ten minutes rollerskate as many stalls as I can
Olá Youtube My name is Ricardo Lino and I'm a wheel addict
this weekend was Rollercon in Vegas where was I in
South Africa yes I didn't make it and I also didn't make as many videos as I
usually do I didn't upload as many videos as I would love to for the last
five days my baby my daughter was in the hospital with a bacterial family reasons
I couldn't really skate I really tried to skate, I tried to make a video on Saturday
Olá youttube my name is ricardo Lino and I'm a wheel addict
Its Saturday Morning, i just left the
hospital I tried to make a video on Sunday
Olá Youtube my name is Ricardo lino and a wheel addict I'm currently leaving the
hospital and I couldn't do it I just didn't have the time to but today is
Monday and I went to fix my back which has been giving me a lot of problems
today I think I really fixed it I went and I met MOC this Japanese guy Oh
thank you so much
I don't even know what it does basically what he told me is e
is to fight and it just told me well I know how to hurt someone but I also need
to know how to fix them he got me right there basically it's the
second time I go to that guy and he does this type of manipulation whatever the
last time I when they made all the alignment and today he was working on me
completely different the truth is my back pain is gone
so I was able to skate and while I was skating what I tried to do was in ten
minutes I wanted to do as many stalls as I could in the mini ramp
okay so ten
minutes roller skate as many stalls as I can start now
we got like 8 minutes and 30 to go
still going still going six minutes and 20 I got some boot tricks , check this
four minutes and 27
I just realize that the sound from the last clip is PUCKED with an "F"
so sorry about the sound I'm also sorry about the helmet I forgot it
helmet was here the whole time the helmet was here though I forgot it sorry
probably I could have done more stalls if I wasn't stopped for a few days maybe
I was just getting back into it after not getting maybe for like five six days
anyway I hope you enjoy the tricks that I did with the roller skate the roller
skate that I was using are the Chaya Karma's and the child Karma's were
presented these weekend at the roller con I think they are available now
or it will be really really soon so if you like what I did and if you like this
skates that I used look for those Chaya Karma's that's it I hope you
enjoyed this video if you did don't forget to subscribe to the channel if
you didn't like it well just drop me a comment tell me what I didn't like about
it maybe I can change it next time thank you so much and see you guys soon Cheers
For more infomation >> 40 ROLLERSKATING TRICKS WITH THE NEW CHAYA KARMA ROLLER SKATES // VLOG 131 - Duration: 4:46.-------------------------------------------
Kakegurui「 AMV 」- Backstage - Duration: 3:08.
All the good girls you take out for dinner
But all the bad girls you take out for liquor
All the good girls they don't pull the trigger
But all that bad girls they pull it much quicker
It's never too late to get down and party
Switching from good to bad cuz your naughty
Feel it inside oh inside your body
Let it come out with shots of Bacardi
Just let your body go
We'll take it nice and slow
Just let your mind be free
And come in close to me
Oh the good girls they go to heaven but the bad girls they get backstage (6x)
All the good girls they act like beginners
But all the bad girls they know that they're sinners
All the good girls are really good kissers
But all the bad girls are really good strippers
Baby don't slow it down let's keep going
I think that you and I should lose clothing
I think that all good girls just need coaching
So let me show ya how let's get on it!
Just let your body go
We'll take it nice and slow
Just let your mind be free
And come in close to me
Oh the good girls they go to heaven but the bad girls they get backstage (6x)
Oh, good girls
The bad girls
Oh, good girls
The bad girls
Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:08.
Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:09.
Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:07.
Welcome to Murilis channel! - Duration: 1:50.
Hey, what's up?
What a cheesy effect!
Welcome to the Murilis channel
...but, why Murilis?
My name is Murilo,
but people always gave me cute nicknames
Murilinho, Mu, Muri, Murimuri
A few years ago there were various social and media phenomena
and one of them was the "MUSSUM MANIA"
the words "mussuminization"
Comes from the "cacophonys" of the "infinitivis"
to the "Cacildis" of the "Forevis"
You are gonna "dies"
"Cacildis", "Welcomis"...
There was even an app, "Mussum Forevis"
which translated the sentences to the "mussunese"
like the Brazilian comedian, Mussum, used to speak
Do you remember?
"Cacildis" man! What the hell!?
It was like nowadays: I'm "speakiny", "dieiny", "sufferiny"... (brazilian current trend)
Sure "bitchy"
Jealous gets mad, "bitchy" conspires...
Back then, my college friends used to call me "Murilis"
and nowadays they call me "Muris"...
Here you are my tribute to Mussum
We miss you
Here is a nowhere column
We are gonna talk about different subjects
A lot of music, make some noise
All of these with a bit of magic!
For foreigners
For foreigners we have english subtitles
You just have to enable the YouTube caption in the video
and then you can understand what this Brazilian dude is talking about
If you want
"I want you back"
Comment the video
Follow on social media
Like the video
and go right now and subscribe!
Hope you like it
Hey, subscribe! ;-)
Jacque Fresco - Tierra 2.0 - Duration: 8:34.
Stats Help-ThatTutorGuy
Volvo C30 D2 115pk R-Edition/Schuifdak/Xenon/Navi/Leer - Duration: 0:59.
『泡泡谷』女神組隊任務 教學 - Duration: 24:15.
Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:08.
Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:09.
Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:07.
GTA 5 Money Glitch - Free M...
Top 5 Coolest Looking Tier 21 Appearance Sets in Patch 7.3 - Duration: 3:09.
I'm Hazel, and this is a look at my picks for the top 5 COOLEST looking tier 21 sets.
The new tier will be available in the upcoming 7.3 raid, Antorus-the Burning Throne.
At this point on the PTR the sets don't have names yet, so I'm going to make some up.
#5: The regular Shaman Tier 21: Grade 10 Art Project.
That is in no way an insult, 15 year olds across the world make some really cool stuff.
