Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.
I'm going to show you how to quickly transform a photo of a beautiful summer day into a wintry, snowy day.
This is an update of a tutorial I did many years ago on an earlier version of Photoshop.
This update is quicker and more streamlined.
Open an exterior photo that's lush with trees or other green vegetation.
I downloaded this one from Shutterstock.
First, we'll convert it into a Smart Object, so we can modify it non-destructively.
To do this, click the icon at the upper, right of the Layers panel and click "Convert to Smart Object".
To ensure that your result will look similar to mine, let's check your photo's resolution
by going to Image and Image Size.
If its resolution isn't 72 pixels per inch, just type it in.
To fit it onto your canvas, press Ctrl or Cmd + 0 or to see it at 100%, press Ctrl or Cmd + 1.
Open your Channels panel.
If you don't see it, go to Window and Channels.
Click the Green channel
and press Ctrl or Cmd + A to select it and Ctrl or Cmd + C to copy it.
Open back the Layers panel
and click the New Layer icon to make a new layer.
Press Ctrl or Cmd + V to paste the copy of the green channel into the empty layer.
Convert this layer also into a Smart Object.
Go to Filter and Filter Gallery.
Open the "Distort" folder and click "Diffuse Glow".
I'll make the Graininess": 7, the "Glow Amount": 8 and the "Clear Amount": 8, however, since
each photo has its own unique characteristics, feel free to experiment with these amounts
to get just the right combination for your image.
Reduce its opacity to 90% to reveal a little of the original color.
Next, we'll add falling snow.
Click the New Layer icon to make a new layer.
We'll fill it with black, but first, if your foreground and background colors aren't black
and white respectively, press "D" on your keyboard.
Since black is your foreground color, press Alt or Option + Delete to fill the empty layer with black.
Go to Filter, Noise and "Add Noise".
Make the Amount: 100%, Gaussian and Monochromatic.
Then, click OK or press Enter or Return.
Go back to Filter, Blur and Gaussian Blur.
Make the Radius: 1 pixel.
Open the Levels window by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + L.
In the Input black level, type in 140 and the Input White level, type in 142.
Go back to Filter again, Blur and Gaussian Blur and this time, make the Radius: point 5 pixels.
Change the Blend Mode to "Screen".
We'll add another layer of falling snow by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J to copy the layer.
Reduce its opacity to 50% and go to Edit, Transform and "Rotate 180 degrees".
This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.
Thanks for watching!
For more infomation >> Photoshop Tutorial: How to Quickly Transform Summer into Winter - Duration: 4:52.-------------------------------------------
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Khim Sokheng - Think other people company as your company | Success Reveal - Duration: 10:34.
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Khim Sokheng
Think other people Company As Your Company
Stock of words three language bangla-hindi-english about our human type(part-3) - Duration: 8:48.
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تعلم من الفشل ◆ المهارات العملية ◆ مشهد من محاضرة رائعة للشيخ طارق السويدان - Duration: 4:38.
Splatoon 2: WHAT'S THE DEAL? - Duration: 7:19.
Ah Splatoon.
It's basically a mix between transformers and paintball while on steroids and wearing
too much mascara.
And with Splatoon 2 out!..well it's basically the exact same game with more shit going on.
Honestly I don't know if you've really looked at Splatoon, the game is a rainbow
vomit free-for-all of lead based fun!
That being said, there must be some important differences and distinctions from OG Splatoon
when it comes to Splatoon 2...right?
Let me be clear for a second, when I'm talking about distinctions between Splatoon 2 and
its predecessor, I know that there's new equipment.
Every sequel to every game ever gets new equipment.
New guns, new clothes, yes the look of the game has changed, but has Splatoon really
evolved into something new, or are we driving the same car with a new coat of paint?
We're going to dissect Splatoon 2 today, take out all of its organs and understand
what makes it tick, what makes it good, what makes bad, but most importantly, what makes
it a different game, and whether that difference makes it a worthy of a successor of Splatoon.
So let's get into it shall we?
First off let's talk about the Hero Mode.
Hero Mode is the single player campaign that takes place in Splatoon and Splatoon 2.
In the original Splatoon, you were militarized by Cap'n Cuttlefish in an effort to find
and return The Great Zapfish, which is basically a giant Whiscash.
Apparently the entire Inkopolis Square runs off the electricity of this abnormally large
pokemon and without it there was no way Inkopolis would survive.
I mean..the Square didn't change at all despite the Zapfish being gone.
You'd think with an energy crisis only days away maybe they'd turn off all those flashy
lights and giant TV screens, but hey, if your entire society wants to ignore a looming crisis
who am I to stop your fresh fun?
It appears that the octarians have stolen the Great Zapfish!
So in classic Nintendo fashion, you have to go through various levels to collect a certain
thingy, enough thingies allows you to unlock new worlds.
Nintendo has done this with other thingys in the past too.
Stars in Mario, Puzzle Pieces in Banjo-Kazooie, Giant Gold Coins in Super Mario, and now in
Splatoon you find regular sized zapfishes that unlock new worlds.
So after countless worlds that are completely countable and one DJ Octarian, Agent 3 is
able to save the great Zapfish!
A great story for a great game.
So what happens in Splatoon 2?
Oh, you're Agent 4...Oh, the Octarians stole the great Zapfish…
Oh you face a DJ octopus at the end of the game...well then.
I guess in terms of story mode there really isn't much different happening here is there?
Now that's not exactly unexpected, I mean let's be honest, do people really buy Splatoon
for the story?
