammit! - What's up?
It's not a disaster. Hang on.
Thank God we just arrived...
and I must shop in the village on Monday.
I'm really embarrassed.
It's nothing. No-one here eats eggs for breakfast anyway,
so it's not a major problem.
That's a relief, thank you.
I should just have been more careful.
I put my left hand...
- No point in crying over spilt milk. - You're really kind.
One does one's best.
I'm really sorry.
I'm very clumsy, you know.
I think I've got two left hands.
So you're ideal for carrying eggs.
Yes, you could say.
And what are we going to do now?
We do have steak, but we might be getting visitors,
and they're bound to want eggs for breakfast.
But you'll have four left.
After all, I did see you had a box of twelve, right?
You're right.
Shouldn't I wrap them up?
No need.
Are you sure?
If you want to.
If I want to?!
Well, maybe it is better after all.
- Oh no! - What's the matter?
Oh, no!
I'm sorry.
Before you destroy the rest of the kitchen,
maybe you should take your eggs and leave.
Here you are.
Won't you wrap them?
I'm really sorry.
Me too.
There. Here you are.
Many thanks. Thank you.
I'll tell Mrs Berlinger how nice you were.
O.K. Do as you see fit.
- Bye. - Goodbye.
Excuse me?
Stop it! Rolfi!
Excuse me! Off you go!
Get lost! I mean now!
I'm sorry. He's completely harmless.
- He just wants to have a game. - Funny game.
Did he hurt you?
Peter's just afraid of dogs.
- I'm sorry. - Me too.
He jumped up on me.
I'm sorry about that.
- Shall I lock him in so you can leave? - No need.
- I can tell my husband to... - There's really no need, thanks.
It's my fault. I quite forgot the dog.
Otherwise I'd have come to fetch the...
Oh! What a wonderful kit! Gallaway, isn't it?
It's fantastic.
May I?
We hardly stand a chance for tomorrow!
Good clubs don't make good golfers.
That's true, yes.
Would it be cheeky of me to ask if I can try it just once?
Right now, outside?
Please! O.K.?!
From the lawn out to the lake, O.K.?
- If it makes you happy. I... - Thanks.
Excuse me.
He loves golf!
- We both do. - Sorry?
Both of us. We both love golf.
Stop it!
Be quiet now!
What's up?
I don't know, probably it's too hot for him too.
I'll go and see.
Like the difference between day and night.
Thanks very much.
You're welcome.
Where's Tom?
- Who? - Did you give him the eggs?
The driver is absolutely top-class. You must try it.
Listen, young man...
I don't know what game you're playing, but I'm not going to join in.
Will you go now, please?
What game?
Sorry, madam,
but I don't understand why you're suddenly so unfriendly.
Have Tom or I done anything to annoy you?
Please would you leave?
Did you behave badly while I was outside?
Was he cheeky?
- Did he say anything... - That's enough.
I asked you to leave, so...
please go.
I don't understand what's upset you so, but if you insist...
Give the eggs to Tom and we won't bother you again.
I'm sorry?!
Of course we'll be telling Eva and Fred.
Honestly, I've never experienced anything like it before.
What about you, Tom?
May we have the eggs now, please?
I told you to leave!
Did I do something wrong...
Now just get out of here, you...
Is the dog with you? What's going on?
- Get them out! - Good to see you, Mr Schober.
You are Mr Schober, right? Fred, I mean, Mr Berlinger told me.
What? What's the matter?
Throw him out!
Your wife's mistaken. I'm very glad you're here.
I'm sure you can clarify the misunderstanding.
Please, Georg!
It's outrageous!
Can I explain how this misunderstanding arose?
Mrs Berlinger sent me over to fetch some eggs.
So what? And then?
Your wife gave the eggs to Peter, but he smashed them.
Yes. And she gave me four more eggs, but...
then the dog jumped up on me...
and now...
But it was a 12-pack, and you're shopping Monday anyway...
We just want the eggs,
that's all.
Can you tell me what's going on?
Give them the eggs.
Hold on! Can you wait a moment?
- Can I take them? - Just a moment.
What's going on?
It can't just be about these ridiculous eggs. Why this rage?
I'm not justifying myself to these...
I asked you to throw them out. I must have my reasons.
Do as you wish. For me, the subject is closed.
Would you please leave?
My wife doesn't feel well.