The fur trim on the kilt looks really comfy and I kind of want just that as a big chunky
blanket for winter.
And what is even up with this helmet.
It's kinda giving me trust issues.
In the front, we got feathers, some floating rocks and a sort of spooky face.
Spin it around, the feathers turn to FIRE and the face gets even spookier.
Kind of a voldemort situation going on.
#4: Tier 21 Mage: Threads by Kirin.
You boys and girls are getting PANTS.
If you're not about that pants life, have fun finding a matching skirt.
I can't tell if this is super cool or super silly.
Either way, you can't deny that it is fashion forward.
It comes complete with a variety of magic ribbons for all of your ribbon needs.
Also, I NEED to know if these boots are finished.
I kinda hope that they are.
Just gimme elf toes and then bare heels.
#3: The regular T21 Priest set - Swan lake.
Boy, do they like giving us wings.
I feel like this one has more feathers than normal.
Not only do we have wings, we have a CROWN.
I'm all about the crown.
The nice thing about getting another yellow feathery set is that we have a whole history
of yellow feathery sets to mix and match from.
My class fantasy is to be Big Bird from Sesame street and I finally have everything I need.
#2: The Mythic version of the Hunter T21 set- Nagahead.
If you too want to have a taxidermy'd naga man draped over your noggin, you're going
to need to do some Mythic raiding or top end PvP.
The standard version of hunter tier is significantly less fishy and doesn't have anyone on your
Where's the fun in that?
We've also got some sweet fins on the bracers and the back of the boots.
IT doesn't come with a swim speed bonus but don't you think it should?
#1: Mythic Paladin Tier 21: Niffler's love me.
I can't tell if this makes you look like royalty or an angel or both.
I'm getting a very Diablo vibe from this set, but it works.
Like the Priest set, we got wings for days but something about this just sparkles.
This is straight up incredible armor design that I think will be an iconic, mogged-to
set for a long time.
So, those are my top 5 favourite Tier 21 Armor sets!
Remember that the sets will come with the new raid, which won't be in at the 7.3 launch.
Like tomb of Sargeras, the raid will release when they feel the time is right which will
most likely be at 7..3.5.
Check out the rest of the appearances on Wowhead page linked in the description.
Don't forget to leave a like if you liked it and have a wonderful, wonderful day.
Statistics 101 - Scatterplots - Duration: 6:18.
now let's look at the situation where our two primary variables of interest
are continuous variables and we would like to explore relationship between the
two while we can add further categorical variables as additional dimension using
the teaching evaluation data we ask this question does age affect teaching
evaluations and we add two additional dimensions which are gender & tenure so
our data set consists of age and tenure these are the two primary variables of
interest that happen to be continuous and we add two dimensions ie gender &
tenure and there's these are the two categorical variables so age is on the
x-axis and teaching evaluation score is on the y-axis and the green color
circles represent males and the blue color circles represent females the
bottom panel is for tenured professors and the top panel is for untenured
instructors just by looking at the graphic we cannot make out any trend so
we need to add additional details here you see that I have removed the tenure
dimensions and I've kept the gender dimension the bottom panel is male the
top panel is female I change the circles from hollow circles to fill circles
gray-colored filled circles and more importantly I have added lowest lines
which are sort of regression type lines to see that for female instructors we
see sort of a downward sloping curve of teaching evaluations as age increases
but we don't see the same declining trend for male the sort of them the
rising trend with age then it sort of levels off and then eventually it
declines in this particular graphic we have the same type of information but we
have changed the age variable from being a continuous variable to an ordinal type
of variable where age is now in different brackets less than 28 years of
age 29 to 39 years of age 40 to 51 52 to 62 and
63 plus in addition the color of the circles is not representing males or
females but in fact it is representing two different variables the blue color
is the average teaching evaluations by age and the green color circles are the
normalized beauty score you could see that the normalized beauty score
prepared to decline with age and the teaching evaluations do not have the
same downward sloping impression here since we did not have any instructors
under the age of 28 we have a redundant category in the in the graphic if you
were to be using scripts which is an option available with SPSS we can
actually remove the first category which I have done here and redrawn the same
graphics and now you see here that the less than 28 years of age category has
been removed from the graph and there is no redundant information in the graphic
in SPSS we click on graph chart builder and select scatter second template draw
it to the canvas and now we will populate this template we put the age on
the x-axis teaching evaluations score on the y-axis the coloring is set by gender
and we add the additional dimension of tenure to the panel and click OK and
here's the resulting graphic to add the regression line we double click on the
chart and then click on regression line and pick Loess option and deselect
attached label to lined and click on apply and close the editor and we have
the lines drawn we can change the color by double clicking on the line to remove
tenured we go back to chart builder dialog and remove the row and panel
variable and remove the grouping stacking variable and instead select the
gender as the panel and click OK and now we double click on it to edit this
graphic we select first these circles and click on fill and select grey color
and for border a darker shade of grey see apply and then click on regression
line click on Loess deselect attach label to line click apply to change the
color of the line we double click on line and select color and select a
different color see apply close the dialog box and and here's the scatter
plot between age of the instructors and teaching evaluations with a
regression type line fit to it now let us try to generate average teaching
evaluation and normalized beauty score in the same graphic and instead of using
a continuous age variable we will use a categorical variable for H so we click
on chart builder and we click on scatter dot plot and this is the rightmost option
which is summary point plot data that we want to be drag it up there and on the
x-axis we will put the variable age which is bin different ages bend into
different categories and we now select the two continuous variables being the
normalized beauty score and the teaching evaluations score and drag them
to the y axis and we get this notice from SPSS and we just say ok and it's
pretty much it we click OK and the output should compare notice this
redundant category at the end which you can remove using the script option
[Eng Sub] She's Just Not That Into You & JB is a Time Lord? [GOT7 Stop Stop It! Plot Theory] - Duration: 11:19.