I mean I do...we made an entire video on it.
Look Nintendo!
People like stories!
But nooooo!
You just had to do what you do with all your main titles, Mario, Zelda, you just make a
game with the same general storyline but it's slightly different, just different enough
to keep our minds at ease.
Not this time Nintendo!
You went too far making Splatoon 2's Hero mode almost exactly the same as the prequel!
I got a bit carried away there, Nintendo knows how to make a good game, they just get stuck
in their formulas and sometimes they don't workout outside of the box they've built
around a franchise.
That being said, they could have tried to change up the story in Splatoon 2 a bit more.
Despite a few differences and of course new levels, the actual plot is essentially the
same, just taking place two years later.
So in terms of the story, Splatoon 2 was really kind of a letdown.
We were looking forward to possibly making an Agent 4, The Story You Never Knew, but
it's honestly just too similar to the original title.
That being said, Splatoon isn't a story driven game.
It's all about those sweet sweet turf battles. which are also basically identical to the
battles of the first Splatoon.
Of course what do you expect of a multiplayer shooter game?
Nearly every multiplayer shooter expands their arsenal in the sequel.
And to be fair, splatoon's ink gun and brush based combat is entirely unique so it doesn't
need much change between one game and the next to keep it fresh and exciting.
And in addition to that they did include the new Salmon Run horde mode.
But even that has its faults.
It's not open permanently, yet, which leaves the game feeling like it's still in beta instead
of being a fully released title.
It's blatantly apparent that horde modes in shooter games can make or break a game,
and yet Nintendo still seems unsure about what to do with the Salmon Run mode.
However, adding this does still give the game a step up from its predecessor.
But I feel like Nintendo missed a rare opportunity with Splatoon.
Of all the games coming out for the Switch, Splatoon is the game that Nintendo has poised
for their entrance into the esports market.
And yet, they really failed to bring Splatoon 2 to a new level of gameplay.
In the end, Splatoon 2 was created to be a sequel to the original.
No more, no less.
But Nintendo had just come off a major win with Breath of the Wild, where they completely
revamped a franchise to exceed everyone's wildest expectations.
And it seems like they plan to do something similar with Super Mario Odyssey.
So why was this same care and expansion not given to one of Nintendo's newest IPs?
Splatoon could've been the next big shooter game.
With the popularity of shooters and the growth of esports over recent years combined with
Nintendo's recent exemplary display of taking franchises and reworking them into completely
new and original games for long standing IPs, Splatoon could've become the next Halo or
Call of Duty...except, you know, different.
Breath Of The Wild got so many people to get into the new wave of Nintendo games and, for
some, even to start playing on a Nintendo console for the first time.
And of all the different sects of gaming, the one that Nintendo has missed out on the
most is the team-based shooter genre.
Splatoon OG was a good start to bring that fan base over to their platforms but Splatoon
2 was their chance to make a huge push to appeal to that fanbase.
And honestly, I'm not convinced they did that.
Splatoon 2 is a fantastic game for Splatoon fans, don't get me wrong, but beyond that,
it doesn't really exceed anyone's expectations.
It's fun and addictive, but it didn't bring that drive to buy the game like Breath
of the Wild did, or like I expect Super Mario Odyssey to bring.
But really that's just my opinion on the game.
I know I've been talking a lot of smack and giving Nintendo a hard time, but Splatoon
is really a fun and enjoyable game, I just wanted and expected more considering what
Nintendo has been bringing to its other franchises since the release of the Switch.
But as always, this is just the stuff rolling around my head, let me know what you think.
Do you think Splatoon 2 lived up to its full potential?
Or are you more on my side and think Nintendo missed an opportunity to expand its fan base?
It can really be argued either way depending on how you feel about it.
Lastly, I just want to say thanks to all of you awesome people who are part of our community.
Whether you follow our instagram, or message us on our twitter, have joined our patreon,
or just come to watch our videos, thanks for...for being you…and for being awesome and stuff
Shut up.
This outro sucks.
Get outta here, Grant.
In case you've forgotten, my name is Ryan, and I'll talk to you all soon, tootles!
LOREMASTERS: Moria (book vs. film) - Duration: 13:56.
On this episode were talking about Moria!
Moria, you fear to go in to those mines.
The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep.
You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dum, shadow and flame! *record scratch
- Ok, that was a cool scene and all, but that did not happen in the book!
Gandalf did not know there was a balrog in Moria, infact no one knew that.
If he knew there was a Balrog in there he probably wouldn't have led them straight to the balrog
So there's a lot of differences between the
films and the book and these changes often make people ask a lot of questions;
usually because the films don't make any sense.
But we here at LOREMASTERS have noticed a common question about Moria and that question is:
"Why doesn't anyone know what's going on in Moria?
Isn't Gimli a dwarf?
Don't dwarves live there?
Shouldn't he be up to date with the goin ons of Moria?
He acts like his family is there having a good ol time and then they show up and everyon's
been dead for forever.
How long have those corpses been lying there?
Shouldn't Gandlaf know what's going on, in the world?"
OK that's enough.
This particular question arises from the movies lack of time.
They can't doll out all this information like the book can so they had to change everything
and ehhhh you know.
But we here at LOREMASTERS have all the time in the woooooorld!!!
To answer this question let's start at the beginning of the First Age.
Now were gonna keep things real simple for the sake of brevity and to keep the focus
on Moria alright?