I can't act as arbitrator in a matter I don't know anything about.
Please would you leave.
What is it?
If you don't mind?
So give them to him!
What's going on?!
Nothing's going on.
She gave him the eggs, the dog jumped on him, he smashed them.
He wants more. Is it so complicated?
What kind of tone is that supposed to be?
Watch I don't smash your balls as well!
Now get out!
Right now!
Is it broken?
Be good, now, behave yourself!
Be nice!
I don't want to hurt you, but behave yourself!
Please stay where you are.
Please stay there!
- He hit me in the face. - Yes. He started it.
You can help him if you want, but no messing about.
- Bring him a chair. - My knee!
He should take off his pants and sit down.
Peter studies medicine. He'll fix it.
Take off your pants, please.
If you won't let me see your wound, I can't help you.
Sorry I hurt you...
but you left me no choice,
you must admit.
Be reasonable, Mr Schober, let him look at your leg.
He's sure to be able to help.
Will you leave please?!
This won't get us anywhere.
You must let him help you. You haven't any choice.
You're a ship's captain, sir.
You know that on board ship, the Captain's word is final.
So, what do you want to do, sir?
Do you want to call someone? An ambulance?
Or the police?
Go on! I won't stop you. Nor will Tom.
That's a promise!
What are you waiting for?
He dropped the mobile in the water.
Why are you doing this?
Why not?
O.K. then...
another game.
A guessing game.
What's this?
A golf ball.
Exactly, sir, a golf ball.
And why do I have it here in my pocket?
The lady knows.
Because you didn't hit it.
Exactly! And why didn't I hit it?
Because you were stopped.
Exactly. And because I had to test the club another way.
Where is he?
Warmer. Warmer.
Really cold.
Warmer, hotter... boiling!
Would you kindly get me some food from the kitchen?
Would it be possible?
Bananas or something like that.
And don't think of picking up a knife or something.
I'd be sorry if you did.
For your sake.
The sun's coming out again.
Very kind of you. Thank you.
Hello! Sweetie!
Where are you?
Come on down!
We're both thinking the same, aren't we?
We saw your boat!
Hello Gerda!
Hello Robert!
How long have you been here?
Not long. We're still unpacking.
How long are you staying?
A week or two. We're not sure yet.
- Hello, darling, lovely to see you. - Hello.
Have you met my sister?
No! Pleased to meet you!
Hello Robert!
- Everything O.K.? - Of course.
This is Paul. He's living with our neighbours.
- Hello Paul! - Hello, pleased to meet you!
Are you cold?
No, I have eczema.
You should go swimming. The water here does wonders for you.
Thank you for the tip. Hello.
How's Georg?
Very well, thank you!
So where is he?
He pulled a muscle putting the mast up. So he's lying down.
That's a real shame.
That's the result of doing everything yourself.
Robert wouldn't dream
of putting our boat in the water on his own, right?
Tell your beloved to pull himself together.
We barbecue nearly every night. We can't do without him.
I'll tell him!
I mean it. As soon as he's better, come and see us right away.
Robert's son is here with his girlfriend; he'll like her.
Right then.
Have a good time, darling.
If the wind doesn't change, bring the car.
The weather forecast says wind.
For tomorrow. I said to Robert we'd get nowhere.
Where are you moored?
Oh! Over there, behind the headland. But on the other side.
- The wooden house covered in ivy? - That's it.
It looks very pretty.
Indeed it is, young man.
Right then: bye!
- Are you staying all week? - This week, sure.
Might see you tonight!
As you like. We're always pleased to see you!
I don't know yet. We'll see how Georg is.
Yes, you see! See you soon!
They'll be here in 2 hours at the latest.
And then this farce will be over.
Sorry, but that's not quite true.
I heard the end of your phone call:
you asked your friends to call you back
if they were coming tonight.
Or did I misunderstand you?
Even if they can't reach us, they'll still come.
Is lying allowed?
Just a moment!
There you are. Please.
You really can speak to us openly.
You'll feel much better.
We're also being very open with you.
Perhaps try putting a cushion under it.
If you'd accepted Peter's help, it would be hurting less.
I'm quite willing to help you.
But I don't want to impose.
Yes, raise the leg. That's bound to be more comfortable.
There we are! Done!
Can you leave it out, you bastards?
Is that an offer?