Okay, so I'm sure all of you have the same problem as I did back during the time this video came out
It's GOT7's "Haji Hajima" aka, "Stop Stop it"
So, you know, first at all, we were at awe about what was going on,
like "Wow, the quality of the video is really great-"
"-But then what's going on?" You know?
Well, I'll help you with that!
I figured it all out!
.. Just now!
You know, I was always confused about what was going on
and when this was addressed in
ASC (After School Club) with GOT7 for that promotion,
I thought "Oh, yes, this is the day that they're going to explain to me what was going on and all this confusion will be gone."
When they asked JB what it meant, what was going on-- He kind of made it worse for me.
I was even thrown farther down the hole.
I was picked up- I was like saved from one small hole into a bigger hole.
Like that's how confused I was.
So this is the quote- I'll tell you the question, and I'll tell you what the answer was, that JB said.
Q: "Can you explain the storyline? What exactly happened to JB?"
So think about the music video. Think about the music video while I read this answer to you, okay?
Like did it seem that way to you? Okay?
So JB said,
I don't know how he knew.
So this kind of contradicts itself-
First, he states that it's his girlfriend, and then all of the things about confession.
Like if she's your girlfriend,
Why are you confessing to her? Isn't she already yours?
Like it kind of contradicts, you know?
And if you watch the music video, it shows that- uh
He's confessing to her like- like they're not dating. They're not boyfriend/girlfriend.
He's confessing so they can become boyfriend and girlfriend.
and I'm just like "Okay JB, who told you this?"
Were you just trying to pull something out of your hat?
like did anybody tell you guys what was going on for this music video?
Even the other boys did not know what their jobs were.
They didn't know what their characters were, like:
I think I'm one of the extras cuz I'm in the music video. I'm only like... 12 seconds.
YG: Yeah, I don't know MCs: You don't know
Extra, extra, extra!
Extra #3. Alright!
The director told me that I was supposed to be someone who doesn't really care that much about anything.
Kevin: Just listening to your own music,
You're just like in your own world. Alright, and Bambam?
Ah I'm the person who always get bullied in school.
From Jackson!
Uh, JB's friend?
Just JB's friend.
Everybody was just making up things thinking that, you know, "I think this is it?"
For the music video, did they tell them the plot
Five minutes before the MV shooting or did they just like:
Director: "I want you to do this" GOT7: "What's my motivation?"
Director: "I don't know, just do it"
so like it's...
I don't know-
I wish somebody told them what the music video was about.
It would have, maybe, made the music video better with the acting? I don't know.
But it's pretty good
but back to what JB said, so
I kind of- I totally strike out. I totally do not regard
What you just said here, JB, like what? I do not regard anything you said here.
Because it makes no sense!
If she's your girlfriend, why are you confessing to her?
So basically, here is my MV PT for this GOT7 "Haji Hajima"
JB's a Time Lord. (Just kidding. XD)
I hate to break it to you, he's a Time Lord. He can jump between space and time.
Okay, you'd be surprised?
I'm not.
It just makes sense that way doesn't it? So-
Okay, what happened, so, JB wants to confess to the girl that he likes that she rejects him.
He doesn't go to shock. He looks like: "Oh," you know, "Whatever" you know "Bye"
There was no sense of shock. The only shock that he got, really, was when the other JB-
Which I still think it's actually him- that's JB.
It's not like a doppelganger or anything. That's him.
Comes onto the roof and that's when he falls and he gets thrown into, let's say, a parallel-
Parallel world because it's dimensions- so he's a Time Lord (xD), you know
He falls into the other dimension and he's in the dimensions clothes, and he
You know, he notices that the parallel universe, the other parallel her-
-is really friendly. The girl in his world
Does not even treat him nicely.
She's like "What?" you know? Her attitude towards him is not good.
She's not interested in him, and this other her- I guess you could say 'doppelganger'
You know, because they look exactly the same. Same blood, whatever, so I'll say the 'doppelganger'
The doppelganger in that parallel world
Well, we can't say that she's into him
You know seems really friendly and she acknowledges him.
And she, you know, she's has fun with him.
But it does not mean that she likes him.
So it could be confusing for him. The reason why I say that-
The reason why I'm saying that she's not into him
[a/n: Filmed back when JY was still going by 'Jr.'] It's for the fact that in the song, when a Jinyoung's line is saying that the girl is saying they're just friends.
You know, like oh, I can agree with that. I'm a girl who looks have fun with her guy friend.
It doesn't mean that I like them like that.
You know, so I could sort of understand in that way. "I like having fun with you"
"But I'm not your girlfriend, I'm not into you"
In the music video, just shows them having parallel-world fun
And JB wakes up from a ni-- not a nightmare. He was sleeping and he dreamt about his--
What was the name?
What the girl's from TWICE's name? I'm just going to forget! The main girl.
So his girl. The girl he likes in his world.
He dreamt about her and he's just like: "Oh god"
And he sees her walking in the hallway, so at that time, JB was just like: "Oh my god-"
"-I lost that girl in my world but maybe I can still be with her in this world"
You know, "This is like a second chance. This girl seems to be really interested in me because she's like not coming on to me-"
"-but she's being really friendly to me so maybe she'll regard me better than the girl in my world."
so that's when he goes to follow her and ends up on the rooftop where apparently he
JB says here that she went to the rooftop -- like how would you know?
I guess he just decided that "Oh, she's going to the rooftop. I'll go to the rooftop"
And as you can see, she was not there.
Goes onto the rooftop,
He sees himself slightly from the past.
From the other world. This one why he is a Time Lord (haha!)
Not only can he jump dimensions, but into the future or past.
So, he, uhm-
He sees himself
and, you know , he gets thrown back into
into the original scene and then
It's not at the point in time where he disappeared.