We're skipping over like, three whole books with this one page of script, so if this creates
more questions than answers for you then , I dunno...... go read the Silmarillion!
Many thousands of years ago during the First Age the elves awoke in the world,
which is called Arda by the way, and the dwarves followed soon after and some of these dwarves made
their home in Khazad-dum (it wasnt called Moria at that point).
But during the First Age Khazad-dum was waaaay over in the east and didn't really come into
the stories of that time, which mostly took place in the west.
Now the First Age ended with The War of Wrath in which the Valar banished Morgoth from the
world and in the process they really messed all the land up and what was left is what
we know as Middle Earth, and so the Second Age began!
Khazad-dum comes into more of the tales and events of that time because, you know,
it's right there, but were not really talkin about that stuff lets move on!
After thousands of years and lots of things happening the Second Age came to an end with
The Battle of The Last Alliance in which Sauron was destoyed, for the time being, and still
Khazad-dum - ok im tired of saying Khazad-dum, I'm just gonna say Moria from now on.
And still Moria was the chief city of the dwarves and actually played an integral part
in thwarting Sauron's plans of conquering Middle Earth but where not talkin about that!
anyways bam!
Sauron was defeated and the 3rd age began!
And for almost 2000 years Moria remained the capitol city of Durin's folk until disaster struck!
In the year 1980 of the Third Age Durin was killed and in the following year the dwarves
fled from their ancient home.
No one knew for certain what happened but rumor's of Durin's bane spread far and wide,
and it was after this event that the Elves called it Moria "The black chasm".
ok lets jump ahead again, a lot of other things happened in the Third Age, the invention of pipeweed,
the White Council , OK here we are - In the year 2941 of the Third Age, or 1341
by Shire reckoning, this is when the events of The Hobbit took place, and like I said
were keepin it brief but hopefully this gives you a sense of the timeline of Middle Earth,
anyways we stopped at The Hobbit for a reason!
For it was 30 years after The the events in The Hobbit that Balin set out from Erabor
with a host of dwarves to reclaim Moria, and 30 years after that the events of The lord
of The Rings took place.
So finally we arrive at the the answer to the question from several pages ago.
Moria has been vacant for nearly 1000 years when the council of Elrond takes place and
it's here that we learn from Gloin, Gimli's father, about Balin's attempt to reclaim the
long lost home of the dwarves and that they havn't heard any word from Balin for many years.
So that's why no one is really sure what's goin on in Moria; Balin and company could
be in there, they could all be dead, no one really knows.
So that answers that question.
But there's a few other questions that we see about Moria from time to time and there's
a lot more differences between the book and the film, so since were here, we might as well......
Ok - Elf runes on a dwarf door!
Despite what Peter Jackson would have you believe not all elves and dwarves hate eachother
and again this is a situation where the movie can't stop and focus too much on lore,
also I think people have enough trouble with all the names as it is.
Gandalf reads some of the runes on The Door of Durin in the film but in the book he reads the whole thing:
"The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter.
I, Narvi, made them. Celebrimbor of Hollin drew these signs."
Now you may have heard of Celebrimbor, the elven smith, hes kind of famous for, you know,
making the Elvish rings of power?!
And apparently he was friends with Narvi and helped him with his door.
We don't know much about Narvi; he was a dwarf I guess? I dunno
Alright what else happened, in Moria....
In the book Frodo and Gandalf actually had this conversation back at Bag End which is
kind of funny to think about.
Frodo hadn't even left the Shire, hadn't even left Hobbiton!
And he was already like "I wish the ring had never come to me".
This part is simply inexcusable!
They're going down and to the left!
They're supposed to go up and to the right!
It's interesting to note that this might be Ori, who was also part of Thorin's company in TheHobbit.
In The Lord of The Rings Gimli says that this last entry in The Book of Mazarbal was in Ori's hand.
So that's like a cool little easter egg I guess, having his corpse there holding the book and all.
Also there was no cave troll in the book. I mean Gandalf does say, "They have a cave troll"
but we never actually see it, this was just a large orc.
Ok this scene has always bothered us here at LOREMASTERS.
Obviously this didn't happen in the book, and a good rule of thumb is that if something
doesn't make sense or is, you know, kinda dumb, then odds are it's been fabricated for the films.
So first of all there's more than enough drama and danger in Moria without this scene.
They just fought an army of orcs and are now running from a balrog and in the next scene
Gandalf confronts the thing, so why does this scene exist?
I mean its probably here for pacing or something, which is fine, but It's kind of comical to
think that their couple of hundred pounds is gonna have any impact on which way this
800 million ton stone is gonna fall.
But even before that all of our characters do something really dumb and out of character,
which is my actual problem with this scene, they leave Frodo and Aragorn last?!
The king of Gondor and the ringbearer who is bearing the one ring!
I mean i know this is like, fake tension and that's why they're last, like we're all gonna
believe that these two are gonna die halfway through the first movie.
Sorry guys but Boromir and Samwise are more important!
But what do ya know they all survive, ok im done ranting on to the next scene!
This is one of the most accurate depictions from the book in the whole movie and there's
not a whole lot to say about it concerning a book vs. film discussion.
It was cool in the book that Aragorn and Boromir turn around and run back to the bridge to
help Gandalf, that was cool..... of course he fell before they got there
This is also a great opportuniy to discuss some lore, and we here at LOREMASTERS never
pass on an opportunity to discuss more Moria lore!
Play the intro!
Ok Gandalf is on The Bridge of Khazad-dum facing off against the balrog and he says
a bunch of words.