- What? - Using our first names?
I'm very happy about that.
It does vastly simplify our communication.
I'd still like to apologize for just now,
for being too familiar,
but you must admit that the smack was an unreasonable reaction nonetheless.
This is Peter.
Come here, Tom, have you no manners?
Give Georg your hand.
Here, it's for the pain.
What? To you, we're non-existent?
- Being on familiar terms doesn't mean... - You bastard...
Quiet! Please!
Stop it now, otherwise your mother will get it, do you understand?!
Keep quiet now.
What a scene, just for being on first-name terms!
We were only trying to improve relations.
- I thought we could... - Why are you doing that?
Fatty, why are you doing that?
Go on, tell us!
I don't know... I...
The Captain wants to know. Why?!
It's difficult to talk about it. I...
Don't be shy.
You know just how hard it is...
My God, what a fuss!
His father got a divorce when he was still that tiny,
- and he took another woman... - That's not true!
He's lying!
It was my mother who divorced because...
Because she wanted to have her little teddy all to herself,
and since then, he's been a queer and a crook.
You see?
You're an arsehole!
The truth is,
he comes from a filthy, deprived family,
he has five brothers and sisters...
who are all drug addicts;
his dad's an alcoholic, and as for his mother, you can imagine;
or rather, the truth is, it's him who fucks her.
but true.
Come on, calm down now.
You're disgusting.
Can't you cut out your obscenities in front of the child?
Of course. What answer would you like?
What would satisfy you?
Anyway, what I said isn't true, you know that as well as I.
Look at him:
Do you really think he comes from a deprived background?
He's a spoilt little shit-face,
tormented by ennui and world-weariness,
weighed down by the void of existence!
That's hard, honestly!
You see, he's smiling again.
Or another version?
I'm hungry.
I'll see what there is.
You see, the truth is, he's a drug addict.
That's why he's going now, and...
That's why he has bad nerves, you see.
Me too, I'm a drug addict.
Together we rob rich families in smart houses...
so we can afford the stuff.
Can you stop this lunacy?
I get the message,
isn't that enough for you?
You get the message?
Fatty?! He's got it!
Now he knows everything!
That's fantastic, really.
Peter, come in here!
Listen, we're going to bet. O.K.?
Sit down, come on!
- It's dark in here. - Now don't fall asleep!
We'll bet that...
What's the time?
Twenty to nine.
...that in...
let's say, 1 2 hours... all three of you'll be kaputt.
You bet us, that tomorrow at 9, you'll be alive,
and we bet you, you'll be dead. O.K.?
They don't want to bet.
That's no good. You have to bet.
What do you think? Do you think they've a chance of winning?
You are on their side, aren't you?
So, who will you bet with?
What kind of bet is this?!
Dead, they can give nothing, and conversely, they can win nothing.
They'll lose in any case. Obviously.
Stop this nonsense.
Are you trying to scare us?
lsn't what you've done already enough?
What do you want? Our money?
Help yourselves and get out.
Don't you think Fred and Eva might come and see what's going on?
And give us a good hiding, right?!
As they say on TV: The bets are placed!
And what'll we do now?
Could you kindly make us some food?
You worry me, Fatty.
Can't you control yourself?
You've just gobbled up the sausage.
It's disgusting. What are these people going to think?!
I haven't eaten since lunch-time! And stop calling me Fatty.
- O.K. Tom. - O.K. Jerry.
But can't you pay some attention to your appearance?
You think it makes you more attractive?
Look at the Captain's wife.
Do you think she finds you attractive?
- With your flab? - Stop it!
Look at her.
She's not as old as all that.
Excuse me, madam.
You'd be quite acceptable to her,
but with that figure of yours!
Follow her example. Her body's really in shape.
Not a single extra calorie!
I'm not so sure!
Did you hear that, madam?
That's really a cheek!
We can't put up with that, can we?
Hey you! You lndian!
What's your name anyway?
Like daddy. Lovely!
Georgie-boy, come over to me.
Come here.
Come on. Sit down beside me. We're going to play a game.
Let the boy go!
I know you don't want to play, but you'll see, it's fun.
Let the boy go!
See how your mother's standing up for you?
- Dad could take an example from her! - Stop it!
For that we're going to let your mum play with us.
Hold Georgie a mo.
We're playing a nice little game: Kitten in the Bag.