It's the point in time before she came on to the roof. So she came onto the roof again
So it really does show he went slightly back in time before he was confessing to her.
Like, I guess theory-wise, in a concept, symbolic
It's kind of showing that, uhm, JB in whatever world you are in. She's not into you.
I'm so sorry to say but this girl is not into you, whether she showed that she hates you and
Gives an attitude about it or she shows that she's friendly with you.
You guys are on good terms.
She does not like you in that way, and that's, that's basically what happened
So when he returned to that point in time before he confessed
She took out her earphone and wants to listen to what he says
And he just, like, thinks about it. He's just like: "Huh,"
I think he had that realization that in either, whatever world, no matter
how much he's into that girl. The girl is not interested in him.
And that's how the thing ended.
What do you think?
What do you think about that? Oh?
Do you think that's something's off? I don't think so.
I think it seems like a pretty solid plot theory.
What do you think?
If you agree with me, leave in the comments below.
I just have to get off my chest.
This theory of mine is more cleaner, and more solid than my GOT7 'Fly' one. I'm so sorry, but yeah
Can it only make sense that way? Like,
Whoever told him to say that or whoever explained that to him makes no sense.
She was not his girlfriend.
Just a girl he liked. Tried to confess to and she rejected him in different worlds.
You guys aren't meant to be.
I'm sorry to break it to you. But I love you! You can date me.
I'm kidding, I have Jinyoung.
I'm kidding....
about everything.
But yeah.
I'm awesome, right? *throws up* Cut that out!
But is there any other video you want me to figure out the theories for?
The plot theory like what's going on like-
What was happening, like "hey, that's fun but what's going on?"
Okay, see you next time guys!
Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes -- Movie Review #JPMN - Duration: 4:58.
An excellent pay-off.
Directed by Matt Reeves, this eighth film in the surprisingly long-running "Apes" franchise,
was released in July of 2014 - and is the second film in the reboot trilogy.
Produced on a mammoth $235 million budget, this science fiction action film still pulled
in an impressive $710 million in worldwide proceeds.
Ten years after a deadly disease wiped out most of mankind, a growing community of genetically
evolved apes and a band of human survivors attempt to co-exist.
In other words, "Dawn" builds off the events set-up in "Rise" in wonderful and satisfying
Motion-capture extraordinaire, Andy Serkis returns in the lead role, as Caesar, the highly
intelligent leader of the apes.
Having built a community of talking, family oriented primates, Serkis is confronted with
the responsibilities of diplomacy, as he advises his tribe, signing, "If we go to war, we could
lose all we've built...", before finishing his thought out-loud by softly saying, "Home.
As an entirely CGI-character, he is able to effortlessly bring an emotional and human
performance to a decidedly non-human character - most of this accomplished with a furrow
of his brow, or a glance from his deep green eyes.
The attention to his character design is impressive, like a scene where Caesar pushes through a
subway station's turnstile - while all the other apes hop over it.
It's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it detail that illustrates his human upbringing and advanced
Commendably, this is one of the only big-budget films that uses American Sign Language (or
at least, an ape-inspired variant) as one of its primary on-screen languages.
"Dawn" does not shy away from using subtitles.
Karin Konoval continues to exhibit emotional depth as Caesar's orange orangutan friend,
while the treacherous Koba is now played by Toby Kebbell in a menacing performance.
Unfortunately, no human characters from "Rise" return, but James Franco is referenced in
a particularly touching scene.
Instead, Jason Clarke, Gary Oldman, and Keri Russell are introduced as hopeful, but cautious
humans, who have survived horrible conditions only to reluctantly be thrust into a war with
their violent primate counterparts.
For reasons I can't quite articulate, Oldman just doesn't seem well-suited to this part,
and Russell is underutilized to a criminal extent.
Clarke however impresses, imbuing his character with much needed patience and bravery.
We're introduced to the growing conflict between man and ape when a scout party unwittingly
sparks a dramatic stand-off, with both sides on a hair-trigger.
The tension that builds between these two groups is the entire driving force of the
carefully paced film, which should leave most audiences breathless as it unravels.
Throughout the 131-minute film, I found myself rooting for the impossible; the peaceful co-existence
of two dominant species.
We know it can't happen - but we still want it to.
A scene where the uneasy alliance finally restores power, allowing a stereo to play
music again for the first time in years is an emotionally powerful moment.
That is of course until you remember cars have radios too - which shouldn't have been
affected by a defunct power-grid.
The first "Apes" film shot in the taller 16:9 frame brilliantly captures both the lush forest
areas of the American north west, as well as the haunting desolation of a ruined San
The imagery of an abandoned and moss-covered city center is very invocative of Naughty
Dog's "The Last Of Us" video game - in all the best ways.
The visual effects perfectly blend the authentic locations and people with digital creatures
that are just as lifelike.
For their efforts, Peter Jackson's WETA Digital scored a well-earned Academy Award nomination.
The PG-13 rated picture doesn't have many twists or surprises, but the final climactic
battle between apes, humans, and other apes is a true spectacle to behold... as seeing
an angry ape charge on horseback while firing a machine gun is truly terrifying.
An extended POV-shot that's fixed to a mounted tank as it plows through a hectic battlefield
is a particular highlight.
Michael Giacchino's score provides a deep and drum like rhythm that further emphasizes
the seriousness of the realistic narrative, but it also includes occasional musical callbacks
to the original score's more whimsical style.
Although we're left with a satisfying conclusion, some plot threads are appropriately left unresolved
- setting up "War For The Planet Of The Apes" rather nicely.
Covering themes of trust, community, and betrayal, this is a touching story mixed with captivating
and exciting action.
An excellent summer blockbuster that improves with every viewing "Dawn Of The Planet Of
The Apes" is the best "Apes" yet, and is worthy of my highest score.
I'm re-rating this an AMAZING.