Now a lot of people probably think he's like, casting a spell, or just saying fantasy babble,
but if you think this is fantasy babble then you don't know Tolkien very well!
Here's our LOREMASTERS take on what Gandalf is talkin about.
The first thing he says is "I am a servant of the Secret Fire" the Secret Fire is probably
a reference to the Imperishable Flame which is mentioned at the beginning of The Silmarillion
and references Illuvatar or maybe even Illuvatar's power of creation.
Illuvatar is the one who created everything in Tolkiens universe, more or less, he created
the world, elves, men, the miar which would include Gandalf and the balrog.
Gandalf's starting off by letting the balrog know that he's wise in the ways of lore,
as only another miar could be and at the same time he's saying, "Illuvatar's on my side bro!".
We basically interpret this whole speech by Gandalf as a form of intimidation by the way.
Next he says "wielder of the flame of Anor" now this is actually up for some debate.
Flame of Anor isn't really mentioned enywhere else in the writings of Tolkien but if your
up to date on your elvish then you'll know that Anor is the elvish word for Sun.
Now the sun is actually a miar like Gandalf who is holding the last fruit of the tree
Im not making that up.
Thats what the sun is!
Read The Silmarillion!
So we interpret this phrase to mean that Gandalf is versed in fire magic much like Arien.
Thats Arien, the sun, the one holding the fruit, remember? is this confusing?
Anyways it's said that Arien was a spirit of fire that Morgoth failed to corrupt which
is exactly what the balrogs are!
Spirits of fire that Morgoth corrupted!
So again Gandalf is just cryptically telling this guy that he's as powerful as he is,
"oh, I see your kind of, like, made of fire, well I like fire too! pinecones!"
We thought at first that Gandalf might be refering to the fact that he wields Narya the ring of fire!
But we here at LOREMASTERS decided that that was bogus!
First of all the balrog probably doesn't know what Narya is, I mean he's been hiding underground
since Morgoth was defeated at the end of the First Age.
I mean maybe Sauron told him about it at some point?
I dunno, but Gandalf would never reveal that he held a ring of power, especially to the enemy.
Alright what's Gandalf say next, "I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor,
"the dark fire will not avail you" Now this is just Middle Earth talk for "your goin dooown!"
But really he's probably refering to Morgoth when he says "dark fire" since balrogs were his servants.
He's saying Morgoth won't help you, no one can help you now bro, YOUR MINE!
And the last thing he says is "flame of Udun" Once again Gandalf is revealing to this guy
that he's strong in the ways of lore; no one would know to call a balrog "flame of Udun"
except another Miar or maybe an ancient, powerful elf, like Glorfindel or Galadriel.
Udun is another name for Utumno which was the first fortress that Morgath made during
the First Age, go read The Silmarillion, and needless to say balrogs probably dwelt there.
So flame of Udun, flame of Utumno, servant of Morgoth, it's all one big truth bomb that
Gandalf's droppin on this chump!
He knows whats up and he's about to give him what for!
he fell.
We'd also like to point out that this is the third documented case where someone has destroyed
a balrog but also died in the process.
Gandalf can now be counted amongst the most ultimate of badasses along with
Glorfindel and Ecthelion of the fountain!
Then they leave.
So that's Moria.
And it's pretty tame as far as changes between the book and the films are concerned.
And believe us when we say that these two are entirely, completely different things!
We here at LOREMASTERS could write a whole book about how different the movies are from
the source material.
We could call it, I dunno,
The Lord of The Rings!?
Or we could make more videos....but what would they be about?
Well there's a lot of characters that have been changed in the films.
Elrond is made out to be like, a villan.
That's a crime!
Aragorn is pretty different in the books.
Some characters are kinda like, entirely fabricated, or they do things that are completely out of character.
Peter jackson was never in the books!
Ted Sandyman was in the extended editions and I think that's farmer Maggot, so I can't
really complain about them.
What else.... now I'm just rambling because the video should have faded out by now
BREAKING Collins recounts 'heartwarming' welcome in Maine after healthcare 'no' vote - News - Duration: 2:23.
20 Small Living Room Improvement Ideas - Duration: 13:13.
20 Small Living Room Improvement Ideas
The living room is undoubtedly the place where
most members of the family spend their leisure time together.
To create a pleasant atmosphere, sometimes people will like to carry out some improvement
to their living room.
if you are interested in carrying out some improvements in your small living rooms, this
list is probably help you out.
Natural Finished Living Room. This method will enlighten you on how to feel
wider space in your small sized living room.
Apply a couple of narrow windows with sliding doors to give you any dynamic water views.
Add a fireplace at the center of the room to complete the room.
Building bookshelves are also recommended to make space feel wider.
Drum Coffee Tables. The shape designed for a coffee table is not
always rectangular.
The African style can be adapted in maximizing drums as tables.
You can arrange many drum tables in front of your sofa while you are watching television.
The drum as your coffee table will ease your movement, and its placement is flexible unlike
using the common coffee table.
Avoid injuries to the knees and toes through collision by using this kind of table.
Applying Bright and Dark Colors.
Sometimes you can have a vast improvement
by maximizing the color of your wall.
Create a crystal clear and appealing backdrop by painting your walls with black color.
This simplicity will bring out the refinement of a New York apartment nuance.
To add the dramatic feel, place a large chessboard on the table to complement the dark concept
with its black and white colors.
Also, include a white and plain bookshelf with the black colored book cover as the complement.
Yellow Wall with Artwork.