You'll see, it's fun.
There! Don't panic! Nothing will happen.
I said this is a nice game. A family game.
Daddy is playing too so he doesn't get bored.
Right. Now listen!
You'll have to keep still, or it's no fun.
Hey! Listen now!
That's right, Georgie.
We'll work together, O.K.?
The pillow case isn't uncomfortable, is it?
You've enough air, haven't you?
- You've enough air, haven't you? - Yes.
Great. Then we can finally start.
So, the starting point of our game was...
that mummy and our little lndian wanted to slip out of here.
- But why? - Don't know.
Is lying allowed, Fatty?
What an example you're setting! You know why.
You mentioned her flab.
What do you mean, me?!
It was you who doubted her flawlessness!
O.K. Forget it!
I understand too how it embarrassed her. With the boy here.
That's why we play 'Kitten in the Bag'. To preserve moral decency.
The kiddy wears a pillow case While mummy strips off, in great haste!
We mustn't hurt the kitty-cat, right? Dad's broken leg is enough.
Let the child go. Please!
Exactly. Daddy's playing with us too.
What are we waiting for?
Tell your wife not to be so shy. It's ridiculous.
Anyway, I'm sure she isn't flabby.
Please, let the child go.
You only have to say to her: get undressed.
I beg you!
"Get undressed, my darling."
Get undressed.
"Get undressed, my darling."
Get undressed, my darling.
Well done.
What did I say? Not an ounce of flab.
Now, let's get dressed again.
can you take the little piggy?
He isn't quite potty-trained.
Go and clean him up.
- Let the child go! - I won't do anything to him.
Will you sit down please.
I'd advise you not to kick me.
I hope you won't be too bored with these two.
Pour a pan of water over his head.
But make sure you don't ruin the carpet.
No, no, of course that was a joke.
I have to retake Latin in the autumn.
If I pass it, then things will get moving;
I'll study commercial law. But before that there's military service.
Does it hurt a lot?
Why don't you kill us right away?
Don't forget the entertainment value.
We'd all be deprived of our pleasure.
...sorry about your leg.
But it's your fault, if I might say so.
Why did you smack Paul?
For me, begging for the eggs to no avail was very unpleasant;
humiliating, actually.
I don't know if you realize that.
It's just not worth it,
all this charade, for a box of eggs.
They should still be there.
You should have trusted what your wife said.
She really begged you just to let us leave with the eggs.
Naturally one's always wiser after the event.
Ah! There they are!
One of them is cracked.
It's not bad, what these boxes withstand. When you think...
Why are you doing that?
How stupid do you think I am?
I don't understand. You're really forcing me to treat you badly.
Jesus! That's it! You've done it now!
And Paul even said we should take care of the carpet!
Please, let us go!
You're so young still!
You have all your life before you!
Nothing's happened yet!
We'll say... that Georg broke his leg in the boat.
- Everyone'll believe it, and... - Why are you humiliating yourself?
It's just as unpleasant for me as for you.
Where are you?
I'm coming!
Hold on, I'll put on some music for us.
Don't come any closer!
The trigger!
You have to prime the trigger!
And you need to pull it too!
Tralee trala, here we are!
Hello, my darling!
Is everything O.K.?
they've killed Sissi!
- Hi, Beavis! - Hi, Butt-Head!
- Everything under control? - Looks like it.
- May I? - Please. Sure.
You must wonder, Captain, where this lovely rifle comes from.
Or does it seem familiar?
Haven't you ever been hunting with Fred?
Do you know, your little darling
just tried to kill me with it?
Scarcely believable, but it's the truth, and nothing but the truth.
lsn't that right, Georgie?
What do you say, Tom?
What's the time?
Just after eleven.
We should start thinking about our bet, don't you think?
Actually we ought to be grateful to Georgie for helping us.
One for Beavis,
one for Butt-Head.
A, B, BOO and out go you!
You're not leaving at this stage;
first you'll have to say your age.
She doesn't want to play.
Well, how old do you think she is?
No flab...
So I'd say...
let's be generous... let's say... 35.
She agrees.
Who are you going to start counting with?
And now I'm going to get myself something to eat.
One, two, three,
four, five, six, seven...
Can I get anyone anything?
You're an idiot, Fatty. You don't shoot the person
you've counted out, but the one that's left over!