That does it for this quick excerpt - but if you'd like to watch more "Movie Night",
click or tap the thumbnails on the left.
And don't forget to visit the Jogwheel YouTube channel to see full episodes of this show
in addition to the other content I produce.
My name is Jonathan Paula, thanks for watching and have a good Movie Night!
Hey everybody this is Randy Santel
"Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and
proud owner of foodchallenges.com! Very
very excited tonight! I'm going for
overall win number 440 and my third on
the island of Malta which is country
number 17 but very excited to be back a
couple days ago we were here and Seliema
on Malta at The Tree I took on their
Schnitzel and Chicken, today I am taking
on their King's Plate
Schnitzel Challenge! this is their only
undefeated challenge so I decided to
come back and take it! Loved all the
schnitzel I had in Germany and on that
sandwich so let's get this one down I've
got one hour to finish if I fail it's
going to be about 45 euros there's
basically two full kilos of schnitzel
one person's been able to finish all of
the meat within the hour
but they couldn't finish the extra fries
and the salad so this is I got some
negative or a mushroom sauce over here
too I think that's where the how it's
pronounced but to get some of the
schnitzel but I've got one hour to
finish if I win I'll get the meal free
and I'll be the first person on their
Wall of Fame for beating this challenge
so let's get it started!
All right one of my goals on this
trip was to get to 50 wins in Europe and
I've already done that but I also really
wanted to get up to number 440 which if
I beat this tonight that'll be 440 it
hasn't been beaten yet so there's no
record I just got passed within the hour
that schnitzel looks awesome so lets get it!
One, two, three. . . Boom! Oh that's hot!
It's juicy luckily
I'm going to let these cool off and get the fries down
eleven minutes this schnitzel is phenominal!
The best I've had on
this trip! It's really juicy it's going
down and the mushroom the Diego sauce is
awesome but oh let's get it down get the
win! So good!
14 minutes 45 seconds I left that
last piece of schnitzel intact so it
stayed warm! It's really warm so I'm
gonna let some of the other schnitzel
settle and I'm going to get these
healthy vegetables
I think these were for putting on the
schnitzel well I didn't do that but
we'll get them down
couple hundred grams of schnitzel left
we're 18 minutes 45 seconds.
The sauce wasn't required I just want to do
it - the mushroom and the sauce was good. Twenty three minutes in!
the last bite to get the win!
Felt good on that one! Twenty three minutes
and 28 seconds! First person to win for
obviously the new record! That's a good
bar but thank you to The Trees here on
the island of Malta! Delicious delicious
challenge the owner is German and he did
awesome cooking those that was
definitely the best schnitzel I've had on this
trip great way to end the Malta part of
our trip will be heading to London
tomorrow for my last challenge of the
trip which I'm very happy for but yeah
awesome meal I got the $45 challenge
meal for free or sorry the 45 euro meal
for free I'll be up on their Wall of
Fame is the first person to defeat this
challenge and overall win number 440,
so thank you to everyone for staying to
watch thank you to The Trees for both
delicious free meals I've had here in
Malta thank you guys to watching!
How To Call On Easho Jesus: Neo Christos Church Service - Duration: 13:12.
[Mohini:>>] A short live Neo Christos program today.
I'm happy to be back with all of you.
I'm in India and I've been experimenting with the power of the name of Easho Jesus.
And today again, I wanted to lead you through the practice of praying with faith in the
name of Easho Jesus.
Now,, to me, using the name of Easho Jesus has done several beautiful miracles in my
One is that when I use the name of a Easho Jesus, I feel true peace, a profound sense
of peace.
And it has helped me to establish a much closer relationship with Jesus.
And I have used his name in order to call upon him to solve certain problems that I
had no idea how it was going to be solved.
So, not only do I see the practicality of the miracles that can come from using the
original name of Jesus — Easho Jesus — but to me the greatest gift is that Easho Jesus
has brought me into a new relationship with Jesus — profound sense of peace and feeling
his personality of total love and total care.
So Dr. Pillai teaches that there is no value to getting bogged down in your problems.
Your mind cannot solve it.
With this prayer, the key practice is — first of all turn your life over to Easho Jesus,
totally turn your life over.
He is not only the God of the universe but he is your loving father.
And he cares — he totally cares for your problems.
Turn your life over.
Turn your problems over.
Don't hold on to them.
Just imagine as if you are holding up your problems and giving them to Easho Jesus, along
with your life.
And then, you have to totally trust that he will respond.
And that really is the secret.
If you do this prayer and if you remain skeptical, then it won't work.
You have to totally trust, just like you would trust your earthly father.
This is your heavenly father.
He cares.
He loves you and he can solve your problems.
Then when you use the name of Easho Jesus, you have to use it in the midBrain, which
is the center of manifestation.
When you hold a pure and powerful thought in the midBrain, it will manifest, because
there is no negativity there.
It's the center of miracles.
And you need to ask Easho Jesus for exactly what you want.
So be specific.
Before you begin the prayer, take a moment to exactly identify — is there a problem
that you need solved today?
Are you looking for a specific solution?
Or is it that you have no idea how it's going to be solved, but you need help now.
Or maybe you need to manifest something in your life.
You know exactly what it is and you're very, very clear.
It is very powerful to ask.
You have to ask.
You have to keep asking.
With this prayer, Dr. Pillai recommends that you ask and do the prayer 10 minutes in the
morning and 10 minutes in the evening.
If you go to Easho Jesus with total trust and turn your life and your problems over
[to him] and ask, he will respond.
And then we're going to do the Holy Spirit prayer where we call upon the anointing of
the Holy Spirit to release our prayer language and receive the message that God wants us
to know today.
So we're going to start the practice now.
Keep your eyes closed.
Now, just imagine that you're turning your life completely over to Easho Jesus.
Easho Jesus is your heavenly father — perfect love, perfect compassion.
He wants you to give him your problem.
He cares and he can bring you the solution.