Artworks can be used to improve your living room.
But a strategic point of the display is needed.
Well-placed artwork will help in creating a beautiful atmosphere.
Place the artwork neatly on the wall and make sure there is no extra space on the wall.
Specifically, you need to begin with the yellow-painted wall and apply the same to the rest.
The yellow color should be used for every main element like a curtain, Rug, and the
Wild Concept Living Room.
You are free to be wild with this idea.
For adapting jungle style, then the green colors are necessary.
Paint the wall with light green color then include some green-colored bookshelves in
the room.
The green and light-yellow couches strengthen the jungle design.
The pink and green colored curtains can be used as a complement.
Add a fireplace in the middle of the room and make it look wider.
Playing the Scale.
You can also maximize your small-sized living room by playing with its scale.
Make yourself feel comfortable in your small living room by using a large scale.
Place some little items together in small spaces to tighten up things by the visual
This method will make your small living room look bigger.
Hanging some artworks behind your television to maximize the function of your wall.
Squeeze as much coziness into your room as possible.
Traditional Living Room
This method will require the use of some ottomans to improve your living room.
The ottoman method as the main media can really maximize the decorating of your living room.
Paint the wall with plain and white color at the start.
Do not apply a prominent eye-catching color to give the traditional design.
You may include some artworks on the wall.
Use a white-framed artwork to strengthen the traditional design.
Next, apply white-colored ottomans to your living room.
Also, include a wooden and glass table at the center of the living room.
Cheerful Concept
This method is the most recommended one if you intend to design your small living room
for your children.
Begin from the wall; paint it with a normal white color.
Then use a bright yellow color for the curtain.
Provide a small table to put some items near the wall.
A yellow color jar will add a pleasant feeling.
Maximize the table by putting some colorful things or artworks.
Then finally add a bright yellow sofa to complement the cheerfulness.
Casual Eclectic Living Room
The green color of this eclectic style will obviously give your living room a refreshing
Paint your wall with light green color to refresh the whole room.
Place your favorite artworks on the green painted wall to make the living room feel
Grey color couches can be used to match the room décor.
Place green pillow to make the room more comfortable.
Place a wooden table in this eclectic room to finish the casual, eclectic design.
Smart Light Living Room
This idea assists you with ways to maximize your small-sized living room by including
simple parts, which is the lighting.
You can reinvent the atmosphere that you want in your living room by adding a well-managed
and well-placed lighting.
Use a lighting that can be hung from above or can be applied to the walls to minimize
the floor space of the room.
Try to apply an extraordinary lamp style with this idea; three lamps should be hung at one
Create your room space by maximizing the lighting concept.
Apartment Concept Living Room.
This idea assists you to improve your living room from its floor.
Apply the bamboo as the main material of the flooring of the room to create a room
with a classy and strong outlook.
The bamboo gives a character to the entire room and offers you a rustic nuance.
Place any red accents that will complete the décor.
Also, use a sofa in the room that will be compactable with the bamboo floor and red
Your small living room can now be transformed into an apartment model.
Maximizing the Furniture
Another way to maximize the small size of your living room is by neatly arranging the
Apply dark blue and white color as the prominent color of the wall.
Place a giant bookshelf at one side of your living room and maximize it as the prominent
Add many books and artworks on the bookshelf to tighten the space.
To complement the color of the wall, use a big dark blue-colored sofa in the middle of
the living room.
Lastly, Apply wooden flooring as the complement.
Mixed Style Living Room
This method is probably the best for you since you can combine some styles in a single living
The concept here is the combination of colors that you will work on.
Begin with the black-painted wall.
You can also hang a variety of artworks on the wall.
Add a green and white-colored sofa to complete the combination.
Next, Erect a wooden table to strengthen the mixed style.
Rustic Concept Family Room.
This idea creates a cottage touch for your living room.
Apply a neutral tone to produce a timeless style in your relaxed and cozy living room.
Place hardwood floors and expose the beam to create the rustic design of cottages.
Then include some coeval splash colors by using a bold and graphing blue style on your
armchairs and curtains.
Multi-functional Living Room.
You can improve your small living room and produce a dining area with it by using this
Family dinner should not be limited to the kitchen always.
It creates the options for decorating and space planning.
Use some colorful furniture to permit fluid movement between the living room and the breakfast
Combine the solid color scheme with the surrounding space.
Maximizing Curtains.
Living in a room with enough lighting brings out a pleasant feeling.
Some living rooms are not designed to have windows, but if your living room has, then
this idea is ideal for you.
Hang your curtains highly to produce more light during the daylight.
Create more space for the sunlight in your living room.
Save some space at night in your living room by using a unique lamp style.
Shining Family Room.
When decorating the living room with a family theme, you will have to utilize every space
and make the most of it.
Create a bright and fun family room with pleasant decorations.
You can transform the wall into a uniform wallpaper with the white color as the main
Add the white with blue color to produce the main idea.
Manage the couches and try to have it in dark blue color to complement the uniform wallpaper.
As the complement, place some pillows with yellow or orange accents to finish the bright
and pleasant design.
Bohemian Style Living Room
If you are interested in arts and beautiful designs, then this idea might be your favorite
Create a bookshelf in your small-sized living room.
The bookshelf might be the most prominent material that will be needed to create a bohemian
Use a dark-colored bookshelf to create a strong character of bohemian.
To aid the bohemian nuance, include the black matte chandeliers for the lighting to produce
a pleasant feeling.
Place some bohemian pillows to complement your couches.