- What's wrong with you?! - He tried to escape!
So what? That's no reason to get trigger-happy.
Have you no sense of timing?
What's the time?
Just before 12.
We'll get nothing from the others now.
- Let's get out of here. - Fine.
Thanks so much for the driver. I'll put it back in the bag. O.K.?
So: have a good evening!
They've gone.
Do you hear... they've gone!
I'll get a knife.
Come on... calm down now...
Take deep breaths...
Come on, darling...
Calm down now...
Calm yourself...
That's it. Take some deep breaths.
We've got to get out of here.
What if they come back?
Do you think you can walk if I support you?
I'll try.
What's wrong with your arm?
Shall I try and make a splint for it? Then I can hold you better.
No, it's O.K. Come on.
Let's go.
No! Anna!
They've locked the door.
We must use the window.
I can't.
Georg! Please!
I can't manage it. You go.
It's crazy wasting so much time. Run for it. Please!
Climb out of the kitchen window. Try to get as far as the inn, or...
If we're locked in here, the gate will be shut too.
That's true...
Take a pair of pliers and cut the fence.
But careful on the road. Maybe they're waiting out there.
Where are the pliers?
I don't know.
Here, in the kitchen;
down at the boat shed.
I can't leave you alone here.
Go now, please!
Put some clothes on.
And shoes too, so you can run.
Hold on, the bag's still here.
Down there.
I'll hide down in the wine cellar. The key must be in the door.
I'll shut myself in and wait for you to come back.
How will you get down there?
I'll manage.
Go now! Please!
The mobile! It's working again!
It's working! It's obviously dried out.
So get on the phone!
- Who to? - Anyone! The police!
- What's their number? - No idea.
Call my mother... your father...
no, wait...
Call Peter, he's at home, I know, he wanted to...
Press 4 and then hash to speed-dial.
It's not ringing.
Let me listen.
But there is a signal!
Some of the contacts are probably still damp.
Get the hair dryer. Maybe it'll help.
Can you pass me the chair?
It won't work.
Leave it, come on.
Maybe it's permanently broken.
Get going!
We're wasting far too much time. Let me do it.
Go on!
Pull me over there on the chair.
I think it'll be easier than walking.
And now, run!
Please, forgive me!
I love you!
Run, please!
Peter? It's Georg!
Can you hear me?!
I can barely hear you!
if you can hear me, send the police over to our lake house,
right away!
Peter! Can you hear me?!
Morning, Captain.
They'll be there any minute.
We'll have to hurry then. Right, Beavis?
Why don't you believe me?
- How old did we say? 37? - 35.
Good that the battery charger's in the car!
If it's her age, you must start with her.
The battery was O.K.
- O.K., I'll start with her. - Sorry?
Yes, I know.
It's time you had another idea. The lady tried that trick before.
Count faster, Beavis.
Do you think we have no imagination?
Without risk, you can't have a bet, that's obvious, Captain.
You must have a chance too.
The wind blows where it wishes.
That's the joy of sailing, don't you think?
Right then!
...thirty-four, thirty-five!
Don't make the same mistake again:
It's the one that's left who's turn it is, not the one who's counted out.
Hang on.
I can see a new toy.
I assume we owe this to the lady?
This will make things a bit more amusing.
The dumb suffer in unspectacular fashion.
We want to offer the audience something...
and show what we can do, right?!
You can join in again now.
We were already on first-name terms, right?!
So, Anna,
now we're going to play: "The Loving Wife", or...
"Whether by knife or whether by gun
"Losing your life can sometimes be fun."
Hey! No falling asleep!
You have to play with us, or you'll be gagged again.
That's not very nice, is it?
So: here are the rules of the game:
Georgie senior has been counted out, so it's his turn.
It'll be hard to change that.
Unless you want to take his place.
Do you want to?
I'm sure Fatty will understand. Right, Fatty?
- Don't call me Fatty. - You see, he understands.
Get this over with. That's enough.
That's enough?
You think that's enough?
What do you think, Anna?
Have you had enough? Or do you want to play some more?
Don't reply any more.
Let them do what they want - please!
Then it'll be over quicker.
Huh, that's cowardly!
We're not up to feature film length yet.
Is that enough?
But you want a real ending, with plausible plot development, don't you?
The bet is still on. It can't be withdrawn unilaterally.
the game is called: "The Loving Wife".