Turn your life over to Him.
Just feel yourself surrender.
Now, whatever problem you're experiencing, turn that over to Him.
Imagine that you're placing the problem in the hands of loving Easho Jesus.
Now trust Him.
Totally surrender and trust.
You've given Him your life.
You've given him your problem.
Now trust that He will bring the solution.
And with that total love and faith and trust, focus your attention in the midBrain in the
center of the head.
And keep repeating his name with faith and trust.
Easho Jesus.
Easho Jesus.
Easho Jesus.
Easho Jesus.
Easho Jesus.
Easho Jesus.
Now, be aware of his presence surrounding you as you call upon his name.
Be open and receptive.
And Easho Jesus will respond to you.
Keep repeating his name in the midBrain: Easho Jesus.
Easho Jesus.
Easho Jesus.
Easho Jesus.
Easho Jesus.
Easho Jesus.
Easho Jesus.
Easho Jesus.
Easho Jesus.
Now ask him ask him for exactly what you want him to solve in your life today.
Now, we're going to use the password RUACH to release our prayer language and allow ourselves
to be anointed with the Holy Spirit and speak forth God's message for us today.
Place all your faith and love in the sound RUACH which is the embodiment of the Holy
Be open to an encounter with the Holy Spirit today.
Say with me, Ruach.
Now raise your hands with your palms up to the heavens above.
And feel flames of fire pouring down from the heavens.
They strike the center of your palms.
And from the palms, the flames of fire pass through your entire body.
Fill yourself with an anointing from the heavens above today.
And as you fill yourself with the flames of fire from heaven, continue calling out to
RUACH: Ruach.
Now focus all your attention on the belly area.
And allow the fire in your belly to roll up from the belly, up to the mouth and up and
out over your tongue.
Speak forth your prayer language.
Will yourself to speak anything that comes forth.
Now, go deeply within.
Listen and ask for the interpretation.
Ask for the message that God really wants to give you today.
Relax and open your eyes.
So, I hope that many of you have been working with the power of the name of Easho Jesus.
And I would love to know any questions that you have with this ongoing practice.
Please commit.
Commit to the practice of using it 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening.
It doesn't have to be in any particular place.
You can be in your home cooking, or commuting, or exercising.
or just relaxing.
There's no rules.
Do it with total love.
Total trust.
Focus in the midBrain.
Call upon His name with trust and love and faith.
And ask.
Keep asking.
It is with that kind of faith and trust that you bring to God.
When you lay a problem at his feet, God will respond.
And totally trust that the answer will come.
Completely trust and wait for it.
Be expectant of a miracle.
And then use the Holy Spirit prayer in order to unleash the power of the Holy Spirit within
you, in order to further enliven the manifestation.
Don't live in the midst of your problems.
but use the power of the name of God in the Holy Spirit within you, in order to speak
and manifest miracles.
So enjoy the practice.
And please write in any questions that you have.
And I will see you next week.
Have a blessed day.
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Justice and Busy P - What's in My Bag? - Duration: 8:33.
Hello, I am Busy P from Ed Banger Records from Paris.
Hi we are Justice. I am Gaspard.
And we are here in Los Angeles at Amoeba for What's in My Bag.
both in ESG record where yes this is one of the been like every time I shall
record I buy it I have a soft spot for bands that are so many more because
there's nothing the edges like difficulty base and random secretions
and in the record but somehow they manage to never make it boring and to
make it sound like as a lot of people and a lot of thing going on and they
have such as shit like groove that it's impossible to mimic shown not part of
the family nor slightly of Beatrice is very then we together at the same time
and floating this is a record from chou-heung seventies like experiment : a
psychedelic composer from Italian it feels like I problems I really don't
know what to expect we're very movie Anna and information
everybody you know is recommended this album but I'm not familiar that much
with bad brain
it's a recommendation from my bad but also from one side of the Beastie Boys
which is my favorite benevelon it's from the Adam Yauch who is in the
best bank Alka album of all time I would do a Thundercat new album there's one
poem that I heard like in London in the curfew like maybe four months ago
I hope it's on this album I would be beautiful on this one but I loved it and
when I asked for it was someone who knew was a knockout for reckon it's on the
new record and crossing fingers and even the birches so beautifully impossible
not to want to own it like we know it could be like the nice Biddy regatta
Rado no one like so classic the dis musik yacht and this guy called Roger
Roger drink some music to attract any music now about well it's a famous
record sonic never music knob I don't know that much garlic 39:30 can we talk
about the fact that the guy looks exactly like a thousand little X
antennas would lead users and I'll Cuba the Fraggle watch what 24 songs by the
Fraggle works for a good 20 20 by the Beach Boys one of my favorite down level
and as one of my favorite Beach Boys songs from this one that is a be with me
at a very darker these were tracking really happy to have you and it's new
and I actually like reissues we have so many record at home and so so many of
them are like sauce pressing lore and and you can almost not listen to them
because that background too much noise and much practically always happy to see
family issues I found this boot on the images of Kim
flooded and be made by Tom torjussen the head of each movie studio they judge did
the best record covers ever everybody knows this record Corbett to us like it
was a huge inspiration on on having just one image without the name of the band
that in typography is just something very pure and at the time we already
have been using the cross back for three years but we didn't necessarily want to
use it more and we were looking at this code of like how great it would be to
have the strong symbol on the record or like and only weeks later we thought of
course across we should use it I know that they're going to be jealous of
something I found and I think it's the side of the memorabilia we say I love
this one memorabilia and amazing country think and just enter chief water the
agencies are amazing $4.99 but I took it I bought another record just for me and
Canada people same thing for me at free Friday
50 years you cannot understand and the spirit of stuff that has too much for me
and this is that the butyl bomb and look beautiful but I have no idea from this
one of the site is just one phone so it might be like a simple essential but at
least like even if the worker is changing the record tip is inviting it's
a good balance I found those ones and they are made by this guy called the
Duke Johnson and you'd like like a cover for Judas Priest like it really colorful