If possible, make sure to use dark-colored couches to complete this idea.
Seat Focused Living Room.
You can maximize the space of your living room by placing your sofas accordingly.
Include some sofas with different colors to create a colorful and beautiful outlook for
your living room.
Place some stiff objects on the sofa table to maximize all spaces in your living room
to tighten the space.
You can utilize the size of your living room by effectively choosing the right seats because
having a small living room does not mean that you can have more seats.
And last, 1.
Modern Southwest Living Room.
You can use one stone to kill two birds while you are adapting the southwest style.
Apply a plain and white color to the wall.
In utilizing the room space, use two televisions in one living room.
The first television should be used by adults to watch the news or other favorite shows,
and the second television can be used for video game console, neatly place behind the
wooden panel.
Include some sofas and armchairs to create a more conducive atmosphere in your living
That's it, If you enjoy our list, press the like or share
button under this video... or better yet comment it.
Also, press the subscribe button if this channel is new to you.
Bonus idea: 3 Cheap Dollar Store DIY Projects To Update
Your Home Décor from refinery29 You can take one, some, or all ideas in this
It's free.
Lastly, don't forget to follow Beatrice to get fresh organizing hacks and clever home
décor ideas.
Thanks for watching.
5 Signs Your Personality Is Intimidating To Others - Duration: 5:38.
5 Signs Your Personality Is Intimidating To Others
If you've ever been told you have a strong personality, or if you feel like people see
you as 'intimidating', then this video is for you.
Everything that ever happened to us is an ingredient."
Our experiences in life mold us into the people we are.
Chances are, if you have a strong personality, it's because you've had to have one life
throws curveballs, and you've learned how to throw them back.
In this video, I'm going to show you 5 signs your personality is intimidating to others.
But before we start, make sure to like this video and subscribe our channel so you won't
miss any interesting updates in the future guys!
Also, don't forget to check link on the description below to see our interesting offer that might
be useful for you.
It's not a bad thing to be one of these people, even though you might feel like you've
done something wrong by the way others react around you.
Your career may have had a few hiccups, and your relationships are trademarked by tension,
but your independent way of thinking isn't wrong, it just rubs some people the wrong
You might have noticed that people are cautious when you approach, or when they see you, they
give a quick hello, smile, and abruptly leave.
The sad part of this is that some people don't even realize that they're coming off this
More often than not, these people have a big heart and are very kind, but their strong
personality makes them come off as aggressive or even rude.
However, there are a couple traits and characteristics that seem to be quite common.
You don't tolerate willful ignorance.
To be honest, it either sparks an anger inside of you (that you can't keep silent about),
or it makes you want to walk away without saying a word.
This might be because most strong-willed people are also highly educated.
After doing everything they could to understand as much of the world as possible (which requires
a mind of openness), when they see someone who is willfully ignorant or judgmental, they
simply can't handle it, and they won't tolerate it.
Small talk is annoying.
Conversations that invite intellectually stimulating discussion are always welcome, whereas mundane
topics of weather and which celebrity is getting married, can leave you feeling frustrated
and annoyed.
And yes, those with strong personalities are prone to telling others exactly what they
This is especially true when the are concentrating on an important task and someone interrupts
with small talk.
They really just don't have the patience or time to deal with trivial details.
You find opportunities where others see none.
One of the perks of having an open mind, is seeing opportunities where others see closed
Anything can happen with the right mindset.
This trait can help you survive and thrive when times get tough.
The only issue you will encounter is when others show animosity and jealousy of your
ability to succeed.
You focus on solutions- not problems.
People that have a strong personality are known for getting things done.
They keep their nose to the grindstone and work tirelessly to reach their goals.
When a problem arises, they focus on solving the issue.
Because of this type of mentality, these people do not tolerate the excuses of others.
If someone attempts to whine and complain to a person with a strong personality, with
no regard to fixing their problems, they will find themselves alone.
Strong personalities don't pander to weak-willed individuals.
Your word is everything.
If you have a strong personality, then you are one of the few people who really say what
you mean, and mean what you say.
You've never been one to break a promise, or lie to a friend (even if you knew the truth
would hurt), and people respect you for your honesty.
But they might not appreciate it at the time.
In fact, you've probably had someone tell you how much they dislike the words you told
them, even though you said them with kindness and honesty.
This trait causes you to despise liars and people who couldn't keep a promise to save
their life.
They say something you know is false and suddenly there is a fire inside of you.
It just happens.
Because of this, you pick and choose your friends wisely.
Does this sound like you or someone you know?
Just remember, people who have a strong personality aren't being rude, and they're not trying
to dominate anything or anyone.
They simply can't handle the masks of others anymore- it's unnecessary and exhausting.
Well, that's the five common signs your personality is intimidating to others.
Really cool information isn't it?
Leave us a comment down below and let us know what your thought of this video.
Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.
Thanks for watching!
Daily LiveStream By NoelMonster...... - Duration: 2:12:36.
The real you? | daily sprout 304 - Duration: 0:52.
pasensya na by cueshe minus one with lyrics - Duration: 3:41.
LE LAC DES MORTS VIVANTS (1981) - LEGENDADO 720p - Duration: 1:26:50.
수원 도심서 20분간 나체로 춤춘 스트립女 - Korean Stars - Duration: 3:26.
BREAKING Megyn Kelly's Worst Nightmare Just Came TRUE! - News - Duration: 2:15.
Sign Of The Times - Harry Styles (Cover by Isabel) ( Versión VENEZUELA) - Duration: 3:54.