Although Beavis has done the counting, she can choose...
who will be next. And...
using what implement!
Do we prefer the little knife?
Or the rifle?
Well then, what does the housewife say?
Hello, wakey wakey!
So, you're not interested?
You don't want to play any more.
Beavis, show her the game again.
Here you are.
Hey, careful!
I almost cut myself.
You see. It's the little knife. You can spare him that.
You only have to play with us.
I understand, Anna. I understand, really!
It's not a good feeling, causing the one you love to suffer.
But it costs so little to avoid all that.
You only need follow the rules, and all will be well.
What must I do?
You see, it wasn't that difficult.
And we'll make it easy too.
You recite a prayer of your choice.
If you say it flawlessly,
God will help you and you choose what happens next.
Or shall we carry on with Georgie senior?
I don't know a prayer.
You don't know any prayers?
Not a single prayer?!
Is that possible?
Tell her one, Fatty.
Stop calling me Fatty all the time.
I'll stop saying it. Well?
"Oh Lord, make me kind. So in heaven, my place may find.'
- That's too easy. - I can't think of any others.
"Oh Lord, make me kind. So in heaven, my place may find.'
No! Not like that!
It's a prayer;
you can't just drone on like that.
You're asking the Lord God for something. So pray properly.
Go on. Go down on your knees properly.
Go on! Get on with it!
There. That's right. Kneel down properly.
Put your hands together.
Not on your stomach.
Where is the one you pray to? Up there!
You have to pray to the heavens! That's it!
Right, and now, in a fervent tone, if you don't mind.
- Beavis, can you help her a little?! - No!
"Oh Lord, make me kind,
"So in heaven, my place may find."
Well done! You did that well!
That was the trial run, and now we're going for Olympic Gold:
If you can recite this prayer, which is sadly much too short,
from back to front, without any mistakes,
you can not only choose which of you kicks the bucket first,
but also, and no doubt this will interest you more, how:
whether quick and painless by the bullet...
Where's the remote?
Where's the fucking remote control?
That was the trial run, and now we're going for Olympic Gold:
If you can recite this prayer, which is sadly much too short,
from back to front, without any mistakes,
you can not only choose which of you kicks the bucket first,
but also, and no doubt this will interest you more, how:
whether quick and painless by the bul...
You shouldn't have done that, Anna. One doesn't break the rules.
Sorry. You've failed.
Say goodbye to Georgie.
Would you sit down?
Can you give me your gloves?
...only it's all inverted.
But of course all these predictions are wrong so as to avoid a panic.
But now Kelvin knows how it really is...
and wants to warn his wife and daughter in time.
But the problem is not only getting
from the world of antimatter to reality,
- but also to regain communication... - Look!
Now that's a sporting attitude!
Hey, look out, fatso!
I thought you were a nonswimmer.
Go and get the widow. She'll feel lonely otherwise.
Would you mind cooperating? It's not easy.
Otherwise I might hurt you.
So. Where was I?
The communication problems between matter and antimatter.
Exactly. As if you were in a black hole!
Gravitation is so strong that nothing can escape it: absolute silence.
- By the way, what's the time? - What?
What's the time?
- Just after eight. - Already?
The deadline was at 9. She had almost an hour left!
Firstly, it was too hard to sail like that
and secondly, I'm starting to get hungry.
That's true.
...when Kelvin overcomes gravitation,
it turns out that one universe is real, but the other is just a fiction.
How does that happen?
What do I know! It was a kind of model projection in cyberspace.
And where is your hero now? In reality or fiction?
His family is in reality and he's in fiction.
- But the fiction is real, isn't it? - How do you mean?
- Well, you see it in the film, right? - Of course.
So, it's just as real as the reality which you see likewise, right?
- Crap. - Why?
Is anyone awake yet?
Who is it?
Good morning to you.
Sorry to disturb you so early, but I've come from Anna's.
Don't you remember me? Yesterday afternoon, on the jetty.
I'm Paul.
Oh yes.
- Good morning. - Morning.
Anna sent me. We had guests arrive unexpectedly this morning
and she wonders if you could spare her a few eggs?
I think so. Come in.
Wait a minute.
<font face="Algerian" color="#ffff00">[ © anoXmous]</font>
<font face="Algerian" color="#ffff00">[ © anoXmous]</font>
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