kind of airbrushing painting stuff I just loved intent on both all I could
find and I found this did reality TV I just love those kind of geometric shape
for those who don't know both gasping xavie before making music our graphic
designer now both graphic designer and they both both like music so the
vibe in here my last choice will be of course I'm a kid from the 90s you know
like you can see all undress and with this immaculate service Lisa no
yeah look at this and also the casting a beavis and butt-head do America white
Gumby red Chili Peppers LL Cool J rancid ACDC as a case you can't go wrong when
you hang out with the December's header
yo bit might be reason booted they are what others will be my last choice
Elton John nerd I really have the ameba mug at my place so like I take my
morning key in a nanny barber amongst others because I just like just like mad
yeah just like not the heart just like a lot of Mugler from different periods and
a broody mug Wow okay alright I found we Trudeau to expect from this if the music
from the do game I actually never played with
sometimes like there's some really interesting stuff in college building
music because you really have to go to the point in terms of melody and
emotions you can provide very many more like knowing what type of emotions will
come out oh yeah there's a good one thank you very much Kyle thank you thank
you for inviting us yeah it's so much fun just to hang in the shop like we
would do it like anyway so you're welcome back anytime you need a couple
you know looking at it
my name is canon welcome back to my channel if you're new here
welcome today I'm going to be reading some old Facebook messages I know that
seems kind of crazy but I wanted to dig deep into some like
dirt okay maybe not dirt just like my stupid past really no intro for this I'm
just gonna be sitting here and reading to you guys some of my old facebook
messages this is probably gonna be like a crazy throwback for me and like
bringing up some like weird times this one it's not loser issues that I
remember you and you probably don't even remember me but we were friends when we
were at Albert Leonard in eighth grade I remember hanging out with you and
hopefully rings a bell and whoever else during eighth grade recess I hope at
least I hope you at least remember me somewhat or I'll feel mad loser ish for
remembering you okay so I kind of feel bad I want to get like a conversation
I've actually had with somebody because I didn't respond to her okay this is
really funny I'm totally not embarrassed to like put this out there so I guess
some girl wrote me hi have we met somewhere before are you just adding me
are you just add me just because our I think I've seen you on my boyfriend's
aim before I said oh sorry you were in the friend suggestions on Facebook and
whose young boyfriend by the way can I just add how the hell I used to type
like she said oh it's okay though but I met my ex babe but Oh something yup
that's him oh yeah I know him I literally just felt
a hand with a hym like what she said I know but yeah I asked you if
I knew you cuz girls be adding mean to be nosy lol oh I know girls like that
but I'm not even like that I hate drama so I don't even try and like and try and
like butt in lmao never that do you guys need to just
hear how hard it was for me to even read that like whoa that's embarrassing
she said elbow all right we good then haha yeah sorry for the confusion lol
look not lol or lol with the Z she said LM L it's all good I was about to hit
him mister flirt up and cuss him out cuz I thought he was like one of those that
broke up us up I guess one of the dr. Olssen broke us up I said mister first
assuming mr. blank lol and not first night I ain't even knew him
when he had a girl you yup second I'm not a fucking a fuck fuck in bird head
cuz that's some grimy shit and third I'm sorry you let other people break y'all
up said yeah that's what kept us together for so long
because I kept telling myself that at the end of the day he's at my house
he'll he'll never have girls that support and treat him like I
do I tell him that all the time and he agrees I said oh I saw them basically
y'all just taking a break is like early late see I said yeah you should have
never let any other bitch break although like I was real back babe
she said L oh yeah you can you can call it that dot dot dot and that was the end
of the conversation I never answered after that and I'm gonna try to read one
more for you guys okay so last but not least I'm gonna read this message I I
think this is probably gonna actually do something for me in a long run it might
actually give me closure on the whole situation um this is like I definitely
have to block out the name but yeah I think it's really funny we broke up over
Facebook baffle okay so I'm gonna take this time now to like read this whole
conversation between me and some buddies back then I think it's the funniest
thing ever and we literally broke up on Facebook and I'm like a little e I'm
literally like a petty ass bitch oh he says is there someone else is that why
this is just random if so let me know yo I'm just making sure I heard you right
you said we are over I would appreciate it if it I would appreciate it if you
reply and I love these dudes all over your stuff famous already since you got
the single thing up and next time you are with the men and you go to meet him
don't just walk by and have you follow you like a dog like you did to me today
and how to attitude since the first minute he sees you
that's why I didn't stay around you and to say olive and just say all of that on
your status is type hurtful and untrue but everyone is entitled to their own
opinion and I see you are already cheating on me
so this literally cannot go be far less than I thought to be really honest like
I was like head over heels for this person but I was trying to play it off
like to the max because of who he was oh I was like trying I guess way too
hard I said first nobody was cheating on you I had one of you but you paid me no
mind and with my next man I will treat them how they deserve because hopefully
they actually will care and are interested in me also I did not have an
attitude straight from the beginning otherwise I wouldn't have even said a
word to you so I don't know why I don't know what you're seeing and lastly my
statuses are hurtful what's hurtful is having a boyfriend
one night you're really into and he says the same but when you guys are together
at the same place where you met you can't even show that you guys are
together as if he's embarrassed by you because if he denies having a girlfriend
or even as if he's hiding a lot from you but whatever I got nothing else to say
because you because you should realize all of this so actually I feel like I'm
saying the exact same thing that I did back then just I wasn't very clear with
my words I was like a little flippant girl like I was a child I don't know why
I was so petty all the damn time but I was he said I'm trying to see where
you're coming from but it's not easy when you're trying to straighten out
straighten it out and you say to me I have nothing to say to you