Skull King |ROYALTY|FACE Awards Japan TOP6 Challenge - Duration: 7:24.
Asian Empress Look |ROYALTY|FACE Awards Japan TOP6 Challenge - Duration: 8:16.
Hi everyone it's Asahi
Today I'll show you my makeup for FaceAwards Japan contest.
This is the final round and the theme is "Royalty".
The number 1 makeup is decided by your votes! If you like this video please check out the links below.
Let's start the makeup.
Later I will up my hair so first I will put on an 'all-back' wig.
I chose a grey-blue color this time.
I also chose a similar colored contacts.
I'll use light colored foundation and concealer to make my skin look white.
After spreading it out with a brush, I'll blend using a sponge and face powder.
Next, I'll use pink/purple colors to put in some shadings to cover the hairline.
I'll also shade under my cheekbone and chin to sharpen the outline of my face.
Then taking yellow colored shading I'll apply it below the purple shading.
Using shimmer colored shading will also act as highlights.
After applying eye primer, I'll put in eyeliner to above the crease like this.
I wanted to show the great dignity that an empress would have so I chose a bold red color.
I'll apply gold cream shadow to the inner lid and red cream shadow to the outer lid, leaving some space below the line.
It doesn't have to be applied on neatly here since I'll blend it in with a concealer later.
I want to add more shine, so I'll layer on more shimmering eyeshadow.
Then I'll blend the two together in between.
Next taking a red shadow, I'll brush up along the line like this.
I'll do this by using multiple kinds of brush for a neat finish.
To finish it off, I'll fill in the space with a white concealer.
I'll use a white liquid eyeliner to cover my brows, and apply magenta colored lip liner on top.
I wanted to show some color gradation so I applied red to the tail.
Bronze pencil eyeliner was applied to the bottom eyelid.
I will apply dark brown to the lash line to create depth.
I'll use wine red liquid eyeliner to draw out the tip.
My image of royalty is red so I used many different shades of red to my makeup.
I will then outline the lash line using black liquid eyeliner.
To the bottom lash line I used pastel purple.
Then I will take shimmering red shadow and apply it on the top line and on my brows.
Let's put some glitter on to make it even more gorgeous.
After placing red glitter of different sizes on top the line like this...
I'll put some bronze/orange glitter on the bottom eyelid like this.
I want to make the bottom eyelid stand out so I will put on more glitter in between.
Then on top of that I will layer on bronze colored lamé.
I've done this by wetting the bottom eyelid with some toner before applying the lamé.
Next I will put on two different types of lashes: longer one towards the tip.
Because the eye makeup is sharp, long lashes at the corner of your eyes will soften it.
This will show the inner kindness of a woman.
I'll put on some bottom lashes without hiding the glitter.
Then I'll put in some decorations like these.
This Asian Empress look represents a Empress that unified Asia.
Therefore I made my makeup, design, hair, and costume a fusion of different Asian cultures.
Next I'll put some shading around my nose and top of my lips.
I'll use two different lip liner for my lips.
Then I'll take a q-tip to blur the border so the lips are not too defined.
I wanted to make the lip makeup softer to show the kindness and soft side of a powerful empress.
Then I'll use a similar colored lip stick on top and then outline the lips with gold liquid eyeliner.
Lastly I'll put some lip gloss to just the bottom lip.
Next I'll do my hair.
I'll divide my hair into three blocks, using two fake fair bundles to the sides to create volume.
Then I'll take some hair gel, mix purple glitter, and apply it on to my hairline using a brush.
The point here is to apply the gel boldly. This will hide the hairline and not only that make it look gorgeous.
I'll apply the same purple, yellow, and pink color to my neck and collar bone area.
At the center of my neck, I'll draw in a white triangle to give it a Japanese look.
I've made DIY hair ornaments like these for my hair.
I wanted to make my hair look bigger so I've made this wig out of Styrofoam, wig, and cloth.
I'll be releasing a video on how to make this.
Lastly, I've wore this Kimono that I remade the collar area.
This completes my version of Asian Empress Royalty look.
Did you guys like it?
I think I was able to accomplish everything I wanted to do.
I had a lot of fun coming up with this makeup and thank you to everyone for all your messages!
The number 1 makeup for the very first Faceawards Japan contest is like the last video, decided by your votes.
If you liked this video, please follow the link below and vote. Voting can be done 3 times a day until August 4.
Thank you very much for watching the video!
If you liked this video, please like the video and share this video!
I'll see you in the next video! Bye!
Early signs of pregnancy: Why You Need to Diagnose Pregnancy Early - Duration: 11:35.
Raquel Bollo, nuevo novio, nueva casa y boda a la vista | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 3:02.
How do I cut my cat's nails? - Duration: 1:38.
Top 10 Best Images of Shoe Planters - Duration: 5:21.
Top 10 Best Images of Shoe Planters
10 – Succulent success.
For me this kind of shoe are called "Crocks" but I get the feeling that people call them all sorts of things, whatever you call them this is a great way to keep them long after your feet have grown too big for them.
9 – You will grow into them!.
Whenever I got new shoes my mum would always say "They are too big because you will grow into them!", well, it seems someone took that saying literally and grew an entire plant from a hole in the bottom of it, growing right through and out the top! Absolutely Amazing!.
8 – The green-fingered flip-flop.
Over here in the UK we call these "Flip-Flops" because of the sound they make, well they won't be making that sound anymore because they have now been turned into these amazing plant holders! Great idea and the best thing for them I say because I hate flip-flops!.