and with the fuck niggas get money right
fuck niggas get money you know what's right crazy I introduced you to my
mother and brought you into my house because I didn't think something so
little and stupid like this would end us but ok ok so this is so funny
so skip me down some because I time to read the whole damn thing but I
think I hit him back because like I knew I was wrong I was like well I guess
you're not gonna answer that but before you just forget about me completely lol
I wanted to ask you something not to be annoying but yeah so it would
be nice if you would answer but it's not it's all good it's cool I'll just I'll
just stop hitting you up he said what are you talking about I'm confused
this is how you know I was like nervous I was like scared I don't know what I
was feeling I go mm well I asked yes something in a message like two days ago
better no responding i ck I wrote you all Travis and just wanted to ask you
you know una pregunta before do you all diva men LOL better yoga your
veal i'm just getting annoying how crazy is that god damn sentence this is the
prism of everything it out loud this is the first time I think I also like
really wanted closure from this because first that is fucking embarrassing
that's literally straight embarrassing I literally decided to banish guys if you
know me now I don't speak a goddamn word of Spanish the fact that I probably used
a translator just to figure out that sentence like the translator on like
Google or something man I don't know what I was going through I probably
realized how that I fucked up then I like wanted him back then I was like so
damn desperate I don't know but if you know who you are
I don't think you're watching this but if you ever end up watching this I'm
sorry and I fuck them like I fucked up back
then and I know you don't care now um because brah you're big but yeah alright
thank you guys so much for watching that video if you did enjoy it please make
sure you give it a big thumbs up go ahead and hit that subscribe button
right down there I honestly wish I had like access to my myspace because those
messages probably would have been even crazier through this video I love you
guys always the better to choose happy bye guys
High Sugar Foods To Avoid | I did not know! 9 foods containing large amounts of sugar - Duration: 4:43.
10 Solid Differences Between Single And Committed - Duration: 1:24.
15 Solid Differences Between Single And Committed People
ten minutes rollerskate as many stalls as I can
Olá Youtube My name is Ricardo Lino and I'm a wheel addict
this weekend was Rollercon in Vegas where was I in
South Africa yes I didn't make it and I also didn't make as many videos as I
usually do I didn't upload as many videos as I would love to for the last
five days my baby my daughter was in the hospital with a bacterial family reasons
I couldn't really skate I really tried to skate, I tried to make a video on Saturday
Olá youttube my name is ricardo Lino and I'm a wheel addict
Its Saturday Morning, i just left the
hospital I tried to make a video on Sunday
Olá Youtube my name is Ricardo lino and a wheel addict I'm currently leaving the
hospital and I couldn't do it I just didn't have the time to but today is
Monday and I went to fix my back which has been giving me a lot of problems
today I think I really fixed it I went and I met MOC this Japanese guy Oh
thank you so much
I don't even know what it does basically what he told me is e
is to fight and it just told me well I know how to hurt someone but I also need
to know how to fix them he got me right there basically it's the
second time I go to that guy and he does this type of manipulation whatever the
last time I when they made all the alignment and today he was working on me
completely different the truth is my back pain is gone
so I was able to skate and while I was skating what I tried to do was in ten
minutes I wanted to do as many stalls as I could in the mini ramp
okay so ten
minutes roller skate as many stalls as I can start now
we got like 8 minutes and 30 to go
still going still going six minutes and 20 I got some boot tricks , check this
four minutes and 27
I just realize that the sound from the last clip is PUCKED with an "F"
so sorry about the sound I'm also sorry about the helmet I forgot it
helmet was here the whole time the helmet was here though I forgot it sorry
probably I could have done more stalls if I wasn't stopped for a few days maybe
I was just getting back into it after not getting maybe for like five six days
anyway I hope you enjoy the tricks that I did with the roller skate the roller
skate that I was using are the Chaya Karma's and the child Karma's were
presented these weekend at the roller con I think they are available now
or it will be really really soon so if you like what I did and if you like this
skates that I used look for those Chaya Karma's that's it I hope you
enjoyed this video if you did don't forget to subscribe to the channel if
you didn't like it well just drop me a comment tell me what I didn't like about
it maybe I can change it next time thank you so much and see you guys soon Cheers
my thoughts on the hetalia fandom ( are surprisingly not bad ) - Duration: 1:44.
hetalia ,either you love it or hate it ,you can't deny that the fanbase is huge.
and although as of recently it's not as big as before, it's still alive and there are a lot of fan creations still being produced to this day
as someone who has been in the hetalia fandom for 3-4 years now, I can tell you it's not as bad as most people would make you believe it is.
i have met some amazing artists and friends due to the hetalia fandom, what makes it even greater is that they come from all over the world
and they have plenty of things to share about their country and culture.
things i wouldn't have known if not for the fandom.
for example in bulgaria nodding and shaking your head's meaning is reversed
when you nod your head you're saying no, and when you shake your head you're saying yes
or did you know one of Finland's presidents climbed a palm tree in Indonesia I think
i guess my main point is there is a lot of things to learn from people in the fandom.
and yes there are a fair share of yaoi fangirls who try to shove their otp in your face, but nowadays most people are decent.
and i haven't really had any issues with these types of fans, i usually just try to stay away from them
also i would like to add that being in the hetalia fandom encourage me to draw more males, which was something
wasn't used to, but it helped me a lot as an artist
also while we're on the topic of art, it's a great way to get noticed, people are more likely to see it if it's tagged hetalia
personally this is how a lot of people found out about my art
yes there are cringy and immature people in the hetalia fandom
but there are people like that in every fandom, and we shouldn't let that ruin it for us.
If Gary Vaynerchuk Had 0 Subscribers! (Gary Vaynerchuk YouTube Channel Review & Growth Strategy) - Duration: 8:34.
If Gary Vaynerchuk Had 0 Subscribers! (Gary Vaynerchuk YouTube Channel Review & Growth Strategy)
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