7 – Ladder Safety: Always wear the right shoes when using a garden ladder!. Not only a great use of old shoes, but a great use of an old ladder to stack them on! Double recycling and double the pleasure it brings.
6 – The living shoe.
What you are looking at is a shoe that is wrapped in cabbage leaves then left for the succulents to grow over! While this one does require a much higher skill set to make it does look like it has grown into this shape! Truly amazing if you ask me.
5 – The working boots retire. What a great use of some old steel toe capped working boots! Just some simple succulents inserted into each boot and Bob's your uncle you have an awesome looking Shoe planter!.
4 – Baby first steps in the garden!.
For me, this is what it is all about, some old shoes used to great effect and what better shoes to use than the ones our little ones have grown out of! So many happy memories and they are easy to turn into something beautiful for you to remember every time you see them.
3 – The Urban Effect!.
I think it is the fact that these are just sat on the brick floor of a house that could be yours, mine or anyone's Simple, Urban and deadly beautiful, exactly the sort of thing I want to make myself.
2 – Just about Borderline. WOW! That is just about all I can think of saying about this amazing grass/garden border made from old tennis shoes! Not only a great idea but nothing short of stunning to look at as well.
(Might have to have a go at this one myself.but I might need to take up tennis first). 1 – Wellington's Victory!.
This for me is the clear winner, colourful rubber boots filled with colourful plants, it just doesn't get any better than this and it's a great idea to try with the kids old wellies.
Ike Cosplay Tutorial: Part 8 Cape - Duration: 3:28.
Like Marth, Ike has a cape with an elaborate design in it.
It's the seal of his group of mercenaries and is quite intricate.
It could be a nightmare to replicate it, but I used a simple method that created an accurate
and good-looking result.
Unlike Marth's cape, I wanted to make something that looked more worn and rugged.
First, I needed to find line art of the seal-- although a simple google search for "Griel
Mercinaries" would result in several suitable images, I'll link to the one I used in the
While I used the Graphic App on my iPad, you can use any imaging program to scale the design
I believe I chose to make the width of the image equal to 80% of the width of the fabric
I was using for the cape.
I then used the Raster app to break the image up into 8 1/2 by 11 inch pages for printing.
Once the image was printed at full size, I glued the edges of the papers together to
make one large pattern.
With a combination of X-Acto blade and scissors, I carefully cut out the pattern to make a
Be warned though!
Because the design is actually made up of 3 different shades, you'll have to get clever
with some of the areas, specifically the lettering and the middle section of the scroll.
With the stencil cut out, we're going to move out into a well ventilated area so we can
make a mess.
I placed down some plastic to protect the fabric from getting too dirty.
I then smoothed the fabric out as flat as possible.
I then took my time placing the stencils on the fabric.
It's helpful to occasionally lightly spray over the paper with water.
This causes the stencil to stick slightly to the cape.
I also placed some plastic bags on the outside of the design to prevent the overspray from
making an outline around the stencil.
Once everything was set, I dusted over the whole design with a black fabric spray paint.
Spray several feet away and allow the paint to fall vertically.
If you're too close, the aerosol will blow the stencil out of place.
Coat the design as best you can, and give the cape a couple hours to dry.
I brought the dried cape inside, and hemmed the edges of it to prevent unnecessary fraying.
I hand-stitched the cape onto Ike's vest so as to prevent it from pulling across Ike's
I then fastened the the front of the cape with a small metal buckle.
The final bit of work was to weather and distress the bottom of the cape.
All I did was take a pair of scissors to the cape and tear at it indiscriminately.
With the cape torn up, I used a mixture of black acrylic paint and water to dirty up
the bottom.
Don't get over zealous with the paint though since it will lighten up as the water dries.
And there you have it.
A simple, yet rugged looking cape with an accurate emblem.
If you found this video helpful, be sure to like it, and like anyways don't forget to
subscribe to see future videos.
CGIFarm - Automated Workfl...
LE LAC DES MORTS VIVANTS (1981) - LEGENDADO 720p - Duration: 1:26:50.
Sign Of The Times - Harry Styles (Cover by Isabel) ( Versión VENEZUELA) - Duration: 3:54.
Scatman John - Song Of Scatland (1995) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:44.
Imagine a land of love
where people have time to care
Where everybody's equal and we all tell the truth
The society of Scatland is composed of very loving caring people
who have never even heard of political corruption
class distinction, war and all the other stuff that goes on
in the world of earth people
Everyone is equal in Scatland
Everyone is equal, everyone is equal
got to believe in love
that's all there ever will be
that's all there's ever been
for you and me
All people of Scatland are very childlike they have had happy complete childhoods
they were allowed to develop their imaginations to the fullest
There is only love and happiness in Scatland. Hatred and resentment?
Well that's unheard of, it's unheard of
got to believe in love
that's all there ever will be
that's all there's ever been
for you and me
got to believe in love
that's all there ever will be
that's all there's ever been
for you and me
The people of Scatland speak in Scatish
Scatish is a language not quite like a leprechaun
It sounds like a language of the people of earth
who speak in a tongue of their own
You're all from Scatland
Hatred and resentment?
Well that's unheard of, it's unheard of
got to believe in love
that's all there ever will be
that's all there's ever been
This is a brand new day
know what I say
Love is understanding
Believe me...
got to believe in love
that's all there ever will be
that's all there's ever been
for you and me
I wanna thank you all for joining me